Chv1 Workbook
Chv1 Workbook
Chv1 Workbook
Magickal Workbook of
Recipes of Transcendance shaping the World of Tomorrow
The Law of Time and the Reformulation of the Human Mind
Time and Cosmos: Cosmos the Absolute Pole
This workbook is happily submitted as a free service offering by Red Electric Serpent, Blue Spectral
Monkey and Red Rhythmic Dragon with the intention of re-activating the excitement to evolve.
Magickal Workbook Exercises—Table of Transformational Contents
Introductory Notes for Working with the Cosmic History Magickal Workbook of Transformation — pg. 7
Chapter 2: Cosmic History, the Law of Time and the Synchronic Order — pg. 14
1. Scoping your Thoughts
2. Shifting Perceptions/13 Moons
3. Uncovering your Daily Programming
4. Theater of Time
5. Harmonic Module as Encyclopedia of Time
The Cosmic History Chronicles, along with this supplemental workbook, provide a spiritual/
mental program for the purpose of facilitating your evolution. In order to seriously undertake this
whole person/whole system program, you must be willing to accept new programs and change
your old programs, with a consequent redefinition of your entire being. Are you ready? These
exercises are saturated with the purpose of taking you to the next evolutionary threshhold—the
What you need to begin: a copy of the Cosmic History Chronicles, Vol. 1, a new journal (8 ½ x 11
unlined is recommended), some basic art supplies like colored pencils, a 13-Moon calendar and
the commitment of time to complete the exercises. Suggested supplemental materials include:
Dreamspell, Telektonon, 20 Tablets of the Law of Time, Earth Ascending, 7:7::7:7, and Mystery of the
Stone). These can be obtained by visiting
Suggested Use: It is recommended that you begin by first programming the 65 workbook
exercises into your 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. This way, you will have an organizational template
from which to pace yourself and mark your progress. It is recommended to take one week
for each chapter, for a total of 13 weeks—plenty of time to conduct a thorough study. Some
exercises take only a few moments, while others may take an entire NET minute (day).
First, read the chapter once through. Then start with the first exercise. After completing all five
exercises, which may take you anywhere from a day to a week, go back and re-read the chapter
to extract the jewels you have earned for your effort.
Second, you will also notice that there are four precepts for each chapter located in the back
of this workbook. It is suggested to draw and meditate on one per day, in addition to your other
meditations and studies. You can also use these precepts as a weekly program, by drawing one per
week for a total of 52 weeks.
These exercises will change your perceptions about yourself and the nature of reality, opening you
to the ever-existing multidimensional universe. But, the exercises will only work if you have a
deep desire for transformation and are willing to put the necessary thought and effort into them.
Remember that everything can be attained by those willing to make the effort! When you are
finished, you will have facilitated evolution by transforming yourself into the new Cosmic Human!
Being that Cosmic History is a whole person/whole systems program, you will want to
contemplate every aspect of your life. A good place to start is by reacquainting yourself with your
body as an instrument for grounding Cosmic History and awakening to the cosmic mind.
Here are some whole person/system suggestions to take into consideration:
Giving up the eating of all types of meat will do wonders to clean up your physical/mental field,
not to mention help out the ecosystem (for one-quarter pound hamburger, 55 square feet of
rainforest are destroyed!). Research in this area is highly recommended. A vegan diet is even
better on your body and the environment. Raw foods and juices produce optimal results. But the
main point is this: The only way to construct a pure light body is to ingest pure, light food, which
means abstaining from flesh food. You will have far less problems and more clarified perceptions,
not to mention feeling healthier. Remember that we are in the process of letting go and
transforming all the different forms of desire engrained in the body as it has been conditioned by
the unconscious stream of history.
5. Daily practice of the Synchronic Codes (Dreamspell, Telektonon, 7:7::7:7, 20 Tablets of the
Law of Time, Rinri Practice, Elder Futhark Runes, etc.)
The synchronic order is defined by the codes, which synchronize our body and mind. If we practice
the different levels of these codes on a regular basis, then reality becomes much more clear.
Chapter 1: What is Cosmic History?
Exercise 1: Media Exercise
Purpose: To develop discriminating awareness of the present world construct in order to
transcend it.
Re-read pages 3-5. Start where you are – Pick up a current popular newspaper or magazine and
look through it carefully, keeping the following questions in mind:
Now write your reflections in your journal. Think about what you are most drawn to:
magazine, movies, why? Could it have something to do with the fact that this world is
nothing more than a projected hologram? Remember the mind that is reading or watching
is the mind that created it. Are your creations simply for amusement or are they serving the
purpose of the Creator.
If the newspaper is a daily, weekly or monthly, is it saying anything new from issue to issue? Or is
it a closed feedback loop talking to itself? What does the publication already assume about you
the reader in their articles? What does this type of information represent from the point of view
of the noosphere? If anything.
Now enlarge your fractal scope and apply your observation to different religions or institutions.
Think of them as a particular magazine you are reading or program you are watching. Focus on
one at a time and ask: Is there anything new happening in this particular institution or religious
sect? Is it an evolving system serving all beings equally? Or is it a closed feedback loop? Think
of the origin of this particular religion/institution. What was the original purpose of its creation?
Where is it going? In what ways is it serving spiritual/mental evolution? Does it promote the idea
that the sole purpose of life is to remember God and get back to the soul?
Exercise 2: Field Trip Experiment
Purpose: To recognize different thinking layers in order to transcend them. (Keep in mind
that there are an infinite number of “thinking” layers you can tune into at any given time).
Go somewhere public (like a busy restaurant) and sit for long enough to have a well-rounded
observation. Listen closely and note what people are talking about. Write snippets of dialog
in your journal. Are they in a state of blissful expanded consciousness? Are they talking
about money? Are they talking about machines? About other people? Do their words express
any consciousness about the planet and what we are doing on it? Are their words and tones
congruent with each other or are they merely repeating clichés? Listen for long enough to see if
people start saying the same things. Find the patterns.
Now pull back your lens and contemplate the fact that the human species is but a minute speck
in the whole of our planet. Then contemplate the fact that the Earth is merely a sphere in space.
Think of this in relation to the galactic order. Write down any observations in your journal.
Keep in mind that everything you do should be a purposeful scientific study or experiment. First,
you must really understand the intelligence structure of our current world reality in order to
collectively reprogram it. One step at a time we are overriding limited programs with programs of
Exercise 3: History Book Study
Purpose: To understand the evolution of the materialist belief system.
Read pages 9-10. Keep in mind that the materialist belief system has been with the human
species since the beginning of the cycle of history.
Go to the library and find a history book that shows the progression of civilization—focus on
the evolution of inventions and scientists. Write your findings in your journal. Contemplate how
one material discovery led to another and once discovered or invented, humans could not live
without them. Contemplate the fact that the Internet has only been around the last 10 years,
cell phones the last few years, a computer since 1948, the automobile the last 100 years (1908).
Contemplate what it would be like without these “inventions”. Consider how the automobile,
which has not been around long, facilitates the deterioration of the body (no exercise). Consider
how the computer facilitates the deterioration of the mind (with everything at your fingertips,
who needs to think?) Really contemplate this. How can we go on like this? This is a fascinating
study that you can play with and break into different categories like entertainment, health/body,
home appliances, etc. Contemplate the human dreams or thoughts that pulled these materials
into existence. Based on this study, what do you envision for the future?
Exercise 4: No Reconstruction without Deconstruction
Purpose: To identify and understand the implications of personal addictions/habits so that
they can be reformatted into a higher behavior
“In order to deconstruct historical materialism, which is at the root of the present world
construct, we have to see what is the opposite of materialism—which is spiritual reality. To
deconstruct the root of the prevailing belief system, you must determinedly engage in a higher
spiritual point of view.” Ch. 1
Consider your “daily routine.” Is there some physical habit or addiction that you would like to
overcome? Identify and define it. Or is there some mental addictive tendency that you would
like to change? These addictions/tendencies can be anything from drinking, smoking, overeating
to worrying and/or any other form of mental addictions.
Now, consider all of the ways that this habit or addiction hooks you into the present world
construct. Make a graphic description of the habit or addiction, showing its many hooks into the
present world model.
For example, if your addiction is smoking cigarettes, then your graph would show the
connections between a tobacco farmer, agribusiness, pesticides, chemical industry, big cigarette
corporations, advertising industry, television/magazine/newspaper/billboard ads, the cigarette
production factory, the trucking industry, retail outlets and vending machines, money and you.
After this consideration, see if you can go about changing it by reprogramming yourself. First of
all, think of the affects on your physical body, as well as your emotional, subtle and astral bodies.
Make a list of the negative effects caused by this addiction. Be sure to include all levels. Next
to each negative effect, write down a positive antidote and create a higher form of behavior to
replace the old one. Remember that to change addictive tendencies or bad habits, you must
consciously apply concentrated will. This means exerting in consistently directing your focus of
attention to new models of behavior, until the old habitual vibration pattern is subsumed into a
higher one.
Once you have embarked on your new program, consider how your new behavior will help
to reconstruct the world by not feeding into the old construct. If your addiction was mental,
consider how your new behavior will no longer contribute to the psychic pollution dominant in
the present world model. See if you can make a graphic of this process as well.
Exercise 5: Whole Earth Visualization
Purpose: To know the value and function of our home planet.
“From a cosmic normative point of view, what is valuable and meaningful is your relationship
with the Earth as a living entity and to the sun as a divine intelligently coordinating information
energy system—and finally your relationship to the galactic whole and the larger constellation of
which it is a part.” Ch. 1
The whole Earth is our home. The whole Earth is the reference point for all of our learning.
Wherever you are on Earth, you are home. The Earth is a whole organism, a whole system.
Visualize yourself right where you are. Notice the space that you are in, whether it be inside or
outside. Now lift out of the environment you find yourself in and look down on it from above.
Lift out further and see the entire street or area that you are in. Now expand out and lift higher
and higher out into space. From space, view the Earth as a single luminous blue mandala; like
a wheel that possesses everything. See the Earth from all angles. See that it is a planetary orb, a
wheel of turning in space with an essential value, its dharma or truth. The dharma or capacity of
Earth is its capacity to sustain life.
Visualize the whole of life on earth, from the animals, to the plants, the humans down onto
the insects and plankton. See it all as one whole system. The whole of life on the Earth is the
biosphere, or the sphere of life that covers the surface of the Earth like a film or vibrant mantle
that is ever in motion. Really visualize how all of the different life forms and processes are one
unity on this shining blue orb.
Now let your mind penetrate beneath the surface of the Earth. Feel the spherical layers of
sediment and crystalline rock. Go to the core and find the massive iron crystal octahedron. Feel
this crystal core as a dynamic radio receiver elongated in the direction of each of its magnetic
Place yourself in meditation at the very center of that crystal radio receiver. Who is the Earth
receiving? What is the Earth broadcasting? Where is the Earth receiving? What messages is
Earth giving you right now? Write your reflections in your journal.
Chapter 2: Cosmic History, the Law of Time and the Synchronic Order
Exercise 1: Scoping your Thoughts
Purpose: To become conscious of your daily thought patterns in order to transcend them.
For one day, commit to examining your thought processes—keep a journal or notepad with
you throughout the day. Write down everything that happens in the external realm/internal
realm. Record any decisions you were presented with and made today. Note the fluctuation or
nonfluctuation of mood and emotion throughout the day. Notice points of frustration or anxiety,
joy or excitement. Make a thorough investigation. Note any conditioned patterns of mind that
may reveal themselves to you today, in the forms of particular beliefs or biases, expectations or
irritations. At the end of the day, review the patterns of thought that you engaged in. View these
patterns as the imaginal map of your own mind. Draw this map if you like.
It is best to do this practice on a day where you are free from obligation so that you really
have time to monitor the influx of your thoughts. It is best to begin this process as early in the
morning as possible. Maybe arise a few hours earlier than usual, light incense and keep a journal
nearby. Do your best to keep a clear mind, but when thoughts do come to you (as they inevitably
will) it is best to immediately write them down. Keep your journal with you throughout the
day to monitor and record minor as well as elaborate thought processes. At the end of the
experiment, consider the following:
Who thinks these thoughts? Why does there seem to be a compulsiveness to them? How many
different types of thoughts are there? Is there a unified, consistent personality behind all of the
thoughts? Record your answers in your journal.
Exercise 2: Shifting Perceptions/13 Moons
Purpose: To expand your mental/imaginal ability through creative engagement of the 13
Moon calendar.
“Virtually all of the conditioned reflexes of the mind of the planetary human, for the most part,
are held together by the framework of the timing program they use.” Ch. 2
Read pages 25-32. If you are new to the 13-Moon calendar, do the following exercise:
First, become aware of what day it is on the Gregorian calendar. Sat. Feb. 12, 2005 for example.
Think about this. What feelings does it bring up? For one, it is the weekend so that feels different
from a weekday. In addition, it is two days before Valentines Day—what does this make you feel?
Does it make you tune into your love relations/emotions or lack thereof? Does it make you feel as
though you have to do something, like become a consumer of flowers or chocolates? Who made
all of this up anyway? Does it aid in your evolution? From the Earth’s point of view, does any of
this matter?
Now find the correlate date for the 13-Moon calendar. You see that it is Galactic Moon 6, Yellow
Overtone Sun. You will also see that Limi is the day of the week. How can you experience this?
Start by breaking it down. First, note that from your 13-Moon calendar, the Galactic Moon
is the Moon of Integrity. This can be your first point of reflection. And today is the Yellow
Overtone Sun, which corresponds to enlightenment, empowerment and life. Just by knowing
this basic information, you can begin to create daily questions for yourself to enhance your self-
reflective capacity. This new way of thinking and contemplation on a daily basis will shift your
consciousness to a new operating frequency, which is infinitely creative and exciting.
Exercise 3: Uncovering your Daily Programming
Purpose: To directly experience all the ways in which a calendar is a programming device.
Pick up a Gregorian calendar and study it. What is programmed into each month? For everyone,
the meaning is a bit different according to religious holidays or birthdates of friends and family.
Map your own pattern on the Gregorian calendar: Birthdays, anniversaries, tax time, holidays
(or whatever you celebrate or is celebrated by the collective human). Write these in your journal.
This is your annual “program.”
Note that this program, embedded into the Gregorian calendar, is run year in and year out.
Each year that it is run without questioning it only increases unconscious thought patterns
and therefore increases the acceptance of this particular program as absolute concrete reality.
