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PQDx 0145-027-00 WHO PQDx PR June/2016, version 4.

WHO Prequalification of Diagnostics Programme


Product: Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp)

Number: PQDx 0145-027-00


Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) assay with product code 2G31 (which includes 2G31-80
and 2G31-70 and 2G31-90 or 2G31-010,) manufactured by Abbott Molecular Inc., 1300
East Touhy Avenue, Des Plaines, IL 60018, United States of America, CE-marked
regulatory version, was accepted for the WHO list of prequalified diagnostics and was
listed on 17 October 2011. This public report was amended on 23 June 2016. This version
of the product is intended to be used in conjunction with the following
instruments/reagents: 9K14-02, 9K15-01, 2G31-66, 1L68-09 (or higher), 04J70-24 and

Intended use:
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) assay is an in vitro reverse transcription-polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for the quantitation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type
1 (HIV-1) in human plasma only (for 2G31-90) and in human plasma and whole blood
spotted on cards as dried blood spots (for 2G31-010) from HIV-1 infected individuals.
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) assay is intended for use in conjunction with clinical
presentation and other laboratory markers as an indicator of disease prognosis and for use
as an aid in assessing viral response to antiretroviral treatment as measured by changes in
HIV-1 RNA levels. This assay is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as a
diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection.

Assay principle:
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) assay uses RT-PCR to generate amplified product from
the RNA genome of HIV-1 in clinical specimens. An RNA sequence that is unrelated to the
HIV-1 target sequence is introduced into each specimen at the beginning of sample
preparation. This unrelated RNA sequence is simultaneously amplified by RT-PCR, and
serves as an internal control (IC) to demonstrate that the process has proceeded correctly
for each sample. The amount of HIV-1 target sequence that is present at each
amplification cycle is measured through the use of fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide
probes on the Abbott m2000rt instrument. The probes do not generate signal unless they
are specifically bound to the amplified product. The amplification cycle at which
fluorescent signal is detected by the Abbott m2000rt is proportional to the log of the HIV-1
RNA concentration present in the original sample.

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In order to perform the assay, the following components are required:

Component Details
Instrumentation Abbott m2000sp Instrument (9K14-02)
Abbott m2000rt Instrument (9K15-01)
Reagents m Sample Preparation System RNA (4 X 24 Preps) (04J70-24) for
plasma and DBS processing.
Abbott mSample Preparation System DBS Buffer Kit (List No.
09N02-001) for DBS processing only.
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 2G31 list which includes the following kits:
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (2G31-80) and
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (2G31-70) and

• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (2G31-010)-

plasma and DBS or
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (2G31-90)-
Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration kit (4J71-93)
Software Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000 ROW System Combined Application
CD-ROM 1L68-09 or higher
Optional Abbott RealTime HIV-1 UNG Protocol (2G31-66)
Consumables Disposable Tips (DiTis), 1000 µL (4J7110)
Disposable Tips (DiTis), 200 µL (4J7117)
Biohazard Bags (4J7145)
5 mL Reaction Vessels (4J7120)
200 ml Reagent Vessels (4J7160)
96 Deep Well Plates (4J7130)
96-Well Optical Reaction Plates (4J7170)
Optical Adhesive Covers (4J7175)
Master Mix Tube (4J7180)
Adhesive Cover Applicator (9K3201)
Splash-Free Support Base (9K3101)
13 mm Sample Racks (4J7282)
m2000 System 13mm DBS PoSt Set (09N03-001) for (DBS
processing only)

Component Storage temperature
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A and Calibrator B -10°C or colder
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative, Low Positive, and -10°C or colder
High Positive Controls
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack -10°C or colder when not in use

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(2G31-90) OR
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit
(02G31-010) -15 to -25 ˚C
Abbott mSample Preparation System RNA (4X24 Preps) 15-30°C
Abbott mSample Preparation System DBS Buffer Kit 15-30°C

Maximum shelf-life upon manufacture:

Component Shelf life
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit 18 months
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (2G31-90 and 02G31-010)
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Internal Control 2G31Y 18 months
Thermostable rTth Polymerase Enzyme 56685 Per control date on vendor
certificate of analysis
HIV-1 Oligonucleotide Reagent 2G31L 18 months
Activation Reagent 93591 18 months
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (2G31-80) 18 months
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (2G31-70) 18 months
Abbott mSample Preparation System RNA Kit 04J70-24 18 months
Abbott mSample Preparation System DBS Buffer Kit 18 months

This assay is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to
confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection.

Summary of prequalification status for Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp)

Initial acceptance
Date Outcome
Amended PQ 18 June 2016 listed
Status on PQ list 17 October 2011 listed
Dossier assessment 28 September 2011 MR
Inspection status 29 September 2011 MR
Laboratory evaluation FT for plasma/30 June 2015 MR

MR: Meets Requirements, NA: Not Applicable, FT: Fast-tracked

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) was accepted for the WHO list of prequalified
diagnostics on the basis of data submitted and publicly available information.

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Background information

Abbott Molecular Inc. submitted an application for prequalification of Abbott RealTime

HIV-1 (m2000sp). Based on the established prioritization criteria, Abbott RealTime HIV-1
(m2000sp) was given priority for prequalification.

Product dossier assessment

In 2011, Abbott Molecular Inc. submitted a product dossier for Abbott RealTime HIV-1
(m2000sp) as per the ‘Instructions for compilation of a product dossier’ (PQDx_018 v1).
The information submitted in the product dossier was reviewed in accordance with the
‘Internal report on the screening and assessment of a product dossier’ (PQDx_009 v2) by
WHO staff and external experts (assessors) appointed by WHO. Based on the product
dossier screening and assessment findings, a recommendation was made to accept the
product dossier for Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) for prequalification.

Commitments for prequalification: N/A

Manufacturing site inspection

An inspection was conducted at the site of manufacture (1300 East Touhy Avenue, 60018
Des Plaines, IL, USA) of Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) on 29 June to 1 July 2011 as
described in ‘Information for manufacturers on WHO prequalification inspection
procedures for the sites of manufacture of diagnostics (PQDx_014 v1)’.

The inspection found that the manufacturer had a well-established quality management
system and manufacturing practices in place that would ensure the manufacture of a
product of consistent quality. The manufacturer's responses to the nonconformities noted
at the time of the inspection were accepted on 29 September 2011.

Commitments for prequalification:

1. Risk management files will be updated to include risk analysis for end users in
resource limited and environmentally challenging regions to which the product is
distributed. This will apply to the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) product as well
as to the related products.
2. Abbott Molecular Inc. has committed to work towards improving communication
(e.g. customer feedback mechanisms, tailored training, labeling) for users in
resource limited regions where communication may be problematic.

Laboratory evaluation

Given the regulatory version of the product submitted for prequalification and the quality
of the data submitted as part of the product dossier to support the claims for its intended
use, Abbott RealTime HIV-1 (m2000sp) assay has been found eligible to undergo the WHO

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fast track procedure. Subsequently, the product will not be required to undergo a
laboratory evaluation for its use with human plasma.

Performance evaluation using dried blood spots (DBS)

At the time of the evaluation, the recommended protocol required a single DBS with a
volume of 70 µl of specimen per DBS.

In this limited performance evaluation on a panel of 323 specimens, we found an initial

bias (95% CI) of -0.42 log copies/mL ([-0.52] - [-0.32]) compared to the reference results for
samples >1,000 copies/mL. The upward and downward misclassification rates around the
threshold of 1,000 copies/mL were 10.3% and 24.0% respectively. The upward and
downward misclassification rates around the threshold of 5,000 copies/mL were 2.1% and
22.0% respectively. The sensitivity (95% CI) was 76.0% (68.1%-82.5%) and the specificity
(95% CI) was 89.7% (82.7%-94.2%) compared to the reference results at a threshold of
1,000 copies/mL. At 5,000 copies/mL, sensitivity and specificity were 78.0% (67.3%-86.1%)
and 97.9% (94.3%-99.3%) respectively. In this study, the invalid rate was 1.1 %.

Limitations of the evaluation:

The reference method used to compare results obtained from DBS specimens was plasma,
for which a viral load result was obtained using the Roche Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan
HIV-1 Version 2.0, which is the standard assay in the evaluating site. This may have
contributed to an increase in bias and misclassification rate (Sollis 2014) (Amendola 2014).
Discrepant results will not be retested on plasma using the Abbott platform given that the
protocol used in the evaluation has now been made obsolete. It was thus considered that
any additional testing was superfluous.

The evaluation was conducted using the standard protocol provided by the manufacturer
at the time. The manufacturer has since, developed a new protocol and added DBS as an
additional specimen type. The new instructions for use including DBS testing can be found
in the labelling section.

Change notification
In 2016, Abbott Molecular Inc. submitted a change notification related to a change in
specimen types to include dried blood spot specimens as an additional specimen type,
changes to software, changes to storage temperature claims and changes to labelling,
introducing a new product code: 2G31-010. This change notification was assessed and
product was found to meet WHO prequalification requirements.

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1. Labels
2. Instructions for use

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1. Labels
Abbott RealTime Amplification Reagent Pack (2G31)

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HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 02G31-010)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)

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Label for Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A (List No. 2G31A)

Label for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator B (List No. 2G31B)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 High Positive Control (List No. 2G31X)

Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Low Positive Control (List No. 2G31W)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative Control (List No. 2G31Z)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 2G31-10)

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Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Internal Control (List No. 2G31Y)

Labels for the Abbott mDBS Buffer (List No. 09N02-01)

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Labels for the Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 x 24 Preps) (List No.

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Abbott RealTime
HIV-1 en

02G31-010 51-608282/R2

Abbott RealTime HIV-1
Key to Symbols Used
Reference Number The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is an in vitro reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for the quantitation of
Lot Number Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) in whole blood spotted
on cards as dried blood spots (DBS) (i.e. obtained via venipuncture
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
or capillary blood) or human plasma from HIV-1 infected individuals.
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 is intended for use in conjunction with
In Vitro Test clinical presentation and other laboratory markers as an indicator of
disease prognosis and for use as an aid in assessing viral response to
Use By antiretroviral treatment as measured by changes in DBS or plasma HIV-1
RNA levels. This assay is not intended to be used as a screening test for
HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection.
Contains sufficient for <n> tests
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of Acquired
Negative Control Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).1-3 It can be transmitted through
sexual contact, exposure to infected blood or blood products, or from
Low Positive Control an infected mother to the fetus.4 Acute HIV syndrome, characterized
by flu-like symptoms, develops 3 to 5 weeks after initial infection and
High Positive Control is associated with high levels of viremia.5,6 Within 4 to 6 weeks of the
onset of symptoms, HIV specific immune response is detectable.7,8 After
Calibrator A seroconversion, viral load in peripheral blood declines and most patients
enter an asymptomatic phase that can last for years.9
Quantitative measurement of HIV levels in peripheral blood has
Calibrator B
greatly contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV
infection10,11 and has been shown to be an essential parameter in
prognosis and management of HIV infected individuals.12-17 Decisions
Internal Control regarding initiation or changes in antiretroviral therapy are guided by
monitoring plasma or DBS HIV RNA levels (viral load), CD4+ T cell
count, and the patient’s clinical condition.17-19 The goal of antiretroviral
Amplification Reagent Pack therapy is to reduce the HIV virus in plasma and DBS to below
detectable levels of available viral load tests.17,20
Maximum Time Allowed HIV RNA levels in plasma or DBS can be quantitated by nucleic acid
amplification or signal amplification technologies.19-23 The Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay uses Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Upper Limit of Temperature technology with homogenous real-time fluorescent detection. Partially
double-stranded fluorescent probe design allows detection of diverse
group M subtypes and group O isolates. The assay is standardized
against a viral standard from the Virology Quality Assurance (VQA)
Consult instructions for use
Laboratory of the AIDS Clinical Trial Group,24 and against World
Health Organization (WHO) 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA
(97/656).25,26 The assay results can be reported in copies/mL or
International Units/mL (IU/mL) or their log base 10 equivalents.
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay consists of 3 reagent kits:
Warning • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit
Authorized Representative in the
European Community The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay uses RT-PCR27 to generate amplified
product from the RNA genome of HIV-1 in clinical specimens. An RNA
sequence that is unrelated to the HIV-1 target sequence is introduced
Manufacturer into each specimen at the beginning of sample preparation. This
unrelated RNA sequence is simultaneously amplified by RT-PCR, and
See REAGENTS section for a full explanation of symbols used in serves as an internal control (IC) to demonstrate that the process
reagent component naming. has proceeded correctly for each sample. The amount of HIV‑1 target
Customer Service International: sequence that is present at each amplification cycle is measured
through the use of fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide probes on the
Call your Abbott Representative Abbott m2000rt instrument. The probes do not generate signal unless
This package insert must be read carefully prior to use. Package insert they are specifically bound to the amplified product. The amplification
instructions must be followed accordingly. Reliability of assay results cycle at which fluorescent signal is detected by the Abbott m2000rt is
cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations from the instructions in proportional to the log of the HIV-1 RNA concentration present in the
this package insert. original sample.

Sample Preparation The HIV-1 and IC specific probes are each labeled with a different
The purpose of sample preparation is to extract and concentrate the fluorophore, thus allowing for simultaneous detection of both amplified
target RNA molecules to make the target accessible for amplification, products at each cycle. The amplification cycle at which fluorescent
and to remove potential inhibitors of amplification from the extract. signal is detected by the Abbott m2000rt is proportional to the log of the
The Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) uses magnetic HIV-1 RNA concentration present in the original sample.
particle technology to capture nucleic acids and washes the particles Optional Amplification Reagent Extended Use Feature
to remove unbound sample components. The bound nucleic acids are An overview of this feature is provided in Appendix 1 of this package
eluted and transferred to output tubes or a 96 deep-well plate. The insert.
nucleic acids are then ready for amplification. The IC is taken through The optional amplification reagent extended use feature allows
the entire sample preparation procedure along with the calibrators, amplification reagent packs containing prepared master mix to be stored
controls, and specimens. at – 25 to – 15°C, capped and protected from light, for up to 7 days
Two automated instrument systems, the Abbott m2000sp or the Abbott before a second use. The internal control (IC) may be used again within
m1000 System can be used to prepare samples for the Abbott RealTime 14 days if the vial remains capped at – 25 to – 15°C until the second
HIV-1 assay. The Abbott m2000sp provides automated sample eluate use. The amplification reagent extended use feature applies only to
transfer and reaction assembly in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction samples prepared using the m2000sp system. Amplification reagent
Plate, while the Abbott m1000 System requires manual sample eluate packs and IC can be used a total of 2 times. Throughout this manual,
transfer and reaction assembly. amplification reagent packs and IC that have not yet been used will be
Alternatively, samples can be prepared manually using the Abbott referred to as new amplification reagent packs and IC (ie, initial use).
mSample Preparation System, followed by manual reaction assembly. Amplification reagent packs that have been used once and contain
Reagent Preparation and Reaction Plate Assembly prepared master mix will be referred to as partial amplification reagent
The Abbott m2000sp combines the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 amplification packs. IC vials that have been used once will be referred to as partial
reagent components (HIV‑1 Oligonucleotide Reagent, Thermostable rTth vials of IC.
Polymerase Enzyme, and Activation Reagent). The Abbott m2000sp PREVENTION OF NUCLEIC ACID CONTAMINATION
dispenses the resulting master mix to the Abbott 96-Well Optical The possibility of nucleic acid contamination is minimized because:
Reaction Plate along with aliquots of the nucleic acid samples prepared
• Reverse transcription, PCR amplification, and oligonucleotide
by the Abbott m2000sp. The plate is ready, after manual application of
hybridization occur in a sealed Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
the optical seal, for transfer to the Abbott m2000rt.
Abbott m1000 System users and manual sample preparation method
• Detection is carried out automatically without the need to open the
users manually combine the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 amplification reagent
Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
components to create the amplification master mix and transfer aliquots
of the master mix and sample eluates to the reaction plate. The plate is • Pipettes with aerosol barrier tips or disposable transfer pipettes are
ready, after manual application of the optical seal and centrifugation, for used for all pipetting. The disposable pipettes or pipette tips are
transfer to the Abbott m2000rt. discarded after use.
• Separate, dedicated areas are used to perform the Abbott RealTime
Amplification HIV-1 assay. Refer to the SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS section of this
During the amplification reaction on the Abbott m2000rt, the target package insert.
RNA is converted to cDNA by the reverse transcriptase activity of the
thermostable rTth DNA polymerase. First, the HIV-1 and IC reverse REAGENTS
primers anneal to their respective targets and are extended during a Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit
prolonged incubation period. After a denaturation step, in which the (List No. 02G31-010)
temperature of the reaction is raised above the melting point of the 1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Internal Control (List
double-stranded cDNA:RNA product, a second primer anneals to the No. 2G31Y0002) (4 vials, 1.2 mL per vial)
cDNA strand and is extended by the DNA polymerase activity of the rTth • < 0.01% noninfectious Armored RNA with internal control
enzyme to create a double-stranded DNA product. sequences in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma
During each round of thermal cycling, amplification products dissociate tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV
to single strands at high temperature allowing primer annealing and RNA, HBV DNA, anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV. Preservatives:
extension as the temperature is lowered. Exponential amplification of 0.1% ProClin® 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
the product is achieved through repeated cycling between high and low 2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1
temperatures, resulting in a billion-fold or greater amplification of target Amplification Reagent Pack (List No. 2G31)
sequences. Amplification of both targets (HIV-1 and IC) takes place (4 packs, 24 tests/pack)
simultaneously in the same reaction.
• 1 bottle (0.141 mL) Thermostable rTth Polymerase Enzyme (2.9 to
The target sequence for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is in the pol
3.5 Units/µL) in buffered solution.
integrase region of the HIV-1 genome. This region is highly conserved.28
The primers are designed to hybridize to the pol integrase region with • 1 bottle (1.10 mL) HIV-1 Oligonucleotide Reagent. < 0.1%
the fewest possible mismatches among various subtypes. synthetic oligonucleotides (4 primers, 2 probes, and 1 quencher
oligonucleotide), and < 0.3% dNTPs in a buffered solution with a
The IC target sequence is derived from the hydroxypyruvate reductase
reference dye. Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15%
gene from the pumpkin plant, Cucurbita pepo, and is delivered in an
ProClin 950.
Armored RNA® particle that has been diluted in negative human plasma.
• 1 bottle (0.40 mL) Activation Reagent. 30 mM manganese
Detection chloride solution.
During the read cycles of amplification on the Abbott m2000rt, the Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
temperature is lowered further to allow fluorescent detection of NOTE: To use the amplification reagent extended use feature, reagent
amplification products as the HIV-1 and IC probes anneal to their targets packs with a 6-digit serial number above the barcodes must
(real-time fluorescence detection). The HIV-1 probe has a fluorescent be used.
moiety that is covalently linked to the 5´ end. A short oligonucleotide
(quencher oligonucleotide) is complementary to the 5´ end of the HIV‑1
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
probe and has a quencher molecule at its 3´ end. In the absence 1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative Control
of HIV‑1 target, the HIV-1 probe fluorescence is quenched through (List No. 2G31Z) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial) Negative human plasma
hybridization to the quencher oligonucleotide. In the presence of the tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA,
HIV‑1 target sequence, the HIV-1 probe preferentially hybridizes to HBV DNA, anti-HIV-1/HIV-2, and anti-HCV.
the target sequence, dissociating from the quencher oligonucleotide, Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
allowing fluorescent detection. 2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Low Positive Control
The IC probe is a single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide with a fluorophore (List No. 2G31W) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial) Noninfectious Armored
at the 5´ end and a quencher at the 3´ end. In the absence of IC target RNA with HIV-1 sequences in negative human plasma. Negative
sequences, probe fluorescence is quenched. In the presence of IC human plasma tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg,
target sequences, probe hybridization to complementary sequences HIV RNA, HCV RNA, HBV DNA, anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV.
separates the fluorophore and the quencher and allows fluorescent Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
emission and detection.

3. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 High Positive Control The following warnings apply:
(List No. 2G31X) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored Warning
RNA with HIV-1 sequences in negative human plasma. Negative
human plasma tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.
HIV RNA, HCV RNA, HBV DNA, anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV. P261 Avoid breathing mist/vapours/spray.
Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950. P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be
allowed out of the workplace.
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/
1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A (List No. 2G31A)
eye protection.
(12 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored RNA with HIV-1
sequences in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.
tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA, P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical
HBV DNA, anti-HIV-1/HIV-2, and anti-HCV. advice/attention.
Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950. P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash
2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator B (List No. 2G31B) before reuse.
(12 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored RNA with HIV-1 P501 Dispose of contents/container in
sequences in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma accordance with local regulations.
tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA,
Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950. Handling Precautions for Plasma Specimens
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is only for use with plasma specimens
that have been handled and stored in capped tubes as described in the
This assay is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as SITE section.
a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection. Handling Precautions for DBS Specimens
Safety Precautions The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is only for use with whole blood or
Refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual, Safety Section, the DBS specimens that have been handled and stored as described in the
Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott RealTime RNA Assays Procedure, SPECIMEN COLLECTION, STORAGE, AND TRANSPORT TO THE TEST
Handling Precaution Section, or Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt SITE section.
Operations Manuals, Hazard Section, for instructions on safety During preparation of samples, compliance with good laboratory
precautions. practices is essential to minimize the risk of cross-contamination
between samples and the inadvertent introduction of ribonucleases
CAUTION: This preparation contains human sourced and/or (RNases) into samples during and after the extraction procedure. Proper
potentially infectious components. Components sourced from human aseptic technique should always be used when working with RNA.
blood have been tested and found to be nonreactive by FDA-licensed Amplification technologies such as PCR are sensitive to accidental
tests for antibody to HCV, antibody to HIV-1, antibody to HIV-2, and introduction of product from previous amplification reactions. Incorrect
HBsAg. The material is also tested and found to be negative by FDA- results could occur if either the clinical specimen or the reagents
licensed PCR methods for HIV-1 RNA and HCV RNA. No known test used become contaminated by accidental introduction of even a
method can offer complete assurance that products derived from human few molecules of amplification product. Measures to reduce the risk
sources or inactivated microorganisms will not transmit infection. These of contamination in the laboratory include physically separating the
reagents and human specimens should be handled as if infectious activities involved in performing PCR in compliance with good laboratory
using laboratory safety procedures, such as those outlined in Biosafety practices.
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories,29 OSHA Standards Work Areas
on Bloodborne Pathogens,30 CLSI Document M29-A3,31 and other Use 3 dedicated areas within the laboratory for performing the Abbott
appropriate biosafety practices.32 Therefore all human sourced materials RealTime HIV-1 assay with the Abbott m1000 System or manual
should be considered infectious. sample preparation using the Abbott mSample Preparation System
These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following: and Abbott m2000rt:
• Wear gloves when handling specimens or reagents. • The Reagent Preparation Area is dedicated to combining the Abbott
• Do not pipette by mouth. RealTime HIV-1 amplification reagent components to create the
• Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or handle contact lenses amplification master mix and transferring aliquots of the master mix
in areas where these materials are handled. to the reaction plate. Laboratory coats, pipettes, pipette tips, and
vortexers used in the Reagent Preparation Area must remain in this
• Clean and disinfect spills of specimens by including the use of a
area and not be moved to either the Sample Preparation Area or
tuberculocidal disinfectant such as 1.0% sodium hypochlorite or
the Amplification Area.
other suitable disinfectant.29
• The Sample Preparation Area is dedicated to processing samples
• Decontaminate and dispose of all potentially infectious materials in
(specimens, Abbott RealTime HIV‑1 Controls, and Calibrators),
accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.32
and to adding processed samples, controls, and calibrators to the
Components of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (2G31-70) Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate. All reagents used in the
and Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (2G31-80), and the HIV-1 Sample Preparation Area should remain in this dedicated area at
Oligonucleotide Reagent, HIV-1 Internal Control and Activation Reagent all times. Laboratory coats, pipettes, pipette tips, and vortexers
contain the following components: used in the Sample Preparation Area must remain in this area
• 2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (EC no. 220-239-6) and not be moved to either the Reagent Preparation Area or the
• Reaction mass of: 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one Amplification Area. Do not bring amplification product into the
(EC no. 247-500-7) and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one Sample Preparation Area.
(EC no. 220-239-6)(3:1) • The Amplification Area is dedicated to the amplification and
• Reaction mass of: 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one detection of amplified product. Laboratory coats and equipment
(EC no. 247-500-7) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one used in the Amplification Area must remain in this area and not
(EC no. 220-239-6)(3:1) be moved to either the Reagent Preparation Area or the Sample
Preparation Area.
Only 2 dedicated areas, Sample Preparation Area and Amplification
Area, are recommended when the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott
m2000rt are used.
Components contained within a kit are intended to be used together.
Do not mix components from different kit lots. For example, do not use
the negative control from control kit lot X with the positive controls from
control kit lot Y.

Do not use kits or reagents after the expiration dates shown on kit Contamination From External dU-Containing
labels. Amplified Product
Work area and instrument platforms must be considered potential Laboratories that use or have used HIV-1 amplification assays
sources of contamination. Change gloves after contact with potential that include post-PCR processing of the amplified product may be
contaminants (specimens, eluates, and/or amplified product) before contaminated by dU-containing amplified product. Such contamination
handling unopened reagents, negative control, positive controls, may cause inaccurate results in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Refer
calibrators, or specimens. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott to the Monitoring the Laboratory for the Presence of Contamination
m2000rt Operations Manuals for instrument cleaning procedures. section of the package insert. When negative controls are persistently
If the Abbott m1000 System or Abbott m2000sp instrument run is reactive or where contamination with dU-containing HIV-1 amplified
aborted, dispose of all commodities and reagents according to the product is likely to have occurred, it is recommended that the laboratory
Abbott m1000 Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp Operations use the uracil-N‑glycosylase (UNG) (List No. 06L87-02) contamination
Manual. control procedure if decontamination of the laboratory is unsuccessful.
NOTE: New amplification reagents may be saved, stored, and used a Refer to Appendix 2 for the optional UNG Procedure.
second time, as described in this manual. STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS
If the Abbott m2000sp master mix addition protocol is aborted, seal Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 02G31-010)
the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic bag and
dispose according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Hazards -15°C • New and Partial Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification
section, along with the gloves used to handle the plate. Reagent Packs and Internal Control (IC) vials must
be stored at – 25 to – 15°C when not in use. Care
If the Abbott m2000rt instrument run is interrupted or aborted, seal the
must be taken to separate the Abbott RealTime
Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic bag and
HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack that is in use from
dispose according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual along with
direct contact with samples, calibrators, and controls.
the gloves used to handle the plate.
• Partial amplification reagent packs and IC must
Decontaminate and dispose of all potentially biohazardous materials
be stored at – 25 to – 15°C, capped, upright, and
in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.31 All materials
protected from light, following initial use.
should be handled in a manner that minimizes the chance of potential
If stored this way, partial amplification reagent packs
contamination of the work area.
with prepared master mix may be used a second
NOTE: Autoclaving the sealed Reaction Plate will not degrade the time within 7 days of initial use. IC may also be used
amplified product and may contribute to the release of the a second time within 14 days of being thawed, if
amplified product by opening the sealed plate. The laboratory stored capped at – 25 to – 15°C.
area can become contaminated with amplified product if the
• After 2 uses, discard partial amplification reagent
waste materials are not carefully handled and contained.
packs and IC.
Aerosol Containment
To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination due to aerosols formed Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
during manual pipetting, aerosol barrier pipette tips must be used for • The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative and Positive
all manual pipetting. The pipette tips must be used only 1 time. Clean Controls must be stored at – 10°C or colder.
and disinfect spills of specimens and reagents as stated in the Abbott
m1000 Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
Operations Manuals.
Contamination and Inhibition • The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A and
Calibrator B must be stored at – 10°C or colder.
The following precautions should be observed to minimize the risks
of RNase contamination, cross-contamination between samples, and
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment at all times. • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit: Ship on dry ice.
• Use powder-free gloves. • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit: Ship on dry ice.
• Change gloves after having contact with potential contaminants
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit: Ship on dry ice.
(such as specimens, eluates, and/or amplified product).
• To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination due to aerosols INDICATION OF INSTABILITY OR DETERIORATION OF
formed during pipetting, pipettes with aerosol barrier tips must be REAGENTS
used for all pipetting. The length of the tip should be sufficient to When a positive or negative control value is out of the expected range,
prevent contamination of the pipette barrel. While pipetting, care it may indicate deterioration of the reagents. Associated test results
should be taken to avoid touching the pipette barrel to the inside of are invalid and samples must be retested. Assay recalibration may be
the sample tube or container. The use of extended aerosol barrier necessary.
pipette tips is recommended.
• Change aerosol barrier pipette tips between ALL manual liquid
The nucleic acid testing (NAT) software must be installed on the Abbott
m1000 System prior to performing the assay. For detailed information on
• The Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) reagents NAT software installation, refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual,
are single use only. Use new reagent troughs or vessels, reaction Putting into Operation section.
vessels, and newly opened reagents for every new Abbott RealTime
HIV‑1 assay run. At the end of each run, discard all remaining The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application files with the extended use
reagents from the worktable as stated in the Abbott m1000 feature enabled must be installed on the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott
Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual and m2000rt systems from the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000 ROW System
the Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) product Combined Application CD-ROM (List No. 1L68-013 or higher) prior
information sheet. to performing the assay. For detailed information on application file
installation, refer to the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations
• Follow instructions in this manual to recap and store amplification
Manuals, Operating Instructions section.
reagents that are to be used a second time.

SPECIMEN COLLECTION, STORAGE, AND TRANSPORT For Abbott m1000 System For Abbott m2000sp Instrument
TO THE TEST SITE Sample Preparation Area Sample Preparation Area
Specimen Collection and Storage • 20 µL to 1000 µL aerosol • Calibrated precision pipettes
Freshly drawn whole blood (ACD-A and EDTA) may be held at 15 barrier pipette tips for precision capable of delivering 20 to 1000
to 30°C for up to 24 hours or at 2 to 8°C for up to 48 hours prior to pipettes µL (Calibrated precision pipettes
processing. • 11.6 to 16 mm Sample Tubes capable of delivering < 20 µL may
Human plasma (ACD-A and EDTA) specimens may be used with the be required if using UNG.)
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for • Calibrated precision pipettes • Aerosol barrier pipette tips for
processing plasma collection tubes. capable of delivering 20 to 20 to 1000 μL pipettes (Aerosol
To prepare EDTA and ACD-A plasma specimens, follow the 1000 µL barrier pipette tips capable
manufacturer’s instructions for processing plasma collection tubes. of delivering < 20 µL may be
After plasma preparation, plasma may be stored at 15 to 30°C for up to required if using UNG.)
24 hours or at 2 to 8°C for up to 5 days. If longer storage is required, • 200 µL and 1000 µL • 11.5 to 16 mm Sample Tubes
plasma specimens must be kept at –70°C or colder.33,34 Multiple disposable tips
freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided. If frozen, thaw plasma specimens • Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate • 200 µL and 1000 µL disposable
at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once thawed, if plasma specimens are not (List No. 04J71-30) tips
being processed immediately, they can be stored at 2 to 8°C for up to • Vortex Mixer • Vortex Mixer
6 hours. • Abbott Optical Adhesive • Abbott Optical Adhesive Covers
NOTE: Plasma specimens should not be frozen in non-gel blood Covers (List No. 04J71-75) (List No. 04J71-75)
collection tubes. • Abbott Adhesive Cover • Abbott Adhesive Cover
• To prepare DBS, use finger prick or EDTA whole blood (not ACD Applicators Applicators
whole blood). Before spotting, mix the blood using a pipette. • Abbott Splash-Free Support • Abbott Splash-Free Support Base
Spot the blood onto the one-half-inch (12 millimeter) circles on Base (List No. 09K31-01) (List No. 09K31-01)
perforated Munktell paper card (or equivalent such as Whatman • Reagent Troughs • Master Mix Tube (List No. 04J71-
903 and Ahlstrom 226), ensuring that the entire circle is covered. It 80)
is recommended that at least 70 µL of blood (approximately 3 to 5 • 1.5 mL Output Tubes • 200 mL Reagent Vessels
blood drops) be used for each circle to ensure full coverage. • Centrifuge capable of 5000g • Abbott 96-Deep-Well Plate
• Air dry the card at ambient temperature. (List No. 04J71-30)
• Package each card in a sealable plastic bag with 2 to 3 desiccant • Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) • Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG)
packs. The cards can be stored under ambient conditions for up to (List No. 06L87-02) (Optional) (List No. 06L87-02) (Optional)
8 weeks. Under conditions of high humidity (85%), the cards can be • Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
stored under ambient temperature for up to 2 weeks. Alternatively, Plate (List No. 04J71-70)
cards can be stored at 2 to 8°C or –10°C or colder for up to 12 • 1.4 mL Micro Vial 15 mm Caps
weeks. (List No. 3N20-01) optional
Specimen Transport • Centrifuge capable of 2000g
Ship specimens according to the recommended storage temperature • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000
and time listed in the Specimen Collection and Storage section ROW System Combined
above. For domestic and international shipments, specimens should be Application CD-ROM (List No.
packaged and labeled in compliance with applicable state, federal, and 1L68-013 or higher)
international regulations covering the transport of clinical, diagnostic, or Additional materials required if
biological specimens. using DBS Sample Type:
ABBOTT REALTIME HIV-1 ASSAY PROCEDURE • 15.8 mm well diameter heat block
(to fit 15 mm diameter Master
This Abbott RealTime HIV-1 package insert contains 3 assay protocols:
Mix Tubes)
• Plasma samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m1000 • Abbott mSample Preparation
System or the manual sample preparation method follow ASSAY System DBS Buffer Kit (List No.
PROTOCOL I. 09N02-001)
• Plasma Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott
• m2000 System 13mm DBS PoSt
m2000sp instrument follow ASSAY PROTOCOL II.
Set (List No. 09N03-001)
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay provides 4 sample volume options For Abbott m1000 System For Abbott m2000rt Instrument
(0.2 mL, 0.5 mL, 0.6 mL, and 1.0 mL). (See assay Protocol II step 6 and
Reagent Preparation Area Amplification Area
• StrataCooler® 96 Benchtop • Abbott m2000rt instrument
• DBS Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m2000sp Cooler or Eppendorf PCR
instrument follow ASSAY PROTOCOL III. Cooler
Materials Provided • Abbott 96-Well Optical • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit Reaction Plate ROW System Combined
(List No. 02G31-010) (List No. 04J71-70) Application CD-ROM (List No.
Materials Required But Not Provided • Calibrated precision pipettes 1L68-013 or higher)
capable of delivering 20 to
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
1000 µL
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
• 20 µL to 1000 µL aerosol • Abbott m2000rt Optical
• Abbott mSample Preparation System DBS Buffer Kit barrier pipette tips for precision Calibration Kit (List No. 04J71-93)
(List No. 09N02-001) (if using DBS Sample Type) pipettes
For manual sample preparation method refer to the Materials and • Single-use RNase/DNase-free
Equipment Required Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for tube or container
Abbott RealTime RNA Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73). • Vortex Mixer
For Abbott m1000 System For Abbott m2000sp Instrument
Sample Preparation Area Sample Preparation Area
• Abbott m1000 System • Abbott m2000sp with software
version 6.0 or higher
• Abbott mSample Preparation • Abbott mSample Preparation
System (4 × 24 Preps) System (4 × 24 Preps)
(List No. 04J70-24) (List No. 04J70-24)
• Reaction Vessels • 5 mL Reaction Vessels

Other Materials NOTE: Use 1 set of sample preparation reagent bottles, 1 vial of IC,
• Biological safety cabinet approved for working with infectious and 1 Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack to
materials support up to 24 reactions. Use a second set of reagents to
• Sealable plastic bags support 25 to 48 reactions. A maximum of 48 reactions can be
performed per run using an Abbott m1000 instrument.
• RNase-free water (Eppendorf or equivalent)†
• 1.7 mL molecular biology grade microcentrifuge tubes (Dot Sample Preparation Area
Scientific, Inc. or equivalent)† For sample preparation using the Abbott m1000 System, follow steps
• Cotton Tip Applicators (Puritan or equivalent)† 3 through 10. For the manual sample preparation method refer to the
†Note: These 3 items are used in the procedure for Monitoring the Extraction Protocol Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott
Laboratory for the Presence of Contamination. Refer to the RealTime RNA Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73).
QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of this package 3. Gently invert the Abbott mSample Preparation bottles to ensure a
insert. homogeneous solution. If crystals are observed in any of the reagent
bottles upon opening, allow the reagent to equilibrate at room
Procedural Precautions temperature until the crystals disappear. Do not use the reagents
• Read the instructions in this package insert carefully before until the crystals have dissolved.
processing samples.
4. Vortex each IC 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds before use.
• Amplification reagents and internal control (IC) may be used up to
2 times, as described in this package insert. The Abbott RealTime 5. Use a calibrated precision PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR INTERNAL
HIV-1 Calibrators, Negative Control, Low Positive Control, and High CONTROL USE ONLY to add 500 µL of IC to each bottle of mLysis
Positive Control vials are intended for single-use only and should be Buffer. Mix by gently inverting the container 5 to 10 times to minimize
discarded after use. foaming.
• Use aerosol barrier pipette tips or disposable pipettes only one time 6. A total of 48 samples can be processed in each run. A negative
when pipetting specimens, IC, or amplification reagents. To prevent control, a low positive control, and a high positive control are
contamination to the pipette barrel while pipetting, care should be included in each run, therefore allowing a maximum of 45 specimens
taken to avoid touching the pipette barrel to the inside of the sample to be processed per run.
tube or container. The use of extended aerosol barrier pipette tips is • The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay minimum sample volume and
recommended. associated rack requirements on the Abbott m1000 System are:
• Monitoring procedures for the presence of amplification product can
Abbott RealTime HIV-1
be found in the QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section in this
Minimum Sample Volume
package insert.
Assay Application
• To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination, clean and
disinfect spills of specimens by including the use of a tuberculocidal Rack Tube Diametera 0.2 mL 0.5 mL 1.0 mL
disinfectant such as 1.0% sodium hypochlorite or other suitable 13 mm 11.6 mm - 14.0 mm 0.7 mL 1.0 mL 1.5 mL
disinfectant. 16 mm 15.0 mm - 16.0 mm 1.0 mL 1.3 mL 1.8 mL
• The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrators and Controls must be a Refers to sample tube outer diameter
prepared in conjunction with the specimens to be tested. The use
of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Controls and Calibrators is integral to • If frozen, thaw specimens at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once
the performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Refer to the thawed, specimens can be stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 6 hours if
QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of this package insert not processed immediately.
for details. NOTE: For every stored specimen, the following actions must
• IMPORTANT: Amplification reagents that will be used a second be done in the order described: vortex the specimen first
time must be stored at – 25 to – 15°C within 50 minutes of the and follow with centrifugation. If these actions are not
initiation of the master mix addition protocol. performed in this order, then invalid results may occur.
ASSAY PROTOCOL I: ABBOTT m1000 SYSTEM OR • Vortex each specimen 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds.
THE MANUAL SAMPLE PREPARATION METHOD AND • Centrifuge specimens at 2000g for 5 minutes before loading onto
the Abbott m1000 worktable. Aliquot each specimen into clean
ABBOTT m2000rt INSTRUMENT tubes or vials if necessary. Refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating
For a detailed description of how to perform an Abbott m1000 System Manual for tube sizes. Avoid touching the inside of the cap when
and Abbott m2000rt instrument protocol, refer to the Abbott m1000 opening tubes.
Operating Manual, Operation section and the Abbott m2000rt Operations 7. Place the calibrators (if applicable), low and high positive controls,
Manual, Operating Instructions section. the negative control, and the patient specimens into the Abbott
Laboratory personnel must be trained to operate the Abbott m1000 m1000 sample rack. Follow directions for performing a user‑defined
System and the Abbott m2000rt instrument. The operator must have a protocol, as described in the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual,
thorough knowledge of the software applications and must follow good Operation section.
laboratory practices.
8. Place the Reaction Vessels into the Abbott m1000 1 mL subsystem
For plasma samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m1000 carrier.
System or the manual sample preparation method and using the optional
UNG procedure, refer to Appendix 2. 9. Load the Abbott mSample Preparation System reagents and the
1. Thaw assay controls and IC at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Thaw 1.5 mL Output Tubes on the Abbott m1000 System worktable as
calibrators at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C only if performing a described in the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual, Operation section.
calibration run; see QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of 10. Initiate the Abbott m1000 protocol as described in the Abbott m1000
this package insert. Operating Manual, Operation section. From the Protocol screen,
• Once thawed, assay controls, IC, and calibrators can be stored at select the appropriate application file corresponding to the sample
2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours before use. volume being tested.
• Vortex each assay calibrator and each control 3 times for 2 to 3 • The assembly of the amplification master mix and sample
seconds before use. Ensure that the contents of each vial are at eluates into the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate (step
the bottom after vortexing by tapping the vials on the bench to 17) must be initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample
bring liquid to the bottom of the vial. Preparation.
2. Thaw amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and store at Amplification Area
2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix procedure. 11. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument.
• Once thawed, the amplification reagents can be stored at 2 to 8°C NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt instrument requires 15 minutes to
for up to 24 hours if not used immediately. warm up.

