Anaesthesia Questions: Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

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Anaesthesia Questions

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Contents Page
Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Management 03

General Anaesthesia 08

Central Nervous System & NMD 11

Respiratory System 16

Cardiovascular System 21

Hepatic + GIT + Endocrines 30

Renal System 35

Hematology 38

Fluid & Electrolytes 40

Obstetrics 41

Paediatrics & Geriatrics 44

ENT, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics & Dental 48

Intensive Care Unit 50

Physics, Machines & Instruments 55

History 60

Monitoring 61

Miscellaneous 62

Drugs 65

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Management

Main Questions:-

1. Discuss the role of anaesthetist in the management of chronic pain in

cancer patients.
2. Describe the anatomy of the lumbar vertebra & epidural space,
mechanism of action of LA injected into epidural space
3. Describe the anatomy of epidural space & methods to identify space &
hazards of epidural anaesthesia.
4. Peadiatric caudal epidural block
5. Describe the anatomy of stellate ganglion & discuss the indication,
technique & complications of SG block.
6. Mechanism of action, technique, advantages & complications of IVRA.
7. With the help of diagram, describe the formation of brachial plexus.
Describe one method of performing brachial plexus block.
8. Discuss the modalities of pain management with inoperable carcinoma
of head of pancreas.
9. Describe nerve supply of face. How will you block nerves for the intra-
ocular surgery? What are the likely complications?
10.What is Pain Clinic? Role of anaesthetist in a pain clinic, equipment
11.Describe the courses of typical intercostal nerve with diaphragm. Discuss
the technique, indications, and complications of intercostals block.
12.Describe the course of trigeminal nerve & its branches. Describe the
indications, methods & complications of mandibular nerve block.
13.Describe various complications that can occur after spinal anaesthesia &
their management.
14.Discuss various techniques of post-op pain relief.
15.Draw a cross section of spinal cord displaying tracts & receptor sites.
Describe pharmacology &pharmacodynamics of spinal opiods.
16.Describe the anatomy of pain pathway with reference to methods used
to relieve pain.
17.Describe the anatomy of lumbar vertebrae and epidural space. Discuss in
detail cerebral blood flow and metabolism.
18.Describe the anatomy of stellate ganglion. Describe the techniques of
stellate ganglion block. What are the indications and complications?

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

19.Describe an intercostal nerve supplying anterior abdominal wall. Outline

the method of block and management for an upper abdominal
20.Regional analgesic techniques for control of pain following thoracotomy.
21.Discuss the anatomy of epidural space and methods to identify the
space. Anatomy and nerve supply of upper arm. What are the sites at
which nerve blocks can be achieved and their related areas of analgesia?
22.Describe the tongue and its nerve supply; Give your technique of nerve
block for pain sensation in case of a carcinoma in the anterior part of the
tongue leaving the taste sensation intact.
23.Describe various anaesthetic techniques that can be used for
reconstructive surgery of forearm.
24.Give an account of the anatomy of diaphragm.
25.Mention the immediate and late complications of spinal anaesthesia.
Discuss how you can prevent and treat them.
26.Describe the peripheral nerve injuries likely to occur due to faulty

Short Notes:

1. Acute post-op pain

2. Tests for sympathetic function
3. Cervical plexus block
4. Gausserian ganglion block
6. Brachial Plexus Block
7. Regional techniques for reduction of Colles #
8. Regional nerve block for herniorapphy
9. Inguinal hernia block.
10.Ankle block
11.Pain relief for CA Tongue.
12.Nerve blocks for tonsillectomy.
13.Coeliac plexus block.
14.Bier’s block.
15.Regional anaesthesia for day care surgery
16. Regional analgesic technique for control of pain following

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

17.Intraplueral Analgesia.
18.Oral morphine for cancer pain.
19.Patient controlled analgesia.
20.Cauda equine syndrome.
21.CSE anaesthesia.
22.Continuous Epidural analgesia.
23.Mary’s law & its application.
24.Monitoring pain in post op period.
25.Gate controlled theory of pain.
26.Thoracic epidural analgesia.
27.Differential nerve block.
28.Post op analgesia.
29.Topical anaesthesia
30.EMLA cream
31.Trigeminal neuralgia.
32.Pulmonary function changes following central neuraxial block.
33.Anatomy of cubital fossa important to anaesthetist.
34.Opiods in chronic pain.
35.Neuraxial opiods.
36.Transtracheal block.
37.Regional Anaesthesia for children.
38.Femoral nerve block.
39.Schiatic nerve block.
40.Pain clinic organizing and uses.
41.Pain pathway.
42.Pain assessment in paediatrics.
44.Pre-emptive analgesia.
45.Pain relief in paediatric patients – methods.
46.Mechanism of action of acupuncture.
47.Spinal shock
48.Penile block
49.Extra cranial course of mandibular nerve & methods of blocking it.
50.Perioperative vomiting & Hiccup, causes, mechanism & management.
51.Nerve supply of foot. & ankle block
52.Wrist block

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

53.Chronic post herpetic neuralgia pain management.

54.Modern concepts about cervical epidural analgesia (anaesthesia).
55.Three in one block.
56.Para cervical block.
57.Digital nerve block.
58.Infra clavicular brachial plexus block.
59.Chronic regional pain syndrome.
60.Factors affecting the level of SAB.
61.Myofascial pain syndrome.
62.Spinal needles.
63.Rectus Sheath block.
64.Methods of identifying epidural space.
65.Regional analgesic techniques for control of pain following
66.Techniques of stellate ganglion block and its uses.
67.What is the fate of drug given for extradural anaesthesia?
68.What are the therapeutic uses of extradural block and likely
complications met with it?
69.Brachial plexus and its block by axillary approach.
70.Name the historical milestones leading to present status of spinal
71.Discuss epidural narcotics.
72.Coeliac plexus block and Paravertebral block.
73.Cervical plexus block.
74.Lumbar sympathetic trunk.
75.Sciatic, femoral, obturator block or thigh block.
76.Post spinal headache.
77.Mixed block.
78.Pain relief for CA Tongue.
80.Aorto caval occlusion syndrome.
81.Physiological changes following a spinal analgesia.
82.Describe the venous drainage of the arm. What is the important of
the knowledge in anaesthesia.
83.Neurolept analgesia.
84.Recurrent laryngeal nerve.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

85.Anaesthesia for cleft lip.

87.Opiate receptor.
89.Regional technique for hernia surgery.
90.Combined spinal and epidural block.
91.Nerve blocks for tonsillectomy.
92.Axillary block.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

General Anaesthesia
Main Questions:

1. Describe the anatomy of larynx. Discuss the effects of damage to

recurrent laryngeal nerves, vocal cord palsies & importance.
2. Describe the term “Total intravenous anaesthesia” (TIVA). Write in brief
about any one drug for it.
3. Describe invasive & noninvasive monitoring during anaesthesia. Discuss
complications associated with invasive monitoring.
4. How do you assess airway & write in detail about anaesthetic
management of a case of suspected difficult intubation for abdominal
5. Describe the physiology of vomiting. Discuss various ways of preventing
post operative nausea & vomiting.
6. Brief the indications of endotracheal intubation. Discuss the preoperative
evaluation of the patient with difficult airway.
7. Discuss the causes of convulsions in anaesthesia. How will you prevent &
manage such cases.
8. Discuss anaesthetic management of a 50yr old pt undergoing block
dissection for oral malignancy.
9. Enumerate different causes of hypoxemia in perioperative period. Give
their pathophysiology & Treatment.
10.Describe various causes of hypotension under anaesthesia & give in brief
the principles of management in each case.
11.Describe hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy & intubation in
normal & hypertensive pt. enumerate various techniques to control
12.What is awareness under anaesthesia? Describe in brief various means
to overcome this problem.
13.Discuss anaesthetic considerations for daycare surgery.
14.Describe the physiological changes and complications involved with
various positions during anaesthesia. R
15.What is anaesthesia OPD? How will you organize anaesthesia OPD?
Mention the merit & demerits.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

16.Classify the allergic reactions occurring during anaesthesia & discuss how
do you treat such a case during anaesthesia & immediate post-op
17.How is temperature regulation maintained in the body? Describe the
various methods of induced hypothermia. Discuss their merits &
18.How is body temperature regulated? What are the causes of raised
temperature during anaesthesia? How will you manage?
19.Mention the merits & demerits of organizing assessment clinic in a big
hospital for pre-op cases.
20.Intra & post- op hyperthermia.
21.Discuss the effects of hyperpyrexia on various systems. What way it is
important for anaesthesia.
22.Describe the pathophysiology of syndrome resulting from pulmonary
aspiration. Write in brief the methods of prevention & management.
23.Uptake, distribution & elimination of volatile anaesthetic drugs.
24.Give in account of varios muscles of larynx. Briefly describe their nerve
supply & blood supply. Mention nerve palsies.
25.A case of carcinoma larynx for total laryngectomy. Describe anaesthetic
26.How do you plan a pain clinic & pain therapy wards? What are the
equipment you need & how?

Short Notes:
1. Intraoperative causes and management of HTN.
2. Hypotensive anaesthesia technique.
3. Anaesthesia in sitting position.
4. Day care anaesthesia.
5. Monitored anaesthesia care.
6. Discharge criteria for out-patient anaesthesia.
7. High frequency jet ventilation.
8. Ventilating bronchoscope.
9. Balanced anaesthesia.
10.Dissociative anaesthesia.
11.GA in dental surgery.
12.Train of four stimulation.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

13.Mini tracheostomy.
14.Fibreoptic intubation.
15.Failed intubation drill.
16.Tracheal intubation.
17.Problems of prolonged endotracheal intubation.
18.Attenuation of laryngeal reflexes.
19.Assessment of airway.
20.ASA classification of physical status.
21.Cardiac arrest during anaesthesia.
22.Hazards of smoking in relation to anaesthesia.
24.Post-operative convulsions.
25.Aspiration prophylaxis.
26.Anaphylactoid reactions during anaesthesia.
27.Attenuation of pressor response.
28.Etiology, signs 7 management of bronchospasm.
29.Liquid ventilation.
30.Non-conventional methods of intubation.
31.Blind nasal intubation.
32.Visual analogue scale.
33.Bispectral index state (BIS).
34.Criteria for assessing recovery after anaesthesia.
35.Apneic oxygen technique.
36.Hypothermia, ways of prevention.
37.Sellick’s Maneuver.
38.Anaphylaxis in anaesthesia, epidemiology & pathophysiology.
39.Fast tracking in anaesthesia.
40.Anaesthesia for cancer patients.
41.Selding’s Technique.
42.Differential diagnosis & management of post-op apnea.
43.High altitude anaesthesia.
44.Concious sedation.
45.Delayed recovery.
46.French gauge.
47.Deflagrations & detonators as related to anaesthesia.
48.Lower oesophageal sphincter.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

