Time Saving Design Aids

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Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

The following example illustrates the design methods presented in ACI 318-05 and IBC 2003. Unless
otherwise noted, all referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from these books. The example
presented here is for Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design.

Framing Dead Load = selfweight
Superrimposed Dead Load = 25 psf partitions, M/E, misc.
Live Load = 40 psf residential
2 hour fire-rating

Concrete: Normal weight 150 pcf
f'c = 5,000 psi
f'ci = 3,000 psi

Rebar: fy = 60,000 psi

PT: Unbonded tendons
1/2”ϕ, 7-wire strands, A = 0.153 in2
fpu = 270 ksi
Estimated prestress losses = 15 ksi (ACI 18.6)
fse = 0.7 (270 ksi) - 15 ksi = 174 ksi (ACI 18.5.1)
Peff = A*fse = (0.153)(174 ksi) = 26.6 kips/tendon

Determine Preliminary Slab Thickness

Start with L/h = 45
Longest span = 30 ft
h = (30 ft)(12)/45
= 8.0” preliminary slab thickness

DL = Selfweight = (8in)(150 pcf) = 100 psf
SIDL = 25 psf
LLo = 40 psf

IBC 1607.9.1 allows for LL reduction

Exterior bay: AT = (25 ft)(27 ft) = 675 ft2

KLL = 1
LL = 0.83 LLo = 33 psf
Interior bay: AT = (25 ft)(30 ft) = 750 ft2
KLL = 1
LL = 0.80 LLo = 32 psf

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design


Use Equivalent Frame Method, ACI 13.7 (excluding sections
Total bay width between centerlines = 25 ft
Ignore column stiffness in equations for simplicity of hand calculations
No pattern loading required, since LL/DL < 3/4 (ACI 13.7.6)

Calculate Section Properties

Two-way slab must be designed as Class U (ACI 18.3.3), Gross cross-sectional properties allowed
(ACI 18.3.4)
A = bh = (300 in)(8 in) = 2,400 in2
S = bh2/6 = (300 in)(8 in)2/6 = 3,200 in3

Set Design Parameters

Allowable stresses: Class U (ACI 18.3.3)

At time of jacking (ACI 18.4.1)

f'ci = 3,000 psi
Compression = 0.60 f'ci = 0.6(3,000 psi) = 1,800 psi
Tension = 3√f'ci = 3√3,000 = 164 psi
At service loads (ACI 18.4.2(a) and 18.3.3)
f'c = 5,000 psi
Compression = 0.45 f'c = 0.45(5,000 psi) = 2,250 psi
Tension = 6√f'c = 6√5,000 = 424 psi

Average precompression limits:

P/A = 125 psi min. (ACI 18.12.4)
= 300 psi max.

Target load balances:

60%-80% of DL(selfweight) for slabs (good approximation for hand calculation)
For this example: 0.75 wDL = 0.75(100 psf) = 75 psf

Cover Requirements (2-hour fire rating, assume carbonate aggregate)

IBC 2003

Restrained slabs = 3/4” bottom

Unrestrained slabs = 11/2” bottom
= 3/4” top

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Tendon profile:
Parabolic shape;
For a layout with spans of similar length, the tendons will be typically be located at the highest
allowable point at the interior columns, the lowest possible point at the midspans, and the neutral
axis at the anchor locations. This provides the maximum drape for load-balancing.

aEND e a INT PT Tendon

L1 L2 L3

Continuous Post-Tensioned Beam

Tendon Ordinate Tendon (CG) Location*

Exterior support - anchor 4.0”
Interior support - top 7.0”
Interior span - bottom 1.0”
End span - bottom 1.75”
(CG) = center of gravity
*Measure from bottom of slab

aINT = 7.0” - 1.0” = 6.0”

aEND = (4.0” + 7.0”)/2 - 1.75” = 3.75”
eccentricity, e, is the distance from the center to tendon to the neutral axis; varies along the span

Prestress Force Required to Balance 75% of selfweight DL

Since the spans are of similar length, the end span will typically govern the maximum required
post-tensioning force. This is due to the significantly reduced tendon drape, aEND.

wb = 0.75 wDL = 0.75 (100 psf)(25 ft) = 1,875 plf = 1.875 k/ft

Force needed in tendons to counteract the load in the end bay:

P = wbL2 / 8aend
= (1.875 k/ft)(27 ft)2 / [8(3.75 in / 12)]
= 547 k

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Check Precompression Allowance

