Theory of Metal Cutting

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Department of Automobile Engineering
SRM University, kattankulathur campus
What Do We Use To Cut A Apple ?
Which Tool?

Knife is Harder

Knife is Sharper

It is used to cut, with ease

i.e Approach Angle
What Do We Use To Cut Steel or Cast Iron or
Stainless Steel?

Tungsten Carbide Since its harder than

most of the materials.
Diamond is hardest than all other materials.
What is Common in this Process?

What is Common in this Process?

What is required for machining?

Depth of Cut - Preset interference

between tool and
work piece

Feed - Motion to bring in additional

material for machining

Speed - What generates the basic

wedge and cuts
Machine Classifications

Turning Center or Lathe

Vertical Machining Centre (VMC)

Horizontal Machining Centre (HMC)

Special Purpose Machines (SPM)

Zones of Heat Generation

Chip Tool Interface

Shear Zone


Tool Work
Heat Dissipation

80% Energy is 18% of Energy

converted to heat is converted to heat


2% of energy
converted to heat

Gradual Tool Wear

Unavoidable but

Premature Wear or
How Do We Rate Machinability?

Tool life in minutes

Cutting forces and Power consumed

Quality of Surface Finish

Chip formation

Material removal rate

Manufacturing Technology
Broad classification of Engineering Manufacturing Processes.
It is extremely difficult to tell the exact number of various manufacturing
processes existing and are being practiced presently because very large
number of processes have been developed till now and the number is still
increasing exponentially with the growing demands and rapid progress in
science and technology.
However, all such manufacturing processes can be broadly classified in
four major groups as follows
Shaping or forming
Manufacturing a solid product of definite size and shape from a
given material taken in three possible states:
in liquid or semi-liquid state e.g., casting, injection moulding etc.
in solid state e.g., forging rolling, extrusion, drawing etc.
in powder form e.g., powder metallurgical process.
Manufacturing Technology
Joining process
Welding, brazing, soldering etc.
Removal or Cutting process
Machining (Traditional or Non-traditional), Grinding etc.
Regenerative manufacturing Process
Production of solid products in layer by layer from raw materials in
different form:
liquid e.g., stereo lithography
powder e.g., selective sintering
sheet e.g., LOM (laminated object manufacturing)
wire e.g., FDM. (Fused Deposition Modeling)
Out of the fore said groups, Regenerative Manufacturing is the latest one
which is generally accomplished very rapidly and quite accurately using
CAD and CAM for Rapid Prototyping and Tooling.
Manufacturing Technology
Material Removal Processes Metal Cutting Process

A family of shaping operations, the common feature of which is

removal of material from a starting work part so the remaining part
has the desired geometry

Traditional Process (Machining) Material removal by a sharp

cutting tool, e.g., turning, milling, drilling

Nontraditional processes - Various energy forms other than sharp

cutting tool to remove material. e.g., Laser and Electron Beam

Abrasive processes Material removal by hard, abrasive particles,

e.g., grinding
Manufacturing Technology
Why Machining is Important

Variety of work materials can be machined

Most frequently used to cut metals

Variety of part shapes and special geometric features possible, such as:

Screw threads

Accurate round holes

Very straight edges and surfaces

Good dimensional accuracy and surface finish

Manufacturing Technology
Disadvantages with Machining

Wasteful of material

Chips generated in machining are wasted material, at least in the

unit operation

Time consuming

A machining operation generally takes more time to shape a given

part than alternative shaping processes, such as casting, powder
metallurgy, or forming
Manufacturing Technology
Machining in Manufacturing Sequence

Generally performed after other manufacturing processes, such as

casting, forging, and bar drawing

Other processes create the general shape of the starting work part

Machining provides the final shape, dimensions, finish, and

special geometric details that other processes cannot create
Manufacturing Technology
Machining Operations

Most important machining operations




Other machining operations

Shaping and planing


Manufacturing Technology

Single point cutting tool removes material from a rotating

work piece to form a cylindrical shape
Manufacturing Technology

Used to create a round hole, usually by means of a

rotating tool (drill bit) with two cutting edges
Manufacturing Technology

(c) peripheral milling (d) face milling.