12. Create the Abbott m2000rt test order. Refer to the Operating 4. Clean the Splash-Free Support Base before next use, according to
Instructions section of the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.
From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate application file 5. For manual sample preparation method users, refer to the Clean Up
corresponding to the sample volume being tested. Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott RealTime RNA
• Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73).
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot specific values in the test
order for accurate calibration and control evaluation. Lot-specific
ASSAY PROTOCOL II: Plasma Samples using
values are specified in each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator and the Abbott m2000sp and the Abbott
Control Kit Card. m2000rt INSTRUMENTS
Reagent Preparation Area For a detailed description of how to perform an Abbott m2000sp
instrument and Abbott m2000rt instrument protocol, refer to the
All reagent preparation must take place in the dedicated Reagent
Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals, Operating
Preparation Area. Refer to the Handling Precautions section of this
Instructions sections. The m2000sp protocol run requires Abbott
package insert before preparing reagents.
m2000sp Software Version 6.0 or higher. Please follow Abbott m2000sp
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents.
Operations Manual (List 9K20) version 6 or higher.
13. Prepare the amplification master mix.
Laboratory personnel must be trained to operate the Abbott m2000sp
• Each Amplification Reagent Pack supports up to 24 reactions. and Abbott m2000rt instruments. The operator must have a thorough
• Prior to opening the amplification reagents, ensure that the knowledge of the applications run on the instruments and must follow
contents of the vials are at the bottom by tapping the vials in an good laboratory practices.
upright position on the bench 5 to 10 times to bring the liquid to For plasma Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott
the bottom of the vials. m2000sp instrument and using the optional UNG procedure, refer to
• Prepare the master mix by using a PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR Appendix 2.
REAGENT USE ONLY to add 271 µL of the HIV-1 Activation 1. Thaw assay controls and IC at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Thaw
Reagent (Reagent 1) and 949 µL of the HIV-1 Oligonucleotide calibrators at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C only if performing a
Reagent (Reagent 2) together in the Thermostable rTth DNA calibration run; see QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of
Polymerase Enzyme bottle (Reagent 3). this package insert.
• If performing 25 to 48 reactions, prepare a second amplification • Once thawed, assay controls, IC, and calibrators can be stored at
master mix with a second Amplification Reagent Pack. 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours before use.
• The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 20) must be initiated within • Vortex each assay calibrator and each control 3 times for 2 to 3
40 minutes of the addition of Activation Reagent into the first seconds before use. Ensure that the contents of each vial are at
rTth Enzyme Reagent bottle (step 13). the bottom after vortexing by tapping the vials on the bench to
14. Pipette the contents of the master mix from the enzyme bottle(s) bring liquid to the bottom of the vial.
into a single-use RNase/DNase-free tube and vortex to mix. 2. Select new and/or partial amplification reagent packs to be used in
15. Place an Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a StrataCooler the run. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual
96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler stored as indicated in the instruction (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), Operating Instructions section,
manual. Using a DEDICATED PIPETTE, dispense 50 µL aliquots of for instructions pertaining to amplification reagent pack inventory
the amplification master mix into the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction management. Amplification reagent packs must have the same
Plate. A calibrated repeat pipettor may be used. Visually verify that lot number.
50 µL has been dispensed into each well. Thaw new amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and
16. Transfer the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the store at 2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix
StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler to the Sample procedure. Once thawed, the new amplification reagents can be
Preparation Area. stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours if not used immediately.
NOTE: Partial amplification reagent packs being used a second
Sample Preparation Area time should NOT be stored at 2 to 8°C before use. They
17. In the Sample Preparation Area, transfer 50 µL of sample eluate to should be kept at – 25 to – 15°C until needed for master
the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the StrataCooler 96 or mix addition. Once removed from the freezer, cumulative
Eppendorf PCR Cooler. Use a separate pipette tip for each sample room temperature exposure should not exceed 25 minutes,
eluate transfer. During the transfer of each sample, mix the reaction including instances where packs are removed from storage,
by pipetting up and down 3 to 5 times. Visually verify that 100 µL has but not used. If 25 minutes is exceeded, discard the partial
been dispensed into each well. amplification reagent packs.
18. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate according to the The following table shows the number of sample preparation reagents
instructions in the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. and internal control vials needed based on the number of reactions.
19. Remove the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate from the
Sample Preparation Reagents and Internal Control Requirements
StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler and place in the Abbott
Splash-Free Support Base. Centrifuge the Abbott 96-Well Optical 1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96
Reaction Plate in the Abbott Splash-Free Support Base at 5,000g for Reagent Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions
5 minutes. Transfer to the Amplification Area. mMicroparticles 1 bottle 2 bottles 2 bottles 2 bottles
NOTE: Do not transfer the StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR
Cooler to the Amplification Area. mLysis 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
Amplification Area mWash 1 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
20. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott mWash 2 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate
mElution Buffer 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested.
Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol, as described in the Internal Control a 1 new 1 new 2 new 2 new
Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section. vial or vial or vials or vials or
1 partial 2 partial 3 partial 4 partial
POST PROCESSING PROCEDURES for protocol i vial vials vials vials
1. Clean the StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler as described in
the instruction manual and return to the Reagent Preparation Area. a  Acombination of new and partial vials of Internal Control may be
2. Remove the 1.5 mL Output Tubes from the worktable and dispose of used.
according to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual. 3. Gently invert the Abbott mSample Preparation bottles to ensure a
3. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic homogeneous solution. If crystals are observed in any of the reagent
bag and dispose of according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations bottles upon opening, allow the reagent to equilibrate at room
Manual along with the gloves used to handle the plate. temperature until the crystals disappear. Do not use the reagents
until the crystals have dissolved.

4. Vortex each IC 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds before use.
Amplification Reagent Pack Requirements a
5. Use a calibrated precision PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR INTERNAL
CONTROL USE ONLY to add 500 µL of IC to each bottle of mLysis 1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96
Buffer. Mix by gently inverting the container 5 to 10 times to minimize Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions
foaming. Partial vials of IC can be recapped and stored at – 25 to 1 if new; 2 if new; 3 if new; 4 new
– 15°C for a second use. up to 4 with up to 4 with up to 4 with or
6. A total of 96 samples can be processed in each run, with the partial packs partial packs partial packs partial packs
exception of the 1.0 mL Assay Application. A negative control, a a Referto the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or
low positive control, and a high positive control are included in each higher) for instructions on inventory management to determine the maximum
run, therefore allowing a maximum of 93 specimens to be processed number of reactions that can be tested with the partial packs selected.
per run. For the 1.0 mL Assay Application, a total of 48 samples can • Partial amplification reagent packs can only be used on the
be processed in each run, allowing a maximum of 45 specimens to same Abbott m2000sp instrument used for the reagent pack’s
be processed per run. initial preparation. Using an amplification reagent pack for a
• The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay minimum sample volume and second time on a different instrument will result in an error,
associated rack requirements on the Abbott m2000sp are: which may delay the run.
• Partial and new amplification reagent packs may be
Abbott RealTime HIV-1
used together.
Minimum Sample Volume
Assay Application IMPORTANT: Partial amplification reagent packs should be stored at
– 25 to – 15°C until immediately before the second use. Confirm that
Rack Tube Diametera 0.2 mL 0.5 mL 0.6 mL 1.0 mL
master mix is thawed before placing partial pack(s) on the Abbott
13 mm 11.5 - 14.0 mm 0.4 - 0.8 mL 0.7 - 1.2 mL 0.8 - 1.3 mL 1.2 - 1.7 mL m2000sp worktable. Once removed from – 25 to – 15°C storage,
16 mm 14.5 - 16.0 mm 0.4 - 1.0 mL 0.8 - 1.4 mL 0.9 - 1.5 mL 1.3 - 1.9 mL partial amplification reagent packs being used a second time must be
aRefers to sample tube outer diameter. Minimum sample volume varies with used within 25 minutes or discarded. This applies to cumulative room
tube geometry and size. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual and temperature exposure, including instances where packs are removed
recommended sample input volume. • Ensure that the contents of new amplification reagent packs
are at the bottom of the vials prior to opening the amplification
• If frozen, thaw specimens at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once
reagents by tapping the vials in an upright position on the bench
thawed, specimens can be stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 6 hours if
5 to 10 times.
not processed immediately.
• Do not tap partial amplification reagent packs being used a
NOTE: For every stored specimen, the following actions must
second time. Tapping may result in loss of master mix volume in
be done in the order described: vortex the specimen first
the cap.
and follow with centrifugation. If these actions are not
performed in this order, then invalid results may occur. • Remove caps. If a new amplification reagent pack will be stored
for a second use, the vials will need to be recapped for storage.
• Vortex each specimen 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds.
If planning to reuse the original caps to recap the reagent vials,
• Centrifuge specimens at 2000g for 5 minutes before loading save the original caps. If planning to use fresh caps to recap the
onto the Abbott m2000sp worktable. Aliquot each specimen into reagent vials, original caps may be discarded.
clean tubes or vials if necessary. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp
• Partial amplification reagent packs are loaded to the left of new
Operations Manual for tube sizes. Avoid touching the inside of the
amplification reagent packs on the Abbott m2000sp worktable.
cap when opening tubes.
• Ensure that amplification reagent packs are firmly seated on
7. Place the low and high positive controls, the negative control, the
the instrument.
calibrators, if applicable, and the patient specimens into the Abbott
m2000sp sample rack. If used, bar codes on tube labels must face 12. Select the appropriate deep-well plate that matches the
right for scanning. corresponding sample preparation extraction. Initiate the Abbott
m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol. Follow the instructions as
8. Place the 5 mL Reaction Vessels into the Abbott m2000sp 1 mL described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
subsystem carrier. Instructions section.
9. Load the Abbott mSample Preparation System reagents and the NOTE: The operator should not manually fill any empty/unfilled
Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate on the Abbott m2000sp worktable as wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
• After sample extraction is complete, the Abbott m2000sp
Instructions section.
automatically fills any empty wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical
10. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate application file Reaction Plate when there are greater than 48 samples processed
corresponding to the sample volume being tested. Initiate the sample within a run. Plate fill is not performed for runs containing 48
extraction protocol as described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations samples or fewer.
Manual, Operating Instruction section. • If prompted by the instrument, Reagent Carrier 2 should remain
• Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored in place, minimally containing the reagent vessel for mElution
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot specific values in the Buffer (Reagent Carrier 2, location 6). If this reagent vessel has
Sample Extraction: Worktable Setup, Calibrator and Control been unloaded, place a new reagent vessel with the mElution
fields. Lot-specific values are specified in each Abbott RealTime Buffer label into Reagent Carrier 2, location 6. System fluid will
HIV-1 Calibrator and Control Kit Card. be added to the reagent vessel and used to fill empty wells. Once
• The Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol (step 12) this process is complete, the system will continue with the master
must be initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample mix addition.
Preparation. NOTE: System instructions for use of the automated plate-filling
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification feature are found in the Abbott m2000sp Operations
reagents. Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), section
11. Load the amplification reagents and the master mix tube (if needed) 5, Operating Instructions, Sample Extraction—Closed
on the Abbott m2000sp worktable after sample preparation is Mode.
completed. The following table shows the number of amplification • The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 16) must be started within
reagent packs needed based on the number of reactions. 50 minutes of the initiation of the Master Mix Addition protocol
If only 1 amplification reagent pack is being used, no master mix (step 12).
tube is required. NOTE: If the run is aborted for any reason subsequent to step
12, a new 96-well PCR plate must be used if the Abbott
m2000sp Master Mix Addition Protocol (step 12) will be

13. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument in the 5. Manually shake or swirl the sample tubes and then place them in a
Amplification Area. heat block set at 55°C. Do not vortex the samples. Incubate for 30
NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt requires 15 minutes to warm-up. minutes (± 2 minutes) at 55°C.
NOTE: Remove gloves before returning to the sample preparation 6. Meanwhile, thaw assay controls and internal control (IC) at 15 to
area. 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Thaw calibrators at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C
14. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate after the Abbott only if performing a calibration run.
m2000sp instrument has completed addition of samples and master NOTE: Once thawed, assay controls, IC, and calibrators can be stored
mix according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating at 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours before use.
Instructions section. 7. Vortex each assay calibrator and each control 3 times for 2 to 3
15. Place the sealed optical reaction plate into the Abbott Splash-Free seconds before use. Ensure that the contents of each vial are at
Support Base for transfer to the Abbott m2000rt instrument. the bottom by tapping the vials on the bench to bring liquid to the
bottom of the vial. Ensure bubbles or foam is not generated; if
16. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott present, remove with a sterile pipette tip, using a new tip for each
m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate vial.
application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested.
Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol, as described in the 8. Thaw amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and store at
Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section. 2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix procedure.
NOTE: Test order transfer through the use of CD-ROM or network 9. Select new and/or partial amplification reagent packs to be used in
connection with export and import features of the m2000sp the run. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual
and m2000rt software is recommended. If creating the (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), Operating Instructions section,
Abbott m2000rt test order manually, enter sample IDs in the for instructions pertaining to amplification reagent pack inventory
corresponding PCR tray locations according to the “Wells management. Amplification reagent packs must have the same
for Selected Plate” grid, found on the detail screen of the lot number.
“PCR Plate Results” on the Abbott m2000sp. See Section Thaw new amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and
5 of the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual. store at 2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix
procedure. Once thawed, the new amplification reagents can be
17. If a prepared partial amplification reagent pack is to be used a
stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours if not used immediately.
second time, cap the 3 reagent vials with the saved caps or new
caps (List No. 3N20-01) and promptly store the reagents at – 25 to NOTE: Partial amplification reagent packs being used a second
– 15°C, protected from light, and in an upright position. Discard any time should NOT be stored at 2 to 8°C before use. They
amplification reagent packs that are exhausted or have been used should be kept at – 25 to – 15°C until needed for master
twice. mix addition. Once removed from the freezer, cumulative
IMPORTANT: Amplification reagents that will be used a second time room temperature exposure should not exceed 25 minutes,
must be stored at – 25 to – 15°C within 50 minutes of the initiation of including instances where packs are removed from storage,
the master mix addition protocol. but not used. If 25 minutes is exceeded, discard the partial
amplification reagent packs.
ASSAY PROTOCOL III: DBS Samples using The following table shows the number of sample preparation reagents
the Abbott m2000sp and the Abbott and internal control vials needed based on the number of reactions.
Sample Preparation Reagents and Internal Control Requirements
For a detailed description of how to perform an Abbott m2000sp
instrument and Abbott m2000rt instrument protocol, refer to the 1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96
Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals, Operating Reagent Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions
Instructions sections. The DBS protocol requires Abbott m2000sp mMicroparticles 1 bottle 2 bottles 2 bottles 2 bottles
Software Version 6.0 or higher. Please follow Abbott m2000sp
Operations Manual (List 9K20 version 6 or higher). mLysis 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
A total of 96 samples can be processed in each run. A negative mWash 1 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
control, a low positive control, and a high positive control are included
in each run, therefore allowing a maximum of 93 DBS specimens mWash 2 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
to be processed per run when calibrators are not included. Process mElution Buffer 1 bottle 2 bottles 3 bottles 4 bottles
Calibrators and Controls directly as liquid samples; step 1 through step
Internal Control a 1 new 1 new 2 new 2 new
5 are for DBS only. Do not process plasma specimens on any run where
vial or vial or vials or vials or
DBS protocol is used. For each DBS sample, a single Abbott Master
1 partial 2 partial 3 partial 4 partial
Mix Tube should be used for the entire sample processing procedure.
vial vials vials vials
Ensure DBS samples are labeled throughout processing. a  A combination of new and partial vials of Internal Control may be used.
For DBS Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m2000sp
instrument and using the optional UNG procedure follow, refer to 10. Gently invert the Abbott mSample Preparation bottles to ensure a
Appendix 2. homogeneous solution. If crystals are observed in any of the reagent
1. Fill the Abbott Master Mix Tube with 1.3 mL of mDBS buffer from the bottles upon opening, allow the reagent to equilibrate at room
Abbott mSample Preparation system DBS Buffer Kit (List No. 09N02- temperature until the crystals disappear. Do not use the reagents
001). until the crystals have dissolved.
NOTE: Do not use mLysis Buffer or any other reagents for this 11. Vortex each IC 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds before use.
step. 12. Use a calibrated precision pipette DEDICATED FOR INTERNAL
2. Hold perforated DBS paper card above the Abbott Master Mix Tube. CONTROL USE ONLY to add 750 µL of IC to each bottle of mLysis
Buffer. Mix by gently inverting the container 5 to 10 times to minimize
3. Push the DBS circle out of the card using a clean pipette tip, one
DBS circle per Master Mix Tube. Each DBS should be approximately
one-half-inch (12 millimeters) in diameter. USE A NEW PIPETTE TIP 13. Place the low and high positive controls, the negative control, and
FOR EACH DBS SAMPLE TO PREVENT CROSS CONTAMINATION. the calibrators, if applicable, into the Abbott m2000sp sample racks.
4. Ensure that the DBS circle is fully submerged in the mDBS Buffer 14. After the incubation is complete, manually shake or swirl the DBS
by tapping the tube or using the pipette tip to push the DBS into the sample tubes and then place them into the Abbott m2000sp sample
buffer. racks.
NOTE: If a pipette tip is used to push the DBS into the buffer, ensure NOTE: Ensure that the Abbott m2000sp sample racks have been
that the pipette tip does not cause DBS buffer volume loss due calibrated specifically for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 DBS
to liquid containment in the tip and/or absorption of the buffer procedure.
by the tip filter.

15. Load the sample racks carefully to avoid splashing. If used, bar 23. Select the appropriate deep-well plate that matches the
codes on tube labels must face right for scanning. Ensure that each corresponding sample preparation extraction. Initiate the Abbott
tube is placed securely in the sample rack so that the bottom of the m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol. Follow the instructions as
tube reaches the inside bottom of the rack. described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
16. Load filled sample racks onto the Abbott m2000sp in consecutive Instructions section.
sample rack positions, with the first rack farthest to the right on the NOTE: The operator should not manually fill any empty/unfilled
worktable, and any additional rack progressively to the left of the wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
first rack. • After sample extraction is complete, the Abbott m2000sp
17. Place the 5 mL Reaction Vessels into the Abbott m2000sp 1 mL automatically fills any empty wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical
subsystem carrier. Reaction Plate with mElution buffer when there are greater than
48 samples processed within a run. Plate fill is not performed for
18. Load the Abbott mSample Preparation System reagents and the
runs containing 48 samples or fewer.
Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate on the Abbott m2000sp worktable as
described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating • If prompted by the instrument, Reagent Carrier 2 should remain
Instructions section. in place, minimally containing the reagent vessel for mElution
Buffer (Reagent Carrier 2, location 6). If this reagent vessel has
19. From the Protocol screen, select the HIV-1 DBS viral load application been unloaded, place a new reagent vessel with the mElution
file. Initiate the sample extraction protocol as described in the Abbott Buffer label into Reagent Carrier 2, location 6. System fluid will
m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating Instruction section. be added to the reagent vessel and used to fill empty wells. Once
20. Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored this process is complete, the system will continue with the master
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot specific values in the mix addition.
Sample Extraction: Worktable Setup, Calibrator and Control fields. NOTE: System instructions for use of the automated plate-filling
Lot-specific values are specified in each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 feature are found in the Abbott m2000sp Operations
Calibrator and Control Kit Card. Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), section 5,
21. The Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol (step 23) must be Operating Instructions, Sample Extraction-Closed Mode.
initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample Preparation. • The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 27) must be started within 50
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents. minutes of the initiation of the Master Mix Addition protocol
22. Load the amplification reagents and the master mix tube (if needed) (step 23).
on the Abbott m2000sp worktable after sample preparation is NOTE: If the run is aborted for any reason subsequent to step 23,
completed. The following table shows the number of amplification a new Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate must be used
reagent packs needed based on the number of reactions. if the Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition Protocol (step
If only 1 amplification reagent pack is being used, no master mix 23) will be repeated.
tube is required. 24. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument in the
Amplification Area.
Amplification Reagent Pack Requirements a NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt requires 15 minutes to warm-up.
1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96 NOTE: Remove gloves before returning to the sample preparation
Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions area.
1 if new; 2 if new; 3 if new; 4 new 25. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate after the Abbott
up to 4 with up to 4 with up to 4 with or m2000sp instrument has completed addition of samples and master
partial packs partial packs partial packs partial packs mix according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
a Refer Instructions section.
to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or
higher) for instructions on inventory management to determine the maximum 26. Place the sealed optical reaction plate into the Abbott Splash-Free
number of reactions that can be tested with the partial packs selected. Support Base for transfer to the Abbott m2000rt instrument.
• Partial amplification reagent packs can only be used on the same 27. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott
Abbott m2000sp instrument used for the reagent pack’s initial m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the HIV-1 DBS
preparation. Using an amplification reagent pack for a second viral load application file. Initiate the protocol as described in the
time on a different instrument will result in an error, which may Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section.
delay the run. NOTE: Test order transfer through the use of CD-ROM or network
• Partial and new amplification reagent packs may be connection with export and import features of the m2000sp
used together. and m2000rt software is recommended. If creating the
IMPORTANT: Partial amplification reagent packs should be stored Abbott m2000rt test order manually, enter sample IDs in the
at – 25 to – 15°C until immediately before the second use. corresponding PCR tray locations according to the “Wells for
Confirm that master mix is thawed before placing partial Selected Plate” grid, found on the detail screen of the “PCR
pack(s) on the Abbott m2000sp worktable. Once removed Plate Results” on the Abbott m2000sp. See Section 5 of the
from – 25 to – 15°C storage, partial amplification reagent packs Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual.
being used a second time must be used within 25 minutes 28. If a prepared partial amplification reagent pack is to be used a
or discarded. This applies to cumulative room temperature second time, cap the 3 reagent vials with the saved caps or new
exposure, including instances where packs are removed from caps (List No. 3N20-01) and promptly store the reagents at – 25 to
storage, but not used. – 15°C, protected from light, and in an upright position. Discard any
• Ensure that the contents of new amplification reagent packs amplification reagent packs that are exhausted or have been used
are at the bottom of the vials prior to opening the amplification twice.
reagents by tapping the vials in an upright position on the bench IMPORTANT: Amplification reagents that will be used a second time
5 to 10 times. must be stored at – 25 to – 15°C within 50 minutes of the
• Do not tap partial amplification reagent packs being used a initiation of the master mix addition protocol.
second time. Tapping may result in loss of master mix volume in
the cap.
• Remove caps. If a new amplification reagent pack will be stored
and III
for a second use, the vials will need to be recapped for storage. 1. Remove the Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate from the worktable and
If planning to reuse the original caps to recap the reagent vials, dispose of according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual.
save the original caps. If planning to use fresh caps to recap the 2. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable
reagent vials, original caps may be discarded. plastic bag and dispose according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations
• Partial amplification reagent packs are loaded to the left of new Manual along with the gloves used to handle the plate.
amplification reagent packs on the Abbott m2000sp worktable. 3. Clean the Abbott Splash-Free Support Base before next use,
• Ensure that amplification reagent packs are firmly seated on the according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.

QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES The presence of HIV-1 must not be detected in the negative control.
HIV‑1 detected in the negative control is indicative of contamination
Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration by other samples or by amplified product introduced during sample
Refer to the Calibration Procedures section in the Abbott m2000rt preparation or during preparation of the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
Operations Manual for a detailed description of how to perform an Plate. To avoid contamination, clean the Abbott m1000 System or Abbott
Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration. m2000sp instrument and the Abbott m2000rt instrument and repeat
Optical calibration of the Abbott m2000rt instrument is required for the sample processing for controls and specimens following the Procedural
accurate measurement and discrimination of dye fluorescence during Precautions. If negative controls are persistently reactive, contact your
the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Abbott representative.
The following Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration Plates are used to Monitoring the Laboratory for the Presence of Contamination
calibrate the Abbott m2000rt instrument for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
It is recommended that this test be done at least once a month to
monitor laboratory surfaces and equipment for contamination by
• FAM™ Plate (Carboxyfluorescein) amplification product. It is very important to test all areas that may have
• ROX™ Plate (Carboxy-X-rhodamine) been exposed to processed specimens, controls, and calibrators, and/
• VIC® Plate (Proprietary dye) or amplification product. This includes routinely handled objects such
Assay Calibration as pipettes, the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt function keys,
laboratory bench surfaces, microcentrifuges, and centrifuge adaptors.
For a detailed description of how to perform an assay calibration refer to
the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals, Operating 1. Add 0.8 mL RNase-free water to a 1.7 mL molecular biology grade
Instructions sections. microcentrifuge tube.
A calibration curve is required to quantitate the HIV-1 RNA concentration 2. Saturate the cotton tip of an applicator (Puritan or equivalent) in the
of specimens and controls. Two assay calibrators are run in replicates RNase-free water from the microcentrifuge tube.
of 3 to generate a calibration curve (logarithm of HIV-1 concentration 3. Using the saturated cotton tip of the applicator, wipe the area to be
versus the threshold cycle [CT] at which a reactive level of fluorescent monitored using a sweeping motion. Place the applicator into the
signal is detected). The calibration curve slope and intercept are microcentrifuge tube.
calculated and stored on the instrument. The concentration of HIV-1 RNA 4. Swirl the cotton tip in RNase-free water 10 times, and then press the
in a sample is calculated from the stored calibration curve. Results are applicator along the inside of the tube so that the liquid drains back
automatically reported on the Abbott m2000rt workstation. into the solution at the bottom of the microcentrifuge tube. Discard
Follow the procedure for sample extraction, master mix addition, the applicator.
amplification and detection protocols as stated in the Abbott m2000sp
Operations Manual, and the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. 5. Pipette 0.5 mL of mWash 1 buffer to a clean tube using the pipette
dedicated for Internal Control use.
Once an Abbott RealTime HIV-1 calibration is accepted and stored, it
may be used for 6 months. During this time, all subsequent samples 6. Add 20 µL of the mWash 1 buffer to each microcentrifuge tube.
may be tested without further calibration unless: 7. Cap the microcentrifuge tube.
• An Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit with a new lot 8. Test this sample according to the assay procedure section of this
number is used. package insert.
• An Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) with a new • Transfer liquid from the microcentrifuge tube to a 5 mL Reaction
lot number is used. Vessel.
• An Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application file for a different sample • Bring the volume to 1.5 mL with RNase-free water.
volume is used.
9. The presence of contamination is indicated by the detection of HIV-1
• A new Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application specification file is nucleic acid in the swab samples.
10. If HIV-1 nucleic acid is detected on equipment, follow the cleaning
• Pure Dye optical re-calibration of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay-
and decontaminating guidelines given in that equipment’s operations
specific dyes (FAM, VIC, or ROX) is performed per the Calibration
manual. If HIV-1 nucleic acid is detected on surfaces, clean the
Procedures section of the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.
contaminated areas with 1.0% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite solution,
Detection of Inhibition followed by 70% ethanol or water.
An IC threshold cycle [CT] assay validity parameter is established during NOTE: Chlorine solutions may pit equipment and metal. Use
a calibration run. sufficient amounts or repeated applications of 70% ethanol
A defined, consistent quantity of IC is introduced into each specimen, or water until chlorine residue is no longer visible.
calibrator, and control at the beginning of sample preparation and 11. Repeat testing of the contaminated area by following steps 1
measured on the Abbott m2000rt instrument to demonstrate proper through 10.
specimen processing and assay validity. The IC is comprised of an RNA
sequence unrelated to the HIV-1 target sequence. RESULTS for plasma specimens
The median amplification cycle at which the IC target sequence Calculation
fluorescent signal is detected in calibration samples establishes an IC CT The concentration of viral HIV-1 RNA in a sample or control is calculated
validity range to be met by all subsequent processed specimens. from the stored calibration curve. The Abbott m2000rt instrument
An error control flag is displayed when a specimen or control fails to automatically reports the results on the Abbott m2000rt workstation.
meet this specification. Refer to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual Assay results can be reported in copies/mL, log [copies/mL],
for an explanation of the corrective actions for the error control flag. International Units (IU)/mL, or log [IU/mL]; (1 IU = 0.58 copies,
Specimens whose IC CT value exceeds the established range must be 1 copy = 1.74 IU).
retested starting with sample preparation.
Negative and Positive Controls
A negative control, a low-positive control, and a high-positive control are
included in each test order to evaluate run validity.
The lot-specific values for the low-positive control and high-positive
control are specified on each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit Card
and must be entered into the assay test order when a run is performed.
An error control flag is displayed when a control result is out of range.
Refer to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual for an explanation of
the corrective actions for the error control flag. If negative or positive
controls are out of range, all of the specimens and controls from that
run must be reprocessed, beginning with sample preparation.

Sample Volume Result Interpretation PLASMA SPECIMENS
1.0 mL Not Detected Target not detected The performance characteristics were determined using the Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay with Abbott m2000sp sample preparation and 1.0
< 1.60 Log [Copies/mL]a Detected
mL sample volume, unless otherwise specified.
1.60 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQd
Limit of Detection (LOD)
The limit of detection is defined as  the HIV-1 RNA concentration
0.6 mL Not Detected Target not detected
detected with a probability of 95% or greater.
< 1.60 Log [Copies/mL]a Detected
1.60 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] Limit of Detection, 1.0 mL Sample Volume
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQd The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 40 copies/mL with the
1.0 mL sample volume procedure.
0.5 mL Not Detected Target not detected
The LOD was determined by testing dilutions of a viral standard from
< 1.88 Log [Copies/mL]b Detected
the Virology Quality Assurance (VQA) Laboratory of the AIDS Clinical
1.88 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] Trial Group. Dilutions were made in HIV-1 negative human plasma.
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQ Testing was performed with 3 lots of amplification reagents on 3 Abbott
0.2 mL Not Detected Target not detected m2000 Systems. The results, representative of the analytical sensitivity
< 2.18 Log [Copies/mL]c Detected performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in
2.18 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] Table 1.
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQ Table 1.
a 40 Copies/mL
b 75 Copies/mL
Conc. Number Number Percent
c 150 Copies/mL
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
d ULQ = upper limit of quantitation 100 57 57 100
75 57 57 100
RESULTS for DBS specimens
60 57 57 100
The reported sample concentration result from the m2000rt DBS
protocol run represents the HIV-1 viral concentration in the plasma of 50 57 57 100
the whole blood specimen from which the DBS specimen is obtained. 40 57 57 100
The Abbott m2000rt instrument automatically reports the results on the 30 57 55 96
Abbott m2000rt workstation. Assay results can be reported in copies/mL,
20 57 50 88
log [copies/mL], International Units (IU)/mL, or log [IU/mL]; (1 IU = 0.58
copies, 1 copy= 1.74 IU). 10 56a 38 68
5 57 30 53
Interpretation of Results a One replicate generated an invalid replicate error message and was deleted from
Result Interpretation the data analysis.
Not Detected Target not detected Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
<2.92 Log [Copies/mL]a Detected RNA detected with 95% probability was 25 copies/mL (95% CI 20 to 33).
2.92 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
Limit of Detection, 0.6 mL Sample Volume
>7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQb The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 40 copies/mL with the
a 839 Copies/mL
b ULQ = upper limit of quantitation
0.6 mL sample volume procedure.
The LOD for the 0.6 mL sample volume procedure was determined
The concentration values for the controls and calibrators provided in as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results,
their kit cards represent the HIV-1 target concentrations in these plasma representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott
equivalent samples. When an assay run is performed with the DBS RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 2.
protocol, the concentration values reported for controls and calibrators
will reflect DBS equivalents. This scenario has no impact on results for Table 2.
DBS specimens. Conc. Number Number Percent
LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE (Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
• Optimal performance of this test requires appropriate specimen 75 57 56 98
collection, storage, and transport to the test site (refer to the 60 57 57 100
TEST SITE section of this package insert). 40 57 54 95
• Whole blood specimens for human plasma (collected in ACD-A or 30 57 55 96
EDTA tubes) and DBS (collected in EDTA tubes) may be used with 20 57 44 77
the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. The use of other anticoagulants 10 57 27 47
has not been validated with the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. 5 57 13 23
• Use of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is limited to personnel who Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
have been trained in the procedures of a molecular diagnostic assay RNA detected with 95% probability was 39 copies/mL (95% CI 33 to 49).
and the Abbott m1000 and Abbott m2000 systems.
Limit of Detection, 0.5 mL Sample Volume
• The instruments and assay procedures reduce the risk of
The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 75 copies/mL with the
contamination by amplification product. However, nucleic acid
0.5 mL sample volume procedure.
contamination from the calibrators, positive controls, or specimens
must be controlled by good laboratory practices and careful The LOD for the 0.5 mL sample volume procedure was determined
adherence to the procedures specified in this package insert. as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results,
representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott
• As with any diagnostic test, results from the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 3.
assay should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical and
laboratory findings. A specimen with a result of “Not Detected”
cannot be presumed to be negative for HIV-1 RNA.

Table 3. Figure 1.
Conc. Number Number Percent
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
100 57 57 100
75 57 57 100
60 57 54 95
50 56a 52 93
40 57 47 82
30 57 46 81
20 57 42 74
10 57 26 46
5 57 21 37
a One replicate generated an invalid replicate error message and was deleted from
the data analysis.
Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
RNA detected with 95% probability was 65 copies/mL (95% CI 51 to 88).
Limit of Detection, 0.2 mL Sample Volume
The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 150 copies/mL with the
0.2 mL sample volume procedure.
The LOD for the 0.2 mL sample volume procedure was determined The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was shown to be linear across the
as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results, range tested (n = 99, r = 0.999, slope = 0.93, and intercept = 0.26).
representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 4. Precision
The precision of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was evaluated for
Table 4. the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure using the Abbott m1000 and
Conc. Number Number Percent Abbott m2000sp sample preparation systems and the manual sample
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected preparation method. The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is designed to
250 57 57 100 achieve an inter-assay standard deviation (SD) of less than or equal
to 0.25 log copies of HIV-1 RNA per mL for samples containing HIV-1
200 57 56 98 concentrations from 500 to 5 million copies/mL. A 7‑member HIV-1 RNA
150 57 56 98 panel was prepared by diluting an HIV-1 viral stock (panel members
100 57 54 95 1 through 3) and armored HIV-1 RNA (panel members 4 through 7) in
75 57 47 82 negative human plasma. For the precision studies with the Abbott m1000
and the Abbott m2000sp, the panel members were tested in replicates
60 57 38 67 of 5 in a total of 15 runs on 3 instrument systems, with 3 lots of
50 57 39 68 amplification reagents. For the precision study using the manual sample
40 54a 30 56 preparation method, panel members were tested in replicates of 2 for
30 52a 19 37 the first run on each instrument and replicates of 3 for each subsequent
a run for a total of 15 runs on 3 Abbott m2000rt instruments with 3 lots of
Eight replicates were invalid due to an instrument error and were deleted from
the data analysis. amplification reagents. Precision analysis was performed following the
NCCLS EP10-A2 guideline.36 Within‑run, between‑run, and inter-assay
Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1 (within-run and between-run) standard deviations were determined. The
RNA detected with 95% probability was 119 copies/mL (95% CI 102 to results, representative of the precision of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
150). assay, are summarized in Tables 5, 6, and 7.
Linear Range Table 5.
The upper limit of quantitation (ULQ) for the Abbott RealTime HIV‑1
Precision with the Abbott m1000 System
assay is 10 million copies/mL, and the lower limit of quantitation
Within‑Run Between‑Run
is equivalent to the LOD (40 copies/mL for the 1.0 mL and 0.6 mL Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay
sample volume procedure, 75 copies/mL for the 0.5 mL sample Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa
volume procedure, and 150 copies/mL for the 0.2 mL sample volume 1 75 57 1.75 0.21 0.00 0.21
procedure). 2 75 573 2.76 0.08 0.00 0.08
A 9-member panel prepared by diluting armored HIV-1 RNA from 7.44 log 3 75 5,000 3.70 0.05 0.02 0.06
copies/mL to 1.16 log copies/mL in HIV-1 negative human plasma was
4 73b,c 35,751 4.55 0.03 0.01 0.04
tested. Linearity analysis was performed following the NCCLS EP6-A
guideline.35 The results, representative of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 5 75 315,065 5.50 0.07 0.03 0.07
assay linearity, are shown in Figure 1. 6 74b 2,947,538 6.47 0.05 0.04 0.07
7 75 5,347,285 6.73 0.04 0.05 0.07
a Inter-assay contains within-run and between-run components.
b Two replicates were inhibited and were deleted from the data analysis.
c HIV-1 RNA was not detected in 1 replicate.

The specificity of the assay was further evaluated by testing 70
Table 6.
specimens that had been either obtained from individuals diagnosed or
Precision with the Abbott m2000 System screened for an autoimmune disorder or serologically characterized as
Within‑Run Between‑Run positive for the following markers: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay
anti‑nuclear antibodies (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), HBsAg, anti-
Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa
HTLV-I/II, anti-HCV, and anti‑HIV‑2. HIV-1 RNA was not detected in any
1 74b 72 1.86 0.18 0.07 0.19 of the specimens tested. The results demonstrated that the presence of
2 75 652 2.81 0.08 0.00 0.08 an autoimmune disorder or serologic markers for autoimmune disease
3 75 5,417 3.73 0.04 0.02 0.05 or viral pathogens other than HIV-1 did not affect the Abbott RealTime
4 75 39,458 4.60 0.04 0.03 0.05 HIV-1 assay.
5 74c 358,587 5.55 0.03 0.03 0.04 Cross-Reactivity
6 75 3,102,654 6.49 0.03 0.02 0.04 The following viruses and microorganisms were evaluated for potential
7 75 5,953,879 6.77 0.04 0.04 0.05 cross-reactivity in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Purified nucleic acid
a Inter-assaycontains within-run and between-run components. or viral lysate from each microorganism or virus was added to HIV‑1 RNA
b HIV-1 negative samples and samples that contained 10,000 copies/mL HIV-1
RNA was not detected in 1 replicate.
c One replicate was inhibited and was deleted from the data analysis.
Human Immunodeficiency virus 2 Vaccinia virus
Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 BK human polyomavirus
Table 7. Hepatitis C virus Human papilloma virus 16
Precision with Manual Sample Preparation Method Hepatitis B virus Human papilloma virus 18
Within‑Run Between‑Run Epstein-Barr virus Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay
Herpes simplex virus 1 Chlamydia trachomatis
Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa
Herpes simplex virus 2 Candida albicans
1 40b 46 1.66 0.21 0.07 0.22
Cytomegalovirus Staphylococcus aureus
2 41c 471 2.67 0.11 0.09 0.14 Human herpesvirus 6B Staphylococcus epidermidis
3 42 4,474 3.65 0.05 0.10 0.11 Human herpesvirus 8 Mycobacterium gordonae
4 42 34,503 4.54 0.02 0.06 0.07 Varicella-zoster virus Mycobacterium smegmatis
5 42 362,283 5.56 0.04 0.08 0.09 No interference in the performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay
6 42 3,597,099 6.56 0.03 0.04 0.05 was observed in the presence of the potential cross-reactants for all
7 42 6,552,825 6.82 0.05 0.05 0.07 positive and negative samples tested.
a Inter-assaycontains within-run and between-run components. Detection of HIV-1 Subtypes and Groups
b HIV-1 RNA was not detected in 2 replicates.
The performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay with HIV-1
c One replicate was inhibited and deleted from the data analysis. subtypes/groups was evaluated by analysis of purified RNA transcripts
from Group M (subtypes A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02-AG, G, and
Potentially Interfering Substances H), Group O, and Group N, and by testing 10 clinical specimens of each
The susceptibility of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay to interference Group M subtype (A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02-AG, and G), and 10
by elevated levels of endogenous substances and by drugs commonly specimens from Group O.
prescribed to HIV-1 infected individuals was evaluated. HIV-1 negative RNA transcripts of Group M (subtypes A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02-
samples and samples containing 10,000 copies/mL of HIV-1 RNA were AG, G, and H), Group O, and Group N with concentrations targeted to
tested. approximately 6.0 log copies/mL, 4.7 log copies/mL, 3.0 log copies/
No interference in the performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay mL, and 1.7 log copies/mL were tested. Three replicates were tested at
was observed in the presence of the following substances for all positive each concentration for each transcript. The results, representative of the
and negative samples tested: dilution linearity for the 11 subtypes/groups tested, are shown in
• Hemoglobin 500 mg/dL Figure 2.
• Triglycerides 3000 mg/dL Figure 2.
• Bilirubin 20 mg/dL
• Protein 9 g/dL
Drugs at concentrations in excess of the peak plasma or serum levels
were tested in 5 pools. No interference in the performance of the Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay was observed in the presence of the following
drug pools for all positive and negative samples tested:
Drug Pool Drugs Tested
1 Zidovudine, Saquinavir, Ritonavir, Clarithromycin, Interferon
2a, Interferon 2b
2 Abacavir sulfate, Amprenavir, Peginterferon 2a,
Peginterferon 2b, Ribavirin
3 Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, Lamivudine, Indinavir sulfate,
Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir hydrochloride, Acyclovir
4 Stavudine, Efavirenz, Lopinavir, Enfuvirtide, Ciprofloxacin
5 Zalcitabine, Nevirapine, Nelfinavir, Azithromycin,
The target specificity of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is greater than
or equal to 99.5% after resolution.
The specificity of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was evaluated by
testing 187 HIV-1 seronegative plasma specimens. The specimens were
tested on 3 Abbott m2000 instrument systems with 3 lots of amplification
reagents. HIV-1 RNA was not detected, resulting in 100% (187/187)
specificity (95% CI 98.05 to 100.00) in this representative study.

The results showed that all subtypes and groups tested were detected,
Figure 4.
and dilution linearity was demonstrated for all groups and subtypes
tested (correlation coefficients ranged from 0.997 to 1.000).
A total of 90 clinical specimens, 10 of each Group M subtype (A, B,
C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02‑AG, G) and Group O, were tested with
the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay and by 2 other HIV-1 quantitative
assays referred to as Comparator 1 and Comparator 2. The results are
summarized in Table 8.
Table 8.
Group/ RealTime Comparator 1 Comparator 2
Subtypes n Detected Detecteda Detecteda
M/Subtype A 10 10 10 (1) 10 (1)
M/Subtype B 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype C 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype D 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype AE 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype F 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype AG 10 10 10 (3) 10 (1)
M/Subtype G 10 10 10 (2) 10 (1)
Group O 10 10 0 (NA) 7 (7)
a Thenumbers in parentheses are the number of specimens that had lower
Limit of Detection
quantitation values by more than 1.00 log copies/mL when compared to Abbott The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 839 copies/mL with the
RealTime HIV-1 assay. DBS sample type.
• The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay detected all subtypes and groups The limit of detection was determined by analysis of an HIV-1 viral
tested. dilution series from the VQA (Virology Quality Assurance laboratory)
standard. Twenty-eight samples at each concentration level were tested
• Comparator 1 detected all Group M subtypes tested and did not across 4 runs using 4 lots of amplification reagents. The detection
detect the 10 Group O samples. rate for each dilution panel member was summarized across the four
• Comparator 2 detected all Group M subtypes tested and 7 out of 10 lots of reagents. The results, representative of the analytical sensitivity
Group O samples. performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in
• There were no samples that had Abbott RealTime assay quantitation Table 9.
values lower than Comparator 1 or Comparator 2 values by more
than 1.00 log copies/mL. Table 9.
• There were 6 Group M samples that had lower quantitation values Conc. Number Number Percent
with Comparator 1 by more than 1.00 log/copies/mL when compared (Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
to Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. 3000 27a 27 100
• There were 3 Group M samples and 7 Group O samples that had 1000 28 27 96
lower quantitation values with Comparator 2 by more than 1.00 log 500 28 24 86
copies/mL when compared to Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay.
250 28 10 36
Correlation 125 28 4 14
Method comparison analysis was performed following NCCLS EP9-A2.37
a One replicate was invalid and was excluded from the analysis.
Specimens from 141 HIV-1 infected patients were tested with the Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay and a comparator assay. The correlation plot is Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
shown in Figure 3. RNA detected with 95% probability was 839 copies/mL (95% CI 624 to
Figure 3. 1387 copies/mL).
Linear Range
The upper limit of quantitation (ULQ) for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
assay is 10 million copies/mL and the lower limit of quantitation is
equivalent to the LOD (839 copies/mL) for the DBS claim.
A dilution series of HIV-1 Armored RNA covering the range from 500
copies/mL to 10,000,000 copies/mL in HIV-1 sero-negative blood was
tested. The results, representative of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay
linearity, are shown in Figure 5.

