Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices: Methodology
Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices: Methodology
Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices: Methodology
July 2021
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Index Methodology
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Index Objective 3
Shariah Screening 3
Highlights and Index Family 3
Supporting Documents 6
Eligibility Criteria and Index Construction 7
Inclusion Criteria 7
Multiple Share Classes 7
Index Calculations 7
Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index and Related Sub-Indices 8
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A Index. 8
Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME 100 Index 9
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30™ Index 10
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index 11
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index 12
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index 13
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index 14
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index 15
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index, Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal
Weighted Index, and Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Capped Index 16
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Real Estate Index 17
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index 18
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Style Indices 19
Dow Jones Islamic Market 5/10/40 Indices 20
Index Maintenance 21
Broad-Market Indices 21
Blue-Chip Indices 21
Strategy and Thematic Indices 22
Corporate Actions 23
Investable Weight Factor (IWF) 23
Dividend Purification 23
Other Adjustments 23
Currency of Calculation and Additional Index Return Series 23
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 1
Index Data 24
Calculation Return Types 24
Index Governance 25
Index Committee 25
Shariah Expertise 25
The Shariah Supervisory Board 25
Index Policy 27
Announcements 27
Pro-forma Files 27
Holiday Schedule 27
Rebalancing 27
Unexpected Exchange Closures 27
Recalculation Policy 27
Real-Time Calculation 28
Contact Information 28
Index Dissemination 29
Tickers 29
Index Data 29
Web site 29
Appendix I – Shariah Compliance Screens 30
Sector-Based Screens 30
Accounting-Based Screens 30
Appendix II – Currency of Calculation and Additional Index Return Series 32
Index Currencies 32
Exchange Rates 33
Appendix III – Base Dates and History Availability 34
Appendix IV - Tickers 35
Bloomberg 35
RICs 37
Appendix V – Methodology Changes 39
Disclaimer 41
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 2
Index Objective
The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices measure the performance of stocks in various markets, which are
Shariah-compliant and meet other eligibility requirements depending on the specific index or market as
described below. The indices employ a float-adjusted market capitalization (FMC) weighting scheme,
unless otherwise noted in Eligibility Criteria and Index Construction.
Shariah Screening
The index f amily includes broad-market, blue-chip, strategy, and thematic indices that have passed rules-
based screens for Shariah compliance. To determine their eligibility for the indices, stocks are screened
to ensure that they meet the standards set out in Appendix I. Companies must meet certain requirements
to be Shariah acceptable products, business activities, debt levels, and interest income and expenses.
S&P Dow Jones Indices has contracted with Ratings Intelligence Partners (RI) to provide the Shariah
screens and filter the stocks based on these screens. Ratings Intelligence Partners is a London/Kuwait-
based consulting company specializing in solutions for the global Islamic investment market. Its team
consists of qualified Islamic researchers who work directly with a Shariah Supervisory Board, which is a
board of Islamic scholars serving to interpret business issues and recommend actions related to business
decisions for the indices. The members are:
• Shaykh Nizam Yaquby (Bahrain)
• Shaykh Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar (Malaysia)
• Shaykh Dr. Mohamed A. Elgari (Saudi Arabia)
• Shaykh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo (United States)
Broad-Market Indices
The Dow Jones Islamic Market Broad-Market Indices intend to measure the global universe of investable
equities that pass screens for Shariah compliance. The f amily includes regional, country, industry, and
market-cap-based indices, all of which are subsets of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index. The
purpose of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index is to provide a definitive standard for measuring
stock market performance for Islamic investors on a global basis, in accordance with S&P Dow Jones
Indices established index methodology and the Islamic investment guidelines established by the Shariah
Supervisory Board.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 3
Indices are available for each country or region listed below.
• Australia • Estonia • Kuwait • Philippines • Sweden
• Austria • Finland • Latvia • Poland • Switzerland
• Bahrain • France • Lithuania • Portugal • Taiwan
• Belgium • Germany • Luxembourg • Qatar • Thailand
• Brazil • Greece • Malaysia • Romania • Tunisia1
• Bulgaria • Hong Kong • Mexico • Russia2 • Turkey
• Canada • Hungary • Morocco • Saudi Arabia3 • UAE
• Chile • India • Netherlands • Singapore • U.K.
• China4 • Indonesia • New Zealand • Slovenia • U.S.
• Colombia • Ireland • Norway • South Africa
• Czech Republic • Italy • Oman • South Korea
• Denmark • Japan • Pakistan • Spain
• Egypt • Jordan • Peru • Sri Lanka
Size-Segment Indices. Large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap indices are available at the global level, and
f or each country and region. The size designation for each constituent is set according to what has been
assigned for the corresponding country or regional benchmark index.
Sector Indices. The f amily includes a comprehensive series of global sector indices, as well as sector
indices for each country and region. The sectors are defined based on a proprietary classification system.
For further information on the proprietary sector classification system, including the complete sector
definitions, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Web site at
Capped 5/10/40 Indices. Index constituents are drawn from the underlying index, as defined in Index
Construction. The indices employ a capped market capitalization weighting scheme and specific capping
methodology, also defined in Index Construction.
Blue-Chip Indices
Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME 100 Index. The index measures the stock performance of 100
companies selected from China, India, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region that pass
liquidity and rules-based screens for Shariah compliance.
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30 Index. The index measures the stock
perf ormance of 30 of the largest companies whose primary operations are in mainland China and Hong
Kong but whose stocks trade on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The co nstituents of the index must
pass rules-based screens for Shariah compliance.
