My Assignment - Varun.n - Linear Control Systems
My Assignment - Varun.n - Linear Control Systems
My Assignment - Varun.n - Linear Control Systems
Course : M.Tech
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Linear Control Systems
Technical and effective communication involves several skills which are specialized in specific
domain. Communication is one of the key elements for any success. Both written and oral skills
are the core of entrepreneurial skills to convey the intent information. Advantage is that written
communication provides a permanent record of the messages and can be saved for later study.
Technical writers deliver information in such a way that it is easily understood, retained and
remembered. So it actually helps people reach their goals and accomplish things that are
significant to them.
The report comprises of two parts (‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’). In part A, three questions are answered to
test the writing skills of different types, In sub-section, for the same question where,
This module deals with design of controllers and time and frequency response of linear control
system. Students are taught the principles of state variable formulation, full state feedback,
observers and stability analysis. This module also emphasizes dynamic behavior of process
control and control law design for full state feedback.
Active Body Control (ABC) system is a type of active suspension that allows control of the vehicle
body motion by providing energy to the suspension system. It eliminates body roll in driving
situations including cornering, accelerating, braking and hence complex to design. Unlike active
suspension, passive suspension does not provide energy to the suspension system and controls
only the displacement of the vehicle body and wheel. The behavior of the passive suspension
system depends entirely on the road surface.
A suspension system consists of tires, springs, shock absorbers and linkages that connects a
vehicle to its wheels and allows relative motion between the two. Suspension systems provide
both handling and ride quality.
And to Design a full state feedback controller for the suspension system
1.3 Comparison of active body control and passive suspension system .......................................... 9
2.2 Simulate the open loop suspension system using standard features: ...................................... 13
3.2 Simulate the Closed loop suspension system using standard features :................................... 19
References ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix: .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Linear Control Systems
Linear Control Systems
List of Figures
Linear Control Systems
Vehicle suspension serves as the basic function of isolating passengers and the chassis from
the roughness of the road to provide a more comfortable ride. A very important role of the
suspension system is the ride control.
Active suspension systems are intelligent in the sense that they employ controllable elements
(actuators of some kind).
Active suspensions, use separate actuators which can be an independent force on the
Suspension to improve the riding characteristics.
These few elements, using F feedback, are capable of generating forces which are linear
combinations of measured state variables. Systems in which all the state variables are
measurable will be defined as full state feedback active systems. If only some of the state
variables can be measured, the systems will be defined as limited state feedback active
Adaptive suspensions only vary shock absorber firmness to match changing road or dynamic
conditions, active suspensions uses some type of actuator to literally raise and lower the
chassis independently at each wheel.
Passive suspension systems of conventional elements (springs and dampers) have limitations
in respect of completely controlling the vehicle dynamics. The difficulty comes from vehicles
typically being operated over roads of different qualities at different speeds as well as
requiring adequate attitude control with load changes and maneuvering. Even for the same
operating conditions, it is well known that the ride comfort parameter can be indefinitely
improved (at the expense of the suspension working space) by softening the suspension
spring. In practice, the working space must be restricted. Normal passive suspension
parameter choices represent a compromise between the different requirements and are
made according to the vehicle type and layout.
Quarter Vehicle Active Suspension Model: The quarter-vehicle model was developed to know
active suspension capabilities, which active suspension is cable off. Like skyhook damping and
fast load leveling.
Half Vehicle Active Suspension Model: The half-vehicle model including pitch and heavy
modes, the ride characteristics of a simplified whole vehicle, which led to significant
improvement in ride and handling.
PID Controller for Suspension System by Back Propagation Neural Network: propagation
neural network (BPN) has been used for determining the gain parameters of a PID controller
for suspension system of automotive
Active suspension system gives lower value of maximum sprung mass acceleration for road
excitation. There is a new approach of controlling the response of a quarter car vehicle
travelling on a rough road with semi active damper suspension. The damper performance is
found to be better as compared to the conventional passive damper system.
Active suspension offers several edges over standard and passive suspension systems.
A vehicle suspension system subjected to specific operating conditions (road surface quality
and vehicle speed). The performance and design properties of passive, active depends the
conditions and model of the car, money constraints.
Active suspension systems are preferred over passive suspension systems, because of their
advantages and adaptive practical movants, Active suspension offers several edges over
standard and passive suspension.