Specimens from 79 HIV-1 infected patients (a subset of the 141 tested)

were tested with the Abbott LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay. The
correlation plot is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 5. method (DBS finger prick versus plasma N=150, DBS venous versus
plasma N=150, and DBS finger prick versus DBS venous N=146). The
correlation coefficient for HIV-1 viral load in plasma versus DBS finger
prick was 0.887, the slope was 0.84 (95% CI 0.77 to 0.91), and the
intercept was 0.58 log copies/mL (95% CI 0.26 to 0.90) (Figure 6). The
correlation coefficient for HIV-1 viral load in plasma versus DBS venous
blood was 0.902, the slope was 0.83 (95% CI 0.76 to 0.89), and the
intercept was 0.66 log copies/mL (95% CI 0.37 to 0.95) (Figure 7). The
correlation coefficient for HIV-1 viral load in DBS finger prick versus DBS
venous blood was 0.947, the slope was 1.00 (95% CI 0.94 to 1.05), and
the intercept was –0.03 log copies/mL (95% CI –0.28 to 0.21) (Figure
8). Additionally, Bland-Altman plots for these same comparisons are
presented in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11.

Figure 6. DBS Finger Prick Versus Plasma

y=0.84x + 0.58

The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was shown to be linear across the
range tested (n = 92, r = 0.995, slope = 1.08, and intercept = -0.32).
Precision was evaluated by testing HIV-1 panel members targeted to
cover the range from 500 Copies/mL to 5,000,000 Copies/mL. Three
lots of amplification reagents were run on the three pairs of m2000
instrument systems (each lot of reagent assigned to its own instrument
pair), once a day for five days. Within‑run, between‑run, and inter-assay
(within-run and between-run) standard deviations (SD) were determined.
The results, representative of the precision of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
assay, are summarized in Table 10.
Table 10.
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Precision for Dried Blood Spot
Conc. Mean Within‑Run Between‑Run
Panel Conc. Mean (log copies/ SD SD Inter-Assaya
Member n (copies/mL) mL) Component Component SD Figure 7. DBS Venous Versus Plasma
1 54b 417 2.62 0.29 0.00 0.29
2 70b 692 2.84 0.26 0.00 0.26
3 74c 4531 3.66 0.12 0.09 0.16
y=0.83x + 0.66
4 73d 9034 3.96 0.11 0.07 0.13 r=0.902
5 75 108643 5.04 0.05 0.04 0.06 n=150
6 75 8130801 6.91 0.05 0.04 0.06
a Inter-assay contains within-run and between-run components.
b Concentration means of Panel Members 1 and 2 are below LOD and the
precision estimates reflect only results that are quantitated and, therefore, are for
information only.
c One replicate was invalid and was excluded from the data analysis.
d Two replicates were invalid and were excluded from the data analysis.

The target specificity of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is greater than
or equal to 99.5% after resolution.
Specificity was determined by testing 120 HIV-1 sero-negative
specimens, 60 specimens with each of two lots of amplification
reagents. All 120 HIV-1 sero-negative specimens gave results of “Not
Detected” for a specificity of 100% (120/120).
Correlation Figure 8. DBS Finger Prick Versus DBS Venous
HIV-1 RNA quantitation was compared between the Abbott RealTime HIV-
1 assay using dried blood spots and the CE-marked comparator assay,
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 RNA quantitative assay using human plasma. A y=1.00x - 0.03
total of 313 specimens collected from South Africa, Ivory Coast, and r=0.947
Uganda were included in the analysis. These HIV-1 infected patients n=146
were tested at Abbott Molecular (N=247) and at one external site in
South Africa (N=66). For each HIV-1 infected patient dried blood spots
prepared from venous blood and capillary blood (finger prick) were
tested. The results from specimens that fell within the common assay
dynamic range were analyzed by the least squares linear regression

Figure 9. DBS Finger Prick Versus Plasma Bibliography
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[Also available online. Type>, search>BMBL5>look up
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sections III and IV.]
LCx is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories.
30. US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health
Abbott Molecular Inc. is the legal manufacturer of the:
Administration. 29 CFR Part 1910.1030. Bloodborne Pathogens.
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 02G31-010)
31. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Protection of Laboratory
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
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35. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Evaluation of
the Linearity of Quantitative Measurement Procedures: A Statistical February 2016
Approach; Approved Guideline - NCCLS document EP6-A, NCCLS: 51-608282/R2
Wayne, PA, 2002.
36. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Preliminary
Evaluation of Quantitative Clinical Laboratory Methods; Approved
Guideline – Second Edition. NCCLS Document EP10-A2. NCCLS:
Wayne, PA, 2002.
37. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Method
Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved
Guideline-Second Edition NCCLS document EP9-A2, NCCLS Wayne,
PA, 2002.

Appendix 1. Overview of the ABBOTT REALTIME hiv-1 Amplification reagent extended use feature
The amplification reagent extended use feature allows for the use of an amplification reagent pack and internal control (IC) a total of 2 times.
Amplification reagent packs that have not yet been used to prepare master mix are referred to as new amplification reagent packs. Amplification
reagent packs that have been used once and contain prepared master mix are referred to as partial amplification reagent packs. Refer to the
instructions provided in this manual for additional details.

Storage Conditions (Amplification Reagent Pack and Internal Control Vials)

Pack Type Storage Temperature Storage Time
New Packs -25 to -15°C Until date shown on label
New IC -25 to -15°C Until date shown on label
Partial Packs -25 to -15°C (protected from light) Up to 7 days after initial use
Partial IC -25 to -15°C Up to 14 days after initial use

Select combination of new and/or partial

packs required for run.
New Pack(s) Partial Pack(s)
Remove new pack(s) from
-15°C freezer (–25 to –15°C).
-25°C Thaw at 2 to 8°C or
15 to 30°C.

Once thawed, store at

2 to 8°C for ≤ 24 hours,
prior to use.

Complete sample extraction.

Remove caps. Remove partial pack(s) -15°C
from freezer (–25 to
–15°C). Confirm that -25°C
master mix is thawed
before use.

Load pack(s):
Firmly seat all packs;
partial packs to left.
≤ 60 minutes

≤ 25 minutes
Load master mix tube
Initialize Abbott if using more than 1 pack.

Start master mix protocol.

Master mix protocol complete.

Seal PCR plate.

≤ 50 minutes ≤ 50 minutes
Recap partial pack(s) Transfer PCR plate
after first use. to Abbott m2000rt.

Store partial pack(s) at –25 to
–15°C, upright and protected Start Abbott m2000rt
from light. protocol.
Discard empty packs
and partial packs after
second use.

• Amplification reagent packs eligible for extended use must have a 6-digit serial number above the barcode.
• Partial amplification reagent packs can only be used a second time on the same instrument as the initial use. Using them on a different
instrument will generate a processing error, which may delay the run.
• Partial and new amplification reagent packs may be used together. All amplification reagent packs used on the instrument for a run must have
the same lot number.

Appendix 2. OPTIONAL UNG PROCEDURE FOR • If performing 25 to 48 reactions, prepare a second amplification
PROTOCOLS I, II, AND iii master mix with a second Amplification Reagent Pack.
The uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) procedure is to be used in conjunction NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 20) must be initiated
with the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay as an optional contamination within 50 minutes of the addition of Activation Reagent
control for customer laboratories that are currently using or have into the first rTth Enzyme Reagent bottle (step 13). This
previously used amplification technologies that incorporate uracil into 50 minutes includes 10 minutes incubation at room
the amplification product. temperature (step 19, below).
14. Pipette the contents of the master mix from the enzyme bottle(s)
Reagents into a single-use RNase/DNase-free tube and vortex to mix.
Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG), List No. 06L87-02 (1 tube, 112 µL, 1U/µL)
15. Place an Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a StrataCooler
Description 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler stored as indicated in the instruction
Uracil DNA glycosylase (uracil-N-glycosylase) removes uracil residues manual. Using a DEDICATED PIPETTE, dispense 50-μL aliquots of
from the sugar moiety of single- and double-stranded DNA without the amplification master mix into the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
destroying the phosphodiester backbone, preventing its use as a Plate. A calibrated repeat pipettor may be used. Visually verify that
hybridization target or as a template for DNA polymerases. Uracil DNA 50 µL has been dispensed into each well.
glycosylase will not remove uracil from RNA. 16. Transfer the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the
Active Ingredients StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler to the Sample Preparation
• Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG; < 0.1%) Area.
• Tween 20 (< 0.1%) Sample Preparation Area
Storage and Handling 17. In the Sample Preparation Area, transfer 50 μL of sample eluate to
The product is shipped on dry ice. the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the StrataCooler 96 or
-15°C Eppendorf PCR Cooler. Use a separate pipette tip for each sample
Store at –25° to –15°C. eluate transfer. During the transfer of each sample, mix the reaction
-25°C by pipetting up and down 3 to 5 times. Visually verify that 100 µL has
been dispensed into each well.
UNG Limited License 18. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate according to the
This product is sold under licensing arrangements between Celera instructions in the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.
Corporation and Invitrogen Corporation. The purchase price of this
product includes limited, nontransferable rights under US Patents 19. Remove the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate from the
5,035,996; 5,683,896; 5,945,313; and 6,287,823 and foreign equivalents StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler to the Abbott Splash-
owned by Invitrogen Corporation to use only this amount of the Free Support Base. Centrifuge the Abbott 96-Well Optical
product to practice the claims in said patents solely for activities of the Reaction Plate in the Abbott Splash-Free Support Base at 5000g
purchaser. Further information on purchasing licenses under the above for 5 minutes. Incubate at room temperature (15 to 30°C) for 10
patents may be obtained by contacting Licensing Department, Invitrogen minutes. Centrifugation may take place during the 10-minute room
Corporation, 1600 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. temperature incubation. Following room temperature incubation,
transfer the Abbott 96‑Well Optical Reaction Plate on the Abbott
Optional UNG Procedure for ASSAY Splash-Free Support Base to the Amplification Area.
PROTOCOL I: using ABBOTT m1000 SYSTEM OR NOTE: Do not transfer the StrataCooler 96 or Eppendorf PCR Cooler
ABBOTT m2000rt INSTRUMENT Amplification Area
NOTE: The step numbering from Protocol I is maintained. Starting 20. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott
from Step 11, execute the following: m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate
Amplification Area application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested.
11. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument. Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol as described in the Abbott
NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt instrument requires 15 minutes to m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section.
warm up.
ASSAY PROTOCOL II: optional ung procedure
12. Create the Abbott m2000rt test order. Refer to the Operating
Instructions section of the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. with Plasma Samples prepared for
From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate application file amplification using the Abbott m2000sp
corresponding to the sample volume being tested. NOTE: The step numbering from Protocol II is maintained. Starting
• Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored from Step 11, execute the following:
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot-specific values in the test The Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol (step 12) must be
order for accurate calibration and control evaluation. Lot-specific initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample Preparation.
values are specified in each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator and NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents.
Control Kit Card. 11. Load the amplification reagents and the master mix tube (if needed)
Reagent Preparation Area on the Abbott m2000sp worktable after sample preparation is
completed. The following table shows the number of amplification
All reagent preparation must take place in the dedicated Reagent reagent packs needed based on the number of reactions.
Preparation Area. Refer to the Handling Precautions section of the If only 1 amplification reagent pack is being used, no master mix
package insert before preparing reagents. tube is required.
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents.
13. Prepare the amplification master mix. Amplification Reagent Pack Requirements a
• Each Amplification Reagent Pack supports up to 24 reactions. 1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96
• Prior to opening the amplification reagents, ensure that the Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions
contents of the vials are at the bottom by tapping the vials in an 1 if new; 2 if new; 3 if new; 4 new
upright position 5 to 10 times on the bench to bring the liquid to up to 4 with up to 4 with up to 4 with or
the bottom of the vials. partial packs partial packs partial packs partial packs
• Use a PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR REAGENT USE ONLY to add a Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual (List No. 9K20-06 or
27 µL of UNG to the Thermostable rTth Polymerase Enzyme higher) for instructions on inventory management to determine the maximum
bottle (Reagent 3). number of reactions that can be tested with the partial packs selected.
• Prepare the master mix by using a PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR
REAGENT USE ONLY to add 271 μL of the Activation Reagent
(Reagent 1) and 949 μL of the HIV-1 Oligonucleotide Reagent
(Reagent 2) together in the Thermostable rTth Polymerase
Enzyme bottle (Reagent 3).

• Partial amplification reagent packs can only be used on the same Volume of UNG to Add to the Reagent Vial in
Abbott m2000sp instrument used for the reagent pack’s initial Position 3 of Each Amplification Reagent Pack
preparation. Using an amplification reagent pack for a second Tests Remaining in Add This Volume of
time on a different instrument will result in an error, which may the Pack UNG (μL)
delay the run.
1 5
• Partial and new amplification reagent packs may be
used together. 2 6
3 7
IMPORTANT: Partial amplification reagent packs should be stored
at – 25 to – 15°C until immediately before the second use. 4 8
Confirm that master mix is thawed before placing partial 5 9
pack(s) on the Abbott m2000sp worktable. Once removed from 6 10
– 25 to – 15°C, partial amplification reagent packs being used 7 11
a second time must be used within 25 minutes or discarded. 8 12
This applies to cumulative room temperature exposure, 9 13
including instances where packs are removed from storage, 10 13
but not used. 11 14
• Ensure that the contents of new amplification reagent packs 12 15
are at the bottom of the vials prior to opening the amplification
13 16
reagents by tapping the vials in an upright position on the bench
5 to 10 times. 14 17
• Do not tap partial amplification reagent packs being used a 15 18
second time. Tapping may result in loss of master mix volume in 16 19
the cap. 17 20
• Remove caps. If a new amplification reagent pack will be stored 18 21
for a second use, the vials will need to be recapped for storage. 19 22
If planning to reuse the original caps to recap the reagent vials, 20 23
save the original caps. If planning to use fresh caps to recap the 21 24
reagent vials, original caps may be discarded. 22 25
specified volume of 1 U/µL UNG (List No. 06L87-02) to the 24 (new pack) 27
reagent vial in position 3 of new and partial amplification reagent
packs. 12. Select the appropriate deep well plate that matches the
• Use the table below to determine the volume of UNG to add to the corresponding sample preparation extraction. Initiate the Abbott
reagent vial in position 3 of new and partial amplification reagent m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol. Follow the instructions as
packs. The reagent vial in position 3 of a new reagent pack described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
contains the Thermostable rTth polymerase enzyme. The reagent Instructions section.
vial in position 3 of a partial reagent pack contains master mix. NOTE: The operator should not manually fill any empty/unfilled
NOTE: The volume of UNG added to the reagent vial in position 3 wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
depends upon the number of tests remaining in the reagent • After sample extraction is complete, the Abbott m2000sp
pack, and not the number of samples being run. Refer to the automatically fills any empty wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical
Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual for instructions pertaining Reaction Plate when there are greater than 48 samples processed
to amplification reagent pack inventory management and how within a run. Plate fill is not performed for runs containing 48
to determine the number of tests remaining in a reagent pack. samples or fewer.
• Manually mix by pipetting gently up and down for all partial • If prompted by the instrument, Reagent Carrier 2 should remain
packs. Do not mix new packs. in place, minimally containing the reagent vessel for mElution
• Partial amplification packs are loaded to the left of new Buffer (Reagent Carrier 2, location 6). If this reagent vessel has
amplification reagent packs on the Abbott m2000sp worktable. been unloaded, place a new reagent vessel with the mElution
• Ensure that amplification reagent packs are firmly seated on Buffer label into Reagent Carrier 2, location 6. System fluid will
the instrument. be added to the reagent vessel and used to fill empty wells. Once
this process is complete, the system will continue with the master
mix addition.
NOTE: System instructions for use of the automated plate-filling
feature are found in the Abbott m2000sp Operations
Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), section 5,
Operating Instructions, Sample Extraction – Closed Mode.
• The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 16) must be started within
50 minutes of the initiation of the Master Mix Addition protocol
(step 12).
NOTE: If the run is aborted for any reason subsequent to step 12,
a new 96-well Optical Reaction Plate must be used if the
Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition Protocol (step 12)
will be repeated.
13. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument in the
amplification area.
NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt requires 15 minutes to warm-up.
NOTE: Remove gloves before returning to the sample preparation
14. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate after the Abbott
m2000sp instrument has completed addition of samples and master
mix according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
Instructions section.
15. Keep the sealed optical reaction plate to the Abbott Splash-Free
Support Base and incubate at room temperature (15 to 30°C) for
10 minutes. Following room temperature incubation, transfer the
Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the Abbott Splash-Free
Support Base to the Abbott m2000rt instrument.

16. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott • Use a PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR REAGENT USE ONLY to add
m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate specified volume of 1 U/µL UNG (List No. 06L87-02) to the
application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested. reagent vial in position 3 of new and partial amplification reagent
Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol as described in the Abbott packs.
m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section. • Use the table below to determine the volume of UNG to add to the
NOTE: Test order transfer through the use of CD-ROM or network reagent vial in position 3 of new and partial amplification reagent
connection with export and import features of the m2000sp packs. The reagent vial in position 3 of a new reagent pack
and m2000rt software is recommended. If creating the contains the Thermostable rTth polymerase enzyme. The reagent
Abbott m2000rt test order manually, enter sample IDs in the vial in position 3 of a partial reagent pack contains master mix.
corresponding PCR tray locations according to the “Wells NOTE: The volume of UNG added to the reagent vial in position 3
for Selected Plate” grid, found on the detail screen of the depends upon the number of tests remaining in the reagent
“PCR Plate Results” on the Abbott m2000sp. See Section pack, and not the number of samples being run. Refer to
5 of the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual. the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual for instructions
17. If a prepared partial amplification reagent pack is to be used a pertaining to amplification reagent pack inventory
second time, cap the 3 reagent vials with the saved caps or new management and how to determine the number of tests
caps (List No. 3N20-01) and promptly store the reagents at – 25 to remaining in a reagent pack.
– 15°C, protected from light, and in an upright position. Discard any • Manually mix by pipetting gently up and down for all partial
amplification reagent packs that are exhausted or have been packs. Do not mix new packs.
used twice. • Partial amplification packs are loaded to the left of new
IMPORTANT: Amplification reagents that will be used a second time amplification reagent packs on the Abbott m2000sp worktable.
must be stored at – 25 to – 15°C within 50 minutes of the • Ensure that amplification reagent packs are firmly seated on
initiation of the master mix addition protocol. the instrument.
ASSAY PROTOCOL III: optional ung procedure Volume of UNG to Add to the Reagent Vial in
with DBS Samples prepared for amplification Position 3 of Each Amplification Reagent Pack
using the Abbott m2000sp Tests Remaining in Add This Volume of
NOTE: The step numbering from Protocol III is maintained. Starting the Pack UNG (μL)
from Step 22, execute the following: 1 5
The Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol (step 23) must be 2 6
initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample Preparation. 3 7
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents. 4 8
22. Load the amplification reagents and the master mix tube (if needed) 5 9
on the Abbott m2000sp worktable after sample preparation is 6 10
completed. The following table shows the number of amplification 7 11
reagent packs needed based on the number of reactions. 8 12
If only 1 amplification reagent pack is being used, no master mix
tube is required. 9 13
10 13
Amplification Reagent Pack Requirements a 11 14
1 to 24 25 to 48 49 to 72 73 to 96 12 15
Reactions Reactions Reactions Reactions 13 16
14 17
1 if new; 2 if new; 3 if new; 4 new
up to 4 with up to 4 with up to 4 with or 15 18
partial packs partial packs partial packs partial packs 16 19
a Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or
17 20
higher) for instructions on inventory management to determine the maximum 18 21
number of reactions that can be tested with the partial packs selected. 19 22
• Partial amplification reagent packs can only be used on the same 20 23
Abbott m2000sp instrument used for the reagent pack’s initial 21 24
preparation. Using an amplification reagent pack for a second 22 25
time on a different instrument will result in an error, which may 23 26
delay the run. 24 (new pack) 27
• Partial and new amplification reagent packs may be
used together. 23. Select the appropriate deep well plate that matches the
IMPORTANT: Partial amplification reagent packs should be stored corresponding sample preparation extraction. Initiate the Abbott
at – 25 to – 15°C until immediately before the second use. m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol. Follow the instructions as
Confirm that master mix is thawed before placing partial described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
pack(s) on the Abbott m2000sp worktable. Once removed from Instructions section.
– 25 to – 15°C, partial amplification reagent packs being used NOTE: The operator should not manually fill any empty/unfilled
a second time must be used within 25 minutes or discarded. wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
This applies to cumulative room temperature exposure, • After sample extraction is complete, the Abbott m2000sp
including instances where packs are removed from storage, automatically fills any empty wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical
but not used. Reaction Plate with mElution buffer when there are greater than
• Ensure that the contents of new amplification reagent packs 48 samples processed within a run. Plate fill is not performed for
are at the bottom of the vials prior to opening the amplification runs containing 48 samples or fewer.
reagents by tapping the vials in an upright position on the bench • If prompted by the instrument, Reagent Carrier 2 should remain
5 to 10 times. in place, minimally containing the reagent vessel for mElution
• Do not tap partial amplification reagent packs being used a Buffer (Reagent Carrier 2, location 6). If this reagent vessel has
second time. Tapping may result in loss of master mix volume in been unloaded, place a new reagent vessel with the mElution
the cap. Buffer label into Reagent Carrier 2, location 6. System fluid will
• Remove caps. If a new amplification reagent pack will be stored be added to the reagent vessel and used to fill empty wells. Once
for a second use, the vials will need to be recapped for storage. this process is complete, the system will continue with the master
If planning to reuse the original caps to recap the reagent vials, mix addition.
save the original caps. If planning to use fresh caps to recap the
reagent vials, original caps may be discarded.

