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CHE 702 Control

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Choose the correct alternatives for any ten of the following:

i) Amount of moisture in air is determined by

(a) Refractometer (b) Polarimeter

(b) (c) Hygrometer (d) Polarograph

ii) The resistance of platinum is

(a) Increases with increase in temperature

(b) Decreases with increase in temperature
(c) Remains constant with change in temperature
(d) Decrease linearly with increase in temperature.

iii) Accuracy of an instrumnet is judged in terms of

(a) drift (b) dead zone
(c) static error (d) none of these

vi) Measuring lag of a first order instrument is taken as

(a) Zero (b) one time constant

(b) (c) two time constant (d) half time constant

v) Dynamic error for a ramp input (At) in a first order instrument is

(a) (b) AT
(b) (c) 2AT (d) AT

vi) The Laplace transform of t n.

(a) n!/s n (b) n!/ sn+1

(c) n/ sn+1 (d) (n+1) / sn+1

vii) The burdon tube of a vapor pressure thermometer is a

(a) primery element (b) secondery element
(c) manipulating element (d) functing element

viii) U-tube type mercury manometer is an example of

(a) zero-order system (b) first-order system
(c) second-order system (d) thrid-order system

ix) Measuring lag of a first-order instrument is taken as

(a) zero (b) one time constant
(c) two time constant (d) half time constant
x) Time lag of a first-order instrument is
(a) T (b) (1/) tan-1 (T)
(c) tan-1 (T) (d) e-T

xi) Which of the folllowing is a first-order instrument?

(a) U-tube type mercury manometer
(b) bimetallic thermometer with covering
(c) vapor pressure theromometer without any covering
(d) mercury thermometer with covering.

xii) The generation of e.m.f. in thermocouples is fundamentally explained by

(a) seeback effect (b) Peltier effect
(c) Thomson effect (d) all of the above

xiii) The inverse laplace ttansform of 1/(Ts+1) is

(a) e-t/T (b) 1/Te-t/T
(c) 1/Tet/T (d) Te-t/T

xiv) The general transfer function of a frist order system is

(a) 1/(Ts-1) (b) A/(Ts+1)
(c) A/(Ts-1) (d) Ts + 1

xv) Which of the following controllers has the least maximum deviation?
a) P-controller b) PI-controller
c) PID-controller d) PD-controller.

xvi) Phase lag of first order system is

a) tan 1 ( T ) b) - tan 1 ( T )
c)/2 d) 0
xvii) Phase lag of the sinusoidal response of a first order
system is
a) 120 b) < 30
c) 180 d) 90
2. Describe the dynamics of a process having inverse response.

3. Develop the block diagram for a closed loop process and also derive the transfer functions
for various controllers.

4. What is the effect of derivation action on close loop response, describe for a servo problem.

5. Describe in brief the construction of Bode diagram of different controllers.

6. Discuss in brief the construction of polar plot for first order, second order, third order and for
pure dead time system.
7. State Skogestads half rule. A system is found to have a transfer function as:
K p (0.2 s 1)
(6 s 1)(3s 1)( s 1) .
K p e td s
G ( s)
( p s 1)
Derive a transfer function in the form of
8. Develop a detail modeling equation for distillation column having nth stage and find out its
degrees of freedom. Also show with necessary assumptions that the system can be converted
to an exactly specified system.

9. Describe linearization of multi variable system with the example of stirred tank system.

10. State initial and final value theorem. Describe the dynamic behavior of a chemical process
with various input functions. State one example to verify your statement.

11. Describe linearization of single variable system with the example of liquid tank system.

12. State the applications of cascade controller for different unit processes. What is close loop
behavior of cascade controller?

13. What is override control or constraint control? What is split range control describe with an
simple example.

14. What are the limitations of feedback control scheme? Generate a generalized form of feed
forward controller. (363)

15. What is ratio control? State the configuration of ratio control. 371

16. Find the frequency response of a first-order system, with G(s) = 1/s + 1. 287

17. Define poles and zeros and what do you mean by transfer function of a process. Write down
the generalized form of the transfer function consisting of n number of poles and m number
of zeros. (nptel)

18. Describe various forms of transfer function in case of real and distinct poles, multiple real
poles and complex conjugate poles.