The active suspension and adaptive suspension/semi-active suspension type of automotive
suspensions that controls the vertical movement of the wheels with an onboard system,
rather than in passive suspensions where the movement is being determined entirely by the
road surface
k1(X1-X2) b1(X1-X2)
k1(X1-X2) b1(X1-X2)
k2(X2-W) b2(X2-X1)
Equations above can be expressed in the form of transfer functions by taking the Laplace
Δ=A= [(M1s² + b1s + k1). (M2s²+ (b1+b2) s+(k1+k2)) - (b2s + k1).(b1(s) + k1) ]
Find the inverse of matrix A and then multiply with inputs U(s) and W(s)
Consider the control input U(s) only, we set W(s) = 0. Thus we get the transfer function G1(s) as
When we want to consider the disturbance input W(s) only, we set U(s) = 0. Thus we get the
transfer function G2(s) as
2.2 Simulate the open loop suspension systems using standard software tool:
b1 = 350;
b2 = 15020;
nump=[(m1+m2) b2 k2];
denp=[(m1*m2) (m1*(b1+b2))+(m2*b1) (m1*(k1+k2))+(m2*k1)+(b1*b2) (b1*k2)+(b2*k1)
num/den =
num/den =
Step (nump,denp) From this graph of the open-loop response for a unit step actuated force, we
can see that the system is under- damped.
Figure 2.3.1
People sitting in the vehicle will feel very small amount of oscillation and the steady-state error is
about 0.013 mm.
Figure 2.3.2
Moreover, the bus takes very unacceptably long time for it to reach the steady state or the settling
time is very large.
The solution to this problem is to add a feedback controller into the system's block diagram.
To design a feedback controller so that when the road disturbance (W) is simulated by a unit step
input, the output (X1-X2) has a settling time less than 5 seconds and an overshoot less than 5%.
For example, when the bus runs onto a 10 cm high step, the bus body will oscillate within a range
of +/- 5 mm and will stop oscillating within 5 seconds.
The dynamic equations in state-space form are the following where Y1 = X1 - X2.
3.2 Simulate the closed loop system using standard software tool:
To define the A, B, C, D matrices
m1 = 2500;
m2 = 320;
k1 = 80000;
k2 = 500000;
b1 = 350;
b2 = 15020;
A=[0 1 0 0
-(b1*b2)/(m1*m2) 0 ((b1/m1)*((b1/m1)+(b1/m2)+(b2/m2)))-(k1/m1) -(b1/m1)
b2/m2 0 -((b1/m1)+(b1/m2)+(b2/m2)) 1
k2/m2 0 -((k1/m1)+(k1/m2)+(k2/m2)) 0];
B=[0 0
1/m1 (b1*b2)/(m1*m2)
0 -(b2/m2)
(1/m1)+(1/m2) -(k2/m2)];
C=[0 0 1 0];
D=[0 0];
sys =
x1 x2 x3 x4
x1 0 1 0 0
x2 -6.571 0 -25.26 -0.14
x3 46.94 0 -48.17 1
x4 1563 0 -1845 0
u1 u2
x1 0 0
x2 0.0004 6.571
x3 0 -46.94
x4 0.003525 -1563
x1 x2 x3 x4
y1 0 0 1 0
u1 u2
y1 0 0
Figure 3.2.1
The characteristic polynomial for this closed-loop system is the determinant of (sI-(A-B[1,0]'K)).
Note that it's not sI-(A-BK) because the controller K can only control the force input u but not the
road disturbance W. Recall that our B matrix is a 4 x 2 matrix, and we only need the first column of
B to control U.
To use integral action to achieve zero steady-state error, so we add an extra state which is int(X1-
X2) = int(Y1). In reality the bus will eventually reach an equilibrium that yields a zero steady-state
error. The new states are X1, X1_dot, Y1, Y1_dot, and Y2.