Determine number of tendons to achieve 547 k

# tendons = (547 k) / (26.6 k/tendon)
= 20.56
Use 20 tendons

Actual force for banded tendons

Pactual = (20 tendons) (26.6 k) = 532 k

The balanced load for the end span is slightly adjusted

wb = (532/547)(1.875 k/ft) = 1.82 k/ft

Determine actual Precompression stress

Pactual /A = (532 k)(1000) / (2,400 in2)
= 221 psi > 125 psi min. ok
< 300 psi max. ok

Check Interior Span Force

P = (1.875 k/ft)(30 ft)2 / [8(6.0 in / 12)]

= 421 k < 532 k
Less force is required in the center bay

For this example, continue the force required for the end spans into the interior span and check the
amount of load that will be balanced:

wb = (532 k)(8)(6.0 in /12) / (30 ft)2

= 2.36 k/ft

wb/wDL = 94%; This value is less than 100%; acceptable for this design.

East-West interior frame:

Effective prestress force, Peff = 532 kips


Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Check Slab Stresses

Separately calculate the maximum positive and negative moments in the frame for the dead, live, and bal-
ancing loads. A combination of these values will determine the slab stresses at the time of stressing and
at service loads.

Dead Load Moments

wDL = (125 psf) (25 ft) / 1000 = 3.125 plf

Live Load Moments

wLL = (33 psf) (25 ft) / 1000 = 0.825 plf

Total Balancing Moments, Mbal

wb = -2.00 k/ft (average of 3 bays)

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Stage 1: Stresses immediately after jacking (DL + PT) (ACI 18.4.1)

Midspan Stresses
ftop = (-MDL + Mbal)/S - P/A
fbot = (+MDL - Mbal)/S - P/A

Interior Span
ftop = [(-101ft-k + 65ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -135 - 221 = -356 psi compression < 0.60 f'ci = 1800 psi ok
fbot = [(101ft-k - 65ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= 135 - 221 = -86 psi compression < 0.60 f'ci = 1800 psi ok

End Span
ftop = [(-172ft-k + 110ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -232 - 221 = -453 psi compression < 0.60 f'ci = 1800 psi ok
fbot = [(172ft-k - 110ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= 232 - 221 = 11 psi tension < 3√f'ci = 164 psi ok

Support Stresses
ftop = (+MDL - Mbal)/S - P/A
fbot = (-MDL + Mbal)/S - P/A

ftop = [(240ft-k - 154ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi

= 323 - 221 = 102 psi tension < 3√f'ci = 164 psi ok
fbot = [(-240ft-k + 154ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -323 - 221 = -544 psi compression < 0.60 f'ci = 1800 psi ok

Stage 2: Stresses at service load (DL + LL + PT) (18.3.3 and 18.4.2)

Midspan Stresses
ftop = (-MDL - MLL + Mbal)/S - P/A
fbot = (+MDL + MLL - Mbal)/S - P/A

Interior Span
ftop = [(-101ft-k - 27ft-k+ 65ft-k)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -236 - 221 = -457 psi compression < 0.45 f'c = 2250 psi ok
fbot = [(101ft-k + 27ft-k - 65ft-k)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= 236 - 221 = 15 psi tension < 6√f'c = 424 psi ok

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

End Span
ftop = [(-172ft-k - 45ft-k + 110ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -401 - 221 = -622 psi compression < 0.45 f'c = 2250 psi ok
fbot = [(172ft-k + 45ft-k - 110ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= 401 - 221 = 180 psi tension < 6√f'c = 424 psi ok

Support Stresses
ftop = (+MDL + MLL - Mbal)/S - P/A
fbot = (-MDL - MLL + Mbal)/S - P/A

ftop = [(240ft-k + 64ft-k - 154ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi

= 563 - 221 = 342 psi tension < 6√f'c = 424 psi ok
fbot = [(-240ft-k - 64 ft-k + 154ft-k)(12)(1000)]/(3200 in3) - 221psi
= -563 - 221 = -784 psi compression < 0.45 f'c = 2250 psi ok

All stresses are within the permissible code limits.

Ultimate Strength

Determine factored moments

The primary post-tensioning moments, M1, vary along the length of the span.
M1 = P * e
e = 0 in. at the exterior support
e = 3.0 in at the interior support (neutral axis to the center of tendon)

M1 = (532k)(3.0in) / (12) = 133ft-k

The secondary post-tensioning moments, Msec, vary linearly between supports.

