Efficient Resource Management For Cloud Computing Environments
Efficient Resource Management For Cloud Computing Environments
Efficient Resource Management For Cloud Computing Environments
Computing Environments
Andrew J. Younge, Gregor von Laszewski, Lizhe Wang Sonia Lopez-Alarcon, Warren Carithers
Pervasive Technology Institute Rochester Institute of Technology
Indiana University Rochester, NY USA
Bloomington, IN USA Email: slaeec@rit.edu, wrc@cs.rit.edu
Email: {ajy4490,laszewski,lizhe.wang}@gmail.com
Abstract—The notion of Cloud computing has not only re- In 2005, the total energy consumption for servers and their
shaped the field of distributed systems but also fundamentally cooling units was projected at 1.2% the total U.S. energy
changed how businesses utilize computing today. While Cloud consumption and doubling every 5 years [5], [6]. The majority
computing provides many advanced features, it still has some
shortcomings such as the relatively high operating cost for both of the energy used in today’s society is generated from fossil
public and private Clouds. The area of Green computing is also fuels which produce harmful CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is
becoming increasingly important in a world with limited energy imperative to enhance the efficiency and potential sustainabil-
resources and an ever-rising demand for more computational ity of large data centers.
power. In this paper a new framework is presented that provides
One of the fundamental aspects of virtualization technolo-
efficient green enhancements within a scalable Cloud computing
architecture. Using power-aware scheduling techniques, variable gies employed in Cloud environments is resource consoli-
resource management, live migration, and a minimal virtual ma- dation and management. Using hypervisors within a cluster
chine design, overall system efficiency will be vastly improved in environment allows for a number of standalone physical
a data center based Cloud with minimal performance overhead. machines to be consolidated to a virtualized environment,
thereby requiring less physical resources than ever before.
Index Terms—Cloud Computing; Green Computing; Virtual-
ization; Scheduling While this improves the situation, it often is inadequate. Large
Cloud deployments require thousands of physical machines
I. I NTRODUCTION and megawatts of power. Therefore, there is a need to create
an efficient Cloud computing system that utilizes the strengths
For years visionaries in computer science have predicted the
of the Cloud while minimising its energy footprint.
advent of utility-based computing will reign champion. This
In order to correctly and completely unify a Green aspect to
concept dates back to John McCarthy’s vision stated at the
the next generation of Distributed Systems, a set of guidelines
MIT centennial celebrations in 1961.
needs to persist. These guidelines much represent a path of
”If computers of the kind I have advocated become sustainable development that can be integrated into data center
the computers of the future, then computing may construction and management as a whole. While the frame-
someday be organized as a public utility just as the work provided in this paper represents many promising ways
telephone system is a public utility... The computer to reduce power consumption, true sustainable development
utility could become the basis of a new and impor- also depends on finding a renewable and reliable energy source
tant industry.” for the data center itself. When combined, many of today’s
Only recently has the hardware and software been available limits in the size of data centers will begin to deteriorate.
to support the concept of utility computing on a large scale. This paper is organized as follows. Section II investigates
The concepts inspired by the notion of utility computing previous research in minimizing power consumption with
have recently combined with the requirements and standards emphasis on Clouds. Section III presents a novel Green Cloud
of Web 2.0 [1] to create Cloud computing [2], [3]. Cloud framework and its components, while Section IV and V
computing is defined as, ”A large-scale distributed computing detail certain components of the framework. In Section VI we
paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in which a assemble the components discussed and evaluate the potential
pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-scalable, managed energy savings. Finally, we conclude and provide insight for
computing power, storage, platforms, and services are deliv- future work.
ered on demand to external customers over the Internet.”
As new distributed computing technologies like Clouds II. R ELATED R ESEARCH
become increasingly popular, the dependence on power also
increases. Currently it is estimated that data centers consume In order to accurately depict the research presented in
0.5 percent of the world’s total electricity usage [4] and if this article, the topics of Cloud computing, Grid computing,
current demand continues, is projected to quadruple by 2020. Clusters and Green computing will be reviewed.
A. Clouds Host