Borror Delong 2005 Study of Insects
Borror Delong 2005 Study of Insects
Borror Delong 2005 Study of Insects
in the Figures
The following list includes all the abbreviations used in the figures in Chap-
ters 3 through 35. The abbreviations used on wing drawings for the veins and
eells (using the Comstoek-Needham terminology) are not listed in the figure
legends, but are included in the following listo Subseript numerals are used to
designate branehes of the longitudinal veins. Sueh numerals are often used to
designa te the particular thorade segment on which a strueture is loeated
O, designating the prothorax; 2, the mesothorax; and 3, the metathorax). Sub-
seript numerals are oeeasionally used to designate the particular abdominal seg-
ment on which a sclerite is loeated.
a, anal vein aos, anterior oblique sulcus be, bursa copulatrix elm, calamistrum
A, anal vein, anal cell on mesepisternum bcv, bridge cross vein elp, elypeus
ab, abdomen, opisthosoma ap, appendix bg, book gills elpl, elypellus
ac, accessory, lanceolate, or Ap, apical cell bk, beak, proboscis, cls, claval suture
subanal vein apc, apical cross vein rostrum, or snout elt, claw tuft, clypeal
Ac, anal crossing (A apd, apodeme bl, blastoderm tubercle
branching posteriorly apo, apophysis bln, banksian line elv, claval vein
from Cu, often called the ar, arista bm, basal medial cell, cm, gastric caeca or caecum
cubito-anal cross vein) are, arculus basement membrane en, colon
acc, accessory cell are, areolet bm-cu, basal mediocubital ena,cornea
acg, accessory gland aro, arolium cross vein enge, corneagenous cells
acg, accessory gland an, point of aniculation bms, basalar muscle cnu, eleavage nuclei
ael, antennal elub as, antennal sulcus, anterior bp, brood pouch colm, collum, tergite
aelp, anteclypeus spiracle br, brain or basal radial cell of the first body
acr, acrostichal bristles ase, antennal sclerite brv, bridge vein segment
aes, acrosternite ask, antennal socket bt, breathing tube com, commissural trachea
act, acrotergite asp, apical spur buc, buccula or bucca como, tritocerebral
acv, anterior cross vein aspr, anterior spiracle bv, basal vein commissure
adf, adfrontal area at, alimentary tract bvn, brace vein cor, corim
aed, aedeagus ata, anterior tentorial arm covd, common oviduct
af, antennal fossa atb, anal tube e, costal vein cp, crop
agr, scrobe, groove in beak atp, anterior tentorial pit C, costal vein, costal cell cph, prosoma or
for reception of antenna au, auricle ca, corpus allatum cephalothorax
al, anallobe av, auxiliary vein cal, calypter or squama cpl, cortical cytoplasm
alp, anal loop aw, anterior wart cb, corbicula cr, cercus, lateral caudal
alu, alula awp, anterior no tal wing cbr, costal break filament, superior
am, axillary muscle process cc, crystalline cone appendage
an, antenodal cross vein ax, axilla cd, cardo crb, cribellum
AN, alinotUm AX, axillary cell cee, circumesophageal cre, cremaster
anc, anal cleft axc, axillary cell connective crl, crystalline lens
anes, antecostal suture axcr, axillary cord cen, cenchri cm, cornicle
anp, anal plate axs, axillary sclerite cg, cerebral ganglion cro, crochets
anr, anal ring axv, axillary vein ch, chelicera crp, carapace
ans, anus cho,chorion es, coronal suture
ant, antenna B, basal cell chp, cheliped esp, cusp of mandible,
ante, antecosta ba, basalare el, clypeus, clavus caudal spiracle
antl, antennule BA, basal anal cell, basal cla, clasper cu, cubital vein
ao, dorsal aorta areole clc, movable spines or calcaria Cu, cubital vein
cual>anterior cubital cell exl, exite lobe hc, humeral callus mdu, microduct
cuf,cubitalfork (fork of CuA) exm, extensor muscle hcl, hypostigmatic or truss cell mdv, median vein
cun, cuneus exo, exocuticle hd, head mem, membrane
cup, posterior cubital cell exp, exopodite hg, anterior portíon of the met, metasomatic segment
Cup,posterior cubital vein hindgut mf, medial fork (fork of
cut, cuticle f, frenulum ho,hom MP2)
cva, clava fa, face hp, humeral plate mg, midgut or mesenteron
cvs, cervical sclerite lb, frontal bristles hr, heart mh, movable hook or palp
CVX, cervix fc, food channel hst, haustellum mi, median lobe
ex, coxa fch, lilter chamber hv, humeral or recurrent vein mm, marginal macroduet
exc, coxal cavity fen, frontal ganglion hyb, hypopleural bristles mn, mentum
exg, groove in coxa connectíve hyp, hypopharynx, mo, mouth
exp, eoxopodite of re, facial fovea intermediate stylet mp, mouthparts
abdominal appendages fg, frontal ganglion hypl, hypopleuron Mp, posterior media
lib, libula mpb, mesopleural bristles
d, discoidal or intercostal fl, flagellum iab, intra-alar bristles mpo, marginal 8-shaped
vein flb, flabellum iap, interior appendage pore
D, diseal cell, or discoidal flm, flexor muscle (paraproct) ms, mesoderm
eell fm, femur iar, interantennal ridge msd, mesoderm
de, dorsocentral bristles fmb, femoral bristles ias, interantennal suture msl, mesostemallobe
dcv,discal cross vein fn, fang of chelicera iep, infraepistemum mspl, medial supplement
dlm, dorsallongitudinal fob, fronto-orbital bristles il, ileum mst, mental seta
muscle fon, fontanelle ism, intersegmental mt, Malpighian tubule
dm, domelike layer of for, foramen magnum membrane mts, metatarsus or lirst
euticle over nerve ending, fr, frons it, intercalated triangle tarsal segment
or discal medial cell frl, frontallunule ivb, inner vertical bristles mu, mucro
dm-cu, discal medio-cubital fs, frontal suture mv, marginal or radial
cross vein fu, sternal apophysis, furca j, jugum vein
do, dorsal ostiole fun, funiculus or funicle jl, jugallobe mx, maxilla, dorsal stylet
dp, distal process of fv, frontal vitta mxa, maxillary
sensory cell I,leg articulatíon
DS],disjugal furrow g, galea L, length, lanceolate mxl, maxillary lobe
dta, dorsal tentorial arm gap, gonapophysis Iba, labial articulation mxn, maxillary nerve
dtra, dorsal trachea ge, genal comb Ibl, labellum mxp, maxillary palp
gcl, germ cell Ibm, labium, ventral stylet mxt, maxillary tentacle
e, eye, compound eye gex, gonocoxa Ibn, labial nerve
ee, eye eap ge, gena Ibr, labrum, rostrum n, notum
eet, eetoderm gen, male copulatory lbrn, labral nerve nb, notopleural bristles
ef, epigastrie furrow apparatus le, lacinia ne, ventral nerve cord
eg, egg gf, genital forceps let, layer of the cutícle nod,nodus
ejd, ejaeulatory duct gh, gland hair 19, ligula, median lobe nll, pronotallobe
el, elytron gi, gills 11,lamina lingualis npl, notopleuron
emb, embolium gl, glossa lo, lorum npls, notopleural suture
emp, empodium gle, gland cell lp, labial palp nt, notaulus
en, endophallus gld, duct of gland cell Lp, lateral plate nu, nucleus
end, endocuticle, endoderm gis, gland spines 15, labial suture nv, neuron
endr, endodermal rudiments glt, gland tubercle 1st, lateral setae
enl, endite lobe gn, ganglion of ventral Itra, main longitudinal o,opening
enp, endopodite nerve cord tracheal trunk ob, oeellar bristles
ep, epidermis gna, gnathochilarium obv, oblique vein
eper, epicranium gon, gonangulum m, medial cross vein, mouth, oe, ocellus
epg, epigynum gpl, gonoplacs or recurrent nerve oep, oeciput
eph, epipharynx gr, gill remnants M, medial vein, medial eell oepd, ocellar pedicel
epi, epicuticle gs, guiar suture ma, mandibular articulation oes, ocular suleus
epm, epimeron gst, gonostylus MA, anterior media oeg, oecipital ganglion
epp, epipleurite gt, genal tooth MC, marginal eell og, optic ganglion
epr, epistomal ridge gu, gula mcf, median eaudallilament op,operculum
eps, epistemum gvp, genovertical or orbital mep, mieropyle opl, optie lobe
ept, epiproet, median caudal plate md, mandible opt, ocular point
filament, or inferior MD, median eell orp, orbital plate
appendage h, humeral eross vein mdn, mandibular nerve os, oecipital suleus
es, epistomal su\cus hal, haltere mdp, median plate (of osm, osmeterium (seent
eso, esophagus hb, humeral bristles wing), middle plate (of gland)
ex, exuvium hbr, hypostomal bridge embryo) ot, oeellar triangle
Continued on back endpaper
Seventh Edition
Borrorand DeLong's
to the Studyof Insects
Seventh Edition
CharlesA. Triplehorn
The Ohio State University
Norman F.Johnson
The Ohio State University
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vi Preface
C. A. T.
N. EJ.
Jable of Contents
1 InsectsandTheirWays 1
2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,and Developmentof Insects 5
3 Systematics, Classification,Nomenclature,
and Identification 52
4 Behaviorand Ecology 62
5 PhylumArthropoda 99
6 Hexapoda 152
7 TheEntognathousHexapods:Protura,
Collembola,Diplura 169
8 TheApterygoteInsects:MicrocoryphiaandThysanura 177
9 OrderEphemeroptera:Mayflies 181
10 OrderOdonata:Dragonfliesand Damselflies 193
11 OrderOrthoptera:Grasshoppers,Crickets,
and Katydids 209
12 OrderPhasmatodea: Walkingsticksand LeafInsects 227
13 OrderGrylloblattodea:RockCrawlers 230
14 OrderMantophasmatodea 232
15 OrderDermaptera:Earwigs 234
16 OrderPlecoptera:Stoneflies 239
17 OrderEmbiidina:Web-Spinners 247 ix
x Contents
18 OrderZoraptera:Zorapterans,Angellnsects 250
19 OrderIsoptera:Termites 252
20 OrderMantodea:Mantids 260
21 OrderBlattodea:Cockroaches 263
22 OrderHemiptera:TrueBugs,Cicadas,Hoppers,Psyllids,
Whiteflies,Aphids,and ScaleInsects 268
23 OrderThysanoptera:
Thrips 333
24 OrderPsocoptera:Psocids 341
25 OrderPhthiraptera:Lice 356
26 OrderColeoptera:Beetles 365
27 OrderNeuroptera:Alderflies,Dobsonflies,Fishflies,
Snakeflies,Lacewings,Antlions,and Owlflies 469
28 OrderHymenoptera:Sawflies,ParasiticWasps,Ants,Wasps,
and Bees 481
29 OrderTrichoptera:Caddisflies 558
30 OrderLepidoptera:Butterfliesand Moths 571
31 OrderSiphonaptera:Fleas 648
32 OrderMecoptera:Scorpionfliesand Hangingflies 662
33 OrderStrepsiptera:Twisted-WingParasites 669
34 OrderDiptera:Flies 672
35 Collecting,Preserving,and StudyingInsects 745
Glossary 779
Credits 798
Index 805
Insects and Their Ways
he science of taxonomy takes as its arbitrary start- without them. By their pollinating activities, they make
Ting point the publication of the 10th edition of possible the production of many agricultural crops, in-
Linnaeus's Systema Naturae in 1758. More than two cluding many orchard fruits, nuts, clovers, vegetables,
centuries later, nearly one million species of insects and cotton; they provide us with honey, beeswax, silk,
have been described and named. Biology in the 21st and other products of commercial value; they serve as
century has changed in many fundamental ways, led food for many birds, fish, and other beneficial animals;
primarily by the revolution in molecular biology. Yet they perform valuable services as scavengers; they help
the study of diversity of life on Earth has not faded keep harmful animals and plants in check; they have
into the past. Rather, it has become reinvigorated by been useful in medicine and in scientific research; and
advances in other sciences and in technology. We people in all walks of life look on them as interesting
continue to discover new species at an increasing animals. A few insects are harmful and cause enormous
rate, even as habitat destruction by the growing hu- losses each year in agricultural crops and stored prod-
man population brings the threat of extinction. In ucts, and some insects transmit diseases that seriously
2002, entomologists announced the discovery of a affect the health of humans and other animals.
new order of insects, the Mantophasmatodea, illus- Insects have lived on Earth for about 350 million
trating that our understanding of even the major years, compared with less than 2 million for humans.
groups is imperfecto Our goal in writing this book is During this time, they have evolved in many directions
to provide an introduction to the diversity of insects to become adapted to life in almost every type of habi-
and their relatives and a resource for identifying the tat (with the notable and puzzling exception of the sea)
fauna of temperate North America. We thus hope to and have developed many unusual, picturesque, and
encourage the study of these fascinating creatures so even amazing features.
that we all may better understand the world in which Compared with humans, insects are peculiarly
we live. constructed animals. Humans might think of them as
lnsects are the dominant group of animals on inside out, because their skeleton is on the outside, or
Earth today. They far outnumber all other terrestrial upside down, because their nerve cord extends along
animals, and they occur practically everywhere. Sev- the lower side of the body and the heart lies above the
eral hundred thousand different kinds have been alimentary canal. They have no lungs, but breathe
described-three times as many as there are in the through a number of tiny holes in the body wall-all
rest of the animal kingdom-and some authorities be- behind the head-and the air entering these holes is
lieve the total number of different kinds may ap- distributed over the body and directly to the tissues
proach 30 million. More than a thousand kinds may through a multitude of tiny branching tubes. The heart
occur in a fair-sized backyard, and their populations and blood are unimportant in transporting oxygen to
often number many millions per acre. the tissues. lnsects smell with their antennae, some
A great many insects are extremely valuable to hu- taste with their feet, and some hear with special organs
mans, and society could not exist in its present form in the abdomen, front legs, or antennae. 1
.". -
2 Chapter1 Insects andTheirWays
In an animal whose skeleton is on the outside of ture also drops, and their physiological processes slow
the body, the mechanics of support and growth limit down. Many insects can withstand short periods of
the animal to a relatively small size. Most insects are freezing temperatures, and some can withstand long
relatively small: Probably three fourths or more are less periods of freezing or subfreezing temperatures. Some
than 6 mm in length. Their small size enables them insects survive these low temperatures by storing in
to live in places that would not be available to larger their tissues ethylene glycol, the same chemical that we
animals. pour into our car radiators to protect them from freez-
Insects range in size from about 0.25 to 330 mm in ing during the winter.
length and from about 0.5 to 300 mm in wingspread; Insect sense organs often seem peculiar compared
one fossil dragonfly had a wingspread of over 760 mm! with those of humans and other vertebrates. Many in-
Some of the longest insects are very slender (the 330- sects have two kinds of eye-two or three simple eyes
mm insect is a walking stick occurring in Borneo), but located on the upper part of the face and a pair of com-
some beetles have a body nearly as large as one's fist. pound eyes on the sides of the head. The compound
The largest insects in North America are some of the eyes are often very large, occupying most of the head,
moths, with wingspreads of about 150 mm, and the and may consist of thousands of individual "eyes."
walking stick, with a body length of about 150 mm. Some insects hear by means of eardrums, whereas oth-
The insects are the only invertebrates with wings, ers hear by means of very sensitive hairs on the anten-
and these wings have had an evolutionary origin dif- nae or elsewhere on the body. An insect that has
ferent from that of the vertebrates. The wings of flying eardrums may have them on the sides of the body at
vertebrates (birds, bats, and others) are modifications the base of the abdomen (grasshoppers) or on the front
of the forelimbs; those of insects are structures in addi- legs below the "knee" (katydids and crickets).
tion to the paired "limbs," and might be likened to the The reproductive powers of insects are often
wings of the mythical horse Pegasus. With wings, in- tremendous; most people do not realize just how great
sects can leave a habitat when it be comes unsuitable; they are. The capacity of any animal to build up its
adult aquatic insects, for example, have wings when numbers through reproduction depends on three char-
adult, and if their habitat dries up they can fly to an- acteristics: the number of fertile eggs laid by each fe-
other habitat. Under similar adverse conditions, fish male (which in insects may vary from one to many
and other aquatic forms usually perish. thousands), the length of a generation (which may
Insects range in color from very drab to brilliant; vary from a few days to several years), and the propor-
no other animals on Earth are more brilliantly colored tion of each generation that is female and will produce
than some of the insects. Some insects, such as the the next generation (in some insects there are no
japanese beetle and the morpho butterfly are glittering males).
and iridescent, like living jewels. Their colors and An example that might be cited to illustrate insects'
shapes have inspired artists for millennia. reproductive powers is Drosophila, the fruit fly that has
Some insects have structures that are amazing been studied by so many geneticists. These flies develop
when we compare them to vertebrates. The bees and rapidly and under ideal conditions may produce
wasps and some of the ants have their ovipositor, or 25 generations in ayear. Each female will lay up to
egg-Iaying organ, developed into a poison dagger 100 eggs, of which about half will develop into males
(sting) that serves as an excellent means of offense and and half into females. Suppose we start with a pair of
'j defense. Some ichneumonids have a hairlike ovipositor these flies and allow them to increase under ideal con-
100 mm long that can penetra te solid wood. Some ditions, with no checks on increase, for a single year-
snout beetles have the front of the head drawn out into with the original and each female laying 100 eggs before
a slender structure longer than the rest of the body, she dies and each egg hatching, growing to maturity,
with tiny jaws at the end. Some flies have their eyes sit- and reproducing again, at a 50:50 sex ratio. With 2 flies
uated at the ends of long, slender stalks, which in one in the first generation, there would be 100 in the sec-
South American species are as long as the wings. Some ond, 5000 in the third, and so on, with the 25th gener-
of the stag beetles have jaws half as long as their bod- ation consisting of about 1.192 X 1041flies. lf this many
ies and branched like the antlers of a stag. Certain in- flies were packed tightly together, 1000 to a cubic
dividuals in some of the honey ants become so en- inch, they would form a ball of flies 96,372,988 miles in
gorged with food that their abdomens become greatly diameter-or a ball extending approximately from Earth
distended. These serve as living storehouses of food, to the sun!
which they regurgitate "on demand" to other ants in Throughout the animal kingdom, an egg usually
the colony. develops into a single individual. In humans and some
Insects are cold-blooded creatures. When the en- other animals one egg occasionally develops into two
vironmental temperature drops, their body tempera- individuals (that is, identical twins) or, on rare occa-
InsectsandTheirWays 3
sions, three or four. Some insects carry this phenome- with that of vertebrates); and many have "invented"
non of polyembryony (more than one young from a things we may think of as strictly human accomplish-
singleegg) much further; some platygastrid wasps have ments. Some groups of insects have developed complex
as many as 18, some dryinid wasps have as many as 60, and fascinating social behavior.
and some encyrtid wasps have more than 1000 young Insects feed on an almost endless variety of foods,
developing from a single egg. A few insects have an- and they feed in many different ways. Thousands of
other unusual method of reproduction, paedogenesis species feed on plants, and practically every kind of
(reproduction by larvae). This occurs in the gall gnat plant (on land or in fresh water) is fed on by some kind
genus Miastor and the beetle genera Micromalthus, of insecto The plant feeders may feed on almost any
Phengodes,and Thylodrias. parl of the plant; caterpillars, leaf beetles, and leafhop-
In the nature of their development and life cycle, pers feed on the leaves, aphids feed on the stems, white
insectsron the gamut from very simple to complex and grubs feed on the roots, certain weevil and moth larvae
evenamazing. Many insects undergo very little change feed on the fruits, and so on. These insects may feed on
as they develop, with the young and adults having sim- the outside of the plant, or they may burrow into it.
ilar habits and differing principally in size. Most in- Thousands of insects are carnivorous, feeding on other
sects,in contrast, undergo in their development rather animals; some are predators, and some are parasites.
remarkable changes, both in appearance and in habits. Many insects that feed on vertebrates are blood suck-
Mostpeople are familiar with the metamorphosis of in- ing; some of these, such as mosquitoes, lice, fleas, and
sects and possibly think of it as commonplace, which, certain bugs, not only are annoying pests because of
as a matter of fact, it is. Consider the development of a their bites, but may serve as disease vectors. Some in-
butterfly: An egg hatches into a wormlike caterpillar; sects feed on dead wood; others feed on stored foods of
this caterpillar eats ravenously and every week or two all types; some feed on various fabrics; and many feed
sheds its exoskeleton; after a time it becomes a pupa, on decaying materials.
hanging from a leaf or branch; and finally a beautiful, The digger wasps have an interesting method of
wingedbutterfly emerges. Most insects have a life cycle preserving food collected and stored for their young.
like that of a butterfly; the eggs hatch into wormlike These wasps dig burrows in the ground, provision
larvae,which grow by periodically shedding their outer them with a certain type of prey (usually other insects
exaskeleton (together with the linings of the foregut, or spiders), and then lay their eggs (usually on the
hindgut, and breathing tubes), finally transforming body of the prey animal). If the prey animals were
into an inactive pupal stage from which the winged killed before being put into the burrows, they would
adult emerges. A fly grows from a maggot; a beetle dry up and be of little value as food by the time the
growsfram a grub; and a bee, wasp, or ant grows from wasp eggs hatched. These prey animals are not killed;
a maggotlike larval stage. When these insects become they are stung and paralyzed, and thus "preserved" in
adult, they stop growing; a little fly (in the winged good condition for the young wasps when they hatch.
stage)does not grow into a bigger one. Insects often have interesting and effective means
An insect with this sort of development (complete of defense against intruders and enemies. Many "play
metamorphosis) may live as a larva in a very different dead," either by dropping to the ground and remaining
type of place from that in which it lives as an adult. motionless or by "freezing" in a characteristic position.
One common household fly spends its larval life in Others are masters of the art of camouflage, being so
garbage or some other filth; another very similar fly colored that they blend with the background and are
mayspend its larvallife eating the insides out of a grub very inconspicuous; some closely resemble objects in
ar caterpillar. The june beetle that flies against the their environment-dead leaves, twigs, thorns, or even
screensat night spends its larvallife in the ground, and bird droppings. Some insects become concealed by cov-
the long-horned beetle seen on flowers spends its lar- ering themselves with debris. Others that do not have
vallife in the wood of a tree or log. any special means of defense very closely resemble an-
Many insects have unusual features of structure, other that does, and presumably are afforded some
physiology,or life cycle, but probably the most in ter- protection because of this resemblance. Many moths
esting things about insects are what they do. In many have the hind wings (which at rest are generally con-
instances the behavior of an insect seems to surpass in cealed beneath the front wings) brightly or strikingly
intelligence the behavior of humans. Some insects give colored-sometimes with spots resembling the eyes of
the appearance of an amazing foresight, especially as a larger animal (for example, giant silkworm moths; see
regards laying eggs with a view to the future needs of Figure 30-76)-and when disturbed display these hind
the young. Insects have very varied food habits; they wings; the effect may sometimes be enough to scare off
have some interesting means of defense; many have a potential intruder. Some of the sound-producing in-
what might be considered fantastic strength (compared sects (for example, cicadas, some beetles, and others)
4 Chapter 1 InsectsandTheirWays
produce a characteristic sound when attacked, and this lift some 60 tons, and an elephant could lift a fair-sized
sound often scares off the attacker. building! When it comes to jumping, many insects put
Many insects use a "chemical warfare" type of de- our best Olympic athletes to shame. Many grasshop-
fense. Some secrete foul-smelling substances when dis- pers can easily jump a distance of 1 meter, which is
turbed; stink bugs, broad-headed bugs, lacewings, and comparable to ahuman long-jumping the length of a
some beetles might well be called the skunks of the in- football field, and a flea jumping several inches up in
sect world, because they have a very unpleasant odor. the air is comparable to ahuman jumping over a 30-
A few of the insects using such defensive mechanisrns story building.
can eject the substance as a spray, in some cases even Many insects do things that we might consider
aiming it at an intruder. Some insects, such as the milk- strictly an activity of civilized humans or a product of
weed butterflies, ladybird beetles, and net-winged bee- our modern technology. Caddisfly larvae were probably
tles, apparently have distasteful or mildly toxic body the first organisms to use nets to capture aquatic or-
fluids, and predators avoid them. ganisrns. Dragonfly nymphs, in their intake and expul-
Many insects inflict a painful bite when handled. sion of water to aerate the gills in the rectum, were
The bite may be simply asevere pinch by powerful among the first to use jet propulsion. Honey bees were
jaws, but the bites of mosquitoes, fleas, black-flies, as- air-conditioning their hives long before humans even
sassin bugs, and many others are much like hypoder- appeared on Earth. Hornets were the first animals to
mic injections; the irritation is caused by the saliva in- make paper from wood pulpo Long before people began
jected at the time of the bite. making crude shelters, many insects were constructing
Other means of defense indude the stinging hairs shelters of day, stone, or "logs" (Figure 29-8), and
some caterpillars have (for example, the saddleback some even induce plants to make shelters (galls) for
caterpillar and the larva of the io moth), body fluids them. Long before the appearance of humans on Eanh,
that are irritating (for example, blister beetles), death the insects had "invented" cold light and chemical war-
feigning (many beetles and some insects in other or- fare and had solved many complex problems of aero-
ders), and warning displays, such as eyespots on the dynamics and celestial navigation. Many insects have
wings (many moths and mantids) or other bizarre or elaborate communication systems, involving chemicals
grotesque structures or patterns. (sex, alarm, trail-following, and other pheromones),
One of the most effective means of defense insects sound (cicadas, many Orthoptera, and others), behav-
possess is a sting, which is developed in the wasps, ior (for example, honey bee dance "language"), light
bees, and some ants. The sting is a modified egg-Iaying (fireflies), and possibly other mechanisms.
organ; hence only females sting. lt is located at the pos- These are only a few of the ways in which insects
terior end of the body, so the "business" end of a sting- have become adapted to life in the world about uso
ing insect is the rear. Some of the detailed stories about these animals are
Insects often perform feats of strength that seem fantastic and almost incredible. In the following chap-
nearly impossible compared with those of human be- ters, we point out many of the interesting and often
ings. lt is not unusual for an insect to be able to lift 50 unique features of insect biology-methods of repro-
or more times its own weight, and researchers have duction, ways of obtaining food, techniques for de-
found that some beetles, when rigged with a special positing eggs, methods of rearing the young, and fea-
harness, can lift more than 800 times their own weight. tures of life history-as well as the more technical
If they were as strong as such beetles, ahuman could phases that deal with morphology and taxonomy.
hd th A
~~/ , ept
/,," __ cr
I f
\1/ ovp
Figure 2-1 General structure of an insectoab, abdomen; ant, antenna; cr, cercus; e,
compound eye; epm, epimeron; eps, epistemum; ept, epiproct; hd, head; Ibm, labium; md,
mandible; mp, mouthparts; mx, maxilla; n, nota of thorax; Ovp,ovipositor; pIs, pleural su-
ture; ppt, paraproct; spr, spiracles; t,_IO,terga; th, thorax; th¡, prothorax; thz, mesothorax;
th3,metathorax. (Modified from Snodgrass, 1935, Principies of Insect Morphology,
Comell University Press.) 5
:::z:: -
Figure2-2 Structure of the body wall (diagrammatic). bm, basement membrane; cut,
cuticle; end, endocuticle; ep, epidermis; epi, epicuticle; exo, exocuticle; glc, gland cell; gld,
duct of glandcell;Ict,layerof the cuticle;pcn,pore canal;se, seta;ss,setalsocket;tmg,
tormogen cell (which forms the setal socket); trg, trichogen cell (which forms the seta).
Abdomen 7
Figure 2-3 Chemical structure of chitin and its primary monomeric component,
N-acetylglucosamine. (From Arms and Camp 1987.)
su .....
a waxlayer, and a cement layer. The epicuticle contains ---'" "....
no chitin. The wax layer is very important to terrestrial ",
insects,because it serves as the primary mechanism to
limit the 1055of water across the body wall (both exo- cut -_
cuticle and endocuticle are permeable to water). As a ep E3
soliddecreases in size (as measured by volume, surface bm///
area,or some linear dimension) the ratio of its surface-
areato volume, that is, the relative amount of surface area,
increases.Therefore, the loss of water across the body
surface is relatively much more important to a small
creaturethan to a large one. Many small terrestrial an-
imals,such as snails and isopods, do not have such a
Figure 2-4 Diagram of external and internal features of
protective wax layer, but these creatures usually live
the body wall. apo, apophysis; bm, basement membrane;
only in regions of high relative humidity, which de-
creasesthe rate at which water is lost from their body. COS,costa; cut, cuticle; ep, epidermis; su, sulcus or suture.
The outermost cement layer is thought to protect the
waxbeneath from abrasion.
The sclerites of the body wall are often subdivided
bygroovesand crests, or may project into the body as in-
temalstruts. In general, an external groove marking an Abdomen
infoldingof cuticle of the outer body wall is called a sul-
cus (plural, sulcO (Figure 2-4, su). The term suture, We begin our discussion of the three tagmata of insects
alsovery widely used, refers to a line of fusion between with the abdomen beca use in contrast to the head and
two formerly separated sclerites. The distinction is a thorax, it is relatively simple in structure. Arthropods,
subtleone and often difficult or impossible to make sim- like vertebrates, are built on a basic ground plan of re-
ply by looking at the external structure of a specimen. peated body segments, or metameres. These are most
Therefore,in this book we generally use these terms clearly visible in the abdomen. In general, the abdomen
moreor less synonyrnously. The lines of inflection seen of an insect is made up of a maximum of 11 metameres
extemally usually correspond to internal ridges, or (Figure 2-1, ab). Each metamere typically has a dorsal
costae (Figure 2-4, cos). The internal costae may serve sclerite, the tergum (plural, terga; Figure 2-1, t¡-tlO;
as strengthening braces or as the sites of muscle attach- Figure 2-5A, t); a ventral sclerite, the sternum (plural,
ment.An external crest may be referred to as a costa or stema; Figure 2-1, stn; Figure 2-5A, stn); and a mem-
carina (or any number of common English names such branous lateral region, the pleuron (plural, pleura; fig-
as heel).Internal projections of cuticle are also referred ure 2-5A, plm). The openings to the respiratory sys-
to as apodemes or apophyses (Figure 2-4, apo). tem, the spiracles (Figure 2-1, spr) , typically are
8 Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,and Development of Insects
>-- ante
acs....... /
..... I
I \
I I \ ,
I I anes stn
stn ism
located in the pleuron. Terga and sterna may be subdi- these segments have no appendages. In the primitively
vided; these parts are referred to as tergites and ster- wingless insects,l the orders Microcoryphia and Thysa-
nites. Sclerites in the pleural wall are called pleurites. nura, the ventral portion of a pregenital segment gen-
This segmentation of the abdomen differs from erally consists of a small medial sternum and two large
that found in other nonarthropod protostomes such as plates laterad of the sternum, the coxopodites (see Fig-
the segmented worms (Annelida). In these, the exter- ure 8-1B, cxp and stn). The coxopodites are remnants
nally visible grooves in the body wall delimiting the of the bases of the abdominal legs, and apically they
metameres serve as the points of attachment for the bear a musculated stylus (Figure 8-1A,B, sty). The styli
dorsal and ventrallongitudinal muscles. In arthropods, probably represent the apical portions of these legs (the
these muscles attach to internal costae, the antecostae, telopods), but they are not segmented as are the tho-
which are located near, but not at, the anterior margins racic legs. The styli generally function as sensory or-
of the terga and sterna (Figure 2-5B, ante). Externally, gans and also support the abdomen, much like the run-
the position of the antecosta is indicated by a groove, ners of a sled. Mesal to the styli are one or sometimes
the antecostal suture (Figure 2-5B, ancs). The region two pairs of eversible vesicles, which function in water
of the tergum anterior to the antecostal sulcus is the absorption. They are everted from the body by hydro-
acrotergite (Figure 2-5B, act). The corresponding re- static pressure and retracted by muscles. In many cases
gion of the sternum is the acrosternite (Figure 2-5B, the coxopodites and the sternum are fused into a sin-
acs). The main dorsallongitudinal muscles extend be- gle composite sclerite, the coxosternum.
tween the antecostae of successive segments. Contrac- Pregenital abdominal appendages are present in
tion of these muscles results in a telescoping, or retrac- winged insects only in immature stages (with the ex-
tion, of the abdominal segments. This body plan, in ception of male Odonata). In embryos, the appendages
which the externally visible segmentation does not of the first abdominal segment, known as pleuropodia,
conform to the attachment of the longitudinal muscles, are present. These are glandular structures and are lost
is known as secondary segmentation. before the insect hatches from the egg. The larvae of
The genitalia of insects are generally located on or some Neuroptera (Figure 27-6A-C) and Coleoptera
about abdominal segments 8 and 9. These segments (Figures 26-19A,B, 26-21A) bear lateral styluslike
have a number of specializations associated with copu- structures that have variously been interpreted as rep-
lation and oviposition; our discussion of them is there-
fore included in the section later on the reproductive 1 As we describe in Chapter 6, we are distinguishing between the
systems. Segments 1-7, anterior to the genitalia, are the terms Hexapoda and Insecta, restricting the latter to refer to the
pregenital segments. In most adult winged insects, Pterygota, Thysanura, and Microcoryphia.
Thorax 9
resentingleg rudiments, styli, or secondarily developed are highly reduced or normally retracted within the
gills. The nymphs of Ephemeroptera bear a series of body.
platelike gills along the upper lateral portions of the
body (Figure 9-2). Again, from just what structures
thesegills were derived and what their serial homologs
maybe on the thorax have been considerably debated. Thorax
The immature stages of a number of orders have
prolegson the pregenital segments. These are typically The thorax is the locomotory tagma of the body, and it
Oeshy,short appendages that are important in walking bears the legs and wings. It is made up of three seg-
orcrawling (see, for example, Figures 30-3, prl; 30-74, ments, the anterior prothorax, mesothorax, and poste-
ventral,plg; and 28-37). Hinton (1955) concluded that rior metathorax (Figure 2-1, th¡-th3). Among insects,
prolegshad evolved independently a number of times; a maximum of two pairs of spiracles open on the tho-
others,such as Kukalová-Peck (1983), interpret these rax, one associated with the mesothorax, one with the
structures as modified abdominal legs, both homolo- metathorax. The mesothoracic spiracle serves not only
gousbetween orders and serially homologous with the that segment but also the prothorax and head. The
segmentedthoracic legs. terga of the thorax are typically called nota (singular,
The postgenital segments are typically reduced in notum). Among present-day insects, wings are borne at
insects. Among hexapods, the Protura are unique in most on the mesothoracic and metathoracic segments;
that theyhave 12 well-developedsegments in the ab- these two segments are collectively called the
domen (representing 11 metameres and an apical non- pterothorax to reflect this (pteron, Greek for "wing").
metamerictelson). In general, the only indications of These segments have several modifications associated
an Ilth segment among insects are a dorsal sclerite, the with flight that are not shared with the prothorax.
epiproct, and two lateral sclerites, the paraprocts (Fig- The prothorax is connected to the head by a mem-
ure 2-1, ept, ppt). Between them are inserted the ap- branous necklike region, the cervix (Figure 2-6, cvx).
pendages of the apical abdominal segment, the cerci Dorsallongitudinal muscles extend from the mesotho-
(singular, eereus). Typically the cerci are sensory or- rax through the prothorax and insert on the head; the
gans,but in some cases they are modified as organs of pronotum has no antecosta. Movements of the head co-
defense(as in the forceps of Dermaptera, Figures 15-1 ordinate with the rest of the body by one or two pairs
and 15-2) or may be specialized as accessory copula- of cervical sclerites (Figure 2-6, cvs) that articulate
toryorgans. Very often the apical abdominal segments with the prothorax posteriorly and the head anteriorly.
, epp
hd \
\ \
The system of seeondary segmentation just de- others have suggested that, in essenee, both are eorrect
seribed in referenee to the abdomen is modified in the in that the thorade pleurites are eomposite in origino In
pterothorax lo aecommodate the flight musculature. any case, the selerotized portion of the pleuron is di-
The dorsal longitudinal museles of the meso- and vided by a suture that extends from the base of the leg
metathorax are greatly enlarged and are involved in to the base of the wing; this is the pleural suture (Fig-
depression (downward movement) of the wings (Fig- ure 2-6, pis). This suture divides the pleuron into an
ure 2-7B, dlm). As a eorollary, the sites of insertion of anterior episternum (Figure 2-6, eps¡-eps3) and a pos-
these museles-that is, the anteeostae of the mesotho- terior epimeron (Figure 2-6, epm¡-epm3). Aeeording to
rax, metathorax, and first abdominal segments-are the subeoxal theory of the origin of pleural selerites, the
also greatly enlarged and projeet downward within the pleurites originally eonsisted of a pair of ineomplete
thorax and base of the abdomen. These enlarged ante- rings above the base of the leg: an upper anapleurite
eostae are called the first, second, and third phragmata and a lower eatepleurite (the latter also ealled katepleu-
respeetively (singular, phragma; Figure 2-7B, ph¡-ph3). rite, eatapleurite, or eoxopleurite). Sueh selerites are vis-
Extemally, the mesonotum and metanotum are typi- ible in the primitively wingless hexapods and in a few
eally divided transversely by a sulcus that gives added pterygotes. The eatepleurite articulates with the leg.
flexibility. The sulcus divides eaeh notum into an ante- Thus the combination of the pleural suture and the two
rior seutum (Figure 2-6, set2, set3) and a posterior rings of the subeoxa ean theoretically define four re-
seutellum (Figure 2-6, sel2, sel3). In addition, the por- gions of the pleuron: anepimeron, anepistemum,
tions of the notum bearing the seeond and third eatepimeron, and eatepistemum (for an example, see
phragma are often separated from the following seu- terminology of McAlpine et al. 1981 for the dipteran
tum from whieh they are derived, and moved forward, thorax in Chapter 33). In addition to its dorsal articula-
sometimes even entirely fused with the selerites ante- tion with the eatepleurite, the leg articulates anteroven-
rior to them. These selerites bearing the seeond and trally with a narrow selerite (often entirely fused with
third phragmata are ealled postnota (Figures 2-6 and the epistemum), the troehantin. The wing rests on the
2-7, PN2, PN3). pleural wing proeess (Figure 2-6, pwp), whieh forros
The lateral portion of the thorax in winged inseets the dorsal apex of the pleural suture. Anterior lo the
is very different from the abdomen in that typieally it is pleural wing proeess is a small selerite, the basalare
strongly selerotized and relatively rigid. The origin of (Figure 2-I2A,B, ba); posterior to the pleural wing pro-
these pleural selerites has been eonsiderably debated. eess is another selerite, the subalare (Figure 2-I2A, sb;
Some researehers have argued that these pleural seler- oeeasionally two small selerites are found here instead
ites evolved de novo and have no serial homologs in of one). These selerites (sometimes eolleetively ealled
other parts of the body. Many others postulate that the epipleurites) are attaehed lo the base of the wing and
pleural selerites represent the ineorporation of a basal serve as means of eontrolling the attitude of the wings
leg segment, the subeoxa, into the body wall. Finally, or may be direetly involved in wing movement.
n2 PN2ancs
, , n3
, PN3ancs
i I I I I I
,' /t,
II dlm I dl'm I
I , I
ph, ph2 ph3
Thorax 11
The external pleural suture corresponds to an in- second long segment; the tarsus (ts), usually a series of
ternal costa, the pleural ridge. This ridge extends in- small subdivisions beyond the tibia; and the pretarsus
ternallyon either side as a pair of pleural apophyses (ptar), consisting of the claws and various padlike or se-
(or pleural arms; Figure 2-7 A, plap). These pleural talike structures at the apex of the tarsus. A true seg-
apophyses are connected with a corresponding pair of ment of an appendage (including the six just described)
apophysesarising from the sternum (Figure 2-7 A, fu). is a subdivision with musculature inserted at its base.
The two may be connected by muscle or tendon, or in The subdivisions of the tarsus, though commonly called
somecasesthey are fused together. The bases of the tarsal segments, are not true segments in this sense and
sternalapophyses are often fused together, particularly are more properly called subsegments or tarsomeres. The
in species in which the legs are contiguous ventrally. pretarsus usually includes one or more padlike struc-
The apophyses then have a Y-shaped appearance, and tures between or at the base of the claws. A pad or lobe
the structure is called the furca. between the claws is usually called an arolium (Fig-
ure 2-8A,B, aro), and pads located at the base of the
claws are usually called pulvilli (Figure 2-8C, pul).
Legs The movements of a leg depend on its musculature
The thoracic legs of insects are sclerotized and subdi- and the nature of the joints between its segments. These
videdinto a number of segments. There are typically six leg joints may be dicondylic, with two points of articu-
segments (Figure 2-8): the coxa (cx), the basal seg- lation, or monocondylic, with a single point of articula-
ment;the trochanter (tr), a small segment (occasionally tion (Figure 2-9). The movement at a dicondylic joint is
twosegments) following the coxa; the femur (fm), usu- largely limited to the plane perpendicular to a line con-
allythe first long segment of the leg; the tibia (tb), the necting the two points of articulation, whereas that at a
ptar -- D
, ,,- - ~~
I ''
I .~..::'::.::,.
.,: ...... ' ,art2
/ :;":':: ,,/
/ I
/ I
art, flm
A B e
monocondylic joint (which is like a ball-and-socket wing venation is very useful as a means of identifica-
joint) can be more varied. The joints between the coxa tion. Several venational terminologies have been devel-
and body may be monocondylic. If it is dicondylic, the oped, and the most widely used has been the Comstock-
axis of rotation is usually more or less vertical, and the Needham system (Cornstock and Needham 1898, 1899)
leg moves forward and backward (promotion and remo- (see Figure 2-10). This system basically recognizes a
tion). The coxo-trochanteral, trochantero-femoral, and series of six major longitudinal wing veins (with their
femoro-tibial joints are usually dicondylic. The move- abbreviations in parentheses): costa (C) at the leading
ment between the coxa and trochanter and the femur edge of the wing, followed by the subcosta (Sc), radius
and tibia is dorsal and ventral (elevation and depression (R), media (M), cubitus (Cu), and anal veins (A).
of the leg). The tibio-tarsal joint is usually mono- Each of these veins, with the exception of the costa,
condylic, thus permitting more varied movements. may be branched. The subcosta may branch once. The
branches of the longitudinal veins are numbered from
anterior to posterior around the wing by means of sub-
Wings script numerals: the two branches of the subcosta are
The wings of insects are outgrowths of the body wall designated Sc¡ and SC2'The radius first gives off a pos-
located dorsolaterally between the nota and pleura. terior branch, the radial sector (Rs), usually near the
They arise as saclike outgrowths, but when fully devel- base of the wing; the anterior branch of the radius is R¡;
oped are flattened and flaplike, and are strengthened by the radial sector may fork twice, with four branches
a series of sclerotized veins. Among living insects, fully reaching the wing margino The media may fork twice,
developed and functional wings are usually present with four branches reaching the wing margino The cu-
only in the adult stage. The one exception is the pres- bitus, according to the Comstock-Needham system,
ence of functional wings in the penultimate instar in forks once, the two branches being Cu¡ and CU2;ac-
Ephemeroptera (the subimago). At most, two pairs of cording to some other authorities, Cu. forks again dis-
wings are found in living insects, 10cated on the tal1y,with the two branches being CUla and CU¡b' The
mesothoracic and metathoracic segments. Most of the anal veins are typical1y unbranched and are usualIy
muscles that move the wings are attached to sclerites in designated from anterior to posterior as the first anal
ilie iliorade wa\\ railiet ilian to tne wings directly, and vein (11\), second anal vein (21\), and so on.
the wing movements are ptoduced indirecuy by CTossveins connect the major longitudinal veins
changes in the shape of the thorax. and are usually named accordingly (for example, th!
The wing veins are hollow structures that may medio-cubital crossvein, m-cu). Some crossveins havl
contain nerves' tracheae, and hemolymph (blood). The special names: two common examples are the humera
paccem ol venation varies considerably among differenr crossvein (h) and the sectorial crossvein (s).
groups of insects. Urde is known abour rhe funcrional The spaces in rhe wing membrane berween (he
significance of these differences, but the pattem of veins are calIed celIs. CelIs may be open (extending to
Thorax 13
Figure2-10 Generalized wing venation, according to Comstock; for a key to the letter-
ing, see accompanying textoIn some orders the vein here labeled Cu¡ is called Cu in the
Comstock-Needham system (and its branches Cu¡ and Cu2), and the remaining veins anal
thewing margin) or closed (completely surrounded by spedal names, for example, the triangles of the drag-
veins).The cells are named according to the longitudi- onfly wing and the discal cell of the Lepidoptera.
nal vein on the anterior side of the cell; for example, The wings of insects are attached to the thorax at
the open cell between R2 and R3 is called the R2 cell. three points (see Figures 2-11 and 2-12): with the no-
Wheretwo cells separated by a crossvein would ordi- tum at the anterior and posterior notal wing processes
narilyhave the same name, they are individually desig- (Figure 2-11, awp, pnwp), and ventrally at the pleural
nated by number; for example, the medial crossvein wing process (Figure 2-12A, pwp). In addition, small
connectsM2 and M3 and divides the M2 cell into two sclerites, the axillary sclerites (or pteralia) at the base
cells,the basal one is designated the first M2 cell and of the wing are important in translating the movements
the distal one the second M2 cell. Where a cell is bor- of the thoracic sclerites into wing movements. Most
deredanteriorly by a fused vein (for example, R2+3),it living insects (the Neoptera) have three axillary scler-
is named after the posterior component of that fused ites (Figure 2-11, axsCaxs3). Anteriorly the first axil-
vein(cell R3). In some insects, certain cells may have lary articulates with the anterior no tal wing process,
=_ __R
- --M
- - -Cu Figure2-11 Diagram showing the articula-
tion of the wing with the thoradc notum.
=---1A am, axillary musc1es; awp, anterior notal wing
process; axcr, axillary cord; axs, axillary
- - -2A sc1erites 1-3; hp, humeral plate;jl, jugallobe;
mdp, median plates; n, notum; pnwp, posterior
- - -3A notal wing process; tg, tegula. The letters at
the right side of the figure indicate the veins.
\ (Redrawn from Snodgrass 1935, Principies of
\ InsectMorphology,1993,CornellUniversity
jl Press.)
-'ro - _'1111111ii181
14 Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,
of Insects
the subcostal vein, and the second axillary. The second Odonata and in most Orthoptera, the phase difference
axillary then artieulates with the first, the radial vein, is less pronounced, with the front wings moving a lit-
the pleural wing process, and the third axillary. The tle ahead of the hind wings.
third axillary articulates with the second, the anal The forces needed to fly-lift, thrust, and attitude
veins, and the posterior notal wing process. In the control-are generated by the movement of the wings
Neoptera, a muscle (am) inserted on the third axillary through the air. These movements, in turn, are gener-
causes it to pivot about the posterior no tal wing pro- ated by the thoracic muscles pulling either directly on
cess and thereby to fold the wing over the back of the the base of the wing (direct flight mechanism) or caus-
insect. (Some groups of Neoptera, such as butterflies, ing changes in the shape of the thorax, whieh in turn
have lost this ability to flex the wings over the back.) are translated by the axillary sclerites into wing move-
Two groups of winged insects, the Ephemeroptera and ments (indirect flight mechanism). In most insects,
Odonata, have not evolved this wing-flexing mecha- the primary flight muscles are indirect: the dorsal lon-
nism, and their axillary sclerites are arranged in a pat- gitudinal muscles (Figure 2-12A,B, dlm) cause the no-
tern different from that of the Neoptera. Some special- tum to bow, thereby raising the no tal wing processes in
ists classify these two orders (with a number of extinct relation to the pleural wing process, depressing the
orders) together as the Paleoptera. wing. The antagonistie movement is generated by con-
The Comstock-Needham system made great tracting the tergosternal (dorsoventral or tergopleural)
strides in recognizing the homology in wing veins (Figure 2-12B, tsm); these pull down on the notum,
among the orders and in reducing the number of drawing the no tal wing processes down in relation
names associated with them. Kukalová-Peck (1978, to the pleural wing process, thereby elevating the wing.
1983, 1985) and Riek and Kukalová-Peck (1984) have In addition, muscles inserted on the basalare (Fig-
proposed a reinterpretation of the origin and basic ure 2-12, bms) and subalare (Figure 2-12A, sbm) can
structure of insect wings. The veins are interpreted to be involved in direct depression of the wing (by means
consist of a series of paired blood channels that loop of their connection to the wing margin at XI and x2) or
from the base of the wing to the apex and back again. may be important in controlling the angle at whieh the
The anterior vein in the loop protrudes from the dorsal wing moves through the air.
surface (a convex vein) and the posterior vein in the Flight, however, is not a simple matter of flapping
loop protrudes from the ventral surface (a concave the wings up and down. In addition, the wings are
vein). The fundamental venation in this interpretation brought forward (promotion) and backward (remo-
consists of eight major longitudinal vein systems: the tion), and twisted; that is, the leading edge is turned
precosta, costa, subcosta, radius, media, cubitus, anal downward (pronation) or the trailing edge is turned
vein, and jugal vein. The "vein" in the costal margin of downward (supination). The manner in whieh these
living insects is thus formed from the fusion of the pre- wing movements are produced involves a complex in-
costa, costa, and sometimes portions of the subcosta. tegration of the anatomical details of the attachment of
This interpretation has been applied to the orders the wing to the thorax and the contraction of muscles.
Ephemeroptera and Odonata, cases in whieh peculiar- The details are not completely known for any species,
ities in venation and axillary structure had led some to and only in a few can we begin to say we understand
postulate that wings had evolved in insects more than them at al!. In fact, it is clear that insects of different
once (see Chapters 9 and 10). sizes and shapes fly in different ways. A minute para-
sitie wasp of about 1 mm in length moves its wings dif-
Flight ferently and has wings of a different shape from a house
fly's, for example, and the aerodynamies of its flight are
Many insects have powers of flight that exceed those of probably also quite different.
all other flying animals; they can steer accurately and
quiekly, hover, and go sideways or backward. Only the
hummingbirds rival insects in their ability to maneuver
on the wing. Head
Most insects have two pairs of wings, and the two
wings on each side may be overlapped at the base or The head of insects consists of a series of metameric
hooked together in some way so that they move to- body segments, together specialized for food gathering
gether as one, or they may be capable of independent and manipulation, sensory perception, and neural inte-
movement. In many Odonata, the front and hind wings gration. Exactly how many segments are in the head
move independently, and there is a phase difference in has long been a matter of contention among morphol-
the movements of the two pairs; that is, when one pair ogists, with the postulated number ranging from 3 to 7,
is moving up, the other pair is moving down. In other The head bears the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts. Its
Head 15
Figure2-12 Diagram of the wing muscles of an insectoA, Lateral view; B, Cross section
of a wing-bearing segmento am, axillary muscles; AN, alinotum; axs2and axs3,second and
third axillary sclerites; ba, basalare; bms, basalar muscles; ex, coxa; dlm, dorsallongitudi-
nal muscles; ph, phragma; pl, pleuron; pIs, pleural suture; PN, postnotum; pwp, pleural
wing process; sb, subalare; sbm, subalar muscles; tsm, tergostemal muscles; w, wing;
Xl and X2,connections between basalare and subalare and wing base. (Redrawn from
Snodgrass 1935, PrincipIesoflnsectMorphology,1993, Comell University Press.)
shapediffersquite widely between groups of insects, magnum; for); through it ron the ventral nerve cord,
but somelandmarks are consistently visible to enable traeheae, the digestive system, muscles, so me times the
identificationof its component parts. dorsal blood vessel, and so on. The most posterior line
The head is divided by grooves into a number of of infleetion on the head eapsule outside of the occipi-
moreor less distinct sclerites (Figure 2-13). Typically tal foramen is generally the postoccipital suture (pos).
thereis a transverse sulcus extending across the lower This suture defines the limits of the posterior segment
partof the face just above the base of the mouthparts; of the head, the labial segment, named because it bears
the medial or anterior part of this sulcus is the episto- ventrally the most posterior set of mouthparts, the la-
mal sulcus (es), and the lateral portions above the bium. The area behind the postoecipital suture is the
mandiblesand maxillae are the subgenal sulci (sgs). postocciput (po); the area on the side of the head an-
The anterior portion of the head capsule, above the terior to this suture is the postgena (pg); and the dor-
epistomal sulcus and between the large compound sal portion of the head anterior to the suture is the oc-
eyes,is the frons (fr). The anterior area below the epi- ciput (oep). In so me cases an oecipital sulcus (os) is
stomalsulcus is the clypeus (clp). The area below the present that defines the anterior limits of the oeciput
eye,on the side of the head, and above the subgenal and postgenae (separating them fram the vertex and
su\cusis the gena (ge). The top of the head, between genae), but this is far fram universally presento
the eyes, is the vertex (ver). In many, if not most in- The points on the head where the arms of the ten-
sects,the frons, vertex, and genae are general areas of torium (a set of internal braces, see later) meet the
the head, and their edges are not clearly defined by head wall are usually marked by pits or slits visible ex-
sulci. ternally. The anterior tentorial pits (atp) are at the lat-
The head is connected to the thorax by the mem- eral ends of the epistomal sulcus; the posterior tentor-
branous cervix (cvx). The opening on the posterior ial pits (ptp) are at the lower ends of the postoecipital
sideof the head is the occipital foramen (or foramen suture.
___ fr--l
_ - sas
505----- ---
In different insect groups the sulci and sclerites are located at the lower ends of the postoccipital su-
just described may be absent, or they may be supple- tures. These arms unite from side to side to form a ten-
mented by others. The nomenclature usually makes torial bridge (Figure 2-14, ttb). Some insects have dor-
use of the landmarks mentioned; for example, the fron- sal arms on the tentorium (dta) that extend to the
togenal sulci are lines of inflection separating the genae upper pan of the face near the antennal bases. The ten-
from the frons. In many groups, however, the naming torium serves to brace the head capsule against the pull
of these parts follows the traditions taxonomists devel- of the powerful mandibular muscles, as the point of at-
oped over the last century or more, and may not be tachment for muscles moving the head appendages,
standardized. and as protection for the subesophageal ganglion and
The head is braced intemally by a group of pharynx.
apophyses forming the tentorium (Figure 2-14). This The head appendages of hexapods, starting poste-
structure is usually H-shaped, X-shaped, or shaped like riorly and moving forward, are (1) the labium (fig-
the Greek letter 'ir (pO with the principal arms in a ure 2-13, lbm); (2) the maxillae (mx); (3) the mandibles
more or less horizontal plane and extending from the (md); (4) the labrum (lbr); and (5) the antennae (ant).
lower pan of the rear of the head to the face. The points These are described in more detail later. These repre-
where the anterior arms of the tentorium (Figure 2-14, sent modified appendages, serially homologous to the
ata) meet the face are marked extemally by the anterior thoracic walking legs. In the ancestral condition, the
tentorial pits (atp). which are located at eitner end of moutnparts are directed downward~ sucn a nead is
the epistomal sulcus between the frons and the called hypognathous. In many predalOry and burrow-
clypeus. The posterior arms of the tentorium meet the ing species, the mouthparts are directed anteriorly, the
head wall at the posterior tentorial pits (ptp) , which prognathous condition. FinallY' in some groups, espe-
Head 17
ciallythe Hemiptera, the mouthparts are directed pos- thoracic legs) of three postoral (behind the mouth)
teriorly; this is the opisthognathous condition (or, segments. The area anterior to the mouth bears the
when speaking of the beak of Hemiptera, the compound eyes, ocelli, antennae, and labrum; the in-
opisthorhynchous condition). terpretation of this region is a matter of contention,
The posterior surface of the head, between the and some of the hypotheses and the evidence in sup-
foramenand the labium, is membranous in most in- port of them are succinctly summarized by Rempel
sects,but in a few this region is sclerotized. This scler- (1975). Recent developmental and molecular studies
otizationmay be the result of the hypostomal areas support the idea that both the labrum and antennae are
(areasbelow the subgenal sulci posterior to the mandi- modified appendages associated with independent
bles) extending ventrally and toward the midline to head segments.
formwhat is called a hypostomal bridge, or (particu-
larlyin prognathous insects) the result of the postoc- Antennae
cipitalsutures extending forward onto the ventral side
of the head, with a sclerite developing between these The antennae are paired segmented appendages 10-
suturesand the foramen. In the latter case the sclerite cated on the head, usually between or below the com-
iscalledthe gula (see Figure 26-4, gu) and the anterior pound eyes. The basal segment is called the scape
extensionsof the postoccipital sutures are called guIar (Figure 2-15N, scp), the second segment the pedicel
sutures. In some groups, the hypostomal bridge may (ped), and the remainder the flagellum (O). In insects
be "overgrown" by extensions of the postgenae, thus (the Pterygota and the apterous orders Thysanura and
creatinga postgenal bridge. Microcoryphia), the "segments" of the flagellum lack
The number of segments making up the head is intrinsic musculature and therefore are thought to rep-
notapparenrin the adult insect, as the head sulci rarely resent subsegments of the apical, third true antennal
coinicidewith the sutures between the original seg- segmento These are often called flagellomeres to distin-
ments.Entomologists do not agree on the number of guish them from true musculated segments (although
segmentsin the insect head; the one area of consensus this anatomical characteristic is widely recognized,
is that the posterior three sets of mouthparts corre- these subsegments are still often called segments). This
spond to appendages (serially homologous with the type of antenna is called an annulated antenna, refer-
18 Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,and Developmentof Insects
~ K
postmentum (pmt) and a distal prementum (prmt). haustellate mouthparts either are elongate and stylet-
The postmentum may be divided into a basal submen- like or are lacking.
tum (smt) and a distal mentum (mn). The prementum
bears a pair of labial palps (lp) and a group of apical The Mouthparts of Hemiptera. The beak in this order
lobes that constitute the ligula (lg). The labial palps (Figure 2-17) is elongate, usually segmented, and
are borne on lateral lobes of the prementum, called arises from the front (Heteroptera) or rear (Auchenor-
palpigers (plg). The ligula consists of a pair of mesal rhyncha, Sternorrhyncha) of the head. The external
lobes, the glossae (gl), and a pair of laterallobes, the segmented structure of the beak is the labium which is
paraglossae (pgl). sheathlike and eneloses four piercing stylets: the two
mandibles and the two maxillae. The labrum is a short
If the mandible and maxilla on one side of a spec-
imen are removed, the hypopharynx (Figure 2-16B, lobe at the base of the beak on the anterior side, and
hyp) becomes visible; this is a short, tonguelike struc- the hypopharynx is a short lobe within the base of the
ture located immediately in front of or above the la- beak. The labium does no piereing, but folds up as the
bium and between the maxillae. In most insects, the stylets enter the tissue fed on. The inner stylets in
ducts from the salivary glands open on or near the hy- the beak, the maxillae, fit together in such a way as to
popharynx. Between the hypopharynx, mandibles, and form two channels, a food channel and a salivary chan-
labrum lies the preoral food cavity, the cibarium, which nel. The palps are lacking.
leads dorsally to the mouth.
The Mouthparts of the Diptera. The biting Diptera in
Variations in Insect Mouthparts the suborder Nematocera and the Tabanomorpha in-
Insect mouJhparts can be elassified into two general elude the mosquito es (Figm:e l=l8~sand flies,
types, mandibulate (chewing) and haustellate (suck- punkies, black flies, horse flies, and snipe flies. Females
ing). In mandibulate mouthparts, the mandibles move of these insects have six piereing stylets: the labrum,
transversely, that is, from side to side, and the insect is the mandibles, the maxillae, and the hypopharynx; the
usually able to bite off and chew its food. Insects with labium usually serves as a sheath for the stylets. The
haustellate mouthparts do not have mandibles of this stylets may be very slender and needlelike (mosqui-
type and cannot chew food. Their mouthparts are in toes) or broader and knifelike (the other groups). The
the form of a somewhat elongated proboseis or beak maxillary palps are well developed, but labial palps are
through which liquid food is sucked. The mandibles in lacking (some dipterists regard the labellar lobes as
Head 21
The proboscis in the louse flies (Hippoboscidae) is bella, a pair of large, 50ft, ovallobes. The lower surface
somewhat retracted into a pouch on the ventral side of of these lobes bears numerous transverse grooves that
the head when not in use. serve as food channels. The proboscis can usually be
The remaining Diptera with sponging or lapping folded up against the lower side of the head or into a
mouthparts include the nonbiting species such as the cavity there. These flies lap up liquids; the food may be
house fly (Figure 2-20), blow flies, and fruit flies. The already in liquid form, or it may first be liquefied by
mouthpan structures are suspended from a conical salivary secretions of the fly.
membranous projection of the lower pan of the head
called the rostrum. The maxillary palps arise at the dis- The Mouthparts of Lepidoptera. The proboscis of adult
tal end of the rostrum, and the pan of the proboscis be- Lepidoptera (Figure 2-21) is usually long and coiled
yond the palps is termed the haustellum. The labrum and is formed of the two galeae of the maxillae; the food
and hypopharynx are slender and lie in an anterior channel is between the galeae. The labrum is a narrow
groove of the labium, which forms the bulk of the transverse band across the lower margin of the face, and
haustellum. The salivary channel is in the hypophar- there are no mandibles and hypopharynx (except in the
ynx, and the food channellies between the labrum and Micropterigidae). The maxillary palps are usually small
the hypopharynx. At the apex of the labium are the la- or absent, but the labial palps are usually well devel-
oped.Thereis no speeialsalivarychannel. This type of The power of a muscle varies with the size of its cross-
mouthpart structure is sometimes called siphoning- sectional area, or with the square of its width; what the
sucking,because there is usually no piereing and the in- muscle moves (¡he mass of the body) varies with the
sect merely sucks or siphons liquids up through the cube of the linear dimension. Thus as the body be-
proboseis.Some moths in Southeast Asia and northem comes smaller, the muscles become relatively more
Australia,however, use the proboseis to pierce the skins powerful.
of 50ftfruits and then siphon liquids from the tissues Insect muscles are often capable of extremely
undemeath. When used, the proboscis is uncoiled by rapid contraction. Wing stroke rates of a few hundred
bloodpressure; it recoils by its own elastieity: per second are fairly common in insects, and rates up
to 1000 or more per second are known. In insects with
relatively slow wing-stroke rates and in most other
skeletal muscles, each muscle contraction is initiated
Insed Muscles by a nerve impulse. Such muscles are called synchro-
nous or neurogenic muscles because of this one-to-one
Ihe muscular system of an insect is comprised of from correspondence between action potentials and muscle
severalhundred lO a few thousand individual muscles. contractions. In insects with higher wing-beat fre-
Allconsist of striated muscle cells, even those around quencies, the muscles contract much more often than
the alimentary canal and the heart. The skeletal mus- the rate at which neural impulses reach them. The
des, which attach lO the body wall, move the various rates of contraction in such asynchronous muscles
parts of the body, including the appendages. The cell (found prineipally in flight muscles but sometimes in
membranesof the muscle and epidermis are interdigi- other oscillating systems) depend on the characteris-
tatedand interconnected by desmosomes; from the tics of the muscles themselves and the assoeiated
desmosomes,microtubules run to the outer epidermal sclerites. Nerve impulses are necessary to initiate con-
cellmembrane, and from there attachment fibers run tractions, but thereafter serve to generally maintain
through the cuticle to the epicuticle. The attachment the rate of contractions rather than to stimulate each
fibersare not broken down between the times when the one individually:
epidermisis separated from the old cuticle (apolysis) That insect muscles may have such an extremely
andthe shedding of that cuticle (ecdysis; see section on rapid contraction frequency, which is sometimes main-
moltinglater). Thus the muscles remain attached to tained for a prolonged period, attests to the effieiency
the body wall, and the insect continues to be able to of their metabolismo The tracheal system provides the
moveduring the period when a new cuticle is being large volumes of oxygen needed for such metabolic
formed.The locations of the points of attachment of rates. In most insects, the tracheoles (across whose
theskeletal muscles are sometimes useful in determin- walls gas exchange takes place) indent the cell mem-
ingthe homologies of various body parts. The visceral branes of the muscles, thus minimizing the distance
musdes, which surround the heart, the alimentary across which diffusion of gases must take place. Insects
canal,and the ducts of the reproductive system, pro- use a variety of fuels for flight. Carbohydrates are im-
duce the peristaltic movements that move materials portant for many speeies; in others, lipids are the pri-
alongthese tracts. They usually consist of longitudinal mary fuels; in some flies (such as the tsetse), amino
andcircular muscle fibers. acids form the substrate for generating the energy nec-
Ihe muscles moving the appendages are arranged essary for flight.
segmentally,generally in antagonistic pairs. Some ap-
pendageparts (for example, the galea and laeinia of the
maxillaeand the pretarsus) have only flexor muscles.
Thesestructures are usually extended by a combina- Digestive System
tionof hemolymph pressure and the elastieity of the
cutide.Eachsegment of an appendagenormally has its Insects feed on almost every organic substance found
ownmuscles. The tarsal and flagellar "segments" do in nature, and their digestive systems exhibit consider-
nothave their own muscles and thus are not true seg- able variation. The alimentary canal is a tube, usually
ments. somewhat coiled, which extends from the mouth to the
lnsect muscles seem to us to be very strong: Many anus (Figure 2-22). It is differentiated into three main
insectscan lift 20 or more times their body weight, and regions: the foregut, or stomodaeum; the midgut, or
jumping insects can often jump distances equal to mesenteron; and the hindgut, or proctodaeum. Both
manytimes their own length. These feats appear very the foregut and hindgut are derived from ectodermal
remarkablewhen compared to what humans can do; tissue and are lined intemally by a thin layer of cuticle,
theyare possible not because the muscles of insects are the intima. This cuticle is shed at each molt along with
inherently stronger, but because insects are smaller. the outer exoskeleton.
;8: - ~
gn mg
Most insects have a pair of glands lying below the tima. The anterior part of the foregut is provided with
anterior part of the alimentary canal (Figure 2-22, dilator muscles, which have their origins on the walls
slg). The ducts from these glands extend forward and and apodemes of the head and thorax and their inser-
unite into a common duct that opens near the base of tions on the stomodaeal muscle layers, the epithelium,
the labium or hypopharynx. These labial glands (so or intima. These are best developed in the pharyngeal
named because they open at the base of the labium) region in sucking insects, where they make the phar-
generally function as salivary glands. There is often an ynx into a sucking pump. The crop is specialized for
enlargement of the duct from each gland that serves the temporary storage of food. It may be a simple en-
as a reservoir for the salivary secretion. The labial largement of the foregut, or, as in mosquitoes and Lep-
glands in the larvae of Lepidoptera, Trichoptera, and idoptera, it may be a lateral diverticulum off the diges-
Hymenoptera secrete silk, which is used in making tive tract. Uttle or no digestion of food takes place in
cocoons and shelters and in food gathering by net- the foregut.
spinning caddisflies. The midgut (mg) is usually an elongate tube of
The foregut is usually differentiated into a phar- rather uniform diameter, sometimes differentiated into
ynx (phx, immediately beyond the mouth), esophagus two or more parts. It often bears diverticula, the gastric
(eso, a slender tube extending posteriorly from the caeca (cm), near its anterior end. The midgut is not
pharynx), crop (cp, an enlargement of the posterior lined by cuticle. The epitheliallayer of the midgut is in-
portion of the foregut), and proventriculus. At its pos- volved both with the secretion of digestive enzymes
terior end is the stomodaeal valve, which regulates the into the lumen and in the absorption of the products of
passage of food between the foregut and midgut. In digestion into the body of the insect. Individual midgut
some groups, such as cockroaches and termites, the epithelial cells are generally rather short-lived and are
proventriculus may bear an armature of teeth inter- constantly being replaced. These dividing cells may be
nally; these are used to further crush the food before it scattered throughout the midgut, or may be concen-
enters the midgut. The intima is secreted by the foregut trated as pockets of growth. Such areas are sometimes
epithelium and is relatively impermeable. The intima visible from the lumen of the gut as invaginated crypts
and epithelium are often longitudinally folded. Outside and from the outer side as bulges (called nidi). The
of the epithelium is an inner layer of longitudinal mus- midgut is the primary site of digestion and absorption
cles and an outer layer of circular muscles. The longi- in the alimentary canal. In many species, the midgut
tudinal muscles sometimes have insertions on the in- epithelium and the food are separated by a peritrophic
Digestive System 25
membrane-a nonliving, permeable network of chitin has large, thick rectal pads that are important in re-
and protein that is secreted by the epithelium. The moving water fram the feces.
function of the peritraphic membrane is unclear. It The filter chamber is a modification of the ali-
mayserve to limit abrasion of the epithelium, to inhibit mentary canal in which two normally distant parts are
the movement of pathogens fram the food to the in- held close together by connective tissue; it occurs in
sect'stissues, or as a means of separating endo- and ec- many of the Hemiptera and varies somewhat in form
toperitrophic spaces within which digestive specializa- in different members of the order. The midgut in these
tioncan occur. insects is differentiated into three regions: the first,
The hindgut extends fram the pyloric valve, second, and third ventriculi. The first and second ven-
which lies between the midgut and hindgut, to the triculi are saclike structures immediately posterior to
anus. Posteriorly it is supported by muscles extending the esophagus, and the third ventriculus is a slender
to the abdominal wall. The hindgut is generally differ- tube. Typically, the third ventriculus turns forward and
entiatedinto at least two regions, the anterior intestine comes to lie close to the first ventriculus, often coiling
and the posterior rectum (rec). The anterior intestine about it, where it is held in place by connective tissue.
maybe a simple tube, or it may be subdivided into an This complex-the first ventriculus, the coiled third
anterior ileum (il) and a posterior colon (en). The ventriculus, and the connective tissue-forms the fil-
Malpighian tubules (mt), which are excretory organs ter chamber (Figure 2-23). Beyond the filter chamber,
(seelater), arise at the anterior end of the hindgut, and the alimentary canal continues backward, usually as a
their contents empty into it. The hindgut is the final slender tube, to enter the rectum. The Malpighian
site for resorption of water, salts, and any nutrients tubules emerge either fram the filter chamber or just
framthe feces and urine. The rectum in several species beyond it.
eso / eso
/ vnt
rec rec
Many Hemiptera live on plant juices, which they their food, and aphids inject amylase into the plant tis-
usually ingest in large quantities. Entomologists think su es and thus digest starch in the food plant. Such ex-
the filter chamber is a device that allows water from in- traintestinal digestion is also found in the predaceous
gested sap to pass directly from the anterior portion of larvae of antlions and predaceous diving beetles, and
the midgut to the hindgut, concentrating sap before di- bugs that feed on dry seeds.
gestion in the posterior part of the midgut. This excess Most chemical digestion of the food takes place
fluid passes from the anus as honeydew. However, be- within the midgut. Some of the midgut epithelial cells
cause honeydew is often rich in nutrients such as car- produce enzymes, and others absorb digested food.
bohydrates and amino acids, there is some doubt about Sometimes the same cells carry out secretion and ab-
the exact function of the filter chamber. sorption. Enzymes may be released into the lumen of
Digestion is the process of changing food chemi- the midgut by the disintegration of the secretory cells
cally and physically so that it can be absorbed and (holocrine secretion) or by the release of small
nourish various parts of the body. This process may be- amounts of enzymes across the cell membrane (mero-
gin even before the food is ingested but usually occurs crine secretion).
as the ingested materials pass through the digestive Only a few species of insects produce enzymes
tract. Solid foods are broken down by various mechan- that digest cellulose, but some can use cellulose as food
ical means (chiefly the mouthparts and proventricular as a result of symbiotic microorganisms present in their
teeth), and all foods are subjected to a battery of en- digestive tracts. These microorganisms, usually bacte-
zymes as they pass through the digestive tract. ria or flagellated protists, can digest the cellulose, and
Insects feed on a great variety of living, dead, and the insects absorb the products of this digestion. Such
decomposing animals, plants, and fungi and on their microorganisms are present in termites and many
products. In some cases, liquids such as blood or plant wood-boring beetles and are often housed in special or-
juices may constitute their entire food supply. The di- gans connected to the gut.
gestive system varies considerably with the different The fat body is a large, often somewhat amor-
kinds of foods consumed. The food habits may even phous organ housed in the abdomen and thorax. In
vary greatly in a single species. Larvae and adults many ways its function is analogous to that of the liver
usually have entirely different food habits and differ- among vertebrates. It serves as a food reservoir and is
ent types of digestive systems. Some adults do not feed an important site of intermediate metabolismo In some
at all. species it is also important in storage excretion (see
Most insects take food into the body through the page 27). The fat body is usually best developed in the
mouth. Some larvae that live endoparasitically in a host late nymphal or larval instars. By the end of meta mor-
animal can absorb food through the surface of their phosis, it is often depleted. Some adult insects that do
bodies from host tissues. Many insects have chewing not feed retain their fat body in adult life.
mandibles and maxillae that cut, crush, or macerate
food materials and force them into the pharynx. In
sucking insects, the pharynx functions as a pump that
brings liquid food through the beak into the esopha- Excretory System
gus. Peristaltic action moves food is along the alimen-
tary canal. The primary excretory system of an insect consists of a
Saliva is usually added to the food, either as it en- group of hollow tubes, the Malpighian tubules, which
ters the alimentary canal or before, as in the case of arise as evaginations at the anterior end of the hindgut
many sucking insects that inject it into the fluids they (Figure 2-22, mt). These tubules vary in number from
siphon up as foods. Saliva is generally produced by the one to more than several hundred, and their distal, free
labial glands, and the labial glands of many insects also ends are closed. These tubules function in removing ni-
produce amylase. In certain bees, these glands secrete trogenous wastes and in regulating, together with the
invertase, which is later taken into the body with nec- hindgut, the balance of water and various salts in the
tar. In bloodsucking insects such as mosquitoes, the hemolymph. Ions apparently are actively transponed
saliva generally contains no digestive enzymes but con- across the outer membrane of the tubule, generating an
tains a substance that prevents coagulation of the blood osmotic flow of water into the lumen. Along with this
and the consequent mechanical plugging of the food water a number of small solutes-amino acids, sugars,
channel. This saliva causes the irritation produced by and nitrogenous wastes-enter the tubule passively.
the bite of a bloodsucking insect. This primary urine is therefore an isosmotic solution
Many insects eject digestive enzymes on food, and containing the small molecules present in the he-
partial digestion may occur before the food is ingested. molymph. Some of these solutes and the water may be
Flesh fly larvae discharge proteolytic enzymes onto actively resorbed into the hemolymph in the basal por-
Circulatory System 27
Insects generally have longitudinal tracheal trunks Insects that live in water and get their oxygen from
(connectives, ltra) connecting the tracheae from adja- atmospheric air do this in one of three general ways:
centspiracles on the same side of the body and trans- from air spaces in submerged parts of certain aquatic
versecommissures (com) connecting the tracheae on plants, through spiracles placed at the water surface
oppositesides of the body, so that the entire system is (with the body of the insect submerged), or from a film
interconnected. The movement of air through the tra- of air held somewhere on the surface of the body while
chealsystem is by simple diffusion in many small in- the insect is submerged. A few larvae (for example,
sects,but in most larger insects this movement is aug- those of the beetle genus Donada and the mosquito
mentedby active ventilation, chiefly by the abdominal genus Mansonia) have their spiracles in spines at the
muscles;the movements of the internal organs, or of posterior end of the body, and these spines are inserted
the legs and wings, may also aid ventilation. Where into the air spaces of submerged aquatic plants. Many
ventilation occurs, air may move in and out of each aquatic insects (for example, waterscorpions, rattailed
spiracle,but generally enters through the anterior spi- maggots, and the larvae of culicine mosquitoes) have a
raclesand leaves by the posterior ones. This flow of air breathing tube at the posterior end of the body, which
through the tracheal system is effected by controlling is extended to the surface. Hydrophobic hairs around
which spiracles are open and when. Sections of the the end of this tube enable the insect to hang from the
maintracheal trunks are often dilated to form air sacs, surface film, and they prevent water from entering the
whichhelp in ventilation. breathing tube. Other aquatic insects (for example,
Closed tracheal systems have the spiracles perma- backswimmers and the larvae of anopheline mosqui-
nentlyclosed but have a network of tracheae just un- toes) get air through posterior spiracles placed at the
der the integument, distributed either widely over the water surface. These insects do not have an extended
bodyor particularly below certain surfaces (the gills). breathing tube.
Someaquatic and parasitic insects have closed systems. The insects that get their oxygen from atmo-
In these species, gases enter and leave the body by dif- spheric air at the water surface do not spend all their
fusionacross the body wall between the tracheae and time at the surface. They can submerge and remain un-
theexternal environment, and gases move through the derwater for a considerable period, getting oxygen
trachealsystem by diffusion. from an air store either inside or outside the body. The
A great many insects live in water; these get their air stores in the tracheae of a mosquito larva, for ex-
oxygenfrom one (rarely both) of two sources: the oxy- ample, enable the larva to remain underwater for a long
gendissolved in the water or atmospheric oxygen. Gas time.
exchangein many small, soft-bodied aquatic nymphs Many aquatic bugs and beetles carry a thin film of
andlarvae (and possibly some adults) occurs by diffu- air somewhere on the body surface when they sub-
sionthrough the body wall, usually into and out of a merge. This film is usually under the wings or on the
trachealsystem. The body wall in some cases is un- ventral side of the body. The air film acts like a physi-
modifiedexcept perhaps for having a fairly rich tra- cal gill, with dissolved oxygen in the water diffusing
cheal network just under the integument. In other into the bubble when the partial pressure of oxygen in
cases,there are special thin extensions of the body wall the film falls below that of the water. The insect may
thathave a rich tracheal supply and through which gas get several times as much oxygen from this temporary
exchangeoccurs. These structures, called tracheal gills, structure as was originally in it, because of gas ex-
comein a variety of shapes and may be located on dif- changes between the air film and the surrounding wa-
ferentparts of the body. The gills in mayfly nymphs are ter. A few insects (for example, elmid beetles) have a
inthe form of leaflike structures on the sides of the first permanent layer of air around the body surface, held
sevenabdominal segments (Figure 9-2). In dragonfly there by a body covering of thick, fine, hydrophobic
nymphs, they are folds in the rectum, and water is hairs; such a layer is called a plastron. The air reser-
movedinto and out of the rectum and over these folds. voirs of aquatic insects not only playa role in gas ex-
In damselfly nymphs, the gills are three leaflike struc- change but also may have a hydrostatic function (like
turesat the end of the abdomen as well as folds in the the swim bladder of fish). Two crescent-shaped air sacs in
reClUm(Figure lO-l). In stonefly nymphs, the gills are Chaoborus larvae (Diptera: Chaoboridae, Figure 34-30A)
fingerlike or branched structures located around the are apparently used to regulate this insect's specific
basesof the legs or on the basal abdominal segments gravity: to hold it perfectly motionless or to enable it to
(Figurel6-2B). Gas exchange may occur through the migrate up or down in the water column.
generalbody surface of these insects, and in some cases Parasitic insects that live inside the body of their
(suchas damselfly nymphs), the exchange through the host get oxygen from the body fluids of the host by dif-
bodysurface may be more important than that through fusion through their integument, or (for example, in
the tracheal gills.
30 Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,
andDevelopmentof Insects
Body Temperature
Insects are generally considered cold-blooded or poiki-
lothermic; that is, their body temperature rises and falls
with the environmental temperature. This is the case
with most insects, particularly if they are not very ac-
tive, but the action of the thoracic muscles in flight
usually raises the insect's temperature above that of the
environment. The cooling of a small object is fairly
rapid, and the body temperature of a small insect in
flight is very close to that of the environment. In in-
sects such as butterflies and grasshoppers, the body
temperature in flight may be 5°C or 10°C above the en-
vironmental temperature, and in insects such as moths
and bumble bees (which are insulated with scales or
hair), the metabolism during flight may raise the tem-
perature of the flight muscles 20°C or 30°C above the
environmental temperature.
With most flying insects, the temperature of the
flight muscles must be maintained above a certain
point to produce the power necessary for flight. Many
larger insects may actively increase the temperature of Figure2-26 Anterior part of the nervous system of a
their flight muscles before flight by a "shivering" or a grasshopper. ao, dorsal aorta; br¡, protocerebrurn; br2'
vibration of the wing muscles. deutocerebrum; br3,tritocerebrurn; ea, corpus allatUrn;
Honey bees remain in the hive during the winter, cee, circurnesophageal connective; comn, tritocerebral
but do not go into a state of dormancy at the onset of commissure; ep, crop;fen, frontal ganglion connective;fg,
cold weather (as most other insects do). When the frontal ganglion; Ibn, labial nerve; Ibm, labral nerve; mdn,
temperature gets down to about 14°C, they form a clus- rnandibular nerve; mxn, rnaxillary nerve; oeg, oCcipital
ter in the hive and, by the activity of their thoracic ganglion; oepd,ocellar pedicel; opl, optic lobe; phx, phar-
muscles, maintain the temperature of the cluster well ynx; m, recurrent nerve; segn, subesophageal ganglion; sld,
over 14°C (as high as 34°C to 36°C when they are rear- salivary duct; tnt, tentoriurn. (Redrawn frorn Snodgrass
ing brood). 1935, PrincipIesoflnsect Morphology, 1993, Comell
University Press.)
I dp
- --cut- --
/ I \ / I
trg snc nv tro I \
nv bm
A B e
- B
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\\\, 1. .
In a campaniforrn sensillum, the neuron ending lies just ble to the statocysts of crustaceans, although air bub-
under a domelike area of the cuticle (Figure 2-27B), bles carried on the body surfaces by certain aquatic in-
and distortion of this dome elicits a neuronal response. sects when they submerge may act in a similar manner.
Scolopophorous organs (also known as chordotonal or- The forces of gravity and pressure generally are de-
gans) are more complex sensilla that consist of a bun- tected by other means.
dle of sensory neurons whose dendrites are auached to Many joints in insects have tactile setae that regis-
the body wall; they are sensitive to movements of the ter any movements, providing the insect with informa-
body (including pressure and vibration). These organs, tion on the position of the joint (lhis is known as pro-
which are widely distributed over the body, include the prioception). Pressure on the body wall, whether
subgenual organs (usually located within the proximal produced by gravity or some other force, is usually de-
end of the tibiae), ]ohnston's organ (in the second an- tected by campaniforrn sensilla. Pressure on the legs
tennal segment, sensitive to movements of the anten- may be detected by subgenual organs or by sensitive
nal flagellum), and the tyrnpanal organs (involved in setae on the tarsi.
hearing). Mechanical stimuli act by displacement. The An insect detects movements of the surrounding
stimuli may come from outside the insect (for example, medium (air or water currents) chiefly by tactile setae.
touch and hearing) or from inside it (stimuli resulting lt receives information on its own movements both by
from position or movement). The mechanical stimuli mechanoreceptors and by visual cues. Movements of
initiate a series of nerve impulses, the character of air or water past an insect (whether the insect is sta-
which is deterrnined by the stimulus. In some cases, tionary and the medium is moving, or the insect is
the nerve impulses may be transmitted at frequencies moving) are detected largely by the antennae or sen-
as high as several hundred per second. sory setae on the body. In the Diptera and Hy-
The sense of touch in insects operates mainly menoptera, the antennae seem the most important de-
through hair sensilla (trichoid sensilla). The character tectors of such movements. In other insects, sensory
of the nerve impulses initiated is deterrnined by the setae on the head or neck may be the most important
rate and direction of the hair deflection. This sense is receptors. The halteres of the Diptera play an impor-
generally quite acute: Very liule hair deflection may be tant role in maintaining equilibrium in flight. They
necessary to initiate a series of neuronal impulses. move through an arc of nearly 180 degrees at rates of
Many insects show a response to gravity, for ex- up to several hundred times per second. Any change in
ample, in the surfacing of aquatic insects and in the the insect's direction strains the cuticle beca use of the
vertical constructions (burrows in the ground, combs gyroscopic property of the rapidly beating halteres and
in a beehive, and the like) some insects make. Insects is detected by the campaniforrn sensilla distributed on
generally do not have organs of equilibrium compara- the base of the haltere.
NervousSystem 33
34 andDevelopmentof Insects
Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,
cna cna
1 I
I !
--- cc ---
pgc ¿ --
A B e D
required for this movement of the pigment varies in range is shifted to shorter wavelengths in comparison
different species. For the codling moth, it is fram 30 to to that of vertebrates. Many insects appear to be color
60 minutes. blind, but some can distinguish colors, including ul-
Many immature insects (and some adults) lack traviolet. The honey bee, for example, can distinguish
compound eyes, and in their place may be small groups blue and yellow but cannot see red. Just how an insect
of visual organs similar to ocelli in external appearance distinguishes different colors is not clear. There is ev-
(Figure 2-29B). These are called stemmata (or some- idence it may result fram different retinal cells being
times lateral oeellí). These structures are quite varied in sensitive to light of different wavelengths. Some in-
their structure, but all appparently represent highly sects (for example, the honey bee) are able to analyze
modified compound eyes (see Paulus 1979). In most polarized light. Fram the pattern of polarization in a
larvae of Holometabola, the larval eyes degenerate dur- small patch of sky, they can determine the position of
ing metamorphosis and are replaced by new adult com- the sun. The head capsule of some weevils contains a
pound eyes. region that transmits only far-red and near-infrared
The flicker-fusion frequency in insects (the rate of light. In the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica, this ex-
flicker at which the light appears continuous) is much traocular cutoff filter apparently works in conjunc-
higher than in humans: 45 to 53 per second in humans tion with the compound eyes, enabling the insect to
and up to 250 or more in insects. This higher rate use visual cues in locating and recognizing its host
means that insects can perceive fonn even when in planto
rapid flight and that they are very sensitive to motion.
In some insects (for example, dragonflies), the omma- Other Sense Organs
tidia .of ope eye are oriented so that their axes intersect lnsects usually have a well-developed temperature
with .thbse of the other eye,allowing steroscopic vi- sense. The sense organs involved are distributed over
sion. If a dragonfly nymph is blinded in one eye, the the body but are more numerous on the antennae and
ny¡rtpli cannot judge the position of its prey very accu- legs. Some insects also have a well-developed humidity
rately. sense. The sensilla involved in these senses are quite
The range in wavelength to which insect eyes are diverse in structure, and in many cases the relationship
sensitive is fram about 2540 to 6000 Á, compared between the observed structure and function is not
with about 4500 to 7000 Á in humans. lnsects' visual well understood (see Altner and Loftus 1985).
Reproductive Systems 35
o CH2-CH3 CH3
/ \ I I
CH3 2-30
COOCH3 Figure Structure of two insect hor-
B mones. A, Ecdysone; B,Juvenile hormone.
l. --
tion. The trophocytes may be connected to the oocyte haploid number of chromosomes. In the lower portion
by cytoplasmic filaments and may remain in the ger- of the ovariole, a vitelline membrane forms around the
marium (telotrophic ovario les) or pass down the ovar- oocyte, and the follicular epithelium secretes the
iole with each oocyte (in polytrophic ovario les). The chorion (or eggshell) around the mature oocyte.
trophocytes are important in passing ribosomes and In many insects, all or most of the oocytes mature
RNA to the oocyte. An oocyte, the surrounding epithe- before any are laid, and the egg-swollen ovaries may
lium, and trophocytes (in polytrophic ovario les) to- occupy a large part of the body cavity and may even
gether form a folliele. Yolk proteins (vitellogenins) are distend the abdomen. The two lateral oviducts usually
synthesized outside the ovariole and transported into unite posteriorly to form a single common (or median)
the oocyte by the follicular epithelium. In this region of oviduct, which enlarges posteriorly iOlo a genital
the ovariole Cthe vitellarium), the oocytes greatly in- chamber or vagina. The vagina extends to the outside,
crease in size owing to the deposition of yolk Cthe pro- the opening being called either the ovipore (in reference
cess of vitellogenesis). Yolk consists of protein bodies to the opening through which the eggs are laid) or
(largely derived from hemolymph proteins), lipid vulva (the copulatory opening). Because the vagina
droplets, and glycogen. Many insects harbor microor- usually also receives the male genitalia during copula-
ganisms in their bodies, and in some cases these may tion, it is sometimes known as the bursa copulatrix. As-
get into the egg during its developmeOl, usually sociated with the vagina are usually a saelike structure
through the folliele cells. The maturation divisions of called the spermatheca, in which spermatozoa are
the oocyte may occur at about the end of vitellogenesis stored, and often various accessory glands, which may
or even after insemination, resulting in eggs with the secrete adhesive material to fasten the eggs to some ob-
ject orprovidematerialthat covers the eggmass with a duct (ejd), which opens to the outside on a penis or an
protectivecoating. aedeagus (aed). Some insects have an enlargement of
In many Lepidoptera (the Ditrysia), there are two or a lateral diverticulum fram each vas deferens in
openings to the reproductive tract of the female. The which spermatozoa are stored. These are called semi-
commonoviduct leads to the vagina and the ovipore to nal vesicles(smv). The accessory glands (acg) secrete
the outside on segment 9. During copulation, however, fluids that serve as a carrier for the spermatozoa or
the male places his genitalia and deposits the sper- that harden about them to form a sperm-containing
matophore in a separate opening, the vulva, on seg- capsule, the spermatophore.
ment8. The vulva leads to the bursa copulatrix, which The sperm begin their development in the distal
is connected to the vagina and thence to the sperma- (anterior) ends of the sperm follieles of the testes and
thecabya spermduct, through which the spermatozoa continue development as they pass toward the vas ef-
mustmove. ferens. The processes of spermatogenesis (production
Egg development is usually complete about the of haploid germ cells fram diploid spermatogonia) is
timethe adult stage is reached, but in some cases it is usually completed by the time the insect reaches the
completed later. In those aphids in which the female adult stage or very shortly thereafter.
gives birth to living young parthenogenetically, the The spermatozoa of insects come in an almost be-
eggsare matured and development begins before the wildering variety of shapes and sizes, often differing
adultstage is reached. In the beetle genus Micromalthus, quite strikingly fram the typical tadpole-shaped cells
the eggs are matured and begin their development one thinks of (see jamieson 1987). One notable char-
(withoutfertilization) in the ovaries of the larvae, and acteristic is that the flagellum, or axoneme, is made up
arepassed to the outside (as either eggs or larva e) be- of the typical 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules char-
forethe mother becomes an adult. In the cecidomyiid acteristic of flagella and ciba, but in addition has an
genusMiastor, egg development is also completed in outer ring of 9 single microtubules that are derived
the larval stage, but in this case the young larvae from the ring of 9 doublets. This 9 + 9 + 2 arrange-
(whichhave developed parthenogenetically) break out ment is characteristic of hexapods as a whole. In addi-
of the ovaries inlo the body cavity and develop there. tion to the more familiar threadlike or tadpolelike cells,
Theyeventually rupture the cutiele of the mother larva some hexapods have spermatozoa with two flagella in-
and escape to the outside. Reproduction by a preadult stead of one, cells in which the axoneme is "encysted"
stageis called paedogenesis. so that they are immobile, and, in some Protura, even
Eggproduction appears to be controlled in many simple disk-shaped immobile cells. Among species of
insectsby one or more hormones from the corpora al- Drosophila, the spermatozoa range in length from
lata,incIuding juvenile hormone (Figure 2-30B), that about 55 ¡Lmto 15 mm (the total body length of the fa-
act by controlling the initial stages of oogenesis and miliar D. melanogaster is less than 5 mm)!
yolkdeposition. Removal of the corpora allata prevents
nonnal egg formation, and their reimplantation (from External Genitalia
either a male or a female) induces ovarian activity
again.The corpora allata have nerve connections with The external genitalia of most insects are generally
thebrain, and nerve impulses affect their activity. Re- thought to be derived from appendages of abdominal
searchersalso believe that (at least in some cases) neu- segments 8, 9, and possibly 10. The male genitalia are
rosecretorycells in the brain may produce a hormone primarily organs involved with copulation and the
thataffects the activity of the corpora allata. Many ex- transfer of sperm to the female. The female genitalia
ternalfactors (for example, photoperiod and tempera- are involved in depositing the eggs on or in a suitable
ture)affect egg production, and these factors probably substrate. These structures are called external genitalia
actthroughthe corpora allata. even though they may be retracted within the apical
Thereproductive system of the male (Figure 2-31B) abdominal segments when not in use and are often (es-
issimilarin general arrangement to that of the female. pecially in the male) not visible without dissection.
It consistsof a pair of gonads, the testes, ducts to the The appendicular ovipositor of pterygote insects is
outside,and accessory glands. Each testis (tst) con- believed to have evolved from a structure similar to
sistsof a group of sperm tubes (spt) or follieles sur- that now found in the female genitalia in the Thysa-
rounded by a peritoneal sheath. Each sperm folliele nura (Figure 2-32A). This consists of an ovipositor,
opensinto a short connecting tube, the vas efferens which is formed fram the appendages (gonopods) of
(ve;plural, vasa efferentia), and these connect lo a segments 8 and 9. The first gonocoxa (the first valvifer,
singlevas deferens (vd; plural, vasa deferentia) on from segment 8, gcx¡) articulates dorsally with tergum 8;
eachside of the animal. The two vasa deferentia usu- the second gonocoxa (second valvifer, from segment 9,
allyunite posteriorly to form a median ejaculatory gcx2) articulates with tergum 9. Laterally, the gono-
38 Chapter2 TheAnatomy.Physiology.and Developmentof Insects
I gap,
A gcx,
coxae bear styli, the gonostyli; these are presumably substrate in order to oviposit. In the Orthoptera, how-
serial homologs of the styli on the pregenital segments ever, the gonoplacs are cutting or digging structures,
and thus represent the derived telopods of the primi- taking over the function of the second gonapophyses,
tive abdominal appendages. Medially each gonocoxa which are smaller and function as egg guides.
bears an elongate process known as a gonapophysis There are a number of modifications of this basic
(also called a valvula); the second gonapophyses (gap2, appendicular ovipositor structure within the ptery-
segment 9) lie above the first gonapophyses (gapi, seg- gotes, but the most generalized condition is found in
ment 8), and together these form the shaft of the some Odonata, Hemiptera (Auchenorrhyncha), Or-
ovipositor (ovp). Coordination of the movement of thoptera, and Hymenoptera. In many Holometabola,
these four elongate structures is achieved by two mech- the appendicular components of the ovipositor are very
anisms. First, the two gonapophyses on each side are much smaller and are not involved in oviposition. In-
connected by a tongue-in-groove mechanism known as stead, the terminal abdominal segments form a tele-
an olistheter. In addition, a small scIerite on each side, scoping tube, called the pseudovipositor or oviscapt, which
the gonangulum, articulates with the second gonocoxa the female extends when ovipositing (Figure 2-32C). In
(from which it is derived), the first gonapophysis, and some cases, such as tephritid flies, this type of oviposi-
tergum 9. Again, this interconnects the movements of tor bears apical cutting plates, enabling the female to
the first and second gonapophyses on each side. place her eggs deep within a suitable substrate.
In the pterygote insects that retain an appendicular The external genitalia of male insects show such
ovipositor, the first gonostylus is lost, and the second incredible diversity that it has been difficult for ento-
gonocoxa is elongate (perhaps incorporating remnants mologists to infer the primitive structures from which
of the second gonostylus) to form a sheathlike outer they evolved and to homologize the parts in different
covering for the ovipositor shaft, the gonoplacs (also orders. The genitalia of the Thysanura and Microco-
known as the third valvulae, Figure 2-328, gpl). In most ryphia are generally similar to that of the females,
insects, the gonoplacs serve both a protective and a sen- but with an additional median penis derived from
sory function and are not involved in penetrating the segment 10 (Figure 2-33A). However, the mal e geni-
Development and Metamorphosis 39
cleavage nuclei to restore the diploid condition or enters the egg and undergoes cleavage to produce hap-
diploid eggs arising from tetraploid germ tissue. loid (male) tissue in an otherwise female individual.
Recent research has revealed the widespread pres- lndividuals with a sexual condition intermediate be-
ence of the bacterium Wohlbachia in a great diversity of tween maleness and femaleness are called intersexes.
insects. In some cases, the bacterium kills embryos that These usually result from gene tic imbalance, particu-
would develop into males. lady in polyploids (for example, a triploid Drosophila
Individual insects sometimes develop with aber- with an XXY sex chromosome content is an intersex
rant sex characters. lndividuals having some male tis- and is sterile).
sues and some female tissues are called gynandro-
morphs; such individuals sometimes occur in the
Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. In the Hymenoptera,
where the sex-determining mechanism is haploidy = The eggs of different insects vary greatly in appearance
male and diploidy = female, a gynandromorph may (Figures 2-34 through 2-36). Most eggs are spherical,
develop from a binucleate egg in which only one of the oval, or elongate (Figure 2-34B,C,G), but some are
nuclei is fertilized or may develop when an extra sperm barrel shaped (Figure 2-35), some are disk shaped, and
Figure 2-34 lnsect eggs. A, Fall army-
worm, Spodopterafrugiperda O. E. Smith);
B, Grape leaf-folder, Desmiafuneralis
(Hübner); C, Southern corn rootworm,
Diabroticaundecimpunctata howardi Barber;
D, Horse bot fly,Gasterophilusintestinalis
(De Geer); E, Snowy tree cricket, Oecanthus
fultoni Walker; F,Anopheles mosquito;
G, Seedcorn maggot, Hylemya platura
(Meigen); H, Culex mosquito, egg raft;
1, Lacewing, Chrysopa sp.;], Fall canker-
worm, Alsophila pometaria (Harris). (A-C,
1, courtesy of USDA;], courtesy of Ohio
Agricultural Research and Development
Development and Metamorphosis 41
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eral cytoplasm becomes subdivided into cells, usually germ layers--ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm-
each with one nucleus, forming a celllayer, the blasto- the various organs and tissues of the insect develop: the
derm (Figure 2-37C, bl). This is the blastula stage. ectoderm gives rise to the body waIl, tracheal system,
Within the blastoderm, in the mass of yolk material, nervous system, Malpighian tubules, and anterior and
are a few cells that do not take pan in forming the blas- posterior ends of the alimentary tract; the mesoderm
toderm; these consist mainly of yolk cells. gives rise to the muscular system, heart, and gonads;
The blastoderm cells on the ventral side of the egg the endoderm develops into the midgut.3
enlarge and thicken, forming a germ band or ventral The alimentary tract is formed by invaginations
plate that will eventually form the embryo. The re- from each end of the embryo, which extend to and
maining cells of the blastoderm become the serosa and unite with the primitive midgut (Figure 2-39). The an-
(later) the amnion. The germ band differentiates into a terior invagination becomes the foregut, the posterior
median area or middle plate and two lateral areas, the invagination becomes the hindgut, and the central part
lateral plates (Figure 2-38A). The gastrula stage begins (lined with endoderm) becomes the midgut. The cells
when the mesoderm is formed from the middle in lining the foregut and hindgut are ectodermal in origin
one of three ways: by an invagination of this plate (fig- and secrete cuticle.
ure 2-38B,C), by the lateral plates growing over it (Fig- Body segmentation becomes evident fairly early in
ure 2-38D,E), or by a proliferation of ceIls from its in- embryonic development, appearing first in the anterior
ner surface (Figure 2-38F). CeIls proliferate from each pan of the body. It involves ectoderm and mesoderm,
end of the mesoderm and eventuaIly grow around the
yolk. These cells represent the beginnings of the endo-
derm, and they form the lining of what wiIl be the 3Note that these embryonic tissues, in particular, the so-called endo-
midgut of the insect (Figure 2-39). From the three derm, may not be homologous to that of deuterostomes.
but not endoderm, and is reflected in the segmental I
arrangement of the struetures developing from these
germlayers (nervous system, heart, tracheal system,
and appendages). The appendages appear soon after
segmentationbecomes evident. Typically, each segment
beginsto develop a pair of appendages, but most of
theseare resorbed and do not develop further.
Ihe molecular mechanisms governing the pattern
.,.,. f'..,<.? o c~ Q C)rJ o 0::..~
ofdevelopment in embryos is a particulariy active area
ofresearch.The initial orientation of the embryo is me- f.<jl)}.;/:r.:\?(H~;'{2}
diatedby proteins derived from maternal RNA in the
~~.<;>.o~)~)(?'¡?S-:(~ . ' endr
egg.Subsequently, a hierarchy of genes are transcribed B
thatdefine the segmentation pattern in the embryo. Of
particular interest are the homeobox genes, or HOX
genes.In the insects that have been studied, there are
eightHOXgenes. In Drosophila, these are alllocated on
chromosome3 and oceur in the order lab, pb, dfd, ser,
antp,ubx, abd-A and abd-B. These abbreviations stand e
forlabial,proboscidea, deformed, sex combs reduced, an- "-
tennapedia,ultrabithorax, abdomen-A, and abdomen-B.
These genesare differentiallyexpressed in the embryo,
bothinspaceand time, and are cruciaI to defining seg-
mentsand in the subsequent differentiation of limbs.
Theymay well have further developmentaI roles that /
o \mg
havenot yet been cleariy defined. The interest, from an
evolutionarypoint of view, arises beca use very similar
genesare found in distantly related phyla, implying an Figure2-39 Diagrams showing the formation of the ali-
ancientevolutionary origino Further, the expression of mentary canal. A, Early stage in which the endoderm is
thesegenes and their enhaneers have provided further represented by rudiments; B, C, Development of endo-
testsof hypotheses concerning the homology of struc- derm around yoIk; D, CompIetion of alimentary canal. ans,
tures,for example, the mandibles in Crustacea, Myri- anus; eet, ectoderm; mdr, endodermal rudiments; mg,
apoda,and Hexapoda. midgut; mo, mouth; ms, mesoderm; prct, proctodaeum; std,
At some time eariy in its development, the embryo stomodaeum or foregut;yo, yoIk. (Redrawn from Snodgrass
becomessurrounded by two membranes, an inner am- 1935, Principies of Insect Morphology, 1993, Cornell Uni-
nionand an outer serosa. Later it aequires a cuticular versity Press.)
membrane secreted by the epidermis. The formation of is rigid, it cannot expand very mucho Therefore, as the
the amnion and serosa sometimes involves a reversal of insect grows or increases in size, the exoskeleton must
position of the embryo in the egg; the embryo turns taíl be periodically shed and replaced with a larger one.
first into the yolk, away from the blastoderm. This The process of digesting portions of the old cuticle and
turning carries part of the extraembryonic blastoderm synthesizing the new cuticle is called molting (also
into the yolk, and when the turning is complete, the spelled moulting), which culminates in the shedding of
opening into the embryonic cavity is closed. The ex- the old cuticle (ecdysis).
traembryonic blastoderm thus forms a lining (the am- The molt involves not only the cuticle of the body
nion) around the embryonic cavity, and the outer part 'vall but also the cuticular linings of the tracheae,
of the blastoderm, which surrounds the egg, becomes foregut, and hindgut and the endoskeletal structures.
the serosa. The embryo later returns to its original po- The tracheal linings usually remain attached to the
sition on the ventral side of the egg. In other cases the body wall when it is shed. The linings of the foregut
amnion and serosa are formed by folds of the blasto- and hindgut usually break up, and the pieces are
derm, which grow out from the edge of the germ band passed out through the anus. The tentorium usually
and unite beneath it. These membranes usually disap- breaks into four pieces, which are withdrawn through
pear before the embryo is ready to leave the egg. Cu- the tentorial pits during the molt. The cast skins, called
ticular coverings of the embryo (sometimes called exuviae, often retain the shape of the insects from
pronymphal membranes) occur in insects with simple which they were shed.
metamorphosis and in a few with complete metamor- The initial stages in the molting cycle are triggered
phosis. These are shed, by a process akin to molting, by the release of PTTH (brain hormone) from neurose-
before or very shortly after hatching. cretory cells in the brain. This stimulates the protho-
A young insect may escape from the egg in various racic glands (also sometimes called the molting glands)
ways. Most insects with mandibulate mouthparts chew to release ecdysone into the hemolymph. Ecdysone, in
their way out of the egg. Many insects have what are turn, stimulates the separation of the old cuticle from
called egg-bursters: spinelike, knifelike, or sawlike pro- the under1ying epidermis, a process known as apolysis.
cesses on the dorsal side of the head-which are used The epidermis undergoes mitosis and grows in size; af-
in breaking through the eggshell. The eggshell is some- ter this, the new cuticle is produced. Molting fluid se-
times broken along weakened lines, either by the wrig- creted from the epidermal cells contains enzymes that
gling of the insect within or by the insect taking in air digest the old endocuticle (but do not affect the epicu-
and rupturing the shell by internal pressure. The ticle or exocuticle), and as a new cuticle is being de-
hatching from the egg is called eclosion. posited, the digestive products are resorbed into the
Polyembryony is the development of two or more body. Once this new exoskeleton is complete, the in-
embryos from a single egg. It occurs in some of the par- sect is ready to shed or break out of the old one. Ecdy-
asitic Hymenoptera and in the Strepsiptera. In the em- sis is triggered by a molting hormone, and begins with
bryonic development of such an insect, the dividing nu- a splitting of the old cuticle along lines of weakness,
cleus forms cell clusters, each of which develops into an usually in the midline of the dorsal side of the thorax.
embryo. The number of embryos that grow to maturity The rupturing force is pressure of the hemolymph (and
in a given host depends on the relative sizes of the par- sometimes air or water), forced into the thorax by con-
asite larvae and the host. In some cases, there are more traction of the abdominal muscles. This split in the
parasite larvae than the food supply (the body contents thorax grows, and the insect eventually wriggles its
of the host) can support, and some of them die and may way out of the old cuticle.
be eaten by the surviving larvae. The number of young When it first emerges from the old cuticle, the in-
from a single egg varies in Maaocentrus (Braconidae) sect is pale in color, and its cuticle is 50ft. Within an
from 16 to 24, but in M. ancylivorus Rohwer only one hour or two, the exocuticle begins to harden and
parasite larva leaves the host. In Platygaster (Platy- darken. During this brief period, the insect enlarges to
gastridae) from 2 to 18 larvae develop from a single egg, the size of that instar, usually by taking in air or water.
and in Aphelopus (Dryinidae) from 40 to 60 develop The wings (if present) are expanded by forcing he-
from a single egg; in some of the Encyrtidae, more than molymph into their veins. The alimentary tract often
1500 young develop from a single egg. serves as a reservoir of the air used in this expansion:
If the crop of a cockroach, for example, is punctured
with a needle, the insect does not expand but collapses;
Postembryonic Growth
if the wing tips of an emerging dragonfly are cut off,
Having an exoskeleton presents a problem as far as hemolymph escapes from the cut end and the wings
growth is concerned. To function as an exoskeleton, faíl to expand. In addition to allowing the cuticle to ex-
r." , the insect's body wall must be.relatively rigid, but if it pand, this period between ecdysis and hardening of the
..!\'. ,¡P..' .'"
cuticleallows insects that pupa te in the soil, for exam- enced by a number of environmental conditions. In
pIe,to crawl to the surface, there to expand the cuticle. many insects, however, the increase generally follows a
Insomespecies,researchershave identified a proteina- geometric progression. The increase in the width of the
ceoushormone, bursicon, that controls the process of larval head capsule in Lepidoptera, for example, is of-
sclerotization. ten a factor of 1.2 to 1.4 at each molt (Dyar's rule). In
Ihe number of molts varies among most insects species where the individual molts are not actually ob-
fram4 to 8, but some of the Odonata undergo 10 or 12 served, Dyar's rule can sometimes be applied to head
molts,and some of the Ephemeroptera may undergo as capsule measurements of a series of different-sized lar-
manyas 28 molts. A few hexapods, such as the ento- vae to estimate the number of instars.
gnathousorders, silverfish, and bristletails, continue to
moltafter reaching the adult stage, but winged insects
neithermolt nor increase in size once the adult stage is
reached.(Mayfiies have a sexually immature winged Most insects change in form during postembryonic de-
instarpreceding the adult, the subimago, that molts.) velopment, and the different instars are not all alike.
Ihe stage of the insect between ecdyses is generally This change is called metamorphosis. Some insects un-
calledan instar.The first instar is between hatching and dergo very little change in form, and the young and
thefirstlarval or nymphal molt; the second instar is be- adults are very similar except for size (Figures 2-40 and
tweenthe first and second molts; and so on. However, 2-41). In other cases the young and adults are quite dif-
thefull process of molting is not instantaneous. There ferent, in habits as well as in form (Figure 2-42).
is a period of time, usually short, but sometimes very There is quite a bit of variation in the metamor-
long,between apolysis and ecdysis during which the phosis occurring in different insect groups, but these
nextinstar of the insect is "hidden" within the old cuti- variations can be roughly grouped into two general
eIe.Hinton (1971) suggested that the term instar be types: simple metamorphosis and complete metamor-
usedto refer to period of time from one apolysis to the phosis. In simple metamorphosis, the wings (if any)
next,and he proposed the term pharate instar to refer to develop externally during the immature stages, and
theinsectduring the time between apolysis and ecdysis. there is ordinarily no quiescent stage preceding the last
Inmanycases this time period is sufficiently short that molt (Figures 2-40 and 2-41). In complete metamor-
littleconfusion arises concerning which event signals phosis, the wings (if any) develop internally during the
the end of one instar and the beginning of the next. immature stages, and a quiescent or pupal stage nor-
However,in some, such as the cyclorrhaphous Diptera, mally precedes the last molt (Figure'2-42). The pupal
thedistinction is important. In these fiies, larval-pupal stage is quiescent in that the insect at this time ordi-
apolysisis not followed by an immediate ecdysis. In- narily does not move around, but a very considerable
stead,the last larval cuticle is hardened to form a sort of amount of change (lo the adult) is taking place in this
cocoon withinwhich lies the pharate pupa. Full devel- stage.
opmentof the pupa is followed by the pupal-adult The changes during metamorphosis are accom-
apolysis.The adult cuticle is then formed, and at that plished by two processes, histolysis and histogenesis.
pointecdysis occurs with the adult fiy shedding both Histolysis is a process whereby larval structures break
thelastlarval and pupal cuticle at the same time. down into material that can be used in developing
Ihe increase in size at each molt varies in different adult structures. Histogenesis is the process of devel-
speciesand in different body parts and can be infiu- oping the adult structures from the products of histol-
A B e D E
46 Chapter2 TheAnatomy,Physiology,and Developmentof Insects
Figure 2-41 Stages in the development of the grass bug, Arhyssus sidae (Fabricius).
A, Egg; B, First instar; C, Second instar; D, Third instar; E, Fourth instar; F, Fifth instar;
G, Adult female. (Courtesy of Readio 1928 and the Entomological Society of America.)
ysis. The chief source s of material for histogenesis are ders (Protura, Collembola, Diplura, Microcoryphia, and
the hemolymph, fat body, and histolyzed tissues such Thysanura) and in most wingless members of the other
as larval muscles. Ectodermal structures, such as wings orders with simple metamorphosis. In hemimetabolous
and legs, develop beneath the larval cuticle as epider- metamorphosis (with "incomplete" metamorphosis),
mal thickenings called imaginal discs. These tissues re- the nymphs are aquatic and gill-breathing and differ
spond quite differently from other larval tissues to the considerably from the adults in appearance. This type of
hormonal milieu of the insect. In the late larval instars, development occurs in the Ephemeroptera, Odonata,
these tissues are elaborated to form the adult struc- and Plecoptera, and the young of these insects are
tures, and when the insect pupates, they are everted sometimes called naiads. Paurometabolous insects
(hence one name for holometabolous insects, the En- (with "gradual" metamorphosis) include the remaining
dopterygota, referring to the development of the wings insects with simple metamorphosis. The adults are
inside the body of the larva). Other organs may be re- winged; the nymphs and adults live in the same habitat;
tained from the larva to the adult or may be completely and the principal changes during growth are in size,
rebuilt from regenerative cells. body proportions, the development of the ocelli, and
occasionally the form of other structures.
Simple Metamorphosis
The young of insects with this type of metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis
are called nymphs' and are usually very similar to the The immature and adult stages of insects that undergo
adults. If compound eyes are present in the adult, they complete metamorphosis are usually quite different in
are present in the nymph. If the adults are winged, the form, often live in different habitats, and have very dif-
wings appear as budlike outgrowths in the eariy instars ferent habits. The early instars are often more or less
(Figure 2-41) and increase in size only slightly up to wormlike, and the young in this stage are called larvae
the last molt. After the last molt, the wings expand to (Figures 2-42 and 2-43). The different larval instars
their full adult size. Simple metamorphosis occurs in are usually similar in form but differ in size. The wings,
the hexapod orders 1 to 22 (see list, Chapter 6). when they are present in the adult, develop intemally
Differences in the kind and amount of change oc- during the larval stage and are not everted until the end
cur in the insects with simple metamorphosis, and of the last larval instar. Larvae generally have chewing
some entomologists recognize three types of metamor- mouthparts, even in those orders in which the adults
phosis in these insects: ametabolous, paurometabolous, have sucking mouthparts.
and hemimetabolous. Ametabolous insects (with "no" Following the last larval instar, the insect trans-
metamorphosis) are wingless as adults, and the only ob- forms into a stage called the pupa (Figure 2-44). The
vious difference between nymphs and adults is size. insect does not feed in this stage and is usually inac-
This type of development occurs in the apterygote or- tive. Pupae are often covered by a cocoon or some
other protective material, and many insects pass the
4 In the European literature of entomology, the immature stages of all winter in the pupal stage. The final molt occurs at the
insects are generallyreferred to as larvae. end of the pupal stage, and the last stage is the adulto
L = 30 mm
1 B
L = 45 mm
Ihe adult is usually pale in color when it first emerges holometabolous (see list, Chapter 6), and these orders
[ramthe pupa, and its wings are short, 50ft, and wrin- are cIassified together as the HoIometaboIa.
kled.In a short time, from a few minutes to several Hypermetamorphosis is a type of complete meta-
hoursor more, depending on the species, the wings ex- morphosis in which the different larval instars are not
pandand harden, the pigmentation develops, and the of the same type. The first instar is active and usually
insectis ready to go on its way. This type of metamor- campodeiform, and the subsequent larval instars are
phosis,which occurs in orders 23 to 31, is often called vermiform or scarabaeiform (see definitions of these
tenns later). Hypermetamorphosis occurs in parasitic three instars are inactive, sessile, and scalelike, with the
insects; the first instar seeks out the host and, once in wings developing internally. The fourth instar, calIed the
the host, molts into a less active type of larva. This type pupa, has external wings. The first three instars are usu-
of complete metamorphosis occurs in the Meloidae alIy called larvae. The molt from the last larval instar to
(Figure 26-68) and Ripiphoridae (Coleoptera), the the pupa takes place inside the last larval skin, which
Mantispidae (Neuroptera), the Strepsiptera, and a few forros the puparium. This metamorphosis is essentialIy
Diptera and Hymenoptera. complete, although most other members of this order
(Hemiptera) have simple metamorphosis.
Intermediate Typesof Metamorphosis
The males of scale insects have a type of meta-
Not all insects have a type of metamorphosis that can
morphosis that is very similar to that in whiteflies. The
be readily classified as simple or complete. Some have
first instar (Figure 22-63B), the "crawler," is active and
a metamorphosis that is somewhat intennediate be-
wingless, but the remaining preadult instars are sessile
tween these two types. Such metamorphosis is found
and inactive. The last preadult instar, which has exter-
in thrips (Chapter 23), whiteflies (Chapter 22), and
nal wings, is calIed the pupa. The development of
male scale insects (Chapter 22). In fact, these groups
wings is at least partly interna!.
have gone far toward evolving complete metamorpho-
sis independently of the orders just discussed. Control of Metamorphosis
The first two instars of thrips (Thysanoptera) are The metamorphosis of insects is controlIed by three
wingless and active and are usually called larvae. The honnones: PTTH (prothoracicotropic or brain hor-
next two instars (the next three in the suborder Tubu- mone), ecdysone, andJH (juvenile honnone). PTTH is
lifera) are inactive, with external wings. The first of produced by neurosecretory cells in the brain and stim-
these (the first two in Tubulifera) is calIed a prepupa, ulates the prothoracic glands (also known as the malt-
and the last a pupa. The final instar is the adulto Ap- ing glands) to produce ecdysone, which induces apoly-
parently at least some of the wing development is in- sis and promotes growth. JH is produced by celIs in the
ternal during the first two instars. This metamorphosis corpora alIata and inhibits metamorphosis, thereby
resembles complete metamorphosis in that at least promoting further larval or nymphal development. Re-
some of the wing development is internal, and an inac- moving JH from a larva or nymph (by removing the
tive, "pupal" stage precedes the adult. It is similar to corpora alIata) causes the larva to pupa te and the
simple metamorphosis in that the early instars have nymph to develop into an adult when ecdysone is pres-
compound eyes, and external wing buds are present in ent. Injection of juvenile honnone into a pupa (in the
more than one preadult instar. presence of ecdysone) will cause the pupa to develop
Whiteflies have five instars, the last of which is the into a second pupa. Injecting JH into a last-instar
adulto The first instar is active and wingless, and the next nymph or larva causes another nymphal or larval stage
Variations in LifeHistory 49
tobe produced at the next molt. The corpora allata are a silken cocoon formed by the larva before it molts
activeduring the early instars and usually cease secret- to the pupal stage.
ingJH in the last pre-adult instar. The absence of the Exarate-with the appendages free and not glued to
hormonein this instar results in metamorphosis. the body (Figure 2-44C-E). Such a pupa looks
The changes from instar to instar in insects with much like a pale, mummified adult and is usually
simplemetamorphosis are generally relatively slight and not covered by a cocoon. This type occurs in most
gradual,being most marked at the final molt to the insects with complete metamorphosis, except the
adult,but insects with complete metamorphosis show Diptera and Lepidoptera.
considerablereorganization within the insect in the pu- Coarctate-essentially like an exarate pupa, but re-
palstage.Some structures in the larva, such as the heart, maining covered by the hardened cuticle of the
nervoussystem, and tracheal system, change very little last larval instar, which is called a puparium (Fig-
at metamorphosis. Other adult structures are present in ure 2-44F). This type occurs in the Diptera (sub-
a rudimentary form in the larva and remain so during order Brachycera).
successivelarval instars. Then, more or less suddenly, Decticous-with the mandibles movably articulated
theydevelop to their adult form in the pupal stage. Still with the head. This type is also always exarate and
otheradult structures are not represented in the larva occurs in the Neuroptera, Trichoptera, and some
andmust be developed at the time of metamorphosis. Lepidoptera.
Adecticous-with the mandibles immovably attached
Typesof Larvae
to the head. This type of pupa is found in the re-
Thelarvae of insects that undergo complete metamor-
maining groups of holometabolous insects.
phosis differ considerably in form, and several types
havebeen recognized:
Eruciform-caterpillar-like (Figure 2-43G); body
cylindrical, the head well developed but with very Variations in Life History
short antennae, and with both thoracic legs and
abdominal prolegs. This type occurs in the Lepi- The length of a generation and the way it is fitted to the
doptera, Mecoptera, and some Hymenoptera (sub- different seasons vary quite a bit in different insects.
order Symphyta). Most insects in temperate regions have what entomolo-
Scarabaeiform-grublike (Figure 2-43B); usually gists call a "heterodynamic life cycle"; that is, the adults
curved, the head well developed, with thoracic appear for a limited time during a particular season, and
legsbut without abdominal prolegs, and relatively some life stage passes the winter in a state of dormancy.
inactive and sluggish. This type occurs in certain The overwintering stage may be the egg (for example,
Coleoptera (for example, Scarabaeidae). most Orthoptera and Hemiptera), nymph (for example,
Campodeiform-resembling diplurans in the genus most Odonata and many Orthoptera), larva (for exam-
Campodea (Figure 7-4A);body elongate and some- pIe, many Lepidoptera), or adult (for example, most
what flattened, the cerci and antennae usually well Hemiptera and many Coleoptera and Hymenoptera).
developed, the thoracic legs well developed, and Many insects, particularly those living in the tropics,
the larvae usually active. This type occurs in the have a homodynamic life cycle; that is, development is
Neuroptera, Trichoptera, and many Coleoptera. continuous and there is no regular period of dormancy.
Elateriform-wirewormlike (Figure 2-43C,D); body Most insects in the United States have a single gen-
elongate,cylindrical, and hard-shelled, the legs eration ayear. Some require 2 or more years to complete
short, and the body bristles reduced. This type oc- their life cycle, as is usually the case with large insects
cursin certain Coleoptera (for example, Elateridae). occurring in the northem part of the country. Some of
Vermiform-maggotlike (Figure 2-43A,F); body elon- the large beetles, dragonflies, and moths in the northem
gateand wormlike, legless, and with or without a states and Canada require 2 or 3 years to complete their
well-developedhead. This type occurs in the development. Probably the longest life cycle of any in-
Diptera,Siphonaptera, most Hymenoptera (suborder sect is that of some of the periodical cicadas (Magicicada
Apocrita),and some Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. spp.), which lasts 17 years (see Chapter 22).
Many insects have more than one generation a
Types of Pupae
year. In some cases, the number of generations in a
The pupae of insects with complete metamorphosis
year is constant throughout the range of the species. In
vary,and five types may be recognized:
other cases, the species may have more in the southem
Obtect-with the appendages more or less glued to part of its range. A few insects, usually rather small
the body (Figure 2-44A,B). This type occurs in the species that can complete their life cycle in a few
Lepidoptera and some Diptera (suborder Nemato- weeks, have many generations ayear. Such insects con-
cera). The pupa in many Lepidoptera is covered by tinue to reproduce through the season as long as
weather conditions are favorable. Insects of tropical spring. This factor of day length apparently operates
origin, such as those of the household and those which similarly in the case of the codling moth. Individuals of
attack stored products, may continue breeding the first generation pupate and emerge as adults in the
throughout the entire 12 months. summer, but individuals of the second generation (in
In many insects, development is arrested during a autumn) do noto In some cases (for example, Antheraea,
specific stage of the annual cycle. This period of genet- family Satumiidae), day length may also control emer-
icaIly programmed (that is, predetermined) dormancy gence from diapause. The larvae of the second genera-
is known as diapause, in contrast to periods of quies- tion of the codling moth in Ohio remain as diapausing
cence in response to adverse environmental conditions. larvae in silk-lined cells under the bark of apple trees
A period of winter dormancy in temperate or arctic re- unless subjected to a short period (some three weeks) of
gions is often caIled hibemation, and a period of dor- low temperatures (O°C or lower). When then retumed
mancy during high temperatures is called aestivation. to normal developmental temperatures, they pupate and
Diapause in insects is geneticaIly controlled, and complete their development. The effect of day length is
both onset and termination may be induced by environ- usually direct, on the insect itself, but may occasionally
mental factors such as photoperiod or temperature. The be indirect, its effect being on the food eaten by the in-
chief factor initiating diapause seems to be photoperiod sect. Photoperiod may also be an important cue for the
(day length). Studies of homworm larvae (Sphingidae) initiation of diapause in tropical insects, even though the
have shown that aIl individuals that enter the soil for pu- changes in day length are much smaller than in temper-
pation before a certain date wiIl complete their develop- ate regions. Diapause in tropical insects may be associ-
ment, emerge as moths, and reproduce, but individuals ated with altemating wet and dry seasons, high temper-
entering the soil after this date go into diapause and do atures, or the availability of appropriate food, instead of
not complete their development until the following the avoidance of winter (Denlinger 1986).
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thorax. Mern. Entornol. Soco Can. No. 76; 431 pp. Rornoser, W S. 1973. The Science of Entornology. New York:
Matsuda, R. 1976. Morphology and Evolution of the lnsect Macrnillan, 499 pp.
Abdomen, with Special Reference to Developrnental Pat- Rothschild, M., Y. Schlein, and S. Ito. 1986. A Colour Atlas of
terns and Their Bearing on Systernatics. New York: Perg- lnsect Tissues via the Flea. London: Wolfe, 184 pp.
amon Press, 532 pp. Sacktor, B. 1974. Biological oxidations and energetics in insect
McAlpine, J. E, B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. rnitochondria. In Physiology of lnsecta, ed. M. Rockstein,
R. Vockeroth, and D. M. Wood. 1981. Manual of Nearctic vol. 4, 271-353. New York: Acadernic Press.
Diptera, vol. 1. Ottawa: Research Branch, Agricultural Schwalrn, E 1988. lnsect Morphogenesis. Monographs in De-
Canada Monograph No. 27,674 pp. veloprnental Biology, vol. 20. New York: Karger, 356 pp.
Menn,J.J., and M. Beroza (Eds.). 1972. lnsectJuvenile Hor- Scudder, G. G. E. 1971. Cornparative rnorphology of insect
mones, Chernistry and Action. New York: Acadernic genitalia. Annu. Rev. Entornol. 16:379-406.
Press, 341 pp. Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. PrincipIes of lnsect Morphology New
Nachtigall, W 1968. lnsects in Flight (translated frorn Ger- York: McGraw-Hill, 667 pp.
man by H. Oldroyd, R. H. Abbott, and M. Biederrnan- Snodgrass, R. E. 1952. A Textbook of Arthropod Anatorny.
Thorson). New York: McGraw-Hill, 153 pp. lthaca, NY: Cornstock, 363 pp.
Neville, A. C. 1975. Biology of the Arthropod Cuticle. New Snodgrass, R. E. 1957. A revised interpretation of the external
York: Springer, 450 pp. reproductive organs of rnale insects. Srnithson. Misc. Coll.
Novak, V.J. A. 1975 (2nd ed.). lnsect Hormones. New York: 135(6):1-60.
Halsted, 600 pp. Stehr, E (Ed.). 1987. lrnrnature lnsects. Dubuque, lA:
Paulus, H. E 1979. Eye structure and the rnonophyly of KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
Arthropoda. In Arthropod Phylogeny, ed. A. P. Gupta, pp. Tuxen, S. L. (Ed.). 1970. Taxonornist's Glossary of Genitalia
299-383. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 762 pp. in lnsects. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 359 pp.
Payne, 1. L., M. C. Birch, and C. E. J. Kennedy (Eds.). 1986. Usherwood, P. N. R. 1975. lnsect Muscle. New York: Aca-
Mechanisrns in Insect Olfaction. Oxford, UK: Clarendon dernic Press, 622 pp.
Press, 364 pp. Vogel, R. 1921. Kritische und erganzeude Mitteilungen zur
Peterson, A. 1948. Larvae of Insects. Part I. Lepidoptera and Anatornie des Stechapparats der Culiciden und Tabaniden.
Hymenoptera. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards, 315 pp. Zool. Jahrb. Anal. 42:259-282.
Peterson, A. 1951. Larvae of Insects. Part Il. Coleoptera, Wigglesworth, V. B. 1970. lnsect Horrnones. San Francisco:
Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Tri- Freernan, 159 pp.
choptera. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards, 416 pp. Wigglesworth, V. B. 1973 (7th ed.). The PrincipIes of lnsect
Raabe,M. 1986. Insect reproduction: Regulation of successive Physiology London: Methuen, 827 pp.
steps. Adv. lns. Physiol. 19:29-154. Wigglesworth, v. B. 1984 (8th ed.). lnsect Physiology. New
Rainey,R. C. (Ed.). 1976. Insect Flight: Proceedings of a Syrn- York: Chaprnan and Hall, 191 pp.
posium. New York: Halsted, 288 pp. Wootton, R.J. 1979. Function, hornology and terrninology in
Readio, P. A. 1928. Studies on the biology of the genus insect wings. Syst. Entornol. 28:81-93.
Corizus (Coreidae: Herniptera). Ann. Entornol. Soco Arner.
3 Systematics, Classification,
Nomenclature, and Identification
theme of diversity inevitably dominates any dis-
of insects and their relatives. Not only is
expression of that gene pool-to look for the smallest
set of phenotypic homogeneity while acknowledging
there a large number ofindividual insects (lhe biomass and incorporating known aspects of variability, such as
of ants in the tropics probably exceeds that of all verte- sexual dimorphism, developmental stages, seasonal
brates combined), but there is an almost overwhelming changes, geographic variation, and individual variabil-
number of different kinds of insects. The study of the ity. Hence researchers often must reIy on morphologi-
diversity of organisms and of the reIationships between calor other characters to determine specific limits;
them is the scientific fieId of systematics. This disci- caution is needed, because there are "good" species
pline also includes the study of classification, the field (groups reproductively isolated) that cannot be distin-
of taxonomy. Systematics forms the foundation on guished by morphological characters (known as sibling
which all other biological disciplines rest. The names species), and converseIy, within a single species there
of organisms provide a key to the published literature may be a number of different forms.
and enable us to communicate with one another. Clas- The subspecies category is sometimes used to refer
sifications serve both as information retrieval systems to recognizable and geographically restricted popula-
and, as they reflect the relationships among organisms, tions of a species. Because different subspecies of a
provide predictions of the distribution of characteris- given species are capable of interbreeding, the differ-
tics among organisms. ences between them are usually not clear-cut but inter-
The fundamental unit of systematics is the grading, particularly where adjacent subspecies come
species. Concepts of what a species is and how they in contact. This category has been misused, especially
origina te are based largely on studies of vertebrates. in the early part of the 20th century, to refer to any dis-
Extrapolation beyond them to other animals, especially tinguishable variant, often a color variant.
to fundamentally different organisms in other king-
doms, must be done with some careo Basically, most re-
searchers dealing with living animals define the species
to be a group of individuals or populations in nature Systematics
that (l) are capable of interbreeding and producing fer-
tile offspring, and (2) under natural conditions are re- Classifications of insects and their relatives form the
productiveIy isolated from (lhat is, ordinarily not in- heart of this book. Classifications are tools that pro-
terbreeding with) other such groups. This is known as vide names for groups of species and serve as a short-
the biologicalspeciesconceptoBecausethese criteria in- hand for communicating information about those
volve characteristics of living organisms, they are diffi- species. These instruments are utilitarian products
cult, sometimes perhaps impossible, to address directly. that emerge from systematics, the study of the diver-
Therefore, the first steps in systematics usually involve sity and interrelationships of organisms. Although the
attempts to infer the limits of a species (the extent of a fieId is as old as any area of biological inquiry, it has
52 reproductive community) by observing the phenotypic undergone a remarkable resurgence over the past two
Systematics 53
This renaissance has been fueled by (1) theo- cerned. Thus the primary goal of phylogenetic system-
reticaladvances in the nature and analysis of system- atics is the discovery of monophyletic graups.
aticdata; (2) the development of new sources of data These ideas that a structure found in two different
fromnuc\eic acid sequences; (3) the development of species is the same structure and that they share it be-
powerfuland affordable computers with which to an- cause they inherited the structure fram their common
alyzethese data; and (4) the grawth of the size and ancestor constitute the definition of a homologous
scope of natural history collections. As a result, the character. As you can see, the definitions of homolo-
process that began approximately 50 years ago has gous characters and synapomorphies are equivalent.
now transformed the systematics fram a field do mi- Characters that are not homologous, but only seem so,
natedby arcane facts and argument by authority, into arise thraugh the evolutionary processes of conver-
a science driven by data, explicit hypotheses, and gence, parallelism, and reversals. Convergence and
quantitativeanalysis. Nevertheless, systematics retains parallelism are the development of similar structures
theaesthetic appeal that comes fram the continual dis- independently in two different species. A reversal is a
coveryof new, beautiful, sometimes bizarre, but al- character that "Iooks" like the ancestral condition,
waysfascinatingforms of life. usually the loss or reduction of so me feature. The ab-
The conceptual advances in systematics were first sence of a structure may be due either to the fact that
coherently articulated by an entomologist, Willi the species (and its ancestors) never had it in the first
Hennig,a specialist on Diptera. Hennig published his place, or to its subsequent loss. It is usually difficult, if
principiesin German (Hennig 1950), but after publi- not impossible, to distinguish between these two hy-
cationin English his ideas received much more atten- potheses simply by studying the character itself. That
tion(Hennig 1965,1966). He called this new appraach conclusion relies on considering all the evidence on the
phylogenetic systematics;today it is often referred to phylogeny of the species.
simplyas phylogenetics or as cladistics. The ideas are How, then, can you determine if a character is an-
fairly straightforward. The characters of a species cestral or derived? First, we must divorce ourselves
arepassed down fram ancestor to descendant. Species, fram the idea that in science we can actually determine
in general, do not interbreed; therefore characteristics the truth of any statement. Rather, we form hypotheses
in one species cannot be transferred to a different, that are based on evidence and subject to testing. The
parallellineage. The appearance of new lineages, the dominant means of hypothesizing character polarity,
processof speciation, involves splitting an ancestral whether it is ancestral or derived, is to look at the form
speciesinto two (or possibly more) descendant species. in which the character occurs in graups outside of our
Ifa character changes, that is, becomes modified fram group of interest. The species being studied constitute
itsancestralstate, then this new, derived character will the in-group; those species with which the characters
appearonly in the species in which it arase or in its are being compared inorder to hypothesize their po-
descendants.Therefore, the sequence of appearance of larity make up the out-group. The state in which the
lineagesthrough time can be reconstructed by docu- character is found in the out-group is hypothesized to
mentingthe distribution of derived characters. be the plesiomorphic condition. Thus the choice of
Asin any specialty, entomology has a fair amount species lObe included in the out-graup is critical to the
ofjargon that the student must understand. Derived analysis. Ultimately, out-group analysis is based on the
charactersare called apomorphies (even if the charac- principIe of parsimony (see later discussion).
teris chemical, behavioral, or so on, and not morpho- The hierarchical pattern of distribution of synapo-
logicalat all). The ancestral characters are referred to morphies is represented as a treelike branching dia-
asplesiomorphies. Branches on the phylogenetic tree gram known as a cladogram (Figure 3-1). The two
arehypothesized on the basis of shared derived char- groups of species that diverge at any node are sister
acters among the species, called synapomorphies. groups. A cladogram resembles many of the classical il-
Suchgroupsare considered monophyletic (sometimes lustrations of the "tree of life," but with an important
calledholophyletic) graups and consist of an ancestral exception. Gn a cladogram, the units that are being
speciesand all its descendants. Shared ancestral char- studied-often species, but the unit could be a group
actersare symplesiomorphies; graups defined on the of species as well-are shown only at the apex of the
basisof symplesiomorphies are paraphyletic. Unnat- diagram, at the ends of the branches. If a fossil species
uralgroups, such as a graup containing only insects is included, it is found at the end of a branch, just as
andmosses, are polyphyletic. This is an extreme ex- any living species would be. The internodes, then, do
ample,of course, but polyphyletic graups usually re- not represent ancestral species. The order in which the
sultfrom the misinterpretation of characters, such as graups are listed (for example, from top to bottom in
thinkingthat two structures are "the same" when in Figure 3-1) is of no significance; the cladogram can be
factthey evolved independently in the species con- ratated about any of its nodes. The meaning of a clado-
54 Chapter3 Systematics,Classification,Nomenclature,and Identification
E. zephyrus
H 5
6 I
O. canadensis
O. americanus
4 I
C. dorsalis
C. ventralis
B. niger
H B. flavens
H A. longipes
A H A. curtipes
67 O. canadensis
1 I O. americanus
C. dorsalis
C. ventralis
B. niger
B. flavens
64 A. longipes
B 1 I A. curtipes
C. dorsalis
2 C. ventralis
t--t---t---t1 : B. niger
1 1 2 2 I 1
1 12 15 A. longlpes
e 1 1 A. curtipes
gramliesin the hierarchy illustrated by the branching veloped to find the most likely phylogenetic hypothe-
diagram. sis (cladogram) given the observed data and model of
Relationship, in the sense of phylogenetic system- base substitution.
atíes,is defined as the relative recency of common an- Often the internodes of a cladogram are labeled
cestry.In other words, given three species-A, B, and with information that indicates the support for the hy-
C-species A and B are more closely related if they pothesis that it represents a monophyletic group. This
sharea more recent common ancestor with each other may be a listing of the apomorphic characters that de-
thaneither does with C. If we assume that the animal fine that section of the cladogram; also commonly
kingdomis monophyletic, that all animals share a com- found are bootstrap support values or Bremer support
mon ancestor, then any pair of animals is related in values. A bootstrap value represents the percentage of
somesense. The critical issue is not if two species are times that grouping (or clade) appears when a large
related,but how closely related they are. Thus any number of subsets of the original data set are analyzed.
meaningful phylogenetichypothesis must deal with at Some researchers think a high number (say, 98%) indi-
Icastthree species. cates that the data strongly support the hypothesized
In the simplest case of three taxa (species or monophyletic group. Note, however, that this is not a
groupsof species), there are only three possible pat- statistical test in the usual sense of the termo The hy-
tems of relationship: either A+B are most closely re- pothesis, the proposed monophyletic group, is not re-
lated,MC, or B+C. With four terminal taxa (A to D) jected on the basis of this number. A Bremer support
the number of possible patterns increases to 15, with value indicates the number of further steps that would
fivetaxa there are 105 possible patterns; for ten taxa, be added to the entire cladogram if the clade under
over34 million possibilities; and the number continues consideration were not included and its species were
togrowexponentially. What criteria are used to distin- placed in a different pattern. The significance of the ab-
guishamong all these possibilities? solute value of such a number, then, depends on the to-
The most commonly used metric is the number of tallength of the cladogram, which, in turn, depends on
"steps"on each tree. Each individual step represents the number of taxa and characters.
thechange in a character from the ancestral to derived The student will often see published cladograms
condition.These changes include the possible hypoth- in which a node do es not give rise to two branches but
esisthat a character changes back to what appears to be instead gives rise to three or more. This polytomy in-
the ancestral sta te, that is, a character reversal. One dicates either that there are no data to support any one
dominantmethod of analysis then applies the principIe of the possible sets of dichotomous possibilities at that
of parsimony to select the optimal cladogram. The point, or that the data conflict so that no one possibil-
dadogram that has the fewest number of steps, the ity is more parsimonious (or likely) than another. Poly-
shortestcladogram, is held to be the best explanation tomies are expressions ofignorance or ambiguity in the
of the data at hand. All other, longer cladograms re- underlying data. Although it is biologically reasonable
quireunnecessary hypotheses of character change. The to believe that an ancestral species could give rise,
principIeof parsimony (Occam's razor) holds that the more or less simultaneously, to three or more daughter
bestexplanationfor a phenomenon is the simplest one species, the methodology of cladistics, and of science
thataccounts for the observed data. This should not be in general, compels us to search for a completely di-
interpreted to mean that evolution proceeds by the chotomously branching cladogram. To do otherwise
mastparsimonious path. We have clear evidence that would be to actively ignore the phylogenetic signal that
thatnotion would be false. Rather, parsimony simply do es exist in the data.
requiresus to have evidence to support hypotheses of It is probably becoming clear at this point that cal-
relationship. To do otherwise means that any clado- culating the most parsimonious cladogram for a group
gramthatappealed to a researcher could be claimed to of any size requires the use of a computer and cladistic
bethe "best" on grounds that had nothing to do with software. Only in cases with a relatively small number
of species or an unambiguous data set is it possible to
Phylogenetic analyses of sequence data often use a arrive at the best answer manually. A number of
differentoptimality criterio n by which to judge the software packages are now available for these analyses;
bestcladogram: maximum likelihood. This method re- two of the most popular are PAUP (Phylogenetic
lieson specifying a model of base transformation; for Analysis Using Parsimony) and the WinClada package.
example,what is the probability of an adenine residue MacClade is a popular tool for visualizing and manip-
changingto a thymine at a given position? The overall ulating data on cladograms. However, even with the
likelihoodof a set of cladograms is calculated, and the most powerful hardware and software some phylo-
onewith the highest likelihood is given preference. Re- genetic problems are inherently intractable. In many
cently,Bayesian analysis methods have begun to be de- cases, the analysis results in large numbers of equally
56 Chapter3 Systematics.Classification.Nomenclature.andIdentification
parsimonious trees. In such cases, authors often resort no harm, that is, to change the formal classification
to publication of consensus trees to depict at least the where necessary to preserve the criterion of mono-
components that all the solutions have in common. phyly, but to keep such changes to a minimum. There
is, obviously, a great deal of room here for individual
interpretation, and, as a result, several altemative clas-
sifications may be in use at any point in time, particu-
Classifications larly for popular groups (such as butterflies).
Many groupings of insects first recognized by early
In a formal biological classification, species are systematists such as Fabricius and Latreille are still rec-
grouped into monophyletic groups. Such groups are ognized today as valid monophyletic groups. Examples
called taxa (sing., taxon). These taxa are arranged in a include the Apocrita (Hymenoptera), Brachycera
hierarchical pattem. The most commonly used cate- (Diptera), Ditrysia (Lepidoptera), and Polyphaga
gories or levels in the system of zoological classifica- (Coleoptera). However, in traditional classifications
tion are the following (listed from most inclusive to these taxa were often paired off in contrast with an-
least) : other group, Symphyta versus Apocrita, Nematocera
versus Brachycera. These "sister" taxa often are not
Phylum true sisters in the phylogenetic sense, because they are
Class widely acknowledged to be paraphyletic groups. As
Subclass such, according to the principIes of phylogenetic sys-
Order tematics they should not be formally recognized. Ento-
Suborder mologists are, indeed, moving in that direction, but it
is a slow and gradual process. We have continued to in-
clude some of these groups in the classifications in
each chapter, partly beca use the names are so widely
Tribe used that it is important for the student to leam them.
Genus However, in the long run classifications are based on
scientific hypotheses, and these hypotheses may be
changed or rejected as understanding of insect diver-
sity increases. Thus expect to see changes in those clas-
sifications reflecting the underlying scientific research,
In this scheme, the animal kingdom is divided into and embrace the changes as indications of advances in
a number of phyla (sing., phylum). Each phylum is di- the understanding of insect diversity and relationships.
vided into classes, classes into orders, orders into fam-
ilies, families into genera (sing., genus), and genera
into species. Finer distinctions in the levels is afforded
by prefixes attached to these category names, such as Nomenclature
supeifamily or subgenus. This list provided is not com-
prehensive, but does illustrate the normal categories Animals have two types of names, scientific and com-
that are used. The species is probably the only level mono Scientific names are used throughout the world,
that can be assessed by objective criteria. A genus is and every known animal taxon has a scientific name
one or more species classified together in a mono- unique to it. Common names are vernacular names,
phyletic group; a family is one or more genera; and so and they are often Iess precise than scientific names.
on. Any scheme of classification that is developed for a (Some common names are used for more than one
group of animals will be affected by the particular char- taxon, and a given animal taxon may have several.)
acters used, the relative weight they are given, and how Many animals lack common names beca use they are
they are analyzed. If different people use different char- small or seldom encountered.
acters or a different "weighting" of a series of charac-
ters, they may arrive at different classifications. Scientific Nomenclature
A classification is derived from a phylogeny by
designating monophyletic groups for each category. Of The scientific naming of animals follows certain rules,
course, a dichotomous cladogram of n species will have outlined in the IntemationaI Code of ZooIogicaI Nomen-
n -1 monophyletic groups. For a cladogram of any clature (ICZN 1999). Scientific names are latinized, but
size, particularly in insects where one order may have they may be derived from any language or from the
more than 100,000 species, not all these groups are for- names of people or places. Most names are derived
mally named. The usual approach systematists take is from Latin or Greek words and usually refer to some
similar to the admonition in the Hippocratic oath to do characteristic of the animal or group named.
Nomenclature 57
The names of graups above genus are latinized and dark brawnish (not violet) coloration. These
nouns in the nominative (subject case) plural. The three subspecies are listed as Argia fumipennis vio-
namesof genera and subgenera are latinized nouns in laeea (Hagen), Argia fumipennis fumipennis
the nominative singular. Specific and subspecific (Burmeister), and Argiafumipennis atra Gloyd.
namesmay be adjectives (descriptors, or modifiers), Hagen's name in parentheses means violaeea was
present or past participles (forms) of verbs (action described in a genus other than Argia, but there is
words),or nouns (names of things or places). Adjec- no way of knowing fram this name whether vio-
tivesand participles must agree in gender (masculine, laeea was originally described as a species, as a
feminine,or neuter) with the genus name, and nouns subspecies of fumipennis, or as a subspecies of
are in either the nominative or the genitive (posses- some other species. Gloyd's name without paren-
sive)case. theses means atra was originally described in the
Thescientific name of a species is a binomen; that genus Argia, but there is no way of knowing fram
is,it consists of two words: the genus name and a spe- this name whether atra was originally described as
ciflcepithet. That of a subspecies is a trinomen: the a species of Argia, as a subspecies of fumipennis, or
genusname, the specific epithet, and a subspecific epi- as a subspecies of another species of Argia. In fact,
thet.These names should be printed in italies (if writ- Hagen originally described violacea as a species of
tenor typewritten, italics can be indicated by underlin- Agrion, and Gloyd originally described atra as a
ing).Names of species and subspecies are sometimes subspecies of Argia fumipennis.
followedby the name ofthe author, the person who de-
Some entomologists have used trinomials for what
scribedthe species or subspecies. Authors' names are
notitalicized.The appended author name is sometimes they have called "varieties," for example, A-us b-us, varo
e-uso Other ranks may also be found, including form,
importantin dealing with the systematics of a species or
stirps, race, and so forth. Such names, if published be-
in caseswhere the same name has been praposed for
fore 1961, are assumed to be names of subspecies, in
twodifferent species (a case of homonyrny). In most
which case the "var." in the name is drapped, or if they
othercases, it is simply superfluous and adds nothing
are shown to designa te an individual variant, they are
morethana falsesense of authority to the person citing
thename. The names of genera and higher categories considered "infrasubspecific" categories, which are not
covered by the Intemational Code of Zoological Nomen-
alwaysbegin with a capital letter; species and sub-
clature. Such names published after 1960 are considered
speciesnames never do and generally are not cited
to designate individual variants ("infrasubspecific" cat-
withoutthe name or abbreviation of the genus. If the
author'sname is in parentheses, it means that the egories), not covered by the mIes. The taxonomic cate-
species(or subspecies, in the case of a subspecies name) gories just listed apply to populations and not to indi-
vidual variants such as color forros, sexual forros, and
wasdescribed in some genus other than the one in seasonal forros.
whichit is now placed. For example,
A species referred to but not named is often desig-
PapilioglaucusLinnaeusl-the tiger swallowtail.The nated simply by "sp." For example, "Gomphus sp."
speciesglaucus was described by Linnaeus in the refers to a species of Gomphus. More than one species
genusPapilio. may be designated by "spp."; for example, "Gomphus
deeemlineata (Say)-the Colorado potato spp." refers to two or more species of Gomphus.
beetle.The species deeemlineata was described by The names of categories fram tribe through super-
ThomasSay in the genus Doryphora, and this family have standardized endings and hence can always
specieshas since been transferred to the genus be recognized as referring to a particular category. These
Leptinotarsa. can be illustrated by some taxa of bees, as follows:
fumipennis(Burmeister)- The speciesfumipen-
Superfamily names end in -oidea;for example,
niswas described by Hermann Burmeister in some
Apoidea: the bees. Note that the names of some
genusother than Argia and has subsequently been
genera and categories above the level of family can
transferred to the genus Argia. There are three
have the same ending.
subspeciesof this species in the eastern United
Family names end in -idae; for example, Apidae:
States:a northern subspecies (violaeea) with clear
wingsand considerable violet coloration, a south- cuckoo bees, digger bees, carpenter bees, or-
chid bees, bumble bees, and honey bees.
em subspecies (fumipennis) with smoky wings and
Subfamily names end in -inae; for example,
considerable violet coloration, and a subspecies in
Apinae: orchid bees, bumble bees, and
peninsular Florida (atra) with very dark wings
honey bees.
Tribe names end in -ini; for example, Apini,
lThroughoutthis book Linnaeus is abbreviated "L." honey bees.
58 Chapter3 Systematics.
Types. Whenever a new taxon (from subspecies to su- (homonyrns and synonyrns) are not easy to discover.
perfamily) is described, the describer is supposed to As they are discovered, it becomes necessary to change
designa te a type, which serves to anchor the name to a names, not only of genera and species, but also of fam-
taxonomic concepto The type of a species or subspecies ilies and even orders. The problems of priority in sci-
is a single specimen (rhe type, or holotype); the type of entific nomenclature are often very intricate, and it is
a genus or subgenus is a species (the type species); and sometimes difficult to determine just what name is the
the type of a taxon from tribe through superfamily is a correct one. Name changes may also result from in-
genus (the type genus). Names of taxa from tribe creased knowledge. This added knowledge may indi-
through superfamily (see the previous examples) are ~ate that groups should be split or combined, resulting
formed by adding the appropriate ending to the root of in name changes for some of the groups involved.
the name of the type genus. For the type genus Apis in In cases where two or more names for a group
the previous examples, the stem is Ap-. If a species is have been in fairly wide use, we have listed in this book
divided into subspecies, the particular subspecies that first what we believe to be the correct name and have
includes the holotype of the species has the same sub- listed other names in parentheses.
specific name as its specific name (for example, Argia
fumipennisfumipennis). Similarly, if a genus is divided Pronunciation
into subgenera, the subgenus that includes the type
species of the genus has the same subgenus name as The pronunciation of some of the technical names and
genus name-for example, Formica (Formica) ruja L. terrns used in entomology may be found in a good dic-
(The name in parentheses is the subgenus.) As con- tionary or glossary, but very few texts or references give
cepts of the limits of species or other taxa are revised, the pronunciation of the bulk of scientific names.
it is often necessary to refer to the available types (and There are roles for the pronunciation of these names,
ultimately the holotypes of the relevant species) to de- but few entomologists are familiar with them, and
termine to which concepts of taxa of the systematist many names are pronounced differently by different
the types belong, and, thus, to determine which name people and in different countries. We have therefore in-
or names are applicable to it. The significance of holo- cluded some of the general roles by which technical
types has to do with nomenclature; they do not repre- names and terms used in zoology are generally pro-
sent a "typical" member of a species. nounced in American English. We realize that not all
entomologists will agree with the pronunciation of
Priority. The staning point of modem binomial zoolog- some names. There are two reasons for such disagree-
ical nomenclature was the publication of 10th edition of ment: (1) a given pronunciation, whether it follows the
Unnaeus' Systema Naturae; the date is taken as 1January roles or not, may become established through usage as
1758. lt often happens that a panicular taxon is de- the "correct" pronunciation; and (2) the correct pro-
scribed independently by two or more people, and hence nunciation of many scientific names depends on the
may have more than one name. In such cases the first derivation of the name and the vowel sound in the
name used from 1758 on (if the describer has followed source language, and it is difficult or impossible to de-
certain roles) is the correct name, and any other names termine the derivation of some names. Hence there will
become synonyrns and should no longer be used. A par- always be a question as to the correct pronunciation of
ticular name is often used for a long time before someone some scientific names.
discovers that another name has priority over it. The principal roles for the pronunciation of scien-
Sometimes a person describing a new taxon gives tific names and terms are outlined here:
it a name that has previously been used for another
taxon; if those taxa involved are at the same taxonomic Vowels. All vowels in scientific names are pro-
nounced. Vowels are generally either long or short, and
level, the names are termed homonyms, and all but the
oldest must be discarded and the taxa renamed. There in the examples that follow a long vowel sound is indi-
cated by a grave accent O) and a short vowel sound by
cannot be two (or more) species or subspecies with the
an acute accent (O; for example, mate, mát, mete, mét,
same name in a given genus. There cannot be two (or
bite, bU, rope, rót, cute, cút, by, symmetry. A vowel at the
more) genera or subgenera in the animal kingdom with
the same name. Nor can there be two (or more) taxa in end of a word has the long sound, except when it is an
-a; a final -a has the uh sound, as in idea. The vowel in
the family group of categories (rribe through super-
the final syllable of a word has the short sound, except
family) with the same name (although the names of the
-es, which is pronounced ease.
typical subdivisions will be the same except for their
endings). The fundamental role is that every animal Diphthongs. A diphthong consists of two vowels writ-
taxon must have a unique name. ten together and pronounced as a single vowel. The
Because of the large number of animal taxa and the diphthongs are ae (pronounced e, rarely é), oe (usually
vast amount of zoological literature, errors in naming pronounced e, rarely é), oi (pronounced as in oi/), eu
Nomenclature 59
(pronouncedu), ei (pronounced 1), ai (pronounced a), Sphecinae) and tribe names (for example,
andau (pronounced as in August). The final -ae in fam- Sphecini); in tribe names, the final i is also long.
ily and subfamily names is generally pronounced e. 2. In other cases the antepenult is accented.
Thecombination ii is pronounced as two syllables and
is thereforenot a diphthong. Common Names of Inseds
Consonants. Ch has the k sound, except in words de- Because there are so many species of insects, and be-
rivedfram a language other than Greek. When e is fol- cause so many of them are very small or poorly known,
lowedby ae, e, oe, i, or y, it has the soft (s) sound; relatively few have common names. Those that do are
whenit is followed by a, o, oi, or u, it has the hard (k) generally particularly showy insects or insects of eco-
sound.When g is followed by ae, e, i, oe, or y, it has the nomic importance. American entomologists recognize
soft(j) sound; when it is followed by a, o, oi, or u, it as "official" the common names in a list published
hasthe hard sound (as in go). In words beginning with every few years by the Entomological Society of Amer-
ps,pt, et, en, gn, or mn, the initial letter is not pro- ica, but this list do es not include all species of insects
nounced,but when these letters appear together in the (and other arthropods) to which common names have
middleof a word, the first letter is pronounced (for ex- be en applied. The common names used in this book
ample,the p is not pronounced in the word pteromorph, for individual species have be en taken from this list or
but it is pronounced in the word Orthoptera). An x at have been obtained from other sources.
the beginning of a word is pronounced as z, but as ks Many common names of insects refer to groups such
whenit appears elsewhere in a word. When a double e as subfamilies, families, suborders, or orders, rather than
is followedby e, i, or y, it is pronounced as ks. to individual species. The name bark beetle, for example,
refers to all species in the subfamily Scolytinae of the
Accent. The accented syllable is either the penult or
family Curculionidae. The name leafbeetle applies gener-
theantepenult (very long words may have a secondary
ally to all species in the family Chrysomelidae. The name
accenton a syllable near the beginning of the word).
beetle applies to all species in the order Coleoptera. The
Theprincipal roles governing the syllable accented and
name damselfly applies to the entire suborder Zygoptera,
thevowelsound (whether long or short) are as follows:
of which there are hundreds of species.
1. The accent is on the penultimate syllable in the Most common names of insects that consist of a
following cases: single word refer to entire orders (for example, beetle,
a. When the name contains only two syllables; for bug, eaddis, coekroaeh, and termite). Some (such as bee,
example,Apis, Bómbus. damselfly, grasshopper, and laeewing) refer to suborders
b. When the penult contains a diphthong; for ex- or groups of families. Onlya few (such as ants) refer to
ample, Culicoides, Hermileuea, Lygaeus. families. Most common names applying to families
c. When the vowel in the penult is followed by x consist of two or more words, the last being the name
or z; for example, Coríxa, Prodóxus, Agromyza, of the larger group, and the others descriptive (for ex-
Trioza. ample, brown laeewings, dick beetle, soldier flies, and
d. When the vowel of the penult is long. Whether small winter stoneflies).
the penult vowel is long or short often depends The members of a group are often referred to by an
on the derivation of the word and the vowel anglicized form of the group name. For example, insects
sound in the source language. The vowel e in a in the order Hymenoptera may be called hymenopterans;
word derived from the Greek is long if the the wasps in the superfamily Chalcidoidea are called
vowel in the Greek word is eta (1J), but short if ehalcidoids; those in the Sphecidae are called sphecids;
it is epsilon (E); for example, in words derived and those in the subfamily Nyssoninae may be called
from the Greek fL1JPOc:J>, meaning thigh, the e is nyssonines. lt is a common practice to use such a form of
long (Diapheromera, epimeron), whereas in the family or subfamily name as a common name.
those derived from the Greek fLEpOIT, meaning The names "fly" and "bug" are used for insects in
part, the e is short (Heterómera). Similarly, the more than one order, and the way the names of these
vowel o in a word derived from the Greek is insects are written may indicate the order to which the
long if the vowel in the Greek word is omega insect belongs. For example, when a fly belongs to the
(w), but short if it is omicron (o); for example, order Diptera, the "fly" of the name is written in this
in words derived from the Greek ITWfLCX mean- book as a separate word (for example, blaek fly, horse
ing body, the o is long (Calosoma, Malaeosoma), fly, and blow fly); when it belongs to another order, the
whereas in those derived from the Greek "fly" of the name is written together with the descrip-
<TTOfLCX, meaning mouth, it is short (Melanó- tive word (for example, dragonfly, butterjly, and sawfly).
stoma, Belóstoma, epístoma). The penult vowel When a bug belongs to the order Hemiptera, the "bug"
is long in subfamily names (for example, of the name is written as a separate word (for example,
60 Chapter3 Systematics, Classitication,
and Identitication
damsel bug, stink bug, and lace bug); when it belongs to pictures is often unsafe, beca use in many instances one
another order, the "bug" of the name is wriuen to- type of insect looks a great deallike another.
gether with the descriptive word (for example, mealy- As a general rule, in this book identification is car-
bug, ladybug, junebug, and sowbug). Unfortunately, this ried only to family. To go much further usually requires
practice is not universally accepted. specialized knowledge and is beyond the scope of this
book. Identifying insects only to family reduces the num-
ber of names from many thousand to several hundred,
and of these probably only 200 or fewer are likely to be
The Identification of Insects encountered by the average student. We reduce the prob-
lem still further by being concemed largely with adults.
When someone encounters an insect, one of the first Thus insect identification becomes less formidable.
questions askedis "What kind of insect is it?" (Or per-
haps that is the second question after "Will it bite
me?") One of the principal aims of the beginning stu-
dent in any field of biology is to become able to iden- The Keys in This Book
tify the organisms he or she is studying. The identifica-
tion of insects differs from the identification of other Analytical keys are devices used to identify all sorts of
types of organisms only in that it is likely to be some- things, living as well as nonliving. Different keys may
what more difficult, because there are more kinds of in- be arranged somewhat differently, but all involve the
sects than anything else. same general principIes. You run an insect (or other or-
Four things complicate the problem of insect iden- ganism) through a key in steps. At each step you face
tification. First, there are so many different species of two (rarely more) altematives, one of which should
insects that the beginner may be discouraged about apply to the specimen at hand. In our keys either a
ever becoming proficient in insect identification. Sec- number or a name follows the altemative that best fits
ond, most insects are small, and the identifying char- the specimen. If there is a number, the next step is the
acters are often difficult to see. Third, many insects are couplet with this number. Thus each step leads to an-
poorIy known, and when they are finally identified, other step and its altematives until a name is reached.
you may have only a technical name (which you may The couplets of altematives in our keys are num-
not understand) and liule biological information. bered 1 and 1', 2 and 2', and so on. In the first half of
Fourth, many insects go through very different stages each couplet after the first is a number in parentheses.
in their life history, and you may come to know insects This is the number of the couplet from which that cou-
in one stage of their life cycle and still know very liule plet is reached, and it enables the student to work
about those same insects in another stage. backward in the key if a mistake is discovered. This
There are about five ways in which a student may method of numbering also serves as a check on the ac-
identify an unknown insect: (1) by having it identified curacy of the organization of the key. In a few large
by an expert, (2) by comparing it with labeled speci- keys, certain couplets may be reached from more than
mens in a collection, (3) by comparing it with pictures, one previous couplet, and this fact is indicated by two
(4) by comparing it with descriptions, (5) by using an or more numbers in parentheses.
analytical key, or by a combination of two or more of The keys in this book have been prepared from
these procedures. Of these, obviously the first is the three principal sources: other published keys, descrip-
simplest, but this method is not always available. Sim- tions, and an examination of specimens of the groups
ilarIy, the second method may not always be available. concemed. Many are taken largely from previously pub-
In addition, the use of a collection is of limited value if lished keys (generally with some changes in wording or
you do not know the characteristics that distinguish organization), but some represent a new approach. Our
the species in a particular group. In the absence of an aim with each key has been to prepare something that
expert or a labeled collection, the next best method is is workable for practically every species (or specimen)
usually to use a key. In the case of particularIy striking in the groups covered. Most of these keys have been
or well-known insects, the identification can often be tested by student use over a number of years. In many
made by the third method mentioned, but in many of the insect orders (particularIy the larger ones), some
groups this method is unsatisfactory. No book can il- groups key out in more than one place. This is the case
lustrate all kinds of insects and still sell for a price a in two types of situations: (1) where there is significant
student can afford to pay. Where an unknown insect variation within the group, and (2) with borderline
cannot be definitely identified by means of illustra- cases where the specimen seems to fit both altematives
tions, the best procedure is to use an analytical key and of a couplet. In the latter situation, a specimen should
then to check the identificationby as many of the other key out correctly from either altemative. Although our
methods mentioned as possible. Identification from intent is that these keys will work for every specimen,
Geographic(overageof ThisBook 61
werealizethat species or specimens in many groups are Analytical keys are made for people who do not
erraticin their characters. We have sought to include as know the identity of a specimen they have. Once a
manyas possible of these atypical forms in our keys, specimen has be en identified with a key, subsequent
buta fewmay not key out correctly. We believe our keys identifications of this same insect may often be based
shouldwork for 95% or more of the insects of the con- on such characters as general appearance, size, shape,
tinentalUnited States and Canada. We believe the user and color, without reference to minute characters.
ofour keys is more likely to reach an impasse beca use lt will be apparent very early during your work in
ofan inability to see or interpret a character than be- identifying insects that you need a good binocular mi-
causeof a discrepancy in the key. croscope to see many characters of the insect. Most
When a determination is reached in the key, check insects, once you know what to look for, can be iden-
thespecimen against any illustrations or descriptions tified with a good hand lens (magnification about
available.If these do not fit the specimen, then either a lOX).
mistakehas been made somewhere or the specimen is The mere identification and naming of insects
onethat will not work out correctly in the key. In the should not be the student's final objective in insect
[atterevent, save the specimen until you can show it to study. There is much more of interest in insects than
anexpert.It may be something rare or unusual. just identifying them. Go further, and learn some-
Success in running an insect through a key de- thing of the habits, distribution, and importance of
pendslargely on understanding the characters used. In insects.
manycasesin this book, the key characters are illus-
trated.Often several characters are given in each alter-
native.In case one character cannot be seen or inter-
preted,use the other characters. If at any point in the Geographic Coverage of This Book
keyyou cannot decide which way to go, try following
upboth alternatives and then check further with illus- The taxonomic treatment in this book of the various
trationsand descriptions when you reach a name. insect orders and the other groups of arthropods ap-
A great many families of insects are very unlikely plies to the fauna of North America north of Mexico. A
tobeencountered by the general collector beca use they few insects in other parts of the world are mentioned,
containsmall or minute forms that may be overlooked, but the characters given for each group (and the keys)
becausethey are quite rare, or because they have a very apply to North American species and may not apply to
restrictedgeographic range. Such families are indicated all other species occurring outside of North America.
in most of our keys by an asterisk, and couplets con- The terms North America and North American refer to
tainingsuch groups can often be skipped by the begin- that portion of the continent north of Mexico. Where
ningstudent. the geographic range of a group in North America is
Measurements in this book are given in metric more or less limited, information on this range is given.
units.Tables for converting these to English units fol- Groups for which there is no information on range are
lowthe table of contents. widely distributed in North America.
Borror,D. J. 1960. Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining lnternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.
Forms. Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield, 134 pp. 2000. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature,
Brown,R. W 1978. Composition of Scientific Words. Wash- 4th ed. London: The International Trust for Zoological
ington, DC: Smithsonian lnstitution Press, 882 pp. Nomenclature 1999,306 pp.
Crowson, R. A. 1970. Classification and Biology. New York: Mayr, E., and P. D. Ashlock. 1991. PrincipIes of Systematic
Atherton Press, 350 pp. Zoology, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 475 pp.
Eldredge,N., andJ. Cracraft. 1980. Phylogenetic Patterns and Schuh, R. T. 2000. Biological Systematics: PrincipIes and Ap-
the Evolutionary Process: Method and Theory in Com- plícations. Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publíshing Associates,
parative Biology. New York: Columbia University Press, Cornell University Press, 236 pp.
349 pp. Stoetzel, M. B. 1989. Common Names of Insects &: Related
Hennig,W 1950. Grundzüge einer Theorie der phylogenetis- Organisms 1989. College Park, MD: Entomological Soci-
chen Systematik. Berlín: Deutscher Zentralverlag. ety of America, 199 pp.
Hennig,W 1965. Phylogenetic systematics. Annu. Rev. Ento- Wiley, E. O. 1981. Phylogenetics: The Theory and Practice of
mal. 10:97-116. Phylogenetic Systematics. New York: Wiley, 439 pp.
Hennig,W 1966. Phylogenetic Systematics. Urbana: Univer- Winston,j. E. 1999. Describing Species: Practical Taxonomic
sity of lllinois Press, 263 pp. Procedure for Biologists. New York: Columbia University
Press, 518 pp.
- ;;----
Propertiesof Behavior 63
spectto somevariation in the distribution of environ- lus is lost, the insect ceases to fly upwind and makes er-
mentalstimuli. Even behavior patterns that start spon- ratic turns or reverts to a crosswind or downwind
taneously,such as the search for food or a mate, never- searching flight. In moths, males progressing upwind
theless typically are guided by the arrangement of in the presence of female sex pheromone automatically
variousvisual, chemical, or mechanical stimuli. In- zigzag across the odor plume continuously, making it
sects'oriented movements are categorized as either ki- more difficult to lose the scent altogether.
"esesor taxes. Kineses are simply changes in the speed Some kinds of orientation remain enigma tic. The
oflocomotionor rate of turning as an insect moves and migration of monarch butterflies is noteworthy because
encountersan increased or decreased stimulus in ten- they trave! thousands of kilometers between the north-
sity,withoutregardto the direction, source, or gradient ern reaches of their distribution and very localized
ofthe stimulus. Kineses have the effect, through ran- southern overwintering sites. The slow northward mi-
dommovements, ofbringing the insect into a favorable gration involves up 10 three successive generations of
zoneor away from an unfavorable one. For example, butterflies. Thus all adults that overwintered are dead
an insectexhibiting positive klinokinesis with respect by the time the population reaches its northern limit
to temperature makes more turns as it encounters in- during the summer, and those that fly back to the
creasinglyfavorable temperatures, so it tends to remain overwintering site in the south have never been there
inzonesof optimal temperature. Taxes, in contrast, are before. Research evidence indicates that they use a
positionsand movements with respect 10 the source, time-compensated sun compass, and perhaps also geo-
direction,or gradient of a stimulus (for example, magnetic cues, to guide them toward the correct longi-
chemotaxis,phototaxis). Different mechanisms may be tude and latitude. If this is correct, it suggests that the
involved.Insects can move up or down a stimulus gra- monarch butterflies have an innate sense of what those
dient(towardor away from its source) by balancing the coordinates should be, which vary considerably be-
stimulion the right and left, either by turning alter- tween eastern and western populations.
natelyright and left or by sampling both sides simulta-
neously(klinotaxis and tropotaxis, respectively), or by Behavior Modification
maintaininga "fix" on the source itse!f Ctelotaxis). They
alsocan use te!otaxis to maintain themse!ves at a fixed All behavioral abilities of an insect are inherited, but
anglefrom the stimulus source (menotaxis). This al- they are not invariably expressed, even under identical
lowsthemto remain right side up with respect to sky- environmental conditions. Insects respond to certain
lightor gravity and to walk or fly in a straight line stimuli or perform particular behaviors only when in-
throughvaried landscape, using the sun or moon as a ternal organs, hemolymph chemistry, and the nervous
fixedframe of reference-essentially as a compass. system itseU are in particular states. The state of re-
Thesebasic kinds of orientation mechanisms, applied sponsiveness, or motivational state, regulates the ex-
toproblemssuch as nest building in a difficult spot, al- pression of even the most rudimentary and stereotypic
lowan insect to behave effective!y in a complex and instincts. Even learning, the ability of an insect to mod-
changingworld, even when the guided behavior is en- ify its behavior adaptively, following experience with
tirelyindependent of experience. particular external stimuli and their consequences, is
When insects locate food and mates through vi- an innate capacity.
sion,sound, or chemicals, accurate orientation is es-
Motivation: A variety of internal factors influence an
sentia\.They typically use tropo taxis or telotaxis 10 ori- insect's motivational state.
ent toward attractive sounds and visual objects at a
distance.At close range they follow gradients of a Rhythms: Nearly all insects go through cycles of
chemical,temperature, or humidity by employing activity and inactivity, the most common type being the
klinotaxisor tropotaxis. However, the need for flying 24-hour die! (daily) cycle. During its active phase, the
insectsto locate a distant source of volatile chemicals insect may become active spontaneously and conduct
presentsa special problem. It is impossible for them to searches for one or more necessities: mates, food,
geta fix on the source by scanning the environment, oviposition sites, or shelter. Also, at this time it is re-
andstimulusgradients are lost beyond a few centime- sponsive to particular stimuli that it ignores when in-
tersfromthe source, as chemicals waft downwind in active. These die! rhythms are maintained by an inter-
dilute,meandering swirls and filaments. Instead, they nal clock, which is repeatedly set by the periods of dark
orientupwind (positive anemotaxis) in the presence of and light. When an insect is artificially deprived of the
pulsesofthe stimulating odor, guided in their forward natural time-setting light-dark transitions at regular
progressby the passage of objects on the ground be- intervals, the rhythm continues but drifts away from
neaththem.This behavior has the effect of bringing the 24-hour period, giving rise to the term circadian
themverycloseto the odor's source. If the odor stimu- rhythm (around a day).
64 Chapter4 Behaviorand Ecology
Inhibitory Feedback: An insect's state of respon- programmed and modified behaviors, so four cate-
siveness changes when particular behaviors cause a gories of behavior are useful (based on Alcock 1979):
temporary physiological change. After eating food, an (l) closed instincts, the fixed programs, such as
insect's threshold of response to food stimuli rises, so courtship sequences; (2) open instincts, in which feed-
that it requires stronger stimuli before it wiIl taste or back from experience alters the program, such as im-
ingest more. If it has ingested enough, it wiIl not re- proved nectar-collecting effieiency or ignoring sudden
spond to stimuli of any strength. A classic example is movements (habituation); (3) restricted learning, in
the tarsolabeIlar reflex of the blow fly.When its crop is which limited stimuli alter behavior in a preeise way,
empty, if it tastes sugar with its front tarsi the fly ex- such as attaching new meanings to stimuli (classical
tends its proboseis. When the crop contains a substan- conditioning); and (4) flexible learning, in which an ex-
tial sugar meal, nerves from foregut stretch receptors perience can lead to a wide range of changes in the
block the reflex. The time it takes for the fly to become behavior pattern, such as familiarity with unique land-
motivated again (that is, has a lower threshold of the scapes (exploration or latent learning) and reinforce-
tarsolabeIlar reflex) is simply a function of crop volume ment of modified behavior (operant conditioning). The
and the rate at which the crop empties, which in turn ability to achieve any of these acts, and the constraints
depends on how fast absorbed sugar is depleted from placed on them, have a genetic basis. Modification by
the hemolymph. Some changes are the result of cyclic learning is most valuable to species that live where in-
internal processes. For example, female insects do not formation is reliable for extended periods within the
exhibit oviposition behaviors until they have a batch of lifetime of the insect, but not reliable over many gen-
eggs ready to be laido erations or over the population's entire range. Informa-
tion that remains reliable need not be learned and can
Long- Term Physiological Changes: Other be-
be committed to rigid stimulus-response programming.
havioral changes are long-Iasting or permanent. These
Thus, with instinct, short-lived insects get it right the
often are the result of development and maturation. Af- first time.
ter the final molt, adult insects do not immediately ex-
Insects are capable of most types of learning
press sexual or other reproductive behaviors, but known to animals. The first three, here, are well estab-
hormone-induced nervous or other internal changes
lished: (1) Habituation is a diminished response to a
lead to their expression and may last a lifetime. Juve-
nile hormone-a misnomer in these cases--often is the stimulus after repeated exposures with no relevant
consequences or assoeiations. An example from nature
mediator. For example, juvenile hormone causes adult
is the ability of male wasps to learn to avoid being
female mosquito es lO become sexuaIly receptive, and
tricked into "mating" with orchid flowers that crudely
after mating and insemination they immediately be-
mimic female wasps in appearance and odor. In captiv-
come unreceptive to further sexual advances by males.
ity, insects usually habituate to startling noises, move-
First mechanical stimuli from copulation and insemi-
nation, then chemical stimuli from the male's semen, ments, and handling. (2) Associative learning takes two
major forms: (a) In classical conditioning, a previously
abolish her receptivity for a long period or a lifetime.
neutral stimulus, when paired with a favorable or un-
The tendency to migrate or to enter diapause (dis-
favorable stimulus that normaIly causes a speeific re-
cussed later in this chapter) may occur only early in
sponse, becomes a conditioned stimulus, elieiting the
adult life, only when the insect is crowded during de-
response by itself (the new stimulus becomes associ-
velopment, or only when photoperiod shortens and ated with the old stimulus because of its effect). For ex-
temperatures begin to drop. Complete metamorphosis
ample, a honey bee, instinctively attracted to a blue
is an extreme example of developmentally altered be- flower that has a neutral odor, obtains nectar and sub-
havior. Larval and adult forms of the same individual
sequently is attracted to that odor when the blue color
are often so different, both morphologically and eco-
is absent. A variation of this is preimaginal conditioning,
logically, that they act like different speeies with en- in which a neutral stimulus that an immature insect
tirely different behavioral repertoires.
encounters while feeding on a suitable food, such as an
Learning: Insect learning generally is the experience- unusual host plant, becomes the stimulus that, after
induced modification of instinctive behavior patterns, metamorphosis, the adult female chooses for oviposi-
rather than formation of new behavior patterns. Learn- tion. This is similar to imprinting, weIl known in birds
ing differs from instinct mainly in that it involves prop- that become attached to the appearance of their par-
erties of the nervous system that permit useful modifi- ents, but imprinting has a narrow sensitive period soon
cations in behavior, but the distinctions among after hatching and occurs without an assoeiated favor-
motivational change, sensory adaptation, and true able or unfavorable stimulus. (b) Operant conditioning
learning are not always obvious. Even in clear cases of is a particular act, followed by a positive or negative
learning, there exists a continuous range between pre- consequence that reinforces either performing or the
Properties of Behavior 65
refrainingfrom that act (the act becomes associated direct route home or to a feeding station, from places
withits consequence); a particular variant of this is they have never been before. This requires that a bee
sometimesknown as "trial-and-error learning." For ex- learn the position of distant landmarks relative to one
ample,ants can learn how to make the appropriate left another and then interpolate the correct direction to its
andright turns in a maze, without the help of a trail destination when it views the landmarks from a unique
pheromone,if the reward is to reach their nest at the perspective.
endof the maze. (3) In latent leaming, an insect be-
comesfamiliar with the relationships among various
Temporal Structure of Behavior
neutralstimuli, even though these stimuli have no im-
mediatepositive or negative consequences. It is also Insects and other animals generally can do only one
cal\edexploratory leaming. A classic example is the thing at a time, and their various behaviors are not per-
abilityof digger wasps to memorize the configuration formed in some haphazard sequence, although often
oflandmarks around their hidden nests so they can there is an element of randomness in the probabilistic
findthemmuch later (Figure 4-1). (4) In insight leam- ordering of different activities. Instead, they are guided
ing,the animal combines information from several by sets of rules that are assumed to maximize repro-
leamingexperiences and applies it to a situation never ductive success over the long run. From a study of
beforeencountered. Whether insects are capable of this these rules, a basic principIe emerges: Different behav-
veryadvanced form of learning is controversial. They iors compete with one another and are mutually in-
areclearlycapable of computations based on a multi- hibitory, and at any given time one of them is domi-
tudeof sense data, so there is no a priori reason why nant. Dominant or subordinate status is a property of
theycannot process learned information from several the behavior's causal system, which is based on two
sourcesand use it to meet new circumstances. The best things: the insect's internal causal state (or motiva-
evidencefor cognition of this sort comes from tests of tional state) and its external stimulus situation. Thus,
theability of honey bees to form mental maps. Some whatever an insect "decides" to do (with no implica-
experimentsindicate that bees can figure out the most tion that learning-based cognition is involved) reflects
the dominant status of one of the causal systems. A
change in behavior may occur in four instances: (1) In
competition, a formerIy inactive behavior system be-
comes active beca use of either internal changes or
changes in external stimuli, causing a rise in its domi-
nance status, that is, increased tendency to perform or
lowered threshold for expression. (2) In chaining, per-
formance of the dominant behavior causes feedback
that reduces its status, allowing dominance and ex-
pression of a behavior previously subdominant and
therefore inhibited. Fixed chains are deterministic, and
at the finest level they may be caused by (a) sequential
releasers (as in the case of appetitive sequences, see
later discussion in this chapter), in which each behav-
ior leads to an encounter with the next releaser; (b) in-
terlocking releasers, in which each behavior causes the
next releaser (for example, the queen butterfly
courtship, in which male and female interact in a chain
of alternating behaviors); and (c) inflexibly linked se-
quences, in which one behavior follows inexorably after
another, regardless of feedback (for example, the series
of elements in some male courtship displays). The al-
Figure 4-1 FemalediggerwaspAmmophila(Spheci- ternative to fixed chains are Markov chains, in which
clae)at the entrance to its underground nest. Initially, she individual behaviors follow one another in a proba-
becomesfamiliar with its position while digging. When bilis tic manner, according to what behaviors preceded
aboutto leave, she hides the nest by filling the opening it and how long ago each one occurred, a pattern that
withsand grains evenly with the ground's surface. As she occurs often in insect grooming movements. (3) In an-
fiiesaway,she updates her memory of its position rela- tagonistic induction, an insect prevented by circum-
tiveto surrounding landmarks, so that she can find it stances from performing a behavior is more likely to
when she returns. perform it when the opportunity occurs. For example,
aphids that are prevented from l1ying because of wind bernetic models), which borrow heavily from engi-
willl1y sooner than aphids not exposed to wind. (4) In neering and use 110wdiagrams, electrical schematics,
temporary switching, insects express competing behav- and computer-like notations. These more closely rep-
iors randomly or according to a time-sharing method resent nervous systems, are more l1exible (they can eas-
that operates independently of dominance. ily depict both hierarchical and weblike arrangements
Conceptual models have been developed to help of behaviors), and minimize the number of assump-
people understand the organization of these underly- tions required. They are formed from basic conceptual
ing roles. The simplest one with broad application to patterns of control, such as chains, meshes, and posi-
insects was developed by European ethologists in the tive and negative feedback loops. For example, they
mid-I900s and assumes that behavioral control is have been used to explain the mechanism by which a
strictly hierarchical. At the top of the hierarchy are the praying mantis can strike with its fore legs in the cor-
most basic alternative causal systems (or "centers"), rect direction toward prey, even though its head moves
such as reproduction, feeding, and migration. Within independently of its thorax and can be held at different
each basic system are levels of competing subsystems angles. A broader approach employs optimality theory,
and sub-subsystems, each subordinate to the level the general evolutionary assumption that animals eval-
above it, sharing common causal factors and a common uate their causal-sta te variables and tend to make deci-
goal but controlling finer elements of the behavior. For sions that minimize costs and maxirnize gain according
example, in the reproductive mode an insect may per- to some criterion. This type of rnodeling can incorpo-
form mating, nesting, oviposition, or food gathering rate probabilistic roles and take a variety of mathemat-
for offspring, but only one task at a time. A male in the ical forrns. The dynamic stochastic modeling method,
mating mode may engage in territoriality or mate pur- widely used in behavioral ecology, relies heavily on
suit, but not both simultaneously. The mate-pursuit computer analysis to predict sequences of decisions.
system controls behaviors that lead progressively to- The simple ethological model can account for
ward the final sequence: courtship, mate acceptance, many aspects of an insect's behavioral organization,
mounting, copulation, and insemination. At each level such as spontaneous behavior, the shifting dominance
the competing behaviors are under the control of a par- of different behaviors, and sequences that lead to a
ticular system. The insect's readiness, tendency, or re- goal. A famous example of an appetitive sequence is
sponsiveness (states giving rise to the unfortunate con- predation by the bee-wolf Philanthus, a digger wasp
cept of "drive") for each behavior is an outcome of that specializes in catching honey bees to provision its
internal and external stimuli and central excitatory nests. lt starts when the wasp l1ies from 110wer to
state. According to this hierarchical hypothesis, the ex- 110wer,searching for a bee. When it sees a moving ob-
pression of the behavior controlled by each system at ject, the visual stirnulus releases the behavior of hover-
each level is blocked until its postulated innate release ing downwind of the object. If bee odor is perceived,
mechanism receives a particular stimulus, its releaser, that releases seizing the bee. And if tactile stimuli (ei-
which often is a simple "sign stimulus" or "token stim- ther mechanical or chemical) are beelike, then stinging
ulus." Between successive steps in this hierarchy, ap- behavior is released. Thus the goal is achieved through
petitive behavior is expressed, in which oriented move- a series of behaviors, each of which prepares the inseCl
ments bring the insect to the next releaser. When the for encounter with the next releaser. A similar series is
goal has been reached and the very stereotypic consum- performed by beetles locating host plants for oviposi-
matory act is performed, feedback to the system re- tion, mosquitoes locating vertebrate animals for blood
duces its motivational status, relative to other behavior feeding, and male moths locating pheromone-releasing
subcategories, and one of those others becomes domi- fernales in order to mate. In the Philanthus case, re-
nant. searchers can assume that stinging the prey is the con-
Hierarchical models have been greatly expanded, summatory act, which lowers the motivation to collecl
and therefore complicated, to account for feedback prey, so one of the competing behaviors connected
loops and the proba bilis tic nature of behavioral expres- with reproduction now becomes dominant, probably
sion. However, as models become progressively more oviposition, a sequence involving taking the prey to a
comprehensive, they lose their heuristic value, and hy- nest and laying an egg on it. This process also has been
potheses about particular insects become difficult to studied in detail. A case made famous by]. Henri Fabre
formula te. Alternatives to hierarchical models have is Sphex,a wasp that digs a nest in the ground, then
been used chiel1y to test and explain one specific ma- finds and stings a grasshopper and brings it to the nest
neuver, sequence, or choice between two alternatives, entrance. The wasp uncovers the entrance, makes an
rather than to offer guidelines for understanding the inspection visit of the tunnel that terminates in a cham-
organization of an insect's entire behavioral repertoire. ber, then returns to the surface. She grasps the prey by
One of these approaches is control system models (cy- its antennae, pulls it down into the chamber, lays an
Properties of Behavior 67
eggon it, then exits the tunnel, covers the entrance, an inspection. Lack of feedback from the previous in-
andleaves.Aside from raising the question of whether spection makes her incapable of improvising in this
preycapture and nest provisioning is one or two ap- rare circumstance.
petitivesequences,the Sphcxstudy is revealingbecause The complexity of the en tire repertoire of nesting
it tested some of the limits of flexibility in the se- behavior and its hierarchical organization is epito-
quence.lf the prey is moved a few centimeters away mized in some digger wasp species (Figure 4-2). Am-
fromthe nest entrance while the wasp is making her mophila adriaansei females can maintain several nests
inspectionvisit, when she comes to the surface she at the same time, in various stages of founding and pro-
drags thepreyback to the entrance and makes another gressive provisioning with caterpillars. Experiments
inspectionvisit. She will do this repeatedly, indicating have demonstrated that, for each nest serviced, there
a tightlink between bringing the prey and conducting are three levels of subsystems within the reproductive
t ~~ I
r I
M 111 ... I
Figure4-2 Hierarchical control of nest provisioning in the digger wasp Ammophila adri-
aansei (Sphecidae). Nesting behavior is pan of the reproductive behavioral system (Rp),
which competes with the maintenance system (Mt). Several nests (a, b, e, d, e) are in
memory (M) at one time, but during a phase of activity on a nest, attention is not diverted
to other nests. Phases 1, U, and III are characterized by the amount of food (caterpillars)
required, and they utilize different combinations of subsystems and sub-subsystems.
Founding occurs only in Phase 1and Final CIosing only in Phase IlI. Each phase begins
with lnspecting. An evaluation of the presence of a larva, its size, and the amount of food
remaining determines, by heterogeneous summation (HS), which of the three phases wiIl
occur. If no larva is present, or if a phase is completed, the wasp scans (S) its memory and
redirects attention to the oldest uncompleted nest. If none needs funher provisioning at
the time, a new one is founded and its position learned (L) during digging.
68 Chapter4 Behaviorand Ecology
"system." The first level consists of three phases, each assume that the way insects organize and distribute
with its own motivational state and each beginning their behaviors is roughly optimized for a particular in-
with an inspection visit prior to foraging for one or sect niche. Using this kind of thinking, we can divide
more larvae: Phase 1, one caterpillar stored, foIlowed insects into the time minimizers, which are favored by
by oviposition; Phase 2, one to two more caterpillars spending the least time gathering food but the most
provided to young larva; Phase 3, five to seven cater- time defending it (for example, territorial ants or bury-
pillars added and nest closed for final time. Within ing beetles), and the energy maximizers, which gain an
each phase are four subsystems (founding, provision- advantage by spending most of the time available gath-
ing, final closing, and defending), founding occurring ering food until it is nearly gone, then dispersing to
only in Phase 1, final closing only in Phase 3. And the find more (for example, blow flies that develop in car-
four subsystems, plus inspecting, are expressed in one casses). These extremes in a continuum of time budget
or more still finer subsystems: digging, closing, hunt- strategies fit various modes of insect life in different
ing, and transporting. Each of these consists of two to kinds of environments. In some ways they correspond
six distinct behaviors, such as the appetitive sequence to the oversimplified life history dichotomy based on
of events involved in hunting just described. During reproductive strategies: r-strategists produce huge
the inspection visit, the status of the larva or remaining numbers of cheaply made eggs, but eggs and immature
prey determines the total amount of provisioning that stages suffer massive mortality (for example, floodwa-
wiIl be done before the next phase commences. In be- ter mosquitoes); K-strategists invest large amounts of
tween two phases for one nest, a phase is performed for time and energy on relatively few eggs and offspring,
one or even two other nests. particularly remarkable is whose survival rates are high (for example, tsetse flies).
the conclusion that the motivational state of each sys- The r-strategists grow quickly and are good colonizers
tem persists independently for each of several nests be- of unexploited resources, whereas the K-strategists
ing cared for simultaneously, each with its own memo- grow slowly but are successful against competitors and
rized location. Furthermore, the wasp juggles these natural enemies.
reproductive activities with competing maintenance
Conditional Strategies: In the course of a life cycle, an
activities, such as feeding, grooming, sun basking, and
insect shifts between two broad phases, each with its
own set ofbehaviors and priorities: vegetative, in which
the immature insect is committed primarily to feeding,
Life History Strategies growth and storage of food, and reproductive, in which
the adult insect is devoted primarily to dispersal and
Time and Energy Budgets: The lives of insects, at the
reproduction. In addition, three tactical alternatives
broadest level, are organized to produce the greatest
may occur in either phase: active, migrating, and dor-
number of successful, mature offspring. This number
manto These are induced by particular environmental
defines an insect's fitness. There are many ways to max-
conditions. Active insects carry on their vegetative or
imize fitness, but they aIl involve economizing time
reproductive functions because conditions allow it.
and energy, the common currencies of life. Time and
Both the ability to migrate and the ability to be come
energy budgets are shaped, evolutionarily, according to
dormant allow insects to exploit temporary resources.
the principIes of stringency and aIlocation. This means
Dormancy occurs when the insect remains in place but
that the budgets are geared to fit the worst conditions
endures inimical conditions, such as winter, dry sea-
an insect might encounter and that time and energy are
son, or unpredictable drought, when growth and re-
aIlocated among survival and reproductive activities so
production are impossible. Insects may behave in par-
as to maximize fitness. Each sex of an insect species
ticular ways to prepare for dormancy but are otherwise
typicaIly aIlocates a certain portion of its time carrying
inactive. During dormancy the insect reduces its meta-
out several necessary activities, such as feeding, nest
bolic rate and exists in one of two distinctive physio-
making, mating, grooming, and quiescence. Quies-
logical states: quiescence or diapause (see Chapter 2).
cence serves to avoid natural enemies, inimical
weather, or stressful times of day, while important in- Migratory Behavior: Like dormancy, migration often
ternal activities continue, such as food digestion. The occurs because of inimical conditions, but in this case
energy obtained by feeding is likewise budgeted among the insect escapes in space instead of time, by moving
several activities that compete for energy use, such as to a better environment. These migrations may be ei-
metabolic activity, formation of sperm or eggs, locomo- ther round trips or one-way trips, and unlike migratory
tion, and behaviors for obtaining specific nu,trients birds, the round trip may be achieved by members of
finding mates, and defense. The best budgets are those two separa te generations. Well-known migrations ac-
that lead to the largest numbers of offspring and be- commodate either the seasonal deterioration of an in-
come propagated through natural selection. Thus we sect's resources or the shrinkage or overexploitation of
Properties of Behavior 69
resources.The famous monarch butterfly, Danaus plex- their local resources, mainly insect prey. During their
ippus(L.), migration is a seasonal round trip between statary phase, the bivouac remains in one place, and
northernNorth America, including southern Canada, daily foraging parties extend in all directions for many
andits more mild southern reaches. In this migration, days. Migration also occurs for reasons other than re-
dormancyplays an integral part. Ihe southward-flying source deterioration. Some insects make a round trip
butterfliesare in a state of reproductive diapause dur- between two different kinds of resources that are spa-
ingtheir approximately 3,300-km (2,000-mile) jour- tially separated, or simply make a one-way dispersal to
ney,although they continue to feed on nectar. In their colonize new areas. Saltmarsh mosquitoes, such as
mainoverwintering habitats in coastal California and Aedestaeniorhynchus (Wiedemann), which hatch and
centralMexico, they are usually torpid but will fly and develop in synchrony after an exceptionally high tide,
drinkwater on warm days. Only in the spring, when do both: They go on a spectacular postemergence exo-
theystart the northward journey, do they become re- dus that results in dispersal, and once they settle, the fe-
productivelyactive, breeding on milkweed plants. Up males translocate between two habitats during each re-
10 three generations are passed during this more productive cycle: Ihey often find their blood meals
leisurelyspring migration. Many other insects that mi- inland but must return to the saltmarsh to lay their
grateseasonally simply die out at the end of their eggs. Ihe swarming dispersal of newly emerged winged
northernmigration as winter approaches, rather than termites is an example of a purely colonizing migration.
retumingsouth. Quite different are the migrations of
thenotorious locusts, such as the desert locust, Schis- The Genetic Basis of Behavior
tacerca gregaria(Forskal), which are species of grass-
hoppers(Acrididae) capable of developmental dimor- Both instincts themselves and the ability to modify
phism.They perform a one-way trip with no diapause, them through learning have a genetic basis. A great
noparticulardestination, no periodicity, and no finish- many insect behavioral traits are demonstrably herita-
ingtime.The root of migration is a shrinking suitable ble, as shown by the methods of classic genetics, such
habitat,which causes crowding, and mutual stimula- as hybridization and backcrossing, mutation, and arti-
tionofgrasshoppers leads 10 their transformation from ficial selection. Entomologists have explored traits' 10-
a solitaryphaseto a gregarious phase. The complete calized expression in the insect body through the use
transfonnationtakes up to three generations, and the of sexual mosaics (gynandromorphs) and biochemical
gregariouslocusts are strikingly colored and behave analysis, and have demonstrated their molecular basis
quitedifIerentlyfrom solitary ones. The gregarious forms through genome manipulation. Identifying heritable
remaina cohesive unit, even when their swarms num- units that underlie behavior has been difficult. Ihis is
berin the tens of billions and cover up 10 1,000 km2. partly because behavior itself is not easily fractionated
Theymay travel across continents, eating plants and into single elements, each caused by the expression of
reproducingas they go. If unchecked, they eventually one or a few genes. Unlike color or so me morphologi-
arecarriedby wind to regions where rain is falling and cal features, which may be expressed through a unitary
forageis growing over wide areas, so they become dis- developmental process, behavior requires the partici-
persedand revert to the inconspicuous solitary phase. pation of sensory receptors, nervous circuitry, appro-
Locustmigrations, known throughout all history, are priate neurochemical states, and a system of muscles to
stilla serious problem in Africa and the Middle East. move body parts. A small difference in the genes that
Locustsalso occur in China, South America, and Aus- control any of these components can result in a differ-
tralia.The species that plagued the North American ence in behavior. Research indicates that even in cases
plainsin the 18005 is now extinct. Like locusts, when where a genetically based difference between two in-
aphidsbecome too crowded on a plant they begin de- sects can be traced to a specific difference in neural cir-
velopingwings and migrate to new plants, also a one- cuitry or neurochemistry, that difference usually is the
waytrip. The emigration of some aphids has a round- result of many genes having multiple effects; that is,
trip aspect, because they migrate from a spring the trait is polygenic and the genes have pleiotropic ef-
host-plantspecies to a summer one, the shift being fects. Among the traits studied in greatest detail are
causedby a physiological change in the spring plant. cricket calls, honey bee food hoarding, honey bee hy-
Theaphids return to the spring host species the fol- gienic behavior, and a variety of behaviors in the fly
lowingyear. Tropical army ant (for example, Eciton) Drosophila: geotaxis, larval foraging, odor learning, cir-
coloniesmake impressive daily raids from a central cadian activity rhythms, sex recognition, and courtship
bivouac but are nomads on a perpetual one-way trip. songs. The hygienic behavior of worker honey bees in
Duringtheir nomadic phase,the entire bivouac, queen colonies that are resistant to foulbrood bacteria was
andall,must be moved daily while the larvae are grow- found, by backcrossing experiments, to consist of two
ing,because these carnivores are continually depleting separa te acts, uncapping cells of infected larvae and re-
70 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
moving infected larvae from the hive. These behaviors tecture, a permanent record of behavior that can be
assort independently, and analysis indicates that prob- gathered and stored, even from fossils. Independently
ably at least three genes are involved. of their use in understanding relationships, behavioral
In some behaviors, researchers have discovered characters can be applied to phylogenetic reconstruc-
simple one-gene control. In the case of larval foraging, tions based on morphological and molecular data.
two behavioral tYpesof DrosophilamelanogasterMacquan From them, researchers can infer the evolution of be-
have been identified: rovers, which wander around on havior by its appearance and modification among vari-
their food, and sitters, which travellittle. These differ- ous groups in the evolutionary tree. Similarly, the ob-
ent types occur naturally, each one being favored by servation of polymorphic behaviors within one
different food conditions. Hybrids between rovers and recognized species has led to the discovery of distinct
sitters produce offspring in a 3:1 rover-sitter ratio, sug- but cryptic species within what then becomes recog-
gesting that foraging is controlled by a single gene nized as a species complex.
(dg2) and that the sitter trait is recessive. The two be-
havioral types have been mapped to a single locus on a
chromosome. Apparently differences in the gene (that
is, its nudeotide sequences in the DNA) result in dif- Behaviorallnteractions between
ferences in the way RNA splicing occurs, giving rise to Conspecifics
different kinds and amounts of the enzyme protein ki-
nase. Protein kinase affects the excitability of nerve
cell5, which probably causes food receptors or foraging-
movement neurons to Cire more rapidly. Experimen- SexualEncounter: The vast majority of insect species
tal transfer of dg2 DNA from rovers to sitters causes sit- are sexually dioecious, occurring as either female or
ters to behave like rovers. In the case of circadian-dock male, and most engage in mating, even those whose
genetics, researchers have found mutant Drosophila females have the option of parthenogenesis (see Chap-
strains that differ from the normal 24-hour rhythm of ter 2). Mating presents the problem of finding a recep-
activity by having 28-hour or 19-hour cydes or no cy- tive member of the opposite sex, and insects have two
des at all. Each mutant differs only at the per locus and solutions. (1) In sexual aggregation, individuals that
only by a single pair of nudeotides among a large need to mate convene in special sites, often at certain
group that codes for a particular protein that differs by times of the day or night, during the mating season.
a single amino acid. The per locus also is responsible These sites may be species-specific places of emer-
for very specific tonal features of the male Drosophila gence, feeding, or oviposition, or distinctive land-
courtship song that are important to the female for marks. The aggregations typically have an operational
species recognition and mating speed. These features sex ratio strongly skewed toward males, beca use much
have been traced to a very small part of the gene. The of a male's fitness depends on his ability to obtain
species-specific songs of D. melanogaster and D. simu- mates, whereas a female's fitness is distributed more
lans Sturtevant apparently derive from a difference of broadly among activities connected with feeding and
only four amino acids in the protein translated from the nesting, and she may have less to gain from multiple
relevant region of the gene. However, the entire male matings. Because of their intense competition, the
courtship ritual involves a series of female-oriented and males of many species establish territories that they de-
female-behavior-dependent movements: facing, tap- fend against other males. The territories can have ac-
ping, cirding, wing-extending, licking, and mounting. tual value to females for feeding or oviposition, as in
These must involve many other loci, all contributing to the case of dragonflies, or they may be leks, symbolic
properties of the nervous system that allow this se- territories that have no intrinsic value but are sought
quence to unfold. by females and therefore are prized by males and de-
Because behavioral traits, like morphological and fended by those with the best competitive ability-for
molecular ones, are heritable and shared among related example, Hawaiian Drosophila on plant leaves. High-
taxa, they are used as tool5 in insect systematics. De- density sexual aggregations over landmarks usually are
spite a reputation for evolutionary flexibility, behav- aerial, the males forming a seething mating swarm that
ioral characters show approximately the same range, makes establishment of a territory virtually impossible.
from stability to volatility, as morphological ones. Nest In that case, competition is based on a male's ability to
building and courtship displays have been particularly loca te a female quickly as she approaches or enters the
useful, beca use they are rich in complexity, providing swarm, to seize her, and to deny other males access to
many different traits that can be measured or catego- her before the couple departs. Male-biased mating
rized, independently of one another. Nesting offers the swarms are typical of many ants and small nematocer-
additional advantage of leaving behind, in nest archi- ous Diptera, such as gnats, midges, and mosquitoes.
Behaviorallnteractions between Conspecifics 71
74 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
of the foraging, and tiny minors that never leave the flightless soldiers are not sterile. And cottonwood
thenest. gall aphids do have a sterile female soldier caste to de-
Insectsknown to meet the three conventional cri- fend the all-female family in the gall, but there is no co-
teriaofeusociality are found only in the orders Isoptera operative brood careo Brood care is a necessity chiefly
(termites),Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants), and of holometabolous insects that have larva e unable to
perhapsColeoptera (beetles). All termites and all ants feed themselves. Furthermore, members of a sterile
(Formicidae)are eusocial. Among the wasps, eusocials caste of many eusocial insects are not permanently
occurin some Vespidae (all Vespinae, some Polistinae) sterile but may assume reproductive duties if needed
andonespecies of Sphecidae. Among the bees, they oc- (as discussed later in this chapter). Delayed reproduc-
curin some Halictidae (some Augochlorini and some tion of adults, overlapping generations, and coopera-
Halictiniwithin the Halictinae), and some Apidae tive brood care are not uncommon in groups of other
(someCeratini within the Xylocopinae, all Apinae). kinds of animals, including birds and mammals, so the
Amongthe beetles, one species of ambrosia beetle demarcation between presociality and eusociality can
(Curculionidae:Platypodinae) seems to meet the euso- be blurred. Yet these other animals lack fixed morpho-
cial criteria. One noninsect arthropod is eusocial: logical caste distinctions, so they can be considered
Synalpheus pistol shrimp (Decapoda: Alpheidae), primitively eusocial at best. Despite its imperfections,
whose colonieslivein sponges. Amongvertebrates, the . the social classification provides a useful tool for un-
onlyclearlyeusocial animals are the naked mole rats derstanding how advanced sociality in insects may
(Rodentia:Bathyergidae), whose underground soci- have arisen. Living examples of degrees of subsociality
etiesroughly parallel those of termites, except that the and parasociality demonstrate alternate routes to euso-
ratsmayhave several reproductive males ("kings"). ciality from different directions. A third, the polygynous
The preceding scheme of presocial and eusocial family route, proposed for some Hymenoptera and per-
insectsis not entirely neat. Aphids, which usually seem haps applicable to spiders as well, combines features of
obliviousto one another on a plant stem, in some cases each, progressing from intermedia te or advanced sub-
releasean alarm pheromone when attacked, causing sociality to quasisociality as females from different gen-
othersin the group to save themselves by dropping off erations cooperatively tend their brood.
the plant (Figure 4-6). Communal caterpillars live Entomologists have used three basic ideas to explain
muchlike a society as they develop, but they cannot the emergence of societies, particularly to address the
reproduce, and adults are solitary. Australian gall evolutionarily counterintuitive origin of self-sacrificing
thrips,which live as family groups of multiple genera- sterile castes by natural selection: (l) In mutualistíc
tionsinside plant galls, have an anatomically distinct aggregation, group living and reciprocal altruism bene-
soldiercaste, as do some advanced eusocial insects, but fits all members, especially under certain environmen-
tal conditions; only one or a few reproduce, yet all act as primers, most of them pheromones, either stim-
have a chance to become reproductive at some time. ulate or inhibit development into a particular caste or
(2) In parental manipulation, the reproductive individ- prevent particular behaviors from being expressed.
ual (the queen) controls the nutrition of her helpless Primer pheromones commonly are transmitted during
larvae, so by restricting their food, she diminishes or trophallaxis, the exchange of food and secretions, or
eliminates their reproductive capacity. (3) In kin selec- during grooming. Mouth-to-mouth trophallaxis is typ-
tion, members of the group are closely related, so non- ical of Hymenoptera, whereas termites transfer many
reproductive members gain inclusive fitness (genetic materials through their feces, and communication is
propagation) from the success of their reproductive rel- therefore anus-to-mouth trophallaxis. The best under-
atives. The third idea offers an attractive explanation stood recruitment systems are trail making in ants and
for the fact that eusocial, female-dominated societies dancing in honey bees (discussed later). Contact chem-
have evolved at least 12 times among Hymenoptera, icals are important in allowing a worker to identify the
which all have an uncommon method of sex determi- stages and castes of its nestmates and to recognize dead
nation: Males develop from unfertilized eggs and are nestmates. In addition, the ability to recognize nest-
haploid; the females develop from fertilized eggs and mates in general is universal among social insects. The
are diploid. Because of this arrangement, hymenopter- characteristic odor of each colony is carried on the in-
ans have pedigrees in which, on average, full sisters are sect and appears to involve both genetic and environ-
more closely related to each other (0.75) than to their mental factors. An individual entering another nest,
own female offspring (0.5) or their brothers (0.25). even if of the same species, generally is attacked.
This means that a female hymenopteran can indirectly Social insects often work together to accomplish
propaga te her genes quite efficiently by self-sacrifice extraordinary tasks that suggest planning and insight.
that directly or indirectly benefits her reproductive sis- Honey bees are recruited to the best sources of nectar,
terso However, this one type of selective pressure favor- shape the cells of their wax combs into structurally
ing altruism does not account for eusociality in insects ideal hexagons, and thermoregulate their hives; ants
in which both sexes are diploid, notably termites. Re- take the shortest routes to food, make flanking move-
searchers have suggested a similar inclusive fitness ments during raids, and build neat walls of uniform
mechanism for termites, the result of alternating peri- thickness to seal the nest; termites build underground
ods of inbreeding and outbreeding, as well as several arches that meet in the middle; weaver ants coopera-
ecological factors. Even in Hymenoptera, it is plausible tively pullleaves together so that others, holding silk-
that all three proposed mechanisms have been in- producing larvae, can bind them (discussed later). You
volved. One researcher has proposed that these three might infer that all these activities require either un-
mechanisms be integrated into an appealing scenario derstanding of the larger goals or an exceedingly com-
consisting of five stages: colony mutualism, gambling plex system of communication, entailing explicit in-
for reproduction, parental manipulation, kin recogni- structions from a leader or detailed information passed
tion and selection, and the superorganism. In the final back and forth among individual members. Yet a close
superorganism stage, the colony may be thought of as examination of individuals engaged in cooperative ac-
the unit of selection, a single organism whose sterile tivities often reveals afine level of disorder and appar-
castes are merely cellular extensions of the queen's ent chaos. Effectiveness emerges at a higher, statistical
body and whose new reproductives are her gametes. A level, through mass action. Studies indica te that even
major difference, however, is that the individuals the most clever and efficient activities are performed by
within an insect colony are not genetically identical, individual workers following very simple behavioral
which reveals itself occasionally in conflicts of interest. rules, through a process of self-organization. Commu-
For example, a honey bee queen mates multiple times, nication simply meshes the behaviors in particular
so her worker offspring come from different fathers ways to make this possible.
and are not all related by 0.75. Workers with the same
father (full sisters) cooperate with each other better
than with half-sisters. Comparison between Termites
and Eusocial Hymenoptera
Termite Societies
78 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
dinates will rejuvenate her own reproductive system predators, capturing mainly arthropods. Fungus gar-
andbecome the new queen. During colony growth, fer- deners (¡he leafcutter ants, tribe Attini) cut fresh leaves
tilized eggs are laid in worker cells and receive only and petals from shrubs and trees and place them in
moderate amounts of food. Near the end of the season, chambers where fungus is cultured (see later). Slave
the queen begins laying unfertilized eggs, which de- makers specialize in raiding or taking over the nests of
velop into males, and fertilized eggs in cells slightly other ant species and using the labor of the conquered
larger than those of workers (in the case of Vespula), workers. Nest parasites maintain their entire colonies
which develop into foundress daughters. The latter re- within the nests of other ant species, often lacking a
ceive more food than workers and become larger worker caste altogether and depending on the host for
adults. Males await foundress daughters near nests or defense and food. Most kinds of foraging ants use trail
potential overwintering sites, but all males are dead by pheromones to lead other foragers to a source of food.
the time foundress daughters are safely sequestered. In A forager that has found food leaves a trail on the sub-
subtropical and tropical regions, paper wasps may have strate as she returns directly to the nest (having used
many foundresses and maintain nests for much longer the sun compass to keep track of her position relative
periods of time, with periodic queen replacement and to the nest), then recruits other ants to follow the trail.
seasonalproduction of reproductives for dispersal. Each ant that finds the food adds to the trail on her re-
turn, but when all food has been removed the trail no
Ant Societies longer is reinforced and soon disappears.
