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IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No.

4, (April 2016) 581-589

International Journal of Engineering RESEARCH

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Comparative Study of the Performance of Static Synchronous Compensator, Series

Compensator and Compensator /Battery Integrated to a Fixed Wind Turbine

E. Jamila*a, S. Abdelmjidb
a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology FST, Road Immouzer, Fez, Morocco
b Engineering, systems and applications Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences of Fez (ENSA)


Paper history: This paper studies the interest of the integration of battery energy storage with Static Synchronous
Received 31 August 2015 Compensator (STATCOM) for improving the low voltage ride through capability (LVRT) of a fixed
Received in revised form 14 April 2016 speed wind turbine connected to the grid. For this reason and by applying a grid fault, a comparison is
Accepted 14 April 2016
made between integrating the SSSC, the STATCOM and the STATCOM with battery energy storage.
The system with the aforementioned flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) systems
Keywords: is simulated using MATLAB/SIMSCAPE and the results show that the STATCOM with a battery is
Fixed Speed Wind Turbine most efficient in terms of improving the LVRT of a fixed speed wind turbine.
Static Synchronous Compensator
Low Voltage Ride Through Capability Static
Synchronous Series Compensator
Static Synchronous Compensator doi: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2016.29.04a.18


battery energy storage.
The penetration of wind power into the electric power For this purpose, we model in
systems is in constant growth, which presents a great MATLAB/SIMSCAPE, the system under grid fault with
challenge to meet the network requirements. Indeed, firstly the STATCOM, the SSSC and finally with
with the increasing share of energy from the wind STATCOM/battery energy storage. These FACTS
power system, wind turbines have to remain connected devices are evaluated for their performances in terms of
to the grid in transient voltage conditions in order to be under voltage requirements and from the simulation
in compliance with the grid codes which vary according results, a comparison of their performances is presented.
to the transmission system operator (TSO) [1, 2]. The
grid requires that wind turbines be treated as
conventional production units and participate in the 2. SYSTEM PRESENTATION
regulation of active and reactive power and voltage
control, and system frequency [3]. The system consists of a fixed speed wind turbine
In this paper, we examine the ability of a fixed speed connected to the grid. The FACTS device (STATCOM,
wind turbine to gather under voltage grid requirements SSSC or STATCOM with battery) is connected between
and stabilize the grid voltage during faults by applying the wind turbine and the grid at the point of common
the FACTS devices. The performance of this system coupling PCC (Figure 1) in order to improve power
with either the STATCOM system compensating device quality during faults.
or the SSSC has been shown in several studies but the
objective of this study is to compare the performance of 2. 1. Wind Turbine Wind turbines are systems that
harness the kinetic energy of the wind for useful power.
*Corresponding Authors Email: (E. Jamila) Wind flows over the rotor of a wind turbine cause

Please cite this article as: E. Jamila, S. Abdelmjid, Comparative Study of the Performance of Static Synchronous Compensator, Series
Compensator and Compensator /Battery Integrated to a Fixed Wind Turbine, International Journal of Engineering (IJE), TRANSACTIONS A:
Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589
E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589 582

Figure 1. SCIG connected to the grid

Figure 2. STATCOM control scheme [9]

