Zimmerman Clear Ya Do Ed 5
Zimmerman Clear Ya Do Ed 5
Zimmerman Clear Ya Do Ed 5
Zimmerman and Timothy J. Cleary
In both the schools and the larger society, the onset of adolescence
marks a profound shift in expectations regarding students’ ability to
assume responsibility for their functioning. When students enter mid-
dle or junior high schools, they are no longer under the direct control
of a single teacher but instead are taught by a number of teachers in
different classrooms, often with different classmates. These adolescents
are expected to personally manage these diverse requirements for learn-
ing in class or to seek out help when it is needed, especially from their
teachers. At this middle level of schooling, a significant part of stu-
dents’ academic work is completed outside of class, including reading
assigned texts, writing papers, and preparing for tests. Adolescents’ suc-
cess in making this developmental transition is complicated by a major
increase in the difficulty of the academic work that is assigned in mid-
dle or junior high schools (Wigfield, Eccles, & Pintrich, 1996). If adoles-
cents fail to regulate this demanding academic environment effectively,
their academic grades will likely decline—often leading to a loss of self-
efficacy about succeeding in school. As their self-efficacy diminishes,
adolescents can become embedded in a downward cycle of academic
achievement that may involve aligning themselves with peers who pos-
sess unfavorable views about the value and importance of school (Stein-
berg, Brown, & Dornbusch, 1996). Conversely, adolescents with a strong
sense of efficacy for learning are more resilient and better able to resist
the adverse academic influences of low-achieving peers than are those
with a weak sense of efficacy (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pas-
torelli, 1996).
To succeed in school, adolescents develop diverse self-regulatory
skills, such as goal setting, self-monitoring, time management, and self-
evaluation. Homework assignments must be transformed into personal
goals; study time needs to be allocated prudently; and completion of
the goals needs to be self-monitored closely. Adolescents also must learn
powerful strategies to enhance various forms of learning, such as note-
taking, help-seeking, storing and recalling information, reading, writ-
Adolescents’ Development of Personal Agency 47
ing, and test preparation (Zimmerman, Bonner, & Kovach, 1996). Strat-
egies are also beneficial in assisting them to manage out-of-school
extracurricular activities, such as music or sports (Cleary & Zimmer-
man, 2001; McPherson & Zimmerman, 2002). Unfortunately, adoles-
cents are often poor at setting goals and anticipating the consequences
of various courses of action. As a result, they fail to employ effective
task-specific strategies such as preparing for tests. Later in this chapter,
we will discuss how effective strategies can be learned through observa-
tion of successful models and from personal experiences with success
and failure. We will also describe how self-regulated students cope with
failure in a sequence of cyclical self-processes without experiencing a
loss of self-efficacy and how this resilient sense of self-efficacy can sus-
tain their efforts to learn in a self-directed way. This belief in one’s self-
regulative capability to attain goals is the core of a resolute sense of per-
sonal agency.
Expectancy-Related Constructs
Although the conceptual distinction between self-efficacy and self-con-
cept beliefs may appear minimal at first glance, the two constructs repre-
sent different phenomena (Bandura, 1986). Self-concept refers to a
generalized self-assessment incorporating a variety of self-reactions and
beliefs such as feelings of self-worth and general beliefs of competence. In
contrast, self-efficacy beliefs are context-specific judgments of personal
capability to organize and execute a course of action to attain a set goal.
Self-efficacy focuses more specifically on the tasks or activities that an
individual feels capable of performing rather than a more global assess-
Adolescents’ Development of Personal Agency 49
Self-esteem has been defined as a type of belief involving judg-
ments of self-worth. It is an affective reaction indicating how a person
feels about him- or herself. This is quite distinct from self-efficacy per-
ceptions, which involve cognitive judgments of personal capability (Pin-
trich & Schunk, 2002). Perceptions of worth or self-esteem may develop
from a person’s global self-perception (i.e., self-concept) as well as from
a variety of other sources, such as possession of attributes that are
either valued or de-valued by society (Bandura, 1997). Thus, a person
may establish feelings of worth or think “I am a good person” if she
perceives herself as being competent in particular domains or as pos-
sessing socially-important characteristics, such as altruism and empa-
Although positive self-esteem is desirable and even necessary for adap-
tive functioning, the key issues are whether self-esteem is related to self-
efficacy perceptions and whether it is a distinctive predictor of academic
performance from self-efficacy. The comparative effects of self-efficacy
and self-esteem have been investigated by Mone, Baker, and Jeffries
(1995), who studied the validity of self-efficacy and self-esteem for pre-
dicting the personal goals and performance of college students. Students
were given these measures prior to three exams throughout the semester.
