Isro Propulsion Complex: Code No. Discipline No. of Vacancy (Ies) Essential Qualification Mode of Selection
Isro Propulsion Complex: Code No. Discipline No. of Vacancy (Ies) Essential Qualification Mode of Selection
Isro Propulsion Complex: Code No. Discipline No. of Vacancy (Ies) Essential Qualification Mode of Selection
ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) located at Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu is a lead Unit in the
area of Liquid and Cryogenic Propulsion for ISRO’s Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Programmes. IPRC is
responsible for Research & Development of Earth Storable/Cryogenic & Semi Cryogenic Propulsion Systems;
Assembly, Integration and Testing of Engines, Stages for PSLV, GSLV and GSLV MKIII Launch Vehicles,
Associated Control Systems, Sub-systems and Components of Launch Vehicles; High Altitude Testing of Upper
Stage Engines and Space Craft Thrusters; Production and Supply of Cryogenic Propellants for ISRO’s
Cryogenic Rocket Programmes; Supply of Storable Liquid Propellants for ISRO’s Launch Vehicles and Satellite
Programmes. IPRC also carries out Research & Development (R&D) and Technology Development
Programmes (TDP) towards continual improvement of its contribution to the ISRO Space Programme.
ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) is inviting applications for the following posts:
Code Mode of
Discipline No. of Vacancy (ies) Essential Qualification
No. Selection***
Technical Assistant (Pay Band `9300-34800/- + Grade Pay `4600/-)
04 First Class Diploma in Mechanical
013 Mechanical
(UR - 02, OBC - 01, SC - 01) Engineering Written Test
04 First Class Diploma in Electronics
018 Electronics Skill Test
(UR - 02, OBC - 01, SC - 01) Engineering
01 First Class Diploma in Computer Science based)
019 Computer Science
(UR - 01) Engineering
Technician ‘B’ (Pay Band `5200-20200/- + Grade Pay `2000/-)
03 SSLC/SSC pass
003 Fitter
(UR - 02, OBC - 01) ITI in Fitter Trade NCVT with NTC/NAC
Written Test
01 SSLC/SSC pass +
020 Welder
(OBC - 01) ITI in Welder Trade NCVT with NTC/NAC Skill Test
SSLC/SSC pass based)
015 Electronics ITI in Electronic Mechanic Trade NCVT
(UR - 01, SC - 01)
with NTC/NAC
Medical Officer ‘SC’ (Pay Band `15600-39100/- + Grade Pay `5400/- + NPA @ 25% of Basic pay)
MBBS from a recognised University
registered with Medical Council of India
(candidates possessing grades below II
017 Medical Officer ‘SC’ 01 class need not apply) Interview
2 Years Experience in a reputed hospital
Permanent registration from Medical
Council of India.
Fireman ‘A’ (Pay Band `5200-20200/- + Grade Pay `1900/-)
SSLC/SSC pass Written Test
008 Fireman ‘A’ Should satisfy the prescribed Physical +
(UR - 03, OBC-02)
Fitness/Endurance Test Standards Skill Test
Driver-cum-Operator ‘A’ (Pay Band `5200-20200/- + Grade Pay `2000/-)
*** Please note that the qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not
automatically make candidates eligible for Written Test/Interview. However, based on the On-line
applications received, initial screening will be conducted for shortlisting the candidates for further
processing. The Centre may adopt the method of conducting initial screening by fixing a higher cut-off
percentage of marks scored in the essential qualification. It may also be noted that the above mode of
selection may change as per Govt. of India/DOS orders from time to time.
The final selection will be done amongst qualified candidates, purely based on the scores obtained by them in
the Written Test. From amongst candidates who qualify in the Skill test, with minimum 60% marks,
empanelment shall be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test. Skill test, wherever prescribed will
be purely on ‘go-no-go’ basis and marks obtained in the skill test shall not be considered for selection. In case
of a tie in written test scores, the academic scores of the notified qualification shall be the tie breaker.
Age Limit
Post Code Age Relaxation
(as on 17.08.2016)
013, 018, 019 Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST candidates (5 years) and
35 years
003, 020, 015 OBC candidates (3 years) for posts reserved for them. Ex-
Servicemen and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) are eligible for
008, 016 25 years upper age relaxation as per Government of India Rules.
013, 018, 019, 017 `250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only)
003, 020, 015, 008, 016 `100/- (Rupees One Hundred only)
Payment of Application Fee shall be made by remittance through any branch of State Bank of India by a challan
which will be provided on On-line application. Payment of Application Fee in any other form like cash,
cheque, draft, money order, IPO, etc. are not allowed.
