Nokia HDM 5.1 Data Sheet

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The key takeaways are that Nokia Home Device Manager (HDM) provides remote management of customer premises equipment for broadband service providers to simplify management of devices in home networks.

Some of the key capabilities and benefits of HDM include delivering true multi-CPE vendor management, accelerating mass management of home devices, providing real-time diagnostics and troubleshooting for CSRs, and enabling integrated speed tests.

HDM enables service providers to take advantage of automated activation of complex CPE, carrier-class scalability and security, dashboard metrics, device models, and powerful network operations capabilities.

Device Management:

Nokia Home Device Manager

Release 5.1.0

For broadband service providers, simplifying CPE management in home

networks has become mission-critical especially for those looking to roll out
Wi-Fi Extenders, triple-play and fixed-mobile services as well as a whole set of
IoT devices. Nokia Home Device Manager (HDM) delivers the key capabilities to
help providers succeed.

Key benefits
Delivers true multi-CPE vendor management solution
Accelerates introduction and automates mass management of
home devices
Seamlessly troubleshoots non-TR-069 connected home devices
Provides fully secure interface for devices and OSS systems
Offers extensive reporting and monitoring capabilities
Enables real-time CPE diagnostics and troubleshooting for CSRs
Provides integrated speed tests and latency measurements of
the managed devices.

1 Data sheet
Device Management: Nokia Home Device Manager
Overview HDM enables providers to take advantage of:
Automated activation of complex CPE. HDM
Automated remote management for Connected provides CD-less, PC-less, zero-touch CPE
Home Devices activation, as well as walled garden, web-driven
HDM handles every task related to customer activation for retail CPE distribution scenarios.
premises equipment (CPE) management, including Carrier-class scalability, security and
zero-touch provisioning, configuration updates, manageability. HDM has a proven architecture
software upgrades, monitoring, as well as problem capable of managing many millions of devices
diagnosis and troubleshooting. It is a CPE-vendor- simultaneously. It has a powerful, customizable
agnostic system that provides multi-vendor role-based entitlement for user access to
management capabilities based on the Broadband application interfaces and objects.
Forum TR-069 standard. By combining provisioning,
maintenance and support features into a single Dashboard metrics show real-time and historical
solution, multi-device and multi-protocol approach application, system performance and health.
builds a bridge between legacy devices and the Device models accelerate time-to-market of new
deployment of next-generation equipment into CPE and triple-play services.
the customer home. With HDM, consumers and
Powerful network operations capabilities.
providers have the assurance of consistent service
Large-scale, bulk management of CPE is greatly
delivery, no matter how complex the home network
simplified with policy-based management
may become.
operations. Administration of CPE firmware
Nokia Home Device Manager images is enabled using a built-in firmware
repository and secure file servers for upload and
Nokia HDM empowers broadband service providers
download of software.
to remotely control and manage CPE, including
residential gateways, IP set-top boxes, VoIP Real-time CPE control and troubleshooting. HDM
adapters, femto access points, cable modems and provides a diagnostic view of the devices inside
other devices from a variety of different vendors. In the customer premises, enabling customer
addition, Release 5.1.0 adds the ability to remotely support representatives (CSRs) to access vital
manage non-TR-069 devices connected to a TR- device information in real time.
069 residential gateway in the connected home
network. Large-scale remote management is made
possible through a standardized CPE integration
layer that allows for a wide choice of CPE supported
by the Broadband Forums TR-069 and associated
standards. With HDM, service providers can move
forward with next-generation IP offerings while
providing customers with a unique and consistent
experience across different services.

2 Data sheet
Device Management: Nokia Home Device Manager
Key features Proactive Management Engine enables service
providers to proactively monitor and manage
Policy Creation Environment offers a range of devices using policies with customizable event-
capabilities to the operations department for based queuing controls.
designing automated device activation, maintenance Fault Management of CPE is carried out using
and upgrade tasks. Policies make use of dynamic HDMs Device Alarms capabilities. Alarm types
device grouping, advanced scheduling, workflow and rules are defined using the Alarm Catalog
and customizable policy actions include advanced and may be customized for the particular devices
capabilities, such as device models, service tags, and services offered by the operator. Devices
dynamic variables and custom function to offer service and services are proactively monitored to
providers maximum control and flexibility in adapting automatically detect issues and optionally take
policies to their specific services and environment. actions to improve service quality and reliability.
Custom Function allow service providers to
bundle RPC function with decision logic to execute
common tasks. Custom function can be created
on the HDM UI and used like regular function.

