Photon Inner-Product and The Gauss Linking Number

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Photon inner-product and the Gauss linking number

Abhay Ashtekar1;2 and Alejandro Corichi1 y
1 Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry
Department of Physics, Penn State,
University Park, PA 16802, USA
2 Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Boltzmanngasse 9, A-1090 Vienna, Austria


It is shown that there is an interesting interplay between self-duality, loop

representation and knot invariants in the quantum theory of Maxwell elds
in Minkowski space-time. Speci cally, in the loop representation based on
self-dual connections, the measure that dictates the inner-product can be
expressed in terms of the Gauss linking number of thickened loops.

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Source-free electrodynamics is the simplest physical theory based on connections. From

a geometric point of view, a natural set of observables of this theory is given by holonomies
of the connection around closed loops. It is then natural to ask if topological invariants
associated with loops play a physically signi cant role in this description. For the observable
algebra, the answer is in the armative: the fundamental Heisenberg uncertainty relations
can be formulated in terms of the Gauss-linking number (see, e.g., [1,2] and references
contained therein). One can ask if such a topological invariant of loops also plays a role in
the description of the Hilbert space of quantum states. The purpose of this note is to show
that the answer is again in the armative. Furthermore, the speci c calculation we wish
to present is based on an interesting interplay between self-duality, loop representation and
knot theory and may well be a re ection of a deeper structure that underlies these three
The basic idea is the following. The standard Fock description of photons can be refor-
mulated in terms of loops, so that the states can be regarded as functionals of loops (rather
than connections) (see, e.g., [3] and chapter 14 in [4]). There are, however, several such loop
representations. In the one most directly related to the Fock-Bargmann representation [3],
it is the negative frequency electric eld that is diagonal and the conjugate operator repre-
sents the holonomy of positive frequency connections. Alternatively, one can work with real
electric elds and connections. But then to obtain the Fock representation, the loops have
to be thickened. In this paper, we will work with yet another choice: our loop representa-
tion will be based on real electric elds but self-dual connections (without any reference to
positive and negative frequencies). Again, to get the Fock representation, we will have to
thicken our loops. Thus, quantum states are expressed as functionals of thickened loops and
the basic operators are the holonomies of self-dual connections and real electric elds. The
measure that dictates the inner-product in this representation has a Gaussian form where
the exponent is given by the self-linking number of thickened loops.

More precisely, the situation is the following. Given a loop and a weighting function f
on R3, we can de ne a \canonical thickening" f of the loop. The self-linking number of a
thickened loop can be computed by adding the Gauss linking numbers of the loops involved
in the thickening with weights given by f . The measure that dictates the inner product
is just the exponential of this self-linking number of f . Now, as is well-known, the Fock
inner product depends on the Minkowski metric. It is quite interesting that one can put all
the information about the space-time metric in the construction that associates quantum
states with functionals of loops and then express the inner-product itself in terms of the
Gauss linking number which is a topological invariant. A further striking fact is that this
\coding" of the inner-product information in a topological invariant works only in the loop
representation based on self-dual (or anti-self-dual) connections.
The plan of the paper is as follows. In section II, we will collect some mathematical
preliminaries. These are used in section III to construct the loop representation based on
self-dual connections. The main result then follows in section IV. Since our primary goal
is to bring out the interplay between self-duality of connections, loop representations and
the linking number, we will keep the functional analytic details to a minimum. However,
it should be rather straightforward to see how one can complete our discussion to obtain a
rigorous treatment. Throughout the article, we use units where c = 1, but write h and e


This section is divided in to two parts. In the rst, we recall the phase space formulation
of the Maxwell eld using self-dual variables and in the second we introduce the notion of
\form factors" associated with loops and thickened loops.

A. Self-Dual Variables for the Maxwell Field

Let us begin with a brief summary of the standard phase space formulation of Maxwell
elds. Denote by  a space-like three-plane in Minkowski space, and by qab, the induced
positive de nite ( at) metric thereon. The con guration variable for the Maxwell eld is
generally taken to be the connection one-form Aa(x) (the vector potential for the magnetic
eld) on . Its canonically conjugate momentum is the electric eld E a(x) on . (E a(x)
naturally arises as a vector density. However, since we have an underlying metric, qab, which
can be used to add or remove density weights, we will ignore density weights in this paper.)
The fundamental Poisson bracket is:

fAa(x); E b(y)g = ab 3(x; y) (2.1)