Women candidates; Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons
with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
i. Applications will be received ON-LINE ONLY. Physical applications will not be entertained.
ii. For applying ON-LINE click on the Name of the Post for which application is to be submitted. Fill in all
the requisite information correctly. After filling the information, there will be an opportunity to verify your
credentials. If any corrections have to be made, click PREV STEP button and make necessary
corrections. After verifying and ensuring that the information entered are correct, click SUBMIT, after
which no modifications could be made.
iii. The applicants should furnish their e-Mail ID CORRECTLY and COMPULSORILY upon ON-LINE
registration. All further intimations to eligible candidates for Test/Interview will be sent through e-Mail
iv. After confirmation, your ONLINE REGISTRATION NUMBER will be displayed on the screen. Carefully
note down and preserve this ONLINE REGISTRATION NUMBER for future references.
v. A Personalised Fee Payment Challan, in triplicate, containing the Name of the candidate,
Registration Number, Receipt Account Number, Advertisement No. and Post Code; and Application
Acknowledgement Form will be automatically generated while registering ON-LINE application.
vi. The candidate has to download Personalised Fee Payment Challan and Application
Acknowledgement Form from the link given in the Advertisement page by providing necessary details
such as Registration No. and Date of Birth.
vii. The candidates may visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India (SBI) for remittance of application
fee on any working day between 05.08.2016 and 17.08.2016. Upon remittance, one copy [Bank Copy]
of the Challan form will be retained by the Bank and remaining parts [Applicant Copy] and [ISRO Copy]
will be given to the candidate.
viii. The confirmation copy should be duly signed and a recent passport size photograph should be duly
affixed and self attested in the space provided along with [ISRO Copy] of the fee payment Challan
should be mandatorily sent by ORDINARY POST (no Speed-Post or Registered-Post shall be sent) to;
ix. Applicants who are currently employed under Central/State Govt./Public Sector
Undertaking/Autonomous Organisation should send the confirmation copy generated after registering
the ON-LINE application Through Proper Channel. If they anticipate any delay in forwarding their
applications, they should send an advance copy of the print-out to the address mentioned
above so as to reach before the due date. However, such candidates will be allowed to attend the
test/interview only on production of No Objection Certificate from their employer.
x. The Name and full Address of the candidate should be written neatly and legibly on the left-hand
bottom side of the postal cover comprising the above documents. The cover shall be super-scribed
“APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____<name of the post>____”
xi. The above documents should reach within seven days of ON-LINE registration or in any case not later
than 26.08.2016 16.00 Hrs failing which the application registered ON-LINE will not be
xii. The applicant need not send any other documents such as copies of certificates/mark lists in
proof of educational qualification, work experience, age etc.
Women candidates; Scheduled Castes (SC)/ Confirmation Copy [duly signed and a recent passport
Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and size photograph duly affixed and self attested in the
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates space provided]
01. No deformity (inter-alia, bow legs, knock knees or flat foot shall be a disqualification)
02. Height - 165 cm (minimum)
03. Weight - 50 kg (minimum)
04. Chest - 81 cm (minimum)
Chest on expansion - 86 cm (minimum)
05. Distant Vision - 6/6 without glasses or any other aid
06. Near Vision - Normal, but presbyopic correction for persons above 40 years
07. Night blindness is a disqualification
08. Colour blindness is a disqualification
09. Each eye must have full field of vision
10. Squint or any other morbid condition of the eyes, or of the eyelids of either eye liable to the risk of
aggravation or recurrence, shall be deemed to be a disqualification.
− Putting out general fire with available material like water, sand etc.
− Finding volumes, areas of given samples
− Action in case of electrical fire
− Carrying injured person
Out of the above 8 events, candidates should select and qualify in atleast five. For qualifying in each
event, minimum Two Star rating is essential.
a. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
b. The posts are temporary, but likely to continue indefinitely.
c. Rounding off of marks not permitted.
d. Those who possess the required qualification as on the last date of application only need to apply. Further
selection process will be carried out on the basis of the information entered by the candidates in the On-line
Application. Hence, any mismatch found in future at any stage of the recruitment process will summarily
reject the candidature of the candidate.
e. The essential qualifications for the above posts should have been acquired from a recognized State
f. Candidates will have to produce original documents in proof of the details such as qualifications, work
experience, age, caste etc. furnished in their application including No-Objection certificate from current
employer, in case candidate is employed, at the time of Written Test/Skill Test for verification. Those who
fail to produce the said documents will not be allowed to attend the Written Test/Skill Test.
g. Initially the place of posting will be in IPRC, but the incumbents are liable to be posted in any of the Centres
or Units of ISRO or Department of Space situated anywhere in India as and when required.
h. For the above posts, the Organization has a progressive HRD policy and provides an excellent growth
potential through its Merit Promotion Scheme where the employees are reviewed and promoted to next
grade on merit after a prescribed residency period without reference to vacancies.
i. Attractive benefits such as Medical (CHSS - Contributory Health Service Scheme) for self and dependents,
Subsidized Canteen, Transport in lieu of Transport Allowance, Quarters in lieu of House Rent Allowance
and other social security measures are provided to ISRO employees in addition to the facilities available to
other Central Government employees such as House Building Advance, Leave Travel Concession, National
Pension Scheme etc. The Unit also has a well-stocked Library that provides an excellent opportunity for
professional development.
j. The Unit reserves the right not to fill-up any of the posts, if it so decides.
k. Those intending to apply for more than one post should send separate applications for each post.
n. No interim correspondence will be entertained. Any urgent queries or grievances shall be addressed to