Figure 1. Home Device Manager - Management Console

3 Data sheet
Device Management: Nokia Home Device Manager
Intelligent Workflow Engine (IWE) extends HDMs HDM CSR (Customer Service Representative)
proactive management capabilities and enables console allows front-line helpdesk representatives
service providers to define customized service to rapidly triage and diagnose CPE-related issues.
management workflows. The IWE has full access CSRs are able to get real-time accurate device
to HDMs Northbound Interface (NBI), advanced diagnostics and settings information related
scripting support for workflow and business to NAT, LAN, WAN, DHCP, Wi-Fi and firmware
process automation, and is easily extended to configurations. User profiles enable diagnostic
interact with third-party systems such as OSS. and remediation function, such as device reboot
and reset to be assigned to a user based on role
Device Models are easily created by service
and access privileges.
providers to describe any CPEs capabilities,
supporting both standardized and vendor-specific HDM Firmware Campaign Manager provides
objects. This capability greatly accelerates time- multiple firmware campaign management, from
to-market and enables continuity of management selecting devices, firmware, to scheduling and
practices across all IP-based services and devices reporting, covering the full life cycle of the device
from a variety of vendors. HDM is device model firmware management.
agnostic, meaning that it can load any device
HDM Network Performance Module is a TR-
model and can address any TR-069 device an
143 based device speed test and latency
operator may decide to deploy.
measurement tool. It is fully integrated with HDM
Service Model NBI provides open integration for testing and measurement data collection.
services into a single, extensible NBI using a It provides a way for CSR to test device upload
service-oriented architecture. The Service Model and download speed, UDP Echo as well as bulk
NBI enables providers to leverage their existing scheduled tests.
investments and seamlessly tie HDM into the rest
HDM Reporting supports the definition of custom
of their infrastructure. It ensures that business
reports based on information available with HDM
support system (BSS) and operational support
and TRM. Commonly used reports are available
system (OSS) applications such as those used
out-of-the-box. HDM provides a reporting
in the call center, self-service tools, provisioning
console, which includes dashboard for the HDM
systems and other applicationshave a shared
and TRM reports.
view of the home network.
HDM Traffic Regulation supports offloading
The HDM Dashboard is a distributed application
massive amounts of data collected from the CPEs
that allows operators to view and monitor HDM
to the Data Collection Manager.
application statistics in real-time, including trans
action throughput and application health for HDM Generic TR-069 Proxy allows bi-directional
individual servers or the entire HDM cluster. Time translation between TR-069 and Telnet. This
series data is also aggregated and shown using allows HDM to manage non-TR-069 devices via
customizable charts and graphs for historical the Telnet protocol, eliminating the need for
application performance and health. separate management systems to accommodate
legacy devices.
HDM Management domains enable segregation
of users, devices and management objects into Proxied Home LAN Device Management (TR-
distinct organizational units for multi-tenancy 069 Amendment 4) enables management and
management domains allowing operators to provisioning of non-TR-069 devices, such as
define exclusion rules that govern the availability tablets, smartphones, smart TVs and laptops by
of firmware images, policy actions and policies for proxy through the residential gateway.
a given domain.

4 Data sheet
Device Management: Nokia Home Device Manager
Administration and system TR-181
features TR-181i2a3
Built-in and customizable reports for device TR-181i2a4
operations, policy operations and security events
Application dashboard, graphical view on
application, server and cluster performance, TR-181i2a6
including traffic pattern analysis and trending TR-181i2a7

Device support TR-196

Management of TR-069 devices, such as home
gateways, VoIP phones, STBs, and cable modems TR-090
Management of LAN devices using TR-Am 3 Annex TR-101i2
F&G (formerly known as TR-111) and TR-069 Am TR-110
4 Annex J CWMP Proxy Management
Management of femto-cells (with femto
adaptation layer) TR-124
Support for legacy SNMP and Telnet devices TR-126
(configuration, data retrieval) TR-128
Support for IPv6 devices (native, dual-stack, 6rd, TR-131

Standards support TR-135

Broadband Home standards support, including: TR-140

TR-069 Amendment 3, 4, 5 TR-142

TR-069 Annex F & Annex G, Annex K TR-143

TR-098 TR-157 Amendment 1,2,3,5

TR-104 TR-177

TR-106 Fully compliant with Home Gateway Initiative (HGI)

remote CPE management specification

Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.

Nokia Oyj
Karaportti 3
FI-02610 Espoo
Tel. +358 (0) 10 44 88 000

Product code: SR1703008318EN (March)

2017 Nokia

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