Msec = Mbal - M1
= 154 ft-k - 133 ft-k
= 21 ft-k at the interior supports

The typical load combination for ultimate strength design is

Mu = 1.2 MDL + 1.6 MLL + 1.0 Msec

At midspan: Mu = 1.2 (172ft-k) + 1.6 (45ft-k) + 1.0 (10.5 ft-k) = 289 ft-k
At support: Mu = 1.2 (-240ft-k) + 1.6 (-64ft-k) + 1.0 (21 ft-k) = -370 ft-k

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Determine minimum bonded reinforcement: to see if acceptable for ultimate strength design.

Positive moment region:

Interior span: ft = 15 psi < 2√f'c = 2√5,000 = 141 psi
No positive reinforcement required (ACI
Exterior span: ft = 180 psi > 2√f'c = 2√5,000 = 141 psi
Minimum positive moment reinforcement required (ACI
y = ft/(ft + fc)h
= [(180)/(180+622)](8 in)
= 1.80 in
Nc = MDL+LL/S * 0.5 * y * l2
= [(172 ft-k + 45 ft-k)(12) / (3,200 in3)](0.5)(1.80 in)(25ft)(12)
= 220 k
As, min = Nc / 0.5fy
= (220 k) / [0.5(60ksi)]
= 7.33 in2
Distribute the positive moment reinforcement uniformly across the slab-beam width and as close
as practicable to the extreme tension fiber.
As, min = (7.33 in2)/(25 ft)
= 0.293in2/ft
Use #5 @ 12 in. oc Bottom = 0.31 in2/ft (or equivalent)
Minimum length shall be 1/3 clear span and centered in positive moment region (ACI
Negative moment region:
As, min = 0.00075Acf (ACI

Interior supports:
Acf = max. (8in)[(30ft + 27ft)/2, 25ft]*12
As, min = 0.00075(2,736 in2)
= 2.05 in2
= 11 - #4 Top (2.20 in2)

Exterior supports:
Acf = max. (8in)[(27ft/2), 25ft]*12
As, min = 0.00075(2,400 in2)
= 1.80 in2
= 9 - #4 Top (1.80 in2)
Must span a minimum of 1/6 the clear span on each side of support (ACI
At least 4 bars required in each direction (ACI
Place top bars within 1.5h away from the face of the support on each side (ACI
= 1.5 (8 in)
= 12 in
Maximum bar spacing is 12” (ACI

Two-Way Post-Tensioned Design

Check minimum reinforcement if it is sufficient for ultimate strength

Mn = (Asfy + Apsfps) (d-a/2)
d = effective depth
Aps = 0.153in2*(number of tendons)
= 0.153in2*(20 tendons)
= 3.06 in2
fps = fse + 10,000 + (f'cbd)/(300Aps) for slabs with L/h > 35 (ACI 18.7.2)
= 174,000psi + 10,000 + [(5,000psi)(25ft*12)d]/[(300)( 3.06 in2)]
= 184,000psi + 1634d
a = (Asfy + Apsfps) / (0.85f'cb)

At supports
d = 8” - 3/4 ” - 1/4” = 7”
fps = 184,000psi + 1634(7”) = 195,438psi
a = [(2.20 in2)(60 ksi) + (3.06 in2)(195ksi)]/[(0.85)(5ksi)(25ft*12)] = 0.57
ϕMn = 0.9 [(2.20 in2)(60 ksi) + (3.06 in2)(195ksi)][7” - (0.57)/2]/12
= 0.9 (728k)(6.72in)/12
= 367 ft-k < 370ft-k Reinforcement for ultimate strength requirements governs

As, reqd = 2.30in

12 - #4 Top at interior supports

9 - #4 Top at exterior supports

When reinforcement is provided to meet ultimate strength requirements, the minimum lengths must also
conform to the provision of ACI 318-05 Chapter 12. (ACI

At midspan (end span)

d = 8” - 11/2” - 1/4” = 61/4”
fps = 184,000psi + 1634(6.25”) = 194,212psi
a = [(7.33 in2)(60 ksi) + (3.06 in2)(194ksi)]/[(0.85)(5ksi)(25ft*12)] = 0.81
ϕMn = 0.9 [(7.33 in2)(60 ksi) + (3.06 in2)(194ksi)][6.25” - (0.81)/2]/12
= 0.9 (1033k)(5.85in)/12
= 453 ft-k > 289 ft-k Minimum reinforcement ok

