CC Relief Door
CC Relief Door
CC Relief Door
U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 1 of3 US 6,488,048 B2
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U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 2 of3 US 6,488,048 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 3, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 6,488,048 B2
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US 6,488,048 B2
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EXPLOSION RELIEF VALVE through the other expanded metal perforated Wall more
uniform, the characteristics of the frame front, if applicable,
This application is a Continuation of application Ser. No. are changed in such a Way that no sparks form in closely
09/421,930, ?led Oct. 21, 1999, noW abandoned. con?ned areas, but rather distribution takes place over a
larger area With the result that the heat absorption capacity
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION of the ?ame barrier is better utiliZed and no local overloads
are able to occur. The time taken for the ?ame front to pass
1. Field of the Invention through the valve is also thereby increased. The passing of
The invention relates to an explosion relief valve for any ?ames through the valve can thus be reliably prevented.
con?ned spaces, volumes or vessels, and more particularly 10
Diesel and gas engines protected With the valve according to
for the crankcase of internal combustion engines, Which the invention can therefore also be used in haZardous areas,
includes a valve seat Which may be ?tted into a boundary and/or complicated above-roof pressure and ?ame outlets
Wall of the space to be protected, a spring-loaded closure are no longer necessary, and the non-haZardous relief of
plate co-operating With the valve seat and at least one ?ame pressure into the Working space is possible. The expanded
barrier having loW pressure resistance installed in a gas path metal of the valve construction provides greater mechanical
15 strength, on the other hand, enabling even repeated explo
leading through the valve, Which ?ame barrier preferably sions to be Withstood Without deformations occurring Which
consists of sheet-metal strips stacked one above another adversely affect operation, the valve remaining fully effec
transversely to the through?oW direction of the gas, Which tive and operational. This is of great economic signi?cance
sheet-metal strips are preferably provided at least over part as the overriding majority of ships today are built Without
of their Width With irregular corrugations, and at least one 20 redundancy and the failure of the one and only engine may
other perforated Wall in the gas path. have dire consequences.
2. The Prior Art The effect of in?uencing the ?oW for improved utiliZation
Avalve of this kind is described in DE 1 126 676 C and of the cooling capacity of the ?ame barrier is revealed
GB-A-2 017 269. TWo ?ame barriers, one disposed behind particularly clearly if at least one expanded metal Wall is
the other, are provided in the relief valves described therein, 25 positioned immediately in front of the ?rst ?ame barrier.
the British publication disclosing the combination of a According to another optional feature of the invention, on
sheet-metal ring stack With expanded metal fabric layers the other hand, at least one perforated Wall may be posi
disposed thereafter. HoWever, there is no mention Whatso tioned immediately after the last ?ame barrier.
ever in that publication of structures Which increase the According to another optional feature of the invention, at
mechanical stability and/or of affecting the ?oW character 30 least one ?ame barrier and a perforated Wall may be posi
istic. tioned behind the valve seat. As a result the ?rst pressure
peaks are caught by the closure plate of the valve before they
Avalve of an even simpler design is described in AT 311 impinge on the ?rst ?ame barrier and/or perforated Wall,
129 and has very loW conductance, a heat absorption capac Which are thereby better protected from damage.
ity suf?cient to prevent ?ames from passing through the In order to achieve a directed gas ?oW after its exit from
valve being achieved Without the application of vaporiZable the explosion relief valve, the perforated Wall is preferably
substances by means of the sheet-metal strips acting like made of expanded metal and its Webs are set in such a Way
cooling ribs. On the other hand, hoWever, because of the that the gas ?oW emerging from the valve is directed at the
substantially parallel sheet-metal strips, the ?oW resistance surface of the space to be protected. This means that even in
is not inadmissibly increased and the gas is able to ?oW the most con?ned conditions, danger to operating personnel
aWay in a linear manner, With the result that the overpressure may be prevented to the greatest possible extent and Without
in the space protected by the valve can easily be reduced. great effort.
Particularly important as ?elds of application for explo With the advantage of structural simplicity, the saving of
sion relief valves of this kind are the protection of con?ned Weight and the loW space requirement, the valve behind the
spaces such as, for example, the crankcases of tWo-and last ?ame barrier can be free of any de?ecting devices for the
45 emerging gas ?oW. On the other hand, if there is available
four-stroke diesel engines, gas containers, fairly large pipe
lines and other spaces in Which explosive substances are space provision, the valve may be larger in siZe and thus be
stored or in Which highly in?ammable gases may form.
more reliable in operation and/or suitable for higher explo
sion pressures.
