English Translation 34 About Slavery in Quran
English Translation 34 About Slavery in Quran
English Translation 34 About Slavery in Quran
It is very surprising to note, however, that the flag bearers of Islam are still seen
hypocritically proclaiming all human beings as respectable by referring to
Quran; they frequently quote Verse 17/70, which proclaims: Wa laqad karram-na
bani Aadama And indeed we have conferred dignity on the children of
The question arises here as to which text of Quran is to be taken as true and which
one as false (God forbid)? Whether some humans have been made male and
female slaves, by declaring them as Your right hands possession, and given in
the ownership of some other guys who could act as slave masters, OR, all children
of Adam have been awarded dignity and self-esteem by virtue of their basic right
of freedom???
What do you know as to what the era of Deen means? Again, what do you
know as to what era of Deen means? It is the era, the stage of time, when no
human will have proprietary rights or authority over another man.
Dear Readers, from this elaborate text from our Creators Word, it becomes amply
clear that the particular time period when the Quranic Phrase Maa Malakat
Ayimanu-kum was misconceived as possession of male and female slaves, was
neither the true Era of Deen, nor the above referred Divine Decree was in force in
the corresponding society at that time! So, at that deplorable moment in time, a
blatant violation of Gods Word and an evil un-Quranic concept was
mischievously put into practice for paving the way towards a feudal tyrannical
system of Slavery in Ialam. In actual fact, it was only the period of the Pious
Caliphate under the 2nd and 3rd Pious Caliphs, which we can rightly call the era
of Deen, which subsequently ended with them. The period that followed was
symbolized by the dominance and enforcement of monopolistic interests of feudal
and royal classes. Accordingly, the interpretations of Quranic injunctions prepared
in that later period, in the light of Hadith (man-made tell-tale lies) and Fiqh (man-
made Islamic jurisprudence), only served to strengthen the class-based
discriminatory foundations of a society benefitting only the rich and noble classes,
utterly repugnant to the justice and equality based tenets of Islam.
It was duly noted in this research process that all existing interpretations, and the
translations based thereupon, have incorporated unwanted lengthy explanations of
Quranic texts under the internal subjective thought process. As for the Islamic
jurisprudence, we note that such a vast amount of written matter was produced in
respect of male and female slaves, and so much legislation was formulated in
relation to slavery and particularly female slaves that this satanic practice was
given the official status of an established institution. And taking cover of that
legislation (Fiqh) that legalized the buying and selling of humans, serious and
widespread violations of Quranic injunctions dealing with human rights have been
committed throughout the prolonged rule of despotic Muslim governments.
Slavery was officially banned in Arabia only in the 3 rd decade of 20th century AD
under a resolution of the UNO.
My intellectual Readers would easily acknowledge that unless the definition of the
major Theme or Proposition described as Maa malakat Ayimanu-kum is not
analyzed and examined in respect of its objective material reality, any subsequent
deductions made out of the corresponding text, or whatever juridical decrees issued
on the theme, would not stand on sound legal footings. But till date no jurist has
ever tried to take the right path. So it proves that in this modern academic and
intellectual world the Muslim is still adamant to stick to its one and a half
millennium old deductive logic. He has failed in curing his perennial sickness.
Almost all of our interpretations and translations based thereupon have reached us
in a fictitious form that has followed the same old logic. Thats why we continue
to live as a lost and pathetic nation. Our elders have never bothered to investigate
as to why Allah Almighty can hand over some humans into the ownership of some
others as slaves when He, according to His Scriptures, is the greatest advocate of
human freedom and dignity.
So, in this objective state of affairs, we have no alternative but to take the initiative
and try on our own to discover the ultimate truth of Quranic injunctions on this
Theme. Therefore, in the following paragraphs, the original rational meanings of
all relevant Verses of Quran are taken up. A detailed analysis is carried out of all
the texts that belong to the crucial phrase highlighted under the title of this research
article. Effort is made to bring about a natural death to the slavery-ridden fictitious
Islam that continues spoiling generation after generation of Muslims. It is our
conviction that only this way we can bring back to light the Real and True Islam of
the great Quran from the darkness of evil designs of the entire chain of our
despotic rulers.
Those of my brothers/sisters who feel an innate urge to seek the truth of Quran are
requested to preserve these translations as an all time reference material. These are
crucial policy injunctions of the true Islamic Ideology which will serve as most
effective rebuttal for the evil forces which are hell bent on making us a target of
ridicule and contempt on the basis of the Big Arab Hoax.