Note that this program is full of concepts like taxes, democracy, war, economics, insurance and
holidays. Without reflecting on the meaning of this program, consciousness becomes stagnant—a
stunted loop that brings up the same feelings and emotions at particular times, year after year.
For example: Consider the thoughforms associated with the word “Christmas.” Write them in
your journal. Then pinpoint other popular holidays, note what “month” they fall in and then
note the specific thoughts and feelings that are associated with them. For added awareness,
you may want to write the meanings of all of the names of the months in your journal. Also
contemplate the fact that most annual holidays happen on a different day of the week, due to
irregular programming.
Consider what happens when all of those holiday moments are fixed on the Thirteen Moon
calendar. For example, Dec. 25 would always be Rhythmic Moon, day 13. Feel the difference in
your mind between “December 25” and “Rhythmic 13.” Keep in mind that December means
“ten” but is the twelfth month.
In contrast, the 13-Moon calendar is more than just a schedule of events, but has the synchronic
order programmed into it, so there is a whole other level of mental/magical engagement that is
Exercise 4: Theater of Time
Purpose: To explore the magickal levels and layers coded into the synchronic order.
Instead of distracting your soul through movies, media and television, why not enter into the
theater of time? Select a time when you can be alone. Now focus on a particular aspect of the
Dreamspell or 13-Moon calendar. There is much to learn, so break it down. Choose a facet for
each day for a 28-day trial period. Pre program the subject matter into your calendar and commit
to a certain amount of time each day for studying, coloring and contemplating. For example: Day
1: Glyphs/Tones Day 2: Planet Holon Day 3: Galactic Compass, etc. By the end of 28 days, you
will be quite activated and excited to learn more! Of course, some parts will require more study
time than others.
The point is to learn how to creatively and interactively study the codes of time. Just start
playing and entire worlds will open up to you. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to
begin this experiment by memorizing all of the solar seals and tones. Draw and color them in
creative ways.
Here are some topics to explore, consult your Dreamspell for a complete list and more
information: Glyphs/tones, Planet Holon, Chromatics, Fifth Force Oracle, Wavespells, Castles
Galactic Compass, Pulsars, Planets, Time Cells, Dreamspell Genesis, Destiny Board, Human
Holon, Solar Cells
Make these exercises fascinating for yourself! For example, when studying the Planet Holon it is
helpful to get a world map and divide it into 20 icosohedral zones. Then draw each of the solar
seals over the appropriate zone. This way you can really study your geography with the energy of
the corresponding solar seal.
Exercise 5: Harmonic Module as Encyclopedia of Time
Purpose: To understand the multivalued use of the supreme matrix code.
“The 260-day or 13:20 pattern is naturally going to orient you to the imaginal realm because it
is, in and of itself, a fourth-dimensional program for reading third-dimensional events.” Ch. 2
Read pages 32-37. Explore the Harmonic Module/Tzolkin. (see graphic on p. 87) Imagine that
each of its 260 squares is a door—when opened it contains a vast store of information, memories,
thoughts, dreams, experiences, as well as evolutionary timing codes. Each day you are playing
your program coded into this matrix, while simultaneously depositing information by your
response to programmed experiences. Keep in mind, that this matrix is a fourth dimensional
overlay onto the third-dimensional reality you are now experiencing. Contemplate this well.
Write down any reflections in your journal.
You may want to explore some of the different levels and orders of this 13:20 Harmonic Module.
• For example, contemplate the Harmonic Module as a coded historical encyclopedia (see
Baktun Map on p. 88) The thirteen vertical columns are broken down into what the Maya
called baktuns, which is roughly equivalent to 144,000 days. Note how the 20 vertical units
are filled with historical events or people. Begin to see this entire program of history as a
single thoughtform—a single program. Record your reflections in your journal.
• You can also use the Harmonic Module to contemplate the Cycle of Becoming and the Cycle
of Return. Read pages 29-30. The Cycle of Becoming is the cycle of manifestation on the
physical plane. The Cycle of Return is the cycle of the soul emerging from the physcial plane
into an ever increasing spiritual plane of existence. Contemplate the first 130 units of the
Harmonic Module as the Cycle of Becoming and the last 130 units as the Cycle of Return.
• The Harmonic Module can also be used as an interplanetary index, corresponding to the
different planets and thus representing the interplanetary history. Focus on this aspect.
Study the Harmonic Module with the planets (see graphic on p. 89). Choose a “door” to
open a planet. What does the seal or color and tone tell you about the experience of that
planet? Can you find the two flows, Galactic Karmic (Pluto to Mercury) and Solar-Prophetic
(Mercury to Pluto)?
Chapter 3: Planetary Human
Exercise 1: Life Review
Purpose: To become a more purified vessel by uncovering hidden programming conditioned
in your childhood.
Read pages 40-45. Now get out your journal and time travel into the heart of your childhood.
Note the mental conditions of the particular life configuration that you were born into. Recall
the scents and sounds of your household situation. What kinds of foods were you fed? What kind
of religion were you born into? Was there substance abuse or violence in your home? What kinds
of stories were you told? Be honest and do your best to uncover your deepest programming. If
particular events come into your mind, explore why those particular events stand out the most
in your memory. Of what value is this reinforced memory? How did your early childhood set your
life program? Buddhists say that by the age of seven you are pretty well formed. Does this seem
true for you? Can you recall yourself at this time?
Now reflect on the lessons and meaning of your life. What have you learned? What are you
currently learning? Do you use circumstances that happened in your early life (or later life, even)
as an excuse for not evolving? What channels have you closed off that you would now like to
open? Take yourself apart! Find the divine in all of your life circumstances!
Exercise 2: Uncovering Machine/Media Influences
Purpose: To become conscious of worldly influences in order to transcend them.
In reviewing your life as a planetary human, consider in what ways your life has been (or is)
shaped by television, movies, popular music, electronic music, videos, computer, the Internet,
etc. Write observations in your journal. Then take an inventory and see in the length of one
week how many of these forces you are interacting with and how they are shaping your life. Also
during this time, be aware of the different statements, slogans and sayings that you come across
in any of your activities; reading, movies, music, other people, the Internet, etc. Make a mosaic
of these statements or slogans and see what overall message it forms.
If you are serious about exorcizing useless bits of media sludge from your mind, then it is helpful
to write a stream of consciousness “Pop culture poem.” Again, note just how much of what runs
through your mind are slogans, songs or expressions that you have heard from popular forms of
media. Do not worry about writing a “good” poem, but rather use it as a forum to spew out all
of those fragmented loops, artificial foods, song phrases, slogans, commercial jingles, etc. onto a
sheet of paper in some coherent form. The key is to get them all out so you can look at them and
dissolve them. When this fills your mind, how can you possibly have fresh perceptions?
Is it possible to remove yourself from all influences for at least a few days to see what it is like?
Exercise 3: Constructing your Destiny Castle
Purpose: To identify the patterns of your life according to the synchronic order.
You will need a Dreamspell and/or a 13-Moon calendar for this exercise. Map out your 52-year
cycle into four wavespells beginning with your birth signature. (see Destiny Castle, p. 92, and
Wavespell with Pulsars, p. 91) Note significant life events. Notice what type of patterns or life
cycles appear. See your life as one whole—a large radial matrix. All of the events that have ever
happened to you or will happen to you exist simultaneously in this matrix.
If you have already done this exercise, then see if you can view it this time from a different
angle or perspective. You might want to concentrate on the life pattern of your rotating Earth
families, noting specific occurrences that may have played out every four years. Or view your
life simply through the lens of the four colors, red, white, blue, yellow. In what ways were your
“red” years iniatic? In what ways were your “white” years a time of refinement? In what ways
did you transform during your “blue” years? How did you ripen during your “yellow” years. Also,
be sure to connect the pulsars, making note of how the different years and life experiences are
“The deeper pattern of the planetary human is just another eternal return at a much larger
point in the evolutionary spectrum, where all meaning is now being irrevocably altered.” Ch. 3
Exercise 4: Planetary Human Collage
Purpose: To realize that we are but one gigantic being with many parts.
“…When everyone realizes themselves as the one being, telepathy is inevitable it will be able to
contact and speak to itself anywhere at any time.” Ch. 3
Now make a large universal collage or mind/body map of the One being, be sure to include
something that represents all traditions, all races, all spiritual teachings, all civilizations, etc. You
can go as far out as you wish to include different planets, universes and galaxies, etc.
The point is to create the UR being in order to see that there is only one being with many parts.
If you really get into this project, your entire being will experience profound integration, as you
will be drawing all paths back to one single thought form. See where this takes you!
Exercise 5: Visualization: Renewing your Earthly Persona
Purpose: To clear the slate and remake yourself through self-reflection and the
contemplation of universal compassion.
Set aside some time each day to practice merging into the post 2012 planetary human, operating
with a noospheric compassionate consciousness, tuned into the whole of life on the planet.
First, develop compassion by sincerely contemplating all of the different forms of suffering that
are happening on the planet today. What is the reason for suffering? Write your reflections down
in your journal. This contemplation gives rise to a deep sense of compassion for all beings. If
done with the highest intention, this contemplation will culminate in a deep desire to eliminate
for once and for all the suffering of every living creature!
The only way out of suffering is through knowledge of the illusory nature of all created form--
however, in order to realize this, you have to sacrifice your time. What does this mean? What
attachments do you have that keep you in a state of suffering? Identify them and then take a big
breath of relief and remember that they do not actually exist!
Part 2: Penetrating fully the Earth’s consciousness. Meditate on the unified thread of light
between all beings. You are the supramental bridge. You want to renew your earthly persona so
that it reflects a purified instrument able to channel the highest force. What does it mean to
embody the universal human being in its entirety? How can you make your thoughts, words and
actions absolutely universalized? Feel the quickening of your evolution. Form a clear mental
picture of your Highest Self. Feel rainbow light beams shooting out of your third eye into the
minds of every last creature causing them to be filled with overwhelming joy and supreme
Chapter 4: Yoga/Transformation and Cosmic History
Exercise 1: Sitting Still/Controlling the Thought waves
Purpose: To stop your mind and experience the Real.
“The yogic point of view is the direct perception of reality that is based on the control of the
thought-waves—so you have penetration of your own mind and consciousness in awareness with
the all-abiding reality.”
Set aside some quite time when you know that you will not be disturbed. Devote your whole
being to experience directly the nature of your original mind and self to the exclusion of all else.
Here is traditional meditation instruction from Dr. Arcturus, extracted from the Rinri Project
Newsletter III, Volume 1, No. 3:
“The practice for awakening natural mind is extraordinarily simple. It is the most human form
and experience you can have. It is the repository of natural dignity as well. In addition, anyone
can do it. You just have to sit still. The natural way is to sit on the floor, on a cushion that is firm,
supports the erect back, and that allows one to sit cross-legged. On the floor, on a cushion like
this is most preferable and most natural. However, if that is not possible due to your health and/
or body condition, then sit on a chair with feet firmly on the floor and back erect, not leaning on
the back of the chair.
“Holding the spine erect is already waking up and staying awake. The chin is just slightly down
and the eyes are half-open looking down the tip of the nose to the floor. The eyes are open
to avoid falling asleep or going into fantasy realms, which occurs all too easily when the eyes
are closed. The point is not to escape from reality but to see and experience the natural mind
without acting on it. The hands are comfortably on the knees, palms down. Holding this is the
natural posture of the alert human being. Keep checking your posture as you sit. You want the
spine to be erect, holding you up. The capacity to do this is what distinguishes the human from
virtually every other animal. Do not slouch!
“Now, in this position, you have nothing to do but watch your breath. Breathe normally. You will
become immediately aware of your thoughts. As you become aware of your thoughts - it matters
not the least the nature or content of the thought - just label it “thinking,” and as you exhale,
dissolve the thought. At that very moment before exhaling and just as the thought is dissolved,
lies the “gap” between the thoughts. It is this gap you are going to want to become familiar with
and cultivate. It is the seed of natural mind and the key to your true, authentic self.
“Try doing this for half an hour, for 45 minutes, or even an hour. You have to realize that just
holding this position, no matter what is occurring in your mind, you are peace. You are resisting
unexamined thought impulses to do things while remaining in a position that is thoroughly non-
aggressive. Imagine everyone on the planet doing this for one hour each morning before they
start their day. Wouldn’t the world then be at peace? The importance of holding this position
cannot be emphasized enough. It is 99 per cent of this practice of experiencing your natural
mind, because it is really the only way that you are going to be able to experience your natural
mind - and nothing else. In addition, if you do not know what natural mind is, you cannot really
say you are in natural time.
“It can be argued that you can experience your natural mind while driving a car, or doing
beadwork, or playing golf or, certainly, gardening, for instance, which is true enough. But while
you are involved in these activities, you are still preoccupied with something. You are not
actually devoting your whole self to experiencing directly the nature of your original mind and
self to the exclusion of all else. And that is the point of this training. To have the pure, raw
experience of seeing your own mind - that and nothing else.”
Exercise 2: Body as Civilization
Purpose: To discover how you are your environment.
“Within this body six feet in length, lies the entire universe.” Buddha
“Yoga is the effort to reestablish the divine or sacred order within the human body itself, within
the totality of what the human being is.” Ch. 4
Begin to connect your living quarters with your own body. Draw an outline of your house, dome,
apartment, room, or whatever your dwelling place may be at the moment. Now determine which
part of the space is the heart center then go from there, plugging each room or area of space into
your chakras. Feel how you ARE your environment. Feel the sacredness of your dwelling space as
contained in each of your chakras. Engage the imaginal realm to transform your dwelling place
into a mythic court reflecting the higher dimensions.
Meditate on the meaning of the following: “The original sacred city is the reflection of the
human being and the human being is the reflection of the temple.”
You can practice this exercise using maps of cities, countries, continents, up to the planet, with
the planet holon to the Mayan interdimensional star map on page 138. Remember: Everything
from your third-dimensional home to the vast reaches of the universe can be located inside
of your body!
Exercise 3: Eight-limbed Character Transformation
Purpose: To understand how you fabricate your character in order to transform it.
Part I: Notice how each thought has a whole set of emotional reactions to it. Experiment to see
how we are like monkeys reacting to thoughts generated by some unseen thought-mart conjuring
dramas, comedies, romances, tragedies, and even horror films. Notice how you are sent certain
thoughts causing your body to have a certain emotional reaction according to your specific
wiring (psychogenetic makeup).