Several of the relief valves described may also be provided
in parallel or in series. Advantageously, according to another optional feature of
the invention, at least one ?ame barrier may be annular and
It is desirable to provide a valve of the type speci?ed in permit through?oW over substantially 360° and at least one
the introduction, in Which a ?ame front is in every case additional perforated Wall may be provided in an annular
reliably prevented from passing through the explosion relief shape on the exterior or interior periphery of at least one
valve for all ?elds of application, the through?oW of the ?ame barrier. This feature increases the effectiveness of the
valve is optimiZed, and the valve is also protected against 55 action to make ?oW more even and ensures the least possible
mechanical damage, even after repeated explosions. load per unit area on the ?ame barrier and also on the other
perforated Wall.
To achieve advantageous Weight and also siZe optimiZa
According to the invention, the perforated Wall is made of tion and more economic production, at least one ?ame
an expanded metal strip. This material offers the facility of barrier may be made of aluminium or stainless strip steel.
controllably in?uencing the ?oW behavior, and the shape A preferred embodiment of the present invention Will be
and location of the loZenge-shaped openings of the described in more detail With reference to the accompanying
expanded metal and the alignment of the Webs can be draWings.
selected depending on the in?uence desired. The corre
sponding uniform turbulence enables the cooling capacity of 65 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the ?ame barrier to be optimally utiliZed Without excessively FIG. 1 is an axial center section to an explosion relief
increasing the ?oW resistance. As Well as making the ?oW valve according to the invention;
US 6,488,048 B2
3 4
FIG. 2 is a corresponding section through a second relief a rapid release of pressure to occur in the crankcase. The
valve according to the invention; and perforated Wall 11 causes the gases to sloW doWn and the
FIG. 3 is a corresponding section through a third relief pressure distribution and ?oW to become more uniform over
valve according to the invention, shoWing tWo different the Whole extent of the valve, so that no excessive local
arrangements. pressure peaks are able to occur. The ?ame barrier 9 then
extinguishes the ?ames and, due to the cooling of the gases
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ?oWing—relatively sloWly because of the effect of the
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS perforated Wall 11—and the Widening ?oW cross-section,
prevents the ?ames from escaping to the exterior through the
The explosion relief valve represented in FIG. 1 is a relief valve. The cooled gases are de?ected toWards the
version suitable above all for ships’ engines and also diesel engine by the edge of the arresting device 7 Which is bent
and gas engines for poWer plants, this version being installed toWards the crankcase, so that danger to operating personnel
in the crankcase or installation Wall to avoid damage to the is minimiZed.
engine or installation When, speci?cally, gas or oil mist The embodiment of FIG. 2 has, as Well as the perforated
explosions occur. The valve consists of an annular valve seat Wall 11 positioned immediately in front of the ?ame barrier
1 Which is ?xed externally by means of screWs 2 or the like 15
9, another perforated Wall 12 Which is immediately behind
to an opening in the crankcase Wall 3. Cooperating With the the ?ame barrier 9, if necessary immediately behind the last
valve seat 1 is a closure plate 4 loaded by means of a helical one of a series of ?ame barriers. While the inner expanded
compression spring 5 Wound preferably in an approximately metal Wall 11 is preferably clamped like the sheet-metal
conical shape. In addition, stay bolts 6 are screWed into the strips 10 of the ?ame barrier 9 betWeen the valve seat 1 and
valve seat 1 concentrically around the closure plate 4 and the guard 7, there are several attachment options for the
hold an arresting device 7 Which is designed as a cover plate outer perforated Wall 12.
and has a peripheral region bent toWards the crankcase As represented on the left-hand side of FIG. 2, the valve
de?ector 3, at a distance from the valve seat 1; the bolts 6 seat 1 may have a portion 3a projecting radially outWards
are at the same time used for laterally guiding the closure and the perforated Wall 12 may be clamped betWeen this
plate 4. The helical compression spring 5 is also supported 25 portion 3a and the guard. On the right-hand side of FIG. 2
on the valve cover or guard 7. A sealing ring 8 ?tted in a another attachment option is shoWn, in Which the ?ame
groove in the valve seat 1 ensures tight sealing in the closed barrier 9 and the tWo perforated Walls 11, 12 are joined
position. together by means of metal rings 13, 13a ?anged on the
The relief valve is provided, preferably behind the valve outer and inner edge to form a stack Which can be handled
seat 1 and the closure plate 4 vieWed in the direction of ?oW, all together, like a ?lter cartridge. This stack may be replaced
in a knoWn manner With at least one ?ame barrier 9 as one piece and the stack is held in its entirety by being
positioned concentrically around the stay bolts 6, for clamped betWeen the valve seat 1 and the arresting device 7.