Rotating multiple-cutting-edge tool is moved across

work to cut a plane or straight surface
Manufacturing Technology
Machining requirements

The blank and the cutting tool are properly mounted (in fixtures) and moved in a powerful
device called machine tool enabling gradual removal of layer of material from the work
surface resulting in its desired dimensions and surface finish. Additionally some
environment called cutting fluid is generally used to ease machining by cooling and
Manufacturing Technology
Machine Tool - Definition

A machine tool is a non-portable power operated and reasonably

valued device or system of devices in which energy is expended to
produce jobs of desired size, shape and surface finish by removing
excess material from the preformed blanks in the form of chips with
the help of cutting tools moved past the work surface's.
Basic functions of Machine Tools

Machine Tools basically produce geometrical surfaces like flat,

cylindrical or any contour on the preformed blanks by machining
work with the help of cutting tools.
Manufacturing Technology
The physical functions of a Machine Tool in machining are

Firmly holding the blank and the tool

Transmit motions to the tool and the blank

Provide power to the tool-work pair for the machining action.

Control of the machining parameters, (speed, feed and depth of cut).

Manufacturing Technology
Classification of cutting tools

Single-Point Cutting Edge Tools

One dominant cutting edge

Point is usually rounded to form a nose radius

Turning uses single point tools

Multiple Point Cutting Edge Tools

More than one cutting edge

Motion relative to work achieved by rotating

Drilling and milling use rotating multiple cutting edge tools

Manufacturing Technology
Cutting Tools

a. Single-Point Cutting Tool b. Multi-Point Cutting Tool

Figure (a) A single-point tool showing rake face, flank, and tool point; and (b) a helical
milling cutter, representative of tools with multiple cutting edges.
Manufacturing Technology
Tool signature for single point cutting tool

Manufacturing Technology
Tool signature for single point cutting tool
It is the main body of the tool
The surface of the tool adjacent to the cutting edge
The surface on which the chip slides
It is the point where the side cutting edge and end cutting edge intersect
Nose Radius
Strengthens finishing point of tool
Cutting Edge
It is the edge on the face of the tool which removes the material from the
work piece
Side cutting edge angle
Angle between side cutting edge and the side of the tool shank
Manufacturing Technology
Tool signature for single point cutting tool
End cutting edge angle
Angle between end cutting edge and the line normal to the tool shank
Side Relief angle
Angle between the portion of the side flank immediately below the side
cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool, measured at
right angle to the side flank
End Relief angle
Angle between the portion of the end flank immediately below the end
cutting edge and a line perpendicular to the base of the tool, measured at
right angle to the end flank
Side Rake angle
Angle between the tool face and a line parallel to the base of the tool and
measured in a plane perpendicular to the base and the side cutting edge
Back Rake angle
Angle between the tool face and a line parallel to the base of the tool and
measured in a plane perpendicular to the side cutting edge
Manufacturing Technology
Single Point Cutting Tool Terminology-2D

Manufacturing Technology
Single Point Cutting Tool Terminology 3D
Manufacturing Technology
Cutting Tool Materials
Carbon steels, High-speed steels
Cast carbides, Cemented carbides, Coated carbides
Cermets, Ceramic Tools
Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN)
Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD)
Properties of Cutting Tool Materials
Harder than work piece.
High toughness
High thermal shock resistance
Low adhesion to work piece material
Low diffusivity to work piece material
Manufacturing Technology
Theory of Metal Cutting
Metal cutting or machining is the process of producing a work piece
by removing unwanted material from a block of metal, in the form of
This process is most important since almost all the products get their
final shape and size by metal removal, either directly or indirectly.