Colonies of ants typically start like those of paper
Ant species form nests in a wide variety of sites: deep wasps: periodic production and dispersal of a new gen-
under ground, beneath rocks, inside old logs, inside eration of reproductives. At a particular season winged
hollowbranches, inside chambers provided by mutual- adults of both sexes leave the colony, the males form
istic plants (se e discussion of myrmecophytes later in aerial mating swarms that females enter to find a mate.
this chapter), and high in trees. Some construct their Inseminated females, destined to be come queens, shed
nests of carton, others from living materials, such as their wings and find a site to establish a colony on their
the leaf nests of weaver ants (Oecophylla), which are own. A queen begins by laying eggs and feeding the lar-
held together by silk, from larvae, that workers manip- vae from her metabolic stores to develop a generation
ulate in a stitching action, just prior to forming co- of workers. As the worker base expands, the colony be-
COOllS. The nomadic army ants (such as Eciton) and sa- comes self-maintaining by foraging for food, feeding
fari or driver ants (such as Dorylus) form a temporary the larvae, and leaving the queen to egg production.
nest from the interlocking bodies of living workers. After several years, the colony is sufficiently large that
Nests of solid construction may have tunnels and winged males and reproductive females are produced
chambers devoted to the queen, brood, food, or fungus and exodus flights occur. Another type of colony for-
gardens. A typical growing colony has one wingless mation, seen in army ants, is division of the parent
queen and numerous wingless female workers. Some colony into two groups, one with the old queen and
ant species, especially those with large and dispersed one with a few new, uninseminated female reproduc-
colonies, may have secondary reproductives (worker- tives. All but one are removed from the new colony and
queen intermediates that lay eggs) or multiple queens. allowed to die. The remaining new queen is insemi-
Workersmay be all of one type or may be divided mor- nated by males from her own or other colonies. Con-
phologically into several subcastes with different func- trol of female caste generally is pheromonal-nutritional.
tions: Minors are small and often remain within the The queen produces a pheromone that prevents work-
nest, cleaning and tending to the brood; medias are of ers from feeding female larva e a royal diet until the
intermediate size and do most of the foraging; majors time of winged exodus approaches, when she also lays
Coftenreferred to as soldiers) are large-bodied, with ex- unfertilized eggs that will be fed a male diet. Larval di-
ceptionally large heads and mandibles, and defend the ets that allow development of various female subcastes
nestor columns of foraging workers. In the case of no- are determined by the needs of the colony, also pre-
madic ants, majors also guard the procession of all sumed to be mediated by pheromones.
colonymembers (many carrying a larva) as they move
to a new bivouac. The foods of ants are extremely di- Honey Bee Society
verse.Harvester species collect seeds and store them in
chambers. Honeydew collectors are closely associated Honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies have been as-
with honeydew-producing Hemiptera (discussed sisted or maintained by humans for thousands of years,
later), in some cases storing the fluid underground to obtain their stored honey or pro mote their pollinat-
within the bodies of designated workers (honeypot ing abilities, which are extremely important to agricul-
ants). Carnivores may be either generalist or specialist ture. Consequently they are the most intensively stud-
80 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
ied and best understood of the social insects. In nature, which remains in the intruder and attracts other work-
nests are established in rock and tree cavities that have ers to the site of the sting and induces further stinging.
a narrow opening. In cultivation, colonies are main- An assembly pheromone, released by a forager after re-
tained in baskets or wooden boxes (referred to as hives) turning from a successful expedition, causes other for-
with similar features. The nest consists of a series of agers to gather around to obtain information about the
parallel combs, differing from those of paper wasps in food source. Much of this information is transmitted
that the combs are made of wax and are vertical, so that during a dance, which has components suggesting
the cells are horizontal and occur on both sides of the symbolic language. The dance language differs slightly
combo Furthermore, the cells are used not only for among different races of honey bee. The following di-
rearing brood but also for storing honey (concentrated alect applies to the Carniolan race of northern Europe:
flower nectar) and pollen. In addition, the combs serve When food is less than 20 meters from nest, the forager
as platforms where workers exchange food and infor- performs a round dance, in which it walks in an almost
mation. The colony consists of one winged queen, a complete circle, alternating between clockwise and
few hundred winged males (drones), and many thou- counterclockwise directions. This pattern indicates
sands of smaller winged female workers. The queen is that the source is nearby, its richness is indicated by the
entirely dedicated to producing eggs and laying them duration and vigor (vibrations) of the dance, and its
in cells. Drones are present only during the reproduc- odor is imparted by the dancer. Between 20 and 80 me-
tive season, contribute nothing to the colony, and serve ters, a transitional sickle dance is performed, which
to mate with new queens from other colonies. Workers contains elements of the waggle dance. Foragers do a
generally follow a sequence of tasks and associated perfect waggle dance when food is more than 80 m
gland activity: (l) cleaning cells; (2) feeding larvae away. It consists of alternating left and right semicir-
salivary secretions (known as bee milk or royal jelly) cles, with a straight waggle run in between, in which
and pollen mixed with honey (bee bread); (3) building the bee vigorously wags its abdomen from side to side
cells, using wax from their abdominal wax glands; while walking forward. Richness and odor of the food
(4) storing pollen and honey, which has been taken source are transmitted as in the round dance. The ap-
from incoming foragers; (5) guarding the colony, by re- proximate distance to the food is indicated by the du-
maining near the entrance and attacking intruders with ration of the waggle run, and consequently the number
a suicidal sting; and finally (6) foraging, which in- of waggles in it and number of waggle runs per unit of
ocludes collecting nectar, pollen, resins, and water, up to time. The direction to the food is indicated by the an-
8 km from the nest (Figure 4-9). gle between the direction of the waggle run and the
Communication among workers includes the re- vertically upward direction. This angle represents the
lease of an alarm pheromone from the sting apparatus, angle between the food source and the sun's azimuth,
which is the sun's coordinate on the horizon. The
dance occurs within an almost completely dark nest on
a vertical surface, so recruited workers detect its geo-
metric features entirely by mechanical stimuli coming
from the dancing bee, which they follow during the
course of her dance, and from their sense of gravity.
The most abstract feature of this communication is the
representation of the real sun's azimuth on a horizontal
landscape by the direction "up" on a vertical dancing
New honey bee colonies are founded when a large
one divides into two parts. The process starts when
workers start building queen cells, large cells that hang
vertically off the face of ordinary honeycomb, and rear-
ing future queens in them. Typically, the old queen
leaves with about half the workers in a prime swarm, a
mass of bees that comes to rest on a tree branch or
other aerial site. By using the surface of this cluster of
bees, permanent nest-site foragers employ the waggle
dance to recruit each other to cavities that might be
suitable, and those dances reporting the best site grad-
Figure4-9 Foraging worker honey bee, Apis me/lifera, ually recruit more workers until a critical mass agrees.
gathering nectar and pollen froro a flower. Then they allleave together with the queen to relocate
CommunityAssociations 81
in the chosen cavity. Meanwhile, at the old nest, the intertidal zone. Green plants are the universal produc-
firstnew female reproductive to emerge destroys the ers of organic materials, using energy derived from the
otherqueen ce11s.If two emerge at about the same sun. Phytophagous (herbivorous) arthropods feed on
time,they fight to the death, using their venomous plants to obtain these materials and are thus primary
stings,so that only one remains as queen. This repro- consumers. Zoophagous anhropods are secondary, ter-
ductivefemale then goes on a mating flight (nuptial tiary, or quaternary consumers, feeding at so me more
flight)to a location high in the air where drones are ac- distant link in the food chain, either on animals that
tive.She attracts them with a pheromone and mates feed on plants or on animals that feed on other ani-
with10-15 in succession, a process that tears the gen- mals. Detritivores feed on dead matter at any of several
italiaoff the abdomen of each male and causes his trophic links, further using the organic materials there.
death.When fi11edwith a lifetime's supply of sperm, Some insect detritivores are omnivorous, feeding op-
sheretums to the nest to begin laying eggs lo replenish portunistica11y on living plant or animal tissue as we11.
thestockof workers. In temperate climates, swarming At each step in the transfer of food from consumed to
occursin late spring and may involve two or three af- consumer, roughly 90% of the energy contained in the
terswanns,fo11owingthe prime swarm. An afterswarm food is lost. Thus the total amount of biomass among
consistsof another large proportion of workers and the primary consumers is large, but at the top of this
newqueen, who wil\ be replaced by a subsequent trophic pyramid the biomass is sma11. This means the
queenstill developing. environment sustains a greater mass of herbivores
Female caste control is pheromonal-nutritional. (grasshoppers and buffalo) than carnivores (lice and
Asin other hymenopterans, drones are derived from eagles). Actual relations among members in a commu-
unfertilizedeggs, which the queen lays in moderately nity do not form a simple pyramid based on a few food
largecellsnear the corners of the combs. Workers de- chains. Rather, they usua11y form a food web, with each
velopfram fenilized eggs in sma11ce11s,identical lo species either eating or being eaten by several other
thoseused to store food, typica11yin the central pan of species (Figure 4-10). This is beca use in every feeding
thecomboThey are fed royal je11y (nurse bee saliva) category, species vary along a continuum of food pref-
duringthe first three days of development, then a erences, from extreme generalists lo extreme special-
steadydiet of bee bread. Future queens, in contrast, are ists. Furthermore, not a11 relationships involve just
fedlargeamounts of royal je11y throughout larvallife. eating and being eaten. The exact nature of the rela-
Iftheresident queen dies, workers hastily build queen tionship between one insect species and other organ-
cellsand transfer diploid eggs from worker brood ce11s isms, whether based on food and or another vital
tothequeen ce11s,so that new queens can be reared. resource, defines its ecological role¡ or niche. By con-
(Inthe capensis race, workers, lacking sperm, never- vention, in mutualism both organisms bepefit from the
thelesscan produce diploid eggs on their own.) The relationship. In commensalism, one benefits and the
nursebees decide which diet to give a larva by assess- other is unaffected. In parasitism, the sma11 organism
ingits development and the kind of ce11it is develop- (the parasite) benefits and the large one (the host) is
ingin.Ultimately, it is the queen who controls caste, by weakened. In predation, the large organism (the preda-
releasingan inhibitory mandibular-gland pheromone tor) benefits and the sma11one (the prey) is killed. Be-
("queensubstance") that is passed through the colony tween parasitism and predation, there are pathogens
andpreventsworkers from building queen ce11s.Ento- (bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, fungí) and parasitoids
rnologists think that during swarming season either the (insects), which are sma11parasites that seriously harm
colonyhas grown so large that the pheromone becomes or gradua11y kill the larger host. The term symbiosis is
toadilute to be effective or that the queen herself re- reserved for the physica11y close and long-lived rela-
duces itsproduction, so new female reproductives can tionships observed in mutualism, commensalism, and
beproduced. parasitismo
Microbial Relationships
Community Mutualists: A variety of microbes assist insects nu-
tritiona11y, living in close association with them or in-
Arthropodsin general are major players in a11biotic terna11y. In return, the insect provides a home, a
communities.In the marine environment, crustaceans source of food, and a mechanism for transmission to
havelargeroles, whereas on land and in freshwater, in- other insects. Many wood-eating termites, and also
sectsare dominant but are virtua11y absent in marine wood-eating cockroaches, harbor colonies of fiagel-
cornmunities.Exceptions are a few insect species on late protists and bacteria in a special chamber in the
theocean'ssurfaces and along marine beaches and the anterior hindgut. These microbes break down ce11u-
82 Chapter4 Behaviorand Ecology
TERTlARY Parasites
Figure 4-10 Major feeding links within a community in one English woodland, illus-
trating the general nature of food webs and the integral roles of insects in them. Tortrix is
a moth, Cyzenis is a tachinid fly,Philonthus is a staphylinid beetle, and Abax and Feronia
are carabid beetles.
lose, which is otherwise indigestible. They are passed mutualistie fungus from being destroyed by a parasitie
to newly hatched termites by the fecal-oral transmis- fungus. In both kinds of fungus-growing insects, new
sion route used also in communieation. Similarly, reproductives that leave the parent colony carry the
wax moths, whieh live in honey bee colonies and eat fungus with them, to seed a new garden. Some bark
the wax of their honey combs, contain bacteria that beetles (Scolytinae) and ambrosia beetles (Platypodi-
digest the wax. Other insects maintain colonies of nae) also cultiva te fungi (Ascomycetes and Fungi Im-
bacteria that provide vital nutrients, such as vita- perfecti) in their tunnels beneath tree bark and eat spe-
mins. These bacteria may be maintained in gut crypts cial growth forms.
or intracellularly in mycetocytes, which form a spe-
Pathogens and Parasites: Insects are attacked by a
cial structure, the mycetome. For example, insects
wide variety of mieroorganisms, induding viruses,
that feed on vertebrate blood during their entire life
rickettsiae, spirochetes, eubacteria, protists, and fungí.
cyde (kissing bugs, bed bugs, lice, tsetse flies) obtain
insufficient B-vitamins from the blood, but the bacte- Insects also are infected by flukes, tapeworms, round-
worms, hairworms, thorny-headed worms, and para-
ria in their guts or mycetomes provide these vita- sitie insects (se e discussion later). Most of these infec-
mins. The bacteria are passed to new generations via tions result in death of the host insect and form the
eggs or feces.
basis of several kinds of successful biologieal control of
Some termites and ants grow mutualistie fungi in
insect pests.
gardens as a source of food, and in return the insects
provide the fungi with a substrate for growth and Arthropod Vectorsof Pathogensand Parasites: Arthro-
with transmission mechanisms. Advanced termites pods often serve as vectors, transmitting pathogens and
(Macrotermitinae) grow Tennitomyces fungi in special internal parasites to vertebrates or to plants. The most
chambers on combs of fecal pellets containing plant important vectors of human and livestock diseases are
fibers. The termites eat both combs and fungus, whieh mosquitoes and ticks. Some pathogens are transmitted
contain cellulases allowing digestion. Leafcutter ants accidentally or incidentally, having no biologieal rela-
(Attini) grow various basidiomycete fungi on a mulch tionship with the arthropod (mechanical transmission),
of freshly cut leaves and flowers and eat the swollen for example, a variety of viruses and bacteria carried by
tips (gongylidia) of the hyphae. The ants also keep the house flies and cockroaches. In doser vector-pathogen
CommunityAssociations 83
relationships(biological transmission), which are obli- mor (leafhoppers), sugar beet curly top (leafhoppers),
galeandfairlyspecies specific, the parasite completes its aster yellows (leafhoppers), corn stunt (leafhoppers),
tXtrinsic cycle in the vector, by multiplying (propaga- rice stunt (planthoppers), tomato spotted wilt (lhrips),
tive),multiplyingand transforming (cyclopropagative), cotton leaf curl (whitefIies), cucurbit wilt (cucumber
or only Iransforming and growing (cyclodevelopmen- beetles), and Dutch elm disease (bark beetles).
tal).Propagativepathogens include viruses, rickettsiae,
spirocheles,and eubacteria. Cyclopropagative patho-
Plant Relationships
gensinelude sporozoan and fIagellate protists. Cyclo-
developmentalparasites include fIukes, tapeworms, Pollination: The best known of the mutualistic
roundworms,and thorny-headed worms. Many of plant-insect relationships is cross-pollination of an-
¡hesecause serious diseases in humans and livestock, giosperms by insects that visit fIowers. This service is
affectinghundreds of millions of people. On a global much more efficient than windborne pollination and is
basis,among the most noteworthy livestock and pet thought to have brought the angiosperms to plant
diseases(and their vectors) are babesiosis (ticks), thei- dominance, as well as to diversify the insects associated
leriasis(ticks), nagana (tsetse flies), equine encephali- with them. The most speciose orders of insects-
lis (mosquitoes), and dog heartworm (mosquitoes). Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Lepidoptera-
Amongthe most infamous human diseases are malaria also are those that do most of the pollinating. Basically,
(mosquitoes),river blindness (black fIies), elephantia- the insects transfer pollen between plants by picking
sis(mosquitoes), encephalitis (mosquitoes), Lyme dis- up pollen from anthers of one fIower and depositing it
ease(ticks), spotted fever (ticks), dengue (mosqui- on stigmas of another. In most cases, this activity is
toes),epidemic typhus (lice), relapsing fever (lice and purely incidental on the part of the insect. The primary
ticks),Chagas disease (kissing bugs), yellow fever incentive for insects is food provided in the fIower:
(mosquitoes),sleeping sickness (tsetse fIies), leishma- nectar, a secreted solution of sugars with a variable
niasis(sand flies), and plague (fIeas). Most arthropod amino acid component, and excess pollen, a valuable
veclorsare blood feeders (discussed later), offering the source of protein and lipid. This reciprocity has led to
palhogenor parasite an easy way to pass between ver- a variety of special features of both pollinators and
¡ebraleand invertebrate hosts without exposure to the plants. Insects have body modifications for handling
outsideenvironment, but there are many variations in the pollen and storing the nectar, and behavioral re-
¡heexact manner of host inoculation. These include finements that help them quickly loca te and exploit
venebrateautoinoculation with the crushed vector or sources of nectar and pollen: ability to learn and dis-
itsfecesor inadvertent ingestion of the infected arthro- criminate among colors and scents, an accurate time
podo Within the vertebrate, the pathogen completes its sense, fIower constancy on each foraging expedition,
intrinsiccycleand then is infectious to the arthropod and a tendency to specialize on just one kind of plant
again.Ihis alternation between hosts is called horizon- (monolexy). These insect behavioral characteristics are
talIransmission.By contrast, some propagative patho- promoted by, and benefit, the plants. Plants, in con-
gensalsoare transmitted from generation to generation trast, have evolved features that assist the insect in 10-
ofarthropodby transovarian transmission, that is, ver- cating the nectar and that at the same time facilitate
ticaltransmission. This helps maintain the chain of in- pollen transfer: fragrance, colorful petals, nectar guides
fectionin the face of vertebrate immunity and condi- (petal arrangements and markings), landing platforrns,
tionswhen horizontal transmission is impossible, as reliable and synchronous fIowering times and nectar
during winter. fIows, mechanical pollen-transfer devices, temporary
Whenreferring to arthropods that act as vectors of insect traps, and defenses against nectar robbers. Blue
plan!pathogens, plant pathologists speak of nonpersis- and yellow fIowers tend to be visited by bees, orange
tentandpersistent pathogens, instead of mechanical and red fIowers by butterfIies, and white fIowers by
andbiologicaltransmission, but the meanings are sim- moths or generalist short-tongued pollinators, such as
ilar.Viruses,phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, and bacteria flies and beetles. Flowers often promote monolexy by
arecommonand economically important pathogens of secreting nectar into a corolla that can be reached only
plantsthat multiply in their insect vectors. Fungi are by an insect with an exceptionally long proboscis.
typicallycarried mechanically.Most vectors are thrips, Some plant-pollinator relationships are particulairIy
aphids,leafhoppers, planthoppers, and similar insects close, involving insect development within the fIower.
thalpierce plant tissue with haustellate mouthparts, In the case of the yucca moth (Prodoxidae: Tegitecula),
bUIseveral kinds ofbeetles also transmit important dis- the female gathers a pollen ball in her tentacles (pre-
easeorganisms. Among the well-known vector-borne hensile palps) on one fIower, then fIies to another, lays
diseasesof crops (and their vectors) are sugarcane mo- her eggs in its ovary, then places the pollen ball on the
saic(aphids), cucumber mosaic (aphids), wound tu- fIower's stigma so that seeds will develop, some to be
84 Chapter4 Behaviorand Ecology
these cavities appear able to absorb the nitrogenous beetles, corn-ear worrns, gypsy moths), and the para-
nutrients from this waste. The ants forage widely and sites, especially the endoparasites, are the most host
are ineffective in defending either the host tree or the specific (such as leafminers, gall-makers). Yet, many
epiphyte against herbivores. species with leaf-chewing larvae have be come dedi-
cated to particular kinds of plants containing toxic sub-
Herbivores: Very few terrestrial or freshwater plants stances or other defenses that only a specialized insect
are not fed on by insects. Together, phytophagous in- can overcome (such as monarch butterflies, pipevine
sectsmake up almost half of all insect species. Both tis- swallowtails, zebra butterflies). Herbivores make host
sue feeders and sap suckers may be considered para- choices during the appetitive sequence that leads from
sites, grazers, or predators, depending on the duration a general search to successive and overlapping re-
and outcome of the relationship between plant and in- sponses to volatiles, visual appearance, taste, and ini-
sect. A single insect that attacks seeds (such as seed tial ingestion or oviposition. The behaviors often are
bugs, seed weevils) always kills the embryo, and some elicited by chemical "sign stimuli," kairomones and
kinds of stem borers do sufficient damage to the main phagostimulants that are associated only with the fam-
stalk that an entire plant dies. However, typical grazers ily, genus, or species of plant that the insect is adapted
(such as leaf, stem, and root eaters with chewing to feed on. Specialists have host-detecting equipment
mouthparts) and parasites (such as leaf raspers, and digestive and metabolic systerns dedicated to the
leafminers, leaf skeletonizers, and phloem or xylem particular host, giving them a competitive advantage
drinkers with piercing-sucking mouthparts) only over generalists or allowing them to eat plants from
weaken the plant or even stimulate new growth, unless which generalists are excluded altogether. A further ad-
theyoccur in tremendous numbers, as locusts do. Even vantage is that the host-plant poisons can be incorpo-
when gypsy moth caterpillars completely defoliate a rated into the insects' bodies, giving them protection
tree,new leaves are produced later the same year or fol- from their own predators. Generalists, however, have
lowing year. Tiny phloem-feeding aphids, ectoparasites more food options, making it relatively easy to locate a
equivalent to the blood-feeding lice of mammals, often host plant and providing a large resource base for their
havean imperceptible impact on the plant's health. Yet populations. Also, their evolutionary fates are not tied
heavyinfestations of aphids, scale insects, froghoppers, to the success of one or a few species of plant.
leafhoppers, and various piercing-sucking bugs can Plant defenses against phytophagous insects fall
cause significant wilting, spotting, browning, fruit into anatomical, chemical, developmental, behavioral,
drop, and leaf curling, and can precipita te death of the and mutualistic defense categories. Anatomical quali-
plant. Similarly, endoparasites such as leafminers, ties include (l) visual devices such as unattractive col-
stem-borers, and gall-makers can have either marginal ors and low reflectance, divergent leaf shapes within a
effects or serious ones. Stem-borers usually kill the genus (making it harder to learn and recognize suitable
stemin which they develop, thus retarding growth, and hosts), and visual mimicry of inedible plants; (2) me-
bark-boring and wood-boring beetles can weaken trees chanical and structural devices such as thick and fi-
sufficiently that they die from infection by microbial brous tissues, spines, hooks, and hairs (trichomes),
pathogens. Gall-makers seldom threaten a plant's life, and sticky sap as a wound response; (3) small seeds
but by applying their secretions they create conspicu- that make searching and feeding inefficient. Chemicals
ous and sometimes disfiguring swellings on the plant. include repellents, distasteful substances, natural in-
The secretions subvert the plant's own developmental secticides, digestive enzyme inhibitors, antimetabo-
program to produce a distinctive plant structure in lites, and growth regulators (hormone mimics). These
which one or more insects can feed and grow to matu- properties are produced by various alkaloids, ter-
rity.Most of these are made by gall wasps (most Cynip- penoids, phenolics, proteins, gIycosides, and cyanides.
idae) and gall midges (Diptera: most Cecidomyiidae). Developmental defenses include seed tactics that make
Gallsalso are made by other Hymenoptera (so me chal- seeds and seedlings an unreliable food source: wide
cidoids, braconids, and tenthredinids), other Diptera dispersal, erratic production, and unpredictable germi-
(some tephritids and agromyzids), Hemiptera (some nation or long dormancy. Another developmental de-
aphids, psyllids, and coccids), Coleoptera (some wee- fense connects the rate of growth to chemical and
vils,cerambycids, and buprestids), Lepidoptera (some structural defenses in one of two strategies. According
gelechiids), and Acari (some mites). to the plant apparency hypothesis, plants tend to be ei-
Plant feeders range widely in host specificity but ther (l) inapparent (fast growing, herbaceous, annual,
are conveniently divided into generalists (polypha- with edible parts available for short periods and with
gous) and specialists (oligophagous and monopha- highly toxic substances produced in low concentra-
gous).In general, the grazers that chew leaves, flowers, tions) and are fed on by specialist insects, or (2) ap-
and fruit have the broadest tastes (such as japanese parent (slowly growing, woody, perennial, with tough
86 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
but edible tissues available for long periods and with some associations are more involved. Aphids may re-
substances of low toxicity but high concentration, tain their honeydew until an ant solicits it or have spe-
making digestion difficult and slow) and are fed on by cial structures for holding the droplet rather than dis-
generalists. Behavioral defenses consist of diel rhythms charging it. Others have grasping devices to cling to the
of movement or responses to insect attack that make ants when disturbed, or they may reproduce vivipa-
further attack difficult. These include collapsing leaves rously throughout the year, so that clones of them are
and petioles and enhanced production of toxic sub- constantly producing large amounts of honeydew.
stances both at the site of injury and throughout Ants, for their part, solicit honeydew; carry aphid eggs
healthy tissues. Mutualistic defenses are provided by int.J the ant nest for the winter; select appropriate food
insects that are natural enemies of herbivores. Ex- plants and carry the aphids to them; apply substances
trafloral nectaries encourage ants and parasitoid wasps similar to juvenile hormone to the aphids, to prevent
to remain around the plants and attack or infect herbi- them from developing wings; respond to an aphid
vores. In the case of some myrmecophytes, this alarm pheromone by searching for possible enemies;
arrangement is a deeply involved interdependency (as build shelters on the plant to house scale insects; and
discussed earlier). Other plants, when injured by phy- carry scale insects on nuptial flights in order to estab-
tophagous insects, release volatile compounds that at- lish them in new colonies. Lycaenid caterpillars pro-
tract parasitoid wasps. These natural enemies inject vide a special substance from a dorsal gland on the ab-
eggs into the herbivores, and the parasitoids' larvae in- domen. Ants covet the secretion and provide
flict a slow death. protection in return. When disturbed, the caterpillars
emit a sound that attracts the ants, and within the ant
Insectivorous Plants: A few plants have turned the ta-
nest the caterpillars are nurtured and protected. Hu-
bles on insects by eating them. These insectivores typ-
mans and honey bees also have a long history of food-
ically live in nitrogen-poor soils, such as sandy or clay
for-care mutualism, although it is not interdependem
soils and acid bogs, and the prey are biodegraded to re-
and is cultural rather than genetic.
lease elementary nitrogenous compounds. The plants
derive energy from photosynthesis and are not carniv-
Commensals:A large assortment of insects gain by liv-
orous heterotrophs. Active traps, such as the Venus fly-
ing in close association with other animals, doing little
trap (Dionaea), have specialized leaf devices that
or no harm by their presence. Typically they live in the
quickly snap shut to trap small arthropods when trig-
animal's nest and are known collectively as inquilines.
gered by sensitive hairs. In the case of the aquatic blad-
In addition to accessing shelter and protection, they eat
derwort (Vtrícularía), the prey is sucked into a cham-
the host's waste, other inquilines, or the host's food
ber. Semiactive traps, such as sundews (Drosera),
supplies, the latter causing a very slight drain on re-
flycatchers (Byblis), and butterwort (Pinguicula), have
sources and thus crossing the line into social para-
sticky tentacles or hairs on their leaves to trap the in-
sitism. A few species of domestic cockroaches and their
sect, then gradually enfold it to form a digestive cupo
human hosts fall into this category. Termites and ants
Passive traps, such as pitcher plants (Sarracenia, Ne-
provide an ancient habitat for many specialized in-
penthes, and so forth) and cobra lilies (Darlingtonia),
have leaves modified into vessels of water surrounded quilines, termed termitophiles and myrmecophiles, re-
spectively. These fall into three categories: (1) Synec-
by downward-pointing hairs and spines that make es-
thrans are attacked by the hosts but can escape
cape nearly impossible. Most of these plants have ei-
or protect themselves; they scavenge food or waste.
ther visually or chemically attractive features, and
(2) Synoeketes are ignored by the host beca use they
some bear nectaries that encourage insects to feed near
move quickly or do not appear foreign; they generally
the trap's entrance. Digestion is aided by enzymes, but
scavenge food or waste but also sometimes kill and ea!
at least in pitcher plants bacterial degradation of the
host immatures. (3) Symphiles are accepted by the hos!
drowned insect is equally important.
as members of the colony; they may be fed, carried, and
groomed by the host. Symphiles share various charac-
Animal Relationships
teristics that suit them to this role: They secrete ap-
Mutualists: Ants have two well-known trophobiotic peasement substances that the hosts find attractive and
relationships, one with various stenorrhynchans palatable; they have chemical, tactile, or visual resem-
(Hemiptera) that produce honeydew and one with but- blances to the host (Wasmannian mimicry), or they
terfly caterpillars (Lycaenidae) that produce a glandu- have a sheltering cara pace that prevents hosts from
lar secretion. In the case of aphids and scale insects, the contacting vulnerable parts; they exhibit morphologi-
basic arrangement is that these plant suckers defecate cal regression, including flightlessness and reduction
honeydew (excess phloem sap, rich in sugars and or loss of eyes and appendages; and they use the chem-
amino acids), and the ants protect them. However, ical and behavioral communication systems of the
CommunityAssociations 87
host,includingalarm, attraction, mutual grooming, 50- toes or small domestic flies. When these carriers land
of food, and traíl following. on the skin, the larvae immediately hatch and burrow
in. Endoparasites obtain oxygen by tapping into the
Parasites:Arthropodsparasitize a wide variety of ani- host's tracheal system (in the case of insect hosts) or
mals,including other arthropods. Typical ectoparasites maintaining a hole in the host's skin where the spira-
suckthehemolymph or blood of their hosts, either re- des can be exposed to air. Stomach bot-fly larvae of
mainingon the host continuously (that is, symbioti- horses circumvent this necessity by using hemoglobin
cally)(such as lice, host fleas, and some mites) or vis- cells to store oxygen that comes as occasional air bub-
itingit only periodically (such as kissing bugs, nest bles with the horse's food. As with plant feeders, animal
Oeas,mosquitoes, and horse flies) (Figure 4-12). The parasites find their hosts in a series of oriented maneu-
closelyadapted ones have a number of characteristics vers, starting with a general search and ending in land-
suitedto \ife on another animal, induding the reduc- ing, probing, and feeding. Periodic blood feeders use
tionor elimination of wings, legs, and eyes; special chemical stimuli (kairomones such as fatty acids from
clinging and attachment devices; and body flattening. skin bacteria and carbon dioxide from breath) to locate
Periodic blood feeders share behavioral and physiolog- mammals at a distance, to which are added visual
icalfeatures,induding special receptors for locating stimuli when the host is doser, heat and humidity at
hosts,sneakiness, painless biting, antihemostatic and very dose range, and skin chemicals on contact. Host-
anticoagulant properties of the saliva, and presence of specific sign stimuli, perceived by the parasite during
mutualistic bacteria (discussed earlier). Endoparasites, these steps, are critical in the decision to continue the
suchas strepsipterans parasitic in insects and scabies attack or desisto Parasites tend to be relatively host spe-
mites orbot fliesin vertebrate animals, also have dis- cific, the periodic ones least so, the continuously ec-
tinctive traits that allow them to find, enter, and live toparasitic species much more so, and the endopara-
withinthehost. The so-called human bot fly,or tórsalo, sites most of all.
whose larvadevelops in the skin of mammals and large Important variations on the parasite theme are
birds,is a large, free-living adult. To avoid disturbing parasitoids (often referred to simply as parasites),
itshostduring oviposition, it lays its eggs on mosqui- whose larvae first are parasites on or inside an appar-
-- lB
.j'" a.
:s: Jj ...;
Figure4-12 Periodic blood feeders of vertebrate animals. A, Human bed bug feeding.
This species (Cimex lectularius) lives within human habitations. All members of the fam-
ily Cimicidae are wingless blood feeders throughout life and most live in the roosts and
nestsof bats and birds. B,Asiantiger mosquitofeeding.This species,Aedesalbopictus
(Skuse), often lives near human dwellings, but not in them, and occurs mainly in rural
or wooded areas. All adult members of the family Culicidae have wings, and the females
of most species feed on blood. Their larvae are mostly free-living detritivores.
88 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
ently healthy insect host but gradually eat more and tmpoidea, Platygastroidea Chrysidoidea, and Vespoidea.
more of the host's internal organs until it becomes Rhipiphorid beetles, which undergo hypermetamor-
moribund and dies. Essentially the same thing happens phosis, are parasitoids during the second phase of their
when a solitary hunting wasp paralyzes its prey, uses it larval lives. The Strepsiptera also are hypermetamor-
to provision a nest, and lays an egg on it, although in phic but do not kill their hosts. Instead, they often ster-
that case the host immediately ceases to function nor- ilize them or turn them into intersexes, so in one sense
mally. Parasitoid insects typically are small and lay they are parasitoids, beca use they can kill the host's re-
their egg(s) in the host where they find it. They tend to productive potential.
be very host and stage specific, developing, for exam-
pIe, only in the eggs of a particular moth, or only in the Predators: Predatory arthropods inelude most orders
parasitoids that develop in those moth eggs (that is, of Arachnida, all üdonata and Mantodea, and nearly all
hyperparasitoids). The latter are exceedingly small. But Neuroptera. A great many Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and
as a group parasitoids attack a wide variety of insects, Diptera also are predators. Like the parasitoids, they
ineluding many pests, and therefore are use fuI in bio- prey on a variety of small animals, but mostly other
logical control. Females may lay many eggs in a single arthropods, so they are said to be entomophagous. Preda-
host, so that a large family develops in it. Among some tors with chewing mouthparts eat most or all of their
of the parasitic hymenopterans (e.g., Braconidae) are prey; those with piercing-sucking mouthparts pierce the
females that lay only a single egg in the host, but the prey's cutiele, inject a lytic saliva to liquefy the tissues,
egg undergoes polyembryony, resulting in numerous and suck out the resulting soup (Figure 4-14). Like
larvae. Parasitoids may pupate within the host if it plant feeders and animal parasites, there are generalists
dries out by the time they are mature. Typically they and specialists, but in this case the reasons for special-
exit the host and pupate on its cutiele or nearby (Fig- ization are less often physiological and have more to do
ure 4-13). Parasitoids are most common among with habitats, competition, methods of hunting, and
Diptera and Hymenoptera. Tachinids are the most im- special techniques of prey capture. Most species of
portant fly parasitoids; others inelude sarcophagids, dragonflies, assassin bugs, mantids, and many kinds of
pyrgotids, pipunculids, acrocerids, and bombyliids. army ants and driver ants eat diverse types of prey that
Hymenopteran parasitoids inelude many hundreds of occur within the habitats they frequent. By contrast, dif-
species in the Ichneumonoidea, Chalcidoidea, Procto- ferent genera of digger wasps (Sphecidae: Sphecinae)
specialize in spiders, cockroaches, grasshoppers, katy-
dids, tree crickets, tme crickets, plant-dwelling cater-
pillars, or soil-dwelling caterpillars. There are two basic
approaches to prey capture: (1) Hunting is most efficient
if the prey are sedentary, slow moving, or are most
abundant in locations where a predator cannot wait (for
example, in mid-air). The predator moves though like1y
habitats, increasing its chances of encountering the
prey. (2) Awaiting and stalking work well when the prey
are mobile and likely to pass by. The predator remains
in one place until prey is detected, then stalks it ancl/or
grasps it.
Equipment that assists predatory arthropods in
seizing prey inelude raptorial fore legs, often with
spines or sticky setae, and raptorial mouthparts, such
as the extensible labium of odonate naiads and the
Figure4-13 Tobacco homworm, Manduca sexta (L.) long, curved mandibles of diving beetle larvae and
(Sphingidae), in final stage of parasitization by the para- tiger beetles. Insects with a venomous bite or sting
sitoid Cotesia (Braconidae). The larvae have completed (spiders, scorpions, antlions, female hymenopterans)
deve10pment within the caterpillar, then exited to spin can paralyze the prey with a single, well-placed injec-
cocoons in which they pupate. Some have already tion, making them easier to handle. Beaded lacewing
emerged as adults, and some cocoons have dropped off, larvae (Berothidae) subdue their prey with a chemical
leaving black spots at the point where the larva had bur- ejected from the anus. Hunting wasps do their hunting
rowed out. This brood of parasitoids typically results primarily to provision nests for their larvae, and the
from a single egg that has been inserted into the caterpil- paralyzed prey forms a living meal when the larva is
lar and undergone polyembryony, creating a family of ready to eat. Some of the sit-and-wait predators have
identical offspring. devices that improve their catch: traps, lures, or a
CommunityAssociations 89
Figure4-16 Eye spot on owl butterfly Caligo (Satyridae: JiI!'
.- ~
Brassolinae). Eye spots occur on many kinds of insects. .:1
Experiments demonstrate that vertebrate animals are ~o
frightened by them, probably because of their resemblance
B :¡:
to the eyes of large predators, such as owls and cats.
A large proponion of anhropod species feed on dead
and decaying plants and animals, recycling them into
living biomass. These saprophagous anhropods oc-
B cur in many orders but are found chiefiy in the Acari,
Blattodea, Isoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera. They all
have chewing, rasping, or chelate mouthparts. Most
specialize either in plant or animal materials, partIy
beca use ovipositing aduIts locate them by very differ-
ent means but also because different digestive mech-
anisms are employed. Technically, most detritivores
do not feed exclusively on dead material itseU but
feed instead on a mixture that includes bacteria,
fungi, nematodes, and other minute organisms that
occur with dead tissue and share in its breakdown.
The detritus community also includes predators and
Figure4-20 Bird-feces resemblance: Insects using this parasites that feed on the detritivores. What makes
disguise depend on a composite of brown and white col- saprophagous insects especially imponant, ecologi-
ors, typical of bird feces. A, Moth openly exposed on a cally, is that they are relatively large and mobile, dis-
leaf at rest, resembling bird feces. The elongate scales ex- persing large amounts of detritus by working it into
tend laterally, giving the impression of splatter. B, Swal- the soil, carrying it to scattered locations, or com-
lowtail butterfly larva. Its glossy cuticle gives the impres- pleting their life cycles in it so that the next genera-
sion of wet bird feces. Its second line of protection, when tion fiies away.
disturbed, is to extend the two-pronged glandular hom Plant detritivores live chiefiy in the immediate
(the osmeterium) behind its head, which releases a nox- vicinity of standing crops of plants, such as forests,
ious vapor. grasslands, and ponds, where the dead material accu-
mulates on the ground or in aquatic sediments. A large
part of the soil microfauna of the world consists of var-
(4) Escapeandevasioninvolvebeing hard to capture, so ious mites, millipedes, springtails, and beetIes that feed
the predator cannot complete the attack. This method on finely divided plant material and its associated mi-
occurs in two forms: (a) In jleeing the predator cannot croorganisms. More obvious on the forest floor are
maintain pursuit or achieve capture, such as fast escape fallen leaves, branches, and tree trunks, which also
(by running, jumping, swimming, flying, dropping), suppon a diversity of arthropods and hasten their con-
InsectImpactin Biotic Communitiesand Ecosystems 93
versioninto soil. Even recently killed trees that are still Animal carcasses and dung piles are "fugitive habi-
standing attract specialists whose larvae develop tats," environments with resources that quickly dissi-
withinthe wood. By processing the larger components pateo During the period of utility, they are invaded by
of plants, large arthropods make plant matter more successive but overlapping waves of insects that deal
readilyavailable to microscopic arthropods, to mi- effectively with certain stages in the degradation and
erobes,and ultimately to the root systems of living drying process and with each other. A cow pat in North
plantsas mineral nutrients. America often is invaded first by horn flies and face
Animaldetritivores form a much smaller part of flies, whose females oviposit on it immediately after the
mostcommunities, because much less animal material feces drop to the ground. Yellow dung flies, sepsids,
isavailablefor degradation. Some arthropods, such as and ulidiid flies come, then leave, at various stages as it
adultseorpionflies, specialize in the dead bodies of cools and a crust forms. These are followed by scarab
otherarthropods, but the most obvious ones process and hydrophilid beetles, and by staphylinid beetles that
the dead bodies of medium-sized and large verte- either feed on the eggs of other insects or parasitize de-
brates.In its early stages of decay, a carcass is so rich veloping fly larvae. Soldier flies show up still later. By
inorganicnutrients and is so easily digested, that sar- the time the cowpat is stiff and only moist in the mid-
eophagous(= flesh-eating or carrion-feeding) insects dIe, it is occupied primarily by the larvae and pupae of
engagein intense scramble competition. The most slow-growing fly and scarab-beetle larvae, each devel-
quiekand efficient of these are the blow flies and flesh oping in zones of the cow pat that differ in physical
fiies,which in warm, humid weather can reduce a characteristics (crust, center, base). Arthropod succes-
largecorpse to a skeleton in a few days. Gravid females sion in carcasses follows a similar pattern, typically
startlayingeggs in an animal's orifices within an hour with blow flies appearing first, beetles later. In late
ofits death, and the eggs hatch in less than a day (or stages of decay, the carcass community may consist
aredeposited as ready-to-feed larvae, in the case of mainly of dermestid beetles and moths that eat dried
fieshflies).When the hundreds or thousands of fly lar- skin and ligaments. The exact species composition and
vae(maggots)have matured, they crawl away and pu- rate of change depend not only on the geographic 10-
pateunderground nearby. Other carrion feeders spe- cality but also on the exact habitat (carcasses transform
cializein small birds and rodents. A mated pair of very differently in sun and shade), weather, and season.
bUlyingbeetles lowers the carcass into the ground and Knowledge of the pattern and speed of faunal succes-
eonvertsinto an edible nest for its young (as discussed sion in a carcass can be critical to forensic investiga-
earlier). torso From data on the arthropod species and their
Dung-feeding (coprophagous) arthropods are, stages in a corpse when it is discovered, it is possible to
eeologicalIy,either plant or animal detritivores, de- estimate the postmortem interval and thus the time of
pendingon the diet of the animal producing the feces. death.
lnsectstend to specialize in the dung of kinds of dif-
ferentkinds of animals, beca use the size and consis-
teneyof the dung pile determines its shape and vol-
umeand therefore how quickly it will dry out. Dung
beetles(Scarabaeidae), as a group, are able to use the Insect Impact in Biotic Communities
greatest variation in dung-pile sizes, beca use some
and Ecosystems
speciesdevelop within the dung in situ, but others
quiekly gather the dung into packets or balls and
lowerit into tunnels beneath the pile or roll it away,lO
Insed Diversity
provisiontheir underground nests. Yet different dung Insects are vitally important members of biotic com-
beetlespecies focus on dung from herbivorous mam- munities for two reasons: There are so many of them,
malsof different sizes. larval development of flies oc- and there are so many different kinds. The average
eurs within the dung pile itself, so relatively large abundance of any one species is simply a function of
dungpiles, such as the "cow pats" produced by large how small it is, how large its resource base is, and how
ungulates, form the best breeding medium. One im- many enemies exploit it. But insects are unusual
portantconsequence of. this situation was that intro- among organisrns in their abundance of species. Ac-
ducing cattle to Australia also introduced a huge cording to conventional ecological theory, each species
soureeof dung, which the native kangaroo-dung bee- occupies a unique niche, a unique way of living that it
des could not handle, but which was ideal for bush performs better than any other species and that is de-
fiiesand buffalo flies. Importation of African dung fined by where it lives and what it consumes. In some
beetlesthat disintegrate cow pats have helped bring communities insect species are so tightly packed that
pestfly populations under control. they have extensively overlapping niches, resulting in
94 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
~ T'"S
~h :)
.~/ ~:~~//
'~D ~
Figure4-21 Food web on a single plant, illustrating the presence of three guilds of
plant-feeding insects: 18 species of pit feeders, 17 species of strip feeders, and 59 species
of sap feeders. The parasitoids and predators of these insects, not numbered, also form
competition, but partitioning and environmental insta- This is the strongest and most efficient skeleton Cor
bility prevent the exclusion of one competitor by an- small-bodied animals. In addition to giving body sup-
other. Thus we find many insect guilds, groups of in- port, external protection, and opportunities for evolv-
sect species that use the same food source but do so in ing a wide variety of hard tools for handling food and
slightly different ways (Figure 4-21). The fact that over other materials, it provides leverage for long ap-
half of all described species of organisms, and about pendages, allowing elevated body support and quick
three quarters of all animal species, are insects suggests movements, and it offers resistance to desiccation.
they are exceptional in their ability to assume a myriad These features allowed arthropods to become the firsl
of unique lifestyles. animals to invade land, along with vascular plants, so
There appear to be four interconnected reasons for a vast variety of potential niches were available 10
this diversity, all directly or indirectly resulting in a them, and they could diversify along with the plants.
high speciation-to-extinction ratio: (1) Exoskeleton: (2) Small size: More niches are available to small-bodied
InsectImpactin Biotic Communitiesand Ecosystems 95
animals, because many kinds of food and space are numbers. The latter are responsible for wide and
available only in small quantities and limited sizes. erra tic population fluctuations. The endogenous fac-
Smallanimals also have shorter generation times, al- tors are all density dependent, including changes in
lowing rapid evolution and adaptation to new condi- disease-inducing stress levels, social interactions, emi-
tions.And small animals have a large surface-to-volume gration rates, and gene pool composition. The density-
ratio,which has beneficial consequences: (a) proximity dependent/independent distinction is a useful concept,
of organs to each other, which allows use of simple but insect populations often are controlled by a com-
circulatoryand respiratory systems; (b) greater muscle plex interplay of weather-related biotic factors, so that
strengthin relation to size, which allows thinner limbs; equilibrium densities are superimposed on erratic or
and (c) greater air resistance, which allows greater seasonal changes caused by changing physical condi-
wingand body 10ft, facilitating airborne dispersal and tions. In other words, an insect may have several equi-
evolution of powered flight. However, a large surface librium densities, depending on the weather, and if the
areais disadvantageous beca use desiccation and heat effects of weather change often enough, population
1055are more rapid. (3) Wings: The greater mobility regulation is almost completely obscured. Some insect
provided by flight allows animals to exploit widely populations may never reach the point where reduced
scattered resources, which form distinct niches. Fur- resources and increasing predation prevent further
thermore, it allows them to colonize new areas rapidly, population growth. In others, fluctuations are caused
reducing the likelihood of extinction and providing by density-dependent factors that have effects extend-
opportunities for genetic isolation and species forma- ing long beyond the immediate causes (for example,
tion. (4) Complete metamorphosis: Transformation of desert locusts, as mentioned earlier) or are the result of
the body from one kind of animal to another has the environmental feedback that works over time scales of
followingconsequences: (a) a temporary resource that many years (many forest Lepidoptera). Therefore, an
isonlypart of a unique niche can be exploited without intimate knowledge of natural population control may
having to sustain all active stages; (b) more unique be necessary before insect outbreaks can be predicted
nichesare available, because the "compound niche" of with any reliability.
the two different active forms (larva and adult) is, as a
whole,another niche, reducing competition with over- ArtificialControl: The principies that determine popu-
lapping species and avoiding competitive exclusion lation density in nature can be applied by humans to the
even by species that occupy only one niche or the judicious control of insect pests. Pest control is not ap-
other; (c) individuals escape from natural enemies by propriate, economically, unless pests are dense enough
disappearingfrom one of the microhabitats before ene- to reduce the value of some product or resource more
miesbecome too numerous; (d) specialization in either than it costs to prevent that reduction. The breakeven
growthand storage (the larva) or dispersal and repro- point, the pest density at which the gain in value from
duction (the adult) results in increased efficiency of control is equal to the cost of that control, is the eco-
eachstage. The fact that most insect species occur in nomic injury leve!, or EIL. For insects that are largely
orderswith complete metamorphosis suggests that this density dependent, the relationship between the EIL
featureis exceptionally important. and the equilibrium density determines whether mea-
sures should ever be taken against them. Some pests
cause relatively minor damage to crops, livestock, or
Size and Its Control
human health, rarely exceeding their EILs, because
Thenumbers of individuals in an insect population is their equilibrium densities are low, thanks to natural
determinedfirst by the size of the entire community in enemies or restricted breeding sites. Others may cause
whichthey can exist, their biotope. Beyond that, their extensive damage but still rarely exceed their EILs. This
densityis controlled by an array of exogenous and en- occurs if control is very expensive, the product has a
dogenous factors affecting reproduction, death, and low value, or it is tolerant to high damage so the eco-
migration rates. Exogenous factors are principally nomic 1055is small. However, when pests surpass a cer-
[ood, space, natural enemies (predators, parasites, tain lower level Cthe economic threshold) indicating that
pathogens),and weather. The first three vary in their they soon will exceed the EIL, control measures should
intensityaccording to how dense the population is, be implemented immediately in order to take effect by
and are termed density-dependent factors, responsible the time the EIL is reached. Aside from environmental
for regulating the density within somewhat narrow concerns, the decision to control pests in agricultural
bounds around the species' equilibrium density. systems has an exclusively economic basis. The deci-
Weather-relatedfactors, in contrast, usually are density- sion to control insects of medical importance is compli-
independent,having an effect proportional to insect cated by the need to consider not only losses in human
96 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
Figure4-22 Simple freshwater aquatic food web, showing the pivotal roles of insects
at the primary- and secondary-consumer trophic leve\s.
productivity and costs of treatment, but also the ing how weather-related factors and biotic factors com-
amount of suffering caused. A knowledge of what de- bine to determine population growth and depression
termines the natural equilibrium density may be crucial help entomologists anticipa te conditions when the EIL
to effective time management. For example, the appli- wiIl be exceeded. The ideal goal is to find low-impact
cation of pesticides may temporarily elimina te natural ways to alter a pest's environment so that the EIL is
enemies of the pest, not just the pest, causing its rapid never reached and insecticides are unnecessary.
rebound and biotic re/ease. In this reaction, the pest den-
sity soars until it finds a new, higher equilibrium posi- Insed Roles in Food Chains and Webs
tion, causing more damage and requiring more frequent
application of insecticides. This situation, which is Insects and other arthropods are major constituents of
costly and can lead to insecticide resistance more trophic pyramids because of the sheer mass of num-
quickly, is known as the "pesticide treadmill.» For both bers in populations of each species at aIl consumer
density-independent and density-dependent pests, know- leve\s. In every case studied, insects eat and incorpo-
References 97
rate far more energy than vertebrate animals in the combined. Even at the very tops of the food chains,
same communities. In fields in North America, more which generally are perceived as being occupied by
than three quarters of the energy flow from plants such carnivores as eagles and lions, the ectoparasitic
passes through populations of a few species of Or- lice, fleas, biting midges, and skin mites feed on these
thoptera, dwarfing the importance of birds and mice. so-called top predators. In addition, arthropods are
In terms of living biomass, just the ants of the world, pivotal in a myriad of intersections within food webs
a single family consisting of about 11,000 species, (Figure 4-22) because of their diversity, as reflected in
weigh as much as the 6 billion humans of the world. the number of species in every terrestrial and freshwa-
In the Amazon rain forest, ants and termites make up ter community. Without arthropods in the picture,
about one third of the biomass of all animals, from communities most likely would consist of fewer
mites to tapirs, and the dry weight of ants there is four trophic levels, with drastically reduced trophic links
times as great as the dry weight of allland vertebrates among the remaining organisms.
Alcock,j. 1979. Animal Behavior: An Evolutionary Approach, FraenkeI, G. S., and D. L. Gunn. 1961. The Orientation of An-
ed. 2. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 532 pp. imals. New York: Dover, 376 pp.
Andersson, M. 1994. Sexual SeIection. Princeton, N]: Prince- Frank, S. A. 1998. Foundations of Social Evolution. Prince-
ton University Press, 599 pp. ton, N]: Princeton University Press, 268 pp.
Baerends, G. P. 1976. The functional organization of behav- Frisch, K. von. 1967. The Dance Language and Orientation of
iour. Anim. Behav. 24: 726-738. Bees. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 566 pp.
Barth, E G. 1991. Insects and Flowers: The Biology of a Gadagkar, R. 1991. Belonogaster, Mischocyttarus, Parapolybia,
Partnership. Princeton, N]: Princeton University Press, and independent founding Ropalidia. In K. G. Ross and
408 pp. R. W Matthews (Eds.), The Social Biology ofWasps, pp.
Barton Browne, L. 1974. Experimental Analysis of Insect Be- 149-100. Ithaca, NY: Comell University Press.
haviour. New York: Springer, 366 pp. Holldobler, B., and E. O. Wilson. 1990. The Ants. Cambridge,
Bell, W j., and R. T. Cardé (Eds.). 1984. Chemical Ecology of MA: BeIknap/Harvard University Press, 732 pp.
Insects. Sunderland, MA.: Sinauer Associates, 524 pp. Houston, A. l., andj. M. McNarnara. 1999. ModeIs of Adap-
Cardé, R. T., and Wj. Bell (Eds.). 1995. Chemical Ecology of tive Behavior: An Approach Based on State. Cambridge,
Insects 2. New York: Chapman &: Hall, 433 pp. UK: Carnbridge University Press, 378 pp.
Chapman, R. E 1998. The Insects: Structure and Function, Ito, Y. 1993. Behaviour and Social Evolution of Wasps. New
4th ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 770 pp. York: Oxford University Press, 159 pp.
Choe,j. c., and B. j. Crespi (Eds.). 1997. Evolution of Social Lloyd,j. E. 1983. Bioluminescence and cornrnunication in in-
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Choe, j. c., and B. j. Crespi (Eds.). 1997. Mating Systerns in havioral Ecology. Princeton, N]: Princeton University
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Press, 387 pp. Matthews, R. W., and j. R. Matthews. 1978. Insect Behavior.
Crozier, R. H., and P. Pamilo. 1996. Evolution of Social Insect New York: Wiley, 507 pp.
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Oxford University Press, 306 pp. Analysis. New York: Acadernic Press, 522 pp.
Dawkins, R. 1976. Heirarchical organization: A candidate Michener, C. D. 1974. The Social Behavior of Bees: A Com-
principIe for ethology. In P. P. G. Bateson and R. A. Hinde parative Study. Carnbridge, MA: BeIknap/Harvard Univer-
(Eds.), Growing Points in Ethology, New York: Cam- sity Press, 404 pp.
bridge University Press, pp. 7-54. MitteIstaedt, H. 1962. Control systems of orientation in in-
Dingle, H. (Ed.). 1978. Evolution of Insect Migration and Di- sects. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 7: 177-198.
apause. New York: Springer, 284 pp. Papaj, D. R., and A. C. Lewis (Eds.). 1993. Insect Leaming.
Dingle, H. 1996. Migration. The Biology of Lífe on the Move. Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. New York:
New York: Oxford University Press, 474 pp. Chapman &: Hall, 398 pp.
Dyer, E C. 2002. The biology of the dance language. Annu. Price, P. W 1997. Insect Ecology. New York: Wiley, 874 pp.
Rev. Entorno\. 47: 917-949. Real, L. A. (Ed.). 1994. Behavioral Mechanisrns in Evolu-
Eberhard, W G. 1996. Female Contro\. Sexual SeIection by tionary Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Cryptic Female Choice. Princeton, N]: Princeton Univer- 469 pp.
sity Press, 501 pp. Roitberg, B. D., and M. B. Isrnan (Eds.). 1992. Insect Cherni-
Evans, D. L., andj. O. Schrnidt (Eds.). 1990. Insect Defenses. cal Ecology. An Evolutionary Approach. New York:
Albany: State University New York Press, 482 pp. Chaprnan &: Hall, 359 pp.
98 Chapter4 BehaviorandEcology
Thornhill, R., and J. A\cock. 1983. The Evolution of Insecl Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect 5ocieties. Carnbridge, MA:
Maling 5ystems. Carnbridge, MA: Harvard University BelknaplHarvard University Press, 548 pp.
Press, 547 pp. Yarnarnoto, D., J.-M. Jallon, and A. KornaLSU. 1997. Genetic
Tinbergen, N. 1951. The 5mdy of Instinct. London: Oxford dissection of sexual behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.
Universily Press, 228 pp. Annu. Rev. Enlorno\. 42: 551-585.
5 PhylumArthropoda1
e are concerned in this book principally with in- 11. Respiration by means of gills, or tracheae and spi-
Wsects,but it is appropriate to point out the place of racles
theinsectsin the animal kingdom and to include at 12. No cilia or nephridia
leasta briefaccount of the animals most closely related 13. The sexes nearly always separate
toandsometimes confused with the insects.
The position of the Arthropoda within the animal
Theinsects belong to the phylum Arthropoda, the
kingdom and, indeed, even the reality of the arthro-
principalcharacters of which are as follows:
pods as a monophyletic group are subjects of active re-
1.Thebody segmented, the segments usually search and controversy. The most serious challenge to
groupedin two or three rather distinct regions the hypothesis of arthropod monophyly began in the
2. Paired,segmented appendages (from which the 1940s and 1950s (see, for example, Tiegs and Manton
phylumgets its name) 1958) and reached its pinnacle with the publication of
3. Bilateralsymmetry The Arthropoda by Sidnie Manton in 1977. The essence
4. Achitinous exoskeleton, which is periodically of this position is that the detailed study of arthropod
shedand renewed as the animal grows functional morphology reveals a tremendous amount
5. Atubular alimentary canal, with mouth and anus of diversity, not only in structure, but in the way in
6. Anopen circulatory system, the only blood vessel which those structures actually work. Manton's own
usuallybeing a tubular structure dorsal to the ali- studies dealt largely with mandibular and locomotory
mentarycanal with lateral openings in the abdom- mechanisms, and this work was supplemented by
inalregion other research in embryonic development (Anderson
7. Thebody cavity a blood cavity or hemocoel, the 1973). The structures of modern arthropods are closely
coe\omreduced integrated and coordinated to forrn a complex, func-
8. Thenervous system consisting of an anterior gan- tional whole, and they were interpreted to be so dis-
glionor brain located above the alimentary canal, tinctive between the major groups that no interrnediate
a pairof connectives extending from the brain between them could be conceived that, in turn, could
aroundthe alimentary canal, and paired ganglion- have been functional in the common ancestor. As a re-
atednerve cords located below the alimentary sult, these features must have evolved independently in
canal the groups that we call arthropods. Manton proposed
9. Striatedskeletal muscles and strongly defended the idea that those groups tradi-
10.Excretionusually by means of tubes (rhe tionally placed within Arthropoda had, in fact, inde-
Malpighiantubules) that empty into the alimen- pendently evolved those characteristics listed at the be-
tarycanal, the excreted materials passing to the ginning of this section and, therefore, that the
outsideby way of the anus Arthropoda are polyphyletic. This position has been
defended recently by Fryer (1997).
The weakness in this argument, of course, is that
IAnhropoda:arthro,joint or segment; poda, [oot or appendage. it addresses the weaknesses in evidence for monophyly 99
A B e
withthe tips of the mandibles. However, recent studies tudinal divisions of the body. (The lateral divisions
ofthe expression of the gene distal-less in arthropod were extensions over the bases of the legs.) Trilobites
mouthpartsindicate that the mandible of hexapods is had a pair of antennae, with the remaining appendages
alsognathobasicin nature. similar and leglike (Figure 5-IB). The anterior part of
Arthropod appendages are subject to a great deal the body (the preoral region and the first three postoral
of variation but are basically seven-segmented (Fig- segments) was covered with a carapace. The legs had
ure5-l). The basal one or two segments sometimes an exite lobe or epipodite of the basal segment; this
bearmesal(endite) or lateral (exite) lobes or processes. bore a series of lamellae and apparently functioned as a
Ihese lobes or processes frequently have important gill (lhese animals were marine). The endite lobes of
functionsand sometimes have special names. The en- the anterior legs apparently functioned as jaws.
ditelobes of certain appendages usually have a chew-
ingfunction in the trilobites, chelicerates, and crus- Subphylum Chelicerata3
taceans,and an exite lobe of the basal segment often
Animals belonging to the subphylum Chelicerata lack
functionsas a gill in the trilobites and crustaceans. In
antennae and typically have six pairs of appendages.
the crustaceans, the second segment usually bears a
The first pair are the chelicerae, and the rest are leglike.
well-developed exite lobe, which is generally seg-
Endite lobes of the pedipalps (lhe second pair of ap-
mentedand is sometimes as large as or larger than the
pendages in the arachnids), or the leglike appendages
restof the appendage, giving the appendage a forked
in the horseshoe crabs, function as jaws. The body of a
appearance.Such an appendage is spoken of as bira-
chelicerate usually has two distinct divisions, an ante-
mous.The exite lobe of the second segment is called
rior region called the prosoma (or cephalothorax) and a
theexopodite,and the rest of the appendage the en-
posterior region called the opisthosoma (or abdomen).
dopodite (Figure5-IC).
The prosoma bears the chelicerae and the leglike ap-
pendages. The genital ducts open to the outside near
SubphylumTrilobita2 the anterior end of the opisthosoma. Most chelicerates
Ihe trilobites lived during the Paleozoic era (see Table
8-2), but were most abundant during the Cambrian 'Trilobita: tri, three; lobita, lobed (referring to the three longitudinal
andOrdovician periods. These animals were somewhat divisions of the body).
elongateand flattened, with three rather distinct longi- 3Chelicerata: with chelicerae.
102 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
Class Merostomata4
Class Arachnida-Arachnids7
The Arachnida constitute by far the largest and most
important class of the Chelicerata (about 65,000 de-
scribed species, with about 8,000 in North America),
and a person studying insects will probably encounter
more of them than of any other noninsect group of
arthropods. Its members occur almost everywhere, of- Figure 5-2 A horseshoe crab, Limulus sp. (subclass
ten in considerable numbers.
Xiphosura). A, Dorsolateral view; B, Ventral view. bg,
Most authorities recognize 11 major groups of book gills; ch, chelicera.
arachnids (all represented in North America), but not
all agree on the names to use for these groups or the
taxonomic level they represent. We call these groups
ordcrs (some would call them subclasscs) and arrange Schizomida (Tartarides, Schizopeltida, Colopyga,
Pedipalpida in part)-short-tailed whipscorpions
them as follows (with other names and arrangements
in parentheses): Amblypygi (Amblypygida, Phrynides, Phryneida,
Scorpiones (Scorpionides, Scorpionida)-scorpions Phrynichida, Pedipalpida in part)-tailless
whipscorpions, whipspiders
Palpigradi (Palpigrada, Palpigradida, Microthely-
phonida)-micro whipscorpions Araneae (Araneida)-spiders
ORDERScorpionesB-Scorpions:The scorpions are sting. The young are born alive and, for a time after
well-known animals that occur in the southern and birth, ride about on the mother's back. Scorpions grow
western parts of the United States. They are fair-sized slowly, and some species require several years to reach
arachnids, varying in length up to about 125 mm. The maturity. The function of the pectines is not known,
opisthosoma is broadly joined to the prosoma and is dif- but they are believed to be tactile organs.
ferentiated into two portions, a broad seven-segmented The effect of a scorpion sting depends primarily
mesosoma and a much narrower five-segmented poste- on the species of scorpion involved. The sting of most
rior metasoma that terminates in a sting (Figure 5-3). species is painful and usually accompanied by local
The prosoma bears a pair of eyes near the midline and swelling and discoloration, but it is not dangerous. Of
two to five along the lateral margin on each side. The the 40-odd species of scorpions in the United States,
pedipalps are long and chelate. On the ventral side of the only one-Centruroides sculpturatus Ewing-is very
second opisthosomal segment is a pair of comblike venomous, and its sting may be fatal. This species is
structures, the pectines. slender and rarely exceeds 65 mm in length. It varies in
Scorpions are largely nocturnal and during the day color from almost entirely yellowish to yellowish-
remain concealed in protected places. When a scorpion brown with two irregular black stripes down the back.
runs, the pedipalps are held outstretched and forward, There is a slight dorsal protuberance at the base of the
and the posterior end of the opisthosoma is usually sting. As far as is known, this species occurs only in
curved upward. Scorpions feed on insects and spiders, Arizona.
which they catch with their pedipalps and sometimes Scorpions do not ordinarily attack people but will
sting quickly if disturbed. In areas where scorpions oc-
8Scorpiones: from the Latin. meaning a scorpion. cur, be careful in picking up boards, stones, and simi-
lar objects, and brush off, rather than swat, a scorpion
found crawling on your body.
ORDER Palpigradi9-Micro Whipscorpions: These
are tiny arachnids, 5 mm or less in length, somewhat
spider-like in appearance but with a long segmented
tail (Figure 5-4A). The pedipalps are leglike, and the
first pair of legs is the longest. These animals usually
live under stones or in the soil. This group is repre-
sented in the United States by three species in Texas
and California.
ORDER UropygPO-Whipscorpions: The whipscor-
pions are mainly tropical and, in the United States, oc-
cur only in the South. They are elongate and slightly
flattened, with a slender, segmented tail about as long
as the body, and powerful pedipalps (Figure 5-4B); the
maximum body length is about 80 mm, and the total
length including the tail may be 150 mm or more. They
Keyto the Ordersof Arachnida 105
A B e
look somewhat like scorpions but have a very slender in California, is yellowish- to reddish-brown in color
"tail" and no sting. The first pair of legs is slender and and 4.5 to 7.5 mm in length; it lives under rocks and in
used as feelers; only the three hind pairs of legs are leaf litter in the desert regions of southern California.
used in walking. When disturbed, these animals emit A Florida species, Schizomus floridanus Muma, is 3.0 to
(or spray, up to 0.5 meter) a substance with a vinegar- 3.3 mm in length and pale yellowish in color; it lives in
like odor from glands at the base of the tail, and hence crevices in bark and in organic debris, from the Miami
they are often called vinegaroons (or vinegarones) . area south into the Keys.
Whipscorpions are nocturnal and predaceous. They are aRDER Amblypygj12-Tailless Whipscorpions or
generally found under logs or burrowing in the sand. Whipspiders: These arachnids are somewhat spiderlike
The eggs are carried in a membranous sac under the in appearance, but the opisthosoma is distinctly seg-
opisthosoma, and the young ride around on the back of mented and, although narrowed at the base, is not peti-
the female for a time after they hatch. The whipscor- olate. There are no spinnerets; the pedipalps are large,
pion most likely to be encountered in the southern powerful, and spiny (and are used in capturing prey);
states is Mastigoproctus giganteus (Lucas), which oc- and the first legs are very long and whiplike. The pro-
curs in Florida and the Southwest; it has a body length soma is wider than long and has rounded sides. There
of 40 to 80 mm and is the largest species in the order. are no venom glands. The few North American species
aRDERSchizomida"-Short-TailedWhipscorpions: vary in length from about 10 to 55 mm and occur
These animals are somewhat similar to the Uropygi but chiefly in the southern states. They are found under
much smaller and more slender. In addition, the termi- bark or stones (usually scurrying sideways when dis-
nal appendage is not long and whiplike; the pedipalps turbed) and sometimes enter houses.
arch upward and forward and move vertically; and aRDER Araneae13-Spiders: Spiders are a large, dis-
there is a transverse suture on the prosoma. The first tinct, and widespread group with more than 3,700 de-
legs are slender and are not used for walking. The scribed species in North America and more than
fourth legs are modified for jumping, and in the field 38,000 worldwide. The earliest evidence of spiders
these animals superficially resemble small crickets. comes from a 380-million-year-old Devonian fossil
There are no venom glands or eyes. The eight species (Shear et al. 1989). Spiders occur in many types of
ofSchizomida in the United States occur in Florida and habitats and are often very abundant. Typical nondesert
California. Trithyreus pentapeltis (Cook), which occurs
12Amblypygi: ambly, blunt; pygi, rump.
schizo, split (referring to the transverse suture on the 13Araneae: from the Latin, meaning a spider. This section was writ-
prosoma). ten by Jeremy A. Miller and Oarrell Ubick.
habitats may support up to 800 spiders per square me- Two other species in North America, Cheiracanthium
ter. Point estimates of spider diversity range from 20 inclusum (Hertz) (family Miturgidae) and Argiope au-
species per hectare in the temperate zone to more than rantia Lucas (family Araneidae) are reported to have a
600 species per hectare in tropical forests (Coddington mild neurotoxic venom. Despite their imposing ap-
and Colwell 2001). pearance, North American tarantulas (family Thera-
Unique derived characters that define spiders in- phosidae) have relatively innocuous venoms. However,
elude cheliceral venom glands (tost in the family Ulo- they are capable of releasing a eloud of urticating hairs
boridae), abdominal spinnerets, and the modification that can cause discomfort in the mucous membranes of
of the male pedipalps into sperm transfer organs. mammals.
--- --- . -,::::-"--
~,- , -<~..'''. ~--,,:::. :::. -,--
- i\"""m_~"'I.\\\U\\"_'"
--':~ -CT
\ H
Figure5-7 Legs, chelicerae, and male palp characters of spiders. A, First leg of Mime-
tus puritanus Chamberlin (Mimetidae); B, Fourth metatarsus of Achaearanea tepidariorum
(c. L. Koch) (Theridiidae); C, Fourth tarsus and metatarsus of Callobius deces
(Chamberline and Ivie) (Amaurobiidae); D, Tarsus of Araneus diadematus Clerck
(Araneidae); E, Tarsus of Tibellus oblongus (Keyserling) (Philodromidae); F, Trilobe
membrane between metatarsus and tarsus of Heteropodavenatoria (L.) (Sparassidae);
G, Stridulatory striae on lateral face of chelicera, Mermessus dentiger; H, Chelicera of
Araneus diadematus showing condyle on proximolateral parto 1, Male palp of a haplogyne
spider, Latrodectus rec/usaGertsch and Mulaik (Sicariidae); J, Palp of an entelegyne male,
Mermessus dentiger O. Pickard-Cambridge (Linyphiidae). CA, calamistrum; CB, ventral
comb of setae; Cl, claws; CN, condyle; CT, claw tufts; CY, cymbium; MT, metatarsus;
P, paracymbium, SC, scopula; SS, stridulatory striae; TA, tarsus; TM, trilobe membrane,
TR, trichobothrium.
Keyto the Ordersof Arachnida 109
(Figure 5-9F,I). The basal segment of the chelicera just anterior to this furrow. She fertilizes her eggs just
sometimes bears a small rounded lateral prominence before exuding them through the epigastric furrow.
(¡hecondyle) at its base (Figure 5-7H, CN). Some spi- On the anterolateral portion of the epigastric fur-
dershave a series of filelike ridges on the lateral surface row are the anterior respiratory organs, the book lungs
of the chelicerae (Figure 5-7G, SS). Spiders may use a (rarely lost or modified in some families). The book
plectrum on the pedipalp to stridulate against these lungs consist of alternating layers of sheetlike air pock-
ridges. ets and hemolymph-filled (blood-filled) lamellae. The
Ihe second pair of appendages is the pedipalps. air- and hemolymph-filled regions are incredibly thin,
The pedipalps are somewhat leglike, except that they which facilitates gas exchange. Primitively, spiders had
lacka metatarsus and have only one terminal claw (lost a second pair of book lungs immediately posterior to
in some spiders). The basal segment, the endite, is en- the anterior pair. In most spiders, the posterior respira-
largedand forms part of the oral cavity. The anterior tory organs are modified into a tracheal system. The
marginof the endite usually has a serrula for cutting tracheal system opens to the environment via the tra-
into prey. The labium lies between the two endites. cheal spiracle, which may be a pair of ventrolateral slits
Adult male spiders have their pedipalps (or simply or a single ventral slit. The single tracheal spiracle usu-
palpus)modified into sperm transfer organs. The form ally lies just anterior to the spinnerets, but in so me spi-
of the male palpal organ is extremely variable and is der taxa is closer to the epigastric furrow.
criticalin spider taxonomy (Figures 5-7I,J). Minimally, The spinnerets are usually on the posterior part of
the palpal organ consists of a bulb containing a sperm the abdomen (Figure 5-8). Extant spiders have no
duct and a terminal embolus. The bulb is attached to more than six functional spinnerets: the anterior lat-
the palpal tarsus, which is called the cymbium (Fig- eral, posterior median, and posterior lateral pairs. The
ure 5-7J, CY). The cymbium may be ventrally exca- anterior median spinnerets are not functional in any
vated, partially enclosing the palpal bulbo A para- living spider. However, a platelike spinning organ
cymbium is an appendage arising from the cymbium called the cribellum (Figure 5-8A, CR) is believed to
(Figure5-7J, P). The testes are located in the abdomen. be derived from the anterior median spinnerets. The
Thereis no connection between the testes and the pedi- cribellum is lost in many araneomorph spiders, but a
palps. Instead, sperm is extruded from the epigastric vestige called the colulus may remain (Figure 5-8B-E).
furrow.A sperm web is typically spun to receive the Posterior to the spinnerets is the anal tubercle (Fig-
spenn. 10 transfer the sperm, the spider inserts his em- ure 5-6A,C). This structure is usually quite small but
bolus into the sperm droplet and draws the fluid into is enlarged and modified in oecobiids.
the palpal organ, probably by capillary action. During
copulation, the male transfers his sperm to the female Reproduction andDevelopment. The two sexes of spi-
byinserting the embolus into the female genitalia. ders often differ considerably in size, the female being
Ihe four pairs of ambulatory legs, numbered I-IV larger and heavier, and the male being smaller but with
from front to back, have seven segments (coxa, relatively long legs. Mating is often preceded by elabo-
trochanter, femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, and tar- rate courtship, which may involve a variety of body or
sus), and each leg bears two or three terminal claws. pedipalp movements or stridulation. In some cases, the
Twoclaws are paired; the third, if present, is smaller male may present the female with a dead insect or
and set between them. The tip of the tarsus may have other nuptial gift before mating. Males usually do not
numerous setae, the claw tuft, which may obscure the live long after mating.
claws(Figure 5-7E, CT). Usually claw tufts are present Fertilized eggs are deposited in a silk saco These
only in two-clawed spiders, but there are exceptions sacs vary in their construction. They may be suspended
(noted later). In some spiders, the ventral part of the in a web, deposited in some sheltered location, or car-
tarsus(and sometimes the metatarsus) is covered with ried about by the female. The number of eggs in a sac
a verydense field of modified hairs, the scopula (Fig- varies between 1 and over 2,000. The eggs usually
ure S-7E, SC). This structure may allow spiders to hatch soon after they are laid, but if the eggs are laid in
walkon smooth vertical surfaces. Various leg segments the autumn the young spiders may remain in the sac
mayhave trichobothria (Figure 5-7C, TR). These long, until the following spring.
straighthairs are sensitive to air currents. The position Spiders undergo very little metamorphosis during
andnumber of trichobothria can be a useful taxonomic their development. When hatched, they usually look
character. like miniature adults but without developed genitalia.
Near the anterior end of the abdomen on the ven- If legs are lost during development, they can usually be
tralsideis a transverse groove called the epigastric fur- regenerated (Vollrath 1991). The point at which legs
row,which at its midpoint bears the gonopore. The fe- usually break off can be a useful taxonomic character.
malestores sperm received from males in spermathecae Spiders generally molt from 3 to 15 times during their
growth to maturity; males typically undergo fewer other spiders and stealing prey from the host's web. A
molts than females. Female mygalomorphs and filista- small number of spider species have some degree of so-
tids continue to molt once or twice a year as long as cial organization. Social spiders may cooperate to build
they live. Most spiders live 1 or 2 years, but mygalo- webs of several cubic meters and feed communally on
morphs often take several years to mature, and some the large prey items they subdue.
females may live as long as 20 years. Spiders play an important role in nearly all terres-
trial ecosysterns. They are generally quite numerous,
Ecology. AIIspiders are predaceous and feed mainly on and their predation impact keeps in check the numbers
insects. Some spiders may occasionally feed on small of many other animals, particularly insects. They are, in
vertebrates. The prey is usually killed or disabled by the tum, preyed on by various other animals, particularly
poison injected into it by the spider bite. Different spi- wasps. There is growing evidence that spiders can keep
ders capture their prey in different ways. The wolf spi- populations of pest insects in check in agroecosysterns
ders and jumping spiders actively forage and pounce on (Wise 1993, Riechert 1999). Conventional integrated
their prey. Many crab spiders are sit-and-wait predators, pest management prograrns tend to rely on predators
waiting for their prey on flowers and feeding on visiting and parasitoids that attack specific pest species, but
pollinators. Many spiders capture their prey in webs. A dense populations of generalist predators, including spi-
few spiders are kleptoparasites, living in the webs of ders, can effectively limit some pest populations. How-
Classificationof Spiders 111
ever,broad-spectrum insecticides can be more effective out from the cribellum using tq.e calamistrum, a group
in killing spiders than they are in killing the pests being of specialized, curved setae on the metatarsus of the
targeted.Agricultural practices that encourage increases founh leg (Figure 5-7C, CA), which may be a single
inspider density can greatly decrease the need for chem- row of setae, two rows, or an oblong field. Mature male
ical insecticides without 1055 in crop yield (Riechert cribellate spiders lose the ability to make cribellate silk
1999). Fear of spiders (arachnophobia) is one of the and typically retain only a vestige of the cribellum and
rnostcommon phobias is Western culture. However, spi- calamistrum. The cribellum and calamistrum have
dersperform a service by destroying noxious insects and be en lost numerous times in spider evolution. A well-
do not damage household items. As pointed out earlier, known example of ecribellate sticky silk comes from
the venomous nature of spiders is generally greatly ex- araneoid spiders, the ecribellate orb-weavers and their
aggerated.Most spiders do not bite if handled carefully. descendents. Araneoid sticky silk consists of a pair of
core lines dotted with sticky droplets. Adult male spi-
ders rarely spin prey-capture webs and sometimes lose
the ability to produce sticky silk.
of Spiders Spider taxonomy is based heavily on characters of
the genitalia. For this reason, juvenile spiders are usually
Spidersare divided into two suborders: Mesothelae and impossible to identify to species unless they are found
Opisthothelae. The Mesothelae are currently restricted associated with adults or unless the local fauna is very
to southeastern Asia andJapan. These relict taxa retain well known. Determining whether a spider is an adult
rnany features of primitive spiders, such as abdominal can be difficult for the beginner. Adult female spiders
segmentation and ventral spinnerets. The vast majority usually have a sclerotized plate called an epigynum (Fig-
of spiders belongs to the suborder Opisthothelae, ure 5-6B) located near the epigastric furrow between
which itself is divided into two infraorders, Mygalo- the anterior respiratory organs (the genital region). In
rnorphae and Araneomorphae. Both occur in North some spiders (for example, lycosids), a rudimentary,
America. A few basal mygalomorphs have vestiges of nonfunctional plate may be visible during late-stage ju-
abdominal segmentation in the form of abbreviated ter- venile development. Female spiders sometimes lack an
gites. A sclerotized scutum covering pan of the ab- external sclerotized plate and can be easily confused
domen is found sporadically among araneomorph spi- with juveniles. In such spiders, adult females differ by
der taxa and is not derived from primitive abdominal the presence of dense hairs in the genital region; hairs in
segmentation. Mesothele and mygalomorph spiders the genital region are undifferentiated in juveniles. All
have chelicerae oriented so that the fangs are more or adult female spiders have a set of spermathacae, which
lessparallel (Figure 5-6C); araneomorph spiders usu- can be examined by carefully dissecting the integument
allyhave opposing fangs (Figure 5-6B) , although some anterior to the epigastric furrow. Few student collections
taxahave secondarily modified chelicerae. Mesotheles, will contain many species where the female lacks and
rnygalomorphs, and the most basal groups of araneo- epigynum. Adult male spiders always have the distal
rnorph spiders have two pairs of book lungs. In North segments of the pedipalp modified. Late-stage juvenile
America, only hypochilids among the araneomorphs males may have a swollen palpal tarsus, indicating that
retain the posterior pair of book lungs. In most arane- the palpal organ is developing inside.
omorph spiders, the posterior pair of book lungs is
rnodified into a tracheal system (Figure 5-6B). Sec- Infraorder Mygalomorphae
ondary modifications of the respiratory system occur in Antrodiaetidae-folding-door spiders
some derived groups of araneomorph spiders. Atypidae-purse-web spiders
Individual species can produce up to seven dis-
tinct types of silk, each with a specialized function, Dipluridae
such as dragline production, egg sac construction, and
both the adhesive and nonadhesive parts of a web. Cyrtaucheniidae
Basalaraneomorph spiders produce adhesive silk from
a platelike cribellum just anterior to the spinnerets Theraphosidae-tarantulas
(Figure 5-8A, CR). The cribellum is covered in tiny Infraorder Araneomorphae
spigots. Cribellate silk consists of hundreds of very Hypochilidae-Iampshade spiders
fine, dry silk fibers around a few thicker core fibers. Haplogynae
The physical basis of stickiness in cribellate silk is not Filistatidae
wellunderstood, but the adhesive force is proponional Caponiidae
to the surface area contact between the silk and the ob- Dysderidae
ject being held (Opell 1994). Cribellate silk is combed Segestriidae
112 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
Oonopidae Hahniidae
Pholcidae-cellar spiders Agelenidae
Diguetidae Cybaeidae
Plectreuridae Desidae
Ochyroceratidae Amphinectidae
Leptonetidae Amaurobiidae
Telemidae Tengellidae
Sicariidae Zorocratidae
Scytodidae-spitting spiders Superfamily Lycosoidea
Entelegynae Ctenidae-wandering spiders
Eresoidea Zoropsidae
Oecobiidae Miturgidae
Hersiliidae Oxyopidae-Iynx spiders
Orbiculariae Pisauridae-nursery-web and fishing
Uloboridae-hackled-band orb-weavers spiders
Deinopidae-ogre-faced spiders Trechaleidae
Araneidae Lycosidae-wolf spiders
Tetragnathidae Clade Dionycha
Theridiosomatidae Clubionidae
Symphytognathidae Anyphaenidae
Anapidae Corinnidae
Mysmenidae Liocranidae
Mimetidae-pirate spiders Zoridae
Theridiidae-cobweb spiders Gnaphosidae
Nesticidae Prodidomidae
Linyphiidae Homalonychidae
Pimoidae Selenopidae
Titanoecidae Sparassidae-giant crab spiders
RTA Clade Philodromidae
Dictynidae Thomisidae
Zodariidae Salticidae-jumping spiders
This key is adapted from D. Ubick, in preparation, Key to Nearctic Spider Families. In D. Ubick, P. Paquin, P. E.
Cushing, and V. Roth (Eds.), Spiders of North America: A Guide to Genera (available in ]anuary 2005 from the
American Arachnological Society). The following abbreviations are used in the key. Eyes: AER = anterior eye row;
PER = posterior eye row; AME = anterior median eyes; ALE = anterior lateral eyes; PME = posterior median eyes;
PLE = posterior lateral eyes; LE = lateral eyes. Spinnerets: AMS = anterior median spinnerets; ALS = anterior lat-
eral spinnerets; PMS = posterior median spinnerets; PLS = posterior lateral spinnerets. Measurements: L = length;
W = width; PT/C is the ratio of the patella+tibia length divided by carapace length. The term procurved refers to
a line in which the ends are anterior to the center of the line; a recurved line has the ends posterior to the middle.
to SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 113
13(12). Tarsi 3-clawed, scopulae and claw tufts absent (Figure S-7D); mostly
web builders; if legs are slender and relatively delicate, assume tarsi are
3-clawed 51
13'. Tarsi 2-clawed, usually with scopulae and claw tufts (Figure S-7E);
if claw tufts are present, assume tarsi are 2-clawed 81
14(11'). With 2 pairs of book lungs (Figure S-6C) Hypochilidae
(Hypochilus) p.122
14'. With 1 pair of book lungs (Figure S-6B) 15
15(14'). With fewer than 8 eyes; cribellum entire 16
15'. With 8 eyes; cribellum entire or divided 17
16(15). With 4 eyes; leg I greatly enlarged; south Texas Uloboridae
(Miagrammopes) p.124
16'. With 6 eyes; leg I not enlarged; widespread in distribution Dictynidae(Lathys) p.126
17(15'). PME huge, several times the diameter of remaining eyes (Figure S-9G) Deinopidae(Deinopis) p.124
17'. PME not so enlarged 18
18(17'). Eyes clustered on central mound, occupying < 1(2width of cephalon 19
18'. Eyes spread across carapace, occupying > 1/2width of cephalon 20
19(18). Anal tubercle enlarged and fringed with long setae; chelicerae free;
entelegyne (epigynum present) Oecobiidae(Oecobius) p.124
19'. Anal tubercle not so modified; chelicerae fused; haplogyne (epigynum
absent) Filistatidae p.122
20(18'). Anterior tibia with at least 4 pairs of ventral spines 21
20'. Anterior tibia with fewer ventral spines 22
21(20). Anterior tibia with 4-5 pairs of ventral spines; PER straight to
weakly procurved; tarsi U-IV with 2 claws; body unicolorous; Zorocratidae
Arizona to Texas (Zorocrates) p.127
21'. Anterior tibia with 6-7 pairs of ventral spines; PER recurved; all tarsi
with 2 claws; body patterned; California (introduced) Zoropsidae(Zoropsis) p.127
22(20'). Calamistrum extends over more than half the length of metatarsus IV 23
22'. Calamistrum extends over no more than half the length of metatarsus IV 25
23(22). Femora U-IV with rows of long trichobothria; metatarsus IV dorsally
concave and with ventral row of short spines extending to tip of tarsus;
cribellum entire Uloboridae(in part) p.124
23'. Femora U-IV without rows of long trichobothria; metatarsus IV not so
modified and without ventral row of short spines; cribellum divided or
entire 24
24(23'). Endites converging apically; cribellum usually entire; legs usually without
spines Dictynidae(in part) p.126
24'. Endites parallel; cribellum divided; legs with spines Titanoecidae
(Titanoeca) p.126
25(22'). Cheliceral margins with 5 to 7 stout teeth; male palpus with embolus
threadlike, enclosed in membranous conductor; California, Texas Amphinectidae
to Florida (Metaltella) p.126
25'. Cheliceralmarginsusuallywith no more than 4 teeth, if more, then
teeth small and slender; male palpus with embolus variable; widespread
in distribution 26
26(25'). AME 1.4X largerthan ALE;malepalpuswith emboluslong and
sigmoid, enclosed in membranous conductor Desidae(Badumna) p.126
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 115
26'. AME at most 1.2X larger than ALE; male palpus with embolus usually
short and stout, iflong, then arcuate, never enc10sed in conductor Amaurobiidae(in part) p.126
27(12'). Eyes complete1y lacking (but may have small eye spots) 28
27'. At least 2 eyes present 34
28(27). Anterior tibia with 2-3 pairs of ventral spines 29
28'. Anterior tibia with few scattered ventral spines or none 30
29(28). ALScontiguous, longer than PLS Cybaeidae
(in part) p.126
29'. ALSslightly separated, shorter than PLS Dictynidae(in part) p.126
30(28'). Male palp with exposed bulb (Figure 5-71), female lacking epigynum
(haplogynes) 31
30'. Male palp with bulb enc10sed by cymbium (Figure 5-7J), female with
epigynum (ente1egynes) 32
31(30). Abdomen with anterodorsal sc1erotized ridge; with a pair of tracheal
spirac1es between epigastric furrow and spinnerets; colulus pentagonal,
wider than ALS;California Telemidae
(Usofila) p.123
31'. Abdomen without anterodorsal sc1erotized ridge; with one tracheal
spirac1e near spinnerets; colulus not so modified; Texas, Georgia leptonetidae(in part) p.123
32(30'). Tarsus IV lacking ventral comb; retromargin of che1icera toothed;
chelicera usually with stridulatory file on outer face (Figure 5-7G);
leg break at patella-tibia joint Linyphiidae(in part) p.126
32'. Tarsus IV with ventral comb of serrated setae (Figure 5-7B); retromargin
of chelicera edentate or with small dentic1es; che1icera without
stridulatory file; leg break at coxa-femur joint 33
33(32'). Retromargin of chelicera edentate, lacking both teeth and dentic1es; Theridiidae
male palp with inconscpicuous paracymbium; southern Arizona (Thymoites) p.125
33'. Retromargin of chelicera with small dentic1es; male palp with large
retrolateral paracymbium; California, Texas, Appalachian Mountains Nesticidae(in part) p.126
34(27'). Two eyes present Caponiidae(in part) p.122
34'. More than 2 eyes present 35
35(34'). Four eyes present 36
35'. Six eyes present 37
36(35). Two eyes pigmented; size 0.6 mm; litter spiders; Florida Symphytognathidae
(Anapistula) p.125
36'. All eyes unpigmented; size 3.6 mm; cave spiders; Tennessee Nesticidae(Nesticus) p.126
37(35'). Male palp with exposed bulb, not enc10sed by cymbium (Figure 5-71);
female lacking epigynum, but may have some sc1erotization at epigastric
area (haplogynes) 38
37'. Male palp with bulb partially enc10sed by cymbium (Figure 5-7J) ,
female with epigynum (ente1egynes) 48
38(37). Chelicerae fused at base (Figure 5-9F) 39
38'. Che1iceraenot fused at base, can be moved apart (Figure 5-9E) 42
39(38). Eyes in 2 triads Pholcidae(in part) p.123
39'. Eyes in 3 dyads (Figure 5-9G) 40
40(39'). Carapace strongly convex (Scytodes) p.123
40'. Carapace fiat 41
41(40'). PER strongly recurved; carapace pear-shaped (Figure 5-91) Sicariidae(Loxosceles)p.123
41'. PER slightly recurved; carapace oval Diguetidae(Oiguetia) p.123
r ..
42(38'), Size >5 mm; tracheal spiracles paired, conspicuous, located near book
lung openings (Figure 5-9H) 43
42', Size < 5 mm; tracheal spiracles inconspicuous, if paired, then not near
book lungs 44
43(42), Tarsi with 2 claws; leg 1IInot anteriorly directed Dysderidae(Dysdera) p.122
43'. Tarsi with 3 claws; leg 1IIanteriorly directed Segestriidae p.123
44(42'). Abdomen with sclerotized ridge on anterior dorsal surface Telemidae(Usofí/a) p.123
44'. Abdomen without sclerotized ridge 45
45(44'). Abdomen with 1 or 2 scuta Oonopidae(in part) p.123
45'. Abdomen without scuta 46
46(45'). Legs relatively long (PT/C > 1.5); PME usually posteriorly displaced
from LE, if eyes contiguous then occupying less than '/2 cephalon width Leptonetidae
(in part) p.123
46'. Legs shorter (PT/C "" 1); eyes in transverse arrangement, if contiguous
then occupying more than 1/2cephalon width 47
47(46'). Eyes in compact group; if in transverse row, then femur IV enlarged;
colulus absent; widespread in distribution Oonopidae(in part) p.123
47'. Eyes in transverse row; femur IV not enlarged; colulus large, broad; Ochyroceratidae p.123
southem Florida (Theotíma)
48(37'). Tibia I with 2 to 3 pairs of ventral spines 49
48'. Tibia I with fewer ventral spines 50
49(48). ALS contiguous, longer than PLS; eyes small, widely separated Cybaeidae p. 126
49', ALSslightly separated, shorter than PLS; eyes larger, in two triads of
contiguous eyes Dictynidae(in part) p.126
50(48'). Tarsus IV with ventral comb of serrated bristles (Figure 5-7B); male
palpus with large, rigid basal paracymbium Nesticidae(in part) p.126
. 50'. Tarsus IV without ventral comb; male palpus with smaller basal
paracymbium flexibly attached by membrane (Figure 5-7]) Linyphiidae(in part) p.126
51(13). Male palpus with bulb exposed, not enveloped by cymbium
(Figure 5-71); female without epigynum (haplogynes) 52
51'. Male palpus with bulb partially enveloped by cymbium (Figure 5-7]);
female with epigynum (entelegynes) 55
52(51). Eyes contiguous with AME surrounded by the others Caponiidae(Ca/ponía) p.122
52'. Eyes not so arranged 53
53(52'). Eyes in 3 groups, with AME forming a dyad and the others 2 triads
(Figure 5-9F); chelicerae fused at base (Figure 5-9F) Pholcidae(in part) p.123
53'. Eyes in 2 transverse rows; chelicerae fused or not 54
54(53'). Chelicerae fused at base; endites converging apically Plectreuridae p.123
54'. Chelicerae not fused; endites parallel (in part) p.125
55(51'). Chelicerae fused at base (Figure 5-9F); eyes in 3 groups with AME
forming a dyad and the others 2 triads (Figure 5-9F); legs long and
slender, PT/C > 1.6, with flexible tarsi (Note: Although pholcids are
haplogynes, some have complex genitalia and may be mistaken for
entelegynes) Pholcidae(in part) p.123
55'. Chelicerae not fused; eyes not so arranged; legs usually shorter with
rigid tarsi 56
56(55'). Tarsi with at most a single trichobothrium 57
56'. Tarsi with 2 or more trichobothria (Figure 5-7C) 67
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 117
57(56). PLS with long apical segment, about as long as abdomen; eyes clustered
on a mound at center of cephalon; Texas, Florida Hersiliidae(Tama) p.124
57/, PLS shorter; eye arrangement different; widespread in distribution 58
58(57). Anterior tibiae and metatarsi with prolateral row of curved spines in
serrated series (Figure 5-7 A) Mimetidae p.125
58/. Anterior legs without such spines 59
59(58'). Tarsus IV with ventral comb of serrated bristles (sometimes not distinct,
lacking in Argyrodes) (Figure 5-7B); legs usually lacking spines;
chelicerae usually with basal extension; epigynum without scape 60
59/, Tarsus IV without ventral comb; legs with spines; chelicerae lacking
basal extension; epigynum sometimes with scape 61
60(59). Labium with anterior margin thickened; endites parallel; male palpus
with large basal paracymbium Nesticidae(in part) p.126
60', Labium with anterior margin unmodified; endites converging apically;
male palpus with paracymbium inconspicuous or represented by an
apical or ectal (outer) notch Theridiidae(in part) p.125
61(59/). Tarsi as long as or longer than metatarsi; tiny spiders, < 2 mm 62
61'. Tarsi shorter than metatarsi; size usually > 2 mm 63
62(61). Pedicel originating from opening on posterior slope of carapace;
male abdomen with scutum; male metatarsus 1without clasping spur; Anapidae
female without palpi (Gertschanapis) p.125
62'. Pedicel origin below edge of carapace; male abdomen without scutum;
male metatarsus 1 usually with clasping spur; female with palpi Mysmenidae p.125
63(61'). Sternum with a pair of pits at labial margin; tibia IV with long Theridiosomatidae
trichobothria; legs stout; size < 2.5 mm ( Theridiosoma) p.125
63'. Sternum without such pits; tibia IV without long trichobothria;
legs variable; size usually larger 64
64(63'). Clypeus higher than 4 diameters of AME; chelicerae usually with
stridulatory file on lateral surface, lacking condyle (Figure 5-7G);
legs weakly spined; tarsi cylindrical; leg break at patella-tibia joint;
sheet web builders 65
64/. Clypeus lower than 3 diameters of AME; chelicerae without stridulatory
file, usually with condyle (Figure 5-7H); legs with strong spines;
tarsi tapering distally; no leg break at patella-tibia joint; orb web builders 66
65(64). Male cymbium with integral retrolateral paracymbium; cymbium usuaUy
with a retromedian process armed with spines or cuspules; female
epigynum forming stout, tonguelike projection with apical openings;
size > 5 mm Pimoidae(Pimoa) p.126
65/. Male cymbium with retrolateral paracymbium attached by membrane
(Figure 5-7)); cymbium usually lacking retromedian process, if present
lacks spines or cuspules; female epigynum variable; size usually < 5 mm Linyphiidae(in part) p.126
66(64'). Endites square or rectangular; epigynum usually 3-dimensional,
usually with scape, a central fingerlike projection, fIat in Hypsosinga,
Mastophora, and Zygiella; palpal tibia cup-shaped with irregular distal
margin (except in Zygidla); builders of vertical orb webs Araneidae p.125
66'. Endites elongate, widest at distal edge; epigynum absent or a fIat plate
with at most a swelling (Meta) or pointed (Metleucauge);palpal tibia Tetragnathidae
conical; builders of horizontal orb webs (except Nephila) (in part) p.125
82(81). Anterior legs thicker and longer than posterior ones (Figure 5-11C);
tarsi lacking scopulae; chelicerae lacking teeth (except Isaloides) Thomisidae p.128
82'. Anterior legs not so enlarged, although leg II may be significantly longer
than the others; tarsi with scopulae; chelicerae with teeth or denticles 83
83(82'). Smaller spiders (size < 10 mm); cheliceral retromargin lacking teeth (in part) p.128
83'. Larger spiders (size usually > 10 mm); cheliceral retromargin with teeth
or denticles 84
84(83'). Metatarsi with dorsoapical trilobed membrane permitting hyperextension
of tarsi (Figure 5-7F); tarsi with thick claw tufts; cheliceral retromargin
with teeth; trochanters with deep notches, if not notched, then cheliceral
retromargin with denticles, not teeth (Pseudosparianthis);southwestern
United States and Florida Sparasiidae
(in part) p.128
84'. Metatarsi lacking dorsoapical trilobed membrane; tarsi lacking claw
tufts, but tarsal scopulae apically produced and may give the impression
of tufts; cheliceral retromargin with teeth; trochanters with shallow
notches; Arizona, New Mexico (Lauricius) p.126
85(81'). AME greatly enlarged, PER on lateral edge of carapace; carapace
anteriorlytruncate,facenearlyvertical(Figure 5-9B) Salticidae p.128
85'. Eyes and carapace not so modified 86
86(85'). PER strongly recurved, eyes appear as 3 rows with anterior edge of PLE
at or behind the posterior edge of PME 87
86'. PER variable, but not strongly recurved 90
87(86). Anterior tibia with at least 5 pairs of strong ventral spines 88
87'. Anterior tibia with fewer ventral spines 89
88(87). AER strongly recurved with ALE small and contiguous with PME and
PLE; size > 6 mm Ctenidae p.128
88'. AER straight to slightly recurved; size < 6 mm Zoridae(Zara) p.128
89(87'). Carapace narrow, longer than wide; grass spiders; widespread in Philodromidae
distribution (Tibellus) p.128
89'. Carapace broad, as long as wide; ground spiders; southern California to Homalonychidae
Arizona (Homalonychus) p.128
90(86'). Tracheal spiracle at middle of abdomen; claw tufts of broad,
lamelliform setae Anyphaenidae p.128
90'. Tracheal spiracle near spinnerets; claw tufts of normal setae 91
91(90'). ALScylindrical, noticeably separated (may appear contiguous in Micaria
and some Orodrassus) (Figure 5-8B); PME usually modified, either
elliptical, oval or triangular; cheliceral margins usually weakly toothed,
with only denticles, or lacking armature, sometimes keeled or with
only 2-3 teeth; endites usually with distinct oblique median depression
(not conspicuous in Callilepis); claw tufts always present 92
91', ALSconical, contiguous at base (Figure 5-8A, C); PME usually round,
if oval then anterior tibiae with 5-6 pairs of ventral spines; cheliceral
margins strongly toothed; endites nearly parallel, often widened distally,
usually lacking transverse median depression (if so, then anterior tibiae
with 5-6 pairs of ventral spines); claw tufts present or absent 93
92(91). PER straight or recurved, rarely procurved (Scopoides);ALSwith
few moderately elongated spigots; tarsal claws and at least cheliceral
promargin toothed Gnaphosidae
(in part) p.128
92'. PERstronglyprocurved;ALSwith numerousconspicuouslyelongated
spigots; tarsal claws and cheliceral margins lacking teeth (in part) p.128
120 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
93(91'). PLSdistinctly 2-segmented, distal segment conical (Figure 5-8A) Miturgidae p.127
93'. PLS l-segmented or, if 2-segmented, distal segment rounded 94
94(93'). Legs lacking spines, but anterior tibiae with ventral cusps Corinnidae (Trachelinae) p. 128
94'. Legs with spines 95
95(94'). Anterior tibiae with more than 4 pairs of ventral spines 96
95'. Anterior tibiae with fewer than 4 pairs of ventral spines 98
96(95). Margin of stemum with triangular processes pointing toward ,:oxae Corinnidae(Corinninae,
(precoxal triangles); trochanters with at most shallow notches Phrurolithinae) p. 128
96'. Precoxal triangles absent; trochanters deeply notched 97
97(96'). Size > 5 mm; tarsi not pseudosegmented Tengellidae(in part) p. 126
97'. Size < 4 mm; tarsi pseudosegmented, posterior ones bent Liocranidae(Apostenus)p. 128
98(95'). Abdomen of adults with scutum, covering entire abdomen of male and Corinnidae
only anterior portion of female (Castianeirinae) p. 128
98'. Abdomen of adult without scutum 99
99(98'). Endites concave ectally; precoxal triangles present (see couplet 96) Clubionidae p. 127
99'. Endites straight or convex ectally; precoxal triangles usually absent,
present in Hesperocranum,which has a distinctive dense brush of paired
ventral bristles on anterior tibiae and metatarsi Liocranidae (in part) p. 128
Infraorder Mygalomorphae
debris. If an insect comes in contact with the tube, the
These are the tarantulas and their allies. These spiders spider may bite through, grab the insect, and pull it
have large and powerful chelicerae with the fangs through the tube. Eight species occur in the eastern
parallel to each other and two pairs of book lungs (Fig- United States, extending as far north as Wisconsin and
ure 5-6C). Females are long-lived and molt after sex- New England.
ual maturity. Most species are large (5-34 mm), heavy- Family Mecicobothriidae:Members of this group
bodied, and stout-Iegged. Many species are burrowers; have one or two dorsal abdominal tergites; long, flexi-
some dose their burrows with a trapdoor or silk collar. ble, posterior spinnerets; a longitudinal thoracic fur-
This group is largely tropical, but 138 species occur in row; and separation between the sternum and labium.
North America. Most of these occur in the South and They build webs consisting of sheets and tubes under
Southwest, but a few occur as far north as Massachu- debris. They are small to medium-sized mygalomorphs
setts and southeastern Alaska. (4-18 mm) with six species known from western
Family Antrodiaetidae-Folding-Door Spiders: North America.
Members of this group have one to three dorsal ab- Family Dipluridae: Members of this group lack ab-
dominal tergites, some separation between the labium dominal tergites and have very long posterior spin-
and the sternum, and a longitudinal or pitlike thoracic nerets. They may build a sheet web with a funnel, or a
furrow. The burrows of these spiders are dosed with a silk tube. This family indudes the Appalachian species
pair of flexible, silken doors (Antrodiaetus) or with a MicrohexuramontivagaCrosby and Bishop, which is on
single thin door (Aliatypus), or remain open on a tur- the endangered species list because of habitat destruc-
ret (Atypoides). They are medium-sized mygalomorphs tion associated with the invasive balsam woolly adelgid
(6-16 mm) with 25 species widely distributed in North (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). At 4 mm, Microhexura monti-
America. vaga is the smallest mygalomorph in North America.
Family Atypidae-Purse-Web Spiders: These mod- Five species are known from North America.
erately large spiders (8-30 mm) have one dorsal ab- Family Ctenizidae:Spiders in the families Ctenizidae
dominal tergite, sometimes enlarged into a scutum in and Cytraucheniidae are trapdoor spiders, construct-
males. The sternum and labium are fused, and the tho- ing tunnels in the ground that are dosed by a door
racic furrow is transverse. These spiders build silken hinged with silk. The door fits snugly and is usually
~'.tI'! . ¡ubesthat may líe hO~W1tá\ly on the ground or extend well camouflaged. The tunnels may be simple or
ft{" . up the base of a tree. The tUbesare camouflagedwith branched, and may even contain side chambers that are
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 121
closed off from the main tunnel by hinged doors. These fication of the posterior pair of book lungs into a sys-
spiders can often be observed at night positioned at the tem of tracheae.
entrance of a slightly opened door. When they detect Family Hypochilidae-LampshadeSpiders: These
prey passing close by, they rush out, capture the prey, cribellate, long-legged spiders are the only araneo-
and take it down into the tunnel. Ctenizids are distin- morphs that retain the second pair of book lungs. The
gUished by rows of short, stout spines on the first and cribellum is undivided. North American species sit at
second tarsi and metatarsi, and by the presence of a the center of a circular mesh web, usually built on rock
strongly procurved thoracic furrow. There are 15 walls or the underside of overhanging ledges, often
species in the southern and western United States, in- along streams. They are moderately large (8-12 mm),
cluding two members of the genus Cyelocosmia, which spindly spiders. There are 10 North American species
has the posterior part of the abdomen strongly trun- in the Appalachians and Southwest.
cated and covered in a heavily sclerotized disco When
the spider is inverted, the abdomen fits tightly against
Clade Haplogynae
the walls of the burrow, forming a false bottom.
Family Cyrtaucheniidae: These trapdoor spiders The term haplogyne condition refers to the female re-
(see preceding entry) have a transverse or slightly productive system in which sperm is deposited and ex-
procurved thoracic furrow. Only the promargin of the pelled via the same passages (contrast with Entelegy-
chelicerae is toothed, although the retromargin may nae). This condition is primitive for spiders, being
have a row of low, rounded tubercles. There are 17 found in mesotheles, mygalomorphs, and hypochilids.
species in the southern and western United States. However, the grouping of the Haplogynae is supported
Family Nemesiidae:These spiders construct an as monophyletic by other lines of evidence, including
open burrow that lacks a trapdoor. They are distin- the fusion of parts of the male palp to form a pyriform
guished by a row of 4-7 stout setae on the upper inner bulb (Figure 5-71) and details of the spinnerets
surface of the chelicerae. There are five species in (Platnick et al. 1991). The Haplogynae include the
California. next 13 families listed.
Family Theraphosidae- Tarantulas:These distinc- Family Filistatidae:These small to medium-sized
tive, conspicuously hairy, two-clawed spiders are spiders (3-15 mm) have the eight eyes tightly grouped
among the largest u.s. species (8-34 mm). They build on a rounded hump, a nearly horizontal clypeus, weak
open burrows, although these may be closed during chelicerae fused medially, spinnerets and anal tubercle
the day by a thin sheet web or plugged with soil in the advanced from the posterior part of the abdomen to a
winter. Despite their reputation, the venom of North ventral position, and a divided cribellum. They are the
American tarantulas is not dangerous. However, they only araneomorph spiders in which the female molts
can produce clouds of urticating hairs by rubbing their after sexual maturity. They build sheet webs with radi-
abdomen with their hind legs. These hairs can irritate ating lines and a central funnel-shaped retreat. There
the mucous membranes of mammals, such as the eyes are seven species in the southern and western United
and respiratory passages. There are 57 species in the States.
southwestern United States. Family Caponiidae: This family includes our only
two-eyed spiders, although the number of eyes is vari-
Infraorder Araneomorphae able. The lateral face of the chelicera has a stridulatory
file. These small spiders (2-6 mm) lack book lungs,
This group contains the vast bulk of spider diversity. having the anterior and posterior respiratory organs
They differ from the Mygalomorphae in having modified into tracheae. Eight species are described
the chelicerae hinged at the base to move in and out, from the southwestern United States. They live in litter
rather than up and down as in mygalomorphs. and under stones.
They also have the fangs articulated so that they op- Family Dysderidae: This family is represented in the
pose each other, rather than moving in parallel (Fig- United States by one introduced species, Dysdera crocata
ure 5-6B). The Araneomorphae are also united by the C. L. Koch. This two-clawed, ecribellate species has six
origin of the cribellum (Figure 5-8A), a specialized eyes arranged in a tight cluster and very large, distally
spinning organ apparently modified from the anterior projecting chelicerae. The coxae of the two anterior
median spinnerets. Most spiders have three functional pairs of legs are longer and thinner than those of the two
pairs of spinnerets, although some mesotheles have posterior pairs (Figure 5-9H). They can be further dis-
nonfunctional remnants of this fourth pair. The tinguished from other spider families except Segestriidae
cribellum has been lost multiple times in spider evo- and Oonopidae by having paired tracheal openings 10-
lution. The Araneomorphae exclusive of Hypochili- cated just posterior to the book lungs (Figure 5-9H).
dae (and so me of its non-North American relatives) These spiders live under bark or stones, where they con-
forms the Araneoclada, which is united by the modi- struct a silken retreat and prey on isopods.
Key to Spider Families of North America 123
FamilySegestriidae:These three-clawed,ecribellate in the southem United States. Some live in caves; oth-
spidershave six eyes arranged in three dyads. They are ers are associated with rocks and leaf litter.
distinguished by having the third pair of legs directed FamilyTelemidae: Tiny (1-2 mm) three-clawed spi-
anteriorly. The tracheal system is as in dysderids. ders that may be six-eyed or blindo Legs are long and
Segistriids are widespread in the United States, with thin. The book lungs are modified into an anterior set
seven described species. of tracheae. The abdomen has a distinctive sclerotized
Family Oonopidae: Tiny 0.5-3 mm) ecribellate, "zigzag" above the pedicel. There are four species in
two-clawed spiders with six eyes arranged in a tight westem North America, usually associated either with
group. Many species have large sclerotized plates in caves or damp leaf litter. .
various configurations covering parts of the abdomen. Family Sicariidae:Small to medium-sized (5-12 mni.~
The tracheal system is as in dysderids. These spiders two-clawed spiders with six eyes arranged in three
can be found in leaf litter or buildings; some species are widely separated dyads (Figure 5-91). The chelicerae are
saltatory.There are 24 North American species, mostly fused basally; the lateral face has coarse stridulatory
in the southem United States. striae. The legs are relatively long and slender. This fam-
Family Pholcidae-Cellar Spiders: Small to medium- ily is represented in North America by the genus Lox-
sized (1.5-9 mm) ecribellate, three-clawed spiders oseeles, which includes the brown recluse (Figure 5-10).
with fused chelicerae, six or eight eyes (Figure 5-9F) , Loxoseeles contains some of the most poisonous species
and very long, thin legs with tarsi subdivided into found in North America. Nevertheless, as mentioned,
many pseudosegments. Unlike most haplogynes, the the frequency of envenomation has been exaggerated.
female genital regio n may be covered by a sclerotized Thirteen species of Loxoseeles can be found in the Mid-
"epigynum," as in most entelegyne spiders. However, west, Southwest, and Atlantic seaboard.
the ducts of pholcid genitalia are haplogyne. Pholcids Family Scytodidae-Spitting Spiders: Small (3.5-
build irregular webs and may vibrate their webs when 5.5 mm), three-clawed spiders with six eyes arranged in
disturbed. Eggs are carried in the chelicerae loosely three widely separated dyads, carapace domed in pro-
bound with silk. Pholcids are common in basements, file, highest posteriorly. The chelicerae are weak and
garages,and other such unimproved structures. Thirty- fused basally. The legs are long and slender. These slow-
four species are represented in North America. moving spiders do not construct snares, but capture
Family Diguetidae: Small to medium-sized (4- their prey by spitting out a mucilaginous substance that
10 mm) ecribellate, three-clawed spiders with six engulfs the prey and fastens it to the substrate. There
eyes arranged in three dyads, long thin legs, and first are five North American species.
tarsus of the male subdivided into many pseudoseg-
ments. The chelicerae are fused medially with a flexi- Clade Entelegynae
ble membrane; the outer surface has a stridulatory
The term entelegyne condition refers to the female gen-
file. A pair of tracheal spiracles are located anterior to
italia, which has separate ducts for the reception and
the spinnerets about one third the distance to the epi-
expulsion of sperrn. Entelegyne spiders usually have
gastric furrow. These spiders live in silken tubes at-
tached to a series of overlapping silken disks that are
arranged like shingles on a roof and attached to vege-
tation. There are seven species in the southwestern
United States.
Family Plectreuridae: Medium-sized (5.5-12 mm)
ecribellate, three-clawed spiders with eight eyes. The
chelicerae are as in diguetids. These spiders construct
silk tubes with silk radiating out at the entrance and
are often found in hot, arid habitats. There are 16
species in the southwestem United States.
Family Ochyroceratidae:Tiny (1-2 mm), ecribellate,
six-eyed, three-clawed spiders with long, thin legs.
These spiders resemble pholcids but lack pseudoseg-
mented tarsi. The chelicerae are free, although a me-
dian lamella is presento These spiders have a distinctive
purplish coloration. One species is found in Florida.
Family Leptonetidae: Tiny (1-3 mm), three-clawed
spiders that may be six-eyed, four-eyed, or blindo Most Figure5-10 Brown recluse spider, Loxosee/es recluse
six-eyed species have a posterior dyad set apart from an Gertsch and Mulaik. (Courtesy of U.5. Public Health
anterior row of four eyes. There are 34 species, mostly Service).
124 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
the female genitalia covered by a sclerotized plate, the Family Hersiliidae:These flat, ecribellate three-
epigynum. The origin of the entelegyne condition is clawed spiders are easily distinguished by their ex-
synapomorphic for a large group of spiders, but rever- tremely long, tapered posterior spinnerets, with the dis-
sal to the "haplogyne" condition has occurred several tal segment about as long as the abdomen. Two species
times. Entelegyne spiders usually have a very compli- are, rarely, collected in southern Texas and Florida.
cated male pedipalp, featuring inflatable sacs and nu-
merous sclerites. Prior to copulation, the sacs may fill Clade Orbiculariae
with hemolyrnph, radically altering the configuration
This large group of three-clawed spiders includes the
of the palpal bulbo The following spiders all belong to
orb-weavers (Figure 5-llB) and their descendents.
the Entelegynae.
The Uloboridae and Deinopidae have an undivided
Clade Eresoidea cribellum and comprise the Deinopoidea; the 11 re-
maining families are ecribellate and belong to the Ara-
This small group of spiders is mostly tropical and con- neoidea. Many araneoids have a paracyrnbium attached
tains some social species. lt includes cribellate and to the retrolateral part of the cymbium (Figure 5-7J);
ecribellate spiders in three families, two of which are this structure is of taxonomic importance.
represented in North America. Family Uloboridae-Hackled-BandOrb-Weavers: This
Family Oecobiidae: This familyof tiny 0-4.5 mm) four- or eight-eyed family lacks poison glands and builds
three-clawed spiders is distinguished by its enlarged, a complete or reduced orb web. The family of small to
jointed anal tubercle fringed with long curved hairs. medium-sized spiders (2-6 mm) is widespread in North
Four eyes are well developed, four are degenera te. America, with 14 species.
North American species have a divided cribellum, al- Family Deinopidae-Ogre-Faced Spiders: These
though other family members are ecribellate. This fam- night-active spiders are easily recognized by their ex-
ily is widely distributed and is often found in houses. tremely large posterior median eyes (Figure 5-9G).
There are eight North American species. They have an elongate body (12-17 mm) and long,
A e
Figure5-11 A, Black
widow spider, Latrodectus
sp. (Theridiidae), female
hanging from its web;
B, A garden spider, Argiope
aurantia Lucas; C, A crab
spider, Misumenops sp.
(Thomisidae); D, Ajump-
ing spider, Phidippus audax
(Hentz) (Salticidae).
(A, Courtesy of Utah
Agricultural Experiment
D Station.)
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 125
slender legs. They build a modified orb web, which licerae. The U.s. anapid species is a tiny (1-1.3 mm)
theyhold in their first two pairs of legs and cast like a eight-eyed spider found in Oregon and California. The
netto capture prey. There is one species in the south- book lungs are modified into tracheae, and the poste-
eastemUnited States. rior tracheal system is lost (variable within the family).
FamilyAraneidae:This is a diverse family,nearly all The abdomen of the male has a dorsal scutum; the fe-
ofwhichconstruct an orb web. Included in this group male has the dorsal surface of the abdomen coriaceous
arethe distinctive day-active spiny orb-weavers of the and lacks a pedipalp.
generaGasteracantha and Micrathena, the garden spi- Family Mysmenidae:These are minute (0.5-2 mm)
dersofthe genus Argiope, and the Bolas spiders (genus eight-eyed spiders with 50ft abdomens. Females have a
Mastophora).Bolas spiders have abandoned the orb pedlpalp. In most of our species, the male has a clasp-
web;theyuseaggressivechemicalmimicry to lure male ing spur on metatarsus I. The natural history of this
moths,which they disable by striking them with a group is diverse. Some build horizontal webs similar to
globuleof sticky silk swung on the end of a line. There those of anapids; others build a "three-dimensional"
are 164 araneid species widely distributed in North orb web, with radii not restricted to a single plane
Ameriea. (Eberhard 1982, 1986; Coddington 1986); still others
FamilyTetragnathidae:This family of orb-weavers have abandoned web building to live as kleptoparasites
includesNephila clavipes (L.), which builds a golden in the webs of other spiders. Five species are wide-
orb web that may be a meter in diameter. Female spread in North America.
Nephila are very large (22-26 mm), but the males are Family Mimetidae-Pirate Spiders: Mimetids are
muehsmaller (6-8 mm) and may be overlooked by characterized by a distinctive pattern of prolateral
colleetors.Nephila can be common in the southern macrasetae on the first and second pair of legs (Fig-
states.Nephila and most araneids build vertical orb ure 5-7 A). These setae are arranged in a repeating
webs;the remaining tetragnathids typically build hori- pattern with each series containing several sequen-
zontalorb webs. Members of the genus Tetragnatha tially longer setae. Mimetids are araneophagous, ag-
oftenbuild webs over water. These spiders are long- gressive mimics that typically invade the webs of
bodiedwith very long and protruding chelicerae, espe- other spiders. In the web, mimetid locomotion is typ-
ciallyin the males. There are 43 tetragnathid species ically very slow and characterized by frequent pauses.
widelydistributed in North America. The mimetid then jerks or plucks the web, apparently
FamilyTheridiosomatidae: These tiny (1-2.5 mm) imitating either a struggling insect or a courting maleo
orb-weaversare recognized by the presence of a pair of When the victim moves close enough, the mimetid
pitson the anterior part of the sternum adjacent to the delivers a lethal bite of fast-acting venom (Bristowe
!abium,by their truncated sternum, and long tri- 1958). The higher-Ievel classification of mimetids is
chobothriaon tibiae III and IV.In our genus, the spider controversial.
sitsat the center of a vertical orb pulled into a cone by Family Theridiidae-Cobweb Spiders: The follow-
athreademanating from the hubo There are two species ing four families have abandoned the orb web in favor
ineastemNorth America. of a mesh sheet or three-dimensional cobweb. Theridi-
FamilySymphytognathidae: Symphytognathiclsand ids typically build cobwebs, although some have
anapidsboth build small horizontal orb webs. These adopted a kleptoparasitic lifestyle. They are usually
webs aredistinctivebecause the spider builds a second eight-eyed (rarely six-eyed or blind) with a high
seriesof radii after the sticky spiral is laid down. As a clypeus; they may have a stridulatory organ above the
result,the spiral threads to not change direction at pedicel between the carapace and abdomen. Theridiids
everyradius, as they do in all other orb webs. Symphy- usually have a comb of serrated setae on the fourth tar-
tognathidwebs differ from anapid webs in having sus (Figure 5-7B). The tarsal comb is used to wrap
manymore of these secondary radii, and by the prey in silk before envenomation. They rarely have
absenceof any radii outside the plane of the web teeth on the retrolateral margin of the chelicerae; teeth
(Eberhard1982, 1986; Coddington 1986). Symphyto- on the promargin occur but are also rare. The para-
gnathidsare distinguished by the basal fusion of their cymbium, if present, is fused to the retrodistal part of
chelicerae,the absence of the female pedipalp (shared the cymbium; the palpal tibia never has apophyses.
withAnapidae), the modification of the book lungs The colulus is reduced or absent in some theridiids.
intotraeheae,and the loss of the posterior tracheal sys- This family includes the widow spiders (Latrodectus;
temoThere is one tiny (0.5 mm) four-eyed species in Figure S-HA), known for their potent venom (see ear-
Florida. lier section on medically important spiders). AIso rep-
FamilyAnapidae:Anapids are distinguished fram resented among the 250 or so North American
otherspiders by the presence of a spur arising from just theridiid species are social spiders (Anelosimus) and
abovethe oral cavity behind and between the che- kleptoparasites (Argyrodes).
126 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
Family Nesticidae: Nesticids may have eight, six, or Family Dictynidae:Dictynids are eight-eyed (occa-
four eyes or lack them altogether. They are typically sionally six-eyed or blind), three-clawed spiders. The
pale in color and many species are associated with family includes both cribellate and ecribellate mem-
caves. Nesticids share several characteristics with bers; when present, the cribellum is usually entire, but
theridiids, including a comb on tarsus IV; nesticids occasionally is divided. Some dictynids have lost the
have a well-developed colulus. Males are readily distin- tarsal trichobothria. There are over 280 North Ameri-
guished from theridiids by presence of a conspicuous can species.
paracymbium fused to the retrobasal part of the cym- Family Zodariidae:These three-clawed, ecribellate
bium. There are 37 species in North America, mostly spiders are distinguished by the absence of serrula on
endemic to the Appalachian region. the distal margin of the endites, and by the reduction
Familylinyphiidae: Linyphiidsare the most species- or absence of the posterior lateral and posterior median
rich spider family in North America (>800 species). spinnerets. There are five North American species.
Whereas some species build conspicuous sheet or Family Hahniidae:Hahniids are ecribellate, three-
dome-shaped webs, most species are tiny (1-3 mm) and clawed, sheet web builders. Many North American
live in leaf litter. The males of some species have bizarre hahniids are easily distinguished by the configuration
head modifications that are associated with mating. of the spinnerets in a transverse row and the advanced
Linyphiids are typically eight-eyed spiders (rarely six- position of the tracheal spiracle. Other hahniids lack
eyed or blind) with a high clypeus, stridulatory striae these characters, but are distinguished by rows of ven-
on the lateral face of the chelicerae (Figure 5-7G), and tral spines on metatarsus and tibia 1, by the presence of
a tendency for legs to break at the patella-tibia joint. an undivided colulus, and the absence of plumose
The male palp features a small, often hooklike para- hairs.
cymbium attached to the retrobasal part of the cym- Family Agelenidae: These three-clawed spiders are
bium by a membrane (Figure 5-7J). The palpal tibia characterized by the presence of a divided colulus (Fig-
may or may not have one or more apophyses. ure 5-8B). They typically have feathery hairs on the ab-
Family Pimoidae: These spiders resemblelinyphiids domen, elongated posterior spinnerets, and build a
but are larger than most of those species (4.5-10.5 mm). funnel web. Their webs can be quite numerous and
They share with linyphiids a high clypeus, stridulatory conspicuous. There are 89 North American species.
striae, and leg breakage at the patella-tibia joint; theyare Family Cybaeidae: These three-clawed spiders have
best separated from them by details of the genitalia. contiguous anterior spinnerets that are longer than the
The pimoid paracymbium is fused to the retrobasal posterior spinnerets and a more or less transverse, en-
part of the cymbium; the palpal tibia never has an tire colulus. There are 44 North American species.
apophysis. Thirteen species are represented in western Family Desidae:These three-clawed spiders are
North America. characterized by their greatly enlarged, distally project-
The remaining spiders all belong to a large clade of ing chelicerae. We have only two species in North
spiders that, along with some non-North American America. Paratheuma is a three-clawed, ecribellate spi-
groups, is the sister group to the Orbiculariae. This group der with widely separated anterior spinnerets. It is as-
does not have a formal taxonomic name at this time. Re- sociated with intertidal habitats in coastal Florida. Bad-
lationships among the taxa within this clade are not all umna has a divided cribellum and is introduced to
well defined, but some distinctive groups are noted. California.
FamilyTitanoecidae: Smallto medium-sizedspiders Family Amphinectidae: These three-clawed spiders
(3.5-8 mm) with a well-developed, divided cribellum. have a divided cribellum and 5-7 strong teeth on both
These spiders sometimes have short, inconspicuous cheliceral margins. The male palpus has a filiform em-
tarsal trichobothria. Males have ventral rows of short bolus enclosed in a membranous conductor. One
macrosetae on metatarsi and tibiae I and Il, reduced in species is introduced to California and the Gulf coastal
females. Four species are widespread in North America. region.
Family Amaurobiidae:Amaurobiids are three-
RTA (retrolateral tibial apophysis) clade clawed, cribellate or ecribellate spiders. They may
build large sheet webs, or live in silk tubes with only a
This large group of spiders all have a retrolateral few lines radiating from the opening. There are 124
apophysis on the male palpal tibia and have tri- North American species.
chobothria on the tarsi, usually increasing in length Family Tengellidae:North American species are
distally (Figure 5-7 C). Some families have two rows of ecribellate spiders with two or three claws, claw tufts,
trichobothria or an irregular cluster; others have the and two rows of tarsal trichobothria. There are 23
trichobothria secondarily reduced or lost. Lycosids North American species, including several associated
have lost the retrolateral tibial apophysis. with caves.
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 127
Family Zorocratidae: These large (5-13 mm) spi- Family Pisauridae-Nursery-Web and Fishing Spi-
ders have a large, divided cribellum, scopulate tarsi, ders: These medium to large (6.5-31 mm) spiders re-
and two rows of tarsal trichobothria. Tarsus 1has three semble wolf spiders, but differ in the eye arrangement:
claws; other tarsi have third claw absent. The che- The anterior eye row is variable, usually smaller than
licerae have lateral stridulatory striae. There are five the posteriors; the posterior row is strongly recurved,
speciesin the southwestern United States. with the eyes subequal in size (Figure 5-9D). The egg
sac is carried by the female under her cephalothorax,
held there by the chelicerae and pedipalps. Before the
Supeñamily Lycosoidea eggs hatch, the female attaches the sac to a plant,
The Lycosoidea includes the seven families listed builds a web around it, and stands guard nearby.
next. The primitive condition for this group is that of Pisaurids forage for their prey and build webs only for
a cribellate web builder. With the exception of one their young. Some spiders in this group, particularly
Iycosid in the southeastern United States and an in- the fishing spiders of the genus Dolomedes, are quite
troduced species of zoropsid, all North American large. Dolomedes live near water; they may walk over
members of this group are ecribellate wandering the surface of the water or dive beneath it to feed on
hunters. This group is united by specializations of aquatic insects and sometimes small fish. There are 13
the eyes and characteristics of the male genitalia. species in North America.
Most members have three tarsal claws, but there are Family Trechaleidae: Large (14-16 mm), flattened,
exceptions. fast-moving, three-clawed spiders with long, flexible
FamilyCtenidae-Wandering Spiders: These medium tarsi. There is one species in the Arizona, found near
to large (6.5-30) spiders are recognized by their eye permanent streams in xeric regions. Females may carry
arrangement in which tiny anterior lateral eyes are al- a disc-shaped egg case attached to the spinnerets.
most contiguous with both the posterior median and Family Lycosidae-Wolf Spiders: Lycosids are dis-
posterior lateral eyes. They have two claws and claw tinctive three-clawed spiders recognized by their eye
tufts; scopulae vary from absent to dense and extend- pattern: anterior eyes small in a more or less straight
ing onto the metatarsi. Tarsal trichobothria are scat- row; posterior median eyes very large, posterior lateral
tered, not in a defined row. This group is chiefly trop- eyes smaller, positioned well behind the posterior me-
ical; seven species occur in the southern United dians (Figure 5-9C). The male palp lacks a tibial
States. apophysis. Most North American species are foragers,
Family Zoropsidae: These two-clawed spiders have except Sosippus,which constructs a sheet web with a
6-7 pairs of ventral spines on the anterior tibiae; a funnel-shaped retreat. The egg sac is carried by the fe-
calamistrum consisting of an oval patch, rather than male, attached to her spinnerets. When the young
one or two rows of setae; and a divided cribellum. A hatch, they are carried for a time on the back of the fe-
single species has be en introduced to California. maleo Lycosids are widely distributed, with over 250
Family Miturgidae: These ecribellate, two-clawed species in North America. They occur in many differ-
spiders have dense scopulae and claw tufts. The poste- ent habitats and are often quite common.
rior spinnerets are distinctly two-segmented and the
distalsegment is conical (Figure 5-8A). The absence of Clade Dionycha
a thoracic furrow is indicative of Cheiracanthium, a mi-
turgid genus of minor medical importance. There are The Dionycha include the 13 families listed next. This
10species in North America. is a large group of two-clawed, eight-eyed (North Amer-
Family Oxyopidae-Lynx Spiders: These three- ican fauna), ecribellate spiders; it is probably not mono-
clawed spiders can be recognized by the eye arrange- phyletic. Unless otherwise noted, they have scopulae
ment, with the anterior lateral and posterior pairs of (at least on tarsi 1 and ll, often on the metatarsi also)
eyesforming a hexagon, and the anterior median eyes and claw tufts. All North American representatives for-
below the anterior laterals (Figure 5-9A). The ab- age without a web, although this does not hold true
domen often tapers to a point posteriorly, the legs have worldwide. Sparassidae, Selenopidae, Philodromidae,
many long macrosetae, and the tarsi have two rows of and Thomisidae are crab spiders with laterigrade legs
trichobothria; some are a distinctive bright green. Most (Figure 5-100; the remaining families have the typical
Iynxspiders forage over foliage and ambush their prey; prograde orientation. Laterigrade legs are rotated so
others sit and wait on limbs or twigs. Members of the that the morphologically pro lateral surface is dorsal.
genus Oxyopes are strong jumpers. North American Family Clubionidae: These small to medium
species do not construct a web or retreat, although (2.5-10.5 mm) spiders have dense claw tufts and thin
web-building species can be found in the tropics. Eigh- scopulae. They are usually pale yellow or light gray.
teenspecies occur in North America. Clubionids typically spend the day in silk tube retreats
and forage for prey at night. There are 61 species in are flattened, nocturnal, fast-moving, two-clawed spi-
North America. ders that lack a colulus. There are six species in the
Family Anyphaenidae:These spiders resemble clu- southern United States.
bionids, but have the tracheal spiracle advanced at least Family Sparassida~iant Crab Spiders:These large
half way between the spinnerets and the epigastric fur- spiders 00-25 mm) are distinguished by a unique
row, and the hairs of the claw tufts are somewhat flat- trilobed membrane on the dorsoapical part of the
tened. Tarsus and metatarsus I and Il have sparse scop- metatarsi (Figure 5-7F). Eleven species are generally con-
ulae. Their behavior is similar to clubionids, retreating fined to the southern United States, but are sometimes
to silk tubes by day and foraging at night. There are 39 found in the North associated with shipments ofbananas.
species in North America. Family Philodromidae:These somewhat flattened
Family Corinnidae:The legs usually have numerous spiders have dense scopulae and claw tufts. The eyes
ventral macrosetae (absent in Trachelas), dense claw are usually subequal in size and not on tubercles. Teeth
tufts, and sparse scopulae. The abdomen often has scler- are present on the promargin of the chelicerae, absent
otized plates. Some species are ant mimics. North Amer- from the retromargin. The legs are either subequal in
ica has 122 species.. length, or leg Il is much longer than the others. There
Family Liocranidae:These spiders typically lack are nearly 100 species in North America.
paired ventral macrosetae on tibiae and metatarsi I and FamilyThomisidae: Thesesomewhatflattenedspiders
Il; scopulae and claw tufts are absent or very thin. The lack scopulae and claw tufts. The lateral eyes are often
abdomen often has iridescent setae or one or more larger than medians and positioned on tubercles (Fig-
scuta. There are eight species in North America. ure 5-9E) The chelicerae are almost always without
Family Zoridae:These small to medium-size (2.5- teeth, or have both margins toothed. Legs I and Il are
7 mm) spiders have the anterior eye row nearly straight longer and thicker than legs III and IV (Figure 5-11C).
and the posterior eye row strongly recurved. The tibiae One common species in this group is the goldenrod spi-
have 6-8 pairs of overlapping macrosetae. There are der, Misumena vatia (Clerk), which is white or yellow
two species in North America. with a red band on either side of the abdomen. This spi-
Family Gnaphosidae: These spiders have the poste- der is a sit-and-wait predator, often occupying a flower
rior median eyes flattened and irregularly shaped. The and attacking pollinators. This spider can change color,
anterior spinnerets are cylindrical, sclerotized, and sep- over a period of a few days, depending on the color of the
arated by at least their width (Figure 5-8B). The en- flower. There are over 140 species of thomisids in North
dites usually have an oblique depression on the ventral America.
surface. These spiders are usually dark, but some have Family Salticidae-Jumping Spiders: These stout-
light markings on the abdomen. The males sometimes bodied, short-Iegged spiders have a distinctive eye pat-
have a dorsal scutum. Unlike prodidomids, gnaphosids tern, with the anterior median eyes by far the largest
have teeth on the tarsal claws and at least the promar- (Figures 5-9B, 5-11D). The body is rather hairy and is
gin of the chelicerae toothed. These spiders are typi- often brightly colored or iridescent. Some species are
cally active at night. Over 250 species are in North antlike in appearance. Jumping spiders forage for prey
America. in the daytime. They approach their prey slowly, and
Family Prodidomidae:These spiders are closely re- then suddenly leap onto it. They can jump many times
lated to gnaphodids, but are distinguished in having their own body length. Before jumping, they attach a
the posterior eye row strongly procurved, both che- silk thread dragline, which they can use to climb back
liceral and tarsal claw teeth are absent, and by details to their starting position. Salticids are the world's most
of the spinnerets. Two species live in the southern diverse spider family, with over 330 representatives in
United States. North America.
Family Homalonychidae:Moderately large (6.5-
9 mm) spiders with strongly converging endites; they Order Ricinulei14-Ricinuleids
lack serrula on the anterior margin of the endites, teeth
on the tarsal claws, and a colulus. Juveniles and adult This is a small group of rare tropical arachnids. They
females are usually covered with fine soil, which ad- are somewhat ticklike in appearance, and one of their
heres to modified setae, providing effective camouflage. distinctive features is a movable flap at the anterior end
There are two species in the southwestern United of the prosoma that extends over the chelicerae. The
States. tarsi of the third pair of legs in the male are modified as
Family Selenopidae:These spiders have the one copulatory organs. One species, Cryptocellus dorotheae
pair of posterior eyes advanced so that the anterior eye
row appears to include six eyes; the posterior eye row 14Ricinulei: Rícin, a kind of mite or tick; uleí, small (a diminutive
includes two relatively large, widely spaced eyes. They suflix).
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 129
Order Opiliones15-Harvestmen,
Ihese arachnids have the body rounded or oval, with the
prosomaand opisthosoma broadly joined. There are usu-
alIytwo eyes, generally located on each side of a median
elevation.Scent glands are present, their ducts opening
to the outside above the first or second coxae. These
glandssecret a peculiar-smelling fluid when the animal is
disturbed. Most species are predaceous or feed on dead
animalsor plant juices. The eggs are laid on the ground
in the fall and hatch in the spring. Most species live ayear
or two. This order is divided into three suborders, the
Cyphophthalmi, the Laniatores, and the Palpatores.
SuborderCyphophthalmi-Mite Harvestmen
Ihese are small, short-legged, mitelike forms, 3 mm in
lengthor less, which differ from the other two suborders
in having the scent glands opening on short conical pro-
cesses.The eyes, if present, are far apart and indistinct.
Ihis group is represented in the United States by four Figure 5-12 A harvestman or daddy-longlegs (Order
species,which occur in the Southwest and the Far West. Opiliones). A, Lateral view; B, Anterior view. eh, che-
SuborderLaniatores licera; 1,front leg; De,eyes or ocelli; pdp, pedipalp. The
Ihis group is mainly tropical, but more than 60 species harvestmen typically have two eyes located on a tubercle,
and the chelicerae are clawlike, as shown in B.
occur in the southern and western states, many of them
in caves. These differ from the Palpatores in having the
tarsi on the third and fourth legs with two or three million more are still undescribed. The body is usually
claws (or one claw with three teeth). The pedipalps are oval, with little (Figures 5-13,5-14) or no (Figures 5-15
largeand robust, and their tarsi are armed with a strong through 5-20) differentiation of the two body regions.
claw.The legs are not unusually long. Newly hatched young, called larvae, have only three
SuborderPalpatores-Daddy-Longlegs pairs of legs (Figures 5-17B, 5-20A) and acquire the
Ihis group includes the harvestmen commonly called fourth pair after the first molt. A few mites have fewer
daddy-longlegs, which have very long and slender legs than three pairs of legs (Figure 5-18). The instars be-
(Figure5-12A). About 150 species occur in North Amer- tween larva and adult are called nymphs.
ica.These forms have the second pair of legs the longest, The Acari occur in practically all habitats in which
and the tarsi of alllegs have just one claw. The pedipalps any animal is found and rival the insects in their varia-
are smaller, their tarsi having a weak claw or none. Four tions in habits and life histories. This group includes
families of this suborder occur in North America, but both aquatic and terrestrial forms, and the aquatic
most U.5. species belong to the Phalangidae. forms occur in both fresh and salt water. icari are abun-
dant in soil and organic debris, where they usually out-
Order Acari16-Mites and Ticks number other arthropods. Many are parasitic, at least
during part of their life cycle, and both vertebrates and
Ihe Acari constitute a very large group of small to invertebrates (including insects) serve as hosts. Most
minute animals. More than 30,000 have been de-
of the parasitic forms are external parasites of their
scribed, and it has be en estimated that perhaps half a hosts. Many of the free-living forms are predaceous,
and some of these prey on undesirable arthropods.
"Opiliones: from the Latin, meaning a shepherd. Many are scavengers and help break down forest liuer.
"Acari: from the Greek, meaning a mite. Many are plant feeders, and some of these harm crops.
130 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
Some of the parasitic forms are pests of humans and Group IlI. Acariformes
other animals, causing damage by their feeding and Suborder Prostigmata (Trombidiformes,
sometimes serving as vectors of disease. This group is Actinedida)
of considerable biological and economic importance. Suborder Astigmata (Sarcoptiformes,
The groups of Acari have been variously arranged Acaridida)
by different authorities; we follow here the arrange- Suborder Oribatida (Oribatei, Cryptostigmata)
ment ofBarnes (1987), but call the three major groups
of Acari "groups" rather than orders. This arrangement Groupl. Opilioacariformes
(with other spellings, names, or arrangements in The members of this group (Figure 5-13) are elongate
parentheses) is as follows: and somewhat leathery, and have the abdomen seg-
Order Acari-mites and ticks mented. They are brightly colored and are superficially
Group I. Opilioacariformes (Opilioacarida, Noto- similar to some of the harvestmen (Opiliones). They
are usually found under stones or in debris, and are
stigmata; Parasitiformes in part)
Group 11.Parasitiformes omnivorous or predatory. The U.s. species occur in the
Suborder Holothyrina (Holothyrida, Tetrastig-
mata) Group11.Parasitiformes
Suborder Mesostigmata (Gamasida) These are medium-sized to large mites that have an un-
Suborder Ixodida (Ixodides, Metastigmata)- segmented abdomen, and the tracheal system has ven-
ticks trolateral spiracles.
Figure5-14 The American dog tick, Dennacentor variabilis (5ay) (Ixodidae). A, Larva;
B, Nymph; e, Adult (unengorged). (Courtesy of U5DA.)
are soft-bodied, and the mouthparts are ventrally 10- are widely distributed, multivoltine, and sometimes oc-
cated and are not visible from above. cur in tremendous numbers. The eggs are laid on the
plant and, during the warm days of summer, hatch in 4
Group 11I.Acariformes or 5 days. There are fOUTinstars (Figure 5-17), and
These are small mites that have the abdomen unseg- growth from egg to adult usually requires about three
mented, and the spiracles are near the mouth parts or weeks. Most species overwinter in the egg stage. The
absent (Figure 5-16). immature instars are usually yellowish or pale in color,
SUBORDERProstigmata:This is a large group and the adults are yellowish or greenish. (These ani-
whose members vary considerably in habits. Some are mals are sometimes called red mites, but they are sel-
free-living (in litter, moss, or water) and vary in food dom red.) Sex in these mites is determined by the fer-
habits; some are parasitic; and some are parasitic as lar- tilization of the egg. Males develop from unfertilized
vae but predaceous as adults. This group includes the eggs, and females from fertilized eggs.
spider mites, gall mites, water mites, harvest mites, The gall mites (Eriophyoidea) are elongate and
feather mites, and others. wormlike and have only two pairs oflegs (Figure 5-18).
The spider mites (Tetranychidae) are plant feed- A few species form small, pouchlike galls on leaves, but
ers, and some species do serious damage to orchard the majority feeds on leaves without forming galls and
trees, field crops, and greenhouse plants. They feed on produces a rusting of the leaves. Some attack buds, and
the foliage or fruits and attack a variety of plants. They one forms the conspicuous witches' -broom twig gall on
r - - - - - - - - - _1_ - - - - - - - - - - -,
I Figure 5-16 A generalized
acariform mite. A, Anterior
view; B, Lateral view.
ch, socket of chelicera;
L__,__~L r ~ ex, coxa; DS], disjugal fur-
GNATHOSOMA PODOSOMA row; Jm, femur; p, socket
L ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __J
of palp; ptar, pretarsus;
ptl, genu or patella; tb, tibia;
L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __~ tr, trochanter; ts, tarsus.
B (Courtesy of Johnston.)
Keyto SpiderFamiliesof NorthAmerica 133
small, round-bodied, usually brightly colored (red or
green), and often quite common in ponds. They crawl
on the bottom and on aquatic vegetation and lay their
eggs on the undersides of leaves or on aquatic animals
(mainly freshwater mussels). Water mi te larvae
ti e D E
(mostly in the genus Arrenurus) are often abundant on
the bodies of dragonflies and damselflies. They crawl
from the nymph to the adult when the latter emerges
and may remain there for a couple of weeks, feeding on
the body fluids of the insect and eventually dropping
off and developing into adults (if they happen to get
into a suitable habitat).
Figure5-17 The fourspotted spider mite, Tetranychus The harvest mites (also called chiggersor redbugs)
canadensis(McGregor). A, Egg; B, First instar or larva; (Trombiculidae) are ectoparasites of vertebrates in the
e, Secondinstar, or protonymph; D, Third instar, or larval stage, whereas the nymphs and adults are free-
deutonymph; E, Fourth instar, adult female. (Courtesy of living and predaceous on small arthropods and arthro-
USDA,after McGregor and McDunough.) pod eggs. Harvest mites lay their eggs among vegeta-
tion. Gn hatching, the larvae crawl over the vegetation
and attach to a passing host. They insert their mouth-
hackberry. Many gall mites are serious pests of orchard parts into the outer layer of the skin, and their saliva
trees or other cultivated plants. partly digests the tissues beneath. The larvae remain on
The water mites (Hydrachnidia, with 45 families the host for a few days, feeding on tissue fluid and di-
in nine superfamilies) include a number of common gested cellular material, and then drop off. These mites
and widely distributed freshwater species and a few are small (Figure 5-19A) and are seldom noticed. Their
marine forms. A few species occur in hot springs. The bites, however, are quite irritating, and the itching per-
sists for some time after the mites have left. Gn people,
these mites seem to prefer areas where the clothing is
tight. A person going into an area infested with chig-
gers can avoid being attacked by using a good repel-
lent, such as dimethyl phthallate or diethyl toluamide.
This material can be put on the clothing, or the cloth-
ing can be impregnated with it. A good material to re-
duce the itching caused by chiggers is tincture of ben-
zyl benzoate. In Asia, the Southwest Pacific, and
Australia, certain harvest mites serve as vectors of
scrub typhus, or tsutsugamushi disease. This disease
caused more than 7,000 casualties in the V.s. armed
forces during World War n.
The feather mites 09 families, in the superfamilies
Analgoidea, Pterolichoidea, and Freyanoidea) consti-
tute a large group whose members occur on the feath-
ers or skin or (rarely) in the respiratory system ofbirds.
Many are found on particular feathers or feather areas
of their hosts. They are seldom of economic impor-
tance, although they often occur in considerable num-
bers on poultry or avian pets. They appear to be scav-
engers, feeding on feather fragments and oily
secretions on the feathers. Some of those occurring on
aquatic birds feed on diatoms.
The Tarsonemidae is a large family of mites that
Figure5-18 A gall mite, PhyllocoptesvariabilisHodgkiss, includes species associated with insects or plants, and
a species attacking sugar maple; 460 X . A, Dorsal view; some cause human dermatitis. Some species live in the
B, Ventral view. (Redrawn fram Hodgkiss 1930.) galleries of bark beetles, where they feed on the bark
A B e
certain tapeworms that infest sheep, cattle, and other Florida). They are called by a variety of names: wind-
ruminants. scorpions (they run "like the wind"), sunscorpions, sun-
spiders, and camelspiders. They are 20-30 mm in
Order Pseudoscorpiones17-Pseudoscorpions length, are usually pale colored and somewhat hairy,
and the body is slightly constricted in the middle (Fig-
The pseudoscorpions are small arachnids, seldom ure 5-4C). One of their most distinctive features is
more than 5 mm in length. They resemble true scorpi-
their very large chelicerae (often as long as the pro-
ons in having large chelate pedipalps, but the opistho-
soma), giving them a very feroeious appearance. They
somais short and oval, there is no sting (Figure 5-21),
may bite, but they do not have venom glands. The
and the body is quite flato The pseudoscorpions differ
males have a flagellum on the chelicera. The fourth legs
fram most other arachnids in lacking a patellar seg-
bear, on the ventral side of the coxae and trochanters,
mentin the legs. Eyes may be present or absent; if pres-
ent, there are two or four, located at the anterior end of five short, broad, T-shaped structures (attached by the
base of the T) called racket organs or malleoli, which are
the prosoma.
probably sensory in function.
The Pseudoscorpiones are a fair-sized group,
Windscorpions are largely nocturnal, hiding dur-
with about 200 speeies in North America, and its
ing the day under objects or in burrows. They are fast-
members are common animals. They live under bark
and stones, in leaf litter and moss, between the boards running and predaceous, sometimes even capturing
small lizards. The pedipalps and first legs are used as
of buildings, and in similar situations. They some-
feelers, and these animals run on the last three pairs of
times cling to and are carried about by large insects.
legs. Two families occur in the United States, the Am-
They feed chiefly on small insects, which they catch
motrechidae (first legs without claws, and anterior
with their pedipalps. Most speeies have venom glands
edge of prosoma rounded or pointed) and the Eremo-
that open on the pedipalps. These animals have silk
batidae (first legs with one or two claws, and anterior
glands, the ducts from which open on the che-
edge of prosoma straight).
licerae.18The silk is used in making a cocoon in
which the animal overwinters.
Class Pycnogonida20-Sea Spiders
ORDERSolifugaeI9-Windscorpions: This is a fair-
sized group of arachnids (about 120 speeies in North The pycnogonids are marine, spiderlike forms with
America) whose members occur chiefly in the arid or long legs. They are occasionally found under stones
desert regions of the West (one speeies occurs in near the low-tide mark, but usually occur in deep wa-
ter. They are predaceous and have a sucking proboseis.
The body consists prineipally of prosoma; the opistho-
17Pseudoscorpiones: pseudo, false; scorpiones, scorpion. soma is very small. The sea spiders vary in length from
¡'Another name given 10 this order, Chelonethida, refers to this fea-
ture: chelo, claw; neth, spin.
¡'Solifugae: sol, sun; fugae, flee (referring to the nocturnal habits of 20Pycnogonida: pycno, thick or dense; gonida, offspring (referring to
these animals) the eggs).
136 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
one to several centimeters. Uttle is known of their for preserving gall mites. Such mites are best collected
habits, because they are uncommon. by wrapping infested plant parts in 50ft tissue paper
and allowing them to dry. This dried material can be
kept indefinitely, and the mites may be recovered for
study by warming the dried material in Kiefer's solu-
Collecting and Preserving Chelicerates tion (50 grams of resorcinal, 20 grams of diglycolic
acid, 25 milliliters of glycerol, enough iodine to pro-
To obtain a large collection of chelicerates, one needs duce the desired color, and about 10 milliliters of wa-
primarily to collect in as many different types of habi- ter). Specialislf on mites prefer specimens in fluid,
tats as possible. Chelicerates are frequently very abun- rather than mounted on permanent microscopic slides,
dant, often as abundant as insects or more so. The gen- so that all aspects and structure can be studied.
eral collector of insects is likely to encounter more Chelicerates can be collected by means of a net,
spiders and mites than any other types of chelicerates; forceps, vial, or small brush, or by hand. For biting or
therefore, the following suggestions are concerned pri- stinging forms, it is safer to use some method other
marily with these groups. than collecting them with the fingers. Specimens col-
Chelicerates occur in a great variety of situations lected with a net can be transferred directly to a vial of
and can often be collected with the same techniques alcohol, or collected in an empty vial and later trans-
and equipment used in collecting insects. Many can be ferred to alcohol. Because some species are quite active,
taken by sweeping vegetation with an insect net. Many it is some times preferable to put them first into a
can be obtained with beating equipment, that is, using cyanide bottle and transfer them to alcohol after they
a sheet or beating umbrella beneath a tree or bush and have been stunned and are quiet. Specimens collected
beating the bush to knock off the specimens. The from the ground or debris may be picked up with for-
ground forms can be found running on the ground or ceps or coaxed into a bottle; the smaller specimens
under stones, boards, bark, or other objects. Many can (found in any situation) may be picked up with a small
be found in the angles of buildings and similar pro- brush moistened with alcohol.
tected places. Many of the smaller forms can be found Spider webs that are flat and not too large can be
in debris, soillitter, or moss and are best collected by collected and preserved between two pieces of glass.
means of sifting equipment such as a Berlese funnel One piece of glass is pressed against the web (which
(Figure 35-5) or a screen sieve or by means of pitfall will usually stick to the glass beca use of the viscous
traps. Many are aquatic or semiaquatic and can be col- material on some of the silk strands), and then the
lected in marshy areas with aerial collecting equipment other piece of glass is applied to the first. It is often de-
or in water with aquatic equipment. The parasitic sirable to have the two pieces of glass separated by thin
species (various mites and ticks) usually must be strips of paper araund the edge of the glass. Once the
looked for on their hosts. web is between the two pieces of glass, bind the glass
Many chelicerates are nocturnal, and collecting at edges together with binding tape. Spider webs are best
night may prove more successful than collecting dur- photographed when covered with moisture (dew or
ing the day. Very few are attracted to lights, but they fog) or dust. They can often be photographed dry if il-
can be spotted at night with a flashlight or a headlamp. luminated fram the side and photographed against a
The eyes of many spiders reflect light, and with a little dark background.
experience and a light, you can locate many spiders at
night. Scorpions are fluorescent and can be collected at Subphylum CrustaceaZ1-Crustaceans
night with a portable ultraviolet light to make them
visible. The crustaceans are a large and varied group of arthro-
Chelicerates should be preserved in fluids rather pods, with more than 44,000 known species. Most of
than on pins or points. Many forms, such as the spi- them are marine, but many occur in fresh water, and a
few are terrestrial. In addition to the larger and more
ders, are very soft-bodied and shrivel when dry. They
are usually preserved in 70 to 80% alcohol. There familiar types, such as lobsters, crayfish, (Figure 5-22)
should be plenty of alcohol in the bottle in relation to crabs, and shrimp, a multitude of small to minute
the specimen, and it is often desirable to change the al- aquatic forms are very important in aquatic food webs.
cohol after the first few days. Many workers preserve The appendages and body regions vary greatly in this
mites in Oudeman's fluid, which consists of 87 parts of group, but typically there are two pairs of antennae, the
70% alcohol, 5 parts of glycerine, and 8 parts of glacial functional jaws consist of endite lobes of the gnathal (jaw)
acetic acid. The chief advantage of this fluid is that the appendages, and many of the appendages are biramous. A
mites die with their appendages extended so that sub- 2lCrustacea: from the Latin, referring to the crustlike exoskeleton
sequent examination is easier. Alcohol is not suitable possessed by many of these animals.
Collecting and PreservingChelicerates 137
biramousappendage bears a process at its base (arising There are differences of opinion regarding the clas-
fromthe second segment of the appendage) that is more sification of these crustaceans, but four fairly distinct
or lessleglike, giving the appendage a two-branched ap- groups are usually recognized, the Anostraca, Noto-
pearance(Figure 5-1 C). There may be an exite lobe on straca, Conchostraca, and Cladocera. The first two of
thebasalsegment, as in trilobites, and in some cases this these are sometimes placed in a group called the Phyl-
functionsas a gil!. There are differences in this group in lopoda, and the last two are sometimes called the
thenature of the body regions. Sometimes there are two Diplostraca.
fairlydistinct (and nearly equal-sized) body regions, the The Anostraca,23 or fairy shrimps (Figure 5-23A),
cephalothoraxand the abdomen, with the cephalothorax have an elongated and distinctly segmented body, with-
bearing the antennae, gnathal appendages, and legs. out a carapace and with 11 pairs of swimming legs, and
Sometimesthe abdominal appendages occupy only a the eyes are on stalks. The fairy shrimps are often abun-
smallportion of the total body length. There is typically a dant in temporary pools. The Notostraca,24 or tadpole
terminaltelson. The cephalothorax in many crustaceans shrimps, have an oval convex carapace covering the an-
iscoveredby a shieldlike portion on the body wall called terior part of the body, 35 to 71 pairs of thoracic ap-
the carapace.The abdomen lacks paired appendages ex- pendages, and two long, filamentous caudal ap-
ceptin the Malacostraca. pendages. These animals range in size from about 10 to
The smaller crustaceans, particularly those in the 50 mm and live only in the westem states. The Con-
Branchiopoda, Copepoda, and Ostracoda, are abundant chostraca,25 or clam shrimps, have the body somewhat
in both salt and fresh water. The chief importance of flattened laterally and entirely enclosed in a bivalved
mostspecies is that they are food for larger animals and carapace and have 10 to 32 pairs of legs. Most species
thus are an important pan in the food webs leading to are 10 mm in length or less. The Cladocera,26 or water
fishand other larger aquatic animals. A few species are fleas (Figure 5-24A), have a bivalved carapace, but the
parasitic on fish and other animals, and the bamacles head is not enclosed in the carapace. There are four to
are often a nuisance when they encrust pilings, boat six pairs of thoracic legs. The water fleas are 0.2 to 3.0 mm
bottoms, and other surfaces. Many of the small crus- in length and are very common in freshwater pools.
taceanscan be easily maintained in indoor aquaria and Three groups of small crustaceans living in fresh wa-
arefrequently reared as food for other aquatic animals. ter have a bivalved carapace, and observers are likely to
confuse these groups. The Ostracoda (Figure 5-24B,C)
ClassBranchiopoda22 and Conchostraca have the body completely enclosed in
the carapace, whereas in the Cladocera (Figure 5-24A)
Most members of class Branchiopoda occur in fresh
the head is outside the carapace. The Ostracoda have
water. Males are uncommon in many species, and
only three pairs of thoracic legs; the Conchostraca have
parthenogensis is a common mode of reproduction.
10 to 32 pairs.
Both unisexual (parthenogenic) and bisexual repro-
duction occur in many species, and the factors control- 23 Anostraca:an, without; ostraca,shell.
lingthe production of males are not well understood. HNotostraca; not, back; ostraca, shell.
"Conchostraca: conch, shell or shellfish; ostraca, shell.
"Branchiopoda: branchio, gill; poda, foot or appendage '6Cladocera: dado, branch; cera, hom (referring to the antennae).
138 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
Figure5-24 Crustaceans. A, A
water flea or cladoceran, Daphnia
sp., 25x; B, An ostracod, Cypri-
dopsis sp., lateral view; C, Same,
but with left valve of carapace re-
moved. ans, anus; ant, antenna;
antl, antennule; at, alimentary
tract; bp, brood pouch; cm, cae-
cum; e, compound eye;fu, furca;
hr, heart; 1, first and second tho-
racic legs; Ibr, labrum; md, mandi-
ble; mx, maxilla; pa, postabdomen;
sh, bivalved shell; thap, thoradc
appendages; y, developing young.
B e (C, Modified from Kesling.)
Collectingand PreservingChelicerates 139
ClassCopepoda27 bers of this group are hermaphroditic; that is, each in-
dividual has both male and female organs. Some bar-
Someof the copepods are free-swimming, and others are
nacles, such as the goose barnacle (Figure 5-25A), at-
parasiticon fish. The parasitic forms are often peculiar
tach the shell to some object by a stalk. Others, such as
in body fono and quite unlike the free-swimming forms the rock barnacle (Figure 5-25B), are sessile and do
in generalappearance. This group includes both marine not have stalks.
andfreshwater forms. The female of most copepods car-
riesher eggs in two egg sacs located laterally near the The Smaller Crustacean Classes
endof the abdomen (Figure 5-23B). The parasitic cope-
pods,often called fish lice, live on the gills or the skin or lncluded in the smaller crustaceans are the classes
burrow ioto the flesh of their host. When numerous, Cephalocarida,30 Mystacocarida,31 Branchiura,32 Tantu-
theymayseriously injure the host. Some species serve as locarida,33 and Remipedia.34 The nine known species of
intermediatehosts of certain human parasites for exam- Cephalocarida are marine bottom-dwelling forms that
pie, the fish tapeworm, Diphyllobothnum latum (L.). often occur in very deep water. The Mystacocarida are
minute (mostly about 0.5 mm in length) marine forms
ClassOstracoda28 living in the intertidal zone. Nine species of these have
been described. The Branchiura are ectoparasites on
Theostracodshave a bivalved carapace that can be closed the skin or in the gill cavities of fish (both marine and
bya muscle, and when the valves are closed the animal freshwater fish). About 130 species are known. The
lookslike a miniatureclam (Figure5-24B,C).When the Tantulocarida (four known species) are ectoparasites
valvesof the carapaceare open, the appendagesare pro- of deep-water crustaceans. The Remipedia (eight
trudedand propel the animal through the water. Many known species) have a long and wormlike body, and
speciesare parthenogenic. Most of the ostracods are ma- live in island caves connected to the sea.
rine,but there are also many common freshwater species.
Class Malacostraca35
The Malacostraca, the largest of the crustacean classes,
Thebest-known members of the class Cirripedia29 are includes the larger and better known forms, such as the
the bamacles, the adults of which live attached to
lobsters, crayfish, crabs, and shrimps. They differ from
rocks,pilings, seaweeds,boats, or marine animals, and
whichare enclosed in a calcareous shell. A few species
areparasitic, usually on crabs or mollusks. Most mem- 30Cephalocarida: cephalo, head; carida, a shrimp.
3lMystacocarida: mystaco, mustache; carida, a shrimp.
17Copepoda:cope, oar; poda, foot or appendage. 32Branchiura: branchí, gill; ura, tail.
"Ostracoda: from the Greek, meaning shel\-like (referring to the 33Tantulocarida: tantula, little; carida, a shrimp.
clarnlikecharacter of the carapace). 34Remipedia: remí, an oar; pedía, foot or appendage.
"Cirripedia: cirri, a cur\ of hair; pedía, foot or appendage. 35Malacostraca: malac, 50ft; ostraca, shell.
the preceding classes (sometimes called the Ento- forms generally live under stones or among seaweed,
mostraca) in having appendages (swimmerets or where they are scavengers or omnivores, but a few are
pleopods) on the abdomen. There are typically 19 pairs wood-boring (apparendy feeding chiefly on the fungi
of appendages, the first 13 being cephalothoracic and in the wood), and some are parasitic on fish or other
the last 6 abdominal. The leglike appendages on the crustaceans. The most common isopods away from the
cephalothorax are often chelate. This class contains ocean are the sowbugs or woodlice-blackish, gray, or
some 13 orders. Only the more common ones can be brownish animals usually found under stones, boards,
mentioned here. or bark. Some sowbugs (often called pillbugs) can roll
ORDER Amphipoda:36The body of an amphipod is into a ball. In some areas sowbugs are important pests
elongate and more or less compressed; there is no cara- of cultivated plants.
pace; and seven (rarely six) of the thoracic segments ORDER Stomatopoda38-Mantis Shrimps: These are
are distinct and bear leglike appendages. The abdomi- predaceous marine forms, mosdy 5 to 36 cm in
nal segments are often more or less fused, and hence length, with the body dorsoventrally flattened. There
the six or seven thoracic segments make up most of the are three pairs of legs, in front of which are five pairs
body length (Figure 5-26). This group contains both of maxillipeds, the second of which is very large and
marine and freshwater forms. Many of them, such as chelate. A small cara pace covers the body in front of
the beach fleas (Figure 5-26B), live on the beach under the legs, and the abdomen is a litde wider than the
stones or in decaying vegetation. Most amphipods are carapace. The mantis shrimps are often brighdy co\-
scavengers. Some tropical species are common on the ored: green, blue, red, or patterned. This group is
floor of moist forests. principally tropical. U.5. species occur chiefly along
ORDERIsopoda:37The isopods are similar to the the southern coasts.
amphipods in lacking a carapace, but are dorsoven- ORDER Decapoda:39This order contains the largest
trally flattened. The last seven thoracic segments are and probably the best known of the crustaceans, the
distinct and bear leglike appendages. The abdominal lobsters, crayfish (Figure 5-22), crabs (Figure 5-28),
segments are more or less fused, and hence the thoracic and shrimps. The cara pace of a decapod covers the en-
segments (with their seven pairs of legs) make up most tire thorax. Five pairs of the cephalothoracic ap-
of the body length (Figure 5-27). The anterior abdom- pendages are leglike, and the first pair of these usually
inal appendages of the aquatic forms usually bear gills. bears a large claw. The abdomen may be well developed
The terminal abdominal appendages are often enlarged Clobsters and crayfish) or much reduced (crabs). This
and feelerlike. The isopods are small (most are less is a very important group, beca use many of its mem-
than 20 mm in length), and most are marine, but some bers are used as food, and their collection and distri-
live in fresh water and some are terrestrial. The marine bution underpin a large coastal industry.
3<>Amphipoda:amphi, on both sides, double; poda, foot or appendage. 3.Stomatopoda: stomato, mouth; poda, foot or appendage.
"Isopoda: iso, equal; poda, foot or appendage. 39Decapoda: deca, ten; poda, foot or appendage.
A B e
Figure 5-27 Isopods. A, Oniscus asellus L., a common sowbug; B, Asellus communis
Say,a common freshwater isopod; C, Cylisticus convexus (DeGeer), a pillbug capable of
rolling itself into a ball. (Courtesy of the Connecticut State Geology and Natural History
Survey. A, C, Courtesy of Kunkel 1918, after Paulmier; B, Courtesy of Kunkell918,
after Smith.)
Collectingand Preserving Crustacea towed by a boato Many larger forms are collected by traps.
Such traps (or "pots") are the standard means of collect-
Theaquatic crustaceans must be collected with various ing lobsters and crabs. The shore-dwelling and terrestrial
typesof aquatic collecting equipmenl. Most can be col- forms can be collected by hand or forceps or possibly (for
lected by a dip nel. A white enamel dipper is the best example, beach fleas) with an aerial insect neto Handle
meansof collecting many of the smaller forms. The dip- the larger forms with well-developed claws with care, be-
per is simply dipped into the water, and any small ani- cause the claw can inflict serious injury. The safest way to
malsin the dipper can be easily seen. Forms so collected pick up a large crayfish or lobster is from above, grasping
canbe removed by means of an eye dropper or (if fairly the animal at the back of the carapace.
large)by forceps. The smaller forms in ponds, lakes, and To obtain a variety of Crustacea, collect in a vllri-
the ocean are often collected in afine-mesh plankton net, ety of places. When collecting in water, investiga te
142 Chapter5 PhylumArthropoda
every possible aquatic niche. Some crustaceans are ies have done little to alleviate the considerable uncer-
free-swimming; some burrow in bottom mud; some tainty concerning the interrelationships among Crus-
live under stones; and many are found on aquatic veg- tacea, Myriapoda, and Hexapoda. Some researchers
etation. The shore-dwelling forms are usually under suggest that the myriapods are a polyphyletic or para-
stones, debris, or decaying vegetation along the shore. phyletic group; others that hexapods are most closely
Preserve crustaceans in fIuids (for example, 70 to related to a subset of crustaceans (and, therefore, that
95% alcohol). Most smaller forms must be mounted on Crustacea is paraphyletic).
microscope slides for detailed study. Some of the
Class Diplopoda41-Millipedes. The millipedes are
smaller Malacostraca can be preserved dry (for exam-
elongatt:, wormlike animals with many legs (Fig-
pIe, pinned), but specimens preserved in fIuid are more ure 5-29). Most millipedes have 30 or more pairs of
satisfactory for study.
legs, and most body segments bear 2 pairs. The body
is cylindrical or slightly fIattened, and the antennae
Subphylum Atelocerata40
are short and usually seven-segmented. The external
The members of this subphylum have a single pair of openings of the reproductive system are located at
antennae and uniramous (unbranched) appendages. the anterior end of the body, between the second and
According to Manton (1977), the mandibles of these third pairs of legs. One or both pairs of legs on the
species differ from those of Crustacea in that the entire seventh segment of the male are usually modified
appendage makes up the functional portion of the into gonopods, which function in copulation. Com-
mandible (and not only the basal portion). She placed pound eyes are usually present. The first tergum be-
the groups included here (following) together with the hind the head is usually large and is called the collum
Onychophora as the phylum Uniramia (concluding (Figure 5-30A).
that the Arthropoda is a polyphyletic taxon). We be- The head in most millipedes is convex above,
lieve this position has not been adequately supported. with a large epistomal area, and fIat beneath. The
In terms of her conclusion regarding the structure of bases of the mandibles form a part of the side of the
the mandible, both Crustacea and Hexapoda have sim- head. Beneath the mandibles, and forming the fIat
ilar expression patterns of the gene distal-less, falsifying ventral surface of the head, is a characteristic liplike
the hypothesis that one (the crustacean mandible) is structure called the gnathochilarium (Figure 5-30B,
gnathobasic, whereas the other represents the entire gna). The gnathochilarium is usually divided by su-
appendage of the mandibular segment. Further, Manton's tures into several areas: a median more or less trian-
conclusion requires evidence that one or more taxa gular plate, the mentum (mn); two laterallobes, the
now classified as arthropods are more closely related to stipites (stp); two median distal plates, the laminae
a nonarthropod group. Until such evidence is available, linguales (1l); and usually a median transverse basal
we continue to treat the Arthropoda as a monophyletic sclerite, the prebasalare (pbs), and two smalllatero-
unit and do not consider the onychophorans to be basal sclerites, the cardines (cd). The size and shape
arthropods. of these areas differ among groups of millipedes, and
Other than Onychophora, the Atelocerata includes the gnathochilarium often provides characters by
the Myriapoda and Hexapoda. Recent molecular stud- which the groups are recognized.
"'Atelocerata: ate/os, defective; keras, horn; referring to the fact that the ilDiplopoda: diplo, two; poda, foot or appendage (referring to the
second antennae are present in these taxa only as embryonic rudiments. fact that most body segments bear two pairs of legs).
1. Adults with 13 pairs of legs; integument soft; body hairs forming long
lateral tufts; 2-4 mm in length Polyxenida p.144
l' Adults with 28 or more pairs of legs; integument strongly sclerotized;
body hairs not forming long tufts; larger millipedes 2
2(1'). Body with 14-16 segments and with 11-13 tergites; male gonopods at
caudal end of body, modified from last 2 pairs of legs; southern and
western United States Glomerida p. 144
2' Body with 18 or more segments; male gonopods modified from legs on
seventh segment 3
3(2'). Head small, often concealed, the mandibles much reduced; 8 pairs of
legs anterior to the male gonopods 4
3'. Head and mandibles of normal size; 7 pairs of legs anterior to the
male gonopods 5
4(3). Tergites with median groove; gnathochilarium with most of the typical
parts; usually pink in color Platydesmida p.145
4'. Tergites without median groove; gnathochilarium consisting of a single
plate or several indistinctly defined plates; usually cream colored Polyzoniida p.145
5(3'). Body with 18-22 segments; eyes absent; body more or less flattened,
with lateral carinae Polydesmida p.144
S'. Body usually with 26 or more segments; eyes usually present; body
usually cylindrical or nearly so, and only rarely (soIJ'leChordeumida)
with lateral carinae 6
6(5'). Terminal segment of body with 1-3 pairs of setae-bearing papillae;
lateral carinae sometimes present; collum not overlapping head;
sternites not fused with pleurotergites; body with 26-30 segments Chordeumida p. 145
6'. Terminal segment without such papillae; lateral carinae absent; collum
large, hoodlike, usually overlapping head; sternites usually fused with
pleurotergites; usually 40 or more body segments 7
7(6'). Stipites of gnathochilarium broadly contiguous along midline behind
laminae linguales Julida p.145
7'. Stipites of gnathochilarium not contiguous, but widely separated by
mentum and laminae linguales (Figure s-30B) 8
8(7'). Fifth segment with 2 pairs of legs; third segment open ventrally;
fourth and following segments closed 9
8'. Fifth segment with 1 pair of legs; third segment closed ventrally Spirobolida p.145
9(8). Laminae linguales completely separated by mentum; both anterior and
posterior pairs of gonopods present and functional, posterior pair
usuallywith long fiagella;no legson segment4 Cambalida p.145
9'. Laminae linguales usually not separated by mentum; posterior pair of
gonopods rudimentary or absent, anterior pair elaborate; 1 pair of legs
each on segments 1-4 Spirostreptida p.145
ORDER polyxenida:42 These millipedes are minute (8 mm or less in length), but some tropical species,
(2-4 mm in length) and soft-bodied, with the body when rolled up, are nearly as big as golf balls.
very bristly. The group is a small one (five North Amer- ORDER Polydesmida:44The polydesmids are rather
ican species), and its members are widely distributed flauened millipedes, with the body keeled laterally and
but are not common. They are usually found under the eyes much reduced or absent. The tergites are di-
bark or in liuer. The order contains a single genus, vided by a transverse suture, a liule anterior to the
Polyxenus, in the family Polyxenidae. middle of the segment, into an anterior prozonite and
ORDER Glomeridao-PiII Millipedes: These milli- a posterior metazonite. The metazonite is extended lat-
pedes are so caIled because they can roIl themselves eraIly as a broad lobe. The first and last two body seg-
into a ball. They are short and wide and resemble ments are legless; segments 2 to 4 each have a single
isopods, but have more than seven pairs of legs. Males pair of legs; and the remaining segments each bear two
have the gonopods at the posterior end of the body and pairs of legs. The anterior pair of legs on the seventh
cIasperlike. The appendages of the seventh segment are segment of the male is modified into gonopods. The
not modified. These millipedes occur in the southeast- diplosomites (those segments bearing two pairs of
ern states and in California. U.s. species are small legs) are continuously scIerotized rings. There are no
sutures between tergites, pleurites, and sternites.
"Polyxenida: poly, many;xenida,stranger or guest.
+3Glomerida: from the Latin. meaning a ball of yaro (referring to the
way these animals roll themse\ves into a ball). "Polydesmida: po/y, many; desmida,bands.
Class Chilopoda-Centipedes 145
Ihis is a large group, with about 250 North Amer- on segments 1 to 5. This group contains about 35
icanspecies. Many are brightly colored, and most of North American species, including some of the largest.
themhavescent glands. Oxidusgracilis(Koch), a dark Narceus americanus (Beauvois), which is dark brown
brownto black millipede, 19-22 mm in length and and narrowly ringed with red, may reach a length of
2.0-2.5rnrn wide, is a common pest in greenhouses. 100 mm (Figure 5-29).
Ihis order is divided into 10 families, and its members ORDER Spirostreptida:48The members of this order
occurthroughout the United States. have one pair of legs each on segments 1-4, and the
ORDER Chordeumida:45 Thesemillipedeshave 26-30 posterior pair of gonopods on the seventh segment of
segments,and the terminal tergite bears one to three the male is rudimentary or absent. The stipites of the
pairsof hair-tipped papillae (spinnerets). The body is gnathochilarium are separated, but the lamina e lin-
usuallycylindrical. The head is broad and free and not guales are usually contiguous. This group is principally
overlappedby the collum. One or both pairs of legs on tropical, but three species occur in the Southwest.
theseventh segment of the male may be modified into ORDER Cambalida:49 These millipedes are very
gonopods.This relatively large group has about 170 similar to the Spirostreptida, but have the laminae lin-
speciesin North America. A few are predaceous. guales separated by the mentum, both pairs of legs on
Ihree suborders of Chordeumida occur in the the seventh segment of the male modified into
UnitedStates. The suborder Chordeumidea, with nine gonopods, and there are no legs on the fourth seg-
families(some classifications place these millipedes in mento The collum is quite large, and most species have
a single family, the Craspedosomatidae), are small prominent longitudinal ridges on the body. One
(mostly4-15 mm in length), soft-bodied millipedes species in this order, Camba la annulata (Say) , is
with no keels on the metazonites and without scent known to be predaceous.
glands; they are not very common. The suborder SUPERORDER Colobognatha.50 The members of this
Lysiopetalidea, with one family, the Lysiopetalidae group have a small head and suctorial mouthparts, and
(= Callipodidae), contains larger millipedes, which are the body is somewhat flattened, with 30 to 60 seg-
usuallykeeled. These millipedes can coil the body into ments. The first pair of legs on the seventh segment of
a spiral. The secretions of the scent glands are milky the male is not modified into gonopods. This super-
whiteand very odoriferous. The suborder Striariidea, order contains two orders, the Platydesmida5t and
withone family (the Striariidae), have no scent glands, Polyzoniida,52 which may be separated by the charac-
theanal segment three-lobed, and a high middorsal ca- ters given in the key. These orders are represented in
rina on the metazonite. These millipedes are mostly the United States by one and two families, respectively.
southern and westem in distribution. Polyzonium bivirgatum (Wood), which reaches a length
ORDER Julida:46This order and the next three are by of about 20 mm, occurs in rotten wood.
some authorities combined into a single order, the
Opisthospermophora. These four groups have a cylin-
dricalbody, with 40 or more segments. The collum is
largeand hoodlike and overlaps the head. Either both Class Chilopoda53-Centipedes
pairs of legs on the seventh segment of the male are
modified into gonopods or one pair is absent. Scent The centipedes are elongate, flattened animals with 15
glandsare presento The diplosomites are not differenti- or more pairs oflegs (Figure 5-31). Each body segment
ated into prozonite and metazonite. The millipedes in bears a single pair of legs. The last two pairs are di-
theorder Julida have the stipites of the gnathochilarium rected backward and often differ in form from the other
broadlycontiguous along the midline behind the lami- pairs. The antennae consist of 14 or more segments.
nae linguales. Segment 3 and the terminal segment are The genital openings are at the posterior end of the
legless;segments 1, 2, and 4 have one pair of legs each; body, usually on the next to last segment. Eyes may be
and the remaining segments have two pairs of legs each. present or absent; if present, they usually consist of
Morethan a hundred species of julids occur in North numerous ommatidia. The head bears a pair of mandi-
America,and some reach a length of about 90 mm. bles and two pairs of maxillae. The second pair of max-
ORDERSpirobolida:47 The millipedes in this order
differ from the Julida in having the stipites of the '.Spirostreptida:spiro, spiral; streptida,twisted.
gnathochilarium separated (Figure 5-30B) and from "'Cambalida: derivation unknown.
the following two orders in having one pair oflegs each 5OColobognatha: colobo, shortened; gnatha, jaws.
"Platydesmida: platy, fiat; desmida, bands.
"Chordeumida: from the Greek, meaning a sausage. 52Polyzoniida: poly, many; zoniida, belt or girdle.
<6Julida:from the Greek, meaning a eentipede. "Chilopoda: chilo, lip; poda, foot or appendage (referring to the faet
"Spirobolida: spiro, spiral; bolida, throw. that the poison jaws are modified legs).
A e
illae may be somewhat leglike in form or short with pIe, but the larger ones of the South and the tropics
basal segments of the two maxillae fused together. The can inflict a painful bite. Centipedes overwinter as
appendages of the first body segment behind the head adults in protected situations and lay their eggs during
are clawlike and function as poisonjaws (Figure 5-32). summer. The eggs are usually sticky and become cov-
Centipedes are found in a variety of places, but ered with soil, and are deposited singly. In so me
usually live in a protected situation such as in the soil, species the mal e may eat the egg before the female can
under bark, or in rotten logs. They are very active, cover it with soil.
fast-running animals and are predaceous. They feed on Some centipedes produce silk, which is used in
insects, spiders, and other small animals. All cen- mating. The male makes a small web in which he de-
tipedes paralyze their prey with poison jaws. The posits a package of sperm, and this package is then
smaller centipedes of the North are harmless to peo- picked up by the female.
3(1'). Antennae with 17 or more segments; 21-23 pairs of legs; eyes usually
4 or more facets on each side Scolopendromorpha p.147
3' Antennae 14-segmented; 29 or more pairs of legs; eyes absent Geophilomorpha p. 147
ORDERScutigeromorpha:54 This group includes the some may reach a length of 100 mm or more. They
common house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata (L.) usually live in soil, rotten logs, or in debris. When dis-
(Figure5-31B), which is found throughout the eastem turbed, they curl up and give off a secretion that seems
UnitedStates and Canada. Its natural habitat is under to repel potential predators. The five families in this
logsand similar places, but it frequently enters houses, order in the United States are separated by characters
whereit feeds on flies, spiders, and the like. In houses of the mandibles.
it often frequents the vicinity of sinks and drains. lt is
harmlessto people. This order contains the single fam- ClassPauropoda58
ORDERLithobiomorpha55-StoneCentipedes: These Pauropods are minute, usually whitish myriapods,
1.0-1.5 mm in length. The antennae bear three apical
are short-legged, usually brown centipedes with 15
branches. The nine pairs of legs are not grouped in
pairsoflegs in the adults (Figure 5-31C). They vary in
double pairs as in the millipedes. The small head is
lengthfrom about 4 to 45 mm. Some members of this
so me times covered by the tergal plate of the first body
order are quite common, usually occurring under
segment (Figure 5-33A). The genital ducts open near
stones or logs, under bark, and in similar situations.
the anterior end of the body. Pauropods occur under
When disturbed, they sometimes use their posterior
stones, in leaf litter, and in similar places.
legsto throw droplets of a sticky material at their at-
tacker.This order contains two families, the Henicopi-
s.Pauropoda: pauro, small; poda, fool or appendage.
dae (4-11 mm in length, the legs without strong
spines,and the eyes consisting of a single facet each or
absent) and the Lithobiidae (10-45 mm in length, at
leastsome legs with strong spines, and the eyes usually
consistingof many facets).
ORDERScolopendromorpha:56 This group is princi-
pallytropical and, in the United States, occurs mainly
in the southem states. The scolopendrids include the
largest North American centipedes, which reach a
lengthof about 150 mm (Figure 5-31A). Some tropical
speciesmay be a half a meter or more in length. Many
scolopendrids are greenish or yellowish in color. These
arethe most venomous centipedes in our area; the bite
ofthe larger species is quite painful, and they can also
pinchwith their last pair of legs. Two families occur in
this order in the United States, the Scolopendridae
(eacheye with four facets) and the Cryptopidae (each
eyewith one facet).
ORDERGeophilomorpha57-SoilCentipedes: The
members of this order are slender, with 29 or more
pairsof short legs and large poison jaws, and are usu-
allywhitish or yellowish. Most species are small, but
"Sculigeromorpha: scuti, shield; gero, bear or carry; morpha, formo
"Lilhobiomorpha: lilho, stone; bio, \ife (Lithobius is a genus of cen-
tipede); morpha, formo Figure5-33 A, A pauropod, Pauropus sp., 95X; B, A
"Scolopendromorpha: scolopendro, centipede (Scolopendra is a genus symphylan, Scolopendrellasp., 16X. (A, Redrawn from
o[ centipede); morpha, formo Lubbock 1867; B, Redrawn from Comstock 1933, after
"Geophilomorpha: geo, earth; philo, loving; morpha, formo Latzel.)
5.Symphyla: from the Greek, meaning growing together. 6OHexapoda: hexa, six; poda, legs.
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6 Hexapoda1
Number of Species
Familiesin America
Order North Americaa Australiab World Estimates' North of Mexicod
Protura 73 30 500 3
Collembola 812 1,630 >6,000 12
Diplura 125 31 800 4
Microcoryphia 24 7 350 2
Thysanura 20 28 370 3
Ephemeroptera 599 84 2,000 21
Odonata 435 302 5,000 11
Orthoptera 1,210 2,827 >20,000 16
Phasmatodea 33 150 > 2,500 4
Grylloblattodea 10 - 25 1
Mantophasmatodea - - 3
Dermaptera 23 63 1,800 6
Plecoptera 622 196 2,000 9
Embiidina 11 65 <200 3
Zoraptera 2 - 30 1
Isoptera 44 348 > 2,300 4
Mantodea 30 162 1,800 2
Blattodea 67 428 <4,000 5
Hemiptera 11,298 5,650 35,000 90
Thysanoptera 695 422 4,500 7
Psocoptera 264 299 >3,000 28
Phthiraptera 941 255 >3,000 18
Coleoptera 24,085 28,200 > 300,000 128
Neuroptera 400 649 5,500 15
Hymenoptera 20,372 14,781 115,000 74
Trichoptera 1,415 478 >7,000 26
Lepidoptera 11,673 20,816 150,000 84
Siphonaptera 314 88 2,380 8
Mecoptera 83 27 500 5
Strepsiptera 91 159 550 5
Diptera 19,782 7,786 > 150,000 103
Total 95,553 78,175 826,108 698
'FromR.w. Poole and P. Gentili (Eds.), 1996, Nomina Insecta Nearctica: A checklist of the insects of North America, 4 vols. (Rockville, MD: En-
lomological Infortnation Services).
'From CSIRO (Ed.), 1991, The insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers, 2 vols (Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Me!-
boume University Press).
'Taken from numerous sources; the numbers are large!y estimates based both on the number of described species and the number of species
thought to remain undescribed and undiscovered.
'As used in this tex!.
BI 1:"
'[¡, ,,- . ~9J"
of Years
Era Ago' Periods Formsof life
who study hexapods and makes it difficult to recog- The other two primitively wingless orders are the
nize homologies across such a wide range of species. Microcoryphia and Thysanura, also known as Ar-
In recent years the widespread adoption of the princi- chaeognatha and Zygentoma respectively. These crea-
pIes of phylogenetic systematics, the emergence of tures, as well as the winged insects, usually have ex-
molecular data as a new source of characters, the de- posed mouthparts (hence the name Ectognatha).
velopment of computer technologies and software, Kristensen (1981) suggested restricting the word "in-
and the continued discovery of new taxa has led to a sects" 10refer to these ectognathous species and leav-
resurgence in interest in the study of phylogeny, par- ing hexapodsto inelude both the entognathous orders
ticularly in the elassical "problems" that have long in- and Ectognatha. Thus the terms "insect" and "hexapod"
terested systematists. The discussion that follows is are not synonyrnous, and the more general word hexa-
basedon the recent combined morphological and mo- pod would refer to the fundamental characteristic of
leeular analyses of Wheeler et al. (2001). This paper the species ineluded, that is, having six thoracic legs.
should be consulted for details of the synapomorphic We use the terms in that sense in this book.
eharaeters for the higher taxa. Two major lines developed within the winged in-
The fossil record for Precambrian time is quite sects, or Pterygota: the Paleoptera and the Neoptera;
seanty,but by the Cambrian period marine arthropods these two groups differ (among other ways) in their
were present, consisting of trilobites, crustaceans, ability to flex their wings: the Paleoptera cannot flex
and xiphosurans. The first terrestrial arthropods- their wings over the abdomen,2 whereas the Neoptera
scorpions, spiders, and millipedes-appeared later, in can. This wing flexion is effected by rotating the third
the Silurian period, and the first hexapods appeared axillary selerite about the posterior notal wing process
in the Devonian. Relatively few fossils are known from (see Chapter 2). Several orders of Paleoptera were pres-
theDevonian, but many are known from the Carbonif- ent in the late Paleozoic, but only the Ephemeroptera
erousand later periods. and Odonata have survived. The issue of whether the
The hexapods are believed to have arisen from Paleoptera is a monophyletic group is still not defini-
a myriapod-like ancestor that had paired leglike ap- tively settled (see Wheeler et al. 2001; Hovmóller,
pendages on each body segment. The change to the Pape, and Kallerjó 2002).
hexapodous condition involved the development The relationships among the orders of Neoptera
ofa head, modification of the three segments behind are far from elear. There are several orders, generally re-
the head as locomotory segments, and a loss or ferred to as the orthopteroid orders, that generally are
reduetion of most of the appendages on the remain- characterized by simple metamorphosis, mandibulate
ing body segments. The first hexapods were un- mouthparts, a large anal lobe in the hind wing, cerci,
doubtedly wingless and, therefore, are sometimes and numerous Malpighian tubules. They inelude the
ealledapterygotes. present orders Orthoptera, Phasmatodea, Grylloblattaria,
The Protura, Diplura, and Collembola are very dis- Mantophasmatodea, Mantodea, Blattaria, Isoptera,
tinetgroups that were traditionally elassified as insects. Derrnaptera, and Embiidina. Some authorities elassify
Many authorities now place them in three separate these together as the taxon polyneoptera. Among these,
classes, some coneluding that the characteristics of the Grylloblattaria and Mantophasmatodea are wing-
"hexapods" evolved at least four times independently less. The Embiidina do not have a large anallobe in the
(for example, see Manton 1977). Others reject that hind wing, and it is uncertain whether this characteris-
conclusion but agree with the elassification, in so do- tic represents a secondary development. The position of
ingemphasizing the differences with the true insects. the order Plecoptera is debated. They are sometimes
Thesethree elasses are primitively wingless and have placed within the Polyneoptera and sometimes sepa-
thelateral portions of the head prolonged and fused to rated by themselves in the group Paurometabola (or Pli-
thelabium to form a pouch, thus enveloping the man- coneoptera). Wheeler et al. (2001) partition these or-
diblesand maxillae. This latter characteristic gives rise ders rather differently: they provide evidence for a
tothe name of a taxon sometimes used to contain the monophyletic group composed of the Orthoptera, Phas-
threeorders, the Entognatha. There is, as yet, no con- mida, Grylloblattaria, and Derrnaptera; another con-
sensuson the pattern of relationships among these or- taining the Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera, and Zo-
ders.The Protura and Collembola are often recognized raptera; and a third for the sister group relationship
asa monophyletic group, the Ellipura. The monophyly between Plecoptera and Embiidina. The Zoraptera are
ofthe Diplura is disputed. These orders represent early
offshootsof the hexapod line. The oldest known hexa- 2 An exception is the extinct order Diaphanaplerodea. These inseclS
podfossils (from the Devonian) are elearly identifiable could fIex Ihe wings by a mechanism different from thal of Ihe
asCollembola. Neoptera (Kukalová-Peck 1991).
156 Chapter6 Hexapoda
Figure6-1 Phylogeny of the hexapod orders (after
Diptera Wheeler et al. 200l).
Ihis key includes adults, nymphs, and larvae. The portion of the key covering nymphs
andlarvae should work for most specimens, but some very young or highly specialized
forrnsmay not key out correctly. The habitat is sometimes an important character in key-
ing out larvae. Groups marked with an asterisk (*) are unlikely to be encountered by the
Figure6-2 lnsects with front wings thickened and hind wings membranous. A, A
pygmy grasshopper (Orthoptera); B, A band-winged grasshopper (Orthoptera); C, A stink
bug (Hemiptera); D, An earwig (Dermaptera); E, A dung beetle (Coleoptera). (A, C, and
E courtesyof Illinois NaturalHistorySurvey;B, courtesyof USDA;D, courtesyof
Knowlton and the Utah AgriculturalExperimentStation.)
158 Chapter6 Hexapoda
Figure6-5 A, A thrips
(Thysanoptera); B, A stonefly
(Plecoptera). (A, Courtesy of
Illinois Natural History Survey;
A B, Courtesy of USDA.)
Figure6-8 Odonata. A, A
dragonfly; B, A damselfly.
(Courtesy of Kennedy and the
U.s. National Museum.)
Keyto the Ordersof Hexapods 161
20/. Hind wings without enlarged anal area and not folded at rest, with no
extra erossveins; eerci present (but short) or absent; mostly 10 mm in
length or less; nymphs not aquatie, adults not neeessarily near water 21
21(20'). Tarsi 3-segmented, basal segment of front tarsi enlarged (Figure 17-1)
(webspinners) Embiidina* p.247
21', Tarsi 2- or 3-segmented, basal segment of front tarsi not enlarged 23
22(21/). Cerci present; tarsi 2-segmented; wing venation redueed (Figure 18-1A);
antennae moniliform and 9-segmented Zoraptera
* p.250
22'. Cerci absent; tarsi 2- or 3-segmented; wing venation not partieularly
redueed (Figures 24-4 and 24-7); antennae not moniliform, usually
long and hairlike, with 13 or more segments (Figure 24-8) (psocids) Psocoptera p.341
23(2/). Mouthparts haustellate, beak elongate and usually segmented
(Figure 6-3) Hemiptera p. 268
23', Mouthparts mandibulate 24
24(23/). Abdomen with foreepslike eerci (Figure 6-2D); front wings short,
leaving most of abdomen exposed; tarsi 3-segmented (earwigs) Dermaptera p. 234
24'. Abdomen without foreepslike eerci, or if so, then front wings eover
most of abdomen; tarsi variable 25
25(24'). Front wings without veins, usually meeting in straight line down middle
of baek; antennae generally with 11 or fewer segments; hind wings
narrow, usually longer than front wings when unfolded, with few veins
(Figure 6-2E) (beetles) Coleoptera p. 365
25'. Front wings with veins, either held rooflike over abdomen or
overlapping over abdomen when at rest; antennae generally with
more than 12 segments; hind wings broad, usually shorter than front
wings, with many veins (Figure 11-8), usually folded fanwise at rest 26
26(25/). Tarsi with 4 or fewer segments; usually jumping inseets, with hind
femora more or less enlarged (Figures ll-l, 11-6 through 1l-10,
11-l2, 11-14 through 11-18) (grasshoppers and eriekets) Orthoptera p. 209
26'. Tarsi 5-segmented; running or walking inseets, with hind femora not
particularly enlarged (Figures 20-1 and 21-3) 27
27(26'). Prothorax mueh longer than mesothorax; front legs modified for
grasping prey (Figure 20-1) (mantids) Mantodea p. 260
27/. Prothorax not greatly lengthened; front legs not modified for grasping
prey (Figure 20-3) (eoekroaehes) Blattodea p. 263
28(1'). Body usually inseetlike, with segmented legs and usually also antennae
(adults, nymphs, and some larvae) 29
28'. Body more or less wormlike, body regions (exeept possibly head) not
well differentiated, segmented thoracie legs absent; antennae present or
absent (larvae and some adults) 75
29(28), Front wings present but rudimentary; hind wings absent or represented
by halteres; tarsi nearly always 5-segmented (some flies) Diptera* p.672
29/. Wings entirely absent, or with 4 rudimentary wings and no halteres;
tarsi variable 30
30(29/), Antennae absent; length 1.5 mm or less (Figure 7-1); usually oeeurring
in soil or leaf litter (proturans) Protura* p.169
30/. Antennae usually present (sometimes small); size and habitat variable 31
31(30'). Eetoparasites of birds, mammals, or honey bees and usually found on host;
body more or less leathery, usually flattened dorsoventrally or laterally 32
162 Chapter6 Hexapoda
50(42'). Mouthparts usuaUy withdrawn into head and not apparent; abdomen
with stylelike appendages on some segments or with {orked appendage
near end of abdomen; usually less than 7 mm in length 51
50'. Mouthparts usually distinct, mandibulate or haustellate; abdomen
without appendages such as described in preceding entry; size variable 52
51(50). Antennae long, many-segmented; abdomen with at least 9 segments,
with stylelike appendages on ventral side of some segments; without
forked appendage near end of abdomen, but with well-developed cerci
(Figure 7-4) (diplurans) Diplura* p.174
51'. Antennae short, usually with 4 or fewer segments; abdomen with 6 or
fewer segments, usually with forked appendage near posterior end
(Figure 6-9B) (springtails) Collembola p.170
52(50'). Body larviform, thorax and abdomen not differentiated; compound eyes
present (larviform female beetles) Coleoptera* p.365
52'. Body variable in shape, if larviform, then without compound eyes 53
53(52'). Compound eyes usually present; body shape variable, but usually not
wormlike; wing pads often present (adults and nymphs) 54
53'. Compound eyes and wing pads absent; body usually worrnlike in shape
(larvae) 66
54(53). Tarsi 5-segmented 55
54'. Tarsi with 4 or fewer segments 60
55(54). Mouthparts prolonged ventrally into snoutlike structure (Figure 32-6);
body more or less cylindrical, usually less than 15 mm in length
(wingless scorpionflies) Mecoptera* p.662
55'. Mouthparts not as in preceding entry; body shape and size variable 56
56(55'). Antennae 5-segmented; Texas (some female twisted-wing parasites) Strepsiptera
* p.669
56'. Antennae with more than 5 segments; widely distributed 57
57(56'). Cerci l-segmented; body and legs very slender (Figure 12-1, 14-1) 58
57'. Cerci with 8 or more segments; body shape variable 59
58(57). Head prognathous; widely distributed Phasmatodea p.227
58'. Head hypognathous; known only from Africa Mantophasmatodea* p.232
59(57'). Body flattened and oval, head more or less concealed from above by
pronotum (Figure 21-3); ocelli usually present; widely distributed
(cockroaches) Blattodea p.263
59'. Body elongate and cylindrical, head not concealed from above by
pronotum; ocelli absent; U.s. Northwest and westem Canada (rock
crawlers) Grylloblattodea
* p.230
60(54'). Cerci forcepslike; tarsi 3-segmented 61
60'. Cerci absent or, if present, not forcepslike; tarsi variable 62
61(60). Antennae more than half as long as body; cerci short; westem
United States (timemas) Phasmatodea* p.227
61'. Antennae usually less than half as long as body; cerci long (Figure 6-2D);
widely distributed (earwigs) Dermaptera p. 234
62(60'). Tarsi 3-segmented, basal segment of front tarsi enlarged (Figure 17-1)
(webspinners) Embiidina* p. 247
62'. Tarsi 2- to 4-segmented, basal segment of front tarsi not enlarged 63
Keyto the Ordersof Hexapods 165
63(62'). Grasshopper-like insects, with hind legs enlarged and fitted for jumping;
length usually over 15 mm (grasshoppers) Orthoptera p. 209
63', Not grasshopper-like, hind legs usually not as above; length less than
lOmm 64
64(63'). Tarsi 4-segmented; pale, soft-bodied, wood- or ground-inhabiting
insects (termites) Isoptera p.252
64'. Tarsi 2- or 3-segmented; color and habits variable 65
65(64'). Cerci present, l-segmemed, terminating in long bristle; antennae
9-segmemed, moniliform (Figure 18-1B-D); compound eyes and ocelli
absent; tarsi 2-segmemed (zorapterans) Zoraptera
* p.250
65', Cerci absent; antennae with 13 or more segments, usually hairlike
(Figure 6-9C); compound eyes and 3 ocelli usually presem; tarsi 2- or
3-segmented (psocids) Psocoptera p.341
66(53'). Ventral prolegs present on 2 or more abdominal segmems
(Figures 32-lB and 30-3) 67
66'. Abdominal prolegs absent or on terminal segment only 69
67(66). With 5 pairs of prolegs (on abdominal segments 3-6 and 10) or fewer,
prolegs with tiny hooks (crochets); several (usually 6) stemmata on
each side of head (caterpillars, butterfly and moth larvae) Lepidoptera p.571
67'. With 6 or more pairs of abdominal prolegs, prolegs without crochets;
number of stemmata variable 68
68(67'). Seven or more stemmata on each side of head; prolegs on segments 1-8
or 3-8, usually inconspicuous, pointed structures (Figure 32-1B)
(scorpionfly larvae) Mecoptera* p.662
68'. One stemma on each side of head; prolegs fleshy, not pointed, usually
on abdominal segments 2-8 and 10, sometimes on 2-7 or 2-6 and 10
(Figure 28-37) (sawfly larvae) Hymenoptera p.481
69(66'). Mandible and maxilla on each side united to form sucking jaw that is
often long (Figures 27-9B and 27-11); tarsi with 2 claws; labrum absem
or fused with head capsule; maxillary palps absent (Planipennia: larvae
of lacewings and antlions) Neuroptera p. 469
69'. Mandibles and maxillae not as in preceding emry; tarsi with 1 or 2 claws;
labrum and maxillary palps usually present 70
70(69'). Head and mouthparts directed forward (prognathous), head about as
long along midvemralline as along middorsalline, usually cylindrical
or somewhat flattened 71
70'. Head and mouthparts directed ventrally (hypognathous), head much
longer along middorsalline than along midventralline and usually
rounded 73
71(70). Tarsi with 1 claw (some beetle larvae) Coleoptera p.365
71'. Tarsi with 2 claws 72
72(71'). Distinct labrum and clypeus present (Raphidioptera: snakefly larvae) Neuroptera p.469
72'. Labrum absent or fused with head capsule (most Adephaga: beetle larvae) Coleoptera p.365
73(70'). From legs distinctly smaller than other pairs; middle and hind legs
projecting laterally much more than front legs; small group of stemmata
(usually 3) on each side of head behind bases of antennae; tarsal claws
absem; length less than 5 mm; usually found in moss (larvae of Boreidae) Mecoptera
* p.662
73'. Legs not as in preceding entry, front and middle legs about the same
size and position; stemmata variable; tarsi with 1-3 claws; size and
habitat variable 74
166 Chapter6 Hexapoda
References 167
84'. Head without adfrontal areas; labium without spinneret; antennae and
stemmata not as in preceding entry; prolegs, if present, without crochets 85
85(84'). Mandibles not heavily sclerotized and not brushlike; spiracles usually
present on thorax and most abdominal segments, posterior pair not
enlarged; larvae occurring in plant tissues, as parasites, or in cells
constructed by adults (Apocrita) Hymenoptera p.481
85'. Mandibles usually brushlike; spiracles usually not as in preceding
entry-if present in several abdominal segments, posterior pair much
larger than others; occurring in wet places, in plant tbsues, or as
internal parasites (fly larvae, mostly Nematocera) Diptera p. 672
86(78'). Mouthparts of normal mandibulate type, with opposable mandibles and
maxillae; antennae usually present (beetle larvae) Coleoptera p. 365
86'. Mouthparts reduced or modified, with only mandibles opposable, or
with parallel mouth hooks present; antennae usually absent 87
87(86'). Body behind "head" (first body segment) consisting of 13 segments;
full-grown larvae usually with sclerotized ventral plate ("breast bone")
located ventrally behind head (larvae of Cecidomyiidae) Diptera p.672
87'. Body consisting of fewer segments; no "breast bone" 88
88(87'). Mouthparts consisting of 1 or 2 (if 2, then parallel, not opposable)
median, dark-colored, decurved mouth hooks (maggots; larvae of
Muscomorpha) Diptera p.672
88'. Mandibles opposable, but sometimes reduced, without mouth hooks
as described in preceding entry (larvae of Apocrita) Hymenoptera p.481
Amen, R. H. 1985. American Insects: A Handbook of the In- Daly, H. v.,]. 1. Doyen, and P. R. Ehrlich. 1978. An Introduc-
sects of America North of Mexico. New York: Van Nos- tion to Insect Biology and Diversity. New York: McGraw-
trand Reinhold, 850 pp. Hill, 564 pp.
Borrar, D.]., and R. E. White. 1970 (paperback ed., 1974). A Elzinga, R. ]. 1981. Fundamentals of Entomology, 2nd ed.
Field Guide to the Insects of America North of Mexico. Englewood Cliffs, N]: Prentice Hall, 432 pp.
Baston: Houghton Mifflin, 404 pp. Essig, E. O. 1958. Insects and Mites of Westem North Amer-
Boudreaux, H. B. 1979. Arthropod Phylogeny with Special ica. New York: Macmillan, 1050 pp.
Reference to Insects. New York: Wiley, 320 pp. Friedlander, C. P. 1977. The Biology of Insects. New York:
Brues, C. T., A. L Melander, and F. M. Carpenter. 1954. Clas- Pica Press, 190 pp.
sification of insects. Bull. Mus. Comp. lo o\. Harvard No. Grassé, P. P. (Ed.). 1949. Traité de loologie; Anatomie, Sys-
108,917 pp. tématique, Biologie. Vo\. 9. Insectes: Paleontologie,
Carrnean, D., and BJ. Crespi. 1995. Do long branches attract Géonémie, Aptérygotes, Ephéméropteres, Odonatop-
mes? Nature 373:234. teres, Blattoptéroides, Orthoptéroides, Dermaptéroides,
Chinery. M. 1974. A Field Guide to the Insects of Britain and Coléopteres. Paris: Masson, 1117 pp.
Northem Europe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 352 pp. Grassé, P. P. (Ed.). 1951. Traité de loologie: Anatomie, Sys-
Chu, P. 1949. How to Know the Immature Insects. Dubuque, tématique, Biologie, Vo\. 10: Insectes Supérieurs et
lA: William C Brown, 234 pp. Hemiptéroides, Part 1: Neuroptéroides, Mecoptéroides,
Cornrnonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organiza- Hemiptéroides, pp. 1-975, Part 11: Hymenoptéroides,
tion (CSIRO). 1970. The Insects of Australia. Carlton, Psocoptéroides, Hemiptéroides, Thysanoptéroides,
Victoria: Melboume University Press, 1029 pp. pp. 976-1948. Paris: Masson.
Cornstock,]. H. 1949. An Introduction to Entomology, 9th Hovrnóller, R., 1. Pape, and M. Kiillerjó. 2002. The
ed. Ithaca, NY: Comstock, 1064 pp. Palaeoptera problem: Basal pterygote phylogeny inferred
168 Chapter6 Hexapoda
from 185 and 285 rDNA sequences. Cladistics Peterson, A. 1939. Keys to the orders of immature insects
18:313-323. (exclusive of eggs and pronymphs) of North American
Imms, A. D. 1947. Insect Natural History. New York: Collins, insects. Ann. Entomol. Soco Amer. 32:267-278.
317 pp. Peterson, A. 1948. Larvae of Insects. Pan 1. Lepidoptera and
Jacques, H. E. 1947. How to Know the Insects, 2nd ed. Plant-Infesting Hymenoptera. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards,
Dubuque, lA: William C Brown, 205 pp. 315 pp.
Klass, K.-D., O. Zompro, N. P. Kristensen, andJ. Adis. 2002. Peterson, A. 1951. Larvae of Insects. Pan n. Coleoptera,
Mantophasmatodea: A new insect order with extant Diptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Tri-
members in the Afrotropics. Science 296:1456-1459. choptera. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards, 416 pp.
Kristensen, N. P. 1975. The phylogeny of hexapod "orders": A Richard, O. W, and R. G. Davies. 1977. Imm's General Textbook
critical review of recent accounts. Z. Zool. Syst. Evolutions- of Entomology, vol. 1, pp. 1-418; vol. 2, pp. 419-1354.
Forsch. 13:1-44. London: Chaprnan and Hall, 2 voIs.
Kristensen, N. P. 1981. Phylogeny of insect orders. Annu. Rev. Romoser, W S. 1973. The Science of Entomology. New York:
Entomol. 26:135-157. Macmillan, 449 pp.
Kukalová-Peck, J. 1991. Fossil history and the evolution of Ross, H. H. 1955. Evolution of the Insect Orders. Entomol.
hexapod structures. In 1. D. Naumann et al. (Eds.), The News 66:197-208.
insects of Australia, 2nd ed., pp. 141-179. Melbourne: Ross, H. H., C. A. Ross, andJ. R. P.Ross. 1982, 4th ed. A Text-
Melbourne University Press. book of Entomology. New York: Wiley, 666 pp.
Linsenmaier, W. 1972. Insects of the World (translated from Smart,J. 1963. Explosive evolution and the phylogeny of the
German by L. E. Chadwick). New York: McGraw-Hill, insects. Proc. Linn. Soco Lond. 174:125-126.
392 pp. Stehr, E (Ed.). 1987. Immature Insects. Dubuque, lA:
Lutz, E E. 1935. Field Book of Insects. New York: Putnam, KendalllHunt, 754 pp.
510 pp. Swain, R. B. 1948. The Insect Guide. New York: Doubleday,
Manton, S.M. 1977. The Arthropoda. Habits, Functional Mor- 261 pp.
phology, and Evolution. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 257 pp. Swan, L. A., and C. S. Papp. 1972. The Common Insects of
Martynov, A. V. 1925. Über zwei Grundtypen der Flügel bei North America. New York: Harper &: Row, 750 pp.
den Insekten und ihre Evolution. Z. Morphol. Okol. Usinger, R. L. (Ed.). 1956. Aquatic Insects of California, with
Tiere 4:465-501. Keys to North American Genera and California Species.
Martynova, O. 1961. Paleoentomology. Annu. Rev. Entomol. Berkeley: University of California Press, 508 pp.
6:285-294. Wheeler, W c., M. Whiting, Q. D. Wheeler, and J. M.
Matheson, R. 1951. Entomology for Introductory Courses, Carpenter. 2001. The phylogeny of the extant hexapod
2nd ed. Ithaca, NY: Comstock, 629 pp. orders. Cladistics 17: 113-169.
Merritt, R. W, and K. W Cummins. 1978. An Introduction to Whiting, M. E 1998. Phylogenetic position of the Strep-
the Aquatic Insects of North America. Dubuque, lA: siptera: Review of molecular and morphological evi-
KendalllHunt, 512 pp. dence. Int. J. Insect Morphol. Embryol. 27:53-60.
Naumann,I. D., et al. (Eds.). 1991. Insects of Australia, 2nd Whiting, M. E, J. M. Carpenter, Q. D. Wheeler, and W C.
ed. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1137 pp. Wheeler. 1997. The Strepsiptera problem: Phylogeny of
Oldroyd, H. 1970. Elements ofEntomology: An Introduction the holometabolous insect orders inferred from 185 and
to the Study of Insects. London: Weidenfield &:Nicolson, 285 ribosomal DNA sequences and morphology. Syst.
312 pp. Biol. 46:1-68.
Pennak, R. W 1978. Fresh-Water Invenebrates of the United
States, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley Interscience, 803 pp.
7 The Entognathous Hexapods:
from the egg, the proturan abdomen consists of 9 seg- These hexapods live in moist soil or humus, in lea!
ments. At each of the next three molts, segments are mold, under bark, and in decomposing logs. They feed
added anterior to the apical ponion (the telson), so that on decomposing organic matter and fungal spores.
the adult abdomen appears to have 12 segments (11 They are found worldwide, and approximately 200
metameric segments and the apical telson). species are known at present.
The Eosentomidae contain eight North American are a widely distributed group, with eight Nonh Amer-
species, all belonging to the genus Eosentomon. The ican species.
Protentomidae include three rather rare North Ameri-
can species, one recorded from Maryland, one from
lowa, and a third from California. The Acerentomidae
Order Collembola2.3-Springtails
The common name "springtail" is derived from the
forked structure or furcula that propels these minUle
hexapods through the air. Many Collembola (almost all
Onychiuridae, many Hypogastruridae, and some Isoto-
midae) lack a furcula. The furcula arises on the ventral
side of the fourth abdominal segment and, when al
rest, is folded forward beneath the abdomen and held
in place by a clasplike appendage on the third abdom-
inal segment called the retinaculum. When disturbed
the animal jumps by extending the furcula downward
and backward. A springtail 3 to 6 mm in length may be
able to leap 75 to 100 mm. A large number of species,
especially those dwelling in soil, have reduced or 10-
tally atrophied spring mechanisms.
Many collembolans have up to eight ommatidia 00
each side of the head, whereas others have the omma-
tidia reduced or are totally blindo Mouthparts vary
enormously, but generally are somewhat elongate aod
always concealed within the head. Although some
species are carnivores or fluid feeders, most species
feed on decaying vegetable material and fungi and have
Figure7-1 Dorsal view of a proturan, Filientomon bar- 'Collembola: col!, glue; embola, a boll or wedge (referring to the col-
. beri barberi (Ewing). (Courtesy of Ewing and the Ento- lophore).
mological Society of America.) 'This section edited by Kenneth Christiansen.
Keyto the Familiesof Collembola 171
mandibles with welI developed molar plates. Others 6 mm) and habit of living in concealed situations. Most
are fluid feeders and have styletlike mouthparts. The species live in the soil or in such habitats as leaf litter,
antennae are short, normalIy with four segments. The under bark, in decaying logs, and in fungi. Some
tarsi are one-segmented and fused with the tibiae. species may be found on the surface of freshwater
Ihese hexapods have a tubelike appendage, the col- pools or along seashores; some occur on vegetation;
lophore, on the ventral side of the first abdominal seg- and a few live in termite and ant nests, caves, or snow
ment;a bilobed, eversible vesicle may be protruded at fields and glaciers. Springtail populations are often
its apex. OriginalIy entomologists believed the col- very large: up to 100,000/m) of surface soil, or literalIy
lophore enabled the animal to cling to the surface on millions per hectare.
whichit walked (hence the order name), but they now Most soil-inhabiting springtails feed on decaying
know this structure plays a role in water uptake and plant material, fungi, and bacteria. Others feed on
excretion. arthropod feces, polIen, algae, and other materials. A
Springtails, although very common and abundant, few species may occasionalIy cause damage in gardens,
areseldom observed beca use of their smalI size (0.25 to greenhouses, or mushroom celIars.
Family Poduridae:This family contains only one tudinal stripes or transverse bands. Often occurring in
species, Podura aquatica L., a ubiquitous species that vast numbers, Isotomurus trícolor (Packard), is a com-
lives on the surface of freshwater ponds (Figure 7-2A). mon species found in marshes, as well as wet forest
lt is about 1.3 mm in length, and dark blue to reddish edges, and sometimes freshwater pools (Figure 7-2D).
brown. This family is now considered to be more Metisotomagrandiceps(Reuter) is carnivorous on other
closely related to the Sminthuridae and Neelidae. Collembola. Isotoma propinqua Axelson is one of sev-
Family Hypogastruridae: Members of this familyare eral collembolan species that exhibit ecomorphosis, a
usually 1-2 mm in length, with short appendages phenomenon that occurs when individuals developed
(sometimes with the furcula reduced or lacking), rang- at abnormally high temperatures differ morphologi-
ing from white, tan, purple, blue, and greenish, to cally from those developing at lower temperatures, re-
black (Figure 7-2B). This is the largest family in the or- sulting in individuals that were earlier placed in differ-
der, with 234 North American species. The snow fIea, ent taxa.