49.LAD’s reaction.
50.Evoked action potential.
51.Temporo-mandibular ankylosis.
52.Various anaesthetic techniques for micro laryngeal surgery.
53.Neuromuscular transmission monitoring.
54.Sleep apnea syndrome.
55.Wilson’s classification of airway assessment.
56.Fast-track eligibility after ambulatory anaesthesia.
57.Awake intubation.
58.Muscarinic effects.
59.Merits & demerits of various gases used for laparoscopic surgery.
60.What is humidification? Describe various methods used to humidify
inspired gases.
61.Triple maneuver.
62. Various methods of O2 administration.
63.Percutaneous tracheostomy.
64.Pathogenesis of laryngeal changes following prolonged intubation.
65.Permissive hypercapnia.
66.Anesthetic implications of laser surgery of larynx.
67.Causes of ↑ intra op bleeding. Describe the technique to prevent excess
68.Latex allergy.
69.Sensory supply of nasal cavity & method of sensory block.
70.Prolonged apnea during anaesthesia.
71.Tracheal tug.
72.Goals of PAC.
73.Properties of induction agent.
74.Define SIRS. Prospects for future pharmacotherapy in SIRS.
75.Intraoperative anaesthetic record.
76.Stages of anaesthesia.
77.Aldrete recovery score.
78.Myofascial pain syndrome.
79.Pharyngeal Tracheal Lumen Airway (PTLA).
80.Fasting guidelines for adults & children, infants & neonates.
81.Modified Mallampati

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Central Nervous System & NMD

Main Questions:

1. Describe the perioperative anaesthetic management in an adult for

posterior fossa surgery.
2. Describe cerebral circulation & management of a case of meningioma
posted for neurosurgery.
3. Discuss the intracranial pressure & its significance. Enumerate all the
methods of controlling ICP.
4. Discuss in detail cerebral blood flow & metabolism.
5. Describe the effects of anaesthetic drugs & techniques on intracranial
tension. Write in brief, the treatment of raised ICT.
6. Give principles of management for a case of poly trauma pt. How will
you manage such a pt for drainage of extradural hematoma.
7. A 25 yr old unconscious pt suspected to have subdural hematoma
posted for emergency craniotomy. Discuss the perioperative
anaesthetic management.
8. Describe the autonomic nervous system with a diagram. Discuss the
functions , problems with a pt of autonomic neuropathy.
9. Factors affecting cerebral blood flow.
10.Discuss the management of pt in coma.
11.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a pt with myasthenia gravis
posted for thymectomy.
12.Brain death(including criteria & neurological tests)
13.Discuss the resuscitation of brain.
14.Discuss the anaesthetic problems in a pt posted for excision of
acoustic neuroma.
15.With the help of a diagram, discuss the physiology of NMJ.
16.Describe the physiology of neuromuscular transmission & various
types of neuromuscular block. How neuromuscular function is
17.Anatomy of sympathetic nervous system & its distribution &
18.A 50 yr old pt has closed head injury with a GCS score of 6. How do
you manage for a sub-dural hematoma?

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

19.Describe the anaesthetic problems & management for surgery of

cerebral aneurysm.
20.Discuss the pharmacology of sympathomimetic drugs. Review the
recent advances in their employment.
21.Discuss the factors regulating cerebral blood flow and effects of
various drugs and techniques used during anaesthesia,
22.Describe blood supply to the brain. Write briefly how the qualitative
and quantitative knowledge of this is important for anaesthetist.
23.Discuss the physiological and pharmacological considerations while
anaesthesia for neurosurgical cases is being administered.
24.Discuss the management of a case of polyneuritis.
25.Discuss the pre-operative evaluation, anaesthetic management of a
case of a patient on psychotropic drug. Briefly mention the drug
interactions, problems in this patient if they come for obstetrical
surgical procedures.
26.Discuss the principles and merits of position, drug therapy, choice of
anaesthetic technique and circuits and monitoring for post cranial
fossa surgery in an adult.
27.Anesthesia for carotid endarterectomy.
28.Discuss the principles and merits of position, drug therapy, choice of
anesthetic technique and circuits and monitoring for post. Cranial
fossa surgery in an adult.
29.Anesthesia for ECT.
30.Discuss the causes of coma and describe the management of ana
unconscious patient.
31.A pt 60yrs of age, 3 days after a partial gastrectomy has become
drowsy, dehydrated and uremic; describe how you would manage
such a case.
32.Discuss the investigations & anaesthetic management of a case of
acoustic neuroma in an adult. What are the dangers associated with
sitting posture.
33.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a cerebellar tumour in a child
aged 10yrs.
34.Describe the anatomy of a typical intercostal nerve. Mention the
various indications of intercostal nerve block.
35.Peripheral nerve palsied occurring during anaesthesia.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

36.Discuss the anaesthetic problems in pts requiring neuro-surgical

investigations. Discuss the anaesthetic management of a case posted
for surgery of vascular tumor of brain.
37.A case of head injury, brought for emergency casualty, discuss the
problem and anaesthetic management.
38.Discuss the regulation of CSF production in human body, circulation,
physical & chemical characteristics and factors influencing height of
anaesthesia in intra-Dural block.
39.Discuss the neurological complications that may be produced in a pt
under GA. How can they be prevented?
40.Discuss the etiology, signs, symptoms and management of malignant
hyperpyrexia during and after anaesthesia.
41.Discuss the causes, diagnosis and management of convulsions during
42.Discuss the problem and anaesthetic management in paraplegia.
43.Discuss the clinical problems in a pt with head injury.
44.Briefly describe the anaesthetic management of sub dural hematoma
in unconscious patient.
45.Discuss neurological and ophthalmic complications of anaesthesia.
46.Discuss the anesthetic management of cerebral tumout excision in a
child aged 10 yrs.
47.Discuss the problems associated with meningo-myelocoele surgery.
48.Discuss the salient features of neuro muscular diseases and
myopathies and their importance to anaesthetist.
49.Describe the critical case of guillian barre syndrome in adult pt.
50.Discuss the etiology, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of DVT.

Short Notes:

1. Factors affecting cerebral blood flow.

2. Autoregulation of brain.
3. Cerebral Oedema.
4. Methods of reducing ICP.
5. Cerebral function monitoring.
6. Cerebral Steal Syndrome.
7. Blood Brain Barrier.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

8. Anti cerebral oedema measure.

9. Anti convulsant therapy.
10.Double burst stimulation.
11.Anaesthetic management of pt with raised ICP.
12.Bi spectral index.
13.Cerebral protection.
14.Evoked action potential.
15.ECT. Anaesthesia for ECT.
16.Diagnosis & management of Gullian Barre syndrome.
17.Effects of different anaesthetic agents & techniques on CBF.
18.Physiology of nerve conduction.
19.Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
20.Cushing’s triad.
21.Cerebral auto-regulation, how is it affected in cerebral vascular disease?
Its anaesthetic implications.
22.Neuromuscular blockade types.
23.Β-adrenergic receptors.
24.Adhesive arachnoiditis.
25.Post-op convulsions.
26.Myasthenia Gravis.
27.Myasthenic syndrome.
28.Post anaesthetic concerns in myasthenia gravis.
29.Glasgow Coma Scale.
30.Regulation of CBF under Anaesthesia.
31.Cerebral protection after head injury.
32.Limbic System.
33.Anaesthetic implications in congenital myopathic conditions.
34.Explain somatosensory evoked potential & its uses,
35.Test to check functioning of sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous
36.Management of ascending paralysis involving diaphragm.
37.Central anticholinergic syndrome.
38.Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
39.Management of brain dead patient awaiting organ retrieval.
40.Endorphine receptors.
41.Factors affecting cerebral blood flow.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

42.Regulation of cerebral blood flow.

43.Describe the anesthetic management of micro neuro surgery.
44.Reduction of intra cranial pressure.
45.Guillian barre syndrome.
46.Describe the physiology of cerebral circulation.
47.MAO inhibitors.
48.Air embolism as a complication in neurosurgery.
50.ICP monitoring methods.
51.Describe a pharmacology of drugs used for neuroleptanalgesia,
52.Hypotensive anesthesia in neurosurgery.
53.Therapy for brain preservation.
54.Brain death.
55.Status Epilepticus and role of anaesthesia.
56.Auto regulation of brain.
57.Air embolism – causes and management.
59.Malignant hyperpyrexia.
61.Atropine for premedication.
62.Role of magnesium ions in the body.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Respiratory System:
Main Questions:

1. Discuss how you prepare a 60yr old man with chronic bronchial asthma
for radical dissection of neck for malignant tumours of submandibular
gland. Discuss anaesthetic management & post op care.
2. Discuss the problems in management of broncopleural fistula posted for
3. Describe the anatomy of bronchopulmonary segments with the help of a
diagram. Mention anaesthetic implications of b-p segments.
4. Discuss the physiology of one lung ventilation. Narrate in detail about
(double lumen) endobronchial tubes.
5. Write the aetiology, diagnosis & management of pulmonary edema.
6. Discuss in detail about pathophysiology, diagnosis & recent trends in
management of ARDS.
7. How do you evaluate, prepare & manage a pt with bronchial asthma
posted for inguinal herniorapphy.
8. Discuss in detail all the post- operative pulmonary complications. What
steps do you take for prevention, how do you manage.
9. Describe the O2 carriage in the blood and oxyhaemoglobin dissociation
curve. Discuss the factors affecting the oxyhaemoglobin relationship.
10.Discuss the preoperative evaluation, preparation & anaesthetic
management in a case of lower lobe bronchectasis for lower lobectomy.
11.Describe O2 carriage to tissues.
12.Discuss in detail, pulmonary function test & their importance &
limitations. Outline the management of a 28yr old male employed in a
cotton mill for a right upper lobectomy.
13.Discuss the recent trends in “Respiratory therapy” & management to
prevent post-operative complications after major elective surgery.
14.Discuss the anaesthetic management in pt aged 40yrs, posted for
pneumonectomy, who is suffering from bronchiectasis.
15.An asthmatic aged 45yrs treated with steroids is to have
cholecystectomy. Discuss the anaesthetic problems & their

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

16.A Person has sustained thoracic injury & blunt abdomen injury in a
vehicular accident & is posted for laparotomy. Discuss perioperative
management related to anaesthesia.
17.Describe the importance of ventilation-perfusion ratio in lung function.
Write in brief its practical implications during inhalation anaesthesia.
18.Describe anaesthetic considerations ina a pt of COPD.
19.Describe the pathophysiology of syndrome resulting from pulmonary
aspiration. Write in brief the methods of prevention and management.
20.Define hyperbaric oxygen. Mention the indications & complications of
hyperbaric O2 therapy.
21.What are the causes of venous air embolism? What diagnostic &
therapeutic steps should be taken if venous air embolism is suspected.
22.Discuss anesthetic problems & various techniques used for
microlaryngeal surgery.
23.Describe the anatomy & trachea-bronchial tree.
24.Discuss anaesthetic management of patient with known history of
asthma for emergency laparotomy.
25.Discuss the management for a case of stab injury-chest, coming for
emergency surgery. Mention various post-op complications & treatment.
26.Discuss the etiology, C/F & diagnosis of bronchiectasis. How will you
investigate & prepare a case of bronchiectasis for surgery.
27.Transport of CO2 in blood, effects of hypercapnia on CVS, RS & brain.
28.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a case of bronchopleural fistula
for removal of Left lower lobe. What are the likely complications?
29.Discuss the muscles of respiration & describe the mechanism of
30.Discuss the role of central peripheral chemoreceptor in the regulation of

Short Notes:

1. Bedside pulmonary function tests.

2. Dynamic lung function tests. R
3. Incentive spirometry.
4. Physiological dead space. R
5. Laplace law.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

6. Surfactant
7. Lung Compliance.
8. Functional Residual Capacity.
9. Closing Volume.
10.Airway Resistance.
11.Mixed Venous O2 Tension
12.Hering-Breur reflex.
13.Pulmonary embolism
14.Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
15.Fat embolism
16.Diagnosis of respiratory failure.
17.Acute respiratory acidosis.
18.Respiratory alkalosis.
19.Air Embolsim.
20.Pulmonary Hypertension.
22.Oxygen Therapy.
23.Oxygen Toxicity.
24.Oxygen flux. RR
25.O2 dissociation curve.
26.Bohr Effect + double Bohr Effect.
27.Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation. (ECMO). R
28.Diffusion hypoxia.
29.Ventilation perfusion relationship.
30.Liquid Ventilation.
31.PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate)
32.Open lung concept in ARDS.
33.Nitric oxide.
34.Use of CO2 in anaesthesia practice.
35.Dead space.
36.Closing capacity of lungs.
37.Blood gas co-efficient.
38.Ventilating bronchoscope.
39.Apneic O2 technique.
40.Paradoxical respiration.
41.Chest physiotherapy.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

42.2-3 DPG & oxygen flux.

