Efficient Resource Management For Cloud Computing Environments

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Efficient Resource Management for Cloud

Computing Environments
Andrew J. Younge, Gregor von Laszewski, Lizhe Wang Sonia Lopez-Alarcon, Warren Carithers
Pervasive Technology Institute Rochester Institute of Technology
Indiana University Rochester, NY USA
Bloomington, IN USA Email: slaeec@rit.edu, wrc@cs.rit.edu
Email: {ajy4490,laszewski,lizhe.wang}@gmail.com

Abstract—The notion of Cloud computing has not only re- In 2005, the total energy consumption for servers and their
shaped the field of distributed systems but also fundamentally cooling units was projected at 1.2% the total U.S. energy
changed how businesses utilize computing today. While Cloud consumption and doubling every 5 years [5], [6]. The majority
computing provides many advanced features, it still has some
shortcomings such as the relatively high operating cost for both of the energy used in today’s society is generated from fossil
public and private Clouds. The area of Green computing is also fuels which produce harmful CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is
becoming increasingly important in a world with limited energy imperative to enhance the efficiency and potential sustainabil-
resources and an ever-rising demand for more computational ity of large data centers.
power. In this paper a new framework is presented that provides
One of the fundamental aspects of virtualization technolo-
efficient green enhancements within a scalable Cloud computing
architecture. Using power-aware scheduling techniques, variable gies employed in Cloud environments is resource consoli-
resource management, live migration, and a minimal virtual ma- dation and management. Using hypervisors within a cluster
chine design, overall system efficiency will be vastly improved in environment allows for a number of standalone physical
a data center based Cloud with minimal performance overhead. machines to be consolidated to a virtualized environment,
thereby requiring less physical resources than ever before.
Index Terms—Cloud Computing; Green Computing; Virtual-
ization; Scheduling While this improves the situation, it often is inadequate. Large
Cloud deployments require thousands of physical machines
I. I NTRODUCTION and megawatts of power. Therefore, there is a need to create
an efficient Cloud computing system that utilizes the strengths
For years visionaries in computer science have predicted the
of the Cloud while minimising its energy footprint.
advent of utility-based computing will reign champion. This
In order to correctly and completely unify a Green aspect to
concept dates back to John McCarthy’s vision stated at the
the next generation of Distributed Systems, a set of guidelines
MIT centennial celebrations in 1961.
needs to persist. These guidelines much represent a path of
”If computers of the kind I have advocated become sustainable development that can be integrated into data center
the computers of the future, then computing may construction and management as a whole. While the frame-
someday be organized as a public utility just as the work provided in this paper represents many promising ways
telephone system is a public utility... The computer to reduce power consumption, true sustainable development
utility could become the basis of a new and impor- also depends on finding a renewable and reliable energy source
tant industry.” for the data center itself. When combined, many of today’s
Only recently has the hardware and software been available limits in the size of data centers will begin to deteriorate.
to support the concept of utility computing on a large scale. This paper is organized as follows. Section II investigates
The concepts inspired by the notion of utility computing previous research in minimizing power consumption with
have recently combined with the requirements and standards emphasis on Clouds. Section III presents a novel Green Cloud
of Web 2.0 [1] to create Cloud computing [2], [3]. Cloud framework and its components, while Section IV and V
computing is defined as, ”A large-scale distributed computing detail certain components of the framework. In Section VI we
paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in which a assemble the components discussed and evaluate the potential
pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-scalable, managed energy savings. Finally, we conclude and provide insight for
computing power, storage, platforms, and services are deliv- future work.
ered on demand to external customers over the Internet.”
As new distributed computing technologies like Clouds II. R ELATED R ESEARCH
become increasingly popular, the dependence on power also
increases. Currently it is estimated that data centers consume In order to accurately depict the research presented in
0.5 percent of the world’s total electricity usage [4] and if this article, the topics of Cloud computing, Grid computing,
current demand continues, is projected to quadruple by 2020. Clusters and Green computing will be reviewed.
A. Clouds Host

Cloud computing is becoming one of the most explosively VM

expanding technologies in the computing industry today. It
enables users to migrate their data and computation to a remote App.

location with minimal impact on system performance [7].



