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Section 60.

Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

This section of the manual contains the following major topics:

60.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 60-2

60.2 Registers ..................................................................................................................... 60-3
60.3 Module Configuration ................................................................................................ 60-10
60.4 Capture Mode ........................................................................................................... 60-11
60.5 Compare Mode ......................................................................................................... 60-13
60.6 PWM Mode ............................................................................................................... 60-14
60.7 Enhanced PWM Mode .............................................................................................. 60-16
60.8 Operation in Power-Managed Modes ....................................................................... 60-26
60.9 Effects of a Reset...................................................................................................... 60-26
60.10 Register Maps ........................................................................................................... 60-27
60.11 Related Application Notes......................................................................................... 60-28
60.12 Revision History ........................................................................................................ 60-29


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PIC24F Family Reference Manual

Select PIC24 family devices incorporate one or more combined Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP)
modules. In addition, devices that use the CCP module may also include one or more Enhanced
CCP (ECCP) modules. These modules are identical to their counterparts found in PIC18 micro-
controllers, and provide many of the same features of the Input Capture and Output Compare
modules used in other PIC24F devices.
CCP and ECCP modules are differentiated by their PWM features. The standard CCP module
provides a single PWM output, while the ECCP module can drive up to four PWM outputs. The
enhanced PWM features make the ECCP module suitable for a variety of power and motor con-
trol applications. Because the CCP and ECCP modules otherwise share identical features, both
are described in this section.
Key features of all CCP modules include:
16-bit Input Capture for a range of edge events
16-bit Output Compare with multiple output options
Single output Pulse-Width Modulation with up to 10 bits of resolution
User-selectable time base from any available timer
Special Event Trigger on Capture and Compare events to automatically trigger a range of
ECCP modules also include these features:
Operation in Half-Bridge and Full-Bridge (Forward and Reverse) modes
Pulse Steering Control across any or all Enhanced PWM pins, with user-configurable
steering synchronization
User-configurable External Fault Detect with Auto-Shutdown and Auto-Restart
As with other peripherals, CCP modules are numbered sequentially when more than one is
included in a particular device. When CCP and ECCP modules occur together, the ECCP
modules are assigned the lowest sequence numbers.
Note: Throughout this section, generic references are used for register and bit names that are
the same, except for an x variable that indicates the items association to a specific
CCP module. For the sake of clarity, all module operations are described generically,
and are equally applicable to all CCP modules. Similarly, all generic descriptions of
Enhanced PWM operations are equally applicable to all ECCP modules.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Each CCP module contains at least three registers, one control register and two data registers
that combine to form a single, 16-bit virtual register. ECCP modules contain three additional reg-
isters to control Enhanced PWM features. Additional control registers are used to allocate timer
resources to the CCP and ECCP modules.
All registers are readable and writable.

60.2.1 Control Registers

Each CCP module is controlled by its CCPxCON register (Register 60-1). CCPxCON selects the
modules operating mode with the CCPxM<3:0> bit field. It also stores the two Least Significant
bits (LSbs) of the 10-bit PWM duty cycle (DCxB<1:0>) in bits 5 and 4.
ECCP modules use an extended version of the CCPxCON register (Register 60-2). In addition
to all the bits described in the standard version of CCPxCON, the ECCPxCON register contains
the PxM<1:0> bits (ECCPxCON<7:6>); these are used to select the Enhanced PWM mode.
In addition to ECCPxCON, each ECCP module implements three additional registers to control
ECCP functionality:
ECCPxAS, the Auto-Shutdown Control Register (Register 60-3)
ECCPxDEL, the Enhanced PWM Control Register (Register 60-4)
PSTRxCON, the Pulse Steering Control Register (Register 60-5)
The advanced features controlled by these three registers are described in Section 60.7
Enhanced PWM Mode.

60.2.2 CCPRx Registers

Each CCP or ECCP module incorporates a virtual 16-bit register that can function as a 16-bit
Capture register, a 16-bit Compare register or a PWM Master/Slave Duty Cycle register. In PIC24
devices, this virtual 16-bit register is split between two physical registers: CCPRxL for the lower
byte and CCPRxH for the upper byte. Data is stored in the lower byte of each physical register.
For Capture and Compare operations, CCPRxL and CCPRxH are used to capture a 16-bit timer
value or store a 16-bit value for comparison, depending on the modulers configuration. For all PWM
operations, only the CCPRxL register is used to store the upper eight bits of the 10-bit Duty Cycle.
The corresponding CCPRxH register is used as a slave buffer and is not available to the user.

60.2.3 CCPTMRS (Timer Resource) Registers

To allow the most flexibility in using timer resources, PIC24F devices that incorporate the CCP and
ECCP modules use a dedicated set of control registers to match the available 8/16-bit timers to
CCP modules. These registers are not actually part of the CCP modules or the timers, but provide
device level integration. The registers take the generic name, CCPTMRSn, where n represents
a register number. Each CCPTMRS register controls timer assignments for more than one ECCP
module, mapping different timers or timer pairs to different CCP modules.
The number of CCPTMRS registers present in a particular device is determined by the number
of CCP modules, and the number and type of timers. As these combinations are device-specific
and highly variable, each set of CCPTMRS registers has a device-specific bit mapping. Specific
versions of the registers are provided in the specific device data sheet. A hypothetical example
is shown in Register 60-6.
Additional information on timer and CCP module mapping is provided in Section 60.3.1 Timer
Resources and Selection. 60

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PIC24F Family Reference Manual

Register 60-1: CCPxCON: CCPx Control Register (Standard CCP Modules)

