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FEM Manual For STAAD - Plates

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FEM Manual for STAAD.


Plates are defined as plane structural elements with small thickness compared
to the planar dimensions (Timoshenko). The typical thickness to width ratio of
the plate structure is less than 0.1. In other words, if the span in the either
direction is less than 10 times its thickness, then the slab or wall becomes more
like a solid and you should not use plate element( 3 or 4-noded) rather use a
solid element (8 noded).

Our intension is to get the design bending moments in x and y direction (i.e.
longitudinal and transverse directions).

Plates can be created in staad by using the following Methods

1. Manual creation of nodes and plates.
2. Creating / importing beams and then creating infills
3. Using the PARAMETRIC MESHING option in staad.
Important note:
Plates wont give any out of plane stresses
You can create in either of three or combinations of methods to create
Result is not based on what method you use to create a plate rather it
matters how is your plate (shape of the plate- aspect ratio etc)

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 1 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Method 1- Manual creation of nodes and plates

Step 1: create nodes by entering node nos. and their corresponding X, Y

&Z values

So it will be as shown below

Go to geometry-> create plate

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 2 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
After clicking add plate> quad, join the nodes (either clockwise or anti-
clock wise one by one). Once you reach 4th node the plate is created

Similarly create all other plates

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 3 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Method 2: Creating / importing beams and then creating infills

Select all the beams and go to geometry> create infill plates

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 4 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Select all the beams first
and then click create infill

Grid imported from AutoCAD .dxf file and after creating infills it will look as
shown below

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 5 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Method 3. Create Parametric Meshing option in STAAD.Pro

Step 1: create the boundary required say

Boundary can also be imported form AutoCAD as .dxf format (File > Import)

Step 2: Go to geometry> create parametric models

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 6 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Step 3: The screen must be as shown below

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 7 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Click on add

Then connect boundary of the slab (include each and every nodes that already

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 8 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Change Basic for Triangular shape

Change standard for quad meshing

This automatically changes

Enter target element size (lesser the

size, finer the element) dont go for too
small size, that may result in
complication of result extraction

This option should be entered if (B) -

equal divisions are used. For (C) -
optimized meshing, this need not be

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 9 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
For the quad meshing, the procedure is as follows

Note: if you want to create opening see the help file in STAAD

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 10 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

You will get the following mesh

If youre satisfied with the mesh quality (denser) then

Click Merge Mesh or Change this value as desired
(note this value was 0.5m/500mm given in Mesh
parameters dialogue box

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 11 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

After meshing

Then, go to beam tab and press Ctrl+T. This will highlight the local axis of
the plates

Local Axis of
individual plate
Global Axis for
whole structure
Important Note: all the plates Z direction (local Z of the plate) must be
either facing top or bottom.

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 12 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

This can be achieved by following command, Select all the plates,

Select all the plates

first and then go to

Enter always
this combination

If this is selected, local z of all the plates

will face top

If this is selected, local z of all the plates

will face down

If we have two/ three boundaries as shown below

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 13 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Then follow the option (B) i.e.

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 14 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Step 4 The screen must be as shown below

Part c
Part A Part B

Click on add

Then connect boundary of Part A (include each and every nodes that already

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 15 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

For the quad meshing of the given shape, procedure is as follows


FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 16 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

This is just warning so dont panic.

Note that mesh was

not generated

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 17 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Step b: Notice
that selected Step c: change this value
greater than 1 try from 2 or Step a: Select this
edge is
highlighted here 3 or 4...
For example if you want to
check for 5 then enter 5 in
this box

Step d: once the value of divisions is entered then click apply

will be on and then click it to check the applicability

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 18 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Once you click Apply you will find the
mesh generated, if not generated, change the
division value to other and click apply until it
generates some mesh

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 19 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Similarly for edge 3, division value 5 the model becomes
As shown below

For Edge 4, Division value 3, the model becomes

For Edge 5 division value- 3 & for edge 6 division value 5 and then click
on Merge Mesh

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 20 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Follow the same procedure for part B

For that,

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 21 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Note the difference in meshes it need not be same size
meshes, based on the accuracy required, mesh can be

Again for part C creation (dont use option (C) of creating mesh)
Click add mesh

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P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E


If mesh is not generated, then follow the edge divsion changing step

Thus Meshing is completed

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P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Meshing can be done for any complicated structures

The .dxf shown below is imported from autocad to staad

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 24 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Ushig the parametric meshing, the meshing was completed

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 25 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Important Rules when modelling/ meshing plates

In addition to the literature of staad, the following points to be considered for meshing / modelling

There are several rules that need to be observed when modelling a structure with plate elements. These
rules arise from the mathematical algorithms. The program uses to model plates. Failure to follow
these rules will result in error and warning messages in the output file.

Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the length of the shortest side to the longest side of the element.

A good rule of thumb for starting mesh sizes is the lesser of Span/10 or 1000 mm
A plate element aspect ratio should be as near as 1: 1 as possible. Aspect ratios in excess of 1:4
should be avoided. In other word, a triangular (3-noded) plate element should be shaped as near to
an equilateral triangle as possible, consider the plate element shown in the following figure.