NOTE: System instructions for use of the automated plate-filling
feature are found in the Abbott m2000sp Operations
Manual (List No. 9K20 version 6 or higher), section 5,
Operating Instructions, Sample Extraction – Closed Mode.
• The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 27) must be started within
50 minutes of the initiation of the Master Mix Addition protocol
(step 23).
NOTE: If the run is aborted for any reason subsequent to step 23,
a new 96-well Optical Reaction Plate must be used if the
Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition Protocol (step 23)
will be repeated.
24. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument in the
amplification area.
NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt requires 15 minutes to warm-up.
NOTE: Remove gloves before returning to the sample preparation
25. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate after the Abbott
m2000sp instrument has completed addition of samples and master
mix according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
Instructions section.
26. Keep the sealed optical reaction plate to the Abbott Splash-Free
Support Base and incubate at room temperature (15 to 30°C) for
10 minutes. Following room temperature incubation, transfer the
Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the Abbott Splash-Free
Support Base to the Abbott m2000rt instrument.
27. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott
m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the HIV-1 DBS
Viral Load application file. Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol
as described in the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating
Instructions section.
NOTE: Test order transfer through the use of CD-ROM or network
connection with export and import features of the m2000sp
and m2000rt software is recommended. If creating the
Abbott m2000rt test order manually, enter sample IDs in the
corresponding PCR tray locations according to the “Wells
for Selected Plate” grid, found on the detail screen of the
“PCR Plate Results” on the Abbott m2000sp. See Section
5 of the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual.
28. If a prepared partial amplification reagent pack is to be used a
second time, cap the 3 reagent vials with the saved caps or new
caps (List No. 3N20-01) and promptly store the reagents at – 25 to
– 15°C, protected from light, and in an upright position. Discard any
amplification reagent packs that are exhausted or have been
used twice.
IMPORTANT: Amplification reagents that will be used a second time
must be stored at – 25 to – 15°C within 50 minutes of the
initiation of the master mix addition protocol.

Abbott RealTime
HIV-1 en

2G31 51-602100/R10
NOTE: Changes Highlighted
Key to Symbols Used
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is an in vitro reverse transcription-
Reference Number polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for the quantitation of
Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) in human plasma from
Lot Number HIV‑1 infected individuals. The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is intended
for use in conjunction with clinical presentation and other laboratory
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device markers as an indicator of disease prognosis and for use as an aid
in assessing viral response to antiretroviral treatment as measured by
changes in plasma HIV-1 RNA levels. This assay is not intended to be
Use By
used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as a diagnostic test to confirm the
presence of HIV-1 infection.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of Acquired
Low Positive Control Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).1-3 It can be transmitted through
sexual contact, exposure to infected blood or blood products, or from
High Positive Control an infected mother to the fetus.4 Acute HIV syndrome, characterized
by flu-like symptoms, develops 3 to 5 weeks after initial infection and
Calibrator A is associated with high levels of viremia.5,6 Within 4 to 6 weeks of the
onset of symptoms, HIV specific immune response is detectable.7,8 After
Calibrator B seroconversion, viral load in peripheral blood declines and most patients
enter an asymptomatic phase that can last for years.9
Quantitative measurement of HIV levels in peripheral blood has
greatly contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV
Internal Control infection10,11 and has been shown to be an essential parameter in
prognosis and management of HIV infected individuals.12-17 Decisions
regarding initiation or changes in antiretroviral therapy are guided by
Amplification Reagent Pack monitoring plasma HIV RNA levels (viral load), CD4+ T cell count, and
the patient’s clinical condition.17,18 The goal of antiretroviral therapy is
to reduce the HIV virus in plasma to below detectable levels of available
Upper Limit of Temperature
viral load tests.17,19
HIV RNA levels in plasma can be quantitated by nucleic acid
amplification or signal amplification technologies.20-22 The Abbott
Consult instructions for use RealTime HIV-1 assay uses Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
technology with homogenous real-time fluorescent detection. Partially
double-stranded fluorescent probe design allows detection of diverse
Caution group M subtypes and group O isolates. The assay is standardized
against a viral standard from the Virology Quality Assurance (VQA)
Laboratory of the AIDS Clinical Trial Group,23 and against World
Health Organization (WHO) 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA
Warning (97/656).24,25 The assay results can be reported in copies/mL or
International Units/mL (IU/mL).
Manufacturer The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay consists of 3 reagent kits:
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit
Authorized Representative in the • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit
European Community • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit
See REAGENTS section for a full explanation of symbols used in The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay uses RT-PCR26 to generate amplified
reagent component naming. product from the RNA genome of HIV-1 in clinical specimens. An RNA
sequence that is unrelated to the HIV-1 target sequence is introduced
Customer Service into each specimen at the beginning of sample preparation. This
International: Call your Abbott unrelated RNA sequence is simultaneously amplified by RT-PCR, and
Representative serves as an internal control (IC) to demonstrate that the process
has proceeded correctly for each sample. The amount of HIV‑1 target
This package insert must be read carefully prior to use. Package insert sequence that is present at each amplification cycle is measured
instructions must be followed accordingly. Reliability of assay results through the use of fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotide probes on the
cannot be guaranteed if there are any deviations from the instructions in Abbott m2000rt instrument. The probes do not generate signal unless
this package insert. they are specifically bound to the amplified product. The amplification
NAME cycle at which fluorescent signal is detected by the Abbott m2000rt is
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 proportional to the log of the HIV-1 RNA concentration present in the
original sample.

Sample Preparation The HIV-1 and IC specific probes are each labeled with a different
The purpose of sample preparation is to extract and concentrate the fluorophore, thus allowing for simultaneous detection of both amplified
target RNA molecules to make the target accessible for amplification, products at each cycle. The amplification cycle at which fluorescent
and to remove potential inhibitors of amplification from the extract. signal is detected by the Abbott m2000rt is proportional to the log of the
The Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) uses magnetic HIV-1 RNA concentration present in the original sample.
particle technology to capture nucleic acids and washes the particles PREVENTION OF NUCLEIC ACID CONTAMINATION
to remove unbound sample components. The bound nucleic acids are The possibility of nucleic acid contamination is minimized because:
eluted and transferred to output tubes or a 96 deep-well plate. The • Reverse transcription, PCR amplification, and oligonucleotide
nucleic acids are then ready for amplification. The IC is taken through hybridization occur in a sealed Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
the entire sample preparation procedure along with the calibrators, Plate.
controls, and specimens.
• Detection is carried out automatically without the need to open the
Two automated instrument systems, the Abbott m2000sp or the Abbott Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate.
m1000 System can be used to prepare samples for the Abbott RealTime
• Pipettes with aerosol barrier tips or disposable transfer pipettes are
HIV-1 assay. The Abbott m2000sp provides automated sample eluate
used for all pipetting. The disposable pipettes or pipette tips are
transfer and reaction assembly in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
discarded after use.
Plate, while the Abbott m1000 System requires manual sample eluate
transfer and reaction assembly. • Separate, dedicated areas are used to perform the Abbott RealTime
HIV-1 assay. Refer to the SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS section of this
Alternatively, samples can be prepared manually using the Abbott
package insert.
mSample Preparation System, followed by manual reaction assembly.
Reagent Preparation and Reaction Plate Assembly
The Abbott m2000sp combines the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 amplification Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit
reagent components (HIV‑1 Oligonucleotide Reagent, Thermostable rTth (List No. 2G31-90)
Polymerase Enzyme, and Activation Reagent). The Abbott m2000sp 1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Internal Control (List
dispenses the resulting master mix to the Abbott 96-Well Optical No. 2G31Y) (4 vials, 1.2 mL per vial)
Reaction Plate along with aliquots of the nucleic acid samples prepared • < 0.01% noninfectious Armored RNA with internal control sequences
by the Abbott m2000sp. The plate is ready, after manual application of in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma tested and
the optical seal, for transfer to the Abbott m2000rt. found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA, HBV DNA,
Abbott m1000 System users and manual sample preparation method anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV. Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin® 300
users manually combine the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 amplification reagent and 0.15% ProClin 950.
components to create the amplification master mix and transfer aliquots 2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1
of the master mix and sample eluates to the reaction plate. The plate is Amplification Reagent Pack (List No. 2G31)
ready, after manual application of the optical seal and centrifugation, for (4 packs, 24 tests/pack)
transfer to the Abbott m2000rt.
• 1 bottle (0.141 mL) Thermostable rTth Polymerase Enzyme (2.9 to
Amplification 3.5 Units/µL) in buffered solution.
During the amplification reaction on the Abbott m2000rt, the target • 1 bottle (1.10 mL) HIV-1 Oligonucleotide Reagent. < 0.1%
RNA is converted to cDNA by the reverse transcriptase activity of the synthetic oligonucleotides (4 primers, 2 probes, and 1 quencher
thermostable rTth DNA polymerase. First, the HIV-1 and IC reverse oligonucleotide), and < 0.3% dNTPs in a buffered solution with a
primers anneal to their respective targets and are extended during a reference dye. Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15%
prolonged incubation period. After a denaturation step, in which the ProClin 950.
temperature of the reaction is raised above the melting point of the • 1 bottle (0.40 mL) Activation Reagent. 30 mM manganese
double-stranded cDNA:RNA product, a second primer anneals to the chloride solution.
cDNA strand and is extended by the DNA polymerase activity of the rTth Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
enzyme to create a double-stranded DNA product.
During each round of thermal cycling, amplification products dissociate Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
to single strands at high temperature allowing primer annealing and 1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative Control
extension as the temperature is lowered. Exponential amplification of (List No. 2G31Z) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial) Negative human plasma
the product is achieved through repeated cycling between high and low tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA,
temperatures, resulting in a billion-fold or greater amplification of target HBV DNA, anti-HIV-1/HIV-2, and anti-HCV.
sequences. Amplification of both targets (HIV-1 and IC) takes place Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
simultaneously in the same reaction. 2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Low Positive Control
The target sequence for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is in the pol (List No. 2G31W) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial) Noninfectious Armored
integrase region of the HIV-1 genome. This region is highly conserved.27 RNA with HIV-1 sequences in negative human plasma. Negative
The primers are designed to hybridize to the pol integrase region with human plasma tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg,
the fewest possible mismatches among various subtypes. HIV RNA, HCV RNA, HBV DNA, anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV.
The IC target sequence is derived from the hydroxypyruvate reductase Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
gene from the pumpkin plant, Cucurbita pepo, and is delivered in an 3. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 High Positive Control
Armored RNA® particle that has been diluted in negative human plasma. (List No. 2G31X) (8 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored
Detection RNA with HIV-1 sequences in negative human plasma. Negative
human plasma tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg,
During the read cycles of amplification on the Abbott m2000rt, the
HIV RNA, HCV RNA, HBV DNA, anti‑HIV‑1/HIV‑2, and anti-HCV.
temperature is lowered further to allow fluorescent detection of
Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
amplification products as the HIV-1 and IC probes anneal to their targets
(real-time fluorescence detection). The HIV-1 probe has a fluorescent Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
moiety that is covalently linked to the 5´ end. A short oligonucleotide 1. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A (List No. 2G31A)
(quencher oligonucleotide) is complementary to the 5´ end of the HIV‑1 (12 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored RNA with HIV-1
probe and has a quencher molecule at its 3´ end. In the absence sequences in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma
of HIV‑1 target, the HIV-1 probe fluorescence is quenched through tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA,
hybridization to the quencher oligonucleotide. In the presence of the HBV DNA, anti-HIV-1/HIV-2, and anti-HCV.
HIV‑1 target sequence, the HIV-1 probe preferentially hybridizes to Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
the target sequence, dissociating from the quencher oligonucleotide,
allowing fluorescent detection. 2. Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator B (List No. 2G31B)
(12 vials, 1.8 mL per vial). Noninfectious Armored RNA with HIV-1
The IC probe is a single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide with a fluorophore sequences in negative human plasma. Negative human plasma
at the 5´ end and a quencher at the 3´ end. In the absence of IC target tested and found to be nonreactive for HBsAg, HIV RNA, HCV RNA,
sequences, probe fluorescence is quenched. In the presence of IC HBV DNA, anti-HIV-1/HIV-2, and anti-HCV.
target sequences, probe hybridization to complementary sequences Preservatives: 0.1% ProClin 300 and 0.15% ProClin 950.
separates the fluorophore and the quencher and allows fluorescent
emission and detection.
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Amplification technologies such as PCR are sensitive to accidental
introduction of product from previous amplification reactions. Incorrect
results could occur if either the clinical specimen or the Abbott
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
RealTime reagents used in the amplification step become contaminated
This assay is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV-1 or as
by accidental introduction of even a few molecules of amplification
a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV-1 infection.
product. Measures to reduce the risk of contamination in the laboratory
Safety Precautions include physically separating the activities involved in performing PCR in
Refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual, Safety Section, the compliance with good laboratory practices.
Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott RealTime RNA Assays Procedure, Work Areas
Handling Precaution Section, or Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt
Use 3 dedicated areas within the laboratory for performing the Abbott
Operations Manuals, Hazard Section, for instructions on safety
RealTime HIV-1 assay with the Abbott m1000 System or manual
sample preparation using the Abbott mSample Preparation System
and Abbott m2000rt:
CAUTION: This preparation contains human sourced and/or • The Reagent Preparation Area is dedicated to combining the Abbott
potentially infectious components. Components sourced from human RealTime HIV-1 amplification reagent components to create the
blood have been tested and found to be nonreactive by FDA-licensed amplification master mix and transferring aliquots of the master mix
tests for antibody to HCV, antibody to HIV-1, antibody to HIV-2, and to the reaction plate. Laboratory coats, pipettes, pipette tips, and
HBsAg. The material is also tested and found to be negative by FDA- vortexers used in the Reagent Preparation Area must remain in this
licensed PCR methods for HIV-1 RNA and HCV RNA. No known test area and not be moved to either the Sample Preparation Area or
method can offer complete assurance that products derived from human the Amplification Area.
sources or inactivated microorganisms will not transmit infection. These
• The Sample Preparation Area is dedicated to processing samples
reagents and human specimens should be handled as if infectious
(specimens, Abbott RealTime HIV‑1 Controls, and Calibrators),
using safe laboratory procedures, such as those outlined in Biosafety
and to adding processed samples, controls, and calibrators to the
in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories,28 OSHA Standards
Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate. All reagents used in the
on Bloodborne Pathogens,29 CLSI Document M29-A3,30 and other
Sample Preparation Area should remain in this dedicated area at
appropriate biosafety practices.31 Therefore all human sourced materials
all times. Laboratory coats, pipettes, pipette tips, and vortexers
should be considered infectious.
used in the Sample Preparation Area must remain in this area
These precautions include, but are not limited to, the following: and not be moved to either the Reagent Preparation Area or the
• Wear gloves when handling specimens or reagents. Amplification Area. Do not bring amplification product into the
• Do not pipette by mouth. Sample Preparation Area.
• Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics, or handle contact lenses • The Amplification Area is dedicated to the amplification and
in areas where these materials are handled. detection of amplified product. Laboratory coats and equipment
• Clean and disinfect spills of specimens by including the use of a used in the Amplification Area must remain in this area and not
tuberculocidal disinfectant such as 1.0% sodium hypochlorite or be moved to either the Reagent Preparation Area or the Sample
other suitable disinfectant.28 Preparation Area.
• Decontaminate and dispose of all potentially infectious materials in Only 2 dedicated areas, Sample Preparation Area and Amplification
accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.31 Area, are recommended when the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott
Components of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit m2000rt are used.
(List No. 2G31-90), the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. Components contained within a kit are intended to be used together.
2G31-70), and the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80) Do not mix components from different kit lots. For example, do not use
contain the following components: the negative control from control kit lot X with the positive controls from
• 2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one control kit lot Y.
• Reaction mass of: 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one Do not use kits or reagents after the dates shown on kit labels.
(EC no. 247-500-7) and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one Work area and instrument platforms must be considered potential
(EC no. 220-239-6)(3:1) sources of contamination. Change gloves after contact with potential
• Reaction mass of: 5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one contaminants (specimens, eluates, and/or amplified product) before
(EC no. 247-500-7) and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one handling unopened reagents, negative control, positive controls,
(EC no. 220-239-6)(3:1) calibrators, or specimens. Refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual
and the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals for
The following warnings apply: instrument cleaning procedures.
Warning If the Abbott m1000 System or Abbott m2000sp instrument run is
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. aborted, dispose of all commodities and reagents according to the
P261 Avoid breathing mist/vapours/spray. Abbott m1000 Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp Operations
Manual. If the Abbott m2000sp master mix addition protocol is aborted,
P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic
allowed out of the workplace. bag and dispose according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual,
P280 Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/ Hazards section, along with the gloves used to handle the plate.
eye protection. If the Abbott m2000rt instrument run is interrupted or aborted, seal the
P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water. Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic bag and
P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical dispose according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual along with
advice/attention. the gloves used to handle the plate.
P362+P364 Take off contaminated clothing and wash Decontaminate and dispose of all potentially biohazardous materials
before reuse. in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.31 All materials
should be handled in a manner that minimizes the chance of potential
P501 Dispose of contents/container in
contamination of the work area.
accordance with local regulations.
NOTE: Autoclaving the sealed Reaction Plate will not degrade the
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS amplified product and may contribute to the release of the
amplified product by opening the sealed plate. The laboratory
Handling Precautions
area can become contaminated with amplified product if the
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is only for use with plasma specimens waste materials are not carefully handled and contained.
that have been handled and stored in capped tubes as described in the
SITE section. To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination due to aerosols formed
During preparation of samples, compliance with good laboratory during manual pipetting, aerosol barrier pipette tips must be used for
practices is essential to minimize the risk of cross-contamination all manual pipetting. The pipette tips must be used only 1 time. Clean
between samples and the inadvertent introduction of ribonucleases and disinfect spills of specimens and reagents as stated in the Abbott
(RNases) into samples during and after the extraction procedure. Proper m1000 Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt
aseptic technique should always be used when working with RNA. Operations Manuals.
Contamination and Inhibition If longer storage is required, plasma specimens must be kept at – 70°C
The following precautions should be observed to minimize the risks or lower.32,33 Multiple freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided. If frozen,
of RNase contamination, cross-contamination between samples, and thaw plasma specimens at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once thawed, if
inhibition: plasma specimens are not being processed immediately, they can be
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment at all times. stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 6 hours.
• Use powder-free gloves. NOTE: Plasma specimens should not be frozen in non-gel blood
collection tubes.
• Change gloves after having contact with potential contaminants
(such as specimens, eluates, and/or amplified product). Specimen Transport
• To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination due to aerosols Ship specimens according to the recommended storage temperature
formed during pipetting, pipettes with aerosol barrier tips must be and time listed in the Specimen Collection and Storage section
used for all pipetting. The length of the tip should be sufficient to above. For domestic and international shipments, specimens should be
prevent contamination of the pipette barrel. While pipetting, care packaged and labeled in compliance with applicable state, federal, and
should be taken to avoid touching the pipette barrel to the inside of international regulations covering the transport of clinical, diagnostic, or
the sample tube or container. The use of extended aerosol barrier biological specimens.
pipette tips is recommended. ABBOTT REALTIME HIV-1 ASSAY PROCEDURE
• Change aerosol barrier pipette tips between ALL manual liquid This Abbott RealTime HIV-1 package insert contains 2 assay protocols:
transfers. • Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m1000
• The Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) reagents System or the manual sample preparation method follow ASSAY
are single use only. Use new reagent troughs or vessels, reaction PROTOCOL I.
vessels, and newly opened reagents for every new Abbott RealTime • Samples prepared for amplification using the Abbott m2000sp
HIV‑1 assay run. At the end of each run, discard all remaining instrument follow ASSAY PROTOCOL II.
reagents from the worktable as stated in the Abbott m1000
Operating Manual or the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual and The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay provides up to 4 sample volume
the Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) product options (0.2 mL, 0.5 mL, 0.6 mL, and 1.0 mL). (See assay protocol step
information sheet. 6 and INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS section).


Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 2G31-90) • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit (List No. 2G31-90)
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack and Materials Required But Not Provided
Internal Control vials must be stored at – 10°C or colder when • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
not in use. Care must be taken to separate the Abbott RealTime • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80)
HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack that is in use from direct
For manual sample preparation method refer to the Materials and
contact with samples, calibrators and controls.
Equipment Required Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit (List No. 2G31-80) Abbott RealTime RNA Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73).
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Negative and Positive Controls must
be stored at – 10°C or colder. For Abbott m1000 System For Abbott m2000sp Instrument
Sample Preparation Area Sample Preparation Area
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit (List No. 2G31-70)
• Abbott m1000 System • Abbott m2000sp instrument
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator A and Calibrator B must
• Abbott mSample Preparation • Abbott mSample Preparation
be stored at – 10°C or colder.
System (4 × 24 Preps) System (4 × 24 Preps)
SHIPPING CONDITIONS (List No. 04J70-24) (List No. 04J70-24)
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit: Ship on dry ice. • Reaction Vessels • 5 mL Reaction Vessels
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit: Ship on dry ice. • Calibrated precision pipettes • Calibrated precision pipettes
capable of delivering 20 to capable of delivering 20 to
• Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator Kit: Ship on dry ice.
1000 µL 1000 µL
INDICATION OF INSTABILITY OR DETERIORATION OF • 20 µL to 1000 µL aerosol • 20 µL to 1000 µL aerosol barrier
REAGENTS barrier pipette tips for precision pipette tips for precision pipettes
When a positive or negative control value is out of the expected range, pipettes
it may indicate deterioration of the reagents. Associated test results • 11.6 to 16 mm Sample Tubes • 11.5 to 16 mm Sample Tubes
are invalid and samples must be retested. Assay recalibration may be • 200 µL and 1000 µL disposable • 200 µL and 1000 µL disposable
necessary. tips tips
INSTRUMENT PROCEDURE • Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate • Vortex Mixer
(List No. 04J71-30)
The nucleic acid testing (NAT) software must be installed on the Abbott
• Vortex Mixer • Abbott Optical Adhesive Covers
m1000 System prior to performing the assay. For detailed information on
(List No. 04J71-75)
NAT software installation, refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual,
Putting into Operation section. • Abbott Optical Adhesive Covers • Abbott Adhesive Cover
(List No. 04J71-75) Applicators
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application files must be installed on the
• Abbott Adhesive Cover • Abbott Splash-Free Support Base
Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt systems from the Abbott RealTime
Applicators (List No. 09K31-01)
HIV-1 m2000 ROW System Combined Application CD-ROM prior
to performing the assay. For detailed information on application file • Abbott Splash-Free Support • Master Mix Vial
installation, refer to the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Base (List No. 09K31-01)
Manuals, Operating Instructions section. • Reagent Troughs • 200 mL Reagent Vessels
• 1.5 mL Output Tubes • Abbott 96-Deep-Well Plate
TO THE TEST SITE • Centrifuge capable of 5000g • Abbott RealTime HIV‑1 m2000
Specimen Collection and Storage ROW System Combined
Human plasma (ACD-A and EDTA) specimens may be used with the Application CD‑ROM
Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for (List No. 1L68)
processing plasma collection tubes. • Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction
Plate (List No. 04J71-70)
Freshly drawn specimens (whole blood) may be held at 15 to 30°C for
up to 6 hours or at 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours, prior to centrifugation. • Centrifuge capable of 2000g
Separate plasma from cells by centrifugation.
After centrifugation, plasma may be removed from cells. Plasma
specimens may be stored at 15 to 30°C for up to 24 hours or at 2 to 8°C
for up to 5 days.

For Abbott m1000 System For Abbott m2000rt Instrument • Once thawed, the amplification reagents can be stored at 2 to 8°C
Reagent Preparation Area Amplification Area for up to 24 hours if not used immediately.
• StrataCooler® 96 Benchtop • Abbott m2000rt instrument NOTE: Use 1 bottle of mLysis Buffer, 1 vial of IC, and 1 Abbott
Cooler RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack to support up to
• Abbott 96-Well Optical • Abbott RealTime HIV-1 m2000 24 reactions. Use a second set of reagents to support 25 to 48
Reaction Plate ROW System Combined reactions. A maximum of 48 reactions can be performed per
(List No. 04J71-70) Application CD-ROM (List No. run using an Abbott m1000 instrument.
• Calibrated precision pipettes 1L68) Sample Preparation Area
capable of delivering 20 to For sample preparation using the Abbott m1000 System, follow steps
1000 µL 3 through 10. For the manual sample preparation method refer to the
• 20 µL to 1000 µL aerosol • Abbott m2000rt Optical Extraction Protocol Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott
barrier pipette tips for precision Calibration Kit (List No. 04J71-93) RealTime RNA Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73).
pipettes 3. Gently invert the Abbott mSample Preparation bottles to ensure a
• Single-use RNase/DNase-free homogeneous solution. If crystals are observed in any of the reagent
tube or container bottles upon opening, allow the reagent to equilibrate at room
• Vortex Mixer temperature until the crystals disappear. Do not use the reagents
until the crystals have dissolved.
Other Materials
• Biological safety cabinet approved for working with infectious 4. Vortex each IC 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds before use.
materials 5. Use a calibrated precision PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR INTERNAL
• Sealable plastic bags CONTROL USE ONLY to add 500 µL of IC to each bottle of mLysis
• RNase-free water (Eppendorf or equivalent)† Buffer. Mix by gently inverting the container 5 to 10 times to minimize
• 1.7 mL molecular biology grade microcentrifuge tubes (Dot
Scientific, Inc. or equivalent)† 6. A total of 48 samples can be processed in each run. A negative
• Cotton Tip Applicators (Puritan or equivalent)† control, a low positive control, and a high positive control are
†Note: These 3 items are used in the procedure for Monitoring the included in each run, therefore allowing a maximum of 45 specimens
to be processed per run.
Laboratory for the Presence of Contamination. Refer to the QUALITY
CONTROL PROCEDURES section of this package insert. • The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay minimum sample volume and
associated rack requirements on the Abbott m1000 System are:
Procedural Precautions
Read the instructions in this package insert carefully before processing Abbott RealTime HIV-1
samples. Minimum Sample Volume
Assay Application
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrators, Internal Control, Negative Control,
Low Positive Control, and High Positive Control vials are intended for Rack Tube Diametera 0.2 mL 0.5 mL 1.0 mL
single-use only and should be discarded after use. 13 mm 11.6 mm - 14.0 mm 0.7 mL 1.0 mL 1.5 mL
Use aerosol barrier pipette tips or disposable pipettes only one time 16 mm 15.0 mm - 16.0 mm 1.0 mL 1.3 mL 1.8 mL
when pipetting specimens, IC, or amplification reagents. To prevent a Refers to sample tube outer diameter
contamination to the pipette barrel while pipetting, care should be
taken to avoid touching the pipette barrel to the inside of the sample • If frozen, thaw specimens at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once
tube or container. The use of extended aerosol barrier pipette tips is thawed, specimens can be stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 6 hours if
recommended. not processed immediately.
Monitoring procedures for the presence of amplification product can be NOTE: For every stored specimen, the following actions must
found in the QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section in this package be done in the order described: vortex the specimen first
insert. and follow with centrifugation. If these actions are not
To reduce the risk of nucleic acid contamination, clean and disinfect performed in this order, then invalid results may occur.
spills of specimens by including the use of a tuberculocidal disinfectant • Vortex each specimen 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds.
such as 1.0% sodium hypochlorite or other suitable disinfectant. • Centrifuge specimens at 2000g for 5 minutes before loading onto
The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrators and Controls must be prepared the Abbott m1000 worktable. Aliquot each specimen into clean
in conjunction with the specimens to be tested. The use of the Abbott tubes or vials if necessary. Refer to the Abbott m1000 Operating
RealTime HIV-1 Controls and Calibrators is integral to the performance Manual for tube sizes. Avoid touching the inside of the cap when
of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Refer to the QUALITY CONTROL opening tubes.
PROCEDURES section of this package insert for details. 7. Place the calibrators (if applicable), low and high positive controls,
ASSAY PROTOCOL I: ABBOTT m1000 SYSTEM OR the negative control, and the patient specimens into the Abbott
THE MANUAL SAMPLE PREPARATION METHOD AND m1000 sample rack. Follow directions for performing a user‑defined
protocol, as described in the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual,
ABBOTT m2000rt INSTRUMENT Operation section.
For a detailed description of how to perform an Abbott m1000 System
and Abbott m2000rt instrument protocol, refer to the Abbott m1000 8. Place the Reaction Vessels into the Abbott m1000 1 mL subsystem
Operating Manual, Operation section and the Abbott m2000rt Operations carrier.
Manual, Operating Instructions section. 9. Load the Abbott mSample Preparation System reagents and the
Laboratory personnel must be trained to operate the Abbott m1000 1.5 mL Output Tubes on the Abbott m1000 System worktable as
System and the Abbott m2000rt instrument. The operator must have a described in the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual, Operation section.
thorough knowledge of the software applications and must follow good 10. Initiate the Abbott m1000 protocol as described in the Abbott m1000
laboratory practices. Operating Manual, Operation section. From the Protocol screen,
1. Thaw assay controls and IC at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Thaw select the appropriate application file corresponding to the sample
calibrators at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C only if performing a volume being tested.
calibration run; see QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of • The assembly of the amplification master mix and sample
this package insert. eluates into the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate (step
• Once thawed, assay controls, IC, and calibrators can be stored at 17) must be initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample
2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours before use. Preparation.
• Vortex each assay calibrator and each control 3 times for 2 to 3 Amplification Area
seconds before use. Ensure that the contents of each vial are at 11. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument.
the bottom after vortexing by tapping the vials on the bench to
bring liquid to the bottom of the vial. NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt instrument requires 15 minutes to
warm up.
2. Thaw amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and store at
2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix procedure.

12. Create the Abbott m2000rt test order. Refer to the Operating 5. For manual sample preparation method users, refer to the Clean Up
Instructions section of the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. Section of the Manual Sample Preparation for Abbott RealTime RNA
From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate application file Assays Procedure (List No. 06L73).
corresponding to the sample volume being tested.
• Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored AND ABBOTT m2000rt INSTRUMENT
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot specific values in the test
order for accurate calibration and control evaluation. Lot-specific For a detailed description of how to perform an Abbott m2000sp
values are specified in each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Calibrator and instrument and Abbott m2000rt instrument protocol, refer to the
Control Kit Card. Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals, Operating
Instructions sections. The 96-sample capability requires Abbott
Reagent Preparation Area m2000sp Software Version 2.0 or higher. Please follow Abbott m2000sp
All reagent preparation must take place in the dedicated Reagent Operations Manual (List 09K20-02) and addendum or addenda.
Preparation Area. Refer to the Handling Precautions section of this Laboratory personnel must be trained to operate the Abbott m2000sp
package insert before preparing reagents. and Abbott m2000rt instruments. The operator must have a thorough
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification reagents. knowledge of the applications run on the instruments and must follow
13. Prepare the amplification master mix. good laboratory practices.
• Each Amplification Reagent Pack supports up to 24 reactions. 1. Thaw assay controls and IC at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Thaw
• Prior to opening the amplification reagents, ensure that the calibrators at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C only if performing a
contents of the vials are at the bottom by tapping the vials in an calibration run; see QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES section of
upright position on the bench to bring the liquid to the bottom of this package insert.
the vials. • Once thawed, assay controls, IC, and calibrators can be stored at
• Prepare the master mix by using a PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR 2 to 8°C for up to 24 hours before use.
REAGENT USE ONLY to add 271 µL of the HIV-1 Activation • Vortex each assay calibrator and each control 3 times for 2 to 3
Reagent (Reagent 1) and 949 µL of the HIV-1 Oligonucleotide seconds before use. Ensure that the contents of each vial are at
Reagent (Reagent 2) together in the Thermostable rTth DNA the bottom after vortexing by tapping the vials on the bench to
Polymerase Enzyme bottle (Reagent 3). bring liquid to the bottom of the vial.
• If performing 25 to 48 reactions, prepare a second amplification 2. Thaw amplification reagents at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C and store at
master mix with a second Amplification Reagent Pack. 2 to 8°C until required for the amplification master mix procedure.
• The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 20) must be initiated within • Once thawed, the amplification reagents can be stored at 2 to 8°C
40 minutes of the addition of Activation Reagent into the first for up to 24 hours if not used immediately.
rTth Enzyme Reagent bottle (step 13). NOTE: Use 1 bottle of mLysis Buffer, 1 vial of IC, and 1 Abbott
14. Pipette the contents of the master mix from the enzyme bottle(s) RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Pack to support up
into a single-use RNase/DNase-free tube and vortex to mix. to 24 reactions. Use a second set of reagents to support 25
15. Place an Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a StrataCooler 96 to 48 reactions, a third set of reagents to support 49 to 72
stored as indicated in the StrataCooler 96 instruction manual. Using reactions, and a fourth set of reagents to support 73 to 96
a DEDICATED PIPETTE, dispense 50 µL aliquots of the amplification reactions WITH THE EXCEPTION OF mMICROPARTICLES.
master mix into the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate. A USE ONLY 2 BOTTLES OF mMICROPARTICLES WHEN
calibrated repeat pipettor may be used. Visually verify that 50 µL has PROCESSING 25 TO 96 SAMPLES.
been dispensed into each well. 3. Gently invert the Abbott mSample Preparation bottles to ensure a
16. Transfer the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the homogeneous solution. If crystals are observed in any of the reagent
StrataCooler 96 to the Sample Preparation Area. bottles upon opening, allow the reagent to equilibrate at room
temperature until the crystals disappear. Do not use the reagents
Sample Preparation Area until the crystals have dissolved.
17. In the Sample Preparation Area, transfer 50 µL of sample eluate to 4. Vortex each IC 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds before use.
the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate on the StrataCooler 96.
Use a separate pipette tip for each sample eluate transfer. During 5. Use a calibrated precision PIPETTE DEDICATED FOR INTERNAL
the transfer of each sample, mix the reaction by pipetting up and CONTROL USE ONLY to add 500 µL of IC to each bottle of mLysis
down 3 to 5 times. Visually verify that 100 µL has been dispensed Buffer. Mix by gently inverting the container 5 to 10 times to minimize
into each well. foaming.
18. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate according to the 6. A total of 96 samples can be processed in each run, with the
instructions in the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. exception of the 1.0 ml Assay Application. A negative control, a low
positive control, and a high positive control are included in each run,
19. Remove the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate from the therefore allowing a maximum of 93 specimens to be processed per
StrataCooler 96 and place in the Abbott Splash-Free Support Base. run. For the 1.0 ml Assay Application, a total of 48 samples can be
Centrifuge the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott processed in each run, allowing a maximum of 45 specimens to be
Splash-Free Support Base at 5,000g for 5 minutes. Transfer to the processed per run.
Amplification Area.
• The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay minimum sample volume and
NOTE: Do not transfer the StrataCooler 96 to the Amplification associated rack requirements on the Abbott m2000sp are:
Abbott RealTime HIV-1
Amplification Area Minimum Sample Volume
20. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott Assay Application
m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate Rack Tube Diametera 0.2 mL 0.5 mL 0.6 mL 1.0 mL
application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested. 13 mm 11.5 - 14.0 mm 0.4 - 0.8 mL 0.7 - 1.2 mL 0.8 - 1.3 mL 1.2 - 1.7 mL
Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol, as described in the
Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section. 16 mm 14.5 - 16.0 mm 0.4 - 1.0 mL 0.8 - 1.4 mL 0.9 - 1.5 mL 1.3 - 1.9 mL
aRefers to sample tube outer diameter. Minimum sample volume varies with
POST PROCESSING PROCEDURES tube geometry and size. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual and
1. Clean the StrataCooler 96 as described in the StrataCooler 96 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE FOR SAMPLE TUBE SIZES AND VOLUMES for
instruction manual and return to the Reagent Preparation Area. recommended sample input volume.
2. Remove the 1.5 mL Output Tubes from the worktable and dispose of • If frozen, thaw specimens at 15 to 30°C or at 2 to 8°C. Once
according to the Abbott m1000 Operating Manual. thawed, specimens can be stored at 2 to 8°C for up to 6 hours if
3. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable plastic not processed immediately.
bag and dispose of according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations NOTE: For every stored specimen, the following actions must
Manual along with the gloves used to handle the plate. be done in the order described: vortex the specimen first
4. Clean the Splash-Free Support Base before next use, according to and follow with centrifugation. If these actions are not
the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. performed in this order, then invalid results may occur.

• Vortex each specimen 3 times for 2 to 3 seconds. 13. Switch on and initialize the Abbott m2000rt instrument in the
• Centrifuge specimens at 2000g for 5 minutes before loading Amplification Area.
onto the Abbott m2000sp worktable. Aliquot each specimen into NOTE: The Abbott m2000rt requires 15 minutes to warm-up.
clean tubes or vials if necessary. Refer to the Abbott m2000sp NOTE: Remove gloves before returning to the sample preparation
Operations Manual for tube sizes. Avoid touching the inside of the area.
cap when opening tubes.
14. Seal the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate after the Abbott
7. Place the low and high positive controls, the negative control, the m2000sp instrument has completed addition of samples and master
calibrators, if applicable, and the patient specimens into the Abbott mix according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
m2000sp sample rack. Instructions section.
8. Place the 5 mL Reaction Vessels into the Abbott m2000sp 1 mL 15. Place the sealed optical reaction plate into the Abbott Splash-Free
subsystem carrier. Support Base for transfer to the Abbott m2000rt instrument.
9. Load the Abbott mSample Preparation System reagents and the 16. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in the Abbott
Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate on the Abbott m2000sp worktable as m2000rt instrument. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate
described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating application file corresponding to the sample volume being tested.
Instructions section. Initiate the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 protocol, as described in the
10. From the Protocol screen, select the appropriate application file Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual, Operating Instructions section.
corresponding to the sample volume being tested. Initiate the sample NOTE: If creating the Abbott m2000rt test order manually, enter
extraction protocol as described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations sample IDs in the corresponding PCR tray locations
Manual, Operating Instruction section. according to the “Wells for Selected Plate” grid, found on
• Enter calibrator (needed if a calibration curve has not been stored the detail screen of the “PCR Plate Results” on the Abbott
on the Abbott m2000rt) and control lot specific values in the m2000sp. See Section 5 of the Abbott m2000sp Operations
Sample Extraction: Worktable Setup, Calibrator and Control Manual.
fields. Lot-specific values are specified in each Abbott RealTime POST PROCESSING PROCEDURES
HIV-1 Calibrator and Control Kit Card.
1. Remove the Abbott 96 Deep-Well Plate from the worktable and
• The Abbott m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol (step 12) dispose of according to the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual.
must be initiated within 1 hour after completion of Sample
Preparation. 2. Place the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate in a sealable
plastic bag and dispose according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations
NOTE: Change gloves before handling the amplification
Manual along with the gloves used to handle the plate.
11. Load the amplification reagents and the master mix vial on the 3. Clean the Abbott Splash-Free Support Base before next use,
Abbott m2000sp worktable after sample preparation is completed. according to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.
• Each Amplification Reagent Pack supports up to 24 reactions. QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES
• Prior to opening the amplification reagents, ensure that the Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration
contents are at the bottom of the vials by tapping the vials in an Refer to the Calibration Procedures section in the Abbott m2000rt
upright position on the bench. Operations Manual for a detailed description of how to perform an
• Remove and discard the amplification vial caps. Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration.
• A second Amplification Reagent Pack is required if performing 25 Optical calibration of the Abbott m2000rt instrument is required for the
to 48 reactions. accurate measurement and discrimination of dye fluorescence during
• A third Amplification Reagent Pack is required if performing 49 to the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay.
72 reactions. The following Abbott m2000rt Optical Calibration Plates are used to
• A fourth Amplification Reagent Pack is required if performing 73 to calibrate the Abbott m2000rt instrument for the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
96 reactions. assay:
12. Select the appropriate deep-well plate that matches the • FAM™ Plate (Carboxyfluorescein)
corresponding sample preparation extraction. Initiate the Abbott • ROX™ Plate (Carboxy-X-rhodamine)
m2000sp Master Mix Addition protocol. Follow the instructions as • VIC® Plate (Proprietary dye)
described in the Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, Operating
Instructions section. Assay Calibration
NOTE: The operator should not manually fill any empty/unfilled For a detailed description of how to perform an assay calibration refer to
wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction Plate. the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott m2000rt Operations Manuals, Operating
Instructions sections.
• After sample extraction is complete, the Abbott m2000sp
automatically fills any empty wells in the Abbott 96-Well Optical A calibration curve is required to quantitate the HIV-1 RNA concentration
Reaction Plate when there are greater than 48 samples processed of specimens and controls. Two assay calibrators are run in replicates
within a run. Plate fill is not performed for runs containing 48 of 3 to generate a calibration curve (HIV-1 concentration versus the
samples or fewer. threshold cycle [CT] at which a reactive level of fluorescent signal is
detected). The calibration curve slope and intercept are calculated and
• If prompted by the instrument, Reagent Carrier 2 should remain
stored on the instrument. The concentration of HIV-1 RNA in a sample is
in place, minimally containing the reagent vessel for mElution
calculated from the stored calibration curve. Results are automatically
Buffer (Reagent Carrier 2, location 6). If this reagent vessel has
reported on the Abbott m2000rt workstation.
been unloaded, place a new reagent vessel with the mElution
Buffer label into Reagent Carrier 2, location 6. System fluid will Follow the procedure for sample extraction, master mix addition,
be added to the reagent vessel and used to fill empty wells. Once amplification and detection protocols as stated in the Abbott m1000
this process is complete, the system will continue with the master Operating Manual or Abbott m2000sp Operations Manual, and the
mix addition. Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual.
NOTE: System instructions for use of the automated plate- Once an Abbott RealTime HIV-1 calibration is accepted and stored, it
filling feature are found in the Abbott m2000sp may be used for 6 months. During this time, all subsequent samples
Operations Manual (List No. 9K20-04 or higher), section may be tested without further calibration unless:
5, Operating Instructions, Sample Extraction—Closed • An Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Amplification Reagent Kit with a new lot
Mode. number is used.
• The Abbott m2000rt protocol (step 16) must be started within • An Abbott mSample Preparation System (4 × 24 Preps) with a new
50 minutes of the initiation of the Master Mix Addition protocol lot number is used.
(step 12). • An Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application file for a different sample
NOTE: If the run is aborted for any reason subsequent to step volume is used.
12, a new 96-well PCR plate must be used if the Abbott • A new Abbott RealTime HIV-1 application specification file is
m2000sp Master Mix Addition Protocol (step 12) will be installed.

• Pure Dye optical re-calibration of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay- contaminated areas with 1.0% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite solution,
specific dyes (FAM, VIC, or ROX) is performed per the Calibration followed by 70% ethanol or water.
Procedures section of the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual. NOTE: Chlorine solutions may pit equipment and metal. Use
Detection of Inhibition sufficient amounts or repeated applications of 70% ethanol
An IC threshold cycle [CT] assay validity parameter is established during or water until chlorine residue is no longer visible.
a calibration run. 11. Repeat testing of the contaminated area by following steps 1
A defined, consistent quantity of IC is introduced into each specimen, through 10.
calibrator, and control at the beginning of sample preparation and RESULTS
measured on the Abbott m2000rt instrument to demonstrate proper
specimen processing and assay validity. The IC is comprised of an RNA Calculation
sequence unrelated to the HIV-1 target sequence. The concentration of viral HIV-1 RNA in a sample or control is calculated
The median amplification cycle at which the IC target sequence from the stored calibration curve. The Abbott m2000rt instrument
fluorescent signal is detected in calibration samples establishes an IC CT automatically reports the results on the Abbott m2000rt workstation.
validity range to be met by all subsequent processed specimens. Assay results can be reported in copies/mL, log [copies/mL],
International Units (IU)/mL, or log [IU/mL]; (1 IU = 0.58 copies,
An error control flag is displayed when a specimen or control fails to
1 copy = 1.74 IU).
meet this specification. Refer to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual
for an explanation of the corrective actions for the error control flag. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS
Specimens whose IC CT value exceeds the established range must be
Sample Volume Result Interpretation
retested starting with sample preparation.
1.0 mL Not Detected Target not detected
Negative and Positive Controls < 1.60 Log [Copies/mL]a Detected
A negative control, a low-positive control, and a high-positive control are
1.60 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
included in each test order to evaluate run validity.
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQd
The lot-specific values for the low-positive control and high-positive
control are specified on each Abbott RealTime HIV-1 Control Kit Card 0.6 mL Not Detected Target not detected
and must be entered into the assay test order when a run is performed. < 1.60 Log [Copies/mL]a Detected
An error control flag is displayed when a control result is out of range. 1.60 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
Refer to the Abbott m2000rt Operations Manual for an explanation of > 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQd
the corrective actions for the error control flag. If negative or positive 0.5 mL Not Detected Target not detected
controls are out of range, all of the specimens and controls from that < 1.88 Log [Copies/mL]b Detected
run must be reprocessed, beginning with sample preparation.
1.88 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
The presence of HIV-1 must not be detected in the negative control.
> 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQ
HIV‑1 detected in the negative control is indicative of contamination
by other samples or by amplified product introduced during sample 0.2 mL Not Detected Target not detected
preparation or during preparation of the Abbott 96-Well Optical Reaction < 2.18 Log [Copies/mL]c Detected
Plate. To avoid contamination, clean the Abbott m1000 System or Abbott 2.18 to 7.00 Log [Copies/mL]
m2000sp instrument and the Abbott m2000rt instrument and repeat > 7.00 Log [Copies/mL] > ULQ
sample processing for controls and specimens following the Procedural a 40 Copies/mL
Precautions. If negative controls are persistently reactive, contact your b 75 Copies/mL
Abbott representative. c 150 Copies/mL
d ULQ = upper limit of quantitation
Monitoring the Laboratory for the Presence of Contamination
It is recommended that this test be done at least once a month to LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE
monitor laboratory surfaces and equipment for contamination by • FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
amplification product. It is very important to test all areas that may have • Optimal performance of this test requires appropriate specimen
been exposed to processed specimens, controls, and calibrators, and/ collection, storage, and transport to the test site (refer to the
or amplification product. This includes routinely handled objects such SPECIMEN COLLECTION, STORAGE, AND TRANSPORT TO THE
as pipettes, the Abbott m1000 System, the Abbott m2000sp and Abbott TEST SITE section of this package insert).
m2000rt function keys, laboratory bench surfaces, microcentrifuges, and
centrifuge adaptors. • Human plasma specimens (collected in ACD-A or EDTA tubes) may
be used with the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. The use of other
1. Add 0.8 mL RNase-free water to a 1.7 mL molecular biology grade anticoagulants has not been validated with the Abbott RealTime
microcentrifuge tube. HIV-1 assay.
2. Saturate the cotton tip of an applicator (Puritan or equivalent) in the • Use of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is limited to personnel who
RNase-free water from the microcentrifuge tube. have been trained in the procedures of a molecular diagnostic assay
3. Using the saturated cotton tip of the applicator, wipe the area to be and/or the Abbott m1000 System, the Abbott m2000sp, and the
monitored using a sweeping motion. Place the applicator into the Abbott m2000rt instruments.
microcentrifuge tube. • The instruments and assay procedures reduce the risk of
4. Swirl the cotton tip in RNase-free water 10 times, and then press the contamination by amplification product. However, nucleic acid
applicator along the inside of the tube so that the liquid drains back contamination from the calibrators, positive controls, or specimens
into the solution at the bottom of the microcentrifuge tube. Discard must be controlled by good laboratory practices and careful
the applicator. adherence to the procedures specified in this package insert.
5. Pipette 0.5 mL of mWash 1 buffer to a clean tube using the pipette • As with any diagnostic test, results from the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
dedicated for Internal Control use. assay should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical and
laboratory findings. A specimen with a result of “Not Detected”
6. Add 20 µL of the mWash 1 buffer to each microcentrifuge tube. cannot be presumed to be negative for HIV-1 RNA.
8. Test this sample according to the assay procedure section of this The performance characteristics were determined using the Abbott
package insert. RealTime HIV-1 assay with Abbott m2000sp sample preparation and 1.0
• Transfer liquid from the microcentrifuge tube to a 5 mL Reaction mL sample volume, unless otherwise specified.
Vessel. Limit of Detection (LOD)
• Bring the volume to 1.5 mL with RNase-free water. The limit of detection is defined as  the HIV-1 RNA concentration
9. The presence of contamination is indicated by the detection of HIV-1 detected with a probability of 95% or greater.
nucleic acid in the swab samples.
Limit of Detection, 1.0 mL Sample Volume
10. If HIV-1 nucleic acid is detected on equipment, follow the cleaning The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 40 copies/mL with the
and decontaminating guidelines given in that equipment’s operations 1.0 mL sample volume procedure.
manual. If HIV-1 nucleic acid is detected on surfaces, clean the
The LOD was determined by testing dilutions of a viral standard from Limit of Detection, 0.2 mL Sample Volume
the Virology Quality Assurance (VQA) Laboratory of the AIDS Clinical The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 150 copies/mL with the
Trial Group. Dilutions were made in HIV-1 negative human plasma. 0.2 mL sample volume procedure.
Testing was performed with 3 lots of amplification reagents on 3 Abbott The LOD for the 0.2 mL sample volume procedure was determined
m2000 Systems. The results, representative of the analytical sensitivity as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results,
performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott
Table 1. RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 4.
Table 1. Table 4.
Conc. Number Number Percent Conc. Number Number Percent
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected (Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
100 57 57 100 250 57 57 100
75 57 57 100 200 57 56 98
60 57 57 100 150 57 56 98
50 57 57 100 100 57 54 95
40 57 57 100 75 57 47 82
30 57 55 96 60 57 38 67
20 57 50 88 50 57 39 68
10 56a 38 68 40 54a 30 56
5 57 30 53 30 52a 19 37
a One replicate generated an invalid replicate error message and was deleted from a Eight replicates were invalid due to an instrument error and were deleted from
the data analysis.
the data analysis.
Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1 Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
RNA detected with 95% probability was 25 copies/mL (95% CI 20 to 33). RNA detected with 95% probability was 119 copies/mL (95% CI 102 to
Limit of Detection, 0.6 mL Sample Volume 150).
The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 40 copies/mL with the Linear Range
0.6 mL sample volume procedure. The upper limit of quantitation (ULQ) for the Abbott RealTime HIV‑1
The LOD for the 0.6 mL sample volume procedure was determined assay is 10 million copies/mL, and the lower limit of quantitation
as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results, is equivalent to the LOD (40 copies/mL for the 1.0 mL and 0.6 mL
representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott sample volume procedure, 75 copies/mL for the 0.5 mL sample
RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 2. volume procedure, and 150 copies/mL for the 0.2 mL sample volume
Table 2.
A 9-member panel prepared by diluting armored HIV-1 RNA from 7.44 log
Conc. Number Number Percent
copies/mL to 1.16 log copies/mL in HIV-1 negative human plasma was
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
tested. Linearity analysis was performed following the NCCLS EP6-A
100 57 57 100 guideline.34 The results, representative of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1
75 57 56 98 assay linearity, are shown in Figure 1.
60 57 57 100
50 57 54 95 Figure 1.
40 57 54 95
30 57 55 96
20 57 44 77
10 57 27 47
5 57 13 23
Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1
RNA detected with 95% probability was 39 copies/mL (95% CI 33 to 49).
Limit of Detection, 0.5 mL Sample Volume
The LOD of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is 75 copies/mL with the
0.5 mL sample volume procedure.
The LOD for the 0.5 mL sample volume procedure was determined
as described for the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure. The results,
representative of the analytical sensitivity performance of the Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay, are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3.
Conc. Number Number Percent
(Copies/mL) Tested Detected Detected
100 57 57 100
75 57 57 100
60 57 54 95 The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was shown to be linear across the
range tested (n = 99, r = 0.999, slope = 0.93, and intercept = 0.26).
50 56a 52 93
40 57 47 82 Precision
30 57 46 81 The precision of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was evaluated for
the 1.0 mL sample volume procedure using the Abbott m1000 and
20 57 42 74 Abbott m2000sp sample preparation systems and the manual sample
10 57 26 46 preparation method. The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is designed to
5 57 21 37 achieve an inter-assay standard deviation (SD) of less than or equal
a One replicate generated an invalid replicate error message and was deleted from to 0.25 log copies of HIV-1 RNA per mL for samples containing HIV-1
the data analysis. concentrations from 500 to 5 million copies/mL. A 7‑member HIV-1 RNA
panel was prepared by diluting an HIV-1 viral stock (panel members
Probit analysis of the data determined that the concentration of HIV-1 1 through 3) and armored HIV-1 RNA (panel members 4 through 7) in
RNA detected with 95% probability was 65 copies/mL (95% CI 51 to 88). negative human plasma. For the precision studies with the Abbott m1000
and the Abbott m2000sp, the panel members were tested in replicates

of 5 in a total of 15 runs on 3 instrument systems, with 3 lots of Drugs at concentrations in excess of the peak plasma or serum levels
amplification reagents. For the precision study using the manual sample were tested in 5 pools. No interference in the performance of the Abbott
preparation method, panel members were tested in replicates of 2 for RealTime HIV-1 assay was observed in the presence of the following
the first run on each instrument and replicates of 3 for each subsequent drug pools for all positive and negative samples tested:
run for a total of 15 runs on 3 Abbott m2000rt instruments with 3 lots of
amplification reagents. Precision analysis was performed following the Drug Pool Drugs Tested
NCCLS EP10-A2 guideline.35 Within‑run, between‑run, and inter-assay 1 Zidovudine, Saquinavir, Ritonavir, Clarithromycin, Interferon
(within-run and between-run) standard deviations were determined. The 2a, Interferon 2b
results, representative of the precision of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 2 Abacavir sulfate, Amprenavir, Peginterferon 2a,
assay, are summarized in Tables 5, 6, and 7. Peginterferon 2b, Ribavirin
Table 5. 3 Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, Lamivudine, Indinavir sulfate,
Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir hydrochloride, Acyclovir
Precision with the Abbott m1000 System
4 Stavudine, Efavirenz, Lopinavir, Enfuvirtide, Ciprofloxacin
Within‑Run Between‑Run
Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay 5 Zalcitabine, Nevirapine, Nelfinavir, Azithromycin,
Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa Valacyclovir
1 75 57 1.75 0.21 0.00 0.21
2 75 573 2.76 0.08 0.00 0.08
3 75 5,000 3.70 0.05 0.02 0.06 The target specificity of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay is greater than
or equal to 99.5% after resolution.
4 73b,c 35,751 4.55 0.03 0.01 0.04
The specificity of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay was evaluated by
5 75 315,065 5.50 0.07 0.03 0.07
testing 187 HIV-1 seronegative plasma specimens. The specimens were
6 74b 2,947,538 6.47 0.05 0.04 0.07 tested on 3 Abbott m2000 instrument systems with 3 lots of amplification
7 75 5,347,285 6.73 0.04 0.05 0.07 reagents. HIV-1 RNA was not detected, resulting in 100% (187/187)
a Inter-assay contains within-run and between-run components. specificity (95% CI 98.05 to 100.00) in this representative study.
b Two replicates were inhibited and were deleted from the data analysis. The specificity of the assay was further evaluated by testing 70
c HIV-1 RNA was not detected in 1 replicate. specimens that had been either obtained from individuals diagnosed or
screened for an autoimmune disorder or serologically characterized as
Table 6. positive for the following markers: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
anti‑nuclear antibodies (ANA), rheumatoid factor (RF), HBsAg, anti-
Precision with the Abbott m2000 System
HTLV-I/II, anti-HCV, and anti‑HIV‑2. HIV-1 RNA was not detected in any
Within‑Run Between‑Run of the specimens tested. The results demonstrated that the presence of
Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay
Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa an autoimmune disorder or serologic markers for autoimmune disease
or viral pathogens other than HIV-1 did not affect the Abbott RealTime
1 74b 72 1.86 0.18 0.07 0.19
HIV-1 assay.
2 75 652 2.81 0.08 0.00 0.08
3 75 5,417 3.73 0.04 0.02 0.05
4 75 39,458 4.60 0.04 0.03 0.05
The following viruses and microorganisms were evaluated for potential
cross-reactivity in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. Purified nucleic acid
5 74c 358,587 5.55 0.03 0.03 0.04
or viral lysate from each microorganism or virus was added to HIV‑1 RNA
6 75 3,102,654 6.49 0.03 0.02 0.04 negative samples and samples that contained 10,000 copies/mL HIV-1
7 75 5,953,879 6.77 0.04 0.04 0.05 RNA.
a Inter-assaycontains within-run and between-run components. Human Immunodeficiency virus 2 Vaccinia virus
b HIV-1RNA was not detected in 1 replicate. Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 BK human polyomavirus
c One replicate was inhibited and was deleted from the data analysis. Hepatitis C virus Human papilloma virus 16
Hepatitis B virus Human papilloma virus 18
Table 7. Epstein-Barr virus Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Herpes simplex virus 1 Chlamydia trachomatis
Precision with Manual Sample Preparation Method
Herpes simplex virus 2 Candida albicans
Within‑Run Between‑Run Cytomegalovirus Staphylococcus aureus
Panel Conc. Mean Conc. Mean SD SD Inter-Assay
Member n (copies/mL) (log copies/mL) Component Component SDa Human herpesvirus 6B Staphylococcus epidermidis
1 40b 46 1.66 0.21 0.07 0.22 Human herpesvirus 8 Mycobacterium gordonae
Varicella-zoster virus Mycobacterium smegmatis
2 41c 471 2.67 0.11 0.09 0.14
3 42 4,474 3.65 0.05 0.10 0.11 No interference in the performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay
4 42 34,503 4.54 0.02 0.06 0.07
was observed in the presence of the potential cross-reactants for all
positive and negative samples tested.
5 42 362,283 5.56 0.04 0.08 0.09
6 42 3,597,099 6.56 0.03 0.04 0.05 Detection of HIV-1 Subtypes and Groups
7 42 6,552,825 6.82 0.05 0.05 0.07 The performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay with HIV-1
a Inter-assaycontains within-run and between-run components. subtypes/groups was evaluated by analysis of purified RNA transcripts
b HIV-1 RNA was not detected in 2 replicates.
from Group M (subtypes A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02-AG, G, and
H), Group O, and Group N, and by testing 10 clinical specimens of each
c One replicate was inhibited and deleted from the data analysis.
Group M subtype (A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02-AG, and G), and 10
specimens from Group O.
Potentially Interfering Substances
The susceptibility of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay to interference
by elevated levels of endogenous substances and by drugs commonly
prescribed to HIV-1 infected individuals was evaluated. HIV-1 negative
samples and samples containing 10,000 copies/mL of HIV-1 RNA were
No interference in the performance of the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay
was observed in the presence of the following substances for all positive
and negative samples tested:
• Hemoglobin 500 mg/dL
• Triglycerides 3000 mg/dL
• Bilirubin 20 mg/dL
• Protein 9 g/dL

RNA transcripts of Group M (subtypes A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02- Correlation
AG, G, and H), Group O, and Group N with concentrations targeted to Method comparison analysis was performed following NCCLS EP9-A2.36
approximately 6.0 log copies/mL, 4.7 log copies/mL, 3.0 log copies/ Specimens from 141 HIV-1 infected patients were tested with the Abbott
mL, and 1.7 log copies/mL were tested. Three replicates were tested at RealTime HIV-1 assay and a comparator assay. The correlation plot is
each concentration for each transcript. The results, representative of the shown in Figure 3.
dilution linearity for the 11 subtypes/groups tested, are shown in
Figure 2. Figure 3.
Figure 2.

Specimens from 79 HIV-1 infected patients (a subset of the 141 tested)

were tested with the Abbott LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay. The
correlation plot is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4.
The results showed that all subtypes and groups tested were detected,
and dilution linearity was demonstrated for all groups and subtypes
tested (correlation coefficients ranged from 0.997 to 1.000).
A total of 90 clinical specimens, 10 of each Group M subtype (A, B,
C, D, CRF01-AE, F, CRF02‑AG, G) and Group O, were tested with
the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay and by 2 other HIV-1 quantitative
assays referred to as Comparator 1 and Comparator 2. The results are
summarized in Table 8.
Table 8.
Group/ RealTime Comparator 1 Comparator 2
Subtypes n Detected Detecteda Detecteda
M/Subtype A 10 10 10 (1) 10 (1)
M/Subtype B 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype C 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype D 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype AE 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0)
M/Subtype F 10 10 10 (0) 10 (0) Bibliography
M/Subtype AG 10 10 10 (3) 10 (1) 1. Barre-Sinoussi F, Chermann JC, Rey F, et al. Isolation of a
T-lymphotropic retrovirus from a patient at risk for acquired immune
M/Subtype G 10 10 10 (2) 10 (1) deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Science 1983;220:868-71.
Group O 10 10 0 (NA) 7 (7)
a The
2. Popovic M, Sarngadharan MG, Read E, et al. Detection, isolation
numbers in parentheses are the number of specimens that had lower and continuous production of cytopathic retroviruses (HTLV-I) from
quantitation values by more than 1.00 log copies/mL when compared to Abbott
RealTime HIV-1 assay.
patients with AIDS and pre-AIDS. Science 1984;224:497-500.
3. Gallo RC, Salahuddin SZ, Popovic M, et al. Frequent detection and
• The Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay detected all subtypes and groups isolation of cytopathic retroviruses (HTLV-I) from patients with AIDS
tested. and at risk for AIDS. Science 1984;224:500-3.
• Comparator 1 detected all Group M subtypes tested and did not
4. Curran JW, Jaffe HW, Hardy AM, et al. Epidemiology of HIV infection
detect the 10 Group O samples.
and AIDS in the United States. Science 1988;239:610‑16.
• Comparator 2 detected all Group M subtypes tested and 7 out of 10
Group O samples. 5. Daar ES, Moudgil T, Meyer RD, Ho DD. Transient high levels of
viremia in patients with primary human immunodeficiency virus type
• There were no samples that had Abbott RealTime assay quantitation
1 infection. New Engl J Med 1991;324:961-4.
values lower than Comparator 1 or Comparator 2 values by more
than 1.00 log copies/mL. 6. Clark SJ, Saag MS, Decker WD. High titers of cytopathic virus in
• There were 6 Group M samples that had lower quantitation values plasma of patients with symptomatic primary HIV-1 infection. New
with Comparator 1 by more than 1.00 log/copies/mL when compared Engl J Med 1991;324:954-60.
to Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. 7. Albert J, Abrahamsson B, Nagy K, et al. Rapid development
• There were 3 Group M samples and 7 Group O samples that had of isolate-specific neutralizing antibodies after primary HIV-1
lower quantitation values with Comparator 2 by more than 1.00 log infection and consequent emergence of virus variants which resist
copies/mL when compared to Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay. neutralization by autologous sera. AIDS 1990;4:107‑12.

8. Horsburgh CR Jr, Ou CY, Jason J, et al. Duration of human 30. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Protection of Laboratory
immunodeficiency virus infection before detection of antibody. Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections: Approved
Lancet 1989;334:637-40. Guideline—Third Edition. CLSI Document M29-A3. Wayne, PA:
9. Pantaleo G, Graziosi C, Fauci AS. New concepts in the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2005.
immunopathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 31. World Health Organization. Laboratory Biosafety Manual. 3rd ed.
infection. New Engl J Med 1993;328:327-35. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2004.
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