The system has one rst class constraint, @aE a(x) = 0. One can therefore pass to the reduced
phase space by xing transverse gauge. The true degrees of freedom are then contained in
the pair (ATa (x); ETa (x)) of transverse (i.e. divergence-free) vector elds on . Denote by ?
the phase space spanned by these elds. On ?, the only non-vanishing fundamental Poisson
bracket is:

fATa (x); ETb (y)g = ab 3(x; y) ? ?1@ b@a3(x; y) ; (2.2)

where  is the Laplacian operator compatible with the at metric qab. It is convenient to
write ATa (x) and ETa (x) in terms of their Fourier decomposition. Then, the true degrees of
freedom are contained in the new dynamical variables qj (k), pj (k) with j = 1; 2:

ATa (x) = 1 Z d3k eikx(q (k)m (k) + q (k)m (k)) (2.3)

1 a 2 a
1 Z

ET (x) = (2)3=2 d3k eikx(p1(k)ma(k) + p2 (k)m a(k))

a (2.4)

where ma and m a are transverse (complex) vectors satisfying: maka = 0, and mam a = 1.
The Poisson brackets (2.2) for the transverse components are,

fqi(?k); pj (k0)g = ?ij 3(k; k0) ; (2.5)

while the fact that ATA(x) and ETa (x) are real translates to the \reality conditions":

qi(k) = qi(?k) and pi(k) = pi(?k) : (2.6)

In order to construct the self dual connection, we will use dTa (x), the transverse vector
potential of the electric eld (ETa (x) = abc@bdTc (x))

dTa (x) = (21)3=2 djkkj eikx(p1(k)ma(k) ? p2(k)m a(k))

Z 3

Let us de ne the self dual connection as

"AT (x) := ?iAT(x) + dT (x) (2.8)
a a a

We want to use the pair ("ATa (x), ETa (x)) as the basic variables. In terms of the (qj ; pj )
coordinates, the self dual connection takes the form,
"AT (x) = ? 1
d3k eikx[(?p (k) + ijkjq (k))m (k) + (p (k) + ijkjq (k))m (k)]
a a
a (2)3=2 jkj 1 1 2 2
= ? (2)3=2
d3k eikx[z (k)m (k) + z (k)m (k)] (2.9)
a a
jkj 1 2


z1(k) := ?p1(k) + ijkjq1(k) and z2(k) := p2(k) + ijkjq2(k) (2.10)

The basic Poisson brackets for the pairs (zi(k); pj (k)), { the Fourier components of the
self-dual connection and the real electric eld{ are:

fpi(k); zj (?k0)g = ijkjij 3(k; k0) ; (2.11)

and the \reality conditions" (2.6) now become:

z1(?k) + z1(k) = ?2p1 (?k) and z2(?k) + z2(k) = 2p2(?k) (2.12)

Finally, for later convenience, let us examine the self-dual magnetic eld B a := abc@b"Ac.
Its Fourier components of the magnetic eld are given by

B1(k) = ?z1(k) ; and B2(k) = z2(k) (2.13)

The reality conditions for the magnetic eld read

Bj (k) + Bj (?k) = 2pj (k) (2.14)

These conditions will play an important role in the selection of the inner-product in the loop

B. Loops

Let us begin with some de nitions. By a loop we shall mean a continuous and piecewise
smooth mapping from S 1 to , where s 2 [0; 2]. Two loops and will be said
to be holonomically equivalent if, for every smooth connection Aa, we have Aadsa =

Aads . It turns out that two holonomically equivalent loops, and , can di er from

each other only through: i) reparametrization, (s) = (s0) for some (orientation-preserving)
reparametrization s ! s0 of the curve (s); ii) retracing identity, = l   l?1, where l
is a line segment and  indicates composition of segments [5]. Each equivalence class will
be referred to as a holonomic loop. Since loops will primarily enter our discussions through
holonomies, it is these equivalence classes {rather than individual loops{ that will be directly
relevant to our discussion. To keep the notation simple, we will use the same symbols {say
{ to denote both an individual loop and the holonomic loop it de nes; the context should
suce to resolve the resulting ambiguity.
An analytic characterization of holonomic loops can be given through certain distribu-
tional vector densities, called form factors. Given a loop , its form factor, F a( ; x), is
de ned via:

d3xF a( ; x)wa(x) = wadsa (2.15)