Typically this provides a number of benefits which could not System

otherwise be realized. These benefits include:

• Scalable - Clouds are designed to deliver as much com- hardware

puting power as any user wants. While in practice the un-
derlying infrastructure is not infinite, the cloud resources

are projected to ease the developer’s dependence on any
specific hardware. Hardware

• Quality of Service (QoS) - Unlike standard data cen-
ters and advanced computing resources, a well designed
Cloud can project a much higher QoS than typically Fig. 1. Virtual Machine Abstraction
possible. This is due to the lack of dependence on
specific hardware, so any physical machine failures can
Compute Cloud (EC2) [12], is probably the most popular of
be mitigated without the user’s knowledge.
which and is used extensively in the IT industry. Eucalyptus
• Specialized Environment - Within a Cloud, the user can
[13] is becoming popular in both the scientific and industry
utilize custom tools and services to meet their needs. This
communities. It provides the same interface as EC2 and allows
can be to use the latest library, toolkit, or to support
users to build an EC2-like cloud using their own internal
legacy code within new infrastructure.
resources. Other scientific Cloud specific projects exist such as
• Cost Effective - Users finds only the hardware required for
OpenNebula [14], In-VIGO [15], and Cluster-on-Demand [16].
each project. This greatly reduces the risk for institutions
They provide their own interpretation of private Cloud services
who may be looking to build a scalable system. Thus
within a data center. Using a Cloud deployment overlaid on
providing greater flexibility since the user is only paying
a Grid computing system has been explored by the Nimbus
for needed infrastructure while maintaining the option to
project [17] with the Globus Toolkit [18]. All of these clouds
increase services as needed in the future.
leverage the power of virtualization (typically using the Xen
• Simplified Interface - Whether using a specific applica-
hypervisor) to create an enhanced data center.
tion, a set of tools or Web services, Clouds provide access
to a potentially vast amount of computing resources in B. Green Computing
an easy and user-centric way. We have investigated such The past few years has seen an increase in research on devel-
an interface within Grid systems through the use of the oping efficient large computational resources. Supercomputer
Cyberaide project [8], [9]. performance has doubled more than 3000 times in the past
There are a number of underlying technologies, services, 15 to 20 years, the performance per watt has increased 300
and infrastructure-level configurations that make Cloud com- fold and performance per square foot has only doubled 65
puting possible. One of the most important technologies is times [19] in the same period of time. This lag in Moore’s
the use of virtualization [10], [11]. Virtualization is a way Law over such an extended period of time in computing
to abstract the hardware and system resources from a op- history has created the need for more efficient management
erating system. This is typically performed within a Cloud and consolidation of data centers. This can be seen in figure
environment across a large set of servers using a Hypervisor 2 [20].
or Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) which lies in between Much of the recent work in Green computing focuses on
the hardware and the Operating System (OS). From here, Supercomputers and Cluster systems. Currently the fastest
one or more virtualized OSs can be started concurrently as Supercomputer in the world is the IBM Roadrunner at Los
seen in Figure 1, leading to one of the key advantages of Alamos National Laboratory [21], [22], which was funda-
Cloud computing. This, along with the advent of multi-core mentally designed for power efficiency. However, Roadrunner
processing capabilities, allows for a consolidation of resources consumes several Megawatts of power [23] (not including
within any data center. It is the Cloud’s job to exploit this cooling) and costs millions of dollars to operate every year.
capability to its maximum potential while still maintaining a The second fastest Supercomputer is Jaguar at Oak Ridge
given QoS. National Laboratory. While Jaguar too has a number of power
Virtualization is not specific to Cloud computing. IBM orig- saving features developed by Sandia, Oak Ridge and Cray [24]
inally pioneered the concept in the 1960’s with the M44/44X such as advanced power metering at the CPU level, 480 volt
systems. It has only recently been reintroduced for general use power supplies, and an advanced cooling system developed by
on x86 platforms. Today there are a number of Clouds that Cray, the system as a whole still consumes almost 7 Megawatts
offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The Amazon Elastic of power.
There is a pressing need for an efficient yet scalable
Cloud computing system. This is driven by the ever-increasing
demand for greater computational power countered by the
continual rise in use expenditures, both economical and en-
vironmental. Both business and institutions will be required
to meet these needs in a rapidly changing environment.
We present a novel Green computing framework that is
applied to the Cloud in order to meet the goal of reducing
power consumption. This framework is meant to define effi-
cient computing resource management and Green computing
technologies can be adapted and applied to Cloud systems.