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

U-0 U-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-6 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 5-4 DCxB<1:0>: PWM Duty Cycle bit 1 and bit 0 for the CCPx Module
Capture and Compare modes:
PWM mode:
These bits are the two Least Significant bits (bit 1 and bit 0) of the 10-bit PWM duty cycle. The eight
Most Significant bits (DCxB<9:2>) of the duty cycle are found in CCPRxL.
bit 3-0 CCPxM<3:0>: CCPx Module Mode Select bits
1111 = Reserved
1110 = Reserved
1101 = Reserved
1100 = PWM mode
1011 = Compare mode: Special Event Trigger; reset timer on CCPx match (CCPxIF bit is set)(1)
1010 = Compare mode: Generate software interrupt on compare match (CCPxIF bit is set, CCPx pin
reflects I/O state)
1001 = Compare mode: Initialize CCPx pin high; on compare match, force CCPx pin low (CCPxIF bit
is set)
1000 = Compare mode: Initialize CCPx pin low; on compare match, force CCPx pin high (CCPxIF bit
is set)
0111 = Capture mode: Every 16th rising edge
0110 = Capture mode: Every 4th rising edge
0101 = Capture mode: Every rising edge
0100 = Capture mode: Every falling edge
0011 = Reserved
0010 = Compare mode: Toggle output on match (CCPxIF bit is set)
0001 = Reserved
0000 = Capture/Compare/PWM is disabled (resets CCPx module)

Note 1: CCPxM<3:0> = 1011 will only reset the timer and not start the A/D conversion on CCPx match.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Register 60-2: ECCPxCON: ECCPx Control Register (ECCP Modules Only)

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-8 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 7-6 PxM<1:0>: Enhanced PWM Output Configuration bits
If CCPxM<3:2> = 00, 01, 10:
xx = PxA is assigned as Capture input or Compare output; PxB, PxC and PxD are assigned as port pins
If CCPxM<3:2> = 11:
11 = Full-Bridge Output Reverse: PxB is modulated; PxC is active; PxA and PxD are inactive
10 = Half-Bridge Output: PxA, PxB are modulated with dead-band control; PxC and PxD are
assigned as port pins
01 = Full-Bridge Output Forward: PxD is modulated; PxA is active; PxB, PxC are inactive
00 = Single Output: PxA, PxB, PxC and PxD are controlled by steering (see Section 60.7.7 Pulse
Steering Mode)
bit 5-4 DCxB<1:0>: PWM Duty Cycle bit 1 and bit 0 for CCPx Module
Capture and Compare modes:
PWM mode:
These bits are the two Least Significant bits (bit 1 and bit 0) of the 10-bit PWM duty cycle. The eight
Most Significant bits (DCxB<9:2>) of the duty cycle are found in CCPRxL.
bit 3-0 CCPxM<3:0>: CCPx Module Mode Select bits
1111 = PWM mode: PA and PC are active-low; PB and PD are active-low
1110 = PWM mode: PA and PC are active-low; PB and PD are active-high
1101 = PWM mode: PA and PC are active-high; PB and PD are active-low
1100 = PWM mode: PA and PC are active-high; PB and PD are active-high
1011 = Compare mode: Special Event Trigger; reset timer on CCPx match (CCPxIF bit is set)(1)
1010 = Compare mode: Generate software interrupt on compare match (CCPxIF bit is set, CCPx pin
reflects I/O state)
1001 = Compare mode: Initialize CCPx pin high; on compare match, force CCPx pin low (CCPxIF bit
is set)
1000 = Compare mode: Initialize CCPx pin low; on compare match, force CCPx pin high (CCPxIF bit
is set)
0111 = Capture mode: Every 16th rising edge
0110 = Capture mode: Every 4th rising edge
0101 = Capture mode: Every rising edge
0100 = Capture mode: Every falling edge
0011 = Reserved

0010 = Compare mode: Toggle output on match (CCPxIF bit is set)

0001 = Reserved
0000 = Capture/Compare/PWM is disabled (resets CCPx module)

Note 1: CCPxM<3:0> = 1011 will only reset the timer and not start the A/D conversion on CCPx match.

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Register 60-3: ECCPxAS: ECCPx Auto-Shutdown Control Register

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-8 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 7 ECCPxASE: ECCP Auto-Shutdown Event Status bit
1 = A shutdown event has occurred; ECCP outputs are in a shutdown state
0 = ECCP outputs are operating
bit 6-4 ECCPxAS<2:0>: ECCP Auto-Shutdown Source Select bits
111 = VIL on FLT0 pin, or either C1OUT or C2OUT is high
110 = VIL on FLT0 pin or comparator C2OUT output is high
101 = VIL on FLT0 pin or comparator C1OUT output is high
100 = VIL on FLT0 pin
011 = Either C1OUT or C2OUT is high
010 = Comparator C2OUT output is high
001 = Comparator C1OUT output is high
000 = Auto-shutdown is disabled
bit 3-2 PSSxAC<1:0>: PxA and PxC Pins Shutdown State Control bits
1x = PxA and PxC pins tri-state
01 = Drive pins PxA and PxC to 1
00 = Drive pins PxA and PxC to 0
bit 1-0 PSSxBD<1:0>: PxB and PxD Pins Shutdown State Control bits
1x = PxB and PxD pins tri-state
01 = Drive pins PxB and PxD to 1
00 = Drive pins PxB and PxD to 0

Note 1: The auto-shutdown condition is a level-based signal, not an edge-based signal. As long as the level is
present, the auto-shutdown will persist.
2: Writing to the ECCPxASE bit is disabled while an auto-shutdown condition persists.
3: Once the auto-shutdown condition has been removed and the PWM restarted (either through firmware or
auto-restart), the PWM signal will always restart at the beginning of the next PWM period.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Register 60-4: ECCPxDEL: ECCPx Enhanced PWM Control Register

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-8 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 7 PxRSEN: PWM Restart Enable bit
1 = Upon auto-shutdown, the ECCPxASE bit clears automatically once the shutdown event goes
away; the PWM restarts automatically
0 = Upon auto-shutdown, ECCPxASE must be cleared by software to restart the PWM
bit 6-0 PxDC<6:0>: PWM Delay Count bits
PxDCn = Number of FCY (FOSC/2) cycles between the scheduled time when a PWM signal
should transition active and the actual time it transitions active.