Figure (a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process,

(b) tool with negative rake angle; compare with positive rake angle in (a).
Manufacturing Technology
Orthogonal and oblique cutting
Orthogonal cutting
The cutting edge of the tool is straight and perpendicular to the direction
of motion. (surface finish)
Oblique cutting
The cutting edge of the tool is set at an angle to the direction of
motion.(depth of cut)
The Mechanism of Cutting
Cutting action involves shear deformation of work material to form a chip.
As chip is removed, new surface is exposed
Orthogonal Cutting - assumes that the cutting edge of the tool is set in a
position that is perpendicular to the direction of relative work or tool
motion. This allows us to deal with forces that act only in one plane.

(a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process, (b) tool with negative rake angle;
compare with positive rake angle in (a).
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting

Orthogonal Cutting
Ideal Orthogonal Cutting is when the cutting edge of the tool is straight and

perpendicular to the direction of motion.

During machining, the material is removed in form of chips, which are

generated by shear deformation along a plane called the shear plane.

The surface the chip flows across is called the face or rake face.

The surface that forms the other boundary of the wedge is called the flank.

The rake angle is the angle between the tool face and a line perpendicular to

the cutting point of the work piece surface.

Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
The relief or clearance angle is the angle between the tool flank and the
newly formed surface of the work piece angle.
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Orthogonal cutting model:
t1 = un deformed chip thickness

t2 = deformed chip thickness (usually t2 > t1)

= rake angle

If we are using a lathe, t1 is the feed per revolution.

The Mechanism of Cutting
In turning, w = depth of cut and t1= feed
The Mechanism of Cutting

Cutting force (Fc) is tangential and Thrust force is axial (Ft)

Cutting forces in a turning operation

Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Chip thickness ratio (or) cutting ratio

Cutting ratio r
r = chip thickness ratio or cutting ratio;
t1 = thickness of the chip prior to chip formation;
t2 = chip thickness after separation
Which one is more correct?
r 1
Chip thickness after cut always greater than before, so chip ratio always
less than 1.0
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Shear Plane Angle
Based on the geometric parameters of the orthogonal model, the shear
plane angle can be determined as:

r cos
1 r sin
r = chip thickness ratio or cutting ratio;
= Rake angle
= Shear angle
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Shear Plane Angle Proof
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Shear Strain in chip formation

(a) chip formation depicted as a series of parallel plates sliding relative to each other, (b) one of the
plates isolated to show shear strain, and (c) shear strain triangle used to derive strain equation.
Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Shear Strain in chip formation

Shear strain in machining can be computed from the following equation,

based on the preceding parallel plate model:

= tan( - ) + cot

= shear strain

= shear angle

= rake angle of cutting tool

Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting
Shear Strain Proof

From the shear strain triangle (image c slide 35)



AD/DB = Cot

DC/DB = tan ( - )

Therefore = Cot + tan ( - )

= tan( - ) + cot
Manufacturing Technology
Chip formation
Mechanics of metal cutting is greatly depend on the shape and size of
the chips formed.

More realistic view of chip formation, showing shear zone rather than shear plane.
Also shown is the secondary shear zone resulting from tool-chip friction.
Manufacturing Technology
Four Basic Type of Chips in Machining are

Discontinuous chip

Continuous chip

Continuous chip with Built-up Edge (BUE)

Serrated chip
Manufacturing Technology
Discontinuous chip
When brittle materials like cast iron are cut, the deformed material
gets fractured very easily and thus the Chip produced is in the form
of discontinuous segments
Brittle work materials
Low cutting speeds
Large feed and depth of cut
High tool-chip friction
Manufacturing Technology
Continuous chip
Continuous chips are normally produced when machining steel or
ductile materials at high cutting speeds. The continuous chip which
is like a ribbon flows along the rake face.
Ductile work materials
High cutting speeds
Small feeds and depths
Sharp cutting edge
Low tool-chip friction
Manufacturing Technology
Continuous chip with Built-up Edge (BUE)
When the friction between tool and chip is high while machining ductile
materials, some particles of chip adhere to the tool rake face near the tool tip.
When such sizeable material piles upon the rake face, it acts as a cutting edge
in place of the actual cutting edge is termed as built up edge (BUE). By virtue
of work hardening, BUE is harder than the parent work material
Ductile materials
Low-to-medium cutting speeds
Tool-chip friction causes portions of
chip to adhere to rake face
BUE forms, then breaks off, cyclically
Manufacturing Technology
Serrated chip