Fig. 2. Performance increases much faster than performance per watt of

energy consumed [20]

One technique being explored is the use of Dynamic

Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) within Clusters and
Supercomputers [25], [26]. By using DVFS one can lower
the operating frequency and voltage, which results in de-
creased power consumption of a given computing resource
considerably. This technique was originally used in portable
and laptop systems to conserve battery power, and has since
migrated to the latest server chipsets. Current technologies
exist within the CPU market such as Intel’s SpeedStep and
AMD’s PowerNow! technologies. These dynamically raise and Fig. 4. Green Cloud Framework. Shaded items represent topics discussed in
this paper.
lower both frequency and CPU voltage using ACPI P-states
[27]. In [28], DVFS techniques are used to scale down the Figure 4 illustrates a comprehensive Green Cloud frame-
frequency by 400Mhz while sustaining only a 5% performance work for maximising performance per watt within a Cloud.
loss. This framework outlines the major areas are VM scheduling,
VM image management, and advanced data center design.
Within the framework, there are two major areas which can
lead to improvements. First, we can expand upon the baseline
functioning of virtual machines in a cloud environment. This
is first done with deriving a more efficient scheduling system
for VMs. The Scheduling section addresses the placement of
VMs within the Cloud infrastructure while minimizing the
operating costs of the Cloud itself. This is typically achieved
by optimising either power of the server equipment itself or
the overall temperature within the data center. Due to the
inherent disposability and mobility of VMs within a semi-
Fig. 3. Possible energy to performance trade-off . Here you can see a 18% homogeneous data center, we can leverage the ability to move
reduction in frequency contributes to only a 5% performance loss. [28] and manage the VMs to further improve efficiency. The image
management section attempts to control and manipulate the
size and placement of VM images in various ways to conserve
A power-aware Cluster supports multiple power and per- power and remove unnecessary bloat. Furthermore, the design
formance modes on processors with frequencies that can of the virtual machine images can also lead to a drastic power
be turned up or down. This allows for the creation of an savings.
efficient scheduling system that minimizes power consumption While these operational and runtime chances can have a
of a system while attempting to maximise performance. The drastic impact, however more static data center level design
scheduler performs the energy-performance trade-off within decisions should also be included. Using more efficient Air
a cluster. Combining various power efficiency techniques for Conditioning units, employing exterior ”free” cooling, using
data centers with the advanced feature set of Clouds could completely separated hot and cold isles, or simply picking
yield drastic results, however currently no such system exists. more efficient power supplies for the servers can lead to
incremental but substantial improvements. While this may be only one processing core, the change in power consumption
outside the scope of this paper, the integrated components of incurred by using another processing core is over 20 watts.
the Green Cloud framework in Figure 4 provide a sustainable The change from 7 processing cores to all 8 processing cores
development platform which has the largest potential impact results in an increase of only 3.5 watts.
factor to drastically reduce power requirements within a Cloud The impact of this finding is substantial. In a normal round
data center. Although the potential is great, combining each robin VM scheduling system like the one in Eucalyptus, the
factor together in such a unified framework and deploying it load of VMs is distributed evenly to all servers within the data
to a large scale Cloud poses many challenges. center. While this may be a fair scheduler, in practice it is very
inefficient. The result is that each time the scheduler distributes
VMs to a processor, the power consumption increases by
While Supercomputer and Cluster scheduling algorithms are its greatest potential. In contrast, this research demonstrates
designed to schedule individual jobs and not virtual machines, that if the scheduler distributes the VMs with the intent to
some of the concepts can be translated to the Cloud. We fully utilize all processing cores within each node, the power
have already conducted such research in [29]. In many service consumption is decreased dramatically. Therefore, there is
oriented scientific Cloud architectures, new VMs are created a large need for an advanced scheduling algorithm which
to perform some work. The idea is similar to sand boxing incorporates the findings in Figure 5. To meet this need
work within a specialized environment. we propose Algorithm 1, a new greedy-based algorithm to
A. Power-aware VM Scheduling minimise power consumption.
Currently, there are two competing types of Green schedul-
Algorithm 1 Power based scheduling of VMs
ing systems for Supercomputers; power-aware and thermal-
aware scheduling. In thermal-aware scheduling [30], jobs are
scheduled in a manner that minimizes the overall data center FOR i = 1 TO i ≤ |pool| DO
temperature. The goal is not always to conserve the energy pei = num cores in pooli
used to the servers, but instead to reduce the energy needed END FOR
to operate the data center cooling systems. In power-aware
scheduling [26], jobs are scheduled to nodes in such a way to WHILE (true)
minimize the server’s total power. The largest operating cost FOR i = 1 TO i ≤ |queue| DO
incurred in a Cloud data center is in operating the servers. As vm = queuei
such, we concentrate on power-aware scheduling in this paper. FOR j = 1 TO j ≤ |pool| DO
IF pej ≥ 1 THEN
IF check capacity vm on pej THEN
schedule vm on pej
pej − 1
wait for interval t