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Register 60-5: PSTRxCON: Pulse Steering Control Register for ECCPx

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

R/W-0 R/W-0 U-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-1

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-8 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 7-6 CMPL<1:0>: Complementary Mode Output Assignment Steering Sync bits
11 = PxA and PxD are the complementary pair
10 = PxA and PxC are the complementary pair
01 = PxA and PxB are the complementary pair
00 = Complementary output assignment is disabled; the STRD:STRA bits are used to determine Steering mode
bit 5 Unimplemented: Read as 0
bit 4 STRSYNC: Steering Sync bit
1 = Output steering update occurs on the next PWM period
0 = Output steering update occurs at the beginning of the instruction cycle boundary
bit 3 STRD: Steering Enable D bit(1)
1 = PxD pin has the PWM waveform with polarity control from CCPxM<1:0>
0 = PxD pin is assigned to port pin
bit 2 STRC: Steering Enable C bit(1)
1 = PxC pin has the PWM waveform with polarity control from CCPxM<1:0>
0 = PxC pin is assigned to port pin
bit 1 STRB: Steering Enable B bit(1)
1 = PxB pin has the PWM waveform with polarity control from CCPxM<1:0>
0 = PxB pin is assigned to port pin
bit 0 STRA: Steering Enable A bit(1)
1 = PxA pin has the PWM waveform with polarity control from CCPxM<1:0>
0 = PxA pin is assigned to port pin

Note 1: The PWM Steering mode is available only when CCPxM<3:2> = 11 and PxM<1:0> = 00.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Register 60-6: CCPTMRS0: CCP Timer Select Control Register 0 (Example)(1)

U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0

bit 15 bit 8

R/W-0 R/W-0 U-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0

bit 7 bit 0

R = Readable bit W = Writable bit U = Unimplemented bit, read as 0
-n = Value at POR 1 = Bit is set 0 = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown

bit 15-8 Unimplemented: Read as 0

bit 7-6 C3TSEL<1:0>: CCP3 Timer Selection bits
1x = Reserved; do not use
01 = CCP3 uses TMR3/TMR4
00 = CCP3 uses TMR3/TMR2
bit 5 Unimplemented: Read as 0
bit 4-3 C2TSEL<1:0>: CCP2 Timer Selection bits
1x = Reserved; do not use
01 = CCP2 uses TMR3/TMR4
00 = CCP2 uses TMR3/TMR2
bit 2-0 C1TSEL<2:0>: ECCP1 Timer Selection bits
1xx = Reserved; do not use
01x = Reserved; do not use
001 = ECCP1 uses TMR3/TMR4
000 = ECCP1 uses TMR3/TMR2

Note 1: This hypothetical configuration is based on a device with three CCP modules (one of which is an ECCP)
and three 8/16-bit timers. Actual devices may vary substantially. Refer to the device data sheet for a
specific family for the actual number of registers and their bit configuration.


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PIC24F Family Reference Manual


60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection
The CCP modules may utilize any of the general purpose, 8/16-bit timers available on the
microcontroller. Timer1, which can only operate as a 16-bit timer, is not available to CCP modules.
In general, the only limitation is that a module operating in one of the PWM modes must use a
timer with its own period register; in standard device nomenclature, these are even numbered
timers. In contrast, modules operating in Capture and Compare mode must use one of the odd
numbered timers, which are configurable as 16-bit timers. This is summarized in Table 60-1.

Table 60-1: Examples of CCP/Timer Resource Pairing Options

CCP Mode Timer Resource(1)
Timer3, Timer 5...
PWM Timer2, Timer4...
Note 1: Not all of the timers listed here may be available in all devices. Refer to the specific
device data sheet for details.
The assignment of a particular timer to a module is determined by the Timer to CCP enable bits
in the CCPTMRSn registers. Timers are assigned in fixed pairs to a CCP module, with one odd
timer (for Capture and Compare) and one even timer (for PWM), selected by a particular bit
In theory, all of the modules for a particular device may be active at once and may share the same
timer resource if they are configured to operate in the same mode (Capture/Compare or PWM),
at the same time. In actual implementation, however, some CCP modules may be restricted to
only selecting from one or two of the available timers. As a rule, ECCP modules will have more
timer configuration options available for selection.
The number and configuration of the CCPTMRSn registers are dependent on the number of CCP
and ECCP modules, and the number of timers; as such, they are always device-specific. Refer
to the particular device data sheet for specific information on CCP, Timer and CCPTMRSn
register implementation.
Note: Throughout this section, generic references are used for timers. Timer a (TMRa) and
Timer b (TMRb) are used to represent odd numbered timers. Timer c (TMRc)
represents even numbered timers.

60.3.2 CCP I/O Configuration

As PIC24 devices allow a peripheral to control a pins direction, rather than using the pins
corresponding TRIS bit, configuring the TRIS bit will not ensure the proper pin function. A
suggested start-up sequence for using the CCP module is as follows:
1. Disable the module by writing 0000 to CCPxM<3:0> (CCPxCON<3:0>).
1. Set the TRIS bit on the CCPx pin, and any Px pins (for Enhanced PWM modes). This
configures the pins as inputs.
2. Write any initial values to CCPRxL and CCPRxH. For Enhanced PWM modes, configure
ECCPxCON<7:6> as well.
3. Enable the module by writing the appropriate mode select value to CCPxM<3:0>. When
the module is enabled, it will assert control of the pins in the proper data direction.
The Enhanced CCP module may have up to four PWM outputs, depending on the selected oper-
ating mode. These outputs are designated PxA through PxD. The outputs that are active depend
on the ECCP operating mode selected. The pin assignments are summarized in Table 60-3. To
configure the I/O pins as PWM outputs, the proper PWM mode must be selected by setting the
PM<1:0> and CCPxM<3:0> bits.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)


In Capture mode, the CCPRxH:CCPRxL register pair captures the 16-bit value of the selected
Timer register when an event occurs on the CCPx pin. An event is defined as one of the following:
Every falling edge
Every rising edge
Every 4th rising edge
Every 16th rising edge
The event is selected by the CCP Mode Select bits, CCPxM<3:0> (CCPxCON<3:0>). When a
capture is made, the CCP Interrupt Request Flag bit, CCPxIF, is set. (It must be cleared in soft-
ware.) If another capture occurs before the value in CCPRx is read, the old captured value is
overwritten by the new captured value.
Figure 60-1 shows the Capture mode block diagram.