Semi Continuous ( saw tooth appearance) chips produced when machining

tool steels or Harden materials at high cutting speeds.
Ductile materials
Low-to-medium cutting speeds
Tool-chip friction causes portions of
chip to adhere to rake face
BUE forms, then breaks off, cyclically
Manufacturing Technology
Chip Breakers
Long continuous chip are undesirable
Chip breaker is a piece of metal clamped to the rake surface of the tool which
bends the chip and breaks it
Chips can also be broken by changing the tool geometry, thereby controlling
the chip flow

Fig. (a) Schematic illustration of the action of a chip breaker .(b) Chip breaker Clamped
on the rake of a cutting tool. (c) Grooves in cutting tools acting as chip breakers
Force & Velocity Relationships
and the Merchant Equation
Manufacturing Technology
Forces Acting on Chip
Friction force F and Normal force to friction N
Shear force Fs and Normal force to shear Fn

Forces in metal cutting: (a) forces acting on the chip in orthogonal cutting
Manufacturing Technology
Cutting Force and Thrust Force
F, N, Fs and Fn cannot be measured directly, in order to measure these
forces the forces acting on the tool to be measured initially
Cutting force Fc and Thrust force Ft

Forces in metal cutting: (b) forces acting on the tool that can be measured
Manufacturing Technology
Resultant Forces

Vector addition of F and N = resultant R

Vector addition of Fs and Fn = resultant R'

Forces acting on the chip must be in balance:

R' must be equal in magnitude to R

R must be opposite in direction to R

R must be collinear with R

Manufacturing Technology
Shear Stress
Shear stress acting along the shear plane

where As = area of the shear plane


Shear stress = shear strength of work material during cutting

Shear Stress- Effect of Higher Shear Plane Angle
Shear angle and its significance
Effect of Higher Shear Plane Angle
Higher shear plane angle means smaller shear plane which means lower
shear force, cutting forces, power, and temperature

Effect of shear plane angle : (a) higher with a resulting lower shear plane area; (b) smaller with a
corresponding larger shear plane area. Note that the rake angle is larger in (a), which tends to increase
shear angle according to the Merchant equation
Force Calculations
The forces and angles involved in
cutting are drawn here,

Having seen the vector based

determination of the cutting
forces, we can now look at
equivalent calculations:

Where The coefficient of friction
Force Calculations

Where the Resultant force R is Given by

R Fc2 Ft 2 Fs2 Fn2 F 2 N 2

Force Calculations
We can write the cutting and
thrust forces in terms of the
shear force:
Velocity Calculations
Having seen the vector based
determination of the cutting
forces, we can now look at
equivalent calculations:
Vc= Cutting velocity (ft/min) as
set or measured on the machine
Vs= Shearing velocity
Vf= Frictional velocity

Using the sign rules:

Vs Vc

sin 90 sin 90o

Vc sin 90
Vc cos Vc sin
Vs Vf
sin 90 cos
Cutting Force Vs Rake Angle
The effects of rake angle on cutting force are shown in the graph below,
Manufacturing Technology
The Merchant Equation
To determine he assumed the minimum energy principle applied in
metal cutting so that the deformation process adjusted itself to a
minimum energy condition.
Of all the possible angles at which shear deformation can occur, the
work material will select a shear plane angle that minimizes energy,
given by

2 2
Derived by Eugene Merchant
Manufacturing Technology
What the Merchant Equation Tells Us

To increase shear plane angle

Increase the rake angle ()

Reduce the friction angle () or coefficient of friction

2 2
Merchant's Force Circle
Merchant's Force Circle is a method for
calculating the various forces involved
in the cutting process.
1. Set up x-y axis labeled with forces, and
the origin in the centre of the page. The
scale should be enough to include both
the measured forces. The cutting force
(Fc) is drawn horizontally, and the
tangential force (Ft) is drawn vertically.
(These forces will all be in the lower left
hand quadrant).

