Data Mining in Cloud Computing PDF
Data Mining in Cloud Computing PDF
Data Mining in Cloud Computing PDF
3/2012 67
Ruxandra-tefania PETRE
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
This paper describes how data mining is used in cloud computing. Data Mining is used for
extracting potentially useful information from raw data. The integration of data mining
techniques into normal day-to-day activities has become common place. Every day people are
confronted with targeted advertising, and data mining techniques help businesses to become
more efficient by reducing costs.
Data mining techniques and applications are very much needed in the cloud computing
paradigm. The implementation of data mining techniques through Cloud computing will allow
the users to retrieve meaningful information from virtually integrated data warehouse that
reduces the costs of infrastructure and storage.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Data mining
The automated, prospective analyses the customer only pays for the data
offered by data mining move beyond the mining tools that he needs that
analyses of past events provided by reduces his costs since he doesnt
retrospective tools typical of decision have to pay for complex data mining
support systems. [6] suites that he is not using exhaustive;
Businesses can make predictions about the customer doesnt have to
how well a product will sell or develop maintain a hardware infrastructure,
new advertising campaigns by using as he can apply data mining through
these new relationships reflected by the a browser this means that he has to
data mining algorithms. pay only the costs that are generated
The medical sector benefits from the data by using Cloud computing.
mining techniques, as well as the Using data mining through Cloud computing
geographical data being better analyzed reduces the barriers that keep small
by using data mining. companies from benefiting of the data
Governments can discern illegal or mining instruments.
embargoed activities done by individuals, Cloud Computing denotes the new trend in
associations or other governments with Internet services that rely on clouds of
the implementation of the data mining servers to handle tasks. Data mining in cloud
techniques. computing is the process of extracting
In short, data mining has developed uses structured information from unstructured or
in the majority of field of activity. semi-structured web data sources.
The data mining in Cloud Computing allows
4 Data mining in Cloud Computing organizations to centralize the management
Data mining techniques and applications of software and data storage, with assurance
are very much needed in the cloud of efficient, reliable and secure services for
computing paradigm. their users. [6]
As cloud computing is penetrating more The implementation of data mining
and more in all ranges of business and techniques through Cloud computing will
scientific computing, it becomes a great allow the users to retrieve meaningful
area to be focused by data mining. information from virtually integrated data
Cloud computing denotes the new trend warehouse that reduces the costs of
in Internet services that rely on clouds of infrastructure and storage.
servers to handle tasks. Data mining in
cloud computing is the process of 5 Conclusions
extracting structured information from Data mining technologies provided through
unstructured or semi-structured web data Cloud computing is an absolutely necessary
sources. characteristic for todays businesses to make
The data mining in Cloud Computing proactive, knowledge driven decisions, as it
allows organizations to centralize the helps them have future trends and behaviors
management of software and data predicted.
storage, with assurance of efficient, This paper provides an overview of the
reliable and secure services for their necessity and utility of data mining in cloud
users. [6] computing. As the need for data mining
As Cloud computing refers to software tools is growing every day, the ability of
and hardware delivered as services over integrating them in cloud computing
the Internet, in Cloud computing data becomes more and more stringent.
mining software is also provided in this
way. References
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