60.4.1 CCP Pin Configuration

In Capture mode, the appropriate CCPx pin should be configured as an input by setting the
corresponding TRIS direction bit.

60.4.2 Timer Mode Selection

To be used for the Capture feature, the selected timers must be running in Timer mode or
Synchronized Counter mode. In Asynchronous Counter mode, the capture operation may not work.
The timer to be used with each CCP module is selected in the CCPTMRSx registers (see
Section 60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection for more information). The timers available
to each CCP module are device-specific. Refer to the particular device data sheet for specific

Figure 60-1: Generic Capture Mode Block Diagram


(E)CCPx Pin
Prescaler and TMR
1, 4, 16 Edge Detect Capture


CCPxCON<3:0> 4

Note: TMRa and TMRb are generic references. The timers available to a specific CCP module are device-specific.
See Section 60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection for more information.


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60.4.3 CCP Prescaler

There are four prescaler settings in Capture mode. They are specified as part of the operating
mode selected by the CCPx Mode Select bits (CCPxM<3:0>). Whenever the CCP module is
turned off, or the CCP module is not in Capture mode, the prescaler counter is cleared. This
means that any Reset will clear the prescaler counter.
Switching from one capture prescaler to another may generate an interrupt. Doing that will also
not clear the prescaler counter meaning the first capture may be from a non-zero prescaler.
Example 60-1 shows the recommended method for switching between capture prescalers. This
example also clears the prescaler counter and will not generate the false interrupt.

Example 60-1: Changing Between Capture Prescalers

CCP4CON = 0; // Turn CCP4 module off
CCP4CON = NEW_CAPT_PS; // Load new prescaler mode value and turn CCP4 ON

60.4.4 Software Interrupt

When the Capture mode is changed, a false capture interrupt may be generated. The user
should keep the CCPxIE interrupt enable bit clear to avoid false interrupts and should clear the
CCPxIF interrupt flag when changing Capture modes.

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)


In Compare mode, the 16-bit CCPRx register value is constantly compared against the selected
timers register pair value. When a match occurs, the CCPx pin can be:
Driven high
Driven low
Toggled (high-to-low or low-to-high)
Unchanged (that is, reflecting the state of the I/O latch)
The action on the pin is based on the value of the CCPx Mode Select bits (CCPxM<3:0>). At the
same time, the CCPx Interrupt Flag bit, CCPxIF, is set.
Figure 60-2 shows the Compare mode block diagram.

60.5.1 CCP Pin Configuration

The CCP module automatically configures the pin as an output when the module is enabled. See
Section 60.3.2 CCP I/O Configuration for details.

60.5.2 Timer Mode Selection

To be used for the Compare features, the selected timers must be running in Timer mode or
Synchronized Counter mode. In Asynchronous Counter mode, the Compare operation may not

60.5.3 Special Event Trigger

Both CCP modules are equipped with a Special Event Trigger. This is an internal hardware signal
generated in Compare mode to trigger actions by other modules. The Special Event Trigger is
enabled by selecting the Compare Special Event Trigger mode (CCPxM<3:0> = 1011).
For either CCP module, the Special Event Trigger resets the Timer register pair for whichever timer
resource is currently assigned as the modules time base. This allows the CCPRx registers to serve
as a programmable period register for either timer.

60.5.4 Software Interrupt Mode

When the Generate Software Interrupt mode is chosen (CCPxM<3:0> = 1010), the CCPx pin is
not affected. Only a CCP interrupt is generated, if enabled, and the CCPxIE bit is set.

Figure 60-2: Generic Compare Mode Block Diagram

Special Event Trigger

Set CCPxIF (Timer a/b Reset)
CCPx Pin

Compare Output S Q
Match Logic
Output Enable


Timer Select


Note: TMRa and TMRb are generic references; the timers available to a specific CCP module are device-specific.
See Section 60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection for more information.

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In Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) mode, the CCP pin produces a PWM output of up to a 10-bit
resolution. Figure 60-3 shows a simplified block diagram of the module in PWM mode.
A PWM output (Figure 60-4) has a time-base (period) and a time that the output stays high (duty
cycle). The frequency of the PWM is the inverse of the period (1/period).
For a step-by-step procedure on how to set up the CCP module for PWM operation, see
Section 60.6.3 Setup for PWM Operation.

Figure 60-3: Simplified PWM Block Diagram

Duty Cycle Registers CCPxCON<5:4>


CCPRxH (Slave)

Comparator R Q

TMRc(2) (1) S

Output Enable
Clear Timer,
CCP1 Pin and
Latch D.C.

Note 1: The 8-bit TMRc value is concatenated with the 2-bit internal Q clock, or 2 bits of the prescaler, to create the 10-bit time base.
2: TMRc and PRc are generic timer references. See Section 60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection for more information.

Figure 60-4: PWM Output


Duty Cycle

TMR2 = PR2 TMR2 = PR2

TMR2 = Duty Cycle

60.6.1 PWM Period

The PWM period is specified by writing to the PR2 register. The PWM period can be calculated
using the following formula:

Equation 60-1:
PWM Period = [(PR2) + 1] 2 TOSC (TMR2 Prescale Value)

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Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

The PWM frequency is defined as 1/[PWM period]. When TMR2 is equal to PR2, the following
three events occur on the next increment cycle:
TMR2 is cleared
The CCP4 pin is set (Exception: If the PWM Duty Cycle = 0%, the CCPx pin will not be set)
The PWM duty cycle is latched from CCPRxL into CCPRxH
Note: The Timer2 postscalers are not used in the determination of the PWM frequency.
The postscaler could be used to have a servo update rate at a different frequency
than the PWM output.