Thus, F a( ; x) may be more directly expressed as


F a( ; x) = ds _ a(s)3(x; (s)) (2.16)

where (s) is a point on the loop at parameter value s and _ a(s) the tangent vector to
at (s). Note that the form factor F a( ; x) is automatically divergence free,
@aF a( ; x) = 0 ; (2.17)
because @af dsa = 0. It is often convenient to perform a Fourier transform to obtain the

momentum space representation of F a( ; x). We have:

F a( ; k) := (21)3=2 d3x e?ikxF a( ; x)

= (21)3=2 ds _ a (s)e?ik (s)



Let us note a few properties of these form factors. First, two loops and will have
the same form factors if and only if they are holonomic. Thus, F a( ; x) can be used to
characterize holonomic loop . Next, since F a( ; x) is divergence-free its Fourier transform
is transverse (kaF a( ; k) = 0). We can write the two independent components as:
F1( ; k)  F +( ; k) = (21)3=2 ds _ a(s)m a(k)e?ik (s)

1 I

F2( ; k)  F ( ; k) = (2)3=2 ds _ a(s)ma(k)e?ik (s)

? (2.19)

so that
F a( ; k) = F +( ; k)ma(k) + F ?( ; k)m a(k) (2.20)
(We have introduced the  notation because in the quantum theory, F1 will capture positive
helicity and F2 the negative.) This transversality of form factors will play an important role
in the loop-representation because it captures in a natural way the gauge invariance of the
theory, i.e. the transversality of the photon. The next property follows from the fact that
F a( ; x) is real. Consequently, its Fourier transform F a( ; k) satis es the \reality condition"

F j ( ; k) = ?Fj ( ; ?k) (2.21)

Finally, given two holonomic loops and , we de ne a new holonomic loop, # as follows:
# = l   l?1  where l is any line segment joining a point on to a point on . (Because
of its geometric picture # is sometimes called the \eye-glass loop".) Using the de nition
of the form factors, we now have

Fj ( # ); k) = Fj ( ; k) + Fj ( ; k) (2.22)

In order to construct the quantum theory in the loop representation, we will need to
thicken the loops appropriately. We will conclude this section by indicating how this can
be done. Fix an averaging function fr (x) such that R3 d3xfr (x) = 1, and goes to a delta

function when r ! 0. A convenient choice is:

fr (y) = (2r1)3=2 exp ? 2yr


To make the discussion concrete, we will make this choice and thus characterize the thick-
ening completely by a real parameter r. (However, the generalization to arbitrary smearing
functions is obvious.) Now, given a loop we take the loop + y obtained by rigidly shifting
the loop by the vector ya,

( + y)a(s) = a (s) + ya (2.24)

Next, we can average over y using the weight fr (y) and de ne a \smeared form factor" via:

Fra( ; x) := d3yfr (y)F a( + y; x)


= d3yf r (y ) ds _ a (s)3(x ? (s) ? y)


= ds _ a (s)fr (x ? (s)) (2.25)

Its Fourier transform Fra( ; k) satis es

Fra( ; k) = exp ? r 2k F a( ; k)
2 2

We will see that these Fra( ; k) can be used as \generalized coordinates" for loops. More
precisely, once the weight functions fr (y) are chosen, we can associate with any loop a
transverse, smooth vector eld,

?! F a(k) := Fra( ; k) : (2.27)

As is well-known, photon states can be expressed as suitable functionals, [F ], of smooth
vector elds F a(k) (in the representation in which the electric eld is diagonal). These can
be pulled-back to the loop space to yield functionals r( ) = [F ]jF =Fr ( ;k). Thus, the
entire Fock space of photon states can be expressed in terms of suitable functionals of loops.
This fact will be exploited in the next section.


This section is divided in to three parts. In the rst, we recall a general quantization
program (for details, see [6], [7]), in the second we construct a ?-algebra of operators based
on loop variables and in the third we construct the loop representation.