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index. The index measures the stock
perf ormance of 100 of the largest ex-U.S. companies that have passed rules-based screens for Shariah
This country is not covered by the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index.
Only developed-market listings are eligible.
Saudi Arabia was initially a stand-alone market. In March 2019, it was promoted to emerging market status. Eligible stocks are
included using a specified float-adjusted market capitalization percentage of 50% in March 2019 and 100% beginning in
September 2019.
Effective with the September 2020 reconstitution, ChiNext stocks became eligible using a specified float-adjusted market capitalization
percentage of 25% in consideration of the foreign investment limits for Chinese companies.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 4
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index. The index measures the stock performance of
25 of the largest and most liquid stocks contained in the Dow Jones Islamic Market™ Malaysia Index.
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index. The index measures the stock performance of 100 of the
largest stocks traded globally that have passed rules-based screens for Shariah compliance. The index
comprises three regional blue-chip sub-indices:
• Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Titans 50 Index
• Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Titans 25 Index
• Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Titans 25 Index
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index. The index measures the stock performance of 100 of
the largest stocks contained in both the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A Index and the S&P Access
China A Index that pass the rules-based screens for Shariah compliance detailed in Appendix I, and also
meet additional liquidity criteria.
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index. The index measures the stock performance of companies in the
Brazil, Russia and offshore China markets that pass rules-based screens for Shariah compliance.
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index. The index measures the stock performance
of companies in the Brazil, Russia, India and offshore China markets that pass rules-based screens for
Shariah compliance.
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Real Estate Index. The index measures the stock performance of
companies that are classified under the Real Estate Supersector of the Dow Jones Proprietary Sector
Classif ication System that pass rules-based screens for Shariah compliance.
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index. The index measures the stock
perf ormance of 50 of the largest companies that are part of Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index. The index measures the stock performance of
companies that are compliant with Islamic investment guidelines and determined to be corporate
sustainability leaders. To be included in the index, companies must be constituents of both the Dow
Jones Islamic Market World Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index.
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Style Indices. The indices consist of the Dow Jones Islamic Market
U.S. Growth Index and the Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Value Index. Each index measures the stock
perf ormance of companies that are compliant with Islamic investment guidelines and exhibit growth or
value characteristics, respectively. To be included in the indices, companies must be constituents of both
the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index and either the Dow Jones U.S. Growth Index or the Dow
Jones U.S. Value Index.
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Select Dividend Index. The index measures the stock performance
of the largest dividend paying companies in developed countries or regions worldwide that pass rules-
based screens for Shariah compliance. For further information on this index, please refer to the Dow
Jones Dividend Indices methodology document located on our Web site,
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 5
Supporting Documents
This methodology is meant to be read in conjunction with supporting documents providing greater detail
with respect to the policies, procedures and calculations described herein. References throughout the
methodology direct the reader to the relevant supporting document for further information on a specific
topic. The list of the main supplemental documents for this methodology and the hyperlinks to those
documents is as follows:
This methodology was created by S&P Dow Jones Indices to achieve the aforementioned objective of
measuring the underlying interest of each index governed by this methodology document. Any changes to
or deviations from this methodology are made in the sole judgment and discretion of S&P Dow Jones
Indices so that the index continues to achieve its objective.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 6
Eligibility Criteria and Index Construction
Inclusion Criteria
For more information, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Country Classification Methodology and
S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies & Practices Methodology.
All publicly listed multiple share class lines are eligible for index inclusion, subject to meeting the eligibility
criteria. For more information regarding the treatment of multiple share classes, please refer to Approach
A within the Multiple Share Classes section of S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies &
Practices Methodology.
In the event that a company has more than one share class line represented in the index, that company’s
weight is capped subject to the weighting constraints of that particular index. The rebalanced weight is
then distributed proportionally to each share class line’s FMC. If capping is not required, all share class
lines are weighted according to their natural FMC.
Index Calculations
Each index is calculated by means of the divisor methodology used in all S&P Dow Jones Indices’ equity
For more information on the index calculation methodology, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’
Index Mathematics Methodology.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 7
Broad-Market Indices
Index Universe. The index universe for the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index includes the
constituents of a multitude of country-level or regional-level benchmark indices, each of which covers
approximately 95% of the FMC of the underlying market. Countries or regions are selected from the Dow
Jones Global Index, with the following exceptions:
• Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and UAE are selected from the Dow Jones GCC Index.
• Bulgaria, Estonia, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Romania, Slovenia, and Sri Lanka are
selected from their respective S&P Global BMI country index.
Constituent Selection. Each index includes all securities in its respective index universe that pass the
Shariah compliance screens described in Appendix I.
Weighting. The indices employ an FMC weighting scheme, except for the following indices which follow
a capped market capitalization weighting scheme as detailed below.
• Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC Index and Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC ex-Saudi Index.
Constituent weights are capped at 15% at the country level except for Bahrain.
o For Bahrain, constituent weights are capped at 30%. When there are less than four
constituents, all constituents are equally weighted.
• Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC Capped Index. Country weights are capped at 45%, industry
weights are capped at 20%, and individual constituent weights are capped at 8%.
• Dow Jones Islamic Market Greater China Index. The total weight of all Taiwan companies in
the index is capped at 30% and the weight of each individual constituent is capped at 10%.
• Dow Jones Islamic Market MENA Index. Country weightings are capped at 45%.
• Dow Jones Islamic Market Kuwait Index. Individual constituent weights are capped at 10%.