Hypogastrura nivicola (Fitch), is a dark-colored species Family Entomobryidae:This is a rather large group
often found grazing on algae and fungal spores on of species (138 North American species) of slender
snow during the winter. lt is sometimes a pest in buck- springtails that resemble the Isotomidae but have a
ets of maple sapo Neanura muscorum (Templeton) is a large fourth abdominal segment (Figure 7-2E). In ad-
fIat species with lobed body segments armed with dition, some species have robust setae, scales, very long
short, strong setae, lacking a furcula, and lives beneath antennae and legs, and striking color combinations.
loose bark, rotting wood, or in leaf litter. lt feeds on Orchesella hexfasciata Harvey is a common yellow
fungal juices and its mouthparts are formed into a species with purple markings, and is found in leaf lit-
cone. The seashore springtail, Anurída marítima ter and under bark. Lepidocyrtus paradoxus Uzel is a
(Guérin), is a slate-blue species that is sometimes ex- dark blue species with a scaled body and enlarged
tremely abundant along the northern Atlantic seashore mesothoracic segment, giving it the appearance of be-
between tidemarks, where it is found on the surface of ing "humpbacked." Another species, Willowsia nigro-
small pools, under stones and shells, and crawling over maculata (Lubbock) is found in close association with
the shore. These springtails cluster in air pockets under human structures and very protected habitats; it can be
submerged rocks at high tide. found in every old house. This is an extremely diverse
Family Onychiuridae:The members of this family family, which will probably be split into several families
(85 North American species) are somewhat similar to on future revision.
the Hypogastruridae. However, they differ markedly Family Neelidae:This is a small group (seven North
from that family by lacking pigment, eye patches, and American species) of very small springtails (0.27 to
a furcula (Figure 7-2C). They characteristically have 0.70 mm in length) that have been collected in wooded
pseudocelli (porelike structures) distributed on the an- areas and in caves. Most species are found in organic
tennal bases, head, and trunk segments. When dis- soils, caves, or under bark. They lack eyes, and the an-
turbed, these creatures are capable of exuding noxious tennae are reduced in length to less than the diameter
or toxic secretions through the pseudocelli. In culture, of the head (Figure 7-2G). Several members of the
species of Tullbergia and Onychiurus have been shown family are pigmented, but most are colorless. The tho-
to be parthenogenetic. This form of reproduction is rax is relatively large, giving the animal a seedlike
probably common among these soil-dwelling species. shape. Megalothorax minimus (Willem) is one of our
Members of the Onychiuridae are abundantly found in commonest species, reaching a length of 0.4 mm.
agricultural and forest soils. Family Sminthuridae:These springtails (more than
Family Isotomidae: The 197 North American mem- 100 North American species) range in size from 0.75 to
bers of this family range in color from white, yellow, 3 mm, and are oval-bodied active jumpers (Figure 7-2H).
and green to blue, brown, and dark purple with longi- Many species are common on vegetation: some, such as
Keyto the Familiesof Collembola 173
e D
Family Campodeidae: This is the largest family of Family Parajapygidae:A cosmopolitan group of
diplurans (34 North American species), and contains some 40 species, with only two genera and 6 species
¡hosemost often encountered. Most are about 6 mm found in the United States and Canada. Generally less
long.Campodeafolsomi Silvestri (Figure 7-4A) is a than 15 mm in length, this family is distinguished from
fairlycommon member ofthis family. It is found under the ]apygidae by the absence of trichobothria on the
stones in damp woods and in humus. antennae.
Family Procampodeidae: The only North American
member of this family is Procampodea macswaini
Condéand Pagés, which occurs in California.
FamilyAnajapygidae: This family is represented in Collecting and Preserving Entognatha
¡heUnited States by a single rare species, Anajapyx her-
mosa Smith, which has been taken in wet soil and hu- Most species can be collected by sifting debris or by
musin Placer County, California. looking under bark or stones or in fungi. Soil, leaf lit-
Family Japygidae: This is a widely distributed ter, or other material that may contain these species
group, but its members are not often encountered. can be sprinkled onto a white surface and the animals
japygidsand the next family can be recognized by the found can be picked up with a moistened brush or as-
l-segmented forcepslike cerci (Figure 7-4C). Twenty- pirator. Many forms are most easily collected by means
eigh¡species occur in the United States, and all are of a Berlese funnel (see Chapter 35). The springtails
small.Some tropical species are larger, and one Aus- that occur on vegetation can be collected by sweeping
tralianspeciesof Heterojapyx reaches a length of SOmm. the vegetation with a white enameled pan held at about
176 Chapter7 TheEntognathous
a 30-degree angle to the ground. The hexapods falling The best way to preserve these hexapods is in
or jumping into the pan can be easily seen and col- fluid-generally 80 to 85% alcohol. It is usually neces-
lected. The aquatic springtails can be collected with a sary to mount them on microscope slides for detailed
dipper or tea strainer. study.
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Mern. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., Serie A 116:1-227. Paclt, J. 1957. Diplura. Genera Insect. 212:1-122.
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erence to insects. New York: Wiley, 320 pp. biogeography of the Srninthuridae of the world (Collem-
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Molecular phylogeny of the apterygotan insects based on Salrnon, J. T. 1964-1965. An index to the Collernbola. Bull.
nuclear and rnitochondrial genes. Pedobiologia 44:361-373. Roy. Soco New Zealand No. 7. Vo\. 1, pp. 1-144 (1964).
Christiansen, K. 1964. Bionornics of Collernbola. Annu. Rev. Vo\. 2, pp. 145-644 (1964). Vo\. 3, pp. 645-651 (1965).
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of North Arnerica North of the Rio Grande. Grinnell, lA: Arner. 53:575-583.
Grinnell College, 1322 pp. Snider, R. J. 1987. Class and order Collernbola. In F.W Stehr
Christiansen, K. A., and R. J. Snider. 1984. Aquatic Collern- (Ed.), Irnrnature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 55-64. Dubuque, lA:
bola. In R. W Merritt and K. W Curnrnins (Eds.), An In- KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
troduction to the Aquatic Insects, 2nd ed., pp. 82-93. Szeptycki, A. 1979. Chaetotaxy of the Entomobryidae and Its
Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt. Phylogenetical Significance: Morpho-Systematic Studies
Ewing, H. E. 1940. The Protura of North Arnerica. Ann. En- on Collembola. IV Krakow: Polska Akademia Nauk,
torno\. Soco Arner. 33:495-551. 218 pp.
Fjellberg, A. 1985. Arctic Collernbola I-Alaskan Collernbola Tuxen, S. L. 1959. The phylogenetic significance of entog-
of the farnilies Poduridae, Hypogastruridae, Odontelli- nathy in entognathous apterygotes. Smithson. Misc. Coll.
dae, Brachystornellidae, and Neanuridae. Entorno\. 137:379-416.
Scand. Supp\. No. 21, 126 pp. Tuxen, S. L. 1964. The Protura: A Revision of the Species of
Gisin, J. 1960. Collernbolenfauna Europas. Geneva: Muséurn the World with Keys for Determination. Paris: Hermann,
d'Histoire Naturelle, 312 pp. 360 pp.
Hopkin, S. 1997. The biology of springtails, Insecta: Collern- Wygodzinsky, P. 1987. Class and order Diplura. In F.W Stehr
bola. New York: Oxford University Press, 300 pp. (Ed.), Imrnature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 65-67. Dubuque, lA:
Kristensen, N. P. 1981. Phylogeny of insect orders. Annu. Rev. KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
Entorno\. 26: 135-157.
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nura. London: Royal Society of London, 276 pp.
8 TheApterygote Insects
he species in these two orders are small to medium- large and contiguous; ocelli are always present; each
Tsized wingless creatures with simple metamorpho- mandible has a single point of articulation with the
sisoThe Microcoryphia and Thysanura are the closest head capsule2; the tarsi are three-segmented; and the
livingrelatives of the winged insects (see Figure 8-1), middle and hind coxae usually bear styli. These styli
butthey differ in a number of respects. Some features are sometimes lacking on the middle coxae, or they
of thoracic structure in the Pterygota are correlated may be completely absent. The abdomen bears a pair of
withthe development of wings and are present even in styli on segments 2-9, and segments 2-7 each bear
thewingless members of that group. In the Pterygota three ventral sclerites (¡he coxopodites and a median
eachthoracic pleuron (with rare exceptions) is divided sternum; the sternum is sometimes much reduced).
bya pleural suture into an episternum and epimeron, Segments 1-7 usually bear one or two pairs of eversi-
andthe thoradc wall is strengthened internally by fur- ble vesicles.
caeand phragmata. The Microcoryphia and Thysanura These insects live in grassy or wooded areas under
haveno pleural sutures, and furcae and phragmata are leaves, under bark, in dead wood, under stones, under
notdeveloped. In addition, these orders usually have rocks and cliffs, and in similar situations. Most are noc-
stylelikeappendages on some of the pregenital abdom- turnal, and their eyes glow at night when illuminated
inalsegments. Adult Pterygota lack such appendages. with a flashlight. The largest members of the order are
There are some differences between these orders about 15 mm in length.
andthe other primitively wingless hexapods. The Mi- The Microcoryphia are quite active and jump
crocoryphiaand Thysanura are ectognathous; that is, when disturbed, sometimes as far as 25-30 cm. The
themouthparts are more or less exposed and not cov- eversible vesicles on the abdomen function as water-
eredby cranial folds. The segments of the antennal fla- absorbing organs. Before these insects molt, they ce-
gellumare without muscles; the tarsi are three- to five- ment themselves to the substrate (¡he cement appears
segmented;compound eyes are usually present; the to be fecal material). If the cement fails, or if the sub-
tentoriumis fairly well developed; and the abdomen strate (such as sand) is not firm, they are unable to
hasthree long caudal filaments. molt, and die. The bodies of these insects are covered
with scales, which sometimes forro distinctive pat-
terns. The scales are often lost during the collecting
process or when the insects are preserved in fluido
Microcoryphia'-Jumping Bristletails The jumping bristletails feed chiefly on algae, but
feed also on lichens, mosses, decaying fruits, and sim-
TheMicrocoryphia resemble the silverfish in the order ilar materials.
Thysanura.However, they are more cylindrical, with
thethorax somewhat arched; the compound eyes are 'The retention of this primitive form of mandibular articulation is
reflected in the other name commonly used for this order, Archaeo-
'Microcoryphia:micro, small; coryphia, head. gnatha: archaeo,old; gnatha,jaw. 177
178 Chapter8 TheApterygoteInsects
Family Machilidae: These insects are brownish, domen. The body is nearly always covered with
elongate, and about 12 mm in length. There are 19 scales. The mouthparts are mandibulate, and each
speciesin North America, and they are found in leaf lit- mandible has two points of articulation with the head
ter,under bark, among rocks along the seashore, or in capsule. The compound eyes are small and widely
oldstone walls. Petrobius brevistylis Carpenter is com- separated (or absent), and ocelli may be present or ab-
monin rocky cliffs along the New England seacoast, sent. The tarsi are 3- to 5-segmented. The tail-like ap-
usually5 to 20 feet above the high-tide mark. pendages consist of the cerci and a median caudal fil-
Fami/y Meinertellidae: These are similar in appear- ament. The abdomen is II-segmented, but the last
anceto the machilids and are widely distributed. Five segment is often much reduced. Segments 2-7 each
species occur in N orth America. contain a single undivided ventral sclerite or a stern-
ite and a pair of coxopodites, and there are styli on
segments 2-9, 7-9, or 8-9.
Order Thysanura-Silverfish3
thysan,bristle or fringe; ura, tail.
2(1'). Compound eyes present; body always covered with scales; widely
distributed Lepismatidae p.179
2', Compound eyes absent; body with scales (Atelurinae) or without scales
(Nicoletiinae); Florida and Texas Nicoletiidae p.179
FamilyLepidotrichidae: This familyis represented in nests. Five species in this family have been reported
theUnited States by a single species, Tricholepidion from Florida and Texas.
gerlschiWygodzinsky, which lives under decaying bark Fami/y Lepismatidae: This group is represented in
offallenDouglas fir in northern California. This insect North America by 14 species, some of which are com-
isreddish, elongate, with a maximum body length of mon and widely distributed. The best-known members
about12 mm, with the antennae reaching a length of of this family are the silverfish, Lepisma saccharina L.,
9mmand the caudal appendages 14 mm. and the firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Packard), which
Fami/yNicoletiidae:This group contains two sub- are domestic species that live in buildings. They feed
families,which differ in appearance and habits. The on all sorts of starchy substances and frequently be-
Nicoletiinaeare slender and 7-19 mm in length; they come pests. In libraries they feed on starch in books,
lackscales;and the caudal filaments and antennae are bindings, and labels. In dwellings they feed on starched
relativelylong (half as long as the body or longer). The clothing, curtains, linens, silks, and the starch paste in
Atelurinaeare oval (often with the body tapering pos- wallpaper. In stores they feed on paper, vegetables, and
terioriy);the body is usually covered with scales; and foods that contain starch. The silverfish is gray in color,
thecaudal filaments and antennae are shorter (usually about 12 mm in length, and is found in cool, damp sit-
lessthan half as long as the body). The Nicoletiinae are uations. The firebrat (Figure 8-2) is tan or brown in
subterraneanor occur in caves and mammal burrows. color, about the same size as the silverfish, and fre-
TheAtelurinae are free-living or occur in ant or termite quents warm places around furnaces, boilers, and
180 Chapter8 TheApterygoteInsects
steam pipes. Both species are quite active and can run can be collected by sifting debris or by looking under
rapidly. The lepismatids that occur outside buildings bark or stones or in fungi. Soil, leaf litter, or other ma-
are found in caves, in debris, under stones and leaves, terial that may contain these insects can be sprinkled
and in ant nests. onto a white surface, and the insects can be picked up
with a moistened brush or aspirator. Many forrns are
most easily collected with a Berlese funnel. The jump-
ing bristletails can sometimes be most easily collected
Collecting and Preserving at night by shining a flashlight over the rocks or leaf lit-
Apterygote Insects ter where they occur. In some 15-20 minutes the in-
sects will begin crawling toward the light.
Indoor species such as the silverfish and firebrat can be The best way to preserve these insects is in fluid-
trapped (see Chapter 35), or they can be collected with generally 80-85% alcohol. The bristletails are perhaps
forceps or a moistened brush. Most outdoor species better preserved in alcoholic Bouin's solution.
Paclt, j. 1956. Biologie der primar flügellosen insekten. Jena, Wygodzinsky, P. 1972. A revision of the silverfish (Lepisrnati-
Germany: Gustav Fischer, 258 pp. dae, Thysanura) of the United States and the Caribbean
Paclt,j. 1963. Thysanura, farnily Nicoletiidae. Genera Insect., area. Arner. Mus. Nov. No. 2481, 26 pp.
Fasc. 216e, 58 pp.; illus. Wygodzinsky, P. 1987. Order Microcoryphia. In F. W Stehr
Rernington, C. L. 1954. The suprageneric classification of the (Ed.), Irnrnature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 68-70. Dubuque, lA:
order Thysanura (Insecta). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. KendalllHunt, 754 pp.
47:277-286. Wygodzinsky, P. 1987. Order Thysanura. In F.W Stehr (Ed.),
Slabaugh, R. E. 1940. A new thysanuran, and a key to the do- Irnrnature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 71-74. Dubuque, lA:
mes tic species of Lepisrnatidae (Thysanura) found in the KendalllHunt, 754 pp.
United States. Entorno\. News 51:95-98. Wygodzinsky, p., and K. Schrnidt. 1980. Survey of the Micro-
Srnith, E. L. 1970. Biology and structure of sorne California coryphia (Insecta) of the northeastern United States and
bristletails and silverfish (Apterygota: Microcoryphia, adjacent provinces of Canada. Arner. Mus. Nov. No.
Thysanura). Pan-Paco Entorno\. 46:212-225. 2071, 17 pp.
Wygodzinsky, P. 1961. On a surviving representative of the
Lepidotrichidae (Thysanura). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner.
9 Order Ephemeroptera1,2
ayflies are small to medium-sized, elongate, very in the adults), ancJ.the genitalia are not fully developed.
M soft-bodied insects with two or three long, thread- In a few genera there is no imago stage in the female;
liketails. They are common near ponds and streams. the subimago in these species mates and lays the eggs.
Theadults (Figure 9-1) have membranous wings with The adult is usually smooth and shining; it has longer
numerousveins. The front wings are usually large and legs and tails than the subimago; and its genitalia are
triangular,and the hind wings are small and rounded. fully developed. The mayflies are the only insects that
Somespecies have the front wings more elongate and molt again after the wings become functional. The
thehind wings very small or absent. The wings at rest nymphs may require ayear or two to develop, but the
areheld together above the body. The antennae are adults (which have vestigial mouthparts and do not
small,bristlelike, and inconspicuous. The immature feed) seldom live more than a day or two.
stagesare aquatic, and the metamorphosis is simple. Adult mayflies often engage in rather spectacular
Mayflynymphs are found in a variety of aquatic swarming flights during which mating takes place.
habitats.Some are streamlined in form and very active, These swarms vary in size from small groups of indi-
andothers are burrowing in habit. They can usually be viduals flying up and down in unison to large clouds of
recognizedby the leaflike or plumose gills along the flying insects. The swarms of some species are 15 me-
sidesof the abdomen and the three (rarely two) long ters or more above the ground. The individuals in the
tails(Figure 9-2). Stonefly nymphs (Figures 16-2B swarm are usually all males. Sooner or later females en-
and16-3) are similar, but have only two tails (the ter the swarm, and a male will seize a female and fly
cerci),and the gills are on the thorax (only rarely on away with her. Mating occurs in flight, and oviposition
theabdomen)and are not leaflike. Mayfly nymphs feed generally occurs very shortly thereafter (within min-
chieflyon algae and detritus. Many are most active at utes or, at most, a few hours).
night. The eggs are laid on the surface of the water or are
When ready to transform to the winged stage, a attached to objects in the water. In cases where the eggs
mayfly nymph rises to the surface of the water and are laid on the surface of the water, they may simply be
molts, and a winged form flies a short distance to the washed off the end of the abdomen a few at a time, or
shorewhere it usually alights on vegetation. This stage, they may all be laid in one clump. Each species has
whichis not the adult, is called a subimago. It molts characteristic egg-Iaying habits. A few species are ovo-
oncemore, usually the next day, to become the adult. viviparous.
Thesubimagois dull in appearance and somewhat pu- Mayflies often emerge in enormous numbers from
bescent.There are hairs along the wing margin and on lakes and rivers and sometimes may pile up along the
thecaudalfilaments (these areas are nearly always bare shore or on nearby roads and streets. Piles as deep as
1.2 meters have be en observed in Illinois (Burks 1953),
ephemera, for a day, short-lived; ptera, wings (refer- causing serious traffic problems. Such enormous emer-
ringlOIheshortlife of the adults), gences are often a considerable nuisance. Up until
'Th~chapteredited by Manuel L. Pescador. about the mid-1950s, mass emergences of this sort oc- 181
Figure9-1 A mayfly, Hexagenia bilineata
(Say) (Ephemeridae). (Courtesy of Needham
and the Bureau of Fisheries.)
curredalong the shores of Lake Erie,but changesin the Kukalová-Peck (1985) proposed a reinterpretation of
lake(increased pollution) have greatly reduced the mayfly venation, bringing it in line with her hy-
numberof these insects (and also the numbers of many potheses on the fundamental structure of pterygote
fish),and their emergences now are not as striking as wings. Table 9-1 presents a comparison of these
theyused to be. three venational terminologies (veins labeled 1 are
The chief economic importance of mayflies lies in in tercalaries) .
theirvalue as food for fish. Both adults and nymphs
The abdomen. The abdomen of a mayfly is 10-
are an important food of many freshwater fish, and
segmented, with the caudal filaments arising on the
manyartificial flies used by fishermen are modeled af-
tenth segment. Some mayflies have only two caudal fil-
terthese insects. Mayflies also serve as food for many
aments (the cerci), with the median filament vestigial
otheranimals, including birds, amphibians, spiders, or absent; others have all three filaments well devel-
andmany predaceous insects. Most species of mayflies
oped. The sternum of segment 9 forms the subgenital
inthe nymphal stage are restricted to particular types
plate. The male has a pair of clasperlike genital forceps
ofhabitats. Hence the mayfly fauna of an aquatic habi-
on the distal margin of this plate and paired penes
tatmay serve as an indicator of the ecological charac-
(rarely, the penes are more or less fused) dorsal to this
teristics (including the degree of pollution) of that
habitat. plate (Figure 9-5). The subgenital plate of the female,
formed by the posterior part of the ninth sternum,
varies in shape, and there are no claspers or penes. The
character of the claspers is sometimes used in separat-
ing families, and both the claspers and the penes are
SomeCharacters of the Ephemeroptera usually very important in separating species.
Thehead. The compound eyes often differ in the two
sexes,being generally larger and closer together in the
male,and smaller and farther apart in the female. In
mostof the smaller species, such as the Caenidae, the
eyesaresmall and widely separated in both sexes. The Table 9-1 A Comparisonof Venational
eyes of the male are often larger or have upper facets Terminologiesin the Ephemeroptera
that are a different color from the other facets. In the
Baetidaeand some Leptophlebiidae, the upper facets Kukalová-Peck Traver (1954a); Needhamet al.
aremore or less on stalks (such eyes are described as (1985) Edmundset al. (1976r (1935)'
turbinate).The eyes of the female are usually uniform
in colorand facet size. C' C C
SeP Se Se
Thelegs. In most mayflies, the front legs of the male RA R, R,
aremuch longer than the other legs (the tibiae and RPI R2 R2
tarsibeing much elongated), sometimes as long as or RP2 R)(a+b)
longer than the body. In the Polymitarcyidae and RP3-4 R.+, R)
Behningiidae,the middle and hind legs of the male and MAI-2 MAl R.
al!the legs of the female are vestigial. IMA
The wings. Most mayflieshave two pairs of wings, but MA3-4 MA2 R,
in the Caenidae, Leptohyphidae, Baetidae, and some MPI-2 MP, M,
Leptophlebiidae the hind wings are greatly reduced or IMP
absent.The shape of the front wings is somewhat tri- MP3-4 MP2 M2
angularin most mayflies, but the front wings are more CuAI-2 CuA CUI
elongatein those species that have reduced hind wings Cu supplements Cubital interealaries Cu,
orlack them altogether. The wings are somewhat cor- + CuA3-4
rugated,with the veins lying either on a ridge or in a CuP (+AAl) CuP CU2
furrow.Some veins contain bullae, weakened areas that AA2 lA lA
al!owthe wings to bend during flight.
There is considerable variation in the venational 'Usedin this book and by many present workers on the
terminologies different authorities use in this group. 'Used by Burks (1953) and in previous editions of this book.
Weuse here the terminology of Edmunds and Traver 'The costal margin is formed by the fusion of PC, CA, cp, and
(l954a; Figure 9-3), which differs a little from ScAl-2; Sc3-4 forms the subcostal brace at the baseof the wing (the
that used by many earlier researchers. In addition, costal brace of Edmunds &: Traver 1954a).
184 Chapter9 Order Ephemeroptera
1 A(+)CuP(-) ICuA
, IMP(+)
" MP2(-) Figure9-3 Wings of Pentagenia (Ephemeridae). Major convex
(+) and convave (-) longitudinal veins indicated.
R4-S + MA,
\ I 1--
CuP ~MA2 + MP, , ,',
A MP2 + CuA _-l !__ B
e D
G CuA/ MP2 MP, MA2 MA, I",ur-- I",UI-\ IVIr-2
ICuA- - -:
CuA MP2 ,
Heptageniidae (127): Acanthomola (1), Anepeorus (2), (7), Neochoroterpes (3), Paraleptophlebia (39),
Cinygma (3), Cinygmula (10), Epeorus (19), Hepta- Thraulodes (3), Traverella (3)
genia (12), lronodes (6), Leucrocuta (10), Macdun- Metretopodidae (9): Metretopus (2), Siphloplecton (7)
noa (3), Nixe (ll), Raptoheptagenia (1), Rhithro- Neoephemeridae (4): Neoephemera (4)
gena (22), Stenacron (7), Stenonema (20) Oligoneuriidae (6): Homoeoneuria (4), Lachlania (2)
Isonychiidae (16): Isonychia (16) Polymitarcyidae (6): Campsurus (2), Ephoron (2),
Leptohyphidae (25): Allenhyphes (2), Asioplax (5), Tortopus (2)
Homoleptohyphes (3), Leptohyphes (2), Tricoryhy- Potamanthidae (5): Anthopotamus (5)
phes (l), Tricorythodes (10), Vacupemius (2) Pseudironidae (l): Pseudiron (l)
Leptophlebiidae (66): Choroterpes (5), Farrodes (l), Siphlonuridae (24): Edmundsius (1), Parameletus (4),
Habrophlebia (l), Habrophlebiodes (4), Leptophlebia Siphlonisca (l), Siphlonurus (18)
8(7). Three caudal filaments present, median filament distinctly longer than
abdominal tergum 10; hind wing 1/2or more length of fore wing; very
rare Aeanthametropodidae * p. 189
8', Twocaudal filaments present, medial filament vestigial; hind wing less
than 1/2length of fore wing 9
9(8'), Vein MP of hind wing forked near margin; fore legs largely or entirely
dark; middle and hind legs pale Isonyehiidae p.190
9', Vein MP of hind wing forked near base or middle of wing; legs not as
in preceding entry 10
10(9'). Tarsal claws of each leg dissimilar, one pointed, the other rounded or
padlike Ameletidae p. 189
10'. Tarsal claws on each leg similar in form, pointed Siphlonuridae p.191
11(7'). Three well-developed caudal filaments present (median filament
sometimes shorter and thinner than cercO 12
11'. Twowell-developed caudal filaments present (median filament
rudimentary or absent) 15
12(11). Hind wings present, usually relatively large with one or more veins
forked; costal projection of hind wings, if present, shorter than width
ofwing 13
12'. Hind wings absent or very small, with only 2 or 3 simple veins;
costal projection of hind wings, if present, as long as or longer than
width of wing 20
L-i:l?J)\,\\ \
I I I '1.\ l.' I\ n I I I
\ \nHnl /
Figure 9-5 Apex of abdomen of male mayfly, Leptophlebiaeupida (Say), ventral view.
er, lateral caudal filament (cercus); gf, genital forceps; mef, median caudal filament; pe,
penes; sgp, subgenital plate.
188 Chapter9 Order Ephemeroptera
1A Cup/ICUA 1A CuP .=-=-.
se Figure 9-6 Wings of Ephemeroptera.
R, R4+5 A, Campsurus, Campsurinae, Polymitar-
R4+5 cyidae; B, Ephoron, Polymitarcyinae,
1A ~MA,
CuP CuA MP'0 MA2 Polymitarcyidae; C, Stenonema, Hepta-
e CuA MP2 MP, MA2 D MP, geniidae; D, Siphlonurus, Siphlonuridae.
13(12). Fore wing with 1 long pair of parallel cubital intercalaries and several
shorter intercalaries between CuA and CuP; vein lA attached to hind
margin of wing by series of marginal veinlets; western United States Ametropodidae* p.189
13'. Fore wing with cubital intercalaries not as in preceding entry; vein lA
not as in preceding entry; widely distributed 14
14(13'). Fore wing with short, basally detached marginal veinlets along outer
margin of wing; vein CuA basally close to or overlapping base of vein
CuP (Figure 9-4G); genital forceps of male with one terminal segment Ephemerellidae p.190
14'. Fore wing without basally detached marginal veinlets along outer
margin of wing; base of CuA separated from base of CuP (Figure 9-4J);
male genital forceps with 2 or 3 terminal segments (Figure 9-5) Leptophlebiidae p.190
15(11'). Cubital intercalaries absent in fore wing and vein lA extending to
outer margin of wing (Figure 9-4H); hind wing with numerous long,
free marginal veinlets Baetiscidae p.190
15'. Cubital intercalaries present in fore wing and vein lA extending to
hind margin ofwing (Figures 9-4D, 9-6C); hind wing (ifpresent)
not as in preceding entry 16
Keyto the Familiesof Ephemeroptera 189
16(15'). Fore wing with 1 or 2 short, basally detached marginal veinlets between
main longitudinal veins; bases of veins MA2and MP2detached from
their respective stems (Figure 9-4D); 1 long and 1 short cubital
intercalary present (Figure 9-4D); hind wing small or absent; upper
portion of male eye large and on stalk Baetidae p.190
16'. Fore wing with marginal intercalaries attached basally to other veins
(Figure 9-6C); bases ofveins MA2and MP2attached to MA, and MP,;
usually with 2 pairs (rarely 1) of cubital intercalaries (Figure 9-6C);
hind wings relatively large; male eyes not on stalks 17
17(16'). Hind tarsi distinctly 5-segmented 18
17'. Hind tarsi apparently 4-segmented, basal segment more or less fused
to tibia 19
18(17). Genital forceps of male with 3 short terminal segments; MA of hind
wing unforked; rare, U.S. Northeast west to Wisconsin Arthropleidae * p. 189
18'. Genital forceps of male with 2 short terminal segments; MA of hind
wing usually forked (Figure 9-6C); very common, widespread Heptageniidae p.190
19(17'). Eyes of male imago separated by distance greater than width of median
ocellus; length of fused basal segment of hind tarsus less than '/2 length
of tibia; subgenital plate of female with median cleft; abdominal sterna
without median marks Pseudironidae
* p.191
19'. Eyes of male imago contiguous (touching) medially or nearly so; length
of fused basal segment of hind tarsus greater than '/2length of tibia;
subgenital plate of female evenly rounded; abdominal sterna with
median dots or lines Metretopodidae p.190
20(12'). Veins MP2and IMP of fore wing extending less than y. distance to base
of wing (Figure 9-4E); male genital forceps 2- or 3-segmented; hind
wings present or absent; thorax usually black or gray Leptohyphidae p.190
20'. VeinsMP2and IMPof forewingextendingnearly to baseof wing
(Figure 9-4F); male genital forceps l-segmented; hind wings absent;
thorax color variable, usually brown Caenidae p.190
FamilyAcanthametropodidae: Two genera of these gravelly substrates, although a few nymphs have been
rareand sporadically distributed mayOiesare known collected among vegetation and debris.
fromNorth America,but only one has been collected Family Ametropodidae: These mayflies have a wing
asan adulto They have relatively large hind wings with venation similar to that of the Heptageniidae (Fig-
theirlength one half or more of the length of the fore ure 9-6C), but they have three caudal filaments (two in
wing,and three caudal filaments with the median fila- the Heptageniidae), and the hind tarsi have four seg-
mentdistinctly longer than abdominal tergum 10. The ments. The nymphs live buried in the silty sand in the
nymphshave long, slender tarsal claws (especially the bottoms of large rivers with a fairIystrong current.
hindtarsal claws) that enable them to maintain their Family Arthropleidae: Adults are similar to Hepta-
positionin sandy bottom streams. geniidae, but the genital forceps of the males have
Fami/y Ameletidae: The adults are similar to three short terminal segments and vein MA of the
Siphlonuridae, from which they are distinguished by hind wing is unforked. The family is represented by
the dissimilarity of the tarsal claws on each leg: one one rare, widely distributed species, Arthroplea
pointedand the other rounded or padlike. The fast- bipunctata (McDunnough). The nymphs live on vege-
swimmingnymphs inhabit a wide variety of habitats, tation in temporary ponds and marginal areas of
ranging from swift-flowing streams to large rivers, streams and feed by sweeping elongate maxillary
lakes,and ponds. They occur mostly among pebbles on palpi through the water.
190 Chapter9 OrderEphemeroptera
Family Baetidae:This is the largest family of are common and widely distributed. The nymphs
mayflies in North America, and its members are com- sprawling forms, sometimes dark-colored, with
mon and widely distributed. The nymphs occur in a head and body flattened (Figure 9-2C). Most Sp
variety of aquatic habitats. The adults are small (front occur on the underside of stones in streams, but s
wings 2-12 mm), with front wings elongate-oval and occur in sandy rivers and boggy ponds. Adults ]
hind wings very small or absent. Baetids (Figure 9-40) two caudal filaments and two pairs of cubital ir
differ from other mayflies that have hind wings small calaries that are more or less parallel (Figure 9-1
or absent (Caenidae, Figure 9-4F; Leptohyphidae, Fig- and MA in the hind wing is usually forked. The I
ure 9-4E; and some Leptophlebiidae) in having only tarsi are five-segmented.
two caudal filaments, one or two short marginal vein- Family Isonychiidae: The adults are easily re
lets between the main longitudinal veins, and the bases nized by the forked vein MP of the hind wings neal
ofMA2 and MP2 atrophied. The eyes ofthe male are di- wing margin, and the largely or entirely dark fore
vided, with the upper portion turbina te. and pale middle and hind legs. The minno\\
Family Baetiscidae: These mayflies are small to nymphs are mostly found in flowing water with r
medium-sized (front wing 8-12 mm), with two caudal current, from which they filter food particles thro
filaments (which are usually shorter than the body). the double row of long hairs on the fore tibiae
The wings are often reddish or orange, at least basally. femora.
The front wing lacks cubital intercalaries and has lA Family Leptohyphidae: This group is largely tI
extending to the outer margin of the wing (Fig- cal, but a few species extend into Canada. The nyn
ure 9-4H). The nymphs occur principally in cool, occur in rivers and streams. The adults are small (f
fairly rapid streams. wing 3-9 mm), with three caudal filaments. The f
Family Behningiidae: This group is represented in wings are elongate-oval or wider at the base, witl
the United States by a single rare species. Dolania amer- marginal veinlets. MA forms a symmetrical fork
icana Edmunds and Traver, which has been found in MP2 is usually free at its base (Figure 9-4E). t
the southeastem states with one record from Wiscon- wings are lacking, but males of some genera have S
sin. The nymphs burrow in the sand at the bottom of hind wings with a long, slender costal projection (
large rivers. ure 9-4C).
Family Caenidae:These mayflies are quite small Family Leptophlebiidae: This is a fairly large gn
(front wing 2-6 mm), with three caudal filaments and and its members are relatively common and widely
no hind wings. They are similar to the Leptohyphidae, tributed. The nymphs occur in a variety of aql
but the fork ofMA is asymmetrical and veins IMP¡ and habitats, usually in still water or in streams with ,
MP2 extend nearly to the wing base (Figure 9-4F). The duced current. Adults have three caudal filaments,
nymphs occur in a variety of aquatic habitats, usually the venation (Figure 9-4J) is fairly complete. Then
in quiet water. no detached veinlets, and CuP is rather strongly
FamilyEphemerellidae: These mayfliesare medium- curved. The eyes of the male are strongly divided, 1
sized (front wing 6-19 mm) and usually brownish, the upper portion having larger facets. Adults rang
with three caudal filaments. They have short, basally size (measured by the length of the front wing) fro
detached marginal veinlets along the outer margin of to 14 mm.
the front wing, and the costal crossveins are reduced Family Metretopodidae:The nymphs of this S
(Figure 9-4G). The ephemerellids are common and group generally live in large, slowly flowing stre~
widely distributed mayflies. The nymphs live in a va- usually in shallow water near the shore. The ad
riety of aquatic habitats, usually under rocks or in de- have a wing venation similar to that of the Heptag
bris in cool, clear, rapid streams or in small, clear ida e (Figure 9-6C), but the hind tarsi are f
lakes. segmented (five-segmented in the Heptageniid
Family Ephemeridae: These mayflies are medium- These mayflies are chiefly northem in distribution,
sized to large (front wings 10-25 mm), with two curring across Canada to the U.S. Southeast.
or three caudal filaments. The wings are hyaline Family Neoephemeridae: These mayflies are SiI
or brownish and, in Ephemera, have dark spots. The to the ephemerids, but they have somewhat redu
nymphs are burrowing in habit and occur in the costal crossveins and an acute costal projection 1
sand or silt at the bottoms of streams and lakes, some- the base of the hind wing. They are easily recogni
times in fairly deep water. Adults of Hexagenia (Fig- by the acute lateral projections on abdominal tergu
ure 9-1) sometimes emerge from lakes in tremendous (9-4B). The nymphs live in slow to moderately n
numbers. streams, usually in debris. This is a small group wl
Family Heptageniidae: This is the second largest members occur in the eastem United States. They
family of mayflies in North America, and its members not very common.
References 191
Allen,R. K., and G. E Edmunds, Jr. 1965. A revision of the Bae, Y., and W P. McCafferty. 1991. Phylogenetic systernatics
genus Ephemerella (Epherneroptera: Ephernerellidae). of the Potarnanthidae (Epherneroptera). Trans. Arner. En-
VIII.The subgenus Ephemerella in North Arnerica. Misc. torno\. Soco 117:1-143.
Pub!.Entorno\. SOCoArner. 4:244-282.
192 Chapter9 OrderEphemeroptera
Bae, Y J., and W P. McCafferty. 1998. Phylogenetic systemat- Kukalová-Peck, J. 1985. Ephemeroid wing venation based
ics and biogeography of the Neoephemeridae (Ephem- upon new gigantic Carboniferous mayflies and basic
eroptera: Pannota). Aquatic Insects 20:35-68. morphology, phylogeny, and metamorphosis of pterygole
Bednarik, A. F., and W P.McCafferty. 1979. Biosystematic re- insects. Can. J. Zool. 63:933-955.
vision of the genus Stenonema (Ephemeroptera: Hepta- Leonard, J. W, and F.A. Leonard. 1962. Mayflies of Michigan
geniidae). Can. Bull. Fish. &:Aquatic Sci. 201. 73 pp. Trout Streams. Bloomfield Hills, MI: Cranbrook Institute
Berner, L. 1978. A review of the family Metretopodidae. of Science, 137 pp.
Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soco 104:91-137. McCafferty,W P.1975. The burrowing mayflies (Ephemeroptera:
Berner, L., and M. L. Pescador. 1988. The Mayflies of Florida Ephemeroidea) of the United States. Trans. Amer. Entorno!.
(rev. ed.). Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 415 pp. Soc. 101:447-504.
Brittain, J. E. 1982. Biology of mayflies. Annu. Rev. Entomol. McCafferty, W P. 1991. Toward a phylogenetic classification
27:119-147. of the Ephemeroptera (Insecta): A commentary on sys-
Burian, S. K 2001. A revision of the genus Leptophlebia West- tematics. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 84:343-360.
wood in North America (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: McCafferty, W P. 1996. The Ephemeroptera species of North
Leptophlebiinae). Bull. Ohio Bioi. Surv. n.S. 13(3).80 pp. America and index to their complete nomenclature.
Burks, B. D. 1953. The mayflies of Ephemeroptera of Illinois. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 122:1-54.
Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 26:1-216. McCafferty, W P. 1998. Additions and corrections lo
Day, W e. 1956. Ephemeroptera. In R. L. Usinger (Ed.), Ephemeroptera species of North America and index to their
Aquatic Insects of California. Berkeley: University of Cal- complete nomenclature. Entomol. News 109:266-268.
ifornia Press, pp. 79-105. McCafferty, W P., and G. F. Edmunds, Jr. 1979. The higher
Edmunds, G. F.,Jr. 1962. The type localities of the Ephem- classification of the Ephemeroptera and its evolutionary
eroptera of North America north of Mexico. Univ. Utah basis. Ann. Entomol. SOC.Amer. 72:5-12; illus.
Biol. Ser. 12(5):1-39. McCafferty, W P., and R. D. Waltz. 1990. Revisionary synop-
Edmunds, G. F.,Jr. 1972. Biogeography and evolution of the sis of the Baetidae (Ephemeroptera) of North and Middle
Ephemeroptera. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 17:21-42; illus. America. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 116:769-799.
Edmunds, G. F., Jr. 1984. Ephemeroptera. In R. W Merritt McCafferty, W P., and T.-Q. Wang. 2000. Phylogenetic sys-
and K W. Cummins (Eds.), An introduction to the tematics of the major lineages of the pannote mayflies
aquatic insects of North America, 2nd ed., pp. 94-123. (Ephemeroptera: Pannota). Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soco
Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt. 126:9-101.
Edmunds, G. F., Jr., and R. K Allen. 1987. Order Morihara, D. K, and W P.McCafferty. 1979. The Baetis larvae
Ephemeroptera. In F. W Stehr (Ed.), Immature Insects, of North America (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Trans.
vol. 1, pp. 75-94. Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt, 754 pp. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 105:139-221.
Edmunds, G. F.,Jr., R. K Allen, and W L. Peters. 1963. An Needham,J. G.,J. R. Traver, and Y-e. Hsu. 1935. The biology
annotated key to the nymphs of the families and subfam- of mayflies, with a systematic account of North America
ilies of mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Univ. Utah Biol. Ser. species. Ithaca, NY: Comstock, 759 pp.
13(1):1-49. Peckarsky, B. L., P. R. Fraissinet, M. A. Penton, and D. J.
Edmunds, G. F., Jr., S. L. Jensen, and L. Berner. 1976. The Conklin, Jr. 1990. Freshwater macroinvertebrates of
Mayflies of North and Central America. Minneapolis: northeastern United States. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univer.
University of Minnesota Press, 300 pp. sity Press, 442 pp.
Edmunds, G. F., Jr., and J. R. Traver. 1954a. The flight me- Pescador, M. L., and L. Berner. 1981. The mayfly family Baetis.
chanics of the wings of Ephemeroptera with notes on the cidae (Ephemeroptera). Part n. Biosystematics of the
archetype wing. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 44(12):390-400. genus Baetiscas. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soco 107:163-228.
Edmunds, G. F.,Jr., and J. R. Traver. 1954b. An outline of a Peters, W L., and G. F. Edmunds, Jr. 1970. Revision of the
reclassification of the Ephemeroptera. Proc. Entomol. generic classification of the Eastern Hemisphere Lep-
Soc. Wash. 56:236-240. tophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera). PacoInsects 12(1):157-240.
Edmunds, G. F.,Jr., and R. D. Waltz. 1996. Ephemeroptera. In Provonsha, A. V. 1990. A revision of the genus Caenis in
R. W Merrit and K W Cummins (Eds.), An introduction North America (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Trans. Arner.
to the aquatic insects of North America, 3rd ed., Chapter 11, Entomol. Soc. 116:801-884.
pp. 126-136. Dubuque, lA: Kendall Hunt. Soldán, T. 1986. A revision of the Caenidae with ocellar tu-
Funk, D. H., and B. W Sweeney. 1994. The larvae of eastern bercles in the nymphal stage (Ephemeroptera). Acta
North American Eurylophella Tiensuu (Ephemeroptera: Univ. Carl. 1982-1984 (Biol.):289-362.
Ephemerellidae). Trans. Amer. Entomol. SOC.120:209-286. Wiersema, N. A., and W P.McCafferty. 2000. Generic revision
Hubbard, M. D. 1990. Mayflies of the world: A catalog of the of the North and Central American Leptohyphidae
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Hubbard, M. D., and W L. Peters. 1976. The number of gen- Zloty,J. 1996. A revision of the Nearctic Ameletus mayflies based
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News 87:245. (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae). Can. Entomol. 128:293-346.
Kondratieff, B. e., andJ. R. Voshell,Jr. 1984. The North and
Central American species of Isonychia (Ephemeroptera:
Oligoneuriidae). Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 110:129-244.
10 Order Odonata1,2
Dragonfliesand Damselflies
heüdonata are relatively large and often beautifully Odonata nymphs are aquatic and breathe through
T colored insectsthat spend a large part of their time the general integument, with gaseous exchange sup-
onIhewing.The immature stages are aquatic, and the plemented by gills. The gills of damselfly nymphs (Zy-
adultsare usually found near water. All stages are goptera) are in the form of three leaflike structures at
predaeeous and feed on various insects and other or- the end of the abdomen (Figure lO-l). These nymphs
ganisms and, fram the human point of view, are gener- swim by body undulations, the gills functioning like
allyverybeneficia!.The adults are harmless to people; the tail of a fish. The gills of dragonfly nymphs
thalis,theydo not bite or sting. Certain groups are (Anisoptera) (Figures 10-2 and 10-llA,B) are in the
usefulasindicators of ecosystem quality. form of ridges in the rectum. When a dragonfly nymph
Adultdragonflies and damselflies are easily recog- breathes, it draws water into the rectum through the
nized (seeFigures 10-10 thraugh 10-14). The com- anus and then expels it. Rapid expulsion of water fram
poundeyesare large and multifaceted, and often oc- the anus is a chief means of locomotion, resulting in a
cupymost of the head. There are three ocelli. The form of "jet propulsion."
antennaeare very small and bristlelike, and the mouth- The nymphs vary somewhat in habits, but all are
partsareofthe chewingtype. The thorax consists of a aquatic and feed on various sorts of small aquatic or-
smallprothoraxand a larger pterothorax. The dorsal ganisms. They usually lie in wait for their prey, either
andlateralsurfaces of the pterothorax, between the on a plant or more or less buried in the substrate. The
pronotumand the base of the wings, are formed by prey is generally small, but some of the larger nymphs
pleuralsclerites. The four wings are elongate, many- (particularly Aeshnidae) occasionally attack tadpoles
veined,and membranous. The legs are relatively long and small fish. In the nymphs, the labium is modified
andsuitedfor perching and holding prey, not for walk- into a peculiar segmented structure with which they
ing.Theabdomen is long and slender, with 10 visible capture prey. The labium is folded under the head
segments.The cerci are not segmented. Metamorphosis when not at resto When used, it is thrust forward very
issimple. quickly, and the prey is grabbed by two movable, claw-
Present-dayOdonata vary in length from about 20 like lobes (the palpi) at the tip of the labium (Fig-
than 135 mm. The largest dragonfly known, ure 10-3). The labium, when extended, is usually at
whiehlivedabout 250 million years ago and is known least a third as long as the body (Figure 10-1 lB).
onlyframfossils,had a wingspread of about 71 cm Nymphs may molt 9 to 17 times, but the norm is
(28inehes)! The largest dragonflies in the United 9 to 13. When a nymph is fully grown, it crawls up out
areabout 85 to ll5 mm in length, although they of the water to complete its metamorphosis, usually on
lookmuchlargerwhen seen on the wing.
often a plant stem or rack and usually early in the moming.
The nymphs of some species wander many meters fram
¡raro the Greek, meaning tooth (referring 10 the teeth on the water before molting to the adult stage. Once out of
ihe mandibles). the last nymphal skin, the adult expands to its full size
'Th~chapter edited by K. J. Tennessen. in about 30 to 60 minutes. The flight of newly emerged 193
194 Chapter10 OrderOdonata
adults is relatively feeble, and they are not yet fully col- brightly colored, especially in the Coenagrionidae. Fe-
ored and are very soft-bodied. It is usually a few days males of several genera within this family are polymor-
before the insect's full powers of flight develop, and a phic. For example, most females of Ischnura verticalis
week or more may elapse before the color pattern fully (Say) are heterochromatic, being orange and black
develops. Many Odonata have a color or color pattern when newly emerged and rather uniformly bluish
in the first few days of their adult life that is quite dif- when mature. A small proportion of the female popu-
ferent from what they will have after a week or two. lation is homeochromatic.
Newly emerged, pale, soft-bodied adults are called ten- Some species of Odonata are on the wing for only
eral individuals. a few weeks each year, whereas others may be seeo
The two sexes in the suborder Anisoptera are usu- throughout the summer or over a period of several
ally similarly colored, although the colors of the males months. Observations of marked individuals indicate
are frequently brighter. In some of the Libellulidae, the that the average damself1y probably has a maximum
two sexes differ in the color pattern of the wings or ab- adult life of 3 or 4 weeks, and so me dragonflies may
domen. The two sexes are differently colored in most live 6 to 10 weeks. Most species have a single genera-
of the Zygoptera, and the male is usually the more tion ayear, with the egg or, usually, the nymph over-
Order Odonata 195
while still in tandem with the male). The eggs are usu- some species (for example, Lestes), however, the eggs
ally inserted just below the surface of the water, no far- overwinter and hatch the following spring.
ther than the female can reach. In a few cases (for ex- Most species of Odonata have characteristic habits
ample, some species of Lestes), the eggs are laid in of flight. The flight of most skimmers (Libellulidae) is
plant stems above the water line, and in a few other very erratic. They fly this way and that, often hovering
cases (for example, some species of Enallagma) the fe- in one spot for a few moments, and they seldom fly
male may climb down a plant stem and insert her eggs very far in a straight line. Many stream species fly rela-
into the plant a foot or more below the surface of the tively slowly up and down the stream, often patrolling
water. The eggs usually hatch in one to three weeks. In a stretch of 90 meters or more. These dragonflies fly al
A tell
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bcv i {/I MI
and May (2000) for Anisoptera. Many species of popularity, the Dragonfly Society of the Americas has
üdonata can be recognized in the field without capture devised and standardized a list of English vemacular
by using binoculars to view their characteristic size, names for all species known to occur in North America
shape, color, or habits (Dunkle 2000). Because of their (
1. Front and hind wings similar in shape, narrow at base (Figures 10-6,
10-7D,F,G); wings at rest held either together above body or slightly
divergent;compoundeyesseparatedby a distancegreater than width of
1 eye;maleswith 4 appendagesat end of abdomen(FigureI0-4C,D)
(damselflies, suborder Zygoptera) 2
Keyto the Familiesof Odonata 199
R+M C an
B M. Cu, Cu, Rs
1', Hind wings wider than front wings, particularly at base (Figures 10-5,
10-7A-C); wings at rest held horizontally or nearly so; compound eyes
contiguous or separated by a distance less than width of eye; males with
3 appendages at end of abdomen (Figure 10-4A) (dragonflies, suborder
Anisoptera) 6
2(1), Tenor more antenodal crossveins (Figure 10-7D); wings not stalked, often
with black, brown, or red markings; quadrangle with several crossveins Calopterygidae p. 205
2', Twoantenodal crossveins (Figures 10-6 and 10-7F); wings stalked
at base, either hyaline or lightly tinged with brown (rarely black);
quadrangle without crossveins 3
3(2'). M) and Rs arising nearer arculus than nodus (Figure 10-6B); wings
usually held divergent at rest Lestidae p. 205
3', M3and Rs arising nearer nodus than arculus (Figure 10-6A), usually
arising below nodus; wings usually held together at rest 4
G Cu,
/~,. '..
Keyto the Familiesof Odonata 201
6'. Trianglesin front and hind wings usually not similar in shape, triangle
in front wing farther distad of arculus than triangle in hind wing
(Figure 10-5, 10-7B,C); most costal and subcostal crossveins in line;
no brace vein behind proximal end of pterostigma 10
7(6). No brace vein behind proximal end of pterostigma; eyes barely meeting
or slightly separated dorsally; if meeting, contiguous by less than width
of lateral ocellus Cordulegastridae p.203
7'. Bracevein present behind proximal end of pterostigma (Figure 10-7E,
bvn); eyes either broadly contiguous by more than width of lateral
ocellus or widely separated 8
8(7). Compound eyes contiguous on dorsum of head for a distance greater
than width of lateral ocellus (Figure I0-8B) Aeshnidae p.203
8'. Compound eyes separated on dorsum of head by distance greater than
width oflateral ocellus (Figure I0-8A) 9
9(8'). Medianlobe of labium notched (Figure 1O-9A); pterostigma at least
8 mm in length Petaluridae p. 202
9'. Median lobe oflabium not notched (Figure 10-9B); pterostigma less
than 8 mm in length Gomphidae p.202
10(6'). Hind margin of compound eyes lobed (Figure lO-8D); males with small
lobe on each side of second abdominal segment; inner margin of hind
wing of male somewhat notched; anal loop rounded (Figure 1O-7B) or
elongate, if foot-shaped with liule development of "toe" (Figure 10-7C) Corduliidae p.203
10'. Hind margin of compound eyes straight (Figure lO-8C); males without
smalllobe on side of second abdominal segment; inner margin of hind
wing of male not notched; anal loop with inner margin of "toe" usually
well developed (Figure 10-5) Libellulidae p.203
Suborder Anisoptera-Dragonflies
Tachopteryx thoreyi (Hagen), the gray petaltail, in the
Dragonflies have hind wings that are wider at the base eastern United States and Tanypteryx hageni (Selys), the
than the front wings, and the wings are held horizontal black petaltail, in the Northwest (California and
(or nearly so) at resto The hind wings of the male in all Nevada to southern British Columbia). Adults of
but the Libellulidae are somewhat notched at the anal T. thoreyi are grayish brown and about 75 mm in
angle (Figure 10-7 A-C), whereas the hind wings of all length. They usually occur along small streams in
Libellulidae and the females of the other families have wooded valleys, where they often alight on tree trunks.
a rounded anal angle (Figure 10-5). The head is some- Nymphs hide under dead leaves in seepage areas.
what rounded to slightly transversely elongate, and in Adults of T. hageni are smaller, about 55 mm in length,
dorsal view is not wider than the thorax. The males and black with yellow markings. They are found typi-
have three appendages at the apex of the abdomen, two cally at higher elevations. The nymphs of this species
cereí (the superior appendages) and the epiproct (the burrow in permanently wet soil under moss.
inferior appendage), which may be bifid. The females Family Gomphidae-Clubtails: This is a fairly large
of some groups have a well-developed ovipositor, group, and most of its members live along streams al
whereas others either have a poorly developed ovipos- lake shores. The clubtails range from 30 to 90 mm in
itor or entirely lack one. The nymphs have five short, length and are usually dark with yellowish or greenish
stiff appendages at the apex of the abdomen and have markings (Figure lO-lOD,E). Almost all speeíes have
epithelial gills in the rectum. clear wings. Many have swollen terminal abdominal
Family Petaluridae-Petaltails, Graybacks: Two segments, hence the common name for the group.
spe~ies ~n this family occur in North America: They generally alight on a bare flat surface, although
. I
Keyto the Familiesof Odonata 203
! 't
common in Canada and the u.s. North than in the
Cruisers (Macromiinae, former!y Macromiidae)
can be distinguished from emeralds by the rounded
anal loop that lacks a bisector (Figure 1O-7B). Two
genera occur in the United States, Didymops and
Macromia. The brown cruisers (Didymops) are light
Figure10-10 Aeshnoidea. A, Anax junius (Drury) , brown with light yellow markings on the thorax and
male(Aeshnidae); B, Aeshna constricta Say, male abdomen. They live along streams and pond or lake
(Aeshnidae); e, Cordulegaster obliquus (Say), female shores. The river cruisers (Macromia) are large species
(Cordulegastridae); D, Dromogomphus spoliatus (Hagen), that occur along lake shores and large streams. These
male(Gomphidae); E, Gomphus extemus Hagen, male dragonflies are dark brown to shiny, blackish green
(Gomphidae). About one third natural size. with yellow stripes on the thorax and yellow markings
on the abdomen (Figure 10011C,D). The eyes of living
Macromia are usually brilliant green. Macromia are ex-
manyspeciesperch on vegetation, and they are more tremely fast fliers.
secretivethan most other dragonfly families. The lar- The emeralds (Corduliinae) are more diverse than
vaeof most species bury themselves in soft or loose the cruisers. The genus Epitheca (baskettails) contains
substrates of streams, ponds, or lakes. The largest brown to blackish dragonflies, usually 32-48 mm in
genusin the family is Gomphus. The impressive, large length, often with brownish color at the base of the
dragonhunter, Hagenius brevistylus Selys, is black and hind wing. They occur chiefly around ponds and
yellowand often feeds on other dragonflies. swamps. The prince baskettail, Epitheca princeps (Hagen),
Family Aeshnidae-Darners: This group includes is the only corduliid in North America with large brown
thelargest and most powerful of the dragonflies. They spots at the tip of the wing. lt is about 75 mm in length,
rangefrom 50 to 116 mm long, but most are about 65 with three blackish spots in each wing: basal, nodal,
to 85 mm. The common green darner, Anax junius and apical. lt lives around ponds. The largest genus in
(Drury),a common and widely distributed species that this group is Somatochlora, or striped emeralds. Most
livesaround ponds, has a greenish thorax, a bluish ab- species in this group are metallic in color and more
domen,and a targetlike mark on the upper part of the than 50 mm in length, and they usually occur along
Cace(Figure 1001OA). The genus Aeshna includes a small, wooded streams or in bogs.
numberof species, mosaic darners, most of which are Family libellulidae-Skimmers: Most species in this
tobe found near marshes in the latter part of the sum- group live around ponds and swamps, and many are
mero Theyare dark with blue or greenish markings on quite common. These dragonflies vary in length from
thethorax and abdomen (Figure 1001OB). One of the about 20 to 75 mm, and many species have wings
largestspeciesin this family is Epiaeschnaheros(Fabricius), marked with spots or bands. The flight is usually rather
theswampdarner, an early summer species about 85 mm erratic. This is a large group, and only a few of the more
in length and dark brown with indistinct greenish common genera and species are mentioned here.
markingson the thorax and abdomen. The smallest libellulid in the United States is the
Family Cordulegastridae-Spiketails. Biddies: The elfin skimmer, Nannothemis bella (Uhler), only 18-20 mm
spiketailsare large brown or black dragonflies with yel- long. lt occurs in bogs in the eastern states. The males are
lowmarkings (Figure 10-10C). They differ from the bluish with clear wings (Figure 10012G), and the fe-
Aeshnoideain lacking abrace vein at the proximal end males are patterned with black and yellow and the
oCthe pterostigma. These dragonflies are usually found basal third or more of the wings is yellowish brown. In
alongsmall, clear, woodland streams. The adults fly Nannothemis, the anal loop of the hind win~ is open~
204 Chapter10 OrderOdonata
colored in the male and clear with brownish spots in white pterostigma. The body is metallic greenish black.
the female. The meadowhawks (Sympetrum) are The most common species of Hetaerina is the American
medium-sized,late-summer, marsh-dwelling insects. ruby-spot, H. americana (Fabricius), which is reddish
Their color varíes from yellowish brown to a bright in color, with a red or reddish spot in the basal third or
red,and the wings are usually clear except for a small fourth of the wings.
basalspotof yellowish brown. The whiteface skimmers The remaining four families of Zygoptera have
have a wingspread of about 40 mm and
(l.eucorrhinia) wings that are stalked at the base with only two ante-
aredark, with a conspicuous white face. The most nodal crossveins. Most of the species are between 25
commonspecies in the East is L. intacta Hagen, the and 50 mm long, and nearly all have clear wings.
dot-tailed whiteface, which has a yellow spot on the Family Lestidae-Spreadwings: The members of
dorsal sideof the seventh abdominal segment. this group live chiefly in swamps and edges of ponds
Theblue dasher, Pochydiplax longipennis (Burmeister), and lakes, but the adults occasionally wander some dis-
isacommonpond species, particularly in the central and tance from the water. When alighting, these damselflies
southemUnited States. It varíes in color from a pat- hold the body vertically, or nearly so, and the wings are
temedbrown and yellow to a uniform bluish, and the partly outspread. They usually alight on plant or grass
wingsareoften tinged with brownish (Figure 10-12C). stems. There are two species of Archilestes in North
Ithasa long cell just behind the pterostigma and has a America, but most species in this region (16) belong to
wingspreadof 50 to 65 mm. The eastem pondhawk, the genus Lestes.
Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) , is a liule larger than Family Platystictidae-Shadow damsels: One
P longipennis.It has clear wings, and the body color species in this tropical group, Palaemnema domina
variesfrom light green pauemed with black in females Calvert, has been found in southem Arizona. It is a
andimmature males, to a uniform light blue in mature blue, black, and brown species, 37-43 mm in length,
males (Figure 10-12H). The skimmers in the genera that prefers shaded edges of streams in dry country.
Pantala (gliders)and Tramea (saddlebags) are medium- Palaemnema perch horizomally with wings together,
tolarge(wingspread75-100 mm), wide-ranging
sized occasionally flicking their wings open, and they are
dragonllies that have a very broad base of the hind usually very difficult to find in tangles of roots and
wings.Those in Pantala are yellowish brown or gray other riparian vegetation.
witha lightyellowish or brownish spot at the base of Family Protoneuridae- Threadtails: Three species in
thehindwing. Those in Tramea are largely black or this tropical group, Neoneura aaroni Calvert, N. amelia
reddishbrown with a black or dark brown spot at Calvert, and Protoneura cara Calvert, occur in southem
thebaseof the hind wing (Figure 10-12E). Texas. The Neoneura species are red and black, whereas
the Protoneura species is orange and black. They range
SuborderZygoptera-Damselflies from 29 to 37 mm in length. Threadtails fly low over
swiftly flowing and po oled portions of medium-sized
Damselllieshave front and hind wings that are similar to large streams, usually ovipositing in tandem in very
inshape,both narrowed at the base. The wings of the small floating pieces of wood.
tWosexesare similar in shape and at rest are held ei- Family Coenagrionidae-Pond damsels: This large
thertogetherabovethe body or slightly divergent. The family has many genera and species. They range in
head istransversely elongate and in dorsal view is usu- length from 20 to 50 mm. These damselflies occur in a
aUywiderthan the thorax. The males have four ap- variety of habitats, some chiefly along streams and oth-
pendagesat the apex of the abdomen: a pair of cerci ers around ponds or swamps. Most are rather feeble
(thesuperiorappendages)and a pair of paraprocts Cthe fliers and, when alighting, usually hold the body hori-
appendages).The females have an ovipositor,
inferior zontal and wings together over the body (except Chro-
whichusually makes the end of the abdomen look magrion, which holds the wings slightly spread). The
somewhat swollen. The nymphs have three gills at the two sexes are differently colored in most species, the
apex of the abdomen, which may be leaflike, tri- males more brightly colored than the females. Many of
quetrous,or sacculate(Figure lO-l). these damselflies are beautifully colo red in various
Family Calopterygidae-Broad-winged damsels: combinations of blue, purple, red, orange, yellow, or
Themembersof this group are relatively large dam- green contrasting with black markings.
that have the base of the wings gradually nar- The dancers (Argia, Figure 10-13) are chiefly
rowed,not stalked as in other families of Zygoptera. stream species, easily recognized by the long, close-set
Theseinsectsoccur along streams. Two genera occur in spurs on the tibiae and stout body. The males of the
theUnitedStates, Calopteryx and Hetaerina. The com- variable dancer, Argiafumipennis (Burmeister), a com-
moneastemspeciesof Calopteryxis the ebony jewel- mon species along streams and pond shores, are a
wing,C. maculata (Beauvois). The wings of the male beautiful violet color. Their wing color varies from
areblack,and those of the female are dark gray with a clear in the northem and westem parts of its range, to
206 Chapter10 OrderOdonata
Figure 10-13 Argia emma Kennedy (Coenagrionidae). A and B, Male; C and D, Female.
(Courtesy of Kennedy and the V.5. National Museum.)
brown or completely black in the Southeast. The flight habits. Many species have particular beats along
sprites (Nehalennia), which also have fairly long tibial which they fly at rather regular intervals or have
spurs, are small, slender, bronzy-green damselflies usu- perches on which they frequently alight. Someone fa-
ally living in bogs and swamps. The eastem red damsel, miliar with the insect's habits can often anticipate
Amphiagrion saucium (Burmeister), is a small, stout- where it will fly and be prepared for it. S~ing at a fly-
bodied, red and black damselfly usually found in bogs. ing dragonfly from behind. If approached from the
The largest genus in this family in North America
is Enallagma, called the bluets. Most species are light
blue with black markings, although a few are predom-
inantly orange or red. Several species of Enallagma may
be found around the same pond or lake. Among the
forktails (Figure 10-14), the eastem forktail, Ischnura
verticalis (Say), is a very common species in the East
(although uncommon further southeast) that occurs
nearly wherever any damselfly is to be found. The
males are mostly black, with narrow green stripes on
the thorax and blue on the tip of the abdomen. Most fe-
males are bluish green with faint dark markings (older
individuals) or brownish orange with black markings
(recently emerged individuals). A very few females are
colored like the males.
front,theinsect can see the net coming and can usually Specimens collected for stUdy should be placed
dodge it. In stalking a specimen, use only the slowest alive in glassine or ordinary letter envelopes in the
motionsand try to approach from behind. Cover fieId, with the wings together above the body. Write 10-
movementsof your legs and feet by vegetation as much cality data and collection date on the outside of the en-
aspossible,because dragonflies often see motion beIow veIope. Record eye color of the living insects before
thembeuerthan on a leveIwith them. placing them in the enveIopes. If the specimens are to
The net used to capture Odonata should be an be put in a collection, keep them cool so they stay alive
open-meshnet with liule air resistance so it can be until time to preserve them.
swungrapidly. The rim size and handle length depends The bright colors of Odonata generally fade
onthe collector, but for many species it is desirable to quickly after the insect dies. Most color patterns can be
have a re1ativelylarge rim 000-380 mm in diameter) retained if the specimens are killed in acetone and then
anda net handle at least 1 meter long. left in acetone: 2 to 4 hours for Zygoptera and up to
Dragonflies beyond the reach of a net (many will 24 hours for Anisoptera. It is best to put the specimens
fallin this category) can often be collected with a sling- in glassine enveIopes with the wings together. After
shotloaded with sand or with a gun loaded with dust soaking, immediately air-dry the specimens, preferably
shot.Many specimens so collected may be slightly in an air-conditioned room or fume hood. The dried
damaged,but a slightly damaged specimen is usually specimens are extremely brittle and should be handled
betterthan none at all. For closeup photography, a very carefully. If one stores Odonata in any numbers,
macrolens is a necessity. they are best kept in clear plastic enveIopes or triangu-
Odonata live in a great variety of habitats, and to lar paper enveIopes (Figure 35-7), preferably one spec-
observea large number of species visit as many differ- imen to an enveIope, never two species in the same en-
enthabitatsas possible. Two habitats that appear simi- veIope. For display, specimens may be pinned with the
laroftencontain different species, or the same habitat wings outspread, with the heIp of a spreading board, or,
mayharbor different species in different seasons. Many to save storage space, pin the specimen sideways, the
specieshave a short seasonal flight range, especially pin passing through the thorax at the base of the wings
specieswhose flight period is restricted to the spring, and the left side of the insect uppermost.
andan observer must be in the fieId at just the right The nymphs of Odonata may be collected by the
seasonto see them. Most species are found near aquatic various types of aquatic collecting equipment and
habitats-ponds, streams, marshes, and the like-but methods described in Chapter 35. Zygoptera nymphs
manyare wide-ranging and can be found in meadows, should be preserved directly in 70 to 75% ethanol. The
woodlands,and the hillsides above aquatic habitats. anal gills are important structures in identifying dam-
Emergingindividuals can be found along stream and seIfly nymphs to genus and species, but are easily dis-
lakeshores, either on flat surfaces or on the upright lodged from the abdomen. Therefore, it is best to put
surfaces of rock and vegetation. only a few individuals together in the same vial and not
lt is practically impossible to get close to many to put other insects in the vial with them. Nymphs of
Odonata without wading, because they often fly at some Anisoptera should be killed in boiling water, cooled to
distancefram the shores of a pond or stream. Many room temperature, and then immediately preserved in
species,particularIy damseIflies, can be obtained by 75-80% ethanol. Preserve newly emerged odonate
sweeping in the vegetation along and near the shores of adults and their exuviae together, preferably in a vial of
pondsand rnarshes. Others patrol along the edge of the alcohol. Full-grown nymphs collected in the fieId can
emergent vegetation, where the water is a few feet deep. be brought back to the laboratory, preferably in wet
Stream species, which are usually rare in collections and moss, and reared in a fish-free, balanced aquarium. A
areoftenlocally distributed, are best collected by wad- stick or piece of screen must be provided for the
ingstreams,if the strearns are small enough. It is often nymphs to crawl out of the water, and the aquarium
necessary to wade for considerable distances. should be covered with a screen or cloth.
Bick,G. H. 1983. Odonata at risk in conterminous United Byers, C. F. 1930. A contribution to the knowledge of Florida
States and Canada. Odonatologica 12:209-226. Odonata. Univ. Fla. Pub!. Bio!. Ser. No. 1,327 pp.
D.]. 1945.A key to the NewWorld genera ofLibellulidae
Borror, Calvert, P. 1901-1909. Odonata. In Biologia Centrali Ameri-
(Odonata). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Amer. 38:168-194; illus. cana: Insecta Neuroptera, pp. 17-342, Supp\., pp. 324-420.
Bridges,C. A. 1994. Catalogue of the Family-Group, Genus- London: Dulau.
Group, and Species-Group Names of the Odonata of the Corbet, P. S. 1963. A Biology of Dragonflies. Chicago: Quad-
World, 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: C. A. Bridges. rangle, 247 pp.
Corbet, P. S. 1999. Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Riek, E. F., andj. Kukalová-Peck. 1984. A new imerpretation
Odonata. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 829 pp. of dragonfly wing venation based upon early Upper Car-
Dragonfly Society of the Americas. The Odonata of North Amer- boniferous fossils from Argentina (Insecta: Odonatoidea)
iea. and basic character states in pterygote wings. Can. J.
Date accessed: November 20, 2003. Zoo\. 62:1150-1166; ilIus.
Dunkle, S. W 2000. Dragonflies through Binoculars. A Field Ris, F. 1909-1919. Collections Zoologiques du Baron Edm. de
Guide to Dragonflies of North America. New York, NY. Selys Longchamps. Bruxelles: Hayez, Impr. des Acade-
Oxford University Press, 266 pp. mies, Fasc. IX-XVI, Libellulinen 4-8, 1278 pp.
Fraser, F. C. 1957. A Reclassification of the Order Odonata. Robert, A. 1963. Libellules du Québec. Bull. 1, Serv. de la
Roy. Soco Zoo\. New South Wales, Sydney. 133 pp. Faune, Ministere du Tourisme, de la Chasse et de la
Gloyd, L. K, and M. Wright. 1959. Odonata. In W T. Peche, Prov. Québec; 223 pp.
Edmondson (Ed.), Freshwater Biology, pp. 917-940. Smith, R F., and A. E. Pritchard. 1956. Odonata. In R L.
New York: Wiley. Usinger (Ed.), Aquatic Insects of California. Berkeley:
Johnson, C. 1972. The damselflies (Zygoptera) ofTexas. Bull. University of California Press, pp. 106-153.
Fla. State Mus. Bio\. Sci. 16(2):55-128. TilIyard, R. j. 1917. The Biology of Dragonflies. Cambridge,
Johnson, c., and M. j. Westfall,Jr. 1970. Diagnostic keys and UK: The University Press, 396 pp.
notes on the damselflies (Zygoptera) of Florida. Bull. Fla. Waage, j. K 1984. Sperm competition and the evolution of
State Mus. Bio\. Sci. 15(2):45-89. odonate mating systems. In R L. Smith (Ed.), Sperm
Kennedy, C. H. 1915. Notes on the life history and ecology of Competition and the Evolution of Animal Mating Sys-
the dragonflies of Washington and Oregon. Proc. U.S. tems, pp. 251-290. Academic Press, New York.
Nat\. Mus. 49:259-345. Walker, E. M. 1912. North American dragonflies of the genus
Kennedy, C. H. 1917. Notes on the life history and ecology of Aeshna. Univ. Toronto Studies, Bio\. Ser. No. 11, 214 pp.
the dragonflies of cemral California and Nevada. Proc. Walker, E. M. 1925. The North American dragonflies of the
U.S. Nat\. Mus. 52:483-635. genus Somatochlora. Univ. Toronto Studies, Bio\. Ser.
Montgomery, B. E. 1962. The classification and nomenclature No. 26, 202 pp.
of calopterygine dragonflies (Odonata: Calopterygoidea). Walker, E. M. 1953. The Odonata of Canada and Alaska.
Verh. XI. 1m. Kongr. Ent. Wien 1960,3(1962):281-284. Vo\. 1: General, the Zygoptera-Damselflies. Toronto:
Musser, R. j. 1962. Dragonfly nymphs of Utah (Odonata: University of Toronto Press, 292 pp.
Anisoptera). Univ. Utah Bio\. Ser. 12(6):1-66. Walker, E. M. 1958. The Odonata of Canada and Alaska,
Needham,j. G., and E. Broughton. 1927. The venation of the Vo\. 2: The Anisoptera-Four Families. Toronto: Univer-
Libellulidae. Trans. Amer. Entorno\. Soco 53:157-190. sity of Toronto Press, 318 pp.
Needham, j. G., and H. B. Heywood. 1929. A Handbook of Walker, E. M., and P.S. Corbet. 1975. The Odonata of Canada
the Dragonflies of North America. Springfield, lL.: C. C. and Alaska, Vo\. 3: The Anisoptera-Three Families.
Thomas, 378 pp. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 307 pp.
Needham,j. G., and M.j. Wesúall,Jr. 1955. A Manual ofthe Wesúall, M. j., Jr. 1987. Order Odonata. In F. W Stehr (Ed.),
Dragonflies of North America (Anisoptera). Los Angeles: Immature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 95-177. Dubuque, lA:
University of California Press, 615 pp. (Reprimed 1975). KendalllHunt, 754 pp.
Needham,j. G., M.j. Westfall,Jr., and M. L. May. 2000. Drag- Westfall, M. J.,Jr., and M. L. May. 1996. Damselflies of Nonh
onflies of North America, rev. ed. Gainesville, FL: Scien- America. Gainesville, FL: Scientific Publishers, 649 pp.
tific Pub\., 939 pp. Westfall, M. j., Jr., and K j. Tennessen. 1996. Odonata. lo
Paulson, D. R, and S. W Dunkle. 1999. A checklist of North R W Merritt &: K W Cummins (Eds.), An Introductioo
American Odonata. Tacoma, University of Puget Sound to the Aquatic Insects of North America, 3rd ed.,
Occ. Papo 56:1-86. pp. 164-211. Dubuque, lA: KendalllHunt.
Pennak, R W 1978. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United Wright, M., and A. Peterson. 1944. A key to the genera of
States, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley lmerscience, 803 pp. anisopterous dragonfly nymphs of the United States and
Pritchard, G. 1986. The operation of the labium in larval Canada (Odonata, suborder Anisoptera). Ohio j. Sci.
dragonflies. Odonatologica 15:451-456. 44(4):151-166.
11 Order Orthoptera1,2
Crickets,and Katydids
heorder Orthoptera contains a rather varied assem- one body part against another (Figure ll-l). The
T blage
of insects, many of which are very common singing Orthoptera usually have auditory organs-oval
andwellknown. Most are plant feeders, and some of eardrums or tympana, located on the sides of the first
areimportant pests of cultivated plants. A few are abdominal segment (grasshoppers) or at the base of the
a few are scavengers, and a few are more or front tibia e (katydids and críckets; Figure 11-4B, tym).
lessomnivorous. These tympana are relatively insensitive to changes in
TheOrthoptera may be winged or wingless, and pitch, but can respond to rapid and abrupt changes in
thewingedforms usually have four wings. The front intensity. The songs of grasshoppers, katydids, and
wingsare usually elongate, many-veined, and some- crickets play an important role in their behavior, and
whatthickened and are called tegmina (singular, the songs of different species are usually different. The
legmen).The hind wings are membranous, broad, and significant differences are in rhythm.
many-veined, and at rest they are usually folded fan- The crickets (Gryllidae) and katydids (Tettigoni-
wisebeneaththe front wings. Some species have one or idae) produce their songs by rubbing a sharp edge (the
both pairsof wings greatly reduced or absent. The body scraper) at the base of the front wing along a filelíke
~elongate;the cerci are well developed (containing ridge (the file) on the ventral side of the other front
&om oneto many segments); and the antennae are rel- wing (Figure 11-2 B-D). The bases of the front wings
ativelylong (sometimes longer than the body) and at rest líe one above the other. The left one is usually
have manysegments. Many species have a long ovipos- uppermost in the katydids, and the ríght is usually up-
whichis sometimes as long as the body. In others
¡Ior, permost in the crickets. Both front wings have afile
!heovipositoris short and more or less hidden. The and a scraper, but the file is usually longer in the upper
usuallyhave three to four segments. The mouth-
tarsi wing and the scraper is better developed in the lower
pansareof the chewing type (mandibulate), and meta- wing. In the katydids, the lower (right) front wing usu-
morphosis is simple. ally contains more membranous area than the upper
one. The file on the lower front wing and the scraper
on the upper one are usually nonfunctional.
When the song is produced, the front wings are el-
50und Production in the Orthoptera evated (Figure ll-l) and moved back and forth; gen-
erally, only the closing stroke of the wings produces a
many types of insects "sing," but some of the sound. The sound produced by a single stroke of the
bestknowninsect singers (grasshoppers and críckets) front wings is called a pulse. Each pulse consists of a
areinthe order Orthoptera. The songs of these insects number of individual tooth strikes of the scraper on the
areproducedchiefly by stridulating, that is, by rubbing file. The pulse rate in a given insect varies with the
temperature, being faster at higher temperatures. In
artha, straight; plera, wings.
'Onhoptera: different species it varíes from 4 or 5 per second to
'lhischapterwas edited by David A. Nickle and Thomas J. Walker. more than 200 per second. 209
210 Chapter 11 Order Orthoptera
Figure11-1 A field cricket singing (note elevated position of front wings). (Courtesy
of R. D. Alexander.)
Al .
r ....
Median ~
pulses (meadow katydids, Figure 11-13B). Or the pulse
rhythm may be more complex.
The band-winged grasshoppers (Gomphocerinae
and Oedipodinae) usually make their noises by snap-
ping their hind wings in flight. The noises so produced
are crackling or buzzing. The slant-faced grasshoppers
(Acridinae) "sing" by rubbing the hind legs across the
front wings, producing a soft, rasping sound. The hind
Adults (and some nymphs) of North American Orthoptera may be identified to family by
means of the following key. Families marked with an asterisk (*) are relatively rare and
are unlikely to be taken by a general collector.
1. Front legs much dilated and modified for digging (Figure U-18); tarsi
3-segmented; length 20-35 mm Gryllotalpidae p.219
1'. Front legs not so enlarged, or if they are slightly enlarged (Tridactylidae)
the front and middle tarsi are 2-segmented and the insect is less than
10 mm in length 2
2(1'). Front and middle tarsi 2-segmented, hind tarsi l-segmented or absent;
front legs somewhat dilated and fitted for digging; abdomen with
apparently2 pairs of stylelikecerci;4-10 mm Tridactylidae p.218
2'. Tarsi 3- or 4-segmented, or if front and middle tarsi are 2-segmented
(Tetrigidae), then hind tarsi are 3-segmented; front legs not dilated;
abdomen with a single pair of cerci; length usually over 10 mm 3
3(2'). Hind tarsi 3-segmented, front and middle tarsi 2- or 3-segmented;
ovipositor short; antennae usually short, seldom more than half as long
as the body (Figures U-6 through U-9); auditory organs (tympana),
if present, on sides of first abdominal segment 4
3'. Tarsi 3- or 4-segmented; ovipositor usually elongate; antennae long,
usually as long as body or longer (Figures U-l, U-14 through U-17);
auditoryorgans,if present,at baseof front tibiae (Figure11-4B,tym) 8
Keyto the Families of Orthoptera 213
o tb ~-
-- aro
F G strp
Figure11-4 Leg structure in Orthoptera. A-E, tibiae and tarsi; F-G, apical portion of
left hind femur; H, hind femur, mesal view. A, Nemobius (Nemobiinae, Gryllidae), hind
leg; B, Seudderia (Phaneropterinae, Tettigoniidae), front leg; C, Sehistoeerea (Cyrtacan-
thacridinae, Acrididae); D, Oeeanthus (Oecanthinae, Gryllidae), hind leg; E, Phyllopalpus
(Trigonidiinae, Gryllidae), hind tarsus; F,Romalea (Romaleidae); G, Melanoplus
(Melanoplinae, Acrididae); H, Acridinae (Acrididae). aro, arolium; de, movable spines or
calcaria; ex, coxa; fm, femur; sp, immovable spines; stpr, stridulatory pegs; tb, tibia; ts,
tarsus; tym, tympanum.
6(5'). Wings and tympana nearly always present; antennae not unusually long;
males without afile on third abdominal tergum; widely distributed 7
6'. Wings and tympana absent; antennae very long, in males longer than
body; males with afile on third abdominal tergum; southwestern
United States Tanaoceridae
* p.215
7(6). Hind tibia with both inner and outer immovable spines at apex
(Figure 11-4F); prosternum usually with median spine or tubercle Romaleidae p.215
7'. Hind tibia with only the inner immovable spine at apex, outel one absent
(Figure 11-4G); prosternum with or without median spine or tubercle Acrididae p.215
8(3'). All tarsi 3-segmented (Figure 11-4A,D,E); ocelli present or absent;
ovipositor cylindrical or needle-shaped 9
8'. At least middle tarsi, and usually all tarsi, 4-segmented (Figures 11-4B,
11-lOE); ocelli usually present; ovipositor sword-shaped 11
9(8). Wingless, broadly oval; hind femora much enlarged; eyes small and ocelli
lacking; length 2-4 mm; living in ant nests Myrmecophilidae p.225
9'. Without the preceding combination of characters 10
10(9'). Wings very short or absent; hind tibiae without long spines (but with
apical spurs); body covered with scales; hind femora stout; southern
United States Mogoplistidae p.225
10'. Wings usually well deve1oped; hind tibiae nearly always with long spines
(Figure 11-4A); body not covered with scales; hind femora only
moderate1y enlarged; wide1ydistributed Gryllidae p.223
11(8'). Wings usually absent, but ir present, then with 8 or more principal
longitudinal veins; males lacking stridulatory structures on front wings;
front tibiae with or without tympana; color usually gray or brown 12
11'. Wings present (but sometimes very small) and with fewer than
8 principallongitudinal veins; males with stridulatory structures on
front wings (Figure 11-2 B-D); front tibiae with tympana; color variable,
but often green 15
12(11). Antennaecontiguousat baseor nearly so Rhaphidophoridae p.219
12'. Antennae separated at base by a distance equal to or greater than length
of first antennal segment 13
13(12'). Tarsi lobed, more or less flattened dorsoventrally; hind femora extending
beyond apex of abdomen; eastern United States Gryllacrididae p.219
13'. Tarsi not lobed and more or less flattened laterally, hind femora not
extending beyond apex of abdomen; western United States 14
14(13'). Base of abdomen and often head much wider than thorax; tibiae short
and thick Stenopelmatidae p.219
14'. Base of abdomen and head almost the same width as thorax; tibiae thin Anostostomatidae* p.219
15(11 '). Antennal sockets located about halfway between epistomal suture and
top of head; wings reduced, broad in male, minute in female; ovipositor
extreme1yshort; hind femora extending to about apex of abdomen
northwestern United States and southwestern Canada Prophalangopsidae p.221
15'. Antennal sockets located near top of head wings and ovipositor variable;
hind femora usually extending beyond apex of abdomen Tettigoniidae p.219
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Acrididae 215
SUBORDER Caelifera:The Caelifera are jumping are likely to be found early in the season. Four species
Orthoptera,with the hind femora more or less en- live in the United States (in the genera Tanaocerus and
larged;they inc!ude the short-horned grasshoppers and Mohavacris); they occur from southern Nevada to
thepygmy mole crickets. The antennae are nearly al- southern California.
waysrelativelyshort, and the tarsi contain three or Family Romaleidae-lubber Grasshoppers: These
fewersegments. The tympana, if present, are located are robust, usually large grasshoppers Oength mostly
on the sides of the first abdominal segmento The 25-75 mm) that are chiefly western in distribution.
speciesthat stridulate usually do so by rubbing the Some species have short wings and do not fly,and some
hindfemoraover the tegmina or abdomen or snapping have brightly colo red hind wings. The only species in
thewings in flight. All have short cerci and ovipositor. this group that normally occurs in the East is Romalea
Family Eumastacidae-Monkey Grasshoppers: The microptera (Beauvois), which occurs from North Car-
membersof this group live on bushes or trees in the olina and Tennessee to Florida and Louisiana. This in-
chaparralcountry of the Southwest. They are wingless sect is 40-75 mm in length, with short wings, and the
andremarkably agile. Their common name refers to hind wings are red with a black border. This species is
theirability to progress through small trees and shrubs. often used for morphological studies in beginning bi-
Adultsare slender, 8-25 mm in length, and usually ology and entomology c!asses.
brownish.The face is somewhat slanting; the vertex is Family Acrididae-Grasshoppers: This family in-
pointed;and the antennae are very short (not reaching c!udes most of the grasshoppers that are so common in
therear edge of the pronotum). Monkey grasshoppers meadows and along roadsides from midsummer until
donothave a stridulatory organ on the sides of the third fallo The antennae are usually much shorter than the
abdominalsegment, as do the Tanaoceridae. This group body, the auditory organs (tympana) lie on the sides of
isprincipallytropical, with 13 species in 3 genera oc- the first abdominal segment, the tarsi have three seg-
curringin the United States. They occur from central ments, and the ovipositor is short. Most are gray or
California,southern Nevada, and southwestern Utah brownish, and some have brightly colored hind wings.
southto southern California and southeastern Arizona. These insects eat plants and are often very destructive
FamilyTanaoceridae-Desert long-Horned Grass- to vegetation. Most species pass the winter in the egg
hoppers: The members of this family resemble the stage, the eggs being laid in the ground. A few over-
monkeygrasshoppers in being wingless and very ac- winter as nymphs, and a very few overwinter as adults.
tive,and they occur in the deserts of the Southwest. Many males in this group sing (during the day), ei-
Theyare grayish to blackish in color, relatively robust, ther by rubbing the inner surface of the hind femur
and8-25 mm in length. The face is less slanting than against the lower edge of the front wing or by snapping
in the monkey grasshoppers, and the vertex is the hind wings in flight. Males in the former group
1Ounded. The antennae are long and slender, longer (most slant-faced grasshoppers) have a row of tiny
(hanthe bodyin the male and shorter than the body in stridulatory pegs on the inner surface of the hind femur
thefemale.Males have a stridulatory organ on the sides (Figure 11-4H, strp), and the sound produced is usually
ofthe third abdominal segmento These grasshoppers a low buzzing sound. In the latter group (band-winged
areveryseldom encountered. They are nocturnal and grasshoppers), the song is a sort of crackling sound.
B e
3(2'). Elongated, slender species, with slanted faces and broad, fIattened
antennae; inner margins of mesosternallobes touching; apex of hind
wings usually pointed Leptysminae p.217
3' Elongated or robust species, with rounded faces and thin, filiform
antennae; inner margins of mesosternallobes not touching; apex of hind Melanoplinae and
wings usualIy rounded Podisminae p. 216
4(1'). Face vertical or neady so; antennae slender, filamentous, not fIattened;
pronotum usually with strong median ridge, caudal margin produced
backward and mesally angula te (Figure ll-5C); wings long, reaching to
or surpassing apex of abdomen; hind wings usually colored, often with
black bands, separating areas that are clear or colored; hind femora of
males without a row of stridulatory pegs; grasshoppers that often
stridulate in flight Oedipodinae p.217
4'. Face usualIy slanting backward, sometimes strongly so; antennae either
filiform or weakly fIattened; pronotum fIat, only rarely with a median
ridge; caudal margin of pronotum trunca te or rounded, not angulate
mesally (Figure ll-5B); hind wing usually hyaline; wings variable in
length, sometimes short and reaching apex of abdomen; grasshoppers
that do not stridulate in flight, but usually with row of stridulatory pegs
on hind femora of male (Figure ll-4H, strp), which are rubbed against Gomphocerinae and
the tegmina when the insect is at rest Acridinae p.217
Subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae: The genus Schisto- Subfamily Podisminae:These grasshoppers are very
cerca (Figure 11-6A) with 12 species is the only genus similar to the Melanoplinae. Twenty-three species are
in this subfamily. Most of them are large and strong known fram the United States.
fliers. The desert locust, S. gregaria (Forkskil), of Subfamily Melanoplinae:This is the largest subfam-
Africa, the "plague" species mentioned in the Bible, be- ily of Acrididae with more than 300 species in 39 gen.
longs to this group. lt is one of the world's most de- era in the United States, most in the genus Melanoplus.
structive insects. Here belong OUTmost common grasshoppers-and the
Keyto the SubfamiliesofAcrididae 217
. ..J¡ "L
onesthat are most destructive. Most damage to U.5. crops owing to the bright colors of the hind wings and the
byspur-throated grasshoppers is done by four species of crackling sound some times made by the wings. The
Melanoplus: the migratory grasshopper, M. sanguipes Oedipodinae are the only short-homed grasshoppers
(Fabricius)(Figure 11-6C); the differential grasshopper, that stridulate while flying (the stridulation producing
M.differentialis(Thomas) (Figure 11-6B); the two-striped the crackling sound).
grasshopper,M. bivittatus (Say); and the red-legged One of the more common species in this group is
grasshopper,M.femurrubrum (DeGeer). the Carolina grasshopper, Dissosteira carolina (L.), in
Some species of spur-throated grasshoppers occa- which the hind wings are black with a pale border (Fig-
sionallyincrease to tremendous numbers and migrate ure 11-7 A). The clear-winged grasshopper, Camnula
considerabledistances, causing catastrophic damage. pellucida (Scudder), is an important pest species in this
Themigrating hordes of these insects may contain group. It has clear hind wings.
millionson millions of individuals and can literally Subfamily Acridinae-Silent Slant-Faced Grasshop-
darkenthe sky. From 1874 to 1877 great swarms of pers: Acridinae differ from Gomphocerinae in lacking
migratorygrasshoppers appeared on the plains east of stridulatory pegs on the inner face of the hind femur of
theRocky Mountains and migrated to the Mississippi the maleo The only U.s. member of this subfamily is
valleyand to Texas, destroying crops whenever they Metaleptea brevicomis Qohannson), found in the east-
stoppedin their night. This migratory behavior fol- em states from southem Michigan and Wisconsin to
lowsa tremendous buildup in numbers, resulting Texas and Louisiana.
froma combination of favorable environmental con- Subfamily Gomphocerinae-Stridulating Grasshop-
ditions.When the numbers decrease, the insects do pers: The slanting face of these grasshoppers (Fig-
notmigrate. ure 11-8) distinguishes them from most other
Subfamily Leptysminae:Most of these grasshoppers Acrididae, except the very slender grasshoppers in the
have a verticalface or nearly so, but a few,such as the Leptysminae. Males of most genera have a row of tiny
slendergrasshopper, Leptysma marginicollis (Serville), stridulatory pegs on the inner surface of the hind fe-
havea very slanting face and may be confused with mur (Figure 11-4H, strp). These pegs are lacking in
someGomphocerinae. There are only two species of the other subfamilies in North America. The Gompho-
thissubfamily in the United States. cerinae usually lack a prostemal spine or tubercle, and
Subfamily Oedipodinae-Band-Winged Grasshop- the hind wings are usually hyaline.
pers:These insects have brightly colored hind wings The Gomphocerinae are not as abundant as the
andgenerally frequent areas of sparse vegetation. They Melanoplinae and Oedipodinae and are most likely to
oftenalighton bare ground, with the hind wings con- be found along the borders of marshes, in wet mead-
cealedand the front wings blending with the back- ows, and in similar places. They are rarely numerous
ground.These insects are quite conspicuous in night, enough to do much damage to vegetation.
218 Chapter11 OrderOrthoptera
1. Front wings oval and convex, costal field broad, with many parallel
transverse veins; prostemal spine present; color green Pseudophyllinae p.221
l' Front wings variable in shape, but costal field without transverse veins
as described in the preceding entry; other characters variable 2
2(1'). Dorsal surface of first tarsal segment grooved laterally (Figure ll-llE);
prostemal spines usually present (Figure ll-llD); front wings about
as long as hind wings 3
2'. Dorsal surface of first tarsal segment smoothly rounded; prostemal spines
absent;hind wingsusuallylongerthan front wings Phaneropterinae p. 220
3(2). Anterior portíon of vertex conical, sometimes acuminate, extending well
beyondbasal antennalsegment(Figurell-llC, ver) Copiphorinae p. 220
3'. Anterior portion of vertex usually not conical or acuminate, not
extending beyond basal antennal segment (Figure ll-llA,B, ver) 4
4(3'). Anterior portion of vertex laterally compressed, much less than half as
wide as basal antennal segment (Figure ll-llA, ver); southwestem
UnitedStates Listroscelidinae p.221
'IhesubfamiliesSaginaeand Meconematinae, each containing one species that has been introduced and established in the United States, are
no!included in this key. The subfamilies are discussed in the tex!.
220 Chapter11 OrderOrthoptera
I ,ant
I /
Figure 11-11 Characters of
Tettigoniidae. A, head of Rehnia
(Listroscelidinae), dorsal view;
B, head of Orchelimum (Cono-
cephalinae), dorsal view; C, head
of Neoconocephalus (Copiphori-
nae), dorsal view; D, prothorax of
Orchelimum (Conocephalinae),
ventral view; E, hind tarsus of
Neoconocephalus (Copiphorinae),
dorsal view. ant, base of antenna;
sp, prosternal spine; ver, vertex;
E I-IV, tarsal segments.
4'. Anterior portion of vertex variable, but always more than half as wide as
basal antennal segment; widely distributed 5
5(4'). One or more spines on dorsal surface of front tibiae 6
S'. No spines on dorsal surface of front tibiae Conocephalinae p.221
6(5). Pronotum extending back to abdomen (except in a few long-winged
forms); wings usually greatly reduced; front wings usually gray, brown,
or spotted; prosternal spines present or absent; widely distributed Decticinae p.221
6'. Pronotum never extending back to abdomen; wings always well
developed; front wings green, rarely spotted with brown; prosternal
spines present; southeastern United States Tettigoniinae p.222
Subfamily Copiphorinae-Cone-Headed Katydids: vary. In most cases the song is a prolonged buzz (Fig-
The cone-heads are long-bodied katydids that have a ure U-BD), but in N. ensiger (Harris), a common
conical head (Figure U-l2) and a long, swordlike eastern species, it is a rapid series of lisping notes (Fig-
ovipositor. They have two color phases, green and ure U-BC). These insects generally sing only al
brown. They are generally found in high grass or weeds night.
and are rather sluggish. Their jaws are very strong, and Subfamily Phaneropterinae-Bush Katydids: The
a person handling these insects carelessly may receive members of this and the next subfamily are well known
a healthy nip. This group is a small one, with only a for their songs, which are usually heard in the evening
few genera. The more common eastern species belong and at night. The katydids in this subfamily can be rec-
to the genus Neoconocephalus. The songs of cone-heads ognized by the absence of spines on the prosternum,
Keyto the $ubfamilies of Tettigoniidae 221
Figure11-12 A cone-headed
:=;. katydid, Neoconocephalusensiger
(Harris). A, male; B, female.
(Courtesy of the lnstitut de Bi-
ologie Générale, Université de
A B Montréal.)
S, dids), Microcentrum (angular-winged katydids), and
Amblycorypha (round-headed katydids). Scudderia has
~:A.__ nearly parallel-sided front wings (Figure 11-14B,C);
Microcentrum has some,what angled front wings, with
the hind femora not extending beyond the front wings
Ñ 12- (Figure 11-14A). Ambylcorypha has elongate-oval
~ 10~ front wings, and the hind femora extend beyond the
; S. ~ apex of the front wings. These katydids are normally
S 6. green, but pink forms occasionally occur; these color
g 4-S
forrns are not distinct species.
~~ 2 ""..-
Subfamily Pseudophyllinae-True Katydids: These
i~ ~;.
.. .
. katydids are principally arboreal in habit, living in the
foliage of trees and shrubs. The northem true katydid,
g ID. Pterophylla camellifolia (Fabricius), is the insect whose
~ S-.
.E 6.
, .. ...
. from two to five pulses (Figure 11-13A). The southem
~ representatives of this katydid sing a somewhat longer
¡¡ 14.
and faster song, containing up to about a dozen pulses.
10. Subfamily Listroscelidinae: These katydids are very
S- similar to the Decticinae, and the U.S. genera (Neobar-
6- ~ rettia and Rehnia) were formerly placed in that group.
2- ~ This subfamily is principally tropical in distribution
Time in Seconds
0.8 1.'0 ~ and is represented in the United States by a few species
.g in the south central states, from Texas north to Kansas.
Subfamily Conocephalinae-Meadow Katydids: These
small to medium-sized, slender-bodied, usually greenish
Figure11-13 Audiospectrographs of the songsof katy- katydids (Figure 11-15) are found principally in wet,
dids(Tettigoniidae).A, northem true katydid, Pterophylla grassy meadows and along the margins of ponds and
camdlifolia(Fabricus), a two-pulse song, the pulses ut- strearns. Two genera are common in the eastem United
teredat the rate of about 5 per second; B, a meadow katy- States, Orchelimum (usually over 18 mm in length) and
did,Orchelimumnigripes Scudder; C, a cone-headed katy- Conocephalus (usually less than 17 mm long).
did,Neoconocephalus ensiger (Harris), the pulses produced Subfamily Decticinae-Shield-Backed Katydids:
attherate of about 5 per second; D, another cone-headed These insects are brownish to black, short-winged, and
katydid,N. nebrascensis (Brunner), the pulses produced at usually 25 mm or more in length. The pronotum ex-
therate of about 146 per second. B, C, and D show only a tends back to the abdomen. Most species appear crick-
panof the long-continued song of these insects. etlike. The eastem species, most of which belong to the
genus Atlanticus, occur in the dry upland woods. The
majority of the Decticinae occur in the West, where
andthe hind wings are usually longer than the front they may live in fields or woods. Some of the westem
wings;some westem species are brachypterous. About species often do serious damage to field crops. The
10genera occur in the United States. The three most Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex Haldeman, is a seri-
commongenera in the East are Scudderia (bush katy- ous pest in the Great Plains states, and the coulee
222 Chapter11 Order Orthoptera
B e
cricket, Peranabrus scabricollis (Thomas), often does vania, and is rapidly spreading. It is a small, delicate,
considerable damage in the arid regions of the Pacitic greenish insect with a rounded head, and the antennae
Northwest. The work of California gulls (Larus califor- are inserted between the eyes. This subfamily is well
nicus) in checking an outbreak of the Mormon crickets represented by some 200 species in the Palearctic re-
in Utah in 1848 is now commemorated by a monument gion and Africa.
to the gull in Salt Lake City. Subfamily Tettigoniinae: This group contains a sin.
Subfamily Saginae: Saga pedo(PalIas), the matriar- gle U.S. species, Hubbellia marginifera (Walker), the big
chal katydid, has been introduced from Europe and green pine-tree katydid, which occurs in the southeast-
was established in Michigan. It has no potential for ern United States. The song and song-producing stroc.
rapid spread and may even have died out. This insect tures of this katydid are illustrated in Figure 11-2.
has raptorial front and middle legs and is predaceous FamilyProphalangopsidae-Hump-WingedCrickets:
on other insects. This family is represented in North America by two
Subfamily Meconematinae:Meconemathalassinum species of Cyphoderris, which occur in the mountains
(DeGeer), the drumming katydid, has be en introduced of the northwestern United States and southwestern
from Europe is established in New York and Pennsyl- Canada. Adults are brownish with light markings, rel.
Keyto the Subfamilies of Gryllidae 223
ativelyrobust, and about 25 mm in length. In the Tet- lating organs on the front wings of the male; and the
tigoniidae,the left front wing is uppermost, and its file auditory organs on the front tibiae, but differ from
in the functional one. In this group either front wing them in having not more than three tarsal segments,
maybe uppermost, and the males may switch the posi- the ovipositor usually needlelike or cylindrical rather
tionof the wings while singing. The song of C. mon- than flattened, and the front wings bent down rather
strosaUhler is a loud, very high-pitched (12-13 kHz) sharply at the sides of the body. Many of these insects
trillabout 2 seconds in length or less, which has a are well-known singers, and each species has a charac-
slightpulsating quality apparently due to the switching teristic songo Most species overwinter as eggs, laid gen-
ofthe front wings during the songo erallv in the ground or vegetation. This family is repre-
Family Gryllidae-Crickets: The crickets resemble sented in the United States by seven subfamilies, which
thekatydids in having long, tapering antennae; stridu- can be separated by the following key.
Subfamily Oecanthinae- Tree Crickets: Most tree approximation of the temperature in degrees Fahren-
cricketsare slender, whitish or pale green insects (Fig- heit. Most species of tree crickets deliver loud trills.
ure11-16). All are excellent singers. Some species oc- Some of the tree-inhabiting species have songs consist-
curin trees and shrubs; others occur in weedy fields. ing of short bursts of pulses. Most North American tree
Thesnowy tree cricket, Oecanthusfultoni Walker, a crickets belong to the genus Oecanthus. The two-
shrubinhabitant, chirps at a very regular rate, which spotted tree cricket, Neoxabea bipunctata (DeGeer), dif-
varieswith the temperature (Figure U-3D). Adding 40 fers from Oecanthus in lacking teeth on the hind tibiae,
tothe number of its chirps in 15 seconds gives a good in having the hind wings much longer than the front
ilarmorphologicallyand were formerly considered to insect is generally 25-30 mm in length, and its song is
representa single species. Now several species are rec- much like that of the snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus ful-
ognized,which differ chiefly in habits, life history, and toni Walker) but is pitched lower. Mole crickets of the
songoMost species of Gryllus chirp (Figure 11-3A) , genus Scapteriscus often damage crops such as peanuts,
butone species occurring in the Southwest, G. rubens tobacco, strawberries, and garden vegetables in the
Scudder,produces a more or less long trillo The most South Atlantic and Gulf Coast states.
commonspecies of Gryllus in the East is probably the Family Mogoplistidae-Scaly Crickets: The members
northem field cricket, G. pennsylvanicus Burmeister of this group are small, wingless or very short-winged,
(Figure11-17C). The house cricket, Acheta domesticus slender-bodied, flattened insects that are chiefly tropi-
(L.),a species introduced into the United States from cal in distribution. They occur on bushes or beneath
Europe,which often enters houses, differs from the na- debris in sandy localities near water. The body is cov-
tivespeciesof Gryllus in having a light-colored head ered with translucent scales that are easily rubbed off.
withdarkcrossbars (Figure 11-17B). The members of The members of this group in the southern states are
thisgroup sing both day and night. Other genera in 5-13 mm in length.
thissubfamily(Miogryllusand Gryllodes)occur in the Family Myrmecophilidae-Ant-Loving Crickets:
southemstates. These crickets are small (2-4 mm in length) and
Subfamily Brachytrupinae-Short-Tailed Crickets: broadly oval, with greatly dilated hind femora. They
Ihesecrickets get their common name from the fact live in ant nests and feed (at least in part) on secretions
thattheir ovipositor is very short and often not visible, from the ants. Of the half dozen or so North American
ratherthan long and slender as in most other crickets. species, only one, Myrmecophila pergandei Bruner, oc-
Ihe short-tailed crickets are burrowing in habit and curs in the East (from Maryland to Nebraska).
usuallyoccur in colonies, their burrows going 0.3 mor
moreinto the ground. They spend most of the time
duringthe day in their burrows and generally come out
onlyatnight.Asingle speciesof short-tailed cricket oc- Collecting and Preserving Orthoptera
cursin the southeastern states, Anurogryllus muticus
(DeGeer).This insect is 12 to 17 mm long and yellow- Many of the Orthoptera, because they are relatively large
ishbrown. and numerous, are fairly easy to collect. The best time for
Subfamily Pentacentrinae-Anomalous Crickets: collecting most species is from midsummer to late fall, al-
Ihis subfamily is represented in the United States by though a few species should be looked for in early sum-
thesingle species Trogonidimimus belfragei Caudell in mero The more conspicuous forms such as the grasshop-
Oklahomaand northern Texas. The species may be col- pers and crickets, are most easily collected with a net,
lectedat lights. This family is largely tropical in distri- either by sweeping vegetation or by aiming for particular
bution. individuals. Some of the more secretive species can be
FamilyGryllotalpidae-MoleCrickets:Mole crickets collected at night by listening for their songs and then 10-
arebrownish, very pubescent insects with short anten- cating them with a flashlight, or by means of various
nae,and the front legs are very broad and spadelike sorts of baited traps. Some forms can be caught by
(Figure11-18). These insects burrow in moist soil, putting molasses or a similar material in the bottom of a
usuallynear ponds and streams, often 150-200 mm be- trap like that shown in Figure 35-6A. The insects so col-
lowthe surface. There is a tympanum on the front lected can simply be picked out of the trapo
tibia,and the males sing. Only seven species of mole Most nymphs and some soft-bodied adult speci-
cricketsoccur in North America, six in the East and mens should be preserved in alcohol, but most adults
onein the West. The most common eastern species is can be pinned. Pin grasshoppers through the right side
Neocurtilla hexadactyla (Perty) (Figure 11-18). This of the rear part of the pronotum or through the right
tegmen. Pin crickets through the right tegmen, in
about the middle (from front to rear) of the body. If the
specimen is very soft-bodied, support the body by a
piece of cardboard or by pins, or it will sag at either
end. In the case of grasshoppers, spread the wings, at
least on one side (as in Figure 11-8A), so the color and
venation of the hind wing can be seen. It is sometimes
desirable to eviscerate some of the larger grasshoppers
before they are pinned, to facilita te drying and preser-
Figure11-18 The northern mole cricket, Neocurtilla vation. Make a short incision on the right or left side of
hexadactylaCPerty). CCourtesy of Hebard and the Illinois the body near the base of the abdomen, and remove as
NaturalHistory Survey.) much of the viscera as possible.
Alexander, R. D. 1957. The taxonorny of the field crickets of OUe, D. 1981. The North American Grasshoppers. Vo\. 1:
the eastern United States (Orthoptera, Gryllidae: Acheta). Acrididae, Gornphocerinae and Acridinae. Carnbridge,
Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 50:584-602. MA: Harvard University Press, 275 pp.
Alexander, R. D., A. E. Pace, and D. OUe. 1972. The singing OUe, D. 1984. The North American Grasshoppers. Vo\. 2:
insects of Michigan. Great Lakes Entorno\. 5:33-69. Acrididae, Oedipodinae. Carnbridge, MA: Harvard Uni-
Arnedegnato, C. 1974. Les genres d'Acridiens neotropicaux, versity Press, 366 pp.
leur classification par farnilles, sous-farnilles et tribus. OUe, D. , 994a. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 1. Crickets
Acrida 3:193-204. (Grylloidea): A Systernatic Catalog. Philadelphia:
Bailey,w.J. and D. C. E Rentz (eds.). 1990. The Teuigoniidae: Philadelphia Acaderny of Sciences and The Orthoptera
biology, systernatics and evolution. Berlin: Springer Ver- Society, 120 pp.
lag, 395pp. OUe, D. 1994b. The crickets ofHawaii: origin, systernatics, and
Blatchley, W. S. 1920. Orthoptera of Northeastern Arnerica. evolution. Philadelphia: The Orthoptera Society, 396 pp.
Indianapolis: Nature, 785 pp. OUe, D. 1995a. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 4. Grass-
Capinera, J. L., C. W. Scherer and J. M. Squitier. 2001. Grass- hoppers (Acridornorpha) C. Acridoidea (part): A Systern-
hoppers of Florida. Gainsville: University Press Florida, atic Catalog. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Acaderny of Sci-
144 pp. ences and The Orthoptera Society,
Chopard, L. 1938. La Biologie des Orthoptéres. Paris: OUe, D. 1995b. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 5. Grass-
Lachevalier, 541 pp. hoppers (Acridornorpha) D. Acridoidea (part). A Systern-
Dakin, M. E. J. and K L. Hays. 1970. A synopsis of Or- atic Catalog. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Acaderny of Sci-
thoptera (sensu lato) of Alabarna. Bull. Agric. Exp. Sta. ences and The Orthoptera Society, 630 pp.
Auburn University 404:1-118 OUe, D. 1997a. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 6.
Dirsch, V. M. 1975. Classification of the Acridornorphoid In- Tetrigoidea and Tridactyloidea. A Systernatic Catalog.
sects. Oxford, UK: E. W. Classey, 178 pp. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Acaderny of Sciences and The
Field, L. H. (ed.). 2001. The biology ofwetas, king crickets and Orthoptera Society, 261 pp.
their allies. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, 540 pp. OUe, D. 1997b. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 7. Teuigo-
Froeschner, R. C. 1954. The grasshoppers and other Or- nioidea. A Systernatic Catalog. Philadelphia: Philadelphia
thoptera of lowa. lowa State Coll. J. Sci. 29:163-354. Acaderny of Sciences and The Orthoptera Society, 373 pp.
Gerhardt, H. C. and E Huber. 2002. Acoustic cornrnunication OUe, D. 2000. Orthoptera Species File, Nurnber 8. Gryl-
in insects and anurans: cornrnon problerns and diverse lacridoidea. A Systernatic Catalog. Philadelphia: Phil-
solutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 531 pp. adelphia Acaderny of Sciences and The Orthoptera Soci-
Grant, H. J., Jr., and D. Rentz. 1967. Biosysternatic review of ety, 97 pp.
the farnily Tanaoceridae, including a cornparative study OUe, D., D. C. Eades and P. Naskrecki. 2003. Orthoptera
of the proventriculus (Orthoptera: Tanaoceridae). Pan- Species File Online (Version 2). hup://osf2.orthoptera.
Paco Entorno\. 43:65-74. org/basicIHornePage.asp
Gwynne, D. T. 2001. Katydids and bush-crickets, reproduc- Rentz, D. C. E, and D. B. Weissrnan. 1981. Faunal affinities,
tive behavior and evolution of the Teuigoniidae. Ithaca, systernatics, and bionornics of the Orthoptera of the Cal-
NY: Cornell University Press, 317 pp. ifornia Channel Islands. Univ. Calif. Pub\. Entorno!.
Helfer, J. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock- 94:1-240.
roaches, and Their Allies, 2nd ed. New York: Dover Pub- Vickery, V. R., and D. K McE. Kevan. 1985. The Grasshop-
lications, 363 pp. pers, Crickets, and Related Insects of Canada and Adja-
Huber, E, T. E. Moore, and W. Loher (eds.). 1989. Cricket be- cent Regions: Ulonata: Dermaptera, Cheleutoptera, No-
havior and neurobiology. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University toptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The
Press. Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 14. Ouawa: Cana-
Jago, N. D. 1971. A revision of the Gornphocerinae of the dian Governrnent Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
world with a key to the genera (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Vickerey, V. R., and D. E. Johnstone. 1970. Generic status 01
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 123(8):204-343. sorne Nernobiinae (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) in northern
Love, R. E., and T. J. Walker. 1979. Systernatics and acoustic North Arnerica. Ann. Entorno\. SocoArner. 63: 1740-1749.
behavior of the scaly crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Vickerey, V. R., and D. E. Johnstone. 1973. The Nernobiinae
Mogoplistinae) of eastern United States. Trans. Arner. En- (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) of Canada. Can. Entorno!.
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Morris, G. K, and D. T. Gwynne. 1978. Geographical distri- Walker, T.J., and T. E. Moore. 2003. Singing insects of North
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Orthoptera. In E W. Stehr (Ed.), Irnrnature Insects, vo\. 1,
pp. 147-170. Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
12 Order Phasmatodea1
and LeafInsects
he members of this order do not have enlarged hind egg stage overwintering. The eggs often do not hatch
T femora (and they do not jump), and the tarsi are the following spring but hatch the second year after
usually tive-segmented (lhree-segmented in the they are laido For this reason walkingsticks are gener-
Timematidae). The species in North America have an ally abundant only in alterna te years. The young are
elongatedand sticklike body, and the wings are either usually greenish, and the adults are brownish.
muchreduced or entirely absent. Some tropical forms The walkingsticks are widely distributed (more
Oeafinsects) are flattened and expanded laterally (and than 2000 species worldwide), but the group is most
haveat least the hind wings well developed), and very diverse in the tropics, especially in the lndo-Malayan
greatlyresemble leaves. These insects lack tympana region, and in the Nearctic is better represented in the
and stridulatory organs; the cerci are short and one- southern states. All walkingsticks in the United States
segmented;and the ovipositor is short and concealed. are wingless except Aplopus mayeri Caudell, which oc-
The walkingsticks are slow-moving herbivorous curs in southern Florida. This species has short, oval
insectsthat are usually found on trees or shrubs. They front wings, and the hind wings project 2 or 3 mm be-
arevery similar to twigs in appearance, and this mim- yond the front wings. Some tropical walkingsticks are
icryprobably has protective value. Walkingsticks can around 30 cm or so in length.
emita foul-smelling substance from glands in the tho-
rax,a behavior that serves as a means of defense. Unlike
mostinsects, the walkingsticks can regenera te lost legs,
atleastin part. These insects are usually not numerous Classification of the Phasmatodea
enoughto do much damage to cultivated plants but,
whennumerous, may do serious damage to trees. Timematidae (Timemidae)-timema walkingsticks
Some species are parthenogenetic, the males being Pseudophasmatidae (Bacunculidae)-striped walking-
completelyunknown. The eggs are not laid in any par- sticks
ticular situation but are simply scattered on the Heteronemiidae-common walkingsticks
ground.There is a single generation per year, with the Phasmatidae (Bacteriidae)-winged walkingsticks
2(1'). Mesothorax never more than 3 times as long as prothorax; middle and
hind tibiae deeply emarginate apically, reeeiving base of tarsi in repose Pseudophasmatidae p.228
2'. Mesothorax at least 4 times as long as prothorax; middle and hind tibiae
not deeply emarginate apically 3
3(2'). Adults with short wings; first abdominal tergum as long as or longer than
metanotum (longer than wide); head with 2 stout spines on vertex Phasmatidae p.228
3'. Wings absent; first abdominal tergum mueh shorter than metanotum
(subquadrate); vertex without stout spines Heteronemiidae p. 228
Bedford,G. O. 1978. Biology and ecology of the Phasrna- Strohecker, H. F. 1966. New Timema frorn Nevada and Ari-
todea. Annu. Rev. Entorno!. 23:125-149. zona (Phasrnodea: Tirnernidae). Pan-Paco Entorno!. 42:
Bradley,J. c., and B. S. Gali!. 1977. The taxonornic arrange- 25-26.
rnent of the Phasrnatodea with keys to the subfarnilies Tilgner, E. 2000. The fossil record of Phasrnida (Insecta:
and tribes. Proc. Entorno!. Soco Wash. 79:176-208. Neoptera). lnsect Syst. &: Evo!. 31:473-480.
Gustafson, J. F. 1966. Biological observations on Timema cal- Tilgner, E. H., 1. G. Kiselyova, and J. V McHugh. 1999. A
ifomica (Phasrnoidea: Phasrnidae). Ann. Entorno!. Soc. ,norphological study of Timema cristinae Vickery with
Amer. 59:59-6l. irnplications for the phylogenetics of Phasrnida. Deutsch.
Helfer,]. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock- Entorno!. Z. 46:149-162.
roaches, and Their Allies, 2nd edition. New York: Dover Vickery, VR. 1993. Revision of Timema Scudder (Phas-
Publications, 363 pp. rnatoptera: Tirnernatodea) including three new species.
Henry,L. M. 1937. Biological notes on Timema califomica Can. Entorno!. 125: 657-692.
Scudder. Pan-Paco Entorno!. 13: 137-14l. Vickery, V R., and D. K. McE. Kevan. 1985. The Grasshop-
Nickle,D. A. 1987. Order Phasrnatodea. In F. W Stehr (Ed.), pers, Crickets, and Related lnsects of Canada and Adja-
lrnmature lnsects, vo!. 1, pp. 145-146. Dubuque, lA: cent Regions. Ulonata: Derrnaptera, Cheleutoptera, No-
KendalVHunt, 754 pp.; illus. toptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The
Sellick,]. T. C. 1997. Descriptive terminology of the phasrnid lnsects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 14. Ottawa: Cana-
egg capsule, with an extended key to the phasrnid genera dian Governrnent Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
based on egg structure. Syst. Entorno!. 22:97-122.
Order Grylloblattodea
13 RackCrawlers
References 231
Ando,H. 1982. Biology of the Notoptera. Nagano, japan: Nickle, D. A. 1987. Order Grylloblattodea (Notoptera). In F.
Kashiyo-Insatsu, 194 pp. W Stehr (Ed.), Irnrnature Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 143-144.
Gumey,A. B. 1948. The taxonorny and distribution of the Dubuque, lA: KendallJHunt, 754 pp.
Grylloblattidae. Proc. Entorno\. Soco Wash. 50:86-102. Rentz, D. C. F. 1982. A review of the systernatics, distribution
Gumey,A. B. 1953. Recent advances in the taxonorny and and bionornics of the North American Grylloblattidae. In
distribution of Grylloblatta (Orthoptera: Grylloblattidae). H. Ando. (Ed.), Biology of the Notoptera. Nagano,japan:
]. Wash. Acad. Sci. 43:325-332. K'lshiyo-Insatsu, 194 pp.
Gumey,A. B. 1961. Further advances in the taxonorny and Vickery, V. R., and D. K. McE. Kevan. 1985. The Grasshop-
distribution of Grylloblatta (Orthoptera: Grylloblattidae). pers, Crickets, and Related Insects of Canada and Adja-
Proc. Bio\. Soco Wash. 74:67-76. cent Regions: Ulonata: Derrnaptera, Cheleutoptera, No-
Helfer,j. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock- toptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera; The
roaches, and Their Allies. Dubuque, lA: Williarn C Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 14. Ottawa: Cana-
Brown, 363 pp. dian Governrnent Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
Kamp,j. W 1963. Descriptions of two new species of Gryl- Walker, E. M. 1914. A new species of Orthoptera, forrning a
loblattidae and the adult of Grylloblatta barberi, with an new genus and farnily. Can. Entorno\. 46:93-99.
interpretation of their geographic distribution. Ann. En- Wheeler, W c., M. Whiting, Q. D. Wheeler, andJ. M. Carpenter.
torno\. Soco Arner. 56:53-68. 2001. The phylogeny of the extant hexapod orders. Cladis-
Kamp,j. W 1970. The cavernicolous Grylloblattoidea of the tics 17:113-169.
western United States. Ann. Speleology 25:223-230.
Kamp,j. W 1973. Taxonorny, distribution and zoogeographic
evolution of Grylloblatta in Canada (Insecta: Notoptera).
Can. Entorno\. 105:1235-1249.
14 Order Mantophasmatodea1
he Mantophasmatodea is the newest addition to the tion. lt is unclear, at this early point, whether the
Tcast of insect orders. The genus Raptophasma was recognition of this group as an order will meet with
first described in 2001 for fossil specimens preserved in general acceptance or if it will eventually be subsumed
Baltic amber, approximately 30 million years old within Grylloblattodea or another group.
(Zompro 2001). Specimens of similar species were
later discovered in collections from Namibia and Tan-
zania in Africa (Figure 14-1), and a new order was pro-
posed for them. Mantophasmatodea have since been
found in a number of locations in South Africa in the
Cape Faunal Zone (Figure 14-2), an area well known
for species richness and endemism. The order contains
only a single family, Mantophasmatidae, and three gen-
era: the fossil Raptophasma (one described species) and
the living genera Mantophasma (two species) and
Praedatophasma (one species). Researchers think there
are at least three new species in South Africa. Figure14-1 Praedatophasmamaraisi Zompro &:Adis,
Mantophasmatodea are rather small, generally 2-3 cm female, lateral view; antennae are not completely shown.
in length, and both sexes are wingless. They have chewing (Reproduced with permission of Thom Glas.)
mouthparts, the head is hypognathous, and the anten-
nae are long and filiform. The tarsi are five-segmented.
They have simple metamorphosis. According to van
Noort (2003), Mantophasmatodea superficially resem-
ble immature mantids, but the fore legs are not modi-
fied for prey capture. Nevertheless, these are predatory
insects. Adults are rather short-lived, surviving for only
a few weeks.
In the original description of the order, it was un-
clear which order(s) of insects were the closest rela-
tives of Mantophasmatodea, but Grylloblattodea and
Phasmatodea were suggested as possibilities. Unfortu-
nately, no phylogenetic analysis preceded the descrip-
; : .:..,¡
References 233
Arillo,A., V. M. Ortuño, and A. Ne\. 1997. Description of an lompro, O. 2001. The Phasmatodea and Raptophasma n.
enigmatic insect from Baltic amber. Bull. 50c. Entorno\. gen., Orthoptera incertae sedis, in Baltic amber (lnsecta:
France 102:11-14. Orthoptera). Min. Geo\.-Palaonto\. Inst. Univ. Hamburg
Klass,K.-D., O. lompro, N. P. Kristensen, and J. Adis. 2002. 85: 229-261.
Mantophasmatodea: A new insect order with extant lompro, O., J. Adis, and W Weitschat. 2002. A review of the
members in the Afrotropics. 5cience 296:1456-1459. arder Mantophasmatodea (lnsecta). loologischer Anzeiger
Picker, M. D., J. F. Colville, and S. van Noort. 2002. Man- ~4l(3): 269-279.
tophasmatodea now in 50uth Afrika. 5cience 297:1475.
van Noort, S. 2003. Order Mantophasmatodea (mantos).
Available on the Web at
insectslmantophasmatodeallO Dec., 2003.
Order Dermaptera1
15 Earwigs
Keyto the Familiesof Dermaptera 235
¡heabdomen is quite maneuverable. The larger ear- sider the Arixenina a family (Arixenidae) of the For-
wigs,especiallythe males, can inflict a painful pincho ficulina. The Arixenina are Malayan ectoparasites of
bats, and the Diploglossata are Somh African para-
sites of rodents. The Forficulina is the only suborder
occurring in North America. Of the 22 North Ameri-
of the Dermaptera can earwig species, 12 have been introduced from
Europe or from the tropics. Our species represent six
Thearder Dermaptera is usually divided into three families, adults of which may be separated by the fol-
suborders, the Arixenina, the Diploglossata (Hemi- lowing key.
rnerina),and the Forficulina. Some authorities con-
2'. Distal extension of second tarsal segment not dilated, no wider than third
segment, and with dense brush of hairs beneath; antennae 12-segmented;
black; California Chelisochidae p. 237
3(1'). A large, padlike arolium between tarsal claws; male forceps curved
strongly inward; recorded near Miami, Florida Pygidicranidae p. 236
3'. No arolium between tarsal claws; male forceps not strongly curved
(Figure 15-2B,C); widely distributed 4
4(3'). Antennae with 25-30 segments; pronotum light brown with 2 dark
longitudinal stripes; length 20-30 mm; southern United States, from
North Carolina to Florida and California Labiduridae p. 237
4'. Antennae with 10-24 segments; pronotum uniformly colored; length
4-25 mm; widely distributed 5
5(4'). Antennae with 14-24 segments; tegmina present as rounded flaps not
meeting at inner basal margins, or absent; right forceps of male more
strongly curved than left; length 9-25 mm Anisolabididae p. 236
5'. Antennae with 10-16 segments; tegmina normally developed and meeting
along entire midline; male forceps symmetrical; length less than 20 mm Labiidae p.237
Family Pygidicranidae: This familyis represented in along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts. The genus
the United States by a single species, Pyragropsis buscki Euborellia contains six North American species, which
(Caudell), which is fully winged and 12-14 mm in are 9-18 mm in length with 14-20 antennal segments.
length. This insect has been collected in southern These earwigs are usually found in debris and occur
Florida and also occurs in Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispan- mainly in the southern states. The most common
iola. species is the ring-Iegged earwig, E. annulipes (Lucas),
Family Anisolabididae (Carcinophoridae, Psalididae, a wingless species that is widely distributed and some-
Anisolabidae;Labiduridaein part)-Seaside and Ring-Legged times invades houses. Euborellia cincticollis (Gerstaecker)
Earwigs: The seaside earwig, Anisolabis maritima was introduced into California and Arizona. This species
(Bonelli), is a wingless, blackish brown insect 20-25 mm has three morphs, with individuals exhibiting well-
in length with 20-24 antennal segments. lt is an intro- developed wings, shortened front wings with the hind
duced species that is predaceous and usually found be- wings reduced or absent, or lacking both pairs of wings
neath debris along seashores. It now occurs locally altogether.
References 237
FamilyLabiidae-Little Earwigs:This family con- morio (Fabricius), which is a native of the tropics (is-
tainseight North American species in three genera, lands in the Pacific) but has be come established in Cal-
withthe most common species being Labia minor ifornia. This insect is black and 16-20 mm long.
(l.), an introduced species. This insect is 4-7 mm in Family Forficulidae-European and Spine-tailed Ear-
lengthand covered with golden hair. It is a good flier wigs: The most common member of this family is the
and can be found flying during the early evening European earwig, Forficula auricularia L., a brownish
or attracted to lights at night. Marava pulchella black insect 15-20 mm long (Figure 15-1). It is widely
(Audinet-Serville) is a larger (8-10 mm in length), distributed throughout southern Canada south to North
shiningreddish brown species in which individuals Carolina, Arizona, and California. It occasionally causes
can possess either well-developed wings or short substantial damage to vegetable crops, cereals, fruit
[rontwings with the hind wings reduced or absent. trees, and ornamental plants. The spine-tailed earwigs
Ihisinsect is found in the southern states. The genus (Doru) are a liule smaller (12-18 mm in length), and are
Vostox contains three species, one of which, V.apice- so called because the male has a short median spine on
dentatus (Caudell), is 9-12 mm in length and fairly the terminal abdominal segment (Figure 15-2C).
commonaround dead leaves and cacti in the desert
regionsof the Southwest.
Family Labiduridae-Striped Earwigs: This group
includesa single North American species, Labidura ri- Collecting and Preserving Dermaptera
paria(PalIas),an introduced species that occurs in the
southempart of the United States, from North Car- Earwigs generally must be looked for in various pro-
olinasouth to Florida and west to California. This tected places: in debris, in cracks and crevices, under
speciesis most readily recognized by its large size bark, and about the roots of grasses and sedges. They
Oength20-30 mm) and the longitudinal dark stripes are not often collected with a net. Some will come to
on the pronotum and tegmina. It is nocturnal and lights at night, and some can be taken in pidall traps
predaceous,hiding under debris during the day. (Figure 35-6A). They are normally preserved dry, on
Family Chelisochidae-BlackEarwigs: This group either pins or points. If pinned, they are pinned
includesa single North American species, Chelisoches through the right tegmen, as are beetles.
Blatchley,W S. 1920. Orthoptera of Northeastern America. Gurney, A. B. 1972. Important recent name changes among
lndianapolis: Nature, 784 pp. earwigs of the genus Daru (Dermaptera, Forficulidae).
Brindle, A. 1966. A revision of the subfamily Labidurinae Coop. Econ. Insect Rep. (USDA) 22(13):182-185.
(Dermaptera: Labiduridae). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Haas, F. 1995. The phylogeny of the Forficulina, a suborder of
(13)9:239-269. the Dermaptera. Syst. Entorno!. 20:85-98.
Brindle,A. 1971a. A revision of the Labiidae (Dermaptera) of Haas, F., and J. Kukalová-Peck. 2001. Dermaptera hindwing
the Neotropical and Nearctic regions. n. Geracinae and structure and folding: New evidence for familial, ordinal
Labiinae. J. Nat. Hist. 5:155-182. and superordinal relationships within Neoptera (In-
Brindle,A. 1971b. A revision of the Labiidae (Dermaptera) of secta). Eur. J. Entorno!. 98:445-509.
the Neotropical and Nearctic regions. IlI. Spongiphori- Hebard, M. 1934. The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of lllinois.
nae. J. Nat. Hist. 5:521-568. lll. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 20(3):125-279.
Brindle,A. 1971c. The Dermaptera of the Caribbean. Stud. Helfer, J. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock-
Fauna Curac;ao and Other Caribbean Islands 38:1-75. roaches, and Their Allies, 2nd ed. New York: Dover Pub-
Brindle,A. 1987. Order Dermaptera. In F. W Stehr (Ed.), Im- lications, 363 pp.
mature Insects, vo!. 1, pp. 171-178. Dubuque, lA: Hinks, W D. 1955-1959. A Systematic Monograph of the
KendalVHunt, 754 pp. Dermaptera of the World Based on Material in the British
Cantrell,I. J. 1968. An annotated list of the Dermaptera, Dic- Museum (Natural History). Part 1: Pygidicranidae, Sub-
tyoptera, Phasmatoptera, and Orthoptera of Michigan. family Diplatyinae, 132 pp. (1955). Part n: Pygidi-
Mich. Entorno!. 1:299-346. cranidae Excluding Diplatyinae, 218 pp. (1959). London:
Eisner,1. 1960. Defense mechanisms of arthropods. n. The British Museum (Natural History).
chemical and mechanical weapons of an earwig. Psyche Hoffman, K. M. 1987. Earwigs (Dermaptera) of South Car-
67:62-70. olina, with a key to the eastern North American species
Giles,E. 1. 1963. The comparative external morphology and and a checklist of the North American fauna. Proc. Ent.
affinities of the Dermaptera. Trans. Roy. Entorno!. Soco SOCoWash. 89:1-14.
Lond. 115:95-164.
238 Chapter15 OrderDermaptera
Knabke, ]. ]., and A. A. Grigarick. 1971. Biology of the Steinmann, H. 1978. A systematic survey of the species be-
African earwig, Euborellia cincticollis (Gerstaecker) in longing to the genus Labidura Leach, 1815 (Dermaptera).
California and comparative notes on Euborellia annulipes Acta loo\. Acad. Sci. Hung. 25:415-423.
(Lucas). Hilgardia 41:157-194. Steinmann, H. 1989. World Catalog of Dermaptera. Series En-
Langston, R. L., and]. A. Powell. 1975. The earwigs of Cali- tomologica 43:1-934.
fornia. Bull. Calif. Insect Surv. 20:1-25. Vickery, V. R., and D. K. McE. Kevan. 1985. The Grasshop-
Popham, E.]. 1965. A key to the Dermaptera subfamilies. En- pers, Crickets, and Related Insects of Canada and Adja-
tomologist 98:126-136. cent Regions: Dlonata: Dermaptera, Cheleutoptera, No-
Popham, E.]. 1965. Towards a natural classification of the toptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The
Dermaptera. Prac. 12th Int. Congr. Entorno\. Lond. Insects aDd Arachnids of Canada, Pan 14. Ottawa: Cana-
(1964): 114-115. dian Government Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
Popham, E. J. 1985. The mutual affinities of the major earwig
taxa (Insecta, Dermaptera). l. loo\. Syst. Evo\.-Forsch.
16 Order Plecoptera1,2
toneflies are mostly medium-sized or small, some- nymphs have leaflike gills along the sides of the ab-
S what fiattened, soft-bodied, rather drab-colored in- domen (Figure 9-2), whereas stonefly gills are always
sectsfound near streams or rocky lake shores. They fingerlike, either simple or branched, and only occur
aregenerally poor fliers and are seldom found far ventrally (Figure 16-2B). Stonefiy nymphs are often
fromwater. Most species have four membranous found under stones in streams or along lake shores
wings(Figure 16-1). The front wings are elongate (hence the common name of these insects), but may
and rather narrow and usually have a series of occasionally be found anywhere in a stream where
crossveinsbetween M and Cu¡ and between Cu¡ and food is available. A few species live in underground
CUloThe hind wings are slightly shorter than the water, and their nymphs sometimes appear in wells or
[rontwings and usually have a well-developed anal other drinking water supplies. Some species are plant
lobethat is folded fanwise when the wings are at rest. feeders in the nymphal stage, and others are preda-
Afewspecies of stoneflies have reduced wings or lack ceous or omnivorous. Some species of stoneflies
wings,usually in the maleo Stoneflies at rest hold the emerge, feed, and mate during the fall and winter
wingsfiat over the abdomen (Figure 16-2A). The an- months. The nymphs of these species are generally
tennaeare long, slender, and many-segmented. The plant feeders, and the adults feed chiefiy on blue-green
tarsiare three-segmented. Cerci are present and may algae and are diurnal in feeding habits. The species
belong or short. The mouthparts are of the chewing that emerge during the summer vary in nymphal feed-
type,although in many adults (which do not feed) ing habits. Many do not feed as adults.
theyare somewhat reduced. The stoneflies undergo In many species of stoneflies, the sexes get to-
simplemetamorphosis, and the nymphal stages of de- gether in response to acoustic signals. The males drum
velopmentare aquatic. by tapping the tip of the abdomen on the substrate. Vir-
Stonefiy nymphs (Figures 16-2B and 16-3) are gin females respond to this drumming, and answer
somewhatelongate, flattened insects with long anten- with a drumming of their own either during or imme-
naeand long cerci, and often with branched gills on diately after the male drumming. The males drum
thethorax and about the bases of the legs. They are throughout their adult life, and the signals are species
verysimilar to mayfly nymphs but lack a median cau- specific.
dalfilament; that is, they have only two tails, whereas
mayflynymphs nearly always have three. Stonefiy
nymphshave two tarsal claws and mayfiy nymphs
haveonly one, and the gills are different: Mayfiy Classification of the Plecoptera
This order in North America is divided into two
'Pleeoptera:p/eeo, folded or plaited; ptera, wings (referring to the
bet that the anal region of the hind wings is folded when the wings groups. Previously they were separated simply by the
areat rest). structure of the labium, comparing the length of the
'Thisehapter was edited by Richard W. Bauman. glossae and paraglossae (Figure 16-4). However, 239
240 Chapter16 OrderPlecoptera
Se R
Zwick(1973) showed that the families Pteronarcyidae
and Peltoperlidae belong in the group Systellognatha.
Henoted that the structure of the labium is a function
offeedingmethod, with herbivores exhibiting similarly
sizedglossae and paraglossae, and carnivores having
themmodified in size and shape.
Different authorities recognize different numbers
offamilies;we follow here the arrangement of Stark et
al.(1986), who recognize nine families in North Amer-
ira.Ihis arrangement is outlined next, with alterna te
namesand arrangements in parentheses. The numbers A
in parentheses, representing the numbers of North
Americanspecies, are from Stark et al. (1986).
GroupEuholognatha (Filipalpia, Holognatha) (280)
Iaeniopterygidae (Nemouridae in part) (33)-
winter stoneflies
Nemouridae (Nemourinae of Nemouridae)
(64 )-spring stoneflies
Leuctridae (Nemouridae in part) (52)-rolled-
wing stoneflies
Capniidae (Nemouridae in part) (13l)-small
winter stoneflies
GroupSystellognatha (Setipalpia, Subulipalpia) (257)
Pteronarcyidae (Pteronarcidae) (lO)-giant
Peltoperlidae (l7)-roachlike stoneflies
Perlidae (44 )-common stoneflies 8
Perlodidae Cincluding Isoperlidae) (114)
Chloroperlidae (72)-green stoneflies
Figure16-4 Labia of adult stoneflies, ventral views.
Ihe principal characters used to separate the fam- A, Taeniopteryxnivalis (Fitch) (Taeniopterygidae); B, Perla
¡liesof stoneflies are wing venation, characters of the (Perlidae). gl, glossa; Ip, labial palp; pgl, paraglossa.
242 Chapter16 OrderPlecoptera
Keys lOnymphs are given by Claassen (1931), Jewett (1956), Pennak (1978), Harper
(1984), Stewart and Stark (1984, 1988), and Baumann (1987).
1. Labium with glossae and paraglossae about the same size, labium thus
appearing to have 4 similar terminallobes (Figure 16-4A) 2
1'. Labium with glossae very small, appearing to have 2 terminallobes
Ctheparaglossae), each with a small basomesallobe Ctheglossae)
(Figure 16-4B) 7
2(1). Basal tarsal segment short, much shorter than third segment (Figure 16-6E) 3
2' Basal tarsal segment longer, nearly as long as or longer than third segment
(Figure 16-6A-D) 4
3(2). Anal area of front wing with 2 series of crossveins (Figure 16-7 A);
head with 3 ocelli; gill remnants on sides of first 2 or 3 abdominal
segments; large slOneflies, usually over 25 mm in length Pteronarcyidae p.245
A B e o E
~pe R,
3', Anal area of front wing with no rows of crossveins (Figure 16-7B-E);
head with 2 ocelli; no gill remnants on abdominal segments; length less
than 25 mm Peltoperlidae p. 245
4(2'). Second segment of tarsi about as long as each of the other 2 segments
(Figure 16-6A) Taeniopterygidae p. 244
4', Second segment of tarsi much shorter than each of the other 2 segments
(Figure 16-6B-D) 5
5(4'). Cerci short and l-segmented; front wing with 4 or more cubital crossveins,
2A forked (Figure 16-7C) 6
5'. Cerci long and with 4 or more segments; front wing with only 1 or
2 cubital crossveins, 2A not forked (Figure 16-7E) Capniidae p.245
6(5). Front wings flat at rest, with an apical crossvein (Figure 16-7D, apc) Nemouridae p. 244
244 Chapter 16 Order Plecoptera
-- :
6'. Front wings at rest bent down around sides of abdomen, without an
apical crossvein (Figure 16-7C) leuctridae p.244
7(1'). Front wing with cu-a (if present) opposite basal anal cen, or distad of it
by no more than its own length; remnants of branched gills on thorax
(Figure 16-5) Perlidae p.245
7'. Front wing with cu-a (if present) usuany distad of basal anal cen by more
than its own length; no remnants of branched gills on thorax (some
Perlodidae may have remnants of unbranched or fingerlike gills on thorax) 8
8(7'). Hind wings with anallobe wen developed, with 5-10 anal veins; front
wing with no forked vein arising from basal anal cen; pronotum
rectangular, the corners acute or narrowly rounded (Figure 16-8B,D);
length 6-25 mm Perlodidae p.245
8'. Hind wings with anallobe reduced (rarely absent), and usuany with no
more than 4 anal veins; front wing sometimes with forked vein arising
from basal anal cen; pronotum with corners rounded (Figure 16-8C);
length 15 mm or less Chloroperlidae p.245
References 245
Family Capniidae-SmallWinter Stoneflies: This is adults in this genus are relatively large (20-40 mm
thelargest family in the order, and its members, which long), and the males have a disklike structure in the
areblackish and mostly 10 mm long or less, emerge middle of the posterior portion of the ninth abdomi-
duringthe winter months. The wings are short or rudi- nal sternum.
mentaryin some species. Most of the capniids occur- Family Perlodidae: The most common members of
ringin the East belong to the genus Allocapnia. this family (Figure 16-2A) usualIy have green wings
Group Systellognatha: The carnivorous families and yelIow or green body, and are 6-15 mm in length.
Perlidae,Perlodidae and Chloroperlidae have enlarged Most adults do not feed, but members of the subfamily
glossaeand smalI paraglossae. The herbivorous fami- Isoperlinae seem to be chiefly polIen feeders. They are
líesPteronarcyidae and Peltoperlidae have these labial diurnal in habito Other less common species are brown
lobesof nearly equal size and shape. or black and 10-25 mm long. The nymphs are omni-
Family Pteronarcyidae-Giant Stoneflies: This fam- vores or carnivores.
ilyineludes the largest insects in the order; females of Family Chloroperlidae-Green Stoneflies: The adults
a cornmon eastern species, Pteronarcys dorsata (Say), of this family are 6-15 mm long and yelIow or green.
maysometimes reach a length (measured to the wing They appear in the spring. Haploperla brevis (Banks), a
tips)of 55 mm. The nymphs are plant feeders and oc- common eastern species, is 6-9 mm long, bright yelIow,
curin medium-sized to large rivers. The adults are noc- and has no anal lobe in the hind wing. The stoneflies
turnalin habit and often come to lights. Adults do not belonging to the genus Alloperla, of which there are sev-
feed.They appear in late spring to early summer. eral eastern species, are green, average 8-15 mm, and
Family Peltoperlidae-Roachlike Stoneflies: This have a smalI anallobe in the hind wing.
familyis so calIed because the nymphs are somewhat
cockroachlike in appearance. Most of these stoneflies
arewestern or northern in distribution. The most com-
moneastern species are brown and 12-18 mm long. Collecting and Preserving Plecoptera
Family Perlidae-Common Stoneflies: This family
containsthe stoneflies most often colIected. The adults During the warmer days in the falI, winter, and spring,
arenonfeeding spring and summer forms, and most are adults of the winter species can be found resting on
20-40mm long. The nymphs are mostly predaceous. bridges, fence posts, and other objects near the streams
Two eastern species in this family have only two in which the nymphs develop. Many species can be
ocelli,Perlinella ephyre (Newman) and Neoperla cly- colIected by sweeping the foliage along the banks of
mene (Newman).Both are about 12 mm in length and streams. Using a beating sheet is the preferred method
brown,with somewhat grey wings. Neoperla clymene of colIecting adult stoneflies. Bridges are a favorite rest-
has ocelIi that are close together, and P. ephyre has ing place for many species throughout the year. Many
themfar apart. Perlinella drymo (Newman), 10-20 mm of the summer forms are attracted to lights. The
inlength, is brown, with two black spots on the yel- nymphs can be found in streams, usualIy under stones
lowhead, and it has a row of crossveins in the anal or in the bottom debris.
areaofthe frontwing.Perlestaplacida(Hagen),9-14 mm Both adult and nymphal stoneflies should be pre-
long and nocturnal in habit, and Agnetina capitata served in alcohol. Pinned adults often shrink, with
(Pictet), 14-24 mm long and diurnal in habit, have the result that some characters, particularly those of
thecostal edge of the front wing yelIow. One of the the genitalia and the gill remnants, are difficult to
largestand most common genera is Acroneuria. The make out.
Baurnann, R. W 1987. Order Plecoptera. In E W Stehr (Ed.), Frison, T. H. 1942. Studies of North American Plecoptera,
Irnmature Insects, vo!. 1, pp. 186-195. Dubuque, lA: with special reference to the fauna of Illinois. Ill. Nat.
KendalllHunt, 754 pp. Hist. Surv. Bull. 22(2):231-355.
Baurnann, R. W, A. R. Gaufin, and R. E Surdick. 1977. The Gaufin, A. R., A. V. Nebeker andJ. Sessions. 1966. The stone-
stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Mem. flies (Plecoptera) of Utah. Univ. Utah Bio!. Ser. 14:9-89.
Amer. Entorno!. Soco 31, 208 pp. Harper, P. P. 1984. Plecoptera. In R. W Merritt and K. W
Claassen, P. W 1931. Plecoptera nymphs of America (north of Cummins (Eds.), An Introduction to the Aquatic lnsects
Mexico). Thornas Say Foundation Pub!. 3, 199 pp. of North America, 2nd ed., pp. 182-230 Dubuque, lA:
Frison, T. H. 1935. The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of Illinois. KendalllHunt.
Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 20(4):281-471.
246 Chapter 16 Order Plecoptera
Hitchcock, S. W 1974. Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Stark, B. P.,K. W Stewart, W W Szczytko, and R. W Baurnann.
Part VII. The Plecoptera or stoneflies of Connecticut. 1998. Cornrnon narnes of stoneflies (Plecoptera) frorn the
Conn. State Geo\. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 107:1-262. United States and Canada. Ohio Bio\. Surv. Notes 1:1-18.
Illies,]. 1965. Phylogeny and zoogeography of the Plecoptera. Stark, B. P., S. W. Szczytko, and R. W Baurnann. 1986. North
Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 10:117-140. American stoneflies (Plecoptera): Systernatics, distribu-
Jewett, S. G., Jr. 1956. Plecoptera. In R. L. Usinger (Ed.), tion, and taxonornic references. Gr. Basin Nat.
Aquatic Insects of California, pp. 155-181. Berkeley: 46:383-397.
University of California Press. Stark, B. P., S. W Szczytko, and C. R. Nelson. 1998. American
Jewett, S. G., Jr. 1959. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pa- stoneflies: A photographic guide to the Plecoptera.
cific Northwest. Ore. State Monogr. No. 3, 95 pp. Colurnbus, OH: Caddis Press, 126 pp.
Kondratieff, B. c., and R. F. Kirchner. 1987. Additions, taxo- Stewart, K. W, and B. P.Stark. 1984. Nyrnphs of North Amer-
nornic corrections, and faunal affinities of the stoneflies ican Perlodinae genera (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Gr.
of Virginia, USA. Proc. Entorno\. Soco Wash. 89:24-30. Basin Nat. 44:373-415.
Needharn,]. G., and P. W Claassen. 1925. A rnonograph of Stewart, K. W., and B. P. Stark. 1988. Nyrnphs of North Amer-
the Plecoptera or stoneflies of Arnerica north of Mexico. ican stonefly genera (Plecoptera). Thornas Say Founda-
Thornas Say Foundation Pub\. 2, 397 pp. tion Pub\. 12. 460 pp. (Reprinted in 1993 by University
Nelson, C. R., and R. W Baurnann. 1989. Systernatics and dis- of North Texas Press.)
tribution of the winter stonefly genus Capnia (Plecoptera: Surdick, R. F. 1985. Nearctic genera of Chloroperlinae (Ple-
Capniidae) in North Arnerica. Gr. Basin Natur. coptera: Chloroperlidae). Ill. Bio\. Monogr. 54:1-146.
49:289-363. Surdick, R. F., and K. C. Kirn. 1976. Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of
Pennak, R. W 1978. Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United Pennsylvania, a synopsis. Bull. Penn. State Univ. ColI.
States, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley Interscience, 803 pp. Agr. 808:1-73.
Ricker, W E. 1952. Systernatic studies in Plecoptera. Ind. Szczytko,S. W, and K. W. Stewart. 1979. The genus Isoperla
Univ. Stud. Sci. Ser. 18:1-200. (Plecoptera) of western North Arnerica; holornorphology
Ricker, W E. 1959. PlecopteraIn W 1. Edrnondson (Ed.), and systernatics, and a new stonefly genus Cascadoperla.
Fresh-Water Biology, pp. 941-957. New York: Wiley. Mern. Arner. Entorno\. Soco 32:1-120.
Ross, H. H., and W. E. Ricker. 1971. The classification, evolu- Unzicker,]. D., and V. H. McCaskill. 1982. Plecoptera. In A.
tion, and dispersal of the winter stonefly genus Allocap- R. Brigharn and W. U. Brigharn: Aquatic Insects and
nia. Ill. Bio\. Monogr. No. 43, 240 pp. Oligochaetes of North and South Carolina. Mahornet, IL:
Stanger, ]. A., and R. W Baurnann. 1993. A revision of the Midwest Aquatic Enterprises, 837 pp.
stonefly genus Taenionema (Plecoptera: Taeniopterygi- Zwick, P. 1973. Insecta: Plecoptera, phylogenetisches System
dae). Trans. Arner. Entorno\. Soco 119:171-229. und Katalog. Das Tierreich 94:1-465 pp.
Stark, B. P., and C. R. Nelson. 1994. Systernatics, phylogeny Zwick, P. 2000. Phylogenetic systern and zoogeography of the
and zoogeography of genus Yoraperla (Plecoptera: Pel- Plecoptera. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 45:709-746.
toperlidae). Entorno\. Scand. 25:241-273.
Order Embiidina1,2
17 Web-Spinners
he web-spinners, perhaps more appropriately called cerci are two-segmented, but in adult males of so me
T "foot-spinners," are small, slender, chiefly tropical species the distal segment of the left cercus is absorbed
insects,represented by 11 species in the southern into the basal one. The terminal appendages of the
UnitedStates. The body of adult males is somewhat female are always symmetrical, but they are asymmet-
flattened,but that of females and young is cylindrical. rical in the males of most species. Web-spinners
Mostspeciesare about 10 mm in length. The antennae undergo simple metamorphosis. One introduced
arefiliform, ocelli are lacking, and the head is prog- Mediterranean species in the United States is partheno-
nathous,with chewing mouthparts. Adult males do gene tic.
noteat, their mandibles being used mostly for chew- Web-spinners spend most of their lives in a
ingentry into a gallery and for grasping the female's labyrinth of silken galleries spun in leaf litter, under
headprior to copulation. The legs are short and stout; stones, in soil cracks, in bark crevices, and in epiphytic
thetarsi have three segments; and the hind femora are plants. Most other silk-producing insects use silk pro-
greatlyenlarged because of large tibial depressor mus- duced by modified rectal glands or by salivary glands
despowering defensive reverse movement. The basal opening near the mouth, but web-spinners produce the
segmentof the front tarsus is enlarged and contains silk from glands in the front tarsi. All instars, even the
silkglands. The silk is spun from a hollow, setalike first, can spin silk. Most species live in colonies made
ejectoron the ventral surface of the basal and second up of a parent female and her brood. Web-
tarsalsegments that transport fluid silk from the nu- spinners often feign death when disturbed, but on oc-
merousglobular glands. The males of most species are casion can move very rapidly, usually backward. The
winged,but some are wingless or have only vestigial eggs are elongate-oval and are usually laid in a single-
wings.Both winged and wingless males may occur in layered patch in the galleries. In most species the eggs
thesame species. The females are always wingless and are coated with a hardened paste of chewed habitat ma-
neotenic.The wings are similar in size, shape, and terial or fecal pellets, which must reduce the chances of
somewhatreduced venation (Figure 17-1A). The ve- oviposition by egg parasitoid wasps. Females guard
nationis characterized by broadened, dead-end blood- their eggs and early-stage nymphs. Web-spinners feed
sinusveins, which stiffen for flight by blood pressure. mostly on dead plant materials, which also constitute
Whennot in use, the wings are very flexible and can the substrate of their galleries. Embiids are easily cul-
roldforwardto reduce the "barb effect" during predator- tured in tubes or jars containing habitat material, and
avoiding reversemovements. The abdomen, lO-segmented this is the best method of obtaining adult males, which
withrudiments of the eleventh, bears a pair of cerci. The are usually required for identification to family. Deter-
mination is usually based on the form of the terminal
abdominal structures (terminalia). Males of most
'Embiidina: embio, lively. species mature during a limited time each year, those of
'This chapter was written by Edward S. Ross, with minor editorial some species, especially Oligotoma, fly to light during
by the authors.
changes warm, humid nights. 247
248 Chapter17 Order Embiidina
Family Anisembiidae: The Anisembiidae are repre- batus (Ross) in the lower Rio Grande valley of Texas,
sented in the United States by three species: Anisembia D. caribbeanus (Ross) in the Florida Keys, and D. van-
texana (Melander) of the south central states, and dykei (Ross) of the Southeast.
Dactylocerca rubra (Ross) and D. ashworthi Ross of the Family Oligotomidae:The Oligotomidae are repre-
Southwest. In some habitats, both winged and wingless sented in the United States by three introduced Old
males occur in colonies of A. texana. In humid regions, World species: Oligotoma saundersií (Westwood) of ¡he
males are always ala te, whereas in colder and arid re- southeastern states, O. nigra Hagen of the Southwest
gions males are always apterous. (extending as far east as San Antonio, Texas), and Hap-
Family Teratembiidae(Oligembiidae):This family is loembia solieri (Rambur) of the Southwest (extending
represented in the southeastern United States by as far north as southern Oregon). The last species is
five species: Oligembia hubbardi (Hagen) of Florida, parthenogenetic, but a bisexual form has recently been
introduced into central California.
~~~r~ Ross 0H:9u\sian~ and Texas, Diradius 10-
~'...,,"\ :1 'fJ..
References 249
Ross,E. 5.1940. A revision ofthe Ernbioptera ofNorth Arner- Ross, E. S. 2000. EMBIA, Contributions to the biosysternatics
ica. Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 33:629-676. of the insect order Ernbiidina. Parts 1 and 2. Occ. Papers
Ross,E. S. 1944. A revision of the Ernbioptera of the New California Acaderny of Sciences, No. 149; Part 1, 53 pp.;
World. Proc. U.S. Nad. Mus. 94(3175):401-504. part 2, 36 pp.
Ross,E. S. 1970. Biosysternatics of the Ernbioptera. Annu. Ross, E. S. 2001. EMBIA. Contributions to the biosysternatics
Rev. Entorno\. 15:157-171. of the insect order Ernbiidina. Part 3. The Ernbiidae of the
Ross,E. S. 1984. A synopsis of the Ernbiidina of the United Arnericas (arder Ernbiidina). Occ. Papers California
States. Proc. Ent. Soco Wash. 86:82-93. Acaderny of Sciences, No. 150,86 pp.
Ross,E. S. 1987. arder Ernbiidina (Ernbioptera). In F. W
Stehr (Ed.), lrnrnature lnsects, vo\. 1, pp. 179-183.
Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
18 Order Zoraptera1
he zorapterans are minute insects, 3 mm or less in The order Zoraptera contains a single family, the
T length, and may be winged or wingless. The winged Zorotypidae, and seven genera. In 1978, New listed
forms are generally dark, and the wingless forms are 28 described species of zorapterans, and since then
usually pale. The zorapterans are a liule like termites in two more species have been found in southeast Tibet.
general appearance and are gregarious. The order was Three species occur in the United States. Usazoros
not discovered until1913. hubbardi has been taken in a number of localities in
Winged and wingless forms occur in both sexes. 33 states in the central, eastern, and southern United
The four wings are membranous, with very reduced ve- States, from Maryland and southern Pennsylvania
nation and with the hind wings smaller than the front westward to southern Iowa and southward to Florida
wings (Figure 18-1A). The wings of the adult are even- and Texas; Zorotypus swezeyi Caudell is known froID
tually shed, as in ants and termites, leaving stubs at- Hawaii; Floridazoros snyderi (Caudell) occurs in
tached to the thorax. The antennae are moniliform and Florida and Jamaica. Usazoros hubbardi is commonly
nine-segmented as adults. The wingless forms (Fig- found under slabs of wood buried in piles of old saw-
ure 18-1D) lack both compound eyes and ocelli, but dust. Colonies are also found under bark and in rot-
the winged forms have compound eyes and three ting logs. The principal food of zorapterans appears to
ocelli. The tarsi are two-segmented, and each tarsus be fungal spores, but they are known to eat small dead
bears two claws. The cerci are short and unsegmented arthropods.
and terminate in a long bristle. The abdomen is short,
oval, and lO-segmented. The mouthparts are of the
chewing type, and the metamorphosis is simple. Ap-
parently there are four juvenile instars in the common Collecting and Preserving Zoraptera
species in North America.
Some wingless males of certain species have a Zorapterans are to be looked for in the habitats indi-
cephalic fontanelle. This is true of Usazoros hubbardi cated previously and are generally collected by sifting
(Caudell). The gland may secrete a pheromone that debris or by means of a Berlese funnel (Figure 35-5).
helps keep the largely blind gregarious assemblage to- Where zorapterans are abundant, an aspirator is very
gether in their dark habitat. Delamare Debouueville useful. They should be preserved in 70% alcohol and
(1956) considered the zorapteran fontanelle as proba- may be mounted on microscope slides for detailed
bly homologous with that of termites. study.
A B e D
Caudell,A. N. 1918. Zorotypus hubbardi, a new species of the Kukalová-Peck, ]., and S. B. Peck. 1993. Zoraptera wing
order Zoraptera frorn the United States. Can. Entornol. structures: Evidence for new genera and relationship
50:375-381. with the blattoid orders (Insecta: Blattoneoptera). Syst.
Caudell, A. N. 1920. Zoraptera not an apterous order. Prac. Entornol. 18:333-350.
Entornol. Soco Wash. 22:84-97. New, T. R. 1978. Notes on Neotrapical Zoraptera, with de-
Caudell, A. N. 1927. Zorotypus longiceratus, a new species of scriptions of two new species. Syst. Entornol. 3:361-370.
Zoraptera frarn Jamaica. Prac. Entornol. Soco Wash. Riegel, G. T. 1963. The distribution of Zorotypus hubbardi
29:144-145. (Zoraptera). Ann. Entornol. Soco Arner. 56:744-747.
Delarnare Deboutteville, C. 1956. Zoraptera. In S. L. Tuxen Riegel, G. T. 1969. More Zoraptera records. Prac. North Cen-
(Ed.), Taxonornist's Glossary of Genitalia in Insects, pp. tral Branch, Entornol. SOCoArner. 23(2):125-126.
38-41. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. Riegel, G. T. 1987. Order Zoraptera. In F. W Stehr (Ed.), Irn-
Gurney,A. B. 1938. A synopsis of the order Zoraptera, with rnature Insects, pp. 184-185. Dubuque, lA: KendalllHunt.
notes on the biology of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell. Prac. Riegel, G. T., and S.]. Eytalis. 1974. Life history studies on
Entornol. Soco Wash. 40:57-87. Zoraptera. Proc. North Central Branch, Entornol. SOCo
Gumey,A. B. 1959. New distribution records for Zorotypus Arner. 29:106-107.
hubbardi Caudell (Zoraptera). Prac. Entornol. Soco Wash. Riegel, G. T., and M. B. Ferguson. 1960. New state records of
61:183-184. Zoraptera. Entornol. News 71(8):213-216.
Gumey,A. B. 1974. Class Insecta, Order Zoraptera. In W G. St. Arnand, W 1954. Records of the order Zoraptera frarn
H. Coa ton (Ed.), Status of the Taxonorny of the Hexa- South Carolina. Entornol. News 65(5):131.
poda of Southern Africa. RSA Dept. Agr. Tech. Serv., En-
tornol. Mern. 38:32-34.
19 Order Isoptera
ermites are medium-sized, cellulose-eating social in- thoptera. The relationship to the monophyletic group
T sects making up the order Isoptera, a relatively small of Blattodea + Mantodea suggests that termites evolved
group of insects, consisting of approximately 1900 in the late Permian, approximately 200 million years
species worldwide. They live in highly organized and ago (although the known fossil termites date only from
integrated societies, or colonies, with the individuals the Cretaceous, about 120 million years ago). The ter-
differentiated morphologically into distinct forms or mite society is therefore the oldest.
castes-reproductives, workers, and soldiers-that There are many important differences between ter-
perform different biological functions. The four wings mites and ants. Termites are soft-bodied and usually
(present only in the reproductive caste) are membra- light-colored, whereas ants are hard-bodied and usu-
nous. The front and hind wings are almost equal in size ally dark. The antennae in termites are not elbowed as
(Figure 19-1), hence the name Isoptera. The antennae in ants. The front and hind wings of termites are nearly
are moniliform or filiform. The mouthparts of the equal in size and are held fiat over the abdomen at rest,
workers and reproductives are of the chewing type. whereas in ants the hind wings are smaller than the
The metamorphosis is simple. The nymphs have the fore wings and the wings at rest are usually held above
potential to develop into any one of the castes. Experi- the body. In termites, the wings, when shed, break
ments have shown that hormones and inhibitory along a suture, leaving only the wing base, or "scale,'
pheromones secreted by the reproductives and soldiers attached 10 the thorax. The abdomen in termites is
regulate caste differentiation. broadly joined to the thorax, whereas in ants it is con-
Although termites are popularly referred to as stricted at the base, forming the characteristic hy-
"white ants," they are not ants, nor are they closely re- menopteran petiole, or "waist." The sterile castes
lated to ants, which are grouped with bees and wasps
in the Hymenoptera, whose social system has evolved
independently of that in the Isoptera. Termites are
most closely related to the cockroaches and mantids
(Thorne and Carpenter 1992, Wheeler et al. 2001).
The primitive living species Mastotennes darwiniensis
Froggatt from Australia has some similarities with
some cockroaches, such as the folded anallobe in the
hind wing and an egg mass resembling the oothecae of
cockroaches and mantids. However, the Mastotennes
egg mass differs in structural details from the ootheca
and is probably more similar to egg pods of other Or-
(workersand soldiers) in termites are made up of both ual pairs, seek a nesting site, mate, and establish new
sexes,and reproductives and sterile castes develop colonies. Some species have one emergence ayear; oth-
[romfertilized eggs. In ants, the sterile castes are made ers have many. In the most common eastern species,
up of females only, and all females, sterile and repro- Reticulitennes flavipes (Kollar), emergence occurs in
ductive,develop from fertilized eggs, whereas the re- the spring; in some western species, it occurs in late
productivemales develop from unfertilized eggs. summer, whereas other species also swarm between
January and April.
In the initial stages of colony foundation, the re-
productives feed the young and tend to the nest, but
TermiteCastes young nymphs and workers soon take over these
household duties.
Thereproductive function in the termite society is car- If it happens that the king and queen die or part of
riedout by the primary reproductives, the king and the colony is separated from the parent colony, supple-
queen-most commonly one pair to a colony-which mentary reproductives develop within the nest and
developfrom fully winged (macropterous) adults (Fig- take over the function of the king and queen. The sup-
ure I9-2A). They are heavily sclerotized and have plementary reproductives are slightly scleratized and
compound eyes. The king is generally small, but in pigmented, with short wing pads (brachypterous) or
manyspeciesthe queen developsan enlarged abdomen no wing pads (apterous) and reduced compound eyes.
asa result of her increasing egg-Iaying capacity, and in They develop fram nymphs and achieve sexual matu-
sometropical species she can reach a size as great as rity without reaching the fully winged adult stages and
11 cm (compared with 1-2 cm for the king). The without leaving the nest.
wingedreproductives from which the king and queen The worker and soldier castes, made up of both
developare produced in large numbers seasonally. sexes, are sterile, wingless, in most species blind, and
Theyleave the colony in a swarming or colonizing in some species polymorphic, that is, of two or more
fiight,shed their wings along a suture, and, as individ- distinct sizes (Figure 19-2C,D).
-.'~~ "'"-~ - --
:...... ......
............ ...................
Figure19-4 Wings of ter-
mites. A, Rhinotermitidae;
B B, Kalotermitidae.
2(1). Scale of front wing longer than pronotum; pronotUm flat; cerci
2-segmented; widely distributed Rhinotermitidae p.256
2', Scale of front wing shorter than pronotUm; pronotum saddle-shaped;
cerci 1- or 2-segmented; southwestem United States Termitidae p.257
3(1'), Ocelli present; shaft of tibiae without spines; antennae usually with
fewer than 21 segments; cerci short, 2-segmented; Florida and westem
United States Kalotermitidae p.256
3', Ocelli absent; shaft of tibiae usually with spines; antennae usually with
more than 21 segments; cerci long, 4-segmented; westem United States,
southem British Columbia, and Queen Charlotte Island Termopsidae p. 256
Family Kalotermitidae:This family is represented in ture in the wood is required. They generally occur in
the United States by 17 species and includes drywood, dead, damp, rotting logs, but frequently damage build.
dampwood, and powderpost termites. These termites ings, utility poles, and lumber, particularly in coastal
have no worker caste, and the young of the other castes regions where there is considerable fog.
perform the work of the colony. The kalotermitids lack The most common species in this group are
a fontanelle and do not construct earthen tubes. Z. nevadensis Banks and Z. angusticollis (Hagen).
The drywood termites (Incisitennes, Pterotennes, Zootennopsis nevadensis is a little over 13 mm long and
and Marginitennes) attack dry, sound wood and do not lives in relatively dry habitats (especially dead tree
have a ground contact. Most infestations are in the trunks). The wingless forms are pale with a darker
structure of buildings, but furniture, utility poles, and head, and the winged forms are dark brown with the
piled lumber may also be attacked. Adults are cylindri- head chestllut or orange. Zootennopsis angusticollisis
cal and about 13 mm long, and the reproductives are larger (about 18 mm long) and generally occurs in
pale brown. Incisitennes minor (Hagen) and Marginiter- damp, dead logs. Adults are pale with a brown head.
mes hubbardi (Banks) are important species in the Family Rhinotermitidae:This group is representedin
southwestern states. the United States by nine species (with one species ex-
The dampwood termites in this family (Neotennes tending northward into Canada) and includes the sub-
and Paraneotennes) attack moist, dead wood, tree terranean termites (Reticulitennes and Heterotennes) and
roots, and the like. They occur in Florida and the west- the dampwood termites in the genus Prorhinotermes
ern United States. (Figure 19-2C,D). Reticulitennes is widely distributed,
The powderpost termites (Cryptotennes and Cal- Heterotennes is found only in the western and southem
caritennes) usually attack dry wood (without a soil United States, and the dampwood termites occur onlyin
contact) and reduce it to powder. They occur in the Florida. These termites are small (adults are about
southern United States. Cryptotennes brevis (Walker) is 6-8 mm long). Wingless forms are very pale (soldiers
an introduced species in the United States. lt occurs have a pale brown head) , and winged forms are black.
along the Gulf Coast near Tampa and New Orleans and There is a fontanelle on the front of the head (Fig-
has been found as far north as Tennessee. lt was prob- ure 19-3, fon). The members of this group always main.
ably introduced in furniture. lt attacks furniture, tain contact with the soil. They often construct earthen
books, stationery, dry goods, and building timbers. lt tubes to wood not in contact with the soil. The eastem
frequently do es a great deal of damage. It is found in subterranean termite, Reticulitennesflavipes (Kollar)
buildings, never outdoors. Where it is found, its (Figure 19-5), is probably the most destructive species
colonies are numerous but small. in the order and is the only termite in the Northeast.
Family Termopsidae-Dampwood Termites: This The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes
group includes three species of Zootennopsis, which oc- fonnosanus Shiraki, a native of mainland China and Tai-
cur along the Pacific Coast north to southern British wan, and one of the most destructive species in the
Columbia. The adults are 13 mm or more in length, are world, has become established in many areas of the
somewhat flattened, and lack a fontanelle. There is no globe, includingJapan, Guam, Hawaii, and South Africa.
worker caste. These termites attack dead wood, and al- lt was first introduced into the continental United States
though they do not need a ground contact, some mois- in 1965 in Houston, Texas, and has since spread to many
EconomicImportanceof Termites 257
methane. On the other hand, they help convert dead building through outside steps, through sills, or
trees and other plant products to substances that plants through the foundation. Control by chemicals in-
can use. volves their application to the wood or to the soil.
Reticulitennes jlavipes is the common termite Utility poles and fence posts, which must be in contact
throughout the eastern United States. This species oc- with the ground, may be rendered termite proof by
curs in buried wood, fallen trees, and logs. It must chemical treatment.
maintain a ground connection to obtain moisture. It The best method of eliminating drywood termites
cannot initiate a new colony in the wood in a house; is by chemical fumigation. For such termites in build-
the nest in the soil must be established first. Once the ings a large tent of plastic or other impervious material
soil nest is established, these termites may enter build- is placed over the entire building. The fumigant, usu-
ings from the soil in one of five ways: (1) through tim- ally sulfuryl l1uoride, methyl bromide, or a combina-
bers that are in direct contact with the soil, (2) via tion of methyl bromide and carbon dioxide, is then
openings in rough stone foundations, (3) through pumped into the building. This is a rather expensive
openings or cracks in concrete-block foundations, procedure. Drywood termites may also be eliminated
(4) through expansion joints or cracks in concrete by drilling holes in infested timbers, forcing a small
1100rs, or (5) by means of earthen tubes constructed amount of a poison dust into the holes, and then plug-
over foundations or in hidden cracks and crevices in ging up the holes. Termites constantly groom one an-
masonry. other, and once a few individuals get this dust on thero-
Infestations of the subterranean termite in a selves, the other individuals of the colony will
building may be recognized by the swarming of the re- eventually obtain it and be killed. Termite baits are now
productives in the spring in or about the building, by used to control subterranean terrnites.
mud protruding from cracks between boards or beams
or along basement joists, by the earthen tubes extend-
ing from the soil to the wood, or by the hollowness of
the wood in which the insects have been tunneling. Collecting and Preserving Isoptera
You can easily push a knife blade into a timber hol-
lowed out by termites, and such wood readily breaks Terrnites can be found by turning over dead logs or by
aparto digging into dead stumps. They can be collected with
Subterranean termites in buildings are controlled forceps or a moistened brush, or they can be shaken
by two general methods: by properly constructing the out of infested timbers onto a paper. Preserve termites
buildings to render them termite proof, and by using in 70 to 80% alcohol. Most individuals are very soft-
chemicals. The former involves construction in which bodied and shrivel or become distorted if mounted on
no wood is in contact with the ground and in which pins or points. It is often necessary to mount these in-
the termites cannot reach the wooden part of the sects on microscope slides for detailed study.
Abe, T., D. E. Bignell, and M. Higashi (Eds.). 2000. Termites: Krishna, K. 1961. A generic revision and phylogenetic study
Evolution, SOciality, Symbioses, Ecology Dordrecht: of the family Kalotermitidae (Isoptera). Bull. Amer. Mus.
Kluwer Academic, 488 pp. Nat. Hist. 122(4):307-408.
Constantino, R. 1998. Catalog of the living termites of the Krishna, K. 1966. A key to eight termite genera. Coop. Econ.
New World (Insecta: Isoptera). Arquivos de Zoologia Insect Rep. (USDA) 16(47):1091-1098.
(Sao Paulo) 35(2):135-231. Krishna, K, and E M. Weesner (Eds.). 1969, 1970. Biologyo[
Ebeling, W 1968. Termites: Identification, biology, and con- termites. 2 vols. New York: Academic Press, vol. 1, 615
trol of termites attacking buildings. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. pp; vol. 2, 658 pp.
Extension Service Manual No. 38, 68 pp. Miller, E. M. 1949. A Handbook of Florida Termites. Coral
Ebeling, W 1975. Urban Entomology. Berkeley: University of Gables, FL: University of Miami Press, 30 pp.
California Press, 695 pp. Skaife, S. H. 1961. Dwellers in Darkness. New York: Double-
Ernst, E., and R. L. Araujo. 1986. A Bibliography of Termite day, 180 pp.
Literature, 1966-1978. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 903 pp. Snyder, T. E. 1935. Our Enemy the Termite. Ithaca, NY: Como
Forschler, B. T. 1999. Part n. Subterranean termite biology in re- stock, 196 pp.
lation to prevention and removal of structural infestation. Snyder, T. E. 1949. Catalogue of the termites (Isoptera) orthe
In National Pest Control Association (Ed.), NPCA Research world. Smithson. Misc. ColI. 112(3953),490 pp.
Report on Subterranean Termites, pp. 31-52. Dunn Loring, Snyder, T. E. 1954. arder Isoptera-The Termites or the
VA: National Pest Control Association, 57 pp. United States and Canada. New York: National Pest Con.
trol Association, 64 pp.
References 259
Snyder,1.E. 1956. Annotated subject-heading bibliography Terrnites, pp. 1-30. Dunn Loring, VA: National Pest Con-
of termites, 1350 B.C. to A.D. 1954. Srnithson. Misc. trol Association, 57 pp.
ColI.130(4258),305 pp. Thorne, B. L. and]. M. Carpenter. 1992. Phylogeny of the
Snyder,1. E. 1961. Supplernent to the annotated subject- Dictyoptera. Syst. Entorno!. 17:253-268.
heading bibliography of terrnites, 1955 to 1960. Srnith- Weesner, F. M. 1960. Evolution and biology of the terrnites.
son. Misc. Col!. 143(3), 137 pp. Annu. Rev. Entorno!. 5:153-170.
Snyder,1. E. 1968. Second supplernent to the annotated Weesner, F. M. 1965. The Terrnites of the United States. A
subject-heading bibliography of terrnites, 1961-1965. Handbook. Elizabeth, NJ: National Pest Control Associa-
Smithson. Misc. Col!. 152, 188 pp. tion, 71 pp.
Tamashiro,M., and N.- Y Su (Eds.). 1987. Biology and con- Weesner, F.M. 1987. Order Isoptera. In F.W Stehr (Ed.), Irn-
trol of the Forrnosan subterranean terrnite: Proc. Interna- mature Insects, pp. 132-139. Dubuque, lA:
tional symposiurn on the Forrnosan subterranean ter- KendalllHunt.
mite. 67th Meeting, Pacific Branch, Entornological Wheeler, W c., M. Whiting, Q. D. Wheeler, and ]. M.
Societyof Arnerica, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1985. Honolulu: Carpenter. 2001. The phylogeny of the extant hexapod
College of Tropical AgricuIture and Hurnan Resources, orders. Cladistics 17: 113-169.
Universityof Hawaii, 61 pp.
Thorne,B. L. 1999. Part 1.Biology of subterranean terrnites of
the genus Reticulitennes. In National Pest Control Asso-
ciation (Ed.), NPCA Research Report on Subterranean
20 Order Mantodea1,2
antids are large, elongate, rather slow-moving in- eggcase or ootheca secretedby the female.Each eggcase
M sects that are striking in appearance because of their may contain 200 or more eggs. If brought into the house
peculiarly modified front legs (Figure 20-1). The pro- and kept warm, the eggs will hatch in late winter or early
thorax is greatly lengthened and movably attached to the spring, and the nymphs, unless supplied with food, will
pterothorax; the front coxae are very long and mobile; eat each other until one, large nymph remains.
and the front femora and tibiae are armed with strong There are more than 1500 species in eight families
spines and fitted for grasping prey. The head is freely of mantids in the world, most of which are tropical.
movable. Mantids are the only insects that can "look The United States and Canada have only 17 species, all
over their shoulders." These insects are highly preda- except one belonging to the family Mantidae. The Car-
ceous and feed on a variety of insects (including other olina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina Qohannson),
mantids). They usually lie in wait for their prey with the which is about 50 mm in length (Figure 20-1), is the
front legs in an upraised position. This position has most common of several species of mantids occurring
given rise to the common names "praying mantis" and in the southern states. The large mantis (75-100 mm in
"soothsayer" that are often applied to these insects. length) that is locally common in the northern states is
Mantids overwinter in the egg stage, and the eggs an introduced species, the Chinese mantis, Tenodera
are deposited on twigs or grass stems in a Styrofoam-like aridifolia (Stoll). This species was introduced in the
vicinity of Philadelphia about 75 years ago and has
'Mantodea, from the Greek, meaning a soothsayer or a kind of since become rather widely distributed through the
grasshopper. transportation of egg masses. Another species, I an-
'This chapter was edited by David A. Nickle. gustipennis Saussure, the narrow-winged mantis, was
Collecting and Preserving Mantodea 261
introducedfrom Asia. The European mantis, Mantis re- The family Mantoididae has only one member in the
ligiosaL., a pale-green insect about 50 mm in length, United States, Mantoidea maya Saussura and Zehntner. lt
wasintroduced in the vicinity of Rochester, New York, is small (length 15-17 mm) with the pronotum about as
about75 years ago and now occurs throughout most of wide as long. lt is found in southern Florida and Yucatán,
theeastern states. Mexico.
1. Pronotum quadrate or only slightly longer than wide; small species found
only in south Florida Mantoididae (Mantoidea, 1 sp.)
1'. Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (Mantidae) 2
2(1'). Fore femur with deep pit or groove between first and second spines on
outer ventral margin to receive apical ventral claw of fore tibia Liturgusinae(Gonatista, 1 sp.)
2'. Fore femur lacking deep pit or groove between first and second spines on
outer ventral margin 3
3(2'). Outer ventral margin of fore femur with 5-7 spines; antenna basally
broad, flattened Photinae (Brunneria, 1 sp.)
3' Outer ventral margin of fore femur usually with 4 spines; antenna thin,
filamentous 4
4(3'). Fore tibia armed dorsoapically with 1-2 spines; long slender species Oligonychinae (Oligonicella,
2 spp., Thesprotia,1 sp.)
4'. Fore tibia unarmed dorsoapically; more robust species 5
5(4'). Small species, less than 3S mm long; eyes dorsally pointed (Yersiniops,
2 spp.) or costal margin of tegmen with dense coat of fine cilia
(Litaneutra, 1 sp.) Amelinae
5' Larger species, greater than 40 mm long; eyes globose, with costal margin Mantinae (Pseudovates,
of tegmen glabrous 1 sp.; Iris, 1 sp.,
Mantis, 1 sp.; Tenodera,
2 spp., Stagmomantis,
Ihe female mantid usually eats the male immedi- Collecting and Preserving
atelyafter or actually during mating. No males are Mantodea
knownforBrunneriaborealisScudder,a fairlycommon
speciesin the South and Southwest. Mantids are relatively large and slow-moving and,
Mantids are highly touted as biological control once found, are fairly easy to collecL The best time for
agents,and you can buy them to place in gardens to collecting the adults of most species is from midsum-
helpcontrol pest insects. This practice is not recom- mer to late fallo The egg masses are large and fairly
mendedbecause the mantids cannot possibly keep up conspicuous, especially on the bare twigs of trees dur-
withpopulations of damaging insects. In addition, ing the winter. Pin adults through the right tegmen, in
mantidsdo not discrimina te between destructive and about the middle of the body (from front to rear). If
usefulinsectsand sometimesbecome a pest themselves, the specimen is very soft-bodied, support the body by
especiallyaround beehives, where they may have a real a piece of cardboard or by pins; otherwise, it will sag
ofhoneybees going to and from the hive.
feast at either end.
262 Chapter20 OrderMantodea
Blatchley, W. S. 1920. Orthoptera of Northeastern America. Nickle, D. A. 1987. Order Mantodea. In E W. Stehr CEd.), 1m.
Indianapolis: Nature, 785 pp. mature Insects, vol. 1, pp. 140-142. Dubuque, lA:
Gurney, A. B. 1951. Praying mantids of the United States. KendalVHunt, 754 pp.
Smithson. Inst. Rep. 1950:339-362. Vickery, v. R., and D. K. McE. Kevan. 1985. The Grasshop-
Hebard, M. 1934. The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois. pers, Crickets, and Related Insects of Canada and Adja-
Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 20:125-179. cent Regions: Ulonata: Dermaptera, Cheleutoptera, No-
Helfer, J. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock- toptera, Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The
roaches, and Their Allies, 2nd ed. New York: Dover Pub- Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 14. Ottawa: Cana-
lications, 363 pp. dian Government Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
Order Blattodea1,2
21 Cockroaches
~ n 11' n
21-1 Front femora of Blattodea. A, Periplaneta (Blattidae); B, Parcoblatta
(Blattellidae); C, Blaberus (Blaberidae).
Key to the Families of Blattodea 265
11(10'). Wings well developed, the anal area of hind wings folded fanwise at rest;
frons flat, not bulging; length over 16 mm, pale green in color (Panchlora,
Pycnoscelus,Nauphoeta, Leucophaea) Blaberidae (in part)* p.266
11'. Anal area of hind wings flat, not folded fanwise at rest (some females are
wingless); frons thickened and somewhat bulging; usually (except some
Arenivaga)less than 16 mm in lengthand never green (Holocompsa,
Eremoblatta,Compsodes, Arenivaga) Polyphagidae* p.265
eas (some burrow in the sand like moles), and the fe- most common such species in the North are the wood
males are wingless. Some Arenivaga are nearly 25 mm cockroaches, Parcoblatta spp. (Figure 21-3A), which
in length. Other species are 6.5 mm in length or less. live in litter and debris in woods, Most species in this
The brown-hooded cockroach, Cryptocercus punc- group occur in the South, where they may be found in
tulatus Scudder, is a subsocial species that occurs in litter and debris outdoors, under signs on trees, and in
hilly or mountainous areas from Pennsylvania to Geor- similar situations. The Asian cockroach, Blattella asahi-
gia and Alabama in the East and from Washington to nae Mizukoba, morphologically very similar to B. ger-
northern California in the West. This cockroach is manica, is now established in Florida (first detected in
wingless, 23-29 mm in length, and shining reddish 1986). Attaphilafungicola Wheeler is 3 mm long or less
brown with the dorsal surface finely punctured and is and lives in southern Texas and Louisiana in the nestsof
somewhat elongate and parallel-sided. It occurs in de- leaf-cutting ants. The proper classification of this smal!
caying logs, particularly oak logs. This cockroach has and behaviorally specialized genus is uncertain.
intestinal protists that break down the cellulose in- Family Blaberidae: This group is principally tropi-
gested (as in termites). Cryptocercus traditionally has cal, and eleven North American species are nearlyal!
been placed in its own family Cryptocercidae. We fol- restricted to the southern states. The group inc\udes
low here the phylogenetic results of Grandcolas and the largest U.S. cockroaches (Blaberus and Rhyparobia),
D'Haese (2000 in grouping them in the Polyphagidae. which may reach a length of 50 mm. Most species are
Family Blattellidae: This is a large group of small brownish, but one living in southern Texas easl to
cockroaches, most of them 12 mm in length or less. Sev- Florida, Panchloranivea (L.), is pale green. Most memo
eral species invade houses. One of the most important of bers of this group are found outside in litter or debris.
these is the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) A few occasionally get into houses, such as the Suri.
(Figure 2l-3C,F), which is light brown with two longi- nam cockroach, Pycnoscelus surinamensis (L.), and Ihe
tudinal strip es on the pronotum. Another is the brown- Madeira cockroach, Rhyparobia maderae (Fabricius).
banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa(Fabricius). A The Madeira cockroach (38-51 mm in length) can
number of species in this group occur outdoors; the stridulate, and it gives off an offensive odor.
References 267
Atkinson,1. H., P. G. Koehler, and R. S. Patterson. 1991. Cat- Princis, K. 1960. Zur Systernatik der Blattarien. Eos, Revista
alogue and atlas of the cockroaches of North Arnerica Española Entorno\. 36(4):427-449.
north of Mexico. Misc. Pub\. Entorno\. Soco Arner. Princis, K. 1969. Farn. Blattellidae. Orthopterorurn Catalogus
78:1-85. 13:713-1038.
Deyrup,M., and F. W. Fisk. 1984. A rnyrrnecophilous cock- Rehn, J. w. H. 1950. A key to the genera of North American
roach new to the United States (Blattaria: Polyphagidae). Blattaria, including established adventives. Entorno\.
Enl. News 95:183-185. News 61(3):64-67.
Fisk,f W 1987. Order Blattodea. In F.W. Stehr (Ed.), Irnrna- Rehn, J. w. H. 1951. Classification of the Blattaria as indicated
ture Insects, vo\. 1, pp. 120-131. Dubuque, lA: by their wings (Orthoptera). Mern. Arner. Entorno\. Soco
KendalVHunt,754 pp. No. 14, 134 pp.
Grandcolas,P. 1996. The phylogeny of cockroach farnilies: A Roth, L. M. 1970. Evolution and taxonornic significance of re-
cladistic appraisal of rnorpho-anatornical data. Can. J. production in Blattaria. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 15:75-96.
Zoo!. 74:508-527. Roth, L. M., and E. R. Willis. 1957. The rnedical and veteri-
Grandcolas,P., and C. D'Haese. 2001. The phylogeny of cock- nary irnportance of cockroaches. Srnithson. Misc. Col\.
roach farnilies: is the current rnolecular hypothesis ro- 134(10), 147 pp.
bust? Cladistics 12:93-98. Thorne, B. L., and J. M. Carpenter. 1992. Phylogeny of the
Hebard,M. 1917. The Blattidae ofNorth Arnerica north of the Dictyoptera. Syst. Entorno\. 17:253-268.
Mexican boundary. Mern. Arner. Entorno\. Soco 2:1-284. Vickery, V. R., and D. K. McKevan. 1985. The Grasshoppers,
Helfer,J. R. 1987. How to Know the Grasshoppers, Cock- Crickets, and Related lnsects of Canada and Adjacent Re-
roaches, and Their Allies, 2nd ed. New York: Dover Pub- gions: Ulonata: Derrnaptera, Cheleutoptera, Notoptera,
lications, 363 pp. Dictuoptera, Grylloptera, and Orthoptera. The Insects
McKittrick,F. A. 1964. Evolutionary studies of cockroaches. and Arachnids of Canada, Part 14. Ottawa: Canadian
Comell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mern. No. 189, 197 pp. Governrnent Publishing Centre, 918 pp.
McKittrick,F. A. 1965. A contribution to the understanding
of the cockroach-terrnite affinities. Ann. Entorno\. Soco
Amer. 58:18-22.
22 Order Hemiptera1,2
and ScaleInsects
hiS is a large and diverse group of insects, varying fram the back of the head in the suborder Auchenor.
T considerably in body form, wings, antennae, life his- ryhncha, and (when present) fram between the pro.
tories, and food habits. Many plant parasitic species are coxae in the Sternorrhyncha.
simplified in structure, lacking wings, eyes, and anten- The front wings of the Heteroptera (if present) are
nae. Given this diversity, it is not surprising that earlier usually very distinctive, consisting of a hardened or
authorities recognized two orders for these insects- thickened basal portion and a membranous apical por.
the Hemiptera, or true bugs, and the Homoptera, in- tion. This type of wing is called a hemelytron (plural,
cluding cicadas, hoppers, aphids, and their allies. Ear- hemelytra). The hind wings are entirely membranous
lier classifications had the Homoptera divided into two and slightly shorter than the front ones. The wingsat
suborders, the Auchenorrhyncha, containing the ci- rest are held flat over the abdomen with the membra.
cadas and hoppers, and the Sternorrhyncha, including nous apical portions overlapping. Winged Auchenor.
the psyllids, whiteflies, aphids, and scale insects. rhyncha and Sternorrhyncha usually have four wings.
The most unifying character in this mélange of The front wings have a uniform texture throughout,
diversity is the mouthparts, which are of a unique either membranous or slightly thickened, and the hind
piercing-sucking type (Figure 2-17). These consist of wings are membranous. The wings at rest are held
four piercing stylets (the mandibles and maxillae) en- roof-like over the body, with the inner margins slightly
closed in a slender, flexible sheath Cthe labium), overlapping at the apex. In some groups one or both
which is usually segmented. The maxillae fit together sexes may be wingless, or both winged and wingless
in the beak to form two channels, a food channel and individuals may occur in the same sexo Male scalein.
a salivary channel. There are no palps, although some sects have only one pair of wings, located on the
authorities think that certain lobe-like structures on mesothorax.
the beak of some aquatic bugs represent vestigial The Hemiptera usually undergo simple metamor.
palps. The mouthparts of the Hemiptera are usually phosis. The development in whiteflies and scale insects
used for sucking plant sap, but in many of the true resembles complete metamorphosis in that the last
bugs they are used for sucking blood (for example, nymphal instar is quiescent and pupa-like.
Reduviidae). The beak arises from the front of the The life histories of some Sternorrhyncha are very
head (Figure n-lB) in the suborder Heteroptera, complex, involving bisexual and parthenogenetic gen.
erations, winged and wingless individuals, and genera.
tions, and sometimes regular alternation of food plants.
lHemiptera: hemi, half; plera. wings, referring to the characteristic of
Some species transmit plant diseases and a few Het.
the Heteroptera in which the front wings usually have the basa! por-
tion thickened and the dista! portion membranous. eroptera are vectors of diseases of warm-blooded verte.
'The Heteroptera section of this chapter was edited by James A. brates, including humans. Many species are serious
S!ater, the Coccoidea section by Michael Kosztarab, and the Cicadi- pests of cultivated plants. A few provide useful prod.
268 dae section by Thomas E. Moore. ucts such as shellac, dyes, and other materials.
Classification of the Hemiptera 269
Figure22-1 Structure of a
A plant bug, Lygus oblineatus (Say),
family Miridae. A, dorsal view;
B, lateral view. ant, antenna;
aro, arolia; bk, beak; buc, buccula;
el, clavus; els, claval suture;
I cor, corium; cun, cuneus;
cx, coxa; e, compound eye;
fm, femur;j, jugum; lbr, labrum;
lo, lorum; mem, membrane;
nj, pronotum; plj, propleuron;
sel, scutellum; sgo, scent gland
opening; spr, spiracle; tb, tibia;
tel, tarsal claw; ts, tarsus; ty, tylus;
ver, vertex; I-IV, antennal
B segments.
A B e D
In the Auchenorrhyncha, the main characters used ture, texture, and venation of the wings; and other
inseparatingfamilies involve the ocelli, the position of characters. Scale insects are separated on the characters
theantennae, the form of the pronotum, the spination of the adult female. They generally must be mounted
of¡helegs, and the texture and venation of the wings. on microscope slides to run them through the key (see
The Sternorrhyncha are separated on the basis of procedures for collecting and preserving, at the end of
thenumber of tarsal and antennal segments; the struc- the chapter).
to the Familiesof Hemiptera
Ihiskeyis based on aduits, but it wiI\ work for some nymphs. There should be no par-
ticulardifficuity in identifying winged specimens, but the brachypterous and wingless
fonns maybe troublesome.SomewinglessAphidoidea canbe separatedonly if oneis fa-
miliarwith their life history. Families marked with an asterisk are reiativeiy rare or are
unlikelyto be taken by a general coIlectar.
1. Beak arising from back of head or apparently from between front coxae;
antennae variable (bristlelike or with more than S segments); front wings
of uniform texture throughout, heid roof-like over abdomen, tips not or
but slightly overlapping 2
[' Beak arising from front part of head; antennae 4- or S-segmented, not
bristlelike; front wings (if present) usuaIly thickened at base, membranous
apicaIly, the membranous portions overlapping at rest; hind wings
uniformly membranous (suborder Heteroptera) 3
2(1). Antennal flageIlum short, bristlelike; beak arising from back of head;
tarsi 3-segmented; active, free-living insects (suborder Auchenorrhyncha) 65
2', Antennae usuaIly long and filiform, with evident segmentation; beak,
when present, arising between front coxae; tarsi (when legs are present),
arising between front coxae; often not active insects (suborder
Sternorrhyncha) 81
3(1'), Compound eyes absent Polyctenidae* p. 296
3' Compound eyes present 4
4(3'), Head constricted transverseiy, divided into 2 distinct lobes; ocelli (when
present) placed on posterior lobe; forewings of uniform texture
throughout, not divided into corium and membrane (infraorder
Enicocephalomorpha) 5
4', Head usuaIly not constricted and not divided into lobes; forewings
usuaIly divided into a distinct corium and membrane 6
5(4). Posterior prono tal lobe reduced, just distinguishable in lateral outline;
macropters with a short costal fracture; ovipositor present; parameres
distinct and movable Aenictopecheidae p. 288
5', Posterior prono tal lobe not reduced, weIl differentiated in lateral view;
macropters lacking a costal fracture; ovipositor lacking or vestigial;
parameres invisible Enicocephalidae p. 288
6(4'). Antennae shorter than head, usuaIly hidden in cavities beneath eyes
(Figure 22-SA); no arolia; aquatic or semiaquatic (infraorder Nepomorpha) 7
6', Antennae as long as or longer than head, usuaIly free and visible from
above; arolia present or absent; habits variable 14
7(6), Ocelli present (Figure 22-SB); length 10 mm or less 8
7' Ocelli absent; size variable; aquatic species 9
274 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
8(7). Antennae hidden; front legs shorter than middle legs; eyes strongly
protuberant (Figure22-21); beakshort, concealedby front femora Gelastocoridae p.290
8'. Antennae exposed; front legs as long as middle legs; eyes not strongly
protuberant;beaklong, extendingat leastto hind coxae Ochteridae* p.290
9(7'). Front tarsi l-segmented and modified into scoop-shaped structures
(Figure 22-6); beak very short and hidden, appearing l-segmented;
dorsalsurfaceof body usualIywith fine, transverselines Corixidae p.290
9'. Front tarsi not as in preceding entry; beak segmentation clearly evident;
dorsal surface of body not as in preceding entry 10
10(9'). Bodywith 2 long terminalfilaments(Figure22-18); tarsi l-segmented Nepidae p.289
lO'. Body without elongate terminal filaments or, at most, with short ones
(Figure 22-19); tarsi variable 11
11(10'). Hind legs long and oarlike (Figure 22-23); hind tarsi without claws;
length 5-16 mm Notonectidae p.291
11'. Hind legs not unusualIy lengthened; hind tarsi with claws; length variable 12
12( 11'). Oval, beetIelike, convex, 3 mm long or less, front legs not raptarial Pleidae* p. 292
12'. More than 3 mm long, often more than 20 mm; not strongly convex;
front legsraptorialwith femorathickened 13
19(18'). Front wings with numerous closed cells (reticulately sculptured), without
distinct division into corium, clavus, and membrane (Figure 22-27);
pronotum with triangular process that extends back over scutellum;
tarsi 1- or 2-segmented; ocelli absent; small somewhat flattened bugs,
usuallyless than 5 mm long Tingidae p.293
19'. Front wings with variable arrangement of cells, but corium, membrane,
and usually also clavus differentiated; pronotum usually without triangular
process that extends back over scutellum; tarsi, ocelli, and size variable 20
20(19'). Ocelli present 21
20'. Ocelli absent 51
21(20). Tarsi, at least on hind legs, 2-segmented 22
21'. Tarsi, at least on hind legs, 3-segmented 26
22(21). Antennae with 2 basal segments short and thick, third and fourth
segments very slender (Figure 22-7A); 2 mm long or less 26
22'. Not exactly fitting the description in preceding entry 23
23(22'). Clavus and membrane of hemelytra similar in texture (as in Figure 22-4G)
(some are brachypterous); body densely clothed with short, velvety hairs;
stout-bodied,semiaquaticbugs (Merragata) Hebridae* p.292
23'. Clavus and membrane of hemelytra different in texture; body not as in
precedingentry 24
24(23'). Hemelytra with a cuneus; body shining black, 1.2 mm long; recorded
fromMarylandand the Districtof Columbia Microphysidae* p.294
24'. Hemelytrawithout a cuneus 25
25(24'). Corium and clavus reticulated, with an irregular network of small cells,
juga extending considerably beyond tylus; pronotum with longitudinal
ridges(Figure22-33) Piesmatidae p.298
25'. Corium and clavus not as in preceding entry, juga not extending
considerablybeyondtylus;pronotum without longitudinalridges Thaumastocoridae* p.293
26(21' ,22).Antennae with 2 basal segments short and thick, third and fourth very
slender (Figure 22-7 A); tarsi and beak 3-segmented; length 3.5 mm
or less 27
26'. Antennal segments similar, not as in preceding entry; tarsi and size
variable 30
27(26). Head (including eyes), pronotum, front wings, front legs very spiny;
third and fourth antennal segments not hairy; front femora thickened;
3-5 mm long; California leptopodidae* p.293
27'. Body not spiny; third and fourth antennal segments hairy (Figure 22-7A);
1-2 mm long;widelydistributed 28
28(27'). Proespisternallobe broad in lateral view; mostly inflated and extending
below eye articulation of forecoxa and basal part of latter covered;
supracoxalcleftlong Schizopteridae* p.289
28'. Proepisternallobe narrow in lateral view, not inflated and not extending
cephalad; articulation of forcoxae laterally exposed, supracoxal cleft
extremely short to essentially absent 29
29(28'). Costal fracture short, just interrupting forewing margin, metapleuron
without evaporatorium; male genitalia and abdomen symmetrical
or asymmetrical, forewing terminal to brachypterous, or, rarely,
coleopteroid Ceratocombidae* p.289
. ! <'
,.,.' .. '~...c
Keyto the Familiesof Hemiptera 277
56(55'). Elongate, shining black bugs, 7-9 mm long; front femora moderately
swollenand armedbeneath with 2 rows of teeth (Cnemodus) lygaeidae p. 299
56'. Color variable, but usually not shining black; 8-18 mm long; front
femora not swollen and usually not armed with teeth 57
57(56'). Pronotum margined laterally; sixth visible abdominal sternum entire in
both sexes Pyrrhocoridae p. 300
57'. Pronotum rounded laterally; sixth visible abdominal sternum of female
cleft to base largidae p. 300
58(17'). Tarsi 2-segmented; body densely clothed with velvety pubescence;
hemelytra with clavus and membrane similar in texture and without
veins; the two basal antennal segments thicker than others; semiaquatic
bugs, 3 mm long or less (Hebrus;Figure 22-24B) Hebrídae* p. 292
58'. Tarsi usually 3-segmented (2-segmented in Acanthosomatidae); body not
covered with velvety pubescence; hemelytra with clavus and membrane
differentiated, membrane usually with veins; the 2 basal antennal segments
similar to others; terrestrial; usually over 3 mm long 59
59(58'). Apex of front and middle tibiae with broad, fiat apical process
(Figure 22-3B); scutellum only about one -fifth as long as abdomen;
shining black bugs 5-7 mm long; body elongate and narrowed anteriorly;
the pronotum distinctly narrower than the widest part of the abdomen
(Prostemminae: Pagasa) Nabidae* p. 294
59'. Apex of front and middle tibiae without such a process; size variable;
color variable, but if shining black then body is oval or shield-shaped 60
60(59'). Tibiae armed with strong spines (Figure 22-8A); color usually shining
black; length 8 mm or less 61
60'. Tibiae not armed with strong spines (Figure 22-8B); color rarely shining
black; usually over 8 mm long 62
61(60). Scutellum very large, broadly rounded posteriorly, covering most of
abdomen (Figure 22-39A); length usually 3-4 mm Thyreocoridae p. 302
61'. Scutellum more or less triangular, not extending to apex of abdomen
(Figure 22-39B); length up te about 8 mm Cydnidae p. 302
62(60'). Scutellum very large, broadly rounded posteriorly, covering most of the
abdomen (Figure 22-40); corium of hemelytra narrow, not extending to
anal margin of wing 63
62'. Scutellum shorter, usually narrower posteriorly and more or less triangular
(Figures 22-41, 22-42), if large and broadly rounded posteriorly
(Stiretrus, family Pentatomidae, subfamily Asopinae), colors are bright
and contrasting; corium of heme1ytra broad, extending to anal margin
ofwing 64
63(62). Sides of pronotum with a prominent tooth or lobe in front of humeral
angle (Figure 22-40B); length 3.5-6.5 mm (Amauroehrous) Pentatomidae* p.302
63'. Sides of pronotum without such a tooth or lobe (Figure 22-40A);
length 8-10 mm Scutelleridae p.302
64(62'). Tarsi 2-segmented; sternum of thorax with median longitudinal ridge
or kee1 Acanthosomatidae p.303
64'. Tarsi 3-segmented; sternum of thorax usually without median longitudinal
kee1 Pentatomidae p.302
65(2). Antennae separated from front of head by a vertical carina, thus arising
on sides of head beneath eyes (Figure 22-9C); tegulae usually present;
2 anal veins in front wing usually meeting apically to form a Y-vein
(Figure 22-lOA, B, clv) (Superfamily Fulgoroidea) 66
65'. Antennae not separated from front of head by a vertical carina, thus
arising on front of head between eyes (Figures 22-9A, 22-49); tegulae
usually absent, no Y-vein in anal area of front wing (Figures 22-11A,
22-12A) (superfamily Cicadoidea) 76
66(65). Hind tibiae with broad, movable apical spur (Figure 22-lOC, sp); a large
group of small to minute forms, many dimorphic (with wings well
developed or short), the sexes often very different Delphacidae p.315
R4 + 5
'M, + 2
- - R4+ 5
-.M2 M'+2
1A CUla
CU2 + 1A /R2+ 3
, -R4 + 5 ~<,.';;::" .
M- -M1 1A~"'-'
" '. M2 C';2
\ " M3+4
CUlb CUla B
70(69'). Front wings longer than abdomen, with a series of crossveins between
costal margin and apex of clavus separating off the apical, more
densely veined portion of the wing; slender, greenish or yellowish lO
brownish, 7-9 mm long; southeastern United States, Florida lO
Louisiana Tropiduchidae p.317
70'. Front wings without differentiated apical portion as described in
preceding entry; variable long 71
71(70'). Front wings very broad, venation reticulate, longer than body, at rest held
almost vertically at sides of body (Figure 22-5IE); hind tibiae without
spines except at apex Acanaloniidae p.317
71'. Front wings variable in size and shape, often shorter than abdomen,
but if longer than abdomen, then usually oval; hind tibiae usually with
spines on sides, in addition to apical ones Issidae p.317
72(68'). Terminal segment of beak short, not more than 1.5 times as long as wide Derbidae p.316
72'. Terminal segment of beak longer, at least twice as long as wide 73
73(72'). Front wings overlapping at apex (Figure 22-5IC); claval vein (a Y-vein)
extending lO apex of clavus (Figure 22-10A, clv); body somewhat
flattened Achilidae p.317
73'. Front wings usually not overlapping at apex; claval vein not reaching
apex of clavus (Figure 22-10B, clv); body not particularly flattened 74
74(73'). Head prolonged in front (Figure 22-5IG-I), or ir not, then frons bears
2 or 3 carinae, or the tegulae are absent and the claval suture is obscure;
no median ocellus Dictyopharidae p.317
74'. Head not prolonged in front (Figure 22-51A,D) or only moderately so;
frons either without carinae or with median carina only; tegulae present;
claval suture distinct; median ocellus usually present 75
75(74'). Abdominal terga 6-8 chevron-shaped, sometimes sunk below rest of terga;
3-4 mm long; western United States Kinnaridae p.317
75'. Abdominal terga 6-8 rectangular; size variable; widely distributed Cixiidae p.316
76(65'). Three ocelli (Figure 22-9B); large insects with membranous front wings
(Figure 22-43); males usually have sound-producing organs ventrally
at base of abdomen (Figure 22-45); not jumping insects Cicadidae p. 305
76'. Two (rarely 3) ocelli (Figure 22-11B) or none; smaller insects, sometimes
with front wings thickened; sound-producing organs generally absent;
usually jumping insects 77
77(76'). Pronotum extending back over abdomen and concealing the scutellum
(Figure 22-46) or at least with a median backward-projecting process
that partly conceals the scutellum (Figure 22-13A); hind tibiae usually
without distinct spurs or long spines 78
77'. Pronotum not extending back over abdomen, the scutellum nearly always
well exposed (Figures 22-13B, 22-47, 22-49); hind tibiae with or without
distinct spurs or spines 79
A e
~.;;~.._. A 8
a,~ mpo
91'. Anal ring not surrounded by short, stout setae; no cluster pore plates;
widely distributed, on various host plants 92
92(91'). Dorsum with figure 8-shaped pores (Figure 22-15C, mpo) 93
92'. Dorsum without figure 8-shaped pores 96
93(92). Figure 8-shaped pores on dorsum and in submarginal band on venter;
antennae 1- to 9-segmented; on various host plants 94
93'. Figure 8-shaped pores restricted to dorsum; antennae 5-segmented;
on oaks Kermesidae p.326
94(93). A sclerotized anal plate present; antennae 1- to 9-segmented 95
94'. No sclerotized anal plate present; antennae l-segmented Asterolecaniidae p.326
95(94). Antennae l-segmented, with associated cluster of 5-7 locular pores; anal
plate triangular Cerococcidae p.326
Keyto the Families of Hemiptera 287
I Want
,I ,
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.. ...
th2 \ o:"
- -.
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---::,~..." ~.:h_~'b
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wherethey feed on various small insects. Some species Family Nepidae-Waterscorpions: The waterscorpi-
formlargeswarms and fly about like gnats or midges. It ons are predaceous aquatic bugs with raptorial front
isprimarilya tropical group. Six genera and 11 species legs and with a long caudal breathing tube formed by
areknown to occur in North America, 10 of which the cerci. The breathing tube is often almost as long as
speciesare southwestem and westem. One species is the body and is thrust up to the surface as the insect
foundin the FloridaKeys. crawls about on aquatic vegetation. These insects move
INFRAORDERDipsocoromorpha:The infraorder slowly and prey on various types of small aquatic ani-
Dipsocoromorpha contains a few small and seldom- mals, which they capture with their front legs. Water-
encounteredbugs whose position in the order is not scorpions can inflict a painful bite when handled. They
wellunderstood. have well-developed wings but seldom fly.The eggs are
FamilyCeratocombidae:These are tiny insects (2 mm inserted on or into the tissues of aquatic plants or into
long),with long, slender antennae and a distinct cuneal the substrate near the waterline.
fracture.Two genera and four species are known from Three genera and 12 species of waterscorpions oc-
NorthAmerica. cur in the United States and Canada. The nine species
Family Dipsocoridae:This is a family of primarily of Ranatra are slender and elongate with very long legs
smalltropical insects. They are elongate and flattened and are somewhat similar to walkingsticks in appear-
andonly 2-3 mm long. The head is porrect. The la- ance (Figure 22-18B). The only North American
biumdoes not exceed the fore coxae, and a distinct species of Nepa, N. apiculata Uhler, has the body oval
metapleuralevaporatorium is presento The abdominal and somewhat flattened (Figure 22-18A). The body
venteris densely pilose and the male genitalia strongly shape in Curicta is somewhat intermediate between
asymmetrical(sinistral). In North America only one those of Ranatra and Nepa. The most common North
genus(Cryptostemma), with two species, occurs. They American waterscorpions belong to the genus Ranatra;
livein moist habitats near clear streams, often under N. apiculata is less common and occurs in the eastem
stones. states; the two species of Cuneta are relatively rare and
Family Schizopteridae: These tiny (0.8-2 mm), live in the Southwest.
beetlelike hemipterans are usually black with Family Belostomatidae-GiantWater Bugs:This fam-
coleopteroid(beetlelike) wings, and no elongate hairs on ily contains the largest bugs in the order, some of which
thebody.They are abundant in the tropics, but only four (in the United States) may reach a length of 65 mm. One
generaand four species are known from North America. species in South America is more than 100 mm long.
Theylivechiefly in ground litter in moist areas. These bugs are elongate-oval and somewhat flattened,
INFRAORDER Nepomorpha:The Nepomorpha are with raptorial front legs (Figure 22-19). They are fairly
aquatic(rarely shore-inhabiting). The antennae are common in ponds and lakes, where they feed on other
shorterthan the head and usually concealed in grooves insects, snails, tadpoles, and even small fish. They fre-
ontheunderside of the head. Trichobothria are absent. quently leave the water and fly about, and because they
22-21 A toad bug, Gelastocorisoculatus
(Fabricius). 71/2 X .
pronotumhas a backward-projecting lobe that covers large numbers. Species inhabiting small intermittent
thescutellum. It lives along the shores of springs and streams burrow down in the mud or under stones
streams,usually in moss or other protected places. It when the stream dries up and remain dormant until the
doesnot ron about on the water surface, but it has never stream fills with water again. The adults hibernate in
beentaken more than a few feet from the water's edge. such situations. Except for one genus, the water strid-
FamilyVeliidae-Broad-ShoulderedWater Striders, ers are restricted to fresh water. The species in the
RiffleBugs:These water striders are small 0.6-5.5 mm genus Halobates live on the surface of the ocean, often
long)and brown or black, often with silvery markings. many miles fram land. Winged and wingless adults oc-
Theyare usually wingless. They live on the surface of cur in many species, and the insect moves from one
thewater or on the adjacent shore and feed on various aquatic situation to another when in the winged stage.
insects. Members of the genus Rhagovelia (Fig- The eggs are laid at the surface of the water on floating
ure22-26B) are gregarious, and a single sweep of a dip objects.
netmay sometimes yield up to 50 or more specimens. INFRAORDERLeptopodomorpha
Theseveliids live on or near the riffles of small streams, Family Saldidae-Shore Bugs: The shore bugs are
butmembers of other genera are usually inhabit qui- small, oval, flattened, usually brown or black-and-
eterparts of streams or on ponds. Three widely distrib- white bugs that are often common along shores of
utedgenera, with more than 30 species, occur in the streams, ponds, or the ocean. Some are burrowing in
UnitedStates: Rhagovelia, Microvelia, and Paravelia. habit. When disturbed, they fly quickly for a short dis-
FamilyGerridae-Water Striders: The water strid- tance and then scurry under vegetation or into a
ersarelong-legged insects (Figure n-26A) that live on crevice. They are predaceous on other insects. The
thesurface of the water, running or skating over the shore bugs can usually be recognized by the four or five
surfaceand feeding on insects that fall onto the water. long, closed cells in the membrane of the hemelytra
Thefront legs are short and are used in capturing food; (Figure 22-4F). There are about 70 North American
themiddle and hind legs are long and are used in 10- species of shore bugs.
comotion.Most species are black or dark-colored, and Family Leptopodidae-Spiny Shore Bugs:This is an
thebody is long and narrow. Old World group, one species of which, Patapius spin-
The tarsi of water striders are clothed with fine osus (Rossi), has be en introduced into California. It
hairsand are difficult to wet. This tarsal structure en- may be found fram Butte County south to Los Angeles
ablesa water strider to skate around on the surface of County. This spiny bug is 3.3 mm long and is yellow-
thewater. If the tarsi be come wet, the insect can no ish brown with two dark brawn transverse bands on
longer stay on the surface film; it will drown unless it the hemelytra.
cancrawl up on some dry surface. When the tarsi dry INFRAORDERS Cimicomorphaand Pentatomomorpha:
again,they function normally. These bugs are all terrestrial; they almost always have
These insects are common on quiet water in small conspicuous antennae; and they usually have tri-
coves or protected places. They often live together in chobothria. The majority are plant feeders, feeding on
sap, flowers, fruits, or even mature seeds, but many
taxa are predaceous.
INFRAORDER Cimicomorpha
Family Thaumastocoridae-Royal Palm Bugs: This
group is represented in the United States by a single
species, Xylastodoris luteolus Barber, which occurs in
Florida. This insect is 2.0-2.5 mm long, flattened, ob-
long-oval, and pale yellowish with reddish eyes. It
feeds on the royal palmo
Family Tingidae-Lace Bugs: This is a fairly large
group (about 140 North American species) of small
(shorter than 5 mm) bugs that have the dorsal surface
of the body rather elaborately sculptured (Figure 22-27).
This lacelike appearance is found only in the adults; the
A B nymphs are usually spiny. These bugs are plant feeders,
and whereas most species feed on herbaceous plants,
some of our most common species feed on trees. Their
22-26 Water striders. A, Gerris sp. (Gerridae), feeding causes a yellow spotting of the leaf, and with
5X;B,Rhagoveliaobesa Uhler (Veliidae), 10X. (Courtesy continued feeding the leaf be comes entirely brown and
and Baranowski and the Wm. C Brown Ca.) falls off. Some species do considerable damage to trees.