A. Quantization Program

Consider a classical system with phase space ?. To construct the quantum theory, we
can proceed in the following steps.
i) Choose a subspace S of the space of complex valued functions on ? which is closed
under the Poisson bracket operation and large enough so that any well behaved function on
? can be expressed as (possible the limit of) a sum of products of elements of S . Elements of
S are called elementary classical variables and are to have unambiguous quantum analogs.
ii) Associate with each f in S an elementary quantum operator f^ and consider the
free associative algebra generated by these abstract operators. Impose on this algebra the
(generalized) canonical commutation relations

[f;^ g^] = ih ff;dgg (3.1)

for all f and g in S . In addition, if the set S is over-complete, impose on the algebra also
`anti-commutation relations', namely the relations that capture the algebraic relations that
exist between elements of S . For instance if f , g and h = fg are all in S , then f^g^+^g f^ = 2^h.
Denote the resulting associative algebra by A.
iii) Introduce an involution, , on A by setting
(f^) = f^ (3.2)
for all elementary variables f (the bar denotes complex conjugation as before) and requiring
that  satis es the de ning properties of an involution: (A^+B^ ) = A^+B^ ; (A^B^ ) = B^ A^
and (A^) = A^, for all A^, B^ in A and complex numbers . Denote the resulting -algebra
by A.
iv) Choose a linear representation of A on a complex vector space V . (The -relations
are ignored at this step).
v) Introduce on V an inner product h ; i so that the \quantum reality conditions" are
satis ed
h ; A^i = hA^ ; i (3.3)
for all , in V and A^ in A. Thus, it is the -relations that are to select the inner product.
The program requires two external inputs: the choice of S in step (i) and the choice of
the carrier space V of the representation in step (iv). If the choices are viable, i.e. if the
program can be completed at all, the resulting inner product is unique on each irreducible
sector of the representation of A on V [8]. In the framework of this program, the textbook
treatments of eld theories correspond to choosing for elements of A the smeared eld
operators, and, for V , the Fock space or, alternatively, suitable functionals of elds. In the
loop quantization, on the other hand, one changes this strategy. both S and V are now
constructed from holonomic loops.

B. Algebra based on loop variables

Let us now implement this program for the Maxwell eld using loop variables. Let us
de ne the smeared holonomy of self-dual connections as:
 Z I 

hr [ ] := exp 1
e d3 x ds _ a(s) "Aa(x)fr (x ? )

= exp 1 3 a "
d x Fr ( ; x) Aa(x) (3.4)

or equivalently,
d3k (z (k)F (k) + z (k)F (k)) exp ? r2k2
" !#

hr [ ] = exp ? 1e jkj 1 1 2 2
: (3.5)

Being a function of the self dual connection it can be regarded as a \con guration variable".
As a momentum variable we will take the (real) electric eld E a(x), or its Fourier transform
E a(k). (Strictly speaking we should take the smeared observable E [f ] =  E afad3x, but

this smearing will not be relevant for our results.) Hence, hr [ ] and E a(k) provide us with
a (over-) complete coordinatization of the phase space. The space S of elementary classical
variables required in the rst step of the quantization program shall be the vector space
generated by the hr [ ] and E a(k). It is closed under Poisson-bracket operation because

fhr [ ]; E a(k)g = ei Fra( ; k)hr [ ] (3.6)

The next step in the quantization program is the construction of the algebra A of quan-
tum operators. Let us associate with each hr [ ] in S an operator h^ r [ ] and with each E a(k)
an operator E^ a(k) and consider the associative algebra generated by nite sums of products
of these elementary quantum operators. On this algebra impose the commutation relations:

^hr [ ]; ^hr[ ] = 0 E^ a(k); E^ a(k0) = 0

h i h i
^hr [ ]; E^ a(k) = ? he Fra( ; k)^hr [ ]
h i

Furthermore, we must incorporate in this quantum algebra the fact that hr [ ] is over-
complete. i.e. there are algebraic relations among them; hr [ ]hr [ ] = hr [ # ]. This is
achieved by imposing on the algebra the relations h^ r [ ]^hr [ ] = ^hr [ # ] for all holonomic
loops and . The result is the algebra A of quantum operators.

C. Loop representation

The next step in the program is to choose a vector space V and a representation of the
quantum operators. The procedure involved is generally exploratory. Thus, one does not
specify all the required regularity conditions right in the beginning; the precise de nition of
spaces considered becomes clear only at the end of the construction. This will also be the
case in our construction.
We wish to choose for V a vector space of suitable functionals of loops. As noted at the
end of section II B, in the standard electric eld representation, one can choose states as
suitably regular functionals [F ] of smooth, vector elds F a(k) which are transverse, i.e.,
satisfy F a(k)ka = 0. Now, in section II B, (for each choice of a smearing function fr ) we set
up a mapping 7! Fra( ; k) from loops to smooth transverse vector elds in the momentum
space. We can just pull back the functionals (F ) via this map to obtain certain functionals
( ) on the loop space:

( ) = [F ]jF =Fr ( ;k) : (3.8)

(Using the regularity conditions on  that come from the standard electric- eld representa-
tion, it is not dicult to check that the map has no kernel, i.e., ( ) = 0 for all if and
only if [F ] = 0.) Since the transverse vector elds F a(k) have only two components F (k),
from now on we will regard  as functionals of the two elds F .
Thus, for the representation space V , we will use the functionals on the loop space of
the form (3.8). Using the procedure that was successful in the loop representation adapted
to the positive-frequency connections [3], the action of the basic operators ^hr [ ] and E^ a(k)
will be taken to be:
^hr [ ] ( ) = (  )
E^ a(k) ( ) = he F a( ; k) ( ) (3.9)

As is usual in the loop representation, the electric eld is diagonal in the representation.
The only non-vanishing commutator between the basic operators is

h^ r [ ]; E^ a(k) = ? he Fra( ; k)^hr [ ]

h i

Finally, for later convenience, we note the action of the magnetic eld operators B^  on these

B^ (k) ( ) = ejkj F (?k) [F (k)]

" #

F  (k)=Fr ( ;k)

which is nothing but the \loop derivative" evaluated at Fr (see, e.g. [9]).
Our next task is to nd an inner-product on V so that the \quantum reality conditions"
(3.3) are satis ed. Let us begin with an inner product of the form

h j 0i := dF (k) e?T [F (k)][F ] 0[F ]

and determine the measure by imposing the reality conditions. The property (2.21) of form
factors implies that T [F ] should be real. It also implies that the reality condition on the
electric eld is automatically satis ed. The other condition one should impose, namely the
quantum version of (2.14) is

h j(B^ (k))yi = hjB^ (k) i

= h j ? B^ (?k) + 2^p (?k)ji : (3.13)

Using the form of the operators (3.9) and (3.11) for p^ (k) and B^ (k), we conclude that the
reality condition (2.14) is satis ed if and only if
T =  2h F (k) : (3.14)
F (k) e2jkj
The solution to this equation is:
h d3k jF +(k)j2 ? jF ?(k)j2
T [F ] = ? 2
Z h i
e2 jkj r r

Hence, the explicit form of the inner product (3.12) is given by:
h i

j j (jF + (k)j2?jF ? (k)j2 )

Z 2
h d3 k
h j 0i = dF (k) e [F ] 0[F ]
e2 k
Notice that the basic form of (3.16) is the same as that of the inner-product for a free- eld
in the con guration (i.e., Schrodinger) representation. 1 There are, however, two important

1Although F  (k) are complex-valued, they arise as Fourier components of a real eld F a (x) and

di erences. First, our states are functionals of loops rather than of a con guration eld
variable (such as the connection or the electric eld). Second, for the positive component,
the Gaussian is exponentially growing rather than damping. Hence, while we can take the
states to be polynomials in F ? as in the Schrodinger representation, we have to assume that
they are exponentially damped in their dependence on F +. Thus, for example, we can take
elements of V to be the functionals ( ) on the loop space of the form:
? eh2 djkkj jFr+(k)j2
" #
3 Z  
( ) = P [Fr( ; k)] exp (3.17)

where P [Fr( ; k)] is a polynomial in F . As usual, the Cauchy completion will enlarge
this space; the Hilbert space of all states will contain more general functionals. In this
description, F + captures positive helicity while F ? captures the negative helicity of the
photon. Thus, as one might have expected from our use of only the self-dual part of the
connection, the description is asymmetric in the two helicities.
To summarize, the elementary operators are ^hr ( ) and E^ a. The space of quantum states
is given by functionals ( ) of holonomic loops which are normalizable with respect to the
inner-product (3.16) and the action of the elementary operators is given by (3.9). For every
r > 0, this loop representation is naturally isomorphic to the Fock representation2 (where
the isomorphism, however, depends on the value of r.) The fact that we are using a loop
representation adapted to self-dual connections is re ected in the measure that dictates the
inner product (3.16). In the loop representation adapted to positive-frequency elds [3], for
example, the measure has the same form but the squares of both jF j appear with negative

hence satisfy the reality conditions F (k) = ?F (?k). The con guration space underlying our loop
representation is thus real and states (F  ) are arbitrary complex-valued functions of F  (i.e.,
not subject o any \holomorphicity" condition.)
2If we let r go to zero, the smearing function fr (x) tends to the  -distribution and the thickend
loop r reduces to the loop . However, now the exponent T in the measure diverges and the loop
representation ceases to exist.
signs in the exponent.


