Lesson Plan For Writing.

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Lesson plan.

Subject English

Year 3 Murni

Date/Day 15-11-2017

Duration 8.30 am - 9.30 am

Enrolment 29/30 students

Proficiency level Intermediate

Background The story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Theme The World of stories

Topic Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Language Focus Noun and conjunction

Focused skill Writing
Vocabulary list Cottage, forest, porridge, bear, bed, and
Integrated skills Reading

Content standards By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of

Learning standards 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance

a) simple sentences
b) compound sentences

2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences

Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a) write (B) one (D) simple sentence and one (D) compound
sentence using conjunction and describing the pictures (C)
in the worksheet, individually (A).

b) write (B) one (D) simple sentence or one (D) compound

sentence from the word given and a picture (C) from the
activity, in group (A).

c) read (B) three (D) simple sentences and two (D) compound
sentences with guidance from the text given (C) in class (A)
Teaching aids LCD, picture, worksheet

Moral values Tolerance

Educational Thinking skills.


Stage/Time Content/Skills Teachers and pupils activity Rationale/ AVA

Set-induction. Skills: 1. Teacher greets the To arouse pupils
(<8 minutes) 1. Listening and pupils and pupils interest toward todays
speaking. reply. lesson.
2. Teacher pastes a
Questions: picture on AVA
1. What is this? whiteboard. 1. Cottage.
2. Do you know 3. Teacher pose (refer Appendix
what story questions to pupils. A)
that has this? 4. Teacher elicits
3. Have you answers from pupils
read the and jots down on the
story? whiteboard.
4. Where did 5. Pupils guess todays
you read the topic.

Whole class
Pre-writing. Skills: 2. Teacher projects a 1. To expose pupils
(<15 minutes) 1. Listening and few sentences on the on todays
reading. whiteboard by using lesson.
5 Sentences. 3. Teacher gives pupils AVA
1. Goldilocks 5 minutes to read the 1. LCD.
walked in the sentences. 2. Whiteboard.
forest. 4. Teacher separates the
2. She found a sentences into simple
small and compound.
cottage. 5. Pupils are asked to
identify the
3. Goldilocks differences between
was hungry, simple and compound
and she ate sentences.
the porridge. 6. Teacher explains the
4. Goldilocks construction of
was sleepy, simple and compound
and she took sentences.
a nap on a
5. Goldilocks
woke up and
saw the three

While-writing. Skills: 1. Teacher gives 1. To concretise

(<17 minutes) Writing. instruction to the pupils
activity. understanding
2. Pupils are assigned on todays
Words in the into 5 members. lesson.
envelope. 3. Each of the group
-Forest. representatives are AVA
-Cottage. given a mahjong 1. Mahjong papers.
-Porridge. paper and an 2. An envelope
-Bed. envelope. (Refer Appendix
-Bear. 4. Each envelope B).
contain one word and
one picture.
5. Three envelopes is in
pink colour and the
other three is in
orange colour.
6. 3 groups will need to
write simple
sentences and the
others need to write
compound sentences.
7. Pupils are given 10
minutes to complete
this activity.
8. Teacher pastes all the
groups mahjong
9. Teacher checks the
10. Pupils copy down the
right answer.
Post-writing. Skills: 1. Pupils remain in the 1. To check on
(<15 minutes) Writing. same group. pupils
2. Each of the pupils understanding of
received a the lesson.
worksheets. 2. To drill the
3. Pupils need to pupils on what
complete the they have
worksheet in the AVA
class. 1. Worksheet.
4. Teacher picks three
students to read their
Closure 1. Teacher asks whether 1. To recall todays
( <5 minutes)
todays learning lesson.
objective is achieved. 2. To elicit
2. Teacher recaps feedback from
todays lesson. students.
3. Teacher ends the

Write one simple sentences and one compounds sentences for each of the pictures.






Appendix A.
1. Cottage.

Appendix B.
Simple sentences.





*pink envelope.

Compound sentences.



*orange envelope.

Any sentence is accepted as long as it fits the given task.

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