43.Expired air respiration.
44.Respiratory monitoring on anaesthetic practice.
45.Hazards of smoking.
46.Anaesthetis role in management of status asthmaticus.
47.Technique of anaesthesia for bronchography on 6yr old pt.
48.Amniotic fluid embolism.
49.TMJ ankylosis.
50.Baro trauma & management.
51.Preparation of wet lung for surgery.
52.Effects of anaesthesia on pulmonary functions.
53.Causes of intra-op wheezing.
54.Flow volume loop.
55.Normal CO2 production, changes during anaesthesia.
56.Intercostal drainage system.
57.Physiological changes during ippv.
58.Hypoxia types.
59.Geudel’s sign.
60.IPPV in a pt with COPD.
61.Oxygen cascade & transport.
62.Hazards of smoking.
63.Current concepts of O2 therapy.
64.Importance of oxygen dissociation curve in anesthesia. What is shift to
65.Flail chest.
66.Tension Pneumothorax,
67.Post-op hypoxemia & management.
68.Preparation of wet lung before surgery.
69.Postural drainage related to anaesthesia.
70.Care of tracheostomy.
71.Dynamic tests of ventilation & their importance in pre-anaesthetic
72.Lung protection strategies.
73.Steps to manage hypercarbia during anaesthesia.
74.Methods of measuring CO2 tension of blood.
75.Immediate post op respiratory insufficiency.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

76.Causes of hypercarbia & effect of hypercarbia on systems.

77.Control of respiration.
78.The three legged stool of prethoracotomy respiratory assessment.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Cardiovascular System
Main Questions:
1. Discuss the causes and management of intraoperative HTN.
2. Describe the anaesthetic management & problems in a pt with
mitral stenosis for LSCS (emergency).
3. Discuss common cardiac dysarrthmia & their management during
4. Discuss in detail, various causes of perioperative hypertension &
methods of management.
5. Pre-anaesthetic assessment & anaesthetic management in a pt
undergoing cholecystectomy, who has suffered from acute MI
three weeks ago.
6. Discuss the anaesthetic management of a hypertensive pt aged
60yrs having a BP of 220/130 mm of Hg. Outline the pre-operative
treatment & anaesthetic management.
7. Describe coronary circulation with diagram. Discuss various
investigations to know the effective cardiac function.
8. Discuss the various factors regulating the cardiac output. Describe
the methods used to assess cardiac output.
9. Discribe various anaesthetic problems in a cardiac pt posted for
non-cardiac surgery.
10.How will you manage a case of mitral stenosis coming for closed
mitral valvotomy under anaesthesia. Enumerate intra & psot
operative complications.
11.Discuss the optimal preparation of a 50 yr old pt with chronic
stable angina for abdomino-perineal resection. Discuss intra &
post op management.
12.Describe etiology, diagnosis & management of cardiac
dysarrthmias during anaesthesia.
13.What is cardiac risk(Goldman cardiac risk index)? How do you
evaluate & what are the implications for anaesthetic practice?
14.What is cardiac arrest? Discuss causes, management & post-op
care of a pt who has cardiac arrest during surgery.
15.CCF: pathophysiology. Diagnosis & management.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

16.How will you anaesthetize a patient of 20yrs for PDA Ligation.

What are the pre-op assessment & post-op complications you
17.Indications & outline the pharmacological techniques available for
induced hypotension. What are the complications of the
18.Infective endocarditis- Clinical features, prophylaxis during
19.Dilated Cardiomyopathy.
20.Pathophysiological consideration in congenital cyanotic heart
disease. Anaesthetic management of TOF for Blalock’s shunt
21.Intra-op hypotension: causes & management.
22.A 50yr old pt is posted for abdominal aorta aneurismal clipping.
Discuss the plan & anaesthetic management.
23.Describe an external defibrillator & the steps to perform
defibrillation. How does automated defibrillator differ from
conventional defibrillator?
24.Discuss in detail pre-op preparation, pathophysiology, C/F &
anaesthesia management of pt weighing 15kg posted for VSD
25.Discuss the anaesthetic problem & management of pt with IHD.
26.Draw a diagram of normal pressure volume loop and discuss the
pathophysiology of aortic valvular lesions.
27.Describe the ECG events of normal heart and discuss the various
abnormalities encountered in practice of anesthesiology.
28.Give an account of the blood supply, venous drainage and nerve
supply to the heart. Briefly discuss the factors that influence the
coronary circulation (Effects of anesthetics on coronary blood
29.Describe the hemodynamics, clinical features, investigations and
anaesthetic management in a 25yr old man with PDA posted for
surgical correction.
30.Describe problems of anaesthesia, management and postop care
of a case of constrictive pericarditis.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

31.How does cyanotic pt differ from acyanotic heart pt with

regarding anaesthesia? Discuss your preoperative, operative and
post operative management of a case of TOF for surgery.
32.Mention the types of artificial cardiac pacemakers. Describe pre-
operative evaluation and anaesthetic management of pts with
33.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a 86yr male, who has had
an acute myocardial infarction 4 days ago with chronic bronchitis
and blood sugar is 500mg% for a related gangrene of Rt foot.
34.Discuss the etiology and management of constrictive pericarditis.
35.How do you diagnose ‘Low cardiac output state’ in a surgical pt
who suffered intra operative cardiac arrest, discuss your role in
managing such a case?
36.Discuss the patho-physiology of extra-corporeal circulation.
Describe the post operative management of a case undergoing
open heart surgery,
37.Discuss the indications, complications and various methods of
producing hypotension during surgery, how do you monitor
deliberate hypotension.
38.Hemodynamics, clinical features, investigations and management
of 15yr old girl for ASD repair,
39.Discuss the anaesthetic management of Porto systemic shunt.
40.Discuss the measures to prevent the ischaemic myocardium
preoperatively when such a pt is posted for surgery. Describe the
course of technique of anaesthesia.
41.Discuss the preoperative assessment, investigations and
management of fixed CO diseases in anaesthesia practice.
42.Deliberate Hypertension, methods – past and present.
43.Discuss the invasive and noninvasive monitoring techniques
during open heart surgeries.
44.Discuss various methods of monitoring BP.
45.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a child weighing 15kgs
with pericardial effusion scheduled for pericardiatomy.
46.Discuss the present day status of hypovolemia.
47.Describe the pharmacology and uses of cardiotonic drugs.
48.Beta-blockaded pt – intra operative management.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

49.CCB in anaesthetic practice.

50.Mention in order of priority, steps you would undertake in
resuscitating a pt developing intraoperative cardiac arrest.
51.Discuss the influence of the drugs used for cardiovascular disease
on the anaesthetic management.
52.What are the indications and advantages of CVP monitoring?
Describe one method of percutaneous central venous canulation.
53.Discuss the causes and management of sudden cardiac arrest.
54.Discuss the influence of the drugs used for cardiovascular disease
on the anaesthetic management.
55.What aare the uses of vasodilators in anaesthesia and in the ICU?
How will you monitor a pt during the administration of
56.Carotid Endarterectomy.

Short Notes:
1. Transesophageal echocardiography.
2. PCWP.
3. Intra aortic balloon pump.
4. Endocardial viability ratio.
5. Central venous pressure.
6. Capillary circulation.
7. Cardiac index.
8. Myocardial preservation during open heart surgery.
9. Myocardial protection during CPB.
10.Goldman’s Criteria.
12.Cardioplegic solution.
15.Pt with prosthetic valve coming of abdominal surgery.
16.Viscero cardiac reflex.
17.Oculo cardiac reflex.
18.Bezold Jarisch reflex.
19.Seldinger’s Technique.
20.Anaesthetic implications of Beating heart surgery.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

21.Indications and procedure of cardioversion.

22.Cardiac Tamponade.
23.Blood supply & venous drainage of heart.
24.Factors influencing coronary blood flow.
25.Known case of IHD cominf for pyelolithotomy, anaesthetic
26.Hypovolemic shock.
27.Laplace’s law in relation to LV function.
28.Ventricular tachycardia & treatment.
29.PVR- factors affecting & effects of anaesthesia.
30.Normal proportion of impulses through myocardium.
31.SA Node.
32.Hypertensive crisis.
33.Arterial tourniquet.
34.PDA- management.
35.Congenital cyanotic heart disease.
36.Septic shock
37.Intra- op MI- prevention and management.
38.Pericardial effusion – anaesthetic management.
39.Pathophysiology of aortic valvular lesions.
40.Normal pressure volume loop.
41.Deliberate hypotension.
42.Heart block.
43.Tachycardia under anaesthesia.
45.Post-op care of cardiac surgery.
46.Normal ECG.
47.Co-arctation of aorta.
48.Mary’s law & implications.
49.Swan ganz catheter.
50.DC defibrillation in cardiac arrest.
51.Neostigmine induced arrhythmias.
52.Conduction defects & their importance in anaesthesia.
54.Aortocaval compression.
55.Use of PA catheter in cardiac surgery.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

56.Pulseless electrical activity.