60.6.2 PWM Duty Cycle

The PWM duty cycle is specified by writing to the CCPR4L register and to the CCP4CON<5:4>
bits. Up to 10-bit resolution is available. The CCPR4L contains the eight MSbs and the
CCP4CON<5:4> contains the two LSbs. This 10-bit value is represented by
CCPR4L:CCP4CON<5:4>. The following equations are used to calculate the PWM duty cycle as
a percentage or as time:

Equation 60-2:
PWM Duty Cycle (%) = (CCPRXL:CCPXCON<5:4>)/(4 PR2)
PWM Duty Cycle (time in s) = (CCPRXL:CCPXCON<5:4>) TOSC/2 (TMR2 Prescale Value)

CCPR4L and CCP4CON<5:4> can be written to at any time, but the duty cycle value is not
latched into CCPR4H until after a match between PR2 and TMR2 occurs (that is, the period is
complete). In PWM mode, CCPR4H is a read-only register.
The CCPR4H register and a two-bit internal latch are used to double-buffer the PWM duty cycle.
This double-buffering is essential for glitchless PWM operation.
When the CCPR4H and two-bit latch match TMR2, concatenated with an internal two-bit Q clock
or two bits of the TMR2 prescaler, the CCP4 pin is cleared.
The maximum PWM resolution (bits) for a given PWM frequency is shown in the following equation:

Equation 60-3:

2 Fosc
log --------------------
PWM Resolution (max) = ---------------------------------- bits
log 2

Note: If the PWM duty cycle value is longer than the PWM period, the CCP4 pin will not
be cleared.

Table 60-2: Example PWM Frequencies and Resolutions at 32 MHz

PWM Frequency 3.906 kHz 62.5 kHz 125 kHz 250 kHz 500 kHz 1 MHz
Timer Prescaler 16 1 1 1 1 1
PR2 Value FFh FFh 7Fh 3Fh 1Fh 0Fh
Maximum Resolution 10 10 9 8 7 6
60.6.3 Setup for PWM Operation

To configure the CCP module for PWM operation:

1. Set the PWM period by writing to the PR2 register.
2. Set the PWM duty cycle by writing to the CCPRxL register and CCPxCON<5:4> bits.
3. Set the TMR2 prescale value, then enable Timer2 by writing to T2CON.
4. Configure the CCPxCON register for PWM operation.

2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-15

PIC24F Family Reference Manual


In ECCP modules, the Enhanced PWM mode can generate a PWM signal on up to four different
output pins, with up to 10 bits of resolution. It can do this through four different PWM Output modes:
Single PWM mode
Half-Bridge PWM mode
Full-Bridge PWM, Forward mode
Full-Bridge PWM, Reverse mode
To select an Enhanced PWM mode, the PM<1:0> bits (ECCPxCON<7:6>) must be set
The PWM outputs are multiplexed with I/O pins, and are designated PxA, PxB, PxC and PxD. The
polarity of the PWM pins is configurable and is selected by setting the appropriate CCPxM bits in the
ECCPxCON register. Table 60-3 provides the pin assignments for each Enhanced PWM mode.
Figure 60-5 provides an example of a simplified block diagram of the Enhanced PWM module.
Note: To prevent the generation of an incomplete waveform when the PWM is first
enabled, the ECCP module waits until the start of a new PWM period before
generating a PWM signal.

Figure 60-5: Simplified Block Diagram of Enhanced PWM Mode

Duty Cycle Registers DCxB<1:0> PxM<1:0> CCPxM<3:0>

2 4

ECCPx/PxA ECCPx/PxA Output

Output Enable
CCPRxH (Slave)
PxB PxB Output

Output Output Enable

Comparator R Q
PxC PxC Output
TMRc(2) (1) S Output Enable

PxD PxD Output

Clear Timer, Output Enable
CCPx Pin and
latch D.C. ECCPxDEL

Note 1: The 8-bit TMR2 value is concatenated with the 2-bit internal Q clock, or 2 bits of the prescaler, to create the 10-bit time base.
2: TMRc and PRc are generic timer references. See Section 60.3.1 Timer Resources and Selection for more information.

Table 60-3: Pin Assignments for Various PWM Enhanced Modes

ECCP Mode PxM<1:0> PxA PxB PxC PxD
Single 00 Yes(1) Yes(1) Yes(1) Yes(1)
Half-Bridge 10 Yes Yes No No
Full-Bridge, Forward 01 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Full-Bridge, Reverse 11 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note 1: Individual outputs in Single mode are enabled by pulse steering, controlled by the
PSTRxCON register (Register 60-5).

Note 1: The STR<D:A> bits in the PSTRxCON register, for each PWM output, must be
configured appropriately.
2: Any pin not used by an Enhanced PWM mode is available for alternate pin functions.

DS30673A-page 60-16 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Figure 60-6: Enhanced PWM Output Relationships (Active-High State) Example

PxM<1:0> Signal 0 Pulse Width PR2 + 1


00 (Single Output) PxA Modulated

Delay(1) Delay(1)
PxA Modulated

10 (Half-Bridge) PxB Modulated

PxA Active

(Full-Bridge, PxB Inactive

01 Forward)
PxC Inactive

PxD Modulated

PxA Inactive

(Full-Bridge, PxB Modulated

PxC Active

PxD Inactive

Period = 2 * TOSC * (PR2 + 1) * (TMR2 Prescale Value)
Pulse Width = TOSC/2 * (CCPRxL<7:0>:ECCPxCON<5:4>) * (TMR2 Prescale Value)
Delay = 2 * TOSC * (ECCPxDEL<6:0>)
Note 1: Dead-band delay is programmed using the ECCPxDEL register (see Section 60.7.6 Programmable Dead-Band Delay Mode).