example, the ?ame barrier 9 thus being in the gas path In FIG. 3—Without going into the precise manner of its
leading through the opening in the valve seat 1. The ?ame attachment—a single perforated Wall 12 made of expanded
barrier 9 consists preferably of sheet-metal strips 10 stacked metal behind the ?ame barrier 9 is shoWn, the Webs 12a of
one above another, corrugated over part of their Width, Which are set in relation to the sheet-metal strips 10 of the
preferably that part nearer the centre of the valve, and ?ame barrier 9, and thus also the emerging gas ?oW, in such
loosely clamped betWeen the valve seat 1 and the guard 7. a Way that these gases are de?ected toWards the installation
The corrugations extend preferably over about half the Width (ie. doWnWards as shoWn in FIG. 3). This means that there
of the strips 10 and their height decreases continuously from is no need for any other de?ecting device, speci?cally the
the inside edge of the strips 10 radially outWards. If edge of the guard 7 bent toWards the engine or the
necessary, non-corrugated, ?at sheet-metal strips may also installation, Which in this case should be ?at on the outer
be inserted betWeen the corrugated sheet-metal strips 10. edge and Whose maximum diameter should be the siZe of the
In the embodiment of FIG. 1, there is at least one other ?ame barrier 9 together With the perforated Wall 12. Thus,
perforated Wall 11 immediately in front of the ?ame barrier With the same dimensions of the valve seat 1, and also of the
9, preferably in front of the ?rst ?ame barrier in the case of 45 ?ame barrier 9, this valve requires less space or the valve
a consecutive series of ?ame barriers, in addition to the seat 1 may have a larger diameter if there is available space.
?ame barrier 9. This perforated Wall 11, like the ?ame The perforated Walls 11, 12, like the ?ame barrier 9 also,
barrier 9 also preferably behind the valve seat 1 and the are preferably manufactured from material Which is a good
closure plate 4 vieWed in the direction of ?oW, is made of heat conductor and advantageously is relatively light, for
expanded metal, Which is knoWn per se. The Webs and example aluminium or stainless strip steel. Because the
perforated openings thereof may be shaped as required so as valve construction is reinforced by the at least one perfo
to produce, When applied to the particular geometry of the rated Wall 11, 12, despite the light materials there is no fear
valve, a more uniform pressure characteristic and ?oW of any loss of mechanical strength.
characteristic of the explosion gases and to sloW doWn the While the present invention has noW been described in
?ame front so that the passing of the ?ame barrier 9 also
takes longer and the gases are therefore better able to cool
55 detail With respect to speci?c embodiments, changes can be
made therein and still fall Within the scope of the appended
doWn. Moreover, the perforated Wall 11 gives the valve claims.
construction greater mechanical stability, With the result that We claim:
smaller siZes are possible With the same safety requirements
1. An explosion relief valve for a con?ned space, com
and explosions do not directly lead to damage to the valve,
i.e., it remains operational. prising:
a valve seat Which may be ?tted onto a boundary Wall of
If an explosion occurs in the crankcase, the increase in
pressure thereby produced causes the closure plate 4 to be the con?ned space,
lifted off the valve seat 1 against the force of the spring 5 and a cover plate,
to move as far as the guard 7. The valve opening of the valve attachment means extending betWeen said cover plate and
is thereby freed, With the result that the explosion gases are 65 said valve seat for positioning said cover plate in
able to ?oW aWay through the valve seat 1, the perforated spaced relation to said valve seat and de?ning a gas
Wall 11 and the ?ame barrier 9 toWards the exterior, causing path through said valve,
US 6,488,048 B2
5 6
a spring-loaded closure plate located between said cover 13. Avalve according to claim 12, Wherein the at least one
plate and said valve seat for cooperating With the valve perforated Wall is positioned Within the central interior area
seat, of the explosion relief valve,
at least one ?ame barrier having loW pressure resistance Wherein the gas being expelled from the con?ned space
installed betWeen said cover plate and said valve seat Will pass through the at least one perforated Wall prior
and in said gas path, and to passing through the at least one ?ame barrier.
at least one other perforated Wall of expanded metal 14. Avalve according to claim 12, Wherein the at least one
installed betWeen said cover plate and said valve seat perforated Wall is positioned adjacent the at least one ?ame
and in said gas path, said at least one ?ame barrier and barrier on a side opposite the central interior area, and
perforated Wall both being positioned doWnstream of Wherein the gas being expelled from the con?ned space
the valve seat. Will pass through the at least one ?ame barrier prior to
2. Avalve according to claim 1, Wherein said at least one passing through the at least one perforated Wall.
perforated Wall is positioned immediately upstream of a ?rst 15. Avalve according to claim 13, Wherein the at least one
?ame barrier. perforated Wall has a plurality of Webs that guide the ?oW of
3. Avalve according to claim 1, Wherein said at least one 15
gas emerging from the valve toWard the boundary Wall of the
perforated Wall is positioned immediately doWnstream of a
last ?ame barrier. con?ned space.