Algorithm 1 is a VM scheduling algorithm that minimizes

power consumption within the data center. This task is accom-
plished by continually loading each node with as many VMs as
possible. In Algorithm 1 the pool acts as a collection of nodes
remain static after initialization. While not in the algorithm,
Fig. 5. Power consumption curve of an Intel Core i7 920 CPU the pool can be initialized by a priority based evaluations
system to either maximise performance or further minimise
Figure 5 illustrates the motivation behind power-aware VM power consumption. At a specified interval t the algorithm
scheduling. This graphic documents our recent research find- runs through each VM in the queue waiting to be scheduled.
ings regarding watts of energy consumed verses the number The first node in the priority pool is selected and evaluated to
of processing cores in use. The power consumption curve see if it has enough virtual cores and capacity available for
illustrates that as the number of processing cores increases, the new VM. If it does, it is scheduled, the pei is decremented
the amount of energy used does not increase proportionally. In by one, and this processes is continued until the VM queue
fact that change in power consumption decreases. When using is empty. When a VM finishes its execution and terminates,
it reports it back the scheduler and pei is increased by one to periods of time, creating an optimal state for the VM manage-
signify a core of machine i is freed. ment system. The machines that are left idle can shut down as
illustrated in Figure 6. When load increases, we use Wake on
B. VM Management
LAN (WOL) to start them back up. This control can be easily
Another key aspect of a Green Cloud framework is vir- monitored and implemented as a daemon running on the Cloud
tual machine image management. By using virtualization head node or scheduler. This effectively displays the goal of
technologies within the Cloud, a number of new techniques the Green Cloud Framework: while any single power saving
become possible. Idle physical machines in a Cloud can be technique can be beneficial, the calculated combination of
dynamically shutdown and restarted to conserve energy during multiple techniques from a systems-level perspective can yield
low load situations. A similar concept was achieved in Grid significant power savings when compared to their individual
systems though the use of Condor Glide-In [31], [32] add- implementations.
on to Condor, which dynamically adds and removes machines
form the resource pool. This concept of shutting down unused V. S ERVICE O RIENTED V IRTUAL M ACHINE I MAGE
machines will have no effect on power consumption during While scheduling and management of virtual machines
peak load as all machines will be running. However in practice within a private Cloud environment is important, one must
Clouds almost never run at full capacity as this could result in realize what is actually being scheduled. In a normal Cloud
a degradation of the QoS. Therefore by design, fast dynamic environment like the Amazon’s EC2 [12], full Operating
shutdown and startup of physical machines could have a System VMs are scheduled, often to carry out specific tasks in
drastic impact on power consumption, depending on the load mass. These VM instances contain much more than they need
of the Cloud at any given point in time. to in order to support a wide variety of hardware software
The use of live migration features within Cloud systems and varying user tasks. While this is ideal for a desktop based
[33] is a recent concept. Live migration is presently used for environment, it leads to wasted time and energy in a server
proactive fault tolerance by seamlessly moving VMs away based solution. A hypervisor provides the same virtualized
from failing hardware to stable hardware without the user hardware to each VM and each VM is typically designed for
noticing a change [34] in a virtualized environment. Live a specific task. In essence, we want the OS within the VM to