And now, proclaiming the entire distorted definitions of Maa Malakat Ayimanu-
kum as based on fraud, ill-logic and evil intentions, helping to serve the ulterior
and lustful motives of creating a very low category of womenfolk as concubines, a
most authentic definition is presented here under which fully accords with relevant
context of Quran as well as human intellect and wisdom :-
Another lame excuse is also put forward in favor of their corroded deductive logic
by saying that the mention of slavery in Quran is always given in the form of Past
Tense; it is because in the pre-Islamic Arab societies slavery was rampant and this
process had encountered the advent of Islam. Therefore, various commandments
were needed to be issued for the disposal of all the existing slaves, and it is those
existing ones who were named Maa Malakat Ayimanukum. This logic is
manifestly lame as it consists of the usual apologetic tactics. We know very well
that an effective remedial disposal was made for slaves during the reign of the
holy Messenger and Slavery only re-emerged starting the despotic Damascus
regime of Umayyads where, as a result of continued conquests of territories, huge
number of male and female prisoners were transported back to the capital cities of
Islam. Huge volumes of Islamic jurisprudence legislated during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
centuries al-Hejira is full of dealings with slaves, and prescribes rules for their
purchase and resale, their lending or borrowing and transferring as gift or grant
from one to others. And during all the despotic Islamic governments starting from
Umayyads down to Indias Moghul emperors, the royal palaces and the Harems
connected therewith have been full of purchased or captured male and female
As for the true face of Quran, only a single direct verdict from its text had done
away with the question of slavery once for all, when it ordained (8/67):-
It is not permissible at all for the Nabi (the Leader of men and head of state)
that he may own or possess captives even though he would have dominated a
large part of earth. You may desire the gains of this world, while Allah envisions
the bounties of Hereafter for you. And He is the dominant and the wise one.
NOW WHEN you are face to face with those bent on denying the truth, smite
their necks until you overcome them fully, and then tighten their bonds; but
thereafter set them free, either by an act of grace or against ransom, so that the
burdens of war may be alleviated.
But in spite of clear cut injunctions against all kinds of slavery, and against the
only source thereof, nobody cared to deliberate as to what segment of a society was
singled out by repeatedly suggesting the phrase maa malakat ayimanukum! As
elaborated above, it was in reality the subordinate working class of society for
whose welfare and protection our Creator had a big concern. He emphasized this
concern time and again. And this great concern of His was corroborated in very
clear terms by the following conclusive injunction from Him :-
Verse 16/71:
And Allahs law has bestowed upon some of them a superiority over others in
the matter of means of production and sustenance (
). Therefore, those
who enjoy this superiority are required to return/distribute their earnings unto
those who are employed by them under contract so that all of them stand on an
equal status in this respect. Would they still stockpile Allahs grants only for
This revolutionary commandment issued by the Almighty stands as the only all
time golden methodology or formula for alleviating the wide gulf between riches
and poverty and between the employer and the employee. Acted upon sincerely, it
can remedy the sufferings, sorrows, grief and deprivation inflicted upon the poorer
classes of humanity without a fraction of doubt! To remove the disparity and
discrimination between powerful and weaker classes of society, no greater
practical solution can be conceived than this benevolent divine injunction. The
entire surplus that is earned through the hard labor of workers, which is known in
modern economic terms as the unpaid wages of workers need to be returned to
these workers as their legitimate right! How easy it is to realize that this theme is
certainly NOT dealing with the advocacy or legitimacy of slavery!
We come back to the same reality as elucidated above; that if we do not analyze
the definition and the spirit of our Major Proposition on the criterion of the latest
Dialectic Rationalism for ascertaining its objective material reality, many horizons
of knowledge and awareness will refuse to open before us. We will continue being
victims of conspiracies of the dark ages of despotic rule, and would keep
inadvertently smearing the face of our own Ideology with crap and nonsense; and
then continue advancing lame and apologetic justifications before the world!
Slavery in any form or any degree would always be tantamount to violation of
every human value, and no philosophy or ideology from any faith group can ever
justify it as legitimate.
The next stage or era of our evolution can be ushered in only after we fully discern
the true definitions of Quranic terminology like Al-Baqarah, An-Nisaa,
Nikaah, Talaaq, Fohosh, Mohsinaat, Azwaaj, Buyoot, Taaam, etc.
As long as the foundations are not in order, no structure of righteous thinking can
be built upon them. Our passion for an indiscriminate application of distorted or
improper meanings of the above mentioned Arabic words of Quran will have to be
dealt with sternly. This is our obnoxious inheritance from old times and part of our
convictions. So, it will be a tough task for us to abandon and replace it with the
most pertinent, pragmatic and rational definitions.