#5 @ 12“ oc Bottom at end spans

This is a simplified hand calculation for a post-tensioned two-way plate design. A detailed example can be
found in the PCA Notes on ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
The following example illustrates the Example Building
design methods
AIDS in the article Page 1 of 12
“Timesaving Design Aids for Reinforced Below is a partial plan of a typical floor in a
Two-Way PartSlabs 2: Two-way Slabs,” by cast-in-place reinforced concrete building. In
David A. Fanella, which appeared in the this example, an interior strip of a flat
October 2001 edition of Structural plate infloor
The following example illustrates the design methods presented system
the PCA is designed
book “Simplified and- detailed
Reinforced magazine.
Engineer Unless
Concrete Buildings otherwise
of Moderate for third
Size and Height” the edition.
of gravity
noted, according
referenced table, figure, and equation
noted, all referenced table, figure, and numbers are from that book.
to ACI 318-99.
Example numbers
Building are from that article.
Below is a partial plan of a typical floor in a cast-in-place reinforced concrete building. In this example,
an interior strip of a flat plate floor system is designed and detailed for the effects of gravity loads
according to ACI 318-05.

20c-0s 20c-0s 20c-0s


Design strip

20sx 20s (typ.) 24sx 24s (typ.)

Design Data
• Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), 3/4-in. maximum aggregate, f’c = 4,000 psi
• Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)

• Superimposed dead loads = 30 psf
• Live load = 50 psf

Two-Way Slabs

Minimum Slab Thickness

Longest clear span ln = 24 – (20/12) = 22.33 ft

From Fig. 4-3, minimum thickness h per ACI Table 9.5(c) = ln/30 = 8.9 in.

Use Fig. 1-8 to determine h based on shear requirements at interior column assuming a 9 in. slab:

qu = 1.2(112.5 + 30) + 1.6(50) = 251.0 psf

A = 24 x 20 = 480 ft2

A/c12 = 480/22 = 120

From Fig. 1-8, d/c1 ≈ 0.22

d = 0.22 x 24 = 5.3 in.

h = 5.3 + 1.25 = 6.55 in.

Try preliminary h = 9 in.

Design for Flexure

Use Fig. 4-4 to determine if the Direct Design Method of ACI Sect. 13.6 can be utilized to compute the
bending moments due to the gravity loads:
• 3 continuous spans in one direction, more than 3 in the other O.K.
• Rectangular panels with long-to-short span ratio = 24/20 = 1.2 < 2 O.K.
• Successive span lengths in each direction are equal O.K.
• No offset columns O.K.
• L/D = 50/(112.5 + 30) = 0.35 < 2 O.K.
• Slab system has no beams N.A.

Since all requirements are satisfied, the Direct Design Method can be used.

Total panel moment Mo in end span:

qul 2l2n 0.251 × 24 × 18.1672
Mo = =
8 8
= 248.5 ft - kips

Total panel moment Mo in interior span:

qul 2l2n 0.251 × 24 × 18.02
Mo = =
8 8
= 244 ft - kips

For simplicity, use Mo = 248.5 ft-kips for all spans.

Division of the total panel moment Mo into negative and positive moments, and then column and middle
strip moments, involves the direct application of the moment coefficients in Table 4-2.

Two-Way Slabs

Slab Moments End Spans Int. Span

(ft-kips) Ext. neg. Positive Int. neg. Positive
Total Moment 64.6 129.2 173.9 87.0
Column Strip 64.6 77.0 131.7 52.2
Middle Strip 0 52.2 42.2 34.8

Note: All negative moments are at face of support.

Required slab reinforcement.

Mu b* d** As† Min. As‡

Span Location Reinforcement+
(ft-kips) (in.) (in.) (in.2) (in.2)
End Span
Ext. neg. 64.6 120 7.75 2.08 1.94 11-No. 4
Positive 77.0 120 7.75 2.48 1.94 13-No. 4
Int. Neg. 131.7 120 7.75 4.25 1.94 22-No. 4
Ext. neg. 0.0 168 7.75 --- 2.72 14-No. 4
Positive 52.2 168 7.75 1.68 2.72 14-No. 4
Int. Neg. 42.2 168 7.75 1.36 2.72 14-No. 4
Interior Span
Positive 52.2 120 7.75 1.68 1.94 10-No. 4
Positive 34.8 168 7.75 1.12 2.72 14-No. 4

Column strip width b = (20 x 12)/2 = 120 in.
Middle strip width b = (24 x 12) – 120 = 168 in.
Use average d = 9 – 1.25 = 7.75 in.