Figure22-27 Lacebugs.A,Atheas
mimeticus Heidemann, 18x; B, the
sycamore lace bug, Corythuca ciliata
(Say), 13x; e, Acalypta lillianis
Bueno, 14x. (Aand B redrawn from
Froeschner and the American Mid-
land Naturalist; e, redrawn frorn
Osborn and Drake and the Ohio
A B e BiologicaISurvey).
The eggs are usually laid on the underside of the leaves. and flowers. This species occurs throughout the east-
Corythuca ciliata (Say) (Figure 22-27B), a common ern and central states. Other species of Lygus are seri-
species that is somewhat milky in color, feeds chiefly on ous crop pests in the West. The four-lined plant bug,
sycamore. Poecilocapsus lineatus (Fabricius) (Figure 22-28E), is
Famíly Microphysidae:This familyis represented in yellowish or greenish with four longitudinal black
the United States by four species in four genera. One stripes on the body. lt feeds on a large number of plants
species, Mallochiola gagates (McAtee and Malloch), re- and sometimes causes serious damage to currants,
sembles a mirid in having a cuneus, but it has ocelli, gooseberries, and some ornamental flowers. The apple
symmetrical male genitalia, and the tarsi are two- red bug, Lygidea mendax Reuter (Figure 22-28B), a red
segmented; it is broadly oval and somewhat flattened, and black bug about 6 mm long, was at one time a se-
shining black, and 1.2 mm long. lt is known only from rious pest of apples in the Northeast, but has become
Maryland and the District of Columbia. less important in recent years. The rapid plant bug,
Famíly Miridae-Plant Bugs or Leaf Bugs: This is Adelphocoris rapidus (Say) (Figure n-28F), is 7-8 mm
the largest family in the order (about 1750 North long and dark brown with yellowish margins on the
American species), and its members are to be found on front wings. lt feeds chiefly on dock, but sometimes in-
vegetation almost everywhere. Some are very abun- jures cotton and legumes. The garden fleahopper,
dant. Most species are plant feeders, but many are Halticus bractatus (Say) (Figure n-28A), is a cornmon
predaceous on other insects. Some of the plant-feeding leaf bug that is often brachypterous. lt is a shining
species are pests of cultivated plants. black, jumping bug, 1.5-2.0 mm long, that feeds on
The mirids are soft-bodied bugs, mostly 4-10 mm many cultivated plants but is often a pest of legumes.
long, that may be variously colored. Some species are The front wings of the female (the sex illustrated) lack
brightly marked with red, orange, green, or white. a membrane and resemble the elytra of a beetle.The
Members of this group can be recognized by the pres- males have normal wings, but the membrane is short.
ence of a cuneus and only one or two closed cells at the This family is divided into a number of subfami-
base of the membrane (Figure 22-1 and 22-4A). The lies, one of which, the Isometopinae, is sometimes
antennae and beak are four-segmented; the ocelli are given family rank. These mirids, commonly called
lacking (except for the Isometopinae). "jumping ground bugs," differ from other mirids in
Figure 22-28 illustrates some of the more impor- having ocelli. They are found on bark and dead twigs,
tant mirids that attack cultivated plants. The meadow and they jump quickly when disturbed. The group isa
plant bug, Leptoptema dolobrata (L.) (Figure 22-28D), small one, with less than a dozen North American
is abundant in meadows and pastures in early summer species, all relatively rare.
and does considerable damage to grass. lt is 7-9 mm Famíly Nabidae-Damsel Bugs: The nabids are
long. The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot small bugs 0.5-11.0 mm long) that are relatively sIen-
de Beauvois) (Figure 22-28C), is brown with a Y- der with the front femora slightly enlarged (Fig-
shaped mark on the scutellum. lt is a very common ure 22-29), and the membrane of the hemelytra (when
bug and often seriously damages legumes, vegetables, developed) has a number of small cells around the
Keyto the Familiesof Hemiptera 295
B e
Figure 22-28 Plant or leaf
bugs (Miridae). A, garden flea-
hopper, Halticus bractatus (Say),
female, lOx; B, apple red bug,
Lygidea mendax Reuter, female,
5 X; e, tarnished plant bug, Lygus
lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois),
4X; D, meadow plant bug,
Leptoptema dolobrata (L.), male
4x; E, four-lined plant bug, Poe-
cilocapsus lineatus (Fabricius),
4 X; F, rapid plant bug, Adelpho-
coris rapidus (Say), 4X. (Re-
drawn fram the Illinois Natural
E History Survey.)
known to occur in North America, most of them south- Family Cimicidae-Bed Bugs: The bed bugs are
western and western. flat, broadly oval, wingless bugs about 6 mm long (Fig-
Family Lyctocoridae:Although similar in general ure n-30A) that feed by sucking blood from birds and
appearance to Anthocoridae, the species of this family mammals. The group is a small one, but some of the
differ in the type of asymmetrical male genitalia with species are widely distributed and well known. The
both parameres developed and the aedeagus does not common bed bug that attacks people is Cimex lectular-
"ride" in a groove in the left paramere. A difficult, but ius L. This species is sometimes a pest in houses, ho-
definitive character is the presence of apophyses on the tels, barracks, and other living quarters. It also attaeks
anterior margin of abdominal sternum 7. About 36 animals other than humans. A tropical species, Cimex
species occur in North America. Of these the best hemipterus (Fabricius) also bites people. Other species
known is Lyctocoris campestris (Fabricius), which is in this family attack bats and various birds.
common and widely distributed. It may be an intro- The common bed bug is largely nocturnal and,
duced species and sometimes is known to live in nests during the day, hides in cracks in a wall, under the
of rodents and to suck blood of domes tic animals and baseboard, in the springs of a bed, under the edge of a
humans. mattress, under wallpaper, and in similar places. Its
Family Anthocoridae-Minute Pirate Bugs: This flatness makes it possible for it to hide in very small
family formerly included the Lyctocoridae and Laso- crevices. Bed bugs may be transported from place to
chilidae. As presently restricted, it contains small, flat- place on clothing or in luggage or furniture, or they
tened bugs 2-5 mm long, elongate, with the male may migrate from house to house. They lay their eggs,
genitalia asymmetrical and with a sickle-shaped para- 100-250 per female, in cracks. Development to the
mere; many species are black with whitish markings adult stage requires about 2 months in warm weather.
(Figure n-30B). Although some times found on the The adults may live for several months and can survive
ground and under bark, many species occur on flowers long periods without food. Bed bugs are important pri-
and fruits. Most species are predaceous, feeding on var- marily because of their irritating bites; they are appar-
ious small insects and insect eggs. The insidious flower ently unimportant as disease vectors.
bug, Orius insidiosus (Say) (Figure n-30B), is an im- Family Polyctenidae-Bat Bugs: Only two rare
portant predator on the eggs and larvae of the corn ear- species of bat bugs occur in the United States, one in
worm and many other pests. The bite of this bug is sur- Texas and the other in California. They are ectopara-
prisingly painful for such a tiny insect. The common sites of bats. These bugs are wingless and lack eom-
species of anthocorids are usually found on flowers, pound eyes and ocellí. The front legs are short and flat-
but some species live under loose bark, in leaf litter, tened, and the middle and hind legs are long and
and in decaying fungí. About 43 species occur in North slender. The body is generally covered with bristles.
America. These bugs are 3.5 to 4.5 mm long.
Family Reduviidae-Assassin Bugs, Ambush Bugs,
and Thread-Legged Bugs: This is a large group (more
than 160 North American species) of predaceous bugs,
and many species are fairly common. They are often
blackish or brownish, but many are brightly colored.
The head is usually elongate, with the area behind the
eyes constricted and necklike. The beak is short and
three-segmented, and its tip fits into a stridulatory
groove in the prosternum (Figure n-7B). The ab.
domen in many species is widened in the middle, ex-
posing the lateral margins of the segments beyond the
the wings. Most species are predaceous on other in-
sects, but a few are bloodsucking and frequently bite
people. Many species inflict a painful bite if carelessly
One of the largest and most easily recognized as.
sassin bugs is the wheel bug, Arilus cristatus (L.), a
grayish bug 28-36 mm long, with a semicircular erest
Figure 22-30 A, the eommon bed bug, Cimex lectular- on the pronotum that terminates in teeth and resem.
ius (L.), 7X; B, the insidious flower bug, Orius insidiosus bles a cogwheel (Figure n-31B). This species is fairly
(Say), 16X. (Courtesy of Froesehner and The American common in the East. The masked hunter, Reduviuspero
Midland Naturalist.) sonatus (L.), is a brownish black bug (it resembles the
Keyto the Familiesof Hemiptera 297
reduviidshown in Figure 22-31C), 17-22 mm long, disease of humans known as Chagas disease (several
thatis often found in houses. It feeds on bed bugs, but cases of this disease have recently be en reported in the
itwillalso bite people. The nymphs are soft-bodied and United States). Armadillos, opossums, and certain rats
coverthemselves with dust particles; they are often also serve as a host for the trypanosome causing this
caBed"dust bugs" or "masked bedbug hunters." disease.
The assassin bugs in the genus Triatoma also in- Ambush bugs (Phymatinae) are small, stout-bodied
vadehousesand bite people. They feed at night, biting bugs with the front femora much thickened and the
anyexposed parts (such as the face) of people sleeping. terminal antennal segment swollen (Figure 22-31F).
These bugs are sometimes called "kissing bugs" (be- Most of the ambush bugs are about 13 mm long or less,
cause of their tendency to bite people about the yet they can capture insects as large as fair-sized bum-
mouth) or "Mexican bed bugs." In South America, ble bees. They líe in wait for their prey on flowers, par-
speciesof this genus serve as vectors of a trypanosome ticularly goldenrod, where they are excellently con-
A B e
o E F
Figure22-31 Assassin bugs (A-D), a thread-Iegged bug (E), and an ambush bug (F).
A, Narvesus carolinensisSt:1l,21/2X;B, the wheel bug, Arilus cristatus (L.) P/2X;
C, Melanolestespicipes (Herrick-Schiiffer), 2x; D, a blood-sucking conenose, Triatoma
sanguisuga (LeConte), 2X; E, Barceuhleri (Banks), 51/2X;F,Phymatafasciata georgiensis
Melin, 41f2X. (Courtesy of Froeschner and The American Midland Naturalist.)
298 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
Figure 22-32 Flat bugs (Aradidae). A, Aradus inoma- Figure 22-34 The spined stilt bug, Jalysus wichhami
tus Uhler, 41/2X;B, Aradus acutus (Say), SI/2X. (Redrawn Van Duzee, 31(2X. (Courtesy of Froeschner and The
from Froeschner and The American Midland Naturalist.) American Midland Naturalist.)
Keyto the Families of Hemiptera 299
Despitethe appearance of predatory habits because of hemelytra. All known North American species breed
theirenlarged and spiny profemora, they feed on ma- only on monocot plants and are sap suckers rather than
tureseeds. lt is a large group, with about 165 species seed feeders. The chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus(Say)
knownto occur in North America. The incomplete, (Figure 22-36), is probably the most injurious bug in
forward-curving abdominal suture between sterna 4 this family, attacking wheat, corn, and other cereals.
and5 identifies them. Sometimes it becomes a serious pest of turf grasses. lt
Family Lygaeidae-Seed Bugs: Until recently, this is about 3.5 mm long and is black with white front
wasan omnibus family that is now divided into 10 sep- wings. Each front wing has a black spot near the mid-
aratefamilies in North America. Now the family con- die of the costal margino Both long-winged and short-
tainsonly the old subfamilies Lygaeinae, Orsillinae, winged forms occur in this species (Figure 22-36C,D).
andIschnorthynchinae. lt is readily recognizable by Chinch bugs overwinter as adults in grass clumps,
havingall the abdominal spiracles dorsal. Many of the fallen leaves, hedgerows and other protected places.
speciesare brightly colored orange and black or red They emerge about the middle of April and begin feed-
andblack, and many of these feed on milkweeds and ing on small grains. The eggs are laid during May, ei-
otherplants that are distasteful or toxic to other ani- ther in the ground or in grass stems near the ground,
mals(Figure 22-35A). Oncopeltusfasciatus (Dalias) has and hatch about a week or la days later. Each female
beenused extensively as an experimental laboratory may lay several hundred eggs. The nymphs feed on the
animaland its flight patterns studied. Species feed juices of grasses and grains and reach maturity in 4 to
chiefly,but not exclusively on seeds, and although a 6 weeks. By the time these nymphs be come adult, the
fewareground-living, the majority in North America small grains (wheat, rye, oats, and barley) are nearly
tendto live aboveground, sometimes in trees. Nysius mature and no longer succulent, and the adults (along
ericaeSchillingand related species are often pests of with nymphs nearly adult) migrate to other fields of
cultivatedcrops. About 75 species are known to occur more succulent grain, usually corno They migrate on
inNorthAmerica. foot, often in great numbers. The females lay eggs for a
Family Blissidae:This family is characterized by second generation on the corn, and this generation
havingonly the spiracles of abdominal segment 7 ven- reaches maturity in late fall and then seeks out places
traland by lacking conspicuous punctures on the of hibernation. When chinch bugs are abundant, they
300 Chapter22 Order Hemiptera
A B e
Figure22-36 The chinch bug, Blissus leucoptems (5ay). A, fourth instar nymph;
B, fifth instar nymph; C, adult; D, short-winged adulto (Courtesy of U5DA.)
may destroy whole fields of grain. A close relative of Artheneidae, but share with them the dorsal positionol
the chinch bug, BlissusinsularisBarber,is a major pest the spiracles of abdominal segment 2. In the Old World
of lawn grasses in the southeastern states. There are 29 tropics, some members of this family are pests of coto
species of blissids known from North America. ton and other crops. One of these is established in the
Family Ninidae:This is a small family readily rec- American tropics but has not yet reached North Amer.
ognized by the bifid apex of the scutellum, partially ica. Ten species occur at present in North America,
hyaline clavus, and peculiar two-stepped rostrum. nine of them western, where severallive in the cones01
Only a single species, Cymoninus notabilis (Distant), conifers.
occurs in North America, where it is confined to the Family Pachygronthidae: Members of this familyare
Gulf states from Florida to Texas. lt breeds on a num- readily recognizable by having all the abdominal spira-
ber of sedges. cles ventral, being coarsely punctate, and with strongly
Family Cymidae:These are small, dull yellow to incrassate and spinose fore femora (Figure 22-35D).
straw-colored, coarsely punctate bugs that often re- Seven species occur in North America. One genus
semble the seeds of the sedges and rushes on which (Phlegyas) is widespread on grasses, the others (Oedan.
they live. The nymphs are particularly cryptic. Ten cala) are sedge and rush feeders.
species from North America are recognized at presento Family Heterogastridae:This family is recognizable
Family Geocoridae-Big-Eyed Bugs: The members by the ventral abdominal spiracles and the presence01
of this family are known as "big-eyed bugs" because of a large, closed cell at the base of the membrane ofthe
the large, reniform (kidney-shaped) eyes that protrude front wing. They are dull-colored, rather bulky insects
from the head and often curve back over the outer mar- and feed on urticaceous and related plants. Only two
gins of the pronotum (Figure 22-35C). The dorsal po- species, both western, occur in North America.
sition of the spiracles on abdominal segments 3 and 4 Family Largidae: These bugs are similar to the pyrrho-
is diagnostico North American species are short-bodied corids in appearance and habits (Figure 22-37 A,B).Some
and for the most part live on or near the ground. Most of them, such as Arhaphe carolina (Herrich-Shaffer),are
are predaceous and have been used extensively in bio- very antlike in appearance and have short hemelytra
logical control studies. However, they are, in part at (Figure 22-37A). These bugs occur principally in the
least, also plant feeders. Approximately 27 species oc- southern states.
cur in North America. Family Pyrrhocoridae-Red Bugs and Cotton Stainers:
Family Artheneidae:This is a small familyof some- These are medium-sized (11-17 mm long), elongate.
what flattened, yellowish to straw-colored bugs, readily oval bugs that are usually brightly marked with red01
recognizable by the broadly explana te margins of the brown and black. They resemble large lygaeids, bUI
pronotum. This family is not native to North America, lack ocelli and have many branched veins and cellsin
but two Palearctic species, Chilacis typhae (Perris) and the membrane of the hemelytra (as in Figure 22-4H).
Holcocranum saturejae (Kolenati), have successfully es- An important pest species in this family is the cottoo
tablished themselves. They breed on the catkins of cat- stainer, Dysdercus suturellus (Herrich-Schaffer) (Fig'
tails. ure 22-37C), which is a serious pest of cotton insome
Family Oxycarenidae:Members of this family lack parts of the South. In feeding it stains the cotton fibers
the explanate margins of the pronotum found in the and greatly reduces their value. This family is a small
Key to the Families of Hemiptera 301
one(seven North American species), and its members Family Alydidae-Broad-Headed Bugs: These bugs
arelirnited to the southern states. are similar to the Coreidae, but the head is broad and
Family Coreidae-Leaf-Footed Bugs: This is a nearly as long as the pronotum, and the body is usually
moderate-sized group (about 80 North American long and narrow (Figure 22-38D). They might well be
species)whose members have well-developed scent called "stink bugs," as they often "stink" much worse
glands.These glands open on the sides of the thorax be- than the members of the Pentatomidae (to which the
tweenthe middle and hind coxae (Figure 22-1B, sgo). name "stink bug" is usually applied). They give off an
Mostspecies give off a distinct odor (sometimes pleas- odor reminiscent of someone with a bad case of halito-
am, sometimes not) when handled. The coreids are sis. The openings of the scent glands are conspicuous
mostlymedium-sized to large, somewhat elongate, and oval openings between the middle and hind coxae.
dark-colored,with the head narrower and shorter than These bugs are fairly common on the foliage of weeds
thepronotum (Figure 22-38A-C). Some species have and shrubs along roadsides and in woodland areas.
thehind tibiae expanded and leaflike (Figure 22-38A), Most broad-headed bugs are either yellowish brown or
hencethe name "leaf-footed bugs" for this group. black. Some of the black species have a red band across
The Coreidae are plant feeders, but a few may be the middle of the dorsal side of the abdomen. A com-
predaceous. The squash bug, Anasa tristis (DeGeer) mon brown species in the Northeast is Protenor belfragei
(Figure22-38C), a serious pest of cucurbits, is dark Haglund; it is 12-15 mm long. Some of the black
brownand about 13 mm long. lt has one generation a species (for example, Alydus; Figure 22-38D) look very
yearand passes the winter in the adult stage in debris much like ants in their nymphal stage, and the adults in
andother sheltered places. The males of many species the field look much like some of the spider wasps.
ofcoreids have the hind femora enlarged and artned Family Rhopalidae-Scentless Plant Bugs: These
witha series of sharp spines. These males establish ter- bugs differ from the coreids in lacking well-developed
riloriesand defend them vigorously from other males. scent glands. They are usually light-colored and
Thernesquite bug, Thasus acutangulus Stal, is one of smaller than the coreids (Figure 22-38E,F). Some are
thelargest North American coreids (35-40 mm long). very similar to the orsilline lygaeids, but can be distin-
Itiscornmon on mesquite in Arizona and New Mexico. guished by the numerous veins in the membrane of the
Thenymphs form aggregations that, when disturbed, hemelytra (Figure 22-4D). They live principally on
simultaneouslyproduce a noxious vapor. If a tree with weeds, but a few (including the box elder bug) are ar-
mesquitebugs on it is in a suburban yard, the home- boreal. All are plant feeders.
ownermay be considerably upset by the presence of so The box elder bug, Boisea trivittata (Say), is a com-
manybig bugs. mon and widely distributed species in this group. lt is
302 Chapter22 Order Hemiptera
blackish with red markings and 11-14 mm long (Fig- scutellum is very large and extends to the apex of the
ure 22-38F). lt often enters houses and other sheltered abdomen. The wings are visible only at the edge of the
places in the fall, sometimes in considerable numbers. scutellum (Figure 22-40A). Most species in the north-
It feeds on box elder and occasionally other trees. em part of the United States and Canada are brown or
FamilyCydnidae-Burrower Bugs:These bugs are a yellow, but many tropical species are brightly colored,
liule like stink bugs in general appearance and anten- even iridescent. The scutellerids are 8-10 mm long, and
nal structure, but they are a little more oval and have are plant feeders. Some species, particularly the sunn
the tibiae spiny (Figure 22-8A). They are black or red- pest, Eurygaster integriceps Puton, are important pestsoí
dish brown and less than 8 mm long (Figure 22-39B). grain crops in Europe, central Asia,and the MiddleEast.
They are usually found beneath stones or boards, in Family Pentatomidae-Stink Bugs: This is a large
sand, or about the roots of grass tufts. They apparently and well-known group (more than 200 North Ameri-
feed on the roots of plants. The general collector is can species), and its members are easily recognized by
most likely to see them when they come to lights at their round or ovoid shape and 5-segmented antennae.
night. They can be separated from other bugs having five-
FamilyThyreocoridae: These bugs are small (mostly segmented antennae by the characters given in the key.
3-6 mm long), broadly oval, strongly convex, shining Stink bugs are the most common and abundant of the
black bugs that are somewhat beetlelike in appearance bugs that produce a disagreeable odor, but some other
(Figure 22-39A). The scutellum is very large and cov- bugs (particularly the broad-headed bugs) produce a
ers most of the abdomen and wings. These insects are more potent odor. Many stink bugs are brightly colored
common on grasses, weeds, berries, and flowers. or conspicuously marked.
Family Scutelleridae-Shield-Backed Bugs: These The family Pentatomidae is divided into fivesub.
look much like stink bugs (Pentatomidae), but the families, the Asopinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae,
Keyto the Familiesof Hemiptera 303
Podopinae,and Pentatominae. The last four, which (L.), is an important pest of a wide variety of crops in
containmost of the species in the family, are plant the southeastern United States and throughout the
feeders,and the basal segment of the beak is slender world's tropics. The other stink bugs that are plant
andat rest lies between the bucculae, which are paral- feeders (Figures 22-41A,C, 22-42) usually auack
lel.TheAsopinae, which are predaceous, have a short, grasses or other plants and usually are not of very great
thick,basal segment of the beak, with only the base ly- economic importance. The spined soldier bug, Podisus
ingbetween the bucculae, which converge behind the maculiventris (Say) (Figure 22-41 D), is predaceous on
beak. lepidopterous larvae. The terrestrial turtle bugs, Amau-
The eggs of stink bugs, which are usually barrel- rochrous spp., 3.5-6.5 mm long, are similar to the
shapedand have the upper end ornamented with spines, shield-backed bugs, but may be separated by the char-
areusually laid in groups, like many liule brightly col- acters given in the key (couplet 63). These were for-
oredbarreIs lined up side by side (Figure 2-35). merly placed in a family by themselves, the Podopidae,
One rather important pest species in this group which has be en reduced to the subfamily Podopinae.
is the harlequin bug (Murgantia histrionica (Hahn), Family Acanthosomatidae:This is a small group
Figure22-41B). This brightly colored insect is often closely related to the Pentatomidae, but readily sepa-
verydestructive to cabbage and other cruciferous rated from them by having only two instead of three
plants,particularly in the southern part of the United tarsal segments. The females of several of the species in
States.The southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula North America guard the eggs and young nymphs.
[ 304 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
22-41 Stinkbugs. A, Thyantacustator
(Fabricius), 41/2X; B, harlequin bug, Murgantia
histrionica (Hahn), 4X; C, onespot stink bug,
Euschistus variolarius (Palisot de Beauvois), 3X;
D, spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris
(Say), 41/2X. A-C, Pentatominae; D, Asopinae.
(Courtesy of Froeschner and The American
e o Midland Naturalist.)
Elasmucha lateralis (Say) is fairly common on birch FamilyCicadidae-Cicadas: The members of this
treesin the northern states and southern Canada. family can usually be recognized by their characteristic
SUBORDER Auchenorrhyncha: The members of the shape, their large size, and three ocelli (Figure 22-43).
suborderAuchenorrhyncha (cicadas and hoppers) are This group contains some of the largest Hemiptera in
activeinsects, being good fliers or jumpers. Their tarsi the United States, some of which reach a length of
arethree-segmented, and their antennae are very short about 50 mm The smallest cicadas are a litde less than
andbristlelike. The cicadas are relatively large insects, 25 mm long. There are 157 species in 16 genera in the
withmembranouswings and three ocelli. The hoppers United States.
aresmall to minute insects, with the front wings usu- A conspicuous characteristic of cicadas is their
allymore or less thickened, and they usually have two ability to produce sound. Other Auchenorrhyncha (for
ocelli(or none). The males of many Auchenorrhyncha example, leafhoppers) can make sounds, but their
canproduce sound, but except for the cicadas these sounds are very weak and are detected through the
soundsare nearly inaudible to humans. substrate. The sounds produced by cicadas are gener-
ally quite loud. The sounds are made by the males, and
each species has a characteristic songo Someone who is
familiar with these songs can identify the species by
song alone (Figure 22-44). Each species also produces
a somewhat different sound (a disturbance squawk or
"pro test" sound) when handled or disturbed, and some
species have a special song (termed a "courtship" song)
that is produced by a male approaching a female.
Figure22-43 A dog-day cicada, Tibicenpruinosa (Say), Typical cicada sounds are produced by a pair of
about natural size. (Courtesy of Carl Mohr and the Illi- tymbals located dorsally at the sides of the basal ab-
noisNatuaral History Survey.) dominal segment in males (Figure 22-45, tmb). The
306 Chapter 22 Order Hemiptera
Bodylength 19-27 mm The liule 17 -year cicada, The liule l3-year cicada,
Propleura and lateral extensions of pronotum between M. septendecula Alexander M. tredecula Alexander and
and Moore Moore
eyesand wing bases black
Abdominal sterna black basally, with a broad apical band
of reddish yellow or brown on posterior half of each
stemum; this band not interrupted medially
Lasttarsal segment entirely brownish or yellowish or,
at most, the apical third black
Song:20-40 short high-pitched phrases, each like a
short buzz and tick delivered together, at the rate of
3-5 per second, the phrases shorter and lacking the
short buzz
thenymphal stage. The treehoppers have one or two bles a membracid, but the pronotum has only a narrow
generationsayear and usually pass the winter in the median backward-projecting process that extends a
eggstage. short distance between the wings and only partly cov-
Only a few species in this group are considered of ers the scutellum (Figure n-13A). lt was formerly
economicimportance, and most of their damage is placed in the subfamily Centrotinae of the Membraci-
causedby egg laying. The buffalo treehopper, Sticto- dae, but Hamilton (1971) transferred it to the family
cephala bizonia Kopp and Yonke (Figure 22-46C), is a Aetalionidae. Aetalion resembles a large cercopid, but
commonpest species that lays its eggs in the twigs of lacks spines on the hind tibiae characteristic of that
appleand several other trees. The eggs are placed in group. The pronotum extends farther forward over
slitscut in the bark, and the terminal portion of the the head (Figure 22-13B), and the face is vertical. The
twigbeyond the eggs often dies. The eggs overwinter beak in the aetalionids extends to the hind coxae. The
andhatch in the spring, and the nymphs drop to herba- beak is shorter in most other hoppers, but is even
ceousvegetation where they complete their develop- longer in some cercopids (extending beyond the hind
ment,returning to the trees to lay their eggs. coxae in Aphrophora of the Cercopidae). Microcentrus
FamilyAetalionidae:Two genera in this family oc- caryae (Fitch), a widely distributed species, lives on
curin North America: Microcentrus, which is widely hickory, oak, and other trees. Aetalion also lives on
distributed, and Aetalion, which occurs in Florida, trees and is sometimes tended by ants or (in the trop-
southernArizona, and California. Microcentrus resem- ics) meliponine bees (Apidae).
308 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
22-46 Treehoppers. A, Campylenchia latipes (Say); B, Thelia bimaculata
(Fabricius);e, Stictocephalabizonia(Koppand Yonke);D, EntyliaconcisaWalker;
E,Archasiagaleata(Fabricius).A, B, D, and E, lateralviews;e, dorsalview.
Keyto the Familiesof Hemiptera 309
,.. "
. v,
i'i¡n \ \
"j '
JI \\: \
" : I
I ';I! \\
\'D B W T Figure22-49 Leafhoppers,
A, the potato leafhopper, Em-
e D
A poascafabae (Harris) (Typhlocy-
binae); B, Xerophloeamcyor
Baker (Ledrinae); C, Draecula-
cephala mollipes (Say) (Cicadelli-
nae); D, Hecalus lineatus (Uhler)
(Hecalinae); E, the beet leafhop-
per, Circulifer tenellus Baker (Del.
tocephalinae); F, Erythroneura
vitis (Harris) (Typhlocybinae);
G, Tylozygus bifidus (Say) (Ci-
cadellinae); H, Oncometopia un-
data (Fabricius) (Cicadellinae),
(Courtesy of the Illinois Natural
E F G H History Society.)
tack grasses and herbaceous plants, but a few attack There are many economically important pes!
trees; Aphrophorapermutata Uhler and A. saratogensis species in this group, and they cause five major types
(Fitch) are important pests of pine. of injury to plants. (1) Some species remove excessive
FamilyCicadellidae-Leafhoppers: The leafhoppers amounts of sap and reduce or destroy the chlorophyll
constitute a very large group (about 2500 North Amer- in the leaves, causing the leaves to become covered
ican species), and they are of various forms, colors, and with minute white or yellow Spots. With continued
sizes (Figure 22-49). They are similar to froghoppers feeding, the leaves turn yellowish or brownish. Ihis
and aetalionids in the genus Aetalion, but they have type of injury is produced on apple leaves by various
one or more rows of small spines extending the length species of Erythroneura, Typhlocyba, and Empoasca,
of the hind tibiae. They rarely exceed 13 mm long, and (2) Some species interfere with the normal physiology
many are only a few millimeters long. Many are of the plant, for example, by mechanically plugging the
marked with a beautiful color pattern. phloem and xylem vessels in the leaves so that trans.
Leafhoppers live on almost all types of plants, in- port of food materials is impaired. A browning of ¡he
cluding forest, shade, and orchard trees, shrubs, outer portion of the leaf, and eventually of the entire
grasses, and many field and garden crops. They feed leaf, results. The potato leafhopper, Empoascafabae
principally on the leaves of their food plant. The food (Harris) (Figure 22-49A), causes this type of injury.
of most species is quite specific, and the habitat is (3) A few species injure plants by ovipositing in green
therefore well defined. In many cases a specialist in this twigs, often causing the terminal portion of the twigs
group can examine a series of specimens taken in a to die. Various species of Gyponana cause damageor
given habitat and can describe that habitat and often this sort. Their egg punctures are similar to those of¡he
determine the general regio n of the country from buffalo treehopper bu t smaller. (4) Many species of
which the specimens carne. leafhoppers act as vectors of the organisms that cause
Most leafhoppers have a single generation ayear, plant diseases. Aster yellows, corn stunt, phloem
but a few have two or three. The winter is usually necrosis of elm, Pierce'sdisease of grape, phony peach,
passed in either the adult or the egg stage, depending potato yellow dwarf, curly top in sugar beets, andother
on the species. plant diseases are transmitted by leafhoppers, chiefiy
Keyto the $ubfamilies of Cicadellidae 311
speciesin the subfamilies Agalliinae, Cicadellinae, and ily is a list of the genera in that group mentioned in this
Deltocephalinae.(5) Some species cause stunting and book.
lealcurlingthat result from the inhibition of growth on
theundersurface of the leaves where the leafhoppers Family Cicadellidae
leed.The potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae, also pro- Ledrinae (Xerophloeinae)-Xerophloea
ducesinjury of this type. Dorycephalinae (Dorydiinae in part)-
Manyspecies of leafhoppers emit from the anus a Dorycephalus
liquidcalled "honeydew." It consists of unused por- Megophthalminae (Ulopinae; Agalliinae in part)
tionsof plant sap to which are added certain waste Agalliinae-Aceratagallia, Agallia, Agalliana,
productsof the insect. Agalliopsis
Many of the leafhoppers (as well as some of the Macropsinae-Macropsis
otherhoppers) produce sound (Ossiannilsson, 1949). ldiocerinae (Eurymelinae)-Idiocerus
Thesesounds are all quite weak; some can be heard if Gyponinae-Gyponana
theinsect is held close to one's ear, whereas others can lassinae (including Bythoscopinae)
onlybe heard when amplified. These sounds are pro- Penthimiinae-Penthimia
ducedby the vibration of tymbals located dorsolaterally Koebeliinae-Koebelia
allhebase of the abdomen (on the first or second seg- Coelidiinae Oassinae)- Tinobregmus
ment).The tymbals are thin-walled areas of the body Nioniinae-Nionia
wall,and are not very conspicuous from an external Aphrodinae-Aphrodes
view,The sounds produced by leafhoppers of the genus Xestocephalinae-Xestocephalus
Empoasca (Shawet al. 1974) are of up to fivetypes (de- Neocoelidiinae-Paracoelidia
pendingon the species): one or two types of "common" Cicadellinae (Tettigellinae, Tettigoniellinae; in-
sounds,disturbance sounds, courtship sounds, and cluding Evacanthinae)-Agrosoma, Carneo-
soundsby the female. Most of these sounds are differ- cephala, Cuerna, Draeculacephala, Friscanus,
enlin different species and are believed to playa role in Graphocephala, Helochara, Homalodisca, Hord-
speciesrecognition by the insects. nia, Keonolla, Neokolla, Oncometopia, Pagaro-
Some authorities have considered the leafhoppers nia, Sibovia, Tylozygus
10represent a superfamily (the Cicadelloidea) and di- Typhlocybinae (Cicadellinae)-Empoasca, Ery-
videdthem into a number of families. The differences throneura, Kunzeana, Typhlocyba
belweenthese families are not as great as those be- Deltocephalinae (Athysaninae, Hecalinae Eusceli-
tweenthe families of Fulgoroidea, and most leafhopper nae; including Balcluthinae)-Acinopterus,
specialistsprefer to treat the leafhoppers as a single Chlorotettix, Circulifer, Colladonus, Dalbulus,
lamilydivided into subfamilies. There are differences Endria, Euscelidius, Euscelis, Excultanus,
olopinionas to the leafhopper subfamilies to recognize Fieberiella, Graminella, Hecalus Macrosteles,
andthe names to give them. The arrangement we fol- Norvellina, Paraphlepsius, Paratanus, Pseudotet-
lowin this book is outlined here, with other names and tix, Scaphoideus, Scaphytopius, Scleroracus, Tex-
arrangementsin parentheses. Following each subfam- ananus
312 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
3(2), Ocelli on crown, remote from eyes and from anterior margin of crown
(Figure 22-50L); dorsum covered with rounded pits (Figure 22-49B) ledrinae p.314
3', Ocelli on lateral margins of head, just in front of eyes (Figure 22-50),K);
dorsum not covered with rounded pits Dorycephalinae p.314
4(2'). Ocelli on crown (usually disk of crown) , frontal sutures extending over
margin of crown nearly to ocelli; clypellus broad above and narrowed
below; clypeus usually swollen (Figure 22-50E) Cicadellinae p.315
4'. Without combination of characters in preceding entry 5
5(4'). Frontal sutures terrninating at or slightly above antennal pits, or ocelli
near disk of crown and remote from eyes, or both 6
5', Frontal sutures extending beyond antennal pits to or near ocelli, ocelli
never on disk of crown 11
6(5). Lateral margins of pronotum carinate, moderately long; ledge or carina
above antennal pits transverse or nearly so 7
6'. Lateral margins of pronotum short and not carinate, or only feebly so;
ledge above antennal pits, if present, oblique 9
7(6). Face in profile concave; front wings with appendix very large, first (¡nner)
apical celllarge (equal in area to second and third apical cells combined) Penthimiinae p.314
7'. Face in profile not concave, usually distinctly convex; front wings with
appendix normal or small, first apical cell not enlarged 8
8(7'). Ocelli on crown, usually remote from anterior margin of head Gyponinae p.314
8', Ocelli on anterior margin of crown lassinae p.314
9(6'). Hind wings always present, with 3 apical cells (Figure 22-501, AP);
pronotum extending forward beyond anterior margins of eyes; distance
between ocelli usually greater than twice the distance from ocellus to eye Macropsinae p.314
9'. Hind wingspresentor absent,if presentwith 4 apicalcells
(Figure 22-50M, AP); pronotum not extending forward beyond anterior
margins of eyes; distance between ocelli not more than twice distance
from ocellus to eye 10
10(9'). Face with carinae replacing frontal sutures above antennal pits; western
United States Megophthalminae p.314
lO'. Face without such carinae; widely distributed Agalliinae p.314
11(5'). Dorsum with circular pits; pronotum extending forward beyond anterior
margins of eyes; shining black leafhoppers Nioniinae p.315
11'. Dorsum without such pits; pronotum not extending forward beyond
anterior margins of eyes; color variable 12
12(11'). Distance between ocelli less than distance between antennal pits, or
clypellus much wider distally than basally and extending to or beyond
apex of genae 13
12', Distance between ocelli equal LOor greater than distance between
antennal pits, or clypellus parallel-sided and usually not extending LO
apex of genae 14
13(12). Clypeus long and narrow, of nearly uniform width (Figure 22-50D);
crown not wider than eye; costal margin of hind wings of macropterous
forrns expanded for short distance near base; head narrower than
pronotum Coelidiinae p.315
13'. Clypeus short, broad, wider above (Figure 22-50C); crown wider than
eye; costal margin of hind wings not expanded basally; head usually
wider than pronotum Idiocerinae p.314
314 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
Subfamily ledrinae: This group is represented in the pronotum do es not extend forward beyond the an-
North America by about eight species of Xerophloea. terior margins of the eyes. These leafhoppers also [eed
They are grass feeders and sometimes beeome pests of on trees and shrubs.
forage erops. They have the dorsum eovered with nu- Subfamily Gyponinae: This is a large group (more
merous pits, and the oeelli are on the disk of the erown than 140 North American species) of relatively robust
(Figure 22-49B). and somewhat flattened leafhoppers, which have their
Subfamily Dorycephalinae: This is another small ocelli on the crown remo te from their eyes and baek
group (about nine North American species) of grass from the anterior margin of the head. The crown is
feeders, and they are ehieOy southern in distribu- variable in shape and may be produced and foliaeeous
tion. They are elongate and somewhat Oattened. The or short and broadly rounded in front. Some species
head is long, with the margin thin and foliaeeous feed on herbaceous plants, and others feed on trees and
(Figure 22-50],K). shrubs. One species, Gyponana angulata (Spangberg),
Subfamily Megophthalminae: The members of this acts as a vector of aster yellows, and another, G. lamina
small group (seven North American species) are DeLong, acts as a vector of peach X-disease.
known only from California. Their food plants are un- Subfamily lassinae: These leafhoppers are relatively
known. robust and somewhat flattened, with a short head and the
Subfamily Agalliinae: This is a fairIy large group ocelli on the anterior margin of the crown, about midway
(about 70 North American species) in which the head between the eyes and the apex of the head. The group is
is short, the ocelli are on the face, and the frontal su- small (23 North American species), and its members live
tures terminate at the antennal pits. The food habits of chiefly in the West. Uttle is known about their [ood
these leafhoppers are rather varied. A few species in plants; but some species are known to feed on shrubs.
this group act as veetors of plant diseases. For example, Subfamily Penthimiinae: This group is represemed
species of Aceratagallia, Agallia, and Agalliopsis serve in North America by only two species of Penthimia,
as vectors of potato yellow dwarf. which OCCUTin the East. They are short, oval, and
Subfamily Macropsinae: In this group (more than somewhat flattened. The ocelli are located on the
50 North American species) the head is short and crown about halfway between the eyes and the midline,
broad, and the oeelli are on the face. The anterior mar- and the front wings are broad with a large appendix.
gin of the pronotum extends forward beyond the ante- Their food plants are not known.
rior margins of the eyes. The dorsal surface, from the Subfamily Koebeliinae:This group is represented in
crown to the scutellum, is somewhat roughened- the United States by fOUTspecies of Koebelia, whieh oe-
rugulose, punetate, or striate. These leafhoppers feed CUTin the West and feed on pine. The head is wider
on trees and shrubs. than the pronotum, and the crown is flat with a [olia.
Subfamily Idiocerinae:This group (about 75 North ceous margin and a broad, shallow furrow in the mid-
American species) is similar to the Macropsinae, but line. The ocelli are on the face.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Cicadellidae 315
Subfamily Coelidiinae: This is a small group (10 disease of grape; and species of Draeculacephala,
NonhAmerican species) of relatively large and robust Graphocephala,Homalodisca,and Oncometopiaserve as
leafhoppers.The clypeus is long and narrow and of vectors of phony peach.
nearlyuniform width (Figure 22-50D; in most other Subfamily Typhlocybinae:This is a large group
leafhoppers,the clypeus is wider dorsally). The head is (more than 700 North American species, more than
narrowerthan the pronotum, with the eyes large and half of which are in the genus Erythroneura) of small,
thecrownsmall, and the ocelli are on the anterior mar- fragile, and often brightly colored leafhoppers (Fig-
~nofthecrown. This group is mainly Neotropical, and ure 22-49A,F). The ocelli may be present or absent,
itsknown food plants are shrubs and herbaceous and the venation of the front wings is somewhat re-
plants. duced, with no crossveins except in the apical portion.
Subfamily Nioniinae: This group is represented in The food plants are varied. This group includes a num-
~orthAmericaby a single species, Nionia palmeri (Van ber of pest species in the genera Empoasca, Ery-
Duzee),which occurs in the southern states. Its food throneura, and Typhlocyba.
plantsarenot known. This leafhopper is shining black, Subfamily Deltocephalinae:This is the largest sub-
withthe crown short and broad, and with the ocelli on family ofleafhoppers (more than ll50 North American
theanterior margin and distant from the eyes. The an- species), and its members vary in form and food plants.
teriormargin of the pronotum extends forward beyond The ocelli are always on the anterior margin of the
theanterior margins of the eyes, and the anterior part crown, and there is no ledge above the antennal pits.
ofthedorsum bears numerous circular pits. Many members of this group are important vectors of
Subfamily Aphrodinae: This is a small group (six plant diseases. Aster yellows is transmitted by species
~onhAmerican species), but its members are common of Scaphytopius,Macrosteles,Paraphlepsius, and Tex-
andwidely distributed. They are short, broad, and ananus. Curly top of sugar beets is transmitted by Cir-
somewhatflattened, with the ocelli on the anterior culifer tenellus (Baker). Phloem necrosis of elm is trans-
margin ofthe crown. The head and pronotum are rugu- mitted by Scaphoideus luteolus Van Duzee. Clover
loseor coarsely granulate. Species of Aphrodes are phyllody is transmitted by species of Macrosteles,
knownto act as vectors of aster yellows, clover stunt, Chlorotettix, Colladonus, and Euscelis. Corn stunt is
andc\over phyllody. transmitted by species of Dalbulus and Graminella.
Subfamily Xestocephalinae: This is a small group SUPERFAMILY Fulgoroidea-Planthoppers: This is a
species of Xestocephalus) but a widely distrib-
(three large group, but its members are seldom as abundant as
utedone, whose members are small and robust, with the leafhoppers or froghoppers. The species in the
theheadand eyes small. The crown is rounded anteri- United States are usually no more than lOor 12 mm
orly,with the ocelli on the anterior margino long, but some tropical speciesreach a length of 50 mm
SubfamilyNeocoelidiinae: This is a small group (26 or more. Many of the planthoppers have the head pecu-
Nonh American species), and many of its members are liarly modified, with that part in front of the eyes greatly
elongate in formo The face is strongly convex,
rather enlarged and more or less snoutlike (Figure 22-51, es-
andtheocelli are on the crown near the anterior mar- pecially G-I).
~nandthe eyes. Some species (Paracoelidia) live on The planthoppers differ from the leafhoppers in
pine. having only a few large spines on the hind tibiae and
SubfamilyCicadellinae: This is a fairly large group from both the leafhoppers and the froghoppers in hav-
hundred North American species), with many
(nearlya ing the antennae arising below the compound eyes.
common species. Most species are relatively large, and The ocelli are usually located immediately in front of
someare rather robust. The ocelli are on the crown, the eyes, on the side (rather than the front or dorsal
andthe frontal sutures extend over the margin of the surface) of the head (Figure 22-9C). There is often a
head nearlyto the ocelli. Some members of this group sharp angle separating the side of the head (where the
verystrikingly colored. One of our largest and most
are compound eyes, antennae, and ocelli are located) and
common species is Graphocephala coccinea (Foerster), the front.
is similar in size and shape to Draeculacephala
which The food plants of these insects range from trees
mollipes(Say)(Figure 22-49C), but has the wings red- and shrubs to herbaceous plants and grasses. The
d~hstriped with bright green. The nymphs of this planthoppers feed on the plant juices and, like many
are bright yellow. This species is often found on other Auchenorrhyncha and Sternorrhyncha, produce
and other ornamental shrubs. Many species
lorsythia honeydew. Many of the nymphal forms are ornamented
IDthisgroupserve as vectors of plant disease: species with wax filaments. Very few planthoppers cause eco-
ofCameocephala,Cuerna, Draeculacephala, Friscanus, nomic damage to cultivated plants.
Helochara, Homalodisca, Neoholla, On- Family Delphacidae:This is the largest family of
and Pagaronia serve as vectors of Pierce's planthoppers, and its members can be recognized by
316 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
A B e D
the large, flattened spur at the apex of the hind tibiae are elongate with long wings and are rather delicatein
(Figure 22-lOC, sp). Most species are small, and many build (Figure 22-S1K).
have reduced wings. The sugarcane leafhopper, Perkin- Family Cixiidae:This is one of the larger families
siella saccharicida Kirkaldy, which at one time was a planthoppers. Its members are widely distributed, bUI
very destructive pest in Hawaii, is a member of this most species are tropical. Some species are subterranean
family. feeders on the roots of grasses during their nympbal
Family Derbidae:These planthoppers are princi- stage. The wings are hyaline and frequently ornamented
pally tropical and feed on woody fungí. Most species with spots along the veins (Figure 22-S1A,D).
Keyto the Subfamilies of Cicadellidae 317
. <=
A¡¡.t\ ~~
.- "
and Mexico. An objectionable sooty fungus often raphis maidiradicis (Forbes), are tended like cows by
grows on the honeydew excreted by whiteflies and in- certain species of ants.
terfereswith photosynthesis. This fungus is more The life cycle of many aphids is rather unusual
prevalentin the South and in the tropics than in the and complex (Figure 22-56). Most species overwinter
North. in the egg stage, and these eggs hatch in the spring into
FamilyAphididae-Aphidsor Plantlice:The aphids females that reproduce parthenogenetically and give
constitutea large group of small, soft-bodied insects birth to living young. Several generations may be pro-
thatare frequently found in large numbers sucking the duced during the season in this way, with only females
sapfram the stems or leaves of plants. Such aphid being produced and the young being born alive. The
groups often include individuals in all stages of devel- first generation or two usually consist of wingless indi-
opmen!.The members of this family can usually be rec- viduals, but eventually winged individuals appear. In
ognizedby their characteristic pearlike shape, a pair of many species these winged forms migrate to a different
corniclesat the posterior end of the abdomen, and the host plant, and the reproductive process continues. In
[airlylong antennae. Winged forms can usually be rec- the latter part of the season, the aphids migrate back to
ognizedby the venation and the relative size of the the original host plant species, and a generation con-
[rontand hind wings (Figure 22-14C). The wings at sisting of both males and females appears. The individ-
restaregenerallyheld verticallyabove the body. uals of this bisexual generation mate, and the females
Ihe cornicles of aphids are tubelike structures lay the eggs, which overwinter.
arisingfrom the dorsal side of the fifth or sixth ab- This method of reproduction can build up enor-
dominalsegment. These cornicles secrete a defensive mous populations of aphids in a relatively short time.
fluidoIn some species the body is more or less covered The aphids would be a great deal more destructive to
withwhite waxy fibers, secreted by dermal glands. vegetation were it not for their numerous parasites and
Aphidsalso excrete honeydew, from the anus; the hon- predators. The principal parasites of aphids are bra-
eydew consistsmainly of excess sap ingested by the in- conids and chalcidoids, and the most important preda-
sect,to which are added excess sugars and waste mate- tors are ladybird beetles, lacewings, and the larvae of
rial.Ihis honeydew may be produced in sufficient some syrphid flies.
quantitiesto cause the surface of objects beneath to be- This family contains a number of serious pests of
comesticky. Honeydew is a favorite food of many ants, cultivated plants. Aphids cause a curling or wilting of
andsome species, such as the corn root aphid, Anu- the food plant by their feeding, and they serve as vec-
apple twigs Hatch to When buds
,/ wingless females burst
Mate \
A Give birth to
I \
Migrate to
Give birth to
apple ~ winged females
Winged females
Winged males
Migrate to
" rI plantain
~ Several generations
of wingless fe males
Figure22-56 Diagrarn of the lHe history of the rosy
SUMMER apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini).
320 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
tors of a number of important plant diseases. Several ants and stored in their nest for the winter. AlI during
diseases are transmitted by aphids, including the mo- the season, the aphids are tended by the ants, which
saics of beans, sugarcane, and cucumbers, by species of transfer them fram one food plant to another. The ants
Aphis, Macrosiphum, and Myzus; beet mosaic by Aphis feed on the honeydew produced by the aphids.
rumicis L.; and cabbage ring spot, crucifer mosaic, and In the woolly and gall-making aphids (Eriosomati-
potato yellow dwarf by Myzus persicae (Sulzer). nae), the comicles are reduced or absent and wax glands
The rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea are abundant. The sexual forms lack mouthparts, and
(Passerini), overwinters on apple and related trees and the ovipositing female produces only one egg. Nearlyall
passes the early summer generations there, then mi- members of this family alterna te between host plants.
grates to the narrowleaf plantain as the secondary host. The primary host (on which the overwintering eggs are
Later in the season it migrates back to apple trees (Fig- laid) is usually a tree or shrub, and the secondary hostis
ure 22-56). The apple grain aphid, Rhopalosiphum a herbaceous plant. These aphids may feed either on the
fitchii (Sanderson), has apple as its primary host plant roots of the host plant or on the part of the plant above
and migrates in early summer to grasses, including the ground. Many species produce galls or malfonna-
wheat and oats. Other species of importance are the ap- tions of the tissues of the primary host, but usually do
pie aphid, Aphis pomi DeGeer; the cotton aphid (or not produce galls on the secondary host.
melon aphid), A. gossypii Glover; the potato aphid, The woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum
Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas); the rose aphid, (Hausmann) (Figure 22-58), is a common and impor-
M. rosae(L.); the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris); tant example of this group. This species feeds princi-
and the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.). The pally on the roots and bark and can be recognized by
largest aphid in the East is the giant bark aphid, the characteristic woolly masses of wax on its body.
Longistigma caryae (Harris), 6 mm long, which feeds These aphids usually overwinter on elm, and the first
on hickory, sycamore, and other trees (Figure 22-57 A). generations of the season are spent on that hos!. In
The com root aphid, Anuraphis maidiradicis early summer, winged forms appear and migrate to ap-
(Forbes), is sometimes a serious pest of com, and it has pie, hawthom, and related trees. Later in the season
an interesting relationship with ants. The eggs of this some of these migrate back to elm, where the bisexual
aphid pass the winter in the nests of field ants, chiefly generation is produced and the overwintering eggs are
those in the genus Lasius. In the spring, the ants carry laido Other individuals migrate fram the branches of
the young aphids to the roots of smartweed and other the apple tree to the roots, where they produce gall-like
weeds, where the aphids feed. Later in the season, the growths. The raot-inhabiting forms may remain therea
ants transfer the aphids to the roots of como When the year or more, passing through several generations. Ihis
aphid eggs are laid in the fall, they are gathered by the aphid transmits perennial canker.
- --
. >
~ Figure22-57 A, a colonyof
~ apterous females and nymphs of ¡he
giant bark aphid, Longistigma caryae
(Harris); B, a winged female of ¡he
A giant willow aphid, Lachnus salignus
Keyto the Subfamilies of Cicadellidae 321
The woolly alder aphid, Prociphilus tessellatus in their \ife history, forming galls only on the primary
is often found in dense masses on the branches host tree (spruce). All the females are oviparous. The
ofalderand maple. All the generations may be passed antennae are five-segmented in the winged forms, four-
00alder,or the species may overwinter on maple and segmented in the sexual forms, and three-segmented in
to alder in the summer and then back to maple the wingless, panhenogenetically reproducing females.
inthefall,where the sexual forms are produced. The The body is often covered with waxy threads, and
speciesmay overwinter in either the egg or the the wings at rest are he!d rooflike over the body. Cu¡
nymphal stage. and CU2 in the front wing are separated at the base
Someof the more common gall-making species in (Figure 22-12E).
thisgroupare Colophaulmicola (Fitch), which causes The eastern spruce gall aphid, Adelgesabietis (L.),
thecockscomb gall on e!m leaves (Figure 22-59A); is a fairly common species attacking spruce in south-
Honnaphis hamamelidis(Fitch), which causes the cone eastern Canada and the northeastern pan of the United
onthe leaves of witch haze!; Hamamelistes spinosus States and forming pineapple-shaped galls on the twigs
Ihimer,which forms a spiny gall on the flower buds of (Figure 22-60). lt has two generations ayear, and both
witchhaze! (Figure 22-59B); and Pemphigus populi- generations consist entire!y of females. There is no bi-
Riley, which forms a marble-shaped gall on sexual generation. Both generations \ive on spruce.
thepetiolesof poplar leaves (Figure 22-59C). Partly grown nymphs pass the winter attached lO the
FamilyAdelgidae-Pine and Spruce Aphids: The base of spruce buds. The nymphs mature into females
membersof this group feed only on conifers. They the following April or May and lay their eggs at the
lorm cone-shapedgalls on spruce and, on other hosts, base of the buds. The feeding of these females on the
occur as white cottony tufts on the bark, branches, needles of the new shoots causes the needles to swell.
twigs,needles, or cones, depending on the species. The eggs hatch in about a week, and the nymphs settle
Most speciesalternate between two different conifers on the needles that have become swollen by the
322 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
."c: Figure22-59 Aphid galls. A, elm
cockscomb gall, caused by Colopha u/mi-
~ cola (Fitch); B, spiny bud gall of witch
hazel, caused by Hamamelistes spinosus
Shimer; e, leaf petiole gall of poplar,
O§¡ caused by Pemphigus populitransversus
o Riley; D, vagabond gall of poplar, caused
by Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh.
mother's feeding. The twig swelling continues and a developing cones. Asevere infestation may causea
gall is formed, and the nymphs complete their devel- heavy shedding of foliage, and the damage, particularly
opment in cavities in the gallo Later in the summer, in Christmas tree areas, may be considerable.
winged females emerge from the galls and lay their eggs Family Phylloxeridae-Phylloxerans: The antennae
on the needles of nearby branches. These eggs hatch, in this group are three-segmented in all forms, and ¡he
and the nymphs overwinter. wings at rest are held fiat over the body. CUt and Cu¡in
This group contains two genera, Adelges and the front wing are stalked at the base (Figure 22-l2C).
Pineus, whose members attack spruce and various These insects do not produce waxy threads, but some
other conifers. Perhaps the most important species in species are covered with a waxy powder. The phyllox.
the West is the Cooley spruce gall aphid, Adelges coo- erans feed on plants other than conifers, and the !ife
leyi (Gillette), which is also widely distributed in east- history is often very complex.
ern North America and in Europe. The galls of this The grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
species on spruce are 12-75 mm long and light green (Fitch), is a common and economically importaD!
to dark purple, and each chamber in the gall contains species in this group. This minute form attacks both
from 3 to 30 wingless aphids. The alterna te host of this the leaves and the roots of grape, forming small galk
species in the West is Douglas fir, where the insects on the leaves (Figure 22-61) and gall-like swellingson
form white, cottony tufts on new needles, shoots, and the roots. The European grapes are much more suscep-
Keyto the $ubfamiliesof Cicadellidae 323
O) ~
§. <C(¡;
o .-
Q;> -'=0)
."c: (¡;
'" eO)
" u
ffi c:
~ O)
O) E
a: c.
Z O)
B ."c:
:;: ffi
o ~
Figure22-60 Eastern spruce gall, caused by Adelges ~
abictus(L.). <C
tibleto the attacks of this insect than are the native Figure22-62 Galls of the hickory gall aphid, Phyllox-
era caryaecaulis (Fitch). A, gall on a hickory leaf; B, two
galls cut open lO show the insects inside.
Some of the phylloxerans produce galls on trees.
Onesuchspecies occurring in the East is the hickory gall
aphid,Phylloxera caryaecaulis (Fitch) (Figure 22-62).
These gallsreach a diameter of 16-18 mm, and each con-
tainsa large number of aphids.
~ Figure22-61 Gallson grape leaves
! caused by the grape phylloxera,
g Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch).
324 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
SUPERFAMILY Coccoidea-Scale Insects: This is a The development of scale insects varies somewhat
large group and contains forms that are minute and in different species, but in most cases it is rather com-
highly specialized. Many are so modified that they look plexo The first-instar nymphs have legs and antennae
very little like other Hemiptera. Therefore, some au- and are fairly active insects; they are often called
thors treat them as a suborder (Coccinea). "crawlers." After the first molt, the legs and antennae
The females are wingless and usually legless and are often lost and the insect becomes sessile, and a
sessile, and the males have only a single pair of wings waxy or scalelike covering is secreted and covers the
or, rarely, are wingless. The adult males lack mouth- body. In the armored scales (Diaspididae), this cover-
parts and do not feed; the abdomen terminates in one ing is separated from the body of the insect. The fe-
(rarely two) long, stylelike process (Figure 22-63A); males remain under the scale covering when they be-
and the hind wings are reduced to small, halterelike come adults to lay eggs or produce live young there.
processes that usually terminate in a hooked bristle. The males develop much like the females, except that
The antennae of the female may be lacking or may have the last instar preceding the adult stage is quiescent
up to 11 segments; the antennae of the male have and is often called a pupa. The wings develop exter-
10-25 segments. Male scale insects look very much nally in the pupa.
like small gnats, but they can usually be recognized by Family Margarodidae-Giant Coccids and Ground
the absence of mouthparts and the presence of a style- Pearls: This family contains about 45 North American
like process at the end of the abdomen. species and includes some of the largest species in the
superfamily. Some species of Llaveia and Callipappus Family Ortheziidae-Ensign sea les: The females in
mayreacha length of about 25 mm. The name "ground this group are distinctly segmented, elongate-oval, and
pearls"comes from the pearl-like appearance of the covered with hard, white, waxy plates (Figure 22-64A).
waxcysts of females in the genus Margarodes, which Some carry a white egg sac at the posterior end of the
liveon the roots of plants. The cysts of tropical Llaveia body. These insects may live on almost any part of the
speciesare used in making varnish. The cottony cush- host plant, including roots. There are 31 species of en-
ionscale, Icerya purchasi Maskell, is an important pest sign scales in the United States, 21 of which are in the
ofcitrusin the West. Several species in the genus Mat- genus Orthezia. One of these, O. insignis Browne, is a
sucoccusare pests of pines. common and important greenhouse pest.
Family Pseudococcidae-Mealybugs: The name
"mealybug" is derived from the mealy or waxy secre-
tions that cover the bodies of these insects. The body
of the female is elongate-oval, segmented, and has
well-developed legs (Figure 22-65). Some species lay
eggs, and others give birth to living young. When eggs
are laid, they are placed in loose, cottony wax. Mealy-
bugs may be found on almost any part of the host
This is a large group, with about 240 species in
North America. There are several important pest
species in this group. The citrus mealybug, Planococcus
citri (Risso), is a serious pest of citrus and also attacks
greenhouse plants. The longtailed mealybug, Pseudo-
coccus longispinus (Targioni- Tozzetti), is often found in
greenhouses, where it attacks a variety of plants. The
obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus affinis (Maskell), is a
widespread pest on both woody and herbaceous plants.
This family includes the tamarisk manna scale,
Trabutina mannipara (Ehrenberg), which is believed to
Figure22-64 A, an ensign scale, Orthezia solidaginis have produced the manna mentioned in the Bible. This
(Sanders),female; B, bur oak scale, Nanokermes pubescens species feeds on plants in the genus Tamarix, and the
(Bogue).(A, redrawn from Sanders; B, courtesy of the females excrete large amounts of honeydew. In arid re-
OhioAgriculturalResearch and Development Center.) gions the honeydew solidifies on the leaves and accu-
mulates in thick layers to form a sweet, sugarlike ma- species of Lecanodiaspis.Some of these are fairly corn-
terial called manna. mon and are occasionally pests of azalea, holly, and
Family Erioeoecidae-Felt Seales: These insects are other ornamentals. They often produce pits and
similar to the pseudococcids, but the body is bare or swellings on twigs.
only lightly covered with wax. The female and her eggs Family Aclerdidae-Grass Seales: This is a small
are often entirely enclosed in a feltlike saco This is a family (14 North American species), most of whose
widely distributed group, with about 55 species in the members feed on grasses. These scales usually live be-
United States. The European elm scale, Gossyparia neath the leaf sheaths or at the base of the plant, sorne-
spuria (Modeer), is a common pest of elms in North times on the roots. Two North American species feed
America and Europe. A sooty mold develops on the on Spanish moss, and some tropical species attack or-
honeydew secreted by this insecto The azalea bark chids.
scale, Acanthococcus azaleae (Comstock), is an impor- Family Coecidae-soft seales, Including Wax Seales,
tant pest of azaleas. The oak eriococcin, Acanthococcus and Tortoise seales: The females in this group are
quercus (Comstock), is a common pest on oaks in elongate-oval, usually convex but sometimes flat-
North America. tened, with a hard, smooth exoskeleton or a covering
Family Cryptoeoecidae-Bark-Crevice Seales: This of soft wax. Legs are usually present, and the antennae
family is represented in the United States by two are either absent or much reduced. The males may be
species of Cryptococcus, which occur in the northeast- winged or wingless.
ern states. They are found in bark crevices of beech and This is a large group, with about 105 North Amer-
sugar maple. ican species, a number of which are important pests.
Family Kermesidae-Gall-Like Seales: The females The brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidium L., and the
in this group are rounded and resemble small galls black scale, Saissetia oleae (Olivier), are importan!
(Figure 22-64B). Besides the 13 unplaced and uncer- pests of citrus in the South. The hemispherical scale,
tain species, about 22 species occur in the United Saissetia coffeae (Walker), is a common pest of ferns
States, and they are found on the twigs or leaves of oak. and other plants in homes and greenhouses. Several
Family Dactylopiidae-Coehineal Insects: These in- species in this group attack shade and fruit trees. The
sects resemble the mealybugs in appearance and habits. tulip-tree scale, Toumeyellaliriodendri (Gmelin), is one
The females are red, broadly oval in shape, and dis- of the largest scale insects in the United States, the
tinctly segmented, and the body is covered with white adult female being about 8 mm long. The cottony
wax. The group is represented in the United States by maple scale, Pulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon), is a
three species of Dactylopius, which live on cactus (Op- relatively large species (about 6 mm long) whose eggs
untia and Nopalea). A Mexican species, D. coccus are laid in a large, cottony mass that protrudes from the
Costa, is an important source of a crimson dye, and is end of the scale (Figure 22-66). Many soft scales (Fig-
still cultivated in the Canary Islands and in the tropical ure 22-67) attack a variety of plants and are often pests
Americas. Mature females are brushed from the cacti in greenhouses.
and dried, and the pigments are extracted from their
dried bodies. These insects were commercially more
important until about 1875, when aniline dyes were in-
Family Asteroleeaniidae-Pit seales: These insects
are calledpit scalesbecause many of them produce gall-
like pits or depressions in the bark of their hosts. This
group is a small one, with 17 species in the United
States, and they attack a variety of hosts. Some live on
the bark, and others live on the leaves of the host.
Family Ceroeoecidae-Ornate Pit Seales: This group
is represented in North America by five species of Cero-
coccus,which live on a variety of host plants. Cerococ-
cus kalmiae Ferris is occasionally a pest of azaleas and
cranberries. The oak wax scale, C. quercus Comstock,
lives on oak in California and Arizona, and the sugary
secretion and excretion in which it is encased was once
used as chewing gum by Native Americans.
Family Leeanodiaspididae-False Pit Seales: This Figure 22-66 The cottony rnaple scale, Pulvinaria in-
group is represented in the United States by about five numerabilis (Rathvon).
Keyto the subfamiliesof Cicadellidae 327
~ Figure 22-68 The San Jose scale,
~ Quadraspidiotusperniciosus (Comstock),
States. It attacks a number of different trees and shrubs, widely distributed species attacks a number of plants,
including orchard trees, shade trees, and ornamental including most fruit trees and many ornamental trees
shrubs, and when numerous it may kill the host planto and shrubs. Plants heavily infested are often killed. The
The scale cover is somewhat circular in shape. This oystershell scale lays eggs that overwinter under the
species gives birth to living young. scale cover of the female.
The oystershell scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.), is an- A number of other armored scales are somewhat
other economically important species. It is so named less important than the two just mentioned. The scurfy
because of the shape of its scale (Figure 22-69). This scale, Chionaspisjuifura (Fitch), is a common scale with
a whitish scale cover that attacks a number of fruit and
ornamental trees and shrubs. The rose scale, Aulacaspis
rosae (Bouché), is a reddish insect with a white scale and
attacks various types of berries and roses. Heavily in-
fested plants look as though they had been white-
washed. The pine needle scale, Chionaspis pinifoliae
(Fitch), is common throughout the United States and
Canada on pine, and sometimes attacks other conifers.
Several tropical or sub tropical species in this
group auack citrus and greenhouse plants. The Cali-
fornia red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell), is an im-
portant pest of citrus in California. The female has a
circular scale cover slighdy larger than that of the San
Jose scale.
Collecting and Preserving Hemiptera
"O The aquatic bugs can be collected by means of the
aquatic collecting equipment and methods described in
~ Chapter 35. A few aquatic species, particularly water
a:: boatmen and giant water bugs, can often be collected at
lights. Examine a variety of aquatic habitats, because
different species occur in different types of situations.
o Terrestrial forms can be collected with a net (particu-
C> larly by sweeping vegetation), at lights, or by examin-
ing such specialized habitats as in leaf liuer, under
bark, and in fungi.
Figure 22-69 The oystershell scale, Lepidosaphes A laboratory squeeze botde of 70% alcohol with a
~ Qfi¡i.., ft.. );X: long exit tube is sometimes useful in capturing active
"""'>:~f o.', ¡' VI
Collecting and Preserving Hemiptera 329
ground-dwelling bugs such as shore bugs. A hit with a captured. A field catch can be stored in 70 or 75% al-
squin ofalcohol will slow down the insect so that it cohol until the specimens can be mounted, but alcohol
canbepicked up with forceps. fades some colors. Preserve all nymphs in alcohol.
Themethods of collecting and preserving Auchen- Scale insects can be preserved in two general
orrhynchaand Sternorrhyncha vary with the group ways: The part of the plant containing the scales can
concerned. The active species are collected and pre- be collected, dried, and mounted (pinned or in a
servedmuch like other insects, but special techniques Riker mount), or the insects can be specially treated
areusedfor such forms as the aphids and scale insects. and mounted on a microscope slide. No special tech-
Mostof the active species are best collected by niques are involved in the first method, which is sat-
sweeping. Different species live on different types of isfactory if one is interested only in the form of the
to secure a large number of species, collect from scale. The insects themselves must be mounted on
asmanydifferent types of plants as possible. The microscope slides for detailed study. The best way to
smallerhoppingspecies can be removed from the net secure male scale insects is to rear them from colonies
withan aspirator, or the entire net contents can be found on the host plants. Very few are ever collected
stunned andsorted later. Forms that are not too active with a nel.
canbe collected from foliage or twigs directly into a In mounting a scale insect on a microscope slide,
jar, without using a nel. Some of the cicadas, the insect is removed, cleaned, stained, and mounted.
which spendmost of their time high in trees, can be Some general suggestions for mounting insects on mi-
collectedwith a long-handled nel. They can be dis- croscope slides are given in Chapter 35. The following
lodgedwitha long stick in the hope that they willland procedures are specifically recommended for mounting
netrange,or they can be shot down. Aslingshot
within scale insects:
with sand or fine shot can be used to collect ci-
cadasthatareout of reach. I. Place the dry scale insect, or fresh specimens that
have been in 70% alcohol for at least 2 hours, in
Thebest type of killing bottle for most Hemiptera
10% potassium hydroxide and warm at low tem-
~a smallvial such as that shown in Figure 35-2,
perature until the body contents are soft.
whichshould be partly filled with small pieces of
2. While the specimen is still in the potassium hy-
deansingtissue or lens papel. Bring along several
droxide, remove the body contents by making a
such vials,because large and heavy-bodied speci-
small hole in the body (at the anterior end or at
mens shouldnot be put into the same vial with small
the side where no taxonomically important char-
auddelicatespecimens. After specimens have been
acters will be damaged) and pressing the insect
take them from the vial and place them in pill-
with a flat spatula.
that are partly filled with cleansing tissue or
Cellucotton. 3. Transfer the specimen to acetic acid alcohol for
20 minutes or more. Acetic acid alcohol is made
Most Heteroptera are preserved dry on pins or
by mixing 1 part of acetic acid, 1 part of distilled
points.Pin the larger specimens through the scutellum,
water, and 4 parts of 95% alcohol by volume.
audthe smaller specimens through the right heme- 4. Stain in acid fuchsin for 10 minutes or more as
lyuon.In pinning a bug, take care not to destroy struc- needed. Then transfer to 70% alcohol for 5 to
on the ventral side of the thorax that will be used
15 minutes to wash out excess stain.
Most Heteroptera shorter than 10 mm
5. Transfer the specimen to 95% alcohol for 5 to
shouldbe rnounted on points. Mount specimens so 10 minutes.
thatthebeak, legs, and ventral side of the body are not
6. Transfer the specimen to 100% alcohol for 5 to
embeddedin glue. The point should not extend be- 10 minutes.
yond the middle of the ventral side of the insecto
7. Transfer the specimen to clove oil for 10 minutes
Cicadas, the various hoppers, whiteflies, and psyl- or more.
Udsare usually mounted dry, on either pins or points. 8. Mount in Canada balsam.
Ifpinning a larger hopper, pin it through the right
9. Dry slides for two weeks in a drying oven at 40°C
wing.Whiteflies and psyllids are sometimes preserved
before permanently labelling and studying.
inOuidsand mounted on microscope slides for study.
Aphidsthat are pinned or mounted on points usually Aphids shouId be preserved in 80% alcohol and
shrivel.Preserve these insects in fluids, and mount can often be collected from the plant directly into a vial
themon microscope slides for detailed study. of alcohol. Winged forms are usually necessary for spe-
It is desirable to mount these insects, particularly cific identification and should be mounted on micro-
thesoft-bodied ones, as soon as possible after they are scope slides.
330 Chapter22 OrderHemiptera
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Ben-Dov, Y. 1993. A Systematic Catalogue of the 50ft Scale In- didae, Neididae. Amer. Mid!. Nat. 27(3):591-609 (1942).
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Staddon, B. W 1979. The scent glands of Heteroptera. Ad- gruence between rnorphological and rnolecular data sets.
vances in Insect Physiology, 14:351-418. Entorno\. Scand. 24:121-137.
Stys, P. 1989. Phylogenetic systernatics of the rnost prirnitive Williarns, M. L., and M. Kosztarab. 1972. Morphology and
true bugs (Heteroptera: Enicocephalornorpha, Dipso- systernatics of the Coccidae of Virginia, with notes on
corornoropha). Prace Slov. Entorno\. Spo\. SAV, Bratislava their biology (Hornoptera: Coccoidea). Va. Polytech. Inst.
8:69-85. State Univ. Res. Div. Bull. 74, 215 pp.
Stys, P., and A. ]ansson. 1988. Check-list of recent farnily- Wygodzinsky, P. 1966. A rnonograph of the Ernesinae (Reduvi-
group narnes of Nepornorpha (Heteroptera) of the world. idae: Herniptera). Bull. Arner. Mus. Nat. Hist.133, 614 pp.
Acta Entorno\. Fenn. 50:1-44. Wygodzinsky, P., and K. Schrnidt. 1991. Revision of the New
Stys, P., and I. Kerzhner. 1975. The rank and nornenclature of World Enicocephalornorpha (Heteroptera). Bul\. Ameri-
higher taxa in recent Heteroptera. Acta Entorno\. Bohe- can Mus. Nat. Hist. 200, 165 pp.
rnoslovaca 72:64-79. Young, D. A. 1952. A reclassification of western hernisphere
Sweet, M. H. 1960. The seed bugs: A contribution to the feed- Typhlocybinae (Hornoptera, Cicadellidae). Univ. Kan.
ing habits of the Lygaeidae (Herniptera-Heteroptera). Sci. Bull. 35:3-217.
Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 53:317-321. Young, D. A. 1968. Taxonornic study of the Cicadellinae (Ho-
Usinger, R. L. 1943. A revised classification of the Reduvoidea rnoptera: Cicadellidae). Part 1: Proconiini. Srnithson.
with a new subfarnily frorn South Arnerica (Herniptera). Inst. Bull. 261, 287 pp.
Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 36:602-618. Young, D. A. 1977. Taxonornic study of the Cicadellinae (Ho-
Usinger, R. L. 1956. Aquatic Herniptera. In R. L. Usinger rnoptera: Cicadellidae). Part 2: New World Cicadellini and
(Ed.), Aquatic Insects of California, with Keys te North the genus Cicadella. N.e. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul\., Raleigh, N.
American Genera and California Species, pp. 182-228. e. 235, 1135 pp.
Berkeley: University of California Press, illus.
23 Order Thysanoptera1.2
he thrips are minute, slender-bodied insects 0.5 to usually called larvae. In at least some cases, the wings
T 5.0 mm long (some tropical species are nearly are developing internally during these two instars. In
13mm long). Wings may be present or absent. When the suborder Terebrantia, the third and fourth instars
fullydeveloped, the four wings are very long and nar- (only the third instar in Franklinothrips) are inactive,
row,with few or no veins, and fringed with long hairs. do not feed, and have external wings; the third instar
Thefringe of hairs on the wings gives the order its is called the propupa, and the fourth the pupa. The
name. pupa is sometimes enclosed in a cocoon. In the sub-
The mouthparts (Figure 23-1) are of the sucking order Tubulifera, the third instar propupa (without
type,and the proboscis is a stout, conical, asymmetri- external wings) is followed by two "pupal" instars,
calstructure located posteriorly on the ventral surface the fourth and the fifth. The stage following the pupa
ofthe head. The labrum forms the front of the pro- is the adult. This type of metamorphosis resembles
boscis;the basal portions of the maxillae forrn the simple metamorphosis in that more than one pre-
sides;and the labium forrns the rear. There are three adult instar (except in Franklinothrips) has external
slylets:one mandible (the left one; the right mandible wings. lt resembles complete metamorphosis in that
isvestigial) and the laciniae of the two maxillae. Both at least some of the wing development is internal,
maxillaryand labial palps are present, but short. The and there is a quiescent (pupal) instar preceding the
hypopharynx is a small median lobe in the proboscis. adult.
The mouthparts of thrips have been described as The two sexes of thrips are similar in appearance,
'punch and suck": The mandible is used to break up but the males are usually smaller. Parthenogenesis oc-
theplant cells, and the two maxillary stylets are joined curs in many species. Those thrips that have an ovipos-
10fonn a tube through which the plant liquids or fun- itor usually insert their eggs in plant tissues. The thrips
galspore are sucked and ingested (Heming 1993, Kirk that lack an ovipositor usually lay their eggs in crevices
1997).The food is generally ingested in liquid form, or under bark. Young thrips are relatively inactive.
bUIminute spores are also sometimes ingested. Generally there are several generations ayear.
Theantennae are short and four- to nine-segmented. A great many of the thrips are plant feeders, at-
Thetarsi are one- or two-segmented, with one or two tacking flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs, or buds. They
I claws, and are bladderlike at the tipoAn ovipositor is feed on a wide variety of plants. They are particularly
presentin some thrips. In others, the tip of the abdomen abundant in the flower heads of daisies and dande-
istubularand an ovipositor is lacking. lions. They destroy plant cells by their feeding, and
The metamorphosis of thrips is somewhat inter- some species act as vectors of plant disease. Many
mediatebetween simple and complete (Figure 23-2). species are serious pests of cultivated plants. A few
Thefirst two instars have no wings externally and are thrips feed on fungus spores, and a few are preda-
ceous on other small arthropods. These insects some-
'Tbysanoptera: Ihysano, fringe; plera, wings. times occur in enormous numbers, and a few species
'Ibis chapter was edited by Steve Nakahara. may bite people. 333
334 Chapter23 OrderThysanoptera
~~/stY-~~~~~ D
A B e D
A "'ovp------- B e
3(2). Antennae with segments 3 and 4 each with a conical sense cone
(Figure 23-6B), 9-segmented Adiheterothripidae p. 338
3/. Antennae with segments 3 and 4 each with a slender, simple or forked
sense cone, 6- to 9-segmented (Figures 23-5D,E) Thripidae p.338
4(2/). Antennae segments 3 and 4 each with an apical row or band of small
sensoria encircling segment (Figure 23-5C, sa) Heterothripidae p.338
4/. Antennal segments 3 and 4 without a row or band of small sensoria 5
5(4/). Antenna 8-segmented, segments 3 and 4 with rather large, apical,
tympanum-like sensoria (Figure 23-5A, sa); pronotum with
longitudinal suture on each side; ovipositor reduced; abdominal
segment 10 with pair of trichobothria (Figure 23-6C) Merothripidae p. 338
5/. Antenna 9-segmented, segments 3 and 4 with sensoria oval,
elongate longitudinally or transverse near apex; pronotum without
longitudinallateral sutures; ovipositor well developed, with teeth;
abdominal segment 10 with or without small trichobothria 6
Keyto the Familiesof Thysanoptera 337
Figure23-6 Characters of
D Thysanoptera. A, antenna of Parre/-
lathrips ullmanae Mound and Marullo
(Fauriellidae); B, antenna of Oligothrips
oreios Moulton (Adiheterothripidae);
e, tergite X of Merothrips(Merothripidae);
D, tergite X of Me/anthrips (Aeolothripi-
dae). (A, courtesy of New York Entomo-
A logical Society; B, courtesy of University
of California Press; e, D, courtesy of The
B Linnean Society of London.)
338 Chapter23 OrderThysanoptera
Family Adiheterothripidae: Several members of this pronotum, the large fore and hind femora, and the fre-
small family were formerly assigned to the Het- quent presence of a hooklike process on the inner apex
erothripidae. The two species in North America are dis- of the fore tibia. A common species, Merothrips morgani
tinguished from other families by antennal segments 3 Hood (Figure 23-4F), occurs in the eastern United
and 4 having a conical sense cone (Figure 23-6B). States under bark, in debris, and in fungi. Merothrips
Oligothrips oreios Moulton occurs in blossoms of floridensis Watson also occurs in similar habitats in the
madrone and manzanita in California and Oregon; Her- eastern and southern states and in other countries.
atythrips sauli Mound and Marullo was recently dis- Family Heterothripidae:This family is known only
covered in California. from the Western Hemisphere, and only one genus,
Family Aeolothripidae: The fore wings in this group Heterothrips, occurs in North America (Figure 23-4E).
are relatively broad (Figure 23-4G), with two longitu- The adults are usually dark, the abdomen has many mi-
dinal veins extending from the base of the wing nearly crotrichia on the abdominal segments, the fore wing
to the tip, and usually with several crossveins. The has two complete rows of veinal setae, and the sensoria
adults are dark, and often the wings are banded cross- on antennal segments 3 and 4 are small and arranged
wise or longitudinally. There are about 62 nominal in a row or band encireling the apex of the segment.
species in North America. Most belong in the genus Several species of Heterothrips occur on trees (buckeye,
Aeolothrips, which ineludes several predatory species. oak, and willow) and flowers (azalea, wild rose, and
The most common species in this group, Aeolothrips jack-in-the-pulpit) and in the buds of wild grape.
fasciatus (L.), is about 1.6 mm long, dark brown, with Family Thripidae-Common Thrips: This family is
three white bands on the fore wings. The larvae are yel- the largest in the Terebrantia in North America and
lowish, shading into orange posteriorly. This species contains most of the species that are of economic im-
occurs on various plants and is often common in the portance. The wings are narrower than in the Ae-
flower heads of elover. It feeds on other thrips, aphids, olothripidae and are more pointed at the tipo The an-
mites, and other small insects. It is widely distributed tennae are six- to nine-segmented, and segments 3 and
in North America and Europe. 4 each have a protruding, simple or forked sense cone.
Family Fauriellidae: A recently described species Most species are macropterous, but may also have
from California, parrellathrips ullmanae Mound and apterous or brachypterous forms. Several species are
Marullo, taken from canyon silktassel, Ganya veatchii predominantly apterous or brachypterous. Most
Kellogg (Garryaceae), is the only representative in species feed primarily on plants. Members of the genus
North America of this small disjunct family. In total, the Scolothrips are predaceous, and a few species in other
group consists of only five species in four genera. This genera are occasionally predaceous.
family is distinguished from other families in North The pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel)
America by the 9-segmented antennae with numerous (Figure 23-4B), attacks the buds, blossoms, young
microtrichia on most segments, a transverse sensoria leaves, and fruits of pears, plums, cherries, and other
near the apex of segments 3 and 4 (Figure 23-6A), the plants. The adults are brown with pale wings, 1.2 to
fore wing is pointed at the apex, and the ovipositor is 1.3 mm long, and have a distinctive small elaw at the
curved downward. tip of the fore tarsus. This species has a single genera-
Family Merothripidae:The members of this group tion ayear and overwinters as a pupa and adult in the
may be recognized by the sensoria on the apex of soil. The adults emerge in early spring, feed, then
antennal segments 3 and 4, which is tympanum-like oviposit on the petioles of leaves and fruits. The young
and usually rather large, a pair of trichobothria on ab- feed until about june, when they drop to the ground
dominal segment la, two longitudinal sutures on the and burrow into the soil to pupate. This species occurs
Collecting and Preserving Thysanoptera 339
inthewestern coastal states and British Columbia, the tled wings. Most of them feed on fungal mycelia and
Donheastemstates and south to Virginia, and in the spores, and breakdown products of fungal action. Some
GreatLakes states and provinces. Thrips calcaratus are predaceous, feeding on small insects and mites. A
Uzelis another invasive thrips with a brown col- few are plant feeders, and some of these may be of eco-
oration,fore tarsal tooth, and life cycle all similar to nomic importance. The lily bulb thrips, Liothrips va-
thatofthe pear thrips. This thrips damages native bass- neeckei Priesner, is a dark-colored species about 2 mm
wood in the Great Lakes area of Wisconsin and Min- long (Figure 23-4C) that feeds on lilies and injures the
Desola, and is found eastward to Vermont. bulbs. The Cuban laurel thrips, Gynaikothrips ficorum
Thegladiolus thrips, Taeniothripssimplex (Morison), (Marcha!), feeds on leaves of Ficus, a tropical plant
isa serious pest of gladiolus, injuring the leaves and grown outdoors and indoors. Feeding by the deve!op-
gready reducing the size, development, and color of the ing colonies causes curling of the leaves. Haplothrips
ilowers.It has a brown body, fore wing, and antenna, leucanthemi (Schrank) is a black thrips that is common
exceptfor a yellow segment 3 (Figure 23-4A). The in daisy and red clover flowers. The mullein thrips,
oDion thrips, Thrips tabaciLindeman, is a widely dis- H. verbesci (Osbom), is often found in European
tributedspecies that attacks onions, beans, and many mullein. Haplothrips kurdjumovi Kamy preys on mi te
other plants.It is a pale yellowish or brownish insect and moth eggs and is found in the eastem and north-
1.0to 1.2 mm long. It vectors the tospovirus causing em states and Canada. The black hunter, Leptothrips
tornato spotted wilt disease in tomatoes and other plants. mali (Fitch), is a fairly common predaceous species.
Hdiothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché)(Figure23-4D) is a Aleurodothrips fasciapennis (Morgan), which is com-
tropical species that occurs outdoors in the warmer mon in Florida, is predaceous on whiteflies.
pans of the world and is aserious pest in greenhouses
intheNorth. The male of this species is very rare. The
ilowerthrips, Frankliniella tritici (Fitch), is a common
andpolyphagous species in the eastern half of the Colleding and Preserving Thysanoptera
United States,and is a pest of fruit trees, flowers, grains,
andtruckcrops. It is slender, usually yellow with light Thrips can be found on flowers, foliage, fruits, bark,
brown areason the abdominal tergites;in northern ar- and fungi and in debris. The species occurring on veg-
easit may be brown. The most serious thrips pest of etation are most easily collected by sweeping. They can
manycrops is the western flower thrips, E occiden- be removed from the net by stunning the entire net con-
(Pergande),which occurs throughout North Amer- tents and soning out the thrips later, or the net contents
iea,either outdoors or in greenhouses. During colder can be shaken out onto a paper and the thrips picked up
temperaturesor at higher elevations, it is predomi- with an aspirator or with a moistened camel's-hair
nandy brown, but in warm temperatures it is yellow brush. Dark species are best seen on a light paper, and
withbrownareas on the abdominal tergites.In addition light species on a dark paper. If host data are desired,
lOilS feeding damage, it is a vector of several collect the specimens directly from the host planto The
tospoviruses causing diseases such as the tomato spot- best way to collect flower-frequenting species is to col-
ledwill.During spring in California, this thrips feeds lect the flowers in a paper bag and examine them later
00spider mites on cotton plants. The tobacco thrips, in the laboratory. The species that occur in debris and
F.fusca(Hinds), is also polyphagous and a vector of in similar situations are usually collected by means of a
tornatospoued wilt virus on peanuts in the southern Berlese funne! (Figure 35-5) or by sifting the material
states.It is brown with a light brown fore wing, and is in which they occur. A beating sheet or its equivalent is
macropterousor brachypterous. The six-spotted thrips, very effective for species in all microhabitats.
Scolothrips sexmaculatus(Pergande), is a liule less than Thrips should be preserved in liquid and mounted
amillimeterlong and is yellow with three black spots on microscope slides for detailed study. They can be
00each front wing. It is predaceous on plant-feeding mounted on points, but specimens so mounted are
mites.The grain thrips, Limothrips cerealium (Haliday), usually not very satisfactory. The best killing solution
isadarkbrown to black thrips, 1.2 to 1.4 mm long, that is AGA, which contains 8 parts of 95% alcohol, 5 parts
feedson cereals and grasses. It is sometimes quite of distilled water, 1 pan of glycerine, and 1 pan of
abundant,forms large flights, and may bite people. glacial acetic acid. After a few weeks, transfer speci-
FamilyPhlaeothripidae: This is the largest family of mens from this solution to 60% ethanol for permanent
Thysanoptera,and most species are larger and have a preservation (Mound and Pitkin 1972). If AGA is not
stouter bodythan the thrips in the suborder Terebran- available, 60% ethanol can be used. Avoid significantly
tia.One Australian species, Idolothrips marginatus higher concentrations, beca use they harden the body
Haliday, is 10-14 mm long. These thrips are mostly and appendages, creating problems with clearing the
darkbrownor black, often with light-colored or mot- specimen and spreading the appendages.
340 Chapter23 OrderThysanoptera
Bailey, S. E 1940. The distribution of injurious thrips in the Mound, L. A., and K O'Neill. 1974. Taxonorny of the
United States. J. Econ. Entornol. 33(1):133-136. Merothripidae, with ecological and phylogenetic consid-
Bailey, S. E 1951. The genus Aeolothrips Haliday in North erations (Thysanoptera). J. Nat. Hist. 8:481-509.
Arnerica. Hilgardia 21(2):43-80. Mound, L. A., and B. R. Pitkin. 1972. Micrascopic wholernounts
Bailey, S. E 1957. The thrips of California. Part 1: Suborder of thrips (Thysanoptera). Entornol. Gaz. 23:121-125.
Terebrantia. Bull. Calif. Insect Surv. 4(5):143-220. Nakahara, S. 1994. The genus Thrips Linnaeus (Thysanoptera:
Bailey, S. E, and H. E. Cott. 1954. A review of the genus Het- Thripidae) of tl-teNew World. USDA Tech. Bull. 1822:1-183.
erothrips Hood (Thysanoptera: Heterothripidae) in North Nakahara, S. 1995. Review of the Nearctic species of
Arnerica, with descriptions of two new species. Ann. En- Anaphothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Insecta Mundi
tornol. SocoArner. 47:614-635. 9:221-248.
Cott, H. E. 1956. Systernatics of the Suborder Tubulifera Nakahara, S. 1995. Ewartithrips, new genus (Thysanoptera:
(Thysanoptera) in California. Berkeley: University of Thripidae) and four new species frarn California. J. New
California Press, 216 pp. York Entornol. SOCo103:229-250.
Herning, B. S. 1991. Order Thysanoptera. In E W Stehr (Ed.), O'Neill, K, and R. S. Bigelow. 1964. The Taeniothrips of
Irnrnature Insects, vol. 2, pp. 1-21. Dubuque, lA: Canada. Can. Entornol. 96:1219-1239.
KendalVHunt. Pesson, P. 1951. Ordre des Thysanoptera Haliday, 1836
Herning, B. S. 1993. Structure, function" ontogeny, and evo- (= Physapoda Burm., 1838) ou thrips. Traité de Zoologie
lution of feeding in thrips (Thysanoptera). In E C. W 10: 1805-1869.
Schaefer and R. A. B. Leschen (Eds.), Functional rnor- Peterson, A. 1915. Morphological studies on the head and
phology of insect feeding. Thornas Say Publications in rnouthparts of the Thysanoptera. Ann. Entornol. Soco
Entornology, Praceedings. Lanharn, MD: Entornological Arner.8:20-67.
Society of Arnerica, 162 pp. Sakirnura, K, and K O'Neill. 1979. Frankliniella, redefinition
Huntsinger, D. M., R. L. Post, and E. U. Balsbaugh, Jr. 1982. of genus and revision of minuta graup species
North Dakota Terebrantia (Thysanoptera). North Dakota (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). USDA Tech. Bull. 1572.49 pp.
Insects Schafer-Post Series, no. 14. Fargo, ND: Entornol- Stannard, L. J. 1957. The phylogeny and classification of the
ogy Departrnent, North Dakota State University, 102 pp. North American genera of the suborder Tubulifera
Kirk, W D. J. 1997. Feeding. In T. Lewis (Ed.), Thrips as (Thysanoptera). Ill. Biol. Monogr. No. 25, 200 pp.
Crap Pests. New York: CAB International, 740 pp. Stannard, L. J. 1968. The thrips, or Thysanoptera, of Illinois.
Lewis, T. 1973. Thrips, Their Biology, Ecology and Econornic Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 29:215-552.
Irnportance. New York: Acadernic Press, 350 pp. Thornasson, G. 1., and R. L. Post. 1966. North Dakota Tubu-
Mound, L. A., B. S. Herning, and J. M. Palrner. 1980. Phylo- lifera (Thysanoptera). North Dakota Insects Publ. No. 6.
genetic relationships between the farnilies of recent Fargo, ND: Departrnent of Entornology, Agricultural Ex-
Thysanoptera. Zool. J. Linn. Soco London 69: 111-141. perirnent Station, North Dakota State University, 58 pp.
Mound, L. A., and R. Marullo. 1996. The thrips of Central and Vance, T. C. 1974. Larvae of Sericothripini (Thysanoptera:
South Arnerica: an introduction (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Thripidae), with reference to other larvae of the Tere-
Mern. Entornol. Internat. 6:1-487. brantia of Illinois. Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 31:143-208.
Mound, L. A., and R. Marullo. 1998. Two new basal-clade Wilson, T. H. 1975. A rnonograph of the subfarnily Pan-
Thysanoptera frarn California with Old World affinities. chaetothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Mern. Arner.
J. New York Entornol. SOCo106:81-94. Entornol. Inst. 23:1-354.
24 Order Psocoptera1,2
he psocids are small, soft-bodied insects, most of The eggs of psocids are laid singly or in clusters
T which are less than 6 mm long. Wings may be pres- and are sometimes covered with silk or debris. Most
entor absent, and both long-winged and short-winged species pass through six nymphal instars. Some
individualsoccur in some species. The winged forms species are gregarious, living under thin silk webs.
havefour membranous wings (rarely two, with the One southern species, Archipsocus nomas Gurney, of-
hindwings vestigial). The fore wings are a little larger ten makes rather conspicuous webs on tree trunks
thanthe hind wings, and the wings at rest are usually and branches.
heldrooflike over the abdomen. The antennae are gen- Certain psocids (species of Liposcdis and Rhyopso-
eraUyfairly long; the tarsi are two- or three-segmented; cus) have be en found capable of acting as intermedia te
and cerci are lacking. Psocids have mandibulate hosts of the fringed tapeworm of sheep, Thysanosoma
mouthparts, and the clypeus is large and somewhat ostinioides Diesing.
swoUen.The metamorphosis is simple (Figure 24-1).
Some 85 genera and about 340 species of psocids
are known from the United States and Canada, but
mostpeople see only a few species that live in houses Classification of the Psocoptera
orother buildings. Most species found in buildings are
winglessand, because they often live among books or A number of different classifications have been used for
papers,are usually called booklice. The majority of the Psocoptera, and they differ in the principal criteria
psocidsare outdoor species with well-developed wings. used in dividing up the order, the number of families
Theylive on the bark or foliage of trees and shrubs, recognized, and the placement of some genera. The
underbark or stones, or in dead leaves. These psocids principal classifications are those of Pearman (1936),
aresometimes called barklice. Roesler (1944), Badonnel (1951), and Smithers
Some psocids feed on algae and lichens. Others (1972). We follow here the arrangement of Badonnel,
feedon molds, cereals, pollen, fragments of dead in- with minor revisions.
sects,and similar materials. The term "lice" in the A synopsis of the Psocoptera in the United States
names"booklice" and "barklice" is somewhat mislead- and Canada is given next, with alterna te names and
ing,because none of these insects is parasitic, although arrangements in parentheses. The groups marked with
a few are phoretic on birds and mammals. Relatively an asterisk (*) are seldom encountered.
feware louselike in appearance. The species living in
buildingsrarely cause much damage, but are frequently Suborder Trogiomorpha
anuisance. Lepidopsocidae
Trogiidae (Atropidae)
IPsocoptera:psoco: rub small; ptera, wings (referring to the gnawing Psoquillidae (Trogiidae in part)
habitsof these insects). Psyllipsocidae (Psocatropidae)
'Ihis chapter was prepared by Edward L. Mockford. Prionoglarididae (Psyllipsocidae, in part)* 341
342 Chapter24 OrderPsocoptera
Ve B
24-1 Deve10pmental stages of the psocid Ectopsocopsiscryptomeriae (Enderlein)
(EclOpsocidae). A, eggs; B, third instar; C, first instar; D, adult female; E, sixth instar.
(Courtesy of Sommerman.)
The families marked with an asterisk (*) are small and are unlike1y to be encountered by
the general collector. This key is based on adults (for a key to nymphs, see Mockford
1987). All psocid nymphs have two-segmented tarsi, either no wing pads or fleshy wing
pads (Figure 24-1E), and no external genitalia (Figure 24-2F). lt is necessary lOmake at
least temporary slide preparations for some parts of this key; see the section on collect-
ing and preserving Psocoptera, at the end of the chapter.
/7!\ _ S gp
F tvlv
~ '"
". ",
", o,. _" 0,_ 00'
Figure24-2 Abdominal structures of Psocoptera. A, Psyllipsocus, female (Psyllipsocidae), terminal abdominal seg-
ments,ventral view; B, Echmepteryx, female (Lepidopsocidae), terminal abdominal segments, ventral view; e, subgeni-
talplate of female Mesopsocus(Mesopsocidae); D, subgenital plate of female Elipsocus (Elipsocidae); E, subgenital plate
andleft ovipositor valvulae of Archipsocus (Archipsocidae); F, lateral view of abdomen of nymph of Amphipsocidae;
G,ovipositor valvulae of Trichopsocus(Trichopsocidae); H, ovipositor valvulae of Peripsocus (Peripsocidae); 1, oviposi-
lorvalvulae of Nepiomorpha (Elipsocidae); J, left ovipositor valvulae of Lachesilla (Lachesillidae); K, comb of 10th
abdominaltergum of Ectopsocusmale (Ectopsocidae); L, phallosome of Peripsocusmale (Peripsocidae); M, phallosome
ofEctopsocusmale (Ectopsocidae). en, endophallus; ept, epiproct; sgp, subgenital plate; tv, transverse vesic1e;vlv¡_J'
ovipositorvalvulae 1-3.
344 Chapter24 OrderPsocoptera
B e
2'. Female with ovipositor valvulae of opposite sides touching along ventral
midline (Figure 24-2B); subgenital plate much reduced; in long-winged
forms, veins CU2and lA of fore wing ending separately on wing margin
(Figure 24-4C); hind wing with no closed cells, or if 1 closed cell present
then at least fore wing densely clothed with scales or hairs (Figure 24-4D);
wings reduced in some forms (venation absent in some of these) 4
Front wings of Trogiomorpha and Troetomorpha. A, Speleketor (Prionoglarididae);
B, Psyllipsocus (Psyllipsocidae); C, Echmepteryx, seales and marginal hairs removed
(Lepidopsocidae); D, Echmepteryx, eell R" enlarged, seales and marginal hairs intaet;
E, Embidopsocus(Liposeelididae); F, Nanopsocus (Paehytroetidae).
3(2). Se of fore wing deseribing a eurve and rejoining R¡ distally (Figure 24-4A);
lacinia totally absent or at least laeking terminal tines (Figure H-3D) Prionoglarididae* p.351
3' Segment of Se in fore wing absent from near wing base to base of
pterostigma (Figure 24-4B); lacinia persistent in adult and with terminal
tines (Figure24-3E) Psyllipsocidae p.351
4(2'). Body and fore wings densely clothed in seales or long hairs or both
(Figure 24-4D); fore wings usually well developed, usually pointed
apieally (Figure 24-4C), never redueed to pads extending less than
one fourth length of abdomen lepidopsocidae p. 351
4'. Body and wings never scaled; fore wings variably developed, frorn fully
developed to nearly absent 5
5(4'). Fore wings well developed or reduced, but always with veins
(Figure 24-5C); hind wings developed or absent Psoquillidae p.351
5'. Fore wings reduced to tiny scales or buttons (Figure 24-5B), never with
veins Trogiidae p.351
6(1'). Antennae ll- to 17-segrnented, with secondary annulations (Figure 24-3A)
(suborderTroctornorpha) 7
6'. Antennae 13-segrnented, lacking secondary annulations (suborder
Psocornorpha) 10
e D
7(6). Wings, when present, never scaled; either held fIat over back when at rest
with fore wing of one side largely covering that of other side, or fore
wings elytriform; wings frequently reduced or absent 8
7'. Wings always present, not held fIat over back in repose; fore wings clothed
with scales, never elytriform Amphientomidae p. 353
8(7). Fore wings, when present, with complete venation (Figure 24-4F);
mesothorax and metathorax distinctly separate in both winged and
wingless forms Pachytroctidae p.352
8' Fore wings, when present, with venation greatly reduced (Figure 24-4E);
in all apterous forms mesothorax and metathorax indistinguishably fused 9
9(8'). In alate forms, both front and hind wings present, fIat and delicate; eyes
near vertex, hemispherical, compound; in apterous forms, eyes removed
from vertex, each consisting of 2 large elements alone or preceded by 8 or
fewer smaller ocelloids (Figure 24-31); thoracic sterna broad and bearing
setae (Figure 24-6A) liposcelididae p.351
9' In alate forms, fore wings convex, elytriform; in all forms, eyes removed
from vertex, composed of few ocelloids, none greatly enlarged; thoracic
sterna narrow, without setae Sphaeropsocidae* p. 353
10(6'). Head long dorsoventrally; labrum with 2 oblique, strongly sclerotized
ridges internally that are clearly visible externally (Figure 24-3B); wings
usually much redueed; long-winged forms with Rs and M of fore wing not
touehing, eonnected by distinct erossvein (Figure 24-7 A,B) 11
lO'. Head short, wide; labrum internally on either side with only small
sclerotized tubercle, the two sometimes eonneeted by sclerotized areh;
below areh, or between the pair of tubercles lies a clear semicireular area
bordering anterior margin (Figure 24-3C); long-winged forms with Rs
and M of fore wing variable, joined together for short distanee, or at a
point, or by erossvein 12
~ pul
A CUlo B
- R,
R, R
M, M,
1A CU2
e CUlo M3
R, R2+3
R4+ 5
1A CUlo
duction, but always with distinct venation. Psoquilla
Themembers of suborder Trogiomorpha have more marginepunctata Hagen lives in houses in the South-
than20 antennal segments, the labial palps are two- east. Species of Rhyopsocus live in dead leaves hanging
segmented,and the tarsi are three-segmented. Anten- on plants and in ground litter in the southern states.
nalflagellar segments are never seeondarily annulated, Family Psyllipsocidae: The psyllipsocids are pale-
although rings of microtrichia that resemble annula- colored and live in a variety of situations. Psyllipsocus
tionsare sometimes present. ramburii Selys-Longchamps lives in damp, dark places
FamilyLepidopsocidae: These psocids live on trees, such as cellars and caves. It is common around the
shrubs, and stone outerops. The wings are slender, openings of wine and vinegar barreIs. Psyllipsocus ocu-
usuallypointed apically, and wings and body are usu- latus Gurney lives on persistent dead leaves of yucca
allycovered with seales. The group is primarily tropi- plants in arid areas of the Southwest. Both long- and
cal,with 15 species in the United States. Echmepteryx short-winged individuals oeeur in most species.
hageni(Packard) is common on trees and stone out- Family prionoglarididae:This family is represented
cropsthroughout the eastern states. in the United States by the genus Speleketor, medium-
FamilyTrogiidae:Most members of this familyhave sized, rather pale forms with broad, unmarked wings.
tbewings reduced, but none are completely wingless. They live in caves and on the skirts of the native palm
Speciesof Cerobasis are common on shrubs and trees in Washingtonia filifera in the Southwest.
tbeSouthwest. A few species live in buildings: Lepino- SUBORDERTroctomorpha:The members of this
tusinquilinus Heyden is often found in granaries, and suborder have more than 13 but fewer than 20 anten-
Trogium pulsatorium(L.) livesin houses, barns, and gra- nal segments, with the flagellar segments seeondarily
nariesin the Northeast. Females of some trogiids pro- annulated (Figure 24-3A). The labial palpi are two-
ducea sound by tapping the abdomen on the substrate. segmented, and the tarsi are three-segmented.
Family Psoquillidae:Members of this family may be Family Liposcelididae:Most members of this group
fullywinged or have the wings in various stages of re- live under bark, in dead leaves and dead grass, and in
352 Chapter
24 OrderPsocoptera
bird and mammal nests. They are either fully winged 1 mm long, with enlarged hind femora (Figure 24-8D).
with wings held fiat over the back at rest, or completely Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel has become a rather
wingless. Several species of Liposcelis live commonly in important pest in houses and warehouses in Europe,
buildings. They are found in dusty places where the Australia, and parts of North America.
temperature and humidity are high, on shelves, in Family Pachytroctidae:Only six species in this fam-
cracks of windowsills, behind loose wallpaper, and in ily occur in the United States. Nanopsocus oceanicus
similar situations. They are wingless psocids about Pearman lives in houses in the Southeast. lt and severa]
~., --.---
/ ~~.
1. G
speciesof Tapinella live on leaves of native palms in the Family Asiopsocidae:These psocids appear to be in-
Gulfstates. habitants of twigs of small trees and shrubs. One
Family Sphaeropsocidae: These are small psocids species of Asiopsocus, A. sonorensis Mockford and
with elytriform fore wings. Two species have been Garcia-Aldrete, occurs in southern Arizona. The tropi-
foundin ground litter in California. cal genera Notiopsocus and Pronotipsocus each have a
Family Amphientomidae: These psocids resemble representative in southern Florida.
theLepidopsocidae in having the wings and body cov- Family Elipsocidae:This family includes forrns with
ered with scales. They are mainly tropical, but one 2- as well as 3-segmented tarsi. Fifteen species in six gen-
speciesof Stimulopalpus, S. japonicus Enderlein, has era are known from the United States. Cuneopalpus
beenintroduced from Asia and lives commonly on ce- cyanops (Rostock) was introduced from Europe and has
mentstructures and stone outcrops in forest areas from become established in coastal regions of California and
Virginiaand Nonh Carolina west to Arkansas. New York. Four species of Elipsocus, probably introduced
SUBORDERPsocomorpha:The antennae in these from Europe, live on conifers and broad-Ieaf trees in the
psocids usually have 13 segments, never more. The Pacific Northwest. Native species of this genus, some still
labialpalps are one-segmented, and the tarsi are two- undescribed, are found in the Rocky Mountains and
orthree-segmented. other upland areas, as well as in conifer forests in north-
FamilyEpipsocidae:This family is represented in the ern Wisconsin. Propsocus pulchripenis (Perkins), of un-
UnitedStates by four species. Two species of Bertkauia known origin, is established in some coastal counties of
aremoderately common, one on shaded rock outcrops California. Reuterella helvimacula Enderlein, also known
andadjacent tree trunks, the other in forest ground lit- from Europe, lives on stone outcrops and tree trunks in
ter.Twospecies of Epipsocus, probably introduced from several northern states. Species of Palmicola live on
theAmerican tropics, occur in southern Florida. palms, oaks, and conifers in the southeastern states.
Fami/y Ptiloneuridae: This Neotropical group is Family Philotarsidae: This is one of several families
closelyrelated to the Epipsocidae. lt is represented in in which setae of the posterodistal margin of the fore
theUnited States by a single, rare species occurring on wing form a series of crossing pairs (Figure 24-7J).
stoneoutcrops in southern Arizona. North American species have three tarsal segments. AI-
FamilyCaeciliusidae:These are leaf-inhabiting pso- though only six species are known from the United
cidson both conifers and broad-Ieaf trees. Most are States, these insects may become abundant locally in
long-winged,but some ground litter species have both late summer. Philotarsus kwakiutl Mockford is com-
long-wingedand shon-winged females. Five genera are mon on conifers in the Pacific Northwest; Aaroniella
knownin the United States, with 33 species. badonnedi (Danks) is often abundant on trunks and
Family Stenopsocidae: These are leaf-inhabiting branches of trees and on stone outcrops in the south-
psocidssimilar to the caeciliusids, but with the two ern pan of the Midwest.
crossveinsmentioned in the key and with setae on the Fami/y Mesopsocidae: These are relatively large pso-
hind wing margin restricted to cell R3. The single cids found on branches of coniferous and broad-Ieaf
speciesin the United States, Graphopsocus cruciatus trees. Only three species of this primarily Old World
(L.),is common in the southeastern states and on the family occur in the United States. Mesopsocus unipunc-
PacificCoast from California nonh to Washington. lt tatus (Müller) occurs across the northern United
wasprobably introduced from Europe. States, and south in the Appalachians to Nonh Car-
FamilyAmphipsocidae:These psocids resemble the olina and on the Pacific coast to southern California, as
caeciliusids,but are larger with relatively longer hairs well as in northern Europe, Africa, and Asia. lt is one
onwings and antennae. They are also leaf inhabitants. of the first psocids to mature in the spring. The female
Onlyone species, Polypsocus corruptus Hagen is known has very shon wings, and the male is long-winged.
inthe United States. Fami/y lachesillidae: The members of this large
Family Dasydemellidae: Like the Amphipsocidae, family are inhabitants of persistent dead leaves of a
these are relatively large psocids. Wing setae are great variety of plants. Some inhabit foliage of conifers,
sparser,and those of the hind wing are restricted to the and others inhabit grasses. Although 54 species are
marginin cell R3. These psocids are found on woody now known in the United States, the number of species
stemsand dead hanging leaves. The single native in Latin America is much larger.
species,Teliapsocus conterminus (Walsh), is found on Family Peripsocidae: This is one of two families in
bothcoasts, inland to the mountains in both East and which there is no cubitalloop in the fore wing; that is,
West,around the Great Lakes, and up the Mississippi vein Cu! is simple. The peripsocids are medium-sized
Embaymentto southern Missouri. A second species, inhabitants of twigs, branches, and trunks of conifers
Dasydemella sylvestriiEnderlein, native to Mexico,was and broad-Ieaf trees. Some 14 species are now known
taken at a pon of entry in Texas. in the United States.
354 Chapter24 Order Psocoptera
Family Ectopsocidae:This is another family in Family Psocidae:This is the largest family in the
which the cubitalloop is absent in the fore wing. These United States, with some 75 species. Psocidae are
are relatively small inhabitants of persistent dead moderate-sized to large psocids with the cubital loop
leaves. Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein) seems to always joined to M for a distance in the fore wing. Gen-
thrive in agricultural situations where few other pso- erally, they inhabit branches and trunks of various
cids exist. It occasionally invades food storage ware- kinds of trees, foliage of conifers, and shaded rock out-
houses. Thirteen species of ectopsocids occur in the crops. Cerastipsocus venosus Burmeister is a large, dark-
United States. colored species that forms herds of up to several hun-
FamilyPseudocaeciliidae: This is another familythat dred individuals on tree trunks and branches. lt occurs
shows pairs of crossing hairs on the posterodistal mar- throughout the eastern United States.
gin of the fore wing. North American species have two
tarsal segments. Only three species occur in the United
States, all probably introduced. Pseudocaecilius citricola
(Ashmead) is a common yellow species on citrus trees Collecting and Preserving Psocoptera
in Florida.
FamilyTrichopsocidae: These are pale, delicate, leaf- Psocids that live outdoors can often be collected by
inhabiting forms superficially resembling caeciliusids. beating branches of trees and shrubs and sweeping
Only two species occur in the United States; Trichopso- grasses. Coniferous trees and fallen branches with per-
cus clarus (Banks) is common in coastal California. sistent dead leaves often are sites where psocids are
Family Archipsocidae:This is a third family in concentrated. Some species are found under loose
which there are pairs of crossing hairs on the pos- bark, on stone outcrops, in ground litter, and in bird
terodistal margin of the fore wing. This tropical family and mammal nests. Indoor species can be found in old
is restricted in North America to Florida, the Gulf papers and books, in stored grain and cereal products,
Coast, and the Atlantic Coast north to South Carolina. and on wood surfaces in such sites as musty cellars. In-
Archipsocids are communal web-spinners. Males are dividuals can be picked up with an aspirator or a small
short-winged, whereas females occur in short- and brush moistened with alcohol.
long-winged forms. About eight species occur in the Psocids can be preserved in 70-80% alcohol, bUI
United States. some color fading will occur. Specimens mounted on
Family Hemipsocidae:This is primarily a tropical pins or points keep their colors better, but they shrivel
family, with only two species in the United States, both and must be restored in liquids for study.
in the Southeast. Hemipsocus pretiosus Banks lives on lt is often necessary to mount specimens or parts,
leaf litter and dead persistent leaves of small palms in such as legs, wings, mouthparts, and terminal abdomi-
southern Florida. nal segments, on microscope slides for study. For this,
Family Myopsocidae: Although this group is largely parts other than legs or wings should be partially cleared
tropical, it is represented in the fauna of North Amer- by soaking in a cold 10-15% aqueous solution of KOH
ica by 10 species, all of which are 4-5 mm long and for several minutes. They can then be washed in water
have mottled fore wings. They live on shaded stone and mounted in Hoyer's medium (see Chapter 35).
outcrops and shaded cement structures, such as Undigested material in the hindgut must be teased out
bridges, as well as tree trunks and branches. with fine needles with the specimen under water.
Badonnel, A. 1951. Ordre des Psocopteres. In P. P. Grassé Garcia Aldrete, A. N. 1974. A classification above species leve!
(Ed.), Traité de Zoologie, vo!. 10, fasc. 2:1301-1340. of the genus Lachesilla Westwood (Psocoptera: Lachesil.
Paris: Masson. lidae). Folia Entorno!. Mex. 27:1-88.
Chapman, P. J. 1930. Corrodentia of the United States of Garcia Aldrete, A. N. 1999. New North American Lachesilla in
Arnerica. I. Suborder Isotecnornera. J. N.Y. Entorno!. Soco the forcepeta group (Psocoptera Lachesillidae). Rev. Biol.
39:54-65. Trop. 47:163-188.
Eertrnoed, G. E. 1966. The life history of Peripsocus quadri- Gumey, A. B. 1950. Corrodentia. In C. J. Weinrnan (Ed.), Pes!
fasciatus (Psocoptera: Peripsocidae). J. Kan. Entorno!. Control Technology, Entornology Section, pp. 129-163.
Soco39:54-65. New York: National Pest Control Association.
Eertrnoed, G. E. 1973. The phenetic relationships of the Lee, S. S., and I. W B. Thornton. 1967. The farnily Pseudo-
Epipsocetae (Psocoptera): The higher taxa and the caeciliidae (Psocoptera)-A reappraisal based on the dis.
species of two new farnilies. Trans. Arner. Entorno!. Soco covery of new Oriental and Pacific species. Paco Insec~
99:373-414. Monogr. No. 18, 114 pp.
References 355
Lienhard, C. 1999. Faune de France 83. Psocopteres Euro- Mockford, E. L. 1998. Generic definitions and species assign-
Mediterranéens. Fed. Fran<;. Soco Sci. Nat. Paris, 517 pp. ments in the family Epipsocidae (Psocoptera). Insecta
Lienhard, c., and C. N. Smithers. 2002. Psocoptera (Insecta) Mundi 12:81-91.
World Catalogue and Bibliography. Instrumenta Biodiver- Mockford, E. L. 2000. A classification of the psocopteran fam-
sitatis V. Geneva, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 745 pp. ily Caeciliusidae (Caeciliidae Auct.). Trans. Amer. Ento-
Mockford, E. L. 1957. Life history studies on some Florida in- rno\. Soco 125:325-417.
sects of the genus Archipsocus (Psocoptera). Bull. Fla. Mockford, E. L., and A. B. Gurney. 1956. A review of the pso-
State Mus. 1:253-274. cids, or book-lice and bark-lice, of Texas (Psocoptera). ].
Mockford, E. L. 1959. The Ectopsocus briggsi complex in the Wash. Acad. Sci. 46:353-368.
Arnericas (Psocoptera: Peripsocidae). Proc. Entorno\. Mockford, E. L., and D. M. Sullivan. 1986. Systematics of the
Soco Wash. 61:260-266. graphocaeciliine psocids with a proposed higher classifi-
Mockford, E. L. 1965. The genus Caecílius (Psocoptera: Cae- cation of the family Lachesillidae (Psocoptera). Trans.
ciliidae). Pan 1: Species groups and the North American Amer. Entorno\. Soco 112:1-80.
species of the jJavidus group. Trans. Amer. Entorno\. Soco Mockford, E. L., and D. M. Sullivan. 1990. Kaestneriella
91:121-166. Roesler (Psocoptera: Peripsocidae): New and little-
Mockford, E. L. 1966. The genus Caecilius (Psocoptera: Cae- known species from the southwestern United States
ciliidae). Pan II: Revision of the species groups, and the and Mexico and a revised key. Pan-Paco Entorno\.
Nonh American species of the fasciatus, conjJuens, and 66:281-291.
africanus groups. Trans. Amer. Entorno\. Soco 92: 133-172. New, T. R. 1974. Psocoptera. Roy. Entorno\. Soco Lond. Hand-
Mockford, E. L. 1969. The genus Caecilius (Psocoptera: Cae- books Identif. Brit. Insects 1(7):1-102.
ciliidae). Pan IlI: The Nonh American species of the al- New, T. R. 1987. Biology of the Psocoptera. Oriental Insects
cinus, caligonus, and subjJavus groups. Trans. Amer. Ento- 21:1-109.
rno\. Soco 95:77-151. Pearman,]. V. 1928. On sound production in the Psocoptera
Mockford, E. L. 1971a. Parthenogenesis in psocids (Insecta: and on a presumed stridulatory organ. Entorno\. Mon.
Psocoptera). Amer. Zoo\. 11:327-339. Mag.64:179-186.
Mockford,E. L. 1971b. Peripsocus species of the alboguttatus Pearman,]. V. 1936. The taxonomy of the Psocoptera; pre-
group (Psocoptera: Peripsocidae). ]. N.Y. Entorno\. Soco liminary sketch. Proc. Roy. Entorno\. Soco Lond. Ser. B,
79:89-115. 5(3):58-62.
Mockford, E. L. 1978. A generic classification of family Am- Roesler, R. 1944. Die Gattungen der Copeognathen. Sm. En-
phipsocidae (Psocoptera: Caecilietae). Trans. Amer. En- torno\. Ztg. 105:117-166.
torno\. Soco 104:139-190. Smithers, C. N. 1967. A catalog of the Psocoptera of the
Mockford, E. L. 1987. arder Psocoptera In F. W Stehr (Ed.), world. Austra\. Zoo\. 14:1-145.
Irnmature Insects, pp. 196-214. Dubuque, lA: Smithers, C. N. 1972. The classification and phylogeny of the
KendalVHunt, 754 pp. Psocoptera. Austra\.]. Zoo\. 14:1-349.
Mockford, E. L. 1987. Systematics of Nonh American and Smithers, C. N., and C. Lienhard. 1992. A revised bibliogra-
Greater Antillean species of Embidopsocus (Psocoptera: phy of the Psocoptera (Anhropoda: Insecta). Tech. Rept.
Líposcelidae). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Amer. 80:849-864. Australian Mus. No. 6:1-86.
Mockford, E. L. 1989. Xanthocaecílius (Psocoptera: Caecili- Sommerman, K. M. 1943. Bionomics of Ectopsocus pumilis
idae), a new genus from the Western Hemisphere. 1: De- (Banks) (Corrodentia: Caeciliidae). Psyche 50:55-63.
scription, species complexes and species of the quíllayute Sommerman, K. M. 1944. Bionomics of Amapsocus amabilis
and granulosus complexes. Trans. Amer. Entorno\. Soco (Walsh) (Corrodentia: Psocidae). Ann. Entorno\. Soco
114:265-294. Amer. 37:359-364.
Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sommerman, K. M. 1946. A revision of the genus Lachesílla
Flora and Fauna Handbook No. 10. Gainesville, FL: nonh of Mexico (Corrodentia; Caeciliidae). Ann. Ento-
Sandhill Crane Press, 455 pp. rno\. Soco Amer. 39:627-661.
25 Order Phthiraptera1.2
he lice are small, wingless ectoparasites of birds and when not in use, are withdrawn into a long, saclike
T mammals. These insects formerly were divided into structure below the alimentary canal. The dorsal stylet
two separate orders, the Mallophaga (chewing lice) and probably represents the fused maxillae. Its edges are
Anoplura (sucking lice). The suborder Anoplura con- curved upward and inward to form a tube that serves
tains several species that are parasites of domes tic ani- as a food channel. The intermedia te stylet is very slen-
mals and two species that attack humans. These insects der and contains the salivary channel; this stylet is
are irritating pests, and some are important vectors of probably the hypopharynx. The ventral stylet is ¡he
disease. Many chewing lice (suborders Amblycera and principal piercing organ; it is a trough-shaped structure
Ischnocera) are pests of domestic animals, particularly and is probably the labium. There are no palps.
poultry. These lice cause considerable irritation, and When an anopluran feeds, the stylets are everted
heavily infested animals appear run-down and emaci- through a rostrum at the front of the head. The rostrum
ated. If not actually killed by the lice, they are still easy has tiny hooks with which the louse attaches to its host
prey for disease. Different species of lice attack differ- while feeding. The chewing lice have mandibulate
ent types of poultry and domestic mammals, and each mouthparts and feed on bits of hair, feathers, or skin01
species usually infests a particular part of the host's the host. Ocelli are absent, and eyes are usually re-
body. None of the chewing lice is known to attack peo- duced or absent. The antennae are short and have three
pIe. Those who handle birds or other infested animals to five segments.
may occasionally get the lice on themselves, but the The tarsi of sucking lice are one-segmented and
lice do not stay long. The control of chewing lice usu- have a single, large claw that usually fits against a thumb-
ally involves treating the infested animal with a suit- like process at the end of the tibia. This forms an efficient
able dust or dip. A third suborder of chewing lice, the mechanism for hanging to the hairs of the host.
Rhynchophthirina, contains only three species, para- The Phthiraptera undergo simple metamorphosis.
sites of the elephants and some African pigs. The females of most species lay from 50 to 150 eggs,
The Anoplura feed on the blood of their host. The nearly always attaching them to the hairs or feathers01
mouthparts of a sucking louse consist of three piercing the host. The eggs usually hatch in about a week, and
stylets that are normally withdrawn into a stylet sac in in most species the developing louse goes through
the head (Figure 25-1). The mouthparts are highly three nymphal instars.
specialized and difficult to homologize with those of
other insects. There is a short rostrum (probably the
labrum) at the anterior end of the head, from which the
three piercing stylets are protruded. The rostrum is Classification of the Phthiraptera
eversible and is armed intemally with small, recurved
teeth. The stylets are about as long as the head and, Entomologists disagree on the higher classification 01
the liceo Most researchers now recognize a single order,
'Phthiraptera: phthir, !ice; a, without; ptera, wings. the Phthiraptera, with four suborders (one being ¡he
356 'This chapter was edited by Ronald A. Hellenthal and Roger D. Price. Anoplura). The sucking lice clearly form a distinct
Keyto the Families of Phthiraptera 357
phx eso Ludwig (1982) summarize the evidence for and against
several alternative schemes. The only common element
is that aIllice together form a monophyletic unit whose
sister group is the Psocoptera. Until the phylogeny is
better understood, we wiIl recognize a single order of
lice, the Phthiraptera. We follow here the familial clas-
sification of Kim et al. (1986) within the suborder
Anoplura and follow Price et al. (2003) for the other
suborders. These groups, with synonyms and other
arrangements in parentheses, are as follows:
A Suborder Rhynchophthirina (MaIlophaga in part)
Haematomyzidae-lice of elephants and African
Suborder Amblycera (MaIlophaga in part)
Gyropidae (including Abrocomophagidae)-lice
of guinea pigs
Trimenoponidae-lice of chinchillas, guinea pigs,
and Neotropical mammals
Boopiidae (Boopidae)-lice of marsupials and dogs
Menoponidae-lice of birds
Laemobothriidae-lice of birds
Ricinidae-lice of birds
Suborder Ischnocera (MaIlophaga in part)
Figure25-1 Mouthparts of a sucking louse. A, sagittal Philopteridae (including Heptapsogasteridae)-
sectionof head; B, cross section through rostrum. eso, lice of birds
esophagus; hyp, intermediate stylet (probably hypophar- Trichodectidae-lice of mammals
ynx);lbm,ventralstylet (probablylabium);lbr,rostrum Suborder Anoplura
(probablylabrum); mx, dorsal stylet (probably the fused Echinophthiriidae-lice of seals, sea lions, wal-
maxillae);phx, pharynx; sty, stylets; stys, stylet saco (Re- ruses, and the river otter
drawnfram Snodgrass.) Enderleinellidae (Hoplopleuridae in part)-lice
of squirrels
Haematopinidae-lice of ungulates (pigs, catde,
horses, deer)
phylogeneticbranch and deserve separate recognition Hoplopleuridae-lice of rodents and insectivores
atsomelevel. It is the classification of the chewing lice Linognathidae-lice of even-toed ungulates (cat-
¡hatcauses problems. Kim and Ludwig (l978b, 1982) de, sheep, goats, deer) and canids (dogs,
havehypothesized that the characteristics that distin- foxes, coyotes)
guishlice from their closest relatives, the Psocoptera, Pecaroecidae-lice of peccaries
haveevolved numerous times in paraIlel as a result of Pediculidae-the head and body lice of humans
theectoparasitic niche they occupy; therefore Kim and Polyplacidae (Hoplopleuridae in part)-lice of
Ludwigadvocate recognizing two orders, MaIlophaga rodents and insectivores
andAnoplura. However, the relationships among the Pthiridae (Phthiridae, Phthiriidae)-the crab
suborders of lice are poorly understood. Kim and louse of humans
358 Chapter25 OrderPhthiraptera
2(1'). Head as wide as or wider than prothorax (Figures 25-2 through 25-4);
mouthparts mandibulate; parasites of birds (with 2 tarsal claws) and
mammals (with 1 tarsal claw) 3
2' Head usually narrower than prothorax (Figures 25-5, 25-6); mouthparts
haustellate; parasites of mammals, with 1 large tarsal claw (Suborder
Anoplura) 10
3(2). Antennae more or less clubbed and usually concealed in grooves;
maxillary palps present (Figure 25-2A and 25-3) (Suborder Amblycera) 4
Figure25-5 A, the spined rat louse, Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister), female, ventral
view (Polyplacidae); B, head of the hog louse, Haematopinus suis (L.), dorsal view
(Haematopinidae). opt, ocular point.
Figure25-6 Human liceoA, the body louse, female; B, the crab louse, female. 20 x.
3'. Antennae filiform and exposed; maxillary palps absent (Figures 25-2B
and 25-4) (Suborder Ischnocera) 9
4(3). With 1 tarsal claw or none; parasitic on guinea pigs Gyropidae p.361
4'. With 2 tarsaI claws; parasitic on birds, marsupials, and dogs 5
5(4'). With only 5 pairs of abdominal spiracles; parasitic on guinea pigs,
chinchillas, and New World marsupials, except for North American
opossums Trimenoponidae p.361
5'. With 6 pairs of abdominal spiracles 6
6(5/). Antennae 5-segmented and strongly clubbed; legs long and slender;
parasitic on Australian marsupials and dogs Boopiidae p.361
6/. Antennae 4-segmented and less strongly clubbed; legs not particularIy
long and slender; parasitic on birds 7
7(6/). Antennae in grooves on sides of head; head broadly triangular and
expanded behind eyes (Figure 25-2A) Menoponidae p.361
7'. Antennae in cavities that open ventrally; head not broadly triangular and
expanded behind eyes (Figure 25-3) 8
8(7'). Sides of head with conspicuous swelling in front of eye at base of antenna
(Figure 25-3A) laemobothriidae p.361
8'. Sides of head without such swelling (Figure 25-3B) Ricinidae p.361
9(3'). Tarsi with 2 claws; antennae 5-segmented (Figure 25-4); parasitic on birds Philopteridae p.362
9'. Tarsi with 1 claw; antennae usually 3-segmented (Figure 25-2B); parasitic
on mammals Trichodectidae p.362
10(2/). Head with distinct eyes (Figure 25-6) or with subacute ocular points on
sides of head behind antennae (Figure 25-5B, opt) 11
Keyto the Families of Phthiraptera 361
Family Haematomyzidae: The three species in this Family Boopiidae:This group is represented in the
groupare found on Asian and African elephants, the United States by one species: Heterodoxus spiniger
warthog, and the African bush pig. Its distinctive elon- Enderlein, which lives on dogs and coyotes in the south-
gatedhead is unique among the Phthiraptera. It is western states. It is an intermediate host to several inter-
foundboth on wild elephants and those that have long nal parasites of canids. Most members of this family oc-
beenin captivity. cm in Australia, where they are parasites of marsupials.
Family Gyropidae: The members of this group are Family Menoponidae:This is a large group whose
chieflyconfined to Central and South America. Two members attack birds. Two important pests of poultry
species occur in the United States on guinea pigs. in this group are the chicken body louse, Menacanthus
Pitrnfqueniacoypus Marelli has been collected from stramineus(Nitzsch), and the shaft louse, Menopongal-
feralnutria in the southeastern United States. Macrogy- linae (L.) (Figure 25-2A).
ropusdicotylis (Macalister) lives on the collared pec- Family laemobothriidae: This is a small group of
cary. very large \ice whose members are parasites of water
Family Trimenoponidae: All but a single species birds and birds of prey. Eight species, all in the genus
arerestricted to Neotropical rodents and marsupials. Laemobothrion, occur in the United States.
Trimenoponon hispidum (Burmeister) occms on the Family Ricinidae:This is a small group whose mem-
guineapig and, with its host, now has a worldwide bers are parasites of birds, including hummingbirds
distribu tion. and passerine birds.
Family Philopteridae: This is the largest family in DeGeer and P. h. humanus L., respectively, which are
the order and contains species parasitizing a wide vari- considered subspecies of a single species, P. humanus.
ety of birds. Two important pests of poultry in this These lice (Figure 25-6A) are narrower and more elon-
group are the chicken head louse, Cuclotogaster hetero- gate than crab liceo The head is only a little narrower
graphus (Nitzsch), and the large turkey louse, Chelop- than the thorax, and the abdomen lacks laterallobes.
istes meleagridis (L.) (Figure 25-4A). Adults are 2.5 to 3.5 mm long.
Family Trichodectidae: The trichodectids are para- The head and body lice have a similar life his-
sites of mammals. Some important pest species in this tory, but differ somewhat in habits. The head louse
group are the catde-biting louse, Bovicola bovis (L.) occurs chiefly on the head, and its eggs are attached
(Figure 25-2B); the horse-biting louse, Bovicola (Wer- to the hair. The body louse occurs primarily on the
neckiella) equi (Denny); and the dog-biting louse, Tri- body, and its eggs are laid on clothing, particularly
chodectes canis (DeGeer). along the seams. The eggs hatch in about a week, and
Family Echinophthiriidae: The five North American the entire life cycle from egg to adult requires about
species in this group attack aquatic mammals (seals, a month. Lice feed at frequent intervals, and individ-
and the sea lion, walrus, and the river otter). At least ual feedings last a few minutes. Body lice usually
some species burrow into the skin of their host. hang onto clothing while feeding, and often remain
Family Enderleinellidae: This is a widely distributed on clothing when it is removed. The head louse is
group, with 10 North American species, whose mem- transmitted from person to person through the ex-
bers are parasites of squirrels. They may be recognized change of combs, ha ir brushes, and caps or hats. The
by the fact that the front and middle legs are similar in body louse is transmitted by clothing and bedding,
size and more slender than the hind legs. Most North and at night may migrate from one pile of clothes to
American species belong to the genus Enderleinellus. another.
Microphthirus uncinatus (Ferris), a parasite of flying The body louse (also called "cootie" or "seam
squirrels, is shorter than 0.5 mm and is the smallest squirrel") is an important vector of human disease. The
louse in this order. most important disease it transmits is epidemic typhus,
Family Haematopinidae: The lice in this group at- which may occur in outbreaks in war or famine condi-
tack pigs, catde, horses, and deer. They differ from tions, sometimes with a high mortality rate. Body lice
other sucking lice in having ocular points on the sides become infected by feeding on a typhus patient and can
of the head behind the eyes (Figure 25-5B, opt). This infect another person a week or so later. Infection re-
family contains four North American species, includ- sults from scratching the feces of the louse, or the
ing the hog louse, Haematopinus suis (L.); the horse- crushed louse itseU, into the skin. This disease is not
sucking louse, H. asini (L.); and two species of transmitted by the louse bite. Another important louse-
Haematopinus that attack catde. borne disease is a type of relapsing fever that is trans-
Family Hoplopleuridae: The members of this group mitted by the infected louse being crushed and rubbed
(17 North American species) attack rodents, hares, into the skin. Neither the feces nor the bite of the louse
moles, and shrews. These lice differ from other Anoplura is infective. A third louse-borne disease is trench fever,
attacking these hosts (Polyplacidae) in the form of the which occurred in epidemic proportions during World
sternite of the second abdominal segment and the rela- War 1, but since then has not be en very important.
tive size of the different legs (see key, couplet 17). People who bathe and change clothes regularly se!-
Family Linognathidae: This group includes 10 North dom become infested with lice, but when they go for
American species that are parasites of catde, sheep, goats, long periods without doing so and live in crowded con-
deer, reindeer, dogs, coyotes, and foxes. It includes the ditions, lousiness is likely to be prevalent. The latter
dog-sucking louse, Linognathus setosus (OUers); the goat- conditions are often common during wartime, when liv-
sucking louse, L. stenopsis (Burmeister); and the long- ing quarters are crowded and people go for long periods
nosed catde louse, L. vituli (L.). The last species differs without a change of clothes. If a louse-borne disease
from the haematopinids attacking catde in lacking ocular such as typhus gets started in a population that is heav-
points on the head. ily infested with body lice, it can quickly swell into an
Family Pecaroecidae: This group includes a single epidemic.
North American species, Pecaroecus jayvalii Babcock The control of body lice usually involves dusting
and Ewing, which occurs in the Southwest on pecca- people with an insecticide. Clothing must also be
ries. This species is the largest North American anoplu- treated, because the eggs are laid on it, and adult lice
ran, and can reach a length of 8 mm. often cling to clothing when it is removed. The treat-
Family Pediculidae: This group includes the head ment of clothing usually involves chemical fumigation
and body lice of humans, Pediculushumanus capitis or heat sterilization.
References 363
Clay,1. 1970. The Arnblycera (Phthiraptera: Insecta). Bull. Kirn, K. e 1987. Order Anoplura. In F.W. Stehr (Ed.), lrnrna-
Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entorno\. 25:73-98. ture lnsects, pp. 224-245. Dubuque, lA: Kendall/Hunt,
Cruickshank, R. H., K. P.Johnson, V. S. Srnith, R. J. Adarns, D. 754 pp.
H. Clayton, and R. D. M. Page. 2001. Phylogenetic analy- Kirn, K. e, and H. W. Ludwig. 1978a. The farnily classifica-
sis of partial sequences of elongation factor 1 alpha iden- tiqn of the Anoplura. Syst. Entorno\. 3:249-284.
tifies rnajor groups of \ice (Insecta: Phthiraptera). Mo\. Kirn, K. e, and H. W. Ludwig. 1978b. Phylogenetic relation-
Phylog. Evo\. 19:202-215. ships of parasitic Psocodea and taxonornic position of the
Durden, L. A., and G. G. Musser. 1994a. The sucking lice (In- Anoplura. Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 71:910-922.
secta: Anoplura) of the world: A taxonornic check\ist Kirn, K. e, and H. W. Ludwig. 1982. Parallel evolution,
with records of rnarnrna\ian hosts and geographical dis- cladistics, and classification of parasitic Psocodea. Ann.
tribution. Bull. Arner. Mus. Nat. Hist. 218:1-90. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 75:537-548.
Durden, L. A., and G. G. Musser. 1994b. The rnarnrna\ian Kirn, K. e, H. D. Pratt, and e]. Stojanovich. 1986. The suck-
hosts of the sucking \ice (Anoplura) of the world: A ing \ice of North Arnerica. University Park: Pennsylvania
host-parasite \ist. Bull. Soco Vector Eco\. 19:130-168. State University Press, 241 pp.
Ferris, G. F. 1951. The sucking \ice. Mern. Paco Coast Ento- Lyal, e H. e 1985. A cladistic analysis and classification of
rno\. Soco 1:1-321. trichodectid rnarnrnal \ice (Phthiraptera: lschnocera).
Hopkins, G. H. E., and 1. Clay. 1952. A Check List of the Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entorno\. 51:187-346.
Genera and Species of Mallophaga. London: British Mu- Price, M. A., and O. H. Graharn. 1997. Chewing and sucking
seurn (Natural History), 362 pp. \ice as parasites of rnarnrnals and birds. U.s. Dept. Agric.
Kim, K. e (Ed.). 1985. Coevolution of parasitic arthropods Tech. Bull. 1849. 309 pp.
and rnarnrnals. New York: Wiley, 800 pp.
364 Chapter25 OrderPhthiraptera
Price, R. D. 1987. Order Mallophaga. In F.W Stehr (Ed.), lm- Wemeck, F. L. 1948-1950. Os Malófagos de Mamiferos. Parte
mature lnsects, pp. 215-223. Dubuque, lA: KendalV I. Amblycera e lschnocera (Philopteridae e parte de Iri.
Hunt, 754 pp. chodectidae), 243 pp. (1948). Parte II: lschnocera (con-
Price, R. D., R. A. Hellenthal, R. L. Palma, K. P.Johnson, and tinua<;ao de Trichodectidae) e Rhynchophthirina. 207 pp.
D. H. Clayton. 2003. The chewing \ice: World check\ist (1950). Rio de Janeiro: Edi<;ao da Revista Brasileira de
and biological overview. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. Special Biologia.
Pub!. 24. Champaign, lL: Illinois Natural History Survey,
458 pp.
26 Order Coleoptera1,2
he Coleoptera are the largest order of insects, with Most beetle larvae are campodeiform or scarabaeiform,
T about 40% of the known species in the Hexapoda. but some are platyform, some are elateriform, and a few
Morethan a quarter of a million beetle species have are vermiform.
beendescribed, and about 30,000 of these occur in the Beetles may be found in almost every type of habi-
UnitedStates and Canada. These vary in length (in the tat that is inhabited by insects, and they feed on all sorts
UnitedStates) from less than a millimeter up to about of plant and animal materials. Many are phytophagous,
75mm. Some tropical species reach a length of about predaceous, or fungivorous, whereas some are scav-
125mm. The beetles vary considerably in habits and engers and a very few are parasitic. Some are subter-
arefound almost everywhere. Many species are of great ranean in habit; many are aquatic or semiaquatic; and a
economicimportance. few live as commensals in the nests of social insects or
One of the most distinctive features of the mammals. Some of the phytophagous species are free
Coleopterais the structure of the wings. Most beetles feeders on foliage, and others bore into wood or fruits or
havefourwings,with the front pair thickened, leathery, live as leaf miners. Others attack roots, and some feed on
orhard and brittle. Called elytra (singular, elytron), these parts of blossoms or on pollen. Any part of a plant may
frontwings usually meet in a straight line down the mid- be fed on by some type of beetle. Many beetles feed on
dIeof the back and cover the hind wings (hence the or-
dername). The hind wings are membranous, are usually
longerthan the front wings, and at rest are usually folded
upunder the front wings (Figure 26-1). The elytra nor-
mallyserve as protective sheaths and are held motionless
duringflight, which is powered by the hind wings. The
frontor hind wings are greatly reduced in a few beetles.
The mouthparts in this order are of the chewing
type,and the mandibles are well developed. The man-
diblesof many beetles are stout and are used in crush-
ingseeds or gnawing wood. In others, they are slender
and sharp. In the weevils, the front of the head is
drawnout into a more or less elongated snout with the
mouthparts at the end.
The beetles undergo complete metamorphosis. The
larvaevary considerably in form in different families.
Figure26-1 Dorsal view of a ladybird beetle
'Coleoptera: colea. sheath; ptera, wings (referring to the elytra). (Adalia sp.), with the left wings extended. ab, abdomen,
2Thesection on Chrysomelidae was edited by Shawn Clark, and the ant, antenna; e, compound eye; el, elytron; lbr, labrum;
sectionon Curculionoidea was edited by Robert S. Anderson. n" pronotum. 365
366 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
stored plant or animal products, including many types In the Coleoptera, most sounds, including the
of foods, clothing, and other organic materials. One Cal- sounds that may be involved in communication, are
ifornian species is infamous for its ability to bore produced by stridulation. The stridulatory structures
through the lead sheathing once used on telephone ca- may be located on almost any part of the body and in.
bles. Many beetles are of value to humans because they volve an area bearing a series of ridges (the "file") and
destroy injurious insects or act as scavengers. a "scraper," usually a hard ridge, knob, or spine, which
The life cycle in this order varies in length from is rubbed against the file. Most stridulatory structures
four generations ayear to one generation in several are on adults, but in a few beetle species the larvae, or
years. Most species have one generation ayear. The even the pupae, stridulate.
winter may be passed in any of the life stages, depend- The stridulatory structures in beetles may involve
ing on the species. Many overwinter as partly grown the head and pronotum (Nitidulidae, Tenebrionidae,
larvae, pupa e in chambers in soil, wood, or other pro- Endomychidae, Curculionidae), head appendages
tected situations; and many overwinter as adults. Rela- (usually mouthparts; certain Scarabaeidae), pronotum
tively few species overwinter as eggs. and mesonotum (common in the Cerambycidae), leg
and thorax (Anobiidae, Bostrichidae), leg and ab.
domen (some Scarabaeidae), leg and leg (adult and lar-
val Passalidae, Lucanidae, and some Scarabaeidae), ab.
Sound Production in the Coleoptera domen and hind wings (Passalidae), and elytra and
abdomen (Hydrophilidae, Curculionidae).
Sound production has been reported in about 50 fami- Beetle stridulations are produced in four general
lies of Coleoptera, but the sounds are generally rather sorts of situations: (1) when the insect is handled orat-
weak and have been much less studied than the sounds tacked ("stress" sounds); (2) in aggressive situations,
of Orthoptera and cicadas. Relatively little is known of such as fighting; (3) in calling (attracting the opposite
the role these sounds play in behavior. sex); and (4) prior to mating (a "courtship" sound).
Beetles produce sounds in four principal ways: (1) in Probably most beetles that stridulate produce stress
the course of normal activities such as flying and feed- sounds, and such sounds may help de ter potential
ing; (2) by striking some part of the body against the predators. Stress sounds may be the only ones some
substrate; (3) by stridulation; and (4) chemically. beetles produce, whereas other beetles (for example,
Flight sounds, produced by the movements of the the hydrophilid genus Berosus and bark beetles) may
wings, are similar to those produced by other flying in- produce other types of sounds.
sects. Feeding sounds depend on the size of the beetles Another type of sound is produced by ground bee-
and the material fed on, but in some cases these sounds tles (Carabidae) of thegenus Brachinus. Two chemica~
may be fairly loud. A large wood-boring beetle larva held in reservoirs at the end of the abdomen are ex.
feeding in a log can sometimes be heard from several pelled at the same time, and mix in the air to createa
feet away. Feeding sounds, such as those of wood- chemical reaction releasing heat. This produces a dis.
boring larvae or grain-feeding beetles, probably play no tinctive popping sound, like a tiny explosion, which
role in communication from one beetle to another but probably deters predators.
do indica te (communicate) to humans presence (and Beetle sounds vary in their character, depending
feeding) of the insects. on the species and how the sounds are produced, bUI
Adult deathwatch beetles (Anobium and Xestobium most are of a quality that might be described as a chirp,
spp., family Anobiidae) make sounds by striking the a squeak, or a rasping sound. Most contain a broad
lower parts of their heads against the walls of their gal- band of frequencies (Figure 26-2). Stress sounds and
leries (in wood). In quiet surroundings, these sounds so me aggressive sounds are generally produced at anir.
are quite apparent. In Arizona and California, adults of regular rate of, at most, only a few per second. In call.
Eupsophulus castaneus Horn (Tenebrionidae) cause ing and courtship sounds, the chirps are produced ala
some annoyance by tapping their abdomens against faster, regular rate, which differs in different species
screen doors and windows, producing a surprisingly (Figure 26-2).
loud noise. Another tenebrionid, Eusattus reticulatus The sounds produced by beetles in the genus Bao.
(Say), produces a sound by rapidly tapping the apex of sus (Hydrophilidae) are of two sorts, an alarm sound
the abdomen against the ground. and a premating sound. The alarm sound, produced
When a click beetle on its back "jumps" (see page when the beetle is handled (and sometimes seemingly
422), there is a distinct clicking sound. It is not clear at random), consists of irregularly spaced chirps, 1-3
whether the click is caused by the body striking the or so per second. The premating sound is a rapid series
substrate or the prosternal peg stopping abruptly in the of short chirps lasting 0.3 to 3.6 seconds, with the
mesosternal notch. chirps uttered rapidly at a regular rateo The premating
Classification of the Coleoptera 367
---- --- --
'. .1 ...
1f .. .. l!
118_11 l.
... .
. . . ... . .
~., '. -. -
------..--. -----
. f
soundsof different sympatric species are different and tonal organs and sensilla are sensitive to vibration.
arebelieved to act as a species-isolating mechanism. These organs usually lie on either the legs or antennae.
In Dendroctonus (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), both
sexesstridulate, and the sounds produced are of three
generaltypes: (l) simple chirps (each produced by a
singlemovement of the stridulatory apparatus); (2) in- Classification of the Coleoptera
terruptedchirps (each produced by a single movement
orthestridulatory apparatus, but interrupted by one or Coleopterists differ with regard to the relationships of
morebrief moments of silence); and (3) clicks (each a the various groups of beetles, the groups that should be
singlespike of sound, produced by females when alone given family status, and their arrangement into super-
in the bark). Stridulation occurs during stress situa- families. The recent publication of American Beetles
tions(for example, when a beetle is handled), during (Amett et al. 2001, 2002) reflects the opinions of more
aggression,and during courtship. The sounds made by than 80 contributing specialists. The arrangement of
remalesin the bark may have a territorial function; that suborders, superfamilies, and families followed in this
15,they may limit the density of the burrows. Males book closely follows the classification presented by
emitinterrupted chirps both while fighting a rival male them. Some taxa in that classification depart radically
andwhen attracted to the gallery of a virgin female. A from the traditional ones, but most are well founded
remaleresponds 10 male stridulation at the gallery en- and were arrived at by modem taxonomic methods. In
tranceby simple chirps. The courting behavior in the a few instances, we chose to combine taxa for ease in
galleryinvolves the male emitting simple chirps while using the key. Many individual authorities give family
theremale is silent. status to more groups than we do in this book.
Uttle is known about auditory mechanisms in bee- An outline of the groups in the order Coleoptera,
tles.They do not have tympana, but certain chordo- as they are treated in this book, is given here. Names in
368 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Anthribidae (Platystomidae, Brochelidae, cases (for example, the Scolytinae and Platypodinae),
Choragidae, Platyrrhinidae)-fungus the snout is poorly developed and not very evident as
weevils such. The families in the Curculionoidea are some-
Belidae-primitive weevils times placed in a separate group, the Rhynchophora.
Attelabidae (Rhynchitidae)-tooth-nosed These beetles differ from most other members of the
snout beetles; leaf-rolling weevils order in having fused guIar sutures (Figure 26-3C).
Brentidae (Brenthidae, including Apionidae There is some development of a snout in a few beetles
and Cyladidae)-straight-snouted wee- outside this superfamily, but such beetles have sepa-
vils and pear-shaped weevils rated guIar sutures (Figure 26-4, gs).
lthyceridae-the New York weevil
Curculionidae (including Cossonidae, Antennae
Rhynchophoridae, Platypodidae, and
Scolytidae)-snout beetles, troe weevils, The antenna of the Coleoptera consists of only three
and bark beetles troe segments, that is, subdivisions characterized by in-
trinsic musculature. The basal segment is the scape,
followed by the pedicel and the flagellum. In most in-
sects, the flagellum is then divided into unmusculated
subsegments, sometimes quite a loto Entomologists tra-
Characters Used in Identifying Beetles
ditionally have recognized that these subsegments dif-
The principal characters of beetles used in identifica- fer from the three troe segments of the antenna, but
tion are those of the head, antennae, thoracic sclerites, nevertheless have called them all "antennal segments."
legs, elytra, and abdomen. Occasionally characters The subdivisions of the flagellum more properly
such as size, shape, and color are used. In most cases should be called flagellomeres. In this chapter we avoid
the term "antennal segment" and refer to them as an-
the ease of recognizing these characters depends on the tennomeres.
size of the beetle. Some characters require careful ob-
The antennae ofbeetles are subject to considerable
servation, often at high magnification, for accurate in-
terpretation. variation in different groups, and these differences are
used in identification. The term clubbed, as used in the
Head Characters key, refers to any condition in which the terminal an-
tennomeres are larger than those preceding them, in-
The principal head character used involves the devel- cluding clavate ((he terminal antennomeres enlarging
opment of a snout. In the Curculionoidea, the head is gradually and only slightly, as in Figure 2-15D,E); cap-
more or less prolonged forward into a snout; the mouth- itate ((he terminal antennomeres abroptly enlarged, as
parts are reduced in size and are located at the tip of the in Figure 26-5F-I); lamellate (the terminal anten-
snout; and the antennae usually arise on the sides of it. nomeres expanded on one side into rounded or oval
The basal antennal segment, the scape, often fits into a plates, as in Figure 26-6A,C-G); and flabellate (the
groove ((he scrobe;Figure 26-3, agr) on the snout. In terminal antennomeres expanded on one side into
many cases (Figure 26-3), the snout is quite distinct, long, thin, parallel-sided, tonguelike processes, as in
occasionally as long as the body or longer. In other Figure 26-6B). The distinction between some of these
Thorade Characters
The pronotum and scutellum are normally the only
thorade areas visible from above. The other thorade
areas are usually visible only in a ventral view. Viewed
from above, the pronotum may vary greatly in shape,
and its posterior margin may be eonvex, straight, or
sinuate (Figure 26-7E-G). Laterally, the pronotum
may be margined (with a sharp, keel-like lateral edge)
or rounded. The surface of the pronotum may be bare
or pubeseent, and it may be smooth or with various
punctures or dents, ridges, grooves, tubercles, or other
features. The underside of the pronotum is called the
hypomeron. The scutellum (¡he mesoscutellum) is
usually visible as a small, triangular sclerite immedi-
ately behind the pronotum, between the bases of the
elytra. Only occasionally is it rounded or heart-shaped,
and sometimes it is concealed.
The chief thoradc characters apparent in a ventral
view that are important in identification are the various
sutures, the shape of certain sclerites, and the particu-
lar sclerites adjacent to the front and middle coxae. A
few beetles (the Adephaga, Myxophaga, and Cupedi-
dae) have notopleural sutures (Figure 26-4, npls),
which separate the pronotum from the propleura. Most
beetles have prosternal sutures (Figure 26-4, stns),
which separa te the prosternum from the rest of the
prothorax. The anterior margin of the prosternum is
Figure 26-4 Ventral view of a ground beetle (Omaseus usually straight. When it is somewhat convex (as in
sp.).ant, antenna; ex, coxa; e, eompound eye; epm¡, Figure 26-8A), it is said to be lobed. The prosternum
proepimeron;epm2'mesepimeron; epm], metepimeron; often has a process or lobe extending backward be-
eps"proepisternum; eps2'mesepisternum; eps], metepi- tween the front coxae, and so me times (for example, in
stemum;fm, femur; g, galea; gs, guIar suture; gu, gula; click beetles, Figure 26-8A) this process is spinelike.
Ig,ligula; Ip, labial palp; md, mandible; mn, mentum; When the sclerites of the prothorax extend poste-
mx,maxilla;mxp, maxillary palp; n" pronotum; npls, noto- riorly around the front coxae, these coxal cavities are
pleuralsuture; pg, postgena; smt, submentum; Sin" said to be closed (Figure 26-7B). When the sclerite im-
prostemum;stn2,mesostemum; stn], metasternum; stns, mediately behind the front coxae is a sclerite of
prostemalsuture; tb, tibia; tel, tarsal claws; tr, troehanter; the mesothorax, these cavities are said to be open (Fig-
trs,transverse suture on metasternum; ts, tarsus; tsp, tib- ure 26-7 A). When the middle coxae are surrounded by
ialspurs; 1-6, ventrites 1-6. sterna and are not touched by any pleural sclerite, these
coxal cavities are said to be closed (Figure 26-7D).
When at least some of the pleural sclerites reach the
middle coxae, these coxal cavities are said to be open
antennal variations (for example, between filiform and (Figure 26-7C).
slightlyclubbed or between filiform and serrate) is not The "click mechanism" consists of a long pros ter-
verysharp, and some eonditions might be interpreted nal intercoxal process with the dorsal or dorsoapical
indifferent ways. This fact is taken into aecount in the surface of the apex notched to fit against a slight pro-
key,as specimens will key out correctly from either al- jection on the anterior margin of the relatively large,
temative at many places in the key. deep midcoxal cavity. In some compact spedes, there is
The number of terminal antennomeres that form a platelike, margined ventral face to the postcoxal por-
the club (in clubbed antennae) often serves as a key tion of the intercoxal process that is tightly received by
r 1
e E
n, /'
e o
Figure26-7 Thoracic structure in Coleoptera. A and B, pros terna showing open (A)
and closed (B) coxal cavities; C and D, mesostema showing open (C) and closed (D)
coxal cavities; E-G, pronota with posterior margin convex (E), straight (F), or sinuate
(G). cxc, coxal cavity; epm" proepimeron; epm2,mesepimeron; eps2,mesepisternum; epsJ,
metepisternum; stn" prostemum; stn2,mesoternum; stnJ, metasternum.
374 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
the deeply emarginate mesostemum. In these cases, the sions are often referred to as "segments," but are more
troe apex of the prostemum is hidden in a deep cavity accurately called tarsomeres. The number and relative
between the mid coxae. size and shape of the tarsomeres are very important
characters for identifying beetles. It is necessary to ex-
Leg Characters amine the tarsi of almost any beetle one wishes to ron
through the key. The number of tarsomeres in most
The coxae of beetles vary greatly in size and shape. In beetles varies from three to five. It is usually the same
some cases they are globose or rounded and project on all tarsi, but some groups have one less tarsornere in
only slightly. When they are more or less elongate lat- the hind tarsi than in the middle and front tarsi, and
erally without projecting very much, they are said to be others have fewer tarsomeres in the front tarsi. The
transverse. Sometimes they are more or less conical and tarsal formula is an important part of any group de-
noticeably project ventrad. A distinct posterior face on scription and is given as 5-5-5, 5-5-4, 4-4-4, 3-3-3, and
the hind coxa can be seen by viewing the specimen so on, indicating the number of tarsomeres on the
from the side. A few beetles have a small sclerite, the front, middle, and hind tarsi, respectively. Most
trochantin, in the anterolateral portion of the coxal Coleoptera have a 5-5-5 tarsal formula.
cavity (Figure 26-9B, tn). In a few groups, including some very cornmon
When disturbed, many beetles draw their ap- beetles, the next to the last tarsomere is very srnall and
pendages in close to the body and "play dead." Such inconspicuous. Such a tarsomere may be very difficult
beetles often have grooves in the body or in certain leg to see unless very carefully examined under high mago
segments into which the appendages fit when so re- nification. These tarsi thus seem to have one tarsomere
tracted. Beetles with retractile legs usually have grooves less than they actually have, and are so described in the
in the coxae (particularly the middle or hind coxae) key. For example, a five-merous tarsus such as the one
into which the femora fit when the legs are retracted, shown in Figure 26-10A is described in the key as "ap-
and they may have grooves in other leg segments. parently four-merous." A few groups have the basal tar.
The tarsal segment of beetles is divided into un- somere very small (Figure 26-lOD) and visible onlyir
musculated units. As in the antenna, these subdivi- the tarsus is properly oriented. If the tarsi of a beetle
r CharactersUsedin IdentifyingBeetles 375
A (plural, epipleurae).
The elytra vary mainly in shape, length, and tex-
ture. They are usually parallel-sided anteriorly and ta-
pering posteriorly. Sometimes they are more or less
oval or hemispherical. The elytra of some beetles are
trunca te at the apex. The elytra in some groups are var-
iously sculptured, with ridges, grooves or striae, punc-
B e tures, tubercles, and the like. In other cases they are
quite smooth. If the elytra appear hairy under low or
medium magnification, they are said to be pubescent.
Figure 26-11 Tarsal claws of Coleoptera. A, toothed The elytra of some beetles are quite hard and stiff, and
curve around the sides of the abdomen to some extent.
(Coccinellidae); B, pectinate (Tenebrionidae: Alleculi-
nae); C, cleft (Meloidae). In others they are soft and pliable and lie loosely on top
of the abdomen without firrnly embracing it.
groupsand is repeatedly used in the key. In a few cases the abdominal sterna are all equally distinct, then no
(for example, the Buprestidae), the first two visible segments are said to be fused.
sterna are more or less fused together, and the suture The last abdominal tergum, often called the pygid-
between them is much less distinct than the other ab- ium, is sometimes exposed beyond the tips of the elytra.
dominalsutures, the connate condition (Figure 26-8B).
Ihis condition can often be detected by (1) a difference Other Characters
inthe appearance of the suture between those ventrites
thatare connate and those that are not; (2) the absence Characters such as size, shape, or color should not
of a membrane between the ventrites; or (3) by a re- prove particularly difficult. The term base is used to dis-
duction in the depth of the suture itself, especially me- tinguish the two ends of body parts. When speaking of
dially.The easiest and most certain way to tell is to an appendage, the base is the end nearest the body. The
viewthe upturned lateral portion of the ventrite that is base of the head or pronotum is the posterior end, and
held against the elytron. Connate ventrites are obvi- the base of the elytra or abdomen is the anterior end.
ouslyimmobile in this view, and they lack the hinged The subdivisions of the tarsi (tarsomeres) or antennae
formof the free, movable sta te. If the sutures between (antennomeres) are numbered from the base distad.
Ihe phylogeny and classification of beetles is an area of intense research interest, and
therehave been a number of changes since the last edition of this book. The following
keyis largely the generous contribution of Dr. Michael A. Ivie (Montana State Univer-
sity),whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged. The key is rather long, not only be-
causethis is the largest order of insects, but also because there is quite a bit of variation
inmanyfamilies. The key is constructed to take this variation into account and also to
providefor specimens whose characters are somewhat borderline. Many specimens key
outcorrectly from either alternative at certain points in the key. Groups marked with an
asterisk(*) are relatively rare or are not very likely to be taken by the general collector.
Ihiskey is to adults. Keys to larvae are given by Lawrence et al. (1991).
25(24). Palps very short, usually immovably fixed and not visible; either head
rostrate, prolonged into a beak (Figure 26-84A) or antenna geniculate
with compact club (Figure 26-94A-C) 27
25'. Palps longer, flexible, and usually evident (for example, see Figure 26-4);
head usually not prolonged into a beak but if rostrate or antenna elbowed
and club compact, then palps longer and flexible 38
26(24'). Hind coxa without exposed posterior face; antenna never straight and
clubbed; often with one of the following: antenna long and simple
(Figures 26-73, 26-74), antenna geniculate and clubbed, head rostrate
(Figures 26-87A,C), or hind femur enlarged 27
." Either hind coxa with distinct posterior face (at least medially) set off
from ventral surface by a carina or flange, or antenna strongly or weakly
clubbed but not geniculate and head not at all rostrate 77
Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 381
41'. One or more abdominal terga usually exposed beyond elytra; antenna
short to long, reaching beyond middle of pronotum in those species with
long elytra; antennal club, if present, not involving 5 antennomeres;
underside of body without short, dense pubscence (Omaliinae) Staphylinidae p.409
42(39'). Elytra very short, leaving 3 or more abdominal tergites exposed
(Figures 26-23A, 26-25B, 26-26, 26-67A) 43
42'. Elytra longer, leaving no more than 1 or 2 abdominal tergites exposed 64
43(42). Hind tarsus with 1 less tarsomere than mid tarsus 44
43'. Mid and hind tarsi with same number of tarsomeres 47
44(43). Body greatly flattened dorsoventrally; abdomen with 5 ventrites
(Inopeplinae) Salpingidae p.440
44'. Body not greatly flattened; abdomen with 6-7 ventrites 45
45(44'). Antenna strongly serrate, pectinate, flabellate, bipectinate, or biflabellate Ripiphoridae p. 435
45'. Antenna, at most, very weakly serrate 46
46(45'). Pretarsal claw with long, acute process or blade arising from base, usually
more than half as long as claw, rarely (Homia) reduced to hyaline spine;
antenna filiform; body corpulent and soft Meloidae p.438
46'. Pretarsal claw simple; antenna weakly clubbed; body cylindrical
(Euaesthetinae) Staphylinidae p.409
47(43'). Eyes large, separated frontally by less than diameter of third antennomere;
wings well developed, folded longitudinally at rest; maxillary palp
complex; antennomeres 9-11less than half the width of antennomeres 3-5
(Atractocerus) lymexylidae p.428
47'. Eyes separated by more than diameter of third antennomere; wings, if
well developed, usually folded transversely; maxillary palpi simple;
antenna not as in preceding entry. 48
48(47'). Scutellary striole present; basal two ventrites connate, suture not
diminished medially; antenna of males pectinate to flabellate or plumose;
serrate in females Buprestidae p.417
48'. Scutellary striole absent; ventrites all free or 4 ventrites connate;
antenna variable 49
49(48'). Antenna with distinct club (Figures 26-5C-I, 26-6A) 50
49'. Antenna not clubbed (Figures 26-5A-B) 553
50(49). Mid tarsus with 2-4 tarsomeres Staphylinidae p.409
50'. Mid tarsus with 5 tarsomeres 51
51(50'). Antenna with 4 apical antennomeres expanded into asymmetrical club,
first shining, other 3 tomen tose (Figure 26-6A); elytra usually with some
combination of black and orange, but occasionally entirely black
(Figure 26-25B); fifth tergite with pair of longitudinal carinae topped by
stridulatory files; 2:12 mm long, usually more than 15 mm
(Nicrophorinae) Silphidae4 p.408
'11a rnistake is made early in the key. the myxophagan family Hydroscaphidae wil\ key out here. These tiny (length 1.0 to 1.2 mm) beetles can
berecognized by the elongate, narrow last antennomere, which does not lit either the "distinct club" or "not clubbed" choice, as well as by the
presence01notopleural sutures,
'Thanatophilus(Silphidae) may key here for individuals with an extended abdomen; it lacks the stridulatory liles of the fifth tergite and' is
8-14rnm long, but otherwise fits here because of the configuration 01 the antennae.
384 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
51'. Antenna not as in preceding entry; fifth tergite without stridulatory files;
color variable; length 13 mm or less, usually < 10 mm 52
52(51'). Antenna with 3 antennomeres; pronotum with antennal pockets
anterolaterally above lateral margins; dorsoventrally flattened, louselike
parasites of beavers (Platypsyllus) Leiodidae p. 408
52'. Antenna with 9-11 antennomeres; pronotum without antennal pockets 53
53(52'). Fore coxal cavity open Staphylinidae p.409
53'. Fore coxal cavity closed 54
54(53'). Lateral margins of pronotum complete, that is, with raised flange running
from anterior to posterior edge of pronotum; abdomen with 5 ventrites Nitidulidae p. 430
54'. Lateral margins of prontum incomplete; abdomen with 6 ventrites
(Cylídrella) Trogossitidae p.428
55(49'), Mid tarsus with 4 or fewer tarsomeres Staphylinidae p. 409
55'. Mid tarsus with 5 tarsomeres 56
56(55'). Mesosternum medially excavated, forming a cavity to receive extended
prosternal process; u.s. Southwest (Cebrioninae) Elateridae p.422
56'. Mesosternum not excavated to receive extended prosternal process;
widespread in distribution 57
57(56'). Antenna with 12 antennomeres; antenna biserrate, bipectinate, or
biramose (Figure 26-46B) Phengodidae p.423
57'. Antenna with fewer than 12 antennomeres; antennal type variable 58
58(57'). Last maxillary and labial palpomeres long, nearly as long as, or longer
than, antenna Telegeusidae p.423
58', Last maxillary and labial palpomeres much shorter than antenna 59
59(58'). Head covered above by pronotum (Figure 26-47A); often with luminous
organs on abdomen Lampyridae p.423
59'. Head visible from above; never with luminous organs 60
60(59'). Anterior edge of scutellum abruptly elevated, with distinct step to
mesoscutum (female Anorus) Dascillidae p.417
60'. Anterior edge of scutellum in same plane as mesoscutum. 61
61(60'). Pronotum with lateral eversible vesicles (Malachiinae) Melyridae p.429
61'. Pronotum without eversible vesicles 62
62(61'). Hind wing rolled cigarlike; median setose cavities present on male
ventrites 3-5; trochantin concealed; scutellum emarginate posteriorly;
<3 mm long Micromalthidae p.401
62'. Hind wing, if fully developed, folded normally; ventrites without setose
cavites; trochantin exposed or concealed; scutellum variable; length variable 63
63(62'). Elytra individually rounded, not meeting apically at suture; mandible
long and narrow Cantharidae p.424
63'. Elytra trunca te, meeting at suture apically; mandible often short and
broad Staphylinidae p.409
64(42'). Apices of penultimate 2 or 3 antennomeres each completely ringed with
microsetose groove (periarticular gutters) (must be viewed distally,
difficult to see in very small specimens or in those with very compact
antennal club); antenna with distinct to indistinct loose club; prothorax
with sharp lateral margins; abdomen with 5-6 ventrites; fore trochantin
exposed or hidden, if hidden and antenna with 11 antennomeres, then
antennomere 8 smaller than 7 or 9 (Figure 26-4) 65
r Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 385
'Threevery aberrant and ecologically restricted genera that lack distinctly clubbed antennae belong here. Glacicavicola is restricted to ice caves
in ldaho and Wyoming and characterized by elongate head, pronotum and elytra, each separately constricted; cuticle translucent, shining; eyes
ahsent.and with elongate. slender legs and antennae. Two genera of Platypsyllinae are associated with mammals and their nests and are charac-
terizedby oval body. strongly flattened dorsoventrally. recumbent pubescence, an occipital crest overlapping anterior margin of pronotum and
eyesabsentor barely indicated.
386 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
71'. Head sharply narrowed behind eyes or temples, with distinct neck; fore
coxal cavity open or closed; body elongate or elongate oval, with base of
pronotum distinctly narrower than elytra 73
72(71). Antennal scape normal, shorter than club; funicle longer than entire club;
posterior edge of last ventrite crenulate (Ostomopsis) Cerylonidae6 p.433
72'. Antennal scape large, subequal to length of club; funicle with
3 antennomeres, shorter than first antennomere of club (Micropsephodes) Endornychidae p.433
73(71'). Abdomen with 6 ventrites; head narrowed immediately behind eyes,
lacking temples; fore coxal cavity open; lateral margin of pronotum
coarsely dentate; trochantin exposed; mid coxal cavity open (Dasycerus) Staphylinidae p.409
73'. Abdomen with 5 ventrites; head behind eyes with distinct temples; fore
coxal cavity open or closed; lateral margin of pronotum simple to finely
dentate or absent; trochantin concealed; mid coxal cavity variable 74
74(73'). Abdomen very short, one half length of metasternum; pronotum not
margined laterally; scutellum not visible; elytron at base with pit at end
of impressed groove; Florida Jacobsoniidae p. 424
74'. Abdomen longer than metasternum; (except Akalyptoischion, California);
lateral margin of pronotum absent to finely dentate; scutellum small but
visible; elytra usually striate; common and widespread latridiidae p.434
75(66'). Antenna with 9 antennomeres, last 5 involved in club; abdomen with
6-7 ventrites; tiny intercoxal sclerite present between hind coxae;
maxillary palp long relative to antenna; ventral surface with water-repellent
pubescence; ::53.0mm length Hydraenidae p.408
75'. Without the preceding combination of characters 76
76(75'). Antenna with 7-9 antennomeres, antennomeres 7-9 usually forming loose,
tomentose club, antennomere 6 often forming a cupule at base of club;
maxillary palp often as long or longer than antenna (Figure 26-22),
always longer than half antennallength; hind coxa with ventroposterior
carina setting off convex posterior face that rotates against anterior
excavation of first ventrite; planes of ventral surface of hind coxa and first
ventrite discontinous; hind trochanter inserted on ventral (not posterior)
surface of coxa (Figure 26-22B), femur held against ventral face of coxa,
not against posterior face of coxa, or flat to abdominal surface when fully
retracted Hydrophilidae p.406
76'. Antenna variable but not as in preceding entry; maxillary palp usually
much shorter than antenna; hind coxa configured differently 77
77 Hind coxa with distinct posterior face (at least medially) set off from
(26',76'). ventral surface by carina or flange, posterior face often excavated; ventral
surface of hind coxa not continuous with first ventrite; hind femur
inserted on posterior face of coxa, held posterior to coxa when retracted;
fore coxal cavity open; mid and hind tarsi with equal number of
tarsomeres 78
77'. Hind coxa without distinct posterior face; hind trochanter often inserted
on ventral surface or on small medial projection of coxa, never received
in coxal excavation and resting ventrad of coxa in retracted position;
ventral surface of hind coxa more or less continuous with first ventrite,
or, if not, then hind tarsus with 1 fewer tarsomere than mid tarsus; fore
coxal cavity open or closed 118
6The myxophagan family Microsporidae will key out here if a mistake is made in couplet 2. They match the antennal characters in this couplel
but lack the crenulation on the last ventrite. These tiny (length 0.5-1.2 mm) beetles can be easily recognized by having only three ventrites
(five in Ostomopsis).
Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 387
86'. Antenna variable (filiform, serrate, pectinate, etc.), but not clubbed;
antennal groove, if present, at or near sternopleural suture; metasternum
without margined groove for mid tarsus; if click mechanism hidden as
in preceding entry, elytra not strongly striate and setae suberect;
abdomen with 3 or 4 connate ventrites; length 1-60 mm
(Figure 26-45A,C,D) Elateridae p.422
87(84'). Either mid coxal cavity closed laterally,the mesosternum and metasternum
meeting laterad of mid coxa; or antenna elongate, antennomeres 3-8 with
long rami, 9-11 flattened, elongate-serrate; pronotum often hoodhke,
covering head from above (Figures 26-50, 26-53) 88
87'. Mid coxal cavity open laterally, mesosternum and metasternum separated
laterad of mid coxa by the mesepimeron, or mesepimeron and
mesepisternum; antenna not as in preceding entry; pronotum variable 89
88(87). Hind trochanter cylindrical, short to long, squarely attached to femur,
distinctly separating coxa and tibia Anobiidae p.427
88'. Hind trochanter short, triangular, obliquely attached to femur
so that femur and coxa are adjacent or narrowly separated on
one side Bostrichidae p.426
89(87'). Either anterior margin of scutellum with abrupt, carinate elevation that
fits against posterior margin of pronotum, or scutellum absent or not
visible 90
89'. Scutellum visible, anterior margin not abruptly elevated, fitting under
overlapping posterior margin of pronotum 113
90(89). Fore coxa strongly and distinctly projecting below prosternum, one third
or more of dorsoventrallength below intercoxal process; fore coxa usually
conical or transversely conical 91
90'. Fore coxa not or weakly projecting below prosternum; if fore coxa conical,
then lying longitudinally and not or weakly projecting ventrally below
intercoxal process 98
91(90). Tarsi with 4 distinct tarsomeres; hind coxal plates greatly expanded,
hiding most of first ventrite; hind wing, when developed, often fringed
with long setae; length 0.7-2 mm Clambidae p.417
91'. Tarsi with 5 distinct tarsomeres; hind coxal plates distinct but not hiding
most of first ventrite; wing not fringed; size variable 92
92(91'). Antenna with distinct, simple club of 3 antennomeres (Figure 26-5G) 93
92'. Antenna variously constructed, but without a simple club of 3 compact
antennomeres 95
93(92). Elytra truncate; pygidium sclerotized and completely or nearly completely
exposed Sphaeritidae p.407
93'. Elytra complete; pygidium not sclerotized, completely covered or with
only small portion exposed 94
94(93'). Upper surface of body glabrous; body contractile; fore tibia held anterior
to femur, covering antenna in hypomeral cavity when contracted
(Orphilinae) Nosodendridae p.424
94'. Upper surface of body variously pubescent, setose or scaled; body not
strongly contractile; fore tibia held posterior to femur, antennal club not
covered by leg when contracted Dermestidae p.424
95(92'). Base of pronotum crenulate; scutellum usually medially notched on
anterior margin; antennal insertion not elevated; mandible moderate and
evenly curved; labrum large, sclerotized, and dorsal to mandibles Ptilodactylidae p.420
Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 389
103(102'). Head with subgenal ridges that fit against fore coxae when head
def1exed Scirtidae p.417
103'. Head without subgenal ridges, genae not in contact with fore coxae 104
104(103'). Two basal ventrites connate, either with suture between them partially
obliterated medially or, if suture between ventrites 1 and 2 not
medially indistinct, sternopleural sutures at least moderately grooved
lO receive antennae 105
390 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 391
113'. Head without subgenal ridges, genae usually not in contact with fore
coxae; prosternum in front of coxa nearly as long as or longer than
intercoxal process 114
114(ll3'). Hind coxal plate large, platelike, longer medially than metasternite,
hiding most of hind femur, even when fully extended Eucinetidae p.416
114'. Hind coxal plate narrow, forming either a parallel plate or simple
carina; hind femur fully visible 115
115(ll4'). Length of body 4X maximum width; male maxillary palp complex,
multilobate Lymexylidae p.428
115'. Length ofbody S2.5X maximum width; maxillary palp not
branched 116
116(ll5'). Prosternal intercoxal process complete, reaching behind fore coxa to
level of mesosternum; posterior portion of hypomeron not extending
behind fore coxa; elytral epipleuron with an internally carinate edge
complete to suture; head with face narrowed; clypeal margin straight;
3 basal ventrites connate Psephenidae p.420
116'. Prosternal intercoxal process incomplete, not reaching beyond
midpoint of fore coxa; posterior portion of hypomeron variable behind
fore coxa; elytral epipleuron narrowed before reaching suture
(complete in 1 genus); head with face not greatly narrowed; clypeal
margin emarginate; all ventrites free 117
117(116'). Elytra with 9 or 10 punctate striae; posterior portion of hypomeron
extending up to half the distance to mesal edge of fore coxa; length
7-14 mm Agyrtidae p. 408
117'. Elytra without punctate striae, otherwise variable, irregularly punctate
(Figure 26-25B), with complex low sculpture (Figure 26-25A) or up
to 3 carinate costae; posterior portion of hypomeron not extending
behind fore coxa or extending only a short distance mesad of lateral
edge of fore coxa; length 7-45 mm Silphidae p. 408
118(77'). Hind coxae widely separated by broad, truncate intercoxal process of
first ventrite 119
118'. lntercoxal process of first ventrite absent, acute or rounded 121
119(ll8). Mid coxal cavity open laterally, closure involving mesepisterna
(Georissinae) Hydrophilidae p. 406
119'. Mid coxal cavity open or not, if open, then closure solely involving
mesepimeron 120
120(ll9'). Antenna geniculate, club usually of 3 antennomeres; elytra short and
trunca te, exposing two nonflexing terga; body compact (Figure 26-23A) Histeridae p.407
120'. Antenna not obviously geniculate, with or without club; elytra rarely
exposing 2 terga, if 2 terga exposed, then exposed abdominal segments
flexible; body not oval or body cylindrical and compact 121
121 Fore coxa with exposed trochantin 122
(ll8' ,120').
121'. Trochantin concealed or absent 140
122(121). Hind coxa extending laterally to reach elytral epipleuron or side of
body, no visible contact between metathorax and first ventrite 123
122'. Hind coxa not reaching elytron; first ventrite and metathorax visibly
in contact laterad of coxa (Figures 26-8A,B) 128
123(122). Hind tarsus with 5 tarsomeres 124
r Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 393
394 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
'Onespecies from California has relatively Ilat pronotum with crenulate margins directed laterally, antenna with 11 antennomeres and 3 anten-
nomeresin club, but two basal sternites are connate.
'One rare genus (Iength <2 mm) somewhat cylindrical, with very convex pronotum in transverse section, with head abruptly constricted be-
hindshort temples to fonn distinct neck.
396 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
158(157'). First ventrite much longer than second, measured behind coxa; elytra
without punctate or impressed striae (traces of striae occasionally
visible through cuticle but not expressed on the surface); epipleuron
distinct in basal half, not reaching apex, usually narrowed at level of
third ventrite; gena carinate and projecting ventrally between eye and
mentum; apex of elytra with double suture or "subapical gap" caused
by wide flange of elytral coupling system; elytra complete, exposing at
most tip of last tergite Cryptophagidae9 p.431
158/. Not fitting this combination of characters, either with the first vcntrite
short, elytra striate, epipleuron complete to apex, gena flat between
eye and mentum, or elytra not covering most of pygidium 159
159(158'). Hind trochanter transversely or obliquely attached to femur, but
distinctly separating femur from coxa (Figures 26-9A-E) 160
159/. Hind trochanter obliquely attached to femur, offset so that femur
abuts coxa 169
160(159). Antennal insertions approximated or separated by less than half width
of head behind eyes; pronotum without lateral carinae; hind tarsus
with 5 tarsomeres; hind trochanter elongate, cylindrical (Ptininae) Anobiidae p.427
160/. Without combination of narrowly separated antennal insertions and
no lateral carina on pronotum; other characters variable 161
161(160'). Pronotum with sublaterallines or grooves that extend from base to
anterior margin, or at least beyond midpoint; head usually with
sublaterallines extending from median margin of eye to pronotum;
lateral margins of pronotum smooth, wavy,or with few obtuse angles,
not acutely denticulate or serrate; head not sharply constricted to a
distinct neck; body oval to elongate, subcylindrical to strongly
dorsoventrally flattened Laemophloeidae p.431
161/. Pronotum without sublaterallines or grooves that extend anterad of
middle; head variable; body variable, often rather convex, oval or
rounded; if body flattened and pronotum with sublateral grooves, then
lateral margins of pronotum sharply denticulate, anterior angles
acutely projecting, or head sharply constricted behind small temples 162
162(161/). Mid coxal cavity open laterally 163
162/. Mid coxal cavity closed laterally 165
163(162). Antenna with 10 antennomeres, distinctly clubbed; elytra shortened,
exposing all of pygidium; head abruptly constricted to form neck;
1-4 mm Monotomidae p.430
163/. Not fitting one or more of the characters in the preceding entry 164
164(163/). Mid and hind tarsi with same number of tarsomeres; body elongate,
flattened (Figure 26-58B); head usually with distinct temples before
abruptly constricted neck; fore coxa either closed behind or open;
ir open (Brontinae), elytra transversely flat or slightly concave
between slightly to distinctly raised interstria between stria 6 and 7;
elytron with scutellary striole; base of mandible with dorsal setose pit
(mycangium) hidden beneath clypeus when closed; antenna filiform,
with scape more than 3X length of pedicel Silvanidae p.431
164/. Hind tarsus with 1 less tarsomere than mid tarsus; other characters
variable 169
9Twogenera of tiny « 1.3 mm) cryptophagids (Amydropa, Baja, California, and Hypocoprus,Rocky Mountain region) lack the subgenal carinae.
Hypocoprus has the first two ventrites subequal and the pygidium exposed, whereas Amydropa lacks the double suture on the elytra. The other
characters fit these two rare genera. Amydropa has greatly reduced eyes (lO facets or fewer), and Hypocoprus has distinct temples.
Keyto the Familiesof Coleoptera 397
165(162'). Body shining, oval and strongly convex; pronotum tightly embracing
elytra (Figure 26-59A), pronotum laterobasally with a translucent,
thin flange that slides over a smooth area on base of humeral angle of
elytron, this area on elytron delimited posteriorIy by a thin carina;
pronotum and elytra with wide propleura and epipleura, lateral
margins sharp, explanate, strongly directed ventrally so that lateral
margins far below level of fore coxa and mesad of epipleural margin,
dorsal surface forming an inverted U in transverse section; pretarsal
claw-toothed or appendiculate Phalacridae p.431
165'. Body usually not so evenly oval; pronotum not as in preceding entry;
lateral margins of pronotum and elytra laterad, not ventrad, of fore
coxa and epipleura; pretarsal claws toothed only in groups with
pronotum narrowed behind 166
166(165'). Mid and hind tarsi with same number of tarsomeres; face often with
beaded lateral margins 167
166'. Mid tarsus with 1 more tarsomere than hind tarsus; face without
beaded lateral margins 169
167(166). GuIar sutures confluent; gena expanded anteriorIy, platelike,
concealing maxilla Passandridae p.431
167'. GuIar sutures separate or absent; gena not so expanded 168
168(167'). Fore coxal cavity usually open behind; terminal maxillary palpomere
narrow, elongate; if fore coxal cavity closed behind, then closed by
mesal extension of hypomeron; length <3 mm and pronotum
somewhatnarrowednear base (Cryptophilus) Languriidae p.431
168'. Fore coxal cavity closed behind by lateral expansion of prostemal
process; terminal maxillary palpomere often hatchet-shaped, or narrow
and elongate; length 3-22 mm Erotylidae p.432
169(123', Last visible segment of abdomen forming a terminal spine
138', 159', (Figure 26-63); body wedge-shaped, humpbacked; head retracted to
164',166'). hypognathous position; hind tibia and tarsus usually with oblique or
transverse, comblike serrate ridges subapically on lateral faces Mordellidae p.434
169'. Abdomen not prolonged into a terminal spine; body otherwise variable;
hind tibia and tarsus without comblike serrate ridges as in preceding
entry; if similar combs are present, then they are apical 170
170(169'). Pretarsal claw with a ventral blade or elongate lobe beneath (reduced
to a large, fused tooth ending about 2/3length of upper blade in
Phodaga,U.S.Southwest);head sharplyor graduallyconstricted
behind eyes to distinct neck 171
170'. Pretarsal claw without ventral blade or elongate lobe beneath, if
claw-toothed or appendiculate, then not as in preceding entry; head
constricted or not 172
171(170). Ventral appendage of pretarsal claw usually lobelike, membranous,
occasionally bladelike and sclerotized; elytra usually meeting along
suture to very near apex, which may be narrowly and separately
rounded; lateral margin of pronotum absent, complete, or indicated
only at base; antenna without club, or with vague to distinct club of
3 antennomeres; mid coxal cavities usually narrowly separated,
occasionally contiguous; maxillae not forming sucking tube; hind
wing with well-developed radial cell; if pronotal margin completely
absent, antenna with at least vague indication of club in last
3 antennomeres and mid coxal cavities narrowly separated; if elytra
broadly separately rounded, pronotum with lateral carina at base Stenotrachelidae p. 438
398 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
179/. Tarsi distinctly 5-5-4; eyes with or without setae between facets, if
present, then setae not as coarse, long or obvious as on front and
sides of head adjacent to the eyes; 4-21 mm 180
. Head prognathous, not abruptly constricted to a narrow neck, lacking
distinct temples (Figure 26-66A); anterior portion of prostemum
as long or longer than prostemal process Oedemeridae p.438
180/. Head distinctly declined, abruptly constricted to forro narrow neck
behind distinct temples; anterior portion of prostemum shorter than
prostemal process (Eurygeniinae) Anthicidae p.440
181(178'). Elytra distinctly setose; eye emarginate anteriorly; penultimate
tarsomere with large 10bebeneath Pyrochroidae p. 440
181/. Elytra glabrous; eye not emarginate; penultimate tarsomere simple
(Pytho and Priognathus) Pythidae p.440
182(177'). Hind coxa extending laterally to elytra or side of body, completely
separating metepistemum and first ventrite; mid tibial spurs serrate,
pectinate, or pubescent 183
182'. Hind coxa not reaching elytra or side of body, metathorax and first
ventrite at least narrowly closing hind coxal cavity laterally; mid tibial
spurs variable 185
183(182). Head vertically narrowed behind eyes to forro narrow neck, head not
received into prothorax, either bulging beyond prono tal margin, or
fitting closely against prono tal margin so that head in lateral view has
a posterior carina or crest meeting anterior margin of pronotum Scraptiidae p.441
183/. Head gradually narrowed behind eyes, fitting into pronotum in a
telescoping manner 184
184(183'). Tarsus without lobes on penultimate tarsomere; sutural stria deeply
impressed near apex of elytra, distinctly more so than in basal half;
2 basal ventrites connate; hind tibia longer than first tarsomere;
length 7-13 mm Synchroidae p.437
184/. Either tarsus with penultimate tarsomere lobed beneath, or hind tibia
shorter than first tarsomere; if sutural stria deeply impressed near apex,
then also impressed on basal half; length 2-20 mm Melandryidae p.434
185(182'). Fore coxal cavity closed behind; first 2 ventrites connate; body strongly
rounded Archeocrypticidae p.434
185/. Fore coxal cavity open behind; ventrites connate or free; body form
variable, often elongate 186
186(185'). Elytra with sutural and epipleural margins elevated, with strongly
elevated carina running from humeral angle nearly to apex resulting
in distinctly concave elytral disc; pronotum with median 10ngitudinal
elevated carina on basal third, deep transverse grooves with pits at
each end on either side of carina (Ischalia) Anthicidae p.440
186'. Elytra and pronotum without strongly elevated carinae, elytral disc
convex 187
187(186/). Prostemal intercoxal process incomplete or absent, not separating fore
coxae 188
187/. Prostemal intercoxal process complete, fully separating fore coxae 189
188(187). Antenna filiforro; terroinallabial and maxillary palpomeres expanded
apically; prostemum shorter than diameter of fore coxa; mid tibial
spurs pubescent or serrate; tarsi lobed on penultimate tarsomeres
(Osphyinae) Melandryidae p. 434
400 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
402 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Tiger beetles (subfamily Cicindelinae) are a fa- Family Gyrinidae-Whirligig Beetles: The gyrinids
voriteof beetle collectors because of their bright col- are oval black beetles that are commonly seen swimming
orsand the challenge of capturing them. Some work- in endless gyrations on the surface of ponds and quiet
ers regard them as a family separate from the streams. They are equally at home on the surface of the
Carabidae. There are 111 species in four genera of water or beneath it. They are extremely rapid swimmers,
tigerbeetles in North America, most belonging to the swimming principally by means of the strongly flattened
genusCicindela. middle and hind legs, which move in synchrony (as in
Adult tiger beetles are usually metallic or irides- Dytiscidae). The front legs are elongate and slender (Fig-
centand often have a definite color pattern. They can ure 26-17). These insects are peculiar in having each
usually be recognized by their characteristic shape compound eye divided. They have a pair of compound
(Figure26-16), and most are 10-20 mm long. eyes on the upper surface of the head and another pair
Most tiger beetles are active, usually brightly col- on the ventral surface (Figure 26-17C). The antennae
oredinsectsfound in open, sunny situations. They are are very short and somewhat clubbed and their third an-
oftencommon on sandy beaches. They can run or fly tennomere is greatly expanded and somewhat earlike
rapidlyand are very wary and difficult to approach. (Figure 26-5E). The two basal abdominal sterna are
Theytake flight quickly, some times after running a few fused, and the suture separating them is indistinct.
feet,and usually alight some distance away facing the Adult whirligig beetles are principally scavengers,
pursuer. They are predaceous and feed on a variety feeding chiefly on insects that fall anto the surface of
ofsmall insects, which they capture with their long, the water. The larvae (Figure 26-18A) are predaceous,
sicklelikemandibles. When handled, they sometimes feeding on a variety of small aquatic animals, and are of-
administera painful bite. ten cannibalistic. Many adults give off a characteristic
The larvae are predaceous and live in vertical bur- fruity odor when handled. The adults are often gregari-
rowsin the soil in dry paths or fields or in sandy ous, forming large swarms on the surface of the water.
beaches.They prop themselves at the entrance of their The eggs of whirligig beetles are laid in clusters or
burrow,with the traplike jaws wide apart, waiting to rows on the undersides of the leaves of aquatic plants,
capturesome passing insect. The larva has hooks on particularly water lilies and pandweed. Pupation oc-
tbefifth abdominal tergum, with which it can anchor curs in mud cells on the shore or on aquatic plants.
¡tseUin its burrow and thus avoid being pulled out Most of the 56 North American species of
whenit captures large prey. After subduing the prey, whirligig beetles belong to the genera Gyrinus and
thelarva drags it to the bottom of the burrow, often Dineutus. The species of Dineutus are 8.5-15.5 mm
0.3m underground, and eats it. long, and the scutellum is hidden (Figure 26-17 A).
404 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
gins of the pronotum and elytra (Figure 26-20A). A that can be recognized by the short, clubbed antennae
few members of this group have tarsi in a 4-4-5 pattern. and the long maxillary palps (Figure 26-22). Mos!
SUBORDER Polyphaga:The members of this subor- species are aquatic and are very similar in general ap-
der differ from most other beetles in that the first visi- pearance to the Dytiscidae. The aquatic species are
ble abdominal sternum is not divided by the hind generally black, and they vary in length from a fewmi!.
coxae, and its posterior margin extends completely limeters up to about 40 mm. The metasternum in some
across the abdomen. The hind trochanters are usually species is prolonged posteriorly as a sharp spine (Fig-
small, not large, and are offset toward the midline as in ure 26-22B). This spine may be jabbed into the fingers
the Adephaga (Figure 26-12B) , and notopleural su- of a person who is careless in handling one of thesein.
tures are lacking. This suborder includes the remaining sects.
families ofbeetles, which vary greatly in the form of the The water scavenger beetles differ somewhatfrarn
antennae, the tarsal formula, and other characters. the dytiscids in habits. They rarely hang head down.
Family Hydrophilidae-Water Scavenger Beetles: ward from the surface of the water, as the dytiscidsrre.
quently do, and they carry air with them below thewa.
~vl;~~hrdrop~i~~~~ a~~.oval'.'~,~mewhat convex beetles
Key to the Families of Coleoptera 407
terin a silvery film over the ventral side of the body. In This species, Sphaerites politus Mannerheim, is 3.5-
swimming,the hydrophilids move opposite legs alter- 5.5 mm long and black with a metallic bluish luster. lt
nately,whereasthe dytiscidsmove opposite legs simul- is very similar to so me of the hister beetles, but the an-
taneously,like a frog. The adults are principally scav- tennae are not elbowed, the tibiae are less expanded
engers,as the common name implies, but the larvae are and lack teeth externally, and only the last abdominal
usuallypredaceous. The larvae of the water scavenger segment is exposed beyond the elytra.
beetles(Figure 26-I8C) differ from those of the preda- Family Histeridae-Clown Beetles, Hister Beetles:
ceousdiving beetles in that they have only a single pre- Hister beetles are small (0.5-10.0 mm long), broadly
tarsalclaw (dytiscid larvae have two), and the mandi- oval beetles that are usually shining black. The elytra
blesare usually toothed. The larvae are voracious and are cut off square at the apex, exposing one or two api-
feedon all sorts of aquatic animals. cal abdominal segments (Figure 26-23A). The anten-
The hydrophilids (284 North American species) nae (Figure 26-51) are elbowed and clubbed. The tib-
arecommon insects in ponds and quiet streams. A
largeand common species, Hydrophilus triangularis
Say,is shining black and about 40 mm long (Figure
26-22).Most hydrophilids are aquatic, but a few (sub-
familySphaeridiinae) are terrestrial and live in dung.
Thesediffer from the aquatic hydrophilids in having
thefirsttarsomere of the hind tarsi rather long, and the
maxillarypalps are usually shorter than the antennae.
The most common dung-inhabiting species is
Sphaeridium scarabaeoides(L.), which has a faint red
spotand a fainter yellow spot on each elytron. Some of
theaquatic species are attracted to lights at night. The
aquaticspecies lay their eggs in silken cases, which are A
usuallyattached to aquatic plants. The full-grown lar-
vae[eave the water to pupate in earthen cells under-
ground. Figure 26-23 A, a hister beetle, Geomyzaprinus goffi
Family Sphaeritidae-False Clown Beetles: This (Ross), 6X; B, a round fungus beetle, Anisotoma globosa
group is represented in North America by a single Hatch, 15X. (A, courtesy of Ross and the Entomological
speciesthat lives in carríon, manure, and decaying Society of America; B, courtesy of Wheeler and Blackwell
fungifram Alaska to northern Idaho and California. Scientific Publications.)
408 Chapter 26 Order Coleoptera
iae are dilated, and the anterior ones are usually beetles, 1.5 to 6.5 mm long, and brown to black (fig-
toothed or spined. Hister beetles are generally found in ure 26-23B). Many species when disturbed tuck the
or near decaying organic matter such as dung, fungi, head and prothorax under the body and roll into a ball,
and carrion, but are apparently predaceous on other thus concealing all the appendages. These beetles live
small insects living in these materials. Some species, in fungi, under bark, in decaying wood, and in similar
which are very flat, live under the loose bark of stumps places. The Catopinae (formerly placed in the family
or logs. A few live in the nests of ants or termites. A few Leptodiridae) are elongate-oval, somewhat flattened,
species are elongate and cylindrical; these live in the brownish to black, pubescent, and 2-5 mm long. They
galleries of wood-boring insects. When disturbed, the often have faint cross striations on the elytra and
hister beetles usually draw in their legs and antennae pronotum, and most have the eighth antennomere
and become motionless. The appendages fit so snugly shorter and smaller in diameter than the seventh and
into shallow grooves on the ventral side of the body ninth antennomeres. Most of these beetles live in car-
that it is often difficult lO see them, even with consid- rion, but some are found in fungi, some feed on slime
erable magnification. Around 435 species occur in the molds, and others live in ant nests. The highly modi-
United States and Canada. fied Glaciacavicola bathyscoides Westcott is known only
Family Hydraenidae-Minute Moss Beetles: These from Idaho ice caves.
beetles are similar to the hydrophilids but differ in hav- The mammal-nest beetles and beaver parasites
ing six or seven abdominal sterna (only five in the Hy- (formerly classified separately as the Leptinidae and
drophilidae). They are elongate or oval, dark-colored Platypsyllidae) are brownish, oblong-oval, louselike
beetles, 1.2 to 1.7 mm long, and live in matted vegeta- beetles, 2-5 mm long, with the eyes reduced or absent.
tion along stream margins, in wet moss, and along the The species of Leptinus (three in North America) livein
seashore. Both larvae and adults feed on algae. There the nests and fur of mice, shrews, and moles and occa-
are 95 species in six genera in North America. sionally in the nests of ground-nesting Hymenoptera.
Family Ptiliidae-Feather-Winged Beetles: This The species of Leptinillus (two in North America) live
family includes some of the smallest beetles known. in the nests and fur of beavers, one species on the com-
Few exceed 1 mm, and many are less than 0.5 mm mon beaver (Castor) and the other on the mountain
long. The body is oval, the hind wings bear a long beaver (Aplodontia). The single species of Platypsylla,
fringe of hairs that often extends out from beneath the P. castoris Ritsema, is an ectoparasite of the common
elytra, and the antennae bear whorls of long hairs. beaver.
These beetles live in rotting wood, dung, and leaf litter Family Scydmaenidae-Antlike Stone Beetles: The
and feed chiefly on fungus spores. In North America, members of this group are antlike in shape (Fig-
27 genera and nearly 120 species are known. ure 26-24B), long-Iegged, brownish, somewhat hairy
This family includes the horseshoe crab beetles, beetles, 1-5 mm long. The antennae are slightly clavate,
formerly placed in the Limulodidae, which are usually and the femora are often clava te (Figure 26-24B). They
a millimeter or less in length and are somewhat similar live under stones, in moss and leaf litter, and in ant
to horseshoe crabs in general appearance. They are nests. These beetles are secretive in habit, but sometimes
oval in shape, with the elytra short and the abdomen fly about in numbers at twilight. There are 217 species
somewhat tapering, and yellowish to brownish. Hind in North America.
wings and compound eyes are absent. These beetles are Family Silphidae-Carrion Beetles: The common
found in ant nests, where they usually ride on the ants, species in this group are relatively large and often
feeding on exudations from their bodies. This group is brightly colored insects that live around the bodies of
a small one (four species in the United States), but is dead animals. The body is soft and somewhat flattened,
widely distributed. the antennae are clubbed (clavate or capitate), and the
Family Agyrtidae-Primitive Carrion Beetles: This is tarsi are five-merous. Silphids range in length from 3 10
a small group (ll North American species) formerly 35 mm, but most species are over 10 mm.
included in the Silphidae. These beetles are 4-14 mm Two common genera in this group are Silpha and
long, oblong lO elongate in shape, slightly flattened, Nicrophorus (=Necrophorus).ln Silpha (Figure 26-25A)
and glabrous. They are found in decaying animal or the body is broadly oval and flattened, 10-24 mm long,
vegetable matter. There is 1 eastern species; the other and the elytra are rounded or acute at the apex and al-
10 occur in the Pacific Coast states. most cover the abdomen. In some species (for example,
Family leiodidae-Round Fungus Beetles, Mammal- S. americana L.), the pronotum is yellowish with a black
Nest Beetles, Beaver Parasites: The leiodids, with about spot in the center. In Nicrophorus (Figure 26-25B), the
324 species in 30 genera in North America, are a vari- body is more elongate, the elytra are short and truncate
able group that was formerly divided into at least apically, and most species are red and black. The beet/es
two families. The Leiodinae are convex, shiny, oval of the genus Nicrophorus are often known as "burying
Keyto the Families of Coleoptera 409
A B e
(Figure26-24A). This group, some times considered a Family Passalidae-BessBeetles:These beetles have
separate family, is large, with 710 species in North a variety of names: "bessbugs," "bessiebugs," "betsy
America.The members of one tribe of pselaphines, the beetles," "patent-leather beetles," and "horned passalus
Clavigerini,are peculiar in having two-merous anten- beetles." This family is closely related to the Lucanidae,
naeand tarsi with only one claw. These beetles live in but differs in that the mentum of the labium is deeply
antnests, where the ants "milk" them for a secretion on notched. Four species occur in the United States. The
whichthe ants feed. Most pselaphines are thought to most widespread eastern species, Odontotaenius dis-
bepredators. junctus (Illiger) (Figure 26-28C), is a shining black
The subfamily Dasycerinae includes the genus beetle, 32-36 mm long, with longitudinal grooves
Dasycems, which was formerly placed in the familyLa- in the elytra and a characteristic horn on the head (Fig-
tridiidae.It includes only four species in North Amer- . ure 26-13B). Odontotaenius jloridanus Schuster is
ica,three eastern and one western. These beetles differ found in Florida. Two western species of the family
framthe Latridiidae in having the front coxal cavities were found in Arizona, but have not been observed
openbehind and the front coxa e contiguous. Their there for many years.
habitsare similar to those of the Latridiidae. The passalids are somewhat social, and their
Family Lucanidae-Stag Beetles: The lucanids are colonies live in galleries in decaying logs. The adults
sometimescalled "pinchingbugs" because of the large can produce a squeaking sound by rubbing roughened
mandiblesof the males (Figure 26-28A). In some males areas on the underside of the wings across similar areas
themandibles are half as long as the body or longer on the dorsal side of the abdomen. The larvae also
andare branched like the antlers of a stag (hence the stridulate. This sound is produced when the insect is
name"stag beetles"). Stag beetles are closely related to disturbed. Normally, however, it probably serves as a
theScarabaeidae, but the terminal antennomeres (Fig- means of communication. The adults prepare food (de-
ure 26-6E) cannot be held tightly together as in caying wood) with their salivary secretions and feed it
thescarabs and related families (Figure 26-6C,D,G). to the young.
NorthAmerican stag beetles vary in length from about Family Diphyllostomatidae:This small family con-
10--60mm. Most of the larger ones are 25-40 mm long. sists of three species of Diphyllostoma, all from Califor-
Thereare24 speciesin eight genera in the United States nia. They were originally described in the family Lu-
andCanada. canidae and differ from all other scarabaeoids in having
These insects are usually found in woods, but seven abdominal ventrites, exposed protrochantin, and
somespecies live on sandy beaches. The adults are of- no tibial spurs. The legs and body are very setose. Fe-
tenattracted to lights at night. The larvae are found in males differ from males in having reduced eyes and
decayingwood and are similar to the white grubs vestigial wings. The larvae are undescribed, and little is
foundin grassy soil. They feed on liquid from the de- known of their ecology and habits.
caying wood. Family Ceratocanthidae:These beetles are round,
blackish, and 5-6 mm long, with the middle and hind
tibiae greatly dilated and bearing rows of spines along
their en tire length. When disturbed, these beetles draw
in their legs and antennae and form a hemispherical
mass, and in this position they remain motionless.
They live under bark, in rotten logs and stumps, and
occasionally on flowers. Three species occur in the
United States: two species of Gennarostres, which are
widely distributed throughout the East, and Acantho-
cems aeneus MacLeay, which occurs in the Southeast.
Family Glaphyridae:The members of this group
are elongate and brownish and have a very hairy body.
The elytra are short, exposing two or three abdominal
C> terga. They taper posteriorly and are separated at the
D apex. These beetles are 13-18 mm long. The North
A B e American species belong to the genus Lichnanthe.
Some occur in the Northeast and some in the West. All
are quite rare.
Family Pleocomidae-RainBeetles:These beetles are
so called because the males fly and seek mates during
the fall rains. The females are wingless. The 26 species
412 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
and 6 subspecies are western in distribution and rela- nomeres. Two species are known from the United
tively rare. The larvae live in the soil and feed on the States, Hybosorus illigeri Reiche, which was introduced
roots of trees and grasses. The adults live in burrows in from Europe in the 1840s, and pachyplectrus laevis
the ground, usually coming out only at dusk or after (LeConte), a quite rare species that is found in Arizona
a rain. The members of the genus Pleocoma are stout- and southern California.
bodied, relatively large (about 25 mm long), and rather Family Glaresidae:This is a srnall family,having15
pubescent. The burrows of P. fimbriata LeConte are species in the genus Glaresisin North America. They were
about 25 mm in diameter and up to 0.6 m in depth. formerly placed in the family Trogidae, but differ from
Family Geotrupidae-Earth-Boring Dung Beetles: them in having the eyes divided by a canthus and the hind
These beetles are very similar to some of the other femur and tibia enlarged and covering most of the ab-
dung-feeding scarabs, but have ll-merous antennae. domen. Adults live in dry, sandy areas and are attracted 10
They are stout-bodied, convex, oval beetles that are light. These beetles are small (2.5-6.0 mm long).
black or dark brown (Figure 26-29A). The elytra are Family Trogidae-Skin Beetles: The members of
usually grooved or striate, the tarsi are long and slen- this group have the dorsal surface of the body very
der, and the front tibiae are broadened and toothed or rough. The second antennomere arises before the tip of
scalloped on the outer edges. The elytra completely the first instead of from its apex (Figure 26-6G). These
cover the abdomen. These beetles vary in length from beetles are oblong, convex, dark brown (and often cov-
5 to 25 mm and are found beneath cow dung, horse ered with dirt) , and shaped much like june beetles
manure, or carrion. Some live in logs or decaying (Figure 26-29B). They are usually found on old, dry
fungí. The larvae live in or beneath dung or carrion. animal carcasses, where they feed on the hide, feathers,
They feed on this material and hence are of value as hair, or dried tissues on the bones. They represent one
scavengers. Twelve genera and 28 species of Geotrupi- of the last stages in the succession of insects livingin
dae occur in the Nearctic region. animal carcasses. Some species live in owl pellets, be-
Family Ochodaeidae: These beetles may be recog- neath bark, or on roots. When disturbed, these beetles
nized from other scarabaeoids in having the longer api- draw in their legs and lie motionless, resembling dirtor
cal spur of the hind tibia pectinate along one edge. rubbish, and thus are often overlooked. They overwin-
There are 35 species in four genera in North America, ter as adults beneath leaves and in debris. Two genera,
and they range in length from 3 to 10 mm. Uttle is Trox with 25 species, and Omorgus, with 16 species, are
known of the biology, except that large numbers are generally distributed in the United States and Canada.
sometimes attracted to light. One species, Ochodaeus Family Scarabaeidae-Scarab Beetles: This group
musculus (Say), a reddish-brown oval beetle, 5-6 mm contains about 1,400 North American species, and its
long, with striate elytra, occurs in the northern states. members vary greatly in size, color, and habits. The
Family Hybosoridae:These beetles may be distin- scarabs are heavy-bodied, oval OI elongate, usually
guished from other scarabaeoids by the prominent convex beetles, with the tarsi 5-merous (rarely, the
mandibles and labrum, the 10-merous antennae with a front tarsi are absent) and the antennae 8- to ll-merous
3-merous club in which the basal antennomere of the and lamellate. The last three (rarely more) of the an-
club is hollowed out to receive the two apical anten- tennomeres are expanded into platelike structures tha!
A B e D
maybe spread apart (Figure 26-6C) or united to fonu of vertebrates or in the nests of ants or termites. A few
acompact terminal club (Figure 26-6D). The front tib- feed on fungi. Many feed on plant materials such as
iaeare more or less dilated, with the outer edge toothed grasses, foliage, fruits, and flowers, and some of these
or scalloped. are serious pests of lawns, golf greens, or various agri-
The scarabs vary considerably in habits. Many are cultural crops. The larvae are strongly curved and
dung feeders or feed on decomposing plant materials, C-shaped and in many species are the damaging
carrion, and the like. Some live in the nests or burrows ("white grub") stage.
Subfamily Scarabaeinae (=Coprinae)-Dung Beetles about 18 mm long or less, has eight striae on each
andTumblebugs: These beetles are robust, 5-30 mm elytron, and Dichotomius (about 25 mm long and very
long,and feed chiefly on dung. Most are dull black, but robust) has seven. Other genera in this subfamily are
sorne are metallic green. The tumblebugs (principally generally shorter than 10 mm.
Canthonand DeItochilum)are black and about 25 mm The tumblebugs are usually common in pastures
long or less, with the middle and hind tibiae rather and are interesting to watch. They chew off a piece of
slender, and there are no horns on the head or prono- dung, work it into a ball, and roll this ball a consider-
turnoOther genera in this subfamily have the middle able distance. They usually work in pairs, one push-
andhind tibiae swollen at the tip and often have a horn ing and the other pulling, rolling the ball with their
on the head. In Phanaeus (Figure 26-29C,D), which is hind legs. The ball is then buried in the soil, and
usuallya little less than 25 mm long, the body is a bril- the eggs are laid in the ball. The larvae are thus as-
liant green with the pronotum golden, and the males sured a food supply, and the burial of the ball provides
havea long horn on the top of the head. The dung bee- protection.
des in the genera Copris and Dichotomius (= Pinotus) The sacred scarab of ancient Egypt, Scarabaeus
areblack, with conspicuous striae on the elytra. Copris, sacer L., is a member of this group and has habits sim-
414 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
ilar to those of the tumblebugs. In Egyptian mythology, species are of considerable economic importance. The
the ball of dung represented the Sun and its movement best-known beetles in this group are the june beetles
across the sky. or may beetles, some times called "junebugs," which
Subfamily Aphodiinae-Aphodian Dung Beetles: are usually brown and are common around lights in
Ihis is a fairly large group (over 200 North American the spring and early summer (Figure 26-30A). Most
species) of small dung beetles, and some are quite com- belong to the genus Phyllophaga (= Lachnostema),
mon, particularly in cow dung. Ihey are usually black, which contains more than 200 eastern species. The
or red and black. One species, Ataenius spretulus adults feed at night on foliage and flowers. Ihe larvae
(Haldeman), has recently be come an important pest of (Figure 26-31) are the well-known white grubs that
turf grasses, especially on golf courses. feed in the soil on the roots of grasses and other
Subfamily Melolonthinae-June Beetles, Chafers, plants. White grubs are very destructive insects and do
and Others: Ihis is a large and widely distributed a great deal of damage to pastures, lawns, and such
group, and all its members are plant feeders. Many crops as corn, small grains, potatoes, and strawberries.
Ihe life cycle usually requires two or three years to
complete. Ihe greatest damage to field crops occurs
when fields are rotated from grass or meadow to corn,
another grass.
Ihis subfamily also contains the chafers (Macro-
dactylus). Ihe rose chafer, M. subspinosus (Fabricius),
is a slender, tan, long-Iegged beetle that feeds on the
flowers and foliage of roses, grapes, and various other
plants. It often feeds on peaches and other fruits. The
larvae are small, white grubs that live in light soil and
often seriously damage roots. Poultry that eat these
beetles become extremely ill and quite often die.
Most other beetles in this subfamily are robust,
oval, and brownish and resemble june beetles (though
most are smaller). Ihe beetles in the genus Dichelonyx
are elongate and slender, with greenish or bronze ely-
tra and simple pretarsal claws.
Subfamily Rutelinae-Shining Leaf Chafers: The
larvae of these beetles feed on plant roots, and the
adults feed on foliage and fruits. Many adults are very
brightly colored. A number of important pest species
are included in this subfamily.
One of the most serious pests in this group is
the ]apanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman (Fig-
ure 26-30B). Ihis species was introduced into the
eastern United States on nursery stock from ]apan in
about 1916. Since then, it has spread over a large part
of the eastern United States, where it is a serious pest
on lawns, golf courses, fruits, and shrubbery. Ihe adult
C> , " ' .. .. c:
:::E ;; "..." ..9
A \.../ B c 1
t:if . 1J.
v ,
/ c:a
Figure26-35 A, a plate-
thigh beetle, Eucinetus termi-
nalis LeConte (Eucinetidae),
16x; B, a marsh beetle, Prí-
onocyphon limbatus LeConte
(Scirtidae), 6x; C, a soft-
bodied plant beetle, Dascillus
davidsoni LeConte (Dascilli-
dae), 3X. (Courtesy of
A B e Amett.)