Weights are updated on a quarterly basis. In certain cases, the Index Committee may relax one or more
of the capping rules if the caps cannot be met.
Index Universe. The index universe for the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A is derived from
constituents of the Dow Jones China Broad Market Index.
Constituent Selection. The index includes all A-Shares securities in its respective index universe that
pass the Shariah compliance screens described in Appendix I.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 8
Blue-Chip Indices
Index Universe. The index is derived from a universe that comprises the constituent stocks of the
f ollowing indices:
• Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index: China H-Shares & Red Chips, as well as stocks traded in
Hong Kong, India, GCC, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan.
To be eligible for the index, a stock must have an average daily value traded (ADVT) of at least US$
500,000 over the past three months and pass the Shariah compliance screens described in Appendix I.
Constituent Selection. From the pool of eligible securities, stocks are sorted into the three regions
(China, India, and MENA), and stock selection proceeds by region as follows:
1. Stocks are ranked by FMC.
2. Stocks are selected by FMC rank, starting with the largest securities to achieve target constituent
counts of 25 for China, 25 for India and 50 for the MENA region.
a. The top 20 companies for China and India, as well as the top 40 companies for MENA
are selected for the index, regardless of whether they are current constituents or not.
b. Current constituents ranked 21-30 for China and India, and 41-60 for MENA are selected
top-down until the constituent target count for each region is reached.
c. If the number of selected companies for each region has not been reached yet, non-
constituents are selected top-down until the target constituent count is reached.
3. The selections from each region are aggregated to form the Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME
100 Index.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent is capped at 10% of the index. Weights are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 9
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30™ Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined as all Hong Kong-listed stocks included in the Dow Jones
Islamic Market Hong Kong Index and the Dow Jones Islamic Market China Offshore Index.
To be eligible for the index, a stock must have an ADVT of at least HKD 5 million over the past 12 months
and pass the Shariah compliance screens described in Appendix I.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent is capped at 15% of the index. Weights are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 10
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index
Index Universe. The index universe matches that of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index,
excluding U.S. domiciled companies.
To be eligible for the index, a stock must pass the Shariah compliance screens described in Appendix I.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent is capped at 10% of the index. Weights are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 11
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined as all stocks in the Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia
Index, which represents all companies domiciled in Malaysia whose stocks trade on the Bursa Malaysia.
Any security not considered to be Shariah-compliant by the Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) of the
Securities Commission (SC) of Malaysia will also be excluded from the index universe.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent is capped at 20% of the index. Weights are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 12
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined as all constituent stocks of the Dow Jones Islamic Market
World Index.
Constituent Selection. The Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index is constructed by combining the
constituents of the three regional sub-indices. Sub-index constituents are selected as follows:
1. For each regional sub-index, stocks are chosen as constituents from the selection universe based
on the f ollowing steps:
• Stocks in the selection universe are ranked by FMC.
• Stocks are selected for the index top-down, starting with the largest company, until the
target constituent count is reached.
2. Regional sub-index constituent lists are finalized at each composition review based on the
f ollowing buffer ranges:
Index Buffer Range
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Titans 50 Index 40-60
Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Titans 25 Index 20-30
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Titans 25 Index 20-30
• For the Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Titans 25 Index and Dow Jones Islamic Market
Asia/Pacific Titans 25 Index:
a. The top 20 companies are selected, regardless of whether they are current constituents
or not.
b. Current constituents ranked 21-30 are selected top-down until the constituent count
reaches 25.
c. If the number of selected companies is still less than 25, non-constituents are selected
top-down until the target constituent count is reached.
• For the Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Titans 50 Index:
a. The top 40 companies are selected, regardless of whether they are current constituents
or not.
b. Current constituents ranked 41-60 are selected top-down until the constituent count
reaches 50.
c. If the number of selected companies is still less than 50, non-constituents are selected
top-down until the target constituent count is reached.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent within each of the three regional sub-indices is capped at 10%. In the event that a
company has more than one share class represented in the index, that company’s weight is capped at
10% based on total FMC. The rebalanced weight is then distributed proportionally to each share class'
FMC. If capping is not required, both share classes are weighted according to their natural FMC. Weights
are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 13
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined as all constituent stocks in both the Dow Jones Islamic
Market China A Index and stocks within the S&P Access China A Index.
Eligibility Factors. Stocks in the index universe must satisfy the following, as of the rebalancing
ref erence date, to be eligible for index inclusion:
• Pass the Shariah eligibility screens outlined in Appendix I (for stocks from the S&P Access China
A Index).
• Have a six-month median daily value traded (MDVT) of at least US$ 1 million (current
constituents US$ 800,000)
• Not be designated as Special Treatment (ST and *ST) by the Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock
Weighting. Constituents are FMC weighted. The investable weight factor for the constituents is the lower
of the aggregate foreign ownership limit of 30%, or the investable weight factor of each constituent.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 14
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined as all companies in the Dow Jones Islamic Market
Technology Index.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 15
Strategy and Thematic Indices
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index, Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index, and
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Capped Index
Index Universe. The index universe is defined to include constituents of the Dow Jones Brazil Index;
ADRs and GDRs for Russia (and India for the Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index and
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Capped Index); and offshore listed China companies including
ADRs/ADSs and U.S.-listed only stocks. If a security is listed on two or more overseas exchanges (e.g.
an H-share also trades as an ADR), only the security with the higher trading value is eligible.