57.Priming solution in bypass pump.
58.Atrial fibrillation.
59.Cardiac output & blood volume monitoring.
60.Anatomy of posterior triangle of neck & complication of IJV
61.Changes in CO with IPPV.
62.Merits & demerits of General Vs Regional anaesthesia for
lower limb vascular surgery.
63.Prevention & management of DVT.
64.Sick sinus syndrome.
65.Cardio- Vascular reflexes.
66.Causes & management of low perfusion state after cardio-
pulmonary bypass.
67.ABG analysis.
68.Anaesthetic management of dissecting aneurysm.
69.Weaning from CPB.
70.Off pump CABG.
71.Valvular heart disease for non cardiac surgery.
72.Cardiac risk assessment.
73.Short action β blockers.
74.Compare isoproterinol, dopamine & dobutamine.
77.Hypotension during anaesthesia.
79.Fentanyl in cardiac surgery.
80.Non invasive methods to assess cardiac function.
82.Myocardial O2 Consumption.
83.Anaesthesia for cardiac catherisation in a 9yr old child.
84.Anatomy and physiology of coronary vessels.
85.Conduction system of heart.
86.Cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and methods to
attenuate it.
87.Deliberate hypotension.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

88.pCWP V/s CVP.

90.ECG changes in mitral stenosis.
91.Essential Hypertension.
92.Hypertension due to renal artery stenosis.
93.Anaesthesia for surgery on pt with MI.
94.Unstable Angina Pectoris.
95.Cardiac Output.
96.Factors that maintain arterial blood pressure.
97.Myocardial protection during CPB.
98.Deep Vein Thrombosis.
99.Methods of presentation of central venous canulation.
100. Pulmonary hemodynamics in early mitral stenosis.
101. Rate pressure products.
102. β Stimulants V/s β Blockers.
103. Propronolol.
104. Preload & Afterload.
105. Microcirculation.
106. Oculo Cardiac Reflex.
107. PDA – Preanaesthetic evaluation and anaesthetic
108. Prevention of post operative thrombophlebitis.
109. Role of ACE inhibitors in hypertension.
110. Discuss the various anaesthetic techniques that can be used
for reconstructive surgery of the forearm injuries.
111. Prevention of changes in PR, BP, ECG during intubation.
112. Nitroglycerine.
113. Air embolism cause and management.
114. Ventricular curves (oxygen consumption)
115. Disseminated intravascular co agulation.
116. Interpretation of ABG.
117. Anaesthesia for sickle cell disease.
118. Aorto caval occlusion syndrome.
119. Complications following open heart surgery.
120. Magnesium
121. Atropine for premedication.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

122. Endo cardial viability ratio.

123. Fat embolism.
124. Millrinone.
125. Β Stimulants.
126. TPN in anaesthetic indications.
127. Amino pyridine.
128. Define extra corporeal circulation.
129. Microcirculation in shock.
130. Controlled hypotension.
131. Ventricular fibrillation.
132. Intractable angina pectoris.
133. Sodium nitro prusside.
134. Role of vasopressors & vasodilators in anaesthesia
135. Intraoperative causes and management of hypertension.
136. TOF with cerebral abcess – problems & anaesthetic
137. Inverse steal or hebinshoe syndrome.
138. Supine hypotensive syndrome.
139. Deliberate hypertension.
140. Cardiac catheterization.
141. Cardiac arrest – causes and management.
142. Orthopnea (Liver disease)
143. Cyanosis.
144. Haemoptysis.
145. V/q ratio
146. TEE
147. Cardiac arrhythmias.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Hepatic + GIT + Endocrines

Main Questions:

1. Discuss the anaesthetic management of 70yr old man with obstructive

jaundice posted for gall bladder surgery. R
2. Briefly describe hepatic blood flow. How is hepatic blood flow altered by
anaesthetics & adjuvant drugs.
3. How will you investigate a case of jaundice. Discuss the pre-op
assessment, anaesthetic management, intra & post-op complications in
obstructive jaundice pt posted for CBD exploration.
4. Describe the anatomy of liver. Mention various LFT’s & normal values
and scoring systems of liver dysfunction. R
5. Discuss anaesthetic management of pt with liver disease.
6. A 60yr old man with lower gut obstruction of 3 days old, is to be
operated in emergency. Describe in brief, pathophysiology & anaesthetic
management of such a case.
7. Describe the pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction & its anaesthetic
8. Describe in detail the requirements & technique of anaesthesia for
laparoscopic surgeries, complications and management.
9. Discuss the anaesthetic management of pheochromocytoma.
10.Describe the anaesthetic management of pt with DM in ketoacidosis.
11.Discuss the management of a case of strangulated hernia in a 50yr old
man with uncontrolled diabetic & is on oral antidiabetic therapy.
12.Discuss the pre-anaesthetic management of pt with thyrotoxicosis
complicated with atrial fibrillation.
13.Discuss the anaesthetic management of pt of uncontrolled DM posted
for emergency laparotomy.
14.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a case of toxic thyroid coming
for surgery & mention post op complication.
15.Hypothyroidism & anaesthetic management.
16.Anaesthetic management of pt for cholecystectomy.
17.Splenic rupture for emeregency laparotomy.
18.Post op complications in a case of hydatid cyst & its management.
19.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a case of portal hypertension
coming for portocaval shunt operation.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

20.Discuss the anaesthetic management of uncontrolled DM coming for

elective BPH (TURP) surgery.
21.Anaesthetic problems in a massive thyroid adenoma scheduled for
22.Describe the anaesthetic management of an adult with hydatid cyst in
his liver.
23.Discuss the pre op preparation & anaesthetic management in an elderly
hypertensive pt with a huge thyroid swelling posted for total
24.Describe hepatic blood flow & effect of anaesthesia on hepatic blood
25.Describe the types of esophageal fistula, its diagnosis & treatment &
anaestehtic management.
26.60 yr old male, hypertensive on treatment posted for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Discuss the pre-operative evaluations and anaesthetic
management .
27.Discuss the pathophysiology of portal hypertension and your method of
anaesthetizing such a case for shunt operation.
28.Discuss the value of liver function tests in a case of liver damage. How
will these tests influence your choice of drugs for anaesthetic
management and post op pain relief.
29.Discuss in detail, the assessment and anaesthetic management of a pt
aged 60yrs and deeply jaundiced for exploration of CBD obsturcion OR
laparotomy in obstructive jaundice.
30.Discuss the PAE & preparation of an adult with intestinal obstruction
posted for explorative laparotomy & discuss the anesthetic
31.Effects of anaesthesia on hepatic function.
32.Enumerate the causes of cirrhosis and anaesthetic management of a pt
with portal hypertension.
33.Discuss in detail, the management and investigations required in an
elderly male admitted with severe hemetemesis.
34.Anaesthetic management for portosystemic shunt.
35.Discuss the physiology of vomiting & mechanism of various emetics.
36.Discuss the pre-op preparation, anaesthesia management & post op
management of a chronic alcoholic posted for vagotomy.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

37.Discuss the role of halogenated inhalational anaesthetic agents

producing hepatotoxicity.
38.Give merits & demerits of various methods of pain relief after
39.Clinical features, investigations, preop management & intra-op
monitoring – infantile pyloric stenosis for Ramshed’s operation.
40.Enumerate the causes of hypovolemic shock.
41.Describe the line of management of a pt who had severe gastrointestinal
42.What are liver function tests? Describe the importance of these tests in
relation to anaesthesia.
43.Discuss the pre-op preparation, anaesthetic management & post-op care
for emergency laparotomy of a hypothyroid pt.
44.Describe the clinical picture of adrenocortical failure and discuss the
management of a pt undergoing prolonged cortisone therapy.
45.Discuss the pre-op preparation & anaesthetic management of an
uncontrolled diabetic pt aged 60 yrs coming for emergency surgery for
intestinal obstruction.
46.Describe the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and the anaesthetic
management for a case posted for an emergency laparotomy.
47.Discuss the diagnosis & management of a diabetic patient with
metabolic crisis in post op period.
48.Discuss the problems & management of anaesthesia for an young adult
suffering from myasthenia gravis, posted for excision of retrosternal
49.Physiology of hypertensive crisis & anaesthetic management of
50.What is the etiology of obesity? Discuss the changes in physiological
functions in a pt with obesity.
51.Discuss the diagnosis & management of hyperglycemic coma and
hypoglycemic coma.
52.Discuss the role of potassium in the body. How is it significant to the
53.Anaesthetic problems in a massive adenoma scheduled for excision.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

54.Discuss the anaesthetic management & post operative complication

with their treatment for a case of uncontrolled toxic goiter in a middle
aged women.
55.Describe the synthetic of thyroid hormone & factors regulating it. List
thyroid function tests.
56.A 23yr old female with uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis, is admitted with
sweating, tachycardia and temperature. A diagnosis of twisted ovarian
cyst was made. Explain your preop preparation & management.
57.Discuss the symptomology, differential diagnosis & treatment of
58.Discuss how the abnormal hormonal conditions influence anaesthesia.
59.Describe the anaesthetic problems & management of a treated
thyrotoxic patient posted for thyroidectomy in euthyroid state.
60.Describe the management and surgical stress in diabetic patient and
mainanance of carbohydrate homeostasis.
61. Problems and management in an elderly diabetic for emergency below
knee amputation for gangrene.
62.Discuss the causes & problems of obesity & its importance in anesthesia
63.Define morbid obesity. What are the pre-op abnormality & anaesthetic
problems associated with the condition? How do you manage an obese
patient posted for liposuction?

Short Notes:

1. Assessment of hepatic reserve.

2. Drug metabolism in liver disease.
3. Child’s Score.
4. Enzyme induction.
5. Activated Co-agulation time (ACT).
6. Myxedema - anaesthetic problems. R
7. Thyroid Storm. RR
8. Thyrotoxic Crisis. RR
9. Non ketotic acidosis.
10.Glycated Haemoglobin.
11.Management of diabetic ketoacidosis.
12.Synthesis & release of thyroid hormone.
13.C/o uncontrolled DM for emergency LSCS.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

14.Hyperosmotic non ketotic coma.

15.DM- Classification & pathophysiology.
17.Gestational Diabetis.
18.Thyrotoxicosis - anaesthetic management.
19.IDDM – Management.
20.Human insulin.
23.Halothane hepatitis.
24.Hepatorenal syndrome.
25.Portal Circulation.
26.Hepatic Coma.
27.Anaestheisa for upper GI endoscopy on outpatient basis.
28.Anaesthetic management of insulinoma.
29.Post op jaundice.
30.Newer insulins.
31.Complications of diabetis, pathophysiology of DKA.
32.Enzyme induction.
33.Problems in obesity.
34.Cholinergic crisis.
35.Enzyme tests in anaesthesia.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Renal System
Main Questions:

1. Discuss the anaesthetic considerations of CRF.

2. Write in detail about perioperative management of a pt posted for renal
transplantation. R
3. A 60yr old man is to undergo TURP, describe the anaesthetic
management, likely complication & treatment.
4. Renal function tests, role of kidney in maintenance of acid-base balance.
5. What are the causes of pre-operative acute renal failure? Describe
anaesthetic problems in a pt having bi-lateral renal calculi, posted for
6. Discuss the anaesthetic management of obese, hypertensive & diabetic
pt coming for TURP surgery. Briefly mention the preoperative evaluation
& preparation.
7. Acute management of renal transplantation in 16yr old from 55yr old
8. Acute renal failure – Types & management.
9. Discuss the various RFT & its relevance to anaesthesia.
10.List the extra-ordinary manifestations of CRF. Describe a plan for the
induction & maintenance of anaesthesia in pt with renal insufficiency.
11.A male of 40yrs with bilateral renal calculi with oliguria, BP- 170/100 mm
of Hg, Serum creatinine 3mg%, Hb 7.6 g%, posted for nephrolithotomy.
Discuss anaesthetic management.
12.Define Ph. Discuss the etiology, biochemical changes & management of
metabolic acidosis.
13.Describe the pharmacology of diuretics and their basis of use in
anaesthetic practice.
14.What is meant by Ph? How is it maintained? Describe the importance of
Ph during anaesthesia and intensice care.
15.Discuss in detail the modern views of anaesthetic management of renal
transplant including Preanaesthetic preparation.
16.Discuss the functional unit of the kidney and discuss its role in water
17.Mention the signs and symptoms and causes of acute obstructive anuria.
What are the anesthetic hazards?