19. Predict about the stability of a system having a pole at origin.

20. What is servo and regulator problem? Describe theses terms in the transfer function of a
closed loop system.

21. Describe the effect of proportional action of close loop transfer function of a liqid level
22. Define a stable system. What are the limitations of Routh-Harwith test? Describe the several
associated steps of Routh-Harwith test to determine the stability of a system. (254)

23. Define critical stability condition. Describe the general characteristics of a root locus plot.

24. What is tuning of control parameters?(350) Describe the Cohen-Coon technique of controller

25. What do you mean by p-only control of an integrating process?

Describe servo and regulator test for a second order dynamics with a suitable example.

26. What is reset windup? What do you mean by on-off controllers?

27. What is position and velocity algorithms for Digital PID Control?

28. What do you mean by SISO, MISO and MIMO system?

29. Describe the MISO system with an example of liquid tank system.

30. Describe the MISO system with an example of stirred tank system.

31. A stirred-tank reactor has an internal cooling coil to remove heat liberated in the reaction. A
proportional controller is used to regulate coolant flow rate so as to keep the reactor
temperature reasonably constant. The controller has been designed so that the controlled
reactor exhibits typical underdamped second-order response temperature characteristics when
it is disturbed, either by feed flow rate or by coolant temperature changes. (a) The feed flow
rate to the reactor changes suddenly from 0.4 to 0.5 kg/s, and the temperature of the reactor
contents, initially at 100 C, changes eventually to 102 C. What is the gain of the transfer
function (under feedback control) that relates changes in reactor temperature to changes in
feed flow rate? (Be sure to specify the units.) (b) The operator notes that the resulting
response is slightly oscillatory with maxima estimated to be 102.5 and 102.0 C occurring at
times 1000 and 3060 s after the change is initiated. What is the complete process transfer
function? (c) The operator failed to note the rise time. Predict t, based on the results in (a)
and (b).

32. What is a first order system and how do you derive the transfer functions of a first-order lag
of a purely capacitive process?

33. What is basic PID Control Algorithms?

34. Define sensitivity. Would you prefer sensitivity to be low or high for an instrument? 3+2
35. What are the principal characteristics of the first-order process and what causes the
appearance of a purely capacitive process?

36. Derive the transfer function for first order liquid level system. What do you mean by pure
capacitive system? Derive the transfer function for a pure capacitive system where a step and
ramp input is applied.

37. Derive the transfer function of second order process. Define damping factor. Describe the
nature of poles for a under damped, critically damped and an over damped system.

38. Define rise time, response time, over shoot, decay ratio, period of oscillation.

39. Derive the transfer function for a multi capacity process as second order system

40. Describe the characteristics of an underdamped response.What is a second order system? 3+2

41. Consider a system with the following transfer function:

K 1e t1s K 2 e t 2 s
G ( s)
1s 1 2 s 1
Draw the block diagram for this system.
42. What is calibration and why it is necessary for an instrument? What do you mean by speed of
response and measuring lag.

43. Calculate the amplitude ratio and phase angle for the overdamped second-order transfer
function G(s) = K/(ls + 1)(2s + 1)

44. An overdamped system consists of two first-order processes operating in series ( 1 = 4, 2 =

1) Find the equivalent values and for this system.

45. Discuss some of the factors needed to be taken into account before deciding whether to use
an air-to-open or air-to-close valve.
46. Derive a transfer function of a second order dynamics as a first order process with controller.
47. Describe the dynamic behavior of N-capacities in series.

48. Derive a transfer function for a FODT process and how do you make a polynomial
approximation to dead time.

49. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the proportional, integral and
derivative control action? What are their characteristics effects on the closed-loop response of
a process?
50. Estimate the rate of absorption of CO2 into a water film following down a vertical wall 1 m
long at the rate of 0.05 kg/s per meter of width at 25 C. The gas is pure CO2 at 1 std atm.
The water is essentially CO2-free initially.
51. An engineer uses a temperature sensor mounted in a thermowell to measure the temperature
in a CSTR. The temperature sensor/transmitter combination operates approximately as a irst-
order system with time constant equal to 3 s. The thermowell behaves like a first-order
system with time constant of 10 s. The engineer notes that the measured reactor temperature
has been cycling approximately sinusoidally between 180 and 183 C with a period of 30 s
for at least several minutes. What can be concluded concerning the actual temperature in the
52. Define in physical terms the servo and the regulator problem.
53. Develop the close loop responses for a set point and load changes.
54. The proportional control leads to a lower static gain for the closed loop response compared to
the gain of the uncontrolled process. Is a lower gain more or less favorable for the controlled
process? 5
55. Find the Laplace transform of the function x(t) that satisfies the differential equation and
initial conditions
d 3x d 2x dx
4 2
5 2x 2
dt dt dt
dx(0) d 2 x(0)
x ( 0) 0
dt dt 2

56. A mercury thermometer having a time constant of 0.1 min is placed in a temperature bath at
100 F and allowed to come to equilibrium with the bath. At time t = 0, the temperature of
the bath begins to vary sinusoidally about its average temperature of 100 F with an
amplitude of 2 F. If the frequency of oscillation is 10/pi cycles/min, plot the ultimate
response of the thermometer reading as a function of time. What is the phase lag?