It must be remembered that the Chapter An-NISAA is not about WOMEN, but
according to its pure academic lexical meaning, it deals with the downtrodden,
exploited, subdued, forgotten poor classes of society and elaborates injunctions
for their uplift, welfare and prosperity. On those occasions where it talks
particularly about women, it is only because women have also been kept
subservient and deprived of their rights and privileges, and thus stand included in
the weaker classes. Their status remains the same up to this day in the Muslim
civilization. Let us proceed ahead step by step towards the destination of present
Verse 4/3:
: /
And if you have reason to fear that you might not act equitably towards
from this weaker segment of society ( )
two, three and four of such as may
deem appropriate to you; then if you think you cant treat all of them justly,
sponsor only one; OR just take care of those who are already under your
subordination through an oath or working contract/agreement ( ) .
This way it is more likely that you will not over burden yourselves.
Verse 4/24:
: 4/24
Transliteration: Wa al-mohsinaatu min-an-Nisaai illa maa malakat ayimanu-
kum, kitaab-Allahi alayi-kum; wa uhilla la-kum maa waraa,a zaali-kum an-
tabtaghoo bi-amwali-kum mohsineena ghayira musafiheen. Fa-maa-
ustumtatum bi-hi min-hunna fa aatoo-hunna ujurahunna fareedhatan. Wa laa
junaaha alaykum fi-maa taradhayi-tum bi-hi min ba-adil-fariidhatin. Inna-
llaha kaanaaleeman hakeema.
And forbidden to you is to forcibly bring under your domination, from the
weaker masses ( ) , those segments/groups/communities who are morally
righteous and well- protected ( ) except those who have already come
under your oath of allegiance ( ) : this is God's ordinance, binding
upon you. But lawful is, all beyond the aforementioned, for you to join with them
to make them strong and protected ( ) by spending from your treasury
towards their welfare, without blood-letting ( ) . And then whatever
benefits and gains you acquire by their allegiance ( ) , do reward
them fully there for as a duty ( ) . Moreover, you will incur no
sin if, after having awarded their lawful due ( ) , you freely agree with
one another upon anything else. And do remember that God is indeed all-
knowing, wise.
The context of this Verse starts from Verse 4/22 where this admonition is issued :
: And do not grab and possess (
) of the weaker segments of your society ( ) all that your ancestors
) used to take in their possession ( ;) excepting what was done in the
past. Now the felony was committed here in such a crooked way that the sex-
obsessed religious scholars of old times always wishfully asserted only a single but
un-authentic definition of NIKAAH, viz., MARRIAGE! They also preferred
another single and lone wishful meaning of NISAA, viz., WOMEN! According to
this mindset of theirs, employed under an organized conspiracy, they interpreted
the above Verse forthwith as: Do not Marry (or sleep with) those Women whom
your forefathers had Married (or fornicated)! What a joke!
The point to consider here lies in the purely academic lexical definition of the word
NIKAAH which stipulates that it can mean Marriage only exceptionally, just when
it is used in company of some other word/words that may lead to the relation of
Marriage between man and woman! Where only the word NIKAAH is used
without any other subsequent lead or clue towards Marriage, Nikaah cannot be
taken to mean Marriage. It would most of the times mean: to take into
possession; to take in your guardianship or sponsorship or in employment or
into any agreement of working relationship as per the dictates of the context of
narration. This explanation of the meaning of NIKAAH enjoys full lexical
authority and not only solves many puzzles arising in Readers minds but also
opens up new horizons of thought and deliberation! But imagine the corroded
mindset of our so-called religious scholars! How could they suppose that the
younger generations would be attracted towards marrying the ageing widows left
behind by their forefathers? And that Allah would be so shocked on this
phenomenon that He would specifically order them NOT TO DO THAT?? What a
big joke with Quran! Imagine as to how old the women married to your fathers
and grandfathers are supposed to be? Naturally very old! And who would be the
insane young males, leaving alone younger women of comparable age and going
after those old ones who, by virtue of their direct relationship, should be their
mothers, and grandmothers, etc.? You would feel like crying in bewilderment on
the insanity of these fake translations!!! And some of the traditionist scholars
would still not feel ashamed in advancing lame excuses that this was an existing
practice among the Arabs of that time! VOW! Is that true? Ask any Arab sage
about it! Okay! However, in the end, they need to answer another big and crucial
question: Was Quran sent for only the Arab society, and dealt with only their
prevalent customs, or was it meant for the guidance of the entire humanity???
You will find them dumbfounded, having no answer to that!!