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

18.Discuss the physiological basis of different renal function tests. What

tests would you use to assess the renal function of a pt?
19.Problems in anaesthesia for TURP.
20.Give an account of the role played by kidney in acid base balance.
21.Classify diuretics. What are the anaesthetic implications of a pt on such
diuretic therapy.
22.Anaesthetic management of oliguria pt with perioperative renal
23.Discuss the management of pt with CAD with 30% EF for a TURP.
24.Discuss the method of suppression of immune response in organ
transplant. Discuss the anaesthetic management of kidney transplant in
a 60 yr old patient.
25.Discuss the causes & effects of metabolic acidosis & metabolic alkalosis .
26.Classify & discuss the pharmacology of various diuretics and their uses
during anaesthesia.

Short Notes:
1. Osmolality.
2. Cadaveric Transfusion.
3. Water intoxication.
4. Forced alkaline diuresis.
5. Methods of suppression of immune response in organ transplant.
6. TURP Syndrome.
7. Causes of anaemia in end stage renal disease.
8. Kidney cocktail.
9. Causes of perioperative renal failure & management.
10.Anaesthetic considerations in a pt with end stage renal failure.
11.Problems in anaesthetizing a pt on uremia.
12.Continuous renal replacement therapy.
15.Base deficit.
16.Water & electrolyte imbalance.
17.Renal function tests.
18.Metabolic acidosis.
19.Clinical disorders of acid base balance.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

21.Magnesium balance.
22.Osmotic diuretics.
23.Loop diuretics.
24.Hyperkalemia in surgical pt.
25.Low molecular weight dextran.
26.Plasma expanders.
27.Siggard -Anderson nomogram.
29.Anion gap.
30.Anion gap V/s base deficit.
31.Renal shutdown.
32.Rate press product.
33.Mechanism of potassium imbalance in surgical patient.
34.Hoffman elimination.
35.TURP monitoring under anaesthesia.
36.Anaesthetic problems in prostate surgery.
37.Chloride shift.
38.Anaesthesia technique for cystoscopy.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Main Questions:

1. Describe the blood groups & all the hazards of blood transfusion.
2. Describe the relevance & techniques of autologous (pre, intra & post-op)
blood transfusion.
3. Describe the coagulation factors. How do you investigate a case of
intraoperative coagulation disorders.
4. DIC - pathology, C/f, Management.
5. What are coagulation disorders? Enumerate the management of each
due for anaesthesia.

Short Notes:

1. Autologous transfusion.
2. Massive transfusion.
3. Exchange transfusion.
4. Activated coagulation time.
5. Blood preservatives.
6. DIC.
7. Assessment of blood loss during surgery.
8. Glycosylated Haemoglobin.
9. Plasma expanders.
10.Foetal Hb.
11.Porphyreas - c/f, Diagnosis & investigations, anaesthetic management &
complications in such pt for elective LSCS.
12.Sickle Cell anaemia.
13.Mismatched blood transfusion.
14.Blood component therapy.
15.Fresh Frozen Plasma.
16.Methods to reduce need for allogenic Blood transfusion.
17.Physiology of normal haemostasis & its significance.
18.Artificial Blood.
20.Blood substitutes – advantages and disadvantages.
21.Anaesthesia for haemoglobinopathies.
22.Anticoagulant therapy.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

23.Plasma proteins & anaesthesia.

25.Anaemia & anaesthesia.
26.Prothombin Time.
27.Partial Thromboplastin Time.
28.International Normalized ratio.
29.Thrombo elastography.
30.Thrombo prophylaxis – use of regional anaesthesia.
31.Time limit for infusion of different type of blood components.
32.Anaesthetic management of sickle cell crisis coming for acute abdomen.
34.Intra op blood salvage.
35.c/f & diagnosis of porphyria. How to investigate?
36.Anaesthetic management & complications in such pt posted for elective

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Fluid & Electrolytes

Main Questions:

1. I.V. Fluids, Mode of selections.

2. Describe the mechanism of hydrogen ion regulation in human body.
3. What is acid-base balance? How is it regulated in health? Mention the
principles of management of common acid base disorders.


1. Osmolality.
2. Osmolarity.
3. Management of intraoperative fluid therapy.
4. Discuss importance of serum electrolytes in anaesthetic practice.
5. Treatment of hyperkalemia.
6. Magnesium.
7. Osmotic pressure.
8. I.V. Fluid therapy.
9. Total parenteral Nutrition.
10.Metabolic acidosis.
11.Metabolic alkalosis.
12.Anion gap & its complications.
13.Physiological function of Ca2+.
14.Acid base balance.
15.Respiratory acidosis.
16.Respiratory alkalosis.
17.Non-ketotic acidosis.
22.Chloride shift.
23.Hypertonic Saline.
24.Standard base excess.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Main Questions:

1. Discuss the physiological changes of pregnancy & its relevance to the

anaesthesiologist & emergency LSCS.
2. Describe various methods of pain relief during labour.
3. Discuss the pathophysiological changes in toxemia of pregnancy. Discuss
the anaesthetic management of such a pt posted for emergency LSCS.
4. Anaesthetic management of pregnant woman undergoing non obstetric
5. Recent developments in pathophysiology & management of pre-
eclampsia. How will you manage such a case for LSCS & vaginal delivery.
6. Briefly describe the anaesthetic management for a case of ruptured
uterus coming for emergency surgery.
7. Discuss the problems & anaesthetic management for a case of ruptured
uterus coming for emergency surgery.
8. Discuss the pathogenesis, C/F & management of mendelson’s syndrome
(acid aspiration).
9. Discuss various plans for painless labour in your hospital.
10.Describe the nerve supply of the female genital tract. Discuss your choice
of a local anaesthetic to produce labour painless.
11.Describe the nerve supply of uterus and birth passages with a diagram
and discuss the technique of regional analgesia for normal delivery.
12.Describe the physiological changes which occur in normal pregnancy.
How these changes modify the pregnant woman’s response to
anaesthetic interventions.
13.Discuss anaesthesia for high risk obstetrics & complications of post
operative period.
14.A known case of mitral stenosis of term has been brought for emergency
caesarean section. How will you anaesthetize that patient?
15.A middle aged woman with bleeding due to placenta previa is due for
caesarean section. Discuss a)Pre op preparation, b)Anaesthetic
management, likely complications, c) post op care.
16.Describe the anaesthetic management for hysterectomy for a woman of
35yrs for fibroid uterus with bronciectasis of Rt lower lobe.n

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

17.Describe the anaesthetic management and new born resuscitation on a

case of toxemia of pregnancy.
18.Describe the anaesthetic management of a case of pre eclamptic toxemia
admitted with foetal distress posted for caesarean operation.
19.Discuss the various methods of labour analgesia. Enumerate the merits
and advantages of each method.
20.Discuss the anaesthetic management of an elderly primi with bronchial
asthma for caesarean section.
21.What are the mechanisms that produce fetal acidosis? Describe the role
of techniques & drugs in anaesthesia which may produce this state.
22.Discuss the various methods used to relieve pain during normal labour.
23.Discuss the patho physiology of PIH. How will you manage a case of PIH
for elective LSCS?
24.Nerve supply of anterior abdominal wall and LA technique for abdominal
tubal sterilization.
25.Obstetric analgesia a regime other than regional anaesthesia.
26.Describe the physiology of labour pain & best method of controlling it.
27.PAE, management of a case on psycotropic drug, drug interactions in this
pt if coming for obstetrical emergency procedure.
28.Role of anaesthetist in a) post partum tetanus, b) case of rabies.
29.Describe the problems and anaesthetic management of tubectomies and
rural tubectomy camp.
30.A 50yr old uncontrolled diabetic on irregular oral dianil, presents for an
abdominal hysterectomy, describe your pre, intra & post operative
management of this pt.
31.Discuss the physiological changes of pregnancy and its relevance to the

Short notes:

1. Placental barrier.
2. Fetal Hb.
3. HELLP syndrome.
4. Amniotic fluid syndrome.
5. Supine hypotension syndrome.
6. Walking epidural.
7. Epidural obstetric analgesia.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

8. Anaesthesia for MRP (manual removal of placenta).

9. Anaesthetic problems in pregnant women.
10.16 wks pregnant for appendicectomy.
11.Factors affecting uteroplacental circulation.
12.Aortocaval occlusion syndrome.
13.Innervations of female genital tract.
14.Paracervical block.
15.Fetal Circulation.
16.Poissori effect.
17.Double Halden effect,
18.Laparoscopic tubal ligation- problems & anaesthetic management.
19.Anaesthetic management of hemorrhagic obstetric emergencies.
20.Anaesthetic management for separation of conjoined twins.
21.Indications for GA in LSCS.
22.Nerve supply of female genital tract.
23.Methods of relief of labour pain.
24.Pathways of parturition pain.
25.Anaesthetic management of D & C.
26.Anaesthetic management of internal version.
27.Amniotic fluid embolism.
28.Mendelson syndrome.
29.Apgar score.
30.Autonomic nerve supply of uterus.
31.Effects of positioning in anaesthetized patient.
32.Pregnancy dependent complaints.
33.Anesthesia in rural mass camp.
34.Sodium nitro prusside.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Paediatrics & Geriatrics

Main Questions:

1. Discuss the anaesthetic management of tracheo- esophageal fistula in a

neonate (pre,intra, post op).
2. Discuss the anaesthetic management of cleft palate in a 2yr old child.
3. Discuss the anaesthetic management of a case of biliary atresia in an
4. Write in detail, anaesthetic considerations of a 2yr old child posted for
emergency removal of foreign body in the bronchus.
5. Discuss the pre-op assessment, preparation & management of a 2yr old
child with PDA for ligation.
6. A 20day old neonate with history of repeated vomiting is diagnosed as
congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis & is posted for corrective
surgery. How will you evaluate the hydration status & outline the pre-op
fluid & electrolyte correction. What are the precautions to be taken
while anaesthesing this case.
7. Describe the management of 5month old male baby with leaking
meningocoele of 8 X 8 cm size in lumbosacral region.
8. What are the principles involved in choosing a proper anaesthetic
technique for infants & neonates?
9. Discuss the problems of neonatal anaesthesia. Describe the management
of case of congenital diaphragmtic hernia of 24 hr old neonate. RR
10.A 4yr old child with chronic atelectasis of L lung, is posted for
pneumonectomy. How will you assess, prepare & manage the case?
What are the post-op complications?
11.6month old child with hydrocephalus is coming fot VP shunt. Discuss
anaesthetic management & briefly mention perioperative complications.
12.Anaesthetic management of 4yr old child posted for Tetrology of Fallot
total correction under cardiopulmonary bypass.
13.Discuss the etiology & perioperative management of intestinal
obstruction in a neonate.
14.Discuss the anaesthetic management of a 75 yr old obese man, posted
for laparotomy.
15.Describe the physiological changes involved with geriatric pt. Discuss
anaesthetic management of 75 yr old man coming for obstructed hernia.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