Constituent Selection. The index includes all securities in the index universe that pass the Shariah
compliance screens described in Appendix I.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 16
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Real Estate Index
Index Universe. The index is made up of all companies in the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Indices’
Real Estate (8600) Supersector based on the Dow Jones Indices Sector Classification System.
For further information on the Dow Jones Indices Sector Classification System, including the complete
sector definitions, please refer to the Dow Jones Indices Sector Classification System document.
Constituent Selection. The index includes all securities in the index universe that pass the Shariah
compliance screens described in Appendix I.
The index is a stand-alone headline. Therefore, constituent changes to the Dow Jones Islamic Market
World Index, resulting from corporate actions, may or may not result in changes to the Dow Jones Islamic
Market Global Real Estate Index. If the post action entity is determined to be non-Real Estate, the
committee may elect to drop the entity ahead of the action.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 17
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index
Index Universe. The index universe consists of the constituents of two underlying indices:
• Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index
• Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
For information on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, please refer to the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices Methodology available at
Constituent Selection. The index includes those securities that are constituents of both underlying
indices making up the index universe.
Weighting. The index employs a capped market capitalization weighting scheme. The weight of each
individual constituent is capped at 10% of the index. Weights are reviewed quarterly.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 18
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Style Indices
The Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Style Indices consist of the Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Growth
Index and the Dow Jones Islamic Market™ U.S. Value Index.
Index Universe. The index universe for each index consists of the constituents of two underlying indices:
• Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Growth Index. The index universe is comprised of the
constituents of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index and the Dow Jones U.S. Growth
• Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Value Index. The index universe is comprised of the
constituents of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index and the Dow Jones U.S. Value Index.
For information on the Dow Jones U.S. Growth and Value Indices, please refer to the Dow Jones Global
Indices Methodology available at
Constituent Selection. Each index includes those securities that are constituents of both underlying
indices making up the index universe.
Weighting. The weight of each company within each of the size sub-indices is capped at 10%. In the
event a company has more than one share class represented in the index, that company’s weight is
capped at 10% based on total FMC. The rebalanced weight is then distributed proportionally to each
share class's FMC. If capping is not required, both share classes are weighted according to their natural
FMC. The Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Growth and Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Value indices are
constructed by combining the constituent´s additional weight factors (AWFs) of their respective size sub-
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 19
Dow Jones Islamic Market 5/10/40 Indices
The indices include the Dow Jones Islamic Market Capped 5/10/40 Indices. Index compositions of the
Capped Indices are the same as the relevant underlying index.
Index Universe. Each index includes all stocks in the underlying Dow Jones Islamic Market (DJIM) index
as noted below.
Weighting. At each rebalancing, constituents are initially FMC weighted, subject to the following constraints:
• Single constituent weights are capped of 9%, and
• the aggregate weight of companies 4.5% and greater may not exceed 36%.
Each company’s weight is determined using an optimization procedure that chooses final weights in such a way
as to minimize the sum of the squared differences of capped weight and uncapped weight, divided by uncapped
weight f or each stock.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 20
Index Maintenance
Broad-Market Indices
Rebalancing. Index composition is reviewed quarterly, in March, June, September, and December. As
part of the rebalancing process, constituent shares, weights and any weighting factors are updated. In
addition, the investable weight factor (IWF) f or each stock is reviewed and updated as needed on an
annual basis in September. Changes are announced on the second Friday of the review month and are
implemented at the opening of trading on the Monday following the third Friday of the review month.
Ongoing Maintenance. The index is reviewed on an ongoing basis for events such as delistings,
bankruptcies, mergers and takeovers. Changes to index composition and related weight adjustments are
made as soon as they are effective. These changes are typically announced two-to-five business days
prior to the implementation date.
• Change of Primary Listing. When a company’s primary market listing changes, it remains in
the index only if the new exchange is eligible for the index.
Additions. When a new issue qualifies for and is added to the country-level or regional-level benchmark
indices, it is added to the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index at the quarterly rebalancing, provided it
passes the sector-based and accounting-based screens described in Appendix I.
Spin-offs are added at a zero price at the market close of the day before the ex -date (with no divisor
adjustment) and are removed after at least one day of regular way trading (with a divisor adjustment),
regardless of Shariah compliance.
Deletions. Any constituent removed from the country-level or regional-level benchmark indices is
removed from the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index at the same time. In addition, current index
constituents that no longer pass the sector-based or accounting-based screens described in the Appendix
I are deleted from the index at the quarterly rebalancing.
Blue-Chip Indices
Rebalancing. Except for the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index and Dow Jones Islamic
Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index, each index undergoes an annual reconstitution and quarterly
rebalancing, with the exception of the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index, using the respective
rebalanced underlying (parent) index as the universe, as follows:
• Index composition is reviewed annually in September (December for the Dow Jones Islamic
Market CHIME 100 Index. The Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index and Dow Jones
Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index are reviewed quarterly in March, June,
September, and December). Changes are announced on the second Friday of the review month
and are implemented at the opening of trading on the Monday following the third Friday of the
review month.
Market data from the third Friday of August (November for the Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME
100 Index composition review) is used as the basis for the revision process. Market data as of the
last business day in February, May, August, and November is used for the index composition
review f or the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index. Market data of the third Friday of
February, May, August and November is used for index composition review for the Dow Jones
Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index. The review process is carried out in
accordance with the rules described in the chapter Eligibility Criteria and Index Construction.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 21
• Shares, weights and weighting cap factors are updated quarterly in March, June, September, and
December. Constituents’ index shares are calculated using closing prices on the Wednesday
prior to the second Friday of the rebalancing month as the reference price. Index share amounts
are calculated and assigned to each stock to arrive at the weights determined on the reference
date. Changes are announced on the second Friday of the review month and are implemented at
the opening of trading on the Monday following the third Friday of the review month.
