Paklenik Massacre: See Also
Paklenik Massacre: See Also
Paklenik Massacre: See Also
Paklenik Massacre
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Paklenik Massacre is the massacre of at least 50 Bosniaks by Bosnian Serb Army in the
Rogatica Municipality on 15 June 1992. One day earlier, the Serb Democratic Party-led
Viegrad Municipality organized a deportation of Bosniak civilians to Olovo, a town near
Tuzla. However, on its way towards the Rogatica Municipality, Bosnian Serb Army members
from Visegrad stopped the buses and took all the men off to another bus. They spent the night
in Rogatica and the next day they were taken to Paklenik (Hell) to a ravine called Propast
(Downfall) where they were systematically executed and their bodies thrown into the ravine.
Only one man survived the massacre. The men responsible for this massacre have not yet
answered for their crimes. The only people who have been indicted were Mitar Vasiljevi,
Nenad Tanaskovi, Sredoje and Milan Luki. The Bosniak civilians who were deported and
who were massacred came from the following villages in Visegrad: Gornji and Donji
Dubovik, Velatovo, Zagre, Smijece, Zupa and Dobrun.[1][2]
See also
Visegrad massacre
Uzamnica camp
Bosanska jagodina massacre
Srebrenica massacre
Bosnian genocide
Milan Luki
Nenad Tanaskovi
Mitar Vasiljevi
1. ^ Downfall, Colder Than Death, by Irham Ceco Dani, Sarajevo, August 25, 2000
2. ^
3. ^ Tanaskovic: Witness tells of flight from Visegrad, BIRN
Paklenik Massacre
Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre
Le Massacre de Paklenik est le massacre d'au moins 50 Bosniens par l'Arme serbe bosniaque dans la
municipalit de Rogatica le 15 juin 1992. Un jour plus tt, la municipalit de Viegrad, dirige par le
Parti dmocratique serbe, a organis une dportation de civils bosniaques Olovo, ville prs de
Tuzla. Cependant, en route vers la municipalit de Rogatica, les membres de l'arme serbe bosniaque
de Visegrad ont arrt les autobus et emmen tous les hommes un autre autobus. Ils passrent la
nuit Rogatica et le lendemain ils furent conduits Paklenik (Hell) dans un ravin nomm Propast o
ils furent systmatiquement excuts et leurs corps jets dans le ravin. Un seul homme a survcu au
massacre. Les hommes responsables de ce massacre n'ont pas encore rpondu pour leurs crimes. Les
seules personnes inculpes sont Mitar Vasiljevi, Nenad Tanaskovi, Sredoje et Milan Luki. Les civils
bosniaques qui ont t dports et qui ont t massacrs sont venus des villages suivants de
Visegrad: Gornji et Donji Dubovik, Velatovo, Zagre, Smijece, Zupa et Dobrun [1] [2]