The aspect ratio of this element is approximately 1:19. Running the analysis of the model that includes
a plate shaped like this will generate an error message indicating that the plate is Badly shaped to
remedy this problem, this quadrilateral plate should be broken into two or more triangular plates

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 26 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Important Note: a single structure can have combination of quadrilateral and triangular plates; this
does not affect the result
The angles between adjacent sides of 4-noded plates should be as near as 90 degrees as possible.
You should try at all times to keep interior angles of a plate element between 60 and 120 degrees.
Concave sides of a plate element are not allowed, that is, interior angles must never exceed 180

If you try to run the analysis on a model that includes a plate element shaped like the one shown in
the figure above, the error message, not convex will be printed in the output file.

All nodes of a (4-noded) element must lie on the same plane. If one of the nodes is not coplanar
with the other three, the error message Plate is warped will be printed in the output file. You may
use the check for warped plates command in the tools menu to locate plates whose nodes are not

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 27 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E


Once the plate analysis is completed, the next problem confronted is normally that of
how to ensure the strength of the plate is adequate to resist the calculated moments. This
problem may be viewed as one of knowing how to design, in particular, for the twisting
moments, Mxy. In the case of a reinforced concrete slab, which is reinforced by an
orthogonal system of bars placed in the X and Y directions, the problem is to determine
design moments. The reinforcement should be designed for if adequate strength is to be
available in all directions. Once Mx and My have been found, the reinforcement may be
designed to resist theses moments by the normal analysis of a section in bending. The
design moments are commonly referred to as Wood- Armer (Wood, 1968)

Sign Convention of Plate Element Stresses and Moments

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 28 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E


Wood and Armer (1968) proposed one of the most popular design methods that explicitly
incorporate twisting moments in slab design. This method was developed by considering the normal
moment yield criterion (Johansens yield criterion) aiming to prevent yielding in all directions. At any
point in the slab, the moment normal to a direction, resulting due to design moments Mx, My and Mxy
must not exceed the ultimate normal resisting moment in that direction. The ultimate normal resisting
moment is typically provided by ultimate resisting moments Mux and Mu related to the
reinforcement in the x- and - directions.

Mx, My and Mxy are bending and twisting moment, usually obtained from a finite element or
grillage analysis program. The sign convention needs to be altered if it is different from above. is the
angle of the transverse steel, measured clockwise from the Mx axis

Wood- Armer equations were originally this equation to design reinforcement concrete slabs
where the bending- moment field is known. However, this method can also be used when the slab is
required to withstand in-plane and flexural deformations. The theory is given for in-plane effects
(Plates); However, the equations for bending effects can be derived in a similar manner. If Mx, My
and Mxy be the moments obtained from analysis, then design moments (Mxd and Myd), that takes the
effect of twisting moment, Mxy, into account while providing reinforcement parallel to the edges, are
calculated as follows using Wood-Armer method.

The sign conversion of the plates must be understood to know what top reinforcements are,
The top and bottom refer to the local top and bottom surfaces of the individual elements and not in the
global axis sense. The local top and bottom surfaces depend on the way an element is defined in its
incidence statement. Top is defined as the surface which coincides with the positive side of the local z
axis. Bottom in defined as the surface which coincides with the negative side of the local z- axis.

In the first figure shown below, the local Z axis of the element points in the vertically upward
direction. Consequently, the local top and bottom surfaces have the same sense as the global top and
bottom. But in the second figure, the local Z axis of the element points in the vertically downward
direction. Consequently, the local top and bottom surfaces have the opposite sense as the global top
and bottom.

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 29 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Local z

Local Top (+Z surface) Local y

Local x

Local bottom (-Z surface)

Global staad axis

Plate having Z axis facing upwards

Local bottom (-Z surface)

Local y Local Top (+Z surface)

Global staad axis Local x

Local z

Plate having Z axis facing downwards

The local direction of the plates can be seen in staad by pressing Ctrl + T
If your model has local facing downward direction then the values of Mx & My wont change
but the signs changes, the sign is very important for wood- Armer equation and hence the
reinforcement calculated using the following will be reverse i.e. reinforcement calculated for top
becomes bottom and that calculated for bottom becomes top (if your model had Z facing

Note: the following equation is simplified form of the actual equation. This is applicable only
when the direction of reinforcement and the local direction of the moment considered coincides
(are in same direction). If the plates x is different from the reinforcement then in staad, find the
Mx, My and Mxy by drawing a moment plane along the reinforcement direction (Refer Plate
results in STAAD)

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 30 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

For top reinforcement:
Mx1 = Mx + |Mxy| My1 = My + |Mxy|
Mx2 = Mx + |Mxy2 / My| My2 = My + |Mxy2 / Mx|
If both Mx1 and My1 are positive, Mxd = Mx1 and Myd = My1.
If both Mx1 and My1 are negative, Mxd = 0 and Myd = 0.
If Mx1 is negative and My1 positive, Mxd = 0 and Myd = My2.
If My1 is negative and Mx1 positive, Mxd = Mx2 and Myd = 0.