Ongoing Maintenance. The index is reviewed on an ongoing basis for events such as delistings,
bankruptcies, mergers and takeovers. Changes to index composition and related weight adjustments are
made as soon as they are effective. These changes are typically announced two-to-five business days
prior to the implementation date.
Additions and Deletions. Generally, no companies are added to an index between annual
rebalancings, except for spin-offs and replacements for deleted constituents as described below.
Spin-offs are added at a zero price at the market close of the day before the ex -date (with no divisor
adjustment) and are removed after at least one day of regular way trading (with a divisor adjustment),
regardless of Shariah compliance.
Deletions from the underlying (parent) indices are deleted from each index.
As part of on-going index maintenance, companies that are removed from the index subsequent to a
corporate event, such as a delisting, bankruptcy, merger or takeover are replaced at the subsequent
quarterly rebalancing.
For the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index, constituents removed from the Shanghai-Hong
Kong Stock Connect or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect Programs are removed from the index with
two to five business days’ notice.
Rebalancing. Index composition is reviewed quarterly, in March, June, September and December, using
the rebalanced underlying (parent) index as the reference universe. As part of the rebalancing process,
constituent shares, weights and any weighting factors are updated. In addition, the investable weight
f actor (IWF) f or each stock is reviewed and updated as needed on an annual basis in September.
Constituents’ index shares are calculated using closing prices on the Wednesday prior to the second
Friday of the rebalancing month as the reference price. Index share amounts are calculated and assigned
to each stock to arrive at the weights determined on the reference date. Changes are announced on the
second Friday of the review month and are implemented at the opening of trading on the Monday
f ollowing the third Friday of the review month.
Ongoing Maintenance. The index is reviewed on an ongoing basis for events such as delistings,
bankruptcies, mergers and takeovers. Changes to index composition and related weight adjustments are
made as soon as they are effective. These changes are typically announced two-to-five business days
prior to the implementation date.
Additions and Deletions. Generally, no companies are added to an index between quarterly
rebalancings, with the exception of spin-offs. Deletions from the underlying (parent) indices are deleted
f rom each index. Current index constituents that no longer pass the sector-based or accounting-based
screens described in Appendix I or that otherwise become ineligible for index membership are deleted
f rom the index at the subsequent quarterly rebalancing.
Spin-offs are added at a zero price at the market close of the day before the ex -date (with no divisor
adjustment) and are removed after at least one day of regular way trading (with a divisor adjustment),
regardless of Shariah compliance.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 22
Corporate Actions
For inf ormation on corporate actions, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies &
Practices Methodology.
Dividend Purification
A dividend purification ratio is provided to index subscribers at the constituent level for purification
purposes. It is calculated as:
Where Non-Permissible Revenue includes all forms of revenue or income that are considered non-
permissible from a Shariah perspective including non-permissible business activities and interest income.
Other Adjustments
In cases where there is no achievable market price for a stock being deleted, it may be removed at a zero
or minimal price at the Index Committee’s discretion, in recognition of the constraints faced by investors in
trading bankrupt or suspended stocks.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 23
Index Data
Calculation Return Types
S&P Dow Jones Indices calculates multiple return types which vary based on the treatment of regular
cash dividends. The classification of regular cash dividends is determined by S&P Dow Jones Indices.
• Price Return (PR) versions are calculated without adjustments for regular cash dividends.
• Gross Total Return (TR) versions reinvest regular cash dividends at the close on the ex -date
without consideration for withholding taxes.
• Net Total Return (NTR) versions, if available, reinvest regular cash dividends at the close on the
ex-date af ter the deduction of applicable withholding taxes.
In the event there are no regular cash dividends on the ex-date, the daily performance of all three indices
will be identical.
For a complete list of indices available, please refer to the daily index levels file (“.SDL”).
For more information on the classification of regular versus special cash dividends as well as the tax rates
used in the calculation of net return, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies &
Practices Methodology.
For more information on the calculation of return types, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Index
Mathematics Methodology.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 24
Index Governance
Index Committee
The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices are maintained by an S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Index Committee.
All committee members are full-time professional members of S&P Dow Jones Indices’ staff. The
committee meets regularly. At each meeting, the Index Committee may review pending corporate actions
that may affect index constituents, statistics comparing the composition of the indices to the market,
companies that are being considered as candidates for addition to an index, and any significant market
events. In addition, the Index Committee may revise index policy covering rules for selecting companies,
treatment of dividends, share counts or other matters.
S&P Dow Jones Indices considers information about changes to its indices and related matters to be
potentially market moving and material. Theref ore, all Index Committee discussions are confidential.
S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Index Committees reserve the right to make exceptions when applying the
methodology if the need arises. In any scenario where the treatment differs from the general rules stated
in this document or supplemental documents, clients will receive sufficient notice, whenever possible.
In addition to the daily governance of indices and maintenance of index methodologies, at least once
within any 12-month period, the Index Committee reviews the methodology to ensure the indices continue
to achieve the stated objectives, and that the data and methodology remain effective. In certain instances,
S&P Dow Jones Indices may publish a consultation inviting comments from external parties.
For information on Quality Assurance and Internal Reviews of Methodology, please refer to S&P Dow
Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies & Practices Methodology.