16.70 yr old man presenting to casualty with a BP of 80/50 mm Hg & heart

rate140/min. respiratory rate of 40/min, abdominal distension,
constipation & vomiting of 3 days duration, diagnosed as strangulated
inguinal hernia. Discuss the pre-op preparation, anaesthesia
management & post op care of that patient. R
17.Discuss the problems of geriatric anaesthesia. How do you manage a
case of prostatectomy of 80 yr old, who is on antihypertensive therapy.
18.Tetralogy of Fallot with cerebral abcess, problems & anaesthetic
19.Describe the anatomy of larynx. In what way is it different in children &
how do you overcome the problems of intubation in children.
20.Discuss the general considerations in neonatal surgery with special
reference to pre-anaesthetic evaluation, transport, monitoring &
anaesthetic management.
21.6 yr old with recent h/o food intake & perforating eye injury –
anaesthetic considerations. & choice of anaesthetic technique. What are
the drugs better avoided.
22.Describe the anaesthetic problems, preparation & anaesthetic
management of 60 yr old brought for emergency surgery for volvulus.
What problems can supervene if surgery ends up in total colectomy.
23.Describe the management of 75 yr old male admitted with systolic BP of
70 & h/o fever for a month with oliguria.
24.Principle of fluid therapy in neonates
25.Discuss the causes and management of neonatal asphyxia.
26.Discuss how a neonate differs from an adult from the anesthesiologist’s
27. A boy aged 14yrs is to be taken for repair of PDA. Discuss the
hemodynamics & anaesthetic management including likely complications
and prognosis of the case. & classify the congenital heart diseases &
discuss the management of PDA.
28.Discuss the clinical features, investications, anaesthetic management and
operative monitoring in a 2 week old infant with hydrocephalus posted
for VP shunt.
29.A 1yr old is diagnosed to be suffering from intusseception. Discuss a)pre-
op preparation, b) Anaesthetic management, c)Post op care.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

30.Briefly discuss the anaesthetic management of acute respiratory failure

in infancy.
31.Describe the causes of acute laryngeal edema occurring in children in the
post anaesthetic period. How do you manage a case of severe laryngeal
32.Discuss the problems & anaesthetic management in a case of pyloric
stenosis for operation.
33.Discuss the problems and management of a case of cleft palate repair for
a child of 6months old.
34.Use of atropine as a pre medication in children, Problems of pre
medication in children.
35.Describe the problems & anaesthetic management of a case of post
tonsillectomy in a child aged 6yrs.
36.How will you assess and manage an infant with congenital pyloric
stenosis weighing 3kgs coming up for pyloromyotomy? What are the
possible complications and how will you avoid them?
37.What are the complications of general anaesthesia in a neonate?
Mention the monitoring AIDS that you will use in neonatal anaesthesia.
38.How will you assess and investigate a child posted for diaphragmatic
hernia & discuss the anaesthetic management of such case.
39.Discuss the management of a 6yr old child brought back to the operating
theatre for surgery for a “bleeding tonsil”

Short Notes:

1. Virginia Apgar.
2. Neonatal Resuscitation.
3. Postop pain relief in children.
4. Down’s syndrome.
5. Epidural analgesia in children.
6. Premedication in pediatric pts.
7. Meningocoele, Meningomyelocoele.
8. Apgar score.
9. Interosseus fluid Therapy.
10.Thermo Regulations in paediatric pts.
11.Fluid management in children & neonates.
12.Muscle relaxants in children.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

13.Temparature regulation in neonate.

14.Changes in fetal circulation at birth.
15.10yr old with TOF is diagnosed to have brain abcess. Outline
perioperative management.
16.Anaesthesia for herniotomy in 1 year old child.
17.Discuss in detail, perioperative preparation anaesthetic management of
8year old posted for evaluation of depressed frontal bone.
18.A newborn infant with a large encephalocoele. Is posted for corrective
surgery. Discuss perioperative management.
19.Hypothermia in children.
20.Caudal Epidural anaesthesia in paediatric patients.
21.Resuscitation of a new born blue baby.
22.Causes of delayed recovery of respiration in an infant following GA.
23.Propofol in paediatric Pt.
24.Rationale of pre medication.
25.Calcium Gluconate.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

ENT , Ophthal , Ortho & Dental

Main Question:

1. Discuss the ananesthetic management of a 2 yr old child with a foreign

body in bronchus posted for rigid bronchoscopy.
2. Discuss anaesthetic management of a 10yr old boy with post-op
tonsillectomy bleeding. RR
3. Discuss the effect of anaesthetic agents in intraocular pressure. Describe
emergency anaesthetic management of a penetrating eye injury.
4. Discuss the various methods & problems involved in anaesthesing a pt
for ophthalmic surgery.
5. Discuss the preoperative evaluation, anaesthetic technique & postop
management of a 5yr old pt posted for correction of severe
6. Describe the anaesthetic management for scoliosis surgery.
7. Describe the anaesthetic management of a 70yr old pt who had
sustained # neck of femur.
8. Discuss anaesthetic management of a 8yr old male pt for extraction of
multiple teeth.
9. Discuss anaesthetic management of a 65yr old man, hypertensive on
treatment, DM on oral therapy, for total hip replacement.
10.Discuss anaesthetic problems & various techniques used for
microlaryngeal surgery.
11.Write in detail about pre-op assessment & anaesthetic management of a
85 yr for prosthetic replacement of head of femur.

Short Notes:

1. Maxillofascial injuries, anaesthesia for multiple mandibular #.

2. Management of post tonsillectomy bleeding.
3. Oculo-cardiac reflex.
4. ↑ Intraocular pressure.
5. Anaesthetic requirements for intraocular surgery.
6. Give an account of drugs which affect the eye (used in anest)
7. Retrobulbar block.
8. Anaesthetic considerations for penetrating eye injuries.
9. Tourniquet effects.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

10.Sub-tenons block.
11.Problems of dental anaesthesia.
12.Anaesthetic management of corneal tear.
15.Bone Cement.
16.Emboli during orthopedic surgery.
17.Anaesthesia for laser surgery.
18.Value of papillary reflexes in anaesthesia.
19.Nerve blocks for cataract.
20.Anaesthesia for squint surgery.
21.Peribulbar block.
22.Nerve supply of face. Nerve block for intra-ocular surgery and likely
23.Quinsy and anaesthesia.
24.Various types of anaesthetic techniques for bronchoscopy.
25.Techniques of GA for bronchoscopy for a pt with suspected bronchogenic
26.Anaesthetic management of 70yr old pt coming for THR who is
treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
27.Dental chair anaesthesia.
28.Management of pt with acute epiglotitis.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Intensive Care Unit

Main Questions:

1. Discuss in detail, all the recent modes of mechanical ventilation. List out
the advantages and disadvantages.
2. Describe the plan & layout of critical care unit. What is the minimum
equipment required?
3. Discuss role of anaesthesiologist in the immediate management of a
critically injured patient.
4. What are the modes of mechanical ventilation & write the methods of
weaning a pt from ventilator.
5. Discuss the various theories in relation to circulation of blood during
closed chest cardiac massage.
6. Discuss the management of a case of head injury in the ICU. Mention the
basic principles behind it.
7. Discuss the management of a case of cervical spine injury with
respiratory distress in ICU.
8. Discuss the management of barbiturate poisoning in ICU.
9. A 25 yr old man had met with a RTA & sustained polytrauma. Discuss in
detail, the problems involved & the initial management in the ICU.
10.Define cardiopulmonary arrest. What is CCPR? What are the components
of Basic life support? Describe BLS in detail.
11.Describe the management of snake bite.
12.Discuss the design, principle & components of intensive therapy unit.
What is the role of anaesthesiologist in the same?
13.Mention the role of anaesthetist in the resuscitation of a case of hanging
in ICU.
14.Total Parenteral Nutrition.
15.Management of OP poisoning.
16.Management of case of tetanus/ Tetanus & anaesthesia.
17.Classify ventilators. Mention names of ventilators you know. Discuss
about recent ventilators.
18.Describe the ICU management of a young female pt who complains of
numbness, tingling paraesthesia & progressing ascending muscular
weakness of both the lower limbs.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

19.Describe in detail, the diagnostic features of ARDS and its management

in an ICU.
20.Discuss the basis and management of acute cardio respiratory failure.
21.Discuss the invasive and noninvasive monitoring technique during open
heart surgery.
22.Describe the changes in microcirculation and management of a case of
hemorrhagic shock. High light the recent advances in the field.
23.A restless semi conscious pt brought with head injury for removal of
extra dural hematoma in parotid region, discuss the anaesthetic
24.Role of anaesthetist in status asthmaticus in ICU.
25.Give a critical account on failure of regaining consciousness after GA.
26.Discuss how you want to conclude the possibility of coronary thrombosis
in the post operative period. Discuss the differential diagnosis.
27.Discuss the differential diagnosis of coma.
28.A pt after general anaesthesia for emergency laparotomy has not
regained consciousness, discuss the etiology & management.
29.What is drug interaction? Discuss giving many examples as observed
during anesthesia.
30.Discuss the thermoregulatory mechanism of human body and its
disturbances during anaesthesia.
31.Discuss the management of a case of barbiturate poisoning.
32.Describe the role of anaesthetist in acute poisoning cases. Write briefly
how you will organize new toxicology unit under your care.
33.Discuss the management of a pt in coma.
34.Management of organophosphorus poisoning.

Short Notes:

1. Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP).