For bottom reinforcement:

Mx1 = Mx |Mxy| My1 = My |Mxy|
Mx2 = Mx |Mxy2 / My| My2 = My |Mxy2 / My|

If both Mx1 and My1 are positive, Mxd = 0 and Myd = 0.

If both Mx1 and My1 are negative, Mxd = Mx1 and Myd = My1.
If Mx1 is negative and My1 positive, Mxd = Mx2 and Myd = 0.
If My1 is negative and Mx1 positive, Mxd = 0 and Myd = My2.

Sample calculation by Wood-Armer Equation

For instance a plate having the following values,
Moment in Longitudinal direction, MX = 1249 kNm
Moment in Transverse direction, MY = - 445 kNm
Torsion MXY = - 986 kNm

For bottom reinforcement:

Mx1 = Mx + |Mxy| = 1249 + | - 986 | = 2235 kNm
My1 = My + |Mxy| = -445 + | - 986 | = 541 kNm
Mx2 = Mx + |Mxy2 / My| = 1249 + |((-986)^2)/445|
= 3434 kNm

My2 = My + |Mxy2 / Mx| = -445 + |((-986)^2)/1249|

= 334 kNm

If both Mx1 and My1 are positive, Mxd = Mx1 and Myd = My1.
FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 31 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Mxd = Mx1 = 2235 kNm
Myd = My1 = 541 kNm

For top reinforcement:

Mx1 = Mx - |Mxy| = 1249 - | - 986 | = 263 kNm
My1 = My - |Mxy| = -445 - | - 986 | = -1431 kNm
Mx2 = Mx - |Mxy2 / My| = 1249 - |((-986)^2)/445|
= -936 kNm
My2 = My - |Mxy2 / Mx|= -445 - |((-986)^2)/1249|
= 1223 kNm

If My1 is negative and Mx1 positive, Mxd = 0 and Myd = My2.

Mxd = 0 = 0 kNm
Myd = My2 = 1223 kNm

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 32 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Plate Results in STAAD
Once the plates or modeled, apply thickness and material properties,
For example if we have a slab as shown below,

Once the Analysis is run successfully, Go to Post Processing see the orientation of the plates (Ctrl+T)
, as this case is a proper square, we dont have any change in directions

But this case has lot of complications (Refer axis of plates)

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 33 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Important Note: All plates have Z direction facing on top (always Z for all the plates should face
either top or bottom, uniformly. But x and y can be at any orientations)

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 34 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

First decide the reinforcement pattern based on your experience and site constraints.

Case I: Reinforcement in orthogonal directions only,

For example, for the slab shown below,

This is the appropriate rebar


Then, simply select all the plates and then see the plate results

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 35 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Select all the plates

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 36 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Plate Nos.
Load Case

Mx is the Bending Moment on the local x face and the local x-face is the face perpendicular to the
local x-axis.
My is the Bending Moment on the local y face and the local y-face is the face perpendicular to the
local y-axis.
Since the reinforcement in being designed in orthogonal direction Copy the Mx, My and Mxy to Wood
Armer equation and provide accordingly.

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 37 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Case II: Reinforcement not in orthogonal direction, due to some site constrain or geometric constrain,
if the same slab has to be designed for rebar placed along the diagonal direction as shown below,

Rebar at some

The calculated Mx, My and Mxy should be resolved to the rebar direction for this you can use either of
the option

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 38 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Option I : extract result as shown in Case I and the while applying in wood Armer equation, use the
angle ( that is the angle of x or Y to angle of Rebar)

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 39 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

Option II : STAAD automatically resolves the Mx, My and Mxy along any section / line.

Click her

Click her

You will see the following screen

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 40 by

P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E

FEM Manual for STAAD.Pro 41 by
P.Yuvaraj M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Step 1:

This will give the following dialogue box

FEM manual for STAAD.Pro - 42 - by

P. Yuvaraj, M.Tech., M.I.S.E
First point is the
point where you
ENTER AS SHOWN below want to position
the origin of the
cut plane

Second point is the

point where you
want to position
your x axis of the
plane youre

Third point is the

point where you want
to position your Y
axis of the plane
youre defining

Once you enter the value, you will see this

Cutting plane

FEM manual for STAAD.Pro - 43 - by

P. Yuvaraj, M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Once you confirm the plane then
Chang e
to any Change this
number to MLX or
to create MLY and
close then click
lines in update

X axis for the

Y axis for the
plane we defined
plane we defined
(for MLX)
(for MLY)

Local Axis of the


Global axis

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P. Yuvaraj, M.Tech., M.I.S.E
BMD for MLX along
the cut section
(maximize this window
to see better diagram)

Mx has been resolved to required direction, thus MX in the line direction = MLX

FEM manual for STAAD.Pro - 45 - by

P. Yuvaraj, M.Tech., M.I.S.E
Follow the same procedure, find MLY and MLXY .Apply it in Wood-Armer equation and get the results.
This gives the resolved design moments.

You can also draw the section by free hand by clicking the cut by a line option

Then draw the section on the model to cut a section.

FEM manual for STAAD.Pro - 46 - by

P. Yuvaraj, M.Tech., M.I.S.E

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