In your journal, make note of how seemingly random triggers might set off a whole emotional
reaction. Try to note the chain reaction of your thoughts and behaviors in response to the trigger.
Now answer the following questions in your journal: Who made or created this automatic
character that you are? What purpose does your personality serve? Note how your personality
is nothing but a compilation of philosophies, concepts and beliefs woven into you at specific
moments in time.
Recognizing all of your particular conditioned thought feedback loops is an important step in
releasing them. If you sincerely do this work, you will soon see how all of your thoughts are
illusory phantoms, which will, in turn, make it tremendously easier to dissolve all thoughtforms
in your meditation, opening you to the cosmic states that you have been longing to return to.
Part II: Read carefully pages 64-67. Study the eight limbs of yoga, as coined by Patanjali in his
classic Yoga Sutras. Now using the template below, craft your program of transformation using
the template of the 8 limbs. The goal is to transform your physical body back into cosmic reality.
How can you use these as a guideline to discipline yourself back to your original perfection?
Exercise 4: Jnana (mind) Yoga Exercise
Purpose: To experience your physical body within the resonant field model.
“To serve the purpose of evolution, the etheric body—the subtle body within the light body
within the dense body—is spirit’s offering to the soul in order for it to be able to evolve beyond
the physical plane.” Ch. 4
Transport yourself to the center of the graphic (Physical Body in Resonant Field Model) as seen
on page 68. Memorize the three resonant fields:
Visualize the gravitational field as the force that causes your body to be coherent and stay
grounded. Visualize the electromagnetic field as the surrounding force that is continuously
pouring out different frequencies of information into each of your senses. Visualize the biopsychic
field as the vertical force field passing through your spinal axis that is continously streaming
through from the higher dimensions into your mind.
Remember from the visualizion exercise in Chapter 1 that the biosphere is the region for
transformation of cosmic energy--this is in accord with the Law of Time and the three resonant
fields. (for more in-depth information regarding the resonant field model, see Earth Ascending)
Once you imprint yourself with the resonant field model, you can use it as a perceptual lens
in which to view the world. Visualize it whenever you need to and see how it informs and
stabilizes you.
Exercise 5: Understanding Aboriginal and Cosmic Awareness
Purpose: To internally realize the AC/CA as the fourth dimensional biological cultural
timing circuits.
Read pages 73-76. Pay close attention to the graphic on p. 75. Study and comprehension of the
AC/CA currents accelerates the advance into the noosphere.
AC (Invisible)—Aboriginal continuity
CA (Manifest)—Cosmic Awareness
Sit up straight (or stand) and breathe evenly in and out. Clear your mind of the thinking
element. Focussing on conscious respiration, direct your breath to your spinal column. Now
cover your left nostril and breath in through your right nostril to energize and activate the
AC current. See this current of internal force winding around your spinal column. This is the
internal force. It contains information that comes to you from the future. It creates the matrix
from which history itself arises.
Now cover your right nostril and breath in through your left nostril to energize and activate the
CA current. See this current of manifest form winding around your spinal column forming a
crossover polarity with the AC current. This current contains information that flows to you from
the past, inclusive of all of the cumulative cultural forms. The CA represents history itself, or the
manifest reality that is built on models of past behavior.
Now feel the continous necessary interaction between the AC and the CA currents weaving
around your spinal column. This can also be understood as a psychogenetic feedback loop
… the continuous interchange between the biologically innate and increasingly elaborated
psychocultural factors.
Now turn your attention to the the other graphic on page 75 “The Two Sides of the Galactic
Brain.” Meditate on how these two components (AC/CA) structure the galactic brain or the
galactic field of intelligence. For more information regarding the AC/CA circuits see Earth
Ascending and the 20 Tablets for the Law of Time.
If you want to take this practice one step further: Meditate on how it is that the AC/CA
currents also constitute the regulating mechanism of the psi bank (which coordinates the
noosphere as a supermental organism). Realize the fact that these circuits are also in your own
brain. Identify your deeply cut channels resulting from similar reproduction during centuries of
repeated thought. What are your repeated patterns that no longer serve? Use the practice of the
AC/CA to restore these thought currents to wholeness. Write your experiences and observations
in your journal.
Chapter 5: Sorcerer’s Whole Body Perception and Yoga
Exercise 1: Chakra Plunge
Purpose: To uncover life programs rooted in your chakras.
Consider your seven chakras as constituting a nuclei of your intrinsic life programs. Read
and contemplate page 79 to take a glimpse of what life programs each chakra is associated
with. If you are not already familiar with the chakras, then it is best to first meditate on each
of the chakras, inclusive of its color, location in the body and number of lotus petals. Inhale
and feel the prana or life force feeding each of these chakras with pristine energy. Chakras
are psychoactive generators turning and being fed by streams of prana. Within the prana
or vital breath are the seven radial plasmas. Activate these as they provide the energetic
psychotelepathic fuel. There is no limit to the vast inner worlds that will open to you upon
contemplation of your chakras.
To begin, sit quietly and breathe. Breathe until you sense the etheric body around the physical
body. Breathe prana into the subtle body, which is aligned with the spine. Now, again activate
each of your chakras from the bottom up with the corresponding number of lotus petals as
described on p. 79. Breathe into each chakra and let go, see it growing brighter and brighter in
color. Notice the types of programs stored in each chakra. Record them in your journal.
--Root chakra—Examine your survival programs. Do you feel that you have to struggle to have
your basic needs met? How much time is spent on ensuring your “security”/survival? Meditate
on your red root chakra and see what old security programs you are carrying. Release cloudy gray
programs associated with this chakra and inhale new sparkling red energy into your root chakra.
Know that the highest programs are being infused and extending out to all beings.
--Secret chakra—Examine your views and beliefs about sexuality. What is the cosmic purpose
of sex? What old beliefs or ideas do you hold about your own sexuality? In what ways do you
channel your precious life force? Many unconscious programs are stored in this chakra awaiting
your reflection. Release cloudy gray programs with the out breath and then inhale luminous
orange energy into your secret chakra. Know that the highest programs are being infused and
extending out to all beings.
--Solar Plexus—Examine your beliefs about power. What is power? What do you know about
your own power? How do you use your power? Identify all third-dimensional attachments or
power struggles that keep you from experiencing the grand hook-up to the big power circuit.
Release sticky gray attachment programs with the out breath and then inhale radiant yellow
energy into your solar plexus. Know that the highest programs are being infused and extending
out to all beings.
--Heart chakra—Examine your own capacity for selfless compassion. Identify all programs of
selfishness that keep you from extending love and service to others. Make an honest assessment
of your capacity for joy. How can you extend your heart out to all that lives touching them with
rays of compassion? Release all murky resentments and selfishness with the outbreath and then
inhale bright shiny green energy into your heart chakra. Know that the highest programs are
being infused and extending out to all beings.
--Throat chakra—Examine thoroughly your speech. How do you say things? What do you talk
about? Do you talk incessantly, compulsively? Do you use your voice to communicate from
your heart your true feelings, or do you use words as a shield to cover over your insecurity?
Is your voice kind and melodious sounding, or do you talk rapidly, anxious to say as much as
possible. What do you use your voice or power of communication for? Release all idle chatter
and nervous talk and inhale cool soothing blue energy into your throat chakra. Know that the
highest programs are being infused and extending out to all beings.
--Third Eye—Examine your views regarding psychic phenomenon. What do you know about
your powers in this area? What have you experienced? The whole system is directly knowable
through the sixth sense or mind, which is the supersensory mode of knowing or experiencing.
Release the need to “try and figure it all out” and inhale indigo energy into your third eye chakra.
Know that the highest programs are being infused and extending out to all beings.
--Crown chakra—Examine capacities for enlightenment that need to be activated. Identify all
types of mind games that you may play with others or with yourself. Release all head-trips and
rote thinking and inhale luminous violet energy into your crown chakra. Know that the highest
programs are being infused and extending out to all beings.
Exercise 2: Exercising the Seven Radial Plasmas
Purpose: To discover telepathic programs embedded in the plasmas.
“Within the prana, or the vital breath are the different primary plasmas, known as the seven
radial plasmas…Once consciously breathed in, these plasmas may be directed to different
chakras, where they provide the energetic psychotelepathic fuel.” Ch. 5
Read and contemplate p. 80-81 carefully. Meditate on each of the seven radial plasmas as being a
specific telepathic message unit. (It is also helpful if you have a 7:7::7:7)
The seven plasmas constitute the most primary microelectric quanta building blocks of universal
structures, such as atoms, but also as carriers of types of information. See if you can discover
what types of information they carry. The first three units: Dali, Seli and Gamma correspond to
the sensory “outer” quanta or the phenomenal realm. The middle unit, Kali is the corresponding
link between the sensory and telepathic quanta, and the remaining three units: Alpha, Limi and
Silio are the telepathic “inner” quanta.
These seven plasmas are the key to your third-to-fourth dimensional hook-up. With
concentrated and focused meditation, you will feel the power of each of the plasmas surge
through you in waves of liquid light-heat, opening you to the vast realm of the electronic
universe. After imprinting each of the radial plasmas into each of the chakra centers, meditate
them overlayed onto the petals of the chakras.
Meditate on the higher dimensional telepathic programs contained in each of the radial plasmas
located in your chakras. Meditate on these in correlation with the previous life-program chakra
Seli/Root Chakra--Higher telepathic powers that reinforce your luminous connection with the
earth as a living organism, roots you to the octahedral core of the Earth.
Kali/Secret Chakra--Higher telepathic powers of the “inner sun” the solar programs that
connect the activation of your sexual energy (life force) with the sun itself, connecting your
sensory and telepathic programs.
Alpha/Throat Chakra—Double Extended Electron which contains powers of telepathic
communication or capacities that might also be connected to the star Sirius.
Gamma/Third Eye Chakra—Contains the inner light of the higher telepathic psychic wisdom;
the ability to know the whole as it is directly emanating from the Hunab Ku.
Dali/Crown Chakra—Pure psychic heat that contains higher telepathic powers that open you to
the intrinsic bliss of the higher universal life. Associated with the Ominidirectional source.
Root of root chakra—Contains higher telepathic powers of all the coordinating forces of cosmic
consciousness gathered like a seed at the center of the Earth.
Crown of Crown chakra—Contains various thought or meditation waves of the galactic brain.
Can only be accessed with highly focused, directed effort.
Exercise 3: Imprinting Harmonic Module/Tzolkin
Purpose: To cultivate prolonged concentration and continuing consciousness, which is
fundamental to experiencing sorcerer’s whole body perception.
Clear your mind of all thoughts and carefully examine the 260-unit Harmonic Module/Tzolkin
on page 87 of this workbook. Notice the 52 shaded units, known individually as galactic activation
portals and collectively as the Loom of Maya. (For more information about this, see The Mayan
Factor). Examine the dot-bar notation 1-13 that fills each of the 260 units. Notice the 20 glyphs
on the left hand side.
Stare at this pattern for a prolonged period, allowing its harmonic patterns to sear into your
brain. Do your best to etch as many details as possible into your mind, knowing that soon you
will be asked to recall it. Remember this is a practice to increase your concentration and enhance
your continuing consciousness. Your success is according to your mental exertion.
Now put the graphic away and go for a walk, rest or do something else for a while. When you
are ready, test your memory. Call up the image of the Harmonic Module in as much detail as
possible. What do you see in your mind’s eye? Can you recall where the 7 Serpent is located?
Can you visualize what number and glyphs are in each of the four corners? Can you see which
seal and tone each of the 52 GAP days are? Give yourself time to recall. Be patient. After you
have recalled as much as you can, flip to the graphic and study it again. You will inevitably notice
new things, patterns or have new insights.
Continue this exercise every day until you can easily call forth the Harmonic Module on the
screen of your mind. This builds the power of continuing consciousness, which is the prerequisite
for sorcerer’s whole body perception, leading to time travel.
Exercise 4: Pranic Current Alignment
Purpose: To bring the imaginal realm into contact with the phenomenal realm.
Assume your favorite Hatha yoga pose (or just sit in proper meditation form). Quiet your mind
of all thoughts. Do not try. Just stop. Now breathe deeply, inhale, hold and exhale in equal
measure. Keeping the mind clear, focus on the central column of your spine. Allow pranic
currents to naturally align. Hold this for a few moments.
Now breathe and activate each of the chakras, inclusive of its radial plasma. See the wheels of
each chakra spinning simultaneously. Coordinate your etheric body by activating the double
helix AC/CA circuits as practiced in exercise 5 in chapter 4. Feel the double helix as two
interweaving strands weaving around your central column (spine). Continue to view the chakras
spinning while the double helix is weaving.
Know that this double helix AC/CA circuit is a cosmic memory template, grounding the
imaginal realm in the phenomenal realm.
Keep everything spinning and moving in pristine clarity so that you can actually see divine
sparks of prana flying out renewing each of your chakras. (Through telepathic attunement, you
are aligning your etheric body with your physical body, bringing your entire being into balance,
which activates the AC/CA cosmic memory templates). This is the first step in grounding the
imaginal realm into the phenomenal realm.
Exercise 5: Dance of the Planet Holon
Purpose: To connect your body with the planet body, feeling yourself as an archetypal
reflection of higher cosmos.
Your body is a temple and its movements are a reflection of the original sacred order of the
higher cosmos. Contemplate the following question: How are the functions of nature reproduced
in the microcosm of the human body?
In order to practice whole body sensing, you must first become familiar with the planet holon
and the categories of whole body experience and pages 85-86. Study carefully the spiral
movement of the Planet holon beginning with the Dragon, Wind, Night, etc. Notice which
chakra each of the Solar Seals are in. With this pattern firmly imprinted, partake in the Dance of
the Planet Holon with the purpose of making your senses coextensive with the planet so that you
experience yourself in relation to the planet body.
If you so desire you can tape record a guided meditation for each of the glyphs and include music
or drum in the background to dance to. Be creative and feel the transformative quality of the
Dance of the Solar Seals. Make your own dances weaving together each of the 13 tones. Have
fun. Be creative. And work it out.
Feel into the Red Dragon—Becoming the nurturing Dragon that gives birth to new being—
Really feel into this primal quality and power to birth a new reality.
Now become the White Wind—Let the invisible light breath of spirit blow through you. Breathe
consciously and deeply, surrender and allow spirit to communicate you!