it to rotate on a shaft. The resulting shaft power can be

used for mechanical work, like pumping water, or to It is a voltage source converter which injects, from a DC
turn a generator to produce electrical power [4].
voltage source (capacitor), an almost sinusoidal voltage
For converting kinetic energy into electrical energy,
two different approaches exist, fixed speed and variable of variable and controllable amplitude and phase angle,
speed [5]. The fixed speed wind turbines using squirrel- in series with a transmission line [10].
cage induction generators (SCIGs) are the traditional The injected voltage is almost in quadrature with the
ones while the variable speed wind turbines have line current in order to increase or decrease the overall
received increasing attention during the past decades. reactive voltage drop across the line and thus control the
Although the use of variable speed wind turbines is the reactive power flows.
trend, fixed speed wind turbines are still used widely The control system (Figure 3) implements a PWM
especially in offshore wind farms [6, 7]. that generates the switching signals for the VSC from
In this work, the fixed speed wind turbine using the calculated d and q components of the converter
squirrel-cage induction generator is used. During a fault, voltage [9].
squirrel-cage induction generator will accelerate due to
the imbalance between the mechanical power extracted 2. 4. STATCOM/Battery Without an energy
from the wind and the electrical power delivered to the storage system, FACTS devices can support the grid
grid. After a fault, the generator consumes reactive with only reactive energy. By integrating an energy
power and it slows down voltage restoration. When the storage system (ESS) with FACTS devices, an
voltage does not rise quickly enough, the generator independent real and reactive power absorption or
continues to accelerate and consume even larger amount injection into and from the grid is possible.
of reactive power. This process may eventually lead to Since the STATCOM is the most important FACTS
voltage and rotor speed instability, if the wind turbine is device, the combination of STATCOM with ESS
connected to a weak grid. To prevent these types of enables significant performance improvements over
instabilities, the fact devices can be connected to the traditional STATCOM. In fact, with this combination, it
system. is possible to control also the active power flow
between the STATCOM and the grid unlike the
2. 2. STATCOM The Static Synchronous STATCOM without ESS which allows an exchange of
Compensator (STATCOM) is a switching converter- reactive energy only.
based, shunt connected device used to regulate voltage
and power flow on electric power systems by means of
reactive power injection or absorption [8]. This device
consists of a voltage-sourced converter (VSC), which
generates a controlled AC voltage at its output, with the
use of a coupling transformer, DC capacitor and power
electronics [9]. The converter is controlled by PWM
techniques (Figure 2).

2. 3. SSSC The Static Synchronous Series

Compensator (SSSC) is one of important FACTS
Figure 3. Systematic diagram of SSSC
583 E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589

The ability to control the active power and reactive 3. SYSTEM MODELING IN MATLAB/SIMSCAPE
power is highly effective especially for damping rapidly
the oscillations and responding to sudden load
transients. The wind energy generating system is connected to the
The combination STATCOM with ESS is realized grid through a transmission line of 25 km. We apply a
by integrating an ESS to the DC bus of the STATCOM. fault to the system in order to measure the performance
The ESS used are: Superconducting Magnetic Energy of the different FACTS devices: STATCOM, SSSC and
Storage (SMES), Flywheel Energy Storage (FES), STATCOM/battery. So, we have three topologies to
Advanced Capacitors and Battery Energy Storage. The model in MATLAB/SIMSCAPE.
Battery Energy Storage is the best suited in STATCOM The model of the system with the STATCOM is
since it rapidly injects or absorbed reactive power to illustrated in Figure 4. The detailed model of the
stabilize the grid system. It also controls the distribution subsystem wind turbine is illustrated in Figure 5.
and transmission system in a very fast rate.

Figure 4. Model in SIMSCAPE of the wind turbine with STATCOM during fault

Figure 5. Model in SIMASCAPE of the wind turbine system

E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589 584

3. 1. Model of the System with STATCOM The 3. 1. 3. Model of Gear Train In the model below
block wind couple shown in Figure 8, calculates the (shown in Figure 8), simple and planetary gears are used
aerodynamic torque applied to the blades. This torque to transfer torque up and down the driveline axes. The
depends on the wind speed, the speed of the generator inertia block represents a rotating body specified by its
and the pitch angle [4] as shown in Equation (1): moment of inertia. The choice of planetary gear and
simple gear is made to have a greater gear ratio [4].
Pm=1/2..pi.R.v.Cp(,) (1)
Cp is the power coefficient or performance coefficient
which indicates the efficiency with which the turbine
converts the mechanical energy of the wind into
electricity. The theoretical maximum coefficient of
performance, 16/27, is never achieved by practical wind
turbines due to the irregularities in the wind speed and
other environmental factors. A more realistic value for
the Cp for existing wind turbines ranges from 30-50%
This coefficient differs according to the turbines. In
our case, the coefficient is given by the relation in
Equation (2). It is the most used formula.
Cp=0.22(116/-0.4a5)*exp(-12.5/) (2) Figure 6. Wind couple model
where a is the angle of attack of wind turbine and
depends on and a as shown in Equation (3):
1/=1/(+0.08a)-0.035/(a+1) (3) Blade3

and is the specific speed witch is calculated by Revolute1
F B Ground1
Equation (4): 1
Joint 1
=U/v=.R/v (4) Actuator4 Joint
Revolute2 Joint Tw1
where U is the tip speed of the blades, v is wind speed,

Joint Sensor1
CS5 CG Actuator3
R is the radius or length of the blades and is the Revolute3
B 4
rotational frequency of the rotor (in rad/s). is the pitch 2
F Tw
angle of the blades Actuator1

The blocks STATCOM and FAULT are ready to CS6


block FAULT applys a three phase short circuit where F
B Rotor

the opening and closing times can be controlled either 3

from an external Simulink signal (external control pitch2
Joint Actuator2

mode), or from an internal control timer (internal

Figure 7. Rotor model
control mode)2.