Figure 60-7: Enhanced PWM Output Relationships (Active-Low State) Example

Pulse PR2 + 1
PxM<1:0> Signal 0

00 (Single Output) PxA Modulated

PxA Modulated
Delay(1) Delay(1)
10 (Half-Bridge) PxB Modulated

PxA Active

(Full-Bridge, PxB Inactive

01 Forward)
PxC Inactive

PxD Modulated

PxA Inactive

(Full-Bridge, PxB Modulated

PxC Active

PxD Inactive

Period = 2 * TOSC * (PR2 + 1) * (TMR2 Prescale Value)
Pulse Width = TOSC/2 * (CCPRxL<7:0>:ECCPxCON<5:4>) * (TMR2 Prescale Value)
Delay = 2 * TOSC * (ECCPxDEL<6:0>)
Note 1: Dead-band delay is programmed using the ECCPxDEL register (see Section 60.7.6 Programmable Dead-Band Delay Mode).

2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-17

PIC24F Family Reference Manual

60.7.1 Half-Bridge Mode

In Half-Bridge mode, two pins are used as outputs to drive push-pull loads. The PWM output sig-
nal is output on the PxA pin, while the complementary PWM output signal is output on the PxB
pin (see Figure 60-8). This mode can be used for half-bridge applications, or for full-bridge appli-
cations, where four power switches are being modulated with two PWM signals (Figure 60-9).
In Half-Bridge mode, the programmable dead-band delay can be used to prevent shoot-through
current in half-bridge power devices. The value of the PxDC<6:0> bits of the ECCPxDEL register sets
the number of instruction cycles before the output is driven active. If the value is greater than the duty
cycle, the corresponding output remains inactive during the entire cycle. For more details on the
dead-band delay operations, see Section 60.7.6 Programmable Dead-Band Delay Mode.

Figure 60-8: Example of Half-Bridge PWM Output

Period Period

Pulse Width



(1) (1) (1)

td = Dead-Band Delay

Note 1: At this time, the TMR2 register is equal to the PR2 register.
2: Output signals are shown as active-high.

Figure 60-9: Example of Half-Bridge Applications

Standard Half-Bridge Circuit (Push-Pull)

Driver +


Half-Bridge Output Driving a Full-Bridge Circuit


Driver Driver

Driver Driver

DS30673A-page 60-18 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

60.7.2 Full-Bridge Mode

In Full-Bridge mode, all four pins are used as outputs. An example of a full-bridge application is
provided in Figure 60-10.
In the Forward mode, the PxA pin is driven to its active state and the PxD pin is modulated, while
the PxB and PxC pins are driven to their inactive state, as shown in Figure 60-11.
In the Reverse mode, the PxC pin is driven to its active state and the PxB pin is modulated, while
the PxA and PxD pins are driven to their inactive state, as shown in Figure 60-11.

Figure 60-10: Example of Full-Bridge Application


Driver Driver

Driver Driver



Figure 60-11: Example of Full-Bridge PWM Output

Forward Mode Period

Pulse Width


(1) (1)

Reverse Mode Period

Pulse Width



(1) (1)

Note 1: At this time, the TMR2 register is equal to the PR2 register.
2: The output signal is shown as active-high.

2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-19


In the Full-Bridge mode, the PxM1 bit in the ECCPxCON register allows users to control the
forward/reverse direction. When the application firmware changes this direction control bit, the
module will change to the new direction on the next PWM cycle.
A direction change is initiated in software by changing the PxM1 bit of the ECCPxCON register.
The following sequence occurs prior to the end of the current PWM period:
The modulated outputs (PxB and PxD) are placed in their inactive state.
The associated unmodulated outputs (PxA and PxC) are switched to drive in the opposite
PWM modulation resumes at the beginning of the next period.
For an illustration of this sequence, see Figure 60-12.
The Full-Bridge mode does not provide a dead-band delay. As one output is modulated at a time, a
dead-band delay is generally not required. There is a situation where a dead-band delay is required.
This situation occurs when both of the following conditions are true:
The direction of the PWM output changes when the duty cycle of the output is at or near
The turn-off time of the power switch, including the power device and driver circuit, is
greater than the turn-on time.
Figure 60-13 shows an example of the PWM direction changing from forward to reverse at a near
100% duty cycle. In this example, at time t1, the PxA and PxD outputs become inactive, while the
PxC output becomes active. Since the turn-off time of the power devices is longer than the turn-on
time, a shoot-through current will flow through power devices, QC and QD (see Figure 60-10), for
the duration of t. The same phenomenon will occur to power devices, QA and QB, for PWM
direction change from reverse to forward.
If an application requires changing PWM direction at high duty cycle, two possible solutions for
eliminating the shoot-through current are:
Reduce PWM duty cycle for one PWM period before changing directions.
Use switch drivers that can drive the switches off faster than they can drive them on.
Other options to prevent shoot-through current may exist.

Figure 60-12: Example of PWM Direction Change

Signal Period(1) Period

PxA (Active-High)

PxB (Active-High)
Pulse Width

PxC (Active-High)

PxD (Active-High)

Pulse Width

Note 1: The direction bit, PxM1 of the ECCPxCON register, is written any time during the PWM cycle.
2: When changing directions, the PxA and PxC signals switch before the end of the current PWM cycle. The
modulated PxB and PxD signals are inactive at this time. The length of this time is:
(1/FOSC) TMR2 Prescale Value.

DS30673A-page 60-20 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Figure 60-13: Example of PWM Direction Change at Near 100% Duty Cycle

Forward Period t1 Reverse Period




External Switch C

External Switch D

Potential T = TOFF TON

Shoot-Through Current

Note 1: All signals are shown as active-high.

2: TON is the turn-on delay of power switch, QC, and its driver.
3: TOFF is the turn-off delay of power switch, QD, and its driver.

60.7.3 Start-up Considerations

When any PWM mode is used, the application hardware must use the proper external pull-up
and/or pull-down resistors on the PWM output pins.
Note: When the microcontroller is released from Reset, all of the I/O pins are in the
high-impedance state. The external circuits must keep the power switch devices in
the OFF state until the microcontroller drives the I/O pins with the proper signal
levels or activates the PWM output(s).
The PxM<1:0> bits of the ECCPxCON register allow the user to choose whether the PWM output
signals are active-high or active-low for each pair of PWM output pins (PxA/PxC and PxB/PxD).
The PWM output polarities must be selected before the PWM pin output drivers are enabled.
Changing the polarity configuration while the PWM pin output drivers are enabled is not
recommended, since it may result in damage to the application circuits.
The PxA, PxB, PxC and PxD output latches may not be in the proper states when the PWM
module is initialized. Enabling the PWM pin output drivers at the same time as the Enhanced
PWM modes may cause damage to the application circuit. The Enhanced PWM modes must be
enabled in the proper Output mode and complete a full PWM cycle before enabling the PWM pin
output drivers. The completion of a full PWM cycle is indicated by the T2IF or T4IF bit of the IFS0
or IFS1 register being set, as the second PWM period begins.