migration can be applied to Green computing in order to act only as a light wrapper which supports a few specific but
migrate away machines. VMs can be shifted from low load refined tasks or services, and not an entire desktop/application
to medium load servers when needed. Low load servers are suite. In order to accomplish this task, we need to concentrate
subsequently shutdown when all VMs have migrated away, on two areas; VM image size and boot time.
thus conserving the energy required to run the low load idle Normal x86 hardware can vary widely, so most modern
servers. When using live migration, the user is completely operating systems including Linux are able to detect various
unaware of a change and there is only a 60 to 300ms delay, hardware and load modules on the fly upon startup. This is
which is acceptable by most standards. not an issue with a virtual machine environment since the
hardware is standardized and known in advance. It is common
for the boot to spend 15 seconds running modprobe to load
only a single module. The modules in the system and many
of the time consuming probing functions can be reduced upon
bootup within a VM environment. In [35] considerable amount
of time is saved by changing the IDE delay times for probing
new hardware.
Another technique for reducing the boot time is to orches-
trate the boot sequence in a more efficient way. Often many
daemons and applications are loaded for general use and in
the case of a lightweight VM instance, aren’t needed and
can be removed. This includes standalone server applications
like Window managers and the X11 windowing system. This
would also remove the system’s disk footprint considerably to
save valuable hard drive space in distributed file systems as
well as network traffic when migrating the machines.
Boot time can be further improved by creating a new order
Fig. 6. Virtual Machine management dynamic shutdown technique which maximises both the CPU utilization and I/O throughput.
The use of bootchart [36] can profile where bootup system
This process of dynamically allocating and deallocating inefficiencies occur and to allow for optimization of the boot
physical machines is complimentary to our scheduling system sequence. Another useful tool is readahead [37]. Readahead
outlines in Algorithm 1. As the scheduling algorithm executes, profiles the system startup sequence and uses file pre-fetching
it will leave a number of machines idling, potentially for long techniques to to load files into memory before they are
requested. Therefore an application reads directly from system pool. This one machine operates at the full 170 Watts, however
memory and does not have to wait for disk seek-time. all other machines idle at 105 Watts, resulting in a pool power
consumption of 485 Watts. Therefore, using our power based
scheduling algorithm, we conserve 12% of the system’s power
In order to validate our framework it is important to inves- on only 4 machines on a normal load, as seen in Figure 7.
tigate its feasibility within an actual virtual machine cluster While this experiment is only with 4 nodes, the results are
environment. This section discusses the implementation of our clearly scalable to a large cluster and will be magnified as
scheduling algorithm as it is applied to the OpenNebula project higher node core counts are deployed. If the live migration
in a multi-core cluster and evaluates the creation of a new and shutdown strategy is also deployed, some servers could
lightweight VM image. be dynamically shutdown to further conserve energy.
A. Scheduling Analysis B. VM Image Analysis
OpenNebula [14] is an open source distributed virtual ma- In order to evaluate the performance of our VM image
chine manager for dynamic allocation of virtual machines in a design, we must create a prototype. There are two paths
resource pool. The OpenNebula core components accept user available to build such a VM OS image. The first is a
requirements via the OpenNebula interface, and then place bottom up approach where a basic Linux kernel is built upon