The Blue Night arrives filling you with dreams of the Most High. Move to the beat of the night
and allow yourself to be transformed as you are showered with intuition in abundance.
Now you are the Yellow Seed, flowering and ripening, feel your body/mind grow and expand in
awareness toward the target of the sun—solar consciousness.
Now slither and slide—You are the Red Serpent, and survival is your guide. Let Instinct take
over and feel the initiatic Life-force penetrate your passionate dance.
Now you are the White Worldbridger uniting Heaven and Earth in your dance of death.
Creating opportunity as you glide through the worlds, equalizing and refining—you are the
death-less one.
Swirling and twirling you transform into the Blue Hand.. With a feeling for healing, you show
what you know as you are the dance of Accomplishment.
Bursting on the scene you are the elegant Yellow Star. Twinkling and glowing you create beauty
on all worlds—your dance is the meaning of art.
Chapter 6: Origins and Meaning of Life: What is Cosmic Science?
Exercise 1: Critical Thinking/Science
Purpose: To gain an understanding of the basis of Western Science and what it has to do
with you.
When studying any kind of science it is important to continuously ponder the following questions:
What is examining?
What is consciousness?
Can you examine something without consciousness?
Ponder these questions thoughtfully and write your reflections in your journal. What do you
know about Western science and how does it impact you personally? Does this dominant
Western science begin with acknowledging the existence of mind and consciousness? What types
of people are the “most well noted” scientists? Would you trust a scientist who cannot control
his/her thought waves? Does Western science consider extraterrestrial intelligence? What is the
human being? How does Western science view the role of the human being?
Contemplate how Western science creates theories such as the Big Bang. Do these theories
acknowledge any kind of creative intelligence? Where did the material for the explosion of the
Big Bang come from in the first place?
Contemplate how matter arises in the world of form. Through application of Cosmic Science,
we can find out. Why do we want to? Because then we can begin to understand this and in
understanding this we can uncreate polluting technologies, eliminate toxic waste, dissolve
bombs and guns and erase disease from the planet. Reflect on these themes and write about it in
your journal.
Exercise 2: Your Body as a Tuning Fork
Purpose: Visualization/To understand your senses as a multi-frequency radar system.
Visualize yourself as a medium or transduction agent. You are a link, a cosmic chain of
transformative actions of cycles and processes. Knowing this, how can you make the best use of
your time while on this Earth?
Visualize the different cycles of transformation going through you. What are you facilitating by
living? Visualize the system of life in your body. Can you make a graphic of this system? How do
you experience your intelligence? How can you use your intelligence to clear the history channel
and input the New Time?
Now visualize yourself sitting at the center of the sun. Just be there and allow the radiant light
to purify and fill you with lucid awareness. You are absorbing the direct energy from the sun.
Allow the intensity of the heat to increase. Every cell in your body is receiving and bathing in
this glorious light that is continuosly growing brighter and brighter. Know that this lumonisity
is purifying your being making you a crystal clear tuning fork for the Earth. Let the sun’s energy
invigorate you and fill your channel and all of your etheric nervous fibers with pure, luminous
solar energy.
Now come back to Earth and adjust your self-perceptions to that of a “solar recharge battery.”
Using the sun’s energy, realize that your senses are actually a multifrequency radar system. This
means that if you actually take the time, especially in a quiet room or out in nature, you will
be able to tune into the entire spectrum of solar-galactic frequencies, which actually flood the
Learn to listen to the silence and feel all of its textures. When you look, really take the time to
see and experience the phenomenal number of modulations of color and light that fill the field
of vision. Taste the taste in your mouth. Feel all the nuances of what it is to taste yourself. Take a
deep inhalation and smell. Whatever it may be, feel all of the different gradations of odor. Touch
the palms of your hands and extended fingers to each other, pressing not too hard, but enough so
that you can really feel your skin touching itself. What is this? Everything that you experience,
all the gradations of every sense organ are modulations of solar-galactic frequencies and energies.
If you still your mind while you do any of these sensory experiements, see if you can feel the
messages being communicated. Write them in your journal.
“The purpose of the creation of the human being is to create a highly evolved and intricate
medium, not only to act as a vehicle of cosmic intelligence, but as a conduit for ever evolving
consciousness and spirit.” Ch. 6
Exercise 3: Nature Field Trip
Purpose: To learn to see the patterns of life by first perceiving the patterns of nature.
Go out into a wooded nature area. While sitting in nature read and contemplate page 102: The
Holonomic Equation. How many patterns can you can find—large and small? Contemplate
the patterns. Every last detail is saturated with holonomic consistency. Remember how simple
life actually is. Write your reflections in your journal. What do these patterns teach you about
yourself? About the Earth? About the cosmos?
Remember that you could not learn from nature if there were not patterns and “you couldn’t
recognize the patterns if there weren’t some kind of intelligible process within your own
neurocerebral make-up.” Sketch some of the patterns you see from the rocks to the trees to the
leaves. Nature will greatly reward you for your sincere appreciation of her.
Exercise 4: Viewing the Machine World/Technosphere
Purpose: To understand the deeper implications of the machine/money dominated
consensual reality.
“The machine seems to have transformed the human being into an artificial creature with
increasing dependence on other forms of life, particularly on the machine.” Ch. 6
Lift yourself above the Earth and visualize the technosphere, inclusive of all of its various kinds
of machines and engineering processes for facilitating machines, including automobiles, cell
phones, computers, tricks, bombs, freeways, appliances, skyscrapers, etc. See how many you can
think of. Write a list in your journal. Now contemplate all the ways that humans are dependent
on the machine world. How many millions of people drive cars, use computers, watch television
and wear a watch, etc. Think of every hour of the day of which machines are being employed.
Contemplate what kind of an effect this has on consciousness. Contemplate how we now have a
virtual reality unified planetary being hologram, but an unconscious one, that mindlessly walks
through malls, airports, grocery stores and even down the street, apparently talking to itself on a
cell phone, or worse yet a wireless headset cell phone. What is this about? What is the purpose of
this? Write your reflections in your journal. Now imagine if all or a good portion of these gadgets
dissolved and the humans had their time and energy freed up to think and imagine.
Now turn your attention to money. How is money dependent on the machine? Doesn’t it take a
machine to print money? Then you get your money by pushing a few buttons on what is known
as an ATM machine. Isn’t this strange? Take this one step further and trace the history of the
dollar bill from the Federal Reserve System. For example, when the Federal Reserve Bank prints
a new $20 bill where does it go next? What path does it take to end up in your pocket when you
put the card in the ATM machine?
Exercise 5: Three-in-one Exercise
Purpose: To recognize yourself as a three-part entity.
“Art is how the fourth-dimensional uses the third-dimensional body to bring it into harmony
with the fifth-dimensionally.” Ch. 6
Get a pen, paintbrush, crayon, colored pencil, chalk and a white piece of paper, practice drawing
and making a perfect circle. Just this. Visualize that the hand that is holding the drawing
instrument is your third-dimensional body. The hand that is holding the picture of the imaginal
form of the circle is your fourth-dimensional body. The fifth-dimensional light body is the one
who is providing the superior coordinating of the fourth-dimensional visual projection and the
third-dimensional hand making the drawing of the circle. The more perfect the circle, the more
coordinated your three bodies are. Experiment with different shapes.
Chapter 7: Triple Universe Model
Exercise 1: Identifying Belief Systems
Purpose: To recognize how your belief systems create the world you live in.
“What you tend to repeat on a daily basis to create a semblance of reality constitutes your belief
system.” Ch. 7
Read pages 119-121. In your journal, make a diagram of the seven-day week (it is best to use
the 13-Moon calendar and begin with Dali). Make each box big enough so that you can write
in it. Now write in the main activities that you engaged in over the past week in as much
detail as possible—even down to your grocery shopping. Remember that everything you do is
a reflection of your belief system. You are merely reducing your belief system in its duration of
time to the concept of the seven-day week that is usually repeated over and over again.
Now look over the list. Is it at all similar to the described consensual model of reality explained
on pages 119-120? Ask yourself why you did each of the activities. Record the answers in your
journal. How much of your activities were obligatory? How many of your activities benefit the
whole of humanity? The planet? Look at all of your activities objectively and ask: What type of
belief would a person have to have to do ….? For example, if you work at a job that you do not
like but feel obligated to for survival—what type of belief is this? Remember: The more material
a belief, the more erroneous it is.
If you are not entirely happy with the world model that you have constructed and are now living
in, don’t worry, you can change it if you want to—but only if you are willing to do deep inner
work to transform your belief systems. The first step is discovering the belief systems that you are
now operating with. Your physical world and body will certainly change as you work at changing
your beliefs. But not before.
Exercise 2: Imprinting the Triple Universe Model
Purpose: To become conscious of the always existing Triple Universe Model in your day-to-
day operation. This understanding will expand the parameters of what you perceive.
First, when contemplating the different models of reality, it is helpful to keep the following three-
step process in mind:
Pull out the black and white Triple Universe model from page 95. Read through it, then get out
your colored pencils or magic markers and color it in creatively so as to imprint the information
into your being.
Read carefully pages 121-125. If you are a serious student, you may want to write out all of
the categories of the three universes in a creative format in your journal. This way, you can
contemplate them in a different layout form, which will unlock further perceptions.
While doing the exercise contemplate the following questions and record the answers in your
journal. How do you organize what you experience in the phenomenal realm? Is what you
know merely a function of your sense perceptions? Are thoughts produced by sensations? Or
are sensations produced by thoughts? What do parallel worlds have to do with the phenomenal
universe? What does hunger have to do with the imaginal realm? What does PAN have to do
with the moral universe? How do the Phenomenal, Imaginal and Moral universes relate to the
Synchronic Order? These are just a few suggestions, see if you can think of more.
Exercise 3: Triple Universe Model in Action
Purpose: To make the Triple Universe Model real for you.
After you have thoroughly studied the Triple Universe Model, go spend a few hours at a busy
time in a public place (such as a shopping mall, restaurant, sporting event or another crowded
people place). Take your journal and sit somewhere where you can observe the scene. Is there an
order or pattern? In your observation, consider each of the three Universes.
First, consider the Phenomenal Universe. What do your senses take in at this public place?—
Note in your journal any smells, noises, conversations. Are the people experiencing pleasure?
Pain? Is there music playing? If so, what kind? Is there more than one sound system that you can
hear? How many people are on cell phones?
Now move to the Imaginal Realm and consider what the mall represents at a mythic level. Some
kind of artificial materialist utopia? What does this have to do (if anything) with the spirit and
soul? If this is a collective hologram, then consider where it is being projected from and for what
purpose? Does it appear that the mall shoppers remember that this is all a dream?
Now slide into an observation of the Moral Realm. What seems to be mall “etiquette” or rules
and norms of conduct? What kind of manners or social education are the people displaying? Is
wisdom the highest social value? If not, what is or what seems to be? Does it appear that anyone
is questioning the nature of reality? What feeling are you left with after leaving the mall?
You can continue to observe and reflect as many of the categories in the Triple Universe Model
as you like. This is a fascinating study that you are sure to enjoy! After this, go to the beach or
somewhere in nature away from habitations and sit there for the same amonunt of time. Observe
the difference and write your observations.
Exercise 4: Crafting your Own Code of Ethics
Purpose: To evaluate your moral beliefs and create parameters in which to operate in the
world in order to achieve the highest way of conduct.
“Once a human being establishes itself with a code of ethics, then it can develop deeper levels of
insight.” Ch. 7
“If the purpose of life is to save and cultivate your soul, what is the best code of ethics to follow?
What is the best way to behave in all situations?” Ch. 7
Read pages 129-142 regarding the moral universe. You will be making your own moral wavespell
code of ethics. Study different codes of conduct from the different traditions. Remember that
a code of ethics revolves around the purpose of life and helps give definition and a criterion for
your conduct. Choose different precepts or quotes that represent the ideal conduct that you
wish to live. Write all of these down. Then choose the 13 that most appeal to you and create
your own Universal code of conduct to live by. Choose very carefully as this is a reimprinting/
programming process, so make sure the codes reflect your highest ideals. Let these codes lead
your thoughts into higher channels. Remember that to really deconstruct old thoughtforms you
must insert something new to replace it. Think how each of these “codes” informs your conduct
in different situations.
Exercise 5: Memorization Test
Purpose: To alter conditioned reflexes by inserting a new program.
Memorize the Dzogchen Self Replicating Cosmology of Enlightened Meditation 0-19 code as
constructed by Valum Votan.
“The value of seeing the Absolute as already complete is that it reorients our perceptions to the
already existing perfection of the Second Creation.”
1. Dragon: The Compassion for sentient beings has “already been performed since the
beginning.” Dragon nurtures compassion for all beings.
2. Wind: The Mandala has “already been laid out since the beginning.” Wind
communicates spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of the original cosmic order.
3. Night: The Offering (puja) has “already been made since the beginning.” Night dreams
abundance heaped up as the limitless offering to the Divine One.
4. Seed: The Spiritual Conduct has “already been done since the beginning.” Seed targets
the flowering of intrinsic awareness as the basis of Spiritual Conduct.
5. Serpent: The Dzogchen View has “already been realized.” Serpent manifests the view of
cosmic life force as the self-realized instinct of original mind.
7. Hand: The Covenant has “already been kept.” Hand accomplishes the self-existing
covenant binding all knowledge for the healing of the World Soul.
8. Star: The Spiritual Practice (sadhana) has “already been accomplished.” Star Beautifies
the spiritual practice as the Elegance of Enlightenment.
9. Moon: The Attainment (siddhi) has “already been acquired.” Moon purifies the
universal water of all the siddhis placing them in the flow of all mind-streams.
10. Dog: The twofold Accumulation of Merit has “already been completed.” Dog shares love
universally as the accumulation of merit, both for himself and for all beings.
11. Monkey: The Attainment (siddhi) has “already been granted.” Monkey’s magic is in
your being as all of the siddhis ready to dispel lower illusion whenever necessary.
12. Human: The highest Degree (bhumi) has “already been ascended to.” Human, uplifted
to the highest Degree, dispenses wisdom impartially from atop the ladder of free will.
13. Skywalker: The Empowerment (abisheka) has “already been received.” Skywalker
explores space as the empowerment of all-abiding wakefulness.
14. Wizard: The Obscuration has “already been cleared.” Wizard, enchanted by timelessness,
is incapable of being obscured by anything.