Shariah Expertise
S&P Dow Jones Indices has contracted with Ratings Intelligence Partners which is a London/Kuwait
based Shariah consultancy. The company was established in 2000 to develop leading-edge solutions for
the global Islamic investment market.
The Shariah Supervisory Board was established to advise the company on the methodology for screening
securities for inclusion in the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices and matters relating to the Shariah
compliance of the index constituents. S&P Dow Jones Indices provides quarterly updates on the index
constituents to the Shariah Supervisory Board and reviews new Shariah proposals from the board.
All issues relating to business decisions, including index constituent changes, are within the province of
the Index Committee. The Shariah Supervisory Board is encouraged to put forth recommendations for
changes to the Index Committee which in turn makes the ultimate business decision.
The Shariah Supervisory Board consists of eminent Shariah scholars from around the world. The
geographic diversity of the scholars helps to ensure that diverse interpretations of Shariah law are
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 25
The members of the Shariah Supervisory Board are:
Shaykh Nizam Yaquby (Bahrain). Mr. Yaquby is a member of the Islamic supervisory boards for
several Islamic institutions, including the Arab Islamic Bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank. His work
has appeared in the following publications: Risalah Fi al–Tawbah, Qurrat al–'Ainayn fi Fada il Birr al–
Walidayn, Irshad al–'Uqala'ila Hukum al–Qira'h min al–Mushaf fi al–Salah, Tahqia al–Amal fi Ikhraj Zakat
al–Fitr bi al–Mal.
Shaykh Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar (Malaysia). Dr. Bakar is currently a member of the Shariah Advisory
Council of many financial institutions in Malaysia and around the world, including the Central Bank of
Malaysia, Securities Commission of Malaysia, International Islamic Financial Market in Bahrain,
Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) in Bahrain and HSBC
Shaykh Dr. Mohamed A. Elgari (Saudi Arabia). Dr. Elgari is an associate professor of Islamic
Economics and the director of the Center for Research in Islamic Economics at King Abdulaziz University
in Saudi Arabia. He is an expert at the Islamic Jurisprudence Academy (OIC), Economics. He is also an
advisor to several Islamic financial instituitons worldwide and the author of many books on Islamic
Shaykh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo (United States). Mr. DeLorenzo is considered a leading Islamic scholar
in the United States. He has translated over twenty books from Arabic, Persian, and Urdu for publication
in English and has been commissioned to prepare a new translation of the Qur'an. Mr. DeLorenzo
compiled the first English translation of legal rulings issued by Shariah supervisory boards on the
operations of Islamic banks. Since 1989, Mr. DeLorenzo has served as secretary of the Figh Council of
North America. He is also a Shariah consultant to several Islamic financial institutions and was an advisor
on Islamic education to the government of Pakistan.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 26
Index Policy
All index constituents are evaluated daily for data needed to calculate index levels and returns. All events
af f ecting the daily index calculation are typically announced in advance via the Index Corporate Events
report (SDE), delivered daily to all clients. Any unusual treatment of a corporate action or short notice of
an event may be communicated via email to clients.
Pro-forma Files
In addition to the corporate events file (.SDE), S&P Dow Jones Indices provides constituent pro-forma
f iles each time the indices rebalance. The pro -forma file is typically provided daily in advance of the
rebalancing date and contains all constituents and their corresponding weights and index shares effective
f or the upcoming rebalancing. Since index shares are assigned based on prices seven business days
prior to the rebalancing, the actual weight of each stock at the rebalancing differs from these weights due
to market movements.
Please visit for a complete schedule of rebalancing timelines and pro-forma delivery
Holiday Schedule
The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices are calculated daily, throughout the calendar year. The only days
an index is not calculated are on days when all exchanges where an index’s constituents are listed are
of ficially closed or if WM Refinitiv’s exchange rates services are not published.
The Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index is calculated on the days when the Shanghai-Hong
Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect Programs are open for trading.
A complete holiday schedule for the year is available on S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Web site at
The Index Committee may change the date of a given rebalancing for reasons including market holidays
occurring on or around the scheduled rebalancing date. Any such change will be announced with proper
advance notice where possible.
For inf ormation on Unexpected Exchange Closures, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity
Indices Policies & Practices Methodology.
Recalculation Policy
For inf ormation on the recalculation policy, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices
Policies & Practices Methodology.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 27
Real-Time Calculation
Real-time, intra-day, index calculations are executed for certain indices, whenever any of their primary
exchanges are open. Real-time indices are not restated.
For information on Calculations and Pricing Disruptions, Expert Judgment and Data Hierarchy, please
refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Equity Indices Policies & Practices Methodology.
Contact Information
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 28
Index Dissemination
Index levels are available through S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Web site at, major quote
vendors (see codes below), numerous investment-oriented Web sites, and various print and electronic
Index Data
Daily constituent and index level data are available via subscription.
For product information, please contact S&P Dow Jones Indices,
Web site
For further information, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Web site at
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 29
Appendix I – Shariah Compliance Screens
Sector-Based Screens
Based on the Shariah Supervisory Board established parameters, the businesses listed below are
inconsistent with Shariah law. The majority of Shariah scholars and boards hold that these industries and
their f inancial instruments are inconsistent with Shariah precepts and hence are not suitable for Islamic
investment purposes. Although no universal consensus exists among contemporary Shariah scholars on
the prohibition of tobacco companies and the defense industry, most Shariah boards have advised
against investment in companies involved in these activities. Income from the following impure sources
cannot exceed 5% of revenue.
• Alcohol
• Tobacco
• Pork-related products
• Conventional financial services (banking, insurance, etc.)