Self-efficacy accounted for almost half of the variance in the prediction of
goals and between 6% and 14% of the variance in the prediction of per-
formance. Self-esteem was not predictive of either outcome. Clearly, self-
efficacy is a distinctive predictor of academic outcomes compared to self-
esteem. These findings lend support for the contention that the predic-
Outcome Expectations
Although it has been argued that outcome expectations are distinctive
and important for understanding behavior (Bandura, 1997), research has
shown that self-efficacy beliefs are usually better predictors of behavior
than are outcome expectations (Schunk & Miller, 2002). Shell, Murphy,
and Bruning (1989) examined the predictive power of self-efficacy and
outcome expectations on reading and writing achievement. Self-efficacy
was assessed as a student’s perceived capability to perform various read-
ing and writing tasks, whereas outcome expectations were students’ rat-
ings of the importance of reading and writing skills in attaining various
outcomes in employment, social endeavors, family life, and education.
Although self-efficacy and outcome expectations accounted for 32% of the
variance in reading achievement, self-efficacy accounted for most of that
variance (28%).
Perceived Control
The construct of perceived control, which emerged from earlier
research on locus of control (Rotter, 1966), is concerned with general
expectancies that outcomes are controlled by either one’s behavior or by
external events. This dualistic view of control suggests that an internal
locus of control promotes self-directed behavior, whereas external locus
of control inhibits one’s agentic abilities. Perceptions of control and per-
ceived self-efficacy are similar in that they both deal with how individu-
als can act in agentic ways on their environment. Self-efficacious
individuals and those with an internal locus of control will exhibit more
self-directed behavior than will low self-efficacious individuals or those
with an external locus of control. However, similar to the distinction
between outcome expectations and self-efficacy, perceived control does
not take into account how confident an individual feels about perform-
ing specific tasks within a particular context. In addition, Bandura
(1986, 1997) questioned the value of de-contextualized perceptions of
control. In support of this conclusion, Smith (1989) found that locus of
control did not predict improvement in academic performance and did
not reduce the anxiety of anxious students who underwent coping skills
training. Self-efficacy, however, did predict such improvements. In
essence, self-efficacy judgments differ from other expectancy constructs
because they are task- and context-specific and focus exclusively on
one’s perceptions of capability.
Adolescents’ Development of Personal Agency 51
Academic Motivation
ity to learn from the print material increased, so did their perceived
mental effort to complete the task.
Self-efficacy has also been consistently associated with levels of persis-
tence (Bouffard-Bouchard, Parent, & Larivée, 1991; Multon, Brown, &
Lent, 1991; Schunk, 1981). When they view a task as difficult, students
with higher self-efficacy tend to be more persistent than are students with
lower self-efficacy. Zimmerman and Ringle (1981) assigned children to
either an optimistic or a pessimistic model condition, wherein the chil-
dren observed an adult attempt the solution of an unsolvable wire puzzle.
The optimistic model expressed confidence about solving the puzzle (e.g.,
“I am sure I can separate these wires; I just have to keep trying different
ways, and then I will find the right one”) whereas the pessimistic model
expressed concern about solving it (e.g., “I don’t think I can separate
these wires; I have tried many different ways and nothing seems to work”).
Students in the optimistic condition felt more efficacious about being able
to solve a similar puzzle and persisted longer than did students in the
pessimistic group during an opportunity to solve the problem. The opti-
mistic students also persisted longer in solving an embedded word prob-
lem. This study demonstrated that vicariously-induced self-efficacy not
only enhanced persistence on a similar motoric puzzle but also facilitated
transfer in persistence to a verbal puzzle within the same experimental
context. In addition to its effects on persistence, self-efficacy has been
shown to be predictive of students’ choice of activities (Bandura &
Schunk, 1981; Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 1999).
Academic Achievement
Merely possessing knowledge and skills does not mean that one will
use them effectively under difficult conditions (Bandura, 1993). Stu-
dents often encounter obstacles during learning. These can include
noisy study environments, disruptive thoughts, negative emotional reac-
tions, and poor organization skills. Those who are more self-efficacious
about being able to effectively manage and cope with these circum-
stances are expected to have a higher probability of succeeding, even if
others have the same inherent ability or skill level. Collins (1982) stud-
ied students of high or low perceived math self-efficacy within each of
three levels of math ability: high, intermediate, and low. At each level of
math ability, students who were assured of their self-efficacy discarded
faulty solution strategies more quickly, reworked more failed problems,
and achieved higher math performance than did students who were low
in their sense of self-efficacy. Thus, self-efficacy was a better predictor of
positive attitudes to mathematics than was actual ability. Similar results
were reported by Bouffard-Bouchard (1990) who experimentally
increased the self-efficacy of students at two levels of ability on a novel
problem-solving task. The students’ self-efficacy was varied through
arbitrary feedback. Regardless of their pretest level of ability, students
whose self-efficacy was raised used more effective strategies and were
more successful in their problem solving than students whose self-effi-
cacy was lowered. These studies revealed that students’ self-efficacy
beliefs contribute to academic performance over and above the effects
of their ability (Bandura, 1993).