Merchant's Force Circle

Merchant's Force Circle
2. Draw in the resultant (R) of Fc and Ft.
3. Locate the centre of R, and draw a circle
that encloses vector R. If done correctly,
the heads and tails of all 3 vectors will
lie on this circle.
4. Draw in the cutting tool in the upper
right hand quadrant, taking care to draw
the correct rake angle () from the
vertical axis.
5. Extend the line that is the cutting face of
the tool (at the same rake angle) through
the circle. This now gives the friction
vector (F).
Merchant's Force Circle
Merchant's Force Circle
6. A line can now be drawn from the head of the
friction vector, to the head of the resultant vector
(R). This gives the normal vector (N). Also add a
friction angle () between vectors R and N. As a
side note recall that any vector can be broken
down into components. Therefore,
mathematically, R = Fc + Ft = F + N.
7. We next use the chip thickness, compared to the
cut depth to find the shear force. To do this, the
chip is drawn on before and after cut. Before
drawing, select some magnification factor (e.g.,
200 times) to multiply both values by. Draw a
feed thickness line (t1) parallel to the horizontal
axis. Next draw a chip thickness line parallel to
the tool cutting face. Merchant's Force Circle
Merchant's Force Circle
8. Draw a vector from the origin (tool point) towards
the intersection of the two chip lines, stopping at
the circle. The result will be a shear force vector
(Fs). Also measure the shear force angle between
Fs and Fc.

9. Finally add the shear force normal (Fn) from the

head of Fs to the head of R.

10. Use a scale and protractor to measure off all

distances (forces) and angles.

Merchant's Force Circle

Manufacturing Technology
Power and Energy Relationships
There are a number of reasons for wanting to calculate the power consumed
in cutting. These numbers can tell us how fast we can cut, or how large the
motor on a machine must be. Having both the forces and velocities found
with the Merchant for Circle, we are able to calculate the power,
The power to perform machining can be computed from:
Pc = Fc . Vc in kw
Pc = Fc . Vc / 33,000 in HP
Pc = cutting power in KW
Fc = cutting force in KN
Vc = cutting speed in m/min
Manufacturing Technology
Power and Energy Relationships
There are a number of reasons for wanting to calculate the power consumed
in cutting. These numbers can tell us how fast we can cut, or how large the
motor on a machine must be. Having both the forces and velocities found
with the Merchant for Circle, we are able to calculate the power,
The power to perform machining can be computed from:
Pc = Fc . Vc in kw
Pc = Fc . Vc / 33,000 in HP
Pc = cutting power in KW
Fc = cutting force in KN
Vc = cutting speed in m/min
Manufacturing Technology
Power and Energy Relationships
Gross power to operate the machine tool Pg or HPg is given by

Pg c HPg
E or E
E = mechanical efficiency of machine tool
Typical E for machine tools 90%

There are losses in the machine that must be considered when estimating the size of
the electric motor required:

Pg Pt
Pt = power required to run the machine at no-load conditions (hp or kW)
Manufacturing Technology
Power and Energy Relationships
Useful to convert power into power per unit volume rate of metal cut (power to cut
one cubic inch per minute)

Called unit power, Pu or unit horsepower, HPu

Pc HPc

where RMR = material removal rate

Manufacturing Technology
Power and Energy Relationships
Unit power is also known as the specific energy U

Pc Fc Vc Fc
U Pu
RMR Vc t1 w t1 w

Units for specific energy are typically N-m/mm3 or J/mm3 (in-lb/in3)

Specific energy is in fact pressure and sometimes is called specific cutting


Manufacturing Technology
Cutting Temperature
Approximately 98% of the energy in machining is converted into
This can cause temperatures to be very high at the tool-chip
The remaining energy (about 2%) is retained as elastic energy in the
High cutting temperatures
Reduce tool life
Produce hot chips that pose safety hazards to the machine operator
Can cause inaccuracies in part dimensions due to thermal expansion
of work material
Manufacturing Technology
Process Parameters
Speed (v), Feed (f), Depth of Cut (d)
Material Removal Rate (MRR) = f x d x v
Manufacturing Technology
Shear angle and its significance

Shear angle() is the angle made by the shear plane with the
cutting speed vector.