• Weapons and defense
• Entertainment (hotels, casinos/gambling, cinema, pornography, music, etc.)
Companies classified as Financial (8000) according to a unique proprietary classification system are
considered eligible if the company is incorporated as an Islamic Financial Institution, such as:
• Islamic Banks
• Takaf ul Insurance Companies
Companies classified as Real Estate (8600) according to a unique proprietary classification system are
considered eligible if the company’s operations and properties are conducting business according to
Shariah principles.
Accounting-Based Screens
Af ter removing companies with unacceptable primary business activities, the remaining stocks are
evaluated according to several financial ratio filters. The f ilters are based on criteria set up by the Shariah
Supervisory Board to remove companies with unacceptable levels of debt or impure interest income.
Stocks deemed compliant at the prior evaluation period that exceed the maximum ratio for any
accounting-based screen at the current evaluation period remain compliant if the ratio is within two
percentage points of the maximum allowed. However, if the maximum is breached for three consecutive
evaluation periods the stock will be deemed non-compliant. If any of the ratios are above the two
percentage point buffer limit, the stock is deemed non-compliant immediately.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 30
Stocks deemed non-compliant at the prior evaluation period that pass all accounting-based screens at the
current evaluation period remain non-compliant if any ratio is within two percentage points of the
maximum allowed. However, if the stock satisfies all three ratios for three consecutive evaluation periods
the stock will be deemed compliant. If all three ratios are below the two percentage point buffer limit, the
stock is deemed compliant immediately.
Companies passing the sector-based and accounting-based screens may be included as index
constituents of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices. For f urther details on the index constituent
selection process, please refer to the chapter Eligibility Criteria and Index Construction.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 31
Appendix II – Currency of Calculation and
Additional Index Return Series
Index Currencies
Index Currencies
Broad-Market Global/Regional Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific ex-Japan Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets ex-Japan Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Emerging Markets Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC ex-Saudi Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Greater China Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market MENA Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index USD
Broad-Market Country Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Canada Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Japan Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Kuwait Index KWD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sri Lanka Index LKR, USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Turkey Index TRY
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.K. Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A Index USD
Blue-Chip Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME 100 Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30 Index HKD, USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index MYR, USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index USD, GBP
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index USD, MYR
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Index USD
Strategy and Thematic Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Real Estate Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Growth Index USD
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Value Index USD
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 32
Exchange Rates
Real-time spot Forex rates, as supplied by Refinitiv, are used for ongoing index calculation of real-time
WM/Ref initiv foreign exchange rates are taken daily at 4:00 PM London Time and used in the end-of-day
calculation of the indices. These mid-market fixings are calculated by The WM Company based on
Ref initiv data and appear on Refinitiv pages WMRA.
The Dow Jones Islamic Market China A Index and the Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index are
calculated using spot exchange rates taken at 4:17 PM Sydney Time as supplied by Refinitiv so that
closing values can be provided in local time zones.
In addition to the indices detailed in this methodology, additional return series versions of the indices may
be available, including, but not limited to: currency, currency hedged, decrement, fair value, inverse,
leveraged, and risk control versions. For a list of available indices, please refer to the S&P DJI
Methodology & Regulatory Status Database.
For information on the index calculation, please refer to S&P Dow Jones Indices’ Index Mathematics
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 33
Appendix III – Base Dates and History
Index history availability, base dates, and base values are shown in the table below.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 34
Appendix IV - Tickers
The table below lists headline indices covered by this document. All versions of the below indices that
may exist are also covered by this document. Please refer to the S&P DJI Methodology & Regulatory
Status Database for a complete list of indices covered by this document.
Index Return Type USD LCL
Broad-Market Global/Regional Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Index Price Return DJIAP --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific ex-Japan Index Price Return DJIP2 --
Total Return DJIP2T --
Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index Price Return DJIASN --
Total Return DJIASNT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets Index Price Return DJIDEV --
Total Return DJIDEVT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets ex -Japan Price Return DJIMDXJ --
Index Total Return DJIMDXJT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Emerging Markets Index Price Return DJIEMG --
Total Return DJIEMGT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Index Price Return DJIEU --
Total Return DJIEUT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC Index Price Return DJIGCC --
Total Return DJIGCCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC ex-Saudi Index Price Return DJIGCCX --
Total Return DJIGCCXT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Greater China Index Price Return DJIGRC --
Total Return DJIGRCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market MENA Index Price Return DJIMENA --
Total Return DJIMENAT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index Price Return DJIM --
Total Return DJIMT --
Broad-Market Country Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Canada Index Price Return DJICA --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Japan Index Price Return DJIJP --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Kuwait Index Price Return -- DJIMKW
Total Return -- DJIMKWT
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sri Lanka Index Price Return DJISRLD DJISRL
Dow Jones Islamic Market Turkey Index Price Return -- DJIMTR
Total Return -- DJIMTRT
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.K. Index Price Return DJIUK --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Index Price Return IMUS --