2. Inverse ratio ventilation.
3. CPAP.
4. SIMV.
5. Pressure Controlled Ventilation.
6. Recent modes of ventilation.
7. Pressure support ventilation.
8. Interpretation of ABG.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

9. Chest Physiotherapy.
10.Liquid Ventilation.
11.Nutrition in pt on ventilator.
13.Recent trends in CPR.
14.Advanced Trauma life support.
15.Advanced Cardiac life support.
16.Direct current defibrillation in cardiac arrest.
17.Heimlich maneuver.
18.Respiratory resuscitation equipment.
19.Microcirculation in shock.
20.Ventilator associated pneumonia.
21.Anaesthesia ventilator. (Siemens’ 900).
22.APACHE III scoring.
23.Management of brain dead pt in ICU setup.
24.SIRS criteria.
25.Management of septic shock in ICU.
26.Sedation & analgesia in pt on ventilator.
27.Enteral v/s Parenteral nutrition in ICU.
28.High frequency PPV.
29.Expired air resuscitation.
30.Prolonged ventilator therapy & problems
32.Trauma care unit.
33.Carbon monoxide poisoning.
34.Clinical & lab criteria for instituting mechanical ventilation.
35.Monitoring & management of pt on prolonged ventilation.
36.Prevention of infection in ICU.
37.Intermittent mandatory ventilation.
38.Methyl alcohol poisoning.
39.Outcome prediction in ICU.
40.Guillian barre syndrome management.
41.Management of pt fighting the ventilator in ICU.
42.Prone position in ARDS (prone ventilation).
43.Salicylate poisoning.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

44.How do you evaluate the prognosis after hypoxic brain damage? Add a
note on possible neurological recovery.
45.Criteria for initiating weaning from mechanical ventilator & extubation
47.TRALI (Transfusion related acute lung injury)
48.Aerosol therapy in ICU.
49.Differentiate between cobra & viper snake bite.
50.Field anaesthesia & importance.
51.Purchase of ventilator.
52.Brain death, Diagnosis of brain death.
53.Monitoring in anaesthesiology.
55.Resuscitation in cardiac arrest.
56.Glasgow coma Scale.
57.Recent concepts in management of shock.
58.Management of Ac. Bronchial asthma pt in ICU.
59.Describe the plan & layout of critical care unit. What is the minimum
equipment required.
60.Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
61.Prolonged endotracheal intubation.
62.Hypothermia in children.
64.Fat embolism.
65.Expired air resuscitation.
66.Role of anesthetist in tetanus.
67.OP poisoning.
68.Post operative laryngeal edema.
69.Air embolism, causes and management.
70.Sleep apnea syndrome.
71.Chest physiotherapy.
74.Interpretation of ABG.
76.Diffusion respiration.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

77.Oculo gyric crisis.

78.Cholinergic crisis.
79.Endocardial viability ratio.
81.Differences between myasthenia gravis & myasthenic syndrome.
82.Barbiturate poisoning.
83.Immunosuppressive agents.
84.Hazards of Sodium bi carbonate therapy.
85.Oxygen toxicity.
86.Child’s score.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Physics, Machines & Instruments

Main Questions:

1. Discuss the working principles of flowmetry. Highlight the desirable

features of flowmeter on modern anaesthetic machine.
2. Describe the anatomy of a modern anaesthesia machine & explain the
safety features incorporated in them.
3. Classify vaporizers. Draw a diagram & discuss how vapour concentration
is maintained in Tech5 & Tech 6 vapourisers.
4. Classify breating systems. Discuss the conduct of low flow anaesthesia.
5. How do you classify flow meter? Describe the construction of a
6. Describe the mandatory checklist that’s undertaken to avoid anaesthetic
mishaps before using continuous flow anaesthesia machine.
7. What are the Mapleson’s postulations in regard to breathing circuits.
Describe the circuits used for eliminations of CO2.
8. What is pollution in OT? What are the hazards to environment &
personnel? How will you eliminate?
9. Discuss the circle system of anaesthetic circuit.
10.Discuss the physical principles involved in the vaporization of liquid
anaesthetic and the mechanism of an ideal vaporizer.
11.Classify mechanical respiration. What are the requirements of an ideal
12.How is physiology altered during IPPV? Describe the beneficial effect and
disadvantages of PEEP.
13.Discuss in detail all the recent modes of mechanical ventilation. List out
the advantages and disadvantages.
14.Describe the causes of hypertension under closed circuit anaesthesia.
How would you manage such a complication?
15.What is relative humidity? Discuss the importance and method of
humidification in ventilator therapy.
16.Discuss the various anaesthetic breathing systems. Discuss the factors
that will influence you in checking for paediatric anaesthesia.
17.Discuss the the principles of construction of reducing valves.
18.Discuss the anaesthetic circuits employed without CO2 absorption.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

19.Discuss the various metering devices and indicate in detail how they are
useful in the clinical anaesthesia.
20.Discuss the problems of ventilation during anaesthesia.
21.What factors are taken into consideration in the construction of
halothatne vapourisers. Outline the differences in floutech markII &
mark III vaporizers.
22.What are the invasive and noninvasive methods of monitoring? Describe
the invasive & noninvasive methods of monitoring BP.
23.Clinical & Laboratory criteria for insulating mechanical ventilation,
monitoring & management of patients on prolonged ventilation.

Short Notes:

1. Application of gas laws in anaesthesia.

2. Poisseulle equation.
3. Bernoulli’s princicle.
4. Dalton’s law.
5. Avagadro’s law.
6. Venturi principle.
7. Boyle’s law.
8. Electrical safety in OT.
9. Ethyleneoxide sterilization.
10.Sterilization of anaesthetic equipment.
11.LMA .
12.Bain’s Circuit/ Co-axial circuit.
13.Double lumen tubes.
14.Venturi mask.
15.Ayre’s T-piece.
16.Jackson Rees Circuit.
19.Pin index.
20.Rotameter and evolution of rotameter.
21.Mapleson’s A circuit.
23.Univent tube.
24.Fluotec -3,4,5,6,7

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

25.Mapleson’s Circuit.
26.Closed Circuit / Circle System.
27.EMO inhaler.
28.Scavenging system in OT.
29.Heat mixture exchanger.
30.Cuffed ET tubes.
31.Anatomical facemask.
33.Laplace’s law.
34.Liquid oxygen.
36.Bourden Gauge.
37.Filling Ratio.
38.Water canister
39.Reservior bag.
40.Non-rebreathing valve.
41.ETO sterilization.
43.Cidex (1%, 2% gluteraldehyde)
45.BLB mask.
46.Exposure hazards in OT.
47.Vapouriser inside circuits.
48.Oxygen analyser.
49.Oxygen concentrators & uses.
50.Hagen Poiseuille’s law.
51.Reducing valves.
52.Plenum type of vapouriser.
53.Define saturated vapour pressure. What are ways to increase the
54.Henry’s law.
55.Intubating LMA.
58.Gate control theory.
59.Statistical significance.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

60.Oxygen Concentrator
61.RAE endotrachael tubes.
62.Different classification for airway assessment.
63.Intratrachael adrenaline.
64.Flow meters.
66.Principles of clinical trail of anaesthetic drugs and equipment.
67.Theories of anaesthesia.
68.Sterilization of anaesthetic equipments.
69.Pressure support ventilation.
71.Choice of ventilator for ICU.
72.Pin Index System.
74.Ultrasound in anaesthesiology.
75.Temparature compensated vapourisers.
76.Hypertensive response to laryngoscopy.
77.Drawover vapourizer.
78.Oesophageal Tracheal Combitube.
79.Computers in anaesthesia.
80.HIV disinfection in operating working room.
81.Prolonged use of ventilators.
84.Dead space ventilation – Alveolar ventilation.
85.Controlled Oxygen Ventilation.
86.Scavenging system for anaesthesia.
87.Requirements of ideal vapouriser.
88.Differences between plenum vapouriser and draw over vapouriser.
89.Ventilation perfusion ratio.
90.LMA indications and complications.
91.Resistance in anaesthetic circuits.
92.Development of anaesthetic machine.
93.Continuous infusion drugs in anaesthesia.
94.Pollard endo tracheal tube.
95.Pre anaesthetic assessment clinic.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

96.Vicarious liability for negligence.

97.Oxygen transport ODC & hypoxia.
98.Medical gas pipeline system.
99.Microfiltration during blood transfusion.
100. Application of venture principle in anaesthesia.
101. Swan ganz catheter.
102. Unidirectional valves.
103. Closing volume & relationship with FRC.
104. Ocular comlictions of Anaesthesia,
105. Static electricity & prevention.
106. Mapleson D circuit.
107. Pressure reducing valves.
108. Bourdan’s gauge.
109. Prolonged intubation.
110. Double lumen ETT.
111. Defibrillator.
112. Wright peal flow meter.
113. Classifications of vapourisers and calibrations involved in them.
114. Check list for anaesthetic equipment.
115. Blind nasal intubation.
116. Visual man log scale.
117. Discuss the basic principles of automatic ventilator.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

1. Sir Robert Mcintosh
2. August Bier.
3. Ralph .M. Waters.
4. Sir William Macween.
5. Ivan Magill.
6. James young Simpson.
7. W.T.G. Morton.
8. Arthur E Geudel.
9. Horace Wells.
11.Crawford Long.
13.H.E.G. Boyle.
14.John Snow (chloroform).
15.16th oct 1846. –ether dome, ether day, morton.
17.Karl Kohler – Cocaine in ophthatl.
18.Dr. Phillip Ayre.
19.Hyderabad chloroform commission.
20.History of chloroform anaesthesia.
21.Humphry Dawy.
22.150th year of anaesthesia.
23.Dr. Mell Rose.
25.Cloud Bernard.
26.Henry Hill Hickman.
27.Craw ford long
28.History of chloroform anesthesia.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

1. Pulse oximetry.
2. Capnography.
3. Invasive blood pressure monitoring – principles.
4. Trans esophageal echocardiography.
5. CVP – Central Venous canulation, methods uses & complications.
6. ETCO2.
7. PCWP.
8. PAOP.
9. Double burst stimulation.
10.EEG & Anaesthesia.
11.Temperature monitoring.
12.Cerebral function monitoring.
13.Evoked action potential.
14.Measuring depth of anaesthesia.
15.Importance of O2 saturation monitoring in anaesthesia.
16.Respiratory monitoring in anaesthesia.
17.Intraoperative monitoring.
18.Invasive & non invasive monitoring, complications of invasive
19.Train of Four.
20.What are the monitoring modalities employed in anaesthesia. Discuss
the essential monitoring during anaesthesia in OT.
21.Cardiovascular monitoring.
22.Monitoring for open heart surgeries.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

Main Questions:

1. Discuss the pathophysiology of septic shock. What are the recent

developments in the correction of tissue hypoxia in septic shock?
2. Discuss the problems in anaesthesia for cancer pts.
3. Discuss the organization of hospital services to manage mass casualties
due to train accident in your locality.
4. Classify the allergic reactions occurring during anaesthesia. Discuss how
do you treat such a case during anaesthesia & immediate post-op
5. Discuss inherited diseases affecting anaesthesia. Brief the complications
& management of such cases(sickle cell anemia, thalassemia).
6. Define & classify shock. Discuss the causes, pathophysiology, signs,
symptoms & treatment of hypovolemic shock.
7. What is shock? Describe the management of hypovolemic shock under
anaesthesia in a 30 yr old female , para3 undergoing LSCS.
8. Describe the role of anaesthesiologist in acute trauma.
9. What is obesity? How will you plan anaesthesia for cholecystectomy in
an obese female pt fo 40yrs age. R
10.Describe the problems & anaesthetic management of a pt with post
burn contracture for contracture release. RR
11.Discuss the effect of hyperpyrexia on various systems of humanbody. In
what way is it important for anaesthesia.
12.Discuss the role of anaesthetist in mass casualties (Triage).
13.Discuss the epidemiology & pathophysiology of anaphylaxis in
anaesthesia practice. Describe the identification, prevention & Rx.
14.Enumerate the ideal important parameters incorporated for OT.
15.Other affiliating departmental services for efficient functioning of
anaesthesia department.
16.Discuss the pathophysiological effects of thermal injuries. Discuss the
anaesthetic management of 20yr old female having contracture neck
posted for release & grafting surgery.
17.Discuss the role of anesthesiologist in mass casualties.
18.Discuss the pre-op & peri-op care of burns pt.
19.Role of anaesthetist outside OT.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

20.A young lady 25yrs age, HbsAg +ve, is posted for emergency LSCS.
Discuss the anaesthetic management & safe precautions employed.
21.Pathophysiology of obesity & its implications in anaesthetic practice.
22.Describe c/f, investigations, management & complications of a case of
near drowning in freshwater.
23.Research in anaesthesia.
24.Discuss in detail about regulation of temperature. Mention the
pathophysiological changes during hypothermia.