I Keyto the Subfamilies of the Scarabaeidae 417
name). Eleven species occur in North America, and Family Buprestidae-Metallic Wood-Boring Beetles:
theyare generaIly found under bark or in fungi. The adults of this group are 3-100 mm (usuaIly less
Family Clambidae-Minute Beetles: The clambids than 20 mm) in length and are often rather metaIlic-
areminute (about 1 mm long), oval, convex, brownish coppery, green, blue, or black-especially on the ventral
to black beetles that are capable of tucking the head side of the body and on the dorsal surface of the ab-
and prothorax under the body and rolling into a baIl. domen. They are hard-bodied and compactly built and
Ihey resemble the leiodids in this respect, but differ usuaIly have a characteristic shape (Figures 26-37 and
fromleiodids in being pubescent, in having the hind 26-38). Many adult buprestids are attracted to dead or
coxaedilated into broad plates, and in having a fringe dying trees and logs and to slash. Others live on the fo-
oflong hairs on the hind wings. These beetles live in liage of trees and shrubs. These beetles run or fly
decayingplant material. The group is smaIl (12 North rapidly and are often difficult to catch. Some are colored
American species), and its members are not often en- like the bark and are very inconspicuous when they re-
countered. main motionless. Many of the larger beetles in this
Family Scirtidae-Marsh Beetles: The scirtids are group are common in sunny situations. There are about
ovalbeetles, 2-4 mm long (Figure 26-35B), and live on 762 North American species of Buprestidae.
vegetation in swampy places and in damp, rotting de- Most buprestid larvae bore under bark or in wood,
bris.There are 50 species in North America. Some have attacking either living trees or newly cut or dying logs
enlarged hind femora and are active jumpers. The lar- and branches. Many do serious damage to trees and
vae,which have long, slender antennae, are aquatic. shrubs. The eggs are usuaIly laid in crevices in the bark.
Family Dascillidae-Soft-Bodied Plant Beetles: The The larvae, on hatching, tunnel under the bark, and
dascillids are oval to elongate, soft-bodied, pubescent some species eventuaIly bore into the wood. The gal-
beetles,mostly 3-14 mm long. The head is usuaIly vis- leries under the bark are often winding and fiIled with
iblefrom above, and some species have relatively large frass. The galleries in the wood are oval in cross section
andconspicuous mandibles (Figure 26-35C). Theyare and usually enter the wood at an angle (Figure 26-39).
mast likely 10 be found on vegetation near water, but Pupation occurs in the galleries. Because buprestid lar-
arenot very common. This group contains five North vae usually have the anterior end expanded and flat-
American species in Arizona and California. tened (Figure 26-40), they are often known as "flat-
Family Rhipiceridae-Cicada Parasite Beetles: These headed borers." The larvae of some species make winding
are elongate-oval, brownish beetles, 12-24 mm long, gaIleries under the bark of twigs (Figure 26-4lB); others
with orange antennae and prominent mandibles (Fig- make galls (Figure 26-41A); and one species girdles
ure26-36). The antennae are flabeIlate in the male and twigs.
serrate to pectinate in the female. These beetles super- The larvae of Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier) at-
ficiallyresemble june beetles and are good fliers. The tack a number of trees and shrubs and frequently do
larvae are parasites of cicada nymphs. This group is serious damage to fruit trees. The larva e of different
small(five North American species of Sandalus) but is species of Agrilus attack raspberries, blackberries,
widelydistributed. and other shrubs. Agrilus champlaini Frost makes
gaIls in ironwood (Figure 26-41A), and A. ruficollis
(Fabricius) makes gaIls in raspberry and blackberry.
Agrilus arcuatus (Say) is a twig girdler. The adults
of the genus Agrilus are rather long and narrow (Fig-
ure 26-38C); most are dark-colored with metallic
shades, and some have light markings. The emerald
ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, an iridescent
green species, was recently introduced into the Mid-
west (Michigan and Ohio at this time) and threatens
to become a major pest of ash. The larvae of the
species of Brachys (Figure 26-37D) are leaf miners.
Most buprestids fly when disturbed, but the beetles in
the genus Brachys draw up their legs, "play dead,"
and faIl off the foliage onto the ground. These smaIler
buprestids are usually found on foliage.
Family Byrrhidae-Pill Beetles:The pill beetles (Fig-
ure 26-42) are oval, convex, and 1.5 to 10.0 mm long.
Figure26-36 A cicada parasite beetle, Sandaluspetrophya The head is bent downward and concealed from above,
Knoch,female (Rhipiceridae), 3x. (Courtesy of Amett.) and the wide hind coxae extend to the elytra. These in-
418 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Keyto the Subfamiliesof the Scarabaeidae 419
FamilyDryopidae-Long-Toed Water Beetles: The long, pubescent beetles (Figure 26-43A) that live in
dryopids are elongate-oval, 1-8 mm long, and dull gray mud or sand along the banks of streams or lakes. Su-
or brown, with the head more or less withdrawn into perficially they resemble small scarabs. Most are black-
the prothorax (Figure 26-43B). The body in some ish or brownish, with bands or spots of dull yellow,and
species is covered with afine pubescence. The anten- are 4-6 mm long. The tibiae are armed with rowsof
nae are very short, with most antennomeres broader heavy, flattened spines. The tarsi are 4-4-4, with tar-
than long, and are concealed beneath the prosternal someres 1 and 4 much longer than 2 and 3. The anten.
lobe. These beetles usually cling to objects in a stream. nae are short, with the last seven antennomeres form-
Sometimes they are found crawling around on the bot- ing an oblong serrate club. The front and middle tibiae
toms of streams or along the shores. The adults may are greatly dilated and spiny, and are used in burrow-
leave the stream and fly about, especially at night. Most ing. When the shore is flooded with water splashed up
known larva e are vermiform and live in soil or decay- from the stream, these beetles may often be forcedto
ing wood (rather than in water). Thirteen species occur leave their burrows in the stream bank. There are 34
in North America. species in the United States and Canada.
Family Lutrochidae-Travertine Beetle: The small Family Psephenidae-Water-Penny Beetles: These
size (2-6 mm long), dense pubescence, stout body, beetles derive their common name from the peculiar
very short antennae, and elongate mandibles charac- shape of the larva e (Figure 26-44A,B). The larvae
terize members of this small family, which contains (called "water pennies") are very flat and almost circu-
three species of Lutrochus in North America. Both lar and live on the undersides of stones or other objeclS
adults and larvae are aquatic and feed on algae and wa- in streams and wave-swept shores. Psephenus henicki
terlogged wood. (DeKay) is a common eastern species. The adult isa
Family Limnichidae-Minute Marsh-Loving Beetles: somewhat flattened, blackish beetle, 4-6 mm long
The members of this and the two following families (Figure 26-44C), which is usually found on stones in
have quite long pretarsal claws (as in Figure 26-lOH), the water or along the shore of the streams where the
and the first three visible abdominal sterna are more or larvae live. Fifteen other species, mostly westem, occur
less fused together. The larvae of most species (and in the United States.
usually also the adults) are aquatic. The limnichids are Family Ptilodactylidae:The members of this group
small (1-4 mm long), oval, convex beetles whose body are elongate-oval in shape, brownish, 4-6 mm long,
is clothed with fine pubescence. The most common and the head is generally not visible from above. The
limnichids (Lutrochus) have 11 antennomeres. These antennae are serrate in the female and pectinate in the
beetles are usually found in the wet sand or soil along male (antennomeres 4-10 each bear a slender basal
the margins of streams. There are 28 species in the process about as long as the antennomere). The tarsi
United States. are 5-5-5, with the third tarsomere lobed beneathand
Family Heteroceridae-Variegated Mud-Loving the fourth often minute. The ptilodactylids live on veg.
Beetles: The heterocerids are a group of flattened, ob- etation, chiefly in swampy places. Some larvae are
Keyto the Subfamiliesof the Scarabaeidae 421
A B e
aquatic, and others live in moist, dead logs. There are Family Artematopodidae: This is a small family
28species in six genera in North America. (eight North American species) formerly placed in the
Family Chelonariidae-Turtle Beetles:Only one rare Dascillidae (subfamily Dascillinae), which they
speciesof chelonariid occurs in the United States, Che- strongly resemble. They are elongate, pubescent bee-
lonariumlecontei Thomson, which occurs in the South- tles, 4.0 to 7.5 mm long, with the head deflexed and
east,from North Carolina to eastern Texas and south to with long, filiform antennae. The tarsi usually have a
Florida and Louisiana. This insect is oval, convex, 4- small fourth tarsomere, and tarsomeres 2 to 4 are
5rnm long, and black with patches of white pubescence lobed. Collectors frequently take individuals of Eury-
onthe elytra. The legs are retractile. The head is retracted pogon species by sweeping vegetation.
¡ntothe prosternum, exposing only the eyes and anten- Family Brachypsectridae- The Texas Beetle: This
nae.The basal antennomeres are situated in a prosternal family is represented in the United States by a single,
groove, and the remaining antennomeres extend back very rare species, Brachypsectra fulva LeConte, a yel-
along the mesosternum. The larvae of these beetles are lowish brown beetle 5-6 mm long, which is sometimes
aquatic,and the adults are found on vegetation. called the Texas beetle. It resembles a click beetle in
Family Eulichadidae: This group includes a single general appearance, but do es not have the prosternal
North American species, Stenocolus scutellaris spine and mesosternal fossa characteristic of the Ela-
LeConte, which has previously been included in the teridae. This insect is known from Texas, Utah, Col-
farnily Dascillidae. This species, which occurs in the orado, New Mexico, and California.
mountains of northern California, is 15-26 mm long Family Cerophytidae: This group includes two very
and shaped like a click beetle, with a vestiture of fine rare species of Cerophytum, one occurring in the East
hairs. The mandibles are prominent and strongly bent and the other in California and Oregon. These beetles
apically,with the apex scooplike. The larvae, which are are elongate-oblong in shape, somewhat flattened, 7.5
the overwintering stage, live in streams and probably to 8.5 mm long, and brownish to black. The hind
feedon decaying vegetation. trochanters are very long, nearly as long as the femora.
Family Callirhipidae:The only North American Adults can "jump" in the same manner as click beetles.
species in this family is Zenoa picea (Beauvois), an These beetles live in rotten wood and under dead bark.
elongate, dark-brown, shiny beetle, 11-15 mm long. Its Family Eucnemidae-False ClickBeetles:This family
antennae are serrate (males) to pectinate (females). (85 species in North America) is very closely related to
This is a rare beetle found under logs and bark and is the Elateridae. Its members are relatively rare beetles
known from Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Kansas, usually found in wood that has just begun to decay,
Louisiana, and Florida. chiefly in beech and maple. Most are brownish and
422 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Figure 26-4t'" A, a lightningbug (Photuris);
A B, a soldier beetle (Chauliognathus); 3.75X.
424 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
The light emitted by these insects is unique in be- (Peck and Thomas 1998). At least one seems to have
ing cold. Nearly 100% of the energy given off appears become established.
as light. In electric lights, only 10% of the energy is FamilyDerodontidae-Tooth-NeckedFungusBeetles:
light, and the other 90% is given off as heat. Firefly The derodontids (9 North American species) are small,
light is produced by the oxidation of a substance called usually brownish beetles, 3-6 mm long (Figure 26-48),
luciferin, made in the cells of the light-producing or- and have a pair of ocelli on the head near the inner mar-
ganso These organs have a rich tracheal supply, and the gins of the compound eyes (Figure 26-13C). The mem-
insect controls light emission by controlling air supply bers of the genus Derodontus have three or four strong
to the organs. When air is admitted, the luciferin (in teeth or notches along the lateral margins of the prono-
the presence of an enzyme called luciferinase or lu- tum. Other genera lack these teeth. The elytra completely
ciferase) is almost instantly oxidized, releasing energy cover the abdomen, and each bears many rows of large
as light. The flashing of fireflies serves primarily as a square punctures or polished dark spots. These beetles
means of getting the sexes together, and each species live in woody fungi and under the bark of rotting logs.
has a characteristic flash rhythm. Females of some Laricobius erichsonií Rosenhauer has been introduced
predatory species imitate the flashes of other species from Europe into Oregon, where it is established as an
and thus lure amorous but hapless males of those important predator of the balsam woolly aphid.
species to their doom. Family Nosodendridae-Wounded Tree Beetles:
During the day the lampyrids are usually found on This family includes two species of Nosodendron, one
vegetation. The larva e are predaceous and feed on var- occurring in the East and the other in the West. The
ious smaller insects and on snails. The females of many eastern species, N. unicolor 5ay, is an oval, convex,
species are wingless and look very much like larvae. black beetle 5-6 mm long. It lives in oozing tree
These wingless females and most lampyrid larvae are wounds (sometimes in good numbers), under the bark
luminescent and are often called "glowworms." There of dead logs, and in debris. The nosodendrids are sim-
are about 125 species of fireflies in the United 5tates ilar to the Byrrhidae,but the head is visible from above,
and Canada, mostly in the East and the 50uth. and the elytra bear rows of short, yellow hair tufts.
FamilyOmethidae-FalseFirefly Beetles, False501- Family Dermestidae-Dermestid or 5kin Beetles:
dier Beetles: The omethids are soft-bodied beetles re- This group (123 North American species) contains a
sembling lampyrids or cantharids, with which they are number of very destructive and economically impor-
sometimes associated. There are 10 species in seven tant species. The dermestids are mostly scavengers and
genera in the United 5tates. Uttle is known about their feed on a great variety of plant and animal products, in-
ecology or feeding habits. They have been collected on cluding leather, furs, skins, museum specimens,
foliage during the day, and some have been collected woolen or silk materials, rugs, stored food materials,
from forest floor debris. and carrion. Most of the damage is done by the larvae.
Family Cantharidae-50ldier Beetles: The can- Adult dermestids are small, oval, or elongate-oval,
tharids are elongate, soft-bodied beetles, 1-15 mm convex beetles with short clubbed antennae, and they
long, that are very similar to the lightningbugs vary in length from 2 to 12 mm. They are usually hairy
(Lampyridae), but the head protrudes forward beyond
the pronotum and is visible from above (not concealed
by the pronotum as in the Lampyridae). These beetles
do not have light-producing organs.
Adult soldier beetles are usually found on flowers.
The larvae are predaceous on other insects. One com-
mon species, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer)
(Figure 26-47B), about 13 mm long, has each elytron
yellowish with a black spot or stripe. Members of other
genera are yelloWÍsh, black, or brown. There are 473
species of soldier beetles in North America.
Family Jacobsoniidae-Jacobson'sBeetles: These
tiny beetles (less than 1 mm long) may be recognized
by the.elongate form, lack of a scutellum, a metaster-
.num as long as or longer than all five ventrites com-
bined, and a one- or two-merous antennal club. Their
relationships with other beetle families are unclear.
Two species of Derolathrus, recently reported from Figure 26-48 A tooth-necked fungus beetle, Derodon- ¡
southern Florida, were caught in flight intercept traps tus maculatus Melsheimer, 15x. (Courtesy of Amen.) i
Keyto the Subfamiliesof the Scarabaeidae 425
A B e
Figure 26-49 Dermestid bee-
tles. A, the carpet beetle, An-
threnus scrophulariae (L.), adult;
B, the black carpet beetle, Atta-
genus megatoma (Fabricius), adult;
C, the furniture carpet beetle,
Anthrenus flavipes LeConte, adult;
D, larva of A. scrophulariae (L.),
dorsal view; E, larva of A. megatoma
(Fabricius), lateral view; F, larva
of A.flavipes LeConte, dorsal
view. (E, courtesy of Peterson;
other figures, courtesy of the
Cornell University Agricultural
D E F Experiment Station.)
or covered with scales (Figure 26-49A-C). All adults is done by the larvae. The adults are often found on
except members of the genus Dennestes have a median flowers.
ocellus (which is some times very small). They may be This is one group of insects that every entomology
found in the materials mentioned previously, and many student will encounter sooner or later. All the student
feed on flowers. Some are black or dull-colored, but has to do to get some dermestids is to make an insect
many have a characterístic color pattern. The larva e are collection and not protect it against these pests. The
usually brownish and are covered with long hairs (Fig- dermestids will eventually find the collection and ruin
ure 26-49D-F). it. Many species in this group are serious pests in
The larger dermestids belong to the genus Der- homes, markets, and food storage places.
mestes.The larder beetle, D. lardarius L., is a common This group contains one of the worst stored-
species in this genus. lt is a little more than 6 mm long products pests in the world, the khapra beetle, Trogo-
and is black with a light brown band across the base of denna granarium Everts. A native of India, this beetle is
the elytra. It feeds on a variety of stored foods, includ- frequently intercepted at ports of entry into this coun-
ing meats and cheese, and occasionally damages the try, and in 1953 it became established in California,
specimens in insect collections. Arizona, and New Mexico. It is now apparently era di-
Some of the smaller dermestids are often common cated in the United States.
in houses and may do seríous damage to carpets, up- Although many of the dermestids are serious
holstery, and clothing. Two common species of this pests, they are nevertheless of value as scavengers,
type are the black carpet beetle, Attagenus megatoma helping remove dead organic matter. Some species that
(Fabricius) and the carpet beetle, Anthrenus scrophular- feed on carríon, notably species of Dennestes, have.
iae (L.). Th¡; former is a grayish black beetle, 3.5- been used by vertebrate zoologists to clean skeletons
5.0 mm long (Figure 26-49B), and the latter is a pretty for study. One species in this family, Thylodrias con-
hule black-and-white patterned species, 3-5 mm long tractus Motschulsky, is unusual in having filiform an-
(Figure 26-49A). Most damage done by these species tennae and wingless and larviform females.
426 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
above, and the antennae have a two-merous club. ers pass the larval stage in fungi or in the seeds and
There are 11 species in North America. stems of various plants. Some species, such as Xesto-
Family Anobiidae-The Death Watch and Spider bium rufovillosum (DeGeer) (Figure 26-53F), are called
Beetles:The anobiids are cylindrical to oval, pubescent "death watch beetles" because they make a ticking
beetles, 1-9 mm long. The head is deflexed and is usu- sound as they bore through wood which is audible to
ally concealed from above by the hoodlike pronotum. the human ear when conditions are quiet (as at a
Most have the last three antennomeres enlarged and wake).
lengthened (Figures 26-5C and 26-53B,D-F). A few Some of the anobiids are common and destructive
have these antennomeres lengthened but not enlarged, pests. The drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum (L.)
and a few have serrate or pectinate antennae. There are (Figure 26-53E), infests various drugs and cereals. The
464 species known from the Nearctic Region, includ- cigarette beetle, Lasiodenna serricome (Fabricius) (Fig-
ing Mexico. ure 26-53C), is common in dried tobacco, museum
Most anobiids live in dry vegetable materials such specimens, insect collections, and various household
as logs and twigs or under the bark of dead trees. Oth- products. In some parts of the United States, it is a
A e
o E F
A B e D
and the first and fifth abdominal stema are longer than slender antennae. They were formerly considered a
the others. Fifty-five species occur in North America. subfamily of Cucujidae, which they closely resemble.
Family Silvanidae:Members of this family resemble Several species of the genus Cryptolestes are minor
cucujids and were previously placed in that family. pests of stored grain products, and some are thought to
They have long, slender, sometimes capitate antennae, be predaceous. There are 52 species in 13 genera in
and the head is constricted behind the eyes. The tarsal the United States. The family is mainly tropical in dis-
formula is 5-5-5. Although the group is mainly tropi- tribution.
cal,there are 32 species in 14 genera in North America. Family Phalacridae-Shining Flower Beetles: The
Mostspecies appear to be fungivorous, and several are phalacrids are oval, shining, convex beetles, 1-3 mm
important pests of cereal products, including the saw- long, with clubbed antennae (Figure 26-59A) and usu-
toothed grain beetles (Oryzaephilus, Figure 26-58B) ally brownish. The pollen-feeding adults are sometimes
and the foreign grain beetle, Ahasverus advena (Waltl). quite common on the flowers of goldenrod and other
Family Passandridae-Parasitic Flat Bark Beetles: composites. The larvae feed on fungus spores. About
This family was formerly regarded as a subfamily of 122 species occur in North America.
Cucujidae. They resemble cucujids, but the confluence Family Cryptophagidae-Silken Fungus Beetles:
ofthe guIar sutures, expanded genae, and stout monil- These beetles (145 species in North America) are
iform antennae will separate this small family from 1-5 mm long, elongate-oval in shape, yellowish brown,
other flat beetles. There are three widespread species in and covered with a silky pubescence. They feed on
twogenera in North America. fungi, decaying vegetation, and similar materials and
Family Cucujidae-Flat Bark Beetles: Most beetles usually live in decaying vegetable matter. Some species
in this group (three North American species in two live in nests of wasps or bumble bees.
genera), are extremely flat and are either reddish, Family Languriidae-Lizard Beetles: The lizard bee-
brownish, or yellowish. Cucujids are found under the tles are narrow and elongate, 2-10 mm long, and
bark of freshly cut logs, chiefly maple, beech, elm, ash, usually have a reddish pronotum and black elytra (Fig-
and poplar. The only North American species of Cucu- ure 26-58D). The tarsi are 5-5-5, with the fourth
jus, C. clavipes Fabricius, is uniform red and about tarsomere very small and tarsomeres 1-3 densely pu-
13rnrn long (Figure 26-58A). bescent beneath. The antennae are ll-merous with a
Family Laemophloeidae-LinedFlat Bark Beetles: 3- to 6-merous club. The adults feed on the leaves and
These beetles are very flat with distinctive sublateral pollen of many common plants, including goldenrod,
lineson the head pronotum, and elytra; and with long, ragweed, fleabane, and clover. The larvae are stem bor-
A B e D
Figure26-58 A, a flat bark beetle, Cucujus clavipes Fabricius (Cucujidae), 4x; B, the
saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Silvanidae), 17X; C, a pleasing
fungusbeetle,Megalodacne heros(Say)(Erotylidae),2'/2X;D, adult of the cloverstern
borer,LanguriamozardiLatreille(Languriidae),6X. (A,courtesy of Amett; B,and D,
courtesyof USDA;C, courtesy of DwightM. DeLong.)
432 Chapter 26 OrderColeoptera
A B e
ers; the larvae of the clover stem borer (Languria mozardi largest species of dacnids (Megalodacne) are about
Latreille) attack clover and sometimes cause consider- 20 mm long and are black, with two orange-red bands
able damage. There are 33 species in North America. across the elytra (Figure 26-58C). In other erotylids
Family Erotylidae-Pleasing Fungus Beetles: The the fourth tarsomere is very small, so that the tarsi ap-
erotylids are small to medium-sized, oval, and usually pear four-merous.These beetles are smaller, 8 mm long
shiny beetles that are found on fungi or may be at- or less. There are about 50 North American species,
tracted to sapoThey often live beneath the bark of dead and some are fairly common insects.
stumps, especially where rotting fungus abounds. Family Byturidae-Fruitworm Beetles: The byturids
Some of the erotylids are brightly pattemed with or- are small, oval, hairy beetles, pale brown to orange and
ange or red and black. The species in this group that mostly 3.5-4.5 mm long, with clubbed antennae (Fig-
have the tarsi distinctly five-merous are by some au- ure 26-60B). The second and third tarsomeres are
thorities placed in a separate family, the Dacnidae. The lobed beneath. The group is a small one, with onlytwo
speciesin the United States. The only common eastern ored. They are somewhat similar to the Coccinellidae,
species is Byturus unicolor Say, a reddish yellow to but the head is easily visible from above. The pronotum
blackish beetle 3.5 to 4.5 mm long that feeds on the is broadly excavated or grooved laterally, with the sides
flowersof raspberry and blackberry. The larva, called produced forward (Figure 26-59C), and the pretarsal
the "raspberry fruitworm," sometimes seriously dam- claws are simple. Some members of this group (the
agesberries. Mycetaeinae, with 15 North American species) have
Family Biphyllidae-False Skin Beetles: This family the tarsi appearing four-merous, with the third tar-
isclosely related to Byturidae. The adults have slender somere easily visible. The others (28 North American
tarsal lobes on tarsomeres two and three, closed pro- species, in four subfamilies) have the third tarsomere
coxalcavities, and lateral lines on the first abdominal very small, and the tarsi appear three-merous. Most en-
stemite. They live under bark and apparently feed on domychids live under bark, in rotting wood, in fungi,
fungí. Three species in two genera, Anchorius and or in decaying fruits and feed on fungus and mold. A
Diplocoelus,are known from the United States. few of the Mycetaeinae are found on flowers. One
FamilyBothrideridae:These beetles were previously species, Mycetaea subterranea (Fabricius), is occasion-
placed in the Colydiidae. Most are long and slender, ally a pest in granaries and warehouses, because it
with a distinct antennal club and 4-4-4 tarsal for- spreads mold infection.
mula. The antennal insertions are exposed, and the Family Coccinellidae-Ladybird Beetles: The lady-
trochanters are greatly reduced so that the femur and bird beetles Cladybugs) are a well-known group of
coxa are in contact or nearly so. Many species are small (0.8-10 mm long), oval, convex, and often
predators on wood-boring beetles and others feed on brightly colo red insects containing about 475 North
fungí. There are 18 species in eight genera in North American species in 57 genera. The head is concealed
America. from above by the expanded pronotum. They may be
Family Cerylonidae-Minute Bark Beetles: This distinguished from the chrysomelids, many of which
familyincludes a group of genera formerly placed in have a similar shape, by the three distinct tarsomeres
the Colydiidae (Cerylon, Philothermus, Euxestus, and (chrysomelids appear to have four tarsomeres). Most
fivegenera in the subfamily Murmidiinae). They are ladybird beetles are predaceous, as both larva e and
somewhat more oval and flattened than most colydiids adults, and feed chiefly on aphids. They are frequently
and2-3 mm long. The antennae are lO-merous with an quite common, particularly on vegetation where
abrupt 1- or 2-merous club and are received in a cavity aphids are numerous. Ladybirds hibernate as adults,
of the prothorax, and the coxae are widely separated. frequently in large aggregations, under leaves or in de-
Theyare unusual in having piercing-sucking mouth- bris. The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia
parts in the larval stage and in some adults. The 19 axyidris (PalIas), is an introduced species that feeds on
North American species in this group are widely dis- aphids and mealybugs. It has attained enormous popu-
tributed. Cerylon castaneum Say is fairly common un- lations and often be comes a nuisance pest by entering
der dead bark, but the other species are relatively rare. buildings during cold weather.
Family Endomychidae-Handsome Fungus Beetles: The larva e of ladybird beetles (Figure 26-61C) are
These are small, oval beetles, mostly 3-8 mm long. elongate, somewhat flattened, and covered with minute
Theyare smooth and shiny and usually brightly col- tubercles or spines. They are usually spotted or banded
with bright colors. These larvae are often found in Family Archeocrypticidae: This familyis very similar
aphid colonies. to Tenebrionidae, with which it was historically associ-
Two fairly common phytophagous species in this ated. The main character separating them from tene-
group are serious garden pests: the Mexican bean bee- brionids is the lateral posterior extensions of the
tle, Epilachna varivestis Mulsant, and the squash beetle, prosternal process that partially closes the procoxal
E. borealis (Fabricius). The Mexican bean beetle is yel- cavities. The family is mainly pantropical, with one
lowish, with eight spots on each elytron. The squash species, Enneboeus caseyi Kaszab, occurring in the
beetle is pale orange-yellow, with three spots on the southeastern United States south into Central America.
pronotum and a dozen or so large spots arranged in Family Ciidae-Minute Tree Fungus Beetles: The
two rows on the elytra, plus a large black dot near the ciids (Figure 26-60C) are brownish to black beetles,
tip of the elytra. These two species are the only large la- 0.5 to 6.0 mm long, and similar in appearance 10
dybird beetles in the United States that are pubescent. the bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae), and
The larvae of these species are yellow and oval in Bostrichidae. The body is cylindrical; the head is de-
shape, with forked spines on the body. Both larvae and flexed and not visible from above; the tarsi are four-
adults are phytophagous, and they are often very de- merous (with the first three tarsomeres short and the
structive. fourth long); the antennae terminate in a three-merous
Except for the two species of Epilachna, the lady- club; and sexual dimorphism is usually evident. These
bird beetles are a very beneficial group of insects. They beetles (84 species in North America) live under bark,
feed on aphids, scale insects, and other injurious in- in rotting wood, or in dry woody fungi, often in con-
sects and mites. During serious outbreaks of aphids or siderable numbers. They feed on fungi.
scale insects, large numbers of ladybird beetles are Family Tetratomidae-Polypore Fungus Beetles:
sometimes imported into the infested areas to serve as Members of this family were formerly associated with the
a means of control. The cottony cushion scale, Icerya Melandryidae. The pubescent body, relatively large,
purchasi Maskell, a pest of citrus in California, has be en emarginate compound eyes, and front coxae separated by
kept under control for a number of years by means of a prosternal process characterize this small family (26
a ladybird beetle, Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant), im- species in 10 genera in the United States). Most feedon
ported from Australia. fungi or under fungus-grown bark. The most common
Family Corylophidae-Minute Fungus Beetles: tetratomids are the oval, black, eastern members of
These beetles are rounded or oval and generally less Penthe, which are 5-15 mm long and common under old,
than 1 mm long. The tarsi are four-merous, but the dead bark: P. pimelia (Fabricius) is entirely black, and
third tarsomere is small and concealed in a notch of the P. obliquata (Fabricius) has a bright orange scutellum.
bilobed third tarsomere, and the tarsi appear three- Family Melandryidae-False Darkling Beetles:The
merous. The antennae are clubbed, and the club is usu- members of this group (60 North American species in
ally three-merous. The hind wings are fringed with 24 genera) are elongate-oval, somewhat flattened bee-
hairs. These beetles live in decaying vegetable matter tles usually found under bark or logs. Some species live
and iri debris, where they apparently feed on fungus on flowers and foliage, others in fungi. They are mostly
spores. Sixty-one species occur in North America. dark-colored and 3-20 mm long. They can usually be
Family Latridiidae-Minute Brown Scavenger Bee- recognized by the 5-5-4 tarsal formula, the open fron!
tles: The latridiids (140 North American species) are coxal cavities, and the two impressions near the poste-
elongate-oval, reddish brown beetles, 1-3 mm long rior border of the pronotum (Figure 26-62A).
(Figure 26-59B). The pronotum is narrower than the Family Mordellidae-Tumbling Flower Beetles:
elytra, and each elytron bears six or eight rows of punc- These beetles have a rather characteristic body shape
tures. The tarsi are three-merous (Figure 26-101) or (Figure 26-63): the body is somewhat wedge-shaped
(males) 2-3-3 or 2-2-3. These beetles are found in and humpbacked, the head is bent down, and the ab-
moldy material (including sto red food products) and domen is pointed apically and extends beyond the tips
debris and sometimes on flowers. of the elytra. Most mordellids (more than 200 North
Family Mycetophagidae-Hairy Fungus Beetles: The American species) are black or mottled gray, and
mycetophagids are broadly oval, flattened, rather hairy the body is covered with a dense pubescence. Mostare
beetles, 1.5-5.5 mm long (Figure 26-60A). They are 3-7 mm long, but some reach 14 mm. These beetles are
brown to black and often brightly marked with reddish common on flowers, especially the composites. They
or orange. These beetles live under bark, in shelf fungi, are quite active and run or fly quickly when disturbed.
and in moldy vegetable material. There are 26 species Their common name is derived from the tumbling
of mycetophagids in North America. Typhaea stercorea movements they make in attempting to escape capture.
(L.), the hairy fungus beetle, is a fairly common pest in The larvae live in decaying wood and in plant pith.
sto red products. Some are predaceous.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof the Scarabaeidae 435
436 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
A B e
Family Tenebrionidae-Darkling Beetles: The tene- Most tenebrionids feed on plant materials of some
brionids are a large and varied group, but can be distin- sort. A few are common pests of stored grain and flour
guished by the 5-5-4 tarsal fonnula; the front coxal cav- and are often very destructive. The beetles in the genus
ities closed behind (Figure 26-7B); the eyes usually Tenebrio are black or dark brown and 13-17 rnrn long,
notched; the antennae nearly always ll-merous and and they feed on grain products in both larval and
either filifonn or moniliform; and five visible abdomi- adult stages. The larvae are commonly called "meal-
nal sterna. Most tenebrionids are black or brownish worms" and are quite similar to wirewonns. The mem-
(Figure 26-65), but a few, for example, Diaperis (Fig- bers of the genus Tribolium are oblong brown beetles,
ure 26-65B), have red markings on the elytra. Many are 5 mm or less in length (Figure 26-65E). Both adults
black and smooth and resemble ground beetles. Some of and larvae commonly live in flour, cornmeal, dog food,
the species that feed on the bracket fungi are brownish cereals, dried fruits, and similar materials.
and rough-bodied and resemble bits of bark. One such The members of the subfamily Alleculinae, the
species, Bolitotherus comutus (Panzer), has two hornlike comb-clawed beetles, are small, 5-15 mm long, elongate-
protuberances extending forward from the pronotum oval, and usually brownish or black with a sornewhat
(Figure 26-651). The fungus-inhibiting members of the glossy or shiny appearance resulting from the pubes-
genus Diaperis are somewhat similar in general appear- cence on the body (Figure 26-64B). They can be distin-
ance to the ladybird beetles (Figure 26-65B). Some of guished by the pectinate pretarsal claws (Figure 26-11B).
the tenebrionids are very hard-bodied. The adults are found on flowers and foliage, on fungi,
Throughout the arid regions of the United States, and under dead bark. The larvae resemble wirewonns
these beetles take over the ecological niche occupied and live in rotting wood, plant debris, or fungí.
by the Carabidae in more verdant areas, being very The Lagriinae are slender beetles that can usuallybe
comrnon under stones and rubbish and beneath loose recognized by their characteristic shape (Figure 26-628)
bark, and even being attracted to lights at night. and the elongate apical antennomere (Figure 26-5D).
The most distinctive habit of the members of the Theyare 10-15 mm long and dark metallic. The adults
extremely large genus Eleodes(Figure 26-65G) is the are found on foliage or occasionally under bark. Thelar-
ridiculous position they assume when running from vae breed in plant debris and under the bark of fallen
possible danger: The tip of the abdomen is elevated to trees.
an angle of about 45 degrees from the ground, and the The Tenebrionidae is the fifth largest farnily ofbee-
beetles almost seem to be standing on their head as tles, with upward of 1000 North American species,and
they run. When disturbed or picked up, they emit a many of its members are common insects. MostNorth
reddish black fluid with a very disagreeable odor. American species are western.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof the Scarabaeidae 437
¿ '.
A B e
\ " '-----' -\! "l-
"- F
o E F
Figure26-67 Blister beetles. A, Meloe laevis Leach, 2X; B, the three-striped blister bee-
tle, Epicauta lemniscata (Fabricius), 2X; C, Epicauta pestifera Werner, 2X; D, Cysteodemus
annatus LeCome, 21/2X; E, Tricraniastansburyi (Haldeman), 4X; F, Tegroderaerosaaloga
(Skinner), 2X. (B, and C, courtesy of Baerg and the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment
Station; others, courtesy of Noller and the Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station.)
.. ..
.. ...: ~...
.. -.
. .
. . .'..
larva of pseudopupa); 1, sevemh instar;
J, pupa. (Courtesy of Horsfall and
the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment
I J Station.)
440 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
Most blister beetles are elongate and somewhat FamilyPyrochroidae-Fire-ColoredBeetles: The py-
cylindrical, but the species of Cysteodemus, which oc- rochroids are 6-20 mm long and are usually black,
cur in the Southwest from Texas to southern Califor- with the pronotum reddish or yellowish. About 50
nia, have broadly oval and very convex elytra, and su- species occur in North America, with 30 in the genus
perficially resemble spiders (Figure 26-6 7D). These Pedilus (Figure 26-69B). The head and pronotum are
beetles are black, often with bluish or purplish high- narrower than the elytra, and the elytra are somewhat
lights, and about 15 mm long. broader posteriorly. The antennae are serrate to pecti-
Family Mycteridae-Palm and Flower Beetles: Some nate (rarely filiform), and in some males almost
members of this family (Hemipeplus, two species, plumose (Figure 26-66B), with long, slender processes
found in Florida and Georgia) strongly resemble cucu- on antennomeres 3-10. The eyes are often quite large.
jids. They are elongate, slender, very flat, yellowish The short-lived adults are found on foliage and flowers
beetles, 8-12 mm long, with the front coxal cavities and sometimes under bark. The larvae live under the
closed. These beetles are found under bark. Other myc- bark of dead trees.
terids (Mycterinae) have the front coxal cavities open, Family Salpingidae-Narrow-Waisted Bark Beetles:
and some (for example, Mycterus, about 10 mm long) This is an extremely variable group and difficult 10
have the head extended anteriorly, much like the characterize. Most of the 20 North American species of
broad-nosed weevils. The body is more robust and not salpingids are black, elongate, and somewhat flattened.
at all flattened. These beetles are generally found under The adults and larvae are predaceous. The adults live
rocks, in debris, or in vegetation. Both adults and lar- under rocks and bark, in leaf litter, and on vegetation.
vae are said to be predaceous. The Mycterinae have The species of Aegialites, which occur along the Pacific
been placed in the Salpingidae, but differ from them in Coast from California to Alaska, live in rock cracks be-
having the penultimate tarsomere lobed. In the Salp- low the high tidemark along the seacoast. These beetles
ingidae, this tarsomere is slender and similar to the are elongate-oval, 3-4 mm long, and black with a
other tarsomeres. metallic luster. Five species of Elacatis (false tiger bee.
Family Boridae-Conifer Bark Beetles: These be e- tles) occur in the United States. They were formerly
tles resemble tenebrionids, but have open fore coxal placed in a separate family and are now considered a
cavities and distinct lateral prono tal carinae They have subfamily (Othniinae) of Salpingidae.
been moved about in several families (e.g., Salpingidae, Family Anthicidae-Antlike Flower Beetles: These
Pyrochroidae). Both larva e and adults live under bark. beetles are 2-12 mm long and somewhat antlike in ap-
There are two genera, Boros and Lecontia, each with pearance, with the head deflexed and strongly con.
one species in the United States. stricted behind the eyes, and with the pronotum oval.
FamilyPythidae-Dead Log Bark Beetles:This fam- The pronotum in many species (Notoxus, Figure 26--69A,
ily, which is best characterized by larval characters, is and Mycinotarsus) has an anterior hornlike process ex-
represented in North America by seven species in four tending forward over the head. Anthicids generally live
genera; four of the species are in the genus Pytho (Fig- on flowers and foliage; some live under stones and logs
ure 26-64C). Various researchers have placed these and in debris; and a few live on sand dunes. There are
species in Pyrochroidae, Salpingidae, Boridae, and around 230 species in North America.
Mycteridae. Larvae feed under bark of both conifers FamilyAderidae-Antlike Leaf Beetles: The aderids
and deciduous trees. (48 species in II genera in North America) are reddish
yellowto dark and 1.5 to 3.0 mm. long. They are very ture, and these groups are sometimes difficult to sepa-
similar to the anthicids, but may be separated by the rateo They can usually be separated by the characters
coarsely faceted, setose eyes and the head abruptly given in the key (couplet 29).
constricted at the base. Most adult cerambycids, particularly the brightly
Famí/y Scraptiidae-False Flower Beetles: Most colored ones, feed on flowers. Many, usually not
scraptiids may be recognized by their soft bodies, brightly colored, are nocturnal in habit and during the
deeplyemarginate eyes, and setose vestiture. They have day may be found under bark or resting on trees or
been placed variously in Melandryidae, Mordellidae, logs. Many ceramycids make a squeaking sound when
andother families. Adults of some species are found on picked up.
flowers, and others live under bark. In the North Most Cerambycidae are wood-boring in the larval
Americanfauna there are 46 species in 13 genera. stage, and many species are very destructive to shade,
Family Polypriidae- The Red Cross Beetle: A single forest, and fruit trees and to freshly cut logs. The adults
species, Polypria cruxrufa Chevrolat, extends into lay their eggs in crevices in the bark, and the larva e
south Texas. It is a moderate-sized beetle with strongly bore into the wood. The larval tunnels in the wood
serrate antennae, deeply emarginate eyes, and brown (Figure 26-70) are circular in cross section (unlike
elytra with a reddish cross-shaped mark. Nothing is most buprestid tunnels, which are oval in cross sec-
known about the biology of this family, and the larva is tion) and usualIy go straight in a short distance before
unknown. turning. Different species attack different types of trees
Family Cerambycidae-Long-Horned Beetles: This and shrubs. A few will attack living trees, but most
familyis a large one, with about 900 species in 300 species appear to prefer freshly cut logs or weakened
generaoccurring in the United States and Canada, and and dying trees or branches. A few girdle twigs and
itsmembers are all phytophagous. Most long-horns are lay their eggs just above the girdled bando Some
elongate and cylindrical, with long antennae; the eyes bore into the stems of herbaceous plants. The larva e
are usually strongly notched or even completely di- (Figure 26-71) are elongate, cylindrical, whitish, and
vided;and many of these beetles are brightly colored. almost legless and differ from the larvae of the
Theyvary from 3 to 60 mm long. The tarsi appear four- Buprestidae in that the anterior end of the body is not
merouswith the third tarsomere bilobed, but are actu- broadened and flattened. They are often called "round-
ally five-merous. The fourth tarsomere is small and headed borers," to distinguish them from the flat-
concealed in the notch of the third, and is often very headed borers (larva e of Buprestidae).
difficultto see (Figure 26-lOA). Both the Cerambyci- This family is divided into eight subfamilies,
dae and Chrysomelidae have this type of tarsal struc- which can generally be separated by the following key:
B e
o:.c Figure26-71 Cerambycid larvae. A, dogwood twig
borer,Obereatripunctata (Swederus),lateralview;B, twig
pruner, Elaphidionoides villosus (Fabricius), lateral view;
Figure26-70 GalIeries of the poplar borer, Saperda C, linden borer, Saperda vestita Say,dorsal view. (Cour-
calcarata Sayo tesy of Peterson.)
Subfamily Disteniinae: Distenia undata (Fabricius) The subfamily Spondylidinae contains two
is the only representative of this subfamily in North species,SpondylisupiformisMannerheim, which occurs
America; it occurs in the eastern states. The mandibles from the Great Lakes westward, and Scaphinusmuticus
are chisel-shaped and not serrate on the inner margin, (Fabricius), which occurs in the Southeast. These bee-
and the thorax is spined on the sides and the elytra on des are black, not particularly shiny, and 8-20 rnm
the apex. It lives under bark of hickory and oak and on long. Their habits are similar to those of Parandra.
foliage of wild grape. Subfamily Prioninae:This group contains the
SubfamiliesParandrinae andSpondylidinae:Thesebee- largest North American cerambycids, some of which
des differ from other cerambycids in having the fourth may reach a length of about 75 mm. The Prioninae dif.
tarsomere plainly visible and the tarsi obviously five- fer from the two preceding subfamilies in having the
merous (Figure 26-72E). The subfamily Parandrinae tarsi appearing four-merous and from the following
contains three species, two in the genus Parandra. These subfamilies in having the pronotum margined laterally.
beedes are elongate-oval, somewhat flattened, bright red- Most have spines or teeth along the margins of the
dish brown, and 9-18 mm long (Figure 26-73F). They pronotum, and some have serrate antennae that con.
look a litde like smalllucanids. They live under the bark tain 12 or more antennomeres. The most cornrnon
of dead pine trees. The larvae burrow in dry, dead wood species in this group belong to the genus Prionus.
of logs and stumps. These beedes (Figure 26-74E) are broad and some.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Cerambycidae 443
ant A e
\ Figure26-72 Characters of Ceram-
bycidae. A and B, dorsolateral views of
Figure26-73 Long-homed
beetIes. A, Anoplodera
canadensis(Olivier) (Lepturi-
B e nae); B, Typocerusdeceptus
Knull (Lepturinae); C, Desmo-
cerus palliatus (Forster) (Lep-
turinae); D, Toxotuscylindri-
collis (Say) (Lepturinae);
E, Eudercespini (Olivier)
(Cerambycinae); F,Parandra
polita Say (Parandrinae);
G, Asemum striatum (L.)
(Aseminae); H, Rhagium
inquisitor (L.) (Lepturinae).
(Courtesy of Knull and the
F G H Ohio BiologicalSurvey.)
444 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
antennae of the males are some times twice as long as tips. The adult lives on the flowers and foliage of el-
the body. In the females the antennae are about as long derberry, and the larva bores in the pith of this plant.
as the body. The larvae feed on evergreens, usually on Several other species of Desmocerus live on elderberry
freshlycut logs, but they may sometimes attack living in the western states. They are similar in general col-
trees.The holes made by the larvae are at least as large oration, with the males having brilliant scarlet elytra
in diameter as a lead pencil, and those of some species and a black pronotum. The females have very dark
arenearly 13 mm in diameter. green elytra bordered narrowly with red along the
The genus Saperda contains a number of impor- outer margino
tant pest species. These beetles are about 25 mm long This subfamily contains many species found on
and are sometimes strikingly colored. Saperda candida flowers. In most the elytra are broadest at the base and
Fabricius is white, with three broad, brown longitudi- narrowed toward the apex (Figure 26-73A,B,D,H).
nal stripes on the back. The larva bores in apple and Some common genera are Stictopleptura, Typocerus,
other trees and is commonly called the "round-headed Toxotus, and Stenocorus. Most of these beetles are
appletree borer." Other important species in this genus brightly colored, often with yellow and black bands or
arethe poplar borer, S. calcarata Say, and the elm borer, stripes. In many cases the elytra do not cover the tip of
S.tridentata Olivier. the abdomen. All are excellent fliers.
The species in the genus Oberea are very slender Subfamily Cerambycinae:This group is a large one,
and elongate. The raspberry cane borer, O. bimaculata and its members vary considerably in size and general
(Olivier),is black, with the pronotum yellow and bear- appearance. One of the most strikingly marked species
ing two or three black spots. The larvae are often seri- in this subfamily is the locust borer, Megacyllene
ouspests in canes of raspberries and blackberries. robiniae (Forster), the larva of which bores into the
The species of Tetraopes are about 13 mm long and trunks of black locust. The adult is black with bright
are red with black spots. The compound eyes are di- yellow markings and is relatively common on golden-
videdso that there are apparently two compound eyes rod in late summer. Another easily recognized species
on each side of the head. The red milkweed beetle, in this group is Eburia quadrigeminata (Say), a brown-
I tetraophthalmus (Forster) is a common species feed- ish species 14-24 mm long, which has two pairs of
ingon milkweed. elevated ivory-colored swellings on each elytron (Fig-
The twig girdler, Oncideres cingulata (Say), lays its ure 26-74B). The members of some genera in this
eggsunder the bark near the tips of living branches of group (Smodicum and others) are somewhat flattened
hickory,elm, apple, and other deciduous trees. Before and have relatively short antennae. Others (for exam-
the egg is deposited, the beetle gnaws a deep groove pie, Euderces, Figure 26-73E) are small, shorter than
around the twig, girdling it. The twig eventually dies 9 mm, and somewhat antlike in appearance.
and drops to the ground, and the larva completes its Family Megalopodidae: This small group, repre-
development in the twig. sented in the United States by nine species of Zeu-
The Asian long-horn beetle, Anoplophora glabripen- gophora, was formerly considered a subfamily of
nis (Motschulsky), was recently introduced into the Chrysomelidae. The adults are 3-4 mm long and live
UnitedStates in wooden packing material. It threatens chiefly on poplar, hickory, and oak.
to become a major pest of hardwood trees, such as Family Orsodacnidae: This small family contains
maple,elm, willow, and poplar. only four North American species in 3 genera. Orso-
Subfamily Lepturinae:The long-horns in this group dacne atra (Ahrens), a widely distributed beetle that is
resemblethose in the Cerambycinae in having the ter- extremely variable in coloration, 7-8 mm long, is
minalsegment of the maxillary palps blunt or truncate found chiefly on a wide variety of flowers, including
atthe apex (Figure 26-72D). They differ from the Ce- those of willow and dogwood.
rambycinae in having the front coxae conical, and the Family Chrysomelidae-Leaf Beetles: The leaf beetles
basesof the antennae are usually not surrounded by are closely related to the Cerambycidae, both groups
the eyes (Figure 26-72A). Many Lepturinae have the having a similar tarsal structure (Figure 26-IOA) and
elytratapering posteriorly, or the pronotum narrower both being phytophagous. The leaf beetles usually have
thanthe base of the elytra, giving them a rather broad- much shorter antennae and are smaller and more oval in
shouldered appearance. shape than the cerambycids. The chrysomelids in the
A striking eastern species in this group is the el- United States are almost all shorter than 12 mm; most
derberry long-horn, Desmocerus palliatus (Forster) cerambycids are larger. Many chrysomelids are brightly
(Figure 26-73C). This is a dark blue beetle about colored.
25mm long, with the basal third of the elytra orange- Adult leaf beetles feed principally on flowers and
yellow,and with antennomeres 3-5 thickened at the foliage. The larvae are phytophagous, but vary quite a
446 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
bit in appearance and habits. Some larvae are free feed- The family Chrysomelidae is a large one with ap-
ers on foliage, some are leaf miners, some feed on proximately 1,720 North American species assigned to
roots, some feed within seeds, and some bore in stems. 195 genera. It is divided into a number of subfamilies,
Many members of this family are serious pests of culti- and those occurring in North America may be sepa-
vated plants. Most species overwinter as adults. rated by the following key.
448 Chapter26 Order Coleoptera
ure26-3A,B). The mouthparts are small and more or usually found on conifers, but may occasionally be
lesshidden in most of these beetles. The mandibles, 10- found on plum or peach trees. Kuschel (1989) provides
catedat the tip of the snout, are usually the only a key to genera and species.
mouthpartstructures easily visible without dissection. Family Anthribidae-Fungus Weevils: The an-
Ihe tarsi are five-merous, but usually appear four- thribids are elongate-oval, 0.5-30.0 (usually less than
merous(¡he fourth tarsomere is very small and hidden 10.0) mm long, with the beak short and broad and the
betweenthe lobes of the third). The blind weevils of antennae not elbowed (Figure 26-84B). Some species
the subfamily Raymondionyrninae of the Curculion- have slender antennae that may be longer than the body
idaehave truly four-merous tarsi. (hence they look a liule like some Cerambycidae), and
Ihis is a large and important group ofbeetles, with others have short antennae with a three-merous club.
morethan 3,500 species occurring in North America. The elytra always cover the base of the pygidium, which
Practicallyall feed on plant materials, and most of the is always partly exposed in lateral view but is usually
larvaeare burrowing in habit, infesting nuts, twigs, and not visible from above. The adults of this group are usu-
the like. The larva e are whitish, usually C-shaped, ally found on dead twigs or beneath loose bark. The lar-
moreor less cylindrical, and usually legless. A great vae vary in habits. Some breed in woody fungi; some
manyare of considerable economic importance as breed in the fungi of certain crops (for example, com
pestsof field or garden crops, of forest, shade, and fruit smut); some feed in seeds; and a few bore in dead wood.
trees,or of stored products. Recently, many species The introduced coffee bean weevil, Araecerus fascicula-
havebeen introduced into North America for the bio- tus (DeGeer), is an important pest of seeds, berries, and
logicalcontrol of a variety of noxious or pest weeds. dried fruits. There are approximately 90 described
Entomologists differ regarding the classification of species of Anthribidae in the United States and Canada
thebeetles in this superfamily. Lawrence and Newton plus more than 30 that remain to be described.
(1995)group North American species into 7 families, Family Belidae-Primitive Weevils: Only two
butAlonso-Zarazaga and Lyal (1999) further subdivide species in this family occur in the United States,
these into 13 separate families.The more conservative Rhopalotria slossoni (Schaeffer), and R. mollis (Sharp),
classificationrecognizing only 7 families is followed both in southem Florida. The adults and larva e feed on
here. the male cones of arrowroot (Zamia). Adults have non-
Family Nemonychidae-Pine Flower Snout Beetles: geniculate (straight) antennae, the elytra are truncate
Ihis is a small group, with only five genera and 15 (exposing the last one or two tergites), and the front
speciesoccurring in North America. These beetles are legs are very robust in males. The role of these beetles
3.0to 4.5 mm long, with the snout about as long as the in pollinating cycads has be en studied by Norstog and
prothoraxand somewhat flattened and narrowed at the Fawceu (1989).
base.Ihey differ from other families of Curculionoidea Family Attelabidae-Leaf-Rolling Weevils, Tooth-
(exceptAnthribidae) in having the labrum distinct and Nosed Snout Beetles: This family combines the tradi-
thepalps flexible. The larvae of these beetles develop in tional Auelabinae and Rhynchitinae despite their dif-
thestaminate flowers of various conifers. Adults are ferent structure and biology.
Attelabinae, the leaf-rolling weevils, are short and live on oak, hickory, or walnut, but one species-
robust, 3-6 mm long. Most are black, reddish, or black Attelabus nigripes LeConte, red and 3.5 to 4.5 rnm
with red markings. The most interesting characteristic long)-feeds on sumac, and another-Himatolabus pu.
of this group is their method of laying eggs, from which bescens (Say), 4.5 to 5.5 mm long and dark reddish lO
their common name is derived. When a female is ready black-feeds also on alder and hazelnut.
to oviposit, she cuts two slits near the leaf base, from The thief weevil, Pterocolus ovatus (Fabricius), isa
each edge to the midrib, and rolls the part of the leaf brood parasite of its relatives, the leaf-rolling weevilsin
beyond these cuts into a neat, solid ball. A single egg is the Attelabinae. Adults of this small, metallic-blue wee.
laid near the leaf tip, usually on the underside, before vil enter leaf rolls of various attelabines, destroy the
the leaf is rolled up. She then gnaws the midrib of the egg, and lay their own egg. The larvae then eats the leaf
leaf (at the end of the basal cuts) partiy in two, and the roll prepared by the host attelabine.
leaf roll eventually drops to the ground. The larva feeds Rhynchitinae, the tooth-nosed weevils, are so
on the inner portion of this leaf roll and pupates either named because they have teeth on the edges of the
in the roll or in the ground. There are five genera and mandibles (Figure 26-851). They are 1.5 to 6.5 rnm
7 species of Attelabinae in North America. Most species long and usually live on low vegetation. There are
A B e o E F
md "
, "
Figure 26-85 Characters of snout beetles. A-D, antennae; E-F, tibiae; G-H, heads;
I-J, tip of snout. A, Cylas, female (Brentidae, Cyladinae); B, same, male; C, Rhynchites
(Attelabidae, Rhynchitinae); D, Ithycems (Ithyceridae); E, Attelabus (Attelabidae, Atte-
labinae); F, Rhynchites (Attelabidae, Rhynchitinae); G, Arrhenodes, male (Brentidae,
Brentinae); H, same, female; 1, Rhynchites (Attelabidae, Rhynchitinae); J, Attelabus (Atte-
labidae, Attelabinae). ant, antenna; e, compound eye; md, mandible; tsp, tibial spur.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Chrysomelidae 453
tremely weak and usually can be heard only by holding American Beetles, in which the Curculionidae are di.
the insect to one's ear. vided into 18 subfarnilies, including Scolytinae and
Coleopterists differ regarding the lirnits of the farn- Platypodinae, now generally regarded as closely related
ily Curculionidae. We follow here the arrangernent in to snout beetles.
Keyto the Subfamilies of Curculionidae 455
Ibiskey should serve 10 identify the vast majority of the specimens the general collector
islikelyto encounter. It is difficult to use in some places requiring high magnification
andsometimes, dissections. There have been significant changes to the classification of
Curculionidaesince the last edition of this book. The key and classification used here
followtherecent treatmentof the familyin the book AmericanBeetles(Amett et al.
2001,2002),volume 2. Of most significance is the lower number of subfamilies. This is
largelydue to grouping of traditionally recognized subfamilies together within Cur-
culioninaeand Molytinae.
IOInsmall specimens it may be difficult to see the states of the pretarsal claws and the mouthparts. Only two small-sized genera of Dryoph-
thorinae are included here. Dryophthorus can be recognized by an antennal funicle of fOUTantennomeres in combination with the antennal club
character,whereas Sitophilus may be recognized by the form of the apex of the hind tibia, which has a small preapical tooth on the inner mar-
ginin addition to the larger, hooklike tooth at the inner apical angle (the tibiae appearing "pincer-like"), in combination with the antennal
456 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
4'. Tarsus with claws single, connate at base or separate, but with dorsal and
ventral surfaces at apex of tarsomere S not extended between bases of
pretarsal claws; mouthparts with prementum visible, not withdrawn, palpi
mostly visible; antenna inserted variously along length of rostrum, usually
some distance from base, with scape short or long, and fitting into antennal
scrobe, but at most only slightly projected beyond the hind margin of the
eye; antenna with club various, but mostly with 3 antennomeres, each
pilose to some extent, basal antennomere not or rareiy shining, subequal
in length to other antennomeres or rareiy variously longer than other
2 antennomeres combined, sutures evident between all antennomeres;
funicle with S, 6, or 7 antennomeres; body surface mostly with some
broad, flat scales or fine, hairlike scales; pygydium formed of tergite 8
in male 5
5(4').11 Male with aedeagus with tectum and pedon separate, tegmen as long as
or longer than aedeagus Cincludingthe apodemes); species associated
with freshwater aquatic habitats, many with dense, varnishlike coating
over scales or with dense water-repellent scales Erirrhinae p.459
S'. Male with aedeagus with tectum and pedon fused, tegmen shorter than
aedeagus (including the apodemes); species associated with various
habitats, most with scales present, various in density, but lacking
varnishlike coating (exception: Bagous, recognized by presence of
prosternal channel) or with scales lacking entireiy 6
6(5').12 Legs with well-deveioped, usually large hooklike tooth at apex of front,
middle and hind tibiae: tooth arising from one of (a) outer apical angle,
(b) from middle of apical margin, or (c) at inner apical angle, but if at
inner apical angle, tooth on hind tibia more or less as long as or longer
than pretarsal claw, and outer curved face of tooth is continuous with
apex of outer tibial margin or connected to it by a distinct, continuous
sharp carina that traverses the apical face of the tibia; apical comb of
setae present or absent, if present, oriented either transverseiy, obliqueiy
or subparallei to the length of the tibia 7
6'. Legs with apex of front, middle and hind tibiae with tooth, if present,
small to moderateiy large (usually larger on front or middle tibiae),
usually smaller than pretarsal claw, arising from inner apical angle and
with outer curved face distinctly separated from, and not continuous
with, outer tibial margin or with carina traversing the apical face of the
tibia; apical comb of setae oriented transverseiy to length of tibia 18
7(6). Mesepimeron strongly ascended, truncated by eiytral humeri and visible
(or nearly so) in dorsal view between pronotum and eiytra; tarsus with
1 (rareiy) or 2 claws Baridinae(majarpart) p.461
7'. Mesepimeron not ascended, not visible in dorsal view between pronotum
and eiytra (exception; Laemosaccus,recognized by short, straight rostrum,
basal margin of eiytra extended over base of pronotum, exposed pygydium,
and small, acute tooth on the inner margin of the front femur); tarsus
with 2 claws 8
8(7'). Rostrum in repose received into ventral channei, which may be limited
to prosternum or extended beyond into meso- or metasternum 9
llUnfortunately, dissection of a male is necessary to see the state of the primary character used here.
llThis is often a difficult character to see clearly and to assess. Some groups (such as many Baridinae and some Curculioninae) are equivocal
and are Ihus considered in both halves of Ihis couplet. In general, laxa associated with woody plants lend lO develop a larger and curved apical
toolh, whereas those associated with herbaceous plants have a less developed toolh or apical spine, or none al alI.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Curculionidae 457
10(9'). Rostrum very short, not much longer than wide, broad and fiat dorsally, lixinae
subquadrate in form; dorsal vestiture of pronotum and elytra in part bifid (part: Bangasternus) p.463
10'. Rostrum moderately long, many times longer than wide, elongate and
narrow; dorsal vestiture, if present, simple 11
11(10'). Ventral channel extended beyond prosternum into meso- or metasternum Cryptorhynchinae p.462
11'. Ventral channellimited to prosternum (even though rostrum in repose
may overlie meso- or metasternum and some abdominal ventrites) 12
12(11'). Hind tibia with outer face at apex lacking apical comb of setae lateral to
base of apical tooth; body with distinct and dense suberect or erect broad Cossoninae(part: Acamptini,
scales, body of some specimens with cruslOse coating Acamptus) p.462
12'. Hind tibia with outer face at apex with apical comb of setae lateral to base
of apical tooth; body vestiture variable but surface not with crustose
coating 13
13(12'). Body lacking distinct vestiture, with smooth, varnishlike coating over
scales; elytra tuberculate or not; legs elongate, slender; commonly
associated with aquatic habitats Bagoinae p. 461
13'. Body with vestiture of appressed scales or suberect or erect hairlike scales,
lacking smooth, varnishlike coating over scales, or obvious vestiture
lacking; elytra tuberculate or not; legs more robust; rarely associated with
aquatic habitats Molytinae p.463
14(8'). Mouthparts with labial palpi of 3 segments but short, globular, telescoping
and appearing composed of 1 segment, ventrally situated at apex of large
prementum; female with large, paired symbiont sacs attached to vagina
near base of gonocoxites; body size mostly medium lOlarge (>5 mm)
(exception: Microlarinus) lixinae p. 463
14'. Mouthparts with labial palpi of 3 distinct segments but elongate, not
telescoping, dorsally situated at apex of variably sized prementum; female
lacking large, paired symbiont sacs attached to vagina near base of
gonocoxites; body size mostly small to medium «10 mm) 15
16(15). Tooth at apex of tibia, large and hooklike, larger than pretarsal claw;
pronotum only slightly narrower than base of elytra in dorsal view; elytra
with basal margin at intervals 2-4 extended anteriorly overlapping base
of pronotum Mesoptilinae p. 463
458 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
16/. Tooth at apex of tibia, small, at most subequal in length to pretarsal claw;
pronotum distinctly narrower than base of elytra in dorsal view; elytra
with basal margin at intervals 2-4 straight, not overlapping base of Curculioninae
pronotum (part: Otidocephalini) p.459
17(15/). Hind tibia with outer face at apex with apical comb of setae lateral to
base of apical lOoth, oriented either transversely, obliquely, or subparallel
to the length of the tibia Molytinae (major part) p. 463
17/. Hind tibia with outer face at apex lacking apical comb of setae lateral lO
base of apical lOoth Cossoninae(major part) p. 462
18(6/). Mandible with prominent scar on outer apical face indicating point of
attachment of deciduous process, or else clothed on outer apical face with
many fine scales or setae, mandibles generally robust and thick; rostrum
short and broad, usually quadrate or subquadrate in form, often expanded
laterally toward apex, not different in males and females in length or form Entiminae (major part) p.462
18'. Mandible lacking scar and therefore lacking deciduous process, either
glabrous or with a few small setae on outer apical face, mandibles
generally less robust, smaller and thinner; rostrum more elongate and
cylindrical, usually as long as or longer than pronotum, or (rarely) shorter
than pronotum, sometimes different in males and females in length 19
19/. Rostrum in repose not received into ventral channel, but may rest
between front, middle or hind coxae 23
20(19). Rostrum very broad, more or less triangular in dorsal view, fitting into
large, deep emargination in front of front coxae; emargination limited Entiminae (part: Thecesternini,
posteriorly by small, triangular prosternum Thecesternus) p.462
20/. Rostrum more elongate and cylindrical in form, prosternal channel
extended behind front coxae (rarely onto mesosternum) and rostrum
(when in repose) extended between or beyond front coxae 21
21(20/). Antenna with funicle with 5 antennomeres; prothorax lacking postocular Curculioninae (part:
lobes; claws free, simple; dorsum covered with fine, erect hairlike vestiture Mecinini, Cleopomiarus)p.459
21/. Antenna with funicle with 6 or 7 antennomeres; other characters variable 22
22(21/). Pygydium covered by elytra; rostrum longer than pronotum, straight and
slender, abruptly attenuate immediately beyond antennal insertion; Baridinae (part: Madarini,
antenna with antennomere 2 of funicle long, more or less one half length Zygobaridina,
of scape Amercedes) p.461
22/. Pygydium not covered by elytra; rostrum various in length, straight or
slightly curved, more or less of uniform width throughout length, not
abruptly attenuate; antenna with antennomere 2 of funicle short, much
less than one half length of scape Ceutorhynchinae
(part) p.462
23(19/). Mesepimeron strongly ascended, truncated by elytral humeri and visible
in dorsal view between pronotum and elytra; pygydium not covered by
elytra Ceutorhynchinae(part) p.462
23/. Mesepimeron not ascended, not visible in dorsal view between pronotum
and elytra; pygydium mostly covered by elytra 24
24(23/). Tarsus with claws separa te, each with basal process Curculioninae (part) p.459
24/. Tarsus with claws separa te, simple 25
25(24/). Eyes rounded, rostrum mostly very elongate, slender and cylindrical in
cross section; antenna with scape not or just reaching anterior margin
of eye Curculioninae (part) p.459
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Curculionidae 459
25'. Eyes more or less elongate-oval, rostrum shorter, more robust and
subquadrate in eross seetion; antenna with seape just reaehing or passing
anterior margin of eye 26
26(25'). Pronotum with anterolateral margin with distinet postoeular lobe present Cyclominae p. 462
26'. Pronotum with anterolateral margin straight, simple or postoeular lobe at
most very slightly developed 27
27(26/). Vestiture with at least some bifid seales (limited on some specimens to
thoracie sterna), if bifid seales appear absent, humeri obviously quadrate;
humeri quadrate to subquadrate, rarely rounded, if humeri rounded,
bifid seales are distinet on dorsum Hyperinae p.463
27/. Vestiture simple, laeking bifid seales; humeri rounded Entiminae(part) p.462
Subfamily Dryophthorinae-Billbugs and Grain ure 26-87C). With their long snouts, the adults bore
Weevils:These beetles are stout-bodied and eylindrieal into aeorns and other nuts and lay their eggs in some of
and are of varying size. Some of the largest North these feeding holes. The larvae develop inside the nut.
Americansnout beetles belong to this group. The an- There are 27 species in North America; C. nasicus Say
tennaearise close to the eyes, and the seape extends and C. occidentis (Casey) attack hazelnuts, and C. caryae
posteriorto the eye (Figure 26-88E). The basal two (Horn), the pecan weevil, is a major pest of pecan.
thirdsor more of the antennal club are smooth and Nearly 200 species of Anthonomini live in North
shining.One of the largest billbugs is Rhynchophorus America (more than 100 in the genus Anthonomus),
crucntatus (Fabricius), which is 20-30 mm long and and several are important pests of cultivated plants.
liveson palms. The cocklebur weevil, Rhodobaenus tre- The adults usually feed on fruits and lay their eggs in
decimpunctatus(Illiger), a common eastern billbug, is some of the feeding pits, and the larvae develop inside
7-11mm long. It is reddish with small black spots on the fruits. The boll weevil, A. grandis Boheman, is a
theelytra. The genus Sphenophorus (Figure 26-89) in- well-known and serious pest of coUon in the southern
eludesthe corn billbugs, which live on various grasses, states. It entered the United States from Mexico in
includingtimothy and corno The adults feed on the fo- the late 18005 and has since spread over most coUon-
liageand the larvae bore into the stalks. Among growing sections of the country. The adults are about
themost important pests in this group are the granary 6 mm long, reddish to brown, with a slender snout
weevil,Sitophilus granarius (L.), and the rice weevil, about half as long as the body. They feed on the fruit or
S. oryzae (L.). These are small, brownish beetles, bolls and flower buds and lay their eggs in the holes
3-4 mm long, that auack stored grain (wheat, corn, made in feeding. The larvae feed inside the buds and
rice,and so forth). Both adults and larvae feed on the bolls and eventually destroy them. Other species of eco-
grain,and the larva e develop inside the grains. nomic importance in this group are the strawberry wee-
Subfamily Erirrhininae: This is a small but widely vil, A. signatus Say; the cranberry weevil, A. musculus
distributed group. The adults are usually found near Say; and the apple curculio, A. quadrigibbus SayoSome
water,as the larvae of many species develop in various species are associated with mistletoes. Burke (1976)
aquaticplants. Many species are good swimmers. published a review of the biology of Anthonomini.
Subfamily Raymondionyminae: This is a small Flea weevils are so called beca use of their jumping
groupof only three genera of pale, eyeless weevils habits. The hind femora are relatively stout. The larvae
foundin California and Oregon. The tarsi of these mine in the leaves of willow, elm, alder, cherry, and ap-
smallweevils have only 4 tarsomeres. Adults are col- pie. The group is widely distributed and is represented
lectedin leaf liuer. in North America by 13 species in three genera: Orch-
Subfamily Curculioninae: This subfamily is a large estes, Isochnus, and Tachyerges.
assemblageof taxa of questionable relationships. It in- The larvae of most Tychiini feed on the seeds of
eludes the tribes Curculionini, Anthonomini, Gym- various legumes, and the adults live on the flowers.
netrini,Otidocephalini, Rhamphini, and Tychiini. Four species of Tychius, including the clover seed wee-
The acorn and nut weevils of the genus Curculio vil, Tychius picirostris (Fabricius), an important intro-
areusually light brown and have a very long, slender duced pest of clover in the Northwest, are introduced
snoutthat may be as long as the body or longer (Fig- into North America.
460 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
Figure26-88 Characters of snout beetles. A-G, heads, lateral view; H, tip of snout,
ventral view. A, Anthonomus (Curculioninae, Anthonomini); B, Magdalis (Mesoptiliinae);
C, Listronotus (Cyclominae); D, Pandeletelius(Enteminae); E, Rhodobaenus (Dryophthori-
nae); F, Eudiagogus (Entiminae); G and H, Pantomorus (Entiminae). acl, antennal club;
agr, scrobe; bk, beak of snout; esp, cusp of mandible; e, compound eye;jun, funiculus
(antennal segments between scape and club); md, mandible; poI, postocular lobe of pro-
thorax; sep, scape, the basal antennal segment; ser, scar left on mandible where cusp has
broken off; te, teeth on prothorax.
The antlike weevils are small, shiny weevils whose Only seven species in the Mecinini occur in North
prothorax is oval and narrowed at the base, and they America, but some of these are fairly common beetles.
thus resemble ants (Figure 26-90C). Some species de- Some species develop in the seed pods of mullein (Ver-
veIop in cynipid galls on oak, and some develop in baseum),some develop in the seed pods of Lobelia,and
twigs and stems. This group is a small one (in North another deveIops in galls at the base of plamain (Plan-
America), and its members, most of which are in the tago). The six species in the genera Gymnetron and
genus Myrmex, are not very common. Mecinus are introduced.
Keyto the Subfamiliesof Curculionidae 461
larvae bore in the stems, and the adults feed on the aquatic habitats. Many species are found in leaf litter,
leaves. Trichobarismucorea (LeCon te) damages tobacco and the southwestern species Liometophilus manni Fall
in the same way. The grape cane gallmaker, Ampelo- is associated with ants. Many species are flightless.
glypter sesostris (LeConte), a stout-bodied reddish Subfamily Cyclominae:Most members of this group
brown beetle, 3-4 mm long, makes galls on grape breed in aquatic or subaquatic plants, and the adults are
shoots. Much research needs to be done on this group found near water. A few are pests of vegetables. The veg-
of weevils. etable weevil, Listroderes costirostris obliquus (Klug), at-
Subfamily Ceutorhynchinae:This is a large and tacks many different vegetables and is an important pest
widely distributed group (over 150 North American in the Gulf States and in California. In the large genus
species) and includes some important pests. The grape Listronotus (81 species), the carrot weevil, L. oregonensis
curculio, Craponius inaequalis (Say), a blackish, very (LeConte), is a pest of carrots and other vegetables in
broadly oval beetle about 3 mm long, feeds on grape fo- the East. Emphyastes fucicola Mannerheim is an odd-
liage. The larvae develop in grape berries. The iris wee- looking weevil that lives in decaying seaweed on sandy
vil, Mononychus vulpeculus (Fabricius), attacks iris. The West Coast beaches.
larvae develop in the seed pods, and the adults feed in Subfamily Entiminae-Broad-Nosed Weevils: The
the flowers. Numerous species in the genus Ceu- members of this subfamily (which includes the
torhynchus, including the cabbage curculio, Ceu- Otiorhynchini, Naupactini, Tanyrnecini, Thecesternini,
torhynchus rapae Gyllenhal, are pests of cultivated cru- and Tropiphorini) are commonly called the "broad-
cifers. A number of species of Ceutorhynchinae live in nosed weevils," because the snout is generally short and
aquatic and semiaquatic habitats. Species in the genera broad. Most are flightless, with the elytra fused together
Phrydiuchus, Microplontus, Mogulones, and Trichosiro- along the suture and the hind wings vestigial. This is a
calus have been deliberately introduced for biological large and widely distributed group (with 124 genera in
control of pest weeds. 24 tribes in North America) containing some important
Subfamily Conoderinae: Formerly Zygopinae, this pests. Some important species in this group are the
is a widely distributed group that is represented in white-fringed beetles (three species of Naupactus),
North America by about 40 species. They feed on vari- which are serious agricultural pests in the southem
ous herbaceous plants, mostly composites, and trees states. These beetles are about 12 mm long, with
(including conifers); some are associated with Agave whitish elytral edges and with two longitudinal white
and some with mistletoes. stripes on the head and pronotum (Figure 26-90A).
This subfamily includes the Tachygonini (toad The white-fringed beetles are parthenogenetic; no males
weevils). These flattened, odd-Iooking weevils are usu- are known. Another injurious species in this group is
ally found on the foliage of oak, elm, or locust. The lar- the Fuller rose weevil, Naupactusgodmanni (Crotch),
vae are leaf miners in these trees. Adults at rest usually 7-9 mm long. lt attacks roses and many greenhouse
hang downward from the leaves, hanging by means of plants, as well as citrus and other fruit trees. Like nearly
their spiny hind femora. They frequently walk about all broad-nosed weevils, the larvae live in the soil and
on the underside of the leaves. This group is repre- feed on the roots of the host plant, and the adults reed
sented in the United States by five species of Tachy- on the leaves. Members of the genus Sitona (mostly pale
gonus, which occur from the East to Arizona. in color and 4-5 mm long) attack and seriously damage
Subfamily Cossoninae-Broad-NosedBark Weevils: clovers. Members of the introduced species in the genus
The Cossoninae can usually be recognized by the Otiorhynchus are very common and feed on a variety o[
broad, short beak and the long, curved spine at plants. The strawberry root weevil, O. ovatus (L.), orten
the apex of each front tibia. These beetles are 1.5 to causes serious injury to strawberries, and the black vine
6.5 mm long, and most are black and shiny. They live weevil, O. sulcatus (Fabricius), is an important pesto[
(often in great numbers) under the loose dead bark of yew (Taxus). Thecestemus affinis LeConte, is a duB
trees and under logs. A few live under driftwood and black beetle covered with brownish yellow scales and
along the seacoast. Some are associated with dead, fi- 6.5 to 9.0 mm long. At rest the head and beak are COID-
brous leaves or stems of palms and Agave. pletely withdrawn into a large, triangular cavity in the
Subfamily Cryptorhynchinae: Many members of this front of the prothorax. These beetles live under stones
group (187 North American species) have rough and or dried cow dung.
tuberculate elytra. At rest the beak is usually drawn Many Entiminae are found in arid habitats, espe-
back into a deep groove in the prosternum, which also cially in the southwestern United States. Some have de-
extends onto the front portion of the mesosternum. veloped adaptations for sand dwelling that inc\ude
Adults are usually associated with dead wood, al- dense, long hair over the body and broad legs adapted
though some are found in living plants and some in for digging. This group includes the weevils most often
seeds. Species of the genus Tyloderma are found in found at higher elevations.
.. " 4
L. lA<i~~;~~.t
~,',""¡.r:~! It '';1., I
¡.I.:.. L
Key to the Subfamilies of Curculionidae 463
Subfamily Hyperinae-CloverWeevils:Most mem- 8-10 mm long (Figure 26-90F); they are also impor-
bersofthissmall group (17 North Americanspecies,all tant pests of conifers. The larvae tunnel in the terminal
inthe genus Hypera), feed on various clovers and are leader of a young tree and kill it, and one of the lateral
importantclover pests. The alfalfa weevil, H. postica branches becomes the terminalleader, giving rise to a
(Gyllenhal)(Figure 26-90D), and the clover leaf weevil, tree with a bend partway up the trunk. Such a tree is of
H.punctata(Fabricius), feed on the growing tips of the little value as a source of lumber. The white pine wee-
plantand skeletonize the leaves; H. meles (Fabricius) vil, Pissodesstrobi (Peck), is a common species attack-
feedsin the clover heads. These beetles are dark-colored ing Eastern white pine.
and3-8 mm long. One of the most important pest species in this
SubfamilyLixinae:The most commonbeetles in this group is the plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar
groupare those in the genus Lixus, which are elongate (Herbst) (Figure 26-92), which attacks plum, cherry,
andcylindrical, 10-15 mm long, with the curved beak peach, apple, and other fruits. The females lay their eggs
nearlyas long as the prothorax. They usually live on in little depressions they eat in the fruits and then cut a
weedsnear water. Lixus concavus Say, which breeds in crescent-shaped incision beside the depression contain-
thestemsof dock, sunflower, and occasionally rhubarb, ing the egg. The larvae develop in the fruits and pupate
iscommonlycalled the "rhubarb curculio." The adult is in the soil. The adult is about 6 mm long, is dark-
blackish,covered with gray pubescence. More than 100 colored, and has two prominent tubercles on each elytron.
spedesof Lixinae live in North America, 69 in the The genus Conotrachelus is a large one (63 North Amer-
genusLixus. Species in a number of genera have been ican species), and its members are widely distributed.
introducedfor biological control of pest weeds. The larvae develop in various fruits and twigs. Larvae of
Subfamily Mesoptiliinae:These small, cylindrical species in the genera Odontopus and Piazorhinus are leaf
weevilscan usually be recognized by the toothlike miners in sassafras, tulip tree, and oak. The bean stalk
processeson the anterior corners of the pronotum weevil, Sternechus paludatus (Casey) (Figure 26-90E) is
(Figure26-888, te). The larvae attack trees, usually also a member of this subfamily.
tunnelingin the twigs or under the bark. A few are
pestsof orchard or shade trees. Species of Magdalis
(25species in North America) are associated with var-
iousconifers and hardwoods.
Subfamily Molytinae: As with the Curculioninae,
thisgroupbrings together a number of taxa previously
placedin other subfamilies (for example, Hylobiini, Pri-
onomerini,Cholini, Lepyrini, Lymantini, and Pisso-
dini).Most notable is the reclassification of a number of
weevilsfram the Cryptorhynchinae as Molytinae. This
includesthe large genus Conotrachelus and its relatives.
Most members of the Molytinae are dark-colored
andof modera te size (Figure 26-91). Several species
(especiallyspecies of Hylobius) are important pests of
pineand other conifers. Species in the important genus
Pissodesare usually brownish and cylindrical, most
464 Chapter26 OrderColeoptera
duce the fungus into the gallery they excavate. After suitably baited traps; (4) a number of species are at-
the eggs hatch, the females care for the larvae until they tracted to lights at night and can be collected at lights
are full grown and pupa te, keeping the larval niches or in a light trap; (5) beetles of many groups are to be
supplied with fresh fungus or "ambrosia," and prevent- found under bark, in rotting wood, under stones, and in
ing the niche from being choked with frass or excess similar situations; (6) many species can be obtained by
growth of fungus. sifting debris or leaf litter; and (7) many beetles are
aquatic and can be collected by the various aquatic
equipment and methods described in Chapter 35.
Most beetles are preserved pinned (through the
Collecting and Preserving Coleoptera right elytron) or on points. When mounting a beetle on
a point, mount it so that the ventral side of the body and
Because this is such a large and varied group, most the legs are visible. The tip of the point can be bent down
methods discussed in Chapter 35 for collecting and pre- and the specimen attached to this bent-down tip by the
serving insects are applicable here. Several general col- right side of the thorax. lt may sometimes be desirable to
lecting procedures, however, can be noted: (l) Many mount two specimens on the same point (when you are
species can be taken by sweeping in a variety of situa- sure they are the same species), one dorsal side up and
tions; (2) many species, often strikingly colored, can be the other ventral side up. Many of the more minute bee-
taken on flowers; (3) a number of species, such as the tles must be preserved in alcohol (70-80%) and mounted
carrion beetles and others, can be obtained by means of on a microscope slide for detailed study.
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Barcelona: Entomopraxis, 315 pp. Bóving, A. G., and E C. Craighead. 1931. An Illustrated Syn-
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60: 162-170. Bradley,]. C. 1930. A Manual of the Genera of Beetles of
Amett, R H., ]r. 1968. The Beetles of the United States (a America North of Mexico. lthaca, NY: Daw, Illiston,
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Entornological Institute, 1112 pp. Bright, D. E.,]r. 1976. The Bark Beetles of Canada and Alaska.
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Arnol'di, L. V, V V Zherikhin, L. M. Nikritin, and A. G. Burke, H. R. 1976. Bionornics of the anthonomine weevils.
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Washington, DC: Srnithsonian Institution Libraries. Caterino, M. S., V L. Shull, P. M. Harnmond, and A. P.Vogler.
Beutel, R 1997. Über Phylogenese und Evolution der 2002. Basal relationships of Coleoptera inferred from lBS
Coleoptera (Insecta), insbesondere der Adephaga. Abh. rDNA sequences. Zoologica Scripta 31:41-49.
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Beutel, R, and E Haas. 2000. Phylogenetic relationships of liographic survey of recent papers and tabulary sumrnary
the suborders of Coleoptera (Insecta). Cladistics of seven selected English language contributions.
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Blatchley, W S. 1910. An Illustrated and Descriptive Cata- Craighead, E C. 1950. Insect Enernies of Eastern Forests. U.S.
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982 pp. of California, Division of Agriculture Science, 332 pp.
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Lawrence, J. F., and E. B. Britton. 1994. Australian Beetles. ica, Central Arnerica, and the West Indies (Coleoptera:
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Papp, C. S. 1983. lntroduction to North American beetles. stridulation as an isolating mechanism in the genus Bao.
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Rudinsky, J. A., and L. C. Ryker. 1976. Sound production in dae (Coleoptera). Gr. Basin Natur. Mem. 10, 126 pp.
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Scolytidae: Aggressive and mating behavior in the moun-
tain pine beetle. Ann. Entorno!. SocoAmer. 69:677-680.
27 Order Neuroptera1.2
Chrysopidae-common lacewings, green the wing and usually fusing with Rs for a short dis-
lacewings tance. The differences in these two interpretations can
Dilaridae-pleasing lacewings* be summarized as follows:
Berothidae-beaded lacewings*
Polystoechotidae-giant lacewings* Comstock (1940) Carpenter et al. (1940)
Sisyridae-spongillaflies R.¡ R.¡+s
Superfamily Myrmeleontoidea Rs MA
Myrmeleontidae-antlions Basal r-m Base of MA
Ascalaphidae-owlflies M MP
M1+2 MP1+2
Two slightly different interpretations of wing ve- M3+4 MP3+4
nation are encountered in this order, that of Comstock Cu¡ CuA
and that of Carpenter and others. Most present work- CU2 CuP
ers, particularly those studying the Raphidioptera and
Planipennia-following Martynov (1928), Carpenter We have followed Comstock's interpretation in la-
(1936, 1940), and others-believe that an anterior beling our figures of the Megaloptera and have fol-
branch of the media Oabeled MA in our figures) per- lowed the interpretation of Carpenter and others in la-
sists in this order, branching from M near the base of beling our figures of other wings in this order.
The families marked with an asterisk (*) in this key are relatively rare or are unlikely to
be encountered by the general collectar. Keys to larvae are given by Neunzig and Baker
(1991) and Tauber (1991a, 1991b).
1. Hind wings broader at base than front wings, with enlarged anal area
that is folded fanwise at rest (Figure 27-1A,B); longitudinal veins usually
forking near wing margin; larvae aquatic (suborder Megaloptera) 2
1'. Front and hind wings similar in size and shape, hind wings without
enlarged anal area that is folded fanwise at rest (Figures 27-1C,D, 27-2,
27-3,27-4) 3
2(1). Ocelli present; fourth tarsal segment cylindrical; body usually 25 mm or
more long;wingshyalineor with smokyareas Corydalidae p.475
2', Ocelli absent; fourth tarsal segment dilated and deeply bilobed; body
usuallylessthan 25 mm long;wingsusuallysmoky (Figure27-5) Sialidae p.474
3(1'). Wings with relatively few veins, Rs usually with only 2 branches
(Figure27-3A);wingscoveredwith whitishpowder;minute insects Coniopterygidae* p.476
3'. Wings with many veins, Rs usually with more than 2 branches
(Figures 27-1C,D, 27-2, 27-3B,C, 27-4); wings not covered with whitish
powder; size variable, but usually not minute 4
4(3'). Prothorax elongate (Figure 27-8) 5
4'. Prothorax of normal size, not elongate 7
5(4). Front legs raptorial, arising from anterior end ofprothorax (Figure 27-8B);
mantid-like insects, widely distributed Mantispidae p.477
5'. Front legs not raptorial, arising from posterior end of prothorax
(Figure 27-8A); western United States (suborder Raphidioptera) 6
6(5'). Ocelli present; stigma in front wing with a crossvein; hind wings with
CU2and lA fusedforshort distance,basalm-cu transverse(Figure27-1C) Raphidiidae p.476
6'. Ocelli absent; stigl11¡1
in front wing without crossvein; hind wings with
~:t C\ú,b.and,
lAs~~~tkt~,»asalm-cu oblique(Figure27-lD) Inocelliidae p.476
.lo,. -,
. ,
Keyto the Families of Neuroptera 471
R 1 Rs Se
I : I Se R r-m
I I 1 s
Se + R,
MI +2
, CUI.M3 +4
2A: 1ACU2CU1b
MA + MP, + 2 Rs
I I \
Se R M
I Rs Rs + MA
1 1 IS
1A~ /
CUI MMP A I / 1 A C'U2 / ',,\
Rs + M MA CUI MP3 + 4 MPI +2 MA
e D
472 Chapter27 Order Neuroptera
I , . l. I
MP 1.1\
Cu, I
MP, + 2
MP lA Cu, ! MP3+4 MP, +2 2 MP 3 + 4
- R
R4+ 5R2 +3 R,
l' I I - i
Rs + MA ,'R2 + 3 4 + 5
R + MA
CuP + 1A
MPm I Cut
B Cup e
R + ~A+ MAMP1+2MA
R, Figure 27-4 Wings of Myrmeleontoidea. A, front
wing of Dendroleon (Myrmeleontidae); B, base
of the same wing as A, enlarged to show detail;
C, base of hind wing of Dendroleon,with most
CuA erossveins not shown; D, front wing of an as-
ealaphid. bln, banksian line; cuJ, eubital fork (fork
CuP + 1A hel of CuA); he!, hypostigmatie or truss eell; mJ, medial
D 'cut fork (fork of MP2)'
7(4'). Antennae clubbed or knobbed; inseets with abdomen long and slender,
resembling dragonflies or damselflies in general appearanee (Figure 27-10)
(superfamily Myrmeleontoidea) 8
7'. Antennae filiform, moniliform, or peetinate, not c1ubbed or knobbed;
usually not partieularly resembling dragonflies or damselflies in appearanee 9
8(7). Antennae about as long as head and thorax together (Figure 27-10);
hypostigmatic eell (eell behind the point of fusion of Se and R¡;
Figure 27-4A, hc1) very long, several times as long as wide; eyes entire Myrmeleontidae p.478
474 Chapter27 Order Neuroptera
8'. Antennae nearly or quite as long as body; hypostigmatic cell short, not
more than 2 or 3 times as long as wide (Figure 27-4D, hcl); eyes entire
(Haplogleninae) or divided horizontally (Ascalaphinae) Ascalaphidae p.479
9(7/). At least some, usually many, costal crossveins forked (Figure 27-2A,C) 10
9/. All (or nearly all) costal crossveins simple (Figures 27-2B and 27-3B) 13
10(9). Front wings apparently with 2 or more radial sectors
(Figure 27-2A: R2,R3,R.+s) Hemerobiidae p.477
lO'. Front wings with only 1 radial sector, which has 2 or more branches
(Figure 27-2C, Rs) 11*
11(10'). Front wings with a recurrent humeral vein (Figure 27-2C, hv),
16-34 mm long 12*
11'. Front wings without a recurrent humeral vein, 9-13 mm long Berothidae* p.477
12(11). Sc and R¡ in front wing fused distally; Rs in front wing with many
branches, crossveins between them forming a fairly distinct gradate vein;
free basal portion of MA in hind wing longitudinal (Figure 27-2C);
widely distributed Polystoechotidae * p. 478
12'. Sc and R¡ in front wing not fused distally; Rs in front wing with only a
few branches, crossveins between them scattered and not forming a
distinct gradate vein; free basal part of MA in hind wing short and
oblique; southern California Ithonidae* p.476
13(9'). Sc and R¡ in front wing not fused near wing tip, Rs appearing unbranched
(Figure 27-3B); wings, at least in life, often greenish; very common insects Chrysopidae p.477
13'. Sc and R¡ in front wing fused or separate apically, Rs appearing branched
(Figure 27-2B); wings not greenish; uncommon insects 14
14(13/). Antennae pectinate in male, filiforrn in female; female with exserted
ovipositor about as long as body; hind wing about as long as front wing
in male, about two-thirds as long as front wing in female; front wing
3.0-5.5 mm long Dilaridae* p.477
14/. Antennae filiforrn in both sexes; female without exserted ovipositor;
hind wing with free basal part ofMA present, longitudinal (Figure 27-2B);
wings elongate-oval, hind wing nearly as long as front wing; front wing
3.4-7.0 mm long Sisyridae p.478
under stones in streams. They are predaceous on small are attracted to lights and may be found some distance
aquaticinsects. The larvae of alderflies (Figure 27-6C) fram water. The larvae (Figure 27-6A,B) are aquatic
differfram those of the Corydalidae in that they have a and usually live under stones in streams. They differ
terminal filament, seven pairs of lateral filaments, and fram alderfly larvae in that they have a pair of hooked
no hooked anal pralegs. Sialis infumata Newman is a anal prolegs, no terminal filament, and eight pairs of
common eastern species that is about 19 mm long and lateral filaments. These larvae are some times called
has smoky wings. There are 24 species of alderflies in "hellgrammites" and are frequently used as bait by fish-
¡he United States, all in the genus Sialis. erman. The jaws can inflict a painful nip.
Family Corydalidae-Dobsonflies and Fishflies: The largest insects in this group are the dobson-
These insects are similar to the alderflies, but are in flies (Corydalus and Dysmicohermes), which have front
general larger (usually over 25 mm long) and have wings 50 mm or more long. A common eastern species
ocelli. They are soft-bodied, have a rather fluttery (Figure 27-7) has a wingspread of about 130 mm, and
flight,and are usually found near water. Some species the males have extremely long mandibles. The smaller
species in this group (front wings less than 50 mm Family Inocelliidae: This group is represented in
long) are called "fishflies." Most belong to the genera North America by three species of Negha, which occur
Chauliodes, Neohermes, and Nigronia. Dobsonflies and from California and Nevada north to British Columbia.
some of the fishflies have clear wings, but other fish- Inocelliids are larger than most raphidiids, with the
flies (species of Nigronia) have black or smoky wings front wing varying in length from 11 to 17 mm. They
with a few small, clear areas. Fishflies in the genera also have longer and thicker antennae and a larger,
Chauliodes and Nigronia have serrate or pectinate an- darker pterostigma than raphidiids.
tennae. In the United States there are 24 species in SUBORDER Planipennia:This suborder includes the
seven genera of Corydalidae. dusty-wings, lacewings, antlions, and owIflies. Some
SUBORDERRaphidioptera:The insects of the sub- authorities include only these insects in the order Neu-
order Raphidioptera are peculiar in having the protho- roptera. The adults lack ocelli, the front and hind
rax elongate, somewhat as in the Mantispidae, but the wings (in North American species) are similar in size
front legs are similar to the other legs and arise from and shape, and the longitudinal veins in the wings of-
the posterior end of the prothorax (Figure 27-8A). ten have branches near the wing margino The larvae
These insects can raise their head above the rest of the have long sicklelike mandibles, and the food is sucked
body, much like a snake preparing to strike. The adults up through a channel formed between the mandible
are predaceous, but can catch only small, weak prey. and maxilla. Pupation occurs in a silken cocoon.
The female (which has a long ovipositor) lays her eggs Family Coniopterygidae-Dusty-Wings: These are
in clusters in crevices in bark, and the larvae are usu- minute insects, 3 mm long or less, and are covered with
ally found under bark. The larvae feed principally on a whitish powder. There are 55 species in eight genera
small insects such as aphids and caterpillars. The in North America, and most are relatively rare. The lar-
snakeflies occur only in the western states. vae feed on small insects and insect eggs.
Family Raphidiidae:This family is represented in Family Ithonidae:This family is represented in the
North America by 17 species of Agulla and 2 of Alena, United States by a single, uncommon species, Oliarces
which are widely distributed through the West, from clara Banks, which has been taken in southern Califor-
central Texas and California north to British Columbia nia. This insect has a wingspread of 35-40 mm and re-
and Alberta. They vary in size, with the front wings sembles a Sialis with bleached wings. The larvae are
ranging from 6 to 17 mm long. Females are usually a scarabaeiform and probably feed on creosote bush.
little larger than males. Adults have "hill-topping" behavior and can be en-
countered on high places in mass emergences. When the foliage of trees and shrubs. Most are greenish, with
alive,adults have greenish-blue bodies. copper-colored eyes (Figure 27-9A). The species of Er-
Family Mantispidae-Mantidflies: These insects re- emochrysa (western) are often tan and resemble hemer-
semble mantids in having a lengthened prothorax obiids. Some chrysopids give off a rather disagreeable
and front legs enlarged and fitted for grasping prey odor when handled. The larvae of most species are
(Figure27-8B). They have a wingspread of 25 mm or predaceous, chiefly on aphids, and are sometimes
so.The larvae of some species (such as Plega) feed pri- called "aphidlions" (Figure 27-9B). Some larvae pile
marilyon the larvae of wasps and bees, whereas those debris on their backs and carry it around. The adults
of other species (such as Mantispa and Climaciella) may be predaceous (such as Chrysopa), feed on pollen
feedon spider eggs. Mantidflies undergo hypermeta- (SUChas Me/eoma), or feed on honeydew (such as Ere-
morphosis: The first-instar larvae are active and cam- mochrysa). The eggs are usually laid on foliage, the fe-
podeiform, and the subsequent larval insects are male produces a thin, elongate stalk and attaches the
scarabaeiform. These insects are more common in the egg at its end (Figure 27-9C). The larva e pupa te in
50uth. There are 14 species, in seven genera, known silken cocoons that are generally attached to the un-
fromthe United States. derside of leaves. In late autumn adults of Chrysoperla
Family Hemerobiidae-Brown Lacewings: These in- migrate in large numbers to the forest, where they
sectsresemble common lacewings (Chrysopidae), but overwinter.
are brownish instead of green and generally smaller, Family Dilaridae-PleasingLacewings: This group
and they have a different wing venation. The chry- contains two rare North American species. Nallachius
sopidshave a single distinct radial sector, whereas the americanus (MacLachlan), which has MP in the front
hemerobiids appear to have from two to four or more wing forked near the wing margin, has been recorded
(thatis, two to four veins branch off R¡). Most hemer- from several eastern states, from Michigan to Georgia;
obiidsappear to have three or four radial sectors. Some N. pulche/lus (Banks), which has MP in the front wing
specieshave a recurved and branched humeral vein in forked near its base, has been recorded from Cuba and
¡hefront wing. Brown lacewings are generally found in Arizona. Unlike most Neuroptera, these insects com-
wooded areas, and are much less common than the monIy rest with the wings outspread and resemble
Chrysopidae. The eggs, which are not stalked, are laid small moths. The female's ovipositor is a little longer
onplants. The larvae are predaceous. This is the third than her body. Males have plumose antennae. The eggs
largest family in the order, with 61 North American are laid in crevices or under bark, and the larvae are
speciesin 6 genera. predaceous.
Family Chrysopidae-Common Lacewings: This is Family Berothidae-BeadedLacewings: This family
¡hesecond largest family in the order (84 North Amer- is represented in North America by la rather rare
icanspecies in 15 genera), and its members are com- species in the genus Lomamyia. Adults are frequently
moninsects-usually living in grass and weeds and on attracted to lights at night and resemble slender cad-
disflies. In some species the outer margin of the front cia has a single fork in Rs, located below the
wing is somewhat indented just behind the apex, and pterostigma (Figure 27-2B), and Sisyra has two forks
the females of some species have scales on the wings in this vein, located well proximad of the pterostigma.
and thorax. The eggs are stalked. The larvae are preda- Climacia are pale with dark markings, whereas Sisyra
ceous on termites. are a uniform smoky brown.
Family Polystoechotidae-Giant Lacewings: These Family Myrmeleontidae-Antlions: This is the
lacewings have a wingspread of 40-75 mm. They are largest family in the order (92 North American species
quite rare, and only two species are known in North in 13 genera). Its members are widely distributed, but
America. The more common species, Polystoeehotes are most abundant in the South and West and a hule
punetatus (Fabricius), is attracted to smoke; this less common in the northern part of the United States.
species has disappeared from the eastern half of the The adults of this group resemble damselflies, with a
United States in the last 50 years for unknown reasons. long, slender abdomen (Figure 27-10). They differ
Even in the West it is becoming more uncommon. from damselflies in being softer-bodied; in having rela-
FamilySisyridae-Spongillaflies: The spongillaflies tively long, clubbed antennae; and in having quite dif-
look very much like tiny, brownish lacewings. They are ferent wing venation (compare Figures 27-4A and
usually found near ponds or streams, because the lar- 10-6). They are rather feeble fliers and are often at-
vae (Figure 27-6D) are aquatic and feed on freshwater tracted to lights. The wings are clear in some species
sponges. When full grown, the larvae emerge from the and irregularly spotted in others (Figure 27-10).
water and pupa te in silken cocoons attached to objects Antlion larvae, or "doodlebugs," are rounded crea-
near the water. These cocoons are constructed inside tures with long, sicklelikejaws (Figure 27-IIA). Most
hemispherical cocoon covers. (Acanthoclisini and Dendroleontini) either lie in wait
There are six species of spongillaflies in North for their prey on the surface of the ground (generally in
America, three in each of the genera Climacia and sandy areas) or buried just beneath the surface, or they
Sisyra. These genera differ in the forking of Rs. Clima- give chase on the surface. Most larvae move both for-
wardand backward equally well. Some species in this themselves with debris; others have a coloration that
family (the Myrmeleontini) capture their prey by renders them inconspicuous. The larvae are preda-
meansof pitfalls. They conceal themselves in the bot- ceous. They lie in wait for their prey with their large
tomof a small, conical pit, made in sand or dust, and jaws wide open. The closing of the jaws on a prey is ap-
feedon ants and other insects that fall into this pit. The parently triggered by contact, and the prey is usually
pits are generally 35-50 mm across and are usually paralyzed within seconds by the bite of the ascalaphid
foundin dry situations such as under cliff overhangs or larva. Pupation occurs in litter, in a silken cocoon, and
under buildings. It is not always easy to dig one of lasts from a few weeks to a few months. Some adults
theselarvae from its pit, because the larvae remain mo- are diurnal, and some are nocturnal. Most North Amer-
tionlesswhen disturbed and, when dug up, are covered ican species fly at dusk, flying up to 10 m above the
witha layer of sand or dust and are easily overlooked. ground by the time of complete darkness. The flight of
Antlionlarvae pupa te in the soil, in a cocoon made of the adults is strong and dragonfly-like, with periods of
sandand silk. hovering and rapid flight, the adults feeding on small
This group contains several distinctive venational insects. Adults spend much of their time resting-
features,some of which are of taxonomic value: (1) a usually head down on a vertical twig, with the body
characteristic fork in the basal third of the wing Cthe projecting from the twig at about a right angle-thus
trigonalfork of Comstock), formed by the forking of resembling a small twig. They apparently cannot fly off
theCuAin the front wing and of MP2 in the hind wing; directly from a resting position, but warm up for sev-
(2) the prefork area (the trigonalloop of Comstock), eral minutes, vibrating their wings. The adults of some
thearea between MP2 and CuA + lA in the front wing; species develop some color in the wings a few days af-
(3)the hypostigmatic cell (the truss cell of Comstock), ter emergence. There are 6 species, in two genera, in
a long cell behind the point of fusion of Sc and R¡ North America.
in the distal part of the wing (Figure 27-4, hcl); and
(4)the presectoral crossveins, those basad of the sepa-
rationof Rs + MA from R¡, extending between Rs+ MA
and MP in the front wing and between Rs+MA and Collecting and Preserving Neuroptera
MP¡ in the hind wing. Some species have a fairly dis-
tinet gradate vein called the banksian Hne, extending Most Neuroptera can be collected with an insect net by
lengthwiseof the wing in the distal half or third of the sweeping vegetation. Adults of the Sialidae, Corydali-
wing(Figure 27-4A, bln). dae, and Sisyridae are generally found near the aquatic
The North American species of antlions are habitats (ponds and streams) in which the larva e live.
arrangedin six tribes of the subfamily Myrmeleontinae: The best way to collect many Neuroptera, particularly
Aeanthoclisini,Brachynemurini, Dendroleontini, Gnop- representatives of the less common groups, is at lights.
holeontini, Myrmeleontini, and Nemoleontini. The Polystoechotidae can be collected by building smoky
Aeanthoclisini and Gnopholeontini occur only in the tires in remo te areas in late autumn.
West,but the other four tribes are widely distributed. Adult Neuroptera are preserved in alcohol, or on
Onlythe larvae of the Myrmeleontini construct pitfalls. pins or points, or in envelopes. All are relatively soft-
FamilyAscalaphidae-Owlflies: These large, dragon- bodied, and pinned specimens often sag or shrivel and
fly-likeinsects have long, clubbed antennae. They are be come distorted. Many pinned specimens need some
fairlycommon in the South and Southwest, but are support for the abdomen, at least until the insect has
quiterare in the North. Most species lay their eggs on dried. Very small forms can be mounted on points, but
twigs,and a week or so after hatching the larvae climb preservation in alcohol is better. Large, elongate forms,
downto the ground, where they live in litter. The lar- such as dobsonflies and antlions, can be preserved in
vaeof a few species may be arboreal. Some larvae cover envelopes.
Adams, P. A. 1956. New antlions from the southwestern United gie der rezenten Raphidopteren der Erde, mit einer
States (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Psyehe 63:82-108. zusammenfassender Uebersicht der fossilen Raphid-
Aspoek, U. 1975. The present state of knowledge on the iopteren (Inseeta: Neuropteroidea). Vo!. 1, 730 pp., Vo!.
Rhaphidioptera of Ameriea (Inseeta: Neuropteroidea). 2, 550 pp. Krefeld, Germany: Goeeke and Evers.
Polskie Pismo Entorno!. 45:537-546. Aspoek, U.,). D. Plant, and H. L. Nemesehka!. 2001. Cladis-
Aspoek, H., U. Aspoek, and H. Rauseh. 1991. Die Raphid- tic analysis of Neuroptera and their systematic position
ioptera der Erde. Eine monographisehe Darstellung der within Neuropterida (Inseeta: Holometabola: Neu-
Systematik, Taxonomie, Biologie, Oekologie und Coro 10- ropterida: Neuroptera). Syst. Entorno!. 26:73-86.
480 Chapter27 OrderNeuroptera
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Mus. Comp. lo o\. Harvard 68:1-84. F. W Stehr (Ed.), Irnrnature insects, vo\. 2, pp. 112-122.
Bickley, W E., and E. G. MacLeod. 1956. A synopsis of the Dubuque, lA:. KendalVHunt, 975 pp.
Nearctic Chrysopidae with a key to the genera (Neu- Oswald, ]. D. 1993. Revision and dadistic analysis of the
roptera). Proc. Entorno\. Soco Wash. 58: 177-202. world genera of the farnily Hernerobiidae (Insecta: Neu-
Brooks, S.]., and P. C. Barnard. 1990. The green lacewings of roptera).]. N. Y. Entorno\. Soco 101:143-299.
the world: a generic revision (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Oswald,]. D., and N. D. Penny. 1991. Genus-group namesof
Bul\. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Entorno\. 59:117-286. the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Raphidioptera of the
Carpenter, F.M. 1936. Revision of the Nearctic Raphidiodea (re- world. Occ. Papo Calif. Acad. Sci. 147:1-94.
cent and fossil). Proc. Arner. Acad.Arts Sci. 71(2):89-157. Parfin, S. 1952. The Megaloptera and Neuroptera of Min-
Carpenter, F. M. 1940. A revision of the nearctic Hernerobi- nesota. Arner. Mid\. Nat. 47(2):421-434.
idae, Berothidae, Sisyridae, Polystoechotidae, and Dilari- Parfin, S., and A. B. Gurney. 1956. The spongillaflies with special
dae (Neuroptera). Proc. Arner. Acad. Arts Sci. reference to those of the western hernisphere (Sisyridae,
74(7):193-280. Neuroptera). Proc. U.s. Nad. Mus. 105(3360):421-529.
Carpenter, F. M. 1951. The structure and relationships of Penny, N. D., P.A. Adarns, and L. A. Stange. 1997. Species eat-
aliaras (Neuroptera). Psyche 58:32-41. alog of the Neuroptera, Megaloptera, and Rhaphidioptera
Chandler, H. P. 1956. Megaloptera. In R. L. Usinger (Ed.), of Arnerica north of Mexico. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei.
Aquatic Insects of California, pp. 229-233. Berkeley: 50:39-114.
University of California Press. Penny, N. D., C. A. Tauber, and T. de Leon. 2000. A new
Cornstock,]. H. 1940. An introduction to entornology. Ninth species of Chrysopa frorn western North Arnerica witha
edition. Ithaca, NY: Cornstock Publishing Cornpany, Inc. key to North American species (Neuroptera: Chrysopi-
1064 p. dae). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. 93:776-784.
Froeschner, R. C. 1947. Notes and keys to the Neuroptera of Redborg, K. E., and E. G. MacLeod. 1985. The developmen-
Missouri. Ann. Entorno\. SocoArner. 40:123-136. tal ecology of Mantispa uhleri Banks (Neuroptera: Man.
Glorioso, M.]. 1981. Systernatics of the dobsonfly subfarnily tispidae). Ill. Bio\. Monogr. No. 53. Charnpaign, IL:Uni.
Corydalinae (Megaloptera: Corydalidae). Syst. Entorno\. versity of Illinois Press, 130 pp.
6:253-290. Rehn,]. W H. 1939. Studies in North American Mantispidae
Gurney, A. B. 1947. Notes on Dilaridae and Berothidae, with (Neuroptera). Trans. Arner. Entorno\. Soco 65:237-263.
special reference to the irnrnature stages of the Nearctic Ross, H. H. 1937. Nearctic alderflies of the genus Sialis. Ill.
genera (Neuroptera). Psyche 54:145-169. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 21(3):57-78.
Gurney, A. B., and S. Parfin. 1959. Neuroptera. In W. T. Srnith, R. C. 1922. The biology of the Chrysopidae. N.Y.(Cor-
Edrnondson (Ed.), Freshwater Biology, pp. 973-980. nell) Agr. Expt. Sta. Mern. 58:1285-1377.
New York: Wiley. Stange, L. A. 1970. Revision of the andion tribe Braehyne-
Henry, C. S. 1977. The behavior and life histories of two rnurini of North Arnerica (Neuroptera: Myrrneleontidae).
North American ascalaphids. Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. Univ. Calif. Pub\. Entorno\. 55:1-192.
70:176-195. Stange, L. A. 1994. Redassification of the New World antlion
Hoffrnan,K. M. 2002. Mantispidae. In N. D. Penny (Ed.), A genera forrnerly induded in the tribe Brachynemurini
guide to the lacewings (Neuroptera) of Costa Rica. Proc. (Myrmeleontidae). Insecta Mundi 8:67-119.
Calif. Acad. Sci. 53(12):161-457. Tauber, C. A. 1969. Taxonorny and biology of the laeewing
Johnson,]. B., and K. S. Hagen. 1981. A neuropterous larva genus Me/eoma (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Univ. Calíf.
uses an allornone to attack termites. Nature 289:506-507. Pub\. Entorno\. 58:1-94.
Larnbkin, K.]. 1986a. A revision of the Australian Mantispi- Tauber, C. A. 1991a. Order Raphidioptera.In F.W Stehr (Ed.),
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sification of the farnily. Part 1: General and Drepanicinae. KendalVHunt, 975 pp.
Austra\.]. loo\., Supp\. Ser. 116:1-142. Tauber, C. A. 1991b. Order Neuroptera. In F.W Stehr (Ed.),
Larnbkin, K.]. 1986b. A revision of the Australian Mantispi- Irnrnature insects, vo\. 2, pp. 126-143. Dubuque, lA:
dae (Insecta: Neuroptera) with a contribution to the das- KendalVHunt, 975 pp.
sification of the farnily. Part 2: Calornantispinae and Man- Throne, A. L. 1971a. The Neuroptera-suborder Planipennia
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MacLeod, E. G., and K. E. Redborg. 1982. Larval platyman- Mich. Entorno\. 4(3):65-78.
tispine rnantispids (Neuroptera: Planipennia): Possibly a Throne, A. L. 1971b. The Neuroptera-suborder Planipennia
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Martynov, A. 1928. Perrnian fossil insects of northeast Eu- and Sisyridae. Mich. Entorno\. 4(3):79-87.
rope. Trav. Mus. Geo\. Acad. Sci. USSR 4:1-117. Withycornbe, C. L. 1925. Sorne aspects of the biology and
Meinander, M. 1972. A revision of the farnily Coniopterygi- rnorphology of the Neuroptera, with special refereneeto
dae. Acta loo\. Fenn. 136:1-357. the irnmature stages and their phylogenetic signifieanee.
Nakahara, W 1965. Contribution to the knowledge of the Trans. Entorno\. Soco Lond. 1924:303-411.
Hernerobiidae of western North Arnerica (Neuroptera).
Proc. U.s. Nat. Mus. 116:205-222.
28 Order Hymenoptera1
Wasps,and Bees
rom the human standpoint, this order is probably within the host (in the case of parasitic species), or in
F the most beneficial in the entire insect class. It con- special cells.
tainsa great many species that are of value as parasites Sex in most Hymenoptera is associated with the
or predators of insect pests, and it contains the most fertilization of the egg. Fertilized eggs develop into fe-
important pollinators of plants, the bees. The Hy- males, and unfertilized eggs usually develop into
menoptera are a very interesting group in terms of their males.
biology,because they exhibit a great diversity of habits
and complexity of behavior culminating in the social
organization of the wasps, bees, and ants.
The winged members of this order have four mem- Classification of the Hymenoptera
branous wings. The hind wings are smaller than the
frontwings and have a row of tiny hooks (hamuli) on The order Hymenoptera was traditionally divided into
theiranterior margin, by which the hind wing attaches two suborders, the Symphyta (or Chalastogastra) and
to a fold on the posterior edge of the front wing. The the Apocrita. Nearly all symphytes are phytophagous.
wings contain relatively few veins, and some minute Entomologists now widely accept that the Symphyta is,
forms have no veins at all. The mouthparts are in fact, a paraphyletic graup. In the suborder Apocrita,
mandibulate, but in many, especially the bees, the la- the basal segment of the abdomen is fused with the
biumand maxillae form a tonguelike structure through thorax and separated fram the remainder of the ab-
which liquid food is taken (Figure 28-6). The anten- domen by a constriction. The abdominal segment that
nae usually contain lOor more segments and are gen- is fused with the thorax is called the propodeum. The
erallyfairly long. The tarsi usually have five segments. resulting four-segmented locomotory tagma is known
The ovipositor is generally well developed. In some as the mesosoma (or trunk). The posterior tagma is the
casesit is modified into a sting, which functions as an metasoma (or gaster). The trachanters appear one- or
organ of offense and defense. Because the sting is de- two-segmented in the Apocrita, and there are no more
rivedfrom an egg-Iaying organ, only females can sting. than two closed cells at the base of the hind wing (Fig-
Themetamorphosis is complete, and in most of the or- ure 28-2). The larvae of most species of Apocrita feed
der,the larvae are grublike or maggotlike. The larvae of on other arthropods, although phytophagy has re-
mostsawflies and related forms are eruciform and dif- evolved several times.
fer from those of the Lepidoptera in that they have A synopsis of the order Hymenoptera is given in
morethan five pairs of prolegs, lack crochets on these the following listo Altemate spellings, synonyrns, and
prolegs, and usually have only a single pair of ocelli. other arrangements are given in parentheses. The
Thepupae are exarate and may be formed in a cocoon, higher classification of the order is in a state of flux.
The arrangement presented here follows in broad out-
lHymenoptera: hymeno, god of marriage; ptera, wings (referring to line that of Brothers (1975), Krombein et al. (1979),
the union of fron! and hind wings by means of hamuli). Rasnitsyn (1980), and Goulet and Huber (1993). The 481
482 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
groups marked with an asterisk (*) are relatively rare Eupelmidae I
or are unlikely to be taken by a general collector. Torymidae (Callimomidae; including Podagri-
Superfamily Xyeloidea onidae in part)
Xyelidae* Agaonidae (Agaontidae, Torymidae in part)- I
fig wasps*
Superfamily Megalodontoidea Ormyridae
Pamphiliidae (Lydidae)-leaf-rolling and web- Pteromalidae (including Cleonymidae in part,
spinning sawflies* Chalcedectidae, Eutrichosomatidae, and
Superfamily Tenthredinoidea Miscogastridae)
Pergidae (Acorduleceridae) * Eucharitidae (Eucharididae, Eucharidae)
Argidae (Hylotomidae) perilampidae
Cimbicidae (Clavellariidae) Eurytomidae-seed chalcids
Diprionidae (Lophyridae)-conifer sawflies Chalcididae (Chalcidae)
Tenthredinidae-common sawflies Leucospidae (Leucospididae)
Superfamily Cephoidea Superfamily Cynipoidea
Cephidae-stem sawflies Ibaliidae*
Superfamily Siricoidea
Anaxyelidae (Syntexidae, Syntectidae)- Figitidae (Alloxystidae, Eucoilidae, Charipi-
dae, Cynipidae in part)
incense-cedar wood wasps*
Siricidae (Uroceridae)-horntails Cynipidae-gall wasps
Superfamily Proctotrupoidea
Xiphydriidae-wood wasps* Pelecinidae
Superfamily Orussoidea Vanhorniidae (Proctotrupidae in part, Serphi-
Orussidae (Oryssidae, Idiogastra)-parasitic dae in part) *
wood wasps* Roproniidae*
Suborder Apocrita (Clistogastra, Petiolata) Heloridae*
Superfamily Stephanoidea Proctotrupidae (Serphidae)
Stephanidae* Diapriidae (including Ambositridae, Belytidae,
Superfamily Ceraphronoidea Cinetidae)
Megaspilidae (Ceraphronidae in part, Superfamily Platygastroidea
Calliceratidae in part) Scelionidae
Ceraphronidae (Calliceratidae in part) Platygastridae (Platygasteridae)
Superfamily Trigonalyoidea Superfamily Chrysidoidea (= Bethyloidea)
Trigonalyidae (Trigonalidae) * Chrysididae (including Cleptidae)-cuckoo
Superfamily Evanioidea wasps
Evaniidae-ensign wasps Bethylidae
Gasteruptiidae (Gasteruptionidae) Dryinidae
Aulacidae (Gasteruptiidae in part) Embolemidae (Dryinidae in part)*
Superfamily lchneumonoidea Sclerogibbidae*
Braconidae (including Aphidiidae) Superfamily Apoidea
lchneumonidae (including Paxylommatidae = Sphecidae (including Ampulicidae, pemphre-
Hybrizontidae) donidae, Astatidae, Crabronidae, Mellinae,
Superfamily Mymarommatoidea Nyssonidae, Philanthidae)-mud-daubers,
Mymarommatidae* thread-waisted wasps
Superfamily Chalcidoidea Melittidae*
Mymaridae-fairyflies Colletidae (incIuding Hylaeidae)-plasterer
Trichogrammatidae and yellow-faced bees
Eulophidae (including Elasmidae) Halictidae-sweat bees
Tetracampidae * Andrenidae (including Oxaeidae)
Aphelinidae (Eulophidae in part, Encyrtidae Megachilidae-Ieaf-cutting bees
in part) Apidae (including Anthophoridae, Nomadi-
Signiphoridae (Encyrtidae in part; dae, Euceridae, Ceratinidae, Xylocopidae,
Thysanidae)* Bombidae)-honey bees, bumble bees, or-
Encyrtidae chid bees, cuckoo bees, digger bees, and
Tanaostigmatidae (Encyrtidae in part)* carpenter bees
Characters Used Identifying Hymenoptera 483
Superfamily Vespoidea has proved to be a problem. There are two basic ter-
Tiphiidae (including Thynnidae) minologies in use for the venation of the Hy-
Sierolomorphidae * menoptera: a traditional system using terms specific
Sapygidae* for the order (Figure 28-3) and one developed by
Mutillidae Cincluding Myrmosinae)-velvet Ross (1936) that attempted to homologize the vena-
ants tion with that of other insects. In this chapter we gen-
Bradynobaenidae (Mutillidae in part) * erally will use the modification of Ross's system by
Pompilidae (psammocharidae)-spider wasps Richards (1977) to refer to veins (Figures 28-1,
Rhopalosomatidae (Rhopalosomidae) * 28-2). In those groups with very reduced venation
Scoliidae (Chalcidoidea and Proctotrupoidea especially), it is
Vespidae Cincluding Eumenidae, Masaridae)- much simpler to refer to the veins by their relative po-
paper wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, ma- sitions (see Figure 28-19B). We also follow Michener's
son wasps, potter wasps (1944) suggestions regarding the names of some cells,
Formicidae-ants and use the positional terms marginal and submarginal
cclls (Figure 28-3, MC, SM).
Leg Characters
Usedin Identifying
Hymenoptera The leg characters used in identification are chiefly the
number of trochanter segments, the number and form
WingVenation of the tibial spurs, and the form of the tarsal segments.
The sawflies and some superfamilies of the Apocrita
Venationalcharacters are used a great deal to separa te have two trochanter segments (Figure 28-32A). In
the various groups of Hymenoptera. There are not fact, the so-called second trochanter is actually a basal
manyveins or cells in the hymenopteran wings, but subdivision of the femur and is never movably articu-
homologizing this venation with that in other orders lated distally. In the bees (Apoidea), the first segment
e, R
ofthe hind tarsus is usually much enlarged and flat- visible under a compound microscope. The key refers
tenedand may in some cases appear nearly as large as to the number of segments in the funicle. These are
thetibia (Figure 28-15B,C). In some superfamilies, the usually much longer than the ring segments and easily
sizeand shape of the hind coxae may help separate distinguished fram them. In those few cases where it is
families. unclear whether a segment represents a large ring seg-
ment or a small funicular segment, it should be in-
AntennalCharacters cluded in the count of the latter.
nt t~
, ,,ax
The system of venational terminology used by Richards (1977; Figure 28-1) is gener-
ally used in this key. Unless otherwise indicated, all venational characters refer to the
front wing. For those species with highly reduced venation, the positional terms in
Figure 28-19B are used. Cells are named according the the vein forming their anterior
boundary; we continue to use the terms submarginal and marginal cells; cells used in the
A --91
--flb B
--- flb
5'. Pronotum in dorsal view not U-shaped, posterior margin straight or only
slightly curved (Figure 28-9A,C); costal cell present or absent; vein SC2
absent; abdomen more or less flattened laterally 6
6(5'). Costal cell present and distinct; apical spur on front tibiae pectinate
on inner margin; pronotum in dorsal view much wider than long
(Figure 28-9C); California and Oregon Anaxyelidae* p.518
6'. Costal cell absent or very narrow (Figure 28-8A); apical spur on front
tibiae not pectinate on inner margin; pronotum in dorsal view about as
long as or longer than wide (Figure 28-9A); widely distributed Cephidae p.518
7(3'). Antennae 3-segmented, third segment very long (Figure 28-lOE),
sometimes U-shaped Argidae p.517
490 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
492 Chapter28 OrderHyrnenoptera
e D
e o
Figure 28-15 Hind legs of Sphecoidea (A) and Apoidea (B-D). A, Sphex (Sphecidae);
B, Apis (Apidae); C, Andrena (Andrenidae); D, Nomada (Apidae). cb, corbicula; mts, first
tarsal segment (metatarsus).
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 495
19', Fore wing with first free segment of M straight or weakly arched
(Figure 28-13A,B,D-F); frons with 2 subantennal su\ci, one on each side
of antennal socket (Figure 28-17 A); anterior oblique su\cus almost always
absent from mesepistemum; facial foveae, at least in females, present and
distinct, oftenlined with dense, feltlikepile (Figure28-17A) Andrenidae p. 543
20(17/). Galeae and glossa short ("tongue" relatively short); segments of labial
palpi similar and cylindrical (as in Figure 28-6D) Melittidae p. 540
20', Galeae and glossa elongate ("tongue" long); first 2 segments oflabial
palpi elongate and somewhat flattened to form a sheath for the "tongue"
(Figure 28-6A,B) 21
21(20'). Fore wing with 2 submarginal cells (Figure 28-13F); labrum longer than
wide, but with broad articulation with clypeus; subantennal su\ci meeting
outer side of antennal sockets (Figure 28-17B); scopa, when present,
on metasoma (Figure 28-69) Megachilidae p. 544
496 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
22'. Venation complete or nearly so, front wings usually with 6 or more
closed cells and hind wings with at least 1 closed cell
(Figures 28-31A-F,H, 28-33) 83
25(24). Fore wing with well-developed marginal cell and costal vein absent basally,
without enlarged stigma (Figure 28-19A) 26
25'. Fore wing either without marginal cell (as in Figure 28-19B--E, 28-20A,E)
or costal vein present basally (Figure 28-20B--D,F-H); stigma often
present 33
Figure28-18 Base of
the metasoma in parasitic
Hymenoptera. A, lchneu-
monidae; B, lchneumonidae;
e, Braconidae; D, Gasterup-
tiidae; E, Aulacidae;
F, Evaniidae. met" first
metasomatic segment; cx3,
F hind coxa; prd, propodeum.
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 497
~ \\\\~~~~~
-- D
Figure28-19 Wings of
Hymenoptera. A, Cynipidae;
B, Perilampidae; C, Mymaridae;
G D, Diapriidae (Diapriinae);
E, Megaspilidae; F, Bethylidae;
G, Ceraphronidae; H, Platy-
gastridae; 1, Ichneumonidae
(PaxyIlomatinae). jl. jugallobe;
mv, marginal vein; pm, postmar-
ginal vein; sm. submarginal vein;
stostigma; sv. stigmal vein.
498 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
26(25). First segment of hind tarsus twice as long as the other segments combined,
second segment with a long process on outer side extending to tip of fourth
segment (Figure 28-20B); metasoma compressed, longer than head and
mesosoma combined; antennae 13-segmented in female and 15-segmented
in male; 7-16 mm long Ibaliidae* p.533
26'. First segment of hind tarsi much shorter, the second segment without a
long process on outer side; antennae variable, but usually 13-segmented
in female and 14-segmented in male; generally 8 mm long or less 27
27(26'). In lateral view, tergum 4 or 5 of metasoma larger than other segmel1ts Liopteridae p. 534
27'. In lateral view, tergum 2 or 3 of metasoma largest 28
28(27' , Dorsal surface of scutellum with a rounded or oval elevation or keel in
110). center (Figure 28-20D); first segment of Rs far longer than first free
segment of M; second metasomatic tergum longer than third; antennae
11- to 16-segmented, usually 13-segmented in female and 15-segmented
in male Figitidae p. 534
28'. Dorsal surface of scutellum not as as in preceding entry; venation,
metasomatic terga, and antennae variable 29
29(27'). Second metasomatic tergum narrow, tongue-shaped, shorter than third
(Figure 28-20C); first segment of Rs far longer than first free segment
ofM Figitidae* p.534
29'. Second metasomatic tergum not tongue-shaped, or (some Cynipinae)
tongue-shaped, but much longer than third 30
Figure 28-20 Characters al
the Cynipoidea. A, metasoma 01
Diplolepis (Cynipidae); B, hind
tarsus of Ibalia (Ibaliidae);
C, metasoma of Callaspida
(Figitidae); D, scutellum of
Figitidae (Eucoilinae), dorsal
view;E, metasomaof Anacharis
(Anacharitinae); F, metasoma01
Figitinae (Figitidae). The meta.
E F somatic tergites are numbered.
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 499
30(29'). Petiole of metasoma elongate, in lateral view longer than wide; head
distinctly wider than mesosoma Figitidae p. 534
30'. Petiole short or hidden; head as wide as or narrower than mesosoma 31
31(30'). Pranotum dorsally with a differentiated medial plate; genal carina
well-developed; scutellum sometimes pralonged in spine Figitidae p. 534
31'. Upper surface of pronotum without separate medial plate; genal carina
weak or absent; scutellum without posterior spine 32
32(31'). Head smooth; mid and hind tibia often with 1 apical spur; tarsal claw
without basal tooth Figitidae p. 534
32'. Head with coarse sculpture; mid and hind tibia with 2 apical spurs;
tarsal claw often with basal tooth Cynipidae p. 534
33(25'). Costal vein present in basal portion of fore wing and costal cell absent
(Figure 28-191, 28-21E) 34
33'. Either costal vein absent basally or costal cell well developed 35
34(33). Metasomatic tergites 2 and 3 fused together; Rs and M separated basad
of 2r (Figure 28-21E) Braconidae p. 522
34'. Metasomatic tergites 2 and 3 separated and overlapping; veins Rs and M
not separating until beyond 2r (Figure 28-191) Ichneumonidae* p.523
35(33', Fore tibia with 2 apical spurs; venation highly reduced: no closed cells
110'). in fore wing, stigmal vein distinctly arched toward costal margin, marginal
vein extending from base of wing, submarginal vein absent
(Figure 28-19E,G) (veins rarely absent entirely) (Ceraphronoidea) 36
35'. Fore tibia with 1 apical spur; venation variable, submarginal vein usually
present; in forms with reduced venation the stigmal vein, if present,
either straight or curved away fram costal margin 37
36(35). Middle tibia with 2 apical spurs; large apical spur on fore tibia forked
apically; antennae ll-segmented in both sexes; stigma of fore wing
usually large, semicircular (Figure 28-19E) (rarely linear or wings
veinless in male Lagynodinae) Megaspilidae p. 520
36'. Middle tibia with 1 apical spur; large spur of fore tibia not forked apically;
female antennae 9- or lO-segmented, male antennae 10- or ll-segmented;
stigma of fore wing linear, appearing similar to marginal vein, but
separated fram it by a distinct break (Figure 28-19G) (stigma and stigmal
vein rarely absent) Ceraphronidae p. 520
37(35', Antennal sockets separated fram clypeal margin by distinctly more than
90). 1 diameter of socket (Figure 28-22C, 28-59) 38
37'. Antennal sockets contiguous with dorsal margin of clypeus or separated
fram it by less than 1 diameter of socket (Figure 28-22A,B) 43
38(37). Antennae 10-segmented; hind wings with jugallobe Embolemidae* p. 538
38'. Antennae 11- to 16-segmented; hind wings without a jugallobe
(Figures 28-19D, 28-31G) 39
39(38'). Basitarsus of hind leg distinctly shorter than following segments; fore
wing with Rs forked apically (Figure 28-21A) Pelecinidae p. 535
39'. Basitarsus of hind leg distinctly longer than following segments; fore
wing with Rs not forked or absent entirely 40
40(39'). First antennal segment distinctly elongate, at least 2.5 times as long as
wide; antennae usually arising from a distinct shelf (Figure 28-59);
stigma absent or very small (Figures 28-19D, 28-31G) Diapriidae p. 536
40'. First antennal segment short, at most 2.2 times as long as wide; antennal
shelf absent; stigma present (Figures 28-21D,F-H) 41
500 Chapter28 Order Hyrnenoptera
e D
~ 0 ~ o
0 '1
. . v
8 e
41(40'). Antenna 13-segmented; medial cell not defined; marginal cell very narrow
(Figure 28-2lD) Proctotrupidae p. 536
41'. Antenna with 14 or 16 segments; medial cell defined (Figure 28-21F,H, M);
marginal cell elongate (Figure 28-21F,H) 42
42(41'). Antenna 16-segmented (including 1 minute ring segment following pedicel);
metasoma slightly wider than high, in lateral view tergites subequal in
height to sternites;medialcelltriangular(Figure28-21H, M) Heloridae p. 536
42', Antenna 14-segmented (without ring segment); metasoma strongly
compressed laterally, in lateral view tergites much higher than sternites;
medialcellpolygonal(Figure28-21F,M) Roproniidae p. 536
43(37'). First antennal segment short and stout, less than 2 times as long as wide;
antenna 13-segmented; mandibles with tips pointing outward, and widely
separated when closed (Figure 28-22D); fore wing with thick stigma,
marginal cell closed (Figure 28-21G) Vanhorniidae p. 535
43'. First antennal segment long and slender, distinctly more than 2.5 times
as long as wide; antenna never with 13-segments; mandibles normal,
touching or crossing when closed; fore wing with stigma absent, marginal
cell never closed 44
44(43'). Second metasomatic tergite distinctly longer than all others, several times
longer than tergite 3 45
44'. Tergite 2 not distinctly longer than others, at most subequal in length
to tergite 3 Scelionidae p. 537
45(44). Fore wing with stigmal and usually postmarginal veins; antennae usually
11- or 12-segmented, rarely 10-segmented Scelionidae p. 537
45', Fore wing without stigmal or postmarginal vein (Figure 28-19H), often
entirely veinless; antenna with 10 or fewer segments Platygastridae p. 537
46(23'). Venation greatly reduced (as in Figure 28-19B), the hind wings without
an incision setting off a jugal or vannallobe; antennae elbowed; mesosoma
usually with a distinct prepectus (Figure 28-4A, pp); trochanters generally
2-segmented (Chalcidoidea) 47
46'. Wings with more veins, the hind wings usually with a lobe (jugal or
vannal) set off by a distinct incision (Figures 28-19F, 28-2IB); antennae
usually not elbowed; trochanters usually 1-segmented (Chrysidoidea) 80
47(46). Hind femora greatly swollen and usually toothed or denticulate beneath
(Figure 28-23E); hind tibiae usually arcuate 48
47', Hind femora not swollen or only slightly swollen, and either not toothed
beneath or with only 1 or 2 teeth 51
48(47). Prepectus reduced and narrow, or almost entirely hidden; lateral angles
of pronotum nearly reaching tegula; color black, brown, to yellow, never
metallic 49
48'. Prepectus normal size, triangular, distinctly separating pronotum from
tegula; color variable, often metallic 50
49(48). Fore wings usually folded longitudinally at rest; ovipositor curved up
over dorsum of female; tegulae elongate Leucospidae p.533
49'. Fore wings not folded longitudinally; ovipositor directed posteriorly;
tegula oval, not elongate Chalcididae p.533
50(48'). Inner margins of eyes diverging ventrally; antennae inserted distinctly
below lower margins of eyes; body generally flattened Pteromalidae p.532
50'. Inner margins of eyes parallel; antennae inserted near to or distinctly
above lower margins of eyes; body convex (Podagrioninae) Torymidae p.532
51(47', Tarsi 3-segmented; wing pubescence often arranged in rows; minute
112'). insects Trichogrammatidae p.530
51'. Tarsi 4- or 5-segmented; wing pubescence usually not arranged in rows;
size variable 52
52(51'). Petiole of metasoma 2-segmented, elongate; surface of fore wing with
netlike reticulations; minute pale-colored species, less than 1 mm long Mymarommatidae
* p.526
52'. Either metasomatic petiole l-segmented or metasoma sessile; fore wing
normal, usually setose, without reticulations; size and color variable 53
53(52'). Bases of antennae widely separated, inserted closer to eyes than to each
other; frons with a distinct transverse sulcus above antennal insertions,
and with a pair of longitudinal sulci along mesal margins of eyes
(Figure 28-24); small to minute species, usually less than 1 mm long Mymaridae p.526
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 503
53', Antennal insertions closer to each other than to eyes; frons without such
sulci; size variable 54
54(53'). Tarsi 4-segmented 55
54'. Tarsi 5-segmented 60
55(54). Antennal funicle with 4 or fewer segments (Figure 28-25A,C) 56
55'. Antennal funicle with 5 or more segments (Figure 28-25B) 59
56(55). Hind coxa greatly enlarged and flattened; outer surface of hind tibiae with
short, dark bristles arranged in zigzag lines or otherwise forming a
distinctive pattern (Figure 28-26); fore wings narrow; male antennae
branched Eulophidae p. 531
504 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
56'. Hind coxa subequal in size to middle coxa; outer surface of hind tibia
without bristles forming a pattem; fore wings and male antennae variable 57
57(56'). Mesopleuron convex (as in Figure 28-27A); antennal clava long and
unsegmented (and flagellum appearing to be l-segmented) or body
minute «1 mm) 58
Figure28-27 Encyrtidae. A, lateral habitus; B, tarsus and apex of tibia of middle lego
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 505
68(67'). Metasoma dorsally with transverse rows of deep pits or with strongly
developed transverse crenulae; metasoma of female conical and elongate,
of male oblong; cerci short, sessile; hind tibia with 2 apical spurs, either
with inner spur distinctly longer than outer and usually curved, or both
very long Ormyridae p.532
68'. Metasoma without such sculpture; hind tibiae with 1 or 2 spurs, these
relatively straight and short, often difficult to see 69
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 507
72(71'). Males; fore wing with postmarginal vein much shorter than marginal
vein, subequal in length to stigmal vein; hind coxae much larger than
fore coxae, more or less triangular in cross section; inner margins of eyes
parallel in frontal view Torymidae p.532
72'. Males and females; fore wing venation not as as in preceding entry; hind
coxae variable, if large and triangular in cross -section, then inner
margins of eyes diverging ventrally 73
73(72'). Collar of pronotum (the posterior portion, excluding the narrowed,
necklike anterior part) at least half as long as mesoscutum, elongale or
rectangular in dorsal view 74
73'. Prono tal collar less than half length of mesoscutum, or pronotum with
sides converging, bell-shaped 78
74(73). Stigma of fore wing with conspicuous knoblike expansion; funicle
7-segmented; prepectus large, triangular Torymidae p.532
74'. Stigma usually not greatly enlarged; if so, then funicle with 6 or fewer
large segments and prepectus small and inconspicuous 75
75(74'). Head or body partly metallic in color 76
75'. Head and body entirely nonmetallic 77
76(75). Funicle 5-segmented; propodeum depressed or with longitudinal furrow
medially Eurytomidae p.533
76'. Funicle with more than 5 segments or propodeum evenly convex or
flattened Pteromalidae p.532
77(75'). Antennae inserted at or above lower margins of eyes; funicle usually
with 6 or fewer segments, if with more then propodeum with longitudinal
furrow medially Eurytomidae p.533
77'. Antennae inserted below lower margins of eyes; funicle either with
7 segments or propodeum flattened or convex, often with longitudinal
carina medially Pteromalidae p.532
78(73'). Fore tibial spur short, straight, about one-fourth length of basitarsus;
propodeum distinctly setose medially; pronotum as long as or longer
than mesoscutum Tetracampidae* p.531
78'. Fore tibial spur usually distinctly curved, if not, then more than one-fourth
length of basitarsus; propodeum bare; pronotum usually distinctly shorter
than mesoscutum 79
79(78'). Males; apical spur of middle tibiae long, slender; apex of fore tibia with
1 or more short, stout spines on side opposite tibial spur; femoral groove
on mesopleuron with minute, netlike sculpture; mesopleuron often with
light line extending anteriorly from middle coxa Eupelmidae p.531
79'. Males and females; apical spur of middle tibia short and apex of fore tibia
without spines; if otherwise, then femoral groove of mesopleuron with
coarse, netlike sculpture or punctured and light lines absent Pteromalidae p.532
80(46'). Antennae with 22 or more segments and arising low on face; Arizona
(males) Sclerogibbidae* p.538
80'. Antennae with 10-13 segments 81
81(80'). Antennae lO-segmented; front tarsi of female usually pincerlike
(Figure 28-30) Dryinidae* p.538
81'. Antennae 12- or 13-segmented; front tarsi not pincerlike 82
82(81'). Metasoma with 3-5 visible terga, the last one often dentate apically; head
not elongate; body usually metallic blue or green and coarsely sculptured Chrysididae p.537
Key to the Families of Hymenoptera 509
~ Figure28-30 Opened chela of fore leg of female
~ dryinid.
82'. Metasoma with 6 or 7 visible terga; head usually oblong and elongate;
body black Bethylidae p. 537
83(22'). Metasoma arising on propodeum far above bases of hind coxae
(Figure 28-18D-F) 84
83'. Metasoma arising on propodeum between bases of hind coxae or only
slightly above them (as in Figure 28-18A-C) 87
84 Hind wings with a distinct jugallobe (Figure 28-20C); metasoma
(24',83). short, oval to circular and compressed, with a cylindrical petiole
(Figure 28-18F, 28-43) Evaniidae p.521
84'. Hind wings without a distinct jugallobe (Figure 28-31E,F); metasoma
elongate 85
85(84'). Prothorax long and necklike; venation usually complete, the front wings
with a stigma (Figure 28-31E,F); antennae 14-segmented; length over
8 mm; widely distributed 86
85', Prothorax not long and necklike; venation reduced, much as in
Figure 28-19A, the front wings without a stigma; antennae 13-segmented
in female and 14-segmented in male; length less than 8 mm; Texas Liopteridae p. 534
86(85). One m-cu crossvein or none, and 1 submarginal cell or none
(Figure 28-31E); usually black, with relatively short antennae Gasteruptiidae p. 522
86'. Two m-cu crossveins and 1 or 2 submarginal cells (Figure 28-31F);
usually black with a reddish metasoma, and the antennae relatively long Aulacidae p.522
87(83'). Hind trochanters 2-segmented (Figure 28-32A), the distal segment
sometimes poorly defined, rarely the trochanters l-segmented; antennae
with 14 or more segments; hind wings usually without a jugallobe
(Figure 28-31A-D); ovipositor variable, but sometimes long, half as long
as metasoma or longer, and permanently exserted (Figure 28-5A) 88
510 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
e D
~ ~ ,..
~ H
E, Gasteruptiidae; F, Aulacidae; G, Diapriidae
(Belytinae); H, Rhopalosomatidae (Rhopalosoma),
are,areolet;B,basal cell; C, costal cell;MC,mar-
ginal cell.
¡~ B
Figure28-34 A spider wasp (Pompilidae), showing the transverse sulcus (su) across
the mesopleuron.
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 513
94'. Mesostemum and metastemum not forming such a plate, though there
may be a pair of plates overlying basesof middle coxae (Figure 28-35B);
hind coxae contiguous or nearly so; wing membrane beyond closed cells
usually not wrinkled; apex of metasoma of male without 3 retractile
spines; size and color variable 95
96(95'). Crossvein cu-a more than two-thirds its length distad of first free segment
of M (between M +Cu. and Rs, Figure 28-31H); hind tarsi very long;
flagellar segments of antennae long and slender, each with 2 apical spines;
light brown wasps, 14-20 mm long Rhopalosomatidae * p. 549
516 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera l
119(118'). Mesosternum with 2 lobelike extensions behind covering bases of
middle coxae (Brachycistidinae) Tiphiidae p.547
119'. Mesosternum without such lobes, at most with a pair of minute,
toothlike projections posteriorly 120
120(119'). Mesosoma divided into 3 parts (Methochinae) Tiphiidae p.547
120'. Mesosoma divided into 2 parts, the prothorax being well separated
from the remaining fused segments (Myrmosinae) Mutillidae p.548
The first 12 families in the following discussion are from other sawflies in having three marginal cells (Fig-
traditionally classified in the suborder Symphyta. AI- ure 28-8C) and the third antennal segment very long
though this is clearly not a monophyletic group Cthe (longer than the remaining segments combined) (Fig-
Apocrita are most closely related to the Orussidae), this ure 28-100). Unlike all other sawflies except the Pam-
taxon is still in wide use in the literature. We prefer to philiidae, the costal cell of xyelids is divided by a lon-
treat this group informally as either symphytes (lowercase) gitudinal vein, the subcosta. The larvae feed on various
or sawJlies. trees. Xyela larvae feed on the staminate cones of pine;
Except for the family Orussidae, symphytes are those of Pleroneura and Xyelecia bore in the buds and
phytophagous or xylophagous, and most are external developing shoots of firs; and other species attack hick-
feeders on foliage. The larvae of the external feeders are ory and elm. In the early spring adults can be collected
eruciform (Figure 28-37) and differ from the larvae of feeding on the catkins of willows and birches. This
the Lepidoptera in having more than five pairs of pro- group is small (24 North American species), and none
legs that lack crochets and usually only one pair of of its members is of very great economic importance.
stemmata. The larvae of a few species bore in stems, Family Pamphiliidae-Web-Spinning and Leaf-
fruits, wood, or leaves (leaf miners). These larva e usu- Rolling Sawflies: These sawflies are stout-bodiedand
ally have reduced or absent prolegs. All symphytes usually less than 15 mm long. About 75 species occur
have a well-developed ovipositor, used in inserting the in North America. Some larvae are gregarious, and
eggs into the tissues of the host plant. In the Ten- some feed singly. The gregarious ones live in silken
thredinoidea and Megalodontoidea, the ovipositor is nests formed by tying several leaves together, and the
somewhat sawlike, hence the common name "sawflies" solitary ones live in a shelter formed by rolling up a
for the members of this group. leaL Members of this group are uncommon, and onlya
Most sawflies have a single generation per year and few are of much economic importance. Some speciesaf
overwinter as a full-grown larva or as a pupa, either in Acantholyda and Cephalcia are pests of conifers; Neuro-
a cocoon or in some sort of protected place. Most ex- toma inconspicua (Norton) (a web-spinning species)
ternal feeders overwinter in a cocoon or cell in the soil, feeds on plum; and Pamphilius persicum MacGiIlivray
whereas species that bore usually overwinter in their (a leaf-rolling species) feeds on pea ch.
tunnels in the host plant. Some of the larger species may Family Pergidae: The sawflies in this group (4
require more than one year to complete development. North American species) are fairly small and occur
FamilyXyelidae:The Xyelidaeare medium-sized to from the eastern states west to Arizona, but are un-
small sawflies, mostly shorter than 10 mm, that differ common. Their larvae feed on the foliage of oak and
hickory.The North American species belong to the the spiracles. This species has one generation ayear
genus Acordulecera. and overwinters as a full-grown larva in a cocoon in the
Family Argidae:The Argidae are a small group ground. It pupates in the spring, and the adults appear
(about70 North American species) of medium-sized to in early summer. The larvae feed chiefly on elm and
small,stout-bodied sawflies, easily recognized by the willow. Other species are commonly found feeding on
characteristic antennae (Figure 28-lOE). Males of a honeysuckle.
fewspecies have the last antennal segment U-shaped Family Diprionidae-Conifer Sawflies: These
or Y-shaped. Most argids are black or dark-colored. medium-sized sawflies have 13 or more antennal seg-
Thelarvae feed chiefly on various kinds of trees, but ments. The antennae are serrate in the female and
AJgchumeralis (Beauvois) feeds on poison ivy, Spha- pectinate or bipectinate in the male (Figures 28-lOC,
cophiluscellularis (Say) feeds on sweet potato, and 28-38B,C). The larvae (Figure 28-37 A) feed on
Schizocerellapilicornis (Holmgren) mines leaves of Por- conifers. They sometimes do serious damage, and
tulaca. species of Diprion and Neodiprion have been important
FamilyCimbicidae:The Cimbicidae are large, robust forest pests, especially in Canada and the northern
sawflieswith clubbed antennae. Only 12 species are United States. Forty-five species occur in this area.
foundin the United States and Canada. Some resemble Family Tenthredinidae-Common Sawflies: This is a
bumblebees. The most common species is the elm very large group (about 800 North American species),
sawfly,Cimbex americana Leach, a dark blue insect and probably 9 out of 10 of the sawflies the general col-
18-25mm long (Figure 28-38A). The female has four lector is likely to encounter will belong to this family.
yellowspots on each side of the abdomen. The full- The adults are wasplike insects, often brightly colored,
grownlarva of this species is about 40 mm long, with and are usually found on foliage or flowers searching
thediameter of a pencil, and is greenish yellow with for host plants, mates, or prey (many of the adults are
blackspiracles and a black stripe down the back. At predaceous). They are medium-sized to small, rarely
restor when disturbed, it assumes a spiral position. Of- over 20 mm long (Figure 28-39). The larvae (Fig-
ten,when disturbed, it ejects a fluid, sometimes for a ure 28-37B) are eruciform, and most are external feed-
distanceof several centimeters, from glands just above ers on foliage. When feeding, they usually have the
518 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
body (or the posterior part of it) coiled over the edge cinctus is an important wheat pest in the westem states.
of a leaf. There is usually a single generation ayear, and A similar species, C. pygmaeus(L.), occurs in the easl.
the insect overwinters in a pupal cell or cocoon, either Janus integer (Norton) bores in the sterns of currants.
in the ground or in a protected situation. The adult is shining black and about 13 mm long.
Sawfly larvae feed chiefly on various trees and There is a single generation ayear, and the insect over-
shrubs, and some are very destructive. The larch sawfly, winters in a silken cocoon inside the plant in which the
Pristiphora erichsonií (Hartig), is a very destructive pest larva feeds. Thirteen species are found in Canada and
of larch and, when numerous, can cause extensive de- the United States.
foliation over large areas. The imported currant-worm, Family Anaxyelidae-Incense-Cedar Wood Wasps:
Nematus ribesií (Scopoli), is a serious pest of currants This family is represented by only a single living
and gooseberries. species, Syntexis libocedrii Rohwer, which occurs in
A few species in this group make galls, and a few northern California and Oregon. The adult femaleis
mine leaves. Species of the genus Euura form galls on black and 8 mm long. The larva bores in the wood01
willow, one of the most common being a small oval gall the incense cedar and Douglas fir, often in trees that
on the stem. The birch leaf miner (Figure 28-39A), have been weakened, for example, by fires.
Fenusa pusilla (Lepeletier), which makes blotch mines Family Siricidae-Horntails: Horntails are fairly
in birch, is a serious pest in the northeastern states. It large insects, usually 25 rnm or more long, and thelar-
has two or three generations ayear and pupates in the vae are wood-boring. Both sexes have a homy,
ground. The elm leaf miner, Fenusa ulmi Sundevall, spearlike plate on the last abdominal segment, and the
mines in elm leaves and frequently does quite a bit of female has a long ovipositor. Most of the 19 Nonh
damage. American species attack conifers, but the most com-
The family Tenthredinidae is divided into eight mon eastern species, Tremex columba (L.), attacks
subfamilies, separated chiefly on the basis of wing ve- maple, beech, and other hardwoods. Tremexis a brown
nation. The two sexes are differently colo red in many and black insect about 40 rnm long (Figure 28-41A).
species. The larvae are seldom sufficiently numerous to doa
FamilyCephidae-StemSawflies: These are slender, great deal of damage, and the trees that are attackedare
laterally compressed sawflies (Figure 28-40). The lar- usually old, weakened, or diseased. Pupation occursin
vae bore in the stems of grasses, willows, and berry the burrow made by the larva, which ends near the sur-
plants. Cephuscinctus Norton bores in the stems of face of the wood (Figure 28-41B). Species of siricids
wheat and is often called the "wheat stem sawfly" (Fig- are sometimes aCcidentally transported in wood for
ure 28-40C). The adult is about 9 mm long, shining fuel, construction, or furniture and can occasionallybe
black, and banded and spotted with yellow. Cephus found well outside their normal geographic range.
Keyto the Families of Hymenoptera 519
0- Q)
.- c:
Family Xiphydriidae-Wood Wasps: The wood but considerably smaller (8-14 mm long). The larvae
waspsare small to moderate-sized (5-23 mm long) as far as known are parasites of the larvae of metallic
cylindrical insects somewhat similar to the horntails, wood-boring beetles (Buprestidae), and possibly other
but they lack the horny plate at the apex of the ab- wood-boring Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. These
domen. The larva e bore in small, dead limbs and wasps seem to be related to the Apocrita, and some au-
branches of deciduous trees. There are only 11 North thorities have classified them there or in their own sub-
Americanspecies, all in the genus Xiphydria, and none order, the Idiogastra. The adults are on the wing from
isvery common. early spring to early summer and can be found search-
Family Orussidae-Parasitic Wood Wasps: This is a ing the trunks of dead and dying trees.
smallgroup of rare insects (9 North American species), SUBORDERApocrita:The Apocrita differ from the
¡headults of which are somewhat similar to horntails sawflies in having the first abdominal tergum (the
520 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
propodeum) intimately associated with the thorax and Females of these groups can often infliet painful
separated by a distinct constrietion from the rest of the wounds. In these species (grouped together as the Ac-
abdomen. The middle tagma of the body (the meso- uleata), the egg does not pass through the ovipositor
soma) is thus four-segmented. In addition, the hind during oviposition, but emerges from its base. The re-
wings have no more than two basal cells, and the fore maining Apocrita are grouped by some authorities in a
tibiae have a single apieal spur (except the Cer- taxon called either Parasitica or Terebrantes, but this is
aphronoidea). Apocritan larvae are usually grublike or a heterogeneous paraphyletie grouping.
maggotlike and vary in feeding habits. Most are para- The Apocrita encompasses by far the majority of
sitie or predaceous on other insects, and others are species of Hymenoptera, with about 16,000 of the ap-
plant feeders. The adults feed chiefly on flowers, sap, proximately 17,100 North American Hymenoptera
other plant materials, and honeydew. Some of the par- species.
asitie species occasionally feed on the body fluids of the Family Stephanidae: The stephanids are a small
host (Figure 28-49B). group (8 North American species) of rare insects
A great many species in this suborder are parasitic that are parasites of the larvae of wood-boring beetles.
in the larval stage on other insects or other arthropods The adults are 5-19 mm long, slender, and superfi-
and, because of their abundance, are very important in cially resemble the more common iehneumonids (Fig-
keeping the populations of other insects in check. The ure 28-42A). The head is somewhat spherical, is set
term parasitoid is often used for these insects. Both true out on a neck, and bears a crown of about five teeth
parasites and parasitoids live in or on the body of an- around the median ocellus. The hind coxa e are long,
other living animal Cthehost) during at least part of the and the hind femora are swollen and toothed beneath.
life cycle. A parasite usually does not kill its host or This group is much more common in the tropies, and
consume a large part of the host tissues, but the imma- most North American species occur in the West.
ture stages of a parasitoid consume all or most of the Stephanids have long been classified in the Ichneu-
host's tissues and eventually kill it. In this sense, para- monoidea, but they retain many features considered
sitoids are similar to predators. Most parasitic Apocrita ancestral for the Apocrita as a whole and are now das-
lay their eggs on or in the body of the host, and many sified in their own superfamily.
have a long ovipositor with whieh hosts in cocoons, Family Megaspilidae:Both this family and thenext
burrows, or other protected situations may be reached. are unique among the Apocrita in having two foretib-
In some cases only a single egg may be laid on the host ial spurs. Together they form the superfamily Cer-
(solitary parasitism, except in the case of polyembry- aphronoidea. Winged megaspilids can usually be rec-
ony, see later); in others several to many eggs may be ognized by the large semicircular or ellipsoidal stigma
laid on the same host (gregarious parasitism). Pupation in the fore wing from whieh arises the curved stigmal
may occur on, in, or near the host, or some distance vein (Figure 28-19E). A similar venation is foundin
from it. Some species are thelytokous; that is, females some dryinids, but megaspilids can be distinguished
develop from unfertilized eggs, and males are rare or from them by the triangular shape of the pronotum in
absent altogether. polyembryony occurs in a few lateral view (Figure 28-42B). Some species are wing-
species: A single egg develops into many larvae. Some less or brachypterous; these may be distinguishedfrom
of the parasitie species are hyperparasites; that is, they ceraphronids by the presence of two middle tibial
attack an insect that is a parasite of another insecto spurs. There are two subfamilies, the Megaspilinaeand
The superfamilies of Apocrita differ in the form of the much rarer Lagynodinae. Very liule is known ofthe
the pronotum, the character of the ovipositor and an- habits of these wasps; they have been reared from
tennae, the number of trochanter segments, and the Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha as hyperparasites of other
wing venation. Practieally all the members of the Hymenoptera, from the larvae of Neuroptera and
Stephanidae, Ceraphronoidea, Trigonalyidae, Evan- Diptera, and from the puparia of flies.Some Lagynodcs
ioidea, Ichneumonoidea, Proctotrupoidea, Platygas- have been collected in ant nests. One common species,
troidea, Chrysidoidea, Tiphioidea, Scoliidae, and Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis), is a hyperparasiteor
Rhopalosomatidae and most Chalcidoidea and the braconid parasites of aphids.
Cynipoidea are parasites of insects or other arthropods. FamilyCeraphronidae: Ceraphronids(Figure28-42C)
The Apocrita evolved from forrns with a piercing are distinguished from other Apocrita by the presence01
ovipositor similar to that of siricoids, but as a rule the two spurs on the apex of the fore tibia and, usuallymore
females of most parasitic and phytophagous species easily,by theirdistinctivewingvenation(Figure28--19G).
cannot sting people. In the Chrysidoidea, Apoidea, and The veins are highly reduced with a long marginalvein,a
Vespoidea, the ovipositor is modified into a sting, linear stigma (separated from the marginal vein bya
whose primary function is to inject venom, either to break), and the curved stigmal vein. Wingless formsaJt
paralyze its host or prey, or as a defensive mechanism. fairly common and can be distinguished from megaspilids
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 521
bythesingle spur on the middle tibia. Very little is known attack vespid larvae, entomologists think the eggs are
ofthehosts of ceraphronids, but species have been reared eaten by a caterpillar, which is in turn eaten by a vespid
bothas primary parasites of Diptera, Neuroptera, and wasp, which in regurgitating the caterpillar and feeding
Hemiptera and as hyperparasites of Diptera and Hy- it to its young, transfers the trigonalyid larvae from the
menoptera. Some have been collected in ant nests, but caterpillar to the wasp larvae.
theirprecise hosts are unknown. These creatures are fairly SUPERFAMILYEvanioidea: The members of super-
common,but because of their small size they are rarely re- family Evanioidea have the metasoma attached high
tainedby collectors. Specimens can be easily found by above the hind coxae (Figure 28-18D-F), the antennae
sweepingor by sifting soil and leaf litter. are filiform, and 13- or 14-segmented, the trochanters
Family Trigonalyidae: The trigonalyids are a small are 2-segmented, and the venation is generally fairly
group(four North American species) of rather rare in- complete in the front wings (front wings with a costal
sects.They are medium-sized, usually brightly colored, cell). Some (Gasteruptiidae and Aulacidae) superfi-
andrather stout-bodied. They look much like wasps cially resemble ichneumonids.
(Figure28-42D), but have very long antennae with 16 Family Evaniidae-Ensign Wasps: The ensign wasps
ormore segments. are black or black and red, somewhat spiderlike in-
The trigonalyids are parasites of Vespidae or of the sects, 10-25 mm long (Figure 28-43). The metasoma
parasites of caterpillars. Some exotic species are pri- is very small and oval and is attached by a slender peti-
maryparasites of sawfly larvae. Females lay large num- ole to the propodeum considerably above the base of
bersof very minute eggs on foliage. In the case of the the hind coxae (Figure 28-18F); it is carried almost
speciesattacking caterpillar parasites, the eggs hatch like a flag (hence the common name for this family).
wheneaten by a caterpillar, and the trigonalyid larva The ensign wasps are parasites of the egg capsules of
attacksthe ichneumonid, tachinid, or other parasite cockroaches and are likely to be found in buildings or
larvapresent inside the caterpillar. In the species that on the forest floor where cockroaches occur.
522 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
Family Ichneumonidae-Ichneumonids: This family and the second submarginal cell (the lRs cel\), lying
isone of the largest in the en tire Insecta, with more opposite the 2m-cu crossvein, is often quite small (Fig-
than3300 described species in North America, and its ure 28-31A, are). This small cell (called the areoleO is
membersare almost everywhere. The adults vary con- lacking in some ichneumonids (Figure 28-31B). The
siderablyin size, form, and color, but the majority re- ichneumonids (with very few exceptions) differ from
sembleslender wasps (Figures 28-46, 28-47). They the braconids in having two m-cu crossveins, the bra-
differfrom aculeates in that their antennae are longer conids having only one or none (Figures 28-21 E,
andhave more segments (usually 16 or more antennal 28-31C). In many species, the two sexes may differ
segmentsin ichneumonids and 12 or 13 in most ac- considerably in size, body form, or even the presence
uleates),and they lack a costal cell in the front wings. of wings.
Inmany ichneumonids, the ovipositor is quite long Most ichneumonids are parasitoids; that is, the
(Figure28-46A) , often longer than the body, and it larva feeds and develops on a single host that it eventu-
arisesanterior to the tip of the metasoma and is per- ally kills. A few species, however, are better described as
manentlyextruded. In the aculeates, the ovipositor is- mobile predators in that they feed on a number of indi-
suesfram the tip of the metasoma and is withdrawn vidual "hosts" before completing development-for ex-
whennot in use. In ichneumonids, the 1M and lR¡ ample, eggs within a spider egg sac or a hne of small
(firstdiscoidal and first submarginal cells) in the front carpenter bee larvae within a nest. The hosts of ichneu-
wingare confluent, owing to the loss of vein Rs+M, monids inelude species in the insect orders Lepi-
524 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
Figure 28-45 Braconidae.
A, Microgaster tibia lis Nees,
female (Microgastrinae), a par-
asite of the European corn
borer; B, Chelonus tcxanus
Cresson (Cheloninae), a para-
si te of various noctuid moth
larvae; C, Apanteles diatraeae
Muesebeck, mal e (Microgastri-
nae), a parasite of the south-
western corn borer, Diatraea
D grandiosella Dyar; D, same,
female; E, Apanteles thompsoni
Lyle, female, a parasite of
the European corn borer;
F, Phanomeris phyllotomae
Muesebeck, female (Rogadi-
nae), a parasite of birch lear-
mining sawflies. (A, courtesy
of Vance and the Entomologi-
cal Society of America;
B-F, courtesy of the USDA.)
doptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Neu- agreed on the nomendature to be used. In general, the
roptera, and Mecoptera, as well as spiders and spider concepts on ichneumonid systematics developed by
egg sacs. The host range of individual species is, how- Townes (1969-1971) are widely followed. We use here
ever, quite variable, some attacking a wide variety and the family group names outlined by Fitton and Gauld
others being highly specialized to one or a few host (1976, 1978).
species. The adult female must locate the host and then The largest ichneumonids in the United Statesand
may oviposit on, in, or near it (the last in confined sit- Canada belong to the subfamilies Rhyssinae and Pirn-
uations such as galleries within wood), and the larva plinae. Some may be 40 mm or more in body length,
may feed on the host from the outside through its cuti- and the ovipositor may be twice as long as the body.
de (as an ectoparasite), or it may live within the hemo- These insects attack the larvae of horntails, wood
coel of the host (as an endoparasite). Most ichneu- wasps, and wood-boring Coleoptera. The long oviposi-
monids are solitary, a single individual developing from tor is used in getting the ichneumonid eggs into the
a single host, although some are gregarious. Many host's tunnels, and the ovipositor may sometimes pene-
species are hyperparasitic; that is, they are parasitoids of trate 13 mm or more of wood. The laborious processor
other parasitoids, usually, ichneumonids, braconids, or plunging the ovipositor deep within the wood takes
tachinids. several minutes. The egg is greatly deformed as it passes
The family Ichneumonidae is divided into 24 sub- through the valvulae, but regains its shape after emerg-
families. In the recent past some entomologists dis- ing from the other end. Retraction of the ovipositoris
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 525
Figure28-46 Ichneumonidae.
A, Rhysella nitida (Cresson), fe-
male (Rhyssinae); B, Casinaria
ambigua (Townes), female
(Campopleginae) (insert shows
tip of metasoma in lateral view);
C, Phytodietus vulgaris Cresson,
female (Tryphoninae); D, Phobo-
campe unicincta (Gravenhorst),
female (Campopleginae);
E, Tersilochusconotracheli (Riley),
female (Tersilochinae). (A and
C, courtesy of Rohwer; B, cour-
tesy of Walley; D and E, courtesy
of the U.S. National Museum.)
also relatively slow. It is not uncommon to find what Family Mymarommatidae:This small group of rare
look like thin, black needles protruding from the wood species has only recently been discovered in North
of a dead tree. These are the ovipositors of females that America. Their hosts are unknown, but specimens
either were unable to free themselves or were eaten by have been collected in moist woodlands. They appear
birds while ovipositing. The genus Megarhyssa contains similar to the mymarids in having the base of the fore
several very large species that attack horntails. Rhysella wing constricted and the venation highly reduced
nitida (Cresson) (Figure 28-46A) attacks wood wasps (even for a chalcidoid). The hind wing is greatly re-
(Xiphydriidae). Some of the other Pimplinae are para- duced to a slender strip bearing hamuli on its apex. Re-
sites of lepidopterous larvae, some (especially those in cent authors place the mymarommatids outside the
the tribe Polysphinctini) attack spiders, and some at- Chalcidoidea, in their own superfamily, although rec-
tack wood-boring Coleoptera. ognizing that the two taxa are closely related.
Most ichneumonids in the subfamily Tryphoninae SUPERFAMILYChalcidoidea:The chalcidoids (su-
are parasites of sawflies. Phytodietus vulgaris Cresson perfamily Chalcidoidea) constitute a large and impor-
(Figure 28-46C) attacks tortricid moths. Some mem- tant group of insects, with about 2,200 described North
bers of this subfamily carry their eggs on the oviposi- American species. Nearly all are very small, and some
tor, attached by short stalks. When a suitable host is are quite minute. Some Mymaridae, for example, are
found, the eggs are attached by a stalk to the cuticle of shorter than 0.5 mm. Chalcidoids are to be found al-
the host, and if no host is found, the eggs may be dis- most everywhere, but are so small they are frequently
carded. The parasite larvae usually complete their de- overlooked-or even discarded-by the beginning stu-
velopment in the host's cocoon. dent. Most are only about 2 or 3 mm long, although a
The members of the subfamily Phygadeuontinae few (for example, some Leucospidae) may reach 10or
are mostly external parasites of pupa e in cocoons. A 15 mm. The members of this group live in a wide vari-
few attack wood-boring beetle larvae, a few attack ety of habitats, and a collector can seldom sweep
dipterous larvae, some attack spider egg sacs, and a few through vegetation without coming up with at leasta
are hyperparasites of braconids or other ichneumonids few of these insects.
(Figure 28-47). The members of the subfamily Ich- The chalcidoids can generally be recognized by
neumoninae are internal parasites of Lepidoptera. They the reduced wing venation (Figure 28-19B), the anten-
oviposit in either the host larva or the host pupa, but nae are usually elbowed and never contain more than
always emerge from the host pupa. In most species in 13 segments, the pronotum is somewhat quadrate and
this subfamily, the two sexes appear quite different, and do es not reach the tegulae, and usually a large, exposed
many are bright, colorful mimics of vespids or pom- prepectus is present in the side of the mesosoma(Fig-
pilids. The Banchinae are internal parasites of caterpil- ure 28-4A). Most chalcidoids are dark-colored, and
lars; the Ctenopelmatinae are chiefly parasites of many are metallic blue or green. Body shape varies
sawflies, ovipositing in the host larva and emerging greatly in this group (Figures 28-28, 28-29, 28-48
from its cocoon; the Oxytorinae attack fungus gnats through 28-53), and some have rather peculiar, even
(Mycetophilidae and Sciaridae); and the Diplazontinae marvelous, shapes. The wings are reduced or lackingin
attack Syrphidae, laying their eggs in the egg or young many species.
larva of the host and emerging from the puparium Most chalcidoids are parasites of other insects,at-
of the host. The Campopleginae are parasites of tacking chiefly the egg or larval stage of the host. Most
lepidopterous larvae. Casinaria texana (Ashmead) (Fig- hosts are in the orders Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleop-
ure 28-46B) is a parasite of the saddleback caterpillar, tera, and sternorrhynchous Hemiptera. because these
and Phobocampe disparis (Viereck) (Figure 28-46D) is orders contain most of the crop pests, the chalcidoids
a parasite of the gypsy moth. The Tersilochinae are are a very beneficial group, helping to keep pest popu-
parasites of beetles. Tersi/ochusconotracheli (Riley) (Fig- lations in check. Manyspecies have been imponedinto
ure 28-46E) is a parasite of the plum curculio. the United States to control insect pests. A few chalci-
Females of Ophioninae (which are parasites of doids are phytophagous, their larvae feeding inside
caterpillars) have a very compressed metasoma and a seeds, stems, or galls.
short, very sharp ovipositor. Most ichneumonids when This superfamily is divided into a number of fam-
handled attempt to sting by poking at one's fingers with ilies. Some families consist of distinctive-Iooking in-
their ovipositor, but in most cases this can scarcely be sects and are easily recognized, but in some casessep-
felt. The ovipositor of the Ophioninae, in contrast, can arating families is rather difficult. To complicate
actually penetrate the skin, and the effect is much like matters for the student, entomologists dHfer on the
a sharp pin prick. Most of these ichneumonids are yel- limits of some families.
lowish to brownish and about 25 mm long. They often Family Mymaridae-Fairyflies: Mymarids are al!
come to lights at night. parasites of the eggs of other insects. Their hosts in-
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 527
Figure28-48 Chalcidoidea.
A, Aphelinus jucundus Gahan,
female (Aphelinidae), a parasite of
aphids; B, Baryscapus bruchophagi
(Gahan) (Eulophidae), a parasite of
the clover seed chalcid, Bruchopha-
gus platypterus (Walker); C, Cen-
trodora speciosissima (Girault),
female (Aphelinidae), a parasite of
cecidomyiids and chalcidoids that
e attack wheat; D, Hemiptarsenus
fulvicollis (Westwood), female
(Eulophidae), a parasite of leaf-
mining sawOies; E, Zarhopalus
inquisitor (Howard), male
(Encyrtidae), a parasite of aphids
and mealybugs; F, Ooencyrtus
kuvanae (Howard), female
(Encyrtidae), an imported egg
parasite of the gypsy moth. (A and
E, courtesy of Griswold and the
Entomological Society of America;
E others, courtesy of USDA.)
, B
e '/
.'.~. .. .
Keyto the Families of Hymenoptera 529
Figure28-51 Chalcidoidea.
A-C, Torymidae; D-G, Eury-
tomidae. A, Torymus varians
(Walker), the apple seed
chalcid, male (insert is a
lateral view of the metasoma);
B, same, female; C, Idio-
e macromerus perplexus
(Gahan), female, a parasite of
the clover seed chalcid (G in
this figure); D, Tetramesa
maderae (Walker), the wheat
strawworm, a wingless fe-
male; E, Tetramesatritici
(Fitch), female, the wheat
jointworm; F,Eurytoma
pachyneuron Girault, female, a
parasite of the Hessian fly and
the wheat jointworm (E in
this figure); G, Bruchophagus
platypterus (Walker), the
clover seed chalcid. (Courtesy
F of USDA.)
elude species in the orders Odonata, Orthoptera, Pso- the eggs of thrips, are no more than 0.18 mm in total
coptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepi- length. Trichogrammatids may be most easily recog-
doptera, and Diptera. They are distinguished from all nized by their three-segmented tarsi. In addition, the
other chalcidoids by a series of unique sulci on the metasoma is broadly auached to the mesosoma, and
head (Figure 28-24): a set parallel to the inner edges of the second phragma projects far within it (visiblein
the compound eyes on the frons and vertex, and a dis- specimens in alcohol); the antennae are short, with
tinctive transverse sulcus running between the eyes seven or fewer segments (ineluding ring segments);
above the antennal insertions. In addition, most and the fore wing often has setae arranged in lines
species are characterized by the stalked, parallel-sided (these last three characters also appear in some other
Ilind wings and the narrow base of the fore wings (Fig- chalcidoids). The genus Trichogramma, the best known
ure 28-19C). These insects are all minute, usually less group, has been widely used as a biological control
than l mm in size. Consequently, they are poorIy agent. It is, however, not as abundant, either in species
known, but they are a common and diverse component or total numbers, as those in the genera Oligosita,Para-
of most insect faunas. centrobia, and Aphelinoidea. As with most other micro-
Family Trichogrammatidae:The trichogrammatids hymenoptera, even though very common, this familyis
are also insect egg parasites. They are very small. For often overIooked or missed by collectors and is there.
example, adults of the genus Megaphragma, parasites of fore relatively hule known.
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 531
Famí/y Eulophidae:The Eulophidae are a large be en reared from aphids; whiteflies; eggs of Hemiptera,
group (more than 500 described North American Orthoptera, and Lepidoptera; cecidomyiid pupae; and
species)of rather small insects (1-3 mm long). They as hyperparasites of other Hymenoptera attacking
areparasites of a wide variety of hosts, including a Hemiptera. The curious phenomenon of adelphopara-
number of major crop pests (Figures 28-48B,D, sitism is found in some groups: The females develop as
28-49E). Their biology is extremely varied, but most parasites of scale insects, whereas the males develop as
speciesparasitize either the egg or larva of their host. hyperparasites attacking parasites of scale insects, of-
Eulophids may be recognized by the four-segmented ten females of their own species! This fairly common
tarsi(Figure 28-23A) and the axillae extending for- group of parasites is generally not represented in col-
wardbeyond the tegulae. Some species of Aphelinidae lections beca use they are so small and because the bod-
andEncyrtidae also have four-segmented tarsi. Charac- ies usually collapse when dried.
tersto distinguish these are included in the key and in Family Signiphoridae: The signiphorids are small,
thediscussions of these families. Many eulophids are stout-bodied chalcidoids that attack scale insects,
brilliandy metallic in color, and the males of many whiteflies, and other sternorrhynchous Hemiptera or
specieshave pectinate antennae. These wasps are, in are hyperparasites of the chalcidoids attacking these
general,rather weakly sclerotized, and the bodies of Hemiptera. They are rather uncommon but very dis-
specimensoften collapse when dried. tinct creatures beca use of the broad attachment of the
Family Tetracampidae: This rare family seems to metasoma, the elongate, unsegmented antennal club,
combinefeatures of the larger Eulophidae and Ptero- the lateral spurs on the middle tibia, and the triangular
malidae.Some male tetracampids have four-segmented area on the propodeum.
tarsi,but both males and females may be distinguished Family Encyrtidae: The Encyrtidae are a large and
framother North American eulophids and pteromalids widespread group, with some 345 described North
bythe dense pilosity on the propodeum. Only two American species. They are usually 1-2 mm long and
specieshave been recognized in North America. Dipri- can be distinguished from most other chalcidoids by the
ocampe diprioni (Ferrire), an egg parasite, was intro- broad, convex mesopleura (Figure 28-27 A). In most
ducedinto Canada to control the European pine sawfly, chalcidoids, the mesopleura have a groove for the
Neodiprionsertifer (Geoffroy) (Diprionidae). Epiclerus femora, but encyrtids lack this groove (as do the sig-
nearcticusYoshimoto occurs in the eastern United niphorids, tanaostigmatids, some aphelinids, and some
States and Canada. eupelmids). The encyrtids differ from the eupelmids in
FamilyAphelinidae: This is a group of very common having the fore and middle coxa e closely approximated,
butsmallparasites, usually about 1 mm in totallength. the mesonotum is convex, and in lacking notauli or
Theyhave been classified at various times in the Eu- having them incomplete. Most encyrtids are parasites of
lophidaeand Encyrtidae, but it now seems clear that sternorrhynchous Hemiptera-aphids (Figure 28-49C),
theyshould be recognized as an independent family. scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies-and they are
Thenumber of antennal segments is reduced to eight very important as biological control agents of these in-
orfewer(not counting the minute ring segments) as in sects. The group also contains species attacking insects
IheEulophidae, but most species have the tarsi five- in the orders Neuroptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera,
segmented,the metasoma appears broadly attached to Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera. Alllife stages, including
¡hepropodeum (in many cases the second phragma is eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults are hosts of various
visibleand extends well into the metasoma), the species. Two genera in particular, Hunterellus and
marginalvein is elongate, and the postmarginal and Ixodiphagus, are remarkable because they parasitize the
stigmalveins are reduced. A few encyrtids have four- nymphal stage of ticks. The genus Ooencyrtus is com-
segmentedtarsi and reduced antennal segmentation; mon; its species are parasites of the eggs of some
aphelinidscan be distinguished from these by their Hemiptera, Neuroptera, and Lepidoptera. Ooencyrtus
elongatemarginal vein. Those species of aphelinids kuvanae (Howard) (Figure 28-48F; also known in the
withfive-segmented tarsi Cthe majority) can be distin- literature as O. kuwanai), for example, has be en intro-
guished from encyrtids by the reduced number of an- duced as a parasite of the eggs of the gypsy moth. A few
tennalsegments, their small size, reduced stigmal and encyrtids are hyperparasites. Polyembryony occurs in á
postmarginalveins, and the presence of a groove on the number of species, with fram 10 to more than 1,000
mesopleuronfor receiving the middle femur. young developing fram a single egg. .
Aphelinids attack a broad range of hosts, which all Family Tanaostigmatidae: Four species in this rare
seemto be sessile. The best known species are those group have been recorded from Florida, Arizona, and
¡hat attack scale insects (Hemiptera). A number of California. The larvae appear to be gall makers.
specieshave been very important as agents of biologi- Family Eupelmidae: The Eupelmidae are a large
calcontrol of these scale hosts. Other species have group (88 North American species), and some species
532 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
are fairly common. They are similar to the encyrtids, fig in their cultivated fig trees. When the fig wasps
but they have a flatter mesonotum and have notauli emerge from the wild fig, they are almost certain to
(Figure 28-50A,B,E,F). Some are wingless or have very visit flowers of the Smyrna fig and thus pollinate them.
short wings (Figure 28-50E,F). Males of many species Family Ormyridae:The Ormyridae are similar lOthe
are very similar to, if not indistinguishable from, male Torymidae, but have the notauli indistinct or lacking
pteromalids. and have a very short ovipositor. Most species are
Many eupelmids are good jumpers and often tum- metallic blue or green and have distinctive large pits on
ble around after jumping, before gaining a foothold. the metasomatic segments. They are parasites of gall
Their jumping is accomplished by greatly enlarged leg insects.
muscles that insert on the mesopleuron. The enlarge- Family Pteromalidae: The Pteromalidae is a huge
ment of the area of attachment of these muscles ac- group of parasitic wasps (about 340 described North
counts for the characteristic convex mesopleuron of American species). The bulk of the species are placed
both encyrtids and eupelmids. When eupelmids jump, in two large and poorly defined subfamilies, the Misco-
the middle legs are literally thrown out of their sockets gastrinae and Pteromalinae. In addition, a large num-
and the mesonotum is contorted so strongly that the ber of small but distinctive groups are usually given
head and tip of the metasoma may actually touch over subfamily status (for example, the Spalangiinae, com-
the back of the animal. Many specimens retain this po- mon parasites of the puparia of flies associated with
sition when killed, with the body in a U shape and the dung). Other groups, such as the Perilampidae and Eu-
middle legs thrown forward in front of the head. The charitidae, are commonly accorded familial status, but
species of this group attack a wide variety of hosts, and entomologists recognize these as being closely related
a number attack hosts in several different orders. to subgroups within pteromalids. The classification 01
Species of the most common subfamily, the Eupelmi- these wasps is in a very immature stage, and a fair
nae, can be collected in a wide variety of habitats. The amount of shuffling of taxa should be expected asthe
less common subfamilies are often seen on dead wood, species and their relationships become better known.
presumably searching for wood-boring Coleoptera as The pteromalids are both morphologically and bi-
hosts. ologicallydiverse. It is probably easier to identifythem
FamilyTorymidae: The torymidsare somewhat elon- by eliminating the other possibilities than to try to
gate insects, 2-4 mm long, generally with a long ovipos- characterize the family. In general, the tarsi have five
itor. The hind coxae are usually very large, and there are segments, the antennal funicle has five or more seg-
distinct notauli on the mesoscutum (Figure 28-51A-C). ments, and the pronotum, seen in dorsal view, is con-
This group includes both parasitic and phytophagous stricted anteriorly (giving it the shape of a bell, often
species: The Toryminae, Erimerinae, and Monodon- referred to as campanulate).Although females of some
tomerinae attack gall insects and caterpillars, the Poda- families such as Eupelmidae and Torymidae are often
grioninae attack mantid eggs, and the Idarninae and quite distinctive, it may sometimes be difficult,if not
Megastigminaeattack seeds. impossible, to distinguish the males from "typical'
Family Agaonidae-Fig Wasps:This group is repre- pteromalids. The best strategy for identification is to
sented in the United States by two species, Blastophaga first run specimens through the key and then checkthe
psenes (L.) and Secundeisenia mexicana (Ashmead). The descriptions and key characters of the other chalcidoid
former occurs in California and Arizona, and the latter taxa. The others with five-segmented tarsi are thePer-
in Florida. Blastophaga psenes (Figure 28-52) was in- ilampidae, Eupelmidae, Encyrtidae, Tanaostigmatidae,
troduced into the United States to make possible the Chalcididae, Leucospidae, Eurytomidae, Eucharitidae,
production of certain varieties of figs. The Smyrna fig, Agaonidae, Torymidae, Orrnyridae, and Aphelinidae.
which is grown extensively in California, produces Most of these insects are parasitic and attacka
fruits only when pollinated with pollen from the wild wide variety of hosts. Many are very valuable in the
fig, or caprifig, and the pollination is done entirely by control of crop pests. Some species attack eggs, larvae,
fig wasps. The fig wasp develops in a gall in the en- nymphs, and pupae. Both solitary and gregariouspara-
closed flowers of the caprifig. The blind and flightless sites are found, and so me species are hyperparasitic.
males (Figure 28-52B) emerge first and may mate with Hosts include species in the orders Lepidoptera, Hy-
females still in their galls. The female, on emerging menoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Coleoptera, and
from the gall, collects pollen from male flowers of the spiders and their egg sacs. A few species form galls.
caprifig and sto res it in special baskets (corbiculae). The adults of some species of pteromalids (and
The female pollinates figs of both types (Smyrna fig some other chalcidoids, such as some eulophids)feed
and caprifig), but oviposits successfully only in the on the body fluids of the host, which exude fram
shorter flowers of the caprifig. Fig growers usually aid the puncture made by the parasite's ovipositor(asin
Smyrna fig pollination by placing branches of the wild Figure 28-49C). In the case of Pteromalus cerealellae
Key to the Familiesof Hymenoptera 533
(Ashmead), which attacks larvae of the Angoumois shape of the pronotum in dorsal view and by the
grainmoth and in which the larvae are out of reach coarsely punctate mesosoma. They are usually black,
ofthe adult pteromalid (in the seed), a viscous fluid is but may be yellow or even metallic in color. They are
secreted from the ovipositor and is formed into a generally more slender in build than the perilampids.
tubeextending down to the host larva. Through this Eurytomids vary in habits. Many are parasitic, but some
tube the adult sucks up the body fluids of the host are phytophagous. The larvae of species in the genus
(Figure28-49A,B). Tetramesa (Figure 28-51D,E) feed in the stems of
Family Eucharitidae: The Eucharitidae are rather grasses, sometimes producing galls on the stems. Some are
distinctive-looking insects with very interesting often serious pests of wheat. The clover seed chalcid,
habits.They are fair-sized (at least for a chalcidoid), Bruchophagus platypterus (Walker) (Figure 28-51G),
usuallyblack or metallic blue or green, with the meta- infests the seeds of clover and other legumes. A few
somapetiolate and the scutellum often spined. The species are hyperparasitic.
mesosomaoften appears somewhat humpbacked (Fig- Family Chalcididae:The Chalcididae are fair-sized
ure28-28D). These chalcidoids are parasitoids of ant chalcidoids (2-7 mm long) with greatly swollen and
pupae.The eggs are laid, usually in large numbers, on toothed hind femora (Figures 28-23E, 28-29A,
leavesor buds, and hatch into tiny, flattened larvae 28-531). They differ from the leucospids in having the
calledplanidia. These planidia simply lie in wait on ovipositor short and the wings not folded longitudi-
thevegetation or on the ground and attach to passing nally when at resto Pteromalids in the subfamily Chal-
ants,which carry them to the ant nest. Once in the ant cedectinae also have enlarged hind femora, but these
nest, the planidia leave the worker ant that brought species are metallic in color. Chalcidids are usually
themthere and attach to ant larvae. They do little or black or yellow with various markings, but never
nofeeding on the larva e of the ant, but feed after the metallic. Similarly, Podagrioninae (Torymidae) have
larvahas pupated. This family is especially diverse in enlarged hind femora, but like most other chalcidoids,
speciesand in elaborate structure in the tropics where these have a large and exposed prepectus. The prepec-
antsare most diverse. tus of chalcidids is quite small and mostly hidden in-
Family Perilampidae: The Perilampidae are stout- ternally.
bodied chalcidoids with the mesosoma large and The chalcidids are parasites of Lepidoptera,
coarselypunctate and the metasoma small, shining, Diptera, and Coleoptera. Some are hyperparasitic, at-
and triangular (Figures 28-29B, 28-50C,D). Some tacking tachinids or ichneumonids.
species, including the common Perilampus hyalinus Family Leucospidae: The Leucospidae are usually
Say,are brilliantly metallic in color and superficially re- black- or brown-and-yellow insects, and they are para-
semblecuckoo wasps (Chrysididae); most others are sites of bees and wasps. They are rather uncommon but
black. Perilampids are frequently found on flowers. may occasionally be found on flowers. They are stout-
Somespecies are hyperparasites, attacking the Diptera bodied; many have the wings folded longitudinally at
andHymenoptera that are parasites of caterpillars and rest; and they look a little like a small vespid. The
grasshoppers. Others attack free-living insects in the ovipositor in most species is long and curves upward
orders Neuroptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenoptera and forward over the metasoma, ending over the pos-
(sawflies).The perilampids, like the eucharitids, lay terior part of the mesosoma. Like the chalcidids, the
theireggson foliage,and the eggs hatch into planidial leucospids have the hind femora greatly swollen and
larvae (small, flattened, able to go without feeding for toothed on the ventral side.
aconsiderable time). These planidia remain on the fo- SUPERFAMILY Cynipoidea: The members of the su-
liage,attach to a passing host (usually a caterpillar), perfamily Cynipoidea are mostly small or minute
andpenetrate into its body cavity. If a hyperparasite en- insects with distinctively reduced wing venation (Fig-
tersa caterpillar that is not parasitized, it usually does ure 28-19A). Most species are black, and the metasoma
notdevelop. If the caterpillar is parasitized, then the is usually somewhat laterally compressed. The anten-
perilampidlarva usually remains inactive in the cater- nae are filiform, the pronotum extends back to the
pillaruntil the caterpillar parasite has pupated, and tegulae, and the ovipositor issues from the anterior to
thenattacks the parasite. the apex of the metasoma. In the fore wing, the mar-
FamilyEurytomidae-Seed Chalcidoids: The euryto- ginal cell (cell R¡) is usually well developed. Of the
mids are similar to the perilampids in having the more than 800 species in this group in the United
pronotum and mesoscutum coarsely punctate, but dif- States, some 640 (all in the subfamily Cynipinae) are
ferin having the metasoma rounded or oval and more gall makers or gall inquilines. The others, as far as is
orlesscompressed (Figures 28-29C, 28-51D-G). The known, are parasites.
metasomaof males is often strongly petiolate. They can Family Ibaliidae: The ibaliids are relatively large
be distinguished from pteromalids by the quadrate (7-16 mm long) yellow and black insects. They have a
534 Chapter 28 Order Hymenoptera
somewhat elongate metasoma, and the marginal cell in possibly either). Most species of gall makers attack
the fore wing is distinctively elongate. They are para- oaks (Quercus) or members of the rose family
sites of horntails (Siricidae) and can most easily be (Rosaceae) (Figure 28-55). The female wasp oviposits
found on or about logs containing these hosts. into meristematic tissue that is or will be actively groll.
Family Liopteridae:These insects have the meta- ing the next spring-for example, buds of twigs, flow-
soma petiolate and attached far above the bases of the ers, or leaves. The feeding of the wasp larva somehow
hind coxae. Three rare species occur in Texas and Cal- causes a growth reaction in the host plant that formsa
ifornia. Their immature stages are unknown. gallo The wasp larva feeds on the elaborated ga11tissue,
Family Figitidae:This is a diverse group, and its pupates within this enclosure, and chews an exit hole
species are parasites of a variety of groups. Five sub- to emerge.The galls themselves come in a wide variety
families are represented in the North American area. of forms, the shape being determined by the speciesof
The Anacharitinae, which have the metasoma dis- gall wasp feeding within. Many galls are quite largeand
tinctly petiolate and the second tergum longer than the apparent, as in the various types of oak leaf galls,but
third (Figure 28-20E), attack the cocoons oflacewings some are formed within stems or twigs or even under-
(Chrysopidae). The Aspiceratinae, in which the second ground on the roots (some wasp species burrow down
metasomatic tergum is narrow and much shorter than more than 1 meter to oviposit on oak roots) , and so
the third (Figure 28-20C), attack the pupae of syrphid these are not apparent to a casual observer. Manygalls
flies. The Charipinae are parasites of psyllids are dehiscent; that is, they fall off the host plant to the
(Hemiptera) and hyperparasites of aphids, attacking ground with the gall maker still within. Some galls
Braconidae and Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera). The Fig- even continue to grow after falling!
itinae, in which the second tergum is only slightly The life cycles of many gall makers are very com-
shorter than the third (Figure 28-20F), attack the pu- plexo Some species are very similar to other Hy-
pae of Diptera. The subfamily Eucoilinae can be recog- menoptera: They are bisexual, males and females
nized by the rounded, cuplike elevation on the scutel- emerge from their galls and mate, mated femalesthen
lum (Figure 28-20D). This structure is at times quite seek out hosts in which to oviposit; fertilized eggsde-
elabora te, and the scutellum may also be developed in velop into females, unfertilized eggs into males (ar-
a posterior spine. Eucoilines are parasites of the pupae rhenotokous parthenogenesis). Cynipids with thistype
of flies. of life cycle are typically univoltine and attack awide
FamilyCynipidae-Gall Wasps:The gall wasps (Fig- variety of plants other than oaks and roses. Some
ure 28-54) are a large group, and many species are species with this general type of life cycle have aban-
quite common. Within the subfamily are species that doned the production of males and reproduce by
are either gall makers or gall inquilines (in rare cases, means of thelytokous parthenogenesis. In these the
eggs fail to complete meiosis and develop into diploid
females; males are rare or entirely absent.
From this point, yet further complicationsare
found. Somespeciesalternate sexual and asexualgener-
ations. The sexual generation consists of males andfe-
males. These emerge and mate, and the femalessearch
out a host in which to oviposit. However, a11her progeny
develop into females (the so-called agamic generation).
Afterthe agamicgenerationcompletesits larvaldevelop-
ment, the adult wasps emerge, find a host, and oviposit.
Some unfertilizedeggs developinto males of the sexual
generation, some into females. In some species, theoff-
spring of a given agamic female are all males, and an-
other's all develop into females. The genetic mechanisms
by which the sex of the larvae of the sexual generationis
deterrnined are very poorIy understood. The adult wasps
of the sexual and agamic generations are usually verydif-
ferent in morphology and produce different typesofgalls
on different parts of the host planto In some casesthetwo
generationsmust reproduceon differentspeciesofhosts.
As a result, the sexualand agamicgenerationshavetypi-
Figure 28-54 A ga11wasp, Diplolepis rosae (L.). This cally been described as separate species of gall wasps,
species develops in the mossy rose ga11(Figure 28-55D). sometimes even in different genera.
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 535
Family Roproniidae:This family contains three rare Family Proctotrupidae:Most Proctotrupidae are3to
North American species of Ropronia. The adults are 6 mm long (some are larger). The Nearctic species canbe
8-10 mm long and have a laterally fIattened, somewhat recognized by the large stigma in the front wing, beyond
triangular and petiolate metasoma and a fairly com- which is a very narrow marginal cell (Figure 28-2lD). As
plete venation in the front wing (Figures 28-21F, far as is known, they are solitary and gregarious parasites
28-57). The immature stages are parasites of sawfIies. of the larvae of Coleoptera and Diptera. The wasp larvae
Family Heloridae:This family contains two species consume their host and then pupa te with the end of the
in North America, Helorus anomalipes Panzer and metasoma still inside the remains of the host (this also
H. ruficornis Foerster. These black insects are about occurs in Pelecinidae).
4 mm long, with a fairly complete venation in the front Family Diapriidae:The diapriids are small to minute
wings (Figures 28-21H, 28-58). Both are parasites of insects, most of which are parasites of immature Diptera.
the larvae of lacewings (Chrysopidae), and the adult They can usually be recognized by the shelflike protu-
helorid emerges from the host cocoon. berance, in about the middle of the face, from which the
antennae arise (Figure 28-59). The familycontainsfour
subfamilies. The Ambositrinae are most diverse in the
southern continents of Australia (and New Zealand),
South America,and southern Africa (and Madagascar).
Only a single species extends its range into the Nearctic:
Propsilloma columbianum (Ashmead) is found as far
north as southern Canada. The Ismarinae are recognized
by the absence of the typical diapriid frontal shelf;II
species occur in the United States and Canada and, asfar
as is now known, these are hyperparasites of dryinids.
Most of the approximately 300 North American species
in the familybelong to just two subfamilies, the Diapri-
inae and the Belytinae. The Diapriinae are small to
minute and have very reduced wing venation, with no
closed cells in the hind wings (Figure 28-19D). Mostare
parasites of Diptera, but some are associated with ants
(in a few cases, parasitic on the ants; in many casesen-
tomologists do not know whether the Diapriinaepara-
sitize the ants or other ant associates). The Belytinaeare
usually larger and have a closed cell in the hind wings
Figure 28-57 Ropronia gannani Ashmead. (Redrawn (Figure 28-31G). Diapriids are easily collected by
fram Townes [1948].) sweeping. The Belytinae are very common in moist,
wooded areas, because they attack fungus gnats (Myce-
tophilidae) and other fIies breeding in fungí.
Figure 28-58 Helorus anomalipes Panzer female
(Heloridae). (Courtesy of Clancy and the University of
California.) Figure 28-59 Diapriidae. A, Belytinae; B, Diapriinae.
Keyto the Families of Hymenoptera 537
SUPERFAMILY Platygastroidea: Only two families duced wing venation (Figure 28-l9H). In many cases
makeup this group, the Scelionidae and Platygastridae. the wings are completely veinless. The antennae usu-
Ihey were previously classified in the Proctotrupoidea, ally have 10 segments and are attached very low on the
but recently have been separated from those families. face, next to the clypeus (Figure 28-22B). Most platy-
Ihe ovipositor of the female is extruded by hydrostatic gastrids are parasites of the larvae of Cecidomyiidae.
pressure in the metasoma, sometimes assisted by mus- Platygaster hiemalis Forbes is an important agent in
des inserting on the base of the ovipositor. control of the Hessian fly. Others attack mealybugs and
Family Scelionidae: The Scelionidae are small in- other Sternorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Polyembryony oc-
sectsthat are parasites of the eggs of spiders and insects curs in several species in this family, with as many as
in the orders Orthoptera, Mantodea (in the Old World 18 young developing from a single egg. Several groups,
and Australia), Hemiptera, Embiidina, Coleoptera, particularly the genus Inostemma have a horn formed
Diptera,Lepidoptera, and Neuroptera. Some have been from the first metasomatic tergum as in scelionids (Fig-
successfullyused in controlling crop pests. ure 28-618). In some species, this horn extends far
The eggs of the hosts of scelionids vary in shapes over the mesosoma and its apex fits into a notch in the
andsizes, and the wasps themselves are quite diverse in posterior part of the head. In others, such as the genus
body form (Figure 28-60). For example, the genus Synopeas,the second metasomatic sternum is enlarged
Macroteleiaparasitizes the eggs of Tettigoniidae (Or- into a pouch or hornlike structure within which the
thoptera), and the wasps are relatively large and elon- elongate ovipositor is withdrawn when not in use (Fig-
gate.Baeus, in contrast, attacks the spherical eggs of ure 28-6lA).
spiders,and the wingless females are almost spherical Family Chrysididae-CuckooWasps: The cuckoo
themselves.Most scelionids have the metasomatic seg- wasps are small insects, rarely over 12 mm long, that
mentsdivided into a large median sclerite and narrow are metallic blue or green. The body is usually
laterotergites or laterosternites. These latter structures coarsely sculptured. Some chalcidoids and be es are
interlockto form a sharply angled margin on the meta- similar in size and color, but the cuckoo wasps can be
soma.However, several genera of scelionines and the recognized by the wing venation (Figure 28-2lB)-a
entiresubfamily Telenominae have reduced or absent fairly complete venation in the front wing but no
laterosternites and greatly enlarged laterotergites. As a closed cells in the hind wing-and the structure of
consequence, the metasoma of these species is rounded the metasoma. In most species, the metasoma consists
laterally.In most species the antennae are 12-segmented of only three or four visible segments and is hollowed
inboth sexes, but varying degrees of reduction in the out ventrally. When a cuckoo wasp is disturbed, it
numberof segments are common. Telenomine females usually curls up in a ball. Most cuckoo wasps are ex-
haveeither 11- or 10-segmented antennae. As an ex- ternal parasites of full-grown wasp or bee larvae. The
treme,the females of Idris, Baeus, and related genera species in the genus Cleptes attack sawfly larvae, and
have7-segmented antennae with a large, unsegmented those in Mesitiopterus attack the eggs of walking-
clava.In the females of a number of genera, the first sticks.
metasomatic tergum is more or less enlarged into a Family Bethylidae:The Bethylidae are small to
hornlikeprotuberance that houses the ovipositor when medium-sized, usually dark-colored wasps. The fe-
itis not in use. The species of this family are very com- males of many species are wingless and antlike in ap-
mon,and the greatest diversity of adults can be col- pearance. In a few species, both winged and wingless
lectedin spring and late summer when the eggs of their forms occur in each sexo These wasps are parasites of
hostsare available. the larva e of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Several
Family Platygastridae:The Platygastridae are species attack moths or beetles that infest grain or
minute, usually shining, black insects with very re- flour. A few species sting people.
538 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
and begin constructing another. The eusocial bees typ- nized as bees by their more flauened hind basitarsi and
ically progressively provision the cells in their nest, the plumose body hairs.
bringing more pollen to the larvae as they grow or pro- The maxillae and labium of bees form a tonguelike
viding them with honey (collected in the form of nec- structure through which the insect sucks up nectar.
lar from flowers and concentrated by evaporation). There is some development of such a tongue in other
The bees are elosely related to the Sphecidae, and Hymenoptera, but in many bees the tongue is elongate,
their elosest relatives are probably some subgroup of and the bee thus can reach the nectar in flowers with a
Ihe sphecids. Together they form a distinctive group deep corolla. The structure of the tongue differs con-
within the Hymenoptera. Their pronotum terminates siderably in different bees and provides characters that
laterallyin rounded lobes that do not reach the tegulae. are used in elassification.
Thedistinctive features of the nonparasitic bees largely The two sexes of be es differ in the number of an-
concern the transport of pollen (Figures 28-15B, tennal segments and metasomatic tergites. The males
28--62). Most bees are quite hairy, and as they visit have 13 antennal segments and seven visible metaso-
ftowers, a certain amount of pollen sticks to their matic tergites. The females have only 12 antennal seg-
body hairs. This pollen is periodically combed off ments and six visible metasomatic tergites.
with the legs and transported on brushes of hairs The pollen-collecting bees play an important
calledscopae(located on the ventral side of the meta- role in pollinating plants. Some higher plants are self-
soma in Megachilidae) or on corbiculae (the broad, pollinating, but a great many are cross-pollinated; that
shiny,slightly convex outer surfaces of the hind tibiae, is, the pollen of one flower must be transferred to the
Figure 28-15B, cb, as in the social Apidae). A few stigma of another. Cross-pollination is brought about
speciestransport pollen in their crop. The bees that are by two principal agencies, wind and insects. Wind-
kleptoparasites, that is, those that live as "cuckoos" in pollinated plants inelude the grasses (such as the cereal
thenests of other bees, are usually wasplike in appear- grains, timothy, and the like), many trees (such as the
ance, with relatively little body hair and without a willows, oaks, hickories, elms, poplars, and conifers),
pollen-transporting apparatus. These can be recog- and many wild plants. The insect-pollinated plants in-
elude most orchard fruits, berries, many vegetables
(particularly the cucurbits), field crops (such as the
elovers, couon, and tobacco), and flowers. Most polli-
nation is done by bees-often chiefly honey bees and
bumble bees, but a great deal of pollinating is done by
solitary bees. Many growers, by bringing in hives of
honey bees when the plants are in bloom, have been
able to get greatly increased yields of orchard fruits,
elover seed, and other crops that depend on bees for
pollination. Given that the annual value of insect-
pollinated crops in the United States is about $14.6 bil-
lion, elearly the bees are extremely valuable.
Family Sphecidae: Sphecids can be distinguished
from other wasps by the structure of the pronotum: In
dorsal view the posterior margin is straight, and there
is usually a constriction between it and the mesoscu-
Figure28-62 Hind leg of a honey bee, inner surface, tum (forming a collar); laterally the pronotum termi-
showingthe pollen-transporting apparatus. au, auricle; nates in a rounded lobe that does not reach the tegula.
ex,coxa;fm, femur; mts, first tarsal segment; pbr, pollen Most sphecids have a more or less vertical su1cus on
brush;pr, polIen rake or pecten; tb, tibia; tr, trochanter. the mesopleuron, the episternal su1cus. Such a su1cus
ThepolIen is colIected off the body hairs by the front is present in most vespoids, but the mesopleural su1cus
andmiddle legs and deposited on the polIen brushes in pompilids is transverse (Figure 28-34). In most
(pbr)of the hind legs. The polIen on the polIen brush of sphecids, the inner margins of the eyes are not
oneleg is raked off by the rake (pr) on the other, the notched. This is also the case with the pompilids, but
pollenfalIing on the surface of the auricle (au); the clos- most vespoids do have notched inner margins of the
ingof the tarsus on the tibia forces the polIen upward, eyes.
whereit adheres 10 the floor of the pollen basket or cor- Sphecid wasps differ from the bees, which have a
bicula(which is on the outer surface of the tibia). As this similar prono tal structure, in several ways: (1) All the
processis repeated, first on one side and then on the body hairs are simple (some are branched or plumose
other,the polIen is packed into the lower ends of the in bees); (2) the basal segment of the hind tarsus is not
pollenbaskets until both are filIed. particularly widened or flauened (as it is in most bees)
540 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
and has at its base, on the inner side, a brush of hairs The genus Trypoxylon (Crabroninae) includes the
in a slight depression, opposed by a pectinate tibial organ-pipe mud daubers (some of which reach a length
spur; (3) sphecids are relatively bare, whereas many of 25 mm or more), which make nests of mud (Fig-
bees are quite hairy; and (4) the posterior margin of the ure 28-64). Other species of this common genus nest
pronotum in dorsal view is straight (usually slighdy ar- in the ground or in various natural cavities. These
cuate in bees). Most Sphecidae are moderate-sized to wasps provision their nests with spiders.
large, with a complete wing venation, but a few are Many members of the Crabroninae (Figure 28-65)
quite small. Body length in this family varies from are small to medium-sized, rather stocky wasps. They
about 2 to more than 40 mm. Some of the very small are fairly common insects, and most are either black
sphecids have a much reduced wing venation, with with yellow markings or entirely black. They can usu.
only four or five closed cells in the front wing. Nine ally be recognized by the large, quadrate head, with the
subfamilies are found in North America. inner margins of the eyes straight and converging be.
The members of this large family (more than 1,100 low,and the single submarginal cell. These waspsvary
North American species) are solitary wasps, although in their nesting habits. Most nest in the ground, but
large numbers may some times nest in a small area, and so me nest in natural cavities such as hollow stemsor
a few show the beginnings of social organization (a cavities in wood. The principal prey is flies, but some
small number of tropical species are eusocial). They take other insects such as beedes, bugs, hoppers, or
nest in a variety of situations. Most burrow in the small Hymenoptera.
ground, but some nest in various kinds of natural cav- The cicada killers (Nyssoninae: Sphecius) are large
ities (hollow plant stems, cavities in wood, and the insects (up to 40 mm long) that provision their nests
like), and some construct nests of mudo Females hunt with cicadas. One common species, S. speciosus
for arthropod prey that serves as food for their off- (Drury), is black or rusty, with yellow bands on the
spring. The prey is stung and paralyzed and then metasoma (Figure 28-66A).
placed within the nest. In most cases the nest is com- The sand wasps (Nyssoninae) are rather stout.
pletely provisioned before the egg is laid, but in some bodied wasps of moderate size (Figure 28-66B). Thisis
cases the female wasp continues to provide new prey a fairly large group (about 75 North American species),
items as her offspring grow (known as progressive pro- and its members are common around beaches, sand
visioning). Some groups of sphecids are restricted to a dunes, and other sandy areas. They nest in burrows,
particular type of prey as larval food, but a few groups and a great many may nest in a small area. In some
vary considerably in their selection. A wide variety of species, the adults continue to feed the larvae during
arthropods are used, including Orthoptera, Blattodea, their growth. The adults are very agile and rapid fliers,
Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hy- and although they can sting, one can walk througha
menoptera, and spiders. A few are kleptoparasitic, colony-with the wasps dashing all about-without
building no nest but laying their eggs in the nests of being stung. Stictia carolina (Fabricius), an insect
other wasps, their larvae feeding on the food stored for about 25 mm long and black with yellow markings,is
the host larvae. fairly common in the South. It often hunts (or mes
The subfamily Sphecinae, or thread-waisted (mosdy Tabanidae) near horses, and it is called the
wasps, are very common insects, and most are 25 mm "horse guard." Other sand wasps are black with yellow,
or more long. Some of the largest North American white, or pale green markings.
sphecids are in this subfamily. The common name The species of the tribe Philanthini (Philanthinae;
refers to the very slender petiole of the metasoma. The Figure 28-66C) provision their nests with bees, princi-
two genera Sceliphron and Chalybion are commonly pally halictids, and are usually called "bee-killer
called "mud daubers." They construct nests of mud wasps" or "bee wolves." They are common insects (29
and provision them with spiders. These nests usually North American species). The Cercerini (Philanthinae)
consist of a number of cells, each about 25 mm long, (Figure 28-66D) may be called "weevil wasps," as they
placed side by side. They are common on ceilings or provision with beedes (Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae,
walls of old buildings. Two species in each of these and Buprestidae). They are common insects, and a lit.
genera occur in the Nearctic, the most common being de over a hundred species occur in North America.
S. caementarium (Drury) and C. califomicum (Saussure). Family Melittidae:The melittids are small,dark.
The former is blackish brown with yellow spots, yellow colored, rather rare bees, similar in nesting habitsto
legs, and clear wings, and the latter is metallic blue the Andrenidae. They differ from other short-tongued
with bluish wings. Another common ground-nesting bees (Colletidae, Halictidae, and Andrenidae) in that
speciesof Sphecinaeis Sphexichneumoneus(L.), which the jugal lobe of their hind wing is shorter than the
is reddish brown with the tip of the metasoma black M+Cu¡ cell. They differ from the Megachilidae and
(Figure 28-63C). Apidae (the long-tongued bees) in that the segmentsof
.~ .....
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 541
542 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
theirlabial palps are similar in size and cylindrical (the Family Halictidae:The halictidsaresmall to moderate-
labialpalps of the Megachilidae and Apidae have their sized bees, often metallic in color, and can usually be
firsttwosegments elongate and flattened). The species recognized by the strongly arched first free segment of
nestin burrows in the soil. the medial vein (Figure 28-13C). Most nest in burrows
Three subfamilies and 31 species of Melittidae oc- in the ground, either on level ground or in banks. The
curin North America: the Macropidinae (with two sub- main tunnel is usually vertical, with lateral tunnels
marginalcells and a very broad stigma), the Dasypodi- branching off from it and each terminating in a single
nae(with two submarginal cells and a narrow stigma), cell. Large numbers of these bees often nest close to-
andthe Melittinae (with three submarginal cells). gether, and many bees may use the same passageway to
Family Colletidae-Plasterer Bees and Yellow- the outside. More than 500 species of halictids occur in
FacedBees: These bees have the tongue short and ei- North America.
thertruncate or bilobed at the apex (Figure 28-6C). Three subfamilies of halictids occur in the United
Thefamily is divided into three subfamilies, the Col- States: the Halictinae (the largest and most common of
letinae,Diphaglossinae, and Hylaeinae, and more than the three subfamilies), the Nomiinae, and the Rophiti-
150species are known from North America. nae. The Rophitinae differ from the other two subfam-
The Colletinae, or plasterer bees, burrow into the ilies in that they have only two submarginal cells and
groundto nest and line their burrows with a thin, have a short clypeus, usually not longer than the
translucentsubstance. They are of moderate size and labrum, and in profile strongly convex and protruding.
arequite hairy, with bands of pale pubescence on the The Nomiinae, represented by the genus Nomia, have
metasoma.There are three submarginal cells, and the the first and third submarginal cells about the same
secondm-cu crossvein is sigmoid (Figure 28-13D). size. These bees are often of considerable importance
Ninety-sevenspecies of these bees have been recorded in pollinating plants.
[ramNorth America. The Hylaeinae, or yellow-faced In the Halictinae, the third submarginal cell is
bees,are small, black, very sparsely hairy bees, usually shorter than the first. This group contains several genera
with yellow markings on the face (Figure 28-67) and of fairly common bees. In Agapostemon (Figure 28-68B),
with only two submarginal cells (Figure 28-13E). They Augochloropsis, Augochlorella, and Augochlora, the head
arevery wasplike in appearance, and the hind legs of and mesosoma are a brilliant metallic green. These bees
thefemale do not have pollen brushes. Pollen for lar- are small, 14 mm long or less, and some bees in the
valfoodis carried to their nests in the crop, mixed with genus Augochlora are only a few millimeters long. The
nectar,instead of on the body or legs. These bees nest other fairly common genera are Lasioglossum and
invarioussorts of cavities and crevices, in plant stems, Sphecodes. Usually their head and mesosoma are black
orin burrows in the ground. North American species or dull green. Some members of the genus Lasioglossum
belongto the genus Hylaeus, and many are very com- are frequently attracted to people who are perspiring,
monbees. and are called "sweat bees." The bees in the genus Sphe-
codes are rather wasplike in appearance, and the entire
metasoma is red. These are parasites (kleptoparasites) of
other bees.
Halictids are extremely diverse in terms of their
social biology, spanning the spectrum from solitary
species, either nesting alone or in congregations, to
primitively eusocial species. The level of social "devel-
opment" seems to be intertwined with poorly under-
stood environmental constraints: Some species show
great differences in social behavior in different parts of
their range or at different times of the year. Eusociality,
per se, is clearly not an evolutionary goal toward which
these bees are inevitably moving, but most likely rep-
resents an adaptive strategy for a particular time and
c: place. Michener (1974), in fact, argues that it is quite
--, likely that in addition to having evolved many times,
E\j eusociality may have been lost just as often by different
z species.
Family Andrenidae: The andrenids are small to
medium-sized bees that can be recognized by the
28-67 A yellow-faced bee, Hylaeus affinis two subantennal sulci below each antennal socket
. (Figure 28-17 A). They nest in burrows in the ground,
544 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
--- - ---
and their burrows are similar to those of halictids. nests are made in various places, occasionally in the
Sometimes large numbers of these bees nest close to- ground but more often in some natural cavity, Cre-
gether, usually in areas where the vegetation is sparse. quently in wood. The vast majority of nonparasitic
The approximately 1,200 species of andrenids in species are solitary.