Verse No.4/25
Verse No.23/5-6:
Transliteration: Wa allazina hum li-furooji-him la-haafizoon. Illa alaa azwaji-
him aou maa malakat ayimanu-hum, fa-inna-hum ghayiru maloomeen.
Verse No.24/31:
: /
And instruct all the teams of peace-keepers to keep their vision and intelligence
( ) under control ( ) and safeguard their secrets and weaknesses
( ) , and not make public their policies for advancement and glory
( ) except that part of it which may have become manifest in the process;
and they must bring into open or explain ( ) their occasional absence of
intellect/slips/faults ( ) for accountability () . And they should not
expose ( ) their policies for advancement of glory ( ) except to their
responsible officers ( ;) and not to their seniors, or the seniors of their
officers or to their juniors or the juniors of their officers, or to their fellow
officers ( ) , nor to their juniors staff ( ) , or the members of their
sister teams ( ) or their lower cadres ( ) or to those who are
working under their subordination () , or others of your subordinates
or servants ( ) from grown up men or minors who are not entitled (
) to appear on the sensitive occasions of privacy (
nor they should open these policy matters to the junior class of workers lest they
may know what is hidden ( ) in their progressive strategies ( ) .
Therefore, O those who are responsible for peace and security, revert to the
utmost loyalty towards the Divine Government so that you all may prosper.
(As some of the Readers might get startled and not feel like going along with the
symbolic meanings of some important words in the preceding paragraph, they are
requested to please check the entire range of authentic meanings of all words in
parenthesis at the end of this thesis, for their intellectual satisfaction. Due concern
is expressed here for their likely difficulty in comprehension. )
And those who have not been able to secure a working contract ( )
should exercise restraint ( ) so long as Allah may free them from want
and destitution. And those of your employees who wish to get relieved from your
employment do let them leave you if you think this may serve for their progress;
and also assist them in that switch over by giving financial support from what
Allah has bestowed upon you. For your own short term gains, do not restrict
your younger generation or communities by force which may lead them to
mutiny. If they strive to achieve stability and protection with regard to their
careers, do facilitate them in that respect. And those who have been the victims
of forceful restrictions and/or exploitation, it is the duty of the divine government
to provide them protection and means of sustenance.
Verse No.24/58:
Verse No.30/28:
Transliteration: Dharaba la-kum mathlan min anfusi-kum, hal la-kum min
ma malakat ayimanukum min shurakaaa fi ma razaqna-kum, fa-antum fi-hi
sawaan tukhafoona-hum ka-kheefati-kum anfusa-kum ka-zaalika nufassil-ul-
Ayaati li-qowmin yaqiloon.
He propounds unto you a parable drawn from your own life: Do you regard
those working for you under your oath/contract ( ) as partners in
whatever We may have bestowed upon you as sustenance, so that you all would
have equal shares in it; and do you fear for their sake just as you might fear for
yourselves? Thus clearly do We spell out these messages unto people who use
their reason.
Verse No.33/50:
O Head of the Divine State ( ) , for the sake of your mission ( ) We have
freed from all other obligations ( ) those of your people ( ) whose rights
or remuneration/wages you have already fixed ( ;) and those too who
already are working for you under your oath/contract ( ) out of those
Allah has brought under your authority ( ;) and those women too who
are your paternal and maternal cousins and who have migrated along with you;
and for those women peace enforcer ( ) who might volunteer to offer
their services to the supreme leader, if the supreme leader may wish, he can
arrange to enter into a working agreement with them ( ) . In this case
the authority to make a decision lies only with you, not with other responsible
peace officers. As for other responsible officers, we have made them aware about
their duties in respect of their teams/companions ( ) and those already
working for them under contracts ( ) in order that you are spared
from the burden of all responsibilities. Allahs Law provides means of protection
and evolution to everyone.
Verse No.33/54:
Transliteration: Laa yuhilla la-ka an-Nisaau min baad wa la an tabaddal bi-
hinna min azwaajin wa lou ajabaka husna-hunna illa ma malakat yaminu-ka.
Wa kaan-Allahu alaa kulli shayi-in raqeeba.
Apart from the above directives ( ) , women cannot be freed from their
responsibilities ( ) to work for your mission ( ;) nor can you
exchange their existing teams with the new comrades/people irrespective of your
admiration for their qualities. The exception is only for those already working
for you under contract ( ) . Allahs law is monitoring every act of
The full scope of authentic meanings of all important Quranic vocabulary in the
above Verses, as seen in the above article marked with parenthesis, is given below
after research from worlds most authentic Arabic lexicons. Kindly go through
very carefully for verification and double check:-