15. Eagle: The Mahamudra (Great Symbol) meditation has “already been accomplished.”
Eagle sees all reality as a sign of enlightenment.
16. Warrior: The Mantra has “already been recited.” Warrior’s intelligence is in the sacred
syllables that are recited through him.
17. Earth: The Union-Practice has “already been done.” Earth, the indivisibility of all-
evolving time and consciousness, is the Synchronicity (union-practice) of knower and
18. Mirror: The Distraction has “already been overcome.” Mirror reflects reality perfectly
without distortion or distraction.
19. Storm: The Sign of Success has “already appeared.” Storm catalyzing energy is the
success of the field needing the rain.
20. Sun: The Heat of Meditation “has already been generated.” Sun enlightens life as the
universal fire of self-generating meditation.
Additional exercises:
Make up creative ways to contemplate the different moral universe models on pages 137-142.
For example, on page 138, you find the Mayan Interdimensional Star Map. This will tune you
into the fact that we live in an actual spiritual structure. This aids in the establishment of a type
of spiritual/mental environment for our soul and our body so that we can gauge our movement in
time. This is the natural structure of the imaginal universe. Always remember to take everything
back to the microcosm of your own body so that you really feel the connection.
Also, study the Avatar’s Wheel of Time. See how it corresponds with the eight precepts of the
Wheel of the Law in Buddhism, which also ties in with the moral universe. Are there other
eights you can plug in here? How is history itself a reflection of the movement and pattern of the
moral universe?
“The purpose of the new models of reality and stages presented in the Cosmic History is to assist
you through the stages of evolution—so that you can wake up and remember why you are here.”
Ch. 7
Chapter 8: Cosmology of Time—The Four Pillars
Exercise 1: Imprinting the Four Pillars
Purpose: To become conscious of the always existing Four Pillar Model in your day-to-day
operation. This understanding will expand the parameters of what you perceive.
“The Four Pillars graphic is an archetypal image meant to be meditated on in order to begin to
experience and allow all those different levels of reality that are contained in your psychobiology
to have expression and be brought forth into greater consciousness.” Ch. 8
Pull out the black and white Four-Pillar model from page 96. Read through it, then get out your
colored pencils or magic markers and color it in a creatively coherent form so as to imprint the
information into your being.
Read carefully pages 146-155. If you are a serious student, you may want to write out all of
the categories of each of the four pillars in a creative format in your journal. This way, you can
contemplate them in a different layout form, which will unlock further perceptions.
While doing the exercise, keep in mind that four is the number of form. Consider the following
statements and record observations and answers to questions in your journal:
1. History: What does it mean that history is the form and structure that makes the other
three pillars possible? Why is this?
2. How are different levels and orders of your life scientifically organized? Can you think of
ways in which different orders of the universe are scientifically structured?
3. Philosophy: What is the highest philosophy of life? Is this the philosophy that you live
by? What is the highest philosophy of the universe? (Remember that ethics, morality and
issues of logic are also related to philosophy, as is mathematics.)
4. Religion: Think of the original purpose of religion, which simply means, “to bind back
to one.” What are your feelings about religion? Is there a difference between personal
religion and organized religion? Write down your vision of Universal Religion.
Exercise 2: Becoming the UR Dome
Purpose: To embody the four pillars through the four-pillar yoga pose.
(For best results, first thoroughly study four pillars graphic). Stand up straight. Now bend forward
until your hands are flat on the ground (or as far as your current level of flexibility permits).
Now arch your body up, with the intention of becoming the UR dome. Your spine is the rope of
prophecy and revelation. Your arms and legs are the four pillars.
Your right arm is the first pillar: Cosmic History—Path of Knowledge of Time.
Your left arm is the second pillar: Cosmic Science—Path of Unitive Knowledge.
Your left leg is the third pillar: Cosmic Philosophy—Path of Wisdom.
Your right leg is the fourth pillar: Cosmic Religion—Path of the Mystic Way.
Feel each of the paths unfold into a set of stairs, with seven steps each. Each of the stairs contain
one of the steps for that path. For example, let your left arm hang and feel a staircase with
seven steps emerging, leading from your hand up to your shoulder. Imagine the different facets
of knowledge written on each step. Though the list is endless, you can begin by using the steps
shown in the four pillars graphic. Expand the amount of steps if you so desire. Do this for each of
your limbs.
Congratulations! You have become the UR dome embodying the highest art of universal peace,
universal human fellowship and harmonic cosmocracy. You are the living transcription of the
higher collective voice!
Exercise 3: Tracing History
Purpose: To understand principles of history in order to up-level your own awareness and
consciousness about the world.
“Everything is Cosmic History or a subset of Cosmic History.” Ch. 8
“History accounts for the stages of development of any naturally existing phenomenon and is a
value or index in self-reflective consciousness.” Ch. 8
Consider how every person, place or thing has its own specific history. Consider how everything
is programmed to occur at just the right time; not earlier and not later. Choose a subject that
you are interested in and then investigate its history. It is best to choose a relatively limited
subject with a definite history to achieve the aim of this exercise. For example, you might choose
the history of the Internet, history of Tarot cards, history of electricity, or the history of the
Theosophical Society. Note that there are as many histories as there are topics.
Make detailed observations of your study in your journal. Note the stages or progression of your
subject into whatever it is or is not today. Looking at this pattern, can you project what it will
become in the future? For example, if your subject is the history of the Tarot deck, you might ask
questions such as: What was its original purpose? What need in human consciousness brought it
about in the first place? How is it viewed today?
Note how most things become commercialized or profaned the closer you get to the present
moment. What type of conditioned thinking has been formed around this? By what type of
minds? Think about how organization is intrinsic to history. What does this mean? Inevitably,
there are dates and successions involved in its unfolding. Now apply the synchronic order, look
up important dates and view these through the lens of their fourth-dimensional oracle.
Exercise 4: Synesthetic Activation Exercise
Purpose: To understand how two or more terms or thoughts create an alchemical mind shift
unlocking new information and thus revealing the interconnectedness of our world.
Choose one theme from each of the following five categories, so that you are working with five
themes in all. Now write each of the titles in your journal, allowing at least two pages in between.
Meditate for a moment on each title, and then write a short 1-2 page essay on each of the five
themes. Do not lift your pen until you have filled the allotted space. You might be surprised at
what comes out.
Themes to choose from:
1. History of Sight, History of Sound, History of Taste, History of Touch, History of Smell,
History of Extrasensory Perception
2. Science of Sight, Science of Sound, Science of Taste, Science of Touch, Science of Smell,
Science of Extrasensory Perception
3. Philosophy of Sight, Philosophy of Sound, Philosophy of Taste, Philosophy of Touch,
Philosophy of Smell, Philosophy of Extrasensory Perception
4. Religion of Sight, Religion of Sound, Religion of Taste, Religion of Touch, Religion of Smell,
Religion of Extrasensory Perception
5. Art of Sight, Art of Sound, Art of Taste, Art of Touch, Art of Smell, Art of Extrasensory
For added fun and creative expansion, keep a list of unusual subject combinations, like the Smell
of Number or the Color of Dimensions or the Imagination of Magnets.
You might also find it interesting to write short galactic fairy tales based on the 4 pillars and the
20 solar seals. Example: The History of the Wind, The Philosophy of the Mirror, The Religion of
the Dragon, or the Art of the Sun, etc…
Exercise 5: UR Activation Exercises: Creating Ceremony
Purpose: To release the highest energy into the noosphere, activating the field of Universal
Recollection for all.
Set aside some time when you will be alone and undisturbed for a given duration. It is
recommended to first do this ceremony alone in order to keep the mind field focused and pure.
For maximum efficiency, first make a detailed outline of your ceremony, inclusive of a statement
of intention. The main goal is to activate the highest unified vision of UR as the ultimate
spiritual simplification of the human race, which is the primary Universal Recollection/Universal
It is recommended to use the Four-Part Cosmology of Cosmic History on page 147 as a template
for your ceremony. The cosmology includes View, Meditation, Conduct and Fruit.
View: For this exercise, the view is Planet Earth and all of her inhabitants. You might want to
begin your ceremony by lighting candles, incense etc. and stating aloud your intention. You will
be heard.
Meditation: Contemplate the view and use your focused power of meditation to single pointedly
envision all of the people on our planet (you can later expand out but for the sake of focus we
will stick to the planet that we now inhabit). Really see all of these people in their day to day
lives. Imagine what their living conditions might be. Feel with compassion their sufferings. It is
helpful to have a world map out in front of you in order to help with this meditation.
Conduct: You may want to create certain affirmations of healing and remembrance to speak
aloud to all of the people of the world. Send them thoughts of care and compassion.
Fruit: Now imagine all people of the world in a state of supreme cosmic awareness. Pure
bliss. All troubles and obscurations have been removed. Form a detailed picture of how all of
this looks: the sick become healed, all weapons dissolved, all anger disappears into the joy of
creation. See in detail everyone and the entire Earth becoming entering the community of
galactic intelligence. Remember that all of your envisioning creates a telepathic template that
gets deposited into the noosphere.
Chapter 9: SUM Model
Exercise 1: Sphere of Influence
Purpose: To purify your mind stream in order to perceive new models of reality.
In your journal, draw a circle. Now draw a triangle in the center of the circle to represent the
3-part entity that you are. (See pages 114-115) One point of the triangle represents your third-
dimensional being, one is your fourth-dimensional being and the last is your fifth-dimensional
being. Now create various rays extending from the circle and write in brief answers to the
following questions.
First think about all of the people who are currently in your life. In what ways do they influence
your thinking and behavior? Think of what books you are currently reading and subjects that
you are presently drawn to. What ideas are you currently contemplating? What is your living
environment like? What foods/substances do you put into your body on a regular basis? What
type of music do you listen to? Do you watch television or see movies? If yes, what kinds of
programs do you view? Include anything else that you feel is relevant to get a full picture of your
current “sphere of influence.” This should prove as a most useful template of self-reflection for
In looking over your sphere of influence—how much of it is useful for the evolution of your
body/mind/spirit? Consider what type of influence each person or thing has in your overall
attitude or mental environment. How can you uplift your field of influence? Make notes of any
observations you find.
Exercise 2: Imprinting the SUM Model
Purpose: To become conscious of the always-existing Simultaneous Universe Model in your
day-to-day operation.
“Focused study of the SUM model as well as the other Cosmic History models of reality is
actually intended to help restructure our mind and knowing into larger comprehensive whole
system orders of reality.” Ch. 9
Pull out the black and white Simultaneous Universe Model from page 97. Read through it, then
get out your colored pencils or magic markers and color it in so as to imprint the information
into your being.
Read carefully pages 160-169. If you are a serious student, you may want to write out all of the
categories of each of the dimensions--highlighting the inner and outer organizational codes--
in a creative format in your journal. This way, you can contemplate them in a different layout
form, which will unlock further perceptions.While doing the exercise, contemplate the following
questions and record the answers in your journal.
First, contemplate the fact that everything that has ever happened, is happening or will
happen can be mapped and pinpointed in the radial matrix of the fourth dimension. Study
and contemplate the function of each of the seven dimensions as seen in the graphic. Then
contemplate the mirror universe dimensions (8-13) as described in Cosmic History. Write
all observations in your journal. Where are the dimensions located? Are they outside of this
universe? Are they within it? What does it mean that the seventh dimension is a mirrorless
Exercise 3: Exploring Radial Forms
Purpose: To further understand the perfect symmetry of creation.
Read pages 158-160. Begin by first contemplating the radial form of a tree with its trunk being
the center. Do the same for plants, animals and insects or anything else seen in nature. You may
want to make some sketchings in your journal.
Now contemplate the bilateral symmetry of humans. Meditate on what it means that your
human form is the embodiment of the universal design formula. Consider in what ways your
body is bilateral and radial. See what forms you can construct just by moving and connecting
your different bodily parts? How many forms can your body create, separated or touching each
other in different ways? How are you a circle? How are you a cube? A triangle? A square? These
are the fundamental building blocks or form patterns. How many structures or mathematical
formulations do you actually need to create the universe?
Now, turn your attention to Cosmic History. Feel how it lies down the central imaginal core of
all phenomena. How, then, can you experience yourself as Cosmic History? If your spine and
central nervous system are the core fields of Cosmic History, then the nerves extend to all parts
of your body. Each part of your body contains different levels of knowledge. Ask questions to
your different body parts. For example: “Right foot, what is your higher dimensional function?”
or “Heart, how can I perceive your function in a higher way?” or “Right elbow, what area of
knowledge do you represent?” Really question your body. It is helpful to draw your body as a map
of knowledge. Make several radial body maps if you like.
Exercise 4: Accessing Your Astral Movies
Purpose: To realize how clarity, attentiveness and choice contribute to manifesting your
“highest astral movie.”
After you have sufficiently studied the SUM graphic and read pages 170-171, you may be excited
to find ways to trigger your highest astral movie. You can begin right now. The first step, of
course, is to clean up your life and mind. Remember that each moment of decision potentiates
the quality of the astral movie that will play out in the next moment. To access the highest
movies, stay alert and keep choosing the highest response!
Over a period of a week, do the following experiment (you may want to keep your journal with
you at all times): Every time that you are confronted with any type of decision or reaction (no
matter how small it may seem), see if you can stop yourself in the moment in order to access
the highest form of action, or nonaction. If you keep a journal of those moments and study the
patterns, you will soon notice your entire reality shifting in a beautiful direction. Having seen for
yourself the results of this experiment, vow to make every effort to continue this in your day-to-
day life.
This concentrated effort of positive change will spontanously open you into higher dimensions.
Remember that all of the dimensions are already present here and now. However, the higher
dimensions are only knowable through the mind, which is the medium of consciousness (just as
space is the medium of the mind).
Exercise 5: Understanding the Electronic Universe
Purpose: Beginning contemplations for interdimensional travel.
“The fifth dimensional entity monitors both the living substance of life as well as the energetic
component of pure atomic molecular life.” Ch. 9
First, spend some time contemplating your three-part entity: third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional.
Invoke your fifth dimensional, which is a purely electronic being. Consider the following
question: What is electricity in the higher realms? Consider what electricity has to do with
interdimensional travel. Consider that this higher-dimensional electricity exists everywhere. If you
focus on this, your ever-present fifth-dimensional will help you to understand.
Now think of the crude third-dimensional types of functions that electricity is used for in the
modern world—like neon lights, elevators, carnival rides, etc. Make a list in your journal. This
will give you a good “machine world” overview.
