Modified Age of Exploration Essay
Modified Age of Exploration Essay
Modified Age of Exploration Essay
Students will plan and write an academic essay, with critical analysis
and evidence, answering the following question: Which nation from
the Age of Exploration was most successful and why? To answer this
question, students will complete a 3-paragraph essay (3-5 sentences
each) consisting of: 1 Introduction paragraph, 1 body paragraph, 1 conclusion paragraph.
The nations youre choosing from are:
All of these countries are in your textbook starting on page 103
Essay Structure
Planning- Plan out your essay on a separate sheet of paper before you begin (you can
use the graphic organizer Ive attached). What will your thesis be? What are the three
best arguments to support your thesis? How will you develop these arguments through
analysis and evidence?
Introduction- Make a strong impression with a hook for your readers to keep interest,
create 3 topic sentences that explain how your going to prove your thesis, clearly state
your thesis at the end of your introduction.
- Your thesis statement should be one sentence that sums up your answer to our
question. Thesis statements are best placed at the end of your introduction
Body paragraph- Analysis and Evidence to support your thesis.
- You are forming an argument to convince the reader that your answer is correct.
This is where planning out your essay before you write becomes very important.
- You need at least 2 cited pieces of evidence your body paragraph.
Conclusion- Summarize your points again and restate your thesis as you end your essay.
Citation- You need to use and cite at least 2 sources to complete your paper. These
sources will be your evidence to strengthen your argument. After your conclusion, add
an extra page where you list the website links (or the textbook name) to credit your
5- Exceptional 4- Proficient 3- Adequate 2- Developing 1- Needs
Thesis Focus Thesis is planned out and Thesis is clear and Thesis is could be Thesis is present Thesis statement
Is your thesis clearly stated at the end of correctly placed more clearly stated but does not answer
clearly stated the introduction. Student but student does or connected to underdeveloped research question
and do all ties all arguments back to not tie all essay students arguments. or unclear. or is incomplete.
supporting main thesis statement to arguments back to Needs to work on Student has not Student has not
arguments tie focus their essay. main thesis. Or tying essay organised essay connected thesis
back to thesis student strays from arguments back to arguments to statement to the
statement. their thesis thesis statement. support thesis rest of their work
statement while statement
Analysis Student has constructed Analysis shows an Analysis is delivered Minimal analysis No analysis that
How you insightful and well thought understanding of but could go into to support thesis helps answer our
answer the out arguments in support research materials. further depth to statement. Needs research question.
why of their thesis statement. Differences from a support thesis. further Student arguments
question. Analysis follows the 5 could include: Analysis sometimes development or are not developed
What are planning from topic Straying from the strays from thesis planning of to support their
your reasons sentences. Student has focus of your but student shows an arguments in thesis statement.
and crafted a compelling argument, not analytical approach persuasive
arguments to analysis of material that going into enough to the topic and writing.
defend your ties back to their thesis depth to fully argument.
position. statement at all points. round out
analysis does not
tie into cited
Evidence Each supporting argument Differences from a Evidence is included Evidence to No evidence cited
What is supported with cited 5 could include: but shows the need support your or used to support
evidence do evidence that is directly Not citing all for more practise argument is not argument. Or 1
you use to tied to your thesis evidence, didnt connecting evidence included or not source is included
defend your statement. fully tie evidence to their arguments. used to support but not logically
arguments to analysis or Or the intended connected to
and analysis? thesis, difficulty missing citation from argument. supporting
How has this connecting what more than one Lacking citation arguments.
evidence the source is saying source. from sources or
been used? to what youre did not use the
saying. appropriate
number of
Mechanics No spelling mistakes, no Minimal spelling Some spelling Over 10 spelling Over 10 spelling
and grammatical mistakes that mistakes (5 or mistakes (5-10). mistakes, essay is mistakes. Essay is
Organization would reasonably lead to under). Some Grammatical errors not in the incomplete. No
confusion for the reader. grammatical errors leading to some appropriate discernable
Essay is properly but the message is confusion. Essay is format or shows a organization of
organized in the proper still clear. Essay is still the appropriate lack of writing.
format and each paragraph the proper format format but organization that
clearly gives a supporting with minimal organization needs to has impacted the
argument for the thesis organizational be improved. essay.
statement. mixups.