Myrubric 2
Myrubric 2
Myrubric 2
Thesis An excellent, clear, arguable, A good thesis that follows the A thesis that either does not A thesis that does not follow
and narrow thesis that follows prompt. It may be too broad or exactly follow the prompt, is the prompt.
the prompt. somewhat unclear. unclear, or too broad.
Argument/analysis Excellent and thorough Good arguments and analysis. Much improvement needed. Poor arguments. Student did
argument through an: idea-- Some improvement needed. Student either did not follow not use three body paragraphs
>evidence---> analysis the proper structure or their and did not follow the proper
structure through three body arguments did not relate to structure.
paragraphs. their thesis.
Evidence from text Properly cited, well used Needs some improvement Either no proper citations from Almost none or no evidence
quotations from the texts. either in citing or in use of the texts or evidence that does from the text.
evidence. not support argument.
Conclusion Without directly restating what Some redundancy with the intro Restates the thesis by using the A poor conclusion that does not
was said in the intro paragraph, paragraph, but a satisfactory same words and does not readdress the thesis or re-
readdresses the thesis and conclusion. address the significance of the explains at all how the essay
explains, again, how what you arguments. and your arguments address
wrote about is significant. your thesis or how it is