4. A valve according to claim 1, Wherein an outermost 16. A valve according to claim 12, Wherein a portion of
perforated Wall has Webs set in such a Way that gas ?oW the valve that is located adjacent the at least one perforated
emerging from the valve is directed toWards the Wall of the Wall and the at least one ?ame barrier and opposite the
con?ned space. central Interior area is free of any de?ecting devices for the
5. A valve according to claim 1, Wherein doWnstream of expelled gas.
a last ?ame barrier and perforated Wall the valve is free of 17. A valve according to claim 12, Wherein at least one
any de?ecting devices for emerging gas ?oW. ?ame barrier is annular and permits the through?oW over
6. Avalve according to claim 1, Wherein at least one ?ame 25 substantially 36°.
barrier is annular and permits through?oW over substantially 18. A valve according to claim 12, Wherein at least one
360° and at least one additional perforated Wall is provided ?ame barrier is made of aluminum or stainless strip steel.
in an annular shape on an exterior or interior periphery of the 19. Avalve according to claim 12, Wherein the at least one
annular ?ame barrier. ?ame barrier has a plurality of sheet metal strips stacked one
7. Avalve according to claim 1, Wherein at least one ?ame above another transversely to the direction of the gas ?oW
barrier is made of aluminum or stainless strip steel. and said strips have irregular corrugations at least over part
8. Avalve according to claim 1, Wherein the at least one of their Width.
?ame barrier comprises sheet metal strips stacked one above 20. An explosion relief valve for a con?ned space With a
another transversely to a through?oW direction of the gas. boundary Wall, the valve comprising:
9. Avalve according to claim 8, Wherein the sheet-metal
strips are provided With irregular corrugations at least over 35 a valve seat With a central opening;
part of their Width. a cover plate;
10. A valve according to claim 1, Wherein said valve is attachment means extending betWeen said cover plate and
arranged for the crankcase of an internal combustion engine. said valve seat for positioning said cover plate in
11. An internal combustion engine having a crankcase and
spaced relation to said valve seat and forming a central
having the valve of claim 10 into a Wall of the crankcase.
12. An explosion relief valve for a con?ned space having chamber;
a boundary Wall, comprising: a spring-loaded closure plate located Within said central
a valve seat, chamber and cooperating With the valve seat to form a
a cover plate, movable closure for said central opening in said valve
attachment means extending betWeen said cover plate and 45 seat;
said valve seat for positioning said cover plate in at least one ?ame barrier having loW pressure resistance
spaced relation to said valve seat and de?ning a gas Which is located betWeen said cover plate and said
path through said valve, valve seat and concentrically located about said central
a spring-loaded closure plate located betWeen said cover chamber to form a gas path through Which gas escapes
plate and said valve seat for cooperating With the valve from said explosion relief valve;
seat and forming a central interior area betWeen said at least one perforated Wall Which is located betWeen said
closure plate and said valve seat, cover plate and said valve seat and adjacent the at least
at least one ?ame barrier having a loW pressure resistance one ?ame barrier, said at least one perforated Wall
installed betWeen said cover plate and said valve seat 55 having Webs of expanded metal forming perforated
and in said gas path and surrounding the central interior openings Which extends from said valve seat to said
area, cover plate so as to retard ?oW of gases escaping said
at least one perforated Wall of expanded metal located valve; and
adjacent the at least one ?ame barrier and betWeen said Wherein gas from Within the con?ned space Which is
cover plate and said valve seat, and expelled through the boundary Wall Will force the
Wherein gas from Within the con?ned space is expelled closure plate to move and alloW gas to ?oW into the
through the boundary Wall, thereby forcing the closure central chamber, through said at least one perforated
plate to move and alloW the gas to ?oW into an interior Wall, and out through the ?ame barrier, said gas becom
area and out through the at least one perforated Wall and ing cooled as it passes through the perforated Wall and
the ?ame barrier, the gas being cooled before being 65 ?ame barrier.
expelled into the atmosphere outside the con?ned