Consider that every thought form that you have contains an electrical charge. Positive thoughts
contain positive charges. Negative thoughts contain negative charges.
Remember that all thoughforms or created matter have a particular spin. The energy
permutation patterns of each particular spin are stitched together by the sixth dimension.
Now consider that the fifth dimension is purely an electrical construct--every molecule has its
electrical charge. This energy is transferred by electronic resonance to the fourth dimension.
Therefore, the only way to access these higher dimensions is by keeping your third-dimensional
thought forms super positive.
Consider what would happen if we could harness all of the positive electrical charges that fill the
noosphere. Could we construct another reality? Write down your vision of this.
Chapter 10: Noosphere: The New Earth Consciousness
Exercise 1: Interactive Noosphere
Purpose: To raise awareness of the noosphere as the earth’s mental envelope. (All
communication actually comes from the noosphere).
Think about the Internet and make a list of its most useful characteristics and functions, such as:
Consider that when you type in a subject on the Internet, you get huge lists of information or
stories related to the key words—but you can only get the results you desire by typing in very
specific key words. The question is, how can we begin to use our minds in this way without a
machine? Try this first without the Internet and then make an experiment using the Internet.
First, consider the word noosphere. Open your journal to a fresh page and write: “Noosphere is
the total mind of the sum of life on our planet.” Now contemplate the meaning of the noosphere
as the sum repository of all human thought. Focus on it in this way for at least 15 ticks of the
tock—write down everything that comes to you regarding the meaning of the noosphere, based
on whatever level of knowledge that you might have about it. Keep writing down what comes
into your mind until all impressions and ideas naturally stop.
Now go to your computer and type in the word “noosphere” or “what is the noosphere?”
Scan the list. Chances are you will get some relevant information but the rest may be a lot of
commercial hogwash—like noosphere Internet services, noosphere projects, etc. Analyze all of
this—be discriminating. How much useful information did you find? How much unnecessary
information? What do each of these results have to do with the spiritual evolution of our species?
Now compare what you wrote in your journal about the noosphere with what the Internet had to
say about it.
Exercise 2: Interactive Noosphere Part II/Imagining
Purpose: To begin envisioning machine-free mental/spiritual evolution.
Imagine being able to perform all of the services provided by the Internet through your own
mind, communicating with anyone you wish, anywhere in this world or any other world at any
given time. Imagine having instant access to all of the astral libraries on any subject at any given
time. All you have to do is direct your focus and the results are immediate. Describe in detail in
your journal what this world is like.
What stops you from experiencing this now? Are you continuously recycling old thoughts? Do
you have indiscriminate thought overload? If so, clean them out. Is it possible to generate new
thoughts to deposit into the noosphere? Thoughts that we think are new inevitably come from
a higher intelligence. Does this higher intelligence live in a world that has a noosphere? What
types of worlds have noosphere? Which do not?
Only when everyone is living in accord with the natural timing frequency and adhering to a
natural diet is the planetary mental hook-up possible. Why? Because then everyone will be in a
heightened state of mental clarity due to tuning in daily to the same source and by concentrating
on the unifying telepathic codes of time.
Now put on your supermental thinking cap and consider this: If the noosphere has embedded
within it the principles of the Cosmic History then how does the SUM model with its higher
dimensional universe fit in? Does this model transcend the noosphere? Is it possible to think
outside of the noosphere? How many noospheres are there in the mind of God? What does the
reality of the noosphere mean for us on Earth? What implication does it have to know that the
Earth has an actual “thinking layer” that is the sum repository of all thought?
Exercise 3: Busting Through the Brick Wall
Purpose: Clearing the blocks to reveal the higher thinking layers.
Draw a brick wall with 52 bricks. Allow enough space to write a few things in each brick.
Imagine each brick as an individuated storage unit for specific accumulated perceptions
beginning at your Earth birth.
Recall yourself as early back as you can and begin writing in simple beliefs that you were taught
about the world, particularly in the area of God/religion, body/food, money, other people, codes
of conduct, etc. Keep them very simple like: “Hide your feelings.” Donuts are rewards.” “People
are crazy.” “You are smart.” “You are stupid.” “Democrats are better than Republicans.” “Jesus
Christ is Lord.” etc. Just write them down, both “good” beliefs and “bad” beliefs. Just keep going.
Make sure to fill in all 52 spaces. After you have completed this, put it away and then come back
to it a little later.
Now is the time for the brick wall bust-through. Look at your list, as objectively as possible. This
list represents the thick brick in your head that you must bust through in order to clearly access
the noosphere and experience telepathy. These beliefs are the learned responses programmed
into your brain. Keep in mind this brick wall is a microcosm of the collective brick that keeps
reality locked into this particular consensual system. Now think about it. How do these early
programs affect your current behavior and responses? Be honest with yourself. How can you set
yourself up to have different responses in order to dissolve these old beliefs?
Exercise 4: Becoming an Earth Cube
Purpose: To familiarize and gain direct experience of the Earth’s parts.
Turn to the graphic of the Earth’s parts on page 181. Either photocopy from the back of this
workbook (p. 93), or draw a 16-unit grid in your journal. This is your template. It represents
the 16-year Cube of the Law. (For more about this see the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time or the
Notice the numbers and glyphs associated with each of the 16 units. 1. Dragon 2. Wind 3. Night,
etc. Now fill in the 16 main parts of the Earth as seen on page 181. Begin with the outer point
(electromagnetic field) as the first. This means you will write “electromagnetic field” in Cube 1:
Dragon and so on. Here is the cube fill-in formula:
Research the function of each of the parts and make notes in your journal. Try to include as
much detail as possible about its third-dimensional function and its higher-dimensional function.
For example, in the Crystal Core, located in Cube 16--Warrior region, you might write: “Crystal
Core: Gyroscope—keeps sphere moving steadily in its course of orbit. On higher dimensions:
Place where the solar programs are downloaded. Crystal core is an octahedron which has four
faces above and four below, analogous to the psi bank with its bipolar plates.” Don’t forget to
consider the aspects of the Warrior: Question, Fearlessness and Intelligence. Putting all of this
together opens up infinitely creative dimensions.
The key is is to use your creativity to become familiar with the Earth as a living system. If you
really study, you will be amazed at what starts to unravel for you!
Exercise 5: Introducing Yourself to the Psi Bank
Purpose: Reprogramming the human software to become a homo-noosphericus.
Write the following statement in your journal and then commit it to memory:
“The noosphere is the sum capacity for the input of different ranges of sentiency and thought
that occur across the range of life in all of its diversity since the beginning of the evolution of life
on the planet.” Ch. 10
Turn to the psi bank graphic on page 94. Really, contemplate that everything that has ever been
thought, said, felt is registered into the psi bank contained in the noosphere.
Recall that you are a thinking, speaking, feeling being—now see that your biological mechanism
or neurocerebral/biological mechanism is merely the literal mouthpiece for the noosphere. Go
back to workbook exercise in Chapter 1 where you kept track of your thoughts. Can you map out
and categorize the varieties of thoughts that you have? See if you can categorize them into as few
categories as possible i.e. Past Worries, Future Projections, Current Absorptions, etc. How many
of these thoughts transcend personal interest? How many thoughts do you feel are coming from
the planet/noosphere’s point of view? Write reflections in your journal.
See that the psi bank operates on both north/south hemispheres, as well as in each of the four
seasons as the Earth revolves around the sun. Make note of the perfection of this form and
recall that the psi bank exists within the noosphere between the Van Allen radiation belts (see
previous ‘Earth Cube’ exercise).
Contemplate the fact that the psi bank regulator is not only a storage unit for all thoughts, but is
also a container for all of the knowledge of the evolutionary timing codes.
Once again, remember that you are evolving into a “homonoosphericus” whose thoughts, words
and actions (electromagnetically directed) are the literal mouthpiece of the noosphere.
Chapter 11: Multidimensional Paranormality and Cosmic Science
Exercise 1: Dreaming Awake
Purpose: To activate dreamtime for increased wakefulness.
“To attain paranormal powers requires exertion, discipline of mind and effort—and even then—
the effort is not to attain powers. “ Ch. 11
One area of multidimensional paranormality that we may take for granted is dreaming. Take into
account that there is another life that you live “over there” when you are fast sleep “over here.”
Learning to become a waking dreamer can do wonders in altering your here-and-now reality.
If you don’t already have one, it is helpful to keep a dream journal in order to be more aware
of your nighttime activity. Record your dreams first thing upon awakening as that is when your
level of retention is at its peak.
Before you go to sleep at night, set the intention to fully recall the other “you.” Say to yourself:
“Not only will I remember my dreams, but also in my dreams I will wake up and be conscious
of myself in the dream.” When you lie down to go to sleep, focus your attention on a luminous
white “A” or “Ah” radiating out from your solar plexus. You may even repeat “Ah” over and over
to yourself while visualizing. This will create a sufficient opening.
If you follow these instructions on a regular basis (minimum 28 days), you will begin to
experience yourself becoming increasingly “awake” in your dreams. When this first happens,
try not to get overly excited, but rather, keep calm and cool, studying, absorbing and observing
this “dream” reality until you get the hang of how it works. Be respectful of whatever “dream”
characters that you may encounter or in whatever “dream” environment that you may find
yourself in. In this way, you will more easily be able to learn, grow and remember on the astral
Exercise 2: Practicing Hypnogic Reverie
Purpose: To begin to experience other realms.
It is best to do this exercise during the day, but when you are a slight bit sleepy. Lie down
somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. Stay as conscious as possible while letting your body
relax. Feel yourself becoming heavier, while keeping your awareness intact. Take special note of
how this state (between waking and dreaming) feels as you will want to become more and more
familiar with it.
You want to find the point or the intermediated state between waking consciousness and
sleep. You may note that there are very rapid streams of images. You might even hear words,
conversations, or sounds. Where are these taking place? Can you make sense of them? Do you
recognize any coherent patterns or forms? Could it be that you have tapped into the noosphere’s
stream of consciousness? Record your observations in your journal—or write a poem or draw a
picture of your experiences. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again—you will eventually get
the hang of it. Practice this state regularly to keep your inspiration flowing.
Exercise 3: Constructing the Cosmic Human
Purpose: To understand the functioning of your etheric structure.
Make a list of what you consider paranormal phenomenon. Study the graphic on page 197
“Chakra Biopsychic Generator.” This represents the interior of the chakra system (see page 71).
Make several large simple outlined drawings of the human body.
Begin constructing the internal system of the new cosmic human. First, draw or make copies of
seven cosmic “citiobarico”cellular plasmic generators. Cut and paste these generators into the
chakras of your outlined human. Once you have all seven in place, you may want to draw an
outline of the chakra with its corresponding color around the internal generator. Once this is
complete, sit quietly and attentively contemplating your cosmic human. Open your senses and
merge your chakra points into these generators—really feel how this works.
The goal is to begin to understand how your inner chakra system and etheric structure functions.
Only when you gain a thorough understanding of your own energy system can you become a
conscious facilitator of the transformation of the planetary mental field.
Please note: Each of the “generators” is also a replica of the “resonant field model” in Exercise 4
in Chapter 4. In looking at the graphic, you can then see that there are 12 “neutrinos” that make
up each of the 3 fields: gravitational, electromagnetic and biopsychic.
Exercise 4: Contemplating Your Mental Spheres
Purpose: Becoming acquainted with the functioning of your six mental spheres.
Read pages 199-201. Observe the graphic on page 199, focussing on the preconscious sphere.
Draw it in your journal. Note its location and function. Keep in mind that the six mental spheres
are connected to the third, fourth and fifth-dimensional functioning. Their function is to provide
the human capacities to link with interdimensional information.
Do you understand what experience is signified by each of the six mental spheres? Consider
“preconscious” as literally the same as deep, dreamless sleep. Though you are not aware, your
bodily autonomic functions are all active. The unconscious is the vast storehouse of dreams
and visions, which only arise when some trigger occurs. The conscious is your normal, every day
waking state. It is literally moment-to-moment. The continuing conscious is cultivated through
the experience of meditation and concentration in conjunction with the system of codes which
define the synchronic order. The superconscious is characterized by those experiences in which
our mind seems to expand far beyond the limitations of our skin and our ego, to encompass
all time and the Universe. These are the glimpses that we have of superconsciousness. Finally,
subliminal conscious is experienced as those peripheral experiences like deja vus, fleeting
flashes of past or future lives.
Notice that at the center of each mental sphere is an aggregate of analphas, electrical fluid
created by the interaction of two partons that give rise to thinking or the capacity to form
thoughts. Call upon your imaginal realm to assist you in creating a graphic of these analphas.
Record any observations that you may have in your journal. What analphic engravings are
playing out of your noospheric chip at this given moment?
Therefore, if you remember something, think of how this memory might actually consist of
a series of “analphs.” Consider what part of the memory that each analph might contain. In
this way, you can be more precise with the questions that you ask yourself about the analphic
Exercise 5: Creating a Power Object
Purpose: You set the intention and create the purpose.
Arouse your imaginal realm. Choose a power object that speaks to you, then create it out of the
most natural items possible, preferrably those found in nature. Set a strong intention for the
object, which could be anything from a galactic wand, a memory stick, a set of 24 runes made
from stones, a communication stick, etc. You could include feathers, stones, crystals, beads, etc.
Be as mindful as possible while creating it. The important point is to let your natural instinct find
the objects for you.
The idea of a power object is that it represents in the imaginal realm a very specific attribute
of mind or mind energy. In other words, it is the mind that endows the object with its powers.
Therefore, everything chosen for the object has to be done with the consciousness of what the
object represents according to the particular mental energy.
If you are successful in remaining conscious about the quality of energy that you are projecting
into the object, then it should be apparent to any sensitive person who picks up that object that
it has powers. Your object will tell you when, where and how to use it.
Chapter 12: Ceremonial Magick
Exercise 1: Circle and the Square
Purpose: To experience the magickal effects of form.
In the same earthen ground, make a square as perfectly as you can, maybe 3 ft by 3ft. Again, see
if you can orient one of the sides to the east so that the other sides are naturally north, west and
south. Sit in the center of this. First, face east and feel the south to your right, the north to your
left and the west to your back. What does it feel like to be sitting in a square? How does it feel
different from sitting in a circle? Is it better protection? What kind of energy does the square
have as distinct from the circle?
Now, face each of the directions--is there any difference between them? What do you feel?