North America are arranged in three subfamilies, the This family is represented in North America only
Andreninae, Oxaeinae, and the Panurginae. The An- by the subfamily Megachilinae. This is a large group
dreninae have the apex of the marginal cell pointed or (more than 600 North American species) of wide-
narrowly rounded and on the costal margin of the spread distribution. Some of the more common genera
wing, and they usually have three submarginal cells of Megachilinae are Anthidium, Dianthidium, Stelis,
(Figure 28-13A). The Panurginae have a trunca te apex Heriades, Hoplitis, Osmia, Megachile, and Coelioxys.
of the marginal cell and usually have only two submar- The bees in the genera Stelis and Coelioxysare para-
ginal cells (Figure 28-13B). The vast majority of sític. One introduced species of Megachile is an impar-
species of Andreninae belong to the genus Andrena (Fig- tant pollinator of alfalfa in the West.
ure 28-68A), which are very common springtime bees.
Most Panurginae belong to the genus Perdita. The Pa-
nurginae are moderate-sized to minute, and many have
yellow or other bright markings. The Oxaeinae are
chiefly tropical and are represented in the Uníted States
by two species each in the genera Protoxaea and Mesox-
aea that occur in the Southwest. These solitary bees are
large and fast-flying and nest in deep burrows in the soil.
Family Megachilidae-Leaf-CuttingBees: The leaf-
cutting bees are mostly moderate-sized, fairly stout-
bodied bees (Figure 28-69). They differ from most
other bees in having two submarginal cells of about
equallength (Figure 28-13F), and the females of the
pollen-collecting species carry the pollen by means of
a scopa on the ventral side of the metasoma rather than
on the hind legs. The common name of these bees is
derived from the fact that in many species the nest cells
are lined with pieces cut from leaves. These pieces are
usually very neatly cut out, and it is not uncommon to
find plants from which these bees have cut circular Figure28-69 A leaf-cutting bee, Megachile latimanus
pieces. A few species in this family are parasítico The Sayo
Keyto the Familiesof Hymenoptera 545
are fair-sized(13-19 mm) and dark-colored,with small ure 28-14B). Bumble bees are very common insects,
patches of pale pubescence. and they are important pollinators of certain kinds of
Subfamily Apinae-Digger Bees, Bumble Bees, clover because of their very long tongues.
Honey Bees, and Orchid Bees: The digger bees resem- Most bumble be es nest in the ground, usually ina
ble the Nomadinae in the form of the clypeus, front deserted mouse nest or bird nest or similar situation.
coxae, and the tergal plate on the last metasomatic seg- The colonies are annual (at least in temperate regions),
ment, but are robust and hairy (Figure 28-73A). The and only the fertilized queens overwinter. Nests are ini-
subfamily includes both parasitic and nonparasitic tiated by solitary, fertilized queens that have overwin-
species. Most of the latter are solitary, but some nest tered. These queens are often very conspicuous in the
communally. Digger bees nest in burrows in the ground spring as they search for a nest site. The first brood
or in banks, and the cells are lined with a thin wax or raised by the queen consists entirely of workers. Once
varnishlike substance. the workers appear, they take over all the duties of the
Bumble bees can usually be recognized by their colony except egg laying. They enlarge the nest, collect
robust shape and black-and-yellow coloration (Fig- food, and store it in saclike "honey pots" built froro
ure 28-71B); a few are marked with orange or white. wax and pollen, and care for the larvae. Later in the
They are relatively large bees, most being 20 mm summer, males and queens are produced, and in the
or more long. The hind wings lack a jugal lobe (Fig- fall all but these queens die.
Some species of Bombus are parasites of other
bumble bees, and some entomologists place them in
the genus Psithyrus. The parasitic females differ froro
those of other Bombus in having the outer surface of
the hind tibiae convex and hairy (usually flat or con-
cave and largely bare). These bees have no worker
caste. The females invade the nests of other bumble
bees and lay their eggs, leaving their young to be reared
by the workers of the host nest.
A The orchid bees are brilliant metallic, often
brightly colored bees that are tropical in distribution.
They have a very long tongue, they have apical spurs
on the hind tibiae, they lack a jugal lobe in the hind
g wings, and the scutellum is produced backward over
..§ the metasoma. The common name arises because the
~ males are attracted to orchid flowers and are importam
~ in their pollination. The males do not feed on this
Z pollen and the orchids do not produce nectar;re-
searchers think that the males may derive precursor
chemicals for a sex pheromone from the flowers. Fe-
males are not attracted to orchids. Both parasitic and
r nonparasitic species are found in the subfamily. The
latter include solitary and parasocial species. One
species in this group, Eulaema polychroma (Mocsáry),
has be en recorded from Brownsville, Texas.
Honeybeescan be recognizedby their goldenbrown
coloration and characteristic shape (Figure 28-74), Ihe
form of the marginal and submarginal cells in the from
wing (Figure 28-14D), and the absence of spurs on the
hind tibiae. These bees are common and well-knownin-
~ sects, and they are the most important bees in plant polli-
~ nation. They are extremely valuable, as they produce
~ some $300 million worth of honey and beeswax annually,
~ and their pollinating activities are worth 130 to 140times
this amount.
Only a single species of honey bee occurs in North
Figure28-73 A, a digger bee, Anthophora tenninalis America, Apis mellifera L. This is an introduced
Cresson; B, a cuckoo bee, Nomada. species, and most of its colonies are in human-made
Keyto the Families of Hymenoptera 547
black wasps, in which the females are wingless and (Figure 28-76). In most mutillid females, the mesoso-
generally much smaller than the males. Five species oc- matic segments are completely fused to form an im.
cur in the United States and Canada, and they are movable boxlike structure (in the subfamily Mynnosi.
widely distributed but uncommon. The Methochinae nae, the prono tal and mesonotal suture is movable).
are parasites of the larvae of tiger beetles. The males are winged and usually larger than thefe.
Family Sierolomorphidae: The Sierolomorphidaeare males and are also densely pubescent. Most species
a small (six North American species) but widely dis- have "felt lines" laterally on the second metasomatic
tributed group of shining, black wasps 4.5 to 6.0 mm tergum. Felt lines are narrow longitudinal bands ofrel.
long. They are quite rare, and nothing is known of their atively dense, dosely appressed hairs. The females
immature stages. have a very painful sting. Some species can stridulate,
Family Sapygidae: The Sapygidae are a small (17 and they produce a squeaking sound when disturbed.
North American species) and rare group. The adults Most mutillids whose life histories are known areex.
are of moderate size, usually black spotted or banded ternal parasites of the larvae and pupa e of various
with yellow, and with short legs. They are parasites of wasps and bees. A few attack beetles and flies. Mutil-
leaf-cutting bees (Megachilidae) and wasps. lids are generally found in open areas. This groupisa
Family Mutillidae-Velvet Ants: These wasps are large one (about 435 North American species), and
called "velvet ants" because the females are wingless most species occur in the South and West, especially
and antlike and are covered with a dense pubescence in arid areas.
r- - ----
-- 2;
Family Bradynobaenidae: The bradynobaenids were another wasp. The spider wasps are fairly common
formerly classified in the family Mutillidae because (290 North American species), and the females have a
manyof them have the lateral felt lines on the second very painful sting.
metasomatic tergum. The males are winged and the fe- Family Rhopalosomatidae: This group includes
malesapterous. The males are distinguished from the three rare species that occur in the East, Rhopalosoma
mutillids by the presence of a jugal lobe in the hind nearcticum Brues, Liosphex varius Townes, and Olixon
wing.The females have a flexible articulation between banksii (Brues). Rhopalosoma nearcticum is 14-20 mm
thepronotum and mesonotum. Forty-eight species are or more long, is light brown, and superficially resem-
found in western North America. The subfamily Ty- bles ichneumonids in the genus Ophion, but it does
phoctinae is nocturnal, the Chyphotinae are diurna!. not have the metasoma compressed, the antennae
Theirhosts and larval biology are unknown. contain only 12 (female) or 13 (male) segments, and
Family Pompilidae-Spider Wasps: The pompilids there is only one m-cu crossvein in the front wing
areslender wasps with long, spiny legs, a pronotum (Figure 28-31H). Olixon banksii is about 6 mm long
that is somewhat quadrate in lateral view,and a char- and has greatly reduced wings that extend only to the
acteristic transverse sulcus across the mesopleuron tip of the propodeum. The larva e of these wasps at-
(Figures28-34, 28-77). The more common members tack crickets.
ofthis group are 15-25 mm long, but some western Family Scoliidae: The Scoliidae are large, hairy, and
speciesare 35-40 mm long. Most spider wasps are usually black with a yellow band (or bands) on the
dark-colored, with smoky or yellowish wings. A few metasoma (Figure 28-78). Larvae of these wasps are
arebrightly colored. They are often recognizable be- external parasites of the larvae of scarabaeid beetles.
cause of their habit of nervously fliuing the wings The adults are commonly found on flowers. The fe-
whilesearching on foot. (There are a number of pom- males burrow into the ground to loca te a host. When
pilidmimics, for example in the Sphecidae and Ich- they find a grub, they sting it and paralyze it, then bur-
neumonidae, that also have this habit.) The adults are row deeper into the soil and construct a cell around the
usuallyfound on flowers or on the ground in search of grub. Many grubs may be stung without the wasp
prey.The larvae of most species feed on spiders (hence ovipositing. Such grubs usually do not recover.
thecommon name), although these are not the only Twenty-three species have been recorded in North
waspsthat auack spiders. The spider wasps generally America.
captureand paralyze a spider and then prepare a cell Family Vespidae-Paper Wasps, Yellow Jackets,
forit in the ground, in roUen wood, or in a suitable Hornets, Mason Wasps, Potter Wasps: This is a rela-
crevicein rocks. Some spider wasps construct a cell tively large group (325 North American species), and its
first,then hunt for a spider to store in the cell. A few members are very common and well-known insects.
speciesattack the spider in its own cell or burrow and Most are black with yellow or whitish markings (Fig-
donot move it after stinging and ovipositing on it. A ure 28-80) or brownish (Figure 28-82A). Some species
fewspecies oviposit on spiders that have been stung by are eusocial, and the individuals in a colony are of three
castes: queens, workers, and males. The queens and
workers have a very effective sting. In some species
there is very liule difference between the queens and
workers, but usually the queen is larger.
550 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
Brachygastra occurs in southern Texas and southern elbowed (the males may have the antennae fili[orm),
Arizona, and two species of Polybia have be en recorded and the first segment is often very long.
from Nogales, Arízona. All ants are basieally eusocial insects (some para.
Family Formicidae-Ants:This is a very common sitie species occur), and most colonies contain at
and widespread group, well known to everyone. The least three castes: queens, males, and workers (Fig-
ants are probably the most successful of all the insect ure 28-83). The queens are larger than the members
groups. They occur practieally everywhere in terrestrial of the other castes and are usually winged, though the
habitats and outnumber in individuals most other ter- wings are shed after the mating flight. The queen usu-
restríal animals. The habits of ants are often very elab- ally starts a colony and does most of the egg layingin
orate, and a great many studies have been made of ant the colony. The males are winged and usually consid-
behavior. erably smaller than the queens. They are short-lived
Although most ants are easily recognized, a few and die soon after mating. The workers are sterile
other insects strongly resemble and mimic ants, and wingless females that make up the bulk of the colony.
some winged forms of ants resemble wasps (from In the smaller ant colonies, there are usually just the
whieh they are derived). One distinctive structural fea- three types of individuals, but in many of the larger
ture of ants is the form of the pedicel of the metasoma, colonies there may be two or three types within
whieh is one- or two-segmented and bears an upright the worker caste. These may vary in size, shape,or
lobe (Figures 28-11, 28-83). The antennae are usually behavior.
Ant colonies vary greatly in size, from a dozen or these secretions appear to playa role in caste determi-
moreup to many thousands of individuals. Ants nest in nation.
allsorts of places. Some nest in cavities in plants (in Subfamily Ecitoninae: The Ecitoninae are the army
stems,in nuts or acoms, in galls, and so on); some (for ants. They are mostly tropical, but one genus (Eciton)
example, the carpenter ants) excavate galleries in occurs in the southem and southwestern sections of
wood;but perhaps the majority of ants in North Amer- the United States. These ants are nomadic and often
icanest in the ground. The ground nests of ants may be travel in distinct files or "armies." They are highly
smalland relatively simple, or they may be quite large predaceous. The queens in this group are wingless.
andelaborate, consisting of a maze of tunnels and gal- Subfamily Cerapachyinae: This subfamily is repre-
leries.The galleries of some of the larger ground nests sented in North Arnerica by three very rare species in
may extend several meters underground. Certain Arizona and Texas. The colonies are usually small, a few
chambers in such underground nests may serve as dozen individuals or less. These ants are predaceous.
broodchambers, others as chambers for the storage of Subfamilies Ponerinae,Amblyoponinae,Ectatomminae,
food.Most ants shift their brood from one part of the and Procereratiinae: In these poneromorph subfarnilies,
nestto another as environmental conditions change. the pedicel is only one-segrnented, but there is a distinct
Males and queens in most ant colonies are pro- constriction between the next two segments posterior to
ducedin large numbers only at one time of the year, the pedicel (Figure 28-11A). The only common genus
whenthey emerge and engage in mating flights. Shortly in the East is Ponera. The workers are 2-4 mm long, and
altermating, the males die. The queen sheds her wings the queens are only a little larger. These ants form small
immediatelyafter the mating flight, locates a suitable colonies and nest in rotten logs or stumps or in the soil
nestingsite, makes a small excavation, and produces beneath various objects. They feed on other insects. In
herfirst brood. This first brood, consisting of workers, the tropics, ponerines are important predators.
isfed and cared for by the queen. Once the first work- Subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae: These ants are very
ersappear, they take over the work of the colony-nest slender and nest in hollow twigs, galls, and other cavi-
construction, caring for the young, gathering food, and ties in plants. They are largely arboreal in habit. The
thelike-and henceforth the queen do es little more five North American species are restricted to the south-
thanlay eggs. The queens of some species may live for em United States.
severalyears. There may be more than one queen in Subfamily Myrmicinae:This is the largest subfamily
somecolonies. In some species of ants, certain castes of ants (300 North American species), and its members
ortypes of individuals may not be produced until the can usually be recognized by the fact that the pedicel of
colonyis several years old. In some species, the queen the metasorna has two segrnents (Figure 28-11B). The
goesinto an already established colony. This estab- members of this group are widely distributed and vary
lishedcolony may be of her own or of an alien species. considerably in habits. The ants in the genera Pogono-
Inthe latter case, her offspring may be spoken of as mynnex and Pheidole are often called "harvester ants."
"temporary" or "permanent social parasites," as the They feed on seeds and store seeds in their nests. The
casemay be. fungus ants of the genus Trachymynnex feed on fungi
The feeding habits of ants are rather varied. Many that they cultiva te in their nests. The leaf-cutting ants
arecamivorous, feeding on the flesh of other animals (Atta) cut pieces of leaves, carry them to their nests,
(livingor dead); some feed on plants; some feed on and feed on a fungus grown on these leaves. Atta tex-
fungi;and many feed on sap, nectar, honeydew, and ana (Buckley) is comrnon in so me parts of the South
similarsubstances. Ants in the nest often feed on the and Southwest, and sometimes do es considerable dam-
secretions of other individuals, and the exchange of age by leaf-cutting.
foodbetweenindividuals (trophallaxis) is common. The imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren
Ants produce a number of exocrine secretions that and S. richteri Forel, are important pests in the South-
function in offense, defense, and communication. east. They were introduced into Alabama from South
Theseare emitted to the outside chiefly through the America in 1918 and have since spread over much of
openingson the head or at the apex of the metasoma. the Southeast from the Carolinas to Texas. The red im-
Thesting serves as the chief means of offense and de- ported fire ant, S. invicta, is the more cornmon formo
fense(Dolichoderinae and Formicinae lack a sting). All The black imported fire ant, S. richteri, has a rather
antscan bite, and some bite rather severely. Some ants limited distribution in a few of the southeastem states.
giveoff or eject from the anus a foul-smelling sub- These ants are aggressive insects with a painful sting
stancethat serves as defense. Many ant secretions act and, when disturbed, are quick to attack both people
asalarm substances, some stimulate group activity, and and anirnals. The workers are 3-6 mrn long and red-
many(laid down by a foraging individual) serve as an dish brown. A mature nest may contain up to 100,000
odortrail that other individuals can follow. Some of or more individuals. The nests are hard-crusted'
554 Chapter28 Order Hymenoptera
mounds that may sometimes be as large as a meter high species. The mounds of E exsectoides Forel, a common
and a meter acrass and may be constructed on agricul- species in the eastem United States, are sometimes0.6
turalland, homesites, school yards, and recreational ar- to 0.9 m high and 2 or more meters acrass. The United
eas, where they are not only an eyesore but a hazard to States varieties of E sanguinea Latreille are slave mak.
people and animals. On farms the mounds may cause ers, somewhat similar in habits to the Amazon ants.
damage to agricultural machinery, and many workers They periodically raid the nests of other speciesof
are reluctant to work in areas where the ants occur, be- Formica and carry off worker pupae. Some are eaten,
cause of their painful stings. A related native species, but others are reared and take their place in the san.
S. molesta Say,the thief ant, is a common house-infesting guinea colony. The honey ants of the genus Mynneco.
species in the South and Wesl. Ants of the genus Solenop- cystus,which occur in the southwestem United States,
sis may be distinguished fram other myrmicine ants by are of interest in that some individuals (termed "re.
the fact that the antennae are lO-segmented with a 2- pletes") serve as reservoirs for honeydew collectedby
segmented club. other workers.
Subfamily Dolichoderinae:In this subfamily and the
following one, the pedicel of the metasoma consists of a
single segment, and there is no constriction between the
next two segments (as in Figure 28-83). This is a small Collecting and Preserving Hymenoptera
graup (19 North American species), and most of its
members occur in the southem part of the United States. Most of the general collecting methods described in
Most are rather small, the workers being less than 5 mm Chapter 35 apply to the insects in this order. Speciesof
long. These ants have anal glands that secrete a foul- Hymenoptera are almost everywhere; to secure a large
smelling fluid, which can sometimes be forcibly ejected variety of species, examine all available habitats anduse
fram the anus for a distance of several centimeters. One all available methods of collecting. Many of the larger
species, the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), and more showy Hymenoptera are common on flowers.
was a common household pest in the southem states be- The parasitic species can be reared fram parasitized
fore the imported fire ants appeared. hosts, or they can be taken by sweeping. Passive trap-
Subfamily Formicinae:This is the second-Iargest ping techniques, such as Malaise traps, flight-intercept
subfamily of ants (200 North American species), and it traps, and pan traps are extremely effective in capturing
is widespread in distribution. Habits vary considerably a wide diversity of species that would otherwise goun.
in this graup. The genus Camponotus includes the car- noticed. A number of species search for hosts or prey
penter ants, some of which are the largest ants in North undergraund and are best collected by using Berleseor
America; C. pennsylvanicus (DeGeer) is a large black Winkler funnels.
ant that excavates a series of anastomosing galleries in Because many of the Hyrnenoptera sting, exercise
wood for its nests. Unlike termites, the carpenter ants care in removing them fram the nel. One way is to get
do not feed on the wood. the insect into a fold in the net and then put this fald
The ants in the genus Polyergus are slave makers into the killing jar until the insect is stunned. Another
and are entirely dependent on slaves. When a Polyergus effective method is to get the insect confined in the end
queen starts a new colony, she raids a nest of another of the net (almost all winged aculeates fly upward to.
species, usually a Formica, and kills the queen in that ward the light), grasp the end of the net fram the out.
colony. The Formica workers then usually adopt the side just below the insect, then reach inside with the
Polyergus queen. To maintain the colony, the Polyergus killing jar and evert the end of the net into the jar, put
ants make raids on Formica colonies, killing the work- the top on over the net, and slide the net out between
ers and carrying off the pupae. the jar and lid. Some larger ichneumonids can "sting"
The worker caste of Polyergus is given to fighting, by jabbing with their short, sharp ovipositor. Any large
whereas the slaves take over the activities of nest build- Hymenoptera should be handled with careoAsidefram
ing, brood rearing, foraging, and the like. The Polyer- the pain normally associated with a sting, some people
gus ants are often called Amazons. Polyergus lucidus have severe allergic reactions to the venom that can be
Mayr, a brilliant red species, is fairly common in the life-threatening. Many stinging Hymenoptera feeding
eastem United States. The genus Lasius contains a on flowers can be collected directly into a killing jar
number of small field ants that make small mound without the use of a nel. Most Hymenoptera can be eas-
nests and feed largely on honeydew. Many tend aphids, ily killed using ajar charged with ethyl acetate. In ad.
storing the aphid eggs thraugh the winter and placing dition, because they are generally sturdier than
the young aphids on their food plant in the spring. Diptera, for example, Hymenoptera can be killed and
Formica is a very large genus, containing about 70 stored in alcohol and then later dried and mounted. Of-
North American species. Many are mound-building ten, sweeping vegetation and dumping the contents
References 555
intoalcoholis the most time-efficientmethod for eap- slides for detailed study. Some of the best eharaeters
turingmicrohymenoptera (see Chapter 35). for identifying bees are in the mouthparts; so extend
Mount the smaller Hymenoptera on a point, or if the mouthparts if possible. Orient all specimens,
theyare extremely minute, preserve them in liquid or whether pinned or mounted on points, so the leg
rnounted on a microseope slide. lt is usually neees- and thoracie eharaeters and venation can be easily
saryto mount the more minute forms on mieroseope seen.
Aguiar, A. P, and N. F.johnson. 2003. Stephanidae of Arner- Frisch, K. von. 1967. The Dance Language and Orientation of
ica north of Mexico (Hymenoptera). Proc. Entorno\. Soco Bees. Carnbridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard Univer-
Wash. 105:467-483. sity Press, 566 pp.
Ananthakrishnan, T. N. 1984. The Biology of Gall Insects. Frisch, K. von. 1971. Bees, Their Vision, Chernical Senses, and
London: Edward Amold, 362 pp. Language, rey. ed. Ithaca, NY: Comell University Press,
Andrews, F. G. 1978. Taxonorny and host specificity of Nearc- 157 pp.
tic Alloxystinae with a catalog of the world species (Hy- Gauld, l., and B. Bolton. 1988. The Hymenoptera. London:
menoptera: Cynipidae). Occasional Papers on Entornol- British Museurn (Natural History), 332 pp.
ogy, California Departrnent of Food and Agriculture, Gess, S. K. 1996. The Pollen Wasps: Ecology and Natural His-
Sacramento, CA, No. 25, 128 pp. tory of the Masarinae. Carnbridge, MA: Harvard Univer-
Austin, A. D., and M. Dowton (Eds). 2000. Hymenoptera. sity Press, 340 pp.
Evolution, Biodiversity and Biological Contro\. Colling- Gibson, G. A. P 1985. Sorne pro- and rnesothoracic characters
waod, Victoria, Australia: CSIRO Publishing, 468 pp. irnportant for phylogenetic analysis of Hyrnenoptera,
Bahart, R. M., and A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the with a review of terrns used for the structures. Can. En-
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Baltan, B. 1994. Identification Guide to the Ant Genera of the ships of Chalcidoidea, Mymaridae, and Mymarornrnatidae
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Dessart, P, and P Cancerni. 1987. Tableau dichotornique des Hólldobler, B., and E. O. Wilson. 1990. The Ants. Carnbridge,
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taires et nouvelles especes. FrustUla Entornologica johnson, N. F., and L. Musetti. 1999. Revision of the proc-
7-8:307-372. totrupoid genus Pelecinus Latreille (Hyrnenoptera:
Evans, H. E. 1978. The Bethylidae of Arnerica north of Mex- Pelecinidae).]. Nat. Hist. 33:1513-1543.
ica. Mern. Arner. Entorno\. Inst. No. 27,332 pp. Kirnsey, L. S. 1984. A re-evaluation of the phylogenetic rela-
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mature Insects, pp. 597-710. Dubuque, lA: KendalV 9:435-441.
Hunt, 754 pp. Kirnsey, L. S., and R. M. Bohart. 1990. The Chrysidid Wasps of
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Cornstock. 364 pp. Krornbein, K. V. 1967. Trap-Nesting Wasps and Bees. Wash-
Fittan, M. G., and 1. D. Gauld. 1976. The farnily-group narnes ington, De Srnithsonian Press, 576 pp.
af the Ichneurnonidae (excluding Ichneurnoniae). Syst. Krornbein, K. v., P D. Hurd,jr., D. R. Srnith, and B. D. Burks.
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556 Chapter28 OrderHymenoptera
Lindauer, M. 1977. Communication Among Social Bees. Richards, O. W 1977. Hymenoptera: Introduction and Keyto
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Lofgren, C. S., W A. Banks, and B. M. Glancey. 1975. Biology Insects, vo!. 6(1), 100 pp. [Other papers in this series,by
and control of imported fire ants. Annu. Rev. Entorno!. various authors, cover groups within Hymenoptera.] Lon-
20:1-30. don: Royal Entomological Society of London.
Marsh, P. M., S. R. Shaw, and R. A. Wharton. 1987. An iden- Richards, o. W 1978. The Social Wasps of the Americas, Ex-
tification manual for the North American genera of the cluding the Vespinae. London: British Museum (Natural
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Masner, L. 1980. Key to genera of Scelionidae of the Holarc- Ross, H. H. 1937. A generic classification of Nearctic sawflies
tic region, with descriptions of new genera and species (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Ill. Bio!. Monogr. No. 15:1-172.
(Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea). Mem. Entorno!. Soco Schneirla, T. C. 1971. Army Ants: A Study in Social Organi-
Can. 113,54 pp. zation. San Francisco: Freeman, 350 pp.
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tion Press, 209 pp. Smith, D. R. 1971. Nearctic sawfIies. Part 3: Heterarthrinae:
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Insects. New York: Van Nostrand, 267 pp. Smith, D. R. 1974. Conifer sawfIies, Diprionidae: Key to
Middlekauff, W W 1969. The cephid stem borers of Califor- North American genera, checklist of world species, and
nia (Hymenoptera: Cephidae). Bul!. Calif. Insect Surv. new species from Mexico. Proc. Entorno!. Soco Wash.
11:1-19. 76:409-418.
Middlekauff, W W 1983. A revision of the sawfIy family Smith, D. R. 1976. The xiphydriid woodwasps of North
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Townes, H., and M. Townes. 1978. 1chneumon-flies of Amer- Manual of the New World genera of the family Bra-
ica north of Mexico. Part 7: Subfamily Banchinae, tribes eonidae (Hymenoptera). Special Publieation Interna-
lissonotini and Banchini. Mem. Amer. Entorno!. Inst. tional Society ofHymenopterists 1:1-439.
No. 26, 614 pp. Wilson, E. O. 1971. The Insect Societies. Cambridge, MA:
Townes, H., and M. Townes. 1981. A revision of the Serphidae Harvard University Press, 548 pp.
(Hymenoptera). Mem. Amer. Entorno!. Inst. No. 32, 541 Yu, D. S., and K. Horstmann. 1997. A catalogue ofworld Ieh-
pp. [Includes both Proetotrupidae and Vanhomiidae.] neumonidae (Hymenoptera). Mem. Amer. Entorno!. Inst.
van Aehterberg, C. 1984. Essay on the phylogeny of Bra- 58. 1558 pp.
eonidae (Hymenoptera: Iehneumonoidea). Entorno!. Tid-
skr. 105:41-58.
29 Order Trichoptera1,2
he caddisflies are small to medium-sized insects, spun from modified salivary glands and may be trompet-
T somewhat similar to moths in general appearance. shaped, finger-shaped, or cup-shaped, with the open
The four, membranous wings are rather hairy (and oc- end facing upstream. They are often attached to the
casionally also bear scales), and at rest they are usually side of a rock or other object over which the water
held rooflike over the abdomen. The antennae are long flows. The larvae spend their time near these nets (ina
and slender. Most caddisflies are rather dull-colored in- retreat of some sort) and feed on the materials caught
sects, but a few are conspicuously patterned. The in the nets. The free-living caddisfly larvae, which con-
mouthparts are of the chewing type, with the palps struct neither cases nor nets, are generally predaceous.
well developed but with the mandibles much reduced. The larvae fasten their cases to some object in the
The adults feed principally on liquid foods. Caddisflies water when they have completed their growth, seal the
undergo complete metamorphosis, and the larvae are opening (or openings) in the case, and pupate in the
aquatic. case. When the pupa is fully developed, it cuts its way
Caddisfly larvae are caterpillar-like, with a well- out of the case with its mandibles (which are well de-
developed head and thoracic legs and a pair of hook- veloped in this stage), swims to the surface, then
like appendages at the end of the abdomen. The ab- crawls out of the water onto a stone, stick, or similar
dominal segments some times bear filamentous gills object, and the adult emerges.
(Figure 29-1). Caddisfly larva e live in various types The wing venation of caddisflies (Figures 29-2A,
of aquatic habitats. Some live in ponds or lakes, and 29-3) is rather generalized, and there are few crossveins.
others live in streams. Some larvae are case makers, The subcosta is usually two-branched, the radius five-
others construct nets under water, and a few are free- branched, the media four-branched in the front wing
living. and three-branched in the hind wing, and the cubitus
The cases of the case-making larvae are made of three-branched. The anal veins in the front wing usually
bits of leaves, twigs, sand grains, pebbles, or other ma- form two Y-shaped veins near the base of the wing. Most
terials and are of various shapes (Figure 29-8). Each species have a characteristic wing spot in the fork of R..s.
species builds a very characteristic type of case, and in CU2in the hind wing usually fuses basally with lA fora
some species the young larvae build a case different short distance. In naming the cubital and anal veins in
from that made by older larvae. The materials used in this order, we follow the interpretation of Ross (1944)
making the case are fastened together with silk, or they and others rather than that of Comstock (1940). The
may be cemented together. Case-making larvae usually veins we call CUloand CU¡bare called CUt and Cu2,re-
eat living or dead plant material. The nets of the net- spectively, by Comstock, who considers the remaining
making species (found in streams) are made of silk veins to be anal veins. In some groups (for example, fig-
ure 29-2A), the basal part of CUt in the front wing ap-
'Trichoptera: tricho, hair; ptera, wings. pears like a crossvein.
'This chapter benefited fram the editing and substantive additions The majority of the caddisflies are rather weak
558 by John C. Morse, Tatyana S. Vshivkov, and David Ruiter. fliers. The wings are vestigial in winter in the females
Order Trichoptera 559
~ /
. -~.
Figure29-1 Caddisfly larvae.
A, Hydroptila waubesiana Betten
(Hydroptilidae), dorsal view at left,
lateral view at right; B, Rhyacophila
fenestra Ross (Rhyacophilidae);
C, Polyeentropus interruptus (Banks)
(Polycentropidae); D, Hydropsyche
simulans Ross (Hydropsychidae).
(Courtesy of Ross and the Illinois
Natural History Survey.)
--9 A
cla--- -- aed
~ G
A e
,." t'~'::':'
~ ,
fJt} J
~~ C2i-,,~~~~
~D E F
Familiesmarked with an asterisk (*) in the key are small or unlike1y to be encountered
bythe general collector. Keys to larvae are given by Wiggins (l996a, 1996b).
B e D
Keyto the Familiesof Trichoptera 565
11(10). Hind wing fork of R2and R3sessile, arising at or basal of the level of one
or more crossveins (Figures 29-7F,G); hind wing fork of R, and R, distal,
arising well beyond any other wing forks or crossveins (Figures 29-7F,G) Rossianidae p. 568
11'. Hind wing fork of R2and R3absent (Figure 29-7H) or petiolate
(Figures 29-7IJ), arising beyond all crossveins; hind wing fork of R,
and R, more nearly basal, arising at level of other wing forks and
crossveins (Figures 29-7H-J) Apataniidae p. 568
12(2'). Maxillary palps with 5 or more segments 13
12'. Maxillary palps with fewer than 5 segments 19
13(12). Terminal segment of maxillary palps much longer than preceding segment,
with numerous cross striae that the other segments do not have
(Figure 29-5G) 14
13'. Terminal segment of maxillary palps without such cross striae, similar in
structure and length to preceding segment, or some segments with long
hair brushes (Figure 29-5A) 19
14(13). Mesoscutum with a pair of warts 15
14'. Mesoscutum without warts (Figure 29-4A) Hydropsychidae p. 566
15(14), Mesoscutum with a pair of small, rounded warts that are sometimes
touching at midline (Figure 29-4B); widely distributed 16
15', Mesoscutal warts large, somewhat quadrate, continuous along entire
midline of mesoscutum; southern Texas Xiphocentronidae* p. 566
16(15). Front tibiae with a preapical spur, or if this spur absent (Cemotína,
Polycentropodidae) then basal tarsal segment less than twice as long
as longer apical spur 17
16', Front tibíae without a preapícal spur and basal tarsal segment at least
twice as long as the longer apical spur Psychomyiidae p. 566
17(16). R¡ in front wing branched; R2+3not branched (Figure 29-7K); Texas Ecnomidae* p. 566
17'. R¡ in front wing not branched; R2and R3usually branched
(Figures 29-7L,M) 18
18(17'). Fork of R2and R3in front wing originating at radial sector crossvein (rs)
which closes the discoidal cell (O) (Figure 29-7L); eastern V.s. and
Canada Dipseudopsidae * p. 566
18'. Fork of R2and R3in front wing originating well beyond radial sector
crossvein (Figure 29-7M); widely distributed Polycentropodidae p. 566
19(12', Tarsal segments, except basal one, with spines only around apex
13'). (Figure 29-6A); mesoscutum lacking warts and setae Beraeidae* p. 569
19', Tarsal segments with spines arranged irregularly (Figure 29-6F);
mesoscutum with warts or setal areas 20
20(19'). Mesoscutal setae arising in area extending over almost the entire length
of mesoscutum (Figure 29-4C,H) 21
20'. Mesoscutal setae usually confined to a pair ofwarts (Figure 29-4F,G,IJ,K) 23
21(20). Basal segment of antennae at most twice as long as second; dorsum of
head usually with posteromesal ridge Calamoceratidae p. 569
21'. Basal segment of antennae at least 3 times as long as second; dorsum of
head without posteromesal ridge 22
22(21'), Antennae much longer than body; middle tibiae without preapical spurs Leptoceridae p. 569
22', Antennae liule if any longer than body; middle tibiae with 2 preapical spurs Molannidae p. 569
566 Chapter29 OrderTrichoptera
finger-shaped or tubular nets that are attached to The case is usually somewhat purse-shaped, with each
stones. Many such nets are frequendy attached close end open (Figure 29-8B).
together. The larva stays in the net and feeds on the Family Hydrobiosidae: The only members of this
[ood caught there; pupation occurs in cases made of group in North America are three species of Atopsyche,
pebbles and lined with silk. which occur in the Southwest. The larva e do not make
Family Glossosomatidae-Saddle-Case Makers: The cases, and are predaceous.
adults in this group are usually brownish with the Family Rhyacophilidae-Primitive Caddisflies: These
wings more or less motded, and they vary in length insects are very similar to the Glossosomatidae (which
[ram3 to 13 mm. The antennae are short, and the max- were formerly considered a subfamily of the Rhya-
illarypalps are five-segmented in both sexes. The lar- cophilidae), but they differ in habits. These caddisfiies
vaelive in rapid streams. The larvae make saddlelike or do not make cases and are predaceous. This is a fairly
tunle-shaped cases (Figure 29-8A). These cases are large group, and all but one of its approximately 127
oval,with the dorsal side convex and composed of rel- North American species belong to the genus Rhya-
atively large pebbles, and the ventral side is fiat and cophila.
composed of smaller pebbles and sand grains. When Family Goeridae: This a small group that is repre-
these larvae pupate, the ventral side of the case is cut sented in North America by 11 species. In these cad-
awayand the upper part is fastened to a stone. disflies, the maxillary palps are five-segmented in the
Family Hydroptilidae-Microcaddisflies: This is a females and three-segmented in the males. The larvae
largegroup (263 North American species) of small cad- live in streams and construct cases of small pebbles,
disfliesthat are 1.5 to 6 mm long. They are quite hairy usually with two large pebbles glued to each side act-
(Figure 29-9F), and most have a salt-and-pepper mot- ing as ballast.
tling. The larvae of most species live in small lakes. Family limnephilidae-Northern Caddisflies: This
These insects undergo a sort of hypermetamorphosis: large family has 239 species in North America. Most
Theearly instars are active and do not construct cases, species are northern in distribution. The adults vary in
but the last instar does make a case. The anal hooks are length from 7 to 23 mm, and most species are brownish
much larger in the active instars than in the last instar. with the wings mottled or patterned (Figure 29-9A).
568 Chapter29 OrderTrichoptera
,oJ'.i.'...:;, ¡he maxillary palps are three-segmented in the males western species; 7 eastern species; and 3 transconti-
..(, an.dfive-segmented in the females. The larvae live prin- nental, northern-boreal species. Larvae of Apatania are
..cipally in ponds and slow-moving streams. The cases scrapers that browse on algae and other organic mate-
are made of a variety of materials, and in some species rial attached on the surface of stones. They graze while
the cases made by the young larvae are quite different protected in sand cases that are tapered and curved
from those made by older larvae. The larval stages of posteriorly.
one species in this family, Philocasea demita Ross, which FamilyRossianidae:This is another family that was
occur in Oregon, live in moist leaf liuer. recently segregated from the family Limnephilidae. It
FamilyApataniidae:This familywas recently segre- includes two western species, each in its own genus.
gated from the family Limnephilidae and includes 24 Larvae eat fine bits of organic debris in springs and may
Collectingand PreservingTrichoptera 569
scrapealgae and shred leaves of mosses. Their mineral Family Leptoceridae-Long-Horned Caddisflies: These
casesare tapered and curved. caddisflies are slender, often pale-colored, 5-17 mm
Family Uenoidae: This small group has 51 North long, and they have long, slender antennae that are of-
American species. The larval cases are made of sand ten nearly twice as long as the body (Figure 29-9G).
grainsor small pebbles and are long, slender, tapered, This large family includes 112 North American species.
andcurved or resemble the cases of Goeridae. The larvae live in a variety of habitats, and there is con-
Family Brachycentridae: Of the 37 North American siderable variation in the types of cases they make.
speciesin this family, 33 belong to two genera, Brachy- Some species make long, slender, tapering cases
centrosand Micrasema.The young larvae of Brachy- (Figure 29-8H,I); some construct cases of twigs (Fig-
centroslive near the shores of small streams, where ure 29-8E); and some construct comucopia-shaped
they feed principally on algae. Older larva e move to cases of sand grains or pieces of freshwater sponge.
midstream and attach their cases (Figure 29-8G) to Family Molannidae: This group is small (seven
stones, facing upstream, and feed on both algae and North American species), and the known larvae live on
small aquatic insects. The adults are 6-11 mm long the sandy bottoms of streams and lakes. The larval
and dark brown to black, with the wings often tawny cases are shield-shaped and consist of a central cylin-
and checkered. The maxillary palps are three- drical tube with lateral expansions (Figure 29-8D).
segmented in the males and five-segmented in the The adults, which are 10-16 mm long, are usually
females. brownish gray with the wings somewhat motded, and
Family Lepidostomatidae: This group contains two the maxillary palps are five-segmented in both sexes.
American genera, Lepidostoma and Theliopsyche, with The adults at rest sit with the wings curled about the
68 species (62 of them in Lepidostoma). The females body, which is held at an angle to the surface on which
havefive-segmented maxillary palps, and the maxillary the insect rests.
palpsof the males are three-segmented or have a curi- Family Beraeidae:This family contains only three
ously modified one-segmented structure. The larva e North American species, in the genus Beraea, which
liveprincipally in streams or springs. Their cases are occur in the Northeast and in Georgia. The adults are
mosdy square in cross section and composed of leaf brownish and about 5 mm long. The larval cases are
and bark fragments. The cases of some species are curved, smooth, and made of sand grains.
cylindrical and made of sand grains. Family Helicopsychidae-Snail-Case Caddisflies:This
Family Phryganeidae-Large Caddisflies: The adults family contains the single genus Helicopsyche, with
of this group are fairly large caddisflies (14-25 mm seven North American species. Adults can usually be
long),and the wings are usually mottled with gray and recognized by the short mesoscutellum with its narrow,
brown (Figure 29-9B,E). The maxillary palps are four- transverse warts (Figure 29-4F) and the hamuli on the
segmented in the males (Figure 29-5F) and five- hind wings (Figure 29-3G). The adults are 5-7 mm
segmented in the females (Figure 29-5E). The larvae long and somewhat straw-colored, with the wings mot-
liveprincipally in marshes and lakes; only a few are ded with brownish. The larvae construct cases of sand
foundin streams. The larval cases are slender, cylindri- that are shaped like a snail shell (Figure 29-8F). During
cal, open at both ends, and usually made of narrow development the larvae live on sandy bottorns, and when
strips of plant materials glued together longitudinally, ready to pupate they attach their cases in clusters on
usuallyin rings or a spiral. stones. The cases are about 6 mm wide.
Family Odontoceridae: The adults in this group are Family Sericostomatidae:This is a small group (16
about 13 mm long, the body is blackish, and the wings North American species), the larva e of which live in
aregrayish brown with light dots. The larvae live in the both lakes and streams. Agarodes and Fattigia are east-
rifflesof swift streams, where they construct cylindri- em genera, and Gumaga occurs in the West. The larval
cal,often curved, cases of sand. When ready to pupate, cases are usually tapered, curved, short, smooth, and
large numbers attach their cases to stones, with the composed of sand grains, sometimes also with wood
casesglued together and parallel. fragments.
Family Calamoceratidae: The adults of this group UNIVERSIDAD
are orange-brown or brownish black, with the maxil-
lary palps five- or six-segmented. The larvae live in BIBLIOTECA
both still and rapidly flowing water. The cases of most Collecting and Preserving Trichoptera
speciesare flat and composed of large pieces of leaves
or bark. Larvae of species of Heteroplectron tunnel Caddisfly adults are usually found near water. The
through the length of a stick or piece of wood, which habitat preferences of species differ, so to get a large
then serves as a case. This group is small (five North number of species visit a variety of habitats. The adults
American species), in which two species are eastem can be collected by sweeping in the vegetation along
and three occur in the West. the margins of and near ponds and streams, by check-
570 Chapter29 OrderTrichoptera
ing the underside of bridges, and by collecting at lights. more difficult to identify to species than specirnens
The best way of collecting the adults is at lights. Blue preserved in alcohol. When using lights (for exarnple,
lights seem more attractive than other colors. automobile headlights), one can easily collect large
Caddisfly larvae can be collected by the various numbers by placing a pan containing about 6 rnrn of
methods of aquatic collecting discussed in Chapter 35. alcohol (or water containing a detergent) directly be-
Many can be found attached to stones in the water; low the light. The insects eventually fly into the alco-
others will be found among aquatic vegetation; and hol and be caught. Specimens attracted to lights may
still others can be collected with a dip net used to also be taken directly into a cyanide jar and then
scoop up bottom debris or aquatic vegetation. transferred to alcohol, or they may be picked off the
Preserve both adult and larval caddisflies in 80% light by dipping the index finger in alcohol and
alcohol. Adults may be pinned, but pinning fre- scooping up the insect rapidly but gently on the wet
quently damages the thoracic warts that are used in finger. An aspirator is a useful device for collecting
separating families, and most dried specimens are the smaller species.
Betten, C. 1934. The caddis flies or Trichoptera of New York Ross, H. H. 1944. The caddis flies or Trichoptera of Illinois.
Sta te. N.Y. State Mus. Bull. 292:1-570. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 23(1):1-236.
Cornstock,]. H. 1940. An introducion to entornology. Ninth Ross, H. H. 1956. Evolution and Classification of the Mountain
edition. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornstock Publishing Cornpany, Caddisflies. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 213 pp.
Inc. 1064 pp. Ross, H. H. 1959. Trichoptera. W T. Edmondson (Ed.),
Denning, D. G. 1956. Trichoptera. In R. L. Usinger (Ed.), Fresh-Water Biology, pp. 1024-1049. New York: Wiley.
Aquatic Insects of California, pp. 237-270. Berkeley: Ross, H. H. 1967. The evolution and past dispersal of the Iri-
University of California Press. choptera. Annu. Rev. Entorno!. 12:169-206.
Flint, O. S.,Jr. 1973. Studies ofNeotropical caddisflies. Part 16: Ruiter, D. E. 2000. Generic key to the adult ocellate Lim-
The genus Austrotínodes (Trichoptera: Psychornyiidae). nephiloidea of the Western Hemisphere (Insecta: Iri-
Proc. Bio!. Soco Wash. 86(11):127-142. choptera). Misc. Contrib. Ohio Bio!. Surv. No. 5, 22 pp.
Holzenthal, R. W, and R.]. Blahnik. 1997. Trichoptera, caddis- Schmid, F. 1970. Le genre Rhyacophila et la famille des Rhya-
l1ies. http://tolweb.orgltree?group=Trichoptera&:contgroup cophilidae (Trichoptera). Mem. SOCoEntorno!. Can. No.
= Endopterygota. Accessed February 4, 2004. In D. R. 66, 230 pp.
Maddison (Ed.), 2001, Tree of Life Web Project. http:// Schmid, F. 1980.Les insectes et arachnides du Canada. Partie
tolweb.orgltreel#top. Accessed February 4,2004. 7, genera des Trichoptéres du Canada et des états adja.
Merritt, R. W, and K. W Cummins (Eds.). 1996. An Intro- cents. Direction de la Recheuche, Agriculture Canada,
duction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, 3rd ed. Ottawa. 1692, 296 pp.
Dubuque, lA: KendalllHunt, 862 pp. Schmid, F. 1998. Genera of the Trichoptera of Canada and
Morse,]. C. 1993. A checklist of the Trichoptera of North Adjoining or Adjacent United States. The Insects and
America, including Greenland and Mexico. Trans. Amer. Arachnids of Canada, Part 7. Ottawa: NRC Research
Entorno!. Soco 119:47-93. Press, 319 pp.
Morse,]. C. 1997. Phylogeny of Trichoptera. Annu. Rev. En- Smith, S. D. 1968. The Arctopsychinae of Idaho (Trichoptera:
torno!. 42:427-450. Hydropsychidae). Pan-Paco Entorno!. 44:102-112.
Morse, ]. C. (Ed.). 2001. Trichoptera World Checklist. Wiggins, G. B. 1987. Order Trichoptera. In F.W Stehr (Ed.),
http://entweb. tabase/tricoptlindex. htrn Immature Insects, pp. 253-287. Dubuque, lA:
(8Jan 2001). Accessed February 4,2004. KendalllHunt, 754 pp.
Morse,]. c., and R. W Holzentha!. 1996. Trichoptera genera. Wiggins, G. B. 1996a. Larvae of North American Caddisfly
In R. W Merritt and K. W Curnmins (Eds.), An Intro- Genera (Trichoptera), 2nd ed. Toronto: University 01
duction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, 3rd ed., Toronto Press, 401 pp.
pp. 350-386. Dubuque, lA: KendalllHunt, 862 pp. Wiggins, G. B. 1996b. Trichoptera. In R. W Merritt and K.W
Nimmo, A. P. 1971. The adult Rhyacophilidae and Lim- Cummins (Eds.), An Introduction to the Aquatic InseclS
., nephilidae (Trichoptera) of Alberta and eastern British of North America, pp. 309-349. Dubuque, lA: KendalV
Columbia and their post-glacial origins. Quaest. Ento- Hunt.
rno!. 7(1):3"':234. Wiggins, G. B. 1998. The caddisfly farnily Phryganeidae (Iri-
Pennak, R. W 1978. Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United choptera). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 306pp.
States, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley Interscience, 803 pp.
30 Order Lepidoptera1,2
Butterfliesand Moths
he butterflies and moths are common insects and well Most moths have two ocelli, one on each side close to
Tknown to everyone. They are most readily recognized the margin of the compound eye. Some speeies have
bythe scales on the wings (Figure 30-1), which come off sensory organs called chaetosemata near the ocelli.
likedust on one's fingers when the insects are handled. Several families have auditory organs called tym-
Mostof the body and legs are also covered with scales. pana, which are believed to function in the detection of
Ihis order is a large one, with more than 11,500 speeies the high-frequency echolocating sounds of bats. The
occurringin the United States and Canada; its members Pyraloidea and all the Geometroidea except the Sema-
arefound almost everywhere, often in large numbers. turidae have these organs on the anterior sternite of the
The Lepidoptera have considerable economic im- abdomen, whereas in the Noctuoidea these organs are
portance.The larvae of most species are phytophagous, located ventrolaterally on the metathorax.
andmany are serious pests of cultivated plants. A few The members of this order undergo complete
feedon fabrics, and a few feed on stored grain or meal. metamorphosis, and their larvae, usually called cater-
However,the adults of many speeies are beautiful and
muchsought by collectors, and many serve as models
forart and designo Natural silk is produced by a mem-
berof this order.
The mouthparts of a butterfly or moth are usually
fittedfor sucking. A few speeies have vestigial mouth-
partsand do not feed in the adult stage, and the mouth-
partsin one family (the Micropterigidae) are of the
chewingtype. The labrum is small and is usually in the
formof a transverse band across the lower part of
¡heface,at the base of the proboseis. The mandibles are
nearlyalways lacking. The proboseis, when present, is
formedby the appressed, longitudinally groovedgaleae
ofthe maxillae and is usually long and coiled. The
maxillarypalps are generally small or lacking, but the .'
labialpalps are nearly always well developed and usu-
allyextendforward in front of the face (Figure 30-2B).
The compound eyes of a butterfly or moth are rel-
ativelylarge and consist of a large number of facets.
pillars, are a familiar sight. Many lepidopteran larvae they usually bear at their apex a number of tiny hooks
have a grotesque or feroeious appearance that makes called eroehets. Some larvae, such as the measuring-
some people afraid of them, but the vast majority are worms and loopers, have fewer than five pairs of pro-
quite harmless when handled. Only a few give off an legs, and some lycaenids and leaf-mining microlepi-
offensive odor, and only a very few temperate speeies doptera have neither legs nor prolegs. The only other
have stinging body hairs. The ferocious appearance erueiform larvae likely to be confused with those of the
probably plays a role in defense by deterring potential Lepidoptera are the larvae of sawflies. Sawfly larvae
predators. (Figure 28-37) have only one ocellus on each side, the
The larva e of Lepidoptera are usually erueiform prolegs do not have crochets, and generally have more
(Figure 30-3), with a well-developed head and a cylin- than five pairs of prolegs. Most sawfly larvae are 25 rnm
drical body of 13 segments (3 thoracic and 10 abdom- long or less, whereas many lepidopteran larvae are con-
inal). The head usually has six stemmata on each side, siderably larger.
just above the mandibles, and a pair of very short an- Most butterfly and moth larvae feed on plants, but
tennae. Each thoracic segment bears a pair of legs, and different speeies feed in different ways. The larger larvae
abdominal segments 3-6 and 10 usually bear a pair of generally feed at the edge of the leaf and consume all
prolegs. The prolegs differ somewhat from the thoraeic but the larger veins; the smaller larvae skeletonize the
legs. They are more fleshy and lack segmentation, and leaf or eat small holes in it. Many larvae are leaf miners,
feeding inside the leaf, and their mines can be linear, Most Lepidoptera have one generation ayear,
trumpet shaped, or blotchlike. A few are gall makers, usually overwintering as a larva or pupa. A few have
and a few bore in the fruits, stems, wood, or other parts two or more generations ayear, and a few require 2 or
ofthe planto A very few are predaceous on other insects. 3 years to complete a generation. Many species over-
The larvae of Lepidoptera have well-developed winter in the egg stage; some overwinter as adults.
silk glands, which are modified salivary glands that
open on the labium. Many larvae use this silk in mak-
ing a cocoon, and some use it in making shelters. Leaf
rollers and leaf folders roll or fold up a leaf, tie it in Classification of the Lepidoptera
place with silk, and feed inside the shelter so formed.
Other larvae tie a few leaves together and feed inside Entomologists have made several arrangements of the
this shelter. Some of the gregarious species, such as the major groups of Lepidoptera. One of the first was the
tent caterpillars and webworms, make a large shelter division of the order into two suborders, Rhopalocera
involving many leaves and even entire branches. (butterflies) and Heterocera (moths), based princi-
Pupation occurs in various situations. Many larvae pally on antennal characters. Later the order carne to
forman elaborate cocoon and transform to the pupa in- be divided into two suborders on the basis of wing
sideit. Others make a very simple cocoon, and still oth- venation and the nature of the wing coupling: the Ju-
ers make no cocoon at all. Many larvae pupate in some gatae or Homoneura and the Frenatae or Heteroneura;
sortof protected situation. The pupae (Figure 30-4) are the Jugatae usually had a jugum (and lacked a frenu-
usually obtect, with the appendages firrnly attached to lum) and a similar venation in the front and hind
the body. Moth pupae are usually brownish and rela- wings, whereas the Frenatae usually had a frenulum
tively smooth, whereas butterfly pupae are variously (but no a jugum) and a reduced venation in the hind
colored and are often tuberculate or sculptured. Most wings.
butterflies do not make a cocoon, and their pupa e are Past authorities have recognized two major divi-
often called chrysalids (singular, chrysalis). The chrys- sions within the order, the microlepidoptera and the
alids of some butterflies (Nymphalidae, Danainae, macrolepidoptera (referring to the insects' average
Satyrinae,and Libytheinae) are attached to a leaf or twig size). As used in this book (and by most authorities us-
bythe cremas ter, a spiny process at the posterior end of ing these terms), the microlepidoptera include the
the body, and hang head downward (Figure 30-4B). In Monotrysia and the ditrysian superfamilies Tineoidea,
other cases (Lycaenidae, Pieridae, and Papilionidae), Gelechioidea, Yponomeutoidea, and Tortricoidea.
the chrysalis is attached by the cremaster, but it is held Most recent arrangements have separated the Mi-
in a more or less upright position by a silken girdle cropterigidae into a suborder by itself, the Zeugloptera
about the middle of the body (Figure 30-4A). Some (some authorities consider this an order, related to the
moth larvae (certain Sphingidae, Satumiidae, and Lepidoptera and Trichoptera), with the remaining Lepi-
Pyralidae)pupate underground. A few moth larvae con- doptera divided into two suborders, the Monotrysia and
struct elaborate cocoons, for example, the network co- the Ditrysia, based principally on the number of genital
coon of Urodus (Urodidae), which is attached to a openings in the female. This arrangement places the Eri-
branch by a long, silken stalk. ocraniidae, Acanthopteroctetidae, Hepialidae, Nepticu-
Figure30-4 Pupae of Lepi-
doptera. A, Papilio (Papilionidae);
B, Nymphalis (Nymphalidae);
C, Hclicoverpa (Noctuidae),
dorsal view; D, same, lateral
view. cre, cremas ter; sp, spiracle.
(Courtesy of Peterson. Reprinted
e D by permission.)
574 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
loidea, and Incurvarioidea in the Monotrysia and the Ypsolophidae (Hypsolophidae, including Ochsen-
rest in the Ditrysia. heimeriidae)
Some authorities (for example, Common 1975) Plutellidae
believe the Eriocraniidae, Acanthopteroctetidae, and Acrolepiidae *
Hepialidae differ sufficiently from the other groups Glyphipterigidae (Glyphipterygidae)
originally included in the Monotrysia to remove them Heliodinidae (Schreckensteiniidae)
from that suborder and place them in two separate sub- Bedellidae *
orders, the Dacnonypha (for the Eriocraniidae and Lyonetiidae*
Acanthopteroctetidae) and the Exoporia (for the Hepi- Superfamily Gelechioidea
alidae and some related exotic families). Elachistidae (Stenomatidae, Ethmiidae, Azinidae,
Many authors presented a review of the classifica- Depressariidae [Epigraphiidae, Cryptolechi-
tion of the Lepidoptera in Kristensen (1998) that elim- idae, Haemilidae, Thalamarchellidae], Elachis-
inates suborders and treats superfamilies as the basic tidae [Cycnodiidae, Aphelosetiidae], Agonox-
units of higher classification. This classification is ten- enidae [Blastodacnidae, Parametriotidae])
tative in many areas but reflects what is currently Xyloryctidae (Scythrididae)
known about the world fauna. Several rearrangements Glyphidoceridae
have been made since the Hodges et al. checklist Oecophoridae ([Dasyceridae], Stathmopodidae,
(1983), the classification used in this book and out-
[Tinaegeriidae, Ashinagidae])
lined next (with altemate spellings, names, or arrange- Batrachedridae *
ments in parentheses). The families marked with an as- Deoclonidae *
terisk (*) either are very rare or are unlikely to be taken Coleophoridae ([Haploptilidae, Eupistidae],
by a general collector. Momphidae [Lavemidae], Blastobasidae,
Superfamily Micropterigoidea (Micropterygoidea) Pterolonchidae)
Micropterigidae (Micropterygidae)* Autostichidae (Symmocidae)*
Peleopodidae *
Superfamily Eriocranioidea
Eriocraniidae * Amphisbatidae (Oecophoridae, in part)
Cosmopterigidae (Cosmopterygidae, including
Superfamily Acanthopteroctetoidea Walshiidae)
Acanthopteroctetidae* Gelechiidae (Anacampsidae, Litidae, Anomologi-
Superfamily Hepialoidea dae, Anarsiidae)
Hepialidae Superfamily Zygaenoidea
Superfamily Nepticuloidea (Stigmelloidea) Epipyropidae*
Nepticulidae (Stigmellidae)* Megalopygidae (Lagoidae) *
Opostegidae* Limacodidae (Cochliidae, Eucleidae)
Superfamily Incurvarioidea Dalceridae (Acragidae)*
Heliozelidae * Lacturidae *
Adelidae Zygaenidae
Prodoxidae (Incurvariidae, in part) Superfamily Sesiodea
Incurvariidae Sesiidae (Aegeriidae)
Superfamily Tischerioidea Superfamily Cossoidea
Tischeriidae * Cossidae Cincluding Zeuzeridae and Hypoptidae)
Superfamily Tineoidea Superfamily Tortricoidea
Tineidae (Tinaeidae, including Hieroxestidae = Tortricidae Cincluding Cochylidae [Phaloniidae],
Oinophilidae) Sparganothidae, Olethreutidae, and
Acrolophidae Eucosmidae)
Psychidae Cincluding Talaeporiidae)
Superfamily Galacticoidea
Superfamily Gracillarioidea Galacticidae *
Douglasiidae *
Bucculatricidae (Bucculatrigidae) Superfamily Choreutoidea
Gracillariidae (Lithocolletidae, Phyllocnistidae)
Superfamily Yponomeutoidea Superfamily Urodoidea
Yponomeutidae (Hyponomeutidae, including
Attevidae, Prayidae, Scythropiidae, and Superfamily Schreckensteinioidea
Argyresthiidae) Schreckensteiniidae
CharactersUsedin IdentifyingLepidoptera 575
Se R,
h Se
The veins may fuse in various ways in the het- forming the posterior side of this cell appears three-
eroneuraus graups, and this fusing or stalking is used branched; when M2 arises nearer to M3 than to MI
in the key. The sub costa in the frant wing is nearly al- (Figures 30-23 through 30-28), then the cubitus ap-
ways free of the discal cell and líes between it and the pears four-branched.
costa. The branches of the radius arise fram the ante- Variations in the venation of the hind wing of the
rior side of the discal cell or from its outer anterior heteroneurous graups involve principally the nature of
comer. Two or more branches of the radius are fre- the fusion of Sc+ RI and the number of anal veins. In
quently stalked, that is, fused for a distance beyond so me cases R is separa te fram Se at the base of the
the discal cell. Certain radial branches occasionally wing, and R¡ appears as a crassvein between Rs and Se
fuse again beyond their point of separation, thus somewhere along the anterior side of the distal cel!
forming accessory cells (for example, Figure 30-17 A, (Figure 30-l7B). R¡ also fuses with Se eventually, and
aee). The three branches of the media usually arise judging fram the pupal tracheation, the vein reaching
fram the apex of the discal cell in both wings, al- the wing margin is Sc (the R¡ trachea is always small);
though MI may be stalked with a branch of the radius however, this vein at the margin is usually called
for a distance beyond the apex of the discal cell (Fig- Sc+ R¡. In many cases Se and R are fused basally, or
ure 30-13). The point of origin of M2 fram the apex they may be separate at the base and fuse for a short
of the discal cell is an important character used in distance along the anterior side of the discal cell (Fig-
separating different groups: When it arises from ures 30-26, 30-27). In the heteroneurous families,
the middle of the apex of the discal cell, as in Fig- most authorities call the lA of Comstock (1940) CuP;
ure 30-20, or anterior to the middle, the vein (Cu) his 2A as A¡+2;and his 3A as A3'
CharactersUsedin IdentifyingLepidoptera 577
A2/ ,
Se + R,
A1 +2 CuP
Figure 30-6 Generalized heteroneurous venation. The veins shown by dotted lines are
atrophied or lost in some groups. D, discal cell;J, frenulum.
OtherWing Characters
occurs in most of the other superfamilies (except the
Thewings on each side are made to operate together butterflies and some moths). Those higher Lepidoptera
byfour general mechanisms: a fibula, a jugum, a frenu- that lack a frenulum usually have the humeral angle of
lum,and an expanded humeral angle of the hind wing. the hind wing more or less expanded and fitting under
Afibula is a small, more-or-Iess triangular lobe at the the posterior margin of the front wing. A specialized
baseof the front wing on the posterior side (Fig- wing coupling of interlocking spines and wing folding
ure 30-34B, fib), which overlaps the base of the hind occurs in the Sesiidae.
wing.This mechanism occurs in the Micropterigoidea, The Nepticuloidea, Incurvarioidea, and Tis-
Eriocranioidea, and Acanthopteroctetoidea. A jugum is cheroidea have minute, hairlike spines on the wings
a small, fingerlike lobe at the base of the front wing (under the scales). These are termed aculeae, and such
(Figure30-5, j), which overlaps the base of the ante- wings may be described as aculeate (the aculeae are re-
rioredge of the hind wing. This structure occurs in the stricted to the base of the wings in Heliozelidae). The
Hepialoidea.A frenulum is a large bristle (acanthus) in aculeae can be seen when the scales are bleached or re-
malesor a group ofbristles (most females) arising from moved. They are not movable at the base.
¡hehumeral angle of the hind wing and fitting under a Most Lepidoptera have more or less triangular
groupof scales (female) or a sclerotized hook (males), front wings and somewhat rounded hind wings, but
¡heretinaculum near the costal margin (on the lower many have more elongate wings. Many smaller mi-
surface)of the front wing (Figure 30-6,1). A frenulum crolepidoptera have lanceolate wings; that is, both
578 Chapter30 Order Lepidoptera
front and hind wings are elongate and pointed apically, structure of the epiphysis. The epiphysis is a movable
and the hind wings are usually narrower than the front pad or spurlike structure on the inner surface of the
wings (as in Figure 30-33), often with a broad fringe of front tibia that is probably used in cleaning the anten-
hairlike scales. nae. The front legs are very much reduced in some ofthe
butterflies, particularly the Nyrnphalidae (Danainae,
HeadCharacters Satyrinae, and Libytheinae) and males of Riodininae.
The antennae of butterflies (Figure 30-7 A,B) are
Studying Wing Venation in the Lepidoptera
slender and knobbed at the tip; those of moths (Fig-
ure 30-7C-E) are usually filiform, setaceous, or plu- It is often possib1e to see venational details in a butter-
mose. The basal segment of the antennae in some of the fly or moth without any special treatment of the wings,
microlepidoptera is enlarged, and when the antenna is or in some cases by putting a few drops of alcohol or
bent down and back this segment fits over the eye. Such xylene on the wings or by carefully scraping off a few
an enlarged basal antennal segment is called an eye cap of the wing scales. However, it is often necessary to
(Figure 30-29B). Most moths have a pair of ocelli 10- bleach the wings in order to study all details of wing
cated on the upper surface of the head close to the com- venation. A method of bleaching and mounting the
pound eyes (Figure 30-2A, oc). These ocelli often can wings of Lepidoptera is described here.
be seen only by separating the hairs and scales. The The materials needed for clearing and mounting
mouthpart characters most often used in keys are the lepidopteran wings are as follows:
nature of the labial and maxillary palps and the pro-
boscis. Certain exotic families do not conform to these 1. Three watch glasses, one containing 95% alcohol,
distinctions between moths and butterflies. one containing 10% hydrochloric acid, and one
containing equal proportions of aqueous solutions
of sodium chloride and sodium hypochlorite
Leg Characters
(laundry bleach serves fairly well in place of this
The leg characters of value in identification include the mixture)
form of the tibial spurs and the tarsal claws, the presence 2. A preparation dish of water, preferably distilled
or absence of spines on the legs, and occasionally the water
3. Slides (preferably 50 by 50 mm), masks, and wings to the left). Ihis procedure is most easily
binding tape (or cover slips, and gummed labels accomplished by floating the wings in water (for
with holes cut in the center) example, in a preparation dish) and bringing the
4. Forceps and dissecting needle slide up from undemeath. Ihe wings should be
oriented on the slide while they are wet.
Ihe procedure for clearing and mounting the 7. Allow the slide and wings to dry. If all the bleach
wingsis as follows: has not been removed and some is deposited on
the slide, place the slide again in water, carefully
1. Remove the wings from one side of the specimen, remove the wings, clean the slide, and remount
being careful not to tear them or to break any the wings.
connections such as the frenulum between the 8. Place the mask on the slide around the wings (put
front and hind wings. The frenulum is less likely data, labeling, and the like on the mask), put on
to be broken if the front and hind wings are re- the cover slide, and bind. Before binding the slide,
moved together. make sure the wings are dry and both slides are
2. Dip the wings in 95% alcohol for a few seconds to perfectly clean.
wet them.
3. Dip the wings in 10% hydrochloric acid for a few Such a slide and the specimen from which the
seconds. wings have been removed should always be labeled so
4. Place the wings in the mixture of sodium chloride they can be associated. A wing slide of this son will
and sodium hypochlorite (or bleach), and leave keep indefinitely and can be studied under the micro-
them there until the color is removed. Ihis pro- scope or projected on a screen for demonstration. In the
cess usually requires only a few minutes. If the case of wings 13 mm or less in length, it is better not to
wings are slow in clearing, dip them in the acid use a mask. Ihe mask may be thicker than the wings,
again and then retum them to the bleaching and the wings may slip or curl after the slide is bound.
solution. Ihe labeling can be put on a small strip of paper that is
5. Rinse the wings in water to remove the excess attached to the outside of the slide with cellophane
bleach. tape. Small wings can also be mounted under a cover
6. Place the wings on the slide, centered and prop- slip, and the cover slip held down with a gummed slide
erly oriented (preferably with the base of the label with a large hole cut from its center.
,' " . ~.
.; . ,~,
4 ,
Figure30-10 Wings ofbutterflies. A, Danaus (Nymphalidae, Danainae); B, Cercyonis
(Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). hv, humeral vein.
582 Chapter30 Order lepidoptera
Figure30-13 Wings of
Pieridae. A, an orange-tip
(Euchloe); B, a sulphur (Colias).
B hv, humeral vein.
.' .
584 Chapter30 Order Lepidoptera
8(7'). Cubitus in front wing apparently 4-branched, hind wing with single anal
vein (Figure 30-9); hind wing often with 1 or more tail-like prolongations
on posterior margin Papilionidae p.620
8'. Cubitus in front wing apparently 3-branched, hind wing with 2 anal veins
(Figures 30-10 through 30-14); hind wing usually without tail-like
prolongations on posterior margin 9
9(8'). Labial palps very long, longer than thorax, and thickly hairy Nymphalidae
(Figure 30-61C) (Libytheinae)* p.623
9'. Labial palps of normal size, shorter than thorax 10
10(9'). Radius in front wing 5-branched (Figures 30-10 through 30-12, 30-13A);
front legs usually reduced in size 11
lO'. Radius in front wing 3- or 4-branched (Figures 30-13B, 30-14, 30-60);
front legs usually of normal size 14
11(10). A) in front wing present but short, A¡+2appearing to have a basal fork
(Figure 30-1OA); antennae not scaled above; relatively large, brownish Nymphalidae
or orangebutterflies(Figure30-65A) (Danainae) p.623
11'. A) in front wing lacking, A1+2not appearing forked at base
(Figures 30-1OB, 30-11, 30-12A, 30-13A); antennae usually scaled above 12
12(11'). Some veins in front wing (especially Sc) greatly swollen at base
(Figure 30-1OB); front wings more or less triangular; antennae swollen
apically but not distinctly knobbed; small butterflies, usually brownish Nymphalidae
or grayish with eyespots in the wings (Figure 30-64) (Satyrinae) p.6L3
12'. Generally with no veins in front wing greatly swollen at base (Sc in front
wing slightly swollen in some Nymphalidae); wing color and shape, and
antennae, usually not as in preceding entry 13
13(12'). M¡ in front wing stalked with R beyond discal cell (Figure 30-13A);
front legs normal, or only slightly reduced, their claws bifid; small
butterflies, usually white with black or orange markings (orange-tips) Pieridae p.621
13'. M¡ in front wing not stalked with R beyond discal cell; front legs much
reduced, without tarsal claws, not used in walking; usually medium-sized Nymphalidae
to large butterflies, and not colored as in preceding entry (Nymphalinae) p.623
14(10'). M¡ in front wing stalked with R beyond discal cell (Figure 30-13B); small
to medium-sized butterflies, with white, yellow, or orange coloration,
usually marked with black (Figure 30-59) Pieridae p.621
14'. M¡ in front wing usually not stalked with R beyond discal cell
(Figure 30-14); usually not colored as in preceding entry Lycaenidae p.622
15(6'). Wings, especially hind wings, deeply cleft or divided into plumelike lobes
(Figure 30-52); legs long and slender, with long tibial spurs 16
15'. Wings entire, or front wings only slightly cleft 17
16(15). Each wing divided into 6 plumelike lobes Alucitidae* p.616
16'. Front wings divided into 2-4 lobes, hind wings divided into 3 lobes
(except Agdistis) (Figure 30-52) Pterophoridae p.616
17(15'). A part of the wings, especially hind wings, devoid of scales (Figure 30-46);
front wings long and narrow, at least 4 times as long as wide
(Figure 30-47); hind margin of front wings and costal margin of hind
wings with a series of recurved and interlocking spines and wing folds;
wasplike day-flying moths Sesiidae p.612
17'. Wings scaled throughout, or if with clear areas, then front wings are more
triangular; wings without such interlocking spines 18
Keyto the Familiesof lepidoptera 585
18(17/). Hind wings much broader than their fringe, usually wider than front
wings, never lanceolate; tibial spurs variable, often short or absent 19
18/. Hind wings with fringe as wide as wings or wider, hind wings usually
no wider than front wings, often lanceolate (Figure 30-42); tibial spurs
long, more than twice as long as width of tibia 63
19(18). Hind wing with 3 anal veins behind discal cell 20
19'. Hind wing with 1-2 anal veins behind discal cell 31
20(19). Hind wing with Sc and Rs fused for a varying distance beyond discal cell
or separa te but very closely parallel (Figure 30-15); Sc and R in hind
wing separate along front of discal cell, or base of R atrophied Pyralidae,Crambidae p.617
20'. Hind wing with Sc and Rs widely separate beyond discal cell, base of R
usually well developed 21
21(20'). Sc and Rs in hind wing fused to near end of discal cell or at least fused
beyond middle of cell (Figure 30-16) 22*
21'. Sc and Rs in hind wing separate from base or fused for a short distance
along basal half of cell (Figures 30-17, 30-18) 23
22(21). Wings largely or wholly blackish, thinly scaled; Rs in front wing arising
from discal cell (Figure 30-16A) Zygaenidae* p.612
22'. Wings largely yellowish or white, densely clothed with 50ft scales and
hair; Rs in front wing stalked beyond discal cell (Figure 30-16B) Megalopygidae* p.611
23(21/). Front wing with an accessory cell (Figure 30-17 A, acc) 24
23'. Front wing without an accessory cell (Figure 30-18) 27
24(23). Tibial spurs short, no longer than width of tibia; mouthparts often vestigial 25
24'. Tibial spurs long, more than twice as long as width of tibia; mouthparts
usually well developed 63
R3 _ R4
. R5
586 Chapter30 Order Lepidoptera
.- CU,
A3 A1+2 CuP
R, R2 R3
R2 R3
M2 Se
Se + R,
Rs M,
M, M2
M2 , M3
, M3
A3~ Cu, CU2
A A'+2
25(24). Front wing with some branehes of R stalked, aeeessory eell extending
beyond diseal eell (Figure 30-17 A) 26
25', Front wing with no branehes of R stalked, aeeessory eell not extending
beyond diseal eell; antennae bipeetinate; small moths Epipyropidae * p.611
26(25). Front wings sub triangular, about one half longer than wide; wings
densely clothed with 50ft seales and hair; Arizona Dalceridae
* p.612
26'. Front wings more elongate, at least twiee as long as wide; wings more
thinly sealed; widely distributed Cossidae* p.613
27(23'). M2in front wing arising about midway between M¡ and M3' or closer
to M¡, eubitus appearing 3-branehed (Figures 30-17B, 30-188); frenulum
present or absent 28*
27'. M2in front wing arising closer to M3than to M¡, eubitus appearing
4-branehed; frenulum well developed (Figure 30-18A) 30
28(27). M3and Cu¡ in front wing stalked for a short distanee beyond diseal eell; Notodontidae
frenulum well developed; California and Texas (Dioptinae*) p. 635
28'. M3and Cu¡ in front wing not stalked beyond diseal eell; frenulum small
or absent; widely distributed 29*
29(28'). Front wing with R2+3and R.+, stalked independendy of R¡; Se and Rs in
hind wing not eonneeted by a erossvein (Figure 30-188) Mimallonidae* p. 629
29'. Front wing with R2'R3,R., and R, united on a eommon stalk; Se and Rs
in hind wing eonneeted basally by a erossvein (R¡) (Figure 30-178) Bombycidae * p. 631
588 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
30(27'). CuP absent in front wing, well developed in hind wing Copromorphidae
* p.616
3D'. CuP weak in both front and hind wings, often developed only near wing
margin (Figure 30-31A,B) (see also 30") Tortricidae p.613
3D". CuP complete in both front and hind wings (Figure 30-18A) Limacodidae p.612
31(19'). Front wing with 2 distinct anal veins 32*
31'. Front wing with single complete anal vein (Figures 30-19B, 30-20
through 30-28) or with A¡ and A2fusing near tip or connected by a
crossvein (Figure 30-19A) 33
32(31). Ocelli present; front wing 3 or more times as long as wide (Harrisina) Zygaenidae* p.612
32'. Ocelli absent; front wing not more than twice as long as wide Hyblaeidae* p.616
33(31'). Front wing with a single complete vein behind discal cell (A¡+2),CuP
at most represented by a fold, A3absent or meeting A¡+2basally so that
Al+2appears forked at base (Figures 30-19B, 30-20 through 30-28) 34
33'. Front wing with A¡ and A2fusing near tip (Figure 30-19A) or connected
by a crossvein Psychidae p.606
34(33). Antennae thickened, spindle-shaped (Figure 30-7C); Sc and Rs in hind
wing connected by a crossvein near middle of discal cell, the 2 veins
closely parallel to end of discal cell or beyond (Figure 30-19B);
stout-bodied, often large moths (wingspread 50 mm or more) with
narrow wings (Figure 30-77) Sphingidae p.634
34'. Antennae variable, rarely spindle-shaped; Sc and Rs in hind wing usually
not connected by crossvein, or if such a crossvein is present, then the
2 veins strongly divergent beyond crossvein 35
35(34'). M2in front wing arising about midway between M¡ and M3,cubitus
appearing 3-branched (Figures 30-18B,C, 30-20 through 30-22), or
(rarely) with M2and M3absent, cubitus appearing to have fewer than
3 branches 36
-' CU2
Se+ RI
Se + R1
M3 Rs
A 8
35'. M2in front wing arising closer to M3than to M¡, eubitus appearing
4-branehed (Figures 30-23 through 30-28) 49
36(35). Se and Rs in hind wing swollen at base, fused to middle of diseal eell,
then diverging; M2and M3in front wing sometimes absent; small,
slender moths Arctiidae(Lithosiinae) p. 640
36'. Se and Rs in hind wing not fused at base, although they may be fused
farther distad or eonneeted by a erossvein 37
37(36'). Antennae dilated apieally; eyes hairy; Arizona Sematuridae
* p. 628
37'. Antennae not dilated apieally, or if so, then eyes bare; widely distributed 38
38(37'). Se in hind wing strongly angled at base, usually eonneeted to humeral
angle of wing by strong braee vein; beyond the bend Se fuses with or
comes close to Rs for a short distanee along diseal eell (Figure 30-20) Geometridae p. 628
38'. Se in hind wing straight or slightly eurving at base, not of the
eonfiguration in preeeding entry 39
39(38'). Frenulum well developed; Se and Rs in hind wing variable 40
39'. Frenulum vestigial or absent; Se and Rs in hind wing never fused but
sometimes touehing at a point beyond base or eonneeted by a erossvein 45
40(39). Se in hind wing widely separated from Rs from near base of wing; M¡ in Uraniidae
front wing stalked with Rs, which is well separated from R, (Epipleminae)* p. 628
40'. Se in hind wing close to Rs at least to middle of diseal eell, often farther 41
Se + R,
46(45'). Se and Rs in hind wing separating near middle of diseal eell, at the end
of a long, narrow, basal areole; Rs and MI in hind wing stalked beyond Bombycidae
diseal eell (Figure 30-21A) (Apatelodinae)* p.631
46'. Se and Rs in hind wing separating at base of wing; Rs and MI in hind
wing not stalked beyond diseal eell (Figures 30-18B,C, 30-22) 47
47(46'). M2in hind wing arising closer to MI than to M3 (Figure 30-22);
wingspread25-150 mm Saturniidae p.631
47'. M2in hind wing arising about midway between MI and M3
(Figure 30-18B,C); size variable 48*
48(47'). Hind wing with 1 anal vein (Figure 30-18C); large moths resembling a
swallowtail butterfly; Texas Uraniidae* p.628
48', Hind wing with 2 anal veins (Figure 30-18B); not swallowtail-like
(Figure 30-70); widely distributed Mimallonidae* p. 629
49(35'). All branehes of R and M in front wing arising separately from the usually
open diseal eell (Figure 30-23A); wings generally with clear spots Thyrididae
* p.617
49'. Front wing with some branehes of R or M fused beyond diseal eell
(Figures 30-23B, 30-24 through 30-28) 50
50(49'). Hind wing with humeral veins, without frenulum; CU2in front wing
arising in basal half or third of diseal eell (Figure 30-238) Lasiocampidae p.630
50'. Hind wing without humeral veins, usually with frenulum; CU2in front
wing arising in distal half of diseal eell 51
51(50'). Frenulum absent or vestigial; Se and Rs in hind wing approximated,
usually parallel along diseal eell or fusing beyond middle of eell
(Figure 30-24A); apex of front wings usually sickle-shaped Drepanidae p.627
59'. Hind wing with Se and Rs usually fused (beyond a small basal areole) to
middle of diseal eell, or if not, then Se swollen at base; eubitus in hind
wing appearing 4-branehed (Figure 30-26); labial palps not exeeeding
middleof front;usuallylight-eoloredmoths Arctiidae p.640
60(57'). Front wings with tufts of raised seales; Se and Rs in hind wing fused
(beyond a small basal areole) to near middle of diseal eell; small moths Nolidae p.640
60/. Front wings smoothly sealed; Se and Rs in hind wing not as in preeeding
entry 61
61(60/). Hind wing with a relatively large basal areole, Se and Rs fused for only
a short distaneeat end of areole (Figure30-28) lymantriidae p.639
61', Hind wing with very small basal areole or none, Se and Rs fused for
varying distance along discal cell, at most to middle of cell 62
62(61/). Labial palps short, usually not exceeding middle of face; size variable,
wingspread up to about 40 mm; often brightly colored, reddish, Arctiidae
Rs R4
M, Rs
M2 M,
/ CU2
A'+2 CuP
A1+2 Figure30-28 Wings of Lymantriidae.
B A, Orgyia;B, Lymantria. BA, basal areole;
D, discal cell;!, frenulum.
596 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
-- ---
--- - - - "mxt--- _ _
e D -----prb--E
Figure30-29 Head structure in microlepidoptera. A, Pectinophora (Ge1echiidae), lat-
eral view; B, Zenodoehium (Coleophoridae, Blastobasinae), anterior view; C, Acrolophus
(Acrolophidae), lateral view; D, lateral, and E, anterior views of Tegeticula(Prodoxidae).
ant, antenna; e, compound eye; ee, eye cap; Ip, labial palp; mxp, maxillary palp;
mxt, maxillary tentacle; prb, proboseis. (A, redrawn from Busck; B, redrawn from Dietz.)
63/. Basal segment of antennae not forming an eye cap (Figure 30-29A) 68
64(63). Maxillary palps well developed, conspicuous; wing membrane aculeate
(with minute spines under scales); proboseis scaled 65*
64/. Maxillary palps vestigial; wing membrane not aculeate; proboseis naked
(except Blastobasinae) 66
65(64). Front wing with only 3 or 4 unbranched veins; wingspread usually over
3 mm; often white Opostegidae* p.604
65/. Front wing with branched veins (Figure 30-30A); wingspread 3 mm or
less; often with metallic bands Nepticulidae
* p.604
66(64/). Labial palps miqute and drooping, or absent; ocelli absent Bedellidae*, pp.608,
Bucculatricidae, 606,
. Lyonetiidae* 608
66/. Labial palps of at least moderate size, upcurved or projecting forward;
ocelli present or absent 67
67(66/). Wings pointed at apex; hind wing without discal cell; veins beyond discal
cell in front wing diverging; no stigmalike thickening in front wing
betweenC and R¡;proboseisnaked (Phyllocnistis,etc.) Gracillariidae p.606
Keyto the Familiesof Lepidoptera 597
67'. Wings more or less rounded at apex; hind wing usually with a closed
cell; veins beyond discal cell in front wing nearly parallel; front wing Coleophoridae
with stigmalike thickening between C and R¡ (as in Figure 30-30B); (Blastobasinae:
proboscis scaled Calosima)* p. 609
68(63'). Maxillary palps well developed, folded in a resting position
(Figure 30-29D,E) 69
68'. Maxillary palps vestigial or, if present, projecting forward in a resting
position 73
69(68). Head smooth-scaled; Rs, when present, extending to costal margin of
wing; strongly flauened moths; southern United States, Florida to Tineidae
California (Hieroxestinae) * p. 605
69'. Head tufted, at least on vertex, or Rs extending to outer margin of wing;
widely distributed 70
70(69'). Rs in from wing extending to costal margin of wing or absent 71
70'. Rs in from wing extending te outer margin of wing Acrolepiidae
* p.608
71(70). Wing membrane aculeate (see couplet 64); amennae smooth, often very
long; female with piereing ovipositor 72
71'. Wing membrane not aculeate; antennae usually rough, with a whorl of
erect scales on each segmem; ovipositor membranous, retractile Tineidae p. 605
72(71). Folded part of maxillary palps about half as long as width of head;
dark-colored moths Incurvariidae* p. 605
72'. Folded part of maxillary palps about two thirds as long as width of head;
mostly whitish moths prodoxidae p. 604
73(68'). First segmem of labial palps as large as second or larger, palps recurved
back over head and thorax (Figure 30-29C); ocelli absent; proboseis vesti-
gial or absem; moderate-sized, stout, noctuid-like moths with eyes hairy Acrolophidae p. 605
73'. Without the combination of characters in preceding entry 74
74(73'). Distal margin of hind wings concave, apex produced (Figure 30-31C);
proboseis scaled Gelechiidae p.610
598 Chapter30 Order lepidoptera
, M3
C cu,
A1+2 CupU2
Se R,
74'. Hind wings with distal margin rounded or trapezoidal, anal region well
developed, venation complete or nearly so (Figures 30-31A,B,D, 30-32);
proboseis scaled or naked (see also 74") 75
74". Wings lanceolate or linear, pointed or narrowly rounded at apex, anal
region and venation often reduced (Figures 30-33, 30-34A) 90
75(74'). CuP in front wing lacking 76*
75'. CuP present in front wing, at least apically 78
76(75). Third segment of labial palps short and blunt, palps beaklike; Rs rarely
stalked with R." usually extending to outer margin of wing (Cochylinae) Tortricidae p.613
76'. Third segment of labial palps long and slender, usually tapering, palps
generally upturned to middle of front or beyond; Rs in front wing usually
stalked with R." extending to costal margin of wing 77*
Keyto the Families of Lepidoptera 599
, M3
A1+ 2 CUP A'+2CuP
Sc+ R,
101(100'). Third segment of labial palps pointed; maxillary palps folded over Cosmopterigidae
base of proboseis (Limnaecia,
Anoncia) * p.610
101'. Third segment oflabial palps usually blunt; maxillary palps projecting
forward, rudimentary, or absent Gracillariidae* p.606
102(99'). Front wing with R¡ arising distinctly beyond middle of discal cell,
M unbranched; venation of hind wing much reduced; tip of front
wing drawn out to a narrow point Gracillariidae* p.606
102'. Front wing with R¡ arising at about middle of discal cell, M usually
2- or 3-branched; venation of hind wing usually complete; tip of front
wing not as in preceding entry 103*
103(102'). Hind tarsi with more or less distinct groups of bristles near ends of
segments; labial palps usually short, sometimes drooping; proboseis
naked Schreckensteiniidae * p.616
103'. Hind tarsi without such bristles; labial palps long, upcurved, third
segment long and tapering; proboseis scaled 104*
104(103'). R. and Rs in front wing stalked 105*
104'. R. and Rs in front wing not stalked 106*
105(104). Hind wings lanceolate, with complete venation (Borkhausenia) Oecophoridae * p.609
105'. Hind wings usually linear, with venation reduced Cosmopterigidae * p.610
106(104'). Several veins arising from end of discal cell between continuation of Elachistidae
R and Cu stems (Agonoxeninae)* p.608
106'. No veins emerging from end of discal cell between continuation of Gelechiidae (He/ice,
R and Cu stems Theisoa, etc.) * p.610
107(96'). Venation of front wing reduced, with 7 or fewer veins reaching wing
margin from discal cell (Figure 30-33F) 108*
107'. Venation of front wing complete or nearly so, with 8-10 veins
reaching wing margin from discal cell 109*
113(112). Hind tibiae stiffly bristled, usually in tufts at the spurs; ocelli absent;
proboseis naked Epermeniidae* p.616
113'. Hind tibiae without such bristles; ocelli present or absent; proboseis Elachistidae
scaled (Agonoxeninae*),
(Momphinae*), p.608,
Cosmopterigidae* 610
114(112'). Front wing with only 1 or 2 veins arising from apex of discal cell;
hind wing with forked vein at apex (Figure 30-34A); proboseis scaled Elachistidae* p.608
114'. Front wing with at least 3 veins arising from apex of discal cell; hind
wing without forked vein at apex; proboseis naked Heliodinidae* p.608
115(91'). Front wings linear, with only 3 or 4 veins Heliodinidae
(Cycloplasis)* p. 608
115'. Front wings lanceolate, with 7 veins reaching margin Heliozelidae
(Coptodisca)* p. 604
116(1'). Moth developing in, and usually never leaving, a sac or case
constructed and carried about by the larva Psychidae p.606
116'. Moth not developing in a sac or case constructed by the larva 117
117(116'). Ocelli present 118*
117'. Ocelli absent 119
118(117). Proboseis present and naked; maxillary palps short, almost concealed;
not aquatic Tortricidae* p.613
118'. Proboseis small and scaled or vestigial; maxillary palps large; wings Crambidae(Nymphulinae,
very small; aquatic moths Acentria)* p.617
119(117'). Stout-bodied, short-legged, usually densely woolly; proboseis absent
or vestigial Lymantriidae p. 639
119'. Slender-bodied, long-legged, hairy or scaly; proboseis present Geometridae p. 628
SUPERFAMILY Micropterigoidea:These moths differ pation occurs in the ground, and the pupae (which are
fromother Lepidoptera in having mandibulate mouth- exarate) have well-developed mandibles with which
parts, with the mandibles well developed and the they chew their way out of the cocoon. The larvae are
galeaeshort and not forming a proboseis. The venation leaf miners. The adults have vestigial mandibles.
of the front and hind wings is similar, and a fibula is Family Eriocraniidae:These are small moths (wing-
present (Figure 30-34B). The larvae have eight pairs of spread 6.0-13.5 mm) that are similar to clothes moths
short, conical prolegs, each bearing a single claw. in general appearance, but they have metallic markings
Family Micropterigidae-Mandibulate Moths: This in the wings. One of the best-known eastern species in
is a small group, with only two North American this family is Dyseriocrania auricyanea (Walsingham).
speeies, and its members are seldom encountered. One Its larvae make blotch mines in oak and chestnut and
speeies Epimartyria auricrinella (Walsingham), which overwinter as pupae in the soil. The moths in this fam-
has a wingspread of about 8 mm, occurs in the East. ily typically fly very early in the year-February in
The larvae feed on mosses and liverworts, and the north Florida and late March in Virginia.
adults feed on pollen. Family Acanthopteroctetidae:These moths resemble
SUPERFAMILY Eriocranioidea:
These moths resemble the Eriocraniidae, but can be differentiated by the char-
the Micropterigidae in having the venation of the front acters given in the key (couplet 5). This family was es-
and hind wings similar. The middle tibiae bear a single tablished by Davis (1978a), with four known species in
spur (none in Micropterigidae). The females have a the western states from northwestern Montana to
horny, piercing ovipositor. There is a single genital southern California. Acanthopteroctetes unifascia Davis
opening in the female, behind the ninth sternum. Pu- is a leaf miner in Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae).
604 Chapter30 Order Lepidoptera
Family Incurvariidae: These small, dark-colored so me feed on woolen fabrics. The species in this group
moths have the wing venation very little reduced and that attack clothes and woolens (the clothes moths) are
the wing surface aculeate. The females have a piercing of considerable economic importance.
ovipositor. The larvae of the maple leaf-cutter, Para- The most common clothes moth is the webbing
demensia acerifoliella (Fitch), are leaf mining when clothes moth, Tineola bisselliella (Hummel). The adult
young and become casebearers when older. The older is straw colored, without dark spots on the wings, and
larvae cut out two circular pieces of the leaf and put has a wingspread of 12-26 mm. The larvae feed on hair
them together to form a case. When the larva moves fiber, woolens, silks, felt, and similar materials. They
about, it carries this case with it and looks somewhat do not form cases. When full grown, the larva forms a
turtlelike. The winter is passed as a pupa inside the cocoon of fragments of its food material fastened to-
case. The adult moth is a brilliant steel blue or bluish gether with silk.
green with an orange head. Second in importance among the clothes moths is
SUPERFAMILY Tischerioidea: In this group, the fore the case-making clothes moth, Tinea pellionella L. (Fig-
wing has a closed discal cell and unmodified antennal ure 30-36), which forms a case from silk and frag-
scape. Only one family is included. ments of its food material. This case is tubular and
Family Tischeriidae: The Tischeriidae are small open at each end. The larva feeds from within the case
moths in which the costal margin of the front wing is and pupates in it. The adult is brownish, with three
strongly arched and the apex is prolonged into a sharp dark spots on each front wing.
point. The hind wings are long and narrow, with re- The clothes moth of the least importance in the
duced venation (Figure 30-33E). The antennal scape United States is the carpet moth, Trichophaga tapetzella
is unmodified, and the maxillary palps are small or (L.), which builds rather long, silken tubes or galleries
absent. The larvae of most species make blotch mines to go through certain fabrics, on which it may not feed.
in the leaves of oak or apple trees and blackberry or These tubes often have fragments of cloth woven in the
raspberry bushes. The apple-Ieaf trumpet miner, Tis- silk. Where this species is found, it is quite destructive.
(hería malifoliella Clemens, is a common species in The adult has a wingspread of 12-24 mm, and the front
the East and often do es considerable damage: The wings are black at the base and white in the apical por-
larva makes a trumpet-shaped mine in the upper sur- tion.
faceof the leaf, overwinters in the mine, and pupates Some authorities place the genera Phaeoses, Opog-
in the spring. There are two or more generations a ona, and Oinophila in the Hieroxestidae (= Oinophili-
year.About 50 species of Tischeriidae occur in North dae), but Davis (l978b) places them in the Tineidae.
America. They are small (wingspread 7.5 to 22.0 mm, mostly
SUPERFAMILY Tineoidea:The main synapomorphy 15 mm or less) and usually rather plain-colored. They
of this superfamily is the presence in females of a pair differ from most Tineidae in having a smooth-scaled
of slender, ventral pseudapophyses in AlO. Additional head and differ from many other microlepidoptera in
characters are the presence of erect scales on the frons, having well-developed maxillary palps (two-segmented
the presence of lateral bristles on the labial palps, and and relativelyshort in Phaeoses,five-segmentedand as
the haustellum with short, dissociated galeae. long as the labial palps or longer in the other two gen-
Family Tineidae:Most tineids (about 125 North era). The moths occur in the southern states, from
American species) are small moths, in which the vena- Florida to California. Opogona sacchari (Bojer), the ba-
tion is rather generalized (or somewhat reduced), Rs nana moth, has recently become established in south-
terminating on the costa. The maxillary palps have five ern Florida. lt is destructive to ornamental nursery
segments and are usually large and folded, and the plants such as cane (Dracaena spp.) and bamboo.
labial palps are short. The larvae of many species are Family Acrolophidae:This group, the burrowing
casebearers. Some are scavengers or feed on fungi, and webworms, consists of small to medium-sized moths
that resemble noctuids. The first segment of the labial spines, adult males lacking pleurallobes on abdominal
palps is as large as the second or larger (Figure 30-290); segment 8, frons smoothly scaled, and the labial palps
the eyes are usually hairy; and the venation is com- without bristles.
plete, with three anal veins in both front and hind Family Douglasiidae:The Douglasiidae are leaf mino
wings, and Rs terminating on the termen (distal mar- ers in the larval stage, and the adults are small moths
gin) or apex. The 48 North American species in this with lanceolate hind wings that lack a discal cell (Fig-
group are placed in the genus Acrolophus. The larva e ure 30-33B). Rs in the hind wing separates from the
make a tubular web in the ground, sometimes extend- media near the middle of the wing. The ocelli are large.
ing as deep as 0.6 m, into which they retreat when dis- Only seven species of douglasiids occur in North Amer-
turbed. They feed on the roots of grasses and also web ica. The larvae of Tinagma obscurofasciella (Chambers)
the grass blades at the surface. These insects often de- mine in the leaves of plants in the family Rosaceae.
stroy entire young corn plants. Family Bucculatricidae:These small moths have very
Family Psychidae-Bagworms: These moths are so narrow wings. The hind wings are often linear, with
named because of the characteristic bags or cases that Rs extending through the center of the wing (Fig-
the larvae make and carry about. These bags are easily ure 30-33A). Ocelli and maxillary palps are usually
seen on trees during the winter after the leaves have lacking. The frons projects below the eye, the vertex
fallen (Figure 30-37). The bags are made of silk and usually has an erect tuft of scales, the antennal scapeis
portions of leaves and twigs. The larvae pupa te in the enlarged and has a row of scales that partially covers the
bags, and most species overwinter as eggs in the bags. eye, and the haustellum is short (1.5X diameter of eye
When the larvae hatch in the spring, they construct or less). The larvae are leaf miners or live in webs be-
their cases and carry them about as they feed. When tween the leaves. The apple bucculatrix, Bucculatrix
full grown, they attach the case to a twig, close it, and pomifoliella Clemens, overwinters in rows of white, lon-
pupa te inside it. gitudinally ribbed cocoons on the twigs of apple. The
The adult males of this group are generally small, adults emerge in the spring and oviposit on the lower
with well-developed wings, but the females are wing- surface of the leaves. The larvae enter the leaf and make
less, legless, and wormlike and normally do not leave a serpentine mine on the upper surface. Silken molting
the bag in which they pupated. On emerging the males cocoons are made on the surface of the leaf before the
fly about and locate a bag containing a female. Mating pupal cocoons are formed. Approximately 100 species
takes place without the female leaving the bag, and the of Bucculatrix occur in North America.
eggs are later laid in the bag. Family Gracillariidae-Leaf Blotch Miners: This is a
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis (Haworth) is a large group (275 North American species) of small to
common species of bagworm, the larvae of which at- minute moths with lance ola te wings. The front wing
tack chiefly red cedar and arborvitae. The adult males usually lacks an accessory cell, and the cilia of the hind
are small, dark-colored, heavy-bodied moths with wing are longer (often much longer) than the width of
large, clear areas in the wings. the wing; and in so me species there is a hump along
SUPERFAMILY Gracillarioidea:Douglasiidae, Buccu- the costal margin near the base (Figure 30-330). The
latricidae, and Gracillariidae differ from Tineoidea and adult moths at rest eleva te the anterior part of the body,
Yponomeutoidea by the pupa bearing abdominal tergal with the wing tips touching the surface on which the
moth rests. The larvae usually make blotch mines, and
the leaf is often folded.
The white-oak leaf miner, Cameraria hamadryadella
(Clemens), is a common eastern species that feeds on
various types of oak. The mines are on the upper surface
of the leaves, and each mine contains a single larva.
Many mines may occur on a single leaf (Figure 30-38A).
The larvae are flattened, with only rudiments of legs and
with an enlarged prothorax. The larva pupates in a deh-
cate cocoon inside the mine. It overwinters as a larva in
dry leaves. The adult moth is white with broad, irregu-
lar, bronze bands on the front wings.
Some species of Phyllocnistis make winding ser-
pentine mines in aspen leaves (Figure 30-38B). The
larva usually starts near the tip of the leaf and mines
Figure 30-37 Bags of the bagworm, Thyridopteryx toward the base, and it often must go out toward the
ephemeraeformis(Haworth). edge of the leaf to get across a large vein. It pupates in
Keyto the Familiesof Lepidoptera 607
2i oc.
c:: a;>
u'" '"
c:: o
'" "'"
c. iij
o -5
a;> 10
o'" ~
-g a:
a: <1:-
,2 c:
~ .c:",
<1: .c:
o O>
o ;§ Figure30-39 An ermine moth, Atteva sp. (Yponomeu-
tidae), 21/2X.
young larvae mine in the leaf blades, and older larvae FamilyBedelliidae:The single genus Bedellia, with
burrow into the stems. Pupation occurs between the two North American speeies, lacks ocelli, has narrow
leaves of the host plant, and the moths emerge in early wings (Figure 30-33A), and has R3-sand M stalkedin
June. the fore wing. The leaf-mining larva of Bedelliasom.
Family Plutellidae-Diamondback Moths: The nulentella (Zeller) may be a pest of Ipomoea.
Plutellidae are similar to the Yponomeutidae, but they Family Lyonetiidae:Adults are very similar to those
hold their antennae forward at rest, and MI and M2 in of Bedelliidae, but the antennal scape is expanded into
the hind wings are stalked. They differ from the Yp- an eye cap. The larvae are leaf or twig miners. Pupation
solophidae in having Rs and MI separa te in the hind occurs outside the mine. About 20 speeies of lyonetiids
wing, and from Acrolepiidae in having M2 and CuAl occur in North America.
separa te in the hind wing. The name "diamondback" SUPERFAMILY Gelechioidea: Moths of this largesu-
refers to the fact that in the males of Plutella xylostella perfamily have a scaled base of the proboseis, upturned
(L.) the wings, when folded, show a series of three yel- labial palps, the maxillary palps scaled and folded over
low, diamond-shaped marks along the line where the the base of the proboseis, and the head smoothly
wings meet. This speeies is a major pest of cabbage and scaled; they lack thoraeic or abdominal tympana, and
other cruciferous plants. The larva e eat holes in the chaetosemata. Recent study has produced a new classi-
leaves and pupate in silken cocoons attached to the fication based on characters of the immature and adult
leaves. There are 20 speeies of plutellids in North stages (Hodges, in Kristensen, 1998).
America. Family Elachistidae:Speeies of Elachistidae have
Family Acrolepiidae:These small moths are similar lateral condyles between abdominal segments 5 and 6
to the Plutellidae but have the maxillary palps of the and 6 and 7 of the pupa. The five subfamilies, with 331
folded type (porrect in the Plutellidae) and smooth speeies, occur widely in North America.
labial palps (with a tuft in the Plutellidae). This group Subfamily Stenomatinae:These moths are larger than
is a small one, with only three North American speeies. most microlepidoptera, and the wings (Figure 30-31D)
One of these, Acrolepiopsis incertella (Chambers), oc- are relatively broad (Figure 30-40D). The larvae livein
curs in the northern part of the United States, from New webs on the leavesof oaks and other trees. Antaeotricha
England lO California. lts larva skelelOnizes the leaves schlaegeri (Zeller) is a fairly common eastern species.The
of Smilax or possibly bores in the stems of lilies. The adult has a wingspread of about 30 mm, and the wings
adult's wings are gray brown, with reddish iridescence are grayish white with dark markings. When at rest, this
and an oblique white stripe extending from the inner moth resembles bird excrement. Most species are
margin near the base to about the middle of the wing. Neotropical.
Family Glyphipterigidae:The members of this group Subfamily Ethmiinae: A few speeies in this group
are small diurnal moths, 7-15 mm in length, with rel- are plain colored, but most are rather brightly pat-
atively large ocelli and with the wings shaped much terned, often black and white. Their larvae feed prin-
like those in Figure 30-30B. The larvae feed mostly as eipally on the leaves and flowers of plants in the bor-
seed borers in sedges and rushes. The most common age and waterleaf families (Boraginaceae and
North American speeies, Glyphipterix impigritella Hydrophyllaceae). Ethmia discostrigella (Chambers)
(Clemens), is found in the East, and also in the West is a defoliator of mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus).
from British Columbia to California and Nevada. lts Outbreaks of this insect deplete the winter ranges of
larva is a stem and leafaxil borer of Cyperus.Thirty-six big game in Oregon and other western areas. Most of
speeies of glyphipterigids occur in North America. the 50 North American speeies of Ethmiinae occur in
Family Heliodinidae:The heliodinids are small diur- the West.
nal moths with hind wings that are very narrow and Subfamily Depressariinae: These are small and
lance olate and have a broad fringe; the fore wing has somewhat flattened moths, with the wings relatively
only five veins arising from the cell behind the apex. broad and rounded apically (Figure 30-40B). The ve-
The entire head is smoothly scaled, the ocelli are pres- nation (Figure 30-32A) is complete, with CuP pre-
ent, and the proboseis is naked. The adult at rest usu- served in the front wing, R¡ and Rs in the front wing
ally holds the hind legs elevated above the wings. The stalked or coalesced throughout their entire length,
family is a small one (20 North American speeies), and and Rs and MI in the hind wing separate and parallel.
the known larvae vary in habits. The larvae of Cyelo- The parsnip webworm, Depressaria pastinacella
plasispanicifoliella Clemensmine in the leavesof panic (Duponchel), attacks parsnip and related plants. The
grass, forming at first a linear mine that is later en- larvae web together and feed on the unfolding blossom
larged to a blotch. Members of the genus Heliodines are heads, and then burrow into the stems to pupate. The
brightly colored orange and black day-flying moths adults appear in late summer and hibernate in pro-
that feed on Mirabilis (four o'clock) in the midwest. tected situations.
Keyto the Familiesof lepidoptera 609
Figure 30-45 Adult (A) and larva (B) of the saddleback caterpillar, Sibine stimu/ea
(Clemens). A, 3X. (A, courtesy of Dwight M. DeLong; B, courtesy of Peterson.
Reprinted by permission.)
Family Limacodidae-Slug Caterpillars: These in- burnets and some large Chinese species, are often very
sects are called "slug caterpillars" because the larva e colorful. The larvae have tufted hairs, and the more
are short, fleshy, and sluglike. The thoracic legs are common North American species feed on grape or Vir-
small, there are no prolegs, and the larvae move with a ginia creeper. The grape leaf skeletonizer, Harrisina
creeping motion. Many of the larvae are curiously americana (Guérin-Méneville), is a cornmon species in
shaped or conspicuously marked. The cocoons are this group. The adult is a small, narrow-winged, smoky
dense, brownish, and oval and have a lid at one end moth with a reddish collar (Figure 30-40E), and the
that is pushed out by the emerging adult. The adult larvae are yellow with black spots. A number of these
moths (Figure 30-45A) are small to medium-sized, ro- larvae feed on the same leaf, lined up in a row and back-
bust, and hairy and are usually brownish and marked ing up as they skeletonize the leaL There are 22 North
with a large, irregular spot of green, silver, or some American species of smoky moths.
other color. SUPERFAMILYSesioidea:The Sesiidae is the only
One of the most common species in this group is family of Sesioidea in America north of Mexico.
the saddleback caterpillar, Sibine stimulea (Clemens). Family Sesiidae-Clearwing Moths: The greater
The larva (Figure 30-45B) is green with a saddlelike part of one or both pairs of wings in this family lacks
brown mark on the back. These larva e have stinging scales, and many species very strikingly resemble
hairs and can cause severe irritation to the skin. They wasps (Figure 30-46). The front wings are long and
feed principally on various trees. narrow, with the anal veins reduced, and the hind
Family Dalceridae:This is a Neotropical group, one wings are broad, with the anal area well developed
species of which has been reported from Arizona: (Figure 30-47). The sesiids have a wing-coupling
Dalcerides ingenita (Edwards). This moth is rather mechanism somewhat similar to that in the Hy-
woolly and resembles a flannel moth. lt has dark yel- menoptera. Many species are brightly colored, and vir-
low or orange front wings, orange hind wings, and a tually all are active during the day. The two sexes are
wingspread of 18-24 mm. often colored differently, and in some cases they differ
Family Lacturidae: The six species of Lactura were in the amount of clear area in the wings. The larvae
formerly placed in Yponomeutidae. They are mainly bore in the roots, stems, canes, or trunks of plants or
southern. Lactura pupula (Hübner) of the Southeast trees and often cause considerable damage. There are
has cream-colored fore wings that have black lines an- 115 species of sesiids in North America.
teriorly and distally and black spots posteriorly. The The peach tree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa (Say),is
hind wings are uniformly orange. one of the most important species in this family. The fe-
FamilyZygaenidae-SmokyMoths and Burnets:The males lay their eggs on the trunks of peach trees near
smoky moths are small, gray or black moths, usually the ground, and the larvae bore into the tree just below
with a reddish prothorax and often with other bright the surface of the ground, often girdling the tree. There
markings. Some exotic species, such as the European is one generation ayear, and the larvae overwinter in
Keyto the Familiesof Lepidoptera 613
.<:: 2A
~ Figure 30-47
J, frenulum.
Wings of Synanthedon (Sesiidae).
",a> <{~ O>
a~ ._
.e c:
:;55 ou
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Keyto the Families of Lepidoptera 615
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treesare seldom killed, but they are deformed and their primarily tropical, and the North American species are
growthis retarded. The fruit-tree leaf roller, Archips ar- in the genus Thaumatographa (= Hilarographa).
gyrospilus(Walker) (Figure 30-5IA), is a rather com- SUPERFAMILYGalacticoidea: The somewhat anom-
montortricid that makes an unsighdy leaf nest in fruit alous small family Galacticidae has one introduced
andforest trees and often causes serious defoliation. species in North America.
A number of other species in this family are occa- Fami/y Galacticidae: This family includes the intro-
sionallydestructive to various crops. The grape berry duced mimosa webworm, Homadaula anisocentra
moth, Endopiza viteana Clemens (Figure 30-5IB), Meyrick, which is a serious defoliator of mimosa and
[eedsin the larval stage in the berries of grape. It has honey locust. This insect was first recorded in the
twogenerations ayear. The strawberry leaf roller, An- United States in 1942, in Washington, De. Since then
cyliscomptana(Frólich), attacks the foliage of straw- it has spread southward to Florida and westward to
berries and often do es severe damage. The black- Kansas and Nebraska, and there is a small colony in the
headed fireworm, Rhopobota naevana (Hübner), is a vicinity of Sacramento, California.
common pest that feeds on clover heads, destroying SUPERFAMILYChoreutoidea: The single family
unopened buds and decidedly reducing the crop of Choreutidae has been placed in the Yponomeutoidea,
seed.This insect has three generations ayear and but the scaled proboscis and very small maxillary palps
passesthe winter as a pupa. are distinctive.
A species in this family that is something of a cu- Family Choreutidae:Members of this family are small
riosityis the Mexican jumping-bean moth, Cydia de- diurnal moths, somewhat similar to the Tortricidae in
shaisiana(Lucas). The larva lives in the thin-walled general appearance but usually more colorful, with rela-
seedsof Sebastiana and, after consuming the inside of tively broad wings, a scaled proboscis, and large ocelli.
theseed, throws itseU forcibly against the thin wall when The larvae are mosdy leaf tiers. The apple and thorn
disturbed,causing the jumping movements of the seed. skeletonizer, Choreutes panana (Clerck), is a pest of ap-
This family is divided into three subfamilies, the pIe trees, especially in British Columbia. It ranges across
Chlidanotinae, Tortricinae, and Olethreminae. southern Canada, going south into New England, Col-
The tribe Cochylini (Tortricinae) includes a num- orado, and Oregon. This species also occurs in Europe,
berof species whose larvae are web-spinners and bor- from where it was introduced into North America. Trop-
ers.Most attack herbaceous plants. The adults are sim- ical species sometimes come into Florida, and the total
ilar to other Tortricidae, but vein CuP is completely North American fauna of choreutids is about 40 species.
lackingin the front wing, and CU2in the front wing SUPERFAMILY Urodoidea:The mainly tropical fam-
arisesin the apical fourth of the discal cell; MI in the ily Urodidae is the only member of superfamily
hind wing is usually stalked with Rs. Aethes rutilana Urodoidea in North America.
(Hübner) attacks juniper, tying the leaves together to Family Urodidae:Urodesparvula (Hy.Edwards) oc-
[onna tube in which the larva lives. The adult of this curs in Florida, where it may be common. The larva
specieshas a wingspread of abom 25 mm, and the front feeds on Persea, Bumelia, Hibiscus, and other plants.
wings are orange, marked with four brownish cross The European Wockia aspenpuntella (Bruand) is an in-
bands. troduction to the Northeast.
There are 110 North American species of Cochylini, SUPERFAMILY Schreckensteinioidea:Members of the
andonly three of the Chlidanotinae. The latter group is single family are similar to heliodinids and stath-
616 Chapter 30 Order Lepidoptera
mopodines in wing shape and the adult habit of hold- tie together the terminal portions of the leaves andfeed
ing the hind legs upward when at rest. They differ in inside this shelter. Many plume moths have very spiny
lacking a scaled proboseis and ocelli. pupae. This is a fair-sized group, with 146 speciesin
Family Schreckensteiniidae:
Three speeies of this North America.
family occur in North America. Larvae feed on sumac SUPERFAMILYCopromorphoidea:SuperfamilyCo.
and Rubus. promorphoidea is a relatively small group of more than
SUPERFAMILY Epermenioidea:This superfamily has 16 speeies, in two families.
a single cosmopolitan family. Family Copromorphidae:This is a predominantly
Family Epermeniidae:This is a small group (ll tropical group, with only five speeies occurring in the
North American speeies) of moths formerly placed in United States and Canada. They occur along the Pacific
the Scythrididae. The posterior margin of the fore wing Coast from British Columbia to Mexico and east to Col.
usually has one or more triangular groups of scales. orado. They are similar to the Carposinidae but differin
The larvae of Epennenia pimpinella Murtfeldt form having all three branches of M present in the hind wing.
puffy mines in parsley. The pupa is enclosed in a rather The larva of Lotisma trigonana Walsingham is a fmit
frail cocoon on the underside of a leaf or in an angle of borer in Arbutusand Gaultheria(Ericaceae). The other
a leaf stalk. speeies in the family are in the genus Ellabella.
SUPERFAMILYAlucitoidea: Superfamily Aluei- Family Carposinidae:The moths in this group have
toidea, a small, worldwide group has one family in relativeiy broad wings with raised scale tufts on the
North America. front wings, and there is no M2 (and usually also no
Family Alucitidae-Many-Plume Moths: The aluei- MI) in the hind wings. This group is a small one, with
tids resemble the pterophorids, but have the wings split only II speeies in North America. The larvae whose
into six plumelike divisions. Only one named speeies habits are known bore into fruits, plant shoots, and the
in this family, Alucita hexadactyla L., occurs in the gummy enlargements of fruit trees. The larvae of the
United States. The adults have a wingspread of about currant fruitworm, Carposina femaldana Busck, feed
13 mm. This insect, which was introduced, occurs in on the fruits of the currant. The infested fruit eventu-
the northeastern states. Several undescribed speeies of ally drops, and the larva e pupate in the soil.
Alueitidae are in North America. Famí/y Hyblaeidae: These moths are similar to the
SUPERFAMILY Pterophoroidea:The single family in Noctuidae but differ in having two distinct anal veins
Pterophoroidea occurs almost worldwide. in the front wing. This is a tropical group, one species
Family Pterophoridae-Plume Moths: These moths of which occasionally occurs in the southern states.
are small, slender, and usually gray or brownish and This speeies is Hyblaea puera (Cramer), which has the
have the wings split into two or three featherlike divi- front wings brownish and the hind wings yellowish
sions (Figure 30-52). The genus Agdistis is unusual in with two dark-brown cross bands. It has a wingspread
having no wing splits. The front wing usually has two of about 26 mm. Hyblaeid larvae in Australia can re-
divisions, and the hind wing three. The legs are rela- gurgitate the contents of the gut and squirt them sev-
tiveiy long. When at rest, the front and hind wings are eral centimeters when disturbed.
folded close together and are heid horizontally, at right SUPERFAMILY Thyridoidea:Thyridoids lack abdom-
angles to the body. The larvae of plume moths are leaf inal tympana and have naked tongues, characters
rollers and stem borers, and some occasionally do seri- that separa te them from the Pyraloidea. Their larvae
ous damage. The grape plume moth, Geina perisceli- share with hyblaeids the ability to eject the contents
dactylus (Fitch), is common on grape vines. The larvae of the gut.
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Figure30-55 The European com borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner). A, egg masses on
com; B, larva; C, adults (male at left, female at right); 2X.
Keyto the Families of Lepidoptera 619
Thegrape leaf folder, Desmia funeralis (Hübner), is a Nearly 300 species of skippers occur in North
blackmoth with two white spots in the front wing and America. Most, including all the eastern species, belong
onewhite spot in the hind wing. The larva feeds on to two subfamilies, the Pyrginae (Hesperiinae of some
grapeleaves, folding the leaf over and fastening it with authors) and the Hesperiinae (the Pamphilinae of some
silk.The melonworm, Diaphania hyalinata (L.), is a authors). Two other subfamilies, the Pyrrhopyginae and
glisteningwhite moth with the wings bordered with Heteropterinae, occur in the South and Southwest.
black(Figure 30-40A). The larva is primarily a foliage Subfamily Pyrrhopyginae: These skippers have the
feederon melons and related plants. Other important antennal club wholly reflexed; that is, the tip of the an-
speciesin this subfamily are the pickleworm, Diapha- tenna is bent back before the club. This group is prin-
nianitidalis (Stoll), and the garden webworm, Achyra cipally tropical, but one species, Pyrrhopyge araxes
rantalis (Guenée). (Hewitson), occurs in southern Texas and Arizona.
SUPERFAMILY Hesperioidea:The single family Hes- This is a large (wingspread 45-60 mm), dark-colored
periidaeis included in this superfamily. skipper with light spots in the front wings, and the
Family Hesperiidae-Skippers: The skippers are for wings are held horizontally when at rest. The larvae
the most part small and stout-bodied, and they get feed on oak.
theirname from their fast and erra tic flight. They differ Subfamily Pyrginae: In the front wings of the
fromthe butterflies (Papilionoidea) in that none of the Pyrginae, the discal cell is usually at least two thirds as
fiveR branches in the front wings are stalked, and all long as the wing. M2 arises midway between MI and M)
arisefram the discal cell (Figure 30-8). The antennae and is not curved at the base (Figure 30-8A). The mid-
arewidely separated at the base, and the tips are usu- dIe tibiae lack spines. The males of some species have
alIyrecurved or hooked (Figure 30-7B). Most skippers a costal fold, a long, slitlike pocket near the costal mar-
atrest hold the front and hind wings at a different an- gin of the front wing, which serves as a scent organ.
gle.The larvae are smooth, with the head large and the Some species have scale tufts on the tibiae. Most skip-
neckconstricted. They usually feed inside a leaf shel- pers in this group are relatively large grayish or black-
ter,and pupation occurs in a cocoon made of leaves ish insects (Figure 30-56A,E,F).
fastenedtogether with silk. Most species overwinter as One of the largest and most common species in
larvae,either in leaf shelters or in cocoons. this subfamily is the silver-spotted skipper, Epargyreus
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claros (Cramer). lt is dark brown with a large yellow- lowtails) are large, usually dark-colored butterflies that
ish spot in the front wing and a silvery spot on the un- have the radius in the front wing five-branched and
derside of the hind wing (Figure 30-56A). The larva usually have one or more tail-like prolongations on the
feeds on black locust and related plants. The species rear side of the hind wing (Figure 30-57). The Pamas-
overwinters as a pupa. siinae (parnassians) are medium-sized and usually
Subfamily Heteropterinae: This group is repre- white or gray with dark markings (Figure 30-58); the
sented in North America by only five species (one in radius in the front wing is four-branched; and there are
the genus Carterocephalus and four in the genus no tail-like prolongations on the hind wings.
Pirona), and they are seldom encountered. Subfamily Parnassiinae-Parnassians: The pamas-
Subfamily Hesperiinae-Tawny Skippers. Giant Skip- sians are medium-sized butterflies that are usually white
pers: In these skippers the discal cell in the front wings is or gray with dark markings on the wings (Figure 30-58).
less than two thirds as long as the wing. M2 in the front Most have two small, reddish spots in the hind wings.
wings is usually curved at the base and arises nearer to These butterflies pupate on the ground, among fallen
M3 than to MI (Figure 30-8B). The middle tibiae are of- leaves, in loose, cocoonlike structures. After mating, the
ten spined. The tawny skippers (Figure 30- 56B-D) are maIe secretes a hard-drying substance over the genital
usually brownish, with an oblique dark band (often opening of the female,thus preventing other malesfram
called the stigma or brand) across the wing of the males. inseminating the same female. The parnassians are prin-
This dark band consists of scales that serve as outlets for cipally montane and boreal in distribution.
the scent glands. Giant skippers have a wingspread of Subfamily Papilioninae-Swallowtails: This group
40 mm or more, and the antennal club is not recurved as contains the largest and some of the most beautifully
in most other skippers. Giant skippers are stout-bodied colo red North American butterflies. In many species
and fast-flying. When at rest, they hold the wings verti- the two sexes are somewhat differently colored. This
cally above the body. The larvae bore in the stems and
roots of yucca and related plants. Maguey worms are the
larvae of a giant skipper.
SUPERFAMILYPapilionoidea-Butterflies: Charac- .. . . .<~.:
ters of the thorax unite the four families that have '
'..~ . ~..
. .
about 560 species in North America. Their large size, ... . 11
often conspicuous color patterns, and diurnal habits
make butterflies a prominent element North American
insect fauna. __
, ..
... .
Keyto the Familiesof Lepidoptera 621
group contains the largest butterflies in the world, the terfly with rows of large, ye110w spots on the wings.
giant birdwings of southeast Asia and Australia, some The larva feeds chiefly on citrus in the 50uth and on
ofwhich have a wingspread of about 255 mm. The lar- prickly ash in the North.
vae are usua11y smooth-bodied and have an eversible Family Pieridae-Whites, Sulphurs, and Orange-
scent gland or osmeterium (Figure 30-3, osm). This tips: The pierids are medium-sized to sma11butterflies,
gland is everted from the upper part of the prothorax usua11ywhite or ye110wish in color with black marginal
whenthe larva is disturbed, and gives off a disagreeable wing markings. The radius in the front wing is usua11y
odor. 50me larvae have markings like eyespots at the three- or four-branched (rarely five-branched in some
anterior end and resemble the head of a sma11 verte- orange-tips). The front legs are we11developed, and the
brate. This resemblance, together with the "forked tarsal claws are bifid. The chrysalids are elongate and
tongue" appearance of the scent gland, makes them narrow and are attached by the cremas ter and by a
seem quite ferocious-though they are actua11y quite silken girdle around the middle of the body. Many
harmless.The chrysalis is attached to various objects by pierids are very common and abundant butterflies and
the cremaster and is held more or less upright by a silk are sometimes seen in mass migrations.
girdle about the middle of the body (Figure 30-4A). The 63 North American species of pierids are
Thewinter is passed in the chrysalis. arranged in three subfamilies, the Pierinae (whites and
5wa11owtails are widely distributed, but the fol- orange-tips), Coliadinae (sulphurs or ye11ows), and
lowingspecies are fairly common in the eastem states: Dismorphiinae. The Dismorphiinae are a tropical
The black swa11owtail, Papilio polyxenes asterius 5to11 group, only one species of which occasiona11y gets into
(Figure30-57C), is largely black, with two rows of yel- southern Texas.
lowspots around the margin of the wings. The female Subfamily Pierinae-Whites and Orange-tips:
hasquite a bit of blue between the two rows of ye110w These butterflies are usua11y white. There is usua11y a
spots in the hind wings. The larva feeds on carrot distinct humeral vein in the hind wing, and the third
leaves,parsley, and related plants. The tiger swa11ow- segment of the labial palps is long and tapering. One of
tail, Papilio glaucus L. (Figures 30-57B, 35-21), is a the most common species in this group is the cabbage
large,ye110wswa110wtail with black stripes in the front butterfly, Pieris rapae (L.) (Figure 30-59B), the larva of
wingsand black wing margins. In some individuals the which often does considerable damage to cabbage and
wings are almost entirely black. The larva feeds on related plants. lt has two or more generations ayear
cherry, birch, poplar, and various other trees and and overwinters as a chrysalis. The pine butterfly,
shrubs. The spicebush swa11owtail, Papilio troilus L., is Neophasiamenapia (Felder and Felder), is a white that
blackish,with a row of sma11,ye110wishspots along the is very destructive to ponderosa pine in the northwest-
marginsof the front wings and extensive blue-gray ar- ern states.
casin the rear half of the hind wings. The larva feeds Orange-tips are sma11, white butterflies with dark
on spicebush and sassafras. The zebra swa11owtail, Eu- markings (Figure 30-59A). The underside of the wings
rytidesmarcellus(Cramer) (Figure 30-57A), is striped is mottled with green, and the front wings of many
withblack and greenish white and has relatively long species are tipped with orange. These butterflies are
tails. The larva feeds on pawpaw. This species shows mainly westem. Only two species occur in the East,
considerable variation, because the adults emerging in and they are relatively rare. The larvae feed on crucif-
differentseasons differ slightly in their markings. The erous plants.
pipe-vineswa11owtail,Battus philenor (L.), is largely Subfamily Coliadinae-Sulphurs or Yellows: These
black,with the hind wings shading into meta11icgreen pierids are ye110wor orange and usua11yhave the wings
posteriorly. The larva feeds on Dutchman's-pipe. The margined with black. Rarely, they may be white with
giant swa110wtail or orangedog, Papilio cresphontes black wing margins. The humeral vein in the hind
(ramer (Figure 30-57D), is a large, dark-colored but- wing is lacking (Figure 30-13B) or represented by just
a stub, and the third segment of the labial palps is front legs are normal in the female, but are shorter and
short. Many species occur in two or more seasonal lack tarsal claws in the maleo Lycaenid larvae are flat-
color forms. A common butterfly in this group is the tened and sluglike; many secrete honeydew, which at-
orange sulphur or alfalfa butterfly, Co/ias eurytheme tracts ants, and some live in ant nests. The chrysalids
Boisduval. Most individuals of this species are orange are fairly smooth and are attached by the cremaster,
with black wing margins, but some females are white. with a silken girdle about the middle of the body The
The larva feeds on clovers and related plants and often adults are rapid fliers.
do es serious damage to clover crops. The common or The approximately 160 North American speciesof
clouded sulphur, C. philodice Godart, is yellow with Lycaenidae are arranged in three subfamilies, Riodini-
black margins. It often can be found in large numbers nae, Miletinae (Gerydinae, Liphyrinae), and Lycaeni-
around muddy pools along roadsides. The larva feeds nae (Polyommatinae, Theclinae).
on clovers. The females of these sulphurs have a Subfamily Riodininae-Metalmarks: The metal-
broader black marginal band on the wings than do the marks are small, dark-colored butterflies that differ
males, and there are light spots in this band, particu- from other lycaenids in having the costa of the hind
larly in the front wings. wing thickened out to the humeral angle and in
Family Lycaenidae-Coppers, Hairstreaks, Blues, having a short humeral vein in the hind wing (Fig-
Harvesters, and Metalmarks: These are small, delicate, ure 30-I4A). Most species in this group are tropicalor
and often brightly colored butterflies, and some are western, and only three occur in the East. The linle
quite common. The body is slender, the antennae are metalmark, Calephelis virginiensis (Guérin-Méneville),
usually ringed with white, and a line of white scales en- with a wingspread of about 20 mm, occurs in ¡he
circles the eyes. The radius in the front wing is three- southern states, and the northern metalmark, Cale-
or four-branched (three-branched in some Lycaeninae, phelis borea/is (Grote and Robinson) (Figure 30-610),
four-branched otherwise). MI in the front wing arises with a wingspread of 25-30 mm, occurs as far north as
at or near the anterior apical angle of the discal cell New York and Ohio. The little metalmark is fairly
(except in some Miletinae, see Figure 30-60A), and common in the 50uth, but the northern metalmark is
there is no humeral vein in the hind wing (except in quite rare. The larvae feed on ragwort, thistle, and
the Riodininae; Figures 30-I2B, 30-I4B, 30-60). The other plants.
Keyto the Familiesof Lepidoptera 623
:~ '
.. ,. f"
: .
. ...
.E ..c::
.C> C>
A ...,- o B .~
o Figure30-61 A, the Americancopper,
Lycaena phlaeas americana Harris (Ly-
caenidae, Lycaeninae); B, the harvester,
Feniseca tarquinius (Fabricius) (Lycaen-
idae, Miletinae); C, a snout butterf1y,
Libytheana bachmanii (Kirtland)
<= g' (Nymphalidae, Libytheinae); D, the
~ northern metalmark, Calephalis borealis
::;¡¡ ::;¡¡(Grote and Robinson) (Lycaenidae, Rio-
.C> ~ dininae). A, B, and D, slightly enlarged;
e o o l C, about natural size.
Subfamily Miletinae-Harvesters: The harvesters One of the most common eastem species is the
differfrom the other lycaenids in having MI in the front gray hairstreak, Strymon melinus Hübner. The larva
wingsstalked with a branch of R for a short distance bores in the fruits and seeds of legumes, cotton, and
beyondthe discal cell (Figure 30-60A). The wanderer other plants. The great purple hairstreak, Atlides halesus
orharvester, Feniseca tarquinius (Fabricius), is the only (Cramer), is the largest eastem species, with a wing-
memberof this group occurring in the United States. It spread of a hule over 25 mm. It is brilliantly colored-
is a brownish butterfly with a wingspread of about blue, purple, and black-and quite iridescent. It occurs
25mm (Figure 30-6lB). The larva is predaceous on in the southem states. The elfins (Incisalia) are small,
aphidsand is one of the few predaceous lepidopteran brownish, early spring species that lack tails but have
larvae.This species is rather local and uncommon and scalloped edges of the hind wings.
(despiteits name) does very hule wandering. The blues are small, dehcate, slender-bodied but-
Subfamily Lycaeninae-Coppers, Hairstreaks, Blues: terflies whose upper surface of the wings is often
Thecoppers are small buuerflies that are orange-red or blue. The females are usually darker than the males,
brown(often with a coppery tinge) with black mark- and so me species occur in two or more color forms.
ings.The last branch of R in the front wings (R3_S)is The last branch of R in the front wing is forked (as in
forked(with the branches R3and R.+s) and arises at the the coppers), but arises a hule proximad of the ante-
anteriorapical angle of the discal cell (Figure 30-14B). rior apical angle of the discal cell (Figure 30-60B).
Thesebutterf1ies generally hve in open areas such as Many larvae secrete honeydew, to which ants are
marshes and meadows and along roadsides. auracted.
The American copper, Lycaena phlaeas americana One of the most common and widespread species
Harris(Figure 30-61A), is one of the most common in this group is the spring azure, Celastrina argiolus
speciesin this group. The adults are quite pugnacious (L.). This species exhibits considerable geographic and
andoften "buzz" other buuerflies (and even collec- seasonal variation in size and coloring. The tailed blues
torsi).The larva feeds on dock (Rumex). (Everes) have dehcate, tail-hke prolongations on the
The hairstreaks are usually dark gray or brownish, hind wings.
withdelicate striping on the underside of the wings Family Nymphalidae-Brush-Footed Butterflies: This
andusually with small, reddish spots in the posterior is a fairly large group (about 210 Nonh American species)
panof the hind wings. Usually the hind wings have and includes many common butterflies. The common
two or three hairlike tails. There are only three name of the family refers to the fact that the front legs are
branchesof R in the front wing, and the last one is sim- much reduced and lack claws, and only the middle and
ple(Figure 30-12B). These butterl1ies have a swift, hind legs are used in walking. The chrysalids are usually
daningf1ight and are commonly found in meadows, suspended by the cremaster (Figure 30-4B). This family
alongroadsides, and in other open areas. is divided into eight subfamilies.
624 Chapter 30 Order Lepidoptera
Subfamily Libytheinae-Snout Butterflies: These larvae are nocturnal and feed on violets. The smaller
small, brownish butterflies have long, projecting palps. fritillaries, 25-40 mm in wingspread, belong princi.
The males have reduced front legs, with only the mid- pally to the genus Boloria. Their larva e also feed on vi-
dIe and hind legs used in walking, whereas the females olets and other plants.
have longer front legs and use them in walking. One Subfamily Nymphalinae-Anglewings. Crescents,
species, Libytheana bachmanii (Kirtland), is common and Checkerspots: These butterflies have hairy eyes,
and widely distributed. This is a reddish brown butter- and the hind wing is angled or tailed at the end of MJ.
flywith white spots in the apical part of the front wings The anglewings (Polygonia) are small to medium-sized
and with the outer margin of the front wings rather an~ brownish with black markings. The wings are ir-
deeply notched (Figure 30-6IC). The larva feeds on regularly notched and often bear tail-like projections,
hackberry. and the distal half of the rear edge of the front wing is
Subfamily Heliconiinae-Heliconians, Fritillaries: somewhat excavated (Figure 30-63F). The underside
The heliconians differ from other nymphalids in hav- of the wings is darker and looks much like a dead leaf,
ing the humeral vein in the hind wing bent basad and there is usually a small C-shaped silvery spot on
(Figure 30-12A) and the front wings relatively long the underside of the hind wing. The larvae feed princi-
and narrow (Figure 30-62). This group is largely pally on nettles, elm, hopvines, and other Urticaceae.
tropical, and only five species occur in the United The mourning cloak, Nymphalis antiopa (L.), is a com-
States. The most common U.5. heliconian is the zebra mon butterfly that is brownish-black with yellowish
butterfly, Heliconiuscharitonius (L.), a black butterfly wing margins (Figure 30-63D); the larva e are gregari-
striped with yellow (Figure 30-62A). This species oc- ous and feed chiefly on willow, elm, and poplar. Thisis
curs in the Gulf States, but it is most common in one of the few butterflies that overwinters in the adult
Florida. The chrysalis, when disturbed, wriggles stage, and the adults appear early in the spring.
about in a characteristic manner. A heliconian that Crescents and checkerspots are small butterflies
occurs over a large part of the southeastern United (wingspread mostly 25-40 mm) in which the eyes are
States, extending as far north as New Jersey and Iowa bare and the palps are densely hairy beneath. The cres-
and with a southwestern subspecies extending into cents (Phyciodes) are small, brownish butterflies with
southern California, is the gulf fritillary, Agraulis black markings, and the wings (particularly the from
vanillae (L.). This butterfly is bright orange-brown wings) are margined with black (Figure 30-63C). They
with black markings (Figure 30-62B). The butterflies have a wingspread of about 25 mm. The larvae feed prin-
in this group appear to have distasteful body fluids cipally on asters. The checkerspots (Chlosyne) are simi-
and are avoided by predators. The larvae feed on var- lar to the crescents, but they are usually a little larger,
ious species of passionflowers. and the darker areas on the wings are generally more ex-
The fritillaries are brownish butterflies with nu- tensive. The larvae feed on asters and related plants.
merous black markings consisting principally of short, Another group of nymphalids (sometimes placed
wavy lines and dots. The underside of the wings is of- in the subfamily Vanessinae) has the eyes hairy, but the
ten marked with silvery spots. Most larger fritillaries margin of the hind wing is rounded, not angled or
belong to the genus Speyeria (Figure 30-63B). Speyeria tailed at the end of M). This group includes the red ad-
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miral, Vanessa atalanta (L.) (Figure 30-63E), a very resemblance ofthe viceroy to the monarch is a good ex-
common and widely distributed butterfly. The larva ample of protective (or Batesian) mimicry. The monarch
feedsprincipally on nettles, feeding in a shelter formed is "protected" by distasteful body fluids and is seldom
by tying a few leaves together. There are usually two attacked by predators, and the viceroy's resemblance to
generations ayear. Two very similar and fairly common the monarch is believed to provide it with at least some
speciesin this group are the painted lady, V.cardui (L.), protection from predators. The larva of the viceroy, a
and Hunter's butterfly, V. virginiensis (Drury). These rather grotesque-Iooking caterpillar, feeds on willow,
butterflies are orange-brown and brownish black poplar, and related trees. It overwinters in a leaf shelter
above,with white spots in the front wings. The painted formed by tying a few leaves together with silk. The red-
ladyhas four small eyespots on the underside of each spotted purple, L. arthemis astyanax (Fabricius), an-
hind wing, and Hunter's butterfly has two large eye- other common species in this group, is a blackish but-
spotson the underside of each hind wing. The larva of terfly with pale bluish or greenish spots and with
thepainted lady feeds chiefly on thistles, whereas that reddish spots on the underside of the wings. The larva,
ofHunter's butterfly feeds on everlastings. which is similar to that of the viceroy, feeds on willow,
Subfamily Limenitidinae-Admirals, Viceroy, and cherry, and other trees, and it overwinters in a leaf shel-
Others:The members of this group are medium-sized ter. A similar butterfly, the banded purple, L. arthemis
butterflies in which the antennal club is long, and the arthemis (Drury), occurs in the northern states. lt has a
humeral vein in the hind wing arises opposite the ori- broad white band across the wings.
ginofRs (Figure 30-1 lB). The viceroy, Limenitis archip- Subfamily Charaxinae-Goatweed Butterflies: Four
pus(Cramer), is a common species in this group that species of Anaea occur in the central and southwestern
looksverymuch like the monarch. It differsin that it is parts of the United States. The larva e feed on Croton
slightlysmaller, has a narrow black line across the hind (Euphorbiaceae).
wings,and has only a single row of white spots in the Subfamily Apaturinae-Hackberry Butterflies and
blackmarginal band of the wings (Figure 30-63A). The Emperors: These butterflies are somewhat similar to
626 Chapter 30 Order lepidoptera
the painted lady, but the dark areas in the front wings enes arctic, O. polixenes katahdin (Newcomb), occurs
are brownish rather than black, and the eyes are bare. on Mount Katahdin in Maine. The jutta aretic, O.jutta
The larvae feed on hackberry, and adults are generally (Hübner) (Figure 30-64B), is a wide-ranging circum-
found around these trees. polar species that occurs farther south than do most
Subfamily Satyrinae-Satyrs, Wood Nymphs, and other arctics. It may be found in the sphagnum bogs of
Arctics: These butterflies are small to medium-sized, Maine, New Hampshire, and Michigan in alternate
usually grayish or brown, and they generally have eye- years.
like spots in the wings. The radius of the front wings is Subfamily Danainae-Milkweed Butterflies: The
five-branched, and some of the veins in the front wings danaines are large and brightly colored butterflies, usu-
(particularly Se) are considerably swollen at the base ally brownish with black and white markings. The
(Figure 30-10B). The larvae feed on grasses. The front legs are very small, without claws, and are not
chrysalis is usually attached by the cremaster to leaves used in walking. The radius in the front wing is five-
and other objects. branched; the discal cell is closed by a well-developed
One of the most common species in this group is vein; and there is a short third anal vein in the front
the wood nymph, Cercyonis pegala (Fabricius), a dark wing (Figure 30-10A). The larvae feed on milkweed.
brown, medium-sized butterfly with a broad, yellowish The chrysalids are hung by the cremas ter to leaves or
band across the apical part of the front wing. This band other objects. The adults are "protected" by distasteful
contains two black-and-white eyespots (Figure 30-MA). body fluids, and are seldom attacked by predators.
Another common species is the little wood satyr, The most common species in this group is the
Megisto cymela (Cramer), a brownish-gray butterfly monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus (L.), which occurs
with prominent eyespots in the wings and with a wing- throughout the United States and a large part of the re-
spread of about 25 mm (Figure 30-MC). The pearly mainder of the world. The monarch is an orange but-
eye, Enodia portlandia (Fabricius) (Figure 30-64D), a terfly with the wings bordered by black. In most of the
brownish butterfly with a row of black eyespots along black marginal band, there are two rows of small white
the border of the hind wings, is a woodland species spots (Figure 30-65A). The caterpillar is yellowish
with a quick flight and a habit of alighting on tree green banded with black, with two threadlike ap-
trunks. Among the most interesting species in this pendages at either end of the body (Figure 30-65B).
group are the arctics or mountain butterflies (Oeneis), The chrysalis is pale green spotted with gold.
which are restricted to the arctic region and the tops of The monarch is one of the few butterflies that mi-
high mountains. A race of the melissa arctic, O. melissa grates (see Chapter 4). Large numbers migrate south in
semidea (Say), is restricted to the summits of the White the fall, and the species reappears in the north the fol-
Mountains in New Hampshire, and a race of the polix- lowing spring. The longest flight known for an adult
Figure 30-65 The monarch, Danaus plexippus (L.). A, adult male; B, larva. About one
half natural size.
'" E
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Figure 30-68 The fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria (Harris). A, adult female lay-
ing eggs; B, adult maleoNatural size.
aresmall and rounded. This moth has a wingspread of where heavy industry covers tree trunks with soot, the
a Hule less than 25 mm. The larva rolls and feeds on light-colored individuals of this moth have been re-
grapeleaves. placed by dark variants, which elsewhere are relatively
Several members of this family are important for- rare. The dark forms have a better chance of escaping
est pests. The hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria predation when alighting on soot-tovered tree trunks
(Guenée) (Ennominae), is a widely distributed species than do the light-colored formo
attacking hemlock and other conifers, and it has oc- SUPERFAMILYMimallonoidea: The only family in
curredin outbreak numbers. The adults resemble those this group is the Mimallonidae. They are mainly
ofEnnomosmagnarius(Figure 30-69A). The mountain Neotropical.
mahogany looper, Anacamptodes clivinaria profanata Family Mimallonidae-Sack-bearers: These insects
(Barnes and McDunnough) (Ennominae), feeds on are called "sack-bearers" because the larvae make cases
mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus) and bitterbrush from leaves and carry them about. The group is a small
(Purshia)in the Northwest and is very destructive to one, with 4 North American species in three genera
both. (Lacosoma, Naniteta, and Cicinnus). The moths in the
A European species in the subfamily Ennominae, genus Lacosoma are yellowish in color and about 25 mm
Bistonbetularia(L.), is an example of the phenomenon in wingspread, with the distal margin of the front
known as industrial melanism. In areas of Great Britain wings deeply scalloped (Figure 30-70A). Those in the
L = 60 :!: mm L = 70 :!: mm
@ e
the ground without forming a cocoon. Most species yellow; and the body is reddish brown with yellow bands.
overwinter in the pupal stage and have one generation The larva (Figure 30-75B) is often called the "hickory
a year. A few species in this group have been used for horned devil." When full grown it is 100-130 mm long
the production of commercial silk. Some of the Asiatic and has curved spines on the anterior part of its body.
species have provided a silk that makes strong and Although very ferocious in appearance, this caterpillar
long-wearing fabrics, but none of the North American is quite harmless. lt feeds principally on walnut, hick-
species has proved satisfactory for commercial silk pro- ory, and persimmon.
duction. The imperial moth, Eacles imperialis (Drury), isa
The 68 North American species of saturniids are large, yellowish moth with dark, peppered spots. Each
arranged in three subfamilies, the Ceratocampinae, the wing has a pinkish brown diagonal band near the mar-
Hemileucinae, and the Saturniinae. gin (Figure 30-75C). The larva feeds on various trees
Subfamily Ceratocampinae-Royal Moths: The and shrubs. A related species from Mexico, E. oslari
members of this group have two anal veins in the hind Rothschild, enters the United States in southern Ari-
wing; the discal cell in the front wing is closed; and M2 zona. The moths in the genus Anisota are small, with
in the front wing is stalked with R for a short distance wingspreads of 25-40 mm. Most are brownish. The
(Figure 30-22A). The antennae of the male are pecti- rosy maple moth, Dryocampa rubicunda (Fabricius), is
nate in the basal half only. The larvae are armed with pale yellow and banded with pink (Figure 30-75D).
horns or spines and pupate in the ground. Subfamily Hemileucinae: Some members of this
The largest North American member of this group group (Automeris) have one anal vein in the hind wing,
is the regal or royal walnut moth, Citheronia regalis whereas others have two. The discal cell in the front
(Fabricius) (Figure 29-75A), which has a wingspread wing is usually closed (Figure 30-22B); MI in the front
of 125-150 mm. The front wings are gray or olive- wing is usually not stalked with R; and the antennae of
colored, spotted with yellow, and the veins reddish the males are pectinate to the tipo Most moths in this
brown. The hind wings are orange-red, spotted with group have a wingspread of about 50 mm.
Key to the Families of lepidoptera 633
::E ::E
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Figure30-75 Saturniid moths. A, adult, and B, larva of the regal moth, Citheronia re-
galis (Fabricius), !j2X; C, the imperial moth, Eacles imperialis (Drury), P/2X; D, the rosy
maple moth, Dryocampa rubicunda (Fabricius), slightly enlarged; E, the io moth,
Automeris io (Fabricius), male, slightly reduced; F, the buck moth, Hemileuca maia
(Drury), about natural size. A-D, Ceratocampinae; E-F, Hemileucinae.
The io moth, Automeris io (Fabricius), is one of the similar species occurring in the West. Its larva feeds on
most common and the largest in this group. It has a willow and poplar. Other species of Hemileuca feed on
wingspread of 50-75 mm and is yellow with a large other trees or on grasses. Buck moths have a very rapid
eyespot in each hind wing (Figure 30-75E). The fe- flight and are difficult to capture.
maleis usually larger than the male, and its front wings The pandora moth, Coloradia pandora Blake, a
aredarker (reddish brown). The larva is a spiny green western species, is a liule smaller than the io. It is gray
caterpillar with a narrow reddish stripe, edged below with lighter hind wings, and it has a small, dark spot
withwhite, extending along each side of the body (Fig- near the center of each wing. This species is an impor-
ure30-74D). Handle this larva with care, as the spines tant defoliator of pines in the West.
sting. Subfamily Saturniinae-Giant Silkworm Moths: The
The buck moth, Hemileuca maia (Drury), is a little members of this subfamily have one anal vein in the
smallerthan the io and is blackish with a narrow yellow hind wing; the discal cell of the front wing may be open
bandthrough the middle of each wing (Figure 30-75F). (Figure 30-22C) or closed; and MI in the front wing is
lt occurs throughout the East; it is not commonly en- not stalked with R. The antennae of the male are pecti-
countered, but can be locally abundant. It is largely di- nate to the tipo
umal in habit, and its larva (which has stinging hairs) The largest member of this subfamily in North
pupatesin the ground. Hemileuca nevadensis Stretch is a America is the cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia (L.).
634 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
A .'1:
Most individuals have a wingspread of 130-150 mm. large, yellowish brown moth with a windowlike spotin
The wings are reddish brown, erossed a little distad of eaeh wing (Figure 30-76A). The larva (Figure 3D-HE)
the middle by a white baI1d. In the middle of each wing is similar to that of the luna moth and feeds on various
is a ereseent-shaped white spot bordered with red (Fig- trees. 115cocoon is formed in a leaf on the ground.
ure 30-76D). The larva (Figure 30-74A) is a greenish Family Sphingidae-Sphinx or Hawk Moths, Horn-
caterpillar that reaches a length of about 100 mm. It worms: The sphinx moths are medium sized to large,
has two rows of yellow tubercles down the baek and heavy-bodied moths with long, narrow front wings
two pairs of large red tubercles on the thoraeie seg- (Figure 30-77). Some have a wingspread of 160 rnmor
ments. The eocoons are formed on twigs. Three related more. The body is somewhat spindle shaped, tapering,
and very similar speeies of Hyalophora oeeur in the and pointed both anteriorly and posteriorly. The an-
West. tennae are slightly thickened in the middle or toward
The promethea moth, Callosamia promethea the tipo The subcosta and radius in the hind wing are
(Drury), is sometimes ealled the "spieebush silk moth" eonneeted by a erossvein (R1) about opposite the mid-
beeause its larva feeds on spicebush, sassafras, and re- dIe of the discal eell (Figure 30-19B). The proboseisin
lated plan15. This moth is eonsiderably smaller than the many speeies is very long, some times as long as the
cecropia. The female is patterned a little like the ee- body or longer. There are about 125 speeies of sphin-
eropia, but the male (Figure 30-76B) is much darker, gids in Nonh America.
with a narrow, yellowish, marginal band of on the These moths are strong fliers and fly with a very
wings. Males fly during the afternoon and night and, rapid wing beat. Some are day-fliers, but most are ac-
when on the wing, look a little like a large mourning tive at dusk or twilight. Most feed mueh like hum-
cloak butterfly. The eoeoon is formed in a leaf. The mingbirds, hovering in front of a flower and extending
larva prevents the leaf from falling off by seeurely fas- their proboseis into it. These moths are in faet some-
tening the petiole of the leaf to the twig with silk. times ealled "hummingbird moths," and in many
One of the most beautiful moths in this group is speeies the body is about the size of a hummingbird.
the luna moth, Actias luna (L.), a light green moth with Some speeies (for example, Hemaris) have large areas
long tails on the hind wings and with the costal border in the wings devoid of seales and are ealled "clearwing
of the front wings narrowly bordered by dark brown sphinx moths." These are not to be eonfused with the
(Figure 30-76C). The greenish larva (Figure 30-74C) clearwing moths of the family Sesiidae, which are
feeds on walnut, hickory, and other trees, and forms its smaller and more slender and have much more elon-
eoeoon in a leaf on the ground. gate front wings (compare Figures 30-77B and 30-46).
Another eommon moth in this group is the The name "hornworm" derives from the faet that
polyphemus moth, Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer), a the larvae of most speeies have a eonspicuous horn or
Keyto the Families of lepidoptera 635
spinelikeprocess on the dorsal surface of the eighth ab- braconid parasites, which form small, white, silken co-
dominalsegment (Figure 30-78A). The name "sphinx" coons on the outside of the caterpillar (Figure 30-78B).
probably refers to the sphinxlike position that some of The largest North American sphingids (in terms of
¡hese larvae assume when disturbed. The larva e of wing surface area) are females of the southwestern
mostspeeies pupa te in the ground, in some cases form- Pachysphinx oecidentalis (Hy. Edwards), with a wing-
ingpitcherlike pupae (probo seis of the pupa looks like spread of up to 160 mm. A tropical speeies, Cocytius
a handle). Some speeies form a sort of cocoon among antaeus (Drury), which barely enters North America in
leaveson the surface of the ground. southern Texas and Florida, can be even larger than
One of the most common speeies in this group is p. occidentalis. The smallest North American sphingid
¡he tomato hornworrn, Manduca quinquemaeulata is probably Cautethia grotei Hy. Edwards, which has a
(Haworth). The larva (Figure 30-78A) is a large, green wingspread of just over 30 mm.
caterpillar that feeds on tomato, tobacco, and potato. SUPERFAMllYNoctuoidea: All noctuoids have tho-
Thelarva of a similar speeies, M. sexta (L.), feeds on to- racic tympanal organs, which separate them from all
baccoand other plants. The adults of these two speeies other Lepidoptera.
arelargegray moths with a wingspread of about 100 mm. Family Doidae: Two southwestern speeies, Doa am-
Thehind wings are banded, and there are five (quin- pla (Grote) and Leuculodes leeteolaria (Hulst) represent
quemaculata)or six (sexta) orange-yellow spots along this recently recognized family. The larvae of D. ampla
each side of the abdomen (Figure 30-77C). These feed on Euphorbiaceae.
hornworrns often do considerable damage to the plants Family Notodontidae {including Dioptidae. Hetero-
onwhich they feed. Hornworms are often attacked by campidae)-Prominents and Oakworms: The pro mi-
nents are usually brownish or yellowish moths that are occur in the United 5tates. The only common speciesis
similar to the Noctuidae in general appearance. The the California oakworm, Phryganidia califomica
family and subfamily names (not-, back; -odont, tooth) Packard, which occurs in California. The adults are
refer to the fact that some species have backward- slender moths, pale, translucent brown with dark veins,
projecting tufts on the hind margin of the wings, which and have a wingspread of about 30 mm. The larvaefeed
protrude when the wings are folded (they are usually on oak leaves and often do considerable damage.
folded rooflike over the body when at rest), and the Family Noctuidae:This is the largest familyin the
larvae have conspicuous tubercles on the dorsal surface order, with more than 2,900 species in the United
of the body. The prominents can be readily distin- 5tates and Canada. These moths are mostly nocturnal
guished from the noctuids by the venation of the front in habit, and most moths attracted to lights at nightbe-
wing (Figure 30-21B). In the Notodontidae, M2 in the long to this family.
front wing arises from the middle of the apex of the dis- The noctuids are mostly heavy-bodied moths,
cal cell, and the cubitus appears three-branched, with somewhat narrowed front wings and broadened
whereas in the Noctuidae, M2 in the front wing arises hind wings (Figures 30-80, 30-81). The labial palps
closer to MJ, and the cubitus appears four-branched are usually long, the antennae are generally hairlike
(Figure 30-27). This family has nearly 140 North (sometimes brushlike in the males), and some species
American species. have tufts of scales on the dorsum of the thorax. The
Notodontid larva e feed on various trees and wing venation (Figures 30-24B, 30-27) is rather char-
shrubs and are often gregarious. When disturbed, they acteristic: M2 in the front wing arises closer to M3than
often elevate the anterior and posterior ends of the to MI>and the cubitus appears to have four branches;
body and "freeze" in this position, remaining attached the subcosta and radius in the hind wing are separate
by the four pairs of prolegs in the middle of the body. at the base but fuse for a short distance at the baseof
The anal pair of prolegs is often rudimentary or modi- the discal cell; and M2 in the hind wing may be present
fied into spinelike structures. or absent.
In this group, most of the brownish moths that Noctuid larvae are usually smooth and dul\-
have dark, narrow lines across the front wings belong colored (Figure 30-82), and most have five pairs of
to the genus Datana. These are sometimes called prolegs. The majority feed on foliage, but some are bor-
"handmaid moths" (Figure 30-79A). The larvae are ing in habit and some feed on fruits. A number of
blackish, with longitudinal yellow stripes. The yellow- species in this group are serious pests of various crops.
necked caterpillar, D. ministra (Drury), feeds on apple The noctuids have a pair of tyrnpanal auditory or-
and other trees. The walnut caterpillar, D. intergenima gans located at the base of the metathorax. (5uch organs
Grote and Robinson, feeds principally on walnut and are present in several other families of moths and arein
hickory. some cases located on the abdomen.) These organs can
The red-humped caterpillar, Schizura concinna detect frequencies of fram 3 to more than 100 kHz,3and
Q. E. 5mith), is a fairly common species in this group. they appear to function in detecting and evading bats.
The larva is black with yellow stripes, with the head Bats can detect prey (and obstacles) in complete dark-
and a hump on the first abdominal segment red (Fig- ness by means of a sort of sonar. They emit very high-
ure 30-79B). The adult has a wingspread of a little over pitched clicks (sometimes as high as 80 kHz) and locate
25 mm. The front wings are gray with brown markings, objects from the echoes of these clicks.
and the hind wings are white with a small, black spot The family Noctuidae is divided into a number of
along the rear edge. The larva feeds on apple and other subfamilies, some of which have been given family
orchard trees and on various shrubs.
The oakworms are a New World group, most mem- 3Three kilohertz is in the top octave of the piano; the average upper
bers of which occur in 50uth America. Only two species limit of hearing in humans is about 15 or 16 kHz.
..:: ..::
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,lit. :c
rank. We make no attempt here to characterize all distinguished by their naked proboseis. Nigetia formos-
thesesubfamilies, and only mention a few. alis Walker (Strepsimaninae) is a rather pretty, mottled
Subfamilies Herminiinae. Strepsimaninae. and Hypeni- moth that is fairly common in the eastern United
nae:These moths are the most primitive noctuids and States.
are commonly called "quadrifids" (M2 in the hind wing Subfamily Catocalinae:This group includes the un-
is well developed, and the cubitus thus appears four- derwings, relatively large and strikingly colored moths
branched). Many resemble pyralids, but they can be of the genus Catoeala. They are forest or woodland
638 Chapter30 Orderlepidoptera
I '"
I <P
Figure 30-84 The white-marked tussock
moth, Orgyia leucostigma (Abbott and Smith).
A A, larva; B, adult male; e, adult female. Slightly
640 Chapter30 Order Lepidoptera
Subfamily Arctiinae-Tiger Moths: This group con- One of the best-known woollybear caterpillars is
tainsthe majority of the species in the family, and many the banded woollybear, Pyrrharctia isabella Q. E. Smith).
arevery common insects. A few are occasionally rather This caterpillar is brown in the middle and black at each
destructive to trees and shrubs. Many are very colorful end, and the adult is yellowish brown with three rows of
and thus popular with collectors. They are broadly dis- small black spots on the abdomen. These caterpillars are
tributed in temperate and tropical regions. often seen scurrying across the roadways in the fall.
Most tiger moths are of small to medium size, and They overwinter as larvae and pupate in the spring. The
brightly spotted or banded. Some are white or rather larva feeds on various weeds. The amount ofblack in the
uniformly brownish. The wing venation is very similar larva in the fall is thought by some to vary proportion-
to that in the Noctuidae, but Sc and Rs in the hind ately with the severity of the coming winter.
wingare usually fused to about the middle of the dis- The larvae of some of the tiger moths feed on trees
cal cell (Figure 30-26). These moths are principally and shrubs and often do serious damage. The fall web-
nocturnal and, when at rest, hold the wings rooflike worm, Hyphantria cunea (Drury), is a common species
overthe body. The larvae are usually hairy, sometimes of this type. The larvae build large webs, often enclos-
very.The so-called woollybear caterpillars belong to ing a limb of foliage, and feed within the web. These
this group. The cocooo5 are made largely from the webs are common on many types of trees in late sum-
bodyhairs of the larvae. mer and fallo In North America this species is usually
The tiger moths in the genera Apantesis and Gram- only a nuisance, but it has been introduced into Eu-
miahave black front wings with red or yellow stripes, rope, where it has become a serious pest. The adults are
and the hind wings are usually pinkish with black usually white with a few dark spots and have a wing-
spots. One of the largest and most common species in spread of about 25 mm. Some are all white, or they may
the genus is G. virgo (L.), which has a wingspread of have varying amounts of black spotting. The larvae of
about50 mm (Figure 30-87 A). The larva feeds on pig- the hickory tussock moth, Lophocampacaryae (Harris)
weedand other weeds, and winters in the larval stage. (Figure 30-88B), feed on hickory and other trees. The
Estigmene acrea (Drury) is another common tiger larva is somewhat similar to that of the tussock moths
moth.The adults are white, with numerous small, black in the genus Orgyia. The adults (Figure 30-88A) are
spots on the wings, and the abdomen is pinkish with light brown with white spots on the wings.
blackspots (Figure 30-87B). The male's hind wings are
yellowish. The larva feeds on numerous grasses and is
sometimes called the "salt-marsh caterpillar."
Ctenuchas and wasp moths (tribe Ctenuchini) are enough to stun the insect quickly, before it can flutter
small, day-flying moths, some of which are wasplike in about too much inside the jar and damage its wings.
appearance (but not as wasplike as the Sesiidae). Most Many species, particularly butterflies, frequent
species are tropical and very colorful. They can be recog- flowers and can be collected while feeding. To obtaina
nized by the venation of the hind wing (Figure 30-25A): large number of species, visit a variety of habitats and
The subcosta is apparently absent. In the West, some collect at all seasons. Many species live only in certain
species of ctenuchas are occasionally seen flying in large habitats, and many have a short adult life and are on
numbers, as if migrating. the wing only a short time each year.
Ctenucha virginica (Esper), a common species Many moths are most easily collected at lights, es-
in the Northeast, has brownish black wings, a bril- pecially ultraviolet ("black") and mercury vapor lights,
liant metallic bluish body, and an orange head (Fig- They can be collected by traps, but specimens collected
ure 30-86B). The larva is a woolly, yellowish cater- in this way are often in poor condition unless special
pillar that feeds on grasses. The cocoon is formed precautions are taken. Traps should have a screen of
largely of the body hairs of the caterpillar. The yellow- %-inch (l-cm) mesh near the bottom to keep large
collared scape moth, Cissepsfulvicollis (Hübner), is specimens away fram smaller ones, and there should
somewhat smaller than the ctenucha, with narrower be plenty of folded paper and the like to provide hid-
wings and with the central portion of the hind wings ing places. A strong poison is needed, such as cyanide,
lighter. Its prothorax is yellowish (Figure 30-86A). and thus considerable care is needed in operating the
The larva of this species feeds on grasses, and the trapo A stun trap could be made by using blocks of ice
adults frequent goldenrod flowers. in the bottom, with ample provision for keeping
the moisture down. The low temperatures in such a
trap would immobilize the specimens, which could
be removed in the morning or after a few hours of
Collecting and Preserving Lepidoptera operation.
Specimens can be collected at lights if there is a
The order Lepidoptera contains many large and showy flat, white surface near the light for the insects to land
insects, and many students begin their collecting with on. The specimens can be taken directly fram such a
these insects. Lepidoptera are generally fairly easy to surface into a killing jaro Many interesting species can
collect, but they are more difficult to mount and pre- be obtained by sugaring (see Chapter 35).
serve in good condition than insects in most other or- Take precautions to prevent specimens from be-
ders. Always handle specimens with great care, because coming damaged after they are placed in the killingjar.
the scales, which give the specimens their color, are Don't place large, heavy-bodied specimens in ajar
easily rubbed off, and in many species the wings are along with small, delicate ones. Don't let the jar be-
easily torn or broken. come too crowded. Remove the specimens soon after
Lepidoptera can be collected with a net, or they they have been stunned, and then place them in paper
can be gotten directly into a killing jar without the use envelopes. Small moths are perhaps best killed in small
of a neto A net for collecting these insects should be of cyanide vials (such as shown in Figure 35-2A), with
a fairly light mesh, light enough that the specimen can pieces of cIeansing tissue inside to prevent the insects
be seen through the neto Once netted, a specimen from touching each other too mucho
should be placed into a killingjar or stunned as quickly The best way to obtain good specimens of many
as possible so it will not damage its wings by fluttering species is to rear them, from either larvae or pupae,
and attempting to escape. Many collectors prefer to in- Suggestions for rearing are given in Chapter 35. By
sert the killing jar into the net to get the specimen into rearing, the collector not only obtains good specimens,
the jar without handling the specimen directly. The but also can become acquainted with the larval stages
killing jar should be of sufficient toxic strength to stun of different species and the plants on which the larvae
the insect quickly. If the specimen is removed to the feed.
killingjar by hand, grasp it carefully through the net by Specimens of Lepidoptera can be preserved in a
the thorax, pinch it slightly to stun it, and then place it collection in two ways: in paper envelopes (as in the
in the killing jaro Do not pinch delicate species such as case of Odonata and some other groups), or spread and
blues and hairstreaks. Large moths are most easily pinned. Use envelopes for temporary storage or in
killed by injecting alcohol into the thorax with a hypo- cases where the collection is large and space is not
dermic needle (only a few drops are needed). available for large numbers of spread specimens. Io
Many moths can be taken directly into a killing jar display your collection, the most useful type of mount
without using a neto Simply place a wide-mouthed jar is a glass-topped drawer. The best collections of
over the specimen when it is resting on some flat sur- Lepidoptera have the specimens pinned and spread,
face. The killing agent in the jar should be strong Many collectors find it best to pin the smaller moths in
References 643
the field and to spread them later. Moths with a wing- the skill and patience of the collector, but the resulting
spread of less than 10 mm should generally be pinned collection will be worth the effort. With the right equip-
with a minuten pin and double-mounted as shown in ment and practice, even microlepidoptera can be spread.
Figure35-13D. Some collectors spread micros in the field, or at least
All Lepidoptera that are pinned or mounted under "puff' out their wings, that is, blow on the specimens 10
glassshould be spread. The beginning student or the líft and separate the wings.
personinterested principally in displaying his or her col- In a large collection of pinned Lepidoptera, space
lectionis advised to spread the specimens in an upside- can be saved by putting the pins into the bottom of the
downposition (Figure 35-12). The advanced student or box at an angle and overlapping the wings of adjacent
theperson making a large collection should pin them or specimens. This is called shingling. A collection must
keep them in envelopes. Methods of spreading and be protected against museum pests by having naphtha-
mounting Lepidoptera are described in Chapter 35. It lene or some similar repellent in the boxes. Keep it in
takesa líttle practice to become proficient in spreading the dark, because many specimens facle if exposed to
theseinsects,and someof the smallerspecimenswill tax líght for long periods.
Adamski, D., and R. L. Brown. 1989. Morphology and sys- Cooperative Extension Service Colorado State University
tematics of North American Blastobasidae (Lepidoptera: Bulletin 514A. 24 p.
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Tech. Bul!. 165, 170 pp. pie in New York. Geneva: N.Y. State Agricultural Experi-
Allen,J. T. 1997. The Butterflies of West Virginia and Their ment Station, Comell University, 122 pp.
Caterpillars. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, Collins, M. M., and R. D. Weast. 1981. Wild Silk Moths of the
224 pp. United States: Satumiinae. Cedar Rapids, lA: Collins Ra-
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Bordelon, c., and E. Knudson. 1998. Checklist of Lepi- boume: Melboume University Press.
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Texas Lepidoptera Survey, Pub!. 2. Houston: Knudson Ithaca, NY: Comstock Publishing Company, Inc. 1064 pp.
and Bordelon, 42 pp. Covell, C. V.,]r. 1984. A Field Guide to the Moths of Eastem
Bordelon,c., and E. Knudson. 2002. Checklist of Butterflies North America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 496 pp.
of the Lower Rio Grande Valley,Texas. Texas Lepidoptera Davis, D. R. 1964. Bagworm moths of the westem Hemi-
Survey,Pub!. 9A. Houston: Knudson and Bordelon, 52 pp. sphere (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). Bull. U.S. Nat!. Mus.
Braun,A. F. 1948. Elachistidae of North America (Microlepi- 244:1-233.
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18:1-208. Davis, D. R. 1968. A revision of the American moths of the
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Brown,F. M., D. Eff, and B. Rotger. 1957. Colorado Butter- introduction of the cereal stem moth, Ochsenheimeria
fijes. Denver: Denver Museum of Natural History, 368 pp. vacculella into the United States (Lepidoptera: Ti-
Bucheli, S., j.-F. Landry, and j. Wenze!. 2002. Larval case neoidea). Smithson. Contrib. lo o!. No. 192, 20 pp.
architecture and implications of host-plant associations Davis, D. R. 1978a. A revision of the North American moths of
for North American Coleophora (Lepidoptera: Coleo- the superfamily Eriocranioidea with the proposal of a new
phoridae). Cladistics 18:71-93. family, Acanthopteroctetidae (Lepidoptera). Smithson.
Burns,J. M. 1964. Evolution in skipper butterflies of the Contrib. lo o!. No. 51, 131 pp.
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644 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
Davis, D. R., O. Pellmyr, andJ. N. Thompson. 1992. Biology Ferguson, D. C. 1978. Noctuoidea: Lymantriidae. In R. B.
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524,88 pp. dation. Fase. 22.2, 110 pp.
Davis, D. R, and G. Deschka. 2001. Biology and systematics Ferguson, D. C. 1985a. Geometroidea: Geometridae (part),sub-
of the North American Phyllonorycter leafminers on Sali- family Geometrinae. In R B. Dominick (Ed.), The Mothsol
caceae, with a synoptic catalog of the Palearctic species America North of Mexico. Washington, DC: Wedge Ento.
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614:1-89. Ferguson, D. C. 1985b. Contributions toward reclassification
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Mexico. Washington, DC: Wedge Entomological Re- tion and a revlsion of the Neoarctia-Grammia group (Lep-
search Foundation. (This ongoing series, when complete, idoptera: Arctiidae; Arctiinae). Entomography 3:181-275.
will consist of identification manuals for all species of Ferris, C. D,. and E M. Brown (Eds.). 1980. Butterflies 01the
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lished in about 150 parts, making 30 fascicles, written by homa Press, 442 pp.
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(Calif. Dept. Agr.) 26:1-54. the Moths of the World. Vo\. 4: Bombycoidea, Mimal-
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moths of California (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). Occas. Pap. gaenoidea, Sesioidea. London: British Museum (Natural
Ent. (Calif. Dept. Agr.) 27:1-80. History) .
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Eichlin, T. D., and H. B. Cunningham. 1978. The Plusiinae 263 pp. (1948). Part 3: Noctuidae. Cornell Univ. Agr.
(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of America north of Mexico, Expt. Sta. Mem. 329, 433 pp. (1954). Part 4: Agaristidae
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Emmel, T. C. 1975. Butterflies. New York: Knopf, 260 pp. Washington, DC: Wedge Entomological Research Foun.
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Ser. 26:1-148. dae. J. Lepidop. SOCo23 (Supp\. 1):1-59.
Evans, W H. 1951-1955. Catalogue of American Hesperiidae, Garth, J. S., and J. W Tilden. 1986. California Butterflies.
3 vols. London: British Museum (Natural History), 521 pp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 208 pp.
Ferguson, D. C. 1972a. Saturniidae: Citheroniinae and Handfield, L. 1999. Le guide des papillons du Quebec (ver.
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Wedge Entomological Research Foundation. Fase. 20, tomo\. Soco Can. 40:1-245.
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Ferguson, D. C. 1972b. Bombycoidea: Saturniidae (conclu- ican Heliothidinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Mem. En.
sion: Hemileucinae in part, and Saturniinae). In R B. tomo\. Soco Can. 73:1-59.
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dation. Fase. 20, Part 2B, 264 pp.
References 645
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646 Chapter30 OrderLepidoptera
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Malacosoma Hübner in North Arnerica (Lepidoptera: La-
31 Order Siphonaptera1,2
leas are small, wingless, holometabolous insects. cipital setae cephalad of the occipital row. The amen-
F With rare exception, the adults depend for nourish- nae consist of a basal scape, a pedicel, and a nine-
ment on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates. How- segmented flagellum, or clavus. Some of the segments
ever, the larvae are relatively free-living and feed on or- may be at least partIy fused, especially in the femalesof
ganic material in the larval habitat. The bodies of adult some species. In males, the mesal surface of the clavus
fleas (Figure 31-1) tend to be laterally compressed and usually bears a number of T-shaped holding organs
usually have caudally directed setae and spines that ex- that the male uses to engage with the female's basalab-
pedite forward progress through the vestiture of the dominal sternite during copulation. The feeding appa-
host while resisting the backward movements fre- ratus includes a vestigial clypeus and mandibles and
quentIy associated with the grooming activities of the paired, usually four-segmented maxillary palpi arising
host. Adults have shiny, hairy bodies and range from on a triangular maxillary lobe. The labium usually has
light, yellowish brown to almost black. a 2- to 5-segmented labial palpus, although as many as
The adult head capsule may be "fracticipit," with a la segments are known from species of Chaetopsylla
complete transverse interantennal groove connecting (Arctopsylla), and as many as 20 in an extralimital
the antennal fossae dorsally, or "integricipit," in which genus belonging to the same family. The feeding fasci-
the interantennal groove is absent. lt usually bears a cle consists of an unpaired epipharyngeal stylet and a
single frontal tubercle (Figure 31-2A) mesally on the pair of maxillary stylets derived from the laciniae, held
frontal margin and a variable number of preantennal together by the labial palpi. According to Snodgrass
setal rows. A pair of eyes may be present, vestigial, or (1946), this condition is unique to the order, because
absent, but when present they arise along the dor- other insects with piercing-sucking mouthparts have
socephalic margin of an oblique linear depression con- maxillary stylets derived from the galeae.
taining the antennae, called the antennal fossa. In some The thorax (Figure 31-2) consists of three distincI
groups the dorsal ends of these fossae are fused inter- and somewhat separa te segments. The pronotum is
nally to form an oval or circular trabecula centralis or well demarcated and may have one to three rows of se-
area communis (Figure 31-2A). The dorsal margin of tae and frequentIy a distinct comb along its caudal mar-
the antennal fossae usually has a number of small se- gin. The propleurites and prosternum have 1051their
tulae along at least part of its length. The genallobe ex- individual identities and form a composite, L-shaped
tends below and behind the eye and may bear a comb structure, called the prostemosome, that is devoid of se-
of two or more spines (Figure 31-1), or lack a comb al- tae. The mesonotum and mesopleurites are well devel-
together (Figure 31-2A). The postocular portion of the oped, but beca use of the lateral compression of Ihe
head capsule usually bears one or more rows of preoc- body, the mesosternum is much narrowed and reduced.
The mesonotum may bear a number of regular or ir-
'Siphonaptera: siphon, a tube; aptera, wingless. regular rows of setae and there may be a number of
'We are indebted to Dr. Robert E. Lewis for most of the material in pseudosetae along the internal caudal margin of the
648 this chapter. - mesonotal collar (Figure 31-2). The pleural sclerites
I~¡'(~é~;' ,,'~'...J
'. --:~"...
Order Siphonaptera 649
aredivided into an anterior mesepisternum and a pos- In the former instance, all or part of a leg may be per-
terior mesepimeron by a subvertical pleural rod. The manently lost, whereas in the latter the individual moves
caudal margin of the latter is articulated with the fol- by simply crawling. In typical adults the leg consists of
lowingsegment by a lateral link plate arising above the a large, flattened coxa, a small trochanter, flattened fe-
spirade. The metathorax also is well developed, with a mur and tibia, and a 5-segmented tarsus, the terminal
distinctmetanotum and large, shield-shaped metapleu- segment of which bears three to five pairs of lateral plan-
rites. The metanotum bears a smaller ventral, lobe- tar setae and an apical pair of claws called ungues (Fig-
shaped lateral metano tal area and the upper portion ure 31-1). The configuration of the ungues is evidently
mayhave a variable number of regular or irregular se- determined by the nature of the host's pelage.
tal rows and a few small spinelets on the caudal mar- The abdomen of adult fleas consists of eight dis-
gin. The metapleurites usually are divided by a large, tinct segments plus a compound terminal area in
subvertical pleural rod, the dorsal end expanded to which segmentation is indistinct. Tergum 1 is small
form a cup-shaped "ball and socket" joint with the and unmodified, but may bear a few small spinelets on
metanotum that usually is lined with resilin, a color- its caudal margino Abdominal sternite 1 is vestigial in
less,rubberlike, elastic protein best developed in those both sexes. As a result, the first visible sternite is num-
species that are good jumpers. The anterior metepis- ber 2. Tergites and sternites 2 to 7 are unmodified. The
temum usually is relatively devoid of setae, but the tergites may have a variable number of se tal rows and
posterior metepimeron bears a spirade and a number at least the anteriormost segments also may bear mar-
oflong setae, the arrangement of which is sometimes ginal spinelets. The sternites usually only have a single
usefulin identification. row of setae, situated in the ventral half of each seg-
The legs of most adult fleas are similar in form and ment. The remaining abdominal segments are vari-
function,allowing the individual to progress by walking ously modified to form the internal and external geni-
or jumping. Exceptions indude species that attach talia. The caudal margin of tergum 7 in both sexes
themselvesmore or less permanently to their hosts and usually has a variable number of antesensilial setae.
thosethat are restricted to the nest or lair of their hosts. Tergum 8 bears a large, spiracular fossa cephalad of the
650 Chapter31 OrderSiphonaptera
Occipital row
Trabecula centralis
Mesopleural rod
L setae
Very few features of the female anatomy are useful In males the aedeagus is a complicated structure
in identification. Beyond the usual somatic characters, consisting of a number of parts of uncertain function,
theyare found in the abdominal segments 7 to 11 (Fig- as well as the penis rods, the functional intromittent
ure31-3C). Externally these include the number of an- organ. Although the families vary considerably with re-
tesensilial setae, the shape of the anal stylet and dorsal spect to the other genitalic characters, the following is
anallobes, the form of the caudal margin of sternite 7 a general description among the families under consid-
and the setation of tergite and sternite 8. Useful inter- eration. Tergites 9 to 10 are modified into paired clasp-
nal structures, at least in so me species, include the ing organs (Figure 31-3B), the fixed and movable pro-
formof the spermatheca(e) and the shape and degree cesses. The former are derived from the dorsal portion
ofsclerotization of the genital ducts. of the ventral, handlelike extension of the body o~ the
652 Chapter31 OrderSiphonaptera
1. Middle coxa without an outer internal ridge (Figures 31-1, 31-7); hind
tibia without an apical tooth; sensilium with 8 or 14 pits per side
(family Pulicidae ) 15
l' Middle coxa with outer internal ridge (Figures 31-4 - 31-6); hind tibia
usually with an apical tooth; sensilium usually with more than 16 pits
per side 2
Keyto Families and Subfamilies of Siphonaptera 653
e D
2(1'). Anterior tentorial arm present in front of eye; genal and prono tal combs
absent; mesopleural rod not forked dorsally; ventral margin of pronotum
not bilobed; fifth tarsal segment with 4 pairs of plantar bristles; frontal
tubercle arising in a groove, its apex directed forward and upward
(Figure 31-4B) Rhopalopsyllidae p.658
2'. Not with the preceding combination of characters 3
654 Chapter31 OrderSiphonaptera
e 0.50 mm D
10(9') Labial palpi with at most 2 distinct segments; genal comb well developed,
with at least 9 spines, tergite 1 of abdomen with a well-deveioped comb
(Figure 31-6F) (parasites mainly of small rodents) Stenoponiinae p. 658
10'. Labial palpi with at least 4 segments; genal comb sometimes absent,
when present rarely with as many as 9 spines; abdomen generally without
combs 11
656 Chapter31 OrderSiphonaptera
A 8
E 0.30 mm
F 0.30 mm
Family Ceratophyllidae: This is the largest family of are mostly parasites of small mammals. Most belongto
fleas in North America, with 125 species belonging to typically Palearctic genera, but the "relict" distribution
28 genera. Given that only 45 genera are recognized in of Dolichopsyllus and Odontopsyllus species, if that is
the world fauna as a whole, this seems to be a relatively what it is, defies logical explanation. Omithophaga
young family, geologically, that is rapidly evolving anomala Mikulin is a Holarctic parasite of birds, prob-
(Traub et al. 1983). Using geological evidence, includ- ably woodpeckers.
ing zoogeography, these authors posited that cerato- Family Ctenophthalmidae: In North America 112
phyllids have arisen from leptopsyllid ancestors, that species are assigned to this taxon, making it the second
they coevolved on sciurid hosts during the Oligocene, largest of the Nearctic families. The six subfamilies as-
and that this took place in what is now the Nearctic re- signed here are all parasites of small rodents and insec-
gion. The Leptopsyllidae, a more ancient family, are tivores.
thought to have arisen and evolved in the Palearctic re- Subfamily Anomiopsyllinae: One of the 29 North
gion, perhaps from some hystrichopsylloid ancestor. American members of this subfamily is a parasite offly-
Subfamily Ceratophyllinae:The 112 species belong- ing squirrels (Glaucomys volans and G. sabrinus) in the
ing to this subfamily are distributed in 25 genera. A East. The remaining species are western, and most are
number are monotypic or with only two or three associated with small rodents, especially Neotoma
species. Many show fairly high degrees of host speci- (woodrat) species.
ficity, for example, Thrassis species on burrow-dwelling Subfamily Ctenophthalminae: Only three speciesof
sciurids, Ceratophyllus species on various birds, and a this large subfamily are found in the Nearctic region.
number of genera associated with small microtine and The two species of Carteretta parasitize small rodents
cricetid rodents. Most species are distributed in west- in the Southwest. Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Bakeris
ern North America, but a few show a true Holarctic dis- widespread east of the Rocky Mountains on a broad
tribution. range of hosts, although it is found primarily on small,
Subfamily Dactylopsyllinae: This small subfamily microtine rodents.
consists of three genera and 15 species, all restricted to Subfamily Doratopsyllinae: The four species as-
the Nearctic Region, and specific parasites of pocket signed here are all associated with shrews (Blarina and
gophers (Geomys and Thomomys species). One species, Sorex species) as their preferred hosts.
Foxella ignota (Baker), has the broadest distribution of Subfamily Neopsyllinae:This subfamily is well repre-
any in the subfamily. It has been divided into a number sented in North America, with 46 recognized species.
of subspecies, most of which are not valid taxa. The bulk of these occur in the West, with only 5 or 6 dis-
Famí/y Ischnopsyllidae:This is an unique group of tributed east of the Mississippi River. All are chiefly par-
fleas consisting of 11 species in four genera. All are ex- asites of small rodents: chipmunks, Tamias spp.; ground
clusively parasites of bats, mostly vespertilionids, squirrels, Spermophilus spp.; cricetid rodents; woodrats,
roosting in mines and natural caverns in the rocks. Ev- Neotoma spp.; and deer mice, Peromyscus spp.
idence suggests that the reproductive cycle in this fam- Subfamily Rhadinopsyllinae: Most of the 28 mem-
ily is mainly influenced by seasonal changes, at least in bers of this group are distributed in the West, where
temperate climates. they are parasites of shrews, moles, and small rodents.
Famí/y Leptopsyllidae: Of the 240 species in the Two monotypic genera, Paratyphloceras oregonensis
world fauna assigned to this family, only 18 (7%) are Ewing and Trichopsylloides oregonensis Ewing, are also
found in North America. Most are in the Palearctic specific parasites of the endangered mountain beaver.
Region, and the North American species are mainly As a group, the species appear to be nest fleas and win-
restricted to the western part of the continent. One ter as adults.
European species, Leptopsylla segnis (Schónherr) is Subfamily Stenoponiinae: The two species assigned
cosmopolitan on Mus musculus, the house mouse. here are large fleas found on small rodents, one species
Dolichopsyllus stylosus is a parasite of the mountain in the East, the other in the West.
beaver. The majority of other species are associated Family Hystrichopsyllidae:As defined here, this fam-
with small rodents, especially microtines. Evolution- ily contains seven Nearctic species that are mainly as-
ary affinities are discussed briefly under the Cerato- sociated with small rodents and insectivores. One
phyllidae. species, Hystrichopsylla scheJJeriChapin, is a parasite of
Subfamily Leptopsyllinae: Only nine taxa belong to the primitive rodent Aplodontia ruja, the mountain
this subfamily, and one, Leptopsylla segnis Schónherr, is beaver, distributed from northern California to south-
not native. The remaining eight species belong to Per- ern British Columbia. This species bears the distinction
omyscopsylla, parasites of small rodents. of being the largest flea (8-10 mm long) in the world.
Subfamily Amphipsyllinae:The six genera and nine Famí/y Rhopalopsyllidae: Only 4 out of the 122
species in North America belonging to this subfamily species belonging to the world fauna occur in North
Collecting and Preserving Siphonaptera 659
America. They are parasites of armadillos, opossums, the rest of their lives. Of the two species included here,
and various small rodents. Tunga penetran s (L.) and T. monositus Barnes and
Family Pulicidae:Diverse though this assemblage is, Radovsky, only the latter has been established with cer-
historically the separa te elements-whether assigned tainty in North America (Hastriter 1997). In both
to the level of family, subfamily, or tribe-have be en ac- cases, the attachment of the female triggers a response
knowledged to be phylogenetically closer to each other in the host's tissues, ultimately causing complete en-
than to other taxa in the order. Currently this family in capsulation of the flea except for the terminal abdomi-
the world fauna has 181 species in 27 genera. Of these, nal segments, which remain open to the exterior via a
16 are known from North America. They are assigned small pore in the capsule. Nourished by tissue fluids
to the following subfamilies. secreted by the host, the abdomen of the female flea en-
Subfamily Archaeopsyllinae: The only two North larges by as much as 1,000X (about the size of a gar-
American taxa, Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) and den pea), accompanied by the production of large
C. canis (Curtis), are not native to North America. The quantities of eggs, which are discharged through the
former is a pest of domes tic pets and livestock, and fre- pore in the capsule, where they fall to the ground and
quently becomes a household pest. In the past decade, begin their development. After a full complement of
researchers have made major developments in flea con- approximately 100 eggs has be en produced, the dead
trol using juvenile growth hormones, and this has been body of the female is usually discharged from the host
the experimental species. The latter taxon is much less by pressure from the surrounding tissues. Females of
common. Both are known as intermediate hosts of the T.penetrans usually attach between the toes and under
dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. the toenails in human hosts. The sites, if untreated,
Subfamily Hectopsyllinae: This tropical group is may become septic or cause other medical problems.
usually associated with rodents and other small mam- Subfamily Xenopsyllinae: Most members of this
mals. The North American species Hectopsylla psitta- subfamily are native to Africa, Asia, or Australia. How-
cciFrauenfeld is a parasite of cliff swallows (Petrocheli- ever, Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild), the Oriental rat
donpyrrhonota) in California. flea, is cosmopolitan, having been transported (by hu-
Subfamily Pulicinae:Only four species belonging to man agency) on black and Norway rats (Rattus rattus
two genera in this family occur in North America. The and R. norvegicus). This flea is generally credited his-
sticktight flea, Echidnophaga gallinacea (Westwood), torically with being the major vector of bubonic plague
can be a pest of domestic poultry, but also infests during the early pandemics in Asia and Europe. Today
medium-sized mammals and wild birds. Adults tend to it do es not figure prominently in maintaining sylvatic
congregate in areas on the host that are difficult to plague in nature. However, it is an intermedia te host to
groom and may remain attached for extended periods. the tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta.
PulexporcinusJordan and Rothschild is a common par- Family Vermipsyllidae: This family contains only
asite of peccaries, Pecari tajacu. The other two species three genera in the world fauna, including 6 species of
of Pulex, P. irritans Linnaeus and P. simulans Baker, in- the genus Chaetopsylla in North America. All are associ-
festa broad range of hosts from small to medium-sized ated with various carnivores (for example, raccoons,
mammals, and the former is so me times associated with foxes, wolves, and bears) and all tend to be distributed
human habitations. in the colder parts ofthe Nearctic and Palearctic regions.
Subfamily Spilopsyllinae: The five species in this
subfamily belong to four genera. One species is a para-
site of hole-nesting birds on both coasts of North
America. The other four are found on rabbits and Collecting and Preserving Siphonaptera
hares. Evidence suggests that at least Spilopsyllus sim-
plex(Baker) and s. inaequalis(Baker) have developed Fleas can be collected fram host animals or from their
an elaborate physiological mechanism whereby the re- nests or lair. The methods suggested for collecting
productive cycle of the flea depends on the reproduc- Phthiraptera also apply to the Siphonaptera.
tivecycle of the host. The process is described in detail Fleas should be preserved in 75% ethyl alcohol, al-
byMarshall (981) based on the studies of Rothschild though a good alternative is to store them dry in small
and her associates with the European rabbit flea, S. cu- vials, held in place by nonabsorbent cotton. Never pre-
niculi(Dale). serve adults in a formaldehyde-based preservative, be-
Subfamily Tunginae:Females in this subfamily be- cause these tend to fix the tissues in a way that makes
come permanent parasites during the adult stage. it impossible to properly clear the fleas for study on mi-
Whereas adult males are small, short-lived, and evi- croscope slides.
dently do not feed, on attachment females become en- Mammal nests are usually difficult to find, but
capsulated by the host's tissues and remain in situ for once located they may continue lo yield adults for ex-
660 Chapter31 OrderSiphonaptera
tended periods if not permitted to dry out. Bird nests preferably in a paper bag or other reasonably porous
are usually more easily located, but most nests in open container, at room temperature, moisten it periodically
areas do not contain fleas. The most productive nests and examine it every few days for newly emerged
are those in burrows or natural cavities in the ground, adults.
in holes in trees, or mud nests on buildings or cliff In areas where adults are particularly abundant,
faces. Examine nest material by placing it on a white such as yards and outbuildings, adults can be collected
background and thoroughly picking it apart. Live fleas with a white cloth, or you can simply walk about the
and other nidicolous invertebrates can be picked up area collecting adults as they jump on your clothing. In
with an aspirator or with a camel's-hair brush wetted the latter case, fleas are most visible on light-colored
with alcohol. Keep nesting material for a few weeks, clothing.
Adams, N. E, and R. E. Lewis. 1995. An annotated catalogue Lewis, R. E. 1990. The CeratophyIlidae: Currently accepted
of prirnary types of Siphonaptera in the National valid taxa (Insecta: Siphonaptera). Theses Zool.
Museurn of Natural History, Srnithsonian Institution. 13:1-267.
Srnithson. Contrib. loo!. 560:1-86. Lewis, R. E. 1993. Fleas (Siphonaptera). In R. P. Lane and R.
Cheetharn, T. B. 1988. Male genitalia and the phylogeny of W Crosskey (Eds.), Medical Insects and Arachnids, pp.
the Pulicoidea (Siphonaptera). Theses loo!. 8:1-221. 529-575. London: Chaprnan & Hall.
Elbel, R. E 1991. Order Siphonaptera. In F. Stehr (Ed.), Irn- Lewis, R. E. 1998. Résurné of the Siphonaptera (Insecta) of
rnature Insects, vo!. 2, pp. 674-689. Dubuque, lA: the worId. J. Med. Entorno!. 35:377-389.
KendalllHunt. Lewis, R. E., and T. D. Galloway. 2002. A taxonornic reviewof
Ewing, H. E, and I. Fox. 1943. The !leas of North Arnerica. the Ceratophyllus Curtis, 1832 of Nonh America
Classification, identification, and geographic distribution (Siphonaptera: CeratophyIlidae: CeratophyIlinae). J. Vec-
of these injurious and disease-spreading insects. U.S. tor Eco!' 26:119-161.
Dept. Agric. Misc. Pub!. 500:1-143. Lewis, R. E., and D. Grirnaldi. 1997. A pulicid !lea in Miocene
Fox, I. 1940. Fleas of Eastern United States. Ames: Iowa State arnber frorn the Dorninican Republic (Insecta:
College Press. 191 pp. Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). Arn. Mus. Novit. 3205:1-9.
Hastriter, M. W 1997. Establishment of the tungid !lea, Tunga Lewis, R. E., and J. H. Lewis. 1985. Notes on the geographi-
monositus (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) in the United States. cal distribution and host preferences in the order
Great Basin Nat. 53:281-283. Siphonaptera. Part 7: New taxa described between 1972
Holland, G. P. 1985. The !leas of Canada, Alaska and Green- and 1983, with a superspecific cIassification of the order.
land. Mern. Entorno!. Soco Can. 130:1-631. J. Med. Entorno!. 22:134-152.
Hopkins, G. H. E, and M. Rothschild. 1953-1971. An IIIus- Lewis, R. E., and J. H. Lewis. 1989. Catalogue of invalid
trated Catalogue of the Rothschild Collection of Fleas genus-group and species-group narnes in Siphonaptera
(Siphonaptera) in the British Museurn (Natural History). (Insecta). Theses lo o!. 11:1-263.
Vo!. 1 (1953): Tungidae and Pulicidae. Vol 2 (1956): Cop- Lewis, R. E, and J. H. Lewis. 1985. Notes on the geographi-
topsyIlidae, VerrnipsyIlidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnop- cal distribution and host preferences in the order
syIlidae, Hypsophthalrnidae and XipiopsyIlidae [and Siphonaptera. Pan 8: New taxa described between 1984
Macropsyllidae]. Vo!. 3 (1962): HystrichopsyIlidae and 1990, with a current cIassification of the order. J.
(Acedestinae, . . . ). Vo!. 4 (1966): HystrichopsyIlidae Med. Entorno!. 30:239-256.
(Ctentophthalrninae,. . .). Vo!. 5 (1971): (LeptopsyIlidae Lewis, R. E, and J. H. Lewis. 1994a. Siphonaptera of North
and AncistropsyIlidae). London: British Museurn (Nat- Arnerica north of Mexico: Verrnipsyllidae and Rhopalop-
ural History). syIlidae. J. Med. Entorno!. 31:82-98.
Hubbard, C. A. 1947. Fleas ofWestern North Arnerica. Ames: Lewis, R. E., and]. H. Lewis. 1994b. Siphonaptera of North
Iowa State College Press, 533 pp. Arnerica nonh of Mexico: IschnopsyIlidae.]. Med. Ento-
Lewis, R. E 1972-1974. Notes on the geographical distribu- rno!. 31:348-368.
tion and host preferences in the order Siphonaptera. Lewis, R. E., and]. H. Lewis. 1994c. Siphonaptera of North
1972. Pan 1: Pulicidae. 1973. J. Med. Entorno!. Arnerica north of Mexico: Hystrichopsyllidae s. str J.
9:511-520. Pan 2: RhopalopsyIlidae, MalacopsyIlidae Med. Entorno!. 31:795-812.
and VerrnipsyIlidae. 1974. J. Med. Entorno!. 10:255-260. Lewis, R. E,]. H. Lewis, and C. Maser. 1988. The Fleas ofthe
Pan 3: HystrichopsyIlidae. J. Med. Entorno!. 11: 147-167. Pacific Northwest. Corvallis: Oregon State University
Pan 4: Coptopsyllidae, PygiopsyIlidae, Stephanocircidae Press, 296 pp.
and Xiphiopsyllidae. J. Med. Entorno!. 11:403-413. Pan Marshall, A. G. 1981. The Ecology of Ectoparasitic lnsects.
5: Ancistropsyllidae, Chirnaeropsyllidae, Ischnopsyllidae, London: Acadernic Press, 459 pp.
Leptopsyllidae and Macropsyllidae. J. Med. Entorno!. Peus, F. 1956. Siphonaptera. In S. L. Tuxen (Ed.), Taxono-
11:525-540. Pan 6: Ceratophyllidae. J. Med. Entorno!. J. rnist's Glossary of Genitalia in Insects, pp. 122-131.
Med. Entorno!. 11:658-676. Copenhagen: Munksgaard.
References 661
Pilgrirn, R L. C. 1991. External rnorphology of !lea larvae Museurn (Natural History). Vo\. 7: Malacopsylloidea
(Siphonaptera) and its significance in taxonorny. Fla. En- (Malacopsyllidae and Rhopalopsyllidae). Oxford, UK:
torno\. 74:386-395. Oxford University Press,
Rothschild, M. 1975. Recent advances in our knowledge of Srnit, f G. A. M., and A. M. Wright. 1978. A catalogue of pri-
the order Siphonaptera. Ann. Rev. Entorno\. 20:241-259. rnary type-specirnens of Siphonaptera in the British Mu-
Smit, f G. A. M. 1970. Siphonaptera. In S. L. Tuxen (Ed.), seurn (Natural History). London: British Museurn (Nat-
Taxonornist's Glossary of Genitalia in Insects, 2nd ed., ural History), 71 pp. (Mirneographed).
pp. 141-156.. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. Snodgrass, R E. 1946. The skeletal anatorny of !leas
Smit, f G. A. M. 1982. Siphonaptera. In S. P. Parker (Ed.), (Siphonaptera). Srnithson. Misc. ColI. 104:1-89.
Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisrns, vo\. 2, Traub, R. 1950. Siphonaptera frorn Central Arnerica and Mex-
pp. 557-563. New York: McGraw-Hil\. ico. A rnorphological study of the aedeagus with descrip-
Smit, f G. A. M. 1983. Key to the genera and subgenera of tions of new genera and species. Fieldiana Zoo\. Mern.
Ceratophyllidae. In R Traub, M. Rothschild, and]. f 1:1-127.
Haddow (Eds.), The Rothschild Collection of Fleas. The Traub, R, M. Rothschild, and]. f Haddow. 1983. The Rothschild
farnily Ceratophyllidae: Key to the genera and host rela- Collection of Fleas. The farnily Ceratophyllidae: Key to the
tionships, with notes on their evolution, zoogeography genera and host relationships, with notes on their evolution,
and rnedical irnportance, pp. 1-41. Carnbridge, UK: zoogeography and rnedical irnportance. Carnbridge, UK:
Carnbridge University Press. Carnbridge University Press. (distributed by Acadernic
Smit,f G. A. M. 1987. An Il\ustrated Catalogue of the Roth- Press, London), 288 pp.
schild Collection of Fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British
32 Order Mecoptera1,2
Scorpionfliesand Hangingflies
corpionflies and hangingflies are medium-sized oblong cell excavated by the larva in the soil. larvae
S (about 9-25 mm long), slender-bodied insects with of Panorpidae and Bittacidae are eruciform, with
the head prolonged below the eyes as a beak, or ros- short, pointed prolegs on abdominal segments 1-8
trum (Figure 32-1A, 32-2). The rostrum is formed (Figure 32-1B). Those of Panorpodidae and Boreidae
primarily by elongation of the clypeus. Its posterior are somewhat scarabaeiform, without prolegs, but
surface consists partiy of the lengthened maxillae and they lack tarsal claws and their middle and hind legs
labium, but the mandibles are not unusually elongate project laterally more than do the front legs. larval
and are at the lower end of the rostrum. In the rela- Panorpidae are unusual among holometabolous
tively uncommon Panorpodidae, the rostrum is larva e in having compound eyes of approximately
short (Figure 32-5A). Most Mecoptera have four 30 ommatidia each. Eyes of bittacid larvae have only
long, narrow, membranous wings. The front and hind 7 ommatidia in a circular cluster, boreids have only 3,
wings are similar in size and shape and have similar and panorpodids are eyeless. The larva e of Meropei-
venation. dae are unknown.
The wing venation of Mecoptera is very near the Mecoptera are judged to be one of the more gen-
generalized pattem hypothesized by Comstock (1940) eralized orders of Holometabola. Fossil Mecoptera ap-
(see Figure 2-10), with most of the longitudinal veins pear first in strata of lower Permian age, and at that
and their branches present and with numerous time Mecoptera were apparentiy one of the majar or-
crossveins. A distinctive venational feature of this order ders. Many more families and genera are known as fos-
is the fusion in the hind wing of CUt with M for a short sils than are extant today.
distance near the wing base, and a similar fusion of CU2
with lA (Figures 32-3, 32-5B). In the front wing of
the Bittacidae, likewise, CUt fuses with M for a short
distance. Classification of the Mecoptera
The common name scorpionflies is derived from
the genital segment of males of the family Panorpidae, Five families of Mecoptera are represented in North
which is bulbous and often curved forward above the America, and there are four other families, restricted to
back, like a scorpion's sting. These insects cannot sting, southem South America and the Australian region. The
however, and are quite harmless. majority of specimens encountered by general collee-
Scorpionflies undergo complete metamorphosis, tors belong to just two families, the Panorpidae and the
with fairly rapid development of the larva followed Bittacidae. Families of Mecoptera are defined largely on
by a prolonged prepupal stage. Pupation occurs in an the basis of wing venation and tarsal structure, but the
classification is supported by details of adult and larval
'Mecoptera: meco, long; ptera, wings. morphology, feeding habits, and other aspects of the bi-
662 'This chapter was written by George W. Byers. ology of the insects.
Classificationof the Mecoptera 663
CU1 + M-, 3A
Cu, + M
1A 1A
y" ,. ",,"'"
2(1'). Wings reduced to hardened, slender hooks in male and to short, roughly
oval, sclerotized pads in female (Figure 32-6); small (2-7.4 mm), dark
brown to black insects Boreidae p. 667
2'. Wings nearly always well developed and membranous, never sclerotized;
body yellowish brown to brown, rarely blackish, 9-25 mm long 3
3(2'). Wings narrow, 3.5 or more times as long as their greatest width (if wings
reduced, rostrum very short); costal cell without crossveins beyond h
(rarely, 1); M with 4 branches (Figures 32-1A, 32-3A, 32-5B); genital
claspersof malewith bulbousbasalsegment,cheliforrnapicalsegment;
ocelli conspicuous, on raised tubercle 4
gt Cu
3'. Wings broad, about 2.4 times as long as their greatest width; costal cell
with 10 or more crossveins beyond h; M with 5 or more branches,
venation reticulate (Figure 32-3E); genital claspers of male with long,
slender basal and apical segments (Figure 32-4C); ocelli absent Meropeidae p.666
4(3). Rostrum elongate, more than twice as long as width at base (Figure 32-2);
wings well developed in both sexes, usually pattemed with transverse
bandsor spots;R2 branched Panorpidae p.666
4'. Rostrum short, only slightly longer than width at base (Figure 32-5A);
wings well developed in males, slightly to greatly reduced in females,
uniformly yellowish brown or paler along crossveins; R2not branched Panorpodidae p.666
Family Panorpidae-Common Scorpionflies: In this edges of leaves. They are predaceous, capturing their
family the genital appendages of males are enlarged, prey by means of their raptorial hind tarsi, either while
forming a bulblike structure that is carried above hanging or by flying up plant stems while making
the back, resembling the sting of a scorpion (Fig- sweeping movements of the hind legs. Prey, grasped by
ure 32-1A). The abdomen of the female tapers posteri- the hind tarsi, is then held up to the mouthparts,
orly and bears two short, fingerlike, apical cerci. Most pierced, and the hemolymph and 50ft parts sucked out.
of these scorpionflies are dirty yellowish brown, but Their prey indudes small, soft-bodied insects such as
some are darker brown to nearly black. Their wings flies, moths, caterpillars, and aphids, and occasionally
are usually transversely banded with interspersed spiders. Male hangingflies lure females for mating by
spots, or they may be only spotted. One southeastern emitting a sex-attractant pheromone from everted vesi-
species, Panorpa lugubrís Swederus, is dark reddish des on the dorsum of the abdomen and subsequently
brown with almost totally black wings. Although most offering the female a captured prey insect as a nuptial
scorpionflies are 10 to 15 mm long, males of Panorpa meal (ThornhillI978).
nuptialis Gerstaecker, of the south-central United Seven species of Bittacus occur in eastem North
States, may attain a length of 25 mm. Scorpionflies are America and California.A single species of Orobittacus,
most commonly found on low broad-Ieaf plants at O. obscurus Villagus &: Byers, is known fram central
edges of woods or in open shade beneath deciduous California. All these bittacids hold the wings alongside
trees. Both adults and larvae feed primarily on dead in- the abdomen when suspended. Hylobittacus apicalis
sects, less often on other dead animal matter. Adults (Hagen) of the eastern United States hangs with its
occasionally feed on insects trapped in spiders' webs. wings outspread and, unlike the other species, has con-
Pupation occurs in an oblong cell prepared by the spicuously darkened wing tips.
fourth-instar larva just beneath the soil surface. There Family Panorpodidae-Short-Faced Scorpionflies:
are 54 species known from eastern North America Three species of Brachypanorpa occur in the southern
(southeastern Canada to northern Florida and west- Appalachian Mountains and two in montane regions of
ward to southern Manitoba and eastern Texas), all in the northwestern United States. These dull yellowish
the Holarctic genus Panorpa. Several species are wide- to yellowish brown scorpionflies have a short rostrum
spread, such as P. helena Byers (Figure 32-1A), but (Figure 32-5A). The genital appendages of males are
most have ecologically and geographically restricted enlarged, as in Panorpidae, but are not carried forward
ranges. above the back. In one eastern species and two western
Family Bittacidae-Hangingflies: Bittacids are species, females have rudimentary wings extending
slender-bodied, about 12-22 mm long, light yellowish only to the base of the abdomen, whereas in the other
brown to reddish brown, with long, slender legs and species in each region the females have wings reaching
narrow wings. They resemble large crane flies, particu- the base of the abdomen or slightly beyond. The eye-
larly in flight. Their wings are narrower near the base less, somewhat scarabaeiform larvae have been found
than are those of Panorpidae (Figure 32-3A,B). One in soil beneath grassy areas in woods and are presumed
species in central California, Apterobittacus apterus to feed on plant matter. Adults scrape surfaces of
(MacLachlan), is wingless. Unable to stand on surfaces, herbaceous vegetation for nourishment.
adult bittacids spend most of their time hanging by Family Meropeidae-Earwigflies: A single species,
their front legs or front and middle legs from stems or Merope tuber Newman, occurs in the eastern United
References 667
States and adjacent Canada. lt is a dull brownish there are eight additional species of Boreus, the most
insect, 10-12 mm long, somewhat flattened, with rel- widespread and common being B. califomicus Packard;
atively broad wings having numerous crossveins two species of Hesperoboreus; and one of the aberrant
(Figure 32-3E). The male has greatly elongated, for- Caurinus.
cepslike claspers at the apex of the abdomen (Fig-
ure 32-4C). This species ranges from southeastern
Omarío to Georgia and westward to Minnesota and
Kansas. It is secretive in habits and is sometimes Collecting and Preserving Mecoptera
foundbeneath logs and rocks. Once regarded as rare,
it is fairly frequently taken in Malaise traps. Its only Panorpidae and Bittacidae can be readily collected in-
known living relative is a species in southwestern dividually with a net. They are rather weak fliers and
Australia. when alarmed ordinaríly fly only a few meters. Sweep-
Family Boreidae-Snow Scorpionflies: These small ing may be effective when the vegetation is not dense,
insects(2 to 7.4 mm long) reach adult form in winter. and is almost necessary to obtain the flightless females
Theyare most often seen on the surface of snow be- of Brachypanorpa. Boreids may be handpicked from
causeof their movement and dark, contrasting color. snow surface or extracted from mosses. Malaise traps
However,they may also be found in mosses on which and chemical traps have proved most useful for catch-
their larvae feed. The slender, hardened, hooklike ing Merape, and may also trap Panorpa. Bittacidae often
wingsof the male are used to grasp the female, which are attracted to lights. Panorpids are usually pinned.
iscarried on his back, in mating. The family is repre- Drying bittacids in paper envelopes or folded paper trí-
semedin eastern North Ameríca by two species, Boreus angles, then gluing them on points, avoids much
brnmalisFitch (Figure 32-6), a shiny black species, breakage of legs and wings. Preserve boreids in 75%
andB. nivoriundus Fitch, which is brown. In the West, ethanol or glued onto points.
Byers,G. W 1954. Notes on North American Mecoptera. Cooper, K. W 1972. A southern California Boreus, B. notoper-
Ann. Entorno\. SocoArner. 47:484-510. ates, n. sp. 1: Cornparative rnorphology and systernatics
Byers,G. W 1963. The life history of Panorpa nuptialis (Mecoptera: Boreidae). Psyche 79:269-283.
(Mecoptera: Panorpidae). Ann. Entorno\. Soco Arner. Cooper, K. W 1974. Sexual biology, chrornosornes, develop-
56:142-149. rnent, life histories and parasites of Boreus, especially of
Byers,G. W 1965. Farnilies and genera of Mecoptera. Proc. B. notoperates, a southern California Boreus (Mecoptera:
12th lnt. Congr. Entorno\. London (1964), p. 123. Boreidae), n. Psyche 81:84-120.
Byers, G. W 1973. Zoogeography of the Meropeidae Ferris, G. E, and B. E. Rees. 1939. The rnorphology of
(Mecoptera).]. Kan. Entorno\. Soco46:511-516. Panorpa nuptialis Gerstaecker (Mecoptera: Panorpidae).
Byers.G. W 1987. Order Mecoptera. In E W Stehr (Ed.), lrn- Microentornology 4:79-108.
mature lnsects, pp. 246-252. Dubuque, lA: KendalVHunt, Hinton, H. E. 1958. The phylogeny of the panorpoid orders.
754 pp. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 3:181-206.
Byers.G. W, and R. Thornhill. 1983. Biology of the Meco- Kaltenbach, A. 1978. Mecoptera (Schnabelhafte, Schnabel-
ptera. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 28:203-228. fliegen), Handbuch der Zoologie 4(2) 2/28:1-111. Berlin:
Carpenter,E M. 1931. Revision of Nearctic Mecoptera. Bull. de Gruyter.
Mus. Comp. Zoo\. Harvard 72:205-277. Penny, N. D. 1977. A systernatic study of the farnily Boreidae
Carpenter,E M. 1931. The biology of the Mecoptera. Psyche (Mecoptera). Univ. Kan. Sci. Bull. 51:141-217.
668 Chapter32 OrderMecoptera
Peterson, A. 1951. Larvae oflnsects. Part n. Coleoptera, Diptera, TilIyard, R. J. 1935. The evolution of the scorpion-flies and
Neuroptera, Siphonaptera, Mecoptera, Trichoptera. Ann Ar- their derivatives (Order Mecoptera). Ann. Entorno!. 50c.
bor, MI: Edwards Bros., 416 pp. Arner.28:1-45.
Setty, L. R. 1940. Biology and rnorphology of sorne North Webb, D. W, N. D. Penny, and J. c. Martin. 1975. The
American Bittacidae. Arner. Mid!. Nat. 23(2):257-353. Mecoptera, or scorpionflies, of Illinois. Ill. Nat. Hist.
Thornhill, R. 1978. SexualIy selected predatory and rnating Surv. BulI. 31(7):250-316.
behavior of the hangingfly Bittacus stigmaterus (Meco- WilIrnann, R. 1987. The phylogenetic systern of the Meco-
ptera: Bittacidae). Ann. Entorno!. Soco Arner. 71:597-601. ptera. Syst. Entorno!. 12:519-524.
.,~- It -,
he Strepsiptera are minute insects, all of which are with the anterior part of its body protruding between
T parasitic on other insects. The two sexes are quite the abdominal segments of the host. After the young
different; the males are free-living and winged, whereas are produced, the female dies.
the females are wingless and often legless, and in most Species of Blattodea, Mantodea, Orthoptera,
species do not leave the host. Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, and Thysanura are hosts of
Male Strepsiptera (Figure 33-1A-D) are somewhat Strepsiptera. The host is not always killed, but it may
beetlelike in appearance, with protruding, raspberry- be injured. The shape or color of the abdomen may be
like eyes, and the antennae often have elongate pro- changed, or the sex organs may be damaged. The de-
cesseson some segments. The front wings are reduced veloping male strepsipteran usually causes more dam-
to clublike structures that resemble the halteres of the age to its host than does the female.
Diptera. The hind wings are large and membranous, Some entomologists (for example, Crowson 1960)
fanlike,and have a reduced venation (only longitudinal place the Strepsiptera in the order Coleoptera (usually
veins). The adult females of the Old World family Men- as a single family, the Stylopidae), largely because of
genillidae are free-living (Figure 33-1E) and have a dis- the similarity in life history (hypermetamorphosis) be-
tinet head, with simple four- or five-segmented anten- tween these insects and Meloidae and Rhipiphoridae.
nae, chewing mouthparts, and compound eyes. The Most entomologists now recognize the group as a dis-
femalesof the parasitic species usually lack eyes, anten- tinct order. However, their relationship to the other or-
nae,and legs; the body segmentation is very indistinct; ders of insects is very controversia\.
and the head and thorax are fused (Figure 33-1G). The Until recently, most entomologists considered the
metamorphosis is complete. Strepsiptera to be closely related to the Coleoptera.
The life history of the parasitic forms in this order This conclusion was largely based on the fact that both
israther complex and involves hypermetamorphosis. A orders use the hind wings to power their flight. Recent
male,on emerging, seeks out and mates with a female, studies using characters from DNA sequences have
which never leaves its host. The female produces large postulated that the Strepsiptera in fact are most closely
numbers-up to several thousand-of tiny larvae, related to the Diptera (for example, see Whiting and
whieh escape from her body and the body of the host Wheeler 1994, Wheeler et a\. 2001). Whiting (1998)
to the soil or to vegetation. These larvae, sometimes has reinterpreted the molecular and morphological ev-
called triungulins, have well-developed eyes and legs idence pertaining to the relationships of the order.