57. A tank having time constant of 1 min and a resistance of 1/9 ft/cfm is operating at steady
state with an inlet flow of 10 ft3/min. At time t = 0, the flow is suddenly increased to 100
ft3/min for 0.1 min by adding an additional 9 ft3 of water to the tank uniformly over a period
of 0.1 min. Find the response for a impulse function having a magnitude of 9.
58. What if gain margin and phase margin. Determine the stability of the open loop transfer

K c e .123 s e .123 s
GOL [G f Gm , G1 K c ] by Bode stability criterion.
0.1s 1 0.1s 1
59. (a) Describe the Bode stability criterion. Develop an expression of frequency factor and
phase angle for a second order system and for two first order system in series.

(b) Determine the stability of a pure gain element [G(s) = K] and a pure capacitive
system [G(s) = K/s] by Bode stability criterion.
(c) Determine the stability of a pure delay system [G(s) = e-tds] and describe in brief the
construction of Bode diagram of a first order system.
60. Tune the P-only controller taking GM = 1.7. Also tune the P-only controller when the phase
margin is 26. Also comment about the stability when the dead time is 6 min with a gain of

0.8 K c e 1.74 s
(5s 1)(10 s 1)(15s 1)

61. Generate the Bode plot for the transfer function G(S) = 5(0.5S + 1)e-0.5s/(20s + 1)(4s + 1)
where the time constants and time delay have units of minutes.

62. (a) Comment about the stability of open loop system. Determine the Bode stability criterion
for a first order, FODT, second order and third order system.

(b) What is inverse response compensator? Develop an expression for inverse response
(c) What is cascade control scheme? Describe cascade control scheme for feedback control
scheme with a simple example of CSTR.

63. Describe the Zigler Nichole stunning method for different controllers. Tune the PID
K e 0.15 s
controller using Z-N method having the transfer function (0.5s 1)

64. Describe advanced control scheme with large dead time. Comment about the stability of the
K c e td s
system having the transfer function (0.1s 1)

65. (a) Define proportional band and reset time. Describe the phenomenon of elimination of
offset in the vicinity of various control actions and define the term reset wind up.
(d) What do you mean by direct and reverse control action state with an physical
example. Define on-off controller.
(e) Predict the dynamic behavior of a second order process in case of various control
66. (a) State the Nyquist stability criterion. Perform the stability analysis by varying the corner
frequency value from - to + .
(b) What do you mean by dead time compensator. State the criterion for dead time
(c) What is effect of error on dead time compensator considering various cases like no
compensator, for perfect compensation and imperfect compensation.

67. Find the closed-loop transfer function Y/Ysp for the complex control system in Fig. 11.12.
Notice that this block diagram has two feedback loops and two disturbance variables. This
configuration arises when the cascade control scheme of is employed.
1 / wc 1
T ' ( s) Q ' (s) T ' (s)
68. (a) A stirred-tank heating system described by ms / w 1 ms / w 1 is
used to preheat a reactant containing a suspended solid catalyst at a constant flow rate of
1000 kg/h. The volume in the tank is 2 m3, and the density and specific heat of the suspended
mixture are, respectively, 900 kg/m3 and 1 cal/g C. The process initially is operating with
inlet and outlet temperatures of 100 and 130 C. The following questions concerning process
operations are posed:
(i) What is the heater input at the initial steady state and the values of K and T?
(ii) If the heater input is suddenly increased by + 30%, how long will it take for the tank
temperature to achieve 99% of the final temperature change?
(iii) Assume the tank is at its initial steady state. If the inlet temperature is increased suddenly
from 100 to 120 C, how long will it take before the outlet temperature changes from 130 to
135 C? 8
(b) A liquid surge tank similar to the one described by the transfer function H'(s) / Qi(s)
=10/50s+ 1, where h is the tank level (m), q; is the flow rate (m3/s), the gain has units rn!
m3/s, or s/m2, and the time constant has units of seconds. The system is operating at steady
state with q = 0.4 m3/s and h = 4 m when a sinusoidal perturbation in inlet flow rate begins
with amplitude = 0.1 m3/s and a cyclic frequency of 0.002 cycles/s. What are the maximum
and minimum values of the tank level after the flow rate disturbance has occurred for 6 min
or more? What are the largest level perturbations expected as a result of sinusoidal variations
in flow rate with this amplitude? What is the effect of high-frequency variations, say, 0.2
cycles/s? 7