2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-21

PIC24F Family Reference Manual

60.7.4 Enhanced PWM Auto-Shutdown Mode

The PWM mode supports an Auto-Shutdown mode that will disable the PWM outputs when an
external shutdown event occurs. Auto-Shutdown mode places the PWM output pins into a
predetermined state. This mode is used to help prevent the PWM from damaging the application.
The auto-shutdown sources are selected using the ECCPxAS<6:4> bits. A shutdown event may
be generated by:
A logic 0 on the pin that is assigned to the FLT0 input function
Comparator C1
Comparator C2
Setting the ECCPxASE bit in firmware
A shutdown condition is indicated by the ECCPxASE (Auto-Shutdown Event Status) bit
(ECCPxAS<7>). If the bit is set to 0, the PWM pins are operating normally. If the bit is set to 1,
the PWM outputs are in the shutdown state.
When a shutdown event occurs, two things happen:
The ECCPxASE bit is set to 1. The ECCPxASE bit will remain set until cleared in firmware
or an auto-restart occurs. (See Section 60.7.5 Auto-Restart Mode.)
The enabled PWM pins are asynchronously placed in their shutdown states. The PWM out-
put pins are grouped into pairs (PxA/PxC) and (PxB/PxD). The state of each pin pair is
determined by the PSSxAC and PSSxBD bits (ECCPxAS<3:0>).
Each pin pair may be placed into one of three states:
Drive logic 1
Drive logic 0
Tri-state (high-impedance)

Figure 60-14: PWM Auto-Shutdown With Firmware Restart (PxRSEN = 0)

PWM Period

Shutdown Event


PWM Activity

Normal PWM
Cleared by
Start of Shutdown Shutdown Firmware PWM
PWM Period Event Occurs Event Clears Resumes

DS30673A-page 60-22 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

60.7.5 Auto-Restart Mode

The Enhanced PWM can be configured to automatically restart the PWM signal once the
auto-shutdown condition has been removed. Auto-restart is enabled by setting the PxRSEN bit
If auto-restart is enabled, the ECCPxASE bit will remain set as long as the auto-shutdown con-
dition is active. When the auto-shutdown condition is removed, the ECCPxASE bit will be cleared
via hardware and normal operation will resume.
The module will wait until the next PWM period begins before re-enabling the output pin. This
behavior allows the auto-shutdown with auto-restart features to be used in applications based on
the current mode of PWM control.

Figure 60-15: PWM Auto-Shutdown with Auto-Restart Enabled (PxRSEN = 1)

PWM Period

Shutdown Event


PWM Activity

Normal PWM

Start of Shutdown Shutdown PWM

PWM Period Event Occurs Event Clears Resumes

60.7.6 Programmable Dead-Band Delay Mode

In half-bridge applications (see Figure 60-9), where all power switches are modulated at the
PWM frequency, the power switches normally require more time to turn off than to turn on. If both
the upper and lower power switches are switched at the same time (one turned on and the other
turned off), both switches may be on for a short period until one switch completely turns off.
During this brief interval, a very high current (shoot-through current) will flow through both power
switches, shorting the bridge supply. To avoid this potentially destructive shoot-through current
from flowing during switching, turning on either of the power switches is normally delayed to allow
the other switch to completely turn off.
In Half-Bridge mode, a digitally programmable, dead-band delay is available to avoid
shoot-through current from destroying the bridge power switches. The delay occurs at the signal
transition from the non-active state to the active state (interval td, Figure 60-8). The lower seven
bits of the associated ECCPxDEL register (Register 60-4) set the delay period in terms of
microcontroller instruction cycles (TCY or 2 TOSC).


2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-23

PIC24F Family Reference Manual

60.7.7 Pulse Steering Mode

In Single Output mode, pulse steering allows any of the PWM pins to be the modulated signal.
Additionally, the same PWM signal can simultaneously be available on multiple pins.
Once the Single Output mode is selected (CCPxM<3:2> = 11 and PxM<1:0> = 00 of the
ECCPxCON register), the user firmware can bring out the same PWM signal to one, two, three
or four output pins by setting the appropriate STR<D:A> bits (PSTRxCON<3:0>), as provided in
Table 60-3.
Note: The associated STR<D:A> bits in the PSTRxCON register must be set to output
(0) to enable the pin output driver, in order to see the PWM signal on the pin.
While the PWM Steering mode is active, the CCPxM<1:0> bits (ECCPxCON<1:0>) select the
PWM output polarity for the Px<D:A> pins.
The PWM auto-shutdown operation also applies to PWM Steering mode, as described in
Section 60.7.4 Enhanced PWM Auto-Shutdown Mode. An auto-shutdown event will only
affect pins that have PWM outputs enabled.

Figure 60-16: Simplified Steering Block Diagram

PxA Signal PxA Output
CCPxM1 1

PORT Data(1)
Output Enable

CCPxM0 1 PxB Output

PORT Data(1) 0
Output Enable

CCPxM1 1 PxC Output

PORT Data(1) 0
Output Enable

CCPxM0 1 PxD Output

PORT Data(1)
Output Enable

Note 1: Port outputs are configured as displayed when the ECCPxCON register bits, PxM<1:0> = 00 and CCPxM<3:2> = 11.
2: Single PWM output requires setting at least one of the STR<D:A> bits.