Record or make a drawing of your experiences in your journal.
Exercise 2. Ceremonial Magick of the Noosphere
Purpose: Activating the earth as noospheric time within yourself.
Ceremonial magick is the practice of activating the noosphere. Since the noosphere is
coordinated by the Law of Time, it can be activated both on a daily basis and according to
your own knowledge of who you are in the Dreamspell. In this and the following exercise we
will study the graphic on p. 210. This exercise is an example of everyday ceremonial magick for
transforming the nature of reality.
Do you know the kin of the day? Let’s say, for example, it is Red Lunar Skywalker, kin 93.
Locate Skywalker on the Planet Holon. Can you find it there in the South Atlantic Ocean
between South Africa and the the South East Coast of Brazil and South America? Visualize
that part of the world as if from high above the Earth. Then note that Skywalker belongs to the
Signal earth family, and it is connected to the Solar Plexus chakra.
Now, transfer the visualization of the South Atlantic ocean into your Solar Plexus. Feel that part
of the earth broadcasting through your solar plexus. As you do this, think to yourself: “May the
Skywalker zone of Earth be inseparable from my Solar Plexus, may I become one with the Earth.”
Now, following the daily kin of the Thirteen Moon calendar, you will do this exercise for the next
nineteen days, until you return to the next Skywalker day (or whatever kin it is that you begin
the exercise). Each day do the visualization of that part of the Earth that corresponds to the zone
of the daily kin, locating it in your chakra system. Keep a journal of this exercise, noting any
unusual sensations of the Earth in your chakras.
Also note that each of your five major chakras has four seals, four colors and four directions
associated with it: Red seal (E), White seal (N), Blue seal (W), Yellow seal (S). This means when
you are complete in 20 days, each chakra will have its four directional gates sealed with one of
20 planetary holon zones. That means in 20 days you will have wrapped the planet around your
chakras! The Earth is in you as you are in the Earth. Now think of continuing with this exercise
until 2012 - won’t this help manifest the noosphere into becoming our everyday reality? - and
what will it do to your consciousness?
Exercise 3. Ceremonial Magick of the Noosphere: Part II
Purpose: Taking telepathic ownership of your planet holon zone.
This is the second part of the exercise connected with the graphic on p. 210. While the previous
practice depends on knowing the daily kin, this one depends on knowing to which Earth family
your galactic signature belongs.
Step 1. Knowing your earth family. Whatever solar seal you are - for example, Skywalker - your
earth family is then located as one of the four seals in one of the five horizontal rows on the left
side of the graphic. What this means is that on your birthday you are always rotating through
these four seals (See earlier 52-year destiny exercise). In staying with our example - Skywalker
- note that you are in the Signal family. Locate this also in the Planet Holon. this means that you
are always rotating through the south temperate zones of the Planet Holon.
But also note that, in this example, Skywalker is also a member of the White Truth Clan. But
every year you also change clans. This means that the Signal family, for instance, codes the four
clans in the solar plexus of both your body and the Planet Holon. The point is that in the Planet
Holon the special zone of the Signal family is the south temperate. This is your zone to cherish
and protect through your telepathic “ownership” of it. Wherever your Earth Family is, locate the
zone on the Planet Holon and familiarize yourself with it. Study it, feel its qualities in your solar
plexus or in whichever chakra your Earth Family is located.
Note then your native clan - the clan to which your galactic signature assigns you. In this
example, Skywalker belongs to the White Truth Clan. See the diagonal zone the White Truth
Clan occupies on the planet holon. Note that the Skywalker role is to “receive” the energy as it
comes down from the Dog zone in the North Pole, through the Monkey and the Human who
transduces the energy and Skywalker then receives it. From Skywalker then, the energy is passed
on to the White Wizard in the South Pole completing the energy process of the White Truth clan.
Feel the vital role your particular native zone plays in the Planet Holon, both in the horizontal
Earth Family sequence and in the diagonal Truth Clan sequence. Wherever you find your seal to
be, feel the dynamic of the psychic energy which this zone holds between the two flows.
As an act of enduring ceremonial magick, know that this particular zone with its psychic energy
flows is yours to protect on behalf of the noosphere and the biosphere. Study all you can about
this zone. What problems does it have due to excessive waste and 12:60 mismanagement? Tune
into these and see in what ways you can help through your own service to the planet, both
telepathically and economically. Think that, from where you live, to this zone, there is a constant
telepathic stream of good vibrations that you are sending out.
Exercise 4. Channeling the Seven Rays
Purpose: Experience Hierarchy, Channel the Seven Rays.
Ceremonial magick requires extraordinary suspension of our acquired beliefs. One of these beliefs
relates to the notion of hierarchy.
The 12:60 world has created a false vision of hierarchy - heavy-handed, topdown, autocratic
authoritarian, male-dominated vatican, neo-babylonian priest class corporate power structures,
etc. This is an artificial, ego-centered construct and distorted perception that has nothing to do
with genuine hierarchy.
“Shambhala is organized by hierarchy, moving everything into a total pattern of true New Age
vision. Hierarchy is the normal order of the universe. This is a methodical process. Ceremonial
Magick is scientific in the way it represents an order in conformity with hierarchy and with the
actual natural laws that govern the resonance of the noosphere and the biosphere ... {with this
in mind} ... You must understand your role as a seventh ray actor in the process of making the
transition for the now disintegrated sixth ray civilization into the seventh ray order of ceremonial
magick.” Ch. 12
To understand hierarchy better, think of yourself in relation to the sun. Think of the size and the
grandeur of the sun. Think of yourself physically in relation to the sun. You are a mere cell of
the planetary biosphere. Does the sun know who you are? Does it even care about you? Probably
not. But the sun dispenses its life-giving glory to you in ample and impartial abundance! This is
because the sun is of a higher order of reality than you. This is how genuine hierarchy works. You
are actually a channel for the higher level energy.
Now think of the seven rays as thought beams channeled by the sun from yet a higher level
source, and then channeled to and by you by process of attunement. Now study the graphic on
p. 218. Contemplate each of the seven rays. After you have meditated on each of the first six
rays, ten minutes each, can you feel how the first three rays create a descent into your being?
Can you feel how the fourth ray catalyzes, then there is a process of ascent through the fifth and
sixth rays? Now envision yourself receiving the seventh ray. Envision yourself being initiated as
the planet sorcerer - what would that ceremony be like? This should be an act of the highest
magick possible. Design the ceremony so you can accommodate the influx of the power of the
higher-dimensional hierarchy as it is being channeled directly to you on behalf of the Earth!
Exercise 5. Earth Renewal Rite
Purpose: To create planetary ceremonies in tune with the Earth and unifying all of the
Everything about ceremonial magick as it is being redefined by Cosmic History is to bring about
the empowerment of the planet sorcerer in you. Ultimately all Cosmic History rites of ceremonial
magick extend your perceptions into the Earth, and the Earth into the temple of your inner
being. To accomplish this:
“We must have synchronized ceremonial events occurring regularly to establish a program for
the new planetary order (the seventh ray) to come into being to bring order out of chaos ...
This harmonic order, then, becomes the basis of the cultivation of a new kind of perspective
and mentality of the human species. We need a new planetary sensibility - the way to do this
is through equinox, solstice and Day Out of Time rites and celebrations, so as to establish a
new planetary program. These celebrations are natural, no one can deny when it is equinox or
solstice. These events occur regardless of any ideology, religion or belief system.” (p.220)
You may wish to study the section on Noospheric Earth Time in Time and Technosphere, pp. 125-
132. Keeping in mind that the Earth operates on a four phase cycle annually. When it is spring
in the North it is autumn in the South; when it is winter in the South it is summer in the North.
When it is autumn in the North it is spring in the South; when it is summer in the South it is
winter in the North.
Think about how the Earth is actually always in balance with itself. Think of how this registers
in the four psi bank plates which are aligned to accommodate these four phases. Then consider
how you would design a series of annual interlinked ceremonies for all people of the Earth to
celebrate the harmony and balance of Earth on each of these occasions. In other words, think,
for instance, that a ceremony for spring in the north is a ceremony for autumn in the south - the
spring is looking toward the expansion of life, while the autumn is looking toward the closing of
the life cycle.
Think of how each of the four annual ceremonies should represent the balance of energies and
powers represented by these four points of Earth in her rotation around the “sun king.” Think
of how all the people of the Earth should be made aware of the simultaneity of the opposite
powers occurring at each of these points. Think of these ceremonies as Earth Renewal Rites for
balancing the cosmic powers. Practice these ceremonies with your friends and associates.
Chapter 13: Synthesis: Significance of the Number Seven.
Exercise 1: Seven in the Cube
Purpose: To experience the number seven as a living reality.
Consider the number 7. What do you know about it? What is its significance? Why is seven
considered a lucky number? Start considering and research the prevalence unconsciously or
consciously of the social programs, even in historical materialism related to the number seven.
Begin by listing as many “sevens” as possible: i.e. 7 days of the week, seventh heaven, seven
deadly sins, etc. Consider how this is actually the power of the primordial seven, which is so
indestructible that it survives in all of these other forms.
Now consider that the seven is the invisible center holding together the six-sided cube. Consider
constructing a life size cube that you can sit in. Maybe you can find five pieces of poster board or
four-foot square pieces of cardboard. You can tape three of the sides to the top and to each other.
Leave the fourth side taped to the top but not to the sides so you can go in and out. Sit inside of
the cube, and see what you experience. If it is too dark, perhaps you can bring a flashlight so you
can have a sense of what it is like to be the number seven inside of a cube. Consider that your
heart is at the center of the cube. Note the quality of experience that you have in your journal.
Exercise 2: Unfolding the Power of Seven
Purpose: Realizing a whole number ratio as the basis of a personal cosmology of Seven:
become the Avatar!
Read pages 229-231. See the graphic on p. 231 “4:7::7:13.” You will see that the graphic
demonstrates that four is the absolute center of seven spheres, just as seven is the absolute
center of thirteen spheres. How can we bring this home and find this prime ratio sequence of
the Law of Time within our own body? According to the principle of holonomic resonance, this
should be so!
Let’s start with the number four. You have four extremities: two arms - a right day arm and left
night arm; and two legs - a right day leg and left night leg. Let your arms reach into the cosmic
sky, let your legs reach down into the cosmic Earth. Through these four extremities you are
cosmically connected to the universal night and day.
Now, let’s make seven! Your body, the central axis of the universe from which the four
extremities extend, has three principle parts: head, which holds the thinking center, chest,
which contains the feeling and breathing center and the abdomen, which contains the
processing plants. With the four extremities, these three principle body parts make seven.
So, now we have the four is to seven - 4:7. You can think of the first part of this ratio as a
demonstration of your body as a cosmic temple: think of the three parts - head, chest and
abdomen - and what functions they perform for the circulation of universal life, while the four
extremities connect the temple to heaven and earth.
Staying with the body as the central axis, we see the neck and spine as the seventh articulation
of the body, with six matching articulations on either side of it to make thirteen articulations in
all, so then we have the 7:13 in the following way:
right ankle 1
right knee 2
right hip 3
right wrist 4
right elbow 5
right shoulder 6
neck and spine 7
left shoulder 8
left elbow 9
left wrist 10
left hip 11
left knee 12
left ankle 13
So with the four extremities and the three main body parts, along with the spine and the six
articulations on either side, you can see how you literally embody the prime ratio of the Law of
Time, 4:7::7:13! This will help you think of your body as a cosmic template. For instance, the
thirteen articulations also mean your body is analogous to a wavespell, the form constant of
fourth-dimensional time.
Think of your body as the embodiment of cosmic time as well. See how the first 4:7 creates
seven elements, while the second, 7:13 creates 13 for a sum total of 20 parts. Note then how
this 20 is recapitulated in the 20 fingers and toes to make you a perfect 13:20 timing frequency
“Those who engender Cosmic History have to be absolutely identified with the cosmic through
using their earthly bodies as instruments.” p. 244. This is what the avatar exemplifies. If you can
realize your body as a cosmic template through the embodiment of the ratio 4:7::7:13 as the
unfolding of the power of seven, then you, too, can become the avatar, reconstructing yourself as
being none other than the original interval of lost time in Eternity!
As the final part of these exercises in cosmic identification, think of and perform a simple dance
that utilizes your body as the reconstruction of the Lost Interval of Time in Eternity. Feel the
cosmic transmission coming through your instrument.
Exercise 3. Contemplating: Seven Stages of Evolution
Purpose: Recapitulate in your own life the evolution of consciousness in the Moral Universe.
First, study the list of the seven stages of the evolution of consciousness in the moral universe on
p. 240. Take seven pages in your notebook and on the top of each page write down one each of
the stages. Think of each of these stages as corresponding to one of the seven stages of your own
life. (You might recall Shakespeare’s famous description of the seven stages of life, as well). By
seeing these stages of consciousness as corresponding to stages of your own life, you might get a
better comprehension of the nature of the evolution of cosmic consciousness.
4. Liberated consciousness.
This means consciousness liberated from ego, the ultimate object of pursuing moral
consciousness. To be liberated from ego is to experience “non-ego.” Have you ever experienced
non-ego? How so? Describe your experiences. Think of life without ego. Describe what that
might be like. Think of everybody liberated from ego. What would that be like? Could there be
such a thing as enlightened society?
6. Wise old wizard consciousness (totally self-transcendent as to appear normal).
How do you account for this stage of consciousness? Can you imagine youself as a wise old
wizard? Go into the imaginal realm and describe briefly how you envision your life at this stage
of consciousness.
Exercise 4. Cubing Your Soul
Purpose: Visualization/meditation—To experience the cubing of your soul as the method of
its perfection.
“When we get to the seven, which is the cube or the cubing of the soul, this creates the
perfection of the human soul.” Ch. 13
On p. 233, there is a list of the “Seven Stages of the Perfection of the Human Soul.” What we
will do in this exercise is take each of the seven stages and create an imaginal cube.
First of all, write each of these down in your notebook, and commit them to memory.