Aa = [[A,[0 0 0 0]'];[C, 0]];
Ba = [B;[0 0]];
Ca = [C,0];
Da = D;
sys =
Aa =
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
x1 0 1 0 0 0
x2 -6.571 0 -25.26 -0.14 0
x3 46.94 0 -48.17 1 0
x4 1563 0 -1845 0 0
x5 0 0 1 0 0
Ba =
u1 u2
x1 0 0
x2 0.0004 6.571
x3 0 -46.94
x4 0.003525 -1563
x5 0 0
Ca =
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
y1 0 0 1 0 0
Da =
u1 u2
y1 0 0
In PID controller design, The integral control is obtained from the new state. The proportional
control is obtained from a gain on Y1 or X1-X2. The direct derivative control of the output isn't
possible, since derivative of Y1 or X1-X2 isn't a state. Instead we use the derivative of X1, which is
available for feedback. (While X1 maybe hard to measure, X1_dot could be obtained by integrating
the output of an accelerometer mounted on the bus.) It is similar to adding more damping to the
velocity of the oscillation of the bus suspension
K =
At this value of the K, matrix by trial and error, adjusting the gain for derivative of X1, Y1 and integral
of Y1
Adding the K matrix into the system, the state-space equations become:
To obtainthe closed-loop response by simply adding the following code into the m-file. Note that
we need to multiply B matrix by 0.1 to simulate the 0.1-m high step disturbance.
t = 0:0.01:2;
sys_cl = ss(Aa-Ba(:,1)*K,-0.1*Ba,Ca,Da);
title('Closed-Loop Response to a 0.1-m Step')
Figure 3.3.1
From the plot we see that the percent overshoot and settling time requirements are satisfied.
Moreover the steady-state error approaches zero as well. Therefore, we will conclude that the
response is satisfactory. Feel free to play around with the gain for matrix K.
Alleyne, A., and Hedrick, J. K., “Non-linear Adaptive Control of Active Suspensions,” IEEE Trans. Control Syst.
Technol., 3(1), 1995,pp. 94–101.
Ben Gaid, M., Cela, A.,Kocik, R., “Distributed control of a car suspension system,” COSI - ESIEE - Cit´e Descartes,
A.G. Thompson, "Design of active suspensions", Proc. Instn. Mech.Engrs., 185:553–563, 1970–1971.
D.A. Crolla and A.M.A. AboulNour, "Theoretical comparisons of various active suspension systems in terms of
performance and power requirements", Proceedings of IMecE Conference on Advanced Suspensions, C420/88:1–
9, 24–25 October 1988.
W. Gao, N. Zhang and H. P. Du, “A half-car model for dynamic analysis of vehicles with random parameters”, 5th
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, ACAM , 2007, 10-12 December 2007, Brisbane, Australia.
M. Senthil Kumr and S Vijayrangan,“Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller Design for Active Suspension System
Subjected to Random Surfaces”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 65, March 2006.
Mouleeswaran S. ,” Development of Active Suspension System for Automobiles Using PID Controller”, World
Congress on Engineering , Vol.11,London,U.K,2008.
R.K.PeKgokgoz,” Active Suspension of Cars Using Fuzzy Logic Controller Optimized by Genetic Algorithm”, IJEAS,
Turkey, Vol.2, Issue 4, 2010.
“Simulation And Analysis Of Passive And Active Suspension System Using Quarter Car Model For Non Uniform
Road Profile” Abdolvahab Agharkakli*Chavan U. S. Dr. Phvithran S. Address for Correspondence Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Pune (Vishwakarma Institute of Technology), Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mathematical Modelling and Comparison of Two Degree of Freedom Suspension System of Quarter Car Akshay
Vaishnav1 , Mohit Sarvaiya2 . & . Prashant Dhabaliya3 B.E. Mechanical Engineering, 1,2Sanjaybhai Rajguru
College of Engineering, 3Marwadi Education Foundation, Gujarat Technological University, India
Program Part C
m1 = 2500;
m2 = 320;
k1 = 80000;
k2 = 500000;
b1 = 350;
b2 = 15020;
A=[0 1 0 0
-(b1*b2)/(m1*m2) 0 ((b1/m1)*((b1/m1)+(b1/m2)+(b2/m2)))-(k1/m1) -(b1/m1)
b2/m2 0 -((b1/m1)+(b1/m2)+(b2/m2)) 1
k2/m2 0 -((k1/m1)+(k1/m2)+(k2/m2)) 0];
B=[0 0
1/m1 (b1*b2)/(m1*m2)
0 -(b2/m2)
(1/m1)+(1/m2) -(k2/m2)];
C=[0 0 1 0];
D=[0 0];
t = 0:0.01:2;
sys_cl = ss(Aa-Ba(:,1)*K,-0.1*Ba,Ca,Da);
title('Closed-Loop Response to a 0.1-m Step')