DS30673A-page 60-24 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP) STEERING SYNCHRONIZATION

The STRSYNC bit of the PSTRxCON register gives the user two choices for when the steering
event will happen. When the STRSYNC bit is 0, the steering event will happen at the end of the
instruction that writes to the PSTRxCON register. In this case, the output signal at the Px<D:A>
pins may be an incomplete PWM waveform. This operation is useful when the user firmware
needs to immediately remove a PWM signal from the pin.
When the STRSYNC bit is 1, the effective steering update will happen at the beginning of the
next PWM period. In this case, steering on/off the PWM output will always produce a complete
PWM waveform.
Figure 60-17 and Figure 60-18 illustrate the timing diagrams of the PWM steering, depending on
the STRSYNC setting.

Figure 60-17: Example of Steering Event at End of Instruction (STRSYNC = 0)

PWM Period



Px<D:A> PORT Data PORT Data

P1n = PWM

Figure 60-18: Example of Steering Event at Beginning of Instruction (STRSYNC = 1)



P1<D:A> PORT Data PORT Data

P1n = PWM


2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-25

PIC24F Family Reference Manual


In Sleep mode, all clock sources are disabled. Timers will not increment and the state of the
module will not change. If the CCPx pin is driving a value, it will continue to drive that value. When
the device wakes up, it will continue from this state. If Two-Speed Start-ups are enabled, the initial
start-up frequency of the FRC oscillator may not be the same as the primary oscillator.
In Idle mode, the primary clock will continue to clock the module without change.

60.8.1 Operation with Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)

If the Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM) is enabled, a clock failure will force the device to run from
the FRC oscillator and also set the OSCFAIL bit. The module will then be clocked from the internal
oscillator clock source, which may have a different clock frequency than the primary clock.


Any Reset event will force all I/O ports to Input mode and the CCP registers to their Reset states.

DS30673A-page 60-26 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)

Summaries of the registers associated with the PIC24F Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP and ECCP) modules are provided in Table 60-4
and Table 60-5.

Table 60-4: Generic CCP Register Map

File Name Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


CCPRxL Capture/Compare/PWM Register Low Byte 0000
CCPRxH Capture/Compare/PWM Register High Byte 0000
Legend: = unimplemented, read as 0. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.

Table 60-5: Generic ECCP Register Map

Advance Information

File Name Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

ECCPRxL Capture/Compare/PWM Register Low Byte 0000
ECCPRxH Capture/Compare/PWM Register High Byte 0000
Legend: = unimplemented, read as 0. Reset values are shown in hexadecimal.
DS30673A-page 60-27



PIC24F Family Reference Manual


This section lists application notes that are related to this section of the manual. These applica-
tion notes may not be written specifically for the PIC24F device family, but the concepts are
pertinent and could be used with modification and possible limitations.
The current application notes related to the Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP and ECCP) modules are:

Title Application Note #

No related application notes at this time.

Note: Please visit the Microchip web site ( for additional Application
Notes and code examples for the PIC24F family of devices.

DS30673A-page 60-28 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)


Revision A (November 2011)
Original version of this document.


2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Advance Information DS30673A-page 60-29

PIC24F Family Reference Manual


DS30673A-page 60-30 Advance Information 2011 Microchip Technology Inc.

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Fax: 774-760-0088 China - Chongqing Tel: 82-2-554-7200 Tel: 31-416-690399
Tel: 86-23-8980-9588 Fax: 82-2-558-5932 or Fax: 31-416-690340
Itasca, IL Fax: 86-23-8980-9500 82-2-558-5934 Spain - Madrid
Tel: 630-285-0071 China - Hangzhou Tel: 34-91-708-08-90
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Fax: 630-285-0075 Tel: 86-571-2819-3187 Tel: 60-3-6201-9857 Fax: 34-91-708-08-91
Cleveland Fax: 86-571-2819-3189 Fax: 60-3-6201-9859 UK - Wokingham
Independence, OH China - Hong Kong SAR Tel: 44-118-921-5869
Malaysia - Penang
Tel: 216-447-0464 Tel: 852-2401-1200 Fax: 44-118-921-5820
Tel: 60-4-227-8870
Fax: 216-447-0643 Fax: 852-2401-3431 Fax: 60-4-227-4068
Dallas China - Nanjing Philippines - Manila
Addison, TX Tel: 86-25-8473-2460 Tel: 63-2-634-9065
Tel: 972-818-7423 Fax: 86-25-8473-2470 Fax: 63-2-634-9069
Fax: 972-818-2924
China - Qingdao Singapore
Detroit Tel: 86-532-8502-7355 Tel: 65-6334-8870
Farmington Hills, MI
Fax: 86-532-8502-7205 Fax: 65-6334-8850
Tel: 248-538-2250
Fax: 248-538-2260 China - Shanghai Taiwan - Hsin Chu
Tel: 86-21-5407-5533 Tel: 886-3-5778-366
Indianapolis Fax: 86-21-5407-5066 Fax: 886-3-5770-955
Noblesville, IN
Tel: 317-773-8323 China - Shenyang Taiwan - Kaohsiung
Fax: 317-773-5453 Tel: 86-24-2334-2829 Tel: 886-7-536-4818
Fax: 86-24-2334-2393 Fax: 886-7-330-9305
Los Angeles
Mission Viejo, CA China - Shenzhen Taiwan - Taipei
Tel: 949-462-9523 Tel: 86-755-8203-2660 Tel: 886-2-2500-6610
Fax: 949-462-9608 Fax: 86-755-8203-1760 Fax: 886-2-2508-0102

Santa Clara China - Wuhan Thailand - Bangkok

Santa Clara, CA Tel: 86-27-5980-5300 Tel: 66-2-694-1351
Tel: 408-961-6444 Fax: 86-27-5980-5118 Fax: 66-2-694-1350
Fax: 408-961-6445 China - Xian
Toronto Tel: 86-29-8833-7252
Mississauga, Ontario, Fax: 86-29-8833-7256
Canada China - Xiamen
Tel: 905-673-0699 Tel: 86-592-2388138
Fax: 905-673-6509 Fax: 86-592-2388130
China - Zhuhai
Tel: 86-756-3210040
Fax: 86-756-3210049

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