There is much evidence documenting the significant relation between
self-efficacy beliefs and achievement in academic settings (Bandura,
1997; Multon et al., 1991; Schunk, 1981; Schunk & Miller, 2002), ath-
letics (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 1996), health-promoting behavior, and
coping skills. In the academic domain, Multon et al. (1991) meta-ana-
lyzed results of studies conducted between 1977 and 1988 to examine
the effect of efficacy beliefs on academic achievement. The studies
assessed academic performance in a variety of ways, including basic cog-
nitive skills, academic course work, and standardized tests, and they
were diverse in terms of sample and experimental design. Multon et al.
reported an overall effect size of 0.38, indicating that self-efficacy
accounted for approximately 14% of the variance in students’ academic
performance. Self-efficacy was most predictive of academic accomplish-
ments when posttreatment efficacy beliefs were used as predictors.
Thus, assessing students’ efficacy prior to instruction, although impor-
tant, will not be as predictive of academic achievement as measuring
these beliefs following instruction or modeling experiences.
Path analytic studies have shown that self-efficacy has a direct effect on
students’ academic performance across academic domains such as writing
and mathematics (Pajares & Miller, 1994; Schunk, 1981; Zimmerman &
Bandura, 1994). For example, Pajares and Kranzler (1995) investigated the
impact of mathematics self-efficacy and general aptitude on the mathemat-
ics problem-solving skills of high school students. The researchers wanted
to assess the unique contribution made by self-efficacy to the prediction of
academic achievement when a measure of general intelligence, or g, was
included in the model. The path model included mathematics self-efficacy,
general mental ability, math anxiety, high school math level, and gender.
Although it is widely recognized that the g factor is a strong predictor of
academic performance, results revealed that self-efficacy and general men-
tal ability had comparable direct effects on students’ math problem-solving
skills. Thus, even when the effects of general cognitive ability are con-
trolled, adolescents’ perceptions of efficacy are able to account for unique
variance in an academic outcome. Self-efficacy also mediated the effects of
general cognitive ability and math anxiety on overall math performance.
Performance Phase
Task strategies
Attention focusing
Metacognitive monitoring
Goal-setting has been defined as deciding on specific outcomes of
learning or performance, such as learning the steps of a writing strategy
or achieving a grade of 100 on a science test (Locke & Latham, 1990).
Beliefs of personal capabilities affect the type of goals that individuals
select and their commitment to them (Zimmerman, 1995). For example,
when individuals feel capable of performing a particular task, they are
more likely to set challenging and specific goals (Bandura, 1986; Zimmer-
man, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992). In a study with adolescent bas-
ketball players, Cleary and Zimmerman (2001) investigated self-efficacy
differences between expert, non-expert, and novice players as well as the
relationship between self-efficacy and other self-regulatory processes.
Participants were asked to rate their self-efficacy for making two free-
throw shots in a row as well as to identify any goals they had before prac-
ticing their free-throws. Individuals who were highly confident about
making the free-throws tended to set more specific outcome goals (e.g., “to
make 10 out of 10 shots”), whereas those who were not confident tended
to set vague outcome goals (e.g., “to make baskets”). Specific goals are
perceptions than did the girls who set outcome goals (i.e., to obtain the
highest score).
These studies suggest that encouraging adolescent students to set pro-
cess goals will have both achievement and motivational advantages because
it directs attention to executing the essential aspects of a particular task.
Process goals encourage learners to keep track of how well they perform a
strategy, evaluate goal progress, and judge perceptions of competence.
Strategic Planning
Before students can engage in academic pursuits, they must learn
methods that are appropriate for a particular task within a specific con-
text (Zimmerman, 2000). Strategies can be thought of as purposive per-
sonal processes and actions directed at acquiring knowledge or skills.
They are important because they represent the tools with which individu-
als learn and improve their performance and level of skill. A variety of
descriptive studies have investigated the relationship between use of
learning strategies and self-efficacy perceptions. Zimmerman and Mar-
tinez-Pons (1990) investigated this with students in Grades 5, 8, and 11.
They hypothesized that measures of self-efficacy would be predictive of
students’ use of self-regulated learning strategies. Verbal self-efficacy
accounted for 18% of the variance in strategy use and was predictive of
using several different types of strategies.