3. 1. 1. Model of Wind Couple Subsystem The

calculation of the wind couple is based on Equation (1)
which is linearized to form a transfer function.

3. 1. 2. Model of Rotor Subsystem in

SIMMECHANICS In Figure 7, the blocks bodies
model the blades and the rotor bodies (specified by their
masses, inertia tensors, and attached body coordinate
systems (CSs)) and the blocks joints represent possible
motions of bodies relative to one another. The rotor and
blades can rotate relative to ground. Also, the blades can
make a rotational movement relative to the hub to vary
thereby the pitch angle [4].
Figure 8. Model of gear train
585 E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589

3. 1. 4. Model of the Asynchronous Machine

The model illustrated in Figure 9 consists of an
asynchronous machine block ready to use and the loop
speed command of the generator based on Equation (5):
J dm/dt = e fm-r (5)

3. 1. 5. Model of Turbine Protectio Protection

system (modeled in Figure 10 below) permits
immobilizing the wind turbine when the wind reaches a
certain strength or when the wind speed is below a
certain value by changing the pitch angle of the blades
for zero engine torque (beta=0) (shown in Figure 9). Figure 12. Pitch angle command block
Also, in case of over speed generator, it allows
triggering the breaker in order to disconnect the wind
turbine from grid (shown in Figure 11) and varying the In our case, to pass from beta=10 to beta=0, we need
pitch angle to 0 [4]. 0.945s and then we stop again the motor. 0.945s is
For the blade protection, if the wind speed is less needed because the rotational speed is equal to 30
than 4 m/s or above 25 m/s for a time of 0.05 seconds, tr/min. 1400 N.m/s is the value of the load torque
the pitch angle value switches from 10 to 0. In order to represented by the weight of the blade. For our wind
protect the generator, we switch the pitch angle to 90 turbine, the weight of the nacelle and the rotor is equal
and trigger the circuit breaker if the generators speed to 123 tons.
exceeds the rated speed by 20% for a period of 0.05
seconds [4]. 3. 1. 7. Model of Braking System Block The
block depicted in Figure 13, models the
3. 1. 6. Model of Pitch Angle Command Block hydromechanical command applied to the disc brake.
In the block depicted in Figure 12, the pitch command When we want to stop the wind turbine if the wind
output of the blade protection block switches on or off speed reaches maximum speed, the hydraulic command
the DC motor in order to vary the pitch angle by provides some pressure sliding thereby a cylinder which
rotating the blade. in turn pushes the plates of the disc. The other end of
the disc brake is mounted on the rotor shaft.
For restarting, the input ON commands the flow of
the fluid in the opposite direction. So, the double acting
cylinder returns to its initial position.
The value of the applied pressure is calculated based
on the following dynamic equation:
Figure 9. Models of blade protection
t P * * S / J * t 0 (6)

0 is the rotational speed of rotor and S is the surface of

brake pad which is equal to 1.8 m in our case.
The duration of braking is equal to 3s, then (t = 3)
= 0, J is the moment of inertia of the rotor. It is
calculated by equating the rotor to a hollow cylinder and
considering the weight equal to 56 tons.

3. 2. Model of the System with Sssc In this case,

we consider the same previous model but instead of the
Figure 10. Turbine protection model STATCOM, we use the block SSSC. This block
located in SimPowerSystems library, is connected in
series between the wind turbine and the grid unlike the
STATCOM (Figure 14).

