Question Bank Linear Control Systems
Question Bank Linear Control Systems
Question Bank Linear Control Systems
Question Bank
1. An impulse function is a derivative of __ function
a) Parabolic
b) Step
c) Ramp
d) Linear
2. A signal whose value changes from one level to other level in no time is
known as __ signal
a) Impulse
b) Step
c) Ramp
d) Parabolic
3. The overshoot (an indication of the largest error between the actual and
desired output) is the ratio of:
a) Transient error to peak error
b) Dynamic error to peak error
c) Maximum overshoot to final desired value
d) None of the above
4. Error constants of the system are measure of:
a) Relative stability
b) Transient state response
c) Steady state response
d) Steady state as well as transient state response
5. The frequency and time domain are related through:
a) Laplace transform
b) Fourier transform
c) Laplace transform and fourier integral
d) None of the above
6. Velocity error constant of the system is measured when the input of the
system is unit ___ function
a) Ramp
b) Impulse
c) Step
d) Parabolic
7. Transient function of the system and the response in terms of Laplace
transform are the same for __ function
a) Unit impulse
b) Ramp
c) Unit step
d) Parabolic
8. A unit step function on integration results in a:
a) Unit doublet
b) Unit ramp function
c) Unit parabolic function
d) None of the above
9. The integral control:
a) Increases the steady state error
b) Decreases the steady state error
c) Increases the noise and stability
d) Decreases the damping coefficient
10. A signal other than the reference input that tends to affect the value of
controlled variable is termed as:
a) Command
b) Error signal
c) Disturbance
d) Actuating signal
11. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of
(a) reference and output
(b) reference and input
(c) input and feedback signal
(d) output and feedback signal
12. Control engineering is applicable to which fields of engineering?
(a) Chemical and environmental
(b) Electrical and biomedical
(c) Mechanical and aerospace
(d) All of the above
13. The positioning system of a printer can be modeled as
Y (s)
10( s 50)
R( s)
s 60s 500
Where the input R (s) represents the desired position and Y (s ) is the output
position. If the input is a unit step input, the final value of the output is:
y SS lim t y (t ) 1
y SS lim t y (t ) 100
y SS lim t y (t ) 50
The closed loop transfer function for the above block is given by:
T (s)
s 55s 10
T (s)
s 55s 50
T (s)
s 55s 55
(d)None of the above
Consider the block diagram below for Problems 16 through 18:
s 10s 25
T (s)
s 5s 50
T (s)
s 5s 56
T (s)
s 10 s 15
20 20 5t
e t 2 e 5 t
25 25
y (t ) 1 20te 5t
y (t )
20 20 5t
e 4te 5t
25 25
y SS lim t y (t ) 1.25
y SS lim t y (t ) 1.0
y SS lim t y (t ) 2.0
y SS lim t y (t ) 0.8
s1 j , s 2 j
s1 1, s 2 1
s1 1, s 2 2
, s1 3.70, s 2,3 23.2 63.2 j
s 50s 4500 s 16000
T (s)
, s1 3.70, s 2 23.2, s3 63.2
s 50s 4500s 16000
T (s)
, s1 3.70, s 2,3 23.2 61.59 j
s 50s 4500 s 16000
T (s)
, s1 3.70, s 2 86.29
50 s 4500 s 16000
1 5s
G ( s)
1 5s
(a) The disturbance D(s) occurs at high frequency, while the input R(s)
occurs at low frequency.
(b)This is a linear system, therefore we can apply the principle of
(c) The system is casual.
(d)The input R(s) does not influence the disturbance D(s).
e SS lim t e(t ) 0
e SS lim t e(t )
e SS lim t e(t ) 1
e SS lim t e(t ) 0.5
Consider the following closed-loop control system for Problems 24 and 25:
e SS lim t e(t ) 0
e SS lim t e(t ) 1 6
e SS lim t e(t ) 1 2
e SS lim t e(t )
25. The percent overshoot of the output to a unit step input is approximately:
(a) PO = 20%
(b)PO = 9%
(c) PO = 1%
(d)No overshoot
26. A system has the characteristic equation:
(a) p1(s)
(c) p1(s)
Where K is always positive. The limiting gain for a stable system is:
(a) K < 27075
(b)K < 28875
(c) K < 25050
(d)Stable for all K >0
30. Consider the lateral position control system for a landing on aircraft
s1 1, s 2,3
s1 1, s 2,3 1
s1 1, s 2,3 1
s1 1, s 2,3
(a) True
(b) False
33. The roots of the characteristic equation are the zeros of the closed-loop
(a) True
34. A linear system satisfies the properties of superposition and
(a) True
(b) False
35. A time-invariant control system is a system for which one or more of the
parameters of the system may vary as a function of time.
(a) True
(b) False
36. Assuming no dependencies, an electrical circuit having 10 inductors and
5 capacitors will consist of how many state equations:
(a) 12
(b) 11
(c) 10
(d) 15
37. Transfer function approach can only be used to model:
(a) Linear time-invariant systems
(b) Non-linear systems
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
38. State space approach can be used to model:
(a) Linear time-invariant systems
(b) Nonlinear Systems
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
39. In a signal flow graph:
(a) A system is represented by a node, while a signal is represented by a
(b) A system is represented by a branch, while a signal is represented by a
(c) Either (a) or (b).