(Figure 33-1F) and are fairly active insects. They 10- This conclusion is not universally accepted, however.
cate and enter the body of the host. Once there, the An altemative interpretation is that the perceived rela-
larvamolts into a legless, wormlike stage that feeds in tionship to Diptera that emerges from a phylogenetic
thehost's body cavity. After several molts, it pupates in- analysis is the result of methodological problems
sidethe last larval skin. The male, on emerging, leaves Oong-branch attraction, see Carmean and Crespi 1995
itshost and flies about. The female remains in the host, and subsequent papers). At present, the strongest hy-
pothesis seems to be the sister group relationship with
IStrepsiptera: slrepsi, twisted; plera, wings. Diptera. 669
670 Chapter 33 Order Strepsiptera
FamilyCorioxenidae:This familyis representedin the Family Stylopidae:This is the largest family in the
United States by three species. Triozoceramexicana Pierce order, with 70 species in the United States and Canada.
occurs in the southern states south into Brazil. It is a par- Most of its members are parasitic on be es (Andrenidae,
asiteof the cydnid Pangaeusbilineatus (Say). Floridaxenos Halictidae, and Hylaeinae), but some are parasitic on
monroensis Kathirithamby and Peck was recently de- wasps (Polistinae, Eumeninae, and Sphecinae). The
scribed fram Monroe County, Florida. Loania canadensis first-instar larvae of Stylops pacifica Bohart are trans-
Kinzelbach, fram Canada and the United States, para- ported fram fIowers to the nest of their host, Andrena
sitizesbugs in the family Cymidae (Kleidocerys). caerulea Smith, within the crop of a foraging bee.
Family Elenchidae:This graup is represented by the
widely distributed species Elenchus koebelei (Pierce),
found in the southern United States. These insects are
parasites of planthoppers (Delphacidae). Collecting and Preserving Strepsiptera
Family Halictophagidae: This is the second-Iargest
family in the order, with about 14 North American The most satisfactory way to collect Strepsiptera is to
species.Its members are parasites of leafhoppers, plant- collect parasitized hosts and to rear the parasites. Bees,
hoppers, treehoppers, and pygmy mole crickets; wasps, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and other insects
species in other parts of the world parasitize cock- may harbor Strepsiptera. The parasitized hosts can of-
roaches and fIies. ten be recognized by the distorted abdomen, and one
Family Myrmecolacidae:This family is unique in end of the parasite sometimes protrudes fram between
that the two sexes attack different insect hosts: The two of the abdominal segments. The males of some
males parasitize ants and the females develop in Or- species are attracted to lights. Males of Stylops are at-
thoptera and Mantodea. Two species in the family have tracted to virgin females in hosts (bees) that are placed
beenrecorded in the United States, Caenocholax:fenyesi in screen cages and can be collected on or fIying about
Pierce fram the southern states (Florida west to Ari- the cages (MacSwain 1949).
zona), and Stichotrema beckeri (Oliveira and Kogan) Strepsiptera should be preserved in alcohol and,
from south Florida. Caenocholax:fenyesi males para- for detailed study, should be mounted on microscope
sitizethe imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. slides.
Bohart, R. M. 1941. A revision of the Strepsiptera with special Kinzelbach, R. K. 1971. Morphologische Befunde an Facher-
reference to the species of North Arnerica. Calif. Univ. fluglern und ihre phylogenetische Bedeutung (Insecta:
Pub!. Entorno!. 7(6):91-160. Strepsiptera). Zoologica 119(1,2):1-256.
Bohart, R. M. 1943. New species of Halictophagus with a key Kinzelbach, R. K. 1990. The systernatic position of Strep-
to the genus in North Arnerica (Strepsiptera, Halic- siptera (Insecta). Arner. EntornoI. 36:292-303.
tophagidae). Ann. Entorno!. Soco Arner. 36:341-359. MacSwain, J. W 1949. A rnethod for collecting rnale Stylops.
Carmean, D., and B. J. Crespi. 1995. Do long branches attract Pan-Paco EntornoI. 25:89-90.
!lies? Nature 373: 234. Pierce, W D. 1964. The Strepsiptera are a troe order, unrelated
Crowson, R. A. 1960. The phylogeny of the Coleoptera. to the Coleoptera. Ann. EntornoI. SOCoArner. 57:603-605.
Annu. Rev. EntornoI. 5:114-134. Wheeler, W c., M. Whiting, Q. D. Wheeler, and J. M.
Johnson, V 1972. The fernale and host of Triozocera mexicana Carpenter. 2001. The phylogeny of the extant hexapod
(Strepsiptera: Mengeidae). Ann. EntornoI. Soco Arner. orders. Cladistics 71:113-169.
66:671-672. Whiting, M. F. 1998. Phylogenetic position of the Strep-
Kathiritharnby,J. 1989. Review of the order Strepsiptera. Syst. siptera: Review of rnolecular and rnorphological evi-
EntornoI. 14:41-92. dence. Int. J. Insect Morpho!. ErnbryoI. 27:53-60.
Kathiritharnby, J., and S. B. Peck. 1994. Strepsiptera of south Whiting, M. F., and W C. Wheeler. 1994. Insect horneotic
Florida and the Baharnas with the description of a new transformation. Nature 368:696.
genus and species of Corioxenidae. Can. EntornoI. Whiting, M. F., J. M. Carpenter, Q. D. Wheeler, and W C.
126:125-134. Wheeler. 1997. The Strepsiptera problern: Phylogeny of
Kinzelbach, R. K. 1970. Loania canadensis n. gen. n. sp. und the holornetabolous insect orders inferred frorn 185 and
die Untergliederung der Callipharixenidae (Insecta: 285 ribosornal DNA sequences and rnorphology. Syst.
Strepsiptera). Senckenbergiana BioI. 51: 99-107. BioI. 46:1-68.
34 Order Diptera1
he Diptera constitute one of the largest orders of in- others are important predators or parasites of various
Tsects, and its members are abundant in individuals and insect pests, others help pollinate useful plants, and
species almost everywhere. Most Diptera can be readily some attack noxious weeds.
distinguished from other insects lo which the term fIy is The mouthparts of Diptera are of the sucking type,
applied (sawflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, dragonflies, and but mouthpart structure varies considerably within the
others) by the fact that they have one pair of wings, order. In many flies the mouthparts are piercing; in
namely the front wings. The hind wings are reduced to others they are sponging or lapping; and in a few flies,
small, knobbed structures called halteres,which function the mouthparts are so poorly developed as to be non-
as organs of equilibrium. Occasionally insects in a few functional.
other orders have only one pair of wings (some mayflies, The Diptera undergo complete metamorphosis,
some beetles, male scale insects, and others), but none, and the larvae of many are called maggots. The larvae
except male scale insects, has the hind wings reduced to are generally legless and wormlike. In the basal families
halteres. The Diptera are sometimes spoken of as "the in the Nematocera, the head is usually well developed
two-winged flies," to distinguish them from the ''flies'' in and the mandibles move late rally. In the more derived
other orders. In the common names of Diptera, we write families (Brachycera), the head is reduced and the
the fIy of the name as a separate word (for example, fmit mouth hooks move in a vertical planeo In some families
fIy), whereas in the common names of flies in other or- of Brachycera, the head of the larva is sclerotized and
ders, we write the fIy of the name together with the de- more or less retractile, whereas others have no scleroti-
scriptive word (for example, butterfly). zation of the head at all except for the mouthparts. The
The majority of the Diptera are relatively small and pupae of the Nematocera are of the obtect type,
soft-bodied insects, and some are quite minute, but whereas those of other Diptera are coarctate; that is, the
many are of great economic importance. On the one pupal stage is passed inside the last larval cuticle,
hand, for example, the mosquitoes, black flies, punkies, which is called a puparium.
horse flies, stable flies, and others are bloodsucking and Dipterous larvae live in many kinds of habitats,
are serious pests of humans and animals. Many blood- but a large proportion live in water-in all sorts of
sucking flies, and some scavenging flies, such as the aquatic habitats including streams, ponds, lakes, tem-
house flies and blow flies, are important vectors of dis- porary puddles, and brackish and alkaline water. The
ease. The causative organisms of malaria, yellow fever, larvae that feed on plants generally live within some
filariasis, dengue, sleeping sickness, typhoid fever, tissue of the plant, as leaf miners, gall insects, stem
dysentery, and other diseases are carried and distributed borers, or root borers. The predaceous larvae live in
by Diptera. Some flies, such as the Hessian fly and the many different habitats: in water, in the soil, under
apple maggot, are important pests of cultivated plants. bark or stones, or on vegetation. Many species feed
On the other hand, many flies are useful as scavengers, during the larval stage in decaying plant or animal mat-
ter. Some fly larva e live in some rather unusual habi-
672 'Diptera: di, two; ptera, wings. tats: one species, Helaeomyia petrolei (Coquillett) (fam-
Classification of the Diptera 673
Characters Used in IdentifyingDiptera 675
Heleomyzidae (Helomyzidae, including tennae of a fly consist of three segments: the scape Cthe
Trixoscelididae, Rhinotoridae) basal segment), pedicel, and flagellum. In the Nemato-
Sphaeroceridae (Sphaeroceratidae, Bor- cera the flagellum is divided into four or more distinct
boridae, Cypselidae)-small dung flies and movable subdivisions (which we call segments,but
Superfamily Ephydroidea which are sometimes called jIagellomeres). In some of
Camillidae (Drosophilidae in part)* the Brachycera, the third antennal segment is subdi-
Curtonotidae (Cyrtonotidae; Drosophili- vided, but the divisions are not as distinct as those be-
dae in part) tween the three basic segments, and such a segment is
Diastatidae (Drosophilidae in part)* said to be "annulated" (Figure 34-1C,D,F). This annu-
Drosophilidae-pomace flies, vinegar lation is sometimes difficult to see unless the antenna
flies, small fruit flies is properly illuminated. In a few cases it can be difficult
Ephydridae (Hydrellidae, Notiophilidae)- to decide whether such an antenna is three-segmented
shore flies or many-segmented. The third antennal segment in
many Brachycera bears an elongate process: a style or
an arista. A style is usually terminal and fairly rigid,
whereas an arista is usually dorsal and is bristlelike.
CharactersUsed in Identifying Diptera Both styles and aristae can appear segmented, although
the segments (particularly in an arista) are often diffi-
The principal characters used in identifying the cult to see. An arista can be bare, pubescent, or
Diptera are those of the antennae, legs, wings, and plumose. In some of the Muscomorpha, the form of the
chaetotaxy (the arrangement of the bristles, chiefly of second antennal segment can serve to separate differ-
the head and thorax). Occasionally various other char- ent groups; for example, the calyptrate and acalyptrate
acters are used, such as those of the head, and the size, groups of muscoid flies differ in the form of the second
shape, and color of the insecto antennal segment (Figure 34-19A,B).
Antennae Legs
The antennae vary quite a bit from family to family, and The principalleg characters used in separating groups
lo some extent within a single family. Occasionally they of flies are the structure of the empodium, the presence
differ in the two sexes of the same species (for exam- or absence of tibial spurs, and the presence of certain
pie, mosquitoes; see Figure 34-36). Basically, the an- tibial bristles. The empodium (Figure 34-2, emp) is a
Figure34-1 Antennae of
Diptera. A, Mycetophilidae
(Mycomyia); B, Bibionidae
(Bibio); C, Stratiornyidae
(Stratiomys); D, Tabanidae
(Tabanus); E, Asilidae (Asilus);
F,Stratiomyidae (Ptecticus);
G, Calliphoridae (Calliphora);
H, Tachinidae (Epalpus).
ar, arista; sty, style.
676 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
(as in Figure 34-8B-FJ), the costa is said to extend best seen with transmitted light. A few muscoids have
onlyto the wing tipo Where there is no abrupt thin- a series of long hairs or bristles along the costa beyond
ningof the anterior margin of the wing near the wing the end of R¡ (Figure 34-22A,H). The costa in such
tip (as in Figure 34-8G-I), the costa is said to con- cases is said to be spinose.
tinuearound the wing.
Many muscoid flies have one or two points in the
costawhere sclerotization is weak or lacking, or where
¡hevein appears broken. Such points costal breaks can In identifying certain flies, particularly the muscoid
occurnear the end of R¡ or the humeral crossvein (Fig- groups, much use is made of the number, size, posi-
ures 34-22B and 34-24C-E, cbr). Costal breaks are tion, and arrangement of the larger bristles on head
678 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
h 9 av , ,Se
CuP br
\ C I
al Al +CUA2
Figure34-4 Wings of a horse fly (A and B) and a calyptrate muscoid fly (C), showing
venational terminologies. A, ComslOck-Needham system; B, an older system, in which
the longitudinal veins are numbered; C, the terminology used by McAlpine et aL (1981).
For a key lO the lettering in A and the longitudinal veins in C, see Chapter 2. Labeling in
B: A, anal cell; aev, anterior cross vein; alu, alula; ay, auxiliary vein; axe, axillary cell;
B, basal cells (first and second); C, costal cell; e, costal vein; eal, calypteres or squamae;
D, discal cell; dev, discal crossvein; h, humeral crossvein; MC, marginal cell; P, posterior
cells; pev, posterior crossvein; Se, subcostal cell; SM, submarginal or apical cells (first
and second). Labe1ingin C: al, anallobe; alu, alula; bm, basal medial cell; bm-eu, basal
mediocubital crossvein; br, basal radial cell; cua" anterior cubital cell; eup, posterior
cubital cell; dm, discal medial cell; dm-eu, discal mediocubital crossvein.
--fa /'
-- ---
A av
Figure34-5 Areas and chaetotaxy of the head of a drosophilid fly.A, anterior view;
B, lateral view. af, antennal fossa; ant, antenna; ar, arista; bue, bucea; e, compound eye;
fa, face;fob, fronto-orbital bristles;fr, frons; frl, frontallunule; fs, frontal suture;
fv, frontal vitta; ge, gena; gvp, genovertical or orbital plate; ivb, inner vertical bristle;
ob, ocellar bristle; oe, ocellus; ot, ocellar triangle; ov, oral vibrissae; ovb, outer vertical
bristle; pv, postvertical bristles.
pl, V.
ppb.- /
spr. /
Figure34-6 Areas and chaetotaxy of the thorax of a blow fly.A, lateral view; B, dorsal
view. acr, acrostichal bristles; ex, coxa; de, dorsocentral bristles; epm2,mesepimeron; hal,
haltere; hb, humeral bristles; he, humeral callus; hyb, hypopleural bristles; hypl, hy-
popleuron; iab, intra-alar bristles; mpb, mesopleural bristles; n2,mesonotum; nb, noto-
pleural bristles; npl, notopleuron; pab, postalar bristles; pb, posthumeral bristles; pe,
postalar callus; pl¡, propleuron; pl2' mesopleuron; p13'metapleuron; ppb, propleural bris-
tle; psb, presutural bristles; pscl, postscutellum; pt, pteropleuron; ptb, pteropleural bris-
tles; seb, scutellar bristles; scl2,mesoscutellum; spb, supra-alar bristles; spr, spiracle; stb,
stemopleural bristles; stpl, stemopleuron; trs, transverse suture; wb, base of wing.
680 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
Some difficulty may be encountered with small or minute specimens, and a microscope
with considerable magnification (90 to 120X) may be necessary for examining such
specimens. Acalyptrate muscoids (which key out from couplet 76) in which the head or
the thoracic bristles are broken off or embedded in glue (specimens on a poim) can be
difficult or impossible to run through the key.
In the following key, farnilies rnarked with an asterisk (*) are relatively rare or are
unlikely to be taken by a general collector. Keys to larvae can be found in McAlpine et
al. (1981).
Se R, R2+3
3A 2A CU2 Cu, M3
7'. Two anal veins reaching wing margin (3A present); R 2- to 4-branched,
closed discal cell usually present (Figure 34-7B-D); halteres without a
process at base Tipulidae p. 707
8(4'). Wings broad, broadest in basal fourth, venation reduced and a fanlike
development of folds present; antennae very long in male, at least
3 times as long as body, 6-segmented; ocelli and mouthparts absent;
western United States Deuterophlebiidae* p.715
8'. Without the preceding combination of characters 9
9(8'). Ocelli present 10
9'. Ocelli absent 22
10(9). A closed discal cell present 11
lO'. No closed discal cell present 13
11(10). Fourth posterior (M) cell open 12
11'. Fourth posterior cell closed; medium-sized, elongate flies resembling
sawflies (Rachicerus) Xylophagidae * p.719
12(11). The two branches of Rs connected by a crossvein; western North America,
Oregon to British Columbia Pachyneuridae
* p. 718
12'. The two branches of Rs not connected by a crossvein (Figure 34-8B); Anisopodidae
widely distributed (Anisopodinae) p.715
13(10'). Venation reduced, with 6 or fewer longitudinal veins (Figures 34-8A,E;
34-9B; 34-lOC,D) 14
13'. Venation not so reduced, with 7 or more longitudinal veins
(Figures 34-8CJ, 34-9C, 34-10A,B) 18
14(13). Tibial spurs present; eyes meeting above bases of antennae (except in
males of Pnyxia, in which the eyes are reduced); antennae 16-segmented,
usually about as long as head and thorax combined; C ending at wing tip,
Rs unbranched, r-m in line with Rs (Figure 34-lOC,D) Sciaridae p.718
14'. Tibial spurs absent; antennae with 15 or fewer segments; other characters
variable 15
15(14'). Antennae relatively short and thick, only a liule longer than head;
C ending before wing tip 16
15'. Antennae longer and slender; C variable 17
16(15). Palps l-segmented; antennae with 12 or fewer segments; C ending at
one half to three fourths the wing length (Figure 34-9B); eyes well
separated below antennae; common insects, widely distributed Scatopsidae p.718
16'. Palps 4-segmented; antennae with 12-16 segments; C ending near wing
tip; eyes narrowly separated to nearly contiguous ventrally; rare insects,
known from Quebec to California, north to Alaska Canthyloscelididae* p.716
17(15'). Antennae as long as or longer than head and thorax combined; C usually
continuing around wing tip though weaker behind; long-legged, rather Cecidomyiidae
delicate flies (Lestremiinae) p.716
17'. Antennae usually shorter than head and thorax combined; C usually
ending at wing tip; body shape variable Ceratopogonidae p.708
18(13'). Legs long and slender, insect resembling a crane fly; anal angle of wing
projecting (Figure 34-8]); wings sometimes with a network of fine lines
between veins Blephariceridae
* p.714
,," '. . ..:.,. Without the preceding combination of characters 19
-" 18'f Tibial spurs present; Rs simple or 2-branched 20
.....'1" ", -.'
of Diptera 683
Keyto theFamilies
== h Se RI
\ -
A 2A CU2
h ---'--
Se ,RI - Se RI
h Se
. R3
. M\R4+5
H 2A CU2 CUI 3MI+2
684 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
Se R,
e 2A
\ \ I I
R, Rs " R2
Se R, + 2
-"'"'- """'-- --P<
'\." T- R4+5
CU2 Cu,
Se R,
2A CU2
r-m R, ~
Figure 34-10 Wings ofMycetophilidae (A, B) and Sciaridae (C, D). A, Sciophilinae;
B, Keroplatinae; C, Sciara;D, Pnyxia, maleo
20'. Antennae variable, but usually longer than thorax, arising about middle
of eompound eyes or higher; seeond basal eell and wing shape variable 21
21(20'). Basal eells eonfluent, closed distally by r-m and m-cu; Rs forked
opposite r-m; Sc complete, ending in C; 2A reaehing wing margin Anisopodidae
(Figure 34-9C) (Mycetobia)* p.715
21'. Basal cells variable; Rs simple or forked, if forked the fork is distad of r-m,
or r-m is obliterated by the fusion of Rs and M; Se and 2A variable;
a large and widespread group Mycetophilidae2 p.718
22(9'). C ending at or near wing tip (Figure 34-8A-F) 23
22'. C eontinuing around wing tip, though often weaker behind
(Figure 34-8G-I) 25
23(22) . Wings broad, posterior veins weak (Figure 34-8D); antennae about as
long as head; dark-eolored flies, rarely over 3 mm long, with a somewhat
humpbaeked appearance Simuliidae p.714
23'. Wings narrower and posterior veins stronger (Figure 34-8E,F); antennae
mueh longer than head; habitus usually not as in the preeeding entry 24
24(23'). M usually 2-branehed (Figure 34-8E), M3rarely weak or absent; head
rounded behind; metanotum rounded, without median furrow or keel;
legs of moderate length, hind pair the longest; pulvilli absent; anterior
thoraeie spiracle nearly round; female mouthparts usually with mandibles
and fitted for piereing Ceratopogonidae p. 708
24'. M unbranched (Figure 34-8F); head flattened behind; metanotum
generally with median furrow or keel; legs long, front legs usually the
longest; pulvilli present or absent; anterior thoraeie spiracle distinetly
oval; mouthparts without mandibles, not fitted for piereing Chironomidae p.709
25(22'). First tarsal segment mueh shorter than seeond, tarsi sometimes appearing
4-segmented; small, fragile midges with weakly veined wings, the wings
usually with fewer than 7 longitudinal veins (Figure 34-8A) Cecidomyiidae p.716
25'. First tarsal segment longer than seeond, tarsi clearly 5-segmented; other
characters variable 26
26(25'). Antennae short, about as long as head, 2 basal segments thiek, globose;
wings with 6-7 veins reaehing wing margin Thaumaleidae* p.714
26'. Antennae at least twice as long as head, 2 basal segments not as in the
preceding entry; wings with 9-11 veins reaching wing margin 27
27(26'). Wings broad, pointed apically, usually densely hairy, and often held
rooflike over body at rest; Rs usually 4-branched, M 3-branched
(Figure 34-8G) Psychodidae p. 708
27'. Wings usually long and narrow, or if broad not pointed apically,
and not densely hairy although scales may líe along the wing veins
or wing margin; Rs with 3 or fewer branches, M 2-branched
(Figure 34-8H,l) 28
28(27'). Proboseis long, extending far beyond clypeus (Figure 34-36); scales
present on wing veins and wing margin, usually also on body Culicidae p.710
28'. Proboseis short, barely extending beyond clypeus; no scales on wing
veins or body 29
29(28'). R2+3somewhat arched at base (Figure 34-8H); wing veins with short,
inconspicuous hairs; antennae with short sparse hairs Dixidae p.714
johnsoni Coquillett (Keroplatinae), reponed from Massachusetts and New Jersey, lacks ocelli. It is 12 mm long, is a member of the
subfamilyKeroplatinae, and has a wing venation similar to that shown in Figure 34-10B.
686 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
29'. R2+Jnearly straight at base; wing veins with long, dense, conspicuous
hairs; antennae with abundant, long hairs in distinct whorls 30
30(29'). Clypeus with numerous setae; R¡ meeting costal margin near wing apex,
c10ser to R2than to Sc Chaoboridae p.709
30'. Clypeus with very few setae; R¡ meeting costal margin near to apex of Sc
than to R2 Corethrellidae p.709
31(3'). Empodia pulvilliform, tarsi with 3 pads (Figure 34-2B) 32
31'. Empodia bristlelike or absent, tarsi with not more than 2 pads
(Figure 34-2A) 44
32(31). Head unusually small, rare1y more than half as wide as thorax, placed
low down, consisting almost entire1y of eyes (both males and females
are holoptic); body appearing humpbacked (Figure 34-50); calypteres very
large Acroceridae p.721
32'. Head more than half as wide as thorax; eyes never holoptic in female;
calypteres usually small 33
33(32'). Venation peculiar, branches of Rs and M more or less converging to apex
of wing, M¡.2 ending before wing tip (Figure 34-111); wings with a
composite vein extending from base of Rs to wing margin, ending as
M3+Cu¡; tibiae without apical spurs Nemestrinidae
* p.722
33'. Venation normal, branches of Rs and M diverging to wing margin,
branches of M ending well behind wing tip (Figures 34-4, 34-11A,B,
34-12); middle and hind tibiae usually with apical spurs 34
34(33'). C ending before wing tip; branches of R more or less crowded together
near costal margin (Figure 34-11A); R, (or R.., when it is not forked)
ending before wing tip; discal cell (D, Figure 34-11A) short, usually liule
longer than wide; tibial spurs usually absent Stratiomyidae p.719
34'. Without the preceding combination of characters 35
35(34'). Third antennal segment annulated (Figure 34-1C,D,F), or the antennae
appearing to consist of more than 3 segments 36
35'. Third antennal segment more or less globular or oval, not annulated,
usually bearing an e10ngate style 42
36(35). Postscutellum well deve10ped (as in Figure 34-17B); calypteres large and
conspicuous; R, and R, divergent, enc10sing the wing tip (Figure 34-4A,B) 37
36'. Postscutellum not deve10ped or only very weakly deve1oped; calypteres
small or vestigial; R. and R, variable 38
37(36). Both upper and lower calypteres large; first abdominal tergite with notch
in middle of posterior margin and with median suture; anal cell c10sed
(Figure 34-4A,B); antennae usually arising be10w middle of head Tabanidae p.720
37'. Upper calypter large, but lower calypter scarce1ydeve1oped;first abdominal
tergite without median notch or suture; anal cell open; antennae arising
above middle ofli:eaa---- Pelecorhynchidae
* p.720
38(36'). Third antennal segment e1ongate, paralle1-sided or tapering, with several
annulations, and without distinct style 39
38'. Third antennal segment globular or oval, with tenninal style or appearing
to be 2- or 3-segmented 40*
39(38). M3 cellopen (Figure34-12A,B);front tibiae with apicalspur Xylophagidae p.719
39'. M3 cellc10sed(Figure34-12C); front tibiaewithout apicalspurs Xylomyidae p.719
40(38'). Antennae appearing 5-segmented, third segment with short, thick, Rhagionidae
2-segmented terminal style; front tibiae with apical spur; length 2-3 mm (Bolbomyia)* p.720
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 687
h Se R, R2+ 3 R4
h Se R, R2 +3
R. Rs
M Rs
M M2 '
CU2+ 2A Cu, 3
h Se R,
I ,R2 +3 h Se .
Rs L: R4
, M.. R
_____ --' , M2 M, S
CU2+ 2A M3 + Cu,
CU2+ 2A M3 + Cu,
e D
h R, R2+3 Se R.. h Se R, R2+3
M,+ 2 Rs
M3 + Cu, M2M,
CU2+ 2A
2A + CU2M3 + Cu,
h Se R,
CU2+ 2A
Se '/R2+3 Se ,Ri+2+3
I/R" R4
:'+2 :_,
2A CU2
! . M2
CU2 + 2A M3 + Cu,
40'. Antennae not as in the preceding entry, style on third antennal segment
long and slender, and may or may not appear annulated; front tibiae with
or without apical spurs 41*
41(40'). From tibiae with 1-2 apical spurs Xylophagidae (Dialysis)* p.719
41'. Front tibiae without apical spurs Rhagionidae* p.720
42(35'). R¡ cell closed, R2+3meeting Rl at wing margin (Figure 34-12D) Athericidae* p.719
42'. Rl cell open, R2+3meeting C well beyond end of Rl 43
43(42'). Wings narrowed basally,without alula; scutellum bare; slender fiies, about
5 mm long; western United States Vermileonidae* p.721
43'. Wings not so narrow basally;an alula nearly always present; scutellum
hairy; size variable, but mostly over 5 mm long; widely distributed Rhagionidae p.720
44(31'). Coxae widely separated (Figure 34-13A); body somewhat fiattened;
ectoparasites of birds or mammals Hippoboscidae p.731
44'. Coxae close together (ventral view); body usually not particularly
fiattened; not ectoparasitic 45
45(44'). Wings with branches of R strongly thickened and crowded imo anterior
base of wing, behind R, 3-4 weak veins with no crossveins beyond base
of wing (Figure 34-14G); hind legs long, femora fiattened laterally; small,
humpbacked fiies, 1-4 mm long (Figure 34-59) Phoridae p.727
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 689
h Se Rt R~.. h Se Rt
R2 + 3
Mt +2
A LA M3 + CUt - B 2A M3 + CUt
Se ~t h Se Rt
h ':::::.- '
~-_r_m ~2 \
+3 A~
I R~+ 5
M3 + CUt Mt + 2 D M3 + CUt
h ,Se R, R2 +3 h~C R,
h Se R, Rs
CU2 + 2A
52(51'). MI.2 ending at or in front of wing tip (Figure 34-11G) or fused distally
with R..s; 3 posterior cells Scenopinidae p.725
56(55/). Hind tarsi, at least in male, nearly always with 1 or more segments
expanded or flattened; wings relatively broad basally, anal angle well
developed; anal cell closed some distance from wing margin, pointed
apically(Figure34-141);M'.2 often forkedapically;no frontalsuture;
arista terminal; small, usually black flies, less than 10 mm long Platypezidae * p.728
56'. Without the preceding combination of characters 57
57(56'). Anal cell elongate, longer than second basal cell, usually pointed apically,
and narrowed or closed near wing margin (Figures 34-14J, 34-15);
no frontal suture; head bristles usually lacking 58
57'. Anal cell usually shorter, closed some distance from wing margin, or
lacking; if anal cell is elongate and pointed apically (Figure 34-22C),
then a frontal suture is present and head bristles are usually present 62
58(57). Proboseis usually very long and slender, often twice as long as head or
longer, often folding; face broad, with grooves below antennae; abdomen
clavate, bent downward at apex (Figure 34-73); R, cell closed, pointed
apically (Figure 34-15D) Conopidae p.735
h SJ?V Se
./ M3 + Cu, B
A 2A + CU2
spv r-m h Se
'. .'
R4 + 5
í i 2A + CU2 2A
e CU2 M + Cu, D M3 + Cu,
58'. Proboseis short; face narrow, without grooves below antennae; abdomen
and R5 cellvariable 59
59(58'). Rs cell closed; usually a spurious vein crossing r-m between R..s and M¡.2
(Figure 34-15A-C) Syrphidae p.728
59'. Rs cell open, though sometimes narrowed apically; no spurious vein 60
60(59'). Head very large, hemispherical, face very narrow (Figures 34-16B, 34-60);
probo seis small and soft Pipunculidae p.727
60'. Head not unusually large, face normal; proboseis slender and rigid 61
61(60'). R2+3usually very short and ending in R¡, rarely lacking or ending in C
beyond end of R¡; minute flies, 1.2-4.0 mm long, rather stocky in build,
with a humpbacked appearance, usually brownish or grayish; mostly Bombyliidae (Cyrtosiinae
western United States and Mythicomyiinae) p. 724
61'. R2.3ending in C well beyond end of R¡; relatively slender flies, usually
black, size variable Empididae(Hybotinae) p.725
62(57'). Frontal suture absent (Figure 34-16) 63
62'. Frontal suture present (Figures 34-5A, 34-23, 34-27) 65
63(62). Head very large, hemispherical, face very narrow (Figures 34-16B, 34-60) Pipunculidae
63'. Head not unusually large; face variable 64
64(63'). The r-m crossvein located in basal fourth of wing, or absent; fork of Rs
usually swollen (Figure 34-14D-F); male genitalia often folded forward
under abdomen (Figure 34-58); body usually metallic Dolichopodidae p.726
64'. The r-m crossvein located beyond basal fourth of wing, fork of Rs usually
not swollen (Figure 34-14B,C); male genitalia terminal, not folded
forward under abdomen (Figure 34-57); body not metallic Empididae p.725
65(62'). Mouth opening small, mouthparts vestigial (Figure 34-17 A); body hairy
but not bristly,insect beelike in appearance, 9-25 mm long; Rs, sometimes
also M¡.2,ending before wing tip (Figure 34-18E,F); bot and warble flies Oestridae* p.732-
65'. Mouth opening normal, mouthparts present, functional; body usually
with bristles; size, R" M1+2variable 66
66(65'). Second antennal segment with a longitudinal suture on outer side
(Figure 34-19A); thorax usually with a complete transverse suture
(Figure 34-19C); lower (innermost) calypter usually large (calyptrate
muscoid flies, except Loxocera, family Psilidae) 67
66'. Second antennal segment without such a suture (Figure 34-19B); thorax
usually without complete transverse suture (Figure 34-19D); lower
calypter usually small or rudimentary (acalyptrate muscoid flies) 76
67(66). Hypopleura and pteropleura with row of bristles (Figure 34-13B); R, cell
narrowed or closed distally 68
Keyto the Families of Diptera 693
I Se R
R2 + 3 ,~4 + 5
.-MI +2
A I"U2'" ¿A B
___..R2 + 3
--- R2i
- - "'\
R4 + 5
3A .L ... r"L -t\U1+2
e CU2 + 2A
Rs eel!
Se R, R2+3
e D
Figure 34-20 Anterior pan of mesonotum of A, a blow fly (Calliphora), and B, a flesh
fly (Sarcophaga).aer, acrostichal bristles; de, dorsocentral bristles; hb, humeral bristles;
he, humeral callus; nz, mesonotum; nb, notopleural bristles; npl, notopleuron; pb,
posthumeral bristles; psb, presutural bristles; trs, transverse suture.
72', Sixth vein never reaching wing margin, even as a fold (Figure 34-18B,D);
Rs cell variable, but often narrowed apically (Figure 34-18B) 73
73(72'). Dorsal surface of hind tibia with both preapical bristle and submedian
bristle near its midlength; Cu2+2A,if extended, meeting 3A before margin
of wing (Figure 34-18D) Fanniidae p.731
73'. Dorsal surface of hind tibia with only preapical bristle, usually near apex
but sometimes near two thirds length of tibia; Cu2+2A,if extended, not
meeting 3A 74
74(73'). Hind coxa with row of setae on posterior surface; CUz+2Ashort, ending
less than halfway between its basal origin and wing margin Fanniidae p.731
74'. Hind coxa either without setae on posterior surface, or if present, then
Cu2+2Aextending more than halfway lOwing margin Muscidae p.731
75(72). Scutellum with fine, erect hairs on ventral surface (Figure 34-17D), or if
such hairs absent (Fucelliinae) then crueiate frontal bristles present;
usually 2-4 sternopleural bristles Anthomyiidae p.729
75'. Scutellum without fine hairs on ventral surface; crueiate frontal bristles
absent; usually only 1 sternopleural bristle Scathophagidae p. 733
76(66'). Proboseis very long and slender, often 2 or more times as long as head,
elbowed; second antennal segment longer than first; abdomen often
clavate (Figure 34-73); anal cell usually long and pointed, longer than
second basal cell (except in Dalmannia and Stylogaster; in Stylogaster the
oviposilOr is slender and as long as rest of body) Conopidae p.735
696 Chapter 34 OrderDiptera
76'. Proboseis usually short and stout, rarely longer than head; second
antennal segment usually shorter than first (if longer, then anal cell is
shorter than second basal cel!); anal cell usually very short, or absent 77
77(76'). Sc complete or nearly so, ending in C or just short of it, and free from
R¡ distally (Figures 34-22, 34-23F); anal cell present 78
R, R2 + 3 A. - Se R,
------- ,..-.--..
R4 +5
-m A/
E--\ M, +2 ' +2
M3+ Cu, M3 + Cu,
Se R,
Se ebr
Se A, L A,
fob .... ar
B \ ov/ e
'" ,
ovbl'" pv'
fob ivb
Figure 34-23 Heads of acalyptrate muscoid flies. A-F, anterior view; G-I, lateral view;
], dorsal view.A, Clusiidae (Clusia); B, Piophilidae (Piophila); C, Heleomyzidae
(Heleomyza); D, Lauxaniidae (Camptoprosopella);E, Chamaemyiidae (Chamaemyia);
F, G, Sciomyzidae (Tetanoeera);H, Lonchaeidae (Lonehaea);1, Neriidae (Odontoloxozus);
], Diopsidae (Sphyraeephala). ar, arista;fob, fronto-orbital bristles; ivb, inner vertical bris-
tles; ob, ocellar bristles; oe, ocellus; orp, orbital plate; ov, oral vibrissae; ovb, outer vertical
bristles; pv, postvertical bristles.
1, R1
R, R
G M3 + Cu,
79'. Head not so produced laterally, antennae close together; scutellum and
front femora usually not as in preceding entry 80
80(79'). Posterior thoracic spiracle with 1 bristle or more (Figure 34-25D, spbr);
head spherical; abdomen elongate, narrowed at base (Figure 34-82);
palps nearly always vestigial (except in Orygma) Sepsidae p.739
80'. Posterior thoracic spiracle without bristles; head and abdomen usually
not as in the preceding entry; palps usually well developed 81
81'. Dorsum of thorax convex, if rather flattened then legs are not bristly;
widely distributed 82
82(81'). Eyes prominently bulging and vertex sunken; femora, especially hind
femora, enlarged; medium-sized tropical flies, usually dark brown with
yellowish markings and the wings not patterned; recorded from Florida,
Arizona, and New Mexico 83*
82'. Eyes not prominently bulging and vertex not sunken; femora, size, color
variable, but usually not as in preceding entry; widely distributed 84
83(82). A series of crossveins between C and R2+3;R¡ ending close to Sc; Rs cell
not narrowed distally; Arizona and New Mexico Ulidiidae* p.738
83'. No crossveins between C and R2+3;R¡ ending far beyond Sc; Rs cell not
narrowed distally; Florida Ropalomeridae * p. 739
84(82'). Oral vibrissae present (Figure 34-23A,C, ov) 85
86(85). Second basal and discal cells confluent (Figure 34-22A, B+D); arista
plumose Curtonotidae* p.741
86'. Second basal and discal cells separated (Figure 34-22B, B and D); arista
usually not plumose 87
87(86/). Postverticals diverging; anal vein (2A) reaching wing margin; 4 or Piophilidae
5 sternopleurals; 2 pairs of fronto-orbitals; ocellar triangle large (Actenoptera)* p.736
87/. Postverticals converging; other characters usually not as in preceding entry Heleomyzidae p.741
88(85/). Second basal and discal cells confluent (as in Figure 34-22A, B+D);
postverticals lacking Aulacigastridae* p.740
88'. Second basal and discal cells separated (Figure 34-22B, B and D);
postverticals present 89
94'. R, eell open, usually not narrowed apically; body shape and legs variable,
but usually not as in preeeding entry 97
95 Arista apical (Figure 34-231), southwestern United States
(94,116). Neriidae* p.735
95'. Arista dorsal; widely distributed 96
96(95/). Head in profile higher than long, eyes large, distinctly higher than long;
anal eell rounded apically; no sternopleural bristles Tanypezidae* p.735
~ák96/. Head in profile as long as or longer than high, eyes smaller, not mueh
~" "'>,
higher than long; anal eell square or pointed apically; 1 sternopleural
f.\.:... bristle or none Micropezidae p.734
97(94/). Some or all tibiae with 1 or more preapical dorsal bristles (Figure 34-26B);
C entire (Figure 34-22D,G,I); body usually light-eolored, at least in part 98
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 701
97'. Tibiae usually without preapical dorsal bristles; if such bristles are
present then either ovipositor is long and sclerotized, or R¡ is setulose
above, or the vein forming end of the anal cell is bent (Figure 34-22F);
C entire or broken near end of Sc; color variable 100
104'. Head more or less rounded in profile, eyes smaller, rounded or slightly
oval; postverticals parallel or slightly divergent; 2A not sinuate;
pale-colored fIies, or with yellow or reddish markings 105*
105(104'). Costa spinose (as in Figure 34-22A); eyes oval; Arizona and
California (Omomyia) Richardiidae
* p.737
105/. Costa not spinose; eyes round; southern United States and Canada Pallopteridae
* p.736
106(101/). Postverticals converging (Figure 34-23E) or absent; R¡ bare above;
small fIies, usually gray Chamaemyiidae p.738
106'. Postverticals diverging or absent; R¡ bare or setulose above; small to
medium-sized fIies, usually dark and shining 107
107(106'). Eyes horizontally oval, about twice as long as high; length 1.5-2.5 mm;
grayish fIieswith yellowish markings on sides of thorax and abdomen,
and on front; recorded from New Mexico, Oregon, New Brunswick, Chamaemyiidae
and Newfoundland (Cremifania)
* p.738
107'. Without the preceding combination of characters 108
108(107'). Anal cell relatively long, its anterior side more than one fourth as long
as posterior side of discal cell (Figure 34-22E); sternopleural bristles
lacking; R¡ setulose above Platystomatidae p.738
108/. Anterior side of anal cellless than one fourth as long as posterior side
of discalcell;sternopleuralbristlesusuallypresent; R¡ bare or setulose
above Ulidiidae p.738
109(77'). Sc apically bent forward at almost a 90-degree angle and ending before
reaching C (Figure 34-24B); C broken near end of Sc; anal cell usually
with acute distal projection posteriorly (Figure 34-24B); wings usually
patterned (Figures 34-76A, 34-77) Tephritidae p.737
109/. Sc and anal cell not as in preceding entry; wing color variable 110
110(109'). Basal segment of hind tarsi short, swollen, shorter than second
segment (Figure 34-26A) Sphaeroceridae p.741
110/. Basal segment of hind tarsi normal, not swollen, longer than second
segment 111
111(110'). Third antennal segment large, reaching almost to lower edge of head;
arista absent, but a short spine or tubercle at apex of third antennal
segment; eyes large, vertically elongate; small, dark-colored fIies, less
than 2 mm long; California Cryptochetidae
* p.741
111'. Third antennal segment not as in preceding entry, arista present 112
112(111/). Rw short, ending in C close to or with R¡ (Figure 34-24A);
postverticals diverging Asteiidae* p.740
112'. R2+3longer, ending in C well beyond R¡ and beyond middle of wing
(Figure 34-24C-F); postverticals variable 113
113(112/). Costa entire, with neither a humeral nor a subcostal break
(Figure 34-24F) 114
lB'. Costa with at least a subcostal break, sometimes also with a humeral
break (Figure 34-24D) 118
114(113). Ocellar bristles present, although sometimes weak; arista variable 115
114'. Ocellar bristles absent; arista pubescent) Aulacigastridae
(Stenomicra)* p.740
115(114). Anal cell and 2A present, distinct 116
115'. Anal cell and 2A atrophied, incomplete, or absent 117*
116(115). Rs cell narrowed apically; legs long, slender 95
116'. R5cell not narrowed apically; legs usually not long and slender Chamaemyiidae p. 738
117(115'). R¡ joining C in basal third of wing; R5cell slightly narrowed distally;
postverticals weak or absent; arista variable Asteiidae(Leiomyza)* p. 740
117'. R¡ joining C near middle of wing; R5cell not narrowed distally;
postverticals short, diverging; arista plumose Periscelididae* p. 740
118(113'). Costa broken only near end of Sc or R¡ (Figure 34-24C,E) 119
118'. Costa broken near end of Sc or R¡, and also near humeral crossvein
(Figure 34-24D) 130
119(118). Anal cell present (Figure 34-24E); ocellar triangle variable 120
119'. Anal cell absent (Figure 34-24C); ocellar triangle large (Figure 34-27 A) Chloropidae p.741
120(119). Costa spinose (as in Figure 34-22A,H); oral vibrissae present;
postverticals converging; orbital plates long, reaching nearly to leve!
of antennae; usually with 2 pairs of fronto-orbitals that are reclinate
or lateroclinate Ulidiidae* p. 738
120'. Costa not spinose; other characters variable 121
121(120'). Oral vibrissae present 122
121'. Oral vibrissae absent 128
122(121). Ocellar triangle large (as in Figure 34-27 A); 3-5 pairs of lateroclinate
fronto-orbitals; postverticals diverging; fiies living along the seashore Canacidae
* p. 740
A e
143(142). Mesonotum with a V-shaped suture (as in Figure 34-28) Tipulidae p. 707
143'. Mesonotum without a V-shaped suture 144*
150(142'). Thorax very short, in dorsal view less than half as long as head,
resembling abdominal segments; scutellum absent; parasitic on
honey bee Braulidae
* p.740
150'. Thorax at least as long as head, differing from abdominal segments;
scutellum present; habits variable, but not parasitic on honey bees 151*
151(150'). Coxae widely separated (Figure 34-13A); abdominal segmentation
sometimes obscure; tarsal claws toothed; ectoparasites of bats, birds,
or mammals Hippoboscidae
* p.731
151'. Coxae usually contiguous; abdominal segmentation distinct; tarsal
cIaws simple; usually not ectoparasitic, but sometimes (Carnidae)
associated with nestling birds 152*
152(151'). Frontal suture and frontallunule present 153*
152'. Frontal suture and frontallunule absent 160*
153(152). First segment of hind tarsi short and swollen, shorter than second
segment (Figure 34-26A) Sphaeroceridae
* p.741
153'. First segment of hind tarsi not swollen, longer than second segment 154*
154(153'). Propleuron with a vertical ridge (some
* p.741
154'. Propleuron without a vertical ridge 155*
155(154'). Face strongly convex Ephydridae(some
femalesof Hyadina
andNastima)* p.742
155'. Face concave 156*
156(155'). Postverticals present; at least 2 pairs of fronto-orbitals 157*
156'. Postverticals absent; only 1 pair of fronto-orbitals Opomyzidae
* p.740
157(156). Postverticals parallel or nearly so; gena with a pair of strong bristles
in middle; assoeiated with birds Carnidae(Carnus)* p.741
157'. Postverticals converging; gena without a row of strong bristles in
middle; not assoeiated with birds 158*
158(157'). Some or all tibiae with a preapical dorsal bristle; frons without strong
fronto-orbitals on lower half 159*
158'. Tibiae without preapical dorsal bristles; frons with 2 pairs of strong Anthomyzidae(some
fronto-orbitals on lower half Anthomyza)* p.740
159(158). Arista plumose; frons with a pair of procIinate fronto-orbitals Drosophilidae(mutant
Drosophila)* p.741
159'. Arista bare or with short pubescence; no procIinate fronto-orbitals
(some Lutomyia) Heleomyzidae
* p.741
160(152'). Antennae apparently consisting of a single, globular segment with a
3-segmented arista; hind femora laterally flattened (some females) Phoridae
* p.727
160'. Antennae with obviously 2 or 3 segments; arista, if present,
2-segmented; hind femora not flattened 161*
161(160'). Vertex convex; compound eyes bare; proboseis elongate and projecting Empididae
* p.725
161'. Vertex excavated; compound eyes pubescent; proboseis short and Dolichopodidae
retracted of someCampsicnemus)*
Keyto the Families of Diptera 707
SUBORDERNematocera-Long-HornedFlies: This
suborder contains a little less than one third of the North
American species of flies (nearly 5300), in 24 of the 108
families. lts members can be recognized by their many-
segmented antennae, which are usually long. Most ne-
matocerans are small, slender, and long-Iegged and are
mosquito-like or midgelike in appearance. The wing ve-
nation varies from very complete (Tanyderidae) to
greatly reduced (for example, the Cecidomyiidae). This
suborder contains the only Diptera that have a 5-
branched radius. The larvae, except in the Cecidomyi-
idae, have a well-developed head, with toothed or
brushlike mandibles that move laterally. Most live in wa-
ter or in moist habitats. The pupae are obtect.
The Nematocera are generally recognized to be a B
paraphyletic group, out of which the Brachycera arose.
We continue to use the term Nematocera here beca use
it remains commonly used in entomology.
This group contains many fiies of considerable
economic importance. Many are bloodsucking and se-
rious pests of humans and animals (mosquitoes,
Figure34-28 A crane fly (Tipula sp., familyTipuli-
punkies, black flies, and sand flies), and some of these
serve as disease vectors. A few fiies in this suborder dae). A, adult; B, larva. (B, courtesy ofJohannsen and
the Comell University Agricultural Experiment Station.)
(some Cecidomyiidae) are important pests of culti-
vated plants. The aquatic larvae of the Nematocera are
an important food of many freshwater fishes.
Family Tipulidae-Crane Flies: This family is the fiies belong to the Tipulinae. These are characterized
largest in the order, with approximately 1600 known by having the terminal segment of the maxillary palps
species in North America. Many crane flies are com- slender and longer than the penultimate segment, and
mon and locally abundant insects. They may be mis- the antennae normally have 13 segments. The Limoni-
taken for large mosquitoes, but even those with elon- inae is a very large group of crane flies with nearly
gatemouthparts cannot bite. A few are smaller than the 1,000 species described from the United States and
smallest mosquitoes. The legs are usually long and Canada. Nearly all small crane fiies (but a few
slender (Figure 34-28) and are easily broken off. The large ones and many of medium size) belong to the
body is usually elongate and slender, and the wings are Limoniinae, in which veins R¡ and R2.) are not fused
long and narrow. Some crane flies are quite large: (Figure 34-7D) and R2 often has the form of a short
Holorusia grandis (Bergroth) of the western states, has crassvein between R¡ and R), or is absent. Their habits
a body length sometimes exceeding 35 mm and a are very similar to the Tipulinae, with both aquatic and
wingspan of nearly 70 mm. Many species have clouded terrestrial forms. Typically, the larvae are found associ-
or patterned wings. Tipulids differ from Trichoceridae ated with decaying organic matter fram plants and
in lacking ocelli, from Tanyderidae in having four or fungi. Small, wingless, spiderlike species of Chionea
fewerbranches of the radius, and from Ptychopteridae may be found on snow in winter. However, some with
in having two anal veins (Figure 34-7). long, slender mouthparts (for example, subgenus Ger-
Crane fiies live chiefiy in damp habitats with anomyia of the large genus Limonia) take nectar fram
abundant vegetation. There are, however, grassland various fiowers. The subfamily Cylindrotominae is a
species and even a few in deserts. Larvae of many small group of crane fiies, with only nine species
speciesare aquatic or semiaquatic. Others live in the recorded from North America. These are not commonly
soilor in fungi, mosses, and decaying wood. Most eat collected, but can be recognized by the fusion of veins
decomposing plant matter, but certain aquatic groups R¡ and R2+)well before the wing tip (Figure 34-7C).
arepredaceous. Larvae of a few species feed on roots of Larvae can be found in mosses or liverworts, or so me-
youngplants and if abundant may damage rangelands times in leaves of higher plants.
andseedling crops. Adult crane fiies usually live only a Family Trichoceridae-Winter Crane Flies: The tri-
fewdays, and probably most do not feed. chocerids are medium-sized fiies that resemble the
British and American taxonomists have tradition- crane fiies in the family Tipulidae. They differ from
allygrouped the two subfamilies Cylindrotominae and the tipulids in having ocelli. They are usually seen in
Limoniinae together with this family. Most large crane the fall or early spring, and some can be seen on mild
708 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
days in winter. Adults can be found outdoors, some- cur in South America, northem Africa, and southem
times in large swarms, or in caves, cellars, or similar Asia; espundia (caused by a leishmania), which occurs
dark places. The larvae live in decaying vegetable matter. in Somh America; and Oroya fever or verruga peruana
Family Psychodidae-Moth Flies and Sand Flies: (caused by a bartonella organism), which occurs in
The psychodids are small to minute, usually very hairy, South America.
mothlike flies. The most common speeies (Psychodi- Family Ptychopteridae-Phantom Crane Flies:These
nae) hold the wings rooflike over the body. The adults crane flies are similar to the tipulids, but they have only
live in moist, shady places, and they are sometimes one anal vein reaching the wing margin and lack a
abundant in drains or sewers. The larvae live in decay- closed discal cell. A fairly common speeies in this fam-
ing vegetable matter, mud, moss, or water. The larvae ily, Bittacomorpha clavipes (Fabrieius), has the long legs
of Maruina (Psychodinae), which occur in the West, banded with black and white, and the basal segmentof
live in fast-flowing streams. the tarsi is conspicuouslyswollen.These fliesoftendrift
This family is represented in the United States by with the wind, with their long legs extended. Bittaco-
112 species, arranged in four subfamilies: Psychodinae, morpha and Bittacomorphella have clear wings, and M1.2
Trichomyiinae, Phlebotominae, and Bruchomyiinae. In is not forked (Figure 34-7 A). In Ptychoptera, which re-
the Psychodinae the eyes have a median extension ex- semble large fungus gnats, the wings are usually pat-
tending above the base of the antennae. The other three temed, and M1+2is forked. This is a small group,with
subfamilies have the eyes oval, without a median ex- only 16 North American speeies. The larvae live in de-
tension. The Trichomyiinae differ fram the Phlebotom- caying vegetable matter in marshes and swampy ponds.
inae and Bruchomyiinae in Rs having three branches, Family Tanyderidae-Primitive Crane Flies: Ihis
with only one longitudinal vein between the two group is represented in North America by four species,
forked veins in the wing. In the Phlebotominae and of which one, Protoplasafitchii Os ten Sacken, occursin
Bruchomyiinae Rs has four branches, with two veins the East. The tanyderids are medium-sized insects with
between the two forked veins in the wing (as in Fig- banded wings, and their larval stages live in wet, sandy
ure 34-8G). The Phlebotominae differ from the Bru- soil at the margins of large streams.
chomyiinae in having a long proboseis. Most North Family Ceratopogonidae-Biting Midges, Punkies,
American psychodids (95 speeies) are in the subfamily or No-see-ums:These flies are very small but are often
Psychodinae. The Trichomyiinae contains only 3 serious pests, particularly along the seashore or along
speeies, the Phlebotominae 13, and the Bruchomyiinae the shores of rivers and lakes, because of their blood-
only 1 (which occurs in Florida). sucking habits. Their small size is responsible for the
Most psychodids are harmless to humans, but name "no-see-ums," and their bite is out of all propor-
those in the subfamily Phlebotominae, often called tion to their size. Many speeies in this group attack
"sand flies," are bloodsucking. These occur in the other insects and suck blood fram the insect host asan
southem states and in the tropics. Sand flies act as vec- ectoparasite. Punkies have be en reported from man-
tors of several diseases in various parts of the world: tids, walkingsticks, dragonflies, alderflies, lacewings,
pappataei fever (caused by a virus) in the Mediter- certain beetles, certain moths, crane flies, and mosqui-
ranean regio n and in southem Asia; kala-azar and ori- toes. Some of the larger speeies prey on smaller insects.
ental sore (caused by leishmania organisms), which oc- Some speeies (Figure 34-29B) have spotted wings.
Most punkies that attack people belong to the genera are almost transparent, giving rise to the name "phantom
Culicoídesand Leptoconops.These insects apparently midges" for this group. The larvae of some speeies (for
do not travel far from the place where the larvae live, example, Mochlonyx, Figure 34-30B) have a breathing
and one can often avoid punkie attacks by simply mov- tube and are very similar to mosquito larvae in appear-
ing a few yards away. ance. Others (such as Chaoborus) do not have a breath-
Punkies are very similar to the midges (Chirono- ing tube. The larvae live in various sorts of pools and are
midae), but are generally stouter in build, with the sometimes very abundant. They frequently destroy large
wings broader and held fiat over the abdomen (usually numbers of mosquito larvae. The group is small (15
held more or less roofiike in the Chironomidae), and North American speeies), but its members are fairly com-
the wings are often strongly patterned (usually clear in mon insects.
Chironomidae). This large group has about 580 North Family Corethrellidae: This is mainly a tropical
American speeies. group, with only five speeies in the United States and
The larvae of punkies are aquatic or semiaquatic, Canada. It is often classified within the Chaoboridae,
living in sand, mud, decaying vegetation, and the wa- from which it can be distinguished by the sparsely se-
ter in tree holes. Those living along the seashore ap- tose clypeus and by R¡ terminating away from the apex
parently breed in the intertidal zone. The feeding of the wing, closer to Se than to R2.
habits of the larvae are not well known, but they are FamilyChironomidae-Midges: These insects are al-
probably scavengers. most everywhere. They are small (1-10 mm long), del-
Family Chaoboridae-Phantom Midges: These in- icate, and somewhat mosquito-like in appearance (Fig-
sects are very similar to mosquitoes, but differ in having ure 34-31C), but they lack scales on the wings, do not
a short proboscis and fewer scales on the wings. They do have a long proboseis (they do not bite), the front legs
not bite. The larvae (Figure 34-30A,B) are aquatic and are usually the longest, and the metanotum has a keel
predaceous, and their antennae are modified into pre- or furrow. The males usually have plumose antennae.
hensile organs. The larvae of Chaoborus (Figure 34-30A) Midges often occur in huge swarms, usually in the
are active during the twilight hours or at night, or in four genera: Anopheles, Aedes, Psorophora, and Culex.
dense shade. Many spend the day in hollow trees, un- These genera contain the speeies that are most impor-
der culverts, or in similar resting places. Some adults tant from the human point of view.AduItsof Anopheles
overwinter in such places. Only the female mosquitoes are rather easily distinguished: the maxillary palpsare
are bloodsucking. The males (and occasionally also the long in both sexes (Figure 34-36C,D) and clubbedin
females) feed on nectar and other plant juices. the male (usually short in females of the other genera);
The sexes of most mosquitoes can be easily de ter- the scutellum is evenly rounded (trilobed in the other
mined by the form of the antennae (Figure 34-36). genera); and the wings are usually spotted (not soin
The antennae of the males are very plumose, whereas the other genera). The wing spotting in Anopheles is
those of the females have only a few short hairs. due to groups of differentIy colored scales on Ihe
In most mosquito es other than Anopheles (see later), wings. An Anopheles mosquito in a resting position
the maxillary palps are very short in the female (Fig- holds the body and proboseis in a straight hne andat
ure 34-36A) but in the male are longer than the pro- an angle to the surface on which the insect is resting
boseis (Figure 34-36B). (Figure 34-37A,B). Some speeies seem almosllo
Most of the mosquitoes discussed here (139 of the "stand on their head" in a resting position. Adultsof
166 speeies recorded from North America) belong to the other genera hold the body in a resting position
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 713
A B e
more or less parallel 10 the surface, with the proboscis is relatively long and slender. Larvae of Aedes and
bent down (Figure 34-37C). Adults of Psorophora have Psorophora have only a single pair of hair tufts on the
agroup of bristles (the spiracular bristles) immediately breathing tube. The larva e of Aedes and Psorophora
in front of the mesothoracic spiracle, whereas those of usually differ in the sclerotization of the anal segment
Acdcs and Culex lack spiracular bristles. Psorophora Cthe sclerotization going completely around the seg-
mosquitoes are relatively large and have long, erect ment in Psorophora but usually not complete in Aedes).
scaleson the hind tibiae. The best character to separate The breathing tube in Aedes larvae is relatively short
adultsof Aedesand Culexis the presence (Aedes)or ab- and stout.
sence (Culex) of postspiracular bristles (a group of Anopheles larvae hve chiefly in ground pools,
bristles immediately behind the mesothoracic spira- marshes, and places where there is considerable vege-
de). The tip of the abdomen of a female Aedes is usu- tation. The other mosquito es breed in many places, but
allypointed, with the cerci protruding, and the thorax the most abundant Aedes and Psorophoramosquitoes
oftenhas white or silvery markings. In Culex the tip of breed in woodland pools and salt marshes, and Culex
the female abdomen is generally blunt, with the cerci in artificial containers. The woodland species that are
retracted, and the color of the thorax is usually dull. so troublesome early in the season are largely species of
The larvae of Anopheles differ from those of Aedesand have a single brood ayear. Many species that
other mosquitoes in lacking a breathing tube (fig- breed in large bodies of water, borrow pits, or artificial
ure34-33C), and at rest they he parallel to the surface containers can continue breeding through the season
ofthe water (Figure 34-38A). The larvae of the other as long as weather conditions are favorable.
three genera have a breathing tube (Figure 34-33A), Mosquitoes act as vectors of several very human
andat rest they hold the body at an angle to the surface important diseases: malaria, caused by protists of the
ofthe water (Figure 34-38B). Culex larvae have several genus Plasmodium and transmitted by certain species of
pairs of hair tufts on the breathing tube, and the tube Anopheles; yellow fever, caused by a virus and trans-
water,clinging lO rocks by means of a series of ventral Anisopodinae. The Mycetobiinae lack a discal cell, and
suckers. the two basal cells are confiuent beca use of the absence
FamilyDeuterophlebiidae-Mountain Midges: These of the base of M (Figure 34-9C). The Anisopodinae
midgesare peculiar in having broad, fanlike wings, and have a discal cell, and the two basal cells are separated
themales have extremely long antennae (about four by the base of M (Figure 34-8B). The Mycetobiinae
timesas long as the body). 5ix species of Deuterophlebia contains a single, rare, but widely distributed species,
areknown from the West (Colorado to California, Mycetobia divergens Walker. The most commonly en-
northto Alberta), where the larvae live in swift-fiowing countered wood gnats are members of the Anisopodi-
streams. nae, which often have faint spots on the wings.
Family Nymphomyiidae: Two species are known Family Axymyiidae:This family includes two North
fromthe Nearctic region, Nymphomyia dolichopeza American species, Axymyia furcata McAtee, which oc-
Courtney,from the southern Appalachians of Georgia, curs in the East, and another species ofAxymyia that
NorthCarolina and 50uth Carolina; and Nymphomyia has been found in Oregon. These are medium-sized,
walheri (Ide), which has been collectedin streams from stout-bodied fiies, resembling so me of the march flies
Quebec and New Brunswick to Alabama. The species (Bibio) in appearance, with short antennae and charac-
are characteristically found in pristine mountain teristic wing venation (Figure 34-9D). The larvae live
streams,with the larvae living on stones and among in cavities in moist, rotting wood. These insects are rel-
aquaticmosses and other vegetation. During oviposi- atively rare, and little is known of the habits of the
tion,the copulating male and female crawl underwater adults.
toan oviposition site. While there, the wings are often Family Bibionidae-March Flies: The march fiies are
brokenoff, but the mechanism for this is unknown. small to medium-sized, usually dark-colored, hairy or
Theonly other known species in the family are found bristly flies, with short antennae that arise low on the
ineast Asia from India to ]apan and the Russian Far face (Figure 34-41). Many have a red or yellow thorax.
East. The wings often have a dark spot near the end of R¡
FamilyAnisopodidae-WoodGnats: This is a small (Figure 34-8C). The adults are most common in spring
groupofgnats (nine North American species) that are and early summer, and are sometimes abundant. The
usuallyfound in moist places on foliage. 50me species larvae live in decaying organic matter and among plant
occasionallylive in large swarms consisting entirely of roots.
males.The larvae live in or near decaying organic mat- One member of this family, Plecia nearctica Hardy
ter,fermenting sap, and similar materials, and the (Figure 34-41), which occurs in the Gulf 5tates, some-
adultsare often attracted to fiowing sapo Two subfami- times (usually in May and 5eptember) congregates in
liesoccur in North America, the Mycetobiinae and enormous swarms. Cars driving through such swarms
716 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
become spattered with these flies, which can clog radi- Family Canthyloscelididae:These rare fliesaresimi-
ator fans and cause the car to overheat, or spatter the lar to the Scatopsidae. They differ in having the four-
windshield and obscure the driver's vision. If they are segmented palps (one-segmented in the Scatopsidae).
not soon cleaned off, they may damage the car's finish. The larvae live in decaying wood. Two species occurin
Because pairs are often seen in copulo, these insects are North America. They have been collected from Quebec
commonly called "lovebugs." They are a particular to California and north to Alaska.
problem in the northern part of peninsular Florida and Family Cecidomyiidae-GallMidges or Gall Gnats:
in other Gulf states. The gall midges are small (mostly 1-5 mm long),deli-
The subfamily Hesperininae is represented in cate flies with long legs and usually long antennaeand
North America by only a single species, Hesperinus bre- with a reduced wing venation (Figures 34-8A, 34--42,
vifrons Walker. It is recorded from Alaska, Canada, and 34-43A). This group is a large one, with some 1,200
the western and northeastern United States. Some en- North American species, about two thirds of whichare
tomologists recognize the subfamily as a separate fam- gall makers. Larvae of the others feed on plant (without
ily, and it can be distinguished by the elongate anten- producing galls) or livein decayingvegetationor wood,
nae and the branched Rs. or in fungi. A few are predaceous on other small insects.
Figure34-43 A, a cecidomyiid,
Aphidolestes meridiona/is Felt (which
is predaceous on aphids); B, a dark-
winged fungus gnat, Sciara sp.,
15X. (A, courtesy ofUSDA.)
The larva e of gall midges are tiny maggots, with a pate and the adults emerge in the spring. These adults
smalland poorly developed head and minute mouth- oviposit on wheat, and the larvae feed between the leaf
parts.The last larval instar of most species has a char- sheath and the stem, weakening the shoot or even
acteristic T-shaped or clove-shaped sclerite on the killing it. The larva e pass the summer in a puparium,
ventral side of the prothorax called the "breastbone" and the adults emerge in the fall and lay their eggs on
or "sternal spatula." Many of the larvae are brightly
colored-red, orange, pink, or yellow.
The galls formed by gall midges live on all parts of
plantsand are usually very distinctive. Many species of
gallmidges form a characteristic gall on a particular
panof a particular species of plant. In some galls, such
asthe pine-cone willow gall and the maple leaf spot
(Figure34-44), only one larva develops. In others,
suchas the stem gall of willow, many larvae develop.
Paedogenesis (reproduction by larva e) occurs in
severalgenera of gall midges. In Miastor metraloas
Meinert,the larvae of which live under bark, daughter
larvaeare produced inside a mother larva, and they
eventuallyconsume it and escape. These larvae may
producemore larvae in a similar manner, through sev- A
eralgenerations, and the last larvae pupate.
One of the most important pest species in this
groupis the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), Figure34-44 Galls of cecidomyiids. A, the pine-cone
whichis a serious pest of wheat (Figure 34-42). This willow gaIl, caused by Rhabdophagastrobiloides (Osten
insectoverwinters as a full-grown larva in a puparium, Sacken); B, the maple leaf spot, caused by Cecidomyia
underthe leaf sheaths of winter wheat. The larvae pu- ocellaris Osten Sacken. (Redrawn from Felt.)
718 Chapter34 Order Diptera
vaeof most species live in fungi, and some occasionally bark (Xylophagus), or in decaying logs (Rachicerus).
become pests in mushroom cellars. The larvae of a few The flies in the genus Xylophagus are slender and ich-
species attack the roots of plants. One species, the neumonidlike, but other xylophagids are more robusto
potato scab gnat, Pnyxia scabiei (Hopkins), attacks Coenomyia ferruginea (Scopoli) is large (14-25 mm
potatoes and serves as the vector of potato scab. The fe- long) and usually reddish or brownish, with the eyes
males of P. scabiei have extremely short wings and no pubescent and the second to fifth posterior cells about
halteres. Sciarids are fairly common insects, with 170 as wide as long (Figure 34-12B). The flies in the genus
speciesknown from the United States and Canada. Rachicerus are peculiar in having the antennae many-
SUBORDERBrachycera:This suborder includes segmented and serrate or somewhat pectinate. The
79 of the 104 families and nearly 14,000 of the ap- fourth posterior (M)) cell is closed, the eyes are emar-
proximately 20,000 known species of North American ginate just above the antennae, and these insects are
Diptera. Most of its members are relatively stout- 5-8 mm long. Other xylophagids are 10 mm long or
bodied, and they vary greatly in size. The antennae less, and are quite rare.
usually have three segments, but the third segment is Family Stratiomyidae-Soldier Flies:This is a fairly
sometimes divided into subsegments, and it often bears large group (more than 260 known North American
astyle or an arista. species), most of which are medium-sized or larger Cto
The suborder Brachycera is divided into four in- about 18 mm long) and usually found on flowers.
fraorders, the Xylophagomorpha, Stratiomyomorpha, Many species are brightly colored and wasplike in ap-
Tabanomorpha, and Muscomorpha. Some classifica- pearance. The larvae live in a variety of situations:
tions of the Diptera limit the suborder Brachycera to Some are aquatic and feed on algae, decaying materials,
the 19 families in the Xylophagomorpha, Stratiomy- or small aquatic animals; some live in dung or other
omorpha, Tabanomorpha, and the superfamilies decaying materials, some live under bark, and others
Nemestrinoidea, Asiloidea, and Empidoidea; the re- are found in other situations.
maining60 families of Muscomorpha are then grouped In some species of soldier flies (for example, Stra-
in a third suborder, the Cyclorrhapha. Here the Cy- tiomys, Figure 34-46A) , the abdomen is broad and fIat;
clorrhapha are treated as a monophyletic group within the wings at rest are folded back together over the ab-
the Muscomorpha. All the Cyclorrhapa have two- domen; and the antennae (Figure 34-IC) are long,
branched Rs, none has an annulated third antennal with the third segment distinctly annulated. In other
segment,and nearly all have an arista on the third an- species (such as those in the genus Ptecticus), the ab-
tennalsegment. The remaining Brachycera (except the domen is elongate, usually narrowed at the base; and
Dolichopodidae, many Empididae, and some Stra- the third antennal segment (Figure 34-IF) appears
tiomyidae, Bombyliidae, and Acroceridae) have three- globular, with an arista, and the annulations are very
branched Rs, with R..s forked (in few Asilidae it may indistinct. Most soldier fIies are dark-colored, with or
appearthat R2.) is forked; see Figure 34-11D). without light markings, but some species are yellowish
The pupa e of Brachycera are coarctate. In the or light brown. The members of this family are most
graups outside of the Cyclorrhapa, the adult emerges easily recognized by their wing venation: The branches
frama T-shaped opening at one end. In the Cyclor- of R are rather heavy and are crowded together in the
rhapathe adult emerges from a circular opening at one anterior part of the wing, the wing membrane beyond
end(hence the name), and the members of this group the closed cells has fine, longitudinal wrinkles, and the
are often called "circular-seamed flies." Adults push discal cell is small (Figure 34-11A).
outthe end of the puparium with a structure called the Family Xylomyidae:These are rather slender, wasp-
ptilinum,a sac that is everted from the front of the like flies, 5-15 mm long, rather brightly colored with
head,above the bases of the antennae. After emer- pale markings on blackish background. The most com-
gence,the ptilinum is withdrawn into the head. In the mon fIies in this small group (11 North American
Calyptratae and Acalyptratae (a monophyletic group species) are the species of Xylomyia, which are slender
calledthe Schizophora), the break in the head wall and ichneumonidlike. They differ from xylophagids
throughwhich the ptilinum was everted is marked by in the genus Xylophagus (which are very similar in ap-
thefrontal suture (also called the ptilinal suture). This pearance) in having the M) cell closed (Figure 34-12C).
sutureis lacking in the Aschiza, itseU probably a para- The xylomyids are usually found in wooded areas.
phyleticgroup. The larvae live under bark, and are predaceous or
FamilyXylophagidae:Xylophagids are relatively un- scavengers.
commonflies of medium to large size. They are black, FamilyAthericidae:These flies were formerly placed
sometimesmarked with yellow, or all reddish yellow. in the Rhagionidae, but differ from those in that family
Theyusually live in wooded areas, and feed on sap or in lacking spurs on the front tibiae and in having the R¡
nectar.The larvae live in the soil (Coenomyia), under cell closed at the wing margin (Figure 34-12D). This
720 Chapter34 Order Diptera
Figure 34-46 Soldier fIies. A, Stratiomys laticeps Loew; B, Hermatia illucens (L.).
(B, courtesy of USDA.)
group is a small one, with only five North American insects. Most snipe fiies do not bite, but several species
species, and its members are not common. They are of Symphoromyia are comrnon biting pests in the west.
usually found in the vegetation bordering streams. The em mountains and coastal areas.
eggs are usually laid on the underside of bridges or on This group includes the genus Bolbomyia, whichis
vegetation above a stream, and the larvae on hatching sometimes placed in the Xylophagidae. It is a minute
fall into the stream, where they live in the riffles and fiy, 2-3 mrn long, dull black with smoky wings,and
feed on midge larvae and other aquatic insects. In the with characteristic antennae (see couplet 40 of key).
case of Atherix (widely distributed), the female remains Some other genera, formerIy included in the Rhagion-
on her egg mass and eventually dies there, and other fe- idae, are placed in other families:Atherix in the family
males may lay eggs on this same mass until a ball of Athericidae, Vermileo in the family Vermileonidae,and
considerable size is formed-consisting of eggs and Dialysis in the family Xylophagidae.
dead females. Females of Suragina concinna (Williston), Family Tabanidae-Horse Flies and Deer Flies:
which occurs in southwest Texas and Mexico, are About 350 species of tabanids occur in North America,
bloodsucking, feeding on people and cattle. and rnany are quite cornrnon. They are medium-sized
Family Pelecorhynchidae: This group includes eight to large, rather stout-bodied fiies. The femalesare
rare North American species: seven species of Glutops bloodsucking and are often serious pests of livestock
and one species of Pseudoerinna. The species of Glutops and people. The males feed chiefiy on pollen and nec.
are shorter than 10 mm, and have ~ and 2A relatively tar and are often found on fiowers. The two sexesare
straight; Pseudoerinna jonesi (Cresson) is 13-15 mm very easily separated by the eyes, which are contiguous
long, and has ~ and 2A somewhat sinuate. A few in the males and separated in the females. The eyesare
species of Glutops occur in the East, but the other often brightly colo red or iridescent. The larvae ofmost
species in the family are westem. The larvae live in the species are aquatic and predaceous, and the adultsare
wet soil of swamps and stream banks, and are preda- generally encountered near swamps, marshes, ponds,
ceous; the adults of a few species feed on fiowers. and other situations where the larvae live. Mosthorse
Family Rhagionidae-Snipe Flies: Snipe fiies are flies are powerful fliers, and sorne species apparently
medium-sized to large, with the head somewhat have a fiight range of several kilometers.
rounded, the abdomen relatively long and tapering, The two most cornmon genera of tabanids,which
and the legs rather long (Figure 34-47). Many species include some 180 of the 317 North Americanspecies,
have spotted wings. The body may be bare or covered are Tabanus and Chrysops. In Tabanus the hind tibiae
with short hair. Most snipe fiies are brownish or gray, lack apical spurs, the head is somewhat hemispherical
but some are black with spots of white, yellow, or (slightly concave posteriorIy in the female), and the
green. They are common in woods, especially near third antennal segment (Figure 34-48A) has a tooth.
moist places, and are usually found on foliage. Both like process near the base. Tabanus is a large genus,
adults and larvae are predaceous on a variety of small with about a hundred North American species,and
Keyta the Families of Diptera 721
tened larvae called planídía. The planidia eventually at- species are western. The species whose larvae are known
tach to and enter the body of a passing spider. Pupation are parasites of other insects:speciesof Trichopsidea
occurs outside the host, often in the host's web. asitize grasshoppers, and species of Hinnoneuraattack
Family Nemestrinidae-Tangle-Veined Flies: These scarabaeid beetle larvae. Nemestrinids are often impor-
are medium-sized, rather stout-bodied flies, with a tant in controlling grasshopper populations.
somewhat aberrant wing venation (Figure 34-111). Family Apioceridae-Flower-Loving Flies: Iheseare
Some are hairy and beelike in appearance. They live in relatively large, elongate flies that resemble some of¡he
open fields of fairly high vegetation. They hover persis- robber flies (for example, Figure 34-51B,C), but the)'
tently, and are very fast fliers. Some species live on flow- do not have the top of the head hollowed out between
ers. The group is a small one (6 North American the eyes, and they have a different wing venation (Mi
species), and its members are relatively rare. Most and the veins anterior to it ending in front of the wing
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 723
habitsof themydas flies, but the larvae live in decaying FamilyTherevidae-Stiletto Flies: These flies are of
wood and are predaceous. The adults are probably also medium size, are usually somewhat hairy or bristly,
predaceous. and often have a pointed abdomen (Figure 34-56A,B).
FamilyScenopinidae-Window Flies: The window They are superficially similar to some robber flies, but
"ies are rather uncommon flies of medium or small size the top of the head is not hollowed out between the
and are usually blackish. The common name is derived eyes. This is a fair-sized group (about 141 North Amer-
frorn the fact that one species, Scenopinus fenestralis ican species), but the adults are not common. Theyare
(L.) (Figure 34-55), is sometimes common on win- most likely to be found in dry, open areas such as
dows.The larva of this species is said to feed on the lar- meadows and beaches. Uttle is known of the feeding
vaeof carpet beetles. The larvae of other species feed habits of the adults, but they are probably plant feed-
on decaying wood and fungi. This is a fair-sized group, ers. The larvae are predaceous and usually live in sand
with 139 North American species, most of which occur or decaying wood.
in the West. Family Empididae-Dance Flies: The dance flies are
so named because the adults sometimes occur in
swarms, Oying with an up-and-down movement. This
group is a large one (more than 760 North American
species), and many species are fairly common. All are
small, and some are minute (length 1.5 to 12.0 mm).
Most are dark-colored, but none are metallic. Most
have a large thorax and a long, tapering abdomen. The
male genitalia are terminal and often are rather con-
spicuous (Figure 34-57).
Dance flies are found in a variety of situations,
usually in moist places where there is an abundance of
vegetation. They are predaceous on smaller insects
(some are important predators of mosquito es) , but
they often frequent flowers and feed on nectar.
Figure34-55 A window Oy,Scenopinusfenestralis (L.). Many species of dance flies have rather interesting
(Redrawnfrom USDA.) mating habits. The males sometimes capture prey and
726 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
along the Pacific Coast, have the labellar lobes of the la-
bium modified into mandible-like structures.
This group is a large one (more than 1,275 North
American species), and its members are abundant in Figure34-59 A humpbacked fly (Phoridae), sox.
many places, particularly near swamps and streams, in
woodlands, and in meadows. Many species live only
in a particular type of habitat. The adults are predaceous of the larva e are rather varied. Some live in decaying
on smaller insects. The adults of many species engage animal or vegetable matter; some live in fungi; some
in rather unusual mating dances. The larvae live in wa- are internal parasites of various other insects; and some
ter or mud, in decaying wood, in grass stems, and un- live as parasites or commensals in the nests of ants or
der bark. Not much is known of their feeding habits, termites. A few of the species that live in ant or termite
but at least some are predaceous. The larvae of the nests (and some others as well) have reduced wings or
genus Medetera live under bark and are predaceous on lack them entirely. More than 370 species occur in
bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae). North America.
Family Lonchopteridae-Spear-Winged Flies: The Family Pipunculidae-Big-Headed Flies: The mem-
members of this group are slender, yellowish or brown- bers of this group are small flies with the head very
ish flies less than 5 mm long, with wings somewhat large and composed mostly of eyes (Figure 34-60).
pointed at the apex and with a characteristic venation The wings are somewhat narrowed basally, and the anal
(Figure 34-14H). They are usually fairly common in cell is usually long and closed near the wing margin
moist, shady, or grassy places. The larvae live in decay-
ing vegetation. Males differ from females in venation:
The M3 cell is closed in the female (Figure 34-14H)
and open in the maleo Males are extremely rare, and
these flies are probably parthenogenetic. This family
contains only four North American species, in the
genus Lonchoptera.
Family Phoridae-Hump-Backed Flies: The phorids
are small or minute flies that are easily recognized by
the humpbacked appearance (Figure 34-59), the char-
acteristic venation (Figure 34-14G), the laterally flat-
tened hind femora, and erratic manner in which they Figure34-60 A big-headed fly,Tomosvaryellasub-
ron. The adults are fairly common in many habitats but virescens (Loew), female. (Courtesy of Knowlton and the
most abundant about decaying vegetation. The habits
Utah Agricultural ExperimentaNNERSIDAD DECALDAS
728 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
(Figure 34-14J). The group is of moderate size (128 spv). Many are brightly colored and resemble various
North American species), but its members are seldom bees or wasps. Some look much like honey bees, oth-
common. The larvae are parasites of various hoppers, ers like bumble bees, and others like wasps, and the re-
chiefly leafhoppers and planthoppers. semblance is often very striking. None of the syrphids
Family Platypezidae-Flat-FootedFlies: These flies bite or sting.
are so named because of the peculiarly shaped hind tarsi, Syrphid larvae vary considerably in habits and ap-
which are usually flattened or otherwise modified (Fig- pearance (Figure 34-62). Many are predaceous on
ure 34-26C). The tarsi are generally more flattened in aphids, others live in the nests of social insects (ants,
females than in males. The flat-footed flies are small, termites, or bees) , others live in decaying vegetation or
usually black or brown, and live on low vegetation in rotting wood, others live in highly polluted aquatic
damp woods. They often ron about on leaves in an er- habitats, and a few feed on growing plants. The larvae
ratic, zigzag fashion. The males sometimes swarm in of Eristalis (Figure 34-62D,E), which live in highly
groups of up to 50 or more, the swarms dancing in the polluted water, have a very long breathing tube and are
air a meter or so above the ground, with the hind legs commonly called "rattailed maggots." The adults of
hanging down. Females enter these swarms to select this genus (Figure 34-61D) resemble bees. Rattailed
mates. If the swarm is disturbed, as by a swinging net, maggots are sometimes responsible for intestinal myia-
the flies scatter and reform the swarm again a little sis in humans.
higher up (out of net reach). Adults of the genus Mi- Calyptratae and Acalyptratae-Muscoid Flies or
crosania are attracted to smoke, and are often caBed Schizophora: The muscoid flies, with 56 familiesand
"smoke flies." The larvae of flat-footed flies live in fungi. nearly 7,000 known North American species, makeup
FamilySyrphidae-Hover Fliesor Flower Flies:This about one third of the order, and are to be found almost
is a large group (about 870 North American species), everywhere. They can be recognized by the presenceof
and many species are very abundant. Syrphids can be a frontal suture (Figure 34-5A,fs) on the lower pan of
found almost everywhere, but different species live in the front of the head, arching up over the base of the
different types of habitats. The adults are often com- antennae. Most are relatively stout-bodied, with some-
mon about flowers and frequently do a great deal of what reduced wing venation (Figures 34-22, 34-24)
hovering. Different species vary quite a bit in appear- and characteristic bristles on the head and thorax
ance (Figure 34-61), but (with a few exceptions) they (which provide taxonomic characters).
can be recognized by the spurious vein in the wing be- Many of the muscoid flies are small, and identify-
tween the radius and the media (Figure 34-15A-C, ing them is often difficult. Moreover, the distinction
between families is often not very clear, and different 3. Somewhat similar to a house fiy in general appear-
authorities have placed many genera in different fami- ance, usually with no hypopleural or pteropleural
lies.Some species (for example, the two species of La- bristles, and the R5 cell usually parallel-sided:
theticomyia, here placed in the family Pseudopomyzi- Scathophagidae, Anthomyiidae, Fanniidae, and
dae)were originally described as being of uncertain Muscidae
familyposition. 4. Similar to group 3, but with hypopleural and
The muscoids fall into two main groups, the Aca- pteropleural bristles, and the R5 cell narrowed or
Iyptratae (45 families, Micropezidae through Ephydri- closed distally: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae,
dae) and the Calyptratae (10 families, Anthomyiidae Rhinophoridae, and Tachinidae
through Tachinidae). These names refer to the devel-
opment of the calypteres, which are large and well de- Fami/y Anthomyiidae: This is a large group (more
veloped in most calyptrates and very small in the aca- than 600 North American species), and most are black-
Iyptrates. These two groups also differ (with a few ish and about the size of a house fiy or smaller. They
exceptions) in the structure of the second antennal seg- differ from the Muscidae in having the anal vein
ment (Figure 34-19A,B) and the sutures on the dorsal (Cu2+2A) reaching the wing margin, at least as a fold.
Most Anthomyiidae have fine hairs on the underside
sideof the thorax (Figure 34-19C,D) (see key, couplet
66). Each of these groups contains more than 3,400 of the scutellum (Figure 34-17D). Those Anthomyi-
idae that lack these hairs (Fucelliinae) have cruciate
NorthAmerican species.
Calyptratae-Calyptrate Muscojd Fijes: These flies frontal bristles and usually four sternopleural bristles,
livenearly everywhere, often in large numbers. Some and they have the costa spinose. Most of the An-
thomyiidae are plant feeders in the larval stage, and
of the calyptrate groups are fairly distinct and easily
recognized,but others are not, and there are differences many of these feed on the roots of the host plant; some
ofopinion about the taxonomic placement of some. (Figure 34-63) are serious pests of garden or field
For purposes of identification, the families in this crops. The larvae of the Fucelliinae, a small group oc-
sectioncan be divided into four groups: curring chiefiy in the West and in Canada, are aquatic
and predaceous.
1. Flat and leathery, with the coxae separated, and Family Calliphoridae-Blow Fijes: Blow fiies are to
winged or wingless; ectoparasites of birds and be found practically everywhere, and many species are
mammals: Hippoboscidae of considerable economic importance. Most blow fiies
2. Robust, hairy, beelike, with the mouthparts re- are about the size of a house fiy or a liule larger, and
duced (bot and warble fiies): Oestridae many are metallic blue or green (Figure 34-64). Blow
730 Chapter34 Order Diptera
-g Figure 34-63 A, mines of the
<-> spinach leafminer, Pegomya hyoscyami
(Panzer) (Anthomyiidae); B, adult fe-
male of the seedcornmaggot,Hylemya
a platura (Meigen) (Anthomyiidae), sx.
A . «5,
(A, courtesy of the Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center;
B, courtesy of U5DA.)
fiies are very similar to fiesh fiies (Sarcophagidae), and (mosdy the larvae of blow fiies) is a nauseating thing,
some authorities put the two graups in a single family, but these insects are performing a valuable service in
the Metopiidae. Blow flies are often metallic in color helping to remove dead animals fram the landscape. The
and have the arista of the antennae plumose at the tip, larvae of some of the species that breed in camon, par-
whereas fiesh fiies are blackish with gray thoracic ticularlyPhaeniciasericata(Meigen)and Phonniaregina
stripes (Figure 34-65A) and have the arista bare or (Meigen), when reared under aseptic conditions, have
only the basal half plumose. Blow fiies usually have been used in treating such diseases as osteomyelitis in
two (rarely three) notopleural brisdes, and fiesh fiies humans. However, many of these fiies may act as me-
usually have four (Figure 34-20). chanical vectors of various diseases. Dysentery fre-
Most blow fiies are scavengers, the larvae living in quendy accompanies high blow-fiy populations.
camon, excrement, and similar materials. The most Flies in this family are the "house flies" of the
common species are those that breed in camon. These western United States, especially the Southwest. They
species lay their eggs on bodies of dead animals, and the are far more common than Musca in houses in that par!
larvae feed on the decaying tissues of the animal. To of the country.
most people a dead animal teeming with maggots Some blow flies lay their eggs in open sores of ani-
mals or people. In some cases the larvae feed only onde-
caying or suppurating tissue, but in other cases theycan
attack living tissue. The screwworm fiy,Cochliomyiaho-
minivorax (Coquerel) (Figure 34-65B) , is a speciesin
the latter category. It lays its eggs in wounds or in ¡he
nostrils of its host, and its larvae can cause considerable
damage. In recent years the number of screwworm flies
in the South and Southwest has been greatly reducedby
releasing large numbers of sterile male fiies. The females
mate only once, and if a femalemates with a sterilemale,
its eggs fail to hatch.
When fiy larvae become parasitic on humans or
animals, the condition is spoken of as myiasis. Flies
such as the screwworm can develop in surface wounds
and cause cutaneous myiasis or in the nasal cavitiesand
cause nasal myiasis. A few other flies in this group have
been known to develop in the human intestine and
Figure 34-64 A blow fly,Lucilia illustris (Meigen). cause intestinal myiasis. Myiasis in humans is relatively
rarein the United States and Canada, and it is probably differ from the Anthomyiidae in having the anal vein
moreor less accidental. In the South and Southwest, it (CU2+2A) short and not reaching the wing margin, and
hasbeen very important in domestic animals. some have the Rs cell narrowed apically. The house fiy,
FamilyFanniidae:This is a small familyof four gen- Musca domestica L., breeds in filth of all kinds and is of-
eraand 112 species, most in the genus Fannia. Most of ten very abundant. It is a vector of typhoid fever, dysen-
its species differ from muscids in having 3A curved tery, yaws, anthrax, and some forrns of conjunctivitis. It
outward distally, so that CU2+ 2A if extended would does not bite. The face fiy, Musca autumnalis DeGeer, is
meetit (Figure 34-18D). This group is sometimes con- an important pest of catde. It gets its name from its habit
sidereda subfamily of Muscidae. These fiies look very of clustering on the face of catde (Figure 34-67). The
much like small house fiies, and in some areas are a stable fly and horn fly are biting flies; but unlike mos-
moreimportant household pest than Musca domestica
L.The larvae breed in excrement and various types of
Family Hippoboscidae-LouseFlies and Bat Flies:
Thisgroup includes both winged and wingless forms.
Mostof the winged forms are dark brownish and some-
what smaller than house flies. They are most likely to
befound on birds. These fiies are easily recognized by
theirfIat shape and leathery appearance. They are the
onlyfIies likely to be found on living birds. The sheep
ked,Melophagus ovinus (L.) (Figure 34-66), is a fairly
W* , . a;
.- uO)
cornmonwingless louse fiy. It is about 6 mm long and <:
reddishbrown, and the adult is a parasite of sheep.
- ..
The bat flies are ectoparasites of bats. They can be
winged,wingless, or can have the wings reduced in
size.Some species have no ocelli, and the compound
" ,
eyes are small or absent. The five species in the genus
Basiliaare small, wingless, and spiderlike with the
... '" ..
headfolded back into a groove on the dorsum of the
thorax.The compound eyes are small and two-faceted.
: ..
holes made in the skin by the escaping larvae reduce siderably in habits, but nearly all feed on so me sort of
!he value of the hide when it is made into leather. animal material. Many are scavengers, feeding on dead
The only Nearctic species of Oestrus is the sheep animals. Some are parasites of other insects (especially
bot fly,Oestrus ovis L. (Figure 34-70C). The sheep bot various beetles and grasshoppers). A few are parasites
fiyis viviparous and deposits its larvae in the nostrils of of vertebrates, usually developing in skin pustules, and
sheep (rarely, also in humans). The larvae feed in the some of these occasionally infest humans. Many
frontal sinuses of the sheep. The genus Cephenemyia species (most of the Miltogramminae) lay their eggs in
inc\udes six species that are parasites of cervids (deer, the nests of various bees and wasps, where their larvae
moose, elk, and so forth). Finally, Suioestrus cookii feed on the materials with which these nests are provi-
Townsend is a parasite of pigs. sioned.
Family Rhinophoridae:These flies are similar to the Family Scathophagidae-Dung Flies: The members
tachinids (with which they were formerly classified) of this group are very similar to the Anthomyiidae (the
bu! differ in having a weakly developed postscutellum family in which they are sometimes placed), but differ
and narrow calypteres. The eyes are sometimes hairy. in having no fine hairs on the underside of the scutel-
Thegroup is a small one, with only four North Ameri- lum, usually just one stemopleural bristle, and no cru-
canspecies. Melanophoraroralis (L.), which occurs in ciate frontal bristles.
!heEast, is probably the most common species. lt is a Probably the most common members of the
parasiteof isopods. Scathophagidae are yellowish and quite hairy (see Fig-
Family Sarcophagidae-Flesh Flies: Flesh flies are ure 4-5), and their larvae live in dung. Other species are
verysimilar to some blow flies, but are generally black- dark-colored, and the larvae live in a variety of situations:
ish with gray thoracic stripes (never metallic) (Fig- Some are plant feeders (a few of these are leaf miners),
ure34-65A). The adults are common insects and feed some feed in rotting seaweeds, and some are aquatic. The
on various sugar-containing materials such as nectar, Scathophagidae are a large group (149 North American
sap,fmit juices, and honeydew. The larvae vary con- species) and contain many common species.
734 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
FamilyTachinidae:This family is the second largest Most tachinids deposit their eggs directly on the
in the order (at least in Nonh America), with about body of their host, and it is not at all uncommon tofind
1,350 known North American species, and its mem- caterpillars with several tachinid eggs on them. On
bers are to be found almost everywhere. lt is a group hatching, the tachinid larva usually burrows into its
very valuable to humans, because the larval stages are host and feeds intemally (Figure 34-72B). When fully
parasites of other insects, and many species aid in developed, it leaves the host and pupates nearby.Some
keeping pest species in check. tachinids lay their eggs on foliage. These eggs usually
Tachinids are usually relatively easy to recognize. hatch into peculiar flattened larvae called planidia,
Both the hypopleural and the pteropleural bristles are which remain on the foliage until they can attach toa
developed, and the postscutellum is prominent (Fig- suitable host when it passes by. In other species thatlay
ure 34-13B). The terga usually overIap the ventral their eggs on foliage, the eggs hatch when they arein-
sclerites of the abdomen, and the abdomen generally gested (along with the foliage) by a caterpillar. Ihe ta-
has a number of very large bristles in addition to chinid larvae then proceed to feed on the intemal or-
the smaller ones. The first posterior (Rs) cell is gans of the caterpillar. An insect attacked by tachinids
narrowed or closed distally, and most species have the is practically always killed eventually.
arista bare. Many tachinids are very similar in general Acalyptratae-Acalyptrate Muscoid Flies: Ihis isa
appearance to muscids and flesh flies (Fig- large and diverse group (3,500 species). Manyaresmall
ures 34-71, 34-72A). Many are large, bristly, and bee- in body size and traditionally pose a challenge to the
like or wasplike in appearance. student for identification. The monophyly of Acalyp-
Tachinids attack many different groups of insects, tratae is not well established, and it may well represent
and although most tachinids are more or less restricted a paraphyletic group.
to panicular hosts, a few can develop in a wide variety Family Micropezidae-Stilt-Legged Flies:Ihe mem-
of hosts. Most tachinids attack the larvae of Lepidoptera, bers of this group are small to medium-sized elongate
sawflies, or beetles, but some attack Hemiptera, Or- flies with very long legs. The first posterior (Rs)cellis
thoptera, and some other orders, and a few attack other narrowed apically, and the anal cell is often long and
arthropods. A number of tachinids have been imponed pointed (Figure 34-22C). The adults are found near
into the United States to help control introduced pests. moist places. Only 33 species occur in Nonh America,
but the group is abundant in the tropics, where the lar- North America. Most of the tropical species have the
vaelive in excremento eyes situated at the ends of long stalks, but North
Family Neriidae-Cactus Flies: This group is repre- American species have relatively short eyestalks (Fig-
sented in the United States by two species occurring in ure 34-23J). Adults are blackish and about 4.5 mm
the Southwest. The most common species, Odontolox- long, with the front femora distinctly swollen. This
oro longicornis (Coquillett), ranges from southern species has been reared in the laboratory (from eggs
Texas to southern California. It is slender, medium- laid by overwintered adults), but little is known of its
sized,and grayish with brown markings, and it has long, life history in the field. The larvae feed on wet organic
slenderlegs and long, porrect antennae (Figure 34-231). matter and probably live in sphagnum bogs. Adults are
The larvae breed in decaying cacti, and the adults are usually found in or near such habitats, often on skunk
usuallyfound only on such cacti. cabbage.
Family Pseudopomyzidae: The flies in this group Family Psilidae-Rust Flies: The psilids are small to
that occur in the United States, Latheticomyia tricolor medium-sized flies, usually rather slender, with long
Wheelerand L. lineata Wheeler, are 2.5 to 3.5 mm long antennae. They have a peculiar ridge or weakening
and black with yellow areas on the head, thorax, and across the basal third of the wing. In the genus Loxo-
legs.The front coxae are long and slender, nearly as cera, the third antennal segment is very long and slen-
longas the tibiae. The front femora have a few strong der (Figure 34-21). The larvae live in the roots or galls
bristlesventrally in the distal half, and the hind femora of plants, and one species, Psila rasae (Fabricius), the
havea single bristle at about three fourths their length. carrot rust fly, often does considerable damage to car-
Thewings are hyaline, the anal cell is well developed, rots, celery, and related plants.
2Adoes not reach the wing margin, and the second Family Tanypezidae: The Tanypezidae are medium-
basaland discal cells are confluent. They have been sized flies with rather long and slender legs. They live
taken during late twilight, at banana-baited traps, in in moist woods and are quite rare. Only three species
Arizonaand Utah. occur in the United States (in the Northeast), and
Family Diopsidae-Stalk-Eyed Flies: This group is nothing is known of their immature stages.
largelytropical, and only two species, Sphyracephala FamilyConopidae-Thick-HeadedFlies:The conopids
brevicornis(Say) and S. subbifasciata Fitch, occur in are medium-sized, brownish flies, many of which super-
736 Chapter34 Order Diptera
and its members are not very common. The adults are Family Tephritida~Fruit Flies:The members of this
mostly nocturnal and are often attracted to lights, and group are small to medium-sized flies that usually have
the larvae are parasites of adult june beetles. spotted or banded wings, the spotting often forming com-
FamilyRichardiidae: This is a smallgroup (lO North plicated and attractive patterns (Figures 34-76, 34-77).
American species) of uncommon to rare flies about They can be recognized by the structure of the subcosta,
which little is known. Most species have be en taken at which apically bends forward at almost a right angle and
fruit-baited traps, and one species of Omomyia has then fades out. In most species the anal cell has an acute
been taken on yucca. In Omomyia the costa is spinose distal projection posteriorly (Figure 34-24B). The adults
and the males are very hairy. These flies are known are found on flowers or vegetation. Some species have the
from Arizona and New Mexico. Most species in this habit of slowly moving their wings up and down while
family have patterned wings. resting on vegetation and are often called "peacock flies.»
Family Anthomyzidae:These flies are small and fresh sap flows on trees, about woody fungi, on rouing
somewhat elongate, and some species have pictured tree trunks and stumps, and in similar places. Eleven
wings. This is a fairly small group (lO North American species occur in the United States, most of them in the
species), but its members are sometimes fairly common Eas t.
in grass and low vegetation, especially in marshy areas. Family Opomyzidae: The opomyzids are small 10
The larvae live in marsh grasses and sedges. minute flies that are usually found in grassy areas.The
Family Asteiidae: This family contains small to known larvae feed in the stems of various grasses. Only
minute flies (usually 2 mm long or less), most of 13 species occur in North America, and most of these
which can be recognized by the distinctive venation occur in the West or in Canada; none is common. Ten
(Figure 34-24A): R2+3ending in the costa close to R¡. species of opomyzids are in the genus Geomyza, which
In Leiomyza, R2+3ends well beyond R¡, at about three has wings much narrowed at the base, without an alula
fourths the wing length. Only 18 species occur in and with no development of an anallobe.
North America, and little is known of their habits. Family Periscelididae:The three North American
Family Aulacigastridae:This group includes seven species in this family are widely distributed but rare.
relatively rare species. Aulacigaster leucopeza (Meiger) They are usually found around the sap flowingfroID
is a small, blackish fly,about 2.5 mm long, with its face tree wounds. One species has been reared fram fer-
banded with white, brown, and orange. Adults live on menting oak sapo
(and larva e breed in) sap flows from tree wounds. The Family Braulidae-Bee Lice: This family containsa
other species are yellowish to brownish and are gener- single species, Braula coeea Nitzsch, which occurs in
ally found in grasses. various parts of the world but is quite rare in North
Family Clusiidae:The clusiids are small (mostly America. It is wingless and 1.2 to 1.5 mrii long andis
3-4 mmlong) and relatively uncommon flies in which found in bee hives, usually attached to the bees. The
the wings are often smoky or marked with brown, es- adults apparently feed on nectar and pollen at the bee's
pecially apically. The body color varies from pale yel- mouth.
low to black. In some species the thorax is black dor- Family Canacidae-Beach Flies: The canacidsare
sally and yellowish laterally. The larvae, which live in small flies that resemble the ephydrids in appearance
decaying wood and under bark, can jump, much like and habits, but they have only a single break in the
the larvae of skipper flies. costa, they have an anal cell, and the ocellar triangleis
Family Odiniidae:This is a small group of uncom- quite large (as in Figure 34-27 A). Adults of the seven
mon flies, formerly placed in the family Agromyzidae. rare North American species live along the seashoreon
They differ from the Agromyzidae in having preapical both the East and West Coasts. The larvae live in theal-
tibial bristles and pattemed wings. The adults live at gae washed up on the shore.
Keyto the Familiesof Diptera 741
Family Carnidae:This small group (16 North Amer- Family Chyromyidae:This is a small (nine North
ican species) was formerly considered a subfamily of American species) but widely distributed group of usu-
the Milichiidae. These fiies can be separated from the ally uncommon flies. Adults are usually taken on win-
Milichiidae by the characters in the key (couplet 135). dows or on vegetation, and some have been reared
One species, Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, is a blood- from birds' nests and rotting wood.
sucking ectoparasite of birds. Family Heleomyzidae:The heleomyzids are a fairly
Family Chloropidae-Grass Flies: The chloropids are large group (145 North American species) of small to
small, rather bare flies, and so me species are bright yel- medium-sized flies, most of which are brownish. Many
low and black. They are very common in meadows and superficially resemble marsh fiies (Sciomyzidae), but
other grassy places, although they can be found in a va- they have well-developed oral vibrissae, converging
riety of habitats. The larva e of most species feed in postvertical bristles (Figure 34-23C), spinose costa
grass stems, and some are serious pests of cereals. A (Figure 34-22H), and smaller and less prominent an-
few are scavengers, and a few are parasitic or preda- tennae. The adults are usually found in moist shady
eeous. Some of the chloropids (for example, Hip- places. The larvae of most species live in decaying
pelates), which breed in decaying vegetation and excre- plant or animal matter or in fungi.
ment, are attracted to animal secretions and feed on Family Sphaeroceridae-Small Dung Flies: The
pus, blood, and similar materials. They are particularly sphaerocerids are very small, black or brown fiies that
attracted to the eyes and are some times called "eye can usually be recognized by the character of the hind
gnats." These fiies can act as vectors of yaws and pink- tarsi (Figure 34-26A). Many have the longitudinal
eye. This is a fairly large group, with 290 North Amer- veins somewhat shortened and not reaching the wing
ican species. margin (Figure 34-26D). This is a fair-sized group
Family Cryptochetidae: The flies in this group are (250 North American species) whose members are
somewhat similar to black fiies (Simuliidae) and have common in swampy places near excremento They often
habits similar to those of eye gnats (Hippelates, family live in large numbers about manure piles. The larvae
Chloropidae: see preceding paragraph). They can usu- live in excrement and refuse.
ally be recognized by the enlarged third antennal seg- Family Camillidae: These fIies resemble the
ment, which reaches nearly to the lower edge of the Drosophilidae, but they are metallic, lack stemopleural
head and which lacks an arista but bears at its apex a bristles, they have the anal cell open apically. One
short spine or tubercle. As far as known, the larvae are species, Camilla glabra (Fallén), has been reported
parasites of scale insects in the family Margarodidae. from Ontario. Nothing is known of its biology.
This is principally an Old World group of fiies, and Family Curtonotidae:This group is represented in
only one species, Cryptochetum iceryae (Williston), oc- North America by a single species, Curtonotum helvum
curs in the United States. It was introduced into Cali- (Loew), which occurs in the East. This species is
fornia from Australia in the 1880s to control the cot- about 6 mm long, Drosophila-like in appearance, and
tony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi. This fiy is about light yellowish brown with dark brown markings.
1.5 mm long and stout-bodied, with dark, metallic It lives in high grass in moist places. The larva is
blue head and thorax and shiny green abdomen. The unknown.
introduction was successful. This fiy is probably a Family Diastatidae:This is a small (six North Amer-
more important natural enemy of the cottony cushion ican species) but widely distributed group whose mem-
seale than the ladybird beetle, Rodolia cardinalis, bers resemble the Drosophilidae but are usually dark-
whieh was also introduced from Australia to control colored. They are relatively rare, and little is known of
this scale insecto their habits.
Family Milichiidae: The milichiids are small flies, Family Drosophilidae-Pomace Flies or Small Fruit
usuallyblack or silvery, and are sometimes fairly com- Flies: These flies are 3-4 mm long and usually yellow-
mon in open areas. The larva e generally live in decay- ish (Figure 34-84), and they are generally found
ingplant or animal materials. Many have a slender pro- around decaying vegetation and fruits. This group is
boseis. This group is small, with 43 North American large (182 North American species), and many species
speeies. are very common. The pomace flies are often pests in
Family Tethinidae: Most tethinids are seashore the household when fruits are presento The larvae of
speeies, living in beach grass, in salt marshes, and most species live in decaying fruits and fungí. The lar-
around seaweed washed up on the shore. The majority vae actually feed on the yeasts growing in the fruits. A
are found along the Pacific Coast. The inland species few species are ectoparasitic (on caterpillars) or preda-
livemainly in alkaline areas. This is a small group (27 ceous (on mealybugs and other small Hemiptera) in
NorthAmerican species), and its members are uncom- the larval stage. Several species in this group, beca use
monfiies. of their short life span, giant salivary-gland chromo-
742 Chapter34 OrderDiptera
the wings together above the body and lying along the the thorax with forceps. Do this as soon as possible af-
point, and the body at right angles to the point (Fig- ter the insect dies. Some of the more minute speci-
ure 35-13). If a specimen lo be mounted on a point mens (especially Nematocera) should be preserved in
dies with its wings bent down, the wings can often be fluids and must be mounted on microscope slides for
snapped into the vertical position by gently squeezing detailed study.
Alexander, C. P. 1967. The crane flies of California. Bull. Disney, R. H. L. 1994. Continuing the debate relating to the
Calif. Insect Surv. 8:1-269. phylogenetic reconstruction of the Phoridae (Diptera). G.
Amaud, P.H.,]r. 1978. A Host-Parasite Catalog ofNorth Amer- !ta\. Entorno\. 7:103-117.
ican Tachinidae (Diptera). USDA Misc. Pub\. 1319,860 pp. Evenhuis, N. L. 1999. World Catalog of Bee Flies (Diptera:
Ashe, P. 1983. A catalogue of chironornid genera and subgen- Bornbyliidae). leiden: Backhuys, 756 pp.
era of the world including synonyrns (Diptera: Chirono- Felt, E. P. 1940. Plant galls and gall rnakers. Ithaca, N. Y:
rnidae). Entorno\. Scand. Supp\. 20,68 pp. Cornstock, 364 pp.
Bickel, D.j. 1982. Diptera. In S. B. Parker (Ed.), Synopsis and Friedrich, M., and D. Tautz. Evolution and phylogeny of the
Classification of Living Organisrns, pp. 563-599. New Diptera: A rnolecular phyIogenetic analysis using 28S
York: McGraw-Hil\. rDNA sequences. Syst. Bio\. 46:674-698.
Blanton, F. S., and W W Wirth. 1979. The sand flies (Culi- Gillette, j. D. 1971. Mosquitoes. london: Weidenfeld and
coides) of Florida (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Arthro- Nicolson, 274 pp.
pods of Florida and Neighboring land Areas 10:1-204. Griffiths, G. C. D. 1972. The phylogenetic classification of
Borkent, A. 1993. A world catalogue of fossil and extant Diptera-Cyclorrhapha, with special reference to the rnale
Crethrellidae and Chaoboridae (Diptera), with a listing of postabdornen. Series Entornologica 8:1-340.
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Soco Il5:267-3I1. Thornpson, P. H. 1967. Tabanidae of Maryland. Trans. Amer.
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(Diptera). Misc. Pub\. Entorno\. SocoArner. 5(5):231-278. Tabanornorpha (Diptera: Brachycera) based on 285 ribo-
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ronornidae (Diptera). Syst. Entorno\. 25:393-403. Annu. Rev. Entorno\. 44:397-428.
35 Collecting, Preserving,
and Studying Insects
some species are most easily collected in such situa- lect insects on public lands, such as state and national
tions. Other insects found in buildings feed on cloth- parks and forests. The requirements for such docu-
ing, furniture, grain, food, and other materials. Insects ments vary widely, and gene rally parks have greater re-
that attack animals are usually found around those an- strictions. Obtain and submit applications for the nec-
imals, and a person interested in collecting species that essary permits well in advance of a collecting trip.
attack humans can often get them with little effort- Transporting wildlife or wildlife products, including
simply by letting the insects come to the collector. insects, across state and international boundaries is
On warm evenings, insects from various sources also regulated. For species listed in the Appendices of
are attracted to lights and can be collected at street or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
porch lights, on windows or screens of lighted rooms, Species (CITES:', permits are required for impon or
or at lights put up especially to attract them. This export. Any legitima te retailer selling imported insects
is one of the easiest ways of collecting many types of should be able to provide the buyer with documenta-
insects. tion that the specimens were collected legally in the
Many nocturnal insects, however, are not attracted country of origino Imports of wildlife into the United
to lights. You must search for them at night and capture States must also be declared to the U.S. Fish and
them by hand. Examining tree trunks, leaves and other Wildlife Service (FWS). Travelers entering or return-
vegetation, fallen logs, rock faces, and other habitats at ing to the United States may interact with a numberof
night will reveal a sizable arthropod fauna, unsus- agencies, each with distinct arcas of authority and in-
pected by those who only collect in daylight. Flash- terest. The typical routine is that the specimens arede-
lights and lanterns of various sorts are use fuI for night clared on the entry form; a customs agent then directs
collecting, but the best sort of light is a headlamp. Not the traveler to the inspectors from the USDA (U.S.De-
only does it leave both hands free (you'll often wish partment of Agriculture). Declaration of importation
that you had three or four extra arms and hands), but to FWS is then made by filing the appropriate fonn.
its beam also focuses your attention on smaller arcas All the laws and regulations involved are constantly
and sharpens your perception: The lamp illuminates under review and revision, and it is the responsibility
only the arca where you are looking. Get a headlamp of the importer (the traveler) to know and follow
with an elastic headband and operated by a 6-volt bat- them.
tery attached to the belt, available at almost any big A common complaint heard regarding the bUf-
outdoor gear store. geoning growth of regulations and paperwork in con-
A great many insects-only the immature stages in nection with insect collecting is that a car drivingdown
some cases, and all stages in others-are found in the road kills large numbers of insects without anyper-
aquatic situations. Different types of aquatic habitats mit required. The dedicated student of entomology,
harbor different species, and different insects can be however, is effectivelyprevented from collecting,even
found in different parts of any particular pond or though the negative effect on the insect population is
stream. Some are found on the surface, others live on likely to be negligible. Remember, though, these laws
aquatic vegetation, others are attached to or are under and regulations are designed to control and prevent the
stones or other objects in the water, and still others real and ongoing decimation of wildlife populations, by
burrow in the sand or muck of the bottom. Many both legal and illegal means, and the job of enforce-
aquatic insects can be collected by hand or with for- ment agents is not to individually interpret these rules,
ceps. Others are most easily collected with various but to enforce them. Opportunities for comments on
types of aquatic collecting equipment. proposed regulations regularly arise, and concerned in-
The adults of many species are best obtained by dividuals should make their legitimate concerns
collecting the immature stages and rearing them. This known to the appropriate agencies. The fact that com-
process involves collecting cocoons, larvae, or nymphs ment periods are open for a set of regulations is com-
and maintaining them in some sort of container until monly disseminated widely on the list-serves that serve
the adults appear. lt is often possible to get better spec- the entomological community.
imens by this method than by collecting adults in the
Although many people view insects simply as
pests to be removed or killed, remember that many Collecting Equipment
statutes classify them as wildlife. Further, a number of
species are formally designated as endangered or The minimum equipment necessary to collect insectsis
threatened and, as such, are protected not only from your hands and some sort of container for the speci-
collecting but also habitat disturbance. It is usually mens collected. However, you can do much better with
necessary to procure permits from authorities to col- a net and killing jar, or better yet with a backpack or
Collecting Equipment 747
shoulder bag containing some additional equipment. that an insect can be seen through it. Finer weaves are
For general collecting, it is best to have at least the fol- necessary for smaller insects.
lowing items: A net used with care willlast a long time. Keep it
1. Insect net away fram stout thorns and barbed wire (to avoid tear-
ing), and keep it dry. Insects caught in a wet net are sel-
2. Killing jars
dom fit for a collection, and moisture eventually rots
3. Pillboxes containing cleansing tissue the net fabrico
4. Envelopes, or paper for making envelopes
When collecting with a net, you can work in either
5. Vials filled with preservative
of two general ways: You can look for particular insects
6. Forceps
7. 10 x hand lens and then swing at them, or you can sweep (simply
swing the net back and forth, usually through vegeta-
8. Sheet of plain white paper
tion). The former method is usually used for collecting
Some of these items, particularly the killing jars, the larger insects and often demands a certain amount
pillboxes, envelopes, and vials of preservative, are most of speed and skill. The latter method produces a much
easily carried in a backpack or fanny pack. Forceps and greater quantity and variety of insects, although it may
hand lens can be attached to a string around your neck occasionally damage some delicate specimens.
and carried in a shirt pocket. Strictly speaking, a hand When a particularly active insect is caught, use cer-
lens is not a means of collecting, but it is useful for ex- tain precautions to prevent the insect from escaping be-
amining insects in the field. fore it can be transferred to the killing jaro The safest
Other items of value for some types of collecting method is to fold the net over with the insect in the bot-
are as follows: tom of the net (Figure 35-1). Then grasp the insect
through the net (provided it is not one that stings) and
9. Aspirator
transfer it to the killing bottle. If the insect is one that
10. Beating umbrella or sheet
11. Sifter stings (when in doubt, assume that it doessting), there
are three ways to transfer it to the killing bottle: (1) You
12. Traps
can put the fold of the net containing the insect into the
13. Aquatic collecting equipment
killing bottle until the insect is stunned, then pick the in-
14. Headlamp (for night collecting)
15. Sheath knife sect out of the net and put it into the bottle. (2) You can
16. Camel's-hair brush grasp the insect through the net with forceps, rather than
with your fingers, and transfer it to the bottle. (3) You
Insed Net can get the insect into a fold of the net, stun it by pinch-
ing the thorax, and then transfer it to the killing bottle.
Insect nets can be purchased fram a supply house or The first method is probably the best.
can be homemade. Homemade nets are fairly easy to Sweeping is the best way for the general collector to
make and are much less expensive. However, a good obtain the greatest number and variety of insects. After
cornrnercial net generally survives physical abuse sweeping, you may wish to save the entire catch or only
much better. Handles made of aluminum are both light certain specimens. It is preferable to transfer the entire
and strong. The length of the handle is generally about catch to the killing jar and later discard any specimens
3 feet, but some modular designs let the user increase you don't want. The best way to save the entire catch is
the length up to 10 feet (or more). Collapsible heads al- to shake the insects into the bottom of the net and then
low the entire net to be stored very compactly. How- place this part of the net in the killing jar (a wide-
ever, the flexibility in the rim may make such nets less mouthed jar is best), which is then closed until the in-
suitable for sweeping through heavy vegetation. A net sects are stunned. Then dump the net contents onto a
ror general collecting should have mesh open enough sheet of paper (in a protected area out of the wind), re-
' U Cardboard Plaster (Set)
Cotton Plaster (Dry)
I.. Calcium
Figure35-2 Cyanide botdes. A, small botde made
up with calcium cyanide; B, large botde made up
A B with plaster of paris.
calcium cyanide lasts a month or two, whereas one out. The escaping gas reduces its strength, and an un-
made with sodium or potassium cyanide and plaster corked botde (particularly one made with cyanide) is a
lasts ayear or two. The potassium (or sodium) cyanide hazard. Keep the inside of the botde dry. Botdes some-
should be in finely granular or powdered form, and the times "sweat"; that is, moisture from the insects (and
botde is made as shown in Figure 35-2B. After pouring sometimes from the plaster) condenses on the inside of
in the wet plaster, leave the botde uncorked, preferably the botde, particularly if exposed to bright sunlight.
outdoors in a safe and ventilated place, until the plas- Such moisture ruins delicate specimens. It is a good
ter has thoroughly set and dried (a day or two). Then idea to keep a few pieces of cleansing tissue or other ab-
cork it, tape the bottom, put on a POlSONlabel, and af- sorbent material in the botde at all times, to absorb
ter another day or so for the cyanide to penetrate the moisture and to prevent the insects from getting badly
now-dried plaster, it is ready for use. tangled up with one another. Change this material fre-
Other materials that have been used as killing quendy, and wipe out the botde periodically. A botde
agents in insect bottles include ethyl acetate, carbon that has been used for Lepidoptera should not be used
tetrachloride, and chloroform. Ethyl acetate is the least for other insects unless it is first cleaned to remove
dangerous of the three. Bottles using these materials scales that would get on new insects put into the botde.
are made by putting so me sort of absorbing material in
the botde and soaking it with the agent. Cotton makes Other Types of Collecting Equipment
a good absorbent material, but if it is used cover it with
Aerial nets such as those already described are standard
a piece of cardboard or screen, or the insects become
collecting equipment for most work, but many other
entangled in the cotton and are difficult or impossible
devices are use fuI in certain situations or for collecting
to remove without damage. If ethyl acetate or carbon
tetrachloride is used, the absorbent material can be certain types of insects. Some of the more important of
these are described here. With a little ingenuity, the
plaster of paris that has been mixed with water, poured
into the bottom of the botde, and allowed to set and collector will be able to devise many others.
thoroughly dry. Killing botdes made with these materi- Aspirator. This is a very useful device for capturing
als do not last very long and must be recharged fre- small insects, particularly if you want to keep them
quently. Carbon tetrachloride and chloroform are poi- alive. Two types of aspirators are shown in Figure 35-3.
sonous, and people should avoid breathing the fumes. Sucking through the mouthpiece draws small insects
Ethyl acetate is relatively nontoxic to humans (it is an into the vial (A) or tube (B), and a cloth over the inner
ingredient of nail polish). end of the mouthpiece tube prevents the insects from
The efficiency of a killing botde depends to a large being sucked into the mouth. Nevertheless, the cloth
extent on how it is used. Never leave it uncorked any will not significandy impede the passage of microor-
longer than is necessary to put insects in or take them ganisms or fungal spores that may be present in large
750 Chapter35 Collecting.Preserving,
numbers on the substrate. With a series of these vials muslin or light canvas. A white sheet, or even an open
or tubes, an insect-filled one can be removed and re- insect net, may also be used to catch insects jarred off
placed and with an empty one, and collecting can pro- a planto
ceedwith minimal interruption.
Sifters. Many small and unusual insects that occur
BeatingUmbrella. Many insects that live on vegeta- in trash and leaf litter are most easily collected by sift-
tion feign death by dropping off the plant when it is ing. The simplest collecting procedure is to take a
jarred slightly. The collector can take advantage of this handful of material and sift it slowly onto a large
habit by placing a collecting device underneath a plant piece of white cloth, plastic, or cardboard. The tiny
and then jarring the plant with a stick. The insects that animals falling onto the white surface reveal thero-
fall onto the collecting device beneath usually continue selves by their movement and can be picked up with
to play dead and can be easily picked up. The best de- an aspirator or a wet brush. The material can alsobe
vice for this sort of collecting is a beating umbrella sifted onto a white cloth from a small box with a
(Figure 35-4E), an umbrella frame covered with white screen bottom.
One of the most effective ways to get insects and
other animals out of soil, debris, or leaf litter is touse
a Berlese funnel (Figure 35-5). This is an ordinary,
usually large, funnel containing a piece of screen or
hardware cloth, with a killing jar or container ofalco-
hol below it. The material to be sifted placed on the
screen, and an electric light bulb is placed abovethe
funnel. As the upper part of the material in the funnel
dries, the insects and other animals move downward
and eventually fall into the container below the funnel,
where they are killed. A Berlese funnel is the bestde-
vice for collecting debris-inhabiting insects, mites,
pseudoscorpions, and small spiders.
Anyone using a Berlese funnel will notice that
many of the animals collected (for example, the
springtails and many of the mites) remain on the sur-
face of the alcohol. The fact that many soil- and debris-
Figure35-4 A collapsible net and beating umbrella. inhabiting animals float on alcohol or water makesit
The net (A) may be collapsed (O), the handle removed possible to get many of these animals out of suchroa-
and unjoimed (C), and all these parts placed in a carry- terials by putting the material in water. Manyanimals
ing bag (B). The beating umbrella (E) has a hinged joim come to the surface of the water, where they can bere-
in the handle and is held in the position illustrated when moved and placed in alcohol.
in use. (From OeLong and Oavidson 1936, courtesy of A Winkler funnel is similar in principie 10a
the Ohio State University Press.) Berlese funnel, but is made of fabric in a slightly differ-
Collecting Equipment 751
Container >"
fór bait- - -
---1:: f-
pole- - ,,
-- ....-....
e o
Figure 35-6 Insect traps. A, pitfall trap, consisting of a can sunk in the ground; B, fly
trap, a cylindrical screen cage with a screen cone at the bottom; bait is placed in a con-
tainer below the center of the cone, and flies attracted to the bait eventually go through
the opening at the top of the cone into the main part of the trap, from which they can be
removed through the door at the top; e, Malaise trap, a square, tentlike structure sup-
ported by a central pole, with screen or c\oth baffles across the diagonals, and a killing
jar at the top; D, light trap; specimens attracted to the light are funneled into the killing
jar at the bottom.
insects before they decompose. Various preservatives such traps, is easily accessible, particularly as ano
can be added to the water to significantly delay de- tifreeze, but should be avoided because it is attractive
composition. Filling the trap with water saturated with and toxic to mammals. Traps that will not be tendedfor
salt is an economical but somewhat bulky alternative several days generally require some sort of roof over
(a great deal of salt is required). ASO-50 solution of them (such as a suspended sheet of plastic) to keepthe
propylene glycol (a food additive) and water also killinglpreservative solution from being diluted by
works well. Ethylene glycol, once commonly used in rainwater. Before placing them in alcohol, carefullyand
thoroughly rinse specimens in water. This is intended ame ter, are useful for aquatic collecting if they are
to remove any surfactant from the specimen as weIl as not subjected to hard use. Dip nets or strainers can
any material that the insect voided from its digestive be used lo collect free-swimming forms, forms on
tract when killed. Such materials coagulate on expo- vegetation, and forms burrowing in the sand or muck
sure to alcohol and are difficult or impossible to re- of the bottom. A good catch can often be obtained in
move later. Pan traps are especiaIly effective in catch- streams by placing the net or strainer at a narrow
ing minute insects that are found close to the ground place in the current and then turning over stones or
where it is difficult to sweep. disturbing the bottom upstream from the neto Re-
Flight-intercept traps are in so me ways a combi- trieving insects from the muck and debris collected
nation of Malaise and pan traps. Some insects, espe- in a net or strainer is not always easy, because most
ciaIly smaIl ones, never reach the collecting apparatus of them are not noticed until they move. A good way
at the lop of a Malaise. They may crawl through the to locate them is to dump the contents of the net into
netting, fly off it before reaching the top, or fall off a large, white, enameled pan with some water.
the trap to the ground. To catch these, place a trough, Against the white background, the insects can be
pan, or similar device filled with a killinglpreservative more easily located and picked out. The best device
fluid (such as those described earlier) beneath a for collecting small free-swimming forms such as
single panel of fine netting spread across the flight mosquito larvae or midge larva e is a long-handled
path of the insects. A knock-down insecticide can be white enameled dipper. Small larva e are easily seen
"painted" onto the fabric to capture specimens that against the white background of the dipper and can
may land on the netting. Designs for this type of trap be removed with an eye dropper.
can be found in Peck and Davies (1980) and Masner
and Goulet (1981). OtherEquipment. The collector should have a sheet of
Household insects that do not fly,such as silverfish plain white paper for transferring the results of sweep-
and cockroaches, can be trapped in an open-topped ing from the net to the killing jar (as noted earlier). A
baited box. Place a box 100 or 125 mm deep on the large, heavy knife is useful for prying up bark, cutting
floor, provide it with a ramp from the floor to the top open gaIls, or digging into various materials. A vial of
of the box, and bait it with dog biscuits, crackers, or insect pins is useful for pinning together mating pairs
some similar materials. Coat the upper 50 to 75 mm of before they are put into the killing jaro A notebook and
the box on the inside with petroleum jeIly, so insects pencil should always be a part of the collector's gear.
that get into the box can't crawl out. Collecting certain types of insects often requires special
Many insects can be caught by "sugaring," that is, items of equipment. The amount and type of equip-
preparing a sugary mixture and spreading it on tree ment a collector uses depend entirely on the sort of col-
trunks, stumps, or fence posts. Various mixtures may lecting he or she expects to do.
be used, but one containing something that is ferment- A global positioning system (GPS) receiver is fast
ing is probably the best. It may be made with molasses becoming a required piece of equipment for the serious
or fruit juices and a little stale beer or rum. colleclor. This device calculates the latitude, longitude,
and altitude by comparison of the radio signals re-
AquaticCollectingEquipment. Many aquatic insects ceived from a constellation of sateIlites in orbit. Under
can be collected with fingers or forceps when you are the best conditions, a GPS unit can achieve an accuracy
examining plants, stones, or other objects in the wa- measured in centimeters. This is valuable for surveying
ter, but many more can be collected by using a dip applications, but is generaIly not required for collecting
net, strainer, dipper, or other device. A dip net can be purposes. Under normal conditions, accuracies of
made like an aerial net, but the collecting bag should :t:30 meters are easily achieved and sufficient. Mea-
be shallower (no deeper than the diameter of the surements of elevation are generaIly less accurate and
rim) and much stronger. The handle should be heavy, the error more significant from a biological point of
and the rim should be made of 6- or 9-mm metal rod view. Elevation is probably still best measured by an al-
and securely fastened to the handle. The pan of the time ter. One note of caution: The GPS unit wiIl report
bag that is attached to the rim should be of canvas, its position to a very high level of apparent accuracy. As
and it is desirable to have an apron of the same ma- a rule of thumb, 1 degree of latitude or longitude at the
terial extending down over the front of the bag. The equator is equivalent to 100 km, 1 minute = 1.7 km,
rim need not be circular. Many collectors prefer to and 1 second = 27 m. Although a GPS unit will gladly
have the rim bent in the form of the letter O, to be report a position in decimal degrees such as 48°
able to drag it flat across the bottom. The bag may be 29.7345' N, that last digit implies an accuracy of ap-
made of heavy marquisette or bolting cloth. Strainers proximately :t:17 cm, a value that is neither correct nor
of the tea type, with a rim from 50 to 150 mm in di- biologically relevant.
754 Chapter35 Collecting.Preserving.
the chance for errors in the labeling. lt is advisable to 25-gauge needle). Insert the needle into the thorax un-
not only include the information with the sample col- der the wings, and completely fill the thorax with wa-
lected, but also to record the data in your own bound ter. This method is particularly useful for Lepidoptera
notebook. There, any additional details on the collec- (except small ones) that have been kept in paper en-
tion can be saved without limits on writing space. See velopes. After injection return the specimen to the en-
the later section on labeling for guidelines for prepar- velope for 5 to 20 minutes, after which it should be re-
ing the data labels that should accompany each insect laxed enough to mount.
Cleaning Specimens
It is seldom necessary to clean specimens, and it is usu-
Mounting and Preserving Insects ally better not to. A little dirt is preferable to a damaged
specimen. Cleaning specimens is most likely to be de-
Insects can be mounted and preserved in various ways. sirable when they have been collected from mud, dung,
or a similar material, some of which has stuck to the
Most specimens are pinned, and, once dried, these
keep indefinitely. Specimens too small to pin can be specimens. The easiest way to remove this material is
mounted on points, on tiny minuten pins, or on mi- to put the specimens in alcohol or in water to which a
croscope slides. Large and showy insects, such as but- detergent has been added. If the material to be removed
terflies, moths, grasshoppers, dragonflies, and others, is greasy, cleaning fluid can be used.
Dust, lint, Lepidoptera scales, and the like can be
may be mounted in various types of glass-topped dis-
play boxes. Preserve soft-bodied forms (nymphs, lar- removed by means of a camel's-hair brush, either dry or
vae, and many adults) in fluids. dipped in a cleaning fluido This method can also re-
move films of oil or grease that so me times exude from
pinned specimens. Ultrasonic cleaners clean specimens
Relaxing quickly and thoroughly. Take care not to overdo ultra-
Mount all insects as soon as possible after they have sonic cleaning, as the vibrations eventually break most
specimens apart.
been collected. If they are allowed to dry, they become
brittle and are easily broken in the process of being
mounted. Specimens stored in pillboxes or envelopes for
a long time must be relaxed before they are mounted. Pinning is the best way to preserve hard-bodied in-
Relaxing may be accomplished with a relaxing chamber sects. Pinned specimens keep well, retain their normal
or a special relaxing fluid, or sometimes hard-bodied in- appearance, and are easily handled and studied. The
sects such as beetles can be relaxed enough to pin by colors often fade when the insect dries, but this fading
dropping them in hot water for a few minutes. is difficult to avoid under any circumstances. Bright
A relaxing chamber can be made of any wide- colors are generally better preserved if the specimens
mouthed can or jar that can be made airtight. The bot- are dried rapidly.
tom of the jar is covered with wet sand or cloth (prefer- Common pins are undesirable for pinning insects.
ably with a little phenol added to prevent mold); the They are too thick, too short, and they rust. Insects
insects are put in the jar in open, shallow boxes; and should be pinned with a special type of steel pin
the jar is tightly closed. Special jars for this purpose known as an insect pino These pins are longer than
can also be obtained from supply houses. The collector common pins, they can be obtained in various sizes
must learn by experience how long it takes to relax an Cthicknesses), and they should not rust. Insect pin
insect, but after a day or two in such a chamber speci- sizes range fram 00 to 7. Number 2 or 3 pins are best
mens are usually sufficiently relaxed to mount. for general use; the smaller sizes (that is, smaller in di-
Entire specimens, or parts thereof, can often be re- ame ter) are too slender for all but specialty purposes.
laxed by dipping them in a relaxing fluid for several Size 7 pins are longer than the other sizes (and will not
minutes. The formula for this fluid (sometimes known fit in some insect boxes or drawers); these pins are
as Barber's fluid) is as follows: used in pinning very large insects, such as some tropi-
50 mI cal beetles.
95% ethyl alcohol
Water 50 mI Insects are pinned vertically through the body as
Ethyl acetate 20 mI shown in Figures 35-8 and 35-9. Bees, wasps, flies,
Benzene 7 mI bu tterflies , and moths are pinned through the thorax
between the bases of the front wings. With flies and
Another way to relax a specimen is to inject tap wasps, insert the pin a little to the right of the midline.
water into it with a hypodermic syringe (with a 20- or Pin bugs through the scutellum (Figure 35-8C), a lit-
756 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,
face of the board. If the specimen is to be upside down less likelihood of tearing the wing. Do not put the pin
on a fIat surface, the pin is inserted into the thorax through the wing if you can avoid it, because doing so
from underneath, and the insect is pinned on its back leaves a hole. The specimen should be fastened down
on some fIat surface. It is often advisable to place pins securely, and it may sometimes be necessary to use
along each side of the body to prevent it from swinging more strips of paper than are shown in Figure 35-12.
out of line. This figure illustrates a method of spreading an insect
The steps in spreading a butterfIy are shown in upside down on any fIat surface, and the final step in
Figure 35-12. Move the wings into position by pins this process is to hold the body down with forceps and
and hold them there by strips of paper or other mater- carefully remove the pin (G). If the specimen is spread
ial pinned to the board, and orient the antennae and on a spreading board, the steps are similar, but the pin
hold them in position by pins. Maneuver the wings by is left in the specimen.
pins from near the base of the wing, along the front The length of time it takes a spread specimen to
margino The veins are heavier at this point, and there is dry depends on the size of the specimen and such other
A B e D
factors as temperature and humidity. No general state- can be cut with scissors or, preferably, they can be cut
ment of time required can be made; you learn this by with a special type of punch (obtainable from supply
experience. To determine whether the specimen is houses).
ready to be removed from the spreading board, touch Puuing an insect on a point is a very simple process.
the abdomen gently with a pin: If the abdomen can be The point is put on the pin, the pin is grasped by the
moved independently of the wings, the specimen is not sharp end, and the upper side of the tip of the point is
yet dry; if the body is stiff, the specimen can be re- touched to the glue and then touched to the insect. Use
moved. Some of the larger moths may take a week or as liule glue as possible (so that body parts are not cov-
more to dry thoroughly. In every case, take care that ered by it), and the specimen should be correctly ori-
not to lose the data on the specimen. A data label can ented on the point. The standard positions of an insect
be pinned alongside the specimen when it is spread. mounted on a point are shown in Figure 35-13A-C.
In camp work or in the lower school grades, for
example, mounting in a Riker mount or similar display
is preferable to spreading a pinned specimen. Such
specimens are more easily displayed and are less sub-
ject to breakage. However, spread specimens in good
scientific collections are always pinned. Circumstances
determine what type of spreading method to use.
Mounting Smalllnsects
lnsects too small to pin can be mounted on a card or
point (Figures 35-13A-C, 35-14), on a minuten pin
(Figure 35-13D), on a microscope slide, or they can be
preserved in liquido Most small specimens are mounted
on points.
Points are elongated, triangular pieces of light
cardboard or heavy paper, about 8 or 10 mm long and
3 or 4 mm wide at the base. Remember that a well-
prepared insect collection can last for centuries. Many
types of paper do not have such longevity, becoming
yellow and brittle in only a few short years. Therefore,
points should be made of good-quality, acid-free, Figure35-14 A method of mounting long, slender in-
archival paper. The point is pinned through the base, sects that are too small to pin; such insects are mounted
and the insect is glued to the tip of the point. Points on two points.
760 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,
If the insect is put on the point dorsal side up (A), the alcohol for at least two hours, followed by transfer to a
point should not extend beyond the middle of the body. fresh vial of 100% ethanol. After the final two hours in
lt is important not to embed in glue body parts to be ex- the absolute alcohol, the liquid is removed as com-
amined for identification. Beetles mounted on points pletely as possible and replaced with HMDS. After
should always have the ventral side of the body visible. 20 minutes, the HMDS is removed and replaced with
The glue used in mounting insects on points fresh HMDS. Finally the specimens are placed on filter
should be quick-drying and should be quite hard when paper and, with good ventilation, preferably in a hood,
it sets. Preferably, it should be soluble in water or alco- are allowed to air-dry. The times quoted vary widely de-
hol so that specimens can be easily removed if neces- pending on the nature of the specimens, the amount of
sary (for example, for dissection or slide mounting.) water in the initial sample, and the quality of the chem-
Glue, used with care, is also useful in repairing broken icals used. Experiment to find the timing that works
specimens and replacing broken-off wings and legs. best for your material.
Shellac gel is a good glue for points. It can be pur-
chased from a supply house or made following the in-
structions in Martin (1977). Preserving Insects in Fluids
Any type of insect can be preserved in fluido Insects can
Drying Specimens be preserved in fluid temporarily until one has an op-
portunity to pin them, and many collectors prefer to
Small specimens dry quickly in open air, but some- store their collections in fluid rather than dried in en-
times you may want to hasten the drying of larger in- velopes or pillboxes. However, specimens preserved in
sects artificially. Large specimens eventually dry in the fluids are usually not as easily examined as those on
open air, but it is not advisable to leave them exposed pins or points, and in general any insect that can be
for very long because of the probability of damage by preserved dry should be mounted on a pin or point.
dermestids, ants, or other pests. A chamber with one or Preservation in fluids is the standard means of
more light bulbs can be used for rapid drying. A simple preservation for the following: (l) soft-bodied insects
drying chamber can be made from a wooden box with (for example, mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, midges,
a door on one side. Slats can be placed on the sides of and others), which would shrivel and be come distorted
the box to allow mounting or spreading boards to be if pinned and allowed to air-dry; (2) many very small
arranged at various distances from the heat source (the insects, which are best studied in detail when mounted
light bulbs). To allow moisture to escape, vent such on a microscope slide (for example, lice, fleas, thrips,
boxes with a few small holes in the side or topo Collembola, and others; (3) insect larvae and most in-
Many soft-bodied arthropods (insect larvae, spi- sect nymphs; and (4) arthropods other than insects.
ders, and others) can be dehydrated by critical-point The fluid generally used for preserving insects and
drying, freeze-drying, vacuum drying, or chemical dry- other arthropods is ethyl alcohol (70-80%). The
ing. These techniques yield specimens that are not par- preservation or fixation of tissues is better for many
ticularly fragile, show no distortion and very liule color forrns if certain other substances are added to the alco-
loss, and subsequently show no indication of reabsorp- hol. The most commonly used modifications of ethyl
tion of water or decomposition. After dehydration they alcohol are the following:
are pinned and stored like any other pinned insect. The Hood's soIution:
equipment and procedures used in critical-point drying 95 mI
70-80% ethyl alcohol
are discussed by Gordh and Hall (1979), freeze-drying 5 mI
methods are described by Woodring and Blum (1963)
and by Roe and Clifford (1976), and those for vacuum Kahle's soIution:
drying are described by Blum and Woodring (1963). 95% ethyl alcohol 30 mI
A recently developed method for chemical drying Formaldehyde 12 mI
that has become popular is to use HMDS (hexamethyl- Glacial acetic acid 4ml
disilazane). This highly caustic chemical should be Water 60 mI
used only in laboratories equipped with proper ventila- Alcoholic Bouin's soIution:
tion, preferably a fume hood. The method is generally
80% ethyl alcohol 150 mI
as follows: (l) Specimens are dehydrated by passing
Formaldehyde 60 mI
them through higher and higher alcohol concentra- Glacial acetic acid 15 mI
tions. Typically, a sample in 70% ethanol is transferred
Picric acid 1g
to a 95% solution for at least two hours; the sample is
then transferred to a fresh solution of 95% ethanol. Af- Although these solutions are "classically" used, we
ter two hours, the specimens are transferred to absolute must stress the dangers associated with some of the
chemicals, particularly formaldehyde (a carcinogen) pending on the mounting medium used. Use perma-
and picric acid (which is explosive when dry). nent mounts for material that is not to be returned to
Ethyl alcohol (and the modifications just men- the preserving fluid after study. Despite their name,
tioned) can also be used as a killing agent for many in- such mounts do not last indefinitely, but may remain in
sects and other arthropods, but it is unsatisfactory as a good condition for many years. Specimens mounted on
killing agent for insect larvae. The killing agents com- microscope slides for class use are usually mounted as
monly used for larvae are the following: permanent mounts. Specimens of particular taxonomic
KAAD mixture: value, which one would like to keep indefinitely,
95% ethyl alcohol 70-100 ml should be kept in fluids and mounted for study only in
Kerosene 10ml temporary mounts.
Glacial acetic acid 20ml Many small or soft-bodied specimens may be
Dioxane lOml mounted directly in a mounting medium, but others
(especially dark-colored or thick-bodied specimens or
XA mixture: such structures as genitalia) must be "cleared" before
95% ethyl alcohol 50ml mounting. The clearing process removes tissue from
Xylene 50ml within the specimen as well as some of the pigmento
If KAAD is used, reduce the amount of kerosene Generally it do es not render a specimen truly clear or
for soft-bodied larvae such as maggots. larvae killed in transparento Some mounting media have an inherent
either of these mixtures are ready for transfer to alco- clearing action. Several substances may be used specif-
hol for storage after 1/2to 4 hours. In the transfer to al- ically as clearing agents, but the most commonly used
cohol, change the alcohol after the first few days, be- are probably potassium hydroxide (KOH), lactic acid,
cause it becomes diluted by the body fluids of the and Nesbitt's solution. KOH can be used for almost any
arthropod or arthropod structure. Nesbitt's solution is
animal put in it. Any of these killing agents are likely
to remove the bright colors of larvae, especially greens, often used for clearing such small arthropods as mites,
lice, and Collembola. After clearing in KOH, wash the
yellows, and reds. All known killing and preserving
fluids are likely to destroy some colors. specimen in water (preferably with a little acetic acid
A problem always encountered when specimens added) to remove or neutralize any excess KOH. Spec-
are preserved in fluids is the evaporation of the fluido imens in lactic acid should be thoroughly washed with
water. The subsequent treatment of the specimen de-
Stopper the vials with rubber, neoprene, or polyethyl-
ene (not cork), and it is advisable to use oversized pends on the type of medium in which it is mounted.
Specimens cleared in Nesbitt's solution can be trans-
stoppers that do not extend very far into the bottle.
ferred directly to some mounting media, but with other
Screw-cap vials are satisfactory if the cap is tight-
fitting. Polyseal caps or inserts are very effective in re- media specimens must be run through certain reagents
ducing evaporation from screw-cap vials. Procaine
KOH used for clearing is a 10-15% solution. The
vials or tubes (usually available free from any dentist) formula for Nesbitt's solution is as follows:
make ideal temporary containers for many small forms.
All containers should be well filled with fluid and Nesbitt's solution:
should be examined at least once or twice a year so that Chloral hydrate 40 g
evaporated fluid can be replaced. Evaporation may be Concentrated HCl 2.5 mL
retarded by covering the stoppers with some sort of Distilled water (more for lightly 25-50 mL
sealing material such as Para film. Another method is to sclerotized specimens)
place a number of small, stoppered vials in a large jar
Note that chloral hydrate is a controlled substance
with a rubber gasket.
and is available only for restricted use.
Mounting on Microscope Slides KOH can be used cold or warm, or the specimen
may be boiled in it. Boiling is faster but may sometimes
Many small arthropods (lice, fleas, thrips, midges, distort the specimen. Clearing in cold KOH requires
mites, and others), and often such isolated body parts from several hours to a day or more. The same specimen
as legs or genitalia, are best studied when mounted on may be cleared in a few minutes by boiling. Nesbitt's so-
microscope slides. Material so mounted is generally lution is usually used cold, and the clearing may require
transferred to a slide from preserving fluid, and the from a few hours to a few days.
mount may be either temporary or permanent. Use Small specimens may be mounted on a regular mi-
temporary mounts for material that is to be returned to croscope slide without any special support for the glass
the preserving fluid after study. Such mounts may last coverslip other than the mounting medium itself.
anywhere from a few minutes to many months, de- larger or thicker specimens should be mounted on a
762 Chapter35 Collecting.Preserving,
depression slide or with some sort of support for the for this purpose; one very commonly used is acid
cover glass, to keep it level and to prevent the specimen fuchsin. The procedure to follow in using this stain on
from being flattened. The support for a cover glass on scale insects is outIined in Chapter 22.
an ordinary microscope slide may consist of small
pieces of glass or a piece of fine wire bent into a loop. Studies of Insed Genitalia
Some specimens are best studied in a depression slide
Many taxonomic studies of insects involve a detailed
or a small dish without a cover glass so that the speci-
men can be maneuvered and examined from different study of the external genitalia, particularly those of the
maleo The genitalia are sclerotized structures that can
angles. If a cover glass is added, most specimens are
sometimes be studied in the dried insect without any
mounted dorsal side up. Fleas are usually mounted
special treatment of the specimen, but in most cases
with the left side up, and many mites are commonly
they are partIy or largely internal and must be removed
mounted ventral side up.
and cleared for detailed study.
The media most often used for temporary slide
Procedures to follow in removing and clearing
mounts are water or alcohol, glycerin, and glycerin
genitalia vary depending on the type of insect. In sorne
jelly. Water and alcohol evaporate rapidly, and mounts
cases the insect (if mounted dry) can be relaxed, either
with these materials generally last only a few minutes
by the use of a relaxing fluid (see earlier discussion) or
unless more of the medium is added. Temporary slides
by placing the specimen in a relaxing chamber for a
made with glycerin or glycerin jelly are much better
time, and genitalia may be removed with a small dis-
and last a relatively long time. They can be made semi-
secting needle and then cleared in KOH. In other cases
permanent by "ringing" (putting a ring of asphaltum,
the abdomen (or the apical part of it) must be removed
nail polish, or a similar material around the edge of the
and cleared in KOH, and the genitalia are dissected out
cover glass). With glycerin jelly, a bit of the jelly is put
after clearing. Clearing may be accomplished in a few
on the slide and liquefied by heat. Then the specimen
minutes by boiling, or it may be accomplished by leav-
is added and oriented, and a cover glass is put on. This
ing the genitalia in the KOH for a longer period at
material cools to a solid jelly. Specimens mounted in
room temperature. In the latter case, clearing may re-
glycerin jelly can be unmounted by reversing the pro-
quire from a few hours to a few days, depending on
cess. Specimens can be put into glycerin or glycerin
how heavily sclerotized these structures are. Lactic acid
jelly directIy from water or alcohol.
is generally more gentIe as a clearing agent than KOH.
The media used for permanent slide mounts are of
Overclearing renders the genitalia transparent, fragile,
two general types: those with a water base, and resins.
and difficult to study. Such genitalia are more easily
Specimens can be mounted in water-based media di-
studied if stained with borax carmine after clearing.
rectIy from water or alcohol. Such mounts are some-
After the genitalia are cleared, they are washed in
what less permanent than resin mounts, but their life
water with a little acetic acid added (about 1 drop per
can be prolonged by ringing. Specimens mounted in a
50 cm3 of water) and placed in small dishes of glycerin
resin (natural or synthetic) must first be dehydrated (by
for study. They can be mounted on microscope slides,
running through successively increasing concentrations
but this approach permits a study from only one angle.
of alcohol: for example, 70, 95, and 100%), and then
through xylol and into the resin. The most commonly
In small dishes they can be turned and studied frarn
any angle desired.
used resin is Canada balsam. There are many water-
After the study is completed, the genitalia are
based media, but the following is one of the best:
stored in micravials of glycerin (vials about 10-12 rnrn
Hoyer's chloral hydrate (Berlese's fluid): in length), and these vials are kept with the specirnens
Water 50 mL fram which the genitalia were removed. If the genitalia
Gum arabic 30 g carne fram a pinned specimen, the vial is put on the pin
Chloral hydrate (see earlier comments) 200 g (lhe pin going thraugh the stopper of the vial) below
Glycerin 20 mL the specimen. Genitalia removed from a specirnen
must be handled in such a way that they can alwaysbe
The gum arabic should be ground-up crystals or
associated with the specimen from which they carneas
powder, not flakes. Filter this mixture through glass
wool before use. well as its collecting data.
All permanent slide mounts take some time to dry.
They should be kept horizontal (cover glass up) during
drying and are best stored in slide boxes in this same The scientific value of an insect specimen depends to a
position. large extent on the information regarding the date and
It is sometimes desirable to stain an insect before locality of its capture and also on such additional in-
it is mounted. A number of different stains are suitable formation as the name of the collector and the habitat
~ Figure35-17 A synoptic insect
~ collection.
in small unit trays of various sizes that fit snugly in the against the bottom of the box. This label contains the
drawers (Figure 35-18). The unit tray system facili- complete scientific name (genus, species, subspecies
tates rapid expansion and rearrangement of the collec- if any), the name of the describer, the name of the per-
tion without the need to handle individual specimens, son making the determination, and the date (tradition-
which is time-consuming and hazardous to the speci- ally the year only) the determination was made (Fig-
mens. The unit trays are of a convenient size to fit un- ure 35-16). In large collections where each drawer
der a dissecting microscope, so that unless it is neces- contains a series of unit trays (Figure 35-18), each tray
sary to examine the ventral surface of a specimen, the usually contains specimens of just one species.
specimen can be examined without being removed Many insect collectors eventually become inter-
from the tray, thus reducing the chance of breakage. ested in and concentrate their efforts on a particular or-
In larger collections, such as those of specialists or der, family, or genus. By contacts and exchanges with
those in museums, where the specimens are identified other collectors interested in that group, a collector
to species, the species determination is usually put on may build up a sizable collection and be in a position
a plain white or bordered label placed low on the pin to contribute lO knowledge of that group through sci-
~ Figure 35-18 A drawer of a large
~ insect collection.
766 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,
\ 11
; ...
wood borers, flower-frequenting insects, gall insects,
leaf miners, and so on), medically important insects, in-
sect pests of particular types of plants (Figure 35-19),
.,. -..
beneficial insects, or those with particular habits (preda-
tors, parasites, scavengers, and so on). The possibilities ~= ~=
are many. ~ ' "'"
Supporting glass
Top glass
Bottom Glass Figure35-21 All-glass mount. A, completed
mount; B, sectional view of mount.
A Riker mount (Figure 35-20) is a couon-filled Glass mounts are similar to Riker mounts, but
cardboard box with most of the lid removed and re- without the coUon and with glass on the top and bot-
placed with glass, and with the glass top holding the tom (Figure 35-21). They are excellent for displaying
insects in place on the coUon. Riker mounts may be of individual moths, buuerflies, or other insects.
almost any size (0.3 by 0.4 m is about the largest size
that is practica!) and are about 19 to 25 mm deep. They
Protecting the Collection
can be bought fram supply houses. When placing
large-bodied insects in a Riker mount, tease a liule hole All insect collections are subject to auack by dermestid
in the coUon with forceps for the insect body. After the beetles, ants, and other museum pests, and if the col-
specimens are in the box, put the lid is back on and fas- lection is to last any length of time, certain precautions
ten it with pins or tape. must be taken to protect it fram these pests. Various
768 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,and Studying Insects
materials may be used for this purpose, but one mate- Insert pinned specimens firrnly into the bottom of
rial commonly used is naphthalene (in flake or ball the insect box, preferably with pinning forceps. The
form). Naphthalene flakes can be put into a small card- bottom of the box should be of a material that will hold
board pillbox that is firrnly attached to the bottom of the pins firrnly. Brace large specimens with extra pins
the insect box (usually in one comer) and has a few pin to prevent them from swinging around and damaging
holes in it. Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) can also be other specimens. Use extra pins to brace and support
used, but it volatilizes more rapidly than naphthalene long appendages, or a long abdomen. Place a sheet of
and must be renewed at more frequent intervals. Also, cardboard cut to fit the inside of the box (with a slot
health concems are associated with long-terrn expo- cut out along one side to facilita te removal) over the
sure to a chlorinated hydrocarbon such as PDB. To pro- top of the pinned specimens, and fill the space between
tect specimens in Riker mounts, sprinkle naphthalene this and the lid of the box with cotton batting, Cellu-
flakes under the cotton when making the mount. cotton, a plastic bubble sheet, or a similar material.
Check a collection periodically to make sure that This arrangement keeps the pins fram being dislodged
plenty of repellent is presento If boxes or drawers are during shipment. Never include vials of insects in a box
stored in tight cabinets that are not opened frequently, of pinned specimens, regardless of how firmly the vials
the repellent should last a long time. may seem to be fastened in the box. The rough han-
Note that paradichlorobenzene and naphthalene dling the average box gets when in transit may dislodge
are only repellents, and although they will keep out po- even the most "firrnly" attached vial and destroy the
tential pests, they will not kill pests already in the col- specimens.
lection. If you find a box or drawer infested with pests, If a box of pinned insects contains specimens from
fumiga te it to destroy these pests. Heating boxes, cases, which the genitalia (or other parts) have been removed
or mounts to 150°F (66°C) or higher for several hours and stored in a microvial on the pin below the insect,
(if the boxes are such that the heat will not damage take special precautions to make sure these vials do not
them) will destroy any dermestids or other pests they come loose and damage specimens in the box. Inser!
may contain. Similarly, rapidly reducing the tempera- pins containing such vials far enough so that the vial
ture to - 30°F (- 35°C) and holding the specimens at rests on the bottom of the box. The vial is then held in
that temperature for several days is also effective, al- a fixed position by insect pins, one placed at the end of
though slower. Because of concerns about long-terrn the vial and two other crossed over the middle of the
human exposure to chemicals, many large institutional vial.
collections are moving toward freezing as a means of When shipping specimens preserved in fluids,
sanitation. Many good collections have been ruined by take measures to protect the specimens in the contain-
pests because the collector failed to protect them. ers. The containers should be completely filled with
fluid, and it is sometimes desirable to add cotton or
some similar material in the container to keep the spec-
imen from bouncing about. Small and delicate larvae,
Packing and Shipping Insects such as mosquito larvae, should be in vials so com-
pletely filled with fluid that there is not even an air
A dried insect on a pin is such a fragile object that it bubble in the vial. An air bubble in a vial can have the
would seem almost impossible to ship a box of pinned same effect on a specimen as a solid object in the vial
insects through themail and have it arrive at its desti- would have. One method of removing all air bubbles is
nation with the specimens intacto But it can be done if to use glass tubes stoppered with rubber stoppers, fi\l-
a few simple rules are followed. The preparation of ing the vial containing the specimens to the brim and
specimens for shipment largely depends on the treat- then carefully inserting the stopper with a pin along-
ment they are likely to receive in transit: They will be side it (to allow excess fluid to escape). When the stop-
tumed upside down and sideways and subjected to se- per is in place, remove the pino
vere and repeated jarring. Therefore, the two most im- If two or more containers of insects in fluid are
portant considerations are to make certain that all pins packed in the same box, wrap them in wide strips of
are firrnly ancho red, so that they cannot work loose Cellucotton, bubble wrap, or some similar 50ft material
and bounce around and break specimens, and that the so that no two vials are in contacto The most common
box in which they are pinned is placed in a larger box, preservative fluids contain either ethanol or iso-
surrounded by packing material to cushion the blows propanol, both of which are classified as flammable liq-
the package will invariably receive. uids. A number of regulations govem the shipping of
Note that we are concemed here with the trans- such liquids, either by the postal services or commer-
porting or shipping of deadinsects. Before transporting cial courier services. At the time of this writing, alco-
or shipping living insects, check with quarantine offi- hol cannot be sent in intemational mail or by domestic
cials and the postal authorities. airmail. Alcohol may be sent within the United States
by surfacemail as long as packaging and mailing re- field or in captivity. Many are very easy to keep in cap-
quirements are mel. You should contact private com- tivity, where they can be studied more easily, and often
panies for their own regulations. at closer range, than in the field.
Insects in glass or Riker mounts can ordinarily
withstand considerable jolting without damage, but Keeping Living Insects in Captivity
take care that the glass of these mounts does not get
broken. Pack such mounts in an abundance of 50ft Relatively liule equipment or attention is required to
keep an insect alive in captivity for a short periodo In-
packing material, and make sure no two of them touch
each other in the box. sects can be brought in from the field, kept in a cage of
some son for a day or so, and then released. Rearing
Insect material mounted on microscope slides
adult insects from their immature stages or maintain-
should be shipped in wooden, plastic, or heavy card-
ing cultures of insects through one or more genera-
board slide boxes, preferably boxes in which the slides
tions usually requires more equipment and attention.
are insened into grooves and are on edge in the box.
However, many types of insects are fairly easy to rear
Place strips of a 50ft material between the slides and the or culture.
lid of the box, so that the slides do not bounce about.
Rearing adult insects from immature stages is an
Dried specimens in envelopes or pillboxes should
excellent way to leam about their habits and life histo-
be packed in such a way that the specimens do not
ries. The activities of insects in cages can generally be
bounce around inside the box. Pad pillboxes inside
more easily observed, and cenainly observed to a
with Cellucotton to immobilize the specimens, and fill
greater extent, than insects in the field. Many insects
boxes containing envelopes with cotton or Cellucotton. collected as immatures and reared will be found to
Boxes containing pinned insects, insects in fluids,
have be en parasitized, and the parasites will emerge
microscope slides, or dried insects in envelopes or pill-
rather than the host insect, particularly in the case of
boxes that are to be sent through themail should be
wrapped in paper, to keep out fragments of packing
material, and packed inside a larger box. Choose the Cages tor Insects. Almost anything can serve as a suit-
outer box so as to allow at least 50 mm of packing ma- able cage for keeping insects in captivity for a short
terial (excelsior, shredded paper, cotton, Styrofoam time or for rearing some types of insects. The simplest
chips, and so fonh) on all sides of the smaller box. This type of cage is a glass (or clear plastic) jar of some son
packing material should not be so loose as to allow the covered with gauze held in place with a string or rub-
inner box to rattle around or so tight that the cushion ber band (Figure 35-22A). The jar may vary in size
effect is losl. from a small vial up to a large (4-liter or larger) jar, de-
Whenever material is shipped through the mail, pending on the size and numbers of the insects. In
send an accompanying letter to the addressee, notify- some cases food, water, or other materials necessary to
ing him or her of the shipment, and include a copy of the well-being of the insects can simply be placed in
the letter in the package. Packages of dead insects sent the bottom of the jaro Such containers are also suitable
through themail are usually marked "Dried (or Pre- for aquaria. Mosquitoes, for example, can be reared in
served) Insects for Scientific Study." It is well to mark vials that hold only a few cubic centimeters of water.
such packages for gentle handling in transit, although Cages suitable for rearing some types of insects or
such marking does not always ensure that they will not for display can be made of cardboard, gauze, and clear
get rough treatmenl. Material shipped to points inside plastic. Any small cardboard box can be used. Its size
the United States should be insured, though it may be depends on the size of the insect it is to contain. Holes
difficult to place an evaluation on some material. The cut in the ends and covered with gauze provide ven ti-
statement "No Commercial Value" on a box shipped lation; clear plastic or glass in the front provide visibil-
from one country to another will facilitate the box get- ity; and the top can be covered with glass, clear plastic,
ting through customs. or an opaque lid.
A more permanent type of cage can be made of
window screen with a wood or metal framework. The
bottom 25 mm or so of a large metal can with a cylin-
Workwith Living Insects der of screen inserted in it (Figure 35-23B) makes a
good cage. Cages of wood and screen can be made with
Anyone studying insects who does nothing but collect, the opening at the top, like a lid, or with a door on one
kill, and mount these animals and study the dead spec- side. If the cage is to be used for fairly active insects
imens will miss the most interesting pan of insect and it is necessary to get into the cage frequently, pro-
study. The student who takes time to study living in- vide it with a sleeve (Figure 35-23A).
sects will find that they are fascinating and often amaz- When rearing a plant-feeding insect, and the plant
ing little animals. Living insects can be studied in the on which it feeds is not too large, you can rear the in-
770 Chapter35 Collecting.Preserving,and StudyingInsects
/String or
~ rubber
band Adhesive
'-. Jar 01
Bottom 01
tin can B
/ Wood trame
Cord. serving as a
shou Ider strap
Screen /
::11 / /
Wood or // Figure 35-23 Insect cages.
heavy cardboard/ A, sleeve cage; B, a field car-
A B rying cage.
Cockroaches are excellent insects for rearing, be- 0.028 m3 (1 ft3). A solution of honey in the cage pro-
cause they are fairly large and active, most people are vides food for the males (which do not feed on blood)
familiar with them, and in most places they are abun- and for the females before their blood meal.
dant and easily obtained. A culture can be started by Place a small dish of water in the cage for egg lay-
trapping some adults. Cockroaches can be reared in ing. If paper or wooden blocks are placed in this water,
various types of containers, a large glass or plastic jar the eggs are deposited on these at the margin of the wa-
covered with gauze, or even an open box, provided the ter as it recedes. These eggs usually hatch within 10 to
box is several centimeters deep and the upper 50 or 20 minutes after they are placed in water at room tem-
75 mm of the sides is smeared with petroleum jelly so perature, even after months of desiccation. If the larvae
that the cockroaches cannot climb out. These insects are reared in large numbers, they are best reared in bat-
are practically omnivorous, and many different types of tery jars. As many as 250 larva e can be reared in a 150-
material will serve as suitable food. Dog biscuits make mm battery jar half-filled with water. The larvae can be
a good food. Plenty of water should be provided. fed ground dog biscuit, which is sprinkled on the sur-
Many types of insects that have aquatic immature face of the water daily. For the first-instar larvae, use
stages can be reared easily from the immature to the 30-35 milligrarns daily. Increase this amount for suc-
adult stage. The type of aquarium needed depends on cessive instars, up to 140-150 milligrams daily for
the type of insect being reared. Small forms feeding on fourth-instar larvae. Fourth-instar larvae pupate 7-9
organic debris or microorganisms can be reared in con- days after the eggs hatch, and adults emerge about
tainers as small as vials. Larger ones, particularly 24 hours later.
predaceous forms, require larger containers. Larvae or lt is usually fairly easy to rear adult insects from
pupae of mosquitoes, for example, can be kept in small galls. The important thing in rearing most gall insects
containers in some of the same water in which they is to keep the gall alive and fresh until the adults
were found, with a cover over the container to prevent emerge. The plant containing the gall can be kept fresh
the escape of the adults. For vials, the simplest cover is by putting it in water, or the gall can be caged in the
a plug of cotton. In many cases it is necessary to simu- field. If the gall is not collected until the adults are
late the insect's habitat in the aquarium (for example, nearly ready to emerge (as determined by opening a
have sand or mud in the bottom and have some aquatic few), it can simply be placed inside a glass jar, in a vial
plants present), and in the case of predaceous insects, of water, and the jar covered with gauze. This same
such as dragonfly nymphs, smaller animals must be procedure can be used to rear out adults of leaf miners
provided as food. The water must be aerated for some that pupa te in the leaf. If the leaf miner pupates in the
aquatic types. In maintaining an aquarium, try to keep soil (for example, certain sawflies), grow the plant con-
all the conditions in the aquarium as close as possible taining the insect in a flowerpot cage.
to conditions in the animal's normal habitat. Adults of some wood-boring insects are easily
When attempting to maintain aquatic insects in reared. If the insect bores into drying or dried wood,
the laboratory generation after generation, make spe- the wood containing the larvae can be placed in an
cial provision for the different life-history stages that emergence box like that shown in Figure 35-23D. If
frequently require special food, space, or other condi- the insect bores only in living wood, the adults can be
tions. Some mosquitoes are relatively easy to maintain obtained by placing some sort of cage over the emer-
in culture in the laboratory, especially species that nor- gence holes (in the field).
mally breed continuously through the warmer parts of Termite cultures are easily maintained in the labo-
the year, and in which the adults do not require a large ratory and are of value in demonstrating the social be-
space for their mating flights. The yellow fever mos- havior and the wood-eating and fungus-cultivating
quito, Aedesaegypti, is easily cultured in the labora- habits of these insects. Various types of containers can
tory.1At a temperature of 30°C (85°F) the development be used for termite culture, but the best for demon-
from egg to adult requires only 9-11 days. The females stration purposes is either a battery jar or a glass-plate
must obtain a blood meal before they can produce eggs. type of container (Figure 35-26). A termite colony can
A person's arm can provide this meal, but a laboratory last quite a while without queens in either type of con-
animal such as a rabbit (with the hair shaved from a tainer, but will prove more interesting if queens or sup-
portion of its body) is better. Please note, though, that plemental queens are present.
the US government closely regulates the use and care If a battery jar is used, put 6 mm or so of earth in
of vertebrates in the laboratory. Adult mosquitoes are the bottom of the jar and place a sheet of wood on ei-
allowed to emerge in cages with a capacity of about ther side of the jaro Balsa wood is best beca use the ter-
mites become established in it quickly. Put thin, nar-
'Because Ihis species is an imporlant disease veClOr,special precau- row strips of a harder wood on each side between the
lions should be laken 10 prevent Ihe escape of any individuals reared. balsa wood and the glass, and put pieces between the
~ 3,.LI--
- Cover
8.-~ ",
11 11 Cover /
11 11
11 1(1
11 11
11 11
11 11
11 iI Ant¿""
11 11 tunnels
11 11
11 !I
11 11
11 11
11 11
11 11
111 11
11 11
B /~
[11 111
1 4" f- 1!!.j e
Figure 35-27 Vertical type of ant cage. A, end view; B, top view of one end showing
cage construction; e, front view.
colored bits of glass for caddisfly larvae usually using lent photographic material and are usually much easier
sand grains) can be provided for the case. Caging to photograph than living insects.
predaceous insects with their prey (particularly man- Photographing insects has become a hobby with
tids), or parasitic insects with their hosts, can demon- many naturalists and camera enthusiasts, who choose
strate these interrelationships. With a little knowledge insects as well as flowers and birds because of their
of the food habits and habitat requirements of a color patterns or because they are intrigued by the
species, the ingenious student can usually devise meth- habits and biology of these animals.
ods of rearing almost any type of insect.
Photographing Insects
Drawing Insects
Photographing insects, especially in color, has be come
a common practice of both the professional entorno lo- A serious student will sooner or later have occasion to
gist and the layperson. Insect photographs are used ex- make drawings of insects or insect structures, either for
tensively to illustrate books, bulletins, or journal arti- personal notes, as a part of a laboratory exercise, or as
cles, for class use, and for illustrating public lectures. part of a research report prepared for publication. You
Many books have been written about the photography need not be a natural artist to prepare good drawings of
of insects and other natural history subjects, so we insects. The first aim of enlomological drawing is accu-
need not go inlo this subject in detail here. racy rather than artistry, and simple line drawings often
A large assortment of lenses, filters, adapters, and serve better than elaborately shaded or wash drawings.
synchronized flash and other lighting equipment is The primary purpose in drawings of insects or in-
currently available, so that the photographer can select sect structures should be accuracy. A gifted artist can
almost anything needed to photograph, either the en- make a freehand drawing that is fairly accurate, but
tire insect or a small part of it. Lenses are available for most people need some sort of mechanical aid to ob-
almost any size of magnification desired. tain the needed precision. Several devices and tech-
Pictures of dead or mounted insects are useful for niques can help you turn out an accurately propor-
some purposes, but pictures of living insects, or at tioned drawing with a minimum of effort. These
least insects that look alive and are in a natural pose, include a drawing tube, a projection apparatus, cross-
are far better. Taking such pictures is often difficult, hatching, and careful measurements of the specimen. A
but the problem can be solved in one of two general drawing tube is a device that fits into the light path be-
ways: O) by using equipment that permits a very short tween the eyepiece and objective lens of a microscope.
exposure time, and getting as close as possible without It contains a system of prisms and mirrors so arranged
disturbing the insect; and (2) by stupefying the insect that, by looking through it, you see both the object un-
temporarily so that more time is available for taking der the microscope and the paper on which the draw-
the photograph. Using various chemicals (for exam- ing is to be made, and can trace exactly what you see
pIe, CO2) or chilling the insect, can condition it for through the microscope. It takes a little practice to
this type of photographic exposure. It is often possible learn how to use a drawing tube, but a person who has
to get a good picture by training the camera on a spot gotten the knack of it can turn out accurate drawings
where the insect will eventually alight and then wait- quite rapidly. A drawing tube is a rather expensive
ing for the insect to alight there. Many insects can be piece of equipment and is likely to be available only in
photographed by aiming the camera at a flower and well-equipped university research laboratories.
photographing the insects when they come to the Any insect or insect structure that is fairly flat and
flower. translucent can be drawn by projection. The object to
Photomicrographic equipment (camera, lighting, be drawn is projected by means of a photographic en-
and so on) has been developed that can be attached to larger, slide projector, or other apparatus onto a sheet
(or built into) a microscope. Such equipment enables of paper, and the drawing is traced over the projected
one to photograph very minute insects, or parts of in- image. This is the ideal method of making drawings of
sects, at high magnification. The scanning electron mi- insect wings, which can be mounted between two glass
croscope (SEM) is another piece of equipment that slides. Elaborate projectors can be obtained that will
produces pictures of very high magnification, often give magnifications of from 4 X to 5 X up to several
showing details that cannot be seen with an ordinary hundred, but they are rather expensive. If you do not
microscope. want too much magnification, you can use photo-
You can get pictures of considerable entomological graphic enlargers, slide projectors, or microprojectors.
interest without pholographing any insects at all. In- The cross-hatching principIe can be used for mak-
sect nests or cocoons, damaged leaves or other objects, ing drawings at a different scale. The object to be drawn
wood-borer tunnels, and similar objects make excel- is observed through a grid of crossed lines and then
776 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,
drawn on coordina te paper, the detail of the object being studying carefully the details of such drawings, you
put in one square at a time. For drawing a macroscopic willlearn some of the tricks of giving an effect of con-
object, a grid made of crossed threads can be set up in tour with minimal shading, and you will learn the
front of the object. For microscopic objects, a transpar- shading methods that best produce the desired effects.
ent disk on which fine cross-lines are etched is put into You will also learn something of the preferred style of
the eyepiece of the microscope. For copying a drawing arranging and labeling drawings.
at a different scale, a grid of one scale is put over the
drawing to be copied, and the details of the drawing are
copied one square at a time on coordinate paper that has
a different scale. With a good photocopier, reductions or Sources of Information
enlargements can also be easily made.
A wall chart or any gready enlarged drawing can Information on insects is available in the form of litera-
be made from a text figure either by projection or by ture published by federal and state organizations, fram
the cross-hatching method. Text drawings can be pro- private organizations such as supply houses, museums,
jected by an opaque projector and traced, or they can and societies, and from a great mass of books and peri-
be enlarged on a chart by using the grid principIe de- odicals. Much of this literature is available in a good li-
scribed in the preceding paragraph. brary, and a good bit can be obtained at litde or no cost
If you do not have any of these mechanical aids, a to the student or teacher. Information is also available
considerable degree of accuracy can still be achieved by from contacts with other people who are interested in
carefully measuring the specimen to be drawn and then insects-amateurs and workers in universities, muse-
making the drawing agree with these measurements. ums, and experiment stations. Materials such as slides,
Measure small objects with dividers. movies, and exhibits are available from supply houses,
The simplest way to obtain a symmetrical draw- museums, and often various state or private agencies.
ing, when drawing an animal (or part of an animal)
that is bilaterally symmetrical, is to draw only the right Electronic Resources
or left half of the specimen and then trace the other
half from the first side. The World Wide Web probably provides the most ac-
cessible and most up-to-date information. The ease
Whether or not a drawing should contain some
with which web pages can be written and their capac-
sort of shading depends on what you wish to show.
ity for incorporating images have resulted in an explo-
Many drawings of insect structures (for example, most
sion of the number of resources available. A quick
of the drawings in this book showing anatomical char-
search of Google finds 1.9 million hits for the word "in-
acters) show what they are intended to show without
sect" and 585,000 for the esoteric term "entomology"
any shading, or perhaps with a few well-placed lines. If
you wish to show contour or surface texture, as would Many of these pages are of dubious quality, and the
onus is on the user lO determine their value. This is,
be shown in a photograph, more elaborate shading is
however, also the situation in the traditionally pub-
necessary. This shading may be done by stippling (a se-
lished literature, even in journals carrying peer-
ries of dots, as in Figure 5-28), parallel or crossed lines
reviewed science. The difference is only a matter of
(for example, the eyes in Figure U-U), a series of dots
scale, in our opinion, and the real-time accessibility
and lines (for example, Figure 22-46), or the use of a
clearly makes the Internet, overall, a tremendous asset.
special type of drawing paper containing tiny raised ar-
Web pages are notoriously unstable, rapidly going
eas (stipple board, coquille board, Ross board, and so
out of date or, worse, out of existence. For this reason,
on, which were used in preparing such drawings as
we have hesitated lO recommend specific sites in this
those in Figures 26-53 and 26-65). Press-on sheets of
book. Most professional societies, entomology depart-
various types of shading, stippling, lines, cross-hatching,
ments, extension services, and natural history muse-
and other patterns provide a quick yet satisfactory
ums maintain high-quality web sites containing a wide
method of providing shading and texture.
range of valuable information. As web-indexing ser-
Drawings prepared for publication are ordinarily
vices continue to improve, they supply the best means
made about twice the size at which they will be repro-
for rapidly locating quality material on the Internet.
duced, sometimes larger. The subsequent reduction
tends to elimina te minor irregularities in the original Government Publications
drawing. If the reduction is very great, however, the fine
lines disappear, or lines close together on the original Many government publications are available to the
drawing appear run together in the printed drawing. public free of charge. Publications are available fOIsale
To learn how to prepare good drawings, study at a nominal costo A wealth of literature on insects is
good drawings in textbooks and research papers. By available from the government.
Sources of Information 777
Information on the publications of various gov- such as the National Audubon Society (950 Third Ave.,
ernmental agencies can be obtained from the Division New York, NY 10022) will send lists of their publica-
of Public Documents, Government Printing Office, tions on request.
Washington, DC 20402 (
office publishes a number of lists of publications (one Directories of Entomologists
is on insects), which are available without cost. Most
Anyone interested in insects will find it profitable to
government publications on insects are published by
become acquainted with others who have similar inter-
the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and in-
ests. A person who is located near a university, mu-
formation on the publications of this department can
seum, or experiment station should become ac-
be obtained from the following sources: (1) List 11,
quainted with the workers there who are interested in
List of the Available Publications of the U.S. Department
insects. People throughout the country who are inter-
of Agriculture (revised every year or so), available
ested in various phases of entomology can often be 10-
from the u.s. Department of Agriculture, Washing-
cated on the Internet or by consulting the membership
ton, DC 20250; (2) indexes published by the USDA;
lists of the various entomological societies, which are
and (3) indexing journals, such as the Bibliography of
usually published at intervals in the societies' journals
Agriculture. or various directories.
State Publications
Entomological Societies
Many publications of state agencies are available free to
residents of that state. In some states there are several There are a great many entomological societies in the
United States, membership in which is generally open
agencies whose publications would be of interest to the
to anyone interested in entomology. The dues vary
student or teacher of entomology, particularly the agri-
but are gene rally $10 or more per year. Members usu-
cultural experiment station, the extension service, the
ally receive the publications of the society, no tices of
departments of education and conservation, the bio-
meetings, and newsletters. The societies of national
logical or natural history survey, and the state museum.
scope usually have meetings only once ayear. Smaller
Information on the publications available from these
local societies may have meetings at more frequent in-
agencies can usually be obtained by writing directly to tervals.
the agencies.
Some of the better-known entomological societies
Many agricultural experiment stations are closely
in the United States and Canada, with their principal
associated with the agricultural college and are 10-
cated in the same town. The extension service is publications, are as follows:
nearly always a part of the agricultural college. State
American Entomological Society: Transactions of the
departments of education or conservation are usually
American Entomological Society, Entomological
located in the capital. State museums are usually 10- News.
cated in the capital or in the same town as the state
Cambridge Entomological Club: Psyche.
university. Many state universities have museums that
Entomological Society of America: Annals of the Ento-
contain insect collections and that often publish pa-
mological Society of America, Environmental Ento-
pers on insects. State biological surveys are usually
mology,joumal of Economic Entomology, American
associated with the state university or agricultural
Entomological Society of Canada: Canadian Entomolo-
gist, Memoirs of the Entomological Society of
Miscellaneous Agencies Canada.
Biological supply houses are useful sources of equip- Entomological Society of Washington: Proceedings of
ment, material, and often publications of interest to an the Entomological Society of Washington.
entomologist. All supply houses publish catalogs, Florida Entomological Society: The Florida Entomolo-
which are sent free or at a nominal cost to teachers and gist.
schools. These catalogs are of value in indicating what Kansas (Central States) Entomological Society: jour-
can be obtained from the supply houses, and many of nal of the Kansas Entomological Society.
their illustrations suggest things that ingenious stu- Michigan Entomological Society: Great Lakes Entomol-
dents or teachers can prepare themselves. ogist.
Many societies, museums, and research institu- New York Entomological Society: joumal of the New
tions publish material that is useful to entomologists. York Entomological Society.
Entomological societies (see the following section), Pacific Coast Entomological Society, The pan-pacific
state biological survey organizations, and organizations Entomologist.
778 Chapter35 Collecting,Preserving,
Blurn, M. S., and]. P.Woodring. 1963. Preservation ofinsect Peck, S. B., and A. E. Davies. 1980. Collecting srnall beetles
larvae by vacuurn dehydration. ]. Kan. Entorno!. Soco with large-area "window" traps. Coleop. Bull. 34:237-239.
36:96-101. Roe, R. M., and C. W Clifford. 1976. Freeze-drying of spiders
DeLong, D. M., and R. H. Davidson. 1936. Methods of Col- and irnrnature insects using cornrnercial equiprnent. Ann.
lecting and Preserving lnsects. Colurnbus: Ohio State Entorno!. SocoArner. 69:497-499.
University Press, 20 pp. Schauff, M. E. CEd.). 2001. Collecting and preserving insects
Gordh, G., and]. C. Hall. 1979. A critical point drier used as and rnites: Tcchniques and tools. Available on-line al
a rnethod of rnounting insects frorn alcoho!. Entorno!.!
News 90:57-59. Accessed February 11, 2004.
Hodges, E. R. S. CEd.). 1989. The Guild Handbook of Scientific Southwood, T. R. E. 1966. Ecological Methods, with Particu.
Illustration. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 575 pp. lar Reference to the Study of Insect Populations. London:
Knudson,]. W 1972. Collecting and Preserving Plants and Methuen, 391 pp.
Anirnals. New York: Harper &: Row, 320 pp. Townes, H. 1972. A light-weight Malaise trapo Entorno!. News
Martin,]. E. H. 1977. Collecting, preparing, and preserving 83: 239-247.
insects, rnites, and spiders. The lnsects and Arachnids of Woodring,]. P., and M. Blurn. 1963. Freeze-drying of spi-
Canada, Part 1. Ottawa: Agriculture Canada, 182 pp. ders and irnrnature insects. Ann. Entorno!. Soco Amer.
Masner, L., and H. Goulet. 1981. A new rnodel of I1ight- 56:138-141.
interception trap for sorne hyrnenopterous insects. En- Zweifel, F. W 1961. A Handbook of Biological Illustration.
torno!. News 92:199-202. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 131 pp.
The definitions given here apply primarily to the use of these terms in this book;
elsewhere some terms may have additional or different meanings. Some terms
not listed here may be found in the Index.
abdomen The posterior of the three body divisions alula (pl., alulae) A lobe at the base of the wing (Diptera;
(Figure 2-1, ab). Figure 34-4, alu); see ealypter.
accessory cell A c\osed cell in the front wing of ametabolous Without metamorphosis.
Lepidoptera formed by the fusion of two branches of anal Pertaining to the last abdominal segment (which
the radius, usually the R2 cell (Figure 30-17, acc). bears the anus); the posterior basal part (for example, of
accessory gland A secretory organ associated with the the wing).
reproductive system. anal area of the wing The posterior portion of the wing,
accessory pulsatile organ Contractile organs that function usually inc\uding the anal veins.
to move hemolymph into and out of appendages. anal cell A eell in the anal area of the wing; eell lA
accessory vein An extra branch of a longitudinal vein (Diptera; Figure 34-4B, A).
(indicated by a subseript a; for example, an aeeessory of anal crossing Where A branehes posteriorly from Cu + A
MI is designated MI.). (Odonata; Figure 10-5, Ae).
acrosternite The part of a sternum anterior to the anallobe A lobe in the posterior basal part of the wing.
anteeostal suture. anal loop A group of eells in the hind wing of dragonflies,
aerostichal bristles One or more longitudinal rows of between Cu2, lA, and 2A, which may be rounded
small bristles along the eenter of the mesonotum (Figure 10-7B), elongate (Figure 10-7C), or foot-
(Diptera; Figure 34-6, aer). shaped (Figure 10-5, alp).
acrotergite The part of a tergum anterior to the anteeostal anapleurite The upper and outer of the two ineomplete
suture. subeoxal rings that form the thoracie pleurites.
aculea (pl., aculeae)Minute spines on the wing membrane anepimeron The part of the anapleurite posterior to the
(Lepidoptera) . pleural suture.
aeuleate With aeuleae (Lepidoptera); with a sting anepisternum The part of the anapleurite anterior to the
(Hymenoptera) . pleural suture.
acuminate Tapering to a long point. annulated With ringlike segments or divisions.
aeute Pointed; forming an angle of less than 90 degrees. annulated antenna An antenna eomposed of three
adecticous A type of pupa in which the mandibles are segments, the seape, pedicel, and flagellum; the apieal
immovable and nonfunetional. flagellum is often subdivided (annulated); eharaeteristic
adfrontal areas A pair of narrow, oblique sc\erites on the of troe inseets.
head of a lepidopterous larva (Figure 30-3, adO. anteapical Just proximad of the apex.
adventitious vein A seeondary vein, neither aeeessory nor anteapical cell A eell in the distal part of the wing
interealary, usually the result of erossveins lined up to (leafhoppers; Figure n-u, table).
form a eontinuous vein. antec\ypeus An anterior division of the c\ypeus
aedeagus The male intromittent organ; the distal part of (Figure 10-8, ac\p).
the phallus; penis plus parameres. antecosta (pl., antecostae) An internal ridge on the
aestivation Dormaney during a warm or dry season. anterior portion of a tergum or sternum that
agamic Reproducing parthenogenetieally, that is, without serves as the site of attaehment for the longitudinal
mating. musc\es.
alinotum The notal plate of the mesothorax or metathorax antecostal suture An external groove that marks the
of a pterygote inseet (Figure 2-6, AN). position of the internal anteeosta. 779
780 Glossary
antecoxal sclerite A sclerite of the metasternum, just areolet A small cell in the wing; in the Ichneumonidae,
anterior to the hind coxae. the small, submarginal cell opposite the second m-cu
antenna (pl., antennae) A pair of segmented appendages crossvein (Figure 28-31, are).
located on the head above the mouthparts and usually arista A large bristle, usually dorsally located, on the
sensory in function (Figure 2-15). apical antennal segment (Diptera; Figure 34-5, ar).
antennal club The enlarged distal segments of a clubbed aristate Bristlelike; with an arista; aristate antenna
antenna (Figure 26-3B, acl). (Figures 2-15J, 34-19A,B).
antennal fossa A cavity or depression in which the arolium (pl., arolia) A padlike structure at the apex of the
antennae are located (Figure 34-5, aO. last tarsal segment, between the claws (Orthoptera;
antennal groove A groove in the head capsule into which Figure 11-4C aro); a padlike structure at the base of
the basal segment of the antenna fits (Figure 26-3, agr). each tarsal claw (Hemiptera; Figures 22-1, 22-3A, aro).
antennifer A small process on the head with which the arrhenotoky A form of parthenogenesis in which females
antenna articulates. are produced from fertilized eggs, males from
antennule The first antennae of Crustacea (Figure 5-24, unfertilized eggs.
antl). articulation A joint as between two segments or structures.
antenodal crossveins Crossveins along the costal border of aspirator A device with which insects may be picked up
the wing, between the base of the wing and the nodus, by suction (Figure 35-3).
extending from the costa to the radius (Odonata; asymmetrical Not alike on the two sides.
Figure 10-5, an). asynchronous muscle A rapidly contracting muscle in
antepenultimate The third from the last. which the individual contractions are not initiated by a
antepygidial bristle One or more large bristles on the neuronal impulse (compare with synchronous or
apical margin of the seventh (next to the last) tergum neurogenic muscle).
(Siphonaptera). atrium (pl., atria) A chamber; a chamber just inside a
anterior Front; in front oL body opening.
anterior crossvein The r-m crossvein (Diptera; Figure 34-4B, atrophied Reduced in size, rudimentary.
acv). attenuated Very slender and gradually tapering distally.
anterodorsal In the front and at the top or upper side. auricle A smalllobe or earlike structure (Hymenoptera;
anteromesal In the front and along the midline of the body. Figure 28-66, au).
anteroventral In the front and underneath or on the lower auxiliary vein The subcosta (Diptera; Figure 34-4, ay).
side. axilla (pl., axíllae) A triangular or rounded sclerite laterad
anus The posterior opening of the alimentary tract of the scutellum and usually just caudad of the base of
(Figure 2-22, ans). the front wing (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-4, ax).
aorta The anterior nonpulsatile portion of the dorsal blood axillary cell A cell in the anal area of the wing (Diptera,
vessel. Figure 34-4, axc; Hymenoptera, Figure 28-3, AX).
apical At the end, tip, or outermost part. axillary sclerites The small sclerites at the base of the
apical cell A cell near the wing tip (Figure 22-50; wing that translate deformations of the thorax into wing
Figure 34-4B, SM; Figure 28-3, AP). movements (Figure 2-11, axs).
apical crossvein A crossvein near the apex of the wing
(Plecoptera, Figure 16-7D, apc; Hemiptera, Figure 22-11,
table). band A transverse marking broader than a line.
apodeme An invagination of the body wall forming a rigid basad Toward the base.
process that serves for muscle attachment and for the basal anal cell An anal cell near the wing base; a cell at
strengthening of the body wall. the base of the wing between lA and 2A (Plecoptera;
apolysis The separation of the epidermis from the cuticle Figure 16-1, BA).
(part of the process of molting). basal areole A small cell at the base of the wing; the cellal
apomorphy A derived character, that is, one that is the base of the wing between Sc and R (Lepidoptera;
changed from the ancestral condition. Figures 30-26 through 30-28, BA).
apophysis (pl., apophyses) A tubercular or elongate basal cell A cell near the base of the wing, bordered at
process of the body wall, either external or internal least in part by the unbranched portions of the
(Figure 2-4, apo). longitudinal veins; in the Diptera, one of the two
appendix A supplementary or additional piece or part (of cells proximad of the anterior crossvein and the
the hemipteran wing, see Figure 22-11, ap). discal cell (Diptera, Figure 34-4B, B; Hymenoptera,
appressed setae Setae that lie parallel to or in contact with see Figure 28-8, B).
the body surface. basal vein A vein in about the middle of the front wing,
apterous Wingless. extending from the median vein to the subcostal or
apterygote A primitively wingless hexapod. cubital vein; the first free segment of M (Hymenoptera;
aquatic Living in water. Figure 28-3, 3, by).
arcuate Bent like a bow, or arched. basalare (or basalar sclerite) An epipleurite located
arculus A basal crossvein between the radius and the anterior to the pleural wing process.
cubitus (Odonata; Figures 10-5 through 10-7, arc). basement membrane A noncellular membrane underlying the
areole An accessory cell (see also basal areole). epidermal cells of the body wall (Figures 2-2, 2-4, bm).
Glossary 781
basisternum The part of a thoracic sternum anterior to the calcaria Movable spurs at the apex of the tibia (Figure 11-4F,
sternacostal suture. G, clc).
beak The protruding mouthpart structures of a sucking callus (pl., callí) A rounded swelling.
insect; proboscis (Figures 2-17 through 2-20, bk). calypter (pl., calypteres) One or two smalI lobes at the
bifid Forked, or divided into two parts. base of the wing, located just above the haltere (Diptera;
bilateral symmetry See symmetry. Figure 34-4, cal) (see also squama).
bilobed Divided into two lobes. camera lucida A device enabling one to make accurate
bipectinate Having branches on two sides like teeth of a drawings of objects seen through a microscope; when it
combo is attached to the eyepiece of a microscope the observer
biramous With two branches; consisting of an endopodite can see both the object under the microscope and the
and an exopodite (Crustacea). drawing paper at the same time.
bisexual With males and females. campaniform sensillum A sense organ consisting of a dome-
bituberculate With two tubercles or sweIlings. shaped cuticular area into which the sensory ceIl process
bivalved With two valves or parts, clamlike. is inserted like the clapper of a belI (Figure 2-27B).
blastoderm The peripheral ceIllayer in the insect egg campodeiform larva A larva shaped like the dipluran
foIlowing cleavage (Figure 2-37C, bl). Campodea (Figure 7-4A), that is, elongate and flattened,
book gills The leaflike gills of a horseshoe crab with weIl-developed legs and antennae, and usuaIly active.
(Figure 5-2, bg). canthus A cuticular process that subdivides the eye
book lung A respiratory cavity containing a series of (Coleoptera) .
leaflike folds (spiders). capitate With a knoblike apical enlargement; capitate
borrow pit A pit formed by an excavation, where earth has antenna (Figure 2-15F).
been "borrowed" for use elsewhere. carapace A hard dorsal covering consisting of fused dorsal
boss A smooth, lateral prominence at the base of a sclerites (Crustacea; Figure 5-22, crp).
chelicera (spiders). cardo (pl., cardines) The basal segment or division of a
brace vein A slanting crossvein; in Odonata, a slanting maxilla (Figure 2-16A, cd); one of two small
crossvein just behind the proximal end of the stigma laterobasal sclerites in the millipede gnathochilarium
(Figure 10-7E, bvn). (Figure 5-30B, cd).
brachypterous With short wings that do not cover the carina (pl., carinae) A ridge or keel.
abdomen. carinate Ridged or keeled.
brain The anterior ganglion of the nervous system, located carnivorous Feeding on the flesh of other animals.
above the esophagus; in insects, consisting of the caste A form or type of adult in a social insect (termites,
protocerebrum, deutocerebrum, and tritocerebrum. see Figure 19-2; ants, see Figure 28-83).
brain hormone A chemical messenger produced by catapimeron The portion of the catapleurite posterior to
neurosecretory ceIls in the brain that activates the the pleural suture.
prothoracic glands to produce ecdysone (also known as catapleurite The lower and inner of the two incomplete
PTTH or prothoracicotropic honnone). subcoxal rings that form the thoracic pleurites (also
bridge crossvein A crossvein anterior to the bridge vein caIled the catepleurite, katepleurite, and coxopleurite).
(Odonata; Figure 10-5, bcv). catepisternum The portion of the catapleurite anterior to
bridge vein The vein that appears as the basal part of the the pleural sulcus.
radial sector, between Ml+2 and the oblique vein caterpillar An eruciform larva; the larva of a butterfly
(Odonata; Figure 10-5, brv). (Figure 30-3), moth, sawfly, or scorpionfly.
brood The individuals that hatch from the eggs laid by one caudad Toward the taíl, or toward the posterior end of the
mother; individuals that hatch at about the same time body.
and normaIly mature at about the same time. caudal Pertaining to the taíl or posterior end of the body.
bucca (pl., buccae) A sclerite on the head below the caudal filament A threadlike process at the posterior end
compound eye and just above the mouth opening of the abdomen.
(Diptera; Figure 34-5, buc). cell A space in the wing membrane partIy (an open cell)
buccula (pl., bucculae) One of two ridges on the underside or completely (a closed cell) surrounded by veins.
of the head, on each side of the beak (Hemiptera; cenchrus (pl., cenchri) Roughened pad on the metanotum
Figures 2-17, 22-1, buc). of sawfIies (Symphyta) serving to hold the wings in
bursa copulatrix A pouch of the female reproductive place when folded over the dorsum.
system that receives the male genitalia during cephalad Toward the head or anterior end.
copulation. cephalic On or attached to the head; anterior.
bursicon A hormone involved in the process of cephalothorax A body region consisting of head and
sclerotization. thoracic segments (Crustacea and Arachnida; Figure 5--6).
cercus (pl., cercí) One of a pair of appendages at the
posterior end of the abdomen (Figure 2-1, cr).
caecum (pl., caeca) A saclike or tubelike structure, open at cervical Pertaining to the neck or cervix.
only one end. cervical sclerite A sclerite located in the lateral part
calamistrum One or two rows of curved spines on the of the cervix, between the head and the prothorax
metatarsus of the hind legs (spiders; Figure 5-7, CA). (Figure 2-6, cvs).
782 Glossary
cervix The neck, a membranous region between the head coarctate larva A larva somewhat similar to a dipterous
and prothorax (Figure 2-6, cvx). puparium, in which the skin of the preceding instar is
chaetotaxy The arrangement and nomenclature of the not completely shed but remains attached to the caudal
bristles on the exoskeleton (Diptera; Figures 34-5, end of the body; the sixth instar of a blister beetle, see
34-6). also pseudopupa (Figure 26-68H).
cheek The lateral part of the head between the compound coarctate pupa A pupa enclosed in a hardened shell forrned
eye and the mouth (see gena). by the next-to-last larval skin (Diptera; Figure 2-44F).
chelate Pincerlike, having two opposable claws. cocoon A silken case inside which the pupa is formed.
chelicera (p\., chelicerae) One of the anterior pair of collophore A tubelike structure on the ventral side of the
appendages in arachnids (Figure 5-6). first abdominal segment of most Collembola.
cheliped A leg terminating in an enlarged pincerlike collum The tergite of the first segment (Diplopoda;
structure (Crustacea; Figure 5-22). Figure 5-30A, colm).
chemoreceptor A sensil\um capable of detecting chemicals colon The large intestine; that part of the hindgut between
(by olfaction andJor gustation). the ileum and the rectum (Figure 2-22, en).
chitin A nitrogenous polysaccharide formed primarily of colulus A slender, pointed structure lying just anterior to
units of N-acetyl glucosamine, occurring in the cuticle the spinnerets (spiders).
of arthropods. commensalism A living together of two or more species,
chordotonal organ A sense organ, the cellular elements of none of which is injured thereby, and at least one of
which form an elongate structure attached at both ends which is benefited.
to the body wall. commissure A structure (trachea or nerve) that connects
chorion The outer shell of an arthropod egg. the left and right sides of a segmento
chrysalis (p\., chrysalidsor chrysalides) The pupa of a common oviduct The median tube of the female internal
butterfly (Figure 30-4, A,B). gen italia leading from the lateral oviducts to the
cibarium A preoral cavity enclosed by the labrum gonopore.
anteriorly, the hypopharynx or labium posteriorly, and compound eye An eye composed of many individual
the mandibles and maxil\ae laterally elements or ommatidia, each represented externally by a
circumesophageal connective A nerve connecting the facet; the external surface of such an eye consists of
tritocerebrallobes of the brain with the subesophageal circular facets that are very close together or of facets
ganglion (Figure 2-22, cee). that are in contact and more or less hexagonal in shape
cladistics School of systematics that seeks to recognize (Figure 2-1, e, Figure 2-29C,D).
monophyletic groups on the basis of shared derived compressed Flattened from side to side.
characters. concave vein A vein protruding from the lower surface of
cladogram A branching diagram that represents the the wing.
distribution of derived character states (apomorphies, condyle A knoblike process forming an articulation.
homologies) among taxa; by extension, the cladogram connate Fused together or immovably united.
then represents the relationships among those taxa and connective A structure (such as a trachea or nerve) that
their evolutionary history runs from one segment to another.
class A subdivision of a phylum or subphylum, containing constricted Narrowed.
a group of related orders. contiguous Touching each other.
claval suture The suture of the front wing separating the convergent Becoming c\oser distally.
clavus from the corium (Hemiptera; Figure 22-1, cls). convex vein A vein protruding from the upper surface of
claval vein A vein in the clavus (Hemiptera; Figure 22-10, the wing.
clv). corbicula (p\., corbiculae) A smooth area on the outer
clavate Clublike, or enlarged at the tip; clava te antennae surface of the hind tibia, bordered on each side by a
(Figure 2-15D,E). fringe of long, curved hairs, which serves as a pollen
c\avus The oblong or triangular anal portion of the front basket (bees).
wing (Hemiptera; Figures 22-1, 22-4 cl). corium The elongate, usually thickened, basal portion of
c\aw tuft A dense tuft of hairs below the claws (spiders; the front wing (Hemiptera; Figure 22-4, cor).
Figure 5-7E, CT). cornea The cuticular part of an eye (Figure 2-29, cna).
c\eft Split or forked. cornic\e One of a pair of dorsal tubular structures on the
closed cell A wing cell bounded on all sides by veins. posterior part of the abdomen (aphids; Figure 22-14C,
c\osed coxal cavity One bounded posteriorly by a sclerite cm).
of the same thoracic segment (front coxal cavities, corniculi (sing., comiculus) See urogomphi.
Coleoptera; Figure 26-7B), or one completely coronal suture A longitudinal suture along the midline of
surrounded by sternal sclerites and not touched by any the vertex, between the compound eyes (Figure 2-13, es).
pleural sclerites (middle coxal cavities, Coleoptera; corpus allatum (p\., corpora allata) One of a pair of small
Figure 26-7D). structures immediately behind the brain, involved in
clubbed With the distal part (or segments) enlarged; secretion of juvenile hormone (Figure 2-26, ea).
clubbed antennae (Figure 2-15D-F,L,M). costa (p\., costae) A longitudinal wing vein usually
clypeus A sclerite on the lower part of the face, between forming the anterior margin of the wing (Figure 2-10,
'i¡; ~ the frons and the labium}Figu~.e 2-13, clp). C); a sc\erotized ridge in the cuticle.
t~.! ", ,:;J¡(',.;- :1\" .
7", _
Glossary 783
costal area The portion of the wing immediately behind desmosome One form of subcellular attachment between
the anterior margino the plasma membranes of two adjacent cells.
costal break A point on the costa where the sclerotization deutocerebrum The middle pair of lobes of the brain,
is weak or lacking or the vein appears to be broken innervating the antennae.
(Diptera; Figures 34-22A,B, 34-24C-E, cbr). deutonymph The third instar of a mite (Figure 5-17D).
costal cell The wing space between the costa and the diapause A period of arrested development and reduced
subcosta. metabolic rate, during which growth, differentiation,
coxa (pl., coxae) The basal segment of the leg and metamorphosis cease; a period of dormancy not
(Figure 2-8, cx). immediately referable to adverse environmental
coxopleurite See catapleurite. conditions.
coxopodite The basal segment of an arthropod appendage. dichoptic The eyes separated above (Diptera).
coxosternum A sclerite representing the fusion of the dicondylic A joint with two points of articulation.
sternum and the coxopodites of a segment. diecious Having the male and female organs in different
crawler The active first instar of a scale insect individuals, any one individual being either male or
(Figure 22-63B). female.
cremas ter A spinelike or hooked process at the posterior dilated Expanded or widened.
end of the pupa, often used for attachment direct flight mechanism Generation of wing movements
(Lepidoptera; Figure 30-4, cre). by means of muscles pulling on the base of the wings.
crenulate Wavy, or with small scallops. disc The central dorsal portion of the pronotum
cribellum A sievelike structure lying just anterior to the (Hemiptera) .
spinnerets (spiders; Figure 5-8A, CR). discal cell A more or less enlarged cell in the basal
crochets (pronounced croshays) Hooked spines at the tip or central part of the wing (Hemiptera, the R cell,
of the prolegs of lepidopterous larvae (Figure 30-3, Figure 22-11; Lepidoptera, Figure 30-6, D; Diptera,
cro). Figure 34-4B, D).
crop The dilated posterior portion of the foregut, just discal crossvein A crossvein behind the discal cell
behind the esophagus (Figure 2-22, cp). (Diptera; Figure 34-4B, dcv).
crossvein A vein connecting adjacent longitudinal veins. distad Away from the body, toward the end farthest from
cruciate Crossing; shaped like a crosS. the body.
cryptonephridia Malpighian tubules that are closely distal Near or toward the free end of an appendage; that
associated with the hind gut and surrounded by a part of a segment or appendage farthest from the body.
membrane, thus separating this complex from the rest diurnal Active during the daytime.
of the hemocoel. divaricate Extending outward and then curving inward
ctenidium (pl., ctenidia) A row of stout bristles like the toward each other distally (divaricate tarsal claws;
teeth of a combo Figure 26-10A).
cubito-anal crossvein A crossvein between the cubitus and divergent Becoming more separated distally.
an anal vein (Figure 2-10, cu-a). dormancy A state of quiescence or inactivity.
cubitus The longitudinal vein immediately posterior to the dorsad Toward the back or topo
media (Figure 2-10, Cu). dorsal Top or uppermost; pertaining to the back or upper
cuneus A more or less triangular apical piece of the side.
corium, set off from the rest of the corium by a suture dorsal blood vessel Median upper tube that forms the
(Hemiptera; Figure 22-4, cun). primary portion of the circulatory system of arthropods.
cursorial Fitted for running; running in habito dorsal diaphragm An incomplete wall of muscle
cuticle (or cuticula) The noncellular outer layer of the separating the area around the dorsal blood vessel (the
body wall of an arthropod (Figures 2-2, 2-4, cut). pericardial sinus) from the rest of the hemocoel.
cymbium The tarsus of the pedipalp of a male spider. dorsallongitudinal muscles One of the primary sets of
cyst A sac, vesicle, or bladderlike structure. segmental muscles inserted on the antecostae of
successive segments (phragmata in the thorax) dorsally
and the sternum ventrally, in pterothoracic segments
deciduous Having a part or parts that may fall off or be contraction results in arching of the notum and
shed. contributes significantly to depression of the wings.
decticous A type of pupa with movable, functional dorsocentral bristles A longitudinal row of bristles on the
mandibles. mesonotum, just laterad of the acrostichal bristles
decumbent Bent downward. (Diptera; Figure 34-6, dc).
deflexed Bent downward. dorsolateral At the top and to the side.
dens (pl., dentes)The central segment of the furcula of dorsomesal At the top and along the midline.
Collembola, attached to the manubrium basally and dorsoscutellar bristles A pair of bristles on the dorsal
with the mucro attached apically. portion of the scutellum, one on each side of the
dentate Toothed, or with toothlike projections. midline (Diptera).
denticulate With minute, toothlike projections. dorsoventral From top to bottom, or from the upper to
depress To lower an appendage (e.g., leg or wing). the lower side.
depressed Flattened dorsoventrally. dorsum
Thebackor tO.~«~DAD DECALDAS
784 Glossary
Dyar's rule The increase in width of the larval head capsule epimeron (pl., epimera) The area of a thoradc pleuron
by a factor of 1.2 to 1.4 from one molt to the next. posterior to the pleural suture (Figure 2-6, epm).
epipharynx A mouthpart structure on the inner surface of
the labrum or clypeus; in chewing insects, a median
ecdysis (pl., ecdyses)Molting;the process of shedding the lobe on the posterior (ventral) surface of the labrum.
exoskeleton. epiphysis (pl., epiphyses) A movable pad or lobelike
ecdysone (or ecdysteroid) Hormone produced by the process on the inner surface of the front tibia
prothoradc glands that initiates apolysis. (Lepidoptera) .
eclosion Hatching from the egg. epiphyte An air plant, one growing nonparasitically on
ectoparasite A parasite that lives on the outside of its host. another plant or on a nonliving object.
ejaculatory duct The terminal portion of the male sperm epipleura (pl., epipleurae) The bent-down lateral edge of
duct (Figure 2-31B, ejd). an elytron (Coleoptera).
elateriform larva A larva resembling a wireworm, that is, epipleurite A small sclerite in the membranous area
slender, heavily sclerotized, with short thoradc legs, and between the thoradc pleura and the wing bases
with few body hairs (Figure 26-45B). (Figure 2-6, epp).
elbowed antenna An antenna with the first segment epiproct A process or appendage situated above the anus
elongated and the remaining segments coming off the and appearing to arise from the tenth abdominal
first segment at an angle (Figure 2-15N). segment; actually, the dorsal part of the eleventh
elevate To raise an appendage (e.g., leg or wing). abdominal segment (Figure 2-1, ept).
elytron (pl., e/ytra) A thickened, leathery, or horny front episternum (pl., epistema) The area of a thoradc pleuron
wing (Coleoptera, Dermaptera, some Hemiptera; anterior to the pleural suture (Figure 2-6, eps).
Coleoptera, Figure 26-1, el). epistomal suture (or epistomal sulcus) The sulcus between
emarginate Notched or indented. the frons and the clypeus (Figure 2-13, es), connecting
embolium A narrow piece of the corium, along the costal the anterior tentorial pits.
margin, separated from the rest of the corium by a epistome The part of the face just above the mouth; the
suture (Hemiptera; Figure 22-4C, emb). oral margin (Diptera).
embolus Structure of the pedipalp of a male spider bearing erudform larva A caterpillar; a larva with a more or less
the apex of the sperm duct. cylindrical body, a well-developed head, and thorade
emergence The act of the adult insect leaving the pupal legs and abdominal prolegs (Figure 30-3).
case or the last nymphal skin. esophagus The narrow portion of the alimentary tract
empodium (pl., empodia) A padlike or bristlelike structure immediately posterior to the pharynx (Figure 2-22,
at the apex of the last tarsal segment, between the claws eso).
(Diptera; Figure 34-2, emp). estivation See aestivation.
endite The basal segment of the spider pedipalp, which is eusodal A condition of group living in which there is
enlarged and functions as a crushingjaw (Figure HB, C). cooperation among members in rearing young,
endocuticle (or endocuticula) The innermost and reproductive division of labor, and overlap of
unsclerotized layer of the cuticle (Figure 2-2, end). generations.
endoparasite A parasite that lives inside its host (for eusternum The ventral plate of a thoradc segment
example, Figure 34-72B). exclusive of the spinasternum.
endophallus The inner eversible lining of the male evagination An outpocketing, or saclike structure on the
aedeagus. outside.
endopodite The mesal branch of a biramous appendage eversible Capable of being everted or turned outward.
(Figure 5-1, enp). exarate pupa A pupa in which the appendages are free and
endopterygote Having the wings developing internally; not glued to the body (Figure 2-44C-E).
with complete metamorphosis. excavated Hollowed out.
endoskeleton A skeleton or supporting structure on the excretion The elimination of metabolic wastes from the
inside of the body. body.
entire Without teeth or notches, with a smooth outline. exocuticle (or exocuticula) The layer of sclerotized cuticle
entomophagous Feeding on insects. just outside the endocuticle, between the endocuticle
epicranium The upper part of the head, from the face to and the epicuticle (Figure 2-2, exo).
the neck (Lepidoptera; Figure 30-3, epcr). exopodite The outer branch of a biramous appendage
epicuticle (or epicuticula) The very thin, nonchitinous, (Figure 5-1, exp).
externallayer of the cuticle (Figure 2-2, epi). exopterygote With the wings developing on the outside of
epidermis The cellular layer of the body wall, which the body, as in insects with simple metamorphosis.
secretes the cuticle (Figure 2-2, 2-4, ep). exoskeleton A skeleton or supporting structure on the
epigastric furrow A transverse ventral suture near the outside of the body.
anterior end of the abdomen, along which lie the exserted Protruding or projecting from the body.
openings of the book lungs and the reproductive organs external The outside, that part away from the center
(spiders; Figure 5-6B, C). (midline) of the body.
epigynum The external female genitalia of spiders exuvium (pl., exuvia) The cast skin of an arthropod.
(Figure 5-6B). eye, compound See compound eye.
Glossary 785
eye, simple See ocellus. frass Plant fragments made by a wood-boring insect,
eye cap A structure overhanging or capping the compound usually mixed with excrement.
eye (Lepidoptera; Figure 30-29B, ec). frenulum A bristle or group of bristles arising at the
humeral angle of the hind wing (Lepidoptera;
Figure 30-6, O.
face The front of the head, below the frontal suture frons The head sclerite bounded by the frontal (or
(Diptera; Figure 34-5, fa). frontogenal) and epistomal sulci and including the
facet The external surface of an individual compound-eye median ocellus (Figure 2-13, fr).
unit or ommatidium. front That portion of the head between the antennae, eyes,
falx An interantennal suture with internal sclerotized and ocelli; the frons.
margins connecting the upper ends of the antennal frontal bristles Bristles above the antennae, away from the
fossae (Siphonaptera). edge of the compound eye (Diptera; Figure 34-27B, fb).
family A subdivision of an order, suborder, or superfamily, frontallunule A small, crescent-shaped sclerite located
containing a group of related genera, tribes, or just above the base of the antennae and below the
subfamilies. Family names of animals end in -idae. frontal suture (Diptera; Figure 34-5, frl).
fastigium The anterior dorsal surface of the vertex frontal suture One of two sutures arising at the anterior
(grasshoppers) . end of the coronal suture and extending ventrad toward
fat body An amorphous organ involved in intermedia te the epistomal sulcus (Figure 2-13, fs); a suture shaped
metabolism, storage, and storage excretion. like an inverted U, with the base of the U crossing the
feces Excrement, the material passed from the alimentary face above the bases of the antennae and the arms of the
tract through the anus. U extending downward on each side of the face
felt line A narrow, longitudinal band of relatively dense, (Diptera, Figure 34-5, fs; actually a ptilinal suture).
closely appressed hairs (Mutillidae). frontal vitta Area on the head between the antennae and
femur (pl.,femora) The third leg segment, located between the ocelli (Diptera; Figure 34-5; fv).
the trochanter and the tibia (Figure 2-8, fm). frontogenal suture (or frontogenal sulcus) A more or less
libula A more or less triangular jugallobe in the front vertical suture on the front of the head, between the
wing that serves as a means of uniting the front and frons and the gena.
hind wings (Lepidoptera; Figure 30-34, lib). fronto-orbital bristles Bristles on the front next to the
lilament A slender, threadlike structure. compound eyes (Diptera; Figure 34-5, fob).
lile A filelike ridge on the ventral side of the tegmen, near funiculus (or funicle) The antennal segments between the
the base; a part of the stridulating mechanism in scape and the club (Coleoptera), or between the pedicel
crickets and katydids (Figure 11-2). and club (Hymenoptera).
liliform Hairlike or threadlike, filiform antenna furca A fork or forked structure; a forked apodeme arising
(Figure 2-15B). from a thoracic sternum (Figure 2-7, fu).
lilter chamber A modification of the alimentary canal in furcula The forked springing apparatus of the Collembola.
Homoptera in which the anterior portion of the midgut
is closely associated with the hindgut (Figure 2-23).
Oabellate With fanlike processes or projections; flabellate galea The outer lobe of the maxilla, borne by the stipes
antenna (Figure 2-15L). (Figure 2-16A, g).
Oabellum (pl., flabella) A fanlike or leaflike process gall An abnormal growth of plant tissues, caused by the
(Hymenoptera; Figure 28-6, flb). stimulus of an animal or another plant.