27. A process has the third-order transfer function (time constant in minutes), G p(s) = 2/(0.5s +
1)3. Also, Gv = 0.1 and Gm = 10. For a proportional controller, evaluate the stability of the closed-
loop control system using the Bode stability criterion and three values of Ke: 1, 4, and 20.

69. With the help of a neat sketch, discuss the working principle of resistance thermometer.

70. Sketch the Bode plots for the transfer function given below :
G ( s ) = 25/( (10s+1) (0.5s+1))
71. (a) What do you mean by SOPDT model?
72. Use the DS design method to calculate PID controller settings for the process:
G = 2e-s/(l0s + 1)(5s + 1)
Consider three values of the desired closed-loop time constant: c = 1, 3, and 10. Evaluate
the controllers for unit step changes in both the set point and the disturbance, assuming
that Gd = G. Repeat the evaluation for two cases: (a) The process model is perfect ( G =
G). (b) The model gain is incorrect, K = 0.9, instead of the actual value, K = 2. Thus,
G = 0.9e-s/(l0s + 1)(5s + 1). 3 + 12

73. (a) Formulate the open loop transfer function of block diagram

(b) Evaluate the stability of the closed-loop system for: Gp(s) = 4e-s/ 5s + 1
The time constant and time delay have units of minutes and, Gv = 2, Gm = 0.25, GC = Kc.
Obtain we and KCu from a Bode plot. 5 + 10

74. Draw the nyquist plot of the following transfer function

L( s )
( 2s 1)( s 1)( 1)
Design an industrial control system having the following block diagram
for the dominance condition .

75. Determine the Bode plot for the following transfer function
( s 3)
G ( s)
s ( s 1)(s 2)
How many roots of the characteristic equation of 3s3 + 4s2 + 2s + 3 =0 lie on the right
half plane of the imaginary axis.

76. (a) Determine the stability of the system having the characteristic equation as: s 6 +2s5+8s4
+12s3 + 20s2 + 16s + 16 = 0.
(b) What do you mean by relative stability analysis. 12+3

77. Consider PI control of an overdamped second-order process (time constants in minutes),

GP (s ) = 5/(s+1)(0.5s+1), Gm = Gv = 1. Determine the value of Kcu Use a Bode plot to show
that controller settings of KC = 0.4 and I = 0.2 min produce an unstable closed-loop system.
Find Kcm the maximum value of Ke that can be used with I = 0.2 min and still have closed-
loop stability. Show that I = 1 min results in a stable closed-loop system for all positive
values of KC.

78. (a) Explain with construction spiral and helix thermometer.

(b) What is meant by secondary fixed points? 10+5

79. (a) Explain with diagram necessity of cold junction compensation in thermocouple.
(b) State Seedback and Peltier effect. 10+5
80. (a) Derive the state equations for a continuous stirred tank heater. Also derive the transfer
function for the system.

(b) Derive an expression for the transfer function for a P-I-D controller. 8+7

81. (a) A thermometer having first order dynamics is placed in a temperature bath of 45 C.
After the temperature reaches the equilibrium with the bath. The bath temperature is
subjected to sinusoidal forcing function about its average temperature of 45 C with an
amplitude of 15 C. If the period of oscillation is 30 sec/cycle and the time constant of the
thermometer is 10 sec, determine the following: (i) maximum and minimum temperature
indicated by the thermometer. (ii) amplitude ratio . (iii) phase lag.