virtual machines in compute nodes within the cluster. to reach the minimal feature set needed. This requires an
The OpenNebula scheduler is an independent component entirely new distribution from scratch. While this may be the
that provides policies for virtual machine placement. We ”cleanest” way, it would require a large development team
choose the OpenNebula project because of this compartmental- and is therefore infeasible for this project. The other option
ized design as it allows for integration of our custom schedul- involves a top-down approach of taking a common distribution
ing algorithm. The default scheduler provides a scheduling and removing certain components from it, making for a lighter
policy based on rank, which allocates compute resources for and faster sub-distribution. This route is more practical as it
virtual machines. Scheduling algorithm 1 is implemented by does not require reinventing the wheel and the option to keep
modifying the OpenNebula scheduler to reflect the desired components such as a package management system and a large
results in Section IV. distribution library are maintained.
Following the second approach, a custom Linux image was
created to illustrate the possibility of a fast and lightweight
VM OS. Starting with Ubuntu Linux version 9.04 Jaunty, all
unnecessary packages were removed, including the Gnome
window manager and X11. By removing these multitude of
packages, the system image is reduced from 4Gb to only
636Mb. This minimization speeds up migration of the image
from one server to another as there is less network traffic
during the movement phase. A number of other packages,
libraries and boot level daemons were also removed from the
startup process. At the final stage, the image is a minimal
Linux installation with only the bare necessity components.
One thing that was left was the Synaptic package management
system, so if any tools or libraries are needed it is a trivial
process to have them installed on the system. While the
package management system does take up some room, it is
well worth the added extendability it provides to the system. A
Fig. 7. Illustration of Scheduling power savings number of kernel modules were also removed form the 2.6.28-
11 kernel to speed up the kernel init and modprobe processes
To evaluate the energy savings of Algorithm 1, we consider as much as possible.
the following small OpenNebula pool of just 4 servers. Each To test the speed of the custom image, both it and a basic
server within the pool is a 2.6Ghz Intel Core i7 920 with 12GB Ubuntu 9.04 installation were moved to a VMWare server
of RAM. We assume each server can hold 8 VMs as it has 8 with 2.5Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4GB of ram. The standard
virtual cores. At idle, they consume 105 Watts of power and Ubuntu image booted from BIOS in 38 seconds. With our
under 100% load they consume 170 Watts (see Figure 5). If we custom VM image, boot time was reduced dramatically to
execute the default OpenNebula scheduler to schedule 8 virtual just 8 seconds. By comparing the boot charts in figures 8
machines each running CPU-bound tasks, each server would and 9, we can see there is a drastic change in boot time,
gain 2 VMs and would consume 138 Watts with a total pool resulting in the boot time decreased by 30 seconds. Instead of
power consumption of 552 Watts. However when Algorithm 1 a large amount of I/O blocking, all disk I/O is done at once
is used, all the VMs are scheduled to the first machine in the towards the beginning, allowing for much higher utilization of
the CPU. While a boot time of 8 seconds is a considerable in the academic and commercial sectors. We believe Green
improvement, we can do better. The kernel still takes a full 2 computing will be one of the fundamental components of the
seconds to load, however with some improvements a second next generation of Cloud computing technologies.
or more could possibly be saved.
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