Oagellomere One subsegment of the flagellum. ganglion (pl., ganglia) A knotlike enlargement of a
Oagellum (pl.,flagella) A whiplike structure; that nerve, containing a coordinating mass of nerve cells
part of the antenna beyond the second segment (Figure 2-22, gn).
(Figure 2-15N, fl). gaster The rounded part of the abdomen posterior to the
Oexor muscle A muscle that decreases the angle between nodelike segment or segments (Hymenoptera Apocrita).
two segments of an appendage. gastric caecum Caecum located at the anterior portion of
foliaceous Leaflike. the midgut.
follicle A minute cavity, sac, or tube. gena (pl., genae) The part of the head on each side below
follicular epithelium Layer of epithelial cells surrounding and behind the compound eyes, between the frontal and
the oocyte. occipital sulci (Figure 2-13, ge).
fontanelle A small, depressed, pale spot on the front of the genal comb A row of strong spines on the anteroventral
head between the eyes Osoptera; Figure 19-3, fon). border of the head (Siphonaptera; Figure 31-1).
foramen magnum The opening on the posterior side of the generation From any given stage in the !ife cycle to the
head, through which pass the internal structures that same stage in the offspring.
extend from head to thorax (Figure 2-13, for); also geniculate Elbowed, or abruptly bent; geniculate antenna
occipital foramen. (Figure 2-15N).
foregut Anterior portion of the alimentary tract, from the genital chamber See bursa copulatrix.
mouth to the midgut. genitalia The sexual organs and associated structures; the
fossorial Fitted for or with the habit of digging. external sexual organs (Figures 2-32, 2-33).
786 Glossary
genovertical plate An area on the head above the antenna haustellum A part of the beak (Diptera; Figures 2-19,
and next to the compound eye (Diptera; Figure 34-5, 2-20, hst).
gvp, 34-23C, orp), also called orbital plate. head The anterior body region, which bears the eyes,
genus (pl., genera) A group of closely related species; the antennae, and mouthparts (Figure 2-1, hd).
first name in a binomial or trinomial scientific name. heart The posterior pulsatile portion of the dorsal blood
Names of genera are latinized, capitalized, and when vessel.
printed are italicized. hemelytron (pl., hemelytra) The front wing of Hemiptera
germarium Apical portion of the ovariole or sperm follicle. (Heteroptera) (Figure 22-4).
gill Evagination of the body wall or hindgut, functioning hemimetabolous Having simple metamorphosis, like that
in gaseous exchanges in an aquatic animal. in the Odonata, Ephemeroptera, and Plecoptera (with
glabrous Smooth, without hairs. the nymphs aquatic).
globose, globular Spherical or nearly so. hemocoel A body cavity filled with blood.
glossa (pl., glossae)One of a pair of lobes at the apex of hemocyte A blood cell.
the labium between the paraglossae (Figure 2-16C, gl); hemolymph The blood of arthropods.
in bees, see Figure 28-6. herbivorous Feeding on plants.
gnathochilarium A platelike mouthpart structure in the hermaphroditic Having both male and female sex organs.
Diplopoda, representing the fused maxillae and labium. hertz Cycles per second (Hz).
gonangulum A sclerite of the female external genitalia heterodynamic life cycle A life cycle in which there is a
derived from the second gonocoxa, connecting the period of dormancy.
second gonocoxa, ninth tergum, and first gonapophysis. heterogamy Altemation of bisexual with parthenogenetie
gonapophysis (pl., gonapophyses) A mesal posterior reproduction.
process of a gonopod, in the female forming the heteromerous The three pairs of tarsi differing in the
ovipositor (see Figures 2-32, gap; 8-1); first or second number of segments (Coleoptera, for example, with a
valvula. tarsal formula of 5-5-4).
gonobase The basal portion of the male external genitalia hibernation Dormancy during the winter.
from which the paramers and aedeagus arise; usually hindgut The posterior portion of the alimentary traet,
ring-shaped. between the midgut and the anus.
gonocoxa A modified coxa that forms a part of the holocrine secretion Release of enzymes by disruption of
external genitalia (= valvifer). the entire cell.
gonoplacs Lateral sheaths enveloping the ovipositor in holometabolous With complete metamorphosis.
pterygotes (= third valvulae). holoptic The eyes contiguous above (Diptera).
gonopod A modified leg that forms a part of the external holotype A specimen designated by the author of a new
genitalia. species or subspecies to which the scientific name is
gonopore The external opening of the reproductive attached. If it is found that this specimen belongs lO
organs. another species or subspecies, then the original name
gonostylus Stylus of a genital segment (abdominal be comes a synonyrn of the second name.
segment 8 or 9). homodynamic life cycle A life cycle in which there is
gregarious Living in groups. continuous development, without a period of dormaney
grub A scarabaeiform larva; a thick-bodied larva with a homologize To recognize that two characters are derived
well-developed head and thoracic legs, without from the same ancestral character.
abdominal prolegs, and usually sluggish (Figures 2-43B, homology A character that is shared between two species
26-31). because both inherited it from their common aneeslOr.
gula A sclerite on the ventral side of the head between the homonyrn One name for two or more different things
labium and the foramen magnum (Figure 26-4, gu). (taxa).
guIar sutures Longitudinal sutures, one on each side of honeydew Liquid discharged from the anus of certain
the gula (Figure 26-4, gs). Hemiptera.
gustation Taste, detection of chemicals in liquido hornworm A caterpillar (larva of Sphingidae) with a
gynandromorph An abnormal individual containing dorsal spine or horn on the last abdominal segment
structural characteristics of both sexes (usually male on (Figure 30-78).
one side and female on the other). horny Thickened or hardened.
host The organism in or on which a parasite lives; the
plant on which an insect feeds.
haltere (pl., halteres) A small knobbed structure on each humeral Pertaining to the shoulder; located in the anterior
side of the metathorax, formed from a modified hind basal portion of the wing.
wing (Diptera; Figure 6-4, hal)o humeral angle The basal anterior angle or portion of the
hamuli (sing., hamulus) Minute hooks; a series of minute wing.
hooks on the anterior margin of the hind wing, with humeral bristles The bristles on the humeral callus
which the front and hind wings are attached together (Diptera; Figure 34-6, hb).
(Hymenoptera) . humeral callus One of the anterior lateral angles of the
haustellate Formed for sucking, the mandibles not fitted thoracic notum, usually more or less rounded (Diptera;
for chewing (or absent). Figure 34-6, he).
Glossary 787
humeral crossvein A crossvein in the humeral portion of the instinctive behavior Unlearned stereotyped behavior, in
wing, betweenthe costa and subcosta (Figure 2-10, h). which the nerve pathways involved are hereditary.
humeral suture The mesopleural suture (Odonata; integument The outer covering of the body.
Figure 10-4, pIS2)' interantennal suture A suture extending between the
humeral vein A branch of the subcosta that serves to bases of the two antennae (Siphonaptera).
strengthen the humeral angle of the wing (Neuroptera, intercalary vein An extra longitudinal vein that
Figure 27-2C, hv; Lepidoptera, Figure 30-23B, hv). develops from a thickened fold in the wing, more
humerus (pl., humeri) The shoulder; the posterolateral or less midway between two preexisting veins
angles of the pronotum (Hemiptera). (Ephemeroptera; Figures 9-3, 9-4, 9-6, lCuA).
hyalline Like glass, transparent, colorless. internuncial neuron (or intemeuron) A neuron that
hypermetamorphosis A type of complete metamorphosis connects with two (or more) other neurons.
in which the different larval instars represent two or intersternite An intersegmental sclerite on the ventral side
more different types of larvae (Figure 26-68). of the thorax; the spinasternum.
hyperparasite A parasite whose host is another parasite. interstitial Situated between two segments (interstitial
hypodermis See epidermis. trochanter of Coleoptera; Figure 26-9E, tr).
hypognathous With the head and the mouthparts located intestine Anterior portion of the hindgut, between the
ventrally (for example, as in Figure 2-13). pyloric valve and the rectum.
hypomeron In Coleoptera, the underside of the pronotum. intima The cuticular lining of the foregut, hindgut, and
hypopharynx A median mouthpart structure anterior to tracheae.
the labium (Figures 2-16, 2-18 through 2-20, hyp); the intra-alar bristles A row of two or three bristles situated
ducts from the salivary glands are usually associated on the mesonotum above the wing base, between
with the hypopharynx, and in some sucking insects the the dorsocentral and the supra-alar bristles (Diptera;
hypopharynx is the mouthpart structure containing the Figure 34-6, iab).
salivary channel. invagination An infolding or inpocketing.
hypopleural bristles A more or less vertical row of bristles isosmotic With an equal concentration of solutes.
on the hypopleuron, usually directly above the hind iteroparous A type of life history in which the animal
coxae (Diptera; Figure 34-6, hyb). reproduces two or more times during its lifetime.
hypopleuron (pl., hypopleura) The lower part of the
mesepimeron; a sclerite on the thorax located just above
the hind coxae (Diptera; Figure 34-6, hypl). Johnston's organ A sense organ similar to a chordotonal
hypostigmatic cell The cell immediately behind the point organ, located in the second antennal segment of most
of fusion of Sc and R (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontoidea; insects; this organ functions in sound perception in
Figure 27-4, hcl). some Diptera
hypostomal bridge Mesal extension of the hypostomae on joint An articulation of two successive segments or parts.
each side to meet below the foramen magnum. jugallobe A lobe at the base of the wing, on the posterior
hz Hertz (cycles per second). side, proximad of the vannallobe (Hymenoptera;
Figure 28-13, 28-14, jl).
jugal vein The most posterior of the major longitudinal
ileum The anterior part of the hindgut (Figure 2-22, il). vein systems, according to Kukalová-Peck.
imago (pl., imagoes or imagines) The adult or reproductive jugum A lobelike process at the base of the front
stage of an insect. wing, which overlaps the hind wing (Lepidoptera;
in-group The taxa that are the focus of interest in a Figure 30-5, j); a sclerite in the head (Hemiptera;
phylogenetic study. Figures 2-17, 22-1,j).
inclinate Bent toward the midline of the body.
indirect flight mechanism Generation of wing movements
by means of muscles producing distortions in the shape katepleurite See catapleurite.
of the thorax. keeled With an elevated ridge or carina.
inferior appendage The lower one (Anisoptera) or Khz Kilohertz (kilocycles per second).
two (Zygoptera) of the terminal abdominal kleptoparasite A parasite that feeds on food stored for the
appendages, used in grasping the female at the time host larvae.
of copulation (male Odonata; Figure 10-4A, ept;
10-4C, ppt).
infraepisternum A ventral subdivision of an episternum labellum The expanded tip of the labium (Diptera;
(Figure 10-4, iep). Figures 2-19, 2-20, lb!).
inner vertical bristles The more mesally located of the labial Of or pertaining to the labium.
large bristles on the vertex, between the ocelli and the labial gland Exocrine organ opening on or at the base of
compound eyes (Diptera; Figure 34-5, ivb). the labium, usually functioning as salivary or silk gland.
inquiline An animal that lives in the nest or abode of labial palp One of a pair of small feelerlike structures
another species. arising from the labium (Figure 2-16C, Ip).
instar The insect between successive molts, the first instar labial suture The suture on the labium between the
being between hatching and the first molt. postmentum and prementum (Figure 2-16C, 15).
788 Glossary
labium One of the mouthpart structures, the lower lip marginal vein A vein on or just within the wing margin;
(Figures 2-D, Ibm, 2-16C). the vein forming the posterior side of the marginal cell
labrum The upper lip, Iying just below the clypeus (Hymenoptera; Figures 28-3, 28-19B, mv).
(Figure 2-D, Ibr). margined With a sharp or keellike lateral edge.
labrum-epipharynx A mouthpart representing the labrum maxilla (p\., maxillae) One of the paired mouthpart
and epipharynx. structures immediately posterior to the mandibles
lacinia (p\., laciniae) The inner lobe of the maxilla, borne (Figure 2-16A, mx).
by the stipes (Figure 2-16A, le). maxillary Of or pertaining to the maxilla.
lamella (p\., lame/lae) A leaflike plate. maxillary palp A small feelerlike structure arising from
lamellate With platelike structures or segments; lamellate the maxilla (Figure 2-16A, mxp).
antennae (Figures 2-15M, 26-6C,O). maxilliped One of the appendages in Crustacea
lamina In the cuticle, a layer of cuticle with chitin immediately posterior to the second maxillae.
microfibrils oriented in the same direction. mechanoreceptor A sensillum sensitive to physical
lamina lingualis (p\., laminae linguales) One of two displacement.
median distal plates in the millipede gnathochilarium media The longitudinal vein between the radius and
(Figure 5-30B, 11). cubitus (Figure 2-10, M).
lanceolate Spear-shaped, tapering at each end. medial crossvein A crossvein connecting two branches of
larva (p\., larvae) The immature stage, between egg and the media (Figure 2-10, m).
pupa, of an insect having complete metamorphosis; the median In the middle; along the midline of the body.
six-Iegged first instar of Acari (Figures 5-17B, 5-19A); mediocubital crossvein A crossvein connecting the media
an immature stage differing radically from the adult. and cubitus (Figure 2-10, m-cu).
larviform Shaped like a larva. membrane A thin film of tissue, usually transparent; the
laterad Toward the side, away from the midline of the part of the wing surface between the veins; the thin,
body. apical part of a hemelytron (Hemiptera; Figure 22-4,
lateral Of or pertaining to the side (that is, the right or left mem).
side). membranous Like a membrane; thin and more or less
lateral oviduct A tube in the female internal genitalia transparent (wings); thin and pliable (cuticle).
connecting the ovaries and the common oviduct. mentalsetae Setae on the mentum (Odonata; Figure 10-3,
laterotergite A tergal sclerite located laterally or mst).
dorsolaterally. mentum The distal part of the labium, which bears the
lateroventral To the side (away from the midline of the palps and the ligula (Figure 2-16C, mn); a median,
body) and below. more or less triangular piece in the millipede
leaf miner An insect that lives in and feeds on the leaf gnathochilarium (Figure 5-30B, mn).
cells between the upper and lower surfaces of a leaL merocrine secretion Release of enzymes across the cell
ligula The terminallobe (or lobes) of the labium, the membrane, without destruction of the entire cel\.
glossae and paraglossae. meroistic ovariole Ovariole with nurse cells.
linear Linelike, long and very narrow. meropleuron (p\., meropleura) A sclerite consisting of the
longitudinal Lengthwise of the body or of an appendage. meron (basal part) of the coxa and the lower part of the
looper A caterpillar that moves by looping its body, that is, epimeron.
by placing the posterior part of the abdomen next to the mesad Toward the midline of the body.
thorax and then extending the anterior part of the body mesal At or near the midline of the body.
forward; a measuringworm. mesenteron The midgut, or middle portion of the
lorum (p\., lora) The cheek; a sclerite on the side of the alimentary tract (Figure 2-22, mg).
head (Hemiptera; Figures 22-1, 22-11, lo); the mesepimeron (p\. mesepimera) The epimeron of the
submentum in bees (Figure 28-6, smt). mesothorax (Figures 2-6, 26-4, epm2).
luminescent Producing light. mesepisternum (p\., mesepistema) The episternum of the
lunule, frontal See frontallunule. mesothorax (Figures 2-6, 26-4, eps2)'
mesinfraepisternum A ventral subdivision of the
mesepisternum (Odonata; Figure 10-4, iep2)'
maggot A vermiform larva; a legless larva without a well- meson The midline of the body, or an imaginary plane
developed head capsule (Diptera; Figure 2-43A). dividing the body into right and left halves.
Malpighian tubules Excretory tubes that arise near the mesonotum The dorsal sclerite of the mesothorax
anterior end of the hindgut and extend into the body (Figure 2-1, n2).
cavity (Figure 2-22, mt). mesopleural bristles Bristles on the mesopleuron (Diptera;
mandible Jaw; one of the anterior pair of paired mouthpart Figure 34-6, mpb).
structures (Figure 2-160, md). mesopleuron (p\., mesopleura) The lateral sclerite(s) of the
mandibulate With jaws fitted for chewing. mesothorax; the upper part of the episternum of the
marginal cell A cell in the distal part of the wing mesothorax (Oiptera; Figure 34-6, pI2)'
bordering the costal margin (Oiptera, Figure 34-4B, mesoscutellum The scutellum of the mesothorax
MC; Hymenoptera, Figure 28-3, MC). (Figure 2-6, scl2), usually simply called the scutellum.
Glossary 789
mesoscutum The scutum of the mesothorax (Figure 2-6, myriapod A many-Iegged arthropod; a centipede,
sct2). millipede, pauropod, or symphylan.
mesosoma In Apocrita (Hymenoptera) the middle tagma
of the body, consisting of the three thoracic segments
and the first true abdominal segment (the propodeum). naiad An aquatic, gill-breathing nymph.
mesosternum The sternum, or ventral sclerite, of the nasute soldier (or nasutus) An individual of a termite
mesothorax. caste in which the head narrows anteriorly into a
mesothorax The middle or second segment of the thorax snoutlike projection (Figure 19-2B).
(Figure 2-1, th2). neurogenic Produced by a neuron; contractions of muscle
metamere A primary body segment (usually referring to stimulated by a neuronal impulse.
the embryo). nidi In the midgut, clusters of regenerative epithelial cells.
metamorphosis A change in form during development. nocturnal Active at night.
metanotum The dorsal sclerite of the metathorax no de A knoblike or knotlike swelling.
(Figure 2-1, n,). nodiform In the form of a knob or knot.
metascutellum The scutellum of the metathorax nodus A strong crossvein near the middle of the costal
(Figure 2-6, scl,). border of the wing (Odonata; Figures 10-5 through
metasoma In Apocrita (Hymenoptera) the posterior tagma 10-7, nod).
of the body, consisting of all segments posterior to the notal wing process Point at which the notum articulates
propodeum. with the wing (or axillary sclerites at the base of the
metasternum The sternum, or ventral sclerite, of the wing).
metathorax. notaulus (pl., notauli) A longitudinalline on the
metatarsus (pl., metatarsi) The basal segment of the tarsus mesoscutum of Hymenoptera, marking the separation of
(Figure 5-6). the dorsallongitudinal and dorsoventral flight muscles
metathorax The third or posterior segment of the thorax (Figure 28-4A, nt); also sometimes called notaulix (pl.,
(Figure 2-1, th,). notaulices), parapsidal furrow, or parapsidal suture.
metazonite The posterior portion of a millipede tergum notopleural bristles Bristles on the notopleuron (Diptera;
when the tergum is divided by a transverse groove. Figure 34-6, nb).
metepimeron (pl., metepimera) The epimeron of the notopleural suture A suture between the notum and the
metathorax (Figure 2-6, epm,). pleural sclerites (Figure 26-4, npls).
metepisternum (pl., metepisterna) The episternum of the notopleuron (pl., notopleura) An area on the thoracic
metathorax (Figure 2-6, eps,). dorsum, at the lateral end of the transverse suture
metinfraepisternum A ventral subdivision of the (Diptera; Figure 34-6, npl).
metepisternum (Odonata; Figure 10-4, iep,). notum (pl., nota) The dorsal sclerite of a thoracic segment;
micropyle A minute opening (or openings) in the chorion the fused second gonapophyses of the ovipositor.
of an insect egg, through which sperm enter the egg nurse cells Nutritive cells associated with the developing
(Figure 2-37, mcp). oocyte.
midgut The mesenteron, or middle portion of the nymph An immature stage (following hatching) of an
alimentary tract (Figure 2-22, mg). insect that do es not have a pupal stage; the immature
millimeter 0.001 meter, or 0.03937 inch (about 1/25 inch). stage of Acari that has eight legs.
minute Very small; an insect a few millimeters in length or
less would be considered minute.
molt A process of shedding the exoskeleton; ecdysis; to oblique vein A slanting crossvein; in Odonata, where Rs
shed the exoskeleton. crosses M'+2 (Figure 10-5, obv).
molting gland See prothoracic glands. obtect pupa A pupa in which the appendages are more or
monecious Having both male and female sex organs, less glued to the body surface, as in the Lepidoptera
hermaphroditic. (Figures 2-44A,B, 30-4).
moniliform Beadlike, with rounded segments; moniliform occipital foramen See foramen magnum.
antenna (Figure 2-15C). occipital suture (or occipital sulcus) A transverse suture in
monocondylic A joint with a single point of articulation. the posterior part of the head that separates the vertex
monophyletic group A group that consists of an ancestral from the occiput dorsally and the genae from the
species and all of its descendants; recognized on the postgenae laterally (Figure 2-13, os).
basis of shared derived characters (synapomorphies) occiput The dorsal posterior part of the head, between the
among its members. occipital and postoccipital sutures (Figure 2-13, ocp).
morphology The science of form or structure. ocellar bristles Bristles arising close to the ocelli (Diptera;
motor neuron A neuron that forms a synapse with a muscle. Figure 34-5, ob).
mutualism The living together of two species of organisms ocellar triangle A slightly raised triangular area in which
with both species benefiting from the association. the ocelli are located (Diptera; Figure 34-5, ot).
myiasis A disease caused by the invasion of dipterous larvae. ocellus (pl., ocelli) A simple eye of an insect or other
myogenic Produced by muscle; contraction of a muscle arthropod (Figure 2-13, oc).
generated by that muscle itself, without neuronal olfaction The sense of smell; the ability to detect
stimulus. chemicals in a gas.
790 Glossary
olistheter A tongue-in-groove mechanism connecting the palpifer The lobe of the maxillary stipes that bears the
first and second gonapophyses of the ovipositor. palp (Figure 2-16A, plD.
ommatidium (p\., ommatidia) A single unit or visual palpiger The lobe of the mentum of the labium that bears
section of a compound eye (Figure 2-29D). the palp (Figure 2-16C, plg).
onisciform larva See platyform larva. panoistic ovariole Ovariole without nurse cells.
oocyte Egg. papilla A small nipplelike elevation.
oogenesis The production of eggs. paracymbium An appendage arising from the cymbium of
oogonium (p\., oogonia) The primary germ cells of the female. the pedipalp of a male spider.
ootheca (p\., oothecae) The covering or case of an egg paraglossa (p\., paraglossae) One of a pair of lobes
mass (Mantodea, Blattodea). at the apex of the labium, laterad of the glossae
open cell A wing cell extending to the wing margin, not (Figure 2-16C, pg\).
entirely surrounded by veins. paramere A structure in the male genitalia of insect,
open coxal cavity One bounded posteriorly by a usually a lobe or process at the base of the aedeagus.
sclerite of the next segment (front coxl cavities, paranotum Lateral expansion of the notum.
Coleoptera; Figure 26-7 A), or one touched by paraphyletic group A group of species, derived from a
one or more pleural sclerites (middle coxal cavities, common ancestor but not including all of its
Coleoptera; Figure 26-7C). descendants; recognized on the basis of shared ancestral
operculumn (p\., opercula) A lid or cover. character states (symplesiomorphies).
opisthognathous With the mouthparts directed backward. paraproct One of a pair of lobes bordering the anus
opisthorhynchous With the beak directed backward. lateroventrally (Figures 2-1 and I0-4A, ppt).
oral Pertaining to the mouth. parasite An animal that lives in or on the body of another
oral vibrissae A pair of stout bristles, one on each side of living animal (its host), at least during a part of its life
the face near or just above the oral margin, and larger cycle, feeding on the tissues of its host; most
than the other bristles on the vibrissal ridge (Diptera; entomophagous insect parasites kill their host (see also
Figure 34-5, ov). parasitoid) .
orbital plate See genovertical plate. parasitic Living as a parasite.
order A subdivision of a class or subclass, containing a parasitoid An animal that feeds in or on another living
group of related superfamilies or families. animal for a relatively long time, consuming all or most
osmeterium (p\., osmetena) A fleshy, tubular, eversible, of its tissues and eventually killing it (also used as an
usually Y-shaped gland at the anterior end of certain adjective, describing this mode of life). Parasitoid
caterpillars (Papilionidae; Figure 30-3, osm). insects in this book are referred to as parasites.
ostiole A small opening. parsimony, principie of In a scientific context, the
ostium (p\., ostia) A slitlike opening in the insect heart. assumption that the simplest explanation of the data
out-group In a phylogenetic study, taxa outside of the focus observed is the best hypothesis.
of interest; used to hypothesize the polarity of character parthenogenesis Development of the egg without
states (that is, ancestral or derived) found in the in- fertilization.
group. The state found in the out-group is hypothesized patella A leg segment between the femur and tibia
to be the ancestral, or plesiomorphic, state. (arachnids; Figure 5-6).
outer vertical bristles The more laterally located of the paurometabolous With simple metamorphosis, the young
large bristles on the vertex, between the ocelli and the and adults living in the same habitat, and the adults
compound eyes (Diptera; Figure 34-5, ovb). winged.
ovariole A more or less tubular division of an ovary pecten A comblike or rakelike structure.
(Figure 2-31, ov\). pectinate With branches or processes like the teeth of a
ovary The egg-producing organ of the female comb; pectinate antenna (Figure 2-15H); pectinate
(Figures 2-22, 2-31A, ovy). tarsal claw (Figure 26-11B).
oviduct The tube leading away from the ovary through pedicel The second segment of the antenna (Figure 2-15N,
which the eggs pass (Figures 2-22, 2-31A, ovd). ped); the stem of the abdomen, between the thorax and
oviparous Laying eggs. the gaster (ants).
ovipore The external opening of the female reproductive pedipalps The second pair of appendages of an arachnid
system through which the eggs pass during oviposition. (Figure 5-6, palp; 5-12).
oviposit To lay or deposit eggs. pelagic Inhabiting the open sea; ocean-dwelling.
ovipositor The egg-Iaying apparatus; the external genitalia penultimate Next lO the last.
of the female (Figures 2-1, 2-32, I0-4E, and 28-5, ovp). pericardial sinus The body cavity surrounding the dorsal
oviscapt Modification of the terminal abdominal segments blood vessel, limited ventrally by the dorsal diaphragm.
of a female to serve as an egg-Iaying organ. perineural sinus The body cavity surrounding the ventral
nerve cord, limited dorsally by the ventral diaphragm.
peristalsis Waves of contraction.
paedogenesis The production of eggs or young by an peristome The ventral margin of the head, bordering the
immature or larval stage of an anima\. mouth.
palp A segmented process born by the maxillae or labium peritrophic membrane A membrane in insects secreted by
(Figure 2-16, Ip, mxp); the pedipalp of a spider. the cells lining the midgut; this membrane is secreted
Glossary 791
when food is present and forms an envelope around the pleuron (p\., pleura) The lateral area of a segment.
food; it usually pulls loose from the midgut, remains pleuropodium (p\., pleuropodia) Embryonic appendages of
around the food, and passes out with the feces. the first abdominal segmento
perivisceral sinus The body cavity surrounding the pleurotergite A sclerite containing both pleural and tergal
digestive system, reproductive system, etc., between the elements.
dorsal and ventral diaphragms. plumose Featherlike; plumose antenna (Figure 2-151).
petiolate Attached by a narrow stalk or stem. poikilothermous Cold-blooded, the body temperature
petiole A stalk or stem; the narrow stalk or stem by which the rising or falling with the environmental temperature.
metasoma is attached to the mesosoma (Hymenoptera); in point A small triangle of stiff paper, used in mounting
ants, the nodelike first segment of the metasoma. small insects (Figure 35-13).
pH A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a medium. A pollen basket See corbicula.
pH value of 7.0 indicates neutral; lower values indicate pollen rake A comblike row of bristles at the apex of the
acid, and higher values alkaline. Defined as -Iog [H+]. hind tibia of a bee (Figure 28-66, pr).
phallotreme External opening of the male reproductive polyembryony An egg developing into two or more
system on the aedeagus. embryos.
phallus The male copulatory organ, including any polyphyletic group A group of species that do not share a
processes that may be present at its base. common ancestor; such an unnatural group is usually
pharynx The anterior part of the foregut, between the proposed on the basis of characters that represent
mouth and the esophagus (Figure 2-22, phx). parallel or convergent characters (homoplasies).
pheromone A substance given off by one individual polytomy On a cladogram a no de that gives rise to more
that causes a specific reaction by other individuals than two branches.
of the same species, such as sex attractants, alarm polytrophic ovariole Meroistic ovariole in which
substances, etc. trophocytes pass into the vitellarium with the oocyte.
photoperiod The relative amount of time during the day porrect Extending forward horizontally; porrect antennae
in which it is light (or dark). (Figure 34-23G,I).
phragma (p\., phragmata) A platelike apodeme or postabdomen The modified posterior segments of the
invagination of the dorsal wall of the thorax abdomen, which are usually more slender than the
(Figure 2-7, ph). anterior segments (Crustacea, Figure 5-24A, pa; see
phylogenetics School of systematics that seeks to also the postabdomen in a scorpion, Figure 5-3).
recognize monophyletic groups on the basis of shared postalar callus A rounded swelling on each side of the
derived characters. mesonotum, between the base of the wing and the
phylum (p\., phyla) One of the major divisions of the scutellum (Diptera; Figure 34-6, pc).
animal kingdom. posterior Hind or rear.
phytophagous Feeding on plant. posterior cell One of the cells extending to the hind
pictured With spots or bands (pictured wings; margin of the wing, between the third and sixth
Figure 34-77). longitudinal veins (Diptera; Figure 34-4B, P).
pilifer One of a pair of lateral projections on the labrum posterior crossvein A crossvein at the apex of the discal
(Lepidoptera; Figure 30-2, pO. cell (Diptera; Figure 34-4B, pcv).
pilose Covered with hair. postgena (p\., postgenae) A sclerite on the posterior
planidium larva A type of first-instar larva in certain lateral surface of the head, posterior 10 the gena
Diptera and Hymenoptera that undergoes (Figure 2-13, pg).
hypermetamorphosis; a larva that is legless and postgenal bridge Mesal extension of the postgenae on
somewhat flattened. each side to meet below the foramen magnum.
plastron A bed of very dense and very fine hairs used to posthumeral bristles Bristles on the anterolateral surface
hold an air bubble close to the body and across which of the mesonotum, just posterior to the humeral callus
gas exchange takes place. (Diptera; Figure 34-6 pb).
platyform larva A larva that is extremely flattened, as the postmarginal vein The vein along the anterior margin of
larva of Psephenidae (Figure 26-44) (also called the front wing, beyond the point where the stigmal vein
onisciform larva). arises (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-19B, pm).
plesiomorphy The ancestral state of a character. postmentum The basal portion of the labium, proximad of
pleural Pertaining to the pleura, or lateral sclerites of the the labial suture (Figure 2-16C, pmt).
body; latera\. postnodal crossveins: A series of crossveins just behind
pleural apophysis (or arm) Internal process extending the costal margin of the wing, between the nodus and
from the pleural suture to the sternal apophyses. stigma, and extending from the costal margin of the
pleural suture (or sulcus) A suture of a thoracic pleuron wing to Rl (Odonata; Figures 10-5, 10-6, pn).
extending from the base of the wing to the base of the postnotum (p\., postnota) A notal plate behind the
coxa, which separates the episternum and epimeron scutellum bearing a phragma, often present in wing-
(Figures 2-1, 2-6, pis). bearing segments (Figure 2-6, PN).
pleural wing process The structure articulating with the postoccipital suture The transverse suture on the
wing (specifically with the second axillary sclerite). head immediately posterior to the occipital suture
pleurite A lateral or pleural sclerite. (Figure 2-13, pos).
792 Glossary
postoeeiput The extreme posterior rim of the head, profile The outline as seen from the side or in lateral view.
between the postoecipital suture and the foramen prognathous Having the head horizontal and the
magnum (Figure 2-13, po). mouthparts projecting forward.
postpetiole The second segment of a two-segmented proleg One of the fleshy abdominallegs of certain insect
pedicel (ants). larva e (Figure 30-3, pr\)o
postseutellum A small transverse pieee of a thoraeie prominenee A raised, produced, or projecting portion.
notum immediately behind the seutellum; in Diptera, an prominent Raised, produced, or projecting.
area immediately behind or below the mesoseutellum promote To move anteriorly.
(Figure 34-13B, pscl). pronate To turn the leading edge of the wing downward.
postvertieal bristles A pair of bristles behind the oeelli, prono tal eomb A row of strong spines borne on the
usually situated on the posterior surfaee of the head posterior margin of the prono tu m (Siphonaptera;
(Diptera; Figure 34-5, pv). Figures 31-1, 31-2A).
preapical Situated just before the apex; preapieal tibial pronotum The dorsal sclerite of the prothorax
bristles of Diptera (Figure 34-26B, ptbr). (Figures 2-1, 2-6, nI)'
prebasilare A narrow transverse sclerite, just basal to the propleural bristles Bristles located on the propleuron
mentum in the gnathoehilarium of some millipedes (Diptera; Figure 34-6, ppb).
(Figure 5-30B, pbs). propleuron (pl., propleura) The lateral portion, or pleuron,
preeosta The most anterior of the major longitudinal wing of the prothorax (Figure 34-6, pl,).
veins, aeeording to Kukalová-Peek. propodeum The posterior portion of the mesosoma, which is
predaeeous Feeding as a predator. actually the first abdominal segment united with the thorax
predator An animal that attaeks and feeds on other (Hymenoptera, suborder Apocrita; Figure 28-4, prd).
animals (its prey), usually animals smaller or less proprioception Detection by an animal of the position of
powerful than itself. The prey is usually killed and parts of its own body.
mostly or entirely eaten; eaeh predator eats many prey prosoma The anterior part of the body, usually the
individuals. cephalothorax; the anterior part of the head or
prefemur The seeond trochanter segment of the lego cephalothorax.
pregenital Anterior to the genital segments of the prosternum The stemum, or ventral sclerite, of the
abdomen. prothorax.
prementum The distal part of the labium, distad of the prothoraeic glands Endocrine glands located in the
labial suture, on which all the labial muscles have their prothorax (generally) that secrete ecdysone.
insertions (Figure 2-16C, prmt). prothoraeicotropic hormone See brain hormone.
preoral Anterior to or in front of the mouth. prothorax The anterior of the three thoraeic segments
prepeetus An area along the anteroventral margin of the (Figure 2-1, th,).
mesepisternum, set off by a suture (Hymenoptera; protocerebrum The dorsallobes of the brain, innervating
Figure 28-4, pp). (in ter alia) the compound eyes and ocelli.
prepupa A quiescent stage between the larval period protonymph The second instar of a mite (Figure 5-17C).
and the pupal period; the third instar of a thrips proventrieulus The valve between the foregut and midgut.
(Figure 23-2B). proximad Toward the end or portion nearest the body.
presutural bristles Bristles on the mesonotum proximal Nearer to the body or to the base of an
immediately anterior to the transverse suture and appendage.
adjacent to the notopleuron (Diptera; Figure 34-6, psb). prozonite The anterior portion of a millipede tergum
pretarsus (pl., pretarsi) The terminal segment of the leg, when the tergum is divided by a transverse groove.
typically consisting of a pair of claws and one or more pruinose Covered with a waxy, whitish powder.
padlike structures (Figure 2-8B-D, ptar). pseudarolium (pl., pseudarolia) A pad at the apex of the
proboseis Collectively, the extended, beaklike mouthparts tarsus resembling an arolium.
(Figure 34-36, prb). pseudoeellus Circular areas of thin, corrugated cuticle on
proclinate lnclined forward or downward. the head and body of Collembola.
proctodaeum The hindgut, or the hindmost of the three pseudoeereus (pl., pseudocerci) See urogomphi.
major divisions of the alimentary tract, from the pseudoeubitus A vein appearing as the cubitus, but
Malpighian tubules to the anus. aetually formed by the fusion of the branches of M and
procurved A line connecting a row of eyes in a spider in Cu¡ (Neuroptera; Figure 27-3B, pscu).
which the ends of the line are anterior to the center of pseudomedia A vein appearing as the media, but actually
the line. formed by the fusion of branehes of Rs (Neuroptera;
procuticle The form in which the cuticle is initially Figure 27-3B, psm).
secreted by the epidermis, before sclerotization takes pseudopupa A coarctate larva; a larva in a quiescent
place. pupalike condition, one or two instars before the true
produced Extended, prolonged, or projecting. pupal stage (Coleoptera, Meloidae; Figure 26-68H).
proepimeron (pl., proepimera) The epimeron of the pseudovipositor See oviseapt.
prothorax (Figure 26-4, epm,). pteralia See axillary sclerites.
proepisternum (pl., proepistema) The episternum of the pteropleural bristles Bristles on the pteropleuron (Diptera;
prothorax (Figure 26-4, eps,). Figure 34-6, ptb).
Glossary 793
pteropleuron (p\., pteropleura) A sclerite on the side relationship In phylogenetic systematics (cladistics), the
of the thorax, just below the base of the wing, and relative recency of common ancestry.
consisting of the upper part of the mesepimeron remote To move posteriorly.
(Diptera; Figure 34-6, pr). reniform Kidney-shaped.
pterostigma A thickened opaque spot along the costal reticulate Like a network.
margin of the wing, near the wing tip (see also stigma) retina The receptive apparatus of an eye.
(Odonata; Figures 10-5, 10-6, st). retractile Capable of being pushed out and drawn back in.
pterothorax The wing-bearing segments of the thorax rhabdom A rodlike light-sensitive structure formed of the
(mesothorax and metathorax). inner surfaces of adjacent sensory cells in the
pterygote Winged; a member of the subclass Pterygota. ommatidium of a compound eye (Figure 2-29, rh).
ptilinum A temporary bladderlike structure that can be Riker mount A thin glass-topped exhibition case filled
inflated and thrust out through the frontal (or ptilinal) with cotton batting (Figure 35-20).
suture, just above the bases of the antennae, at the time rostrum Beak or snout.
of emergence from the puparium (Diptera). rudimentary Reduced in size, poorly developed, embryonic.
PTTH See brain hormone. rugose Wrinkled.
pubescent Downy, covered with short fine hairs.
pulvilliform Lobelike or padlike; shaped like a pulvillus;
pulvilliform empodium (Figure 34-2B, emp). saprophagous Feeding on dead or decaying plant or
pulvillus (p\., pulvilli) A pad or lobe beneath each tarsal animal materials, such as carrion, dung, dead logs, etc.
claw (Diptera; Figure 34-2, pul). scape The basal segment of an antenna (Figure 2-15N,
punctate Pitted or beset with punctures. scp).
puncture A tiny pit or depression. sea pula (p\., scapulae) One of two sclerites on the
pupa (p\., pupae) The stage between the larva and the mesonotum immediately lateral of the notauli
adult in insects with complete metamorphosis, a (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-4, sea); also called parapsis.
nonfeeding and usually an inactive stage (Figure 2-44). scarabaeiform larva A grublike larva, that is, one with the
puparium (p\., puparia) A case formed by the hardening of body thickened and cylindrical, with a well-developed
the last larval skin, in which the pupa is formed head and thoracic legs, without prolegs, and usually
(Diptera; Figure 2-44F). sluggish (Figures 2-43B, 26-31).
pupate To transform to a pupa. scavenger An animal that feeds on dead plants or animals,
pupiparous Giving birth to larvae that are full grown and or decaying materials, or on animal wastes.
ready to pupate. scent gland A gland producing an odorous substance.
pygidium The last dorsal segment of the abdomen. scientific name A latinized name, internationally
pyloric valve The valve between the midgut and hindgut. recognized, of a species or subspecies. The scientific
name of a species consists of the generic and specific
names, and that of a subspecies consists of the generic,
quadrangle A cell immediately beyond the arculus specific, and subspecific names. Scientific names are
(Odonata, Zygoptera; Figure 10-6F, G, q). always printed in italics.
quadrate Four-sided. sclerite A hardened body-wall plate bounded by sutures or
membranous areas.
sclerotization The process of becoming hardened.
radial cell A cell bordered anteriorly by a branch of sclerotized Hardened.
the radius; the marginal cell (Hymenoptera; scolopophorous organ See campaniform sensillum.
Figure 28-3, MC). scolytoid larva A fleshy larva resembling the larva of a
radial crossvein A crossvein connecting Rl and the branch scolytid beetle.
of the radius immediately behind it (Figure 2-10, r). scopa (p\., scopae)A small, dense tuft of hair.
radial sector The posterior of the two main branches of scraper The sharpened anal angle of the front wing
the radius (Figure 2-10, Rs). (tegmen) of a cricket or katydid, a part of the
radius The longitudinal vein between the subcosta and the stridulating mechanism.
media (Figure 2-10, R). scrobe A groove or furrow; antennal scrobe (Figures 26-3,
raptorial Fitted for grasping prey; raptorial front legs 26-88A, G, agr).
(Figure 22-2). scutellum A sclerite of the thoracic notum (Figure 2-6,
reclinate Inclined backward or upward. scl); the mesoscutellum, appearing as a more or less
rectum The posterior region of the hindgut (Figure 2-22, rec). triangular sclerite behind the pronotum (Hemiptera,
recurrent vein One of two transverse veins immediately Coleoptera).
posterior to the cubital vein (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-3, scutum The middle division of a thoracic notum, just
rv); a vein at the base of the wing between the costa and anterior to the scutellum (Figure 2-6, ser).
the subcosta, extending obliquely from the subcosta to the sebaceous glands Glands secreting fatty or oily materia\.
costa (Neuroptera; Figure 27-2C, hv). secondary segmentation Subdivision of the body of
recurved Curved upward or backward; in spiders, a line arthropods in which the externally visible sclerites and
connecting a row of eyes in which the ends are membranes do not correspond to the internal
posterior to the middle of the line. attachment of longitudinal muscle.
794 Glossary
sectorial crossvein A crossvein connecting two branches spindle-shaped Elongate and cylindrical, thickened in the
of the radial sector (Figure 2-10, s). middle and tapering at the ends.
segment A subdivision of the body or of an appendage, spine A thornlike outgrowth of the cuticle.
between joints or articulations. spinneret A structure with which silk is spun, usually
segmented antenna An antenna composed of more than fingerlike in shape (Figures 5-6, 5-8).
three true, musculated segments; limited to Diplura and spinose Beset with spines; spinose costa in Diptera
Collembola. (Figure 34-22H).
semiaquatic Living in wet places or partially in water. spiracle An external opening of the tracheal system; a
seminal vesicle A structure, usually saclike, in which the breathing pore (Figures 2-1, 2-25, spr).
seminal fluid of the male is stored before being spiracular bristles Bristles very close to a spiracle
discharged; usually an enlargement of the vas deferens (Diptera; Figure 34-25, spbr).
(Figure 2-31B, smv). spiracular plate A platelike sclerite next to or surrounding
sense cone or sense peg A minute cone or peg, sensory in the spiracle.
function (Figures 2-27, 23-5, scn). spur A movable spine (when on a leg segment, usually
sensillum (p\., sensilla) An organ capable of detecting located at the apex of the segment).
external stimuli. spurious claw A false claw; a stout bristle that looks like a
sensory neuron A neuron capable of generating an action claw (spiders).
potential in response to an external stimulus (such as spurious vein A veinlike thickening of the wing
physical displacement, temperature, humidity, membrane between two true veins; an adventitious
chemicals, etc.). longitudinal vein between the radius and the media,
serrate Toothed along the edge like a saw; serrate antenna crossing the r-m crossvein (Diptera, Syrphidae;
(Figure 2-15G). Figure 34-15A-C, spv).
serrula Sawlike anterior margin of the basal endite squama (p\., squamae) A scalelike structure; a calypter; the
segment on the spider pedipalp. palpiger (Odonata; Figure 10-9, plg).
sessile Attached or fastened, incapable of moving from stadium (p\., stadia) The period between molts in a
place to place; attached directly, without a stem or developing arthropod.
petiole. stalked With a stalk or stem; with a narrow, stemlike base;
seta (p\., setae) A bristle. of veins, fused together to form a single vein.
setaceous Bristlelike; setaceous antenna (Figure 2-15A). stemmata (sing., stemma) The lateral eyes of insect larvae.
seta te Provided with bristles. sternacostal suture (or su\cus) A suture of the thorade
setulose Bearing short, blunt bristles. sternum, the external mark of the sternal apophysis or
sigmoid Shaped like the letter S. furca, separating the basisternum from the sternellum.
simple Unmodified, not complicated; not forked, toothed, sternal apophysis (or sternal arm) See furca.
branched, or divided. sternellum The part of the eusternum posterior to the
sister groups On a cladogram, the two taxa (or groups of sternacostal suture (su\cus).
taxa) that arise from a single node. Sister groups are sternite A subdivision of a sternum; the ventral plate of an
each others' closest relatives. abdominal segmento
spatulate Spoon-shaped; broad apically and narrowed sternopleural bristles Bristles on the sternopleuron
basally, and flattened. (Diptera; Figure 34-6, stb).
spedes A group of individuals or populations that are sternopleuron (p\., sternopleura) A sclerite in the lateral
similar in structure and physiology and can interbreed wall of the thorax, just above the base of the middle leg
and produce fertile offspring, and that differ in structure (Diptera; Figure 34-6, stp\).
and/or physiology from other such groups and normally sternum (p\., sterna) A sclerite on the ventral side of the
do not interbreed with them. body; the ventral sclerite of an abdominal segment
sperm duct A tube connecting the bursa copulatrix of (Figure 2-1, stn).
ditrysian Lepidoptera to the vagina. stigma (p\., stigmata) A thickening of the wing membrane
sperm follicle A tubelike subdivision of the testis in which along the costal border near the apex (Figures 10-5,
spermatogenesis occurs. 10-6, 28-1, st).
spermatheca (p\., spennathecae) A saclike structure in the stigmal vein A short vein extending posteriorly from the
female in which sperm from the male are received and costal margin of the wing, usually a little beyond the
often stored (Figure 2-31A, spth). middle of the wing (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-19B, sv).
spermatogenesis The production of sperm cells. stipes (p\., stipites) The second segment or division of a
spermatogonium A primary germ cell of the maleo maxilla, which bears the palp, the galea, and the lacinia
spermatophore A capsule containing sperm, produced by (Figure 2-16A, stp); laterallobes of the millipede
the males of some insects. gnathochilarium (Figure 5-30B, stp).
spermatozoon (p\., spennatozoa) Functional, usually stomadaeum The foregut.
motile, sperm cell. storage excretion The removal of metabolic wastes by
spinasternum An intersegmental sclerite of the thoradc isolation within certain tissues or cells.
venter that bears a median apodeme or spina, assodated stria (p\., striae) A groove or depressed line.
with or united with the sclerite immediately anterior to striate With grooves or depressed lines.
it; also called the intersternite.
Glossary 795
stridulate To make a noise by rubbing two structures or They intergrade with one another and are capable of
surfaces together. interbreeding. (For names of subspecies, see scientific
stripe A longitudinal color marking. name.)
stylate With a style; stylelike; stylate antenna subtriangle A cell or group of cells proximad of the
(Figure 2-15K). triangle (Odonata, Anisoptera; Figure 10-5, str).
style A bristlelike process at the apex of an antenna successions Groups of species that successively occupy a
(Figure 2-15K, sty); a short slender, fingerlike process given habitat as the conditions of the habitat change.
(Figure 8-1, sty). sulcate With a groove or furrow.
stylet A needlelike structure; one of the piercing structures sulcus (pl., sulcO A groove formed by an infolding of the
in sucking mouthparts. body wall (Figure 2-4); a groove or furrow.
stylus (pl., styli) A short, slender, fingerlike process superfamily A group of closely related families.
(Figure 8-1, sty). Superfamily names end in -oidea.
subalare (or subalar sclerite) An epipleurite located superior appendage One of the two upper appendages
posterior to the pleural wing process. at the end of the abdomen, a cercus (Odonata;
subantennal sulcus A groove on the face extending Figure 10-4, cr).
ventrally from the base of the antenna (Figures 2-13, supinate To turn the trailing edge of the wing downward.
28-17, sas). supplement An adventitious vein formed by a number of
subapical Located just proximad of the apex. crossveins being lined up to form a continuous vein,
subbasal Located just distad of the base. located behind and more or less parallel to one of the
subclass A major subdivision of a class, containing a main longitudinal veins (Odonata; Figure 10-5, mspl,
group of related orders. rspl).
subcosta The longitudinal vein between the costa and the supra-alar bristles A longitudinal row of bristles on the
radius (Figure 2-10, Se). lateral portion of the mesonotum, immediately above
subcoxa Leg segment of primitive arthropods basad of the the wing base (Diptera; Figure 34-6, spb).
coxa, hypothesized to be incorporated into the thoracic suture An external, linelike groove in the body wall, or a
wall to form the thoracic pleurites (see also anapleurite, narrow, membranous area between sclerites (Figure 2-4,
catapleurite) . su); the boundary between two fused sclerites; the line
subequal Approximately equal in size or length. of juncture of the elytra (Coleoptera).
subesophageal ganglion The knotlike swelling at the swimmeret An abdominal appendage that functions as a
anterior end of the ventral nerve cord, usually just swimming organ (Crustacea; Figure 5-22, sw).
below the esophagus (Figures 2-22, 2-26, segn). symbiont An organism living in symbiosis with another
subfamily A majar division of a family, containing a group organismo
of related tribes or genera. Subfamily names end in -inae. symbiosis The living together of two species, in a more or
subgenal suture (or sulcus) The horizontal suture below less intimate association, benefiting both.
the gena, just above the bases of the mandibles and symmetry A definite pattern of body organization; bilateral
maxillae, a lateral extension of the epistomal suture symmetry, a type of body organization in which the
(Figure 2-13, sgs). various parts are arranged more or less symmetrically
subgenital plate A platelike stemite that underlies the on either side of a median vertical plane, that is, where
genitalia. the right and left sides of the body are essentially
subgenus (pl., subgenera) A major subdivision of a genus, similar.
containing a group of related species. In scientific symplesiomorphy A shared, ancestral character state
names, subgeneric names are capitalized and placed in among taxa.
parentheses following the genus name. synapomorphy A shared, derived character state among
subimago The first of two winged instars of a mayfly after taxa; used as the basis for recognizing monophyletic
it emerges from the water. groups.
submarginal cell One or more cells lying immediately behind synchronous muscle A muscle in which each contraction
the marginal cell (Hymenoptera; Figure 28-3, SM). is initiated by the reception of a neuronal impulse.
submarginal vein Vein immediately behind and synonyms Two or more names for the same thing (taxon).
paralleling the costal margin of the wing (Hymenoptera; systematics The study of the relationships among
Figure 28-19B, sm). organisms.
submentum The basal part of the labium (Figure 2-16C,
subocular suture (or subocular sulcus) A suture extending taenidium (pl., taenidia) A circular or spiral thickening in
ventrally from the compound eye (Figure 2-13, sos). the inner wall of a trachea.
suborder A major subdivision of an order, containing a tagma (pl., tagamata) A group of segments of the body
group of related superfamilies or families. specialized for a given function; e.g., the head, thorax,
subquadrangle A cell immediately behind the quadrangle and abdomen of insects.
(Odonata, Zygoptera; Figure 10-6, sq). tandem One behind the other, the two connected or
subspecies A subdivision of a species, usually a attached together.
geographic race. The different subspecies of a tarsal claw A claw at the apex of the tarsus, derived from
species ordinarily are not sharply differentiated. the pretarsal segment of the leg (Figure 2-8, tcl).
796 Glossary
tarsal formula The number of tarsal segmen15 on the toxicognath A poison jaw (centipedes, Figure 5-32, pj; a
front, middle, and hind tarsi, respectively. modified leg).
tarsomere A subdivision, or "segment," of the tarsus. trachea (pl., tracheae) A tube of the respiratory system,
tarsus (pl., tarsO The leg segment immediately beyond the lined with taenidia, ending externally at a spiracle, and
tibia, sometimes consisting of one or more "segmen15" terminating internally in the tracheoles (Figure 2-25).
or subdivisions (Figure 2-8, 15). tracheole The fine terminal branch of the respiratory
taxon (pl., taxa) A group of organisms classified together. tubes.
taxonomy The science of classification into categories of translucent Allowing light to pass through, but not
varying rank, and the describing and naming of these necessarily transparent.
categories. transverse Across, at right angles to the longitudinal axis.
tegmen (pl., tegmina) The thickened or leathery front wing transverse suture A suture across the mesonotum
of an orthopteran. (Diptera; Figure 34-6, trs).
tegula (pl., tegulae) A small, scalelike structure overlying triangle A small triangular cell or group of cells near the
the base of the front wing (Figure 28-4, tg). base of the wing (Odonata, Anisoptera; Figures 10-5,
telopod (telopodite) The portion of the leg beyond the 10-7, tri).
coxopodite. tribe A subdivision of a subfamily, containing a group of
telotrophic ovariole Meroistic ovariole in which the nurse related genera. Names of tribes end in -ini.
cells remain in the germarium. trichobothria Minute sensory hairs on the tarsi (spiders;
telson The posterior part of the last abdominal segment Figure 5-7C, TR).
(Crustacea); the posterior spinelike tail of the Xiphosura; trichogen cell The epidermal cell from which a seta
the posterior nonmetameric portion of the body. develops (Figure 2-27, trg).
tenaculum A minute structure on the ventral side of the tripectinate Having three rows of comblike branches.
third abdominal segment that serves as a clasp for the tritocerebrum The ventrallobes of the brain.
furcula (Collembola). triungulin larva The active first-instar larva of the
teneral A term applied to recently molted, pale, soft- Strepsiptera and certain beetles that undergo
bodied individuals. hypermetamorphosis (Figure 26-68A, 32-1F).
tentorial bridge A transverse, internal sclerotized bar that trochanter The second segment of the leg, between the
unites the tentorial arms and braces the head. coxa and the femur (Figure 2-8, tr).
tentorial pits Pitlike depressions on the surface of the trochantin A small sclerite in the thoracic wall
head that mark the poin15 of union of the arms of the immediately anterior to the base of the coxa
tentorium with the outer wall of the head. There are (Figure 26-9B, tn).
usually two tentorial pi15 in the epistomal suture trophallaxis The exchange of alimentary canalliquid
(Figure 2-13, 2-14, atp) and one at the lower end of among colony members of social insec15 and guest
each postoccipital suture (Figure 2-13, 2-14, ptp). organisms, either mutually or unilaterally; trophallaxis
tentorium The endoskeleton of the head, usually may be stomodeal (from the mouth) or proctodeal
consisting of two pairs of apodemes (Figure 2-14). (from the anus).
tergite A subdivision of the tergum. trophocyte See nurse cells.
tergosternal muscles One of the primary sets of segmental tropism The orientation of an animal with respect to a
muscles inserted on the tergum dorsally and the stimulus, either positive (turning toward the stimulus)
sternum ventrally, in pterothoracic segmen15 contraction or negative (turning away from the stimulus).
resul15 in depression of the notum and contributes truncate Cut off square at the end.
significantly to elevation of the wings. truss cell See hypostigmatic cell.
tergum (pl., terga) A sclerite on the dorsal side of the tubercle A small knotlike or rounded protuberance.
body; the dorsal sclerite of an abdominal segment tylus The clypeal region of the head (Hemiptera;
(Figure 2-1, t). Figure 22-1, ty).
terminal At the end; at the posterior end (of the tymbal A sclerotized plate in the sound-producing organ
abdomen); the last of a series. of a cicada (Figure 22-45, tmb).
terrestrial Living on land. tympanal hood One of a pair of tubercles or rounded
testis (pl., testes) The sex organ in the male that produces prominences on the dorsal surface of the first abdominal
sperm (Figure 2-31B, 15t). segment (Lepidoptera).
thelytoky A form of parthenogenesis in which only tympanum (pl., tympana) A vibrating membrane; an auditory
females are produced from unfertilized eggs, males membrane or eardrum (Figure 2-8D, 22-45, tym).
being very rare or absent. type genus See types.
thorax The body region behind the head, which bears the type species See types.
legs and wings (Figure 2-1, th). types Specimens designated when a species or group is
tibia (pl., tibiae) The fourth segment of the leg, between described to serve as the reference if there is any
the femur and the tarsus (Figure 2-8, tb). question about what that species or group includes. The
tibial spur A large spine on the tibia, usually located at the type of a species or subspecies (the holotype) is a
distal end of the tibia. specimen, the type of a genus or subgenus is a species,
tormogen cell An epidermal cell associated with a seta, which and the type of a tribe, subfamily, family, or superfamily
forms the setal membrane or socket (Figure 2-2, trng). is a genus.
Glossary 797
unisexual Consisting of or involving only females. vermiform larva A legless, wormlike larva, without a well-
uríc acid Chemical commonly used by terrestrial insects developed head (Figure 2-43A).
for excretion of nitrogenous wastes. vertex The top of the head, between the eyes and anterior
uríne Fluid containing excreted wastes. to the occipital suture (Figure 2-13, ver).
urogomphi (sing., urogomphus) Fixed or movable vesicle A sac, bladder, or cyst, often extensible.
cercuslike processes on the last segment of a beetle larva vestigial Small, poorly developed, degenera te,
(also called pseudocerci or corniculi). nonfunctional.
uropod One of the terminal pair of abdominal appendages, vibrissae, oral See oral vibrissae.
usually lobelike (Crustacea; Figure 5-22, ur). vitellarium Portion of the ovariole in which vitellogenesis
takes place.
vitelline membrane The cell wall of the insect egg; a thin
vagina The terminal portion of the female reproductive membrane lying beneath the chorion (Figure 2-37, vm).
system, which opens to the outside (Figures 2-22, vitellogenesis Transfer of vitellogenins to the developing
2-31A, vag). oocyte with consequent increase in size of the oocyte.
valvifers The basal plates of the ovipositor, derived from vitellogenin Yolk precursor molecule.
the basal segment of the gonopods. vulva Opening of the vagina (= ovipore).
valvulae The three pairs of processes forming the sheath vulvar lamina The posterior margin (usually prolonged
and piercing structures of the ovipositor. posteriorly) of the eighth abdominal sternite (female
vas deferens (pl., vasa deferentia) The sperm duct leading Anisoptera).
away from a testis (Figure 2-31B, vd).
vas efferens (pl., vasa efferentia) A short duct connecting
a sperm tube in the testis with the vas deferens wireworm An elateriform larva; a larva that is slender,
(Figure 2-31B, ve). heavily sclerotized, with few hairs on the body, and with
vein A thickened line in the wing. thoracic legs but without prolegs; the larva of a click
venter The ventral side. beetle (Figure 26-45B).
ventrad Toward the ventral side or underside of the body;
ventral Lower or underneath; pertaining to the underside Y-vein Two adjacent veins fusing distally, forming a Y-
of the body. shaped figure (for example, the anal veins in the front
ventral nerve cord Paired nerve lying along the lower wing, Figure 30-32).
surface of the hemocoel, containing segmentally
arranged ganglia.
ventriculus Midgut. zoophagous Feeding on animals.
vermiform Wormlike.
Borror, D. J. 1960. Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Jardine, N. K. 1913. The Dictionary of Entomology. London:
Forms. Palo Alto, CA: Mayfield, 134 pp. West, Newman, 259 pp.
Brown, R. W 1954. Composition of Scientific Words. Wash- Nichols, S. W. 1989. The Torre-Bueno Glossary of Entomol-
ington, DC: Author, 882 pp. ogy. New York: New York Entomological Society, 840 pp.
Carpenter, J. R. 1938. An Ecological Glossary. London: Pennak, R. W 1964. Collegiate Dictionary of Zoology. New
Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner, 306 pp. York: Ronald Press, 583 pp.
Dorland, W A. N. 1932. The American Illustrated Medical Smith, J. B. 1906. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology.
Dictionary; 16th ed. Philadelphia: W B. Saunders, Brooklyn: Brooklyn Entomological Society 154 pp.
1493 pp. Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. PrincipIes of Insect Morphology. New
Gordh, G., and D. H. Headrick. 2001. A Dictionary of Ento- York: McGraw-Hill, 667 pp. (Reprínted in 1993 by Cor-
mology. Wallingford, UK: CABI Pub., 1050 pp. nell University Press)
Hanson, D. R. 1959. A Short Glossary of Entomology with Torre-Bueno, J. R. de la. 1937. A Glossary of Entomology.
Derivations. Los Angeles: Author, 83 pp. Lancaster, PA: Science Press, 336 pp.
Henderson, I. F., and W D. Henderson. 1939. A Dictionary of Tuxen, S. L (Ed.). 1970. Taxonomist's Glossary of Genitalia
Scientific Terms. 3rd ed., revised by J. H. Kenneth. Lon- of Insects, rey. ed. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 359 pp.
don: Oliver and Boyd, 383 pp. Tweney, C. F., and L E. C. Hughes (Eds.). 1940. Chambers'
Jaeger, E. C. 1955. A Source Book of Biological Names and Technical Dictionary. New York: Macmillan, 957 pp.
Terms. Springfield, IL: C. C. Thomas, 317 pp.
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Chapter 4.65: WA. Foster; 71: DonaldJ. Borror; 72: WA. Foster; Chapter 26.367: DonaldJ. Borror; 411: (all) Dwight M. DeLong:
73: WA. Foster; 75: (al\) L.R. Nault, Ohio Agricultural Research and 412: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 414: (left) Courtesy of Wo\cott and
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Chapter 11. 211: DonaldJ. Borror; 217: Ohio Agricultural Research
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Chapter 22. 305: Donald J. Borror; 309: Illinois Natural History Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 615: (all)
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798 (right) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 321: 621: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 623: (al\) Dwight M. DeLong;
Credits 799
624: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 625: (top left) Dwight M. DeLong; lig. 169E, p. 310. 24: Fig. 2-22 from R. Matheson, Entomologyfor
(top right) Dwight M. DeLong; (middle left) Dwight M. DeLong; Introductory Courses,Comstock Publishing Company, 1947, lig. 51,
(bottom left) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom right) Dwight M. p. 63. 30: Fig. 2-26 from RE. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of Insect
DeLong; 626: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 627: Ctop left) Dwight M. Morphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 249, p. 479.
DeLong; (middle) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom) Dwight M. DeLong; 34: Fig. 2-29b, c from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of Insect
629: (all) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; Morphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 28D, p. 539,
630: (top left) Dwight M. DeLong; (middle left) Dwight M. DeLong; lig. 283A, p. 545. 34: Fig. 2-29d from R Matheson, Entomologyfor
(top right) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; Introductory Courses,Comstock Publishing Company, 1947,
(bottom right) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; lig. 38-1, p. 49. 36: Fig. 2-31 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of
631: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 633: (all) InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 284A, p. 553,
Dwight M. DeLong; 634: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 635: (top left) lig. 292A, p. 568. 38: Fig. 2-32a, c from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of
Dwight M. DeLong; (top right) Dwight M. DeLong; (middle left) InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 313A, p. 610,
Dwight M. DeLong; (middle right) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom left) lig. 312D, p. 609. 39: Fig. 2-33 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; (bottom right) InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 298B, p. 586.
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 636: Cleft) 42: Fig. 2-37 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of InsectMorphology,
Dwight M. DeLong; (right) Ohio Agricultural Research and Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 4B, p. 19, lig. 7A, 7C, p. 21.
Development Center; 637: (top left) Dwight M. DeLong; (top right) 43: Fig. 2-38 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of InsectMorphology,
Dwight M. DeLong; (top middle left) Dwight M. DeLong; (top Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 11, p. 26. 43: Fig. 2-39 from
middle right) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom middle left) Dwight M. R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of InsectMorphology, Comell University
DeLong; (bottom middle right) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom left) Press, 1993, lig. 13, p. 29. 45: Fig. 2-40 from w.J. Baerg, "Eastem
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; (bottom right) strawberry louse," ArkansasAgricultural Experiment Station Bulletin
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 638: Ctop) 179,1922, ligs. 1-5. Used by permission of the Arkansas
Dwight M. DeLong; (top middle) Ohio Agricultural Research and Agricultural Experiment Station. 46: Fig. 2-41 from P.A. Readio,
Development Center; (bottom middle) Ohio Agricultural Research "Studies on the biology of the genus Corizus (Coreidae, Hemipter),"
and Development Center; (bottom) Ohio Agricultural Research and Annals of the Entomological Societyof America Vol. 21, 1928,
Development Center; 639: (bottom left) Ohio Agricultural Research p. 189-201. Used by permission. 47: 2-43b, c, d from Alvah
and Development Center; (middle right) Carl W. Albrecht; (bottom Peterson, Larvae of Insects:An Introduction to Nearctic species,
right) Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; (top) 1948, Vol. Il, lig. OlA, C46G, C46K. Used by permission.
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center; 640: (all) 47: Fig. 2-42 used by permission of the Utah Agricultural
Dwight M. DeLong; 641: (top left) Dwight M. DeLong; (bottom left) Experiment Station.
Dwight M. DeLong; Ctop right) Knull; (bottom right) Knull.
Chapter 5. 105: Fig. 5-4 courtesy of the Institute of Acarology.
Chapter 34. 730: Ctop) Ohio Agricultural Research and 107: Fig. 5-5 fromJ.M. Gosline, M.E. DeMont, and M.W. Denny,
Development Center; 731: Ohio Agricultural Research and "The structure and properties of spider silk," Endeavour 10:37-43,
Development Center; 732: (all) Illinois Natural History Survey; 1986, lig. 5. Used by permission of Elsevier. 124: Fig. 5-11a used
738: Illinois Natural History Survey; 740: (all) Ohio Agricultural by permission of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
Research and Development Center. 130: Fig. 5-13 used by permission of Dr. Dana Wrensch on beha\f of
Donald E. ]ohnston. 132: Fig. 5-16 used by permission of Dr. Dana
Chapter 35. 765: (all) Dwight M. DeLong; 766: Dwight M. DeLong; Wrensch on beha\f of Donald E. ]ohnston. 133: Fig. 5-18 from
771: Courtesy of Davidson; 773: Dwight M. DeLong; 774: Dwight H.E. Hodgkiss, "The Eriophyidae of New York: Il. The maple mites,"
M. DeLong. NewYork AgriculturaI Experiment Station TechnicalBulletin 163,
p. 5-45, 1930, pl. 1, ligs. 1,2. Used by permission of the New York
Agricultural Experiment Station. 134: Fig. 5-19 courtesy of the
Institute of Acarology. 135: Fig. 5-21 from c.c. Hoff, "The
pseudoscorpions of Illinois," IIlinois Natural History Survey Bulletin
lIIustrations and Text 24(4):413-498,1949, lig. 26, 28, 47. Used by permission of the
Illinois Natural History Survey. 140: 141: 147: Fig. 5-33d from
Chapter 2. 5: Fig. 2-1 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIesof Insect J.H. Comstock, an Introductionto Entomology, Cornstock Publishing
Morphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 35C, p. 70. Company, 1933, lig. 31, p. 23.
6: Fig. 2-3 from K. Arms and P.S.Camp, Biology, Saunders College
Publishing, 1987, p. 38. 7: Fig. 2-7a, b from RE. Snodgrass, Chapter 6. 157: 6-2d used by permission of the Utah Agricultural
PrincipIesof InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, Experiment Station. 157: Fig. 6-2a from M. Hebard, "The
lig. 92A, p. 166 and 39B, p. 77. 10: Fig. 2-9 from R.E. Snodgrass, Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois," IIlinois Natural History
PrincipIesof InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, Survey Bulletin 20(3):125-279, lig. 155. Used by permission
lig. 105, p. 194. 13: Fig. 2-11 from RE. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of of the Illinois Natural History Survey. 157: Fig. 6-2c, e from
InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 122, p. 219. H.H. Ross,"How to collect and preserve insects," IIlinois Natural
15: Fig. 2-12a, b from RE. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of Insect History Circular 39, 1949, lig. 38, 38, 40. Used by permission of
Morphology, Comell UniversityPress, 1993,lig. 129, p. 232 and Illinois Natural History Survey 159: Fig. 6-5a from H.H. Ross,
lig. 130, p. 233. 16: Fig. 2-13 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of "How 10collect and preserve insects," IIlinois Natural History
Insect Morphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 56, p. 106. Circular 39, 1949, lig. 38, p. 40. Used by permission of Illinois
17: Fig. 2-14 from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of InsectMorphology, Natural History Survey. 159: Fig. 6-6 from H.H. Ross, "How 10
Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 58B, p. 109. 22: Fig. 2-20 from collect and preserve insects," IIlinois Natural History Circular 39,
R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of Insect Morphology, Comell University 1949, lig. 27, p. 35. Used by permission of Illinois Natural History
Press, 1993, lig. 174C, p. 323. 22: Fig. 2-21a, b from RE. Snodgrass, Survey. 162: Fig. 6-9d from H.H. Ross, "How to collect and
PrincipIesof InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, preserve insects," IIlinois Natural History Circular 39, 1949,
lig. 168, p. 308. 22: Fig. 2-21c from R.E. Snodgrass, PrincipIesof lig. 18, p. 31. Used by permission of Illinois Natural History
InsectMorphology, Comell University Press, 1993, lig. 168, p. 308, Survey.
800 Credits
Chapter 7.170: Fig. 7-1 from H.E. Ewing, "The Protura ofNorth History Survey. 241: Fig. 16-3 from P.H. Harden, "The immature
America," Annals of the Entomological Society of America Vol. 33, stages of some Minnesota Plecoptera," Annals of the Entomological
1940, p. 495-551, Fig. 1. Used by permission. 173: Fig. 7-2 Societyof America Vol. 35, 1942, p. 318-331, pl. 1 lig. 2, pl. II lig. 3
used by permission of Dr. Richard j. Snider. 174: Fig. 7-3 from and lig. 4. Used by permission. 242: Fig. 16-5 from T.H. Frison,
K.A. Christiansen and P.F.Bellinger, The Collembola of North "The stoneflies, or Plecoptera, of lllionois," IIIinois Natural History
America North of the Rio Grande, Grinnell College, 1980-1981, Survey Bulletin 20(4), 1935, lig. 3a, p. 286. Used by permission of
Fig. 1049B. Used by permission. 175: Fig. 7-4a, c from E.O. Essig, Illinois Natural History Survey. 244: Fig. 16-8 from T.H. Frison,
CollegeEntomology,1942,lig. 29, lig. 30. Used by permission. "Studies of North American Plecopter with special reference lOthe
fauna of Illinois," Bulletin of the IlIinois Natural History Survey 22(2):
Chapter 8. 180: Fig. 8-2 used by permission of lllinois Natural 253-355. Used by permission.
History Survey.
Chapter 17. 248: Fig. 17-1 from E.O. Essig, CollegeEntomology,
Chapter 9. 182: Fig. 9-2a from j.w, Leonard, "A New Baetis from 1942, lig. 68. Used by permission.
Michigan (Ephemeroptera)," Vol. 43, Annals of the Entomological
Society of America, Vol. 43, 1950, p. 155-159, pl. I. Used by Chapter 18. 251: Fig. 18-1 from A.M. Claudell, "Zoraptera not
permission. 182: Fig. 9-2c from B.O. Burks, "New heptagenine an apterous order," Proceedings of the Entomological Society of
mayflies," Annals of the Entomological Society of America Vol. 39, Washington 22: 84-97, 1920.
1946, p. 607-615, lig. 2. Used by permission.
Chapter 20.260: Fig. 20-1 from M. Hebard, "The Dermaptera and
Chapter 10. 195: Fig. 1O-2a from E.M. Walker, "The nymph of Orthoptera of Illinois," IlIinois Natural HistorySurvey Bulletin
Aeschna verticalis Hagen." The Canadian Entomologist 73: 229-231, 20(3):125-279, lig. 152. Used by permission of the Illinois Natural
1941, lig. 1, p. 230. Used by permission of the Entomological History Survey.
Society of Canada. 195: Fig. 10-2b from E.M. Walker, "The nymph
of Gomphus quadricolor Walsh (Odonata)." The Canadian Chapter 21. 266: Fig. 21-3 used courtesy of the Universite de
Entomologist 64: 270-273, 1932, lig. 1, p. 271. Used by permission of Montreal Departement de Sciences Biologiques.
the Entomological Society of Canada. 195: Fig. 10-3a, b from
P. Garman, "The Zygopter, or damsel-flies, of lllinois," Bulletin of the Chapter 22. 274: Fig. 22-6 from H.B. Hungerford, "Food habits of
IIIinois State Laboratory ofNatural History 12(4): 411-586,1917. corixids," Joumal of the New York Entomological Society25:1-5, 1917.
286: Fig. 22-15 used by permission of Dr. Michael Kosztarab.
Chapter 11. 210: Fig. 11-1 used by permission of Richard A. 287: Fig. 22-16 used by permission of Dr. Michael Kosztarab.
Alexander. 210: Fig. 11-2 used by permission of Richard A. 288: Fig. 22-17 from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis
Alexander. 217: Fig. 11-6a used courtesy of the Ohio Agricultural of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. m," American Midland Naturalist
Research and Development Center. 218: Fig. 11-7 used courtesy of 31(3):638-683,1944, lig. 74. Used by permission. 290: Fig. 22-19
the Universite de Montreal Departement de Sciences Biologiques. fromj.A. Slater and RM. Baranowski,How to Know the TrueBugs
218: Fig. 11-8 used courtesy of the Universite de Montreal (Hemipter; Heteroptera), McGraw-Hill,1978, lig. 170,253,427,437,
Departement de Sciences Biologiques. 219: Fig. 11-10 from 459,418, and 489. Used by permission. 290: Fig. 22-20 fromj.A.
M. Hebard, "The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of lllinois," IIIinois Slater and RM. Baranowski,How to Know the TrueBugs (Hemipter;
Natural HistorySurveyBulletin20(3):125-279, lig. 160. Used by Heteroptera), McGraw-Hill,1978, lig. 170,253,427,437,459,418,
permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey. 222: Fig. 11-14 and 489. Used by permission. 291: Fig. 22-23 fromj.A. Slater and
from M. Hebard, "The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of lllinois," RM. Baranowski,How to Know the True Bugs(Hemipter;
IIIinoisNatural HistorySurveyBulletin20(3):125-279,lig. 158. Heteroptera), McGraw-Hill,1978, lig. 170,253,427,437,459,418.
Used by permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey. and 489. Used by permission. 292: Fig. 22-24 from R.e. Froeschner,
222: Fig. 11-14b, c used courtesy of the Universite de Montreal "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri,
Departement de Sciences Biologiques. 222: Fig. 11-15 used courtesy pt. IV, Hebridae, Mesoveliidae, Cimicidae, Anthocoridae,
of the Universite de Montreal Departement de Sciences Biologiques. Cryptostemmatidsae, Isometopidae, Meridae," American Midland
224: Fig. 11-16 used courtesy of the Universite de Montreal Naturalist 42(1):123-188, lig. 89, 90. Used by permission.
Departement de Sciences Biologiques. 224: Fig. 11-17 a from 293: Fig. 22-26 fromj.A. Slater and RM. Baranowski, How to
M. Hebard, "The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of lllinois," IIIinois Know the TrueBugs (Hemipter; Heteroptera), McGraw-Hill,1978,
Natural HistorySurveyBulletin20(3):125-279,lig. 116. Used by lig. 170,253,427,437,459,418, and 489. Used by permission.
permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey. 224: Fig. 11-17b, c 294: Fig. 22-27a, b from R.e. Froeschner, "Contributions to a
used courtesy of the Universite de Montreal Departement de synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. m," American Midland
Sciences Biologiques. 225: Fig. 11-18 from M. Hebard, "The Naturalist 31(3):638-683, 1944, lig. 68,69. Used by permission
Dermapteraand Orthoptera of lllinois," IIIinoisNatural History 294: Fig. 22-27c from Osborn and Drake, "Tingitoidea of Ohio,"
Survey Bulletin 20(3):125-279,lig. 164. Used by permission of the Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin 2(4): 217-215, 1916. 295: Fig. 22-28
lllinois Natural History Survey. from H.H. Knight, "The plant bugs, of Miridae, of lllinois," Bulletin
of theIIIinoisNatural History Survey22(1):1-234, 1941, ligs. 112,
Chapter 12. 228: Fig. 12-1 used courtesy of the Ohio Agricultural 158, 162, 144, 167, 168. Used by permission of the lllinois Natural
Research and Development Center. History Survey. 295: Fig. 22-29a from Re. Froeschner,
"Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. m,"
Chapter 14. 232: Fig. 14.1 reproduced with permission ofThom GIas. American Midland Naturalist 31(3):638-683, 1944, lig. 76. Used by
permission. 295: Fig. 22-29b fromj.A. Slater and RM. Baranowski,
Chapter 15. 234: Fig. 15-1 used Courtesy of Fulton and the Oregon How to Know the TrueBugs (Hemipter; Heteroptera), McGraw-Hill,
Agricultural Experiment Station. 1978, lig. 170,253,427,437,459,418, and 489. Used by
permission. 296: Fig. 22-30 from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions
Chapter 16. 240: Fig. 16-2a from T.H. Frison, ''The stoneflies, or to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. IV,Hebridae,
Plecoptera,of Illionois,"IIIinoisNatural HistorySurveyBulletin Mesoveliidae, Cimicidae, Anthocoridae, CryplOstemmatidsae,
20(4),1935, lig. 1, p. 283. Used by permission of lllinois Natural Isometopidae,Meridae,"AmericanMidland Naturalist 42(1):123-188,
Credits 801
lig. 91, 93. Used by permission. 297: Fig. 22-31 from R.e. Suborder Terebrantia," Bulletin of the California ¡nsect Survey
Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of 4(5):143-220, 1957, lig. 20. Used by permission of the Regents of
Missouri, pt. 1lI," American Midland Naturalist 31(3):638-683, 1944, the University of California Press. 337: Fig. 23-6c, d from L.A.
lig. 72, 75, 81, 82, 83, 86. Used by permission. 298: Fig. 22-32 from Mound, BS Heming, andJ.M. Palmer, "Phylogenetiv re!ationships
Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of between the families of recent Thysanoptera (Instects)," Zoological
Missouri, pt. n Coreidae, Aradidae, Neididae," American Midland Journal ofthe Linnean Society 16: 111-141, 1980, Fig. 39, Fig. 40.
Naturalist 27(3):591-609, 1942, lig. 53, 54. Used by permission. Used by permission of Blackwell Publishing.
298: Fig. 22-33 from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis
of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. 1lI," American Midland Naturalist Chapter 24.342: Fig. 24-1 from KM. Sommerman, "Bionomics of
31(3):638-683, 1944, lig. 73. Used by perrnission. 298: Fig. 22-34 Ectopsocus pumilis" Psyche50(3-4): 53-64. Used by permission.
from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera 352: Fig. 24-8a, c from KM. Sommerman, "Description and
of Missouri, pt. n Coreidae, Aradidae, Neididae," American Midland bionornics of Caecilius manteri n. sp. (Corrodentia)," Proceedingsof
Naturalist 27(3):591-609, 1942, lig. 50. Used by permission. 299: the EntomologicalSocietyofWashington 45(2): 29-39, 1943, Pl. 1,
Fig. 22-35 from R.e. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the lig 3 and lig. 4. Used by permission of the Entomological Society of
Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. 1lI," American Midland Naturalist Washington. 352: Fig. 24-8b, e from KM. Sommerman, "Bionomics
31(3):638-683, 1944, lig. 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67. Used by permission. of Amapsocus amabilis (Walsh) (Corrodentia, Psocidae)," Annals of
301: Fig. 22-37a, b from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a the Entomological Society of America Vol. 37, 1944, p. 359-364, pl. I
synopsis of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. 1lI," American Midland lig. 1, lig. 2. Used by perrnission. 352: Fig. 24-8d from National Pest
Naturalist 31(3):638-683,1944, lig. 77, 78. Used by perrnission. Control AssociationServia TechniciansHandbook,p. 88, Copyright
301: Fig. 22-37c fromJ.A. Slater and RM. Baranowski, How to 11:>
1996 by the National Pest Management Association. Used by
Know the True Bugs (Hemipter; Heteroptera), McGraw-HiIl, 1978, permission. 352: Fig. 24-8f from A.B. Gurney, "A synopsis of the
lig. 170,253,427,437,459,418, and 489. Used by permission. psocids of the tribe Psyllipsocini, including the description of an
302: Fig. 22-38 from Re. Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis unusual new genus from Arizona (Corrodentia: Empheriidae:
of the Hemiptera of Missouri, pt. n Coreidae, Aradidae, Neididae," Empheriinae)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America
American Midland Naturalist 27(3):591-609, 1942, lig. 28,42,45, Vol. 36, 1943, p. 195-220. pl. 1lI lig. 23. Used by permission.
46,47,51. Used by permission. 303: Fig. 22-39 from Re. 352: Fig. 24-8f from A.B. Gurney, "Nomenclatorial notes on
Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Corrodentia, with descriptions of two new species of Archipsocus,
Missouri, pt. 1. Scutelleridae, Podopidae, pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Journalof the WashingtonAcademy of Sciences29(11): 501-515, 1939,
Throeocoridae," American Midland Naturalist 26(1): 122-146,1941, Fig. 1, p. 503. Used by permission of the Washington Academy of
lig. 24, 25. Used by permission. 303: Fig. 22-40 from R.e. Sciences.
Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of
Missouri, pt. 1. Scutelleridae, Podopidae, pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Chapter 25. 357: Fig. 25-1 from RE. Snodgrass, PrincipIes of ¡nsect
Throeocoridae," American Midland Naturalist 26(1): 122-146, 1941, Morphology, Cornell University Press, 1993, lig. 35C, p. 70.
lig. 20, 21. Used by permission. 304: Fig. 22-41 from R.e.
Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of Chapter 26. 402: Fig. 26-14 from R.H. Arneu,jr. and M.e. Thomas,
Missouri, pt. 1. Scutelleridae, Podopidae, pentatomidae, Cydnidae, American Beetles, lig. 1.5, The American Entomological Institute,
Throeocoridae," American Midland Naturalist 26(1): 122-146, 1941, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 402: Fig. 26-15c
lig. 31, 33, 34, 36. Used by permission. 304: Fig. 22-42 from Re. used by perrnission of the IIIinois Natural History Survey.
Froeschner, "Contributions to a synopsis of the Hemiptera of 404: Fig. 26-18 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of ¡nsects:An
Missouri, pt. 1. Scutelleridae, Podopidae, pentatomidae, Cydnidae, introduction to Nearctic species,1948, Vol.n, lig. C41D, C42F,C44B.
Throeocoridae," American Midland Naturalist 26(1): 122-146,1941, Reprinted by permission. 406: Fig. 26-21 from Alvah Peterson,
lig. 19,22,29. Used by permission. 305: Fig. 22-43 used by Larvae of ¡nsects: An introduction to Nearctic species, 1948,
permission of the IIIinois Natural History Survey. 316: Fig. 22-51 Vol. n, lig. C42A, C4lB, C41A, C42B. Reprinted by permission.
from H. Osborn, "The Fulgoridae of Ohio," Ohio Biological Survey 407: Fig. 26-23afrom E.S. Ross, "New Histeridae (Coleoptera) form
Bulletin No. 35 6(6):283-357, 1938, lig. 2, 5a, 5b, 5c, 13Aa, 16Bb, the burrows of the Florida pocket gopher,"Annals of theEntomological
18A, 25, 26A, 27B, 33, 35A, 38B. Used by permission of Ohio Societyof America Vol. 33, 1940, p. 1-9, Fig. 1. Used by permission.
Biological Survey, Inc. 317: Fig. 22-53 from G.F. Knowlton and 407: Fig. 26-23b from Q.D. Whee!er, "Slime mold beetles of the
MJ. janes, "Studies on the biology of Paratrioza cockerelli (Su!c)," genus Anisotoma," SystematicEntomology 4:251-309, Fig. 1, p. 252,
Annalsof the EntomologicalSociety of AmericaVol.24, 1931, 1979. Used by permission of Blackwell Publishing. 409: Fig. 26-24a
p. 283-291, pl. 1, lig. 1. Used by perrnission. from R.H.Arneu,jr. and M.e. Thomas, AmericanBect/es,lig. 3.22,
The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by
Chapter 23. 335: Fig. 23-3 from P. Pesson, "Ordre des Thysanopter permission of CRC Press. 409: Fig. 26-24b from RH. Arneu, jr.,
Haliday, 1836 (Physapoda Burm., 1838) ou thrips" Traite de The Beetlesof the United States(A manual for identilication),
Zoologie 10:1805-1869, 1951, lig. 1647 1619a, lig. 1626B. Used lig. 1.23. The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
by permission of Masson et Cie, Paris. 336: Fig. 23-4 from Used by permission of CRC Press. 409: Fig. 26-25a from R.H.
LJ. Stannard, "The thrips, or Thysanoptera,of IIIinois,"IlIinois Arneu,jr. and M.e. Thomas, AmericanBeetles,lig.2.21,The
Natural History Survey Bulletin 29(4):215-552, ligs. 93, 94, 89. American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by
Used by permission of the IIIinois Natural History Survey. permission of CRC Press. 409: Fig. 26-25b from RH. Arneu, jr.,
336: Fig. 23-4a used by permission of the Utah Agricultural The Bect/esof the United States(A manual for identilication),
Experiment Station. 337: Fig. 23-5 from LJ. Stannard, "The thrips, lig. 2.17. The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
or Thysanoptera,of IIIinois,"IlIinois Natural History Survey Bulletin Used by permission of CRC Press. 410: Fig. 26-26a from L.
29(4):215-552, ligs. 62, 64, 65, 66, 68. Used by permission of Watrous, "Lathrobium (Tetartopeus)," Systematic Entomology5:
the IIIinois Natural History Survey. 337: Fig. 23-6a from L.A. 303-338, Fig. 1, p. 304,1980. Used by permission ofBlackwell
Mound and R Marullo, "Two new basal-clade Thysanoptera from Publishing. 410: Fig. 26-26b from RH. Arneu,jr. and M.e. Thomas,
California with Old World aflinities," Journal of the New York American Beetles,lig. 1.22, The American EntomologicalInstitute,
EntomologicalSociety 106: 81-94, 1998, Fig. 9. Used by permission. Ann Arbor, MI. Used by perrnission of CRC Press. 410: Fig. 26-26c
337: Fig. 23-6b from S.F.Bailey, "The thrips of California, pan 1: fromJ.M. Campbell, "A revision of the genus Sepedophilus Giste!
802 Credits
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of America north of Mexico," Memoirs Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC
of the Entomological Society of Canada No. 99, lig. 3, p. 59. Used by Press. 430: Fig. 26-56b from R.H. Amen, ]r. The Beet/esof the Uniled
permission of the Entomological Society of Canada. 410: Fig. 26-26c States (A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.67, 1.89, The American
fromJ.M. Campbell, "A revision of the genus Sepedophilus Giste! Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission.
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of America north of Mexico," Memoirs 431: Fig. 26-58a from R.H.Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, American
of the Entomological Society of Canada No. 99, lig. 3, p. 59. Used by Beet/es,lig. 1.82. The American EntomologicalInstitute, Ann Arbor,
permission of the Entomological Society of Canada. 410: Fig. 26-27 MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 432: Fig. 26-59 from R.H.
from RH. Amen, ]r. and M.e. Thomas, American Beet/es, lig. 4.22, Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, AmericanBeet/es,lig. 1.84,2.95,1.92.
The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by The American Entomological InstitUte, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by
permission of CRC Press. 414: Fig. 26-30 from G.N. Wolcon, permission of CRC Press. 432: Fig. 26-60a, b from RH. Amen, Jr.
"The insects of Puerto Rico," joumal of Agriculture of the University and M.e. Thomas, AmericanBeetles,lig. 1.96, 1.88. The American
of Puerto Rico 32(2): 255-822. Used by permission of the Entomological InstilLlte, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC
Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico. Press. 432: Fig. 26-60c from RH. Amen,]r. The Beet/esof the United
416: Fig. 26-35a, b from RH. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, States(A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.92, 1.98, 1.102, The
American Beetles, lig. 1.35, 1.37. The American Entomological American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by
Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 416: permission. 436: Fig. 26-64 from RH. Amett,]r. and M.e. Thomas,
Fig. 26-35c fromRH. Amen, ]r., The Beet/esoftheUnitedStates American Beet/es,lig. 1.104,3.106, 1.114. The American
(A manual for identilication), lig. 1.32. The American Entomological Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC
Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. Press. 437: Fig. 26-65i from M.P. Liles, "A stUdy of the life history of
417: Fig. 26-36 from R.H. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, American the forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus comutus (Panzer) (Coleopter:
Beetles, lig. 1.39. The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, Tenebrionidae)," Ohio joumal of Science56: 329-337, 1956. Fig. 3
MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 418: Fig. 26-37 fromJ.N. (upper center). Used by permission of the Ohio Academy of Science.
Knull, "The Buprestidae of Pennsylvania (Coleopter)," The Ohio 438: Fig. 26-66 from R.H. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, American
State University Studies 2(2), 1925.418: Fig. 26-38 fromJ.N. Knull, Beet/es, lig. 1.109, 1.115. The American Entomological Institute,
"The Buprestidae of Pennsylvania (Coleopter)," The Ohio State Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 439: Fig. 26-67a,
University Studies 2(2), 1925. 419: Fig. 26-42 from RH. Amen, ]r. e, f, d from EG. Wemer, WR Enns, and EH. Parker, "The Me!oidae
and M.e. Thomas, American Beetles, lig. 1.42. The American of Arizonae," University of Arizona Agricultural ExperimentStation
Entomological InstitUte, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC TechnicalBulletin 175, 1966, lig. 59,64,96, 103. Used by
Press.420: Fig. 26-43a from RH. Amen, ir. The Beet/esoftheUnited permission. 439: Fig. 26-67b, c from WJ. Baerg, "Control measures
States (A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.39, The American for blister beetles," ArkansasAgriculturalExperiment Station Bulletin
Entomological InstitUte, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission. 201, 1925, lig. 1, lig. 2. 439: ig. 26-68 from WR. Horsfall, "Biology
420: Fig. 26-43b, c from RH. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, and control of common blister beetles in Arkansas," Arkansas
American Beetles, lig. 1.43, 1.44. The American Entomological Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 436, 1945, Fig. 5, p. 18.
Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. Used by permission the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
421: Fig. 26-44a, b from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects:An 440: Fig. 26-69a from RH. Amen,]r. The Beet/esof the UnitedStates
introduction to Nearctic species, 1948, Vo\. 1, lig. C43G, C43H. (A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.83, The American
Reprinted by permission. 421: Fig. 26-44c from R.H. Amett, ir. Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission.
and M.e. Thomas, American Beetles, lig. 1.48. The American 440: Fig. 26-69b from RH. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, American
Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Beet/es,lig. 3.115. The AmericanEntomological Institute, Ann
Press. 422: Fig. 26-45d from RH. Amen,]r. and M.e. Thomas, Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press.. 441: Fig. 26-7 I from
American Beet/es,lig. 1.56. The AmericanEntomologicalInstitute, Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects:An introduction to Nearctic species,
Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC Press. 423: Fig. 26-46 1948, Vo\. n, lig. C14K, Cl4C, Cl4E. Reprinted by permission.
from RH. Amen, ]r. and M.e. Thomas, American Beet/es, lig. 1.59, 443: Fig. 26-73 fromJ.N. Knull, "The long-homed beetles of Ohio
1.61. The American Entomological InstitUte, Ann Arbor, MI. Used (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)," Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin 39:
by permission of CRC Press. 424: Fig. 26-48 from R.H. Amen, ir. 133-354, 1946, lig. 5, 6, 11, 19, 22, 25, 33, 64. Used by permission
and M.e. Thomas,AmericanBeetles,lig. 1.66. The American of Ohio Biological Survey, Inc. 444: Fig. 26-74 fromJ.N. Knull,
Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission of CRC "The long-homed beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae),"
Press. 425: Fig. 26-49a-d, f from G.H. Griswold, "StUdies on the Ohio Biological Survey Bulletin 39: 133-354, 1946, lig. 3, 27, 35,
biologyof four common carpet beetles," Comell University 61,65,95. Used by permission of Ohio Biological Survey, Inc.
Agricultural ExperimentStation Memoir 240: 5-75,1941, ligs. 12,28, 448: Fig. 26-78a used by permission of the Utah Agricultural
31,34,36. Used by permission. 425: Fig. 26-4ge from Alvah Experiment Station. 448: Fig. 26-78b used courtesy of the Ohio
Peterson, Larvae of Insects:An introduction to Nearctic species,1948, Agricultural Research and Deve!opment Center. 449: Fig. 26-80
Vo\. n, lig. C45B. Reprinted by permission. 426: Fig. 26-50 from used by permission of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.
G.N. Wolcon, "The insects of Puerto Rico," joumal ofAgricultureof 449: Fig. 26-82 used courtesy of the Ohio Agricultural Research
the University of PuertoRico 32(2): 255-822. Used by permission of and Deve!opmentCenter. 451: Fig. 26-84 from RH. Amen,]r. The
the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto Rico. Beet/esof the United States(A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.107,
426: Fig. 26-52 from R.H. Amen, ir. The Beet/esof the United States The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by
(A Manual for Identilication), lig. 1.62, 1.64, The American permission. 461: Fig. 26-90b from E.L. Sleeper, "A synopsis of the
Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI. Used by permission. 427: genus Barinus Casey in North America (Coleoptera Curculionidae):
Fig. 26-53 from R.E. White, "The Anobiidae of Ohio (Coleoptera," Ohio joumal of Science56: 76-86, 1956, Fig. 1. Used by permission
Ohio Biological SurveyBulletin (new series) 1(4): 1-58,1962, lig. 3,8, of the Ohio Academy of Science. 463: Fig. 26-92 reprinted by
11, 13, 16,22. Used by permission of Ohio Biological Survey, Inc. permission of Roy W Rings. 464: Fig. 26-93 from R.H. Amen,Jr.
429: Fig. 26-55 fromJ.M. Knull, "The checkered beetles of Ohio The Beet/esof the United States(A Manual for Identilication),
(Coleopter: Cleridae)," Ohio Biological SurveyBulletin 42: 269-359, lig. 1.109, The American Entomological Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
1951, lig. 3, 5, 13,29,36,44,50,52. Used by permission of Ohio Used by permission. 464: Fig. 26-94 courtesy of the Oregon State
Biological Survey, Inc. 430: Fig. 26-56a from RH. Amen, ]r. Agricultural Experiment Station. 465: Fig. 26-95 from B.J. Kaston,
and M.e. Thomas,AmericanBeet/es,lig. 1.74. The American "The native e!m bark beetle Hylurgopinus rulipes in Connecticut,"
Credits 803
Bulletin of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station No. 420, lllinois Natural History Survey. 560: Fig. 29-3 From H.H. Ross,
1939, Fig. 1. "The caddis flies,or Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History
Survey Bulletin 24(1):1-326, 1944, figs. 4520, 333, 162,212,77,
Chapter 27.474: Fig. 27-5 from H.H. Ross, "How to collect and 629, 76. Used by permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey.
preserve insects," Illinois Natural History Circular 39, 1949, fig. 44, 561: Fig. 29-4 from H.H. Ross, "The caddis mes, or Trichopter, of
p. 44. Used by permission of lllinois Natural History Survey. lllinois," Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 24(1):1-326,1944,
475: Fig. 27-6 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects: An introduction figs. 80-90. Used by permission of the lllinois Natural History
to Nearctic species, 1948, Vo\. n, fig. N4C, N4E, N4F, N4B. Reprinted Survey. 562: Fig. 29-5 from H.H. Ross, "The caddis flies, or
by permission. 477: Fig. 27-9 from H.H. Ross, "How to collect Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin
and preserve insects," Illinois Natural History Circular 39, 1949, 24(1):1-326, 1944, figs. 59-64, 321, 214. Used by permission of the
fig. 42, p. 42, fig 43, p. 43. Used by permission of lllinois Natural lllinois Natural History Survey. 562: Fig. 29-6 from H.H. Ross, "The
History Survey. 478: Fig. 27-11 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of caddis tlies, or Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History Survey
Insects: An introduction to Nearctic species, 1948, Vo\. n, fig. N3E. Bulletin 24(1):1-326, 1944, figs. 69-75. Used by permission of
Reprinted by permission. the lllinois Natural History Survey. 564: Fig. 19-7a, b, c used
by permission of Dr. John Morse. 564: Fig. 29-7d-j D-J, from
Chapter 28. 490: Fig. 28-9 from H.H. Ross, "A generic classification D.E. Ruiter, "Generic key to the adult ocellate Limnephiloidea of
of the Nearctic sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta)," Illinois the Western Hemisphere (lnsecta: Trichoptera)," Misc. Contrib. Ohio
Biological Monographs15(2), p. 141. Used by permission. Biological Survey Bulletin No. 5, 2000. Used by permission of Ohio
523: Fig. 28-44a from D. De Leon, "The morphology of Coe\oides Biological Survey, lnc. 564: Fig. 29-71-m from H.H. Ross, "The
dendroctoni Cushman (Hymenoptera: Bradonidae),journal of the caddis flies,or Trichopter,of lllinois," IllinoisNatural History Survey
New YorkEntomologicalSociety42: 297-317, 1934, Pl. XIX. Used by Bulletin 24(1):1-326, 1944, figs. 208, 210. Used by permission of the
permission of the New York Entomological Society.523: Fig. 28-44b lllinois Natural History Survey. 567: Fig. 29-8 from H.H. Ross, "The
from H.L. Parker, "Notes on Meteorus (Zemiotes) nigricollis caddis flies,or Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History Survey
Thomson, an occasional parasite of the European corn borer," Bulletin 24(1):1-326, 1944, figs. 136,465,672,710,833,906,904,
Proceedingsof the EntomologicalSocietyof Washington33: 93-103, 762, 862. Used by permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey.
1931, Fig. 1. Used by permission of the Entomological Society of 567: Fig. 29-8 from H.H. Ross, "The caddis flies, or Trichopter,
Washington. 523: Fig. 28-He from BJ. Kaston, "The native e\m of lllinois," Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 24(1):1-326,
bark beetle Hylurgopinus rufipes in Connecticut," Bulletin of the 1944, figs. 136,465,672,710,833,906,904,762,862. Used by
ConnecticutAgricultural ExperimentStation No. 420, 1939, Fig.18. permission of the lllinois Natural History Survey. 568: Fig. 29-9
524: Fig. 28-45a from A.M. Vance, "Microgaster tibialis Nees as a From H.H. Ross, "The caddis flies, or Trichopter, of lllinois,"
hymenopterous parasite of Pyraustanubilalis Hubn. in Europe," Illinois Natural History SurveyBulletin 24(1):1-326,1944, figs.641,
Annals of the EntomologicalSocietyof America Vo\. 25, 1932, 588,393,420,602, 540,863. Used by permission of the lllinois
p. 121-135, Fig. 1. Used by permission. 527: Fig. 28-48a, e from Natural History Survey.
G.H. Griswold, "On the bionomics of a primary parasite and of two
hyperparasites of the geranium aphid," Annals of the Entomological Chapter 30. 573: Fig. 30-4 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects:
Societyof America Vo\. 22, 1929, p. 438-457, p\. 1 fig.4, p\. n An introduction to Nearctic species,1948, Vo\. 1,fig. 010F, 0100,
fig.4. Used by permission of the Entomological Society of America. 010A, 010e. Reprinted by permission. 597: Fig. 30-3-b from
527: Fig. 28-49a, b from B.B. Fulton, "Notes on Habrocytus ].H. Comstock, an Introduction to Entomology, Comstock Publishing
cerealellae, parasite of the Angoumois grain moth," Annals of the Company, 1933, fig. 771, p. 629. 599: Fig. 30-33 from].H.
EntomologicalSocietyof America Vo\. 26, 1933, p. 536-553, fig. 1, Comstock, an Introduction lo Entornology, Comstock Publishing
fig. 2. Used by permission. 527: Fig. 28-49c, d from G.H. Griswold, Company, 1933, fig. 755, 765, 759, 757, 754, 763 600: Fig. 30-34
"On the bionomics of a primary parasite and of two hyperparasites from].H. Comstock, an Introduction to Entornology, Comstock
of the geranium aphid," Annals of the Entomological Society of Publishing Company, 1933, fig. 762, p. 622, fig. 719, p. 593.
America Vo\. 22, 1929, p. 438-457, fig. 2, fig. 3. Used by permission. 612: Fig. 30-45b from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects:An
529: Fig. 28-52 from 1.]. Condit, "Caprifigs and Caprification," introduction to Nearctic species,1948,Vo\. 1,fig.L23B.Reprinted by
Bulletin of the California Agricultural Experiment Station 319: permission. 616: From WH. Lange,Jr., "Biology and systematics of
341-375,1920, fig. 5. 530: Fig. 28-53a from G.H. Griswold, "On the plume moths of the genus Platyptilia in California," Hilgardia 19:
bionomics of a primary parasite and of two hyperparasites of the 561-668, P\' 8, Fig. A and Fig. C, 1950. 632: Fig. 30-74 from Alvah
geranium aphid," Annals of the EntornologicalSocietyof America Peterson, Larvaeof Insects:An introductionto Nearctic species,1948,
Vo\. 22, 1929, p. 438-457, p\. III fig. 4. Used by permission. Vo\. 1, fig. L23A-E. Reprinted by permission.
536: Fig. 28-58 from D.W Clancy, "The insect parasites of the
Chrysopidae (Neuroptera)," University of California Publicationsin Chapter 31. 649: Fig. 31-1 used by permission of Roben E. Lewis.
Entomology7:403-496, 1946, fig. 2. Used by permission of the 650: Fig. 31-2 used by permission of Roben E. Lewis. 651: Fig. 31-3
Regents of the University of California Press. 542: Fig. 28-65 from used by permission of Robert E. Lewis. 653: Fig. 31-4 used by
R.H. Davidson and B.]. Landis, "Crabro davidsoni Sandh., a wasp permission of Roben E. Lewis. 654: Fig. 31-5 used by permission
predacious on adult leafhoppers," Annals of the Entomological Society of Roben E. Lewis. 655: Fig. 31-6 used by permission of Roben E.
of America Vo\. 31, 1938, p. 5-8, Fig. 1, Fig. 3. Used by permission. Lewis. 657: Fig. 31-7 used by permission of Roben E. Lewis.
548: Fig. 28-75b, c from R.W Burrell, "Notes on the habits of
cenain Australian Thynnidae," journal of the New York Entomological Chapter 32. 663:Fig.32-1from Alvah Peterson, LarvaeofInsects:
Society43:19-29, 1935, p\. IV.Used by permission. to Nearctic species, 1948, Vo\. n, fig.MlA. Reprinted
An introduction
by permission.
Chapter 29. 559: Fig. 29-1 from H.H. Ross, "The caddis flies, or
Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History SurveyBulletin Chapter 33. 670: Fig. 33-1d, e from H.L. Parker and H.D. Smith,
24(1):1-326,1944, figs. 541, 133, 188, 281. Used by permission of "Additional notes on the strepsipteron Eoxenos laboulbenei
the lllinois Natural History Survey. 559: Fig. 29-2 from H.H. Ross, Peyerimhoff," Annals of the Entornological Societyof America Vo\. 26,
"Thecaddis flies,or Trichopter,of lllinois," Illinois Natural History 1933, p. 217-233. Used by permission of the Entomological Society
SurveyBulletin 24(1):1-326, 1944, fig. 21. Used by permission of the of America.
804 Credits
Chapter 34.707: Fig. 34-28 from O.A.Johannsen, "Aquatie new species," Joumal of the New York Entomological Society 25:67-80,
Diptera, Part 1, Nemoeera, exc\usive of Chironomidae and 1917.727: Fig. 34-60 from Fig. 3, p. 113 in G.F. Knowlton,
Ceratopogonidae," Comell University Agricultural Experiment Station "Biological control of the beet leafhopper in Utah," Proceedingsof
Memoir 164, 1933, lig. 96. Used by permission. 708: Fig. 34-29 from the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 14:111-139, 1937.
WE. Dove, D.G. Hall andJ,B. Hull, "The salt marsh sand fiy 728: Fig. 34-61a, b from eL. Metcalf, "Preliminary repon on the
problem (Culicoides)," Annals of the Entomological Society of life-histories of two species of Syrphidae," The Ohio Naturalist
America Vol. 25, 1932, p. 505-527, pl. !l and pl. Ul, lig. 2. Used by 11(7):337-346,1911. 729: Fig. 34-62 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae
permission of the Entomological Society of America. 709: Fig. 34-30 of Insects: An introduction to Nearctic species, 1948, Vol. !l, lig.
from O.A. Johannsen, "Aquatie Diptera, Part 1, Nemocera, exc\usive D31F, D31G, D30D, D32F, D32A. Reprinted by permission.
of Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae," Comell University 730: Fig. 34-63 used eourtesy of the Ohio Agricultural Research and
Agricultural Experiment Station Memoir 164, 1933, lig. 132, lig. 152, Development Center. 731: Fig. 34-66 used by permission of the
lig. 166. Used by permission. 709: Fig. 34-31 from H.E. Branch, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. 738: Fig. 34-79 from G.N.
"The life history of Chironomus cristatus Fabr. With deseriptions of Wolcott, "The insects of Puerto Rico," Joumal of Agriculture of the
the species" Joumal of the New York Entomological Society 31:15-30, University of Puerto Rico 32(2): 255-822. Used by permission of
1923.710: Fig. 34-32 from O.A. Johannsen, "Aquatic diptera, Part IV the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Puerto
and Part Y," Comell University Agricultural Experiment Station Rico. 742: Fig. 34-85 from Alvah Peterson, Larvae of Insects: An
Memoir 210, 1937, lig. 134, lig. 135. 710: Fig. 34-33 From O.A. introduction to Nearctic species, 1948, Vol. !l, lig. D38A. Reprinted by
Johannsen, "Aquatic Diptera, Pan 1, Nemocera, exc\usive of pennission.
Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae," Comell University Agricultural
Experiment Station Memoir 164, 1933, lig. 173, lig. 187, lig. 188. Chapter 35. 750: Fig. 35-3 from D.M. DeLong and R.H. Davidson,
711: Fig. 34-35 from T.J, Headlee, The Mosquitoes of New Jersey and Methods of collecting and preserving insects, 1936, lig. 4. Used by
TheirControl,1945,p 20,42,93, 121.Usedby pennission of permission of Ohio State University Press. 750: Fig. 35-4 from
Rutgers University Press.715: Fig. 34-40f, g from O.A. Johannsen, D.M. DeLong and R.H. Davidson, Methods of collecting and preserving
"Aquatic Diptera, Part 1, Nemocera, exc\usive of Chironomidae insects, 1936, lig. 2. Used by pennission of Ohio State University
and Ceratopogonidae," Comell UniversityAgriculturalExperiment Press. 754: Fig. 35-7 from D.M. DeLongand R.H.Davidson, Metkods
Station Memoir 164, 1933, lig. 209, lig. 210. 718: Fig. 34-45 From of collecting and preservinginsects, 1936, lig. 6. Used by permission
B.B. Fulton, "A luminous fiy larva with spider traits (Diptera, of Ohio State University Press. 756: Fig. 35-10 from D.M. DeLong
Mycetophilidae)," Annalsof theEntomologicalSocietyof America and R.H. Davidson, Methodsof collecting and preserving insects,
Vol. 34, 1941, p. 289-302, pl. !l, lig. 4. Used by permission of the 1936, lig. 7. Used by pennission of Ohio State University Press.
Entomological Society of America. 721: Fig. 34-47b from H.H. Ross, 756: Fig. 35-8 from H.H. Ross, "How to collect and preserve
"The Rocky Mountain blaek fiy Symphoromyia atripes (Diptera: insects," IIlinois Natural History Circular 39, 1949, lig. 11, p. 22.
Rhagionidae)," Annals of the Entomological Society of America Used by permission of Illinois Natural History Survey. 756: Fig. 35-9
Vol. 33, 1940, p. 254-257, pl. 1, Fig. 1. Used by pennission. from H.H. Ross, "How to collect and preserve inseets," IlIinois
722: Fig. 34-49 from H.H. Sehwardt and D.G. Hall, "Preliminary Natural History Circular 39, 1949, lig. 12, p. 23. Used by permission
studies on Arkansas horse-fiies," ArkansasAgriculturalExperiment of Illinois Natural History Survey. 757: Fig. 35-11 from H.H. Ross,
Station Bulletin 256, 1930. Used by pennission the Arkansas "How to colleet and preserve insects," IIlinoisNatural History
Agricultural Experiment Station. 724: Fug. 34-53 from F.R. Cole, Circular 39, 1949, lig. 16, p. 27. Used by pennission of Illinois
"Notes on Osten Sacken's group; Poecilanthrax, with deseriptions of Natural History Survey.
Numbers in italics refer to pages bearing illustrations; numbers in boldface in-
dicate the most important page references. Common names of species and sub-
species are listed in the singular; those of more inclusive groups are listed as
plurals. Many items not in this index may be found in the glossary.
Acartophthalmidae, 674, 739 Acrolophus, 596, 605
aaroni, Neoneura, 205 Acartophthus nigrinus, 739 Acroneuria, 242, 245
Aaroniella, 348 Acentria, 603 Acrosternite, 8, 8
Abdomen, 5, 5, 7-9,8 Aceratogallia, 311, 314 Acrosticta, 696
digestive system in, 23-26 sanguino lenta, 312 Acrotergite, 8, 8
excretory system in, 26-27 Acerentomidae, 169, 170 Actenopsylla, 652
genitalia of, 8-9 Acetic acid, 339 Actenoptera, 700
metameres in, 7-8, 8 Achaearanea tepidariorum, 108 hilarella, 736
segmentation of, 8 Acheta domesticus, 224 Actias luna, 632, 634, 634
Abedus, 290 Achiilidae, 538 acutangulus, Thasus, 301
abietus, Adelges, 321,323 Achilidae, 270,280,283,316,317 Adalia sp., 365
abortivaria, Dyspteris, 628 Achostemata, 368, 401 Adecticous pupae, 49
Acaeliinae, 522 Acid Adela caeruleella, 604
Acalymma acetic, 339 Adelges, 282, 322
virratus, 448 hydrochloric, 578, 579 abietus, 321, 323
vittatum, 449 lactic, 761 cooleyi, 322
Acalypta lillianis, 294 uric,27 Adelgidae, 270,280, 282, 285, 321, 322
Acalyptrate muscoid flies, 674, 719, Acidogona melanura, 737 Adelidae, 600, 604
728, 729, 734-742 Acinopterus, 311 Adelina plana, 437
Acanalonia bivittata, 316 Aclerdidae, 270, 285, 326 Adelphocoris rapidus, 294,295
Acanaloniidae, 283, 316, 317 Acmaeodera Adephaga, 368,376, 401
Acanthametropodidae, 184, 187, 189 prorsa, 419 Aderidae, 369, 398, 440
Acanthocephala femorata, 302 pulchella, 418 Adiheterothripidae, 335, 337, 338
Acanthoceridae, 368 Acontiinae, 638 Adimeridae, 369
Acanthocerus aeneus, 411 Acorduleceridae, 482 adnixa, Rhaphidia, 469, 476, 476
Acanthoclisini, 478 Acorn moth, 609, 609 advena, Ahasverus, 431
Acanthococcus azalea, 326 Acortophthalmidae, 674, 700 Aedes, 712
Acanthodomatidae, 280 Acragidae, 574 Aedes, 712, 713
Acantholyda, 483, 484, 516 acrea, Estigmene, 641 aegypti, 711, 714
Acanthopterocetetes unifascia, 603 Acrididae, 212, 214, 215,216 solicitans, 711, 711
Acanthopteroctedidae, 573, 574, 580 key to subfamilies of, 215 taeniorhynchus, 711
Acanthopteroctoidea, 574, 575, 577 Acridinae, 210 Aedes stimulans, 711
Acanthoscelides obtectus, 447, 447 Acroceratidae, 673 Aegeriidae, 574
Acanthosomatidae, 270, 303 Acroceridae, 673, 686, 721 Aegialites, 440
Acari, 129 Acrolepiidae, 574, 597, 608 aegypti, Aedes, 711 714
Acariformes, 132 Acrolepiopsis incertellus, 608 aeneus, Acanthocerus, 411
Acaroidea, 134 Acrolophidae, 574, 596, 597, 605 aeneus, Malachius, 430
806 Index
Index 807
Index 809
Arenivaga, 265 Ash-gray leaf bugs, 270,298, 298 Atteva punctella, 607
Areolet, 523 ashinae, Blatella, 266 Atteva sp., 607
Argas persicus, 131 Asian long-horn beetle, 445 Attevidae, 574
Arge humeralis, 517 Asilidae, 673, 675, 687, 689, 723 Atyphloceras, 652
argeninus, Oecanthis, 211 Asilinae, 723 Atypidae, 111, 113, 120
argenteomaculatus, Sthenopis, 603 Asiloidea, 673 Auchenorrhyncha, 158, 268, 269,
Argia, 205 Asilus, 675 273,282
Argidae, 482, 489 asini, Haematopinus, 362 parasitoids of, 538
argiolus, Celastrina, 623 Asiopsocidae, 342,344, 349, audax, Phidippus, 124
Argiope, 125 350,353 Audiospectographs, 211
argyospilus, Archips, 615 Asopinae, 302, 303 Audiospectrographs
Argyreidae, 575 asparagi, Crioceris, 447, 448 of cicada calling songs, 305, 306
Argyresthia, 607 Asparagus, 447 Auditory attractants, 71
Argyresthiidae, 574 Asparagus beetle audiospectrograph examples, 71
Argyresthiinae, 602 spotted,447 Augochlora, 543
Arhyssus lateralis, 302 striped, 447, 448 Augochlorella, 543
Arilus cristatus, 296, 297 Aspen leafminer, 607 Augochloropsis, 543,544
Ariope aurantia, 106, 124 asperipuntella, Wockia, 615 Augoumois grain moth, 611
Arixenidae, 235 Asphondylia websteri, 718 augustatus, Cixius, 316
Arixenina, 235 Aspiceratinae, 534 Aulacaspis rosae, 328
armatus, Cysteodemus, 439 Aspirators, 749, 750 Aulacidae, 482, 496, 509,510, 522
Armored scales, 270, 327 tube type, 750 Aulacids, 522
false, 270 vial type, 750 Aulacigaster, 704
Armyworm, 638, 639 Assassin bugs, 271, 296, 297, 297 Aulacigasteridae, 674
adult,637 Associative learning, 64 Aulacigaster leucopeza, 740
Aroga websteri, 611 classical conditioning in, 64 Aulacigastridae, 674, 700, 702, 704, 740
Arolium, 11, 11 operant conditioning in, 64-65 Aulonothroscus, 422, 422
Arrhenodes, 452 Astatidae, 482 aurantia, Ariope, 106, 124
minutus, 453 Asteia, 698 aurantii, Aonidiella, 328
Artace, 631 Asteiidae, 674, 698, 702, 740 auratus, Chrysochus, 448
Artematopodidae, 368, 390, 421 asterius, Papilio, 621 aureofasiatus, Pseudochorutes, 173, 173
arthemis, Limenitis, 625 Asterolecaniidae, 270, 286, 326 auricrinella, Epimartyria, 603
Arthenidae, 270, 278, 300 Astigmata, 134 auricularia, Forficula, 234, 235, 237
Arthromacra, 373 Astiidae,674 Austrotinodes mexicanus, 564
Arthropelidae, 184, 189 Ataenius spretulus, 414 Automeris, 591, 632, 633
Arthropoda, 90, 155 atalanta, Vanessa, 625 Automeris io, 633, 633
appendages of, 101, 101 Atelocerata, 142 Autosomes, 39
characters of, 99 Atheas mimeticus, 294 Autostichidae, 574, 610
classification of, 100, 111 Athericidae, 673 autumnalis, Musca, 731, 732
herbivorous,81 Atherix, 688, 720 Axillary muscle, 15
phytophagous, 18 Atlanticus, 221 axyidris, Harmonia, 433
references on, 148 Atlides halesus, 623 Ax)'myia, 684
zoophageous, 81 atra, Orsodacne, 445 furcata, 715
Artiidae, 640 atripes, Dicosmoecus, 564 Axyrnyiidae, 673, 684
Asaphes lucens, 530 atripes, Symphoromyia, 721 Azalea, 326
Ascalapha odorata, 637, 638 Atropidae, 368 azalea, Acanthococcus, 326
Ascalaphiae, 478 atropurpureus, Eupelmus, 528 Azalea bark scale, 326
Ascalaphid,473 Attacidae, 575 Azinidae, 574
Ascalaphidae, 470, 474, 479 Attacus, 631
Ascaloptynx appendiculatus, 478 Attagenus
Asceloconchaspis milleri, 327 megatoma, 425,425 bachmanii, Libytheana, 624
Aschiza, 674, 719 scrophulariae, 425 Backswimmers, 270, 291, 291
Asciidae, 575 Attelabidae, 382, 452 Bacteriidae, 227, 228
Asellus communis, 141 Attelabus, 452 Bad-wing geometer moth, 628, 629
Asellus oniscus, 141 nigripes, 451, 452 Badwing moths, 628
Aseminae, 442, 443, 444 Attelbidae, 370, 451, 452 Baeioterigyna, 706
Asemum striatum, 443 Attellabinae, 452 Baeonotidae, 718
810 Index
false flower, 369, 399, 441 polypore fungus, 369, 400, 434 Behavior, 3
false longhorn, 369, 438 potato, 449, 449 causal system of, 65, 66
false skin, 369, 395, 433 powderpost, 426, 426 changes in, 65-66
false soldier, 369, 424 predaceous, 365, 428 composition and pattern of, 62-63
feather-winged, 408 predaceous diving, 368, 405, 406 control of, 66
flea, 449, 449, 450 predators of, 433, 540 feeding, 71, 74
flour, 537 primitive carrion, 408, 409 genetics of, 69-70
flower, 369, 413, 415, 416, 440 rain, 368, 379, 411 hill-topping, 476
fruitworm, 369, 432, 432 red cross, 369, 400, 441 life history strategies, 68-69
grain, 537 red milkweed, 445 mating, 68, 70, 71, 73, 73
green june, 549 references on, 466 migratory, 68
green june beetle, 416 reticulated, 368, 378, 401 modification of, 63-65
ground, 18, 368, 378,401, 402 rhinoceros, 413, 415 nesting, 67, 67-68, 74
hairy fungus, 369, 432, 434 root-eating, 369, 392, 430 release mechanisms in
handsome fungus, 369, 385, 433 round fungus, 384, 407, 408 innate, 65
Hercules, 415 rove, 368,383, 384,386,409,410 interlocking, 65
hermit flower, 415 sap, 18, 369,393,430,430 sequential, 65
hister, 368, 407, 407 saw-toothed grain, 431, 431 social, 74, 78, 79
irondad, 369, 394, 435 sawyer, 444 temporal structure of, 65-68
Jacobsons, 369,424 scarab, 368, 370, 412 Behavioral interactions
jugular-horned, 369, 437 scarabacid, 549 ant societies, 79
June, 535 scavenger, 368, 369, 386, 406, 434 comparison between termites and
june, 414, 414, 416 seed, 446, 447 eusocial hymenoptera, 76-77
key to families of, 377 shining flower, 369, 397, 431, 432 copulation, 72-73
ladybird, 365, 369,385,433, 433 ship timber, 369, 428 courtship, 71-72, 72
leaf, 369, 396, 445, 447, 448, 448 short -circuit, 426 honey bee society, 79-81,80
leaf-mining, 446, 450, 450 short-winged mold, 409, 410 mating, 70-71, 71, 73, 73-74
lined flat bark, 369, 396, 431 silken fungus, 369, 431 nesting and paren tal care, 74
lizard, 369, 397, 431 skiff, 368, 378, 401 paper wasp societies, 78, 78-79
long-horned leaf, 446, 447,447 skin, 368,369,370,387,388,389, social communication, 76
long-toed water, 420, 420 412,412,424 social systems, 74-76, 75
mammal nest, 384, 408 snout, 369, 370, 450, 454, 454, termite societies, 77, 77-78
marsh, 368, 384, 416, 417 455, 460, 461 Behavior modification, 64-65
metallic wood-boring, 368, 383, soft-bodied plant, 368, 384, Behninglidae, 184, 185, 186, 188, 190
390,417,418,519 416,417 Belastoma, 290
Mexican bean, 525 soft-winged flower, 392, 429, 430 Belastomatidae, 269, 271
minute bark, 369, 433 soldier, 369, 387, 424 belfragei, Cyrpoptus, 316
minute bog, 368, 378, 401 spider, 369, 388, 426, 427, 428 belfragei, Protenor, 301
minute brown scavenger, 369, spruce, 465 belfragei, Trogonidimimus, 225
386,434 ~a~368,379,411, 411 Belidae,370,382,451
minute fungus, 369, 385, 432,434 Texas,368,390,421 bella, Nannothemis, 203, 204
minute marsh-loving, 368, 420 tiger, 368, 378, 401 Belostomatidae, 269, 274, 275, 289, 290
minute moss, 368, 382, 408 tooth-necked fungus, 369, 424, 424 Belytidae, 482
minute tree fungus, 369, 434 tortoise, 446, 450, 450 Belytinae, 536
mud-loving, 368, 389, 420, 421 travertine, 368, 420 parasites of, 536
narrow-waisted bark, 369, 383, 394, trout-stream, 368, 405 Belytinae, 510
398,440 tumbling flower, 369, 434, 435 Bembix americanus spinolae, 542
net-winged, 369, 387, 422, 423 twig girdler, 445 Beraea, 569
palm, 369, 440 twig pruner, 441 gorteba, 561, 562
palmetto, 369, 392, 430 water, 420, 420 Beraedidae, 560,561,562, 565, 569
parasites of, 416, 526 water-penny, 368,375,390,391, Berlese funnel, 180,339,554, 750, 751
parasitic flat bark, 369, 397, 431 420,421 Berlese's fluid, 762
phytageonous, 365 wedge-shaped, 369, 398, 400, 435 Berosus, 366
pill, 368, 390, 417 whirlygig, 368, 370, 403, 404 Berothidae, 470, 477
pine, 465 wood-boring, 374, 464, 522, 537 Berries, 302, 415, 539
pinning, 756, 756 wounded-tree, 369, 424 Berry plants
pleasing fungus, 369, 431, 432, 3979 wrinkled bark, 368, 378, 401, 402 parasites of, 518
812 Index
Index 813
canadensis, Profenusa, 518 Carrion beetles, 383, 391, 408, 409 Cave spiders, 135
canadensis, Spathius, 523 Carrying boxes, 770, 771 Ceanothus, 603
canadensis, Tetranychus, 133 Carteretta, 652, 658 Cebrionidae, 369
candida, Saperda, 445 caryae, Curculio, 459 Cebrioninae, 422
canis, Ctenocephalides, 649, 659 caryae, Longistigma, 320,321 Cecidiomyiidae, 705
canis, Trichodectes, 362 caryae, Lophocampa, 641 Cecidomyia ocellaris, 717
canium, Dipylidium, 659 caryaecaulis, Phylloxera, 323, 323 Cecidomyidae, 673
Cankerworms Casarinaria ambigua, 525 Cecidomyiid, 717
fall, 628, 629 Casebearers, 609 Cecidomyiidae, 673, 682, 683, 685,
spring, 628 cigar, 609, 610 705, 707
Cannula pellucida, 217 pistol,609 parasites of, 537
canosaria, Nepytia, 628 Case-bearing leaf beetles, 446, 448 Cecidomyiids, 527
Cantharidae, 369, 384, 387, 424 casei, Piophila, 736 parasite of, 527
Canthon, 413 Case maker moths, 604 Cecidomyiinae, 718
Canthyloscelididae, 673, 682, 716 Case-making clothes moths, 605 Ceciomyiidae, 716
Canthylsoelididae, 673 Case-making insects cecropia, Hyalophora, 632, 633, 634
Capitalization, 57 caging of, 773 Cecropia moth, 632
capitata, Ceratitis, 738 Case-making moths, 608 Celastrina argiolus, 623
Capitate antenna, 370 caseyi, Enneboeus, 434 Celery, 608
Capitate antennae, 19 Casinaria texana, 526 Celicerae, 111
capitatus, Cupes, 401 Cassida pallidula, 450 Celithemis, 204,204
Capnochroa fuliginosa, 436 cassidea, Chelymorpha, 450, 450 elisa, 204
Caponiidae, 111, 115, 116,122 castaneus, Eupsophulus, 366 Cellar spiders, 112, 115, 116, 123
Caprifig, 532 Castes Cells
caprolus, Pseudolucanus, 411 ant, 79,552 closed,676
Captotermes, 254 self-sacrificing sterile, 75-76 discal, 13, 575
formosanus, 256 termite, 77 marginal, 486
cara, Catocala cara, 637 Castor, 408 retinal, 33, 34
cara, Protoneura, 205 Cat semper, 33
Carabidae, 366, 368, 372, 378,401 fleas of, 649 submarginal, 486
Carboniferous period, 154, 155 Catallagia, 652 triangle, 13
Carbon tetrachloride, 749 Catapleurite, 10 tricogen, 31
Carcinides, 141 Catepimeron, 10 trophocyte, 35, 36
Carcinophoridae, 236 Catepistemum, 10 wing membrane, 12-13
cardinalis, Rodolia, 434, 741 Caterpillars, 521, 741 cellularis, Sphacophilus, 517
Cardiochilinae, 522 alfalfa, 530 celtidismamma, Pachypsylla, 318
Cardo, 19,20 butterfly, 86 Cenocoeliinae, 522
cardui, Vanessa, 625 eastem tent, 630, 630 Cenozoic era, 154
Carneocepahala inchworm, 628 Centipedes, 145, 146
Carneocephala, 311, 315 lepidopteran, 571 soil, 136, 147
Camidae, 674, 704, 705, 706, 741 parasites of, 526, 527, 533 stone, 136, 147
Camoidea, 674 pink scavenger, 610 Central pattern generator, 62
Camoy fluid, 191 rearing of, 773 Centrodora speciosissima, 527
Carnus, 706 redhumped, 636 Centrotinae, 307
hemapterus, 741 saddleback, 526, 612 Centrutoides, 104
carolina,Araphe, 300,301 salt-marsh, 641 Cephalacia, 516
carolina, Dissosteira, 217 slug, 612 Cephaloidae, 369
carolina, Stietia, 540 tent, 630, 630, 631 cephalom, Thinodytes, 530
carolinensis, Narvesus, 297 wooly-bear, 641 Cephenemyia, 732, 733
Carpenter, F.M., 470 Catocala Cephidae, 482,489, 489, 490, 518
Carpenter bees, 482, 545, 545, 545, 545 cara, 637 Cephoidea, 482
carpenteri, Dendrocerus, 520 ultronia, 638 Cephronidae, 482, 497, 499
Carpet beetles, 425 Catocalinae, 637 Cephus, 489
Carpophilus lugubris, 430, 430 Catonia impunctata, 316 cinctus, 518,519
Carposina fernaldana, 616 Catopidae, 368 pygmaeus, 518
Carposinidae, 575, 600, 616 Cautethia grotei, 635 Cerambycidae, 375,381,392,441,
carribeanus, Diradius, 248 Cave crickets, 219 442,443
816 Index
Cerambycinae, 369, 442, 443, Chaetopsylla, 648, 652, 659 Chelonariidae, 368, 389, 421
444, 445 lotoris, 653 Chelonarium lecontei, 421
Cerapaehyinae, 553 Chaetosemata, 571 Cheloninae, 522, 524
Ceraphronidae, 482, 520 Chaetotaxy, 677, 679 Chelonus texanus, 524
Ceraphronids, 520 Chafers, 414, 414 Chelopistes meleagridis, 359
Ceraphronoidea, 482, 510 Chagas disease, 297 Chelymorpha cassidea, 450, 450
Ceratinidae, 482 Chaining behavior, 65 Chemical defense, 4
Ceratitis capitata, 738 Chalastogastra, 481 Chemical drying, 760
Ceratoeampidae, 575 Chalcedetinae, 533 Chemical senses, 31, 31
Ceratoeampinae, 632 Chalcidae, 482, 507 Chemical signals
Ceratocanthidae, 368, 379, 411 Chalcididae, 482, 502, 502, 503, 530, in sexual attraction, 71
Ceratocombidae, 269, 289 532,533 in social eommunication, 76
Ceratomcampinae, 591 Chalcidoid, 485, 516, 526 Chemoreceptors, 31
Ceratophyllidae, 651, 653, 654, 658 Chalcidoidea, 483, 483, 502, 503, 506, cheopis, Xenopsylla, 657, 659
Ceratophyllinae, 652, 653, 658 507, 520, 526,527, 528, 529, Cherries, 631
Ceratophyllus, 652 530 Cherry sawfly, 518
gallinae, 653 Chalcidoids, 154,532, 537 Cherry trees, 625
Ceratophyllus species, 658 seed, 533 Chersodromia, 706
Ceratopogonidae, 673, 685, 708, 708 Chalcids Chewing mouthparts, 20
Cercaclea tarsipunctata, 561 apple seed, 529 Chickweed geometer moth, 628, 629
Cercerini, 540 clover seed, 527, 529 Chiggers, 133, 134
Cerceris clypeata, 542 seed, 482 Chilacis typhae, 300
cercerisella, Fascista, 609 Chalcinoids, 527 Chilocorus, 375
Cercocarpus, 608, 629 Chalcophora fortis, 418 Chilopoda, 145, 146
Cercopidae, 270, 284,309, 309 Chaldioidea, 482, 485, 485, 486 key to orders of, 146
Cercus, 9 Chalmisinae, 446, 448 references on, 148
Cercyonis, 581 Chalybion, 540 Chimbachinae, 609
pegala, 626 califomicum, 540 Chinch bugs, 299, 300
cerealella, Sitotroga, 611 Chamaemyia, 697, 698 Chincilla lice, 357, 361
cerealellae, Pteromalus, 532 Chamaemyiidae, 674, 697, 698, 702, Chinese wax seale, 327
Cereals, 539, 617 738 Chionaspis, furfura, 328
cerealum, Limothrips, 339 Chamaemylidae, 703 Chionaspis, pinifoliae, 328
Cerebrum, 30, 30 champlaini, Agrilus, 417 chiridota, Lacosoma, 630
cerifus, Ceroplastes, 327 Chaoboridae, 673, 686 Chiromyzidae, 673
Cermanbycidae Chaoborus, 709, 709 Chironomidae, 683, 685, 705, 709, 709
long-horned beetles, 369, 441 Chaoborus, flavicus, 709 Chironomus
Cerococcidae, 270, 286, 326 Charaxinae, 625 plumosus, 709
Cerococcus kalmiae, 326 Charidotella sexpunctata bicolor, 450 tentans, 71 O
Cerodontha dorsalis, 736 Charipidae, 482 Chitin, 6, 7
Cerophytidae, 368, 394, 421 Charipinae, 534 Chlidanotinae, 615
Cerophytum, 421 charitonius, Heliconius, 624 Chloealtis conspersa, 218
Ceroplastes, 327 Chauliodes, 475, 476 Chloral hydrate, 761, 762
cerifus, 327 Chauliognathus pennsylvanícus, 424 Chlorion aerarium, 541
Certopogonidae, 673, 682, 683, 685 Cheekered beetles, 428, 429, 3369 chloromera, Tiben, 305
Cervix Checkered skipper, 619 Chloroperla, 244
ofhead, 15, 16 Checkerspot butterflies, 624 Chloroperlidae, 244, 244, 245
cervula, Ischnura, 206 Cheimophila salicella, 609 Chloropidae, 674, 698, 703, 703, 706,
Cerylon, 433 Cheiracanthium, 127 741
castaneum, 433 inclusum, 106 Chlorotettix, 311, 315
Cerylonidae, 369, 386, 394, 433 meldei, 110 Chlosyne, 624
Cetoniinae, 413, 415, 416 mildei, 106 Choragidae, 370
Cetophthalmidae, 654 Cheleutoptera, 153 Chordotonal organs, 32
Ceuthophilus, 219 Chelicerata, 100, 101 Choreumida, 143, 144, 145
maculatus, 219 collecting and preserving, 136 Choreutes pariana, 615
Ceutorhynchinae, 458, 462 references on, 136 Choreutidae, 574, 600, 615
Ceutorhynchus, 462 Chelisoches morio, 237 Choreutoidea, 574
rapae,462 _. "
Chellisochidae, 237 Chorion (eggshell), 36, 41, 42
.>J .!~!:- ~f1~~'~~ ..<, ~ . ", p .~).. ?~{
Index 817
818 Index
Clusiidae, 674, 697, 700, 740 Coeliodes dendroctoni, 523 Plecoptera, 245
Clusiids, 740 Coelioxys, 492, 544 Psocoptera, 354
Clusiodidae, 674 Coelopa frigida, 739 references on, 778
clymene, Neoperla, 245 Coelopidae, 674,738, 738 regulations and permissions for, 746
clypealis, Leptoglossus, 302 Coelops sp., 738 Thysanoptera, 339
clypeata, Cerceris, 542 Coenagrionidae, 194, 197, 199, Zoraptera, 250
Clypeus, 15, 16 205,206 Zygotera, 207
Clythiidae, 674 Coenomyia, 688, 719 Collecting and preserving apterygote
Clytrinae, 446, 448 ferruginea, 719 insects
Clytus marginicollis, 444 Coenus delius, 304 Chelicerates, 136
Cnemotettix, 219 coffeae, Saissetia, 326 Crustacea, 136
Coarctate larva, 438 Coidae, 369, 575 Diptera, 742
Coarctate pupa e, 49 Coleophora, 599, 609 Hemiptera, 328
cobaltinus, Chrysochus, 448 malivorella, 609 Lepidoptera, 642
Coboldia, 705 serratella, 609, 610 Myriapods, 148
Cobubatha, 638 Coleophoridae, 574, 597,597, 599, Neuroptera, 479
Cobweb spiders, 112, 113, 117, 601,602,609,609,609,609 Thysanura, 188
124, 125 Coleophorinae, 609 Trichoptera, 569
Coccidae, 270, 285,286, 326 Coleoptera, 153, 154, 156, 157, 161, Collecting and preserving of
coccidivora, Laetilia, 617 163,164,165,166,167,365, Coleoptera, 466
Coccids, 324 519,522,524,526,528,669 Collecting bag, 753
ensign, 325, 325 characters used in identification Collecting equipment, 746
gall-like, 326 of,370 aquatic, 753
giant, 324 characters used in identifying, 370 Collecting insects, 745
coccinea, Graphocephala, 315 classification of, 367 Collembola, 152, 153, 155,156,162,
Coccinellidae, 369,376, 385,433,433 collecting and preserving, 466 169,170
Coceo idea, 270, 324 collecting and preserving of, 466 antennae in, 19
Coccoloba diversifolia, 327 key to families of, 377 collecting and preseerving, 175
Coccus hesperidium, 326 parasites of, 522,530, 532, 533, key to families of, 171
Cochineal insects, 270, 326 536,537,540 references on, 176
Cochiolyia hominovorax, 730, 731 references on, 466 Colletes, 492
Cochliidae, 574 sound production in, 366 Colletidae, 482, 487, 491,492,494,
Cochylidae, 574 wood-boring, 524 543
Cochylini, 615 coleoptrata, Scutigera, 146 Colletinae,492,543
cocherelli, Paratrioza, 317, 318 Coleotechnites, 611 Collophore, 171
Cockroaches, 153, 154, 156, 211,263, Coliadinae, 621 Colobognatha, 143, 145
521, 753 Colias, 582 Colopha, 282
American, 263, 265 eurytheme, 622 Colopha ulmicola, 321
brown-hooded, 266 philodice, 622 Color, 2
classification of, 263 colichopeza, Nyphomyia, 715 distinguishing of, 34
collecting and preserving, 267 Colladonus, 311, 315 Coloradia pandora, 633
German, 263, 266 Collecting and preserving apterogote Colorado po tato beetle, 449, 449
giant, 263, 266 insects Colorado tick fever, 131
key to families of, 264 Blattodea, 267 columba, Tremex, 518
Madeira, 266 Collembola, 175 columbianum, Propsilloma, 536
oriental, 263, 265 Dermaptera, 237 Colydiidae, 369, 433, 435
rearing of, 772 Diplura, 175 Commensalism, 81
references on, 267 Embiidina, 249 Commensals (inquillines)
sand, 263, 265 Entognatha, 175 categories of, 86
Suroma, 266 Ephemeroptera, 191 hosts for, 86
Cockscomb gall, 321 Grylloblattodea, 228 Common mosquitoes, 710, 711
Cocoon, 538, 573 Grylloblattodea249 Common sawflies, 482, 517, 518
Cocytius antaeus, 635 Mantodea, 261 Common scorpionflies, 662, 665, 666
Codulegastridae, 197,200,203 Odonata, 206 Common snipe flies, 721
Codyluridae, 674 Orthoptera, 225 Common snipe fly, 721
coeca, Braula, 740 Phasmatodea, 228 Common stoneflies, 241, 242,244,245
Coelidiinae, 311, 312, 313, 315 Phthiraptera, 363 Common walkingsticks, 227, 228
Index 819
Common whitetail skimmers, 204 constricta, Aeshna, 203 Corydalidae, 469, 470, 471, 475
Communication Contact stimulation Corydalus, 475, 475
ant, 553 in communication, 76 comutus,475
chemical, 71, 76 eonveJgens, Hippodamia, 433 Corylophidae, 369, 385, 394, 395,
honey bee, 547 convexus, Cylisticus, 141 432, 434
in honey bee colony, 80 cookii, Suioestrus, 733 Corynetidae, 369, 428
social, 76 cooley, Adelges, 322 Corythuea ciliata, 294, 294
communis, Asellus, 141 Cootie, 362 Cosmopterigidae, 574, 601, 602, 610
communis, Pyrgus, 619 Copepoda, 139 Cosmopterix, 610
Community associations. See Biotic Copiidae, 357, 360,361 Cosmopterygidae,574
community associations eopiosus, Dactyloehelifer, 135 Cossidae, 574,586, 587
animal, 86-93 Copiphorinae, 212, 219, 220,221 Cossoidea, 574
microbial,81-83 Copophrorinae, 212, 220, 221 Cossonidae, 370
plant, 83-86 Copper butterflies, 622 Cossoninae, 457, 458, 462
Competition, 65 Copris, 413 Costae, 7
Complete metamorphosis, 46-48, 47, Copromophoidea, 616 Costal breaks, 677
48 Copromorphidae, 575, 588, 600 eostalis, Hypsopygia, 617
Compound eyes, 662 Copromorphoidea, 575 Costa vein, 12
Lepidoptera, 571 Copromyza, 701 costrirostris obliquus, Listroderes, 462
comptana, Aneylis, 615 Coptodisea splendoriferella, 604 Cotalpa,415
Comstock,].H., 12, 13, 13, 14,470,575 Coptotomus, 406 lanigera,415
Comstock-Needham, 678 nterrogatus, 406 Cotinis, 415, 416
Comstock-Needham system of venation Copulation, 72-73 nítida, 416
terminology, 12, 13, 14 Corbiculae, 532 Cotton, 539
Comstock-Needham wing Cordulegaster obliquus, 203 Cotton stainers, 270, 300, 301
nomenclature, 198, 198 Cordulegastridae, 203, 203, 203, Cottony maple scale, 326
coneavus, Lixis, 463 203,203 Coulee cricket, 221
Conchaspididae, 270,327 Corduliidae, 198,201,202,204 Courtship behaviors, 71-72, 72, 73
Conehaspis angraeci, 327 Corduliinae, 197,203,203 fighting in, 72
Conchostrata, 137, 138 Coreidae, 278, 301,302 rituals and feeding in, 71-72
concinna, Sehizura, 636 Corethrellidae, 673, 686, 709 spider, 109
concinna, Suragina, 720 Corethrelliidae, 673 Courtship sound, 366
concisa, Entylia, 308 Corethridae, 673 Cow dung, 414
Coneonse bugs Corinnidae, 112, 120, 128 Coxa, 11, 11
bloodsucking, 297 Corinthiscus leueophaeus, 429 Coxo-trochanteral joint, 12
confus, Ampulicomorpha, 538 Corioxenidae, 670, 671, 671 Coydidae, 394
confusum, Tribolium, 437 Corixia,274 coypus, Pitrufquenia, 361
Conifer bark beetles, 369, 440 Corixidae, 270,274, 290, 290 Crab louse, 357,360, 361,363
Conikrs, 517, 539,611 Corixoidea, 270 Crabronidae, 482
Conifer sawflies, 482, 491, 517 Corn, 299,415,611, 639 Crabroninae, 540
Coniopterygidae, 469, 470, 476 Corn borer, 523 Crabs, 136, 140, 140
Coniopteryx, 473 European, 523, 524, 618, 628 green, 141
Conioscinella, 706 parasite of, 524 Crab spiders, 110, 124
Conocephalinae, 212, 220, 221, 222 southwestern, 524 Crambidae, 575, 585, 603, 609
Conoeephalus fasciatus, 222 western, 524 Crambinae, 585
Conoderinae, 457, 462 Cornea, 33, 34 Crambus, 585, 617
Cononotidae, 369 Corneagenous cells, 33, 34 Cramcinae, 617
Conopidae, 674, 691, 691, 695, 696, Corn earworm, 638 Cramptonomyia speneeri, 718
735 adult of, 637 Cramptonomyiidae, 673
Conopoidea, 674 larva of, 639 Crane flies, 673, 681, 701, 707
Conorhinopsylla, 652 Corn !lea beetle, 450 phantom, 673, 708
Conotelus, 410 comutus, Bolitotherus, 436,437 primitive, 673, 708
obseurus, 430 eomutus, Corydalus, 475 winter, 673, 707
conotraeheli, Tersiloehus, 525, 526 corona, Theliopsyehe, 562 Craponius inaequalis, 462
Conotraehelus, 375, 453, 463 Corpora allata, 37 crassicomis, Agarodes, 561, 562
nenuphar, 463, 463 Corrodentia, 154 erawfordi, Somatothrips, 336
conspersa, Chloealtis, 218 Corrodopsylla, 652 Crawling-water beetle, 368, 405, 405
820 Index
Crayfish, 136, 137, 140 Crustaceans, 101, 136, 137, 138, 139, Cuerna, 311, 315
Creatina, 545 140, 141, 155 Cuitheroniidae, 575
Creeping water bugs, 270, 291, 291 cruxrufa, Porypria, 441 Culex, 710, 712, 713, 714
Cremastobombycia, 602 Cryotococcidae, 285 restuans, 711
Cremastocheilus, 415, 416 Cryptocephalidae, 369 Culex pipiens, 711
Cremifania, 702 Cryptocephalinae, 446, 448 Culicidae, 673, 683, 685, 710
crenata, Stenelmis, 420 Cryptocercidae, 263 Culicoidae,673
Creophilus maxillosus, 410 Cryptocerus, 265 Culicoides, 709
Creosote bush, 476 punctulatus, 265 Culicomorpha, 673
crepuscularis, neureclipsis, 564 Cryptochetidae, 674, 702, 741 culta, Paracantha, 737
Crescent butterflies, 624 Cryptochetum iceryae, 741 cunea, Hyphantria, 641
cresphontes, Papilio, 620, 621 Cryptococcidae, 270, 326 cuniculi, Spilopsyllus, 659
Cretaceous period, 154, 155 Cryptococcus, 326 Cupedidae, 368, 378, 401
Cribellum, 109, 110, 113 Cryptolestes, 431 Cupes capitatus, 401
Crickets, 20, 153,209, 212 cryptomeriae, Ectopsocopsis, 354 Cupesidae, 368
anomalous, 212 Cryptonephridia Cupidae, 368
ant-Ioving, 212, 225 Malphigian tubules in, 27 Cupidinidae, 575
bush, 212, 224 Cryptophagidae, 369, 431 Curcubits, 539
camel, 212, 219 Cryptopidae, 147 Curculio
cave, 212,219,219,219 Cryptorhynchinae, 457, 462 caryae, 459
field,21~ 211,211, 224,224 Cryptostematida, 275 nasicus, 459
ground,212,224,224 Cryptostemma, 289 occidentis, 459
house, 224,224 Cryptotermes,254 Curculionidae, 367, 370,372,375,381,
house and field, 212 brevis, 256 453,540
hump-winged, 212, 222 Crysididae, 482 key to subfamilies of, 455
Jerusalem, 212,219 Crysidoidea, 482, 485 Curculioninae, 458, 459, 460, 461
mole, 212, 225,225 Ctenicera noxia, 422 Curculionoidea, 369, 450, 455
pygmy mole, 212 Ctenidae, 112, 119, 127 Curculio sp., 454
sand, 212, 219 Ctenizidae, 111, lB, 120, 122 Curculliidae, 575
scaly, 212, 225 Ctenocephalides felis, 649, 657, 659 Curicta, 289
short-tailed, 212 Ctenopelmatinae, 526 Currants, 518
silk-spinning, 219 Ctenophthalamus pseudogrytes, 655 Currant-worm, 518
snowy tree, 222 Ctenophthalamus pseudogyrtes, 658 Cursorial insects, 263
sound production in, 209, 210, 211 Ctenophthalmidae, 652, 655, 658 curtipennis, Isohydnocera, 429
stone, 212,219 Ctenophthalminae, 652, 655, 655, Curtonotidae, 675, 696, 700,704,741
tree, 211, 211, 212,223,224 656,658 Curtonotum, 696
Criocerinae, 446, 447, 448 Ctenophthalmus, 652 helvum, 741
C rioceris, 447 Ctenophyllus, 652 custator, Thyanta, 304
asparagi, 447, 448 Ctenucha virginica, 642 Cuterebra, 693, 732
duodecimpunctata, 447, 448 Ctenuchidae, 575 Cuterebridae, 674
crispata, Lagoa, 611 Ctenuchinae, 592, 594 Cuticle, 6, 6, 44
cristatus, Arilus, 296, 297 Cuban laurel thrips, 339 Cutworm, yellowheaded, 637
Critical-point drying, 760 Cubitus vein, 12 Cyanide, 748, 749
crocata, Dysdera, 121, 122 Cucjidae, 369, 393, 431, 431 Cybaeidae, 112, lIS, 118, 126
Crocus geometer, 629 Cucjoidea, 369 Cybipinae, 533
Crosophilidae, 674, 70S, 706 Cuckoo bees, 482, 539, 545, 545,545, Cyclocosmia, 122
Cross-hatching principie, in 545, 546 Cyclominae, 459, 462
drawing, 775 Cuckoo wasps, 482, 485, 533, 537 Cycloplasis, 603
Crossocerus annulipes, 542 Cuclotogaster heterographus, 362 Cycloplasis panicifoliella, 608
Cross-pollination, 539 Cucujiformia, 369 Cyclorrhapha, 673, 674, 719
C rovettia theliae, 538 Cucujus clavipes, 431, 431 Cydia
Cruciferous plants, 303, 608 Cuculionoidea, 369 deshaisiana, 615
Cruisers, 197, 198,201, 202, 202, 203, Cucumber beetles pomonella, 613, 614
204 spotted, 448 Cydnidae, 270, 279,279, 302,303
Crustacea striped, 448, 449 Cydosia nobilitella, 638
collecting and preserving, 136 Cucumbers, 449 Cyladidae, 370
references on, 151 cucumeris, Epitrix, 449, 449 Cyladinae, 452
Index 821
Distina undata, 442 Dorycephalus platyrhynchus, 312 duodecimpunctata, C rioceris, 447, 448
distinctus, Dolophilodes, 560 Doryctinae, 522 Dusky sap beetle, 430
Ditomyiidae, 673 Dorylaidae, 674 Dust bugs, 297
Ditrysia, 573, 574 Douglas fir, 518 Dusty-wings, 469, 476
di vergens, Mycetobia, 715 Douglas fir beetle, 464, 465 Dutch elm disease, 465
diversifolia, Coccoloba, 327 Douglasiidae, 574,601,606 Dyar's rule, 45
diversiungis, Holojapyx, 175 Dracaena spp., 605 Dynastes
Dixa, 683 Draeculacephala, 311,315 gran ti, 415
aliciae, 709 mollipes,31O tityus, 415, 415
Dixidae, 673, 683, 685, 714 Dragonflies, 18, 153, 155, 156, 160, 193 Dynastinae, 415
Dixids,714 classification of, 197 Dysaphis plantaginea, 320
Doa ampla, 635 pinning, 756 Dysdera crocata, 121, 122
Dobsonflies, 154,469,475,475,475, pond species, 197, 205 Dysdercus suturellus, 300,301
475,476 venation of, 197 Dysderidae, 111, 116, 121, 122
Dock, 623 vernacular names for, 198 Dysentery, 730
Doeringiella, 495, 545 Drawing insects, 775 Dyseriocranis auricyanea, 603
Doeringiella lunata, 545 mechanical aids for, 775, 776 Dysmicohermes, 475
Dog for publication, 776 Dysodia ocultana, 617
fleas of, 659 Drepana, 593 Dyspteris abortivaria, 628
tapeworm of, 659 Drepana arcuata, 627, 627 Dysticidae, 368, 378, 405
Dog-day cicadas, 305, 306 Drepanidae, 575, 590, 591, 592, 593, Dysticus verticalis, 406
Dog lice, 357, 360, 361 593, 627 Dystiscidae, 368, 406
Dog tick, 131 Drepanoidea, 575
Dogwood twig borer, 441 Dromogomphus spoliatus, 203
Doidae, 593, 635 Drones Eacles imperialis, 632, 633
Dolerus, 489 honey bee, 80, 81 Earth-boring dung beetles, 368, 379,
Dolichoderinae, 554 Drosophila, 706 412,412
Dolichopodidae, 674, 690, 692, 692, Drosophila sp., 742 Earthen tubes, 254
706, 726, 727 Drosophilidae, 675, 741 Earwigflies, 666
Dolichopsyllus, 652 Drosophilid fly, 679 Earwigs, 153, 155, 156, 157,211,234
Dolichopus, 692 Drugstore beetle, 427, 427 black, 236, 237
Dolichovespula maculata, 550,551 Drumming, 239 European, 234, 235,237
dolobrata, Leptoptema, 294,295 Drumming katydid, 212, 222 little, 236, 237
Dolomedes, 127 drummondi, Melanophila, 419 pinning, 756
Dolophilodes distinctus, 560 dryas, Lestes, 194 spine-tailed, 235,237
Dolophilus shawnee, 562 Dry-fungus beetles, 369, 393, 429 striped, 236, 237
domestica, Musca, 731 Drying chamber, 760 Earworm
domestica, Thermobia, 179, 180 Drying methods corn,638
Domestic pets chemical,760 Eburia quadrigeminata, 444, 445
. fleas of, 659 dehydration, 760 Ecdyses, 44
domesticus, Acheta, 224 Drying specimens stage between, 45, 45f
domina, Palaemnema, 205 time, 758 Ecdysone, 35,35, 44,48
dominica, Rhizopertha, 426 Dryinid, 509 Echidnophaga, 652
Donaciinae, 446, 447, 447 Dryinidae, 482, 508, 515, 538 Echidnophaga gallinacea, 659
Doodlebugs, 478 Dryinids, 538 Echinophthiriidae, 357, 361, 362
Doratopsylla, 652 parasites of, 536 Echmepteryx, 343, 345
Doratopsylla blarinae, 655 drymo, Perlinella, 245 Eciton, 553
Doratopsyllinae, 652, 655, 656, 658 Dryocampa ribicunda, 633 Ecitoninae, 553
Dorilaidae,674 Dryomyzidae, 674, 696, 701, 739 Eclosian, 44
dorsale, Rygchium, 550 Dryophthorinae, 455, 459 Ecnomidae, 560, 564,565,566
dorsalis, Cerodontha, 736 Dryopidae, 389, 420, 420 Ectoderm, 42
dorsalis, Odontota, 450, 450 Drywood termites, 256 Ectoedemia, 604
dorsalis, Stemocranus, 316 dubia, Scolia, 549 Ectognatha, 152, 153
Dorsallongitudinal muscles, 10, 10, Dung beetles, 157, 413 Ectoparasites, 522
14, 15 Dung flies, 674, 733 Ectopsocidae, 342, 342,343,347,350,
dorsata, Pteronarcys, 245 parasites of, 532 351,354
Dorycephalinae, 311, 312, 313, 314 small,741 Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae, 354
824 Index
826 Index
subfamilies of, 653, 654, 655 predaceous, 720 Flowerpot cage, 770, 771
water, 138 predators of, 540 Flowers, 302, 533, 538, 539
Flesh flies, 674, 733 references on, 743 Flutter flies, 674, 736
Flesh fly, 731 robber, 676, 723, 723 Flying squirrel, fleas of, 658
Flexible learning, 64 mst, 674, 735 Follicle, 36
Flexor muscle, 12, 12, 23 sand, 673, 708 folsomi, Campodea, 175
Flicker-fusion frequency, 34 screwworm, 731 Food,3
Flies, 154,477,674 seaweed, 674,738, 738 Food chain, 81
acalyptrate muscoid, 674, 734-742 shore, 675, 742, 742 insect role in, 96-97
aphid, 674, 738 short-horned, 673 Foods, stored, 425
bat, 674, 731 skipper, 674, 736 Food web, 81, 82, 94
beach, 674, 740 small fmit, 675 insect role in, 96, 96-97
bee, 673, 724 small-headed, 673, 721, 723 Footmen moths, 640
big-headed, 674, 727, 727 snipe, 18, 673, 720, 721 Foot-spinners, 247
black, 673, 714, 714, 715 soldier, 673, 719, 720 Foramen magnum, 15, 16
black scavenger, 674, 739 spear-winged, 674, 727 Forbes, WT.M., 579
blood-sucking, 707, 708 stable, 732 Forceps, 180
blow, 674, 679,695, 729, 730 stalk-eyed, 674, 735 Foregut, 23,42
bot, 674, 732, 733 stiletto, 674, 725 differentiation of, 24, 24
cactus, 674, 735 stilt-Iegged, 674, 734 embryonic development of, 43
calyptrate muscoid, 674, 728, syrphid, 526, 534, 674 Foreschner, R.e., 269
729-734 tachinid,525, 734, 734, 745 Forester moths, 638
circular-seamed, 674, 719 tangle-veined, 673, 722 Forficula aurieularia, 234, 237
crane, 681, 701, 707, 708 thick-headed, 674, 735, 736 Forficulidae, 237
dance, 158, 674, 725, 726 tme, 156 Forficulina, 235
deer, 673 tsetse, 674 Forktail damselfly, 206
drosophilid, 679 vinegar, 675 Formica, 554
dung, 532, 674, 741 warble, 674, 732, 733 exseetoides, 554
flat-footed, 674, 728 window, 674,725,725 sanguinea, 554
flesh,674, 731, 733 winter crane, 673 formiearius elegantulus, Cylas, 453, 453
flower, 674, 728 Fligh t Formicidae, 483, 491, 552
flower-Ioving, 673, 722 muscle temperature for, 30 Formicinae, 554
flutter, 674, 736, 736 wings in, 14 formosalis, Nigetia, 637
fmit, 674,737, 737, 738 jJoecosa, Psylla, 317 formosanus, Captotermes, 256
goldenrod gall, 738 jJorieola, Chrysobothris, 418 fortis, Chalcophora, 418
grass, 673, 674, 723,724, 741 jJoridana, Eurycotis, 265 Fowl tick, 131
Hessian, 528, 530, 716, 717, 718 jJoridanus, Odontotaenius, 411, 411 Foxella, 652
horse, 673, 676 jJoridanus, Oomorphus, 448 ignota, 653
house, 730, 732 jJoridanus, Sehizomus, 105 Fragonflies
hover, 728 jJoridanus, Smithurus, 173 pinning, 756
humpbacked, 674,727, 727 Floridaxenos monronesis, 671 Frankliniella
leaf-miner, 674, 739, 740 jJoridensis, Merothrips, 338 fusea, 339
long-horned, 673, 707 jJoridensis, Rhytidops, 739 oecidentalis, 339
long-Iegged, 674, 726, 727 Flour beetles, 537 tritici, 339
louse, 674, 731 Flour moths, 617 Franklinopthrips, 333
march, 673, 715 Mediterranean,617 fratemus, Eumenes, 550
marsh, 674, 739, 739 parasites of, 537 Freeze-drying, 760
minute black scavenger, 718 Flower beetles, 369, 413, 415, 416, 440 frigida, Coelopa, 739
moth, 673, 708 antlike, 369, 398, 399, 440, 440 Friseanus, 311, 315
musoid, 674, 694, 698, 728,729 bumble, 416, 416 Fritillaries, 624, 624,624, 624
mydas, 674, 724, 725 false, 369, 399, 441 gulf, 624
ox warble, 732, 733 shining, 369, 397, 431, 432 Froghopper, 158
parasites of, 534 soft-winged, 392,429, 430 Froghoppers, 270,280, 284,309, 309
phantom crane, 673 tumbling, 369, 434, 435g Frons, 15, 16
picture-winged, 674, 738, 738 Flower bugs, 296 frontalis, Dendroetonus, 465
pinning, 756 Flower flies, 674, 728 frontalis, Psilotreta, 561
pomace, 675, 741, 742 Flower-Ioving flies, 673, 722 frugiperda, Spodoptera,638
828 Index
Fruit flies, 674, 737, 737, 738 galeata, Archasia, 308 Gasterophilus, 693, 732
Mediterranean, 738 Galeriidae, 575 haemorrhoidalis, 732
small, 741,742 Galerucinae, 446, 448, 449, 449 inermis, 732
Fruits, 416 Gallacticidae, 574, 602, 615 intestinalis, 732, 733
Fruits, dried, 617 Gallacticoidea, 574 Gasteruptiidae, 482, 496, 509,510, 522
Fruit tree leafroller, 615, 615 gallaesolidaginis, Gnorimoschema, 609 Gasteruptionidae, 482
Fruit trees, 328, 616 Galleria mellonella, 617 Gastric caeca
Fruitworm beetles, 369, 432, 432 Galleries, 410 of midgut, 24,24
Fucelliinae, 729 metallic wood-boring Gastrula,42
fucicola, Emphyastes, 462 beetle, 417 Gauld, LD., 524
fulgens, Urania, 628 Gall gnats, 673, 716 Gaultheria, 616
fulginosus, Chrysops, 721 gallicola, Podapion, 453 Geina periscelidactylus, 616
Fulgoridae, 316,317 gallinacea, Echidnophaga, 659 Gelastocoridae, 270, 274,274, 290,291
Fulgoroeceia exigua, 611 gallinae, Ceratophyllus, 653 Gelastocoris, 274
Fulgoroidea, 270,280, 311,315 gallinae, Dermanyssus, 131 oculatus, 291
fuliginosa, Capnochroa, 436 gallinae, Menopon, 358, 361 Gelastocoroidea, 270
fultoni, Oceanthus, 223 Gall inquilines, 533 Gelatocombidae, 276
fultoni, Oifelia, 718, 718 Gall insects Gelechiid,611
fulva, Brachypsectra, 421 parasites of, 532 Gelechiidae, 574, 596, 597, 598, 602,
fulvicollis, Cisseps, 641, 642 rearing, 772 609,610,611
fulvicollis, Hemiptarsenus, 527 Gall-like coccids, 270, 326 Gelechoidea, 573, 574, 608
Fumigation, chemical, 362 Gall-like scales, 326 Gelleriinae, 617
fumipennis, Agria, 205 Gall makers, 533 Gena, 15, 16
funeralis, Desmia, 528 Gall midges, 673, 716, 717 Genetics,69-70
Fungi, 298 Gall mites, 132 behavior and, 69-70
Fungivoridae, 673 Gall moth Geniculate antennae, 19
Fungus, 538 goldenrod, 609, 611 Genitalia
Fungus beetles Galls, 518, 532, 533, 553, 611, 717 female, 35-38, 36, 38
hairy, 369, 432, 434 Agrilus champlaini, 419 male, 36, 37, 38,39
handsome, 369, 385, 433 cecidomyiid, 717 studies of, 762
minute, 369, 385, 432, 434 elm cockscomb, 322 Genus,56
minute tree, 369, 434 goldenrod, 738 Geocoridae, 270,299, 300
pleasing, 369, 431, 432, 3979 hickory, 323, 323 Geometer moths, 628
polypore, 369, 400, 434 metallic wood-boring bad-wing, 629
tooth-necked, 369, 424, 424 beetle, 417 chickweed, 628, 629
Fungus gnats, 673, 718, 718, 718, 718, oak-apple, 535 crocus, 629
718, 718 oak leaf, 534 notch-wing, 628, 629
dark-winged, 673 pine-cone willow, 717, 717 Geometridae, 575, 588, 589, 590, 603,
parasites of, 526, 536 poplar, 322 628, 628, 628, 628
Fungus weevils, 370, 451, 451 stems, 534 Geometroidea, 575, 627
Funiculus, 371 witch hazel, 322 Geomyza, 706
funiferana, Choristoneura, 614, 614 woolly oak gall, 535 Geomyzaprinus goffi, 407
Funnels Gall wasps, 482, 534,535 Geomyzidae,674
Berlese, 750, 751 Gammarus annulatus, 140 Geophilomorpha, 146, 147
Winkler, 750, 751 Ganglia Georcoridae, 278
fur, Ptinus, 426 central nervous system, Georyssidae, 368
furcata, Axymyia, 715 30,30 Geotrupes splendidus, 412
furcata, Scudderia, 222 Ganglion Geotrupidae, 368, 379, 412, 412
furcillata, Physocephala, 736 esophageal, 30,30 Geranomyia, 707
fuifura, Chionaspis, 328 frontal, 30 German cockroach, 263, 266
fusca, Frankliniella, 339 Garden fleahopper, 295 germanica, Blatella, 266, 266
fuscipes, Cis, 432 Garrya veatchii, 338 Germarostres, 411
fuscula, Epitrix, 44i, 449 Gaseracantha, 125 Germ layers
Gas exchange embryonic development, 42
G Gerra sevorsa, 638
in aquatic insects, 29
gagates, Mallochiola, 294, 294 Gasoryctria, 603 Gerris, 272
Galea, 19,20 Gasterophilidae,674 Gerris sp., 293
Index 829
Honey bee society Humidity sense, 34 Hymenoptera, 153, 154, 156, 156, 159,
castes in, 80, 81 humile, Linepithema, 554 162, 165, 167, 519, 524, 528,
communication in, 80 Hummingbird moths, 634 539,669
dance in, 80 Humpbacked flies, 674, 727, 727 characters used identifying, 483
pheromones in, 80 Hump-winged crickets, 222 collecting and preserving, 554
importance of, 79-80 Hunterellus, 531 key to families of, 486
nests of, 80 Hunter's butterflies, 625 parasites of, 530, 532, 533, 534, 540
new colony formation in, 80-81 Hyadina, 706 parasitic, 496
Honeydew, 311, 319, 325, 477 Hyalinata, Diaphania, 609 predators of, 540
Honey locust, 615 hyalinus, Perilampus, 533 references on, 555
Hood's solution, 760 Hyalophora, 631, 634 hyoscyami, Pegomya, 730
Hook-tip moths, 627 cecropia, 632, 633, 634 Hypeninae, 637
Hoplitis, 544 Hyblaea puera, 616 Hypera postica, 461
Hoplopleuridae, 357, 361, 362 Hyblaedoidea, 575 Hyperinae, 459, 461, 463
Hoplopsyllus, 652 Hyblaeidae, 575, 616 Hyperosce\ididae, 673
Hoppers, 154, 268, 270 Hybosoridae, 368, 379,412 Hyperparasites, 524
pinning, 756 Hybosorus illigeri, 412 Hyphantria, 572
predators of, 540 Hydraenidae, 368, 382, 386, 408 cunea, 641
treehoppers, 270, 306, 308 Hydre\idae, 675 Hypochilidae, 111, 114, 122
Hoppers, large Hydrobiosidae, 560, 563, 567 Hypoderma, 693, 732
pinning, 756 Hydrochloric acid, 578, 579 bovis, 732
Hordnia,311 Hydromeriidae, 275 lineatum, 732, 733
Honnaphis hamamelidis, 321 Hydrometra martini, 292 Hypodermatidae, 674
Hormone, 35, 35 Hydrometridae, 269,292,292 Hypogastrura nivicola, 172
brain, 44, 48 Hydrometroidea, 269 Hypogastruridae, 169, 170, 172, 173
juvenile, 35,35, 48,49 Hydrophilidae, 366, 368, 386, 392, Hypognathous mouthparts, 16
prothoracicotrophic, 48 404, 406 Hyponomeutidae, 574
Honnopsylla, 652 Hydrophiloidea, 368 Hypopharynx, 19,20,20
Hornets,483,549,550 Hydrophilus triangularis, 404, 407, 407 Hypoprepia miniata, 640
bald-faced, 550 Hydropophagus obcordata, 436 Hypoptidae, 574
Hom fly, 674 Hydroporus, 406 Hypostomal bridge, 17
homii, Macrovelia, 292 Hydropsyche simulans, 559, 561, 568 Hypsolophidae, 574, 607
Homtails, 482, 518, 519, 519, 524 Hydropsychidae, 559, 560,561,562, Hypsopygia costalis, 617
parasites of, 534 565,566,568 Hystrichopsylla
Homworms, 634, 634, 635 Hydropsychoidea, 560 dippiei, 653
tomato, 635, 635 Hydroptila waubesiana, 559 schefferi, 658
Horse fly, 673, 676, 720, 722 Hydroptilidae, 559, 560,560, 563, 567, Hystrichopsyllidae, 652, 653, 654, 658
Horse guard wasps, 540 568,568 Hystrichopsyllinae, 652
Horseshoe crabs, 100, 101, 102, 102 Hydroptiloidea, 560 Hystrichopsylloidea, 652
hortensis, Bourletiella, 174 Hydroscapha natans, 401
House crickets, 212, 224, 224 Hydroscaphidae, 368, 378, 401
House fly, 22,22, 674, 730, 732 Hyella knickerbockeri, 140 Iassinae, 311, 313
Hover flies, 728 Hylaeidae, 482 lbalia, 498
Hoyer's chloral hydrate, 762 Hylaeinae, 487, 491, 543 Iba\iidae, 482, 498, 498, 533
Hoyer's medium, 354 Hylaeus, 487, 491, 492, 495 iceryae, Cryptochetum, 741
hubbardi, Marginitennes, 256 agginis, 543 1ceryae purchasi, 741
hubbardi, Oligembia, 248 Hylastinus obscurus, 465 Icerya purchasi, 434
hubbardi, Usazoros, 250, 251 Hylema platura, 730 Icheneutinae, 522
Hubellia marginifera, 222 Hyles lineata, 635 icheumoneus, Sphex, 540
Humans Hylobittacus apicalis, 666 ichneumoneus, Enoclerus, 429
fleas of, 162 Hylobius Ichneumonidae, 496, 497, 499,510,
Humans, \ice of, 357, 360, 362 pales, 463 511,512,515,523,525
humanus capitis, Pediculus, 362 postica, 463 Ichneumonids, 154,521,523,524,526
Humeral angles, 271 punctata, 463 gregarious, 524
Humeral cross vein, 12 Hylotomidae, 482 parasites of, 533
humeralis, Arge, 517 Hylurgopinus, 373 Ichneumonoidea, 482, 485, 522
Humeron, 376 Hymenolepis diminuta, 659 Ichumonidae, 482, 485
Index 833
Index 835
836 Index
Lepidostomatidae, 560, 561, 562, Leuculodes lecteolaris, 635 lineata, Latheticomyia, 735
565,569 Levemidae,574 lineatum, Hypoderma, 732, 733
Lepidotrichidae, 179 Libellula lineatus, Hecalus, 310
Lepisma saccharina, 179 luctuosa, 204,204 lineatus, Poecilocapsus, 294,295
Lepismatidae, 179 pulchella, 204,204 lineolaris, Lygus, 294
Leptidae, 673 Libellulidae, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, Linepithema humile, 554
Leptinidae, 368 201,202,203,204 Linnaeus, c., 58
Leptinillus, 408 libocedri, Syntexis, 518 Linnella, Chrysochista, 609
Leptinotarsa decemlineata, 449 librocedrii, Syntexis, 518 Linognathidae, 357, 361, 362
Leptocera, 701 Libumiella omata, 316 Linognathus
Leptoceridae, 560, 561, 562, 565, Libytheana bachmanii, 624 setosus, 362
567, 569 Libytheidae, 575, 583 stenopsis, 362
Leptoceroidea, 560 Libytheinae, 573, 624 vituli, 362
Leptoconops, 709 Lice, 154, 166,356 Linyphiidae, 112, 115, 116, 117, 126
Leptodidae, 276 chewing, 356, 357 Liocranidae, 112, 120, 128
Leptodiridae, 368 classification of, 356 Liodidae, 368
Leptogastridae, 673, 687 collecting and preserving, 363 Liometophilus manni, 462
Leptogastrinae, 723 key to families of, 357 Liopteridae, 482, 498, 509, 534
Leptoglossus clypealis, 302 poultry, 356 Liothrips vaneeckei, 336, 339
Leptohyphes, 185, 186 references on, 363 Liparidae, 575
Leptohyphidae, 185, 186, 190 sucking, 356, 357 Liposcelididae, 342, 344, 345,345,346,
Leptonetidae, 112, 116, 123 Lichnanthe, 411 347, 351,352
Leptophlebiidae, 183, 185, 186, 188, Life history Liposcelis, 341, 344
189, 190 strategies in, 68 liriodendri, Toumeyella, 326
Leptopodidae, 270, 293 variations in, 49-50 Liriopeidae, 673
Leptopodomorpha, 270, 293 Light attractants, 751 Listroderes costrirostris obliquus, 462
Leptopsylla, 652 Lightningbugs, 384, 423, 423 Listronotus, 460, 462
segnis, 658 Lights oregonensis, 462
signis, 654 for specimen collection, 642 Listroscelidinae, 212,220, 221
Leptopsyllidae, 652, 654, 654, 658 Ligula, 20, 20 Listroscellidinae, 212, 219,
Leptopsyllinae, 652, 654, 658 Ligyrus, 415 220, 221
Leptoptema dolobrata, 294,295 Lilac, 631 Lithidae, 574
Leptothrips mali, 339 Lilies Lithobiidae, 147
Lepturinae, 442, 443, 444, 445 parasite of, 530 Lithobiomorpha, 146, 147
Leptysma marginícollis, 217 Lilioceris, 447 Lithobius erythrocephalus, 146
Leptysminae, 212, 217 lillianis, Acalypta, 294 Lithocolletidae, 574
Leptysminae, 217 Lily bulb thrips, 339 Lithocolletis, 602
Lesteremiinae, 718 Limacodidae, 574,587, 588,612 lithophilus, Helichus, 420
Lestes, 195 limbatus, Prionocyphon, 416 Lithosiinae, 575, 588, 595, 640
dryas, 194 Limenitidinae, 625 Little earwigs, 236, 237
Lestidae, 194, 195, 197,205,299 Limenitinae, 582 Live insects
Lethocerus, 271, 274 Limenitis, 582 in captivity, 769
Lethocerus griseus, 290 archippus, 625 Livestock
leucanthemi, Haplothrips, 339 archippus astyanax, 625 fleas of, 659
leucoloma, Naupactus, 461 arthemis arthemis, 625 Lixinae, 457, 463
Leucoma salicis, 640 Limnaecia, 602 Lixis concavus, 463
Leucopelmonus, 490 Limnebiidae, 368 Lizard beetles, 369, 397, 431
leucopeza, Aulacigaster, 740 Limnephilidae, 560, 563, 564,567,567 Llaveia, 325
leucophaeus, Corinthiscus, 429 Limnephiloidea, 560 loa, Loa, 721
leucopterus, Blissus, 299,300 Limnephilus rhombícus, 564, 567 Loa loa, 721
Leucorrhinia, 205 Limnichidae, 368, 390, 420 Loania canadensis, 671
intacta, 205 Limniidae, 368 lobatus, Diradius, 248
Leucospidae,482, 502, 526, 532, 533 Limonia, 707 Lobelia, 460
Leucospids, 533 Limoniidae,673 lobifera, Rhyacophila, 562
leucostigma, Orgyia, 639, 639 Limoniinae, 681, 707 Lobiopa, 373
Leuctra, 242, 243 Limothrips cerealum, 339 Lobsters, 136, 140
Leuctridae, 241, 242,243,243,244 lineata, Hyles, 635 Locust leaf miner, 450
Index 837
838 Index
." ~',""
~ ~"
Index 841
842 Index
Names-cont'd Neoephemeridae,185, 186, 190 Neuroptera, 153, 154, 156, 160, 163,
common, 56, 59 Neohennes, 476 165,469,469,471,472,473,
endings in, 57 Neoheterocerus pallidus, 420 524
family, 56, 57 Neoholla, 3ll, 315 classification of, 469
genus-level, 56 Neolema, 447 collecting and preserving of, 479
scientific, 56, 57 Neolepolepis occidentalis, 346 hyperparasites or, 521
in scientific nomenclature, 57 Neomida bicomis, 437 key to ramilies or, 470
species, 52, 57 Neoneura aaroni, 200, 205 parasites of, 533, 537
subfamily, 56, 57 Neoneurinae, 522 references on, 479
superfamily, 56, 57 Neoperla clymene, 245 Neuropteroid orders, 156
tribal, 57 Neophasia menapia, 621 Neurostena, 696
Naniteta, 629 Neophemera, 185, 186 Neurotoma inconspicua, 516
elassa, 630 Neophylax stolus, 564 nevadensis, Hemileuca, 633
Nannothemis bella, 203, 204 Neopsylla, 652 Newton, A.F., jr., 451
Nanopsocus, 345 Neopsylla inopina, 655 Nezaa viridula, 303
Naohennes pubescens, 325 Neopsyllinae, 652, 655, 656, 658 ni, Trichoplusia, 638
Naphthalene flakes, 768 Neoptera, 155, 164 ni, Trochoplusia, 637
Narceus, 143 Neorhynchocephalus, 687 Nicoletidae, 179
americanus, 145 Neostylops shannoni, 670 Nicoletiinae, 179
Narvesus carolinensis, 297 Neotennes, 256 Nicrophorus, 373, 408,409
nasicus, Curculio, 459 Neottiophilidae, 674 sayi, 409
Nastima, 706 Neoxabea bipunctata, 224 niger, Pytho, 436
natans, Hydroscapha, 401 Neozeloboria, 548 Nigetiafonnosalis, 637
Naucoridae, 270, 271, 275, 291, 291 Nepa, 289 Nightshade, 449
Naupactus Nepa apiculata, 289 nigricans, Ammophila, 541
godmanni, 462 Nephelodes, 638 nigricollis, Meteorus, 523
leucoloma, 461 Nephila clavipes, 125 nigricoxum,Simulium, 714, 715
Neanura muscorum, 172 Nepidae, 269, 274, 289 nigrinis, Acartophthus, 739
Neararctic, 538 Nepiomorpha, 343 nigripes, Attelabus, 451, 452
nearctia, Plecia, 715, 716 perpsocoides, 346 nigripes, Orchelimum, 221
Nearctic, 540 Nepoidea, 269 nigrofasciatum, Mesolecanium, 327
nearticus, Epiclerus, 531 Nepomorpha, 269, 271,274,289 nigromaculata, Willowsia, 172
Necrobia, 375 Nepticula, 604 Nigronia, 471, 476
rufipes, 428 Nepticulidae, 574,577,596,597,597 Ninidae, 270, 277, 300
Necrophoridae, 368 Nepticuloidea, 573, 574, 604 Nionia,311
Nectar, 538, 539 Nepytia canosaria, 628 palmeri, 311, 315
Necydalis mellita, 444 Neriidae, 674, 735 Nioniinae, 311, 313, 315
Needham, ].G., 12 Nerioidea,674 nítida, Cotinis, 416
Neelidae, 169, 171, 172, 173 Nervous system nítida, Rhysella, 525, 526
Neelus minutus, 173 central, 30, 30-31 Nitidulidae, 369, 372,383,393,410,
Negha, 471, 476 sense organs or, 31-34, 34 430, 430
Nematocera, 642, 683, 707 Nesbitt's solution, 761 nivalis, Taeniopteryx, 241
Nemeobiidae, 575 Nesticidae, ll2, ll5, ll7, 126 nivea, Panchlora, 266
Nemesiidae, lll, 113, 122 Nesting, 74 nivicola, Hypogastrura, 172172
Nemestrinidae, 673, 686, 687, 722 digger wasp, 67, 67, 68 nobilitella, Cydosia, 638
Nemestrinioidea, 673 Nests Noctuidae, 575, 592, 593, 595, 636,
Nemobiinae, 224, 224 termite, 77, 254 636
Nemobius, 213 Nets larvae of, 638
Nemonychidae, 382, 451,3369 collapsible, 747, 750 Noctuinae,638
Nemoura, 242, 243 dip, 753 Noctuoidea, 575
trispinosa, 241 insect, 642, 747, 747 Nocturnal insects, collecting, 746
Neocoelidiinae, 3ll, 314, 315 Net-winged beetles, 369, 387, Nola
Neoconocephalus, 220, 221 422,423 ovilla, 640
ensiger, 220, 221 Net-winged midges, 714 sorghiella, 640
Neocurtilla hexdactyla, 225,225 Neumouridae, 241,242,243, triquetrana, 640
Neodiprion, 490, 517 243, 244 Nolidae, 575, 590, 640
lecontei,516 Neureclipsis crepuscularis, 564 Nomada, 494, 545,546
Index 843
Index 847
Philotarsidae, 342, 348, 349, 353 Phylogenetic systematics, 53, 55 Pink bollworm, 610
Phílothennus, 433 Phylogeny, of Hexapoda, 154, 156 Pink scavenger caterpillar, 610
Phithiraptera, 153, 154, 156 Phyloxera Pinning
Phlaeothripidae, 335, 339 grape, 322, 323 beetles, 756
Phlebotominae, 708 Phylumlphyla, 56 dragonl1ies, 756
Phlegyas, 300 Phymata,271 grashoppers, 756
Phlocidae, 112, 115, 116, 121, 123 fasciata georgiensis, 297 hoppers, 756
Phobocampe unicincta, 525 Phymatinae, 297 Lepidoptera, 642, 756, 756
Phoenícoccus marlatti, 327 Physapoda, 154 Pinning blocks, 756
Phoenicococcidae, 270, 288, 327 Physegenua, 696 Pinning boxes, 764
Pholcus phalangioides, 121 Physocephala, 691 Pinning specimens, 755, 756
pholus, Lycomorpha, 640, 640 furcillata, 736 Pins, insect, 753, 755
Phoridae, 674, 688, 706, 727, 727 Phytodiectus vulgaris, 525, 526 Piophíla, 696, 697
Phonnía regina, 730 Phytoliriomyza clara, 739, 740 casei, 736
Photinae, 261 Phytomyza aquílegivora, 739, 740 Piophilidae, 674, 696, 697, 700,
Photographing insects, 775 Phytomyzidae, 674 736, 736
Photomicrographic equipment, 775 Phytophagous (herbivorous) Piophiliidae, 700
Photoperiod, 50 arthropods,81 pipiens, Culex, 711
Phragmata, 10, 10 Piazorhinus, 463 Pipiza femoralis, 729
phragmitella, Lymnaecia, 610 picea, Zenoa, 421 Pipunculidae, 674, 690, 692, 692, 727
Phratora, 449 picipes, Melanolestes, 297 Pipunculus, 692
Phrydiuchus, 462 pictípes, Simulium, 715 Pirate spiders, 108, 112, 117
Phrygamidia califomíca, 636 Picture-winged flies, 674, 738, 739 Pisauridae, 112, 118, 127
Phryganea cinerea, 568 Pieridae, 573, 575,582, 584,621 Pissodes, 463
Phryganeidae, 560,561,568, 569 Pierids, 621 strobi, 461, 463
Phryganeoidea, 560 Pierinae, 621 Pissurina sp., 121
Phryneidae, 673 Pieris rapae, 621 Pistol casebearer, 609
Phthiraptera, 162, 356 Piesmatoidea, 270 Pisuaridae, 121
cIassification of, 356 Pigment, of corneagenous cells, 33-34 Pitrufquenia coypus, 361
collecting and preserving, 363 Pigweed, 298, 641 Pit scales, 270, 326
key to families of, 357 pikei, Chrysops, 722 false, 270, 326
references on, 363 pílicomis, Schizocerella, 517 ornate, 270, 326
Phtorimae operculella, 611 PiII beetles, 368, 390, 417, 419 placida, Perlesta, 245
Phyciodes, 624 Pillbugs, 140, 141 plana, Adelina, 437
Phycitidae, 575 PiII millipedes, 144 Planidia, 533
Phycitinae, 617 pimelia, Penthe, 434 Planídia, 533
Phycodromidae, 674 Pimoidae, 112, 117,126 Planidium, 722
Phygadeuon subfuscus, 525 pimpinella, Epennenia, 616 Planipennia, 469, 476
Phygadeuontinae, 525, 526 Pimplinae, 524, 526 planipennis, Agrilus, 417
Phyllapalpus, 213 Pinchingbugs, 368, 379, 411, 411 Plankton net, 141
Phyllocnistidae, 574 Pine Plannipennia, 476
Phyllocnistis, 606, 607 ponderosa, 621 Planococcus citri, 325
Phyllocoptes variabilis, 133 white, 418 plantaginea, Dysaphis, 318
Phyllomyzidae, 674 Pine aphids, 270 Plant bugs, 269, 270,272, 277,
Phyllonorcyter, 602 Pine beetles 294,295
Phyllopalpus mountain, 465 Planthopper parasites, 611
pulchellus, 224 southern, 465 Planthoppers, 270, 315, 315-317
Phyllophaga, 373 western, 465 Plantlice, 270, 319
portoricensis, 414 Pine butterl1y, 621 jumping, 317
Phyllophaga sp., 414 Pine-cone willow gall, 717, 717 Plant relationships
Phyllorerans, 322 Pine gall aphid, 321 myrmecochory, 84
phyllotomae, Phanomeris, 524 Pine needle scale, 328 pollination, 83-84
Phylloxera, 282 Pines, 418, 633 Plants
caryaecaulis, 323, 323 Pine-tree katydid, 210, 212 herbivorous, 85-86
Phylloxeridae, 270,280, 322 píni, Euderces, 443 insectivorous, 86
Phylocentropus placidus, 564 pini, Ips, 464, 465 Plasmodium, 713
Phylogenetic analysis software, 55 pinifoliae, Chionaspis, 328 Plasterer bees, 482, 543
848 Index
Plastoceridae, 369 Plum curculio, 463, 463, 526 Polyphaga, 368, 376, 406
Plate-thigh beetles, 368, 391, 416, 416 Plume moths, 616 Polyphagidae, 263, 264,265
Plathemis, 195 grape, 616 polyphemus, Antheracea, 632, 634, 634
Iydia, 204, 204 many-plume, 616 Polyphylecty, 53, 56
platura, Hylema, 730 plumosa, Phengodes, 423 Polyplacidae, 357, 359, 363
Platycentropus radiatus, 568 Plumose antennae, 19 Polyplacidae, 362
Platydesmida, 143, 144, 145 plumosus, Chironomus, 709 Polyplax spinulosa, 359
platygaster, Perilampus, 528 Plusaetis, 652 Polypore fungus beetles, 369, 400, 434
Platygaster hiemalis, 537 Plusiidae, 575 Polypria cruxrufa, 441
Platygastridae, 482, 497, 501,501, Plusiinae, 638 Polypriidae, 369, 400, 441
537,538 Plutella xylostella, 608 Polyseal caps, 761
Platygastrids Plutellidae, 574, 602, 608 Polysphinctini, 526
parasite of, 530 Pny~a, 684, 705, 718 Polystoechotes, 472
Platygastroidea, 482, 485, 501, scabei, 719 punctatus, 478
520,537 Poanes hobomok, 619 Polystoechotidae, 470, 472, 478
Platypezidae, 674, 690, 692, 701, 728 Podagrionidae, 482 Polytomy, 55
Platypodidae, 370 Podapion gallicola, 453 polyturator, Pelecinus, 535
Platypodinae, 455, 464, 464 Podisminae, 212, 216, 216 polyxenes asterius, Papilio, 620
Platypsylla, 408 Podisus maculiventris, 303 Polyzoniida, 143, 144, 145
Platypsyllidae, 368 Podopinae, 302 Polyzonium bivirgatum, 145
platypterus, Bruchophagus, 529 Podura aquatica, 172, 173 Pomace flies, 675, 741
Platypus, 375, 464 Poecilanthrax pometaria, Alsophila, 628, 629
wilsoni, 464 alpha, 724 pomi, Aphis, 320
platyrhynchus, Dorycephalus, 312 signatipennis, 724 pomifoliella, Bucculatrix, 606
Platyrrhinidae, 370 Poecilocapsus lineatus, 294,295 pomonella, Cydia, 613, 614
Platystictidae, 197, 200, 205, 299 Pogonomyrmex, 553 pomonella, Rhagoletis, 738
Platystomatidae, 674, 696, 702, 738 Poison ivy, 517 Pompilidae, 483
Platystomidae, 370 Poison jaws, 146 Pompilids, 539
Play dead, 374, 417 Polistes, 511, 550 Pompillidae, 511, 512, 549
Pleasing fungus beetle, 369, 431, fuscatus, 551 Pond damsels, 197, 199,205,206
432,3979 Polistes, in paper wasp societies, 78 ponderosae, Dendroctonus, 465
Plecia nearctia, 715, 716 Polistinae, 550, 550 Ponderosa pine, 621
Plecoptera, 153, 155, 156, 160, Polites peckius, 619 Pondhawk, 204
163,239 politum, Trypoxylon, 541 Ponds, 181
classification of, 239 politus, Phalacrus, 432 Ponera, 491, 553
collecting and preserving, 245 polixtenes katahdin, Oeneis, 626 Ponerinae, 491
key to families of, 242 Pollen, 428,477, 538,539,543 Ponpilids, 549
references on, 245 Pollination, 1,83-84 pons, Eusattus, 437
Plectreuridae, 112, 116, 123 insect, 539 Popil/ia japonica, 414
Pleidae, 274 wind, 539 popil/iavora, Tiphia, 547,548
Pleistocene period, 154, 155 Polxenida, 143, 144 Poplar borer, 441, 445
Pleochaetis, 652 Polyandry, 73 Poplar leaves, 321
Pleocoma, 412 Polycentropidae, 559 Poplars, 539, 631
fimbriata, 412 Polycentropodidae, 560, 564, 565, 566 populitransversus, Pemphigus, 321
Pleocomidae, 368, 379, 411 Polycentropus interruptus, 559 porcinus, Pulex, 659
Plesmatidae, 270, 276, 298, 298 polychroma, Eulema, 546 Poricondylinae, 718
Pleural apophysis, 10, 11 Polyctenidae, 270, 296 portlandia, Enodia, 626
Pleural wing process, 9, 10, 13, 14 Polydesmida, 143, 144 Portulaca,517
Pleurite, 10 Polyembryony, 3, 44, 520 Postembryonic growth, 44-45
Pleuron, 7, 8, 10, 10 polyergus, 554 Posterior notal wing processes, 13
Pleuroneura, 516 lucidus, 554 Posterior tentorial pits, 15, 16, 17
Pleuropodism, 8 Polygenis, 652 Postgena, 15, 16
plexippus, Danaus, 626, 627 gwyni, 653 Postgenal bridge, 17
Pliconeoptera, 155 Polygonia, 624 postica, Hylobius, 463
Pliocene period, 154 Polygynous family postica, Hypera, 461
Plodia interpunctella, 617 Polymitarcyidae, 186, 191 Postnotum, 9, 10, 10
Plum, 516 Polyneoptera, 155 Postoccipital suture, 15, 16
Index 849
Potamanthidae, 184, 185, 186, 191 Prodoxidae, 596, 597, 604 Pseudocaecillidae, 342, 354
Potassium cyanide, 749 Prodoxus, 604 Pseudocaecillius citricola, 354
Potassium hydroxide, 761 Produridae, 169, 171, In, 173 Pseudochorutes aureofasiatus, 173
Potato, 449, 635 Profenusa canadensis, 518 Pseudococcidae, 270,286
Po tato flea beetle, 449 Progressive provisioning, 540 Pseudococcus
Potato leafhopper, 310 Projection apparatus, 775 affinis, 325
Potato psyllid, 317 Prolegs, 9 longispinus, 325
Potato stalk borer, 461 Promachus, 687 Pseudoerinna jonesi, no
Potato tuberworm, 611 promethea, Callosamia, 632, 634, 634 pseudogyrtes, Ctenophthalamus, 658
Potomanthidae, 182 Prominents, 636 Pseudolucanus, 380
potoricensis, Phyllophaga, 414 Promotion, 14 Pseudolucanus capriolus, 411
Potter wasps, 483, 549, 550 Pronation, 14 Pseudomasaris, 513, 550
Poultry lice, 356 Pronunciation, 58 Pseudomyrmicinae, 553
Powderpost beetles, 426, 426 Pronymphal membranes, 44 Pseudopaeodes, 579
Powerpost termites, 256 Prophalangopsidae, 212, 214,222 Pseudophyllinae, 212, 219, 221
Praedatophasma, 232 propinqua, Isotoma, In Pseudopomyzidae, 674, 704, 735
Praedatophasma maraisi, 232 Proprioception, 32 Pseudopostega, 604
Prayidae,574 Propsilloma columbianum, 536 Pseudopupa,438
Praying mantis, 261 Propylene glycol, 751 Pseudoscorpions, 135, 135
Precambrian era, 154, 155 Prorhinotermes, 254, 256 pseudospretella, Hoffmannophila, 609
Predaceous beetles, 368, 405, 406 prorsa, Acmaeodera, 419 Pseudotettix, 311
Predaceous diving beetles, 368, Prosoma, 101 pseudotsugae, Dendroctonus, 464, 465
405,406 Prostigmata, 132 Psila rosae, 735
Predaceous insects, 517 Prostomidae, 369, 394, 437 Psilidae, 674, 704, 735
caging with prey, 775 Prostomis mandibularis, 437 Psillidae, 694, 695
Predation, 81 Protenomide, 170 Psilocephala aldrichi, 726
Predators, 88-90, 90 Protenor belfragei, 301 Psilonyx annulatus, 724
Preserving insects, 755 Protentomidae, 169, 170 Psilotreta
in fluid, 760 Prothoracic glands, 44, 48-49 frontalis, 561
Pretarsus, 11, 11 Prothorax, 9, 9 Psilotreta sp., 562
pretiosus, Hemipsocus, 354 Protocerebrum, 30,30 psittacei, Hectopsylla, 652, 657
Priacma serrata, 401 Protoneura cara, 205 Psittopsylla, 652
Price, M.A., 357 Protoneuridae, 197, 199,200,205 Psoa maculata, 426
Primitive carrion beetles, 408, 409 Protoplasa, 681 Psocidae, 342, 344, 347, 348, 351, 354
Primitive crane fijes, 673 fitchii, 708 Psocids, 154, 162,341
Primitive weevils, 370, 451 Prototrupoidea, 537 psocoides, Mackenziella, 174, 174
princeps, Epitheca, 203 Protoxaea, 544 Psocomorpha, 342, 353
Prioninae, 442 Protura, 9, 152, 153, 155, 156, 161, 169 Psocoptera, 162, 341
Prionocyphon limbatus, 416 key to families of, 170 classification of, 341
Prionoglaridae, 344, 345,345, 351 Proturans, 152, 169 collecting and preserving, 354
Prionous imbricomis, 444 Proventriculus, 24 key to families of, 342
Prionoxystus, 586 pruninosia, Tibian, 305, 603 references on, 354
robiniae, 613, 614 Prygotidae, 697 Psoidae, 369
Priophorus morio, 518 Pryraloidea, 575 Psoquillidae, 346, 351
Priority, in nomeclature, 58 Psalididae, 236 Psorophora, 683, 712, 713
Pristiphora erichsonii, 518 Pscoptera, 153, 154, 156, 159 Psoropitidae, 134
Probethylus schwarzi, 538 Pselaphidae, 368, 409 Psoroptes ovis, 134
Procaine vials, 761 Pselaphochemes parvus, 135 Psychidae, 574, 588, 600, 603
Procampodea macswaini, 175 Pselaphognatha, 143 Psychiidae, 606
Procempodeodae, 169, 175 psenes, Blastophaga, 529, 532 Psychoda, 683
Prociphilus tessellatus, 318, 321 Psephenidae, 368,375,390,391, Psychodidae, 673, 683, 685, 708
Proctodaeum, 23, 25,43 420,421 Psychodinae, 708
Proctotrupidae, 482, 500, 501,501, Psephenus, 375 Psychodomorpha, 673
520,536 herricki, 420, 421 Psycholids, 708
Proctotrupoidea, 482, 485, 501, 535 Pseudaletia unipuncta, 637, 638, 639 Psychomyia jlavida, 561
Procuticle, 6, 6 Pseudergates, 254 Psychomyiidae, 560, 560, 561, 565
Prodidomidae, 112, 119, 127 Pseudironidae, 186, 189, 191 Psychomytidae, 561
850 Index
Index 851
Index 853
Sphinididae, 369, 393, 429 Spilopsyllinae, 652, 656, 657, 659 Stegobium paniceum, 427, 427
Sphinx moths, 634, 635 Spilopsyllus, 652 Stehr, EW, 579
clear-winged, 635 cuniculi, 659 Stelis, 544
white-lined, 635 inaequalis, 659 Stemmata, 34
Sphyracephala, 697 simplex, 659 Stemomatinae, 598
brevicomis, 735 Spinach flea beetle, 449 Stem sawflies, 482, 486,519
subbifasciata, 735 Spinach leafminer, 730 Stenelmis crenata, 420
Spicata, 652 Spined soldier bug, 303, 304 Stenistomera, 652
Spicebush swallowtail, 621 Spinneret, 107, 109,110, 111,122 Stenocolus scutellaris, 421
Spider beetles, 369, 388, 426, 427, 428 spinosa, Deinopis, 121 Stenocorus, 445
Spider egg sacs, 524 spínulosa, Polyplax, 359 Stenoma algidella, 609
Spider mites, 132 Spiny shore bugs, 270, 293 Stenomatidae, 574
Spiders, 102, 103, 105, 108, 110, 155, Spiracle Stenomatinae, 608, 609
524,540 abdominal, 7, 8 Stenomatinae, 598
black widow, 106, 124 tracheal, 28, 28, 29 Stenomicra, 702
bolar, 135 Spirobolida, 143, 143, 144,145 Stenopelmatidae, 212, 214,219
brown recluse, 106, 123, 123 Spirostreptida, 143, 144, 145 Stenopelmatus, 219
camel, 135 Spitting spiders, 112, 123 Stenopis, 576
cellar, 112, 116, 123 Spittlebugs, 270, 284,309, 309 argenteomaculatus, 604
classification of, 111 economic effect of, 309 Stenoponía, 652
cobweb, 112, 113, 117, 124, 125 spledidus, Geotrupes, 412 americana, 655
crab, 110, 124 splendoriferella, Coptodisca, 604 Stenoponiiae, 652, 655, 655, 658
fear of, 111 Spodoptera, 638 stenopsis, Linognathus, 362
fishing, 112, 118 Spodoptera frugiperda, 638 Stenopsocidae, 342, 349, 353
folding-door, 111, 113, 120 spoliatus, Dromogomphus, 203 Stenotrachelidae, 369, 397, 438
giant crab, 108, 112, 128 Spondylidae,369 Stephanidae, 482, 510, 520,521
hackled-band orb-weavers, 112, 114 Spondylinae, 442, 443 Stephanids, 520
harvestmen, 129, 129 Spondylis uníformís, 442 Stephanoidea, 482, 485, 486
jumping, 110, 112, 121, 124, 124 Spongillaflies, 470, 475, 478 Stephanosomatidae, 674
key to families of, 112 Spreading stercorea, Typhaeca, 434
key to orders of, 112 butterflies, 757, 758, 758 Sterilization
lamp-shade, 111, 114 Spreading board, 757, 757 heat, 362
Iynx, 112, 118, 121, 127 Spreading insects, 757 Stemechus paludatus, 461
medically important, 106 spretulus, Ataeníus, 414 Stemocranus
nursery-web, 112, 118, 127 Spring cankerworm, 628 borealis, 316
ogre-faced, 112, 114, 124 Springtails, 152, 156, 162, 169,170, dorsalis, 316
orb-weavers, 124, 125, 126 171 Stemopsylla, 652
parasites of, 132,532,537,549 Sprites, 206 Sternorrhyncha
pirate, 108, 112, 117 Spruce aphids, 270 parasites of, 537
purse-web, 111, 113, 120 Spruce beetle, 465 Sternorrhynchara, 268, 270,282, 317
reproduction and development Spruce gall aphid, 321, 321m 322m 323 Sternorrhynchous Heminoptera
of, 109 spumarius, Philaenus, 309, 309 parasites of, 531
sea, 135 spuria, Gossyparia, 326 Sternum, 7, 8
silk sac, 109 Squareheaded snakeflies, 469 Stewart's disease of corn, 450
spitting, 112, 123 Squash bugs, 301, 302 Sthenopis, 603
stridulation of, 109 Squirrels, lice of, 357, 361, 362 argenteomaculatus, 603, 604
structural characteristics of, 106, Stable flies, 20,21 thule, 603
107, 108, 109 Stable fly, 674, 732 Stíchotrema beckeri, 671
tarantulas, 111, 122 Stag beetles, 368, 379, 411, 411 Stictia carolina, 540
three-clawed, 112, 124 Stagmatophora, 602 Stictocephala bizonía, 307,308
trapdoor, 111, 113, 120, 122 sexnotella, 609 Stictopleptura, 445
types of, 110, 112, 116, 123 Stagomantis carolina, 260 stigmatis, Euxesta, 738
wandering, 112, 119, 127 Stalk-eyed flies, 674, 735 Stigmella, 604
wolf, 110, 112, 118, 121, 127 stansburyi, Tricranía, 439 Stigmellidae, 574
Spider wasps, 483, 549, 549 Staphylinidae, 368, 383, 384, 386, Stigmelloidea, 574
Spiketails, 197, 200,203 409,410 Stiletto flies, 674, 725
Spilomyía, 691 Stathmopodidae, 574 Stilt bugs, 270, 298, 298
Index 857
Termitidae, 257 Therevidae, 674, 687, 690, 725, 726 Thyanta custator, 304
Termitophiles, 86 Theridiidae, 112, 115, 124, 125 Thyatiridae, 575
Termopsidae, 255, 256 Theridiosomatidae, 112, 117, 125 Thyatirinae, 590, 627
Terrapin scale, 327 Thennobia domestica, 179, 180 Thylodrias, 425
Terrestrial turde bug, 303 Thick-headed flies, 674, 735, 736 Thynnidae, 483
Tersilochus conotracheli, 525, 526 Thinodytes cephalom, 530 Thyorybes pylades, 619
Tertiary period, 154, 155 Thironomidae, 673 Thyphocybinae, 311
Tertrigidae, 213, 214 Thisde, 622 Thyreocordidae, 302, 303
tessellatus, Prociphilus, 318, 321 Thomisidae, 112, 119, 128 Thyreophoridae, 674
Tetanocera, 697, 701 thompsoni, Apanteles, 524 Thyrididae, 575, 591,592, 609
vicina, 739 Thorax, 5, 5 Thyridoidea, 575, 616
Tetanoceratidae, 674 endoskeleton of, 10 Thyridopteryx, 588
Tetanoceridae, 674 in flight, 14 ephemeraefonnis, 605, 606, 606
Tethina, 703 function of, 9 Thyris, 591
Tethinidae, 674,703, 704, 741 legs on, 11, 11-12, 12 lugubris, 609
Tetracampidae, 482, 505, 508, 531 musc\es of, 10, 10 Thysanidae, 482
Tetragnathidae, 125 of Panorpa, 9 Thysanoptera, 159, 162, 333, 335
Tetraleurodes mori, 318 segments of, 9 c\assification of, 335
Tetramesa, 533 wings on, 12-14 collecting and preserving, 339
maderae, 529 thoreyi, Tachopteryx, 202 key to families of, 335
tritici, 529 Thorictidae, 369 mouth parts of, 334
Tetrangnathidae, 112, 116, 117 Thorn skeletonizer, 615 references on, 340
Tetranychidae, 132 Thrassis, 652, 658 Thysanosoma ostiniodes, 341
Tetranychus canadensis, 133 Thread-Iegged bugs, 296, 297, 298 Thysanura, 38, 152, 153, 156, 162, 163,
Tetraopes, 445 Threadtails, 197, 199,200,205 177, 179,669
tetraophthalmus, 445 Thread-waisted wasps, 482, 485, 540 collecting and preserving, 180
tetraophthalmus, Tetraopes, 445 Three-c\awed spiders, 112, 124 key to families of, 179
Tetratomidae, 369, 400, 434 Thriaenodea tardus, 562 male genitalia of, 38
Tetropium, 444 Thrididae, 617 references on, 180
Tettigidea lateralis, 218 Thridoids, 616 Tibellus oblongus, 108
Tettigonidae, 209,210, 211,211 Thripidae, 335, 336, 337, 338 Tibia, 11, 11
Tettigoniidae, 212, 214, 219 Thrips, 154, 159, 333,333,334,335, tibialis, Microgaster, 524
336,336,338,339,3373 Tibicen
key to subfamilies of, 219
parasites of, 537 banded, 336 chloromera, 305
Tettigoniinae, 212, 222 characteristics of, 337 pruninosa, 305,305
texana, Anisembia, 248 c\assification of, 335 Tibio-tarsal joint, 12
texana, Casinaria, 526 collection and preserving, 339 Ticks, 129
Texananus, 311 gladiolus, 339 dog, 131
texanus, Chelonus, 524 grain, 339 fowl, 131
Texas beede, 368, 390, 421 greenhouse, 336 hard, 131, 131
Texas catde fever, 131 key to families of, 335 Ixodida, 131
thalassinum, Meconema, 222 large-Iegged, 336 soft, 131, 131
Thasus acutangulus, 301 lilIybulb, 336, 339 Tiger beedes, 368, 378, 401, 403
Thaumaleidae, 673, 685, 714 mouthparts of, 334 Tiger moths, 640, 641, 641
Thaumastocoridae, 270, 293 mullein, 339 tigrius, Coes, 444
Thaumastocoroidea, 270 pear, 335 Time and energy budgets, 68
Thecesternus affinis, 462 redbanded, 334 Timemas, 153
Thecla, 582 references on, 340 Timematidae, 227, 228
Theisoa, 602 six-spotted, 339 Timothy, 539
Thelia bimaculata, 308, 538 tobacco, 339 Timothy billbug, 459, 461
theliae, Crovettia, 538 western flower, 339 Tinagma, 599
Theliopsyche, 569 Thrips obscurofasciella, 606
corona, 562 calcaratus, 339 Tinea pellionella, 605, 605
Theliopyschie sp., 561 tabaci, 339 Tineidae, 574, 597, 600, 601,
Thelytoky, 39-40 Throscidae, 369, 384, 387, 422 605,605
Themira, 699 thule, Sthenopis, 603 Tineoidea, 573, 574, 605, 606
Theraphosidae, 111, 113, 122 Thyanoptera, 153, 154, 156, 159 Tinigidae, 270, 276, 293
860 Index
862 Index
864 Index
zea, Helicoverpa, 637, 638, 639 Zonosemata electa, 737 Zorapterans, 154, 156, 250
Zebra swallowtail, 621 Zoophageous arthropods, 81 Zoridae, 112, 128
zebratum, Macrostemum, 562, 568 Zootermopsis, 256 Zorocratidae, 112
Zelleria haimbachi, 607 aevadensis, 256 Zoropsidae, 112, 127
Zenoa picea, 421 angusticollis, 256 Zygaenidae, 574, 585,586, 588, 609,
Zenodochium, 596, 610 Zopheridae,369,394,435 612
Zeugloptera, 573 Zopherus, 435 Zygaenoidea, 574, 611
Zeugophora, 445 Zoraptera, 153, 154, 156, 161, 165,250 Zygentorna, 153
Zeuzera pyrina, 613 collecting and preserving, 250 Zygoptera, 193, 194, 197,205
Zeuzeridae,574 references on, 251 classification of, 197
Zodariidae, 112, 118, 126 winged, 250, 251 collecting and preserving, 207
zonella, Aptania, 564 wingless, 250
ov, oral vibrissae pre, pronotal comb sd, subdiscal or subdiscoidal tbr, tergal bristles
ovb, outer vertical bristles prct, proctodeum vein te, transverse costal vein
ovd, oviduct prd, propodeum sdp, spiracular disc pore teb, transverse cubital vein
ovl, ovariole prl, proleg se, seta tel, tarsal elaw
ovp, ovipositor prmt, prementum sec, secretion of adult te, teeth on prothorax
ovt, ovarian tubule pro, prosoma segn, subesophageal tg, tegula
ovy, ovary ps, posterior spiraele ganglion th, thorax
psb, presutural bristles sgo, scent gland opening thap, thoracic appendages
p, palp, laterallobe psel, postscutel!um sgp, subgenital plate d, transverse lanceolate vein
P, posterior cel! pseu, pseudocubitus sgr, subgenal ridge tm, transverse median vein
pa, postabdomen psl, paired second lobe sgs,subgenalsulcus tmb, tymbal
pab, postalar bristles psm, pseudomedia sh, bivalved shel! tmg, tormogen cel!
pb, posthumeral bristles psp, posterior spiraele 51, suspensory ligament tn, trochantin
pbr, pol!en brush pt, pteropleuron sld, salivary duet tnt, tentorium
pbs, prebasilare ptar, pretarsus slg, salivary gland tr, trochanter
pc, postalar cal!us ptb, pteropleural bristles sm, submarginal vein trb, trichobothria
pcb, precoxal bridge ptbr, preapical tibial bristles SM, submarginal or apieal cel! trd, transverse radial or
pelp, postelypeus pd, genu or patel!a SMD, submedian cel! transverse marginal vein
pen, pore canal ptp, posterior tentorial pit smf, submedian fold trg, trichogen cell
pcv, posterior cross vein ptsp, preapical tibial spur smm, submedian macroduct tr gills, tracheal gills
pdp, pedipalp pul, pulvillus smml, submarginal tri, triangle
pe, penes pv, postvertical bristles macroducts trs, transverse suture
ped, pedicel pvp, perivulvar pores smt, submentum ts, tarsus
pf, pilifer pwp, pleural wing process smv, seminal vesiele tsm, tergostemal musele
pg, postgena py, pygidium snc, sensory cell tsp, tibial spur
pgc, pigment cel! 50S, subocular sulcus tst, testis
pgl, paraglossa q, quadrangle sp, spine or spur ttb, tentorial bridge
ph, phragma spb, supra-alar bristles tub, prostemal tubercle
phtr, phallotreme r, radial cross vein spbr, spiracular bristles tv, transverse vesiele
phx, pharynx R, radial vein spn, spinneret ty, tylus
pj, poison jaw or ree, rectum spr, spiraele tym, tympanum
toxicognath ret, retina spt, sperm tube
pl, pleuron rg, ring segment spth, spermatheca un, uneus
plap, pleural apophysis rh, rhabdom spthg, spermathecal gland ur, uropod
plf, palpifer Rs, radial sector spv, spurious vein
plg, palpiger, squama, or rspl, radial supplement sq, subquadrangle vag, genital ehamber or
proleg rv, recurrent vein ss, setal socket vagina
pIs, pleural suture, humeral st, stigma ve, ventral circulus
suture s, sectorial cross vein stb, stemopleural bristles vd, vas deferens
plw, posterolateral wart sa, sensoria std, stomodaeum or foregut ve, vas efferens
pm, postmarginal vein sap,superiorappendage stg, prostemal groove ver, vertex
pmr, paramere sas, subantennal sulcus sd, mesostemallobe vlv, ovipositor valvula
pmt, postmentum sb, subalare stn, stemum vrn, vitelline membrane
pn, postnodal cross vein sbm, subalar musele stns, prostemal suture vnt, ventriculus
PN, postnotum se, subcostal vein or salivary stp, stipes vtra, ventral trachea
pnwp, posterior notal wing ehannel stpl, stemopleuron VU,vulva
process Se, subcostal vein, str, subtriangle
po, postocciput subcostal cell stra, spiracular trachea w, wing
poI, postocular lobe of sea, scapula strp, stridulatory pegs wb, base of wing
prothorax seb, scutellar bristles sty, style, stylet, or stylus
por, postoccipital ridge sel, scutellum stys, stylet sac x, connection between
pos, postoccipital suture sen, sense cone su, sulcus or suture axillary selerite and
pp, prepectus sep,scape sv, stigmal vein epipleurite
ppb, propleural bristles ser, scar left on mandible sw, swimmeret
ppt, paraproct where cusp has broken off y, developing young
pr, pollen rake or pecten sct, scutum t, tergum ye, yolk cell
prb, proboscis SCV,subcostal vein tb, tibia yo, yolk
Measurement Tables
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