Recall that our quantum states are functionals of thickened loops r , or equivalently, of
their form factors Fr( ; k); it is for technical convenience that in the intermediate stages
of calculations that we extended them to functionals on the vector space of all elds F (k).
Therefore, it is instructive to examine the measure that dictates the inner-product also
directly in terms of the thickened loops. This is easy to achieve: we can just pull-back the
\Gaussian" exp ?T that dictates the inner-product to the space of thickened loops. The
result is trivially given by:

exp (?T [Fr( ; k)]) = exp 2h2 d k jFr+( ; k)j2 ? jFr?( ; k)j2
" #
Z 3  
e jkj
We will now show that this loop functional can be expressed in terms of the Gauss linking
Let us begin by recalling the de nition of the linking number. Given non-intersecting
loops and the Gauss linking number GL( ; ) between them can be expressed in terms
of their form factors as:

GL( ; ) = d3xF a( ; x)wa( ; x) (4.2)

where F a( ; x) is the form factor for and wa( ; x) is a potential for the form factor
of : abc@bwc( ; x) = F a( ; x). The integral is independent of the speci c choice of the
potential !a ( ; x) because F a( ; x) is divergence free. Note that neither the de nition of
the form factor F a( ; x) nor that of the potential !a( ; x) requires any background elds on
the underlying oriented 3-manifold R3; in particular, there is no reference to the 3-metric.
(Since F a is a vector density, the abc in the de nition of !a( ; x) is the Levi-Civita density
which is naturally available on any oriented 3-manifold.) This is to be expected since the
Gauss linking number is a topological invariant.

Nonetheless, one can use the at metric qab on R3 to express the linking number in more
familiar terms. First, we have the well-known form used by Gauss himself [10]:
GL( ; ) := 41 ds dt abc _ a(s) _ b(t) j ((ss))?? (t()tj)3
Z Z c c
For our purposes, a more convenient form is the one involving the Fourier transforms of the
form factors. The Fourier transform of the potential has the form:
F a( ; k) = iwc( ; k)kbabc
= wc( ; k)jkj(mam c ? m amc)
= jkj(maw+ ( ; k) ? m aw? ( ; k)) (4.4)
F +( ; k) = jkjw+( ; k); and F ?( ; k) = ?jkjw?( ; k): (4.5)
Therefore, the Gauss linking number takes the form

GL( ; ) = d3kF a( ; k)wa( ; k)


= d3k(F +( ; k)ma + F ?( ; k)m a)wa( ; k)

= djkkj (F +( ; k)F +( ; k) ? F ?( ; k)F ?( ; k))
Z 3
Finally, we will need the notion of Gauss number of the thickened loops r and r . This
is just the total linking number of loops in r with those in r :

GL( r ; r ) := d3y d3z fr (y)fr (z) GL( a + ya; a + za)

= d3k (F +( ; k)F +( ; k) ? F ?( ; k)F ?( ; k))

jkj r r r r

Hence the self-linking number of a thickened loop r is given by:

GL( r ; r ) = djkkj Fr+( ; k)Fr+( ; k) ? Fr?( ; k)Fr?( ; k)
Z 3 h i
whence the \Gaussian" (4.1) on the space of thickened loops which dictates the inner-product
can be expressed as:
" #
exp (?T [Fr( ; k)]) = exp e2 GL( r ; r ) (4.9)

This is the result we were seeking. (Note, incidentally, that the coecient of the linking
number is 2 over the ne structure constant.)
We conclude with a remark. Had we used positive frequency connections [3], for example,
the loop functional (4.1) would have been replaced by
d3k (F +( ; k)F +( ; k) + F ?( ; k)F ?( ; k))
jkj r r r r

which has no obvious interpretation in terms of the topology of loops. Similarly, if we had
worked in the self-dual connection representation, the measure would have been dictated by
a \Gaussian" on the space of connections (see chapter 11.5, especially Eq 42b in [4] and [11])
and would therefore also have had no relation to topological invariants of loops. We need
both self-duality of the connection and the loop representation to relate the photon inner
product with the Gauss linking number.

This work was supported in part by the NSF grant 95-14240, by the Eberly research
fund of Penn State University and by DGAPA of UNAM.

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