3. 3. Model of The System with STATCOM/Battery

The model in SIMACAPE of the system with the SSSC
Figure 11. Models of generator protection device is illustrated in Figure 15.
E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589 586

Figure 16. Model in SIMSCAPE of the block


Figure 13. Braking system block

Figure 17. Block diagram of STATCOM/battery control

Figure 14. Model in SIMSCAPE of the wind turbine system

with SSSC during fault

Figure 18. Model in SIMSCAPE of the block

The block diagram of the main STATCOM / Battery STATCOM/battery
is shown in Figure 16. Unlike a STATCOM block, a
battery is used for energy storage. Thus, this block has
the advantage of storing and injecting active power and Also, it converts this command PWM switching signals
reactive power into the grid. The control of this FACTS to the STATCOM / battery.
device is modeled by the block control shown in
Figure 17 and Figure 18 which represents the block
Rgulation_tension, provides control of the voltage to 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
ensure the desired response from the system during
transient periods. In order to compare the performance of adding the
STATCOM, the SSSC and the STATCOM/battery in
terms of improving LVRT capability of the wind
turbine, a simulation of the above models is made.
The technical data of the wind turbine, induction
generator, the STATCOM, the SSSC and the
STATCOM with battery are illustrated in Tables 1 to 3.
A three-phase fault is applied between times t = 0.5 s
and t = 1.1 s.
Figure 19 shows the voltages at the output of the turbine
for different cases. It is clear that the addition of a
battery STATCOM improves the voltage during the
fault and quickly eliminates voltage fluctuations at
times of activation and deactivation of fault compared
with only STATCOM and SSSC (Figure 20 and Figure
Figure 15. Model of the wind turbine system with
STATCOM/battery during fault 21), and because of the exchange capacity of active
587 E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589

power flow. But the three FACTS components allow to As depicted in Figure 23, the STATCOM with a
satisfy requirements under voltage. battery is the only FACTS device which injects an
As depicted in Figure 20, we compare between the active power into the gird during the fault occurrence.
performance of the STATCOM and the SSSC. The
latter is more effective. It enables stabilizing the voltage
to 0.75 p.u during the fault and provides less voltage
fluctuations in the moments of fault activation and
During the fault occurrence, the active power is set
to zero and the generator consumes a large amount of
reactive power. But with FACTS systems, reactive
power consumption is reduced as depicted in Figure 22.
We observe that the SSSC is more efficient for reactive
power compensation.

Figure 22. Reactive power consumption of the wind for a

three-phase fault without a FACTS system and with
STATCOM systems STATCOM and SSSC / battery

Figure 19. Voltage variation of wind turbine system during a

three-phase fault and with STATCOM, SSSC and STATCOM

Figure 23. Model in SIMSCAPE of the block


TABLE 1. Technical data of the wind turbine system

Tower hight 55m
Diameter 32m
Rotor Cut-in wind speed 4 m/s
Cut-out wind speed 27 m/s
Rated wind speed 13
Figure 20. Voltage variation of wind turbine system during a Rated power 275 kW
Rated voltage 600 V
three-phase fault with STATCOM and SSSC Rated frequency 50 Hz
Stator resistance (Rs) 0.016
Stator inductance (Ls) 0.06 H
Rotor resistance (Rr) 0.015
Rotor inductance (Lr) 0.06 H
Pair of pole number 2

TABLE 2. STATCOM technical data

Power 200 kVA
Line series inductance 0.05 mH
Tension DC=800V / capacitance
Figure 21. Comparing voltage variation of wind turbine Inverter
system during a three-phase fault with STATCOM/battery and
Battery 1500 Ah
E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589 588

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589 E. Jamila and S. Abdelmjid / IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics Vol. 29, No. 4, (April 2016) 581-589

Comparative Study of the Performance of Static Synchronous REASEARCH

Compensator, Series Compensator and Compensator /Battery Integrated
to a Fixed Wind Turbine
E. Jamilaa, S. Abdelmjidb
a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology FST, Road Immouzer, Fez, Morocco
b Engineering, systems and applications Laboratory, National School of Applied Sciences of Fez (ENSA)


Paper history:
Received 31 August 2015 ) LVRT ( STATCOM
Received in revised form 14 April 2016
Accepted 14 April 2016 .
Fixed Speed Wind Turbine . LVRT
Static Synchronous Compensator
Low Voltage Ride Through Capability Static
Synchronous Series Compensator
Static Synchronous Compensator doi: 10.5829/idosi.ije.2016.29.04a.18

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