As = Mu /4d where Mu is in ft-kips and d is in inches

Min. As = 0.0018bh = 0.0162b; Max. s = 2h = 18 in. or 18 in. (Sect. 13.3.2)
For maximum spacing:120/18 = 6.7 spaces, say 8 bars
168/18 = 9.3 spaces, say 11 bars

Design for Shear

Check slab shear and flexural strength at edge column due to direct shear and unbalanced moment transfer.

Check slab reinforcement at exterior column for moment transfer between slab and column.

Portion of total unbalanced moment transferred by flexure = γfMu

b1 = 20 + (7.75/2) = 23.875 in.

b2 = 20 + 7.75 = 27.75 in.

b1 /b2 = 0.86

From Fig. 4-16, γf = 0.62*

*The provisions of Sect. may be utilized; however, they are not in this example.

Two-Way Slabs

γfMu = 0.62 x 64.6 = 40 ft-kips

Required As = 40/(4 x 7.75) = 1.29 in.2

Number of No. 4 bars = 1.29/0.2 = 6.5, say 7 bars

Must provide 7-No. 4 bars within an effective slab width = 3h + c2 = (3 x 9) + 20 = 47 in.

Provide the required 7-No. 4 bars by concentrating 7 of the column strip bars (11-No. 4) within the 47 in.
slab width over the column.

Check bar spacing:

For 7-No. 4 within 47 in. width: 47/7 = 6.7 in. < 18 in. O.K.
For 4-No. 4 within 120 – 47 = 73 in. width: 73/4 = 18.25 in. > 18 in.

Add 1 additional bar on each side of the 47 in. strip; the spacing becomes 73/6 = 12.2 in. < 18 in. O.K.

Reinforcement details at this location are shown in the figure on the next page.

Check the combined shear stress at the inside face of the critical transfer section.

Two-Way Slabs

vu = Vu + γ vMu
Ac J/c

Factored shear force at edge column:

Vu = 0.251[(24 x 10.83) – (1.99 x 2.31)]

= 64.0 kips

When the end span moments are determined from the Direct Design Method, the fraction of unbalanced
moment transferred by eccentricity of shear must be 0.3Mo = 0.3 x 248.5 = 74.6 ft-kips (Sect.

γv = 1 – γf = 1 – 0.62 = 0.38

c2 /c1 = 1.0

c1 /d = 20/7.75 = 2.58

From Table 4.9

Ac = (2b1 + b2 d) = 585.7 in.2

J/c = [2b1d(b1 + 2b2) + d3(2b1 + b2)/b1]/6 = 5,139 in.3

64, 000 0.38 × 74.6 × 12, 000
vu = +
585 5,139

vu = 109.4 + 66.2 = 175.6 psi

Determine allowable shear stress φvc from Fig. 4-13:

bo /d = (2b1 + b2)/d

bo /d = [(2 x 23.875) + 27.75]/7.75 = 9.74

βc =1

φvc = 190 psi > vu = 175.6 psi OK

9” slab is OK

Reinforcement Details
The figures below show the reinforcement details for the column and middle strips. The bar lengths are
determined from Fig. 13.3.8 of ACI 318-05.

Two-Way Slabs

The PCA computer program pcaSlab can be used to expedite the design of different slab systems.
The program covers wide range of two-way slab systems and can be used for more complex slab layouts.
The output of the program for the slab in the example is shown in the following pages.

Two-Way Slabs


pcaSlab V1.10 - PCA User, Portland Cement Association

File: C:\Program Files\PCA\pcaSlab\TSDA-Example.slb

Project: TSDA Example

Frame: Engineer:

Two-Way Slabs

13-#4 13-#4 13-#4

13-#4 13-#4 13-#4

7-#4c 7-#4c 7-#4c

6-#4 6-#4 6-#4

Middle Strip Flexural Rebars

5-#4 12-#4 12-#4 12-#4 12-#4 5-#4

5-#4 13-#4 13-#4 13-#4 13-#4 5-#4

16-#4c 10-#4c 16-#4c

Column Strip Flexural Rebars

pcaSlab V1.10 - PCA User, Portland Cement Association

File: C:\Program Files\PCA\pcaSlab\TSDA-Example.slb

Project: TSDA Example

Frame: Engineer:

Two-Way Slabs

02-04-2005 - pcaSlab V1.10 - Portland Cement Association - Page 1

08:08:10 AM - Licensed to: PCA User, Portland Cement Association - TSDA-Example

ooooooo oooooo ooooo

oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
oo oo oo oo oo oo
oo oo oo oo oo
oooooooo oo ooooooo ooooo
ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooo
oo oo oo oo oo
oo oooooooo oo oo
oo oooooo oo oo

oooooo o o
oooooooo oo ooooo oo
oo oo o oo oo
oooo oo o oo oo
oooooo oo oooooo oooooo
oooo oo oo oo oo oo
oo oo oo oo oo oo
oooooooo oo o oo oo oo oo
oooooo ooo ooooo o ooooo

pcaSlab V1.10 (TM)
A Computer Program for Analysis and Design of Slab Systems
Copyright © 2000-2003, Portland Cement Association
All rights reserved

Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association

(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or
adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the
PCA-Slab computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty
expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output
prepared by the PCA-Slab program. Although PCA has endeavored to
produce PCA-Slab error free the program is not and cannot be certified
infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and
engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all
responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis,
design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of
the PCA-Slab program.


Top Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Strip Zone Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- ------ ------ -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 Column Left 10.00 8.40 0.833 1.836 14.631 12.000 0.277 10-#4
Middle 10.00 0.00 9.917 0.000 14.631 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 10.00 138.22 19.000 1.836 14.631 4.800 4.801 25-#4

Middle Left 14.00 -0.00 0.833 2.570 20.483 12.923 0.000 13-#4
Middle 14.00 0.00 9.917 0.000 20.483 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 14.00 46.08 19.000 2.570 20.483 12.923 1.535 13-#4

2 Column Left 10.00 118.88 1.000 1.836 14.631 4.800 4.097 25-#4
Middle 10.00 0.00 10.000 0.000 14.631 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 10.00 118.88 19.000 1.836 14.631 4.800 4.097 25-#4

Middle Left 14.00 39.63 1.000 2.570 20.483 12.923 1.318 13-#4
Middle 14.00 0.00 10.000 0.000 20.483 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 14.00 39.63 19.000 2.570 20.483 12.923 1.318 13-#4

3 Column Left 10.00 138.22 1.000 1.836 14.631 4.800 4.801 25-#4
Middle 10.00 0.00 10.083 0.000 14.631 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 10.00 8.40 19.167 1.836 14.631 12.000 0.277 10-#4

Middle Left 14.00 46.08 1.000 2.570 20.483 12.923 1.535 13-#4
Middle 14.00 0.00 10.083 0.000 20.483 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 14.00 -0.00 19.167 2.570 20.483 12.923 0.000 13-#4

Top Bar Details:


Two-Way Slabs

02-04-2005 - pcaSlab V1.10 - Portland Cement Association - Page 2

08:08:10 AM - Licensed to: PCA User, Portland Cement Association - TSDA-Example

Units: Length (ft)

_____________Left______________ ___Continuous__ _____________Right_____________
Span Strip Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length
---- ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 Column 5-#4 6.83 5-#4 4.47 --- 13-#4 7.00 12-#4 4.63
Middle 13-#4 4.83 --- --- 13-#4 6.12 ---

2 Column 13-#4 6.94 12-#4 4.60 --- 13-#4 6.94 12-#4 4.60
Middle 13-#4 6.87 --- --- 13-#4 6.87 ---

3 Column 13-#4 7.00 12-#4 4.63 --- 5-#4 6.83 5-#4 4.47
Middle 13-#4 6.12 --- --- 13-#4 4.83 ---

Bottom Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Strip Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- ------ -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 Column 10.00 91.95 8.299 1.836 14.631 7.500 3.134 16-#4
Middle 14.00 61.30 8.299 2.570 20.483 12.923 2.051 13-#4

2 Column 10.00 51.57 10.000 1.836 14.631 12.000 1.731 10-#4

Middle 14.00 34.38 10.000 2.570 20.483 12.923 1.142 13-#4

3 Column 10.00 91.95 11.701 1.836 14.631 7.500 3.134 16-#4

Middle 14.00 61.30 11.701 2.570 20.483 12.923 2.051 13-#4

Bottom Bar Details:

