Rappan Athuk, Consolidated Table of Rumors (S+W)

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Some of the key things mentioned are a powerful lich, magical black skeletons, giant monsters, and evil powers that prevent spell regeneration in the lower levels. Several rumors also indicate true locations like an oracle, goblin city, and lava pool guarded by salamanders.

Magical entities mentioned include a lich (Zelkor), a statue of a priestess turned to living stone (Akbeth), and an illusionist (Scramge the Rakshasa).

The rumors describe immume monsters, gigantic monsters, dangers of the rivers like drowning, and evil powers in the lower levels that prevent spell regeneration.

Consolidated Table of Rumors About Rappan Athuk

Consolidated Table of Rumors

About Rappan Athuk
In addition to the Legend of Rappan Athuk, rumor that is mostly true—the following ru-
any character has a chance of knowing up to mors are labeled indicating their degree of
two rumors about the complex from common truth or falsity.
legends. Each character can make an Intelli-
1. Zelkor, the good wizard of old is now an
gence check (DC 13). Each success earns the
evil lich, and he lives in the upper levels,
character a rumor. Wizards, Clerics and
protecting the evil temple, and descent into
Bards (but not Sorcerers) can make another
it. (Partially true)
Intelligence check (DC20) modified by the
higher of their Intelligence, Wisdom or Cha- 2. A high priestess of Hecate, the goddess of
risma bonuses. A success earns the character magic, was turned into a statue of living
an additional rumor. Roll each rumor ran- rock, and is entombed in the dungeon. She
domly on 3d10-2 on the table below or select had a magic ring that allowed her to shape
an appropriate rumor as you see fit. change. Her name is Akbeth. (True)
Because you may be required to give the 3. A rich gold mine can be found if one can
players one kind of rumor rather than an- find a cavern with a man made river channel
other—such as if the players successfully and defeat the monsters there. (Mostly true)
consult a sage and you wish to give them a 4. The temple of Orcus no longer exists
within the dungeon. Its existence is a lie told
by adventurers to keep others away. (False)
5. A great oracle can be found beyond a great
cavern. He can tell all to anyone willing to
pay his price. (Mostly true)
6. A large group of dwarves recently went to
look for a large gold mine said to be in the
dungeon. None of them returned. (True)
7. When he built the complex, Orcus put a
curse on it, so that any that disturb his temple
will turn evil and become slaves of darkness,
never to return. (False)
8. A great city of Goblins lies deep in the
complex, and they are followers of Orcus.
9. The entrance to Hell lies deep in a maze
complex. It can be found only by swimming
through a pool of water. (True, though only
in a figurative sense. The level is called Hell
by any that have been in it.)

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Consolidated Table of Rumors About Rappan Athuk

10. A great priest was entombed within the

complex behind a door sealed with seven
seals. If released, the powers of good would
be greatly aided. (True)
11. The dungeon was originally a good for-
tress built to protect the advancing hordes of
evil. Evil overcame its defenders. (False)
12. Magical black skeletons inhabit the dun-
geon. They are greatly feared, as clerics can-
not turn them. (Partially true. Clerics have a
substantially reduced chance to turn them.)
13. A powerful illusionist lives near the sur-
face. Do not believe everything you see. He
is cannibalistic and possesses great powers.
(Mostly true. The “illusionist” is actually
Scramge the Rakshasa.)
14. There is a monster immune to everything
on the first level. It is amorphous, and smells
terrible. The wise man flees from it. (As your but not all, who walk the corridor will die.)
party will see, this is very true.)
21. On the fourth level, there are no mon-
15. Inside a great labyrinth lies a strange sters, but wondrous amounts of gems.
mushroom that can restore youth to a human. (False. Give us a break.)
They are blue with red spots, and lie under a
22. The caves are safer than the carved pas-
bridge. (Partially True. The mushrooms re-
sages. The upper levels are also very tough
sets your age to a random age, which for
in the carved areas. (False. The caves are
most means youth.)
no safer than the carved passages. Both are
16. Some of the tunnels dug by the giant rats dangerous.)
of the complex lead to interesting places.
23. As the Great mage Speigle said,
Some lead nowhere. (Very True)
“Beware of purple worms.” The wise man
17. The wise man uses the rivers to travel in heeds his advice. (So true it’s written on
this place. This is dangerous unless the cor- the wall on level 3)
rect paths are known, and many men have
24. In the lower levels, spells cannot be re-
been drowned in them. (True)
gained due to the evil powers in this place.
18. Deep in the dungeon lies a vast cavern Conserve spells on deep treks. (True)
with monsters of gigantic size. A beholder 20
25. Solid mithril gates bar the way into a
feet in diameter has been seen. (Partially true.
great treasure horde guarded by a lich in the
The large cavern does contain gigantic mon-
great cavern. If one can access them, they
sters but the beholder is normal size)
could be richer than an emperor. (Partially
19. A magical pool leads to a wishing well. If true)
one casts a magic item into it, he would get a
26. Deep within the hill lies a pool of lava
wish. (False)
guarded by demonic lizards. If one can de-
20. There is a corridor of solid white stone, feat them pure gold can be distilled from
which is cursed. Anyone who walks its the liquid rock. (Partially true—there are
length is lost forever. (Almost True. Most,
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Consolidated Table of Rumors About Rappan Athuk

salamanders but no gold) rumor offers a means to defeat a Lernaean

pyrohydra, if wisely employed.)
27. Giant scorpions guard the way to the
tomb of a fell king. (True) 32. Kazleth, a titanspawn abomination (the
head of a bull atop the body of an ogre), rules
28. It is said that the great paladin Bannor
as Lord of the Maze. (True; he is the phase
was overcome by a horde of enemies in the
minotaur king of Level 7A.)
dungeon. His mighty holy sword, Gurthdu-
rial, is rumored to have been lost in the Hall 33. A demonic spider queen lurks near her
of the Cyclops King. (Completely False) pets. (Partially true; she is a wizard, not a de-
29. A new form of troll, a “swimmer,” was
seen to aid goblin miners in a deep cavern 34. The goblin city’s entrance lies unguarded.
complex. (True; this sighting confirms the The goblins allow free trade with anyone
existence of river trolls [Level 8].) who visits them (False. Two shadow dragons
guard the entrance and prevent the passage of
30. The tomb of a fallen paladin — corrupted
by the witch, Deserach — was hidden near
the goblin city. (True. GMs should make the 35. A benevolent old wizard lives near the
tomb on Level 9A very hard to find, as it is temple of Orcus. He reportedly offers refuge
one of the most challenging encounters in the to those who kill the servants of the evil one.
dungeon.) (False. Banth is possibly more evil than the
priests of Orcus. Banth will slay or transmute
31. Prayers to Hecate can sometimes be used
any PC who crosses his path).
to defeat guardians sacred to her. (True. This

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