Scale Up
Scale Up
Scale Up
Enquiries received by the Royal Society of Chemistry indicate that there is a need to
provide some basic guidance on safety issues raised by the scale up of chemical
reactions from laboratory scale to full sized commercial plant. The Society believes
that chemists should be fully aware of the safety problems associated with the scale
up of chemical processes and should contribute to the scale up procedure in order to
ensure the health and safety of all persons involved.
The Note was prepared by a Working Party of the Environment, Health and Safety
Committee (EHSC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry. The Society is a registered
Charity. Its Royal Charter obliges it to serve the public interest by acting in an
independent advisory capacity. In order to meet this obligation the members of the
EHSC are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and serve on the committee as
individual experts and not as representatives of their employers.
The EHSC is eager to receive feedback on this Note. Comments can be sent to the
Committee Secretary whose details are given on the last page.
• dust and vapour explosions inside vessels due to the mishandling of reactants
and solvents
• fires due to overfilling of vessels
• failure to correctly assess electrical equipment for use in hazardous areas
identifying all possible sources of ignition
• autoignition of flammable vapours, usually resulting in a flash fire.
The first and most critical step in the scale up procedure is to undertake a risk
assessment of the proposed chemical process at the concept stage. Where
appropriate this should include a study of the thermochemistry of the proposed
• the rate of gas generation and the potential for vessel over-pressurisation
• environmental effects;
The first stage in the risk assessment is data collection. This will enable
desktop screening of the hazards of the proposed reaction to be undertaken and
if possible thermochemical calculations to be carried out. In this exercise
consideration should be given to the reactive group(s) of the reactants and
comparisons should be made with analogous substances or reactions. A
number of publications are cited in the Bibliography which may be useful in
this desktop screening exercise.
scale up procedure the information generated should be used to review the risk
assessment to enable a decision to be made as to whether or not to proceed to
the next stage. If the process is to proceed the risk assessment should specify
the controls and operating conditions required.
Laboratory experiments, carried out in test tubes, small flasks etc., produce a
required chemical or product but do not necessarily indicate side effects of the
reaction, i.e. by-products, release of gases or vapours which may be toxic or
flammable. Heat releases may be absorbed by the equipment or surroundings
and not noticed. The chemicals used may be pure materials rather than bulk
commercial chemicals, which may contain traces of impurities. Therefore in
order to overcome this problem it is essential that the apparatus, materials and
chemicals used at all stages of the scale up accurately reflect those that will be
used in the final plant. In the laboratory reactions are usually carried out in
glass vessels but the scaled up process may well be carried out in containers
made of other materials. With some reactions such changes may be important
and could result in unexpected reactions or problems including catalytic or
inhibition effects.
As scale increases the time required to carry out each operation is also likely
to increase and appropriate allowance should be made for this.
Pilot plant is used to assist in the scale up of the chemical process design
rather than the mechanical design. It provides information for economic
design, operating parameters, and safety considerations. In addition pilot
plants can be used in small scale production for evaluation and trial marketing.
Information should be obtained from pilot plant studies to confirm the
decisions made as a result of the risk assessment stage in relation to :
• operating conditions;
• design parameters;
• Phase problems;
• impurities;
• corrosion;
• fouling;
• analytical problems;
• operating procedures;
Impurities in the chemicals used can cause many problems which can be
identified in pilot plant studies. Impurities can occur in the feedstock or arise
from side reactions, decompositions, polymerisations, etc. which can cause
unexpected effects. Leaks into the system may bring in unwanted materials
such as pump lubricant, seal fluids or heat transfer media, including water.
These may lead to blockages and other problems. Some impurities can
catalyse undesirable explosive reactions or may be thermally unstable
Pilot plant studies can reveal corrosion problems. These can be associated with
minor components such as gaskets and diaphragms or with impurities in the
Information obtained from the risk assessment of the chemical process and the
scale-up studies will enable decisions to be made on the most appropriate
controls to ensure a safe operation. The main options which could be
considered for a safe operation are:
• protective measures such as pressure relief valves, vents, reaction
inhibition, crash cooling, drown out/quenching or secondary containment
which will limit the consequences of a runaway reaction.
There is no single best option for controls and protective measures that can be
applied in all cases. Whichever option is chosen it must cater for the worst
credible scenario and reduce the risk as far as is reasonably practicable.
It is essential that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken of all
new and modified reactions during the scale-up of laboratory processes to full
sized commercial plant. Appropriate process controls and protective measures
are needed to reduce the risk of a runaway exothermic reaction and/or the
generation or release of toxic materials to a level which is as low as reasonably
practicable. This not only ensures that legal requirements are complied with
but also avoids the disruption, cost, potential damage and injuries that can be
caused by the loss of control of chemical reactions.
• “Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards”, 5th Edition, Ed.
Urben, Butterworth Heinemann, 1995
• National Fire Protection Association “Manual of Hazardous Chemical
Reactions”, 4th Edition, 1971.
• A Starkie and S Rowe ‘Taking the heat’, ‘Chemistry in Britain’, February
• 'Pilot Plants and Scale-Up of Chemical Processes II', Ed. W. Hoyle, RSC,
March 1999.
This Note was prepared by a Working Party of the RSC Environment, Health and Safety Committee [EHSC].
The members of the Working Party were :
Mr G J Dickes
Mr T G R Farthing
Mr R W Hazell [Secretary]
Dr G V MacHattie [Co-chairman]
Dr R Owen
Mr D M Sanderson
Dr I Wrightson [Co-chairman]
The Working Party gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following individuals and organisations in
the preparation of this Note, though of course the views expressed remain the responsibility of the RSC :
• The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
• Dr J Bickerton
• Mr K D Jackson
• Dr J D Jones
• Mr P G Lambert
• Dr I M McRobbie
• Dr A J Starkie
• Dr W Hoyle
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