Total Return IMUST --
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 35
Index Return Type USD LCL
Blue-Chip Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME 100 Index Price Return DJICHM
Total Return DJICHMT
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30 Price Return DJICHKU DJICHK
Index 5 Total Return DJICHKUT DJICHKT
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index Price Return DJI100X --
Total Return DJI100XT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index Price Return DJMY25D DJMY25
Total Return DJMY25DT DJMY25T
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index Price Return IMXL --
Gross Total Return IMXLG --
Net Total Return IMXLT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market China A 100 Index Price Return -- DJICA1MP
Total Return -- DJICA1MT
Net Total Return -- DJICA1MN
Dow Jones Islamic Market Global Technology Titans 50 Price Return DJIMGTUP --
Index Total Return DJIMGTUT --
Net Total Return DJIMGTUN --
Strategy and Thematic Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index Price Return DJIBRC --
Total Return DJIBRCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index Price Return DJIBRIC --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index Price Return DJIMSI --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Growth Index Price Return -- --
Total Return -- --
Net Total Return IMUSGRN --
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Value Index Price Return -- --
Total Return -- --
Net Total Return IMUSVNR --
LCL is Hong Kong dollars.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 36
Index Return Type USD LCL
Broad-Market Global/Regional Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Index Price Return .DJIAP --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific ex-Japan Index Price Return .DJIP2 --
Total Return .DJIP2T --
Dow Jones Islamic Market ASEAN Index Price Return .DJIASN --
Total Return .DJIASNT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets Index Price Return .DJIDEV --
Total Return .DJIDEVT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Developed Markets ex -Japan Price Return .DJIMDXJ --
Index Total Return .DJIMDXJT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Emerging Markets Index Price Return .DJIEMG --
Total Return .DJIEMGT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Index Price Return .DJIEU --
Total Return .DJIEUT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC Index Price Return .DJIGCC --
Total Return .DJIGCCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market GCC ex-Saudi Index Price Return .DJIGCCX --
Total Return .DJIGCCXT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Greater China Index Price Return .DJIGRC --
Total Return .DJIGRCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market MENA Index Price Return .DJIMENA --
Total Return .DJIMENAT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index Price Return .DJIMI --
Total Return .DJIMT --
Broad-Market Country Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market Canada Index Price Return .DJICA --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Japan Index Price Return .DJIJP --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Kuwait Index Price Return -- .DJIMKW
Total Return -- .DJIMKWT
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sri Lanka Index Price Return .DJISRLD .DJISRL
Dow Jones Islamic Market Turkey Index Price Return -- .DJIMTR
Total Return -- .DJIMTRT
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.K. Index Price Return .DJIUK --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Index Price Return .IMUS --
Total Return .IMUST --
Blue-Chip Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market CHIME 100 Index Price Return .DJICHM --
Total Return .DJICHMT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market China/Hong Kong Titans 30 Price Return .DJICHKU .DJICHK
Index 6 Total Return .DJICHKUT .DJICHKT
Dow Jones Islamic Market International Titans 100 Index Price Return .DJI100X --
Total Return .DJI100XT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Malaysia Titans 25 Index Price Return .DJMY25D .DJMY25
Total Return .DJMY25DT .DJMY25T
Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index Price Return .IMXL --
Gross Total Return -- --
Net Total Return .IMXLT --
LCL is Hong Kong dollars.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 37
Index Return Type USD LCL
Strategy and Thematic Indices:
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRC Index Price Return .DJIBRC --
Total Return .DJIBRCT --
Dow Jones Islamic Market BRIC Equal Weighted Index Price Return .DJIBRIC --
Total Return -- --
Dow Jones Islamic Market Sustainability Index Price Return .DJIMSI --
Total Return -- --
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 38
Appendix V – Methodology Changes
Methodology changes since January 1, 2015 are as follows:
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 39
Effective Date Methodology
Change (After Close) Previous Updated
Capping Rules for the Dow 06/15/2018 Country weights are capped at Country weights are capped at
Jones Islamic Market GCC 45% and industry weights are 45%, industry weights are capped
Capped Index capped at 20%. at 20%, and individual constituent
weights are capped at 8%.
Rebalancing Reference Date for 09/15/2017 The rebalancing reference date is The rebalancing reference date is
the Dow Jones Islamic Market the last business day of the month the third Friday of the month prior
Titans indices prior to rebalancing. to rebalancing.
Change to the Starting Universe 09/15/2017 The starting universe for Sri Lanka The starting universe for Sri Lanka
for Constituent Selection for Sri was taken from the Dow Jones Sri is taken from the S&P Sri Lanka
Lanka Lanka Total Stock Market Index. BMI.
Changes to the Starting 03/17/2017 Universes for Bulgaria, China, All countries whose universes
Universe for Constituent Colombia, Egypt, Estonia, India, were taken from the Dow Jones
Selection Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Total Stock Market Index are
Morocco, Peru, Romania, Russia, changed to the Dow Jones Global
Slovenia, and Turkey were taken Index, where applicable. In the
from the Dow Jones Total Stock event that the country in question
Market Index. is not part of the Dow Jones
Global Index, the corresponding
S&P Global BMI country index is
Changes to the Replacement 06/19/2015 If a constituent was removed from If a constituent is removed from
Policy for the following indices: the index, stocks were added to the index, companies are no
the index immediately as longer added to the index
• Dow Jones Islamic Market
China/Hong Kong Titans replacements. immediately as replacements.
Instead, companies are only
30 Index
added to the index at the next
• Dow Jones Islamic Market quarterly rebalancing.
Malaysia Titans 25 Index
• Dow Jones Islamic Market
Titans 100 Index
Dow Jones Islamic Market Real 10/02/2015 The index was setup as a pure The index is a stand-alone
Estate Index Methodology Dow Jones Industry Classification headline index, but follows the
Change System driven flow-through sub- same Dow Jones Industry
index. Classification System code for
constituent index eligibility.
S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 40
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S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 41
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S&P Dow Jones Indices: Dow Jones Islamic Market Indices Methodology 42