Shear angle is very important parameter I metal cutting.

Higher the shear angle, better is the cutting performance.

In metal cutting it is observed that a higher rake angles give

rise to higher shear angles
Manufacturing Technology
Tool Wear

Tools get worn out due to long term usage

Types of Tool Wear

Flank wear (VB)

It occurs on the relief face of the tool and the side relief angle.

Crater wear (KT)

It occurs on the rake face of the tool.

Notch wear or Chipping (VN)

Breaking away of a small piece from the cutting edge of the tool
Manufacturing Technology
Tool Wear
Crater wear (KT)

Notch wear (VN)

Flank wear (VB)

Flank wear rate based on cutting speed

Manufacturing Technology
Tool Wear

Fig (a) Flank and crater wear in a cutting tool. tool moves to the left. (b) View of the rake of a turning tool,
showing nose radius R and crater wear pattern on the rake face of the tool c) View of the flank face of a
turning tool, sowing the average flank wear land VB and the depth-of-cut line (wear notch)
Manufacturing Technology
Tool Life
Tool life represents the useful life of the tool, expressed generally in time
units from the start of cut to some end point defined by a failure criterion.
Tool Life Prediction
Taylors tool life equation predicts tool failure based on flank wear of the tool

Vt n C
V is the cutting speed, t is the tool life,
n is Taylor exponent.
n=0.125 for HSS
n=0.25 for Carbide
n=0.5 for Coated Carbide/Ceramic
C is a constant given for work piece material
Manufacturing Technology
Machinability is a system property that indicates how easy a material can be
machined at low cost.
Good machinabililty may mean one or more of the following: cutting with
minimum energy, minimum tool wear, good surface finish, etc.
Quantitative measures of machinability
Machinability index: an average rating stated in comparison with reference
materials. This measure can be misleading.
Tool life: service time in minutes or seconds to total failure by chipping or
cracking of the tool at certain cutting speed, or the volume of material
removed before total failure.
Surface finish produced at standardized cutting speeds and feeds.
Others based on cutting force, power, temperature, or chip formation.
Manufacturing Technology
Machinable Materials

Good machinable materials should have the following properties

Low ductility, low strain-hardening exponent (n), low fracture toughness.

Low shear strength (low TS), low hardness.

A strong metallurgical bond (adhesion) between tool and work piece is

undesirable when it weakens the tool material.

Very hard compounds, such as some oxides, all carbides, many inter metallic
compounds, and elements such as silicon, embedded in the work piece
material accelerate tool wear, thus should be avoided.

Inclusions that soften at high temperatures are beneficial.

High thermal conductivity is helpful.

Manufacturing Technology
Machinable Materials
Ferrous materials
Carbon steels: annealed, heat-treated (spheroidized), cold worked
Free-machining steels: special inclusions
Alloy steels: hard
Stainless steels: high strength, low thermal conductivity, high strain
hardening rate
Cast iron: white, gray, nodular cast iron
Non-ferrous materials
Zinc, Magnesium, Aluminum alloys, Beryllium, Copper-based alloys,
Nickel-based alloys and super alloys,
Titanium, Plastics, composites.
Manufacturing Technology
Factors Affecting Machining
Manufacturing Technology
Cutting Fluids

A fluid which is used in machining as well as abrasive machining

processes to reduce friction and tool wear

Function of cutting fluids



Chip removal


Straight Oil (Petroleum based oils)

Soluble Oil (water based oils)

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