Stateflow Modelling

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to Build a Simple Stateow

Jim Freudenberg
University of Michigan
EECS 461: Embedded Control Systems
This set of slides will show you how build a simple model using Simulink
and Stateow.

We will use 32-bit Matlab release 2011b, the same version of Matlab as
currently used in the EECS 461 Embedded Control Lab.

InstrucFons for installing 32-bit Matlab 2011b on your laptop are
contained in the Course LogisFcs document on CTools

Recently Matlab has changed from models with a .mdl sux
to models with a .slx sux. (The underlying soWware is dierent, and enables
addiFonal features.)

If you insist on using a more recent version of Matlab, and you want me to
examine your model for debugging, then you should save your model as a .mdl le
In Matlab 2011b. Look for a save as command, or perhaps an export command.
(Dierent versions of Matlab do this dierently.)
Power Switch Simulink Model
Simulink model of a power
switch that toggles on and o
at zero crossing of a sine input.

At each switch, a counter is

Inside the State Chart
Two states of the power
switch: on and o
TransiFons between the
States happen whenever the event
switch occurs.
When a transiFon occurs, the
variable counter is incremented
By default, the iniFal state
is o
To Run SimulaFon

Open Scope by clicking on it

Run simulaFon by selecFng start
from the SimulaFon menu

If the Scope does not display the enFre sine
waveform, go to the Scope parameters menu,
navigate to the History submenu, and turn o
the Limit data points opFon.

Change the size or colors of the plo`ed lines
using the Graphics submenu

Create Simulink Model
Create a new Simulink model by selecFng File/New/Model
in the Matlab command window.
Save the model with a name, e.g. my_switch
In the View Menu, select Library Browser and navigate down to Stateow

Add Statechart to Simulink Model
Drag Statechart to the Simulink model
Change name from Chart to On_o

Adding States to a Statechart
Open Statechart On_o by double-clicking
Drag two states from the menu at leW into the chart.
Name them Power_on and Power_o by ediFng the ? In the upper leW corner
NOTE: to delete a state, highlight it and select Cut from the Edit menu

CreaFng TransiFons between States

To create a transiFon between states, hold the cursor over the border of
the starFng state it will turn into crosshairs.
Hold down the mouse bu`on drag the mouse to the terminal state this
will create a transiFon (denoted by an arrow) connecFng the states
Click on the transiFon and replace the resulFng ? with the name of the event
that causes the transiFon.

Add a Default TransiFon

Specify the iniFal state (Power_o in this case) by adding a default transiFon

Adding an Event
Add an event that is Input from Simulink
A window will open allowing you to name the event (call it Switch), and to
specify what triggers the event. In our case, use rising edges of a sine wave.
If you add mulFple events input from Simulink, the Port menu will have more than opFon.
The Model Explorer
Open the Model Explorer by selecFng the Tools/Explore opFon from the Statechart menu
This menu allows you to edit the event you have just dened, and to add new events
On a small screen, you may need to scroll the menu leW and right to see the Trigger opFon
Adding the Sine Input
Return to the top-level Simulink diagram
The Statechart On-o now has an arrow entering it.
Add a Sine Wave input from the View/Library Browser/Sources menu
Add a Scope from the View/Library Browser/Sinks menu
Use the mouse to connect these blocks.
Double click on the Sine Wave block and specify the
parameters as shown.
ConguraFon Parameters
From the Simulink model my_switch, select SimulaFon/ConguraFon Parameters/Solver
Specify Start Fme = 0; Stop Fme = 100; Fixed Step Solver with Step size 0.001;
Use a discrete solver since we only have states that take discrete values (on or o)
Apply the changes and close the window.
Running the SimulaFon
Execute the simulaFon by selecFng SimulaFon/Start
The state changes from Power_on to Power_o at each rising zero crossing
of the sine wave.
CounFng TransiFons
Add data that is Output to Simulink
A window will open allowing you to name the data (call it counter), and to
specify its data type: leave it set to the default double.
Leave iniFal value blank to use the default value of zero
Increment the Counter
Increment the counter every Fme the event Switch occurs by placing counter++
in curly braces following each occurrence of Switch
Dont forget to use a semicolon to prevent the value of counter from being printed to the
screen each Fme it is incremented.
Count the TransiFons
Add a display block from the View/Library Browser/Sinks menu
Toggle a Bit
Add a new data variable light: iniFal value 0, data type double
Set light = 0; in the Power_o state
Set light = 1; in the Power_on state
Change Port Values
The output light is assigned port 2 by default
To connect it to the scope requires signal
ow lines to cross bad modeling pracFce.
To make model more readable, change
port value for light from 2 to 1
Note port value for counter is now 2
Display a Square Wave
Connect the output light to the scope
used to display the sine wave using
a Mux block from the
Library Browser/Signal RouFng Menu

Running the simulaFon shows a square wave

that toggles between 0 and 1 at rising zero
crossings of the sine wave

To make thicker lines on the plots,
double-click the Scope. In the
Parameters/Graphics menu, set linewidths to 2.

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