(b) What is a stable system? 13+2

82. (a) Draw the Bode plot of the following transfer function: ( s 5)( s 20)

(b) Predict the stability of the system s6 + 2s5 + 8s4 + 20s2 + 16s 16 = 0 9+6

83. In a process consists of non interacting two tank multi capacity control system in series in
inflow queue would be considered as the variable to be controlled. Inflows q 1 and q2
considered as load variables. Downstream head at the lower tank is considered constant. The
h1 is the head in the upper tank and q r and qo are the outflows at the upper and lower tanks
respectively. Assume the flow resistances to be linear. Determine the operational equation for
the overall system relating q, q1, q2 and q0 with the time constants 1 and 2 of the respective
tanks. Assuming that the inflows q1 and q2 are turned off and allowing a unit step change in
the flow rate q. Determine the process response equation. 15

84. (a) State the working principal of thermocouple with its advantage and disadvantage.
(b) Explain with diagram how e.m.f. is measured with thermocouple. 9+6

85. (a) Sketch the root locus diagram for the open loop transfer function by mention all the steps
K (0.5s 1)
G (s)
s ( s 1)(2 s 1)
(b) A step change of magnitude 4 is introduced into a system having a transfer function

Y (s) 10
X ( s ) s 1 .6 s 4
Calculate overshoot, the period of oscillation, maximum value, decay ratio and ultimate
value of Y(t) 8+7

86. (a) The overall transfer function of a system is given by

3.8e .1s
G p ( s)
3s 1
Find the PID controller settings using Ziegler-Nichols rules
(b) Define the relative advantage and disadvantages of feedback and feed forward control
(c) A liquid lever system as shown in the figure
Has a constant area of 3.0 m. the valve characteristics are q0 = 8h, where q0 is the
outflow in cfm, h is the level above the valve, m. calculate the time constant for the
system if the average operating level is 9 m. 6+3+6

87. (a) Give the types of RTD. What is meant by NTC and PTC.
(b) Explain sources of error in filled system thermometer. 5+10

88. (a) What are the types of Bourdon tube and describe c-type Bourdon tube.
(b) How pressure is measured in well type and inclined manometer. 9+6

89. (a) Write short note on control valve and its characteristics curve.
(b) What are the differences between open loop and close system.
(c) A pneumatic proportional controller is used to control temperature with the range of 60 0
to 100 0F. The controller is adjusted so that the output pressure goes from 3 psi (valve
fully open) to 15 psi (valve fully closed) as the measured temperature goes for 71 0 to 750
F with the set point held constant. Find the gain and proportional band. If the proportional
band of the controller is changed to 75%, find the temperature change and the gain
necessary to cause a valve to go from fully open to fully close. 5+3+7

90. (a) What are the limitations of Routh-Hurwith criterion?

(b) What will be the maximum value of Kc such that a closed loop system having the
following equation is stable?
s3 + 6s2 +11s +6(1+Kc) = 0
(c) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the principle of operation of an inductive type
pressure transducer. 3+6+6

91. (a) Plot the root locus diagram for the open loop transfer function
( S 1)( S 2)( S 3)
(c) Determine the Bode stability criterion for the transfer function
Ks 2
G ( s) 6+9
(1 .2 s )(1 .02 s )
92. (a) Explain how resistance and corresponding temperature is measured in resistance
thermometer. Draw bridge arrangement.
(b) State any four application of bimetallic thermometer. 9+6
93. A pump furnishes a constant head of 40 psi over the entire flow rate range of interest. The
heat exchanger pressure drop is 30 psig at 200 gaUmin (q d) and can be assumed to be
proportional to q2. Select the rated Cv of the valve and plot the installed characteristic for the
following cases: (a) A linear valve that is half open at the design flow rate. (b) An equal
percentage valve (R = 50) that is sized to be completely open at 110% of the design flow rate.
(c) Same as in (b), except with a Cv that is 20% higher than calculated. (d) Same as in (b),
except with a Cv that is 20% lower than calculated. 15

94. (a) In a PID controller the error is increased linearly at the rate of 5 0C/min. The proportional
sensitivity of the PID controller is 4 the reset rate is 1 and the derivative time is 0.5. Obtain
the response equation of the controller.

(b) Define the applications of the pneumatic control valves

(c) Define the difference between pneumatic controllers and electronic controllers. 5+5+5

95. (a) Explain with neat sketch, the working principle of orifice meter.
(b) What are the advantages and limitations of filled system thermometer? 8+7

96. (a) The block diagram of a control system is given as follows:

97. Write short note on any three of the following: 53

(a) Bimetallic thermometer.
(b) Liquid in gas thermometer.
(c) Radiation pyrometer.
(d) Optical pyrometer.
(e) Liquid and gas filled thermometer.
(f) Thermistor
(g) Comparison between resistance thermometer and thermister.

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