Short Notes:

1. AIDS & Anaesthesia.

2. Visual analogue scale.
3. Medicolegal problems in anaesthesia.
4. Hepatitis B & C.
5. Malignant Hyperpyrexia.
6. Stress in anaesthesia.
7. Problems associated with anaesthesia in MRI.
8. Anaesthesia for drug addicts.
9. Informed Consent.
10.Emergence Delirium.
12.Consumer Protection Act & Anaesthesia.
14.Disaster Management.
15.Computer & Simulators in Anaesthesia.
16.Protocol for HIV/ HbsAg pt.
17.Sellick’s Test.
18.Microcirculation in Shock.
19.Horner’s Syndrome.
20.Herring Breur Reflex.
21.Cyclopropane Shock.
24.Blood Gas Co-efficents.
25.Apparent Volume of distribution.
26.Endotoxic Shock.

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Anaesthesia Questions 2011

27.Photoacoustic spectroscopy.
28.Waste disposal management in anaesthesia.
29.Jehovah’s witness & its importance.
30.Enumerate occupational hazards to anaesthetists.
31.Explosive hazards in OT.
32.Wake uo Testing.
33.Risk Evaluation.
34.Immune Nutrition.
35.Transfusion triggers.
36.Transport of critically ill patient.
37.Informed Consent.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

1. Describe how you would differentiate different types of NM blockers.
Discuss the factors which modify NM blocking action of muscle relaxants.
2. Write in brief, the actions of different muscle relaxants producing NM
3. What are the uses of vasodilators in anaesthesia & ICU? How will you
monitor a pt during administration of vasodilator?
4. How do you achieve induced hypotension during surgery? Write its
advantages, disadvantages, indications & contraindications.
5. Discuss the pharmacology of various drugs used for controlled
hypotension. What are the complications of controlled hypotension
6. Discuss the antihypertensive drugs used to control BP preioperatively
and their main drug interactions important to anaesthesia practice. R
7. Describe the pharmacology of local anaesthetics. Discuss the
management of local anaesthetic toxicity.
8. What is an ideal local anaesthetic agent? Describe in brief, the
complication of LA & treatment.
9. Discuss the pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of synthetic
10.Uptake, distribution & elimination of anaesthetic drugs.
11.What is drug interaction? Describe various favourable drug interactions
in anaesthesia.
12.Factors affecting the uptake, distribution & elimination of volatile
anaesthetic agents.
13.Compare & contrast the newer inhalational anaesthetic agents.
14.Describe the pharmacological effects of various inhalational anaesthetic
agents on kidney function.
15.What are halogenated hydrocarbons used in anaesthesia. Compare &
contrast their properties.
16.Give pharmacology of glycopyrolate, indication & contraindications &
uses in anaesthetic practice.
17.Describe the pharmacology of atropine, uses and contraindications.
18.Compare & contrast the pharmacology of thiopentone & propofol.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

19.What are the properties of an ideal intravenous anaesthetic agent?

Describe indication, techniques & complication of TIVA.
20.Describe the pharmacokinetics & its importance of following drugs given
i.v. (i) Thiopentone, (ii) Lignocaine Hcl (iii) Diazepam (iv) Mg Sulphate
21.Discuss the pathophysiology of anaesthetic problems in a pt who is on
(a) Long term steroid treatment
(b) Beta blokers
(c) Magnesium Therapy.
(d) Anti-coagulant Therapy.
22.What are Physiological Functions of Calcium? Describe pharmacological
effects & drug interaction due to calcium channel blockers during
23.Classify local anaesthetics. Describe the merits & demerits of xylocaine,
bupivacaine & ropivacaine.
24.Discuss the pharmacological actions, uses & routes of administration of
lidocaine. What are the complications associated with over dosage with
this drug & how would you manage them.
25.IV induction agents suitable for out-patient anaesthesia.
26.Enumerate the intravenous anaesthetic agents and mention their merits
and demerits.
27.Pharmacology of antihypertensive drugs used in clinical practice & its
relevance in practice of anaesthesia.
28.What are the impurities that exist in nitrous oxide? Describe briefly how
nitrous oxide is purified.
29.Define minimum alveolar concentration of inhaled anaesthetic agents.
Enumerate physiological & pharmacological factors affecting MAC.
30.Compare the pharmacology of THREE commonly used halogenated
hydrocarbons. Discuss their present status and use.
31.Discuss the uptake & distribution of anaesthetic gases & vapours.
32.Discuss the role of Trielence in current anaesthetic practice.
33.Latent heat of vapourisation & principle involved in vaporization of
34.Compare the cardiovascular effects of halothane and isoflurane.
35.Discuss the development of inhalational anaesthesia.
36.Compare the problems faced by anaesthetist in pt anaesthetized with
100% oxygen without N02 with one who had gas gangrene.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

37.Discuss the pharmacological actions of cyclopropane and its current

38.Enumerate the gass laws and their application in anaesthesia.
39.Describe the nerve supply of anterior abdominal wall, describe the local
anaesthetic technique for abdominal tubal ligation.
40.Mention amide group of lacal anaesthetics. In order of introduction in to
practice, select an important member of the group and discuss in
physicochemical properties. Physicochemical actions, uses, its
complications and presentation, treatment of the toxicity.
41.Methods of prolonging effects of Local anaesthetics.
42.Classify LA drugs. Describe the pharmacology of Bupivacaine.
43.List the structures punctured by needle during lateral approach to
subarachanoid space. What are the complications of subarachanoid
44.Describe the importance of intravenous elimination during anaesthesia
and pre and post operative period.
45.Discuss in detail, drug interactions in anaesthesia.
46.Give an account of the group characteristics of phenothiazines, briefly
describe the pharmacology of promethazine.
47.What is drug interaction? Discuss giving examples as observed during
anesthetic practice.

Short Notes:
Induction Agents
1. Thiopentone.
2. Ketamine.
3. Propofol.
4. Midazolam (Benzodiazepines)
5. Diazepam.
6. Althesin.
7. Newer i.v induction agents, their merits & demerits.

Inhalation Agents
9. Desflurane.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

12.Halothane in a hypoxic hyperbaric pt.

13.Halothane hepatitis.
14.N20 in GA.
15.NO & its Clinical application.
16.Use of Co2 in anaesthetic practice.
17.Impurities in N2O.
18.Cyclopropane Shock.
19.Azeotropic Mixture.
20.Vapourisers for desflurane.
21.Organotixicity of inhalational anaestehtics.
22.History and development of N02
23.Boyle’s ether vapouriser.
24.Harmful effects of IPPV.
25.Gass laws.
26.Disadvantages of No2 usage.
27.Use of Adrenaline along with inhalational anaesthetic agents.
29.Ethelene Oxide.
30.Oxygen Toxicity.
32.Methods of O2 therapy.
33.Alveolar arterial O2 Tension.
34.Oxygen flux.
35.Oxygen therapy.
36.Application of gas laws in anaesthesia.
37.H2 receptor anatagonists.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

48.Spinal opiods.
49.Epidural opiods.
51.Opiods in chronic pain.
55.Compare narcotic preparation in relation to their potency & side effects.
56.Endogenous Opiods.
Local Anaesthetic Agents.
58.Intrathecal Neostigmine.
59.Local Anaesthetic toxicity.
60.Lignocaine Hcl.
62.Methods of prlonging effects of local anaesthesics.
63.Complications of local anaesthetics.
64.i.v Lignocaine.
65.Lower and upper limits of flammability.
Diabetes Mellitus.
68.Sulphinyl ureas.
69.Newer insulins.
CVS Drugs.
70.Vasopressors & Vasodilators.
72.Ca2+ Channel Blockers.
74.Sodium Nitroprusside.
75.Compare isoproterenol, dopamine, dobutamine.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

78.Β-blocker –toxicity, intra op management of pt on B-blockers.

79. - Blockers.
80.Nitro glycerine.
82.Anti coagulant.
87.Long term steroid therapy.
90.Use of muscle relaxants in situations other than OT.
92.Hazards of Soda-bicarb therapy.
93.Prostigmine resistant curarisation.
94.Muscle relaxants in infants.
97.Anti Thyroid Drugs.
100. Recurarisation.
101. Non narcotic analgesics.
102. MAO inhibitors – anaesthetic considerations.
103. Digitalis.
104. Dantrolene.
105. Dual block.
106. Elimination halflife.
107. Prostaglandin.
108. Enzyme induction.
109. Hoffman elimination.
110. Cisatracurium.
111. Mannitol.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

112. Phase II block.

113. Etidocaine.
114. Non anaesthetic use of xylocaine.
115. Antiemetics.
116. Bronchodilators.
117. Metaprolol.
118. Amithocaine.
119. Diltiazem.
120. Diffusion Hypoxia.
121. Second gas effect.
122. Heparin.
123. Vd of drugs.
124. Preparations & use of corticosteroids.
125. Mannitol.
126. Isoproterenol.
127. Polygeline.
128. Nifedipine.
129. Dissociative Anaesthesia.
130. Labetolol.
131. ACE inhibitors.
132. Gelatins.
133. Amiadarone.
134. Pralidoxime. (PAM).
135. Compare neostigmine & edrophonium.
136. Respiratory stimulant drugs.
137. Hydroxy ethyl starch.
138. Dexamethonium.
139. Opiod withdrawl syndrome.
140. Tricyclic antidepressant- anaesthesia implication and over dosage.
141. Vasopressin.
142. Levobupivacaine.
143. Clopidogrel.
144. Perioperative glucocorticoid replacement therapy.
145. Fentanyl.
146. COX-2 inhibitors.
147. Cytokines.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta

Anaesthesia Questions 2011

148. Lithium – Anaesthetic implications.

149. Immunosuppressant drugs & interaction with anaesthetics.
150. Role of NSAIDS in anaesthesia.
151. Effects of antibilotics on NM blockade caused by clinically used
152. Compare neostigmine and edrophonium
153. Perflurocarbons.
154. Steroids in septic shock.
155. Transfusion triggers.

Dr. Farzan Syed, Dr. Jai Prakash Gupta


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