Units: Start (ft), Length (ft)
_______Long Bars_______ ______Short Bars_______
Span Strip Bars Start Length Bars Start Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 Column 16-#4 0.00 20.00 ---
Middle 7-#4 0.00 20.00 6-#4 3.00 14.00

2 Column 10-#4 0.00 20.00 ---

Middle 7-#4 0.00 20.00 6-#4 3.00 14.00

3 Column 16-#4 0.00 20.00 ---

Middle 7-#4 0.00 20.00 6-#4 3.00 14.00

Flexural Capacity:
Units: From, To (ft), As (in^2), PhiMn (k-ft)
Span Strip From To AsTop AsBot PhiMn- PhiMn+
---- ------ --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------
1 Column 0.000 0.833 2.00 3.20 -59.43 93.81
0.833 3.467 2.00 3.20 -59.43 93.81
3.467 4.467 1.00 3.20 -30.04 93.81
4.467 5.829 1.00 3.20 -30.04 93.81
5.829 6.829 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
6.829 7.192 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
7.192 10.000 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
10.000 12.642 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
12.642 13.005 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
13.005 14.005 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
14.005 15.366 2.60 3.20 -76.74 93.81
15.366 16.366 2.60 3.20 -76.74 93.81
16.366 19.000 5.00 3.20 -143.60 93.81
19.000 20.000 5.00 3.20 -143.60 93.81
Middle 0.000 0.833 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
0.833 3.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
3.000 3.831 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
3.831 4.000 0.00 1.40 0.00 42.06
4.000 4.831 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
4.831 7.192 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
7.192 10.000 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
10.000 12.642 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
12.642 13.883 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
13.883 14.883 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
14.883 16.000 2.60 2.60 -77.38 77.38
16.000 17.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
17.000 19.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
19.000 20.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06

2 Column 0.000 1.000 5.00 2.00 -143.60 59.43

1.000 3.601 5.00 2.00 -143.60 59.43
3.601 4.601 2.60 2.00 -76.74 59.43

Two-Way Slabs

02-04-2005 - pcaSlab V1.10 - Portland Cement Association - Page 3

08:08:10 AM - Licensed to: PCA User, Portland Cement Association - TSDA-Example

4.601 5.940 2.60 2.00 -76.74 59.43

5.940 6.940 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
6.940 7.300 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
7.300 10.000 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
10.000 12.700 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
12.700 13.060 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
13.060 14.060 0.00 2.00 0.00 59.43
14.060 15.399 2.60 2.00 -76.74 59.43
15.399 16.399 2.60 2.00 -76.74 59.43
16.399 19.000 5.00 2.00 -143.60 59.43
19.000 20.000 5.00 2.00 -143.60 59.43
Middle 0.000 1.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
1.000 3.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
3.000 4.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
4.000 5.875 2.60 2.60 -77.38 77.38
5.875 6.875 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
6.875 7.300 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
7.300 10.000 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
10.000 12.700 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
12.700 13.125 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
13.125 14.125 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
14.125 16.000 2.60 2.60 -77.38 77.38
16.000 17.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
17.000 19.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
19.000 20.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06

3 Column 0.000 1.000 5.00 3.20 -143.60 93.81

1.000 3.634 5.00 3.20 -143.60 93.81
3.634 4.634 2.60 3.20 -76.74 93.81
4.634 5.995 2.60 3.20 -76.74 93.81
5.995 6.995 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
6.995 7.358 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
7.358 10.000 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
10.000 12.808 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
12.808 13.171 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
13.171 14.171 0.00 3.20 0.00 93.81
14.171 15.533 1.00 3.20 -30.04 93.81
15.533 16.533 1.00 3.20 -30.04 93.81
16.533 19.167 2.00 3.20 -59.43 93.81
19.167 20.000 2.00 3.20 -59.43 93.81
Middle 0.000 1.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
1.000 3.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
3.000 4.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
4.000 5.117 2.60 2.60 -77.38 77.38
5.117 6.117 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
6.117 7.358 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
7.358 10.000 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
10.000 12.808 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
12.808 15.169 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
15.169 16.000 0.00 2.60 0.00 77.38
16.000 16.169 0.00 1.40 0.00 42.06
16.169 17.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
17.000 19.167 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06
19.167 20.000 2.60 1.40 -77.38 42.06

Slab Shear Capacity:

Units: b, d (in), Xu (ft), PhiVc, Vu(kip)
Span b d Vratio PhiVc Vu Xu
---- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
1 288.00 6.75 1.000 184.42 59.52 18.44
2 288.00 6.75 1.000 184.42 49.31 18.44
3 288.00 6.75 1.000 184.42 59.52 1.56

Flexural Transfer of Negative Unbalanced Moment at Supports:

Units: Width (in), Munb (k-ft), As (in^2)
Supp Width GammaF*Munb Comb Pat AsReq AsProv Additional Bars
---- -------- ------------ ---- ---- -------- -------- ---------------
1 45.50 31.07 U2 All 1.055 0.758 2-#4
2 49.50 33.07 U2 Odd 1.122 2.063 ---
3 49.50 33.07 U2 Odd 1.122 2.063 ---
4 45.50 31.07 U2 All 1.055 0.758 2-#4

Punching Shear Around Columns:

Units: Vu (kip), Munb (k-ft), vu (psi), Phi*vc (psi)
Supp Vu vu Munb Comb Pat GammaV vu Phi*vc
---- ------------ -------- ------------ ---- ---- ------ -------- --------

Two-Way Slabs

02-04-2005 - pcaSlab V1.10 - Portland Cement Association - Page 4

08:08:10 AM - Licensed to: PCA User, Portland Cement Association - TSDA-Example

1 47.62 124.0 8.27 U2 All 0.320 137.1 189.7

2 125.50 151.2 -36.00 U2 All 0.400 171.2 189.7
3 125.50 151.2 36.00 U2 All 0.400 171.2 189.7
4 47.62 131.9 -5.90 U2 All 0.320 142.1 189.7

Maximum Deflections:
Units: Dz (in)
__________Frame____________ _______Column Strip________ ________Middle Strip_______
---- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---------
1 -0.084 -0.043 -0.127 -0.149 -0.076 -0.225 -0.038 -0.019 -0.057
2 -0.025 -0.016 -0.042 -0.041 -0.026 -0.067 -0.014 -0.009 -0.023
3 -0.084 -0.043 -0.127 -0.149 -0.076 -0.225 -0.038 -0.019 -0.057

Material Takeoff:
Reinforcement in the Direction of Analysis
Top Steel: 775.080 lb = 0.538 lb/ft^2
Bottom Steel: 1010.016 lb = 0.701 lb/ft^2
Stirrup: 0.000 lb = 0.000 lb/ft^2
Total steel: 1785.096 lb = 1.240 lb/ft^2
Concrete Volume: 1020.000 ft^3 = 0.708 ft^3/ft^2
The following example illustrates the Example Building
design methods presented in the article
TIME SAVINGDesign Aids for Reinforced
DESIGN AIDS Below is a partial plan of a typical Page 1 offloor
6 in a
Concrete, Part 1: Beams and One-way cast-in-place reinforced concrete building.
Beams by David A.Slabs
and One-Way Fanella, which The floor framing consists of wide-module
appeared in the August 2001 edition of joists and beams. In this example, the
Structural Engineer magazine. Unless beamsin are designed and detailed
The following example illustrates the design methods presented the PCA book “Simplified Design - for the
otherwise noted, Buildings
Reinforced Concrete all referenced
of Moderatetable, combined
Size and Height” effects
third edition. Unlessof gravitynoted,
otherwise andall lateral
referenced table, figure, and equation
figure, and equation numbers are from numbers are from that book.
(wind) loads according to ACI 318-99.
that article.
Example Building
Below is a partial plan of a typical floor in a cast-in-place reinforced concrete building. The floor framing
consists of wide-module joists and beams. In this example, the beams are designed and detailed for the
combined effects of gravity and lateral (wind) loads according to ACI 318-05.

30c-0s 30c-0s 30c-0s


18sx18s (typ.) 24sx 24s (typ.)

Design Data
• Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), 3/4 - in. maximum aggregate, f’c = 4,000 psi
• Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)

• Joists (16 + 41/2 x 6 + 66) = 76.6 psf
• Superimposed dead loads = 30 psf
• Live load = 100 psf
• Wind loads: per ASCE 7-02

Beams and One-Way Slabs

Gravity Load Analysis

The coefficients of ACI Sect. 8.3 are utilized to compute the bending moments and shear forces along the
length of the beam. From preliminary calculations, the beams are assumed to be 36 x 20.5 in. Live load
reduction is taken per ASCE 7-02.
36 × 20.5
× 150
Beam weight = 144 = 23.7 psf

Live load reduction per ASCE 7-02