In the study of athletes earlier discussed, Cleary and Zimmerman
(2001) showed that the self-efficacy beliefs of adolescent basketball play-
ers were not just predictive of whether one will use a strategy, but also of
the quality and type of strategy used. Participants were asked to rate their
self-efficacy as well as the strategy that they would use to achieve a shoot-
ing goal during a practice session. Given that the self-efficacy question
was asked prior to the strategy question, the resulting correlation
reflected self-efficacy predicting strategy use. Individuals who were highly
self-efficacious usually selected technique-specific strategies (e.g., “bend
my knees correctly”) to achieve their goals, whereas those who doubted
their capabilities rarely endorsed this type of strategy. The use of these
technique-oriented strategies was important because they directly corre-
sponded to the correct shooting form, thus focusing the individual’s
attention on important shooting form processes rather than on other
external or distracting factors. Although this study does not imply causa-
tion between self-efficacy and strategy use, it does suggest that confident
individuals may tend to use strategies that are specific to the task at hand.
Some experimental studies have established a causal link between self-
efficacy and strategy use (e.g., Schunk & Rice, 1991). Schunk and Swartz
(1993) found that students whose self-efficacy increased as a result of
goal-setting and progress feedback were more likely to continue to use the
writing strategies effectively in follow-up assessments.
Sources of Self-Motivation
Self-observation (also called self-monitoring) is a performance control
phase process that involves selectively attending to particular aspects of
one’s behavior or performance (Schunk, 1983; Zimmerman & Paulsen,
1995). It is an important process because it helps learners discriminate
between effective and ineffective performances and helps to isolate the
source of error or confusion when one is performing poorly. Similar to
the relationship between self-efficacy and other self-regulation processes,
there is a reciprocal relation between efficacy judgments and self-monitor-
ing behaviors. Individuals with high self-efficacy will often be motivated
to self-monitor and will be more proficient at monitoring their behaviors
during an academic activity (Schunk, 1983; Zimmerman & Paulsen,
1995). Bouffard-Bouchard et al. (1991) examined the effects of efficacy
Adolescents’ Development of Personal Agency 61
Self-Reflection Processes
Self-efficacy beliefs not only influence the goals students set for them-
selves but also their evaluative reactions of goal progress. The role of self-
efficacy beliefs concerning the academic attainment and regulation of writ-
ing, academic goals, and self-standards in the development of writing pro-
ficiency was studied with college freshmen using path analysis
(Zimmerman & Bandura, 1994). Two scales were developed to measure
self-efficacy. The first assessed beliefs about personal capability to regulate
writing activities (e.g., “I can rewrite my wordy or confusing sentences
clearly”), and the second asked students to rate the strength of their belief
that they could attain particular achievement outcomes (e.g., an A- in the
course). Students’ self-evaluative standards were assessed in terms of their
level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction for different writing grades. The key
result was the causal link between the students’ self-regulatory self-efficacy
for writing with their personal standards of performance. Students who felt
more confident in their ability to regulate the writing process set high per-
sonal standards for the quality of their writing and thus were more easily
dissatisfied than were students who possessed low self-efficacy.
Conversely, the process of self-evaluating one’s abilities or one’s
progress in strategy or skill acquisition is important for cultivating strong
Efficacy beliefs are influenced by a variety of factors such as prior accom-
plishments and vicarious experiences. Although mastery experiences are
the strongest source of self-efficacy, cognitive analysis of one’s performance
experiences is a key mediating factor for changing capability judgments.
From a self-regulatory perspective, after students perform a task or an
activity, they will often evaluate or reflect cognitively on the perceived
causes of that performance. These causes are termed causal attributions
(Zimmerman, 2000). Attribution theorists contend that students’ percep-
tions of the causes of their academic successes and failures determine their
expectancies for future performance (Weiner, 1986). For example, Jen’s
motivation would be heightened if she attributed her poor performance in
math to internal, controllable factors such as effort and strategy use, but it
would decrease if she attributed it to uncontrollable factors such as luck or
ability (Cleary & Zimmerman, 2001; Clifford, 1986).
As with most self-regulatory processes, there is empirical evidence
showing a reciprocal relationship between students’ causal attributions
and their perceptions of personal efficacy. That is, highly efficacious stu-
dents believe performance outcomes to be personally controllable
(Bandura, 1997), so they tend to attribute failure to factors that they can
change. Conversely, students with low self-efficacy attribute failure to
uncontrollable factors, thereby increasing feelings of despair and help-
lessness (Silver, Mitchell, & Gist, 1989). These types of attributions are
particularly important because they encourage students to make adaptive
changes or self-adjustments to their learning methods following failure or
poor performances. In addition, students who are provided strategy or
effort feedback following performance on academic tasks often experi-
ence increases in their personal efficacy (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002;
Schunk & Rice, 1991). In the following section, we consider the role of
attribution as well as other forms of self-regulatory training on students’
self-efficacy and academic performance.
Adolescents’ Development of Personal Agency 63
We would like to thank Frank Pajares and Tim Urdan for their helpful
comments on an earlier draft of this chapter.
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