Then on p. 258 is a description of the story of creation as a cube form. In this exercise we will
associate the seven stages of the perfection of the human soul with these seven stages of the
creation of the cube in the following manner:
1. First stage of the perfection of the human soul, “perfection of the perception of heaven”
corresponds to the top of the cube;
2. The second stage, “perception of the meaning of Earth,” corresponds to the bottom of the cube;
3. The third stage, “perception of the meaning of light and vision,” creates the front of the cube;
4. The fourth stage, “meaning of darkness and dreaming,” creates the back of the cube;
5. “Perfection of the meaning of the orders of time” creates the right side of the cube;
6. “Perfection of the meaning of enlightenment and illumination” creates the left side of the cube;
7. The center of the cube is the place of the perfection of the meaning of the soul’s perfecting
Having memorized the seven stages of the perfection of the human soul, sit with eyes closed in
your imaginal cube, feel the six sides of the cube around you with each of their six perfections.
Now feel yourself, the very essence of your life, as the meaning of the soul’s perfecting itself.
Really feel the perfection of the meanings given to each of the six sides of the cube. Know that
any time you need to, you can sit down and meditate this cube and the seven perfections of the
human soul. When you complete the meditation, visualize streams of rainbow light radiating
from your heart in great waves of compassion for all beings.
Exercise 5: Rainbow Bridge Meditation
Purpose: To visualize and project the manifestation of the noosphere as an irrevocable
phenomenan of every day life.
The goal of this annual meditation exercise is to actually manifest Earth’s Rainbow bridge - the
day-night alternators of Earth’s magnetic field - by the closing of the cycle, Winter (North)
Summer (South) Solstice, 2012.
This Rainbow Bridge is the bridge of peace long prophesied that will permanently connect the
third-dimensional Earth with the fourth and higher dimensions, assuring a peace and harmony
that will not be able to be broken. In order that all beings may participate in this meditation,
whether or not they have ever heard of the synchronic order, we offer this universal version of
the Day Out of Time Rainbow Bridge World Peace Meditation.
You may do this alone or in a group - early in the day is best, but whenever you do it is fine. If
you are in a group, gather in a circle if you can, seated on the ground or floor if possible, with
your legs crossed. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling what is negative, transmuting that within
yourself and then exhaling what is positive and purifying. Then close your eyes. Visualize that
you are in the center of the Earth. Then visualize the giant octahedron crystal core. Four faces of
the crystal end in a point along the North polar axis. The other four join at a point aligned with
the South polar axis. Surrounding the giant octahedron crystal is the Earth’s inner membrane,
like a drum resonating the surface of the outer Earth. The Northern half of the crystal has two
red and two white faces; the Southern half has two blue and two yellow faces.
red and blue in color. They deliver plasma–electrically charged ions–to the blazing point at the
center of the Earth.
Strung on the northern axis of this column of light with the two flux tubes wound around it is the
red time atom. Around the southern axis of light is the blue time atom. The red and blue polar
time atoms turn in opposite directions to each other, the red northern time atom in a clockwise
direction, the blue southern time atom in a counterclockwise direction. The time atoms consist
of seven points: a center point, two points at either end of the vertical axis, and two points each–
four points in all–equidistant to each other on either side of the central axis. The six outer points
of the time atoms are almost in the shape of a hexagon, a six-sided figure.
The gravitational plane of the octahedron crystal emanates horizontally out from the blazing
luminous center of the crystal, extending to the four points that mark the edges of the crystal,
where the four northern and four southern faces of the octahedron meet. The gravitational
plane connecting these four points is like the base of two pyramids - one pyramid extends from
this base with four faces to the northern point of the octahedron, and the other four faces to
the southern point. Along this gravitational plane exactly opposite each other are two more
time atoms: a white one and yellow one. These two gravitational time atoms are constructed
just as the red and blue polar time atoms, except that their two axial points are aligned with
the gravitational plane, lying on their side as it were and perpendicular to the polar time atoms.
These white and yellow time atoms turn around like paddle wheelers making a slow circular
motion, counterclockwise, from left to right around the central point of blazing luminosity.
Once you have visualized the octahedron crystal core of the Earth with its eight faces, four time
atoms, etheric column of light and two flux tubes, then visualize that from the center of the
crystal a great stream of multicolored plasma filled light shoots up in both directions toward both
of Earth’s poles. Now you have gone from the center of the Earth to a point out in space where
you are seeing the whole Earth. While you can still see the crystal octahedron at the center of
the Earth, at the North and South poles the stream of light shoots out to become a great double
rainbow bridge–the day alternator and the night alternator of Earth’s magnetic field made visible.
Two rainbow streams connect the North and South Poles of the Earth, exactly 180 degrees apart
from each other. As the Earth slowly revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and
constant, unmoving.
Once you have completed the visualization, take the whole Earth revolving beneath the rainbow
bridge and place it in your heart. Imagine the two streams of light shooting out through your
central column above your head and beneath your feet. Now they make a similar rainbow bridge
around your body, holding your aura in place.
Now you and the Earth are one. The Rainbow Bridge of World Peace is real.
There is a science behind all of this. What exists at first in the imagination, visualized by enough
people in a telepathic wave of love, will in time become a reality.
52 Precepts of Cosmic History: Book of the Throne
The 52 precepts represent the most fundamental concepts of Cosmic History, understood as a
system of thought. Since this system of thought has not been presented before on this planet, at
least not in this manner, its presentation can be challenging.
The purpose of these precepts is to lessen the challenge by identifying these 52 key thoughts as
points of meditation and reflection.
Copy these precepts on extra thick card stock. Then cut them out. Do the same with the cube.
You may need to enlarge the cube template and then copy it onto card stock. The point is to
create a cube container to hold the 52 precepts.
That way every day you can go to the cube and pull one of the precepts for daily study. Use
the precept as a point of contemplation, meditation and reflection. Through these 52 precepts,
the true essence of Cosmic History will be instilled in you like a seed to be germinated by your
growing cosmic consciousness.
Part I, Chapter 1 Part II, Chapter 4 Part III, Chapter 7 Part IV, Chapter 10
40. Spiritual self-sufficiency is a function
1. The sole purpose of life is to remember 14. Yoga is the primary tool to build the 27. The simple, most elegant means of discipline which is a continuing spiritual
God and get back to the soul – that pure foundation of the inner temple, which will always be true; therefore, it will be sacrifice of the lower self for the sake of
place where you can read the inscribed penetrates through the profane so you aesthetic and moral. Truth is always inner perfection, or the coming out and
words that God has placed in your heart. can realize your innate cosmic identity. harmonic. polishing of the divine incarnate self or
form within.
Part I, Chapter 1 Part II, Chapter 4 Part III, Chapter 7 Part IV, Chapter 11
2. Disillusionment of the cloud covering 15. Yoga as a system of knowing begins 28. Suffering exists because you have 41.To facilitate the major adjustment to
of the materialist belief system is the pur- with the physical body and penetrates made the choice to buy into illusion. The human consciousness involved in acti-
pose of Cosmic History – only then can into the deepest recesses of the univer- moral universe indicates choice. You vating the noosphere, it is necessary to
the clear mental field of the human shine sal cosmic mind. always have the opportunity to choose cultivate multidimensional paranormality.
through as the planetary mind field. the right way or the wrong way.
Part I, Chapter 1 Part II, Chapter 4 Part III, Chapter 8 Part IV, Chapter 11
3. The garment of reality is holy and there 16. The totality of what needs to be 29. Everything that grows is meant to 42. To attain paranormal powers requires
is a Divine authorship to the Universe – known is contained within the human transcend itself. When you become fully exertion, discipline of mind, effort and
the soul exists with the inscription of God body – when this is understood, then who you are your character opens like a even then, the effort is not to attain
that says: “Remember me.” the paranormal means of extending out flower – when you fully flower you pass powers, but rather to gain self-mastery or
the senses into orders of nature will also beyond yourself into the final image of self-realization, which is the goal of yoga
come to be known. the flower, which is the full development and meditation.
of the soul.
Part I, Chapter 1 Part II, Chapter 5 Part III, Chapter 8 Part IV, Chapter 11
4. The first step in shifting to a cosmic 17. From the sorcerer’s point of view, the 30. The art of UR (universal recollection) is 43. To learn to coordinate the third-
state of mind is through daily use of the purpose of yoga is to establish the body as the art that is meant to invoke the cosmic dimensional being with the fourth-
13 Moon, 28-day calendar – this is the a completely unified base and temple so memory as a cosmic whole and the dimensional being is a major purpose of
basis and foundation of the new world that the reflection and order of the body’s memory of the self as the entire cosmos life and opens us to the multidimensional
structure. movements are a reflection of the original and the entire history of the cosmos. paranormality, which is actually the norm.
sacred order of the higher cosmos.
Part I, Chapter 2 Part II, Chapter 5 Part III, Chapter 8 Part IV, Chapter 11
5. The program of the 13 Moon calendar is 18. Cosmic History is the structure of the 31. The process of redemption means 44. Your identification must change to
a radical step, which is the whole purpose universe projected through our own body ceasing to be oblivious or beginning that of a planet sorcerer cultivating your
of Cosmic History – to lead the soul back and being as a harmonious work of art. to remember or recollect. Universal multidimensional paranormal powers to
to the divine perfection of the order of the Recollection means humans are no aid in the supermental evolution of the
universe as it actually is. longer oblivious to their origin or destiny. planet. Nothing else exists.
Part I, Chapter 2 Part II, Chapter 5 Part III, Chapter 8 Part IV, Chapter 12
6. The 13 Moon, 28-day calendar is not 19. You must understand that what you 32. Holonomic recollection is the unfolding 45. Our task is to make the world-soul
only a vehicle for the reharmonization put out to the world and what you interpret of a being into a planetary order and conscious by initiating it into the every
of the human mind and ultimately of the is nothing but your own psychogenetic begins once the human frequency shifts day synchronic order of reality so the
human DNA, but also a tool for the instant feedback. by changing calendars. human beings become stabilized at a
transcendence of history. higher normative level of continuing
Part I, Chapter 2 Part II, Chapter 5 Part III, Chapter 9 Part IV, Chapter 12
7. Application of the Cosmic History
Chronicles with the codes of time 20. Cosmic History is an internal revolution 33. Only when the personal will is 46. Just as the biosphere is the medium
open you to multidimensional levels of dependent on the cultivation of seeing. surrendered to Divine Will, will we have on Earth for the transformation of cosmic
consciousness; and once your mind is the opportunity to create a victorious energy, so the noosphere is the medium
really operating on these codes, you will ending to the movie being projected into for the transmutation and transformation
begin to experience increasing levels of the third dimension. of cosmic thought-forms.
sensory teleportation.
Part I, Chapter 2 Part II, Chapter 6 Part III, Chapter 9 Part IV, Chapter 12
34. Interplanetary travel starts with 47. A magician is someone who is attuned
8. Cosmic History is a system of thought 21. All the work that you are doing is to meditation that clears the mind of the to the knowledge of the processes
and technique to be learned and applied return to this point of God at the center of thinking disposition – this is mandatory of nature in such a way that s/he can
so the human can take the next steps on the circle where the light is always pure. in developing the samadhi and the mentally coordinate these processes with
the road of evolution into a holographic concentration within the samadhi to go others to create certain effects, which, to
perceptual system. where you have to go or do what has to most people, are seemingly impossible.
be done.
Part I, Chapter 3 Part II, Chapter 6 Part III, Chapter 9 Part IV, Chapter 12
9. Cosmic History is the highest level of 22. The purpose of the creation of the 35. When viewing your entire life movie, 48. Humanity is the point through which
information and comprehension to which human being is to create a highly evolved the quality of what you experienced and the manifestation and commands of
previous history becomes subordinate, and intricate medium not only to act as how you responded to those experiences hierarchy and the cultural forms of the
transformed and remade. a vehicle of cosmic intelligence, but as a conditions what is going to happen to you matrix of Shambhalla/Tollan are evolved.
conduit for ever-evolving consciousness in the next life or Afterlife. We must form clear pictures about how all
and spirit. of this works.
Part I, Chapter 3 Part II, Chapter 6 Part III, Chapter 9 Part IV, Chapter 13
10. All of the perceptions you have 23. From the point of view of Cosmic 36. All of the movie archives of every 49. Study of the Cosmic History
accumulated must be washed away in Science, who you really are is the evolving being who ever existed are stored in the Chronicles is the first step in envisioning
the light of the truth that there is only one component that maintains the intentional fourth dimension, which is the space of the mechanism and structure of how the
tradition, one religion, one Earth and one thinking element of the cosmos. the imagination or imaginal realm. whole human mind and basis of human
being. knowledge is being reformulated.
Part I, Chapter 3 Part II, Chapter 6 Part IV, Chapter 10 Part IV, Chapter 13
37. The degree to which we are immersed
11. There can be no new advance within 24. Art is how the fourth-dimensional in our ego is the degree to which we 50. The Cosmic History Chronicles are
the matrix of an old structure without a being uses the third-dimensional body are creating and repeating noospheric the power of the number seven, which
sacrifice – you have to sacrifice something to bring it into harmony with the fifth- clichés. The degree to which we are open underlies the narration of cosmic creation
of yourself – if not all of yourself that is dimensional. to spirit and to nonegoic forms of life and and the creation of the cosmic field as
attached or involved in the old to get to communication, then to that degree we the function of the different stages of the
the new. are potentiating ourselves as noospheric evolution of time.
Part I, Chapter 3 Part III, Chapter 7 Part IV, Chapter 10 Part IV, Chapter 13
25. By becoming conscious of the three
12. Dissolution of old structures, as well universes: phenomenal, imaginal and 38. The codes of the Law of Time 51. The more your mind becomes imbued
as cultivation of universal compassion for moral, that are always simultaneously in exist to help us maintain continuing with the informative resonant power of
all beings, is the goal of the evolution of operation, you may begin to create an consciousness in the 13:20 timing Cosmic History, the more it becomes
the planetary human. enlarged assessment of who you really frequency and thus access the a reflection of the primal chronicle of
are and what you are really doing here. noosphere. seven.
Part II, Chapter 4 Part III, Chapter 7 Part IV, Chapter 10 Part IV, Chapter 13
13. According to Cosmic History, yoga
exists as a necessary system to facilitate 26. You must begin to examine the 39. The noosphere is now absorbing into 52. The comprehension of the Cosmic
this next stage of transformation where process of everything. Everything that itself the mind and consciousness of History Chronicles as the structure of
the human mind and soul experiences exists is based on some type of divine increasing numbers of people. order of the power of the number seven
unification at a noospheric or planetary blueprint. is the serpent biting its tail to release the
level. poison that heals it into wholeness.
Harmonic Module showing Twenty Solar Seals
13 Baktun Map - Great Cycle of History
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