Of The: Prevention"
Of The: Prevention"
Of The: Prevention"
prevention" rather than injury prevention. As a matter of fact, majority of 1. Geo-mining 'condition
accidents/incidents are precisely those which do not involve physical injury. 2. System parameters
Thus a better name for a safety officer .or safety manager might well 3 System of mining
be "Total Loss Control Manager". A Total Loss Control Manager tries to 4. Method of mining, system of mechanistation
examine everything in detail, not just the injury to persons, but also the
5. Stage of coal extraction
dOwn-time of the company, the plant damage caused, the near-misses, and
the resulting loss in real terms of profit and loss. A still better name has come 6. Age of the mine
from the U.S.A. as 'Risk and Safety Manager". The Risk and Safety 7. Location
Manager has to identify, measure, and control Risk, and eventually elimi- 8. Basic safety hardware and software
nate it, set proper safety standards, measure compliance to these standards,
9. Safety devices in production system
evaluate performance, and then rectify the sub-standard. For the purpose,
check-lists are used exensively, and every "happening" or "near-miss", 10. Safety devices in other sub-systems
together with injury and plant damage, is evaluated. 11. Roof support
12. Ventilation
Loss Control Program (US Practice) is discussed later in the chapter.
13. F i r e
Accident Vulnerability
14. Old workings
Vulnerability to accident of a mine is determined by the accident
potentiality level to which the mine belongs at a particular time. 15. Water body
Accident proneness of a mine is not the same as accident vulnera-
16. Re sc u e sta tio n
bility of a mine. Accident proneness of a mine is caused when the factors, GEO MINING CONDITION