Science f4 Chapter 1 and 2

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• Scientific Investigation

Test Bank 1 • Body Coordination


Answer all questions. Each question is followed by four choices of answers. Choose the best answer for every question.

1 Which of the following is not part of a scientific III Making a hypothesis

investigation? A I and II only C II and III only
A Identifying problems B I and III only D I, II and III
B Planning investigations
C Carrying out investigations 7 Figure 1 shows the human endocrine glands.
D Writing a report based on reports done by other
2 Data that are collected during an experiment can be
displayed in a
III line graph
III bar chart
III table
A I and II only C II and III only
B I and III only D I, II and III
Figure 1
3 Which of the following is incorrectly matched? What is the effect on a person if gland X is removed?
A Stunted growth
Items Explanation
B Blood sugar level increases
A Aim The reason for the C Higher blood pressure
investigation D Secondary sex characteristics are not developed
B Problem statement The problem in the
investigation 8 Figure 2 shows the structure of a neurone.
C Results Analysed data
D Hypothesis The purpose of the

4 A hypothesis is a statement that relates

A a manipulated variable and a fixed variable
B a manipulated variable and a responding variable Figure 2
C a responding variable and a fixed variable What is the function of the structure labelled X?
D a fixed variable and a controlled variable A Carries nerve impulses away from the cell body
B Carries nerve impulses towards the cell body
5 Which of the following is the variable that is observed C Controls the activities of the neurone
during an experiment? D Acts as an insulator to the nerve fibre
A Manipulated variable
B Responding variable 9 Which of the following structures is dendrite?
C Fixed variable
D Controlled variable B

6 Which of the following must be done before planning C
an investigation?
III Identifying the problem D
III Identifying variables Figure 3

© Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 1 Test Bank 1 Science Form 4

10 Which of the following neurones transmits impulses 15 Figure 6 shows the endocrine glands.
from receptors to the central nervous system? Which of the following glands A, B, C and D is the
A Motor neurone C Sensory neurone adrenal gland?
B Relay neurone D Dendrons

11 Figure 3 shows the reflex arc when a hand touches a hot

object. Which of the following represents the receptor


Figure 6

Figure 4 16 K – sensory neurone

12 Figure 4 shows the path impulses in an action. L – relay neurone
M – motor neurone
Receptor Spinal cord Effector N – receptor
The action refers to O – effector
A walking on a rope with eyes closed Which of the following represents the correct impulse
B a knee jerk pathway?
C singing A K→L→M→N→O
D reading a book B L→M→N→O→K
13 Figure 5 shows the human brain.
Which of the parts labelled A, B, C and D controls
voluntary actions? 17 Which of the following drugs is a stimulant?
A Barbiturates C Morphine
B Caffeine D Cannabis
18 The hormone secreted by the adrenal gland is involved in
A the ‘fright or flight’ response
B body growth
B C osmoregulation
D D menstrual cycle

Figure 5 19 The following differences between nervous coordination

and hormonal coordination are correct except
14 Which of the following parts of the brain is correctly
matched with its function? Nervous coordination Hormonal coordination
Parts of the brain Function A Transmits electrical Transmits chemical
charges substances
III Cerebrum Controls voluntary
actions B Rate of transmission Rate of transmission is
is fast slow
III Cerebellum Controls body balance
C Area affected is Restricted to certain
III Medulla oblongata Coordinates all body
widespread places only
D Transmits along the Transmits in the blood
A I and II only C II and III only
nerve fibres
B I and III only D I, II and III

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20 Under-secretion of hormones secreted by the pancreas will cause
A diabetes
B goitre
C cretinism
D dwarfism


Section A

1 The following diagram shows two types of neurones.


(a) Name the parts labelled P, Q, R and S.
(i) P: (iii) R:
(ii) Q: (iv) S:
[4 marks]
(b) Give the function of each neurone.
(i) Neurone A:
(ii) Neurone B:
[2 marks]

Section B

2 The following diagram shows the human endocrine glands.

(a) Label glands P and Q.

(i) P: (ii) Q:
[2 marks]
(b) Name two hormones secreted by gland P.

[2 marks]
(c) What is the function of each hormone named in 2(b)?

[2 marks]

© Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 3 Test Bank 1 Science Form 4

(d) What happens to a child if his or her gland Q is not functioning well?

[1 mark]

Section C

3 (a) State four differences between voluntary actions and involuntary actions. [4 marks]
Singing Watching a movie


Meeting Cycling

(b) The following diagram shows several activities carried out by Azam.
Study the activities listed above. Explain how you would develop a concept based on the information in the above
Your explanation of the concept should include the following:
ii(i) Identify two common characteristics
i(ii) Develop initial concept
(iii) Give other examples and non-examples in relation to the concept
(iv) Explain the actual concept [6 marks]

© Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 4 Test Bank 1 Science Form 4

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