This document provides a random treasure chart for Dungeons & Dragons that assigns treasure classes from I to XXII and lists the average monetary value and potential magic items found in each class. The higher the treasure class, the greater the average value and chances of finding more valuable coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items. Treasure classes A through H have the highest chances of containing gold, platinum, gems, and multiple magic items.
This document provides a random treasure chart for Dungeons & Dragons that assigns treasure classes from I to XXII and lists the average monetary value and potential magic items found in each class. The higher the treasure class, the greater the average value and chances of finding more valuable coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items. Treasure classes A through H have the highest chances of containing gold, platinum, gems, and multiple magic items.
This document provides a random treasure chart for Dungeons & Dragons that assigns treasure classes from I to XXII and lists the average monetary value and potential magic items found in each class. The higher the treasure class, the greater the average value and chances of finding more valuable coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items. Treasure classes A through H have the highest chances of containing gold, platinum, gems, and multiple magic items.
This document provides a random treasure chart for Dungeons & Dragons that assigns treasure classes from I to XXII and lists the average monetary value and potential magic items found in each class. The higher the treasure class, the greater the average value and chances of finding more valuable coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items. Treasure classes A through H have the highest chances of containing gold, platinum, gems, and multiple magic items.
Hoard Average of Gems and B/E AD&D Class Value Copper of Silver Electrum of Gold Platinum Jewelry Magic Items A A XXII 17000 25% 1-6 30% 1-6 20% 1-4 35% 2-12 25% 1-2 50% 6-36 30% Any 3 B B XX1 2000 50% 1-8 25% 1-6 25% 1-4 25% 1-3 Nil 25% 1-6 10% 1 sword armor or weapon C C XX 1000 20% 1-12 30% 1-4 10% 1-4 Nil Nil 25% 1-4 10% Any 2 D D XIX 4000 10% 1-8 15% 1-12 Nil 60% 1-6 Nil 30% 1-8 15% Any 2 + 1 potion E E XVIII 2500 5% 1-10 30% 1-12 25% 1-4 25% 1-8 Nil 10% 1-10 25% Any 3 + 1 scroll 30% Any 3 except weapons + 1 F F XVII 5000 Nil 10% 2-20 20% 1-8 45% 1-12 30% 1-3 20% 2-24/10% 1-12 potion + 1 scroll G G XVI 25000 Nil Nil Nil 50% 10-40 50% 1-6 25% 3-18/25% 1-10 35% Any 4 + 1 scroll H H XV 50000 25% 3-24 50% 1-100 50% 10-40 50% 10-60 25% 5-20 50% 1-100/50% 10-40 15% Any 4 + 1 potion + 1 scroll I I XIV 8000 Nil Nil Nil Nil 30% 1-8 50% 2-12 15% Any 1 J O XIII 25 25% 1-4 10% 1-3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil K P XII 125 Nil 30% 1-6 10% 1-2 Nil Nil Nil Nil L Q XI 250 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 50% 1-4 Nil M R X 15000 Nil Nil Nil 40% 2-8 50% 5-30 55% 5-20/45% 2-12 Nil N S IX - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 40 % 2-8 potions O T VIII - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 50% 1-4 scrolls 3-24 per P J I - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil individual 3-18 per Q K II - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil individual 2-12 per R L III - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil individual 2-8 per S M IV - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil individual 1-6 per T N V - Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil individual U - VI - 10% 1-100 10% 1-100 Nil 5% 1-100 Nil 5% 1-4 2% Any 1 V - VII - Nil 10% 1-100 5% 1-100 10% 1-100 5% 1-100 10% 1-4 5% Any 1