Class10 Science IOS Sample
Class10 Science IOS Sample
Class10 Science IOS Sample
Chemical reactions and equations, Acids, bases and salts, Metals and non-metals, Carbon and its compounds,
Periodic classification of elements, Life processes, Control and coordination, How do organisms reproduces ?
Heredity and evolution, Light – reflection and refraction, Human eye and colourful world, Electricity, Magnetic
effects of electric currents, Sources of energy, Our environment, Management of natural resources, General &
applied science
The Actual Question Paper Contains 40 Questions. The Duration of the Test Paper is 60 Minutes.
1. Which mode of reproduction has been 3. Examine the graph and calculate the
shown in the following figure? resistance of the coil at the point Q?
2. If 100 J of energy is available at the 4. The table given below shows four
producer level, calculate the amount of chemical reactions:
energy available to hawk in the following
food chain.
Green plants Grasshopper Frog
Snake Hawk
(A) 0.1 J
(B) 0.01 J
(C) 10 J
Which of the preceding chemical
(D) 10000 J reactions satisfy the law of conservation
(E) None of these of mass?
(A) Equation 1 and 2 (A) Diatoms
(B) Equation 1 and 4 (B) Lichens
(C) Equation 3 and 4 (C) Bacteria
(D) Equation 2 and 4 (D) Viruses
(E) None of these (E) None of these
5. Name the hydrocarbon given below. 9. On which one of the following factors the
strength of an electromagnet depends?
(A) The number of turns in the coil
(B) The current flowing in the coil
(C) The length of air gap between its poles
(A) Propanal
(D) All of these
(B) Propene
(C) Propyne (E) None of these
(D) Propanoic acid 10. There is a device in the motor which is
(E) None of these used to reverse the direction of current
in the coil of a motor. What is the name
6. Statement A: The angle of refraction is of this device?
always equal to the angle of incidence.
(A) Commutator
Statement B: Refraction of light is due to
the change in the speed of light while (B) Magnetic field
entering from one medium to another. (C) Armature
Which one of the following options is (D) All of these
correct for the above given statements? (E) None of these
(A) Statement A is correct
11. What are the end products of the
(B) Statement B is correct anaerobic respiration that the yeast
(C) Both statement A and B are correct perform?
(D) Both statement A and B are incorrect (A) Carbon dioxide, water and energy
(E) None of these (B) Alcohol, carbon dioxide and energy
7. Steve is suffering from myopia. His far (C) Lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and
point in front of the eye is 80cm. Eye energy
specialist suggests him for concave lens. (D) Alcohol, water and energy
What will be the power of his lens? (E) None of these
(A) +1.25 dioptres 12. Which one of the following statements
(B) + 1.05 dioptres correctly describes the buoyant force?
(C) –1.25 dioptres (A) The buoyant force is the downward
(D) –1.05 dioptres force that a fluid exerts on fluid when
(E) None of these it displaces the fluid.
(B) The buoyant force is the upward force
8. Which one of the following shows the
that a fluid exerts on an object in the
properties of both living and non-living?
(C) The buoyant force is the upward force (B) The image is inverted
that a fluid exerts on fluid when it (C) The image is highly magnified
displaces the fluid. (D) The image is formed at the infinity
(D) The buoyant force is the downward
(E) All of these
force that a fluid exerts on an object
in the fluid. 15. Examine the given circuit and calculate
(E) None of these the total current flowing in the circuit.
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (D)
9. (D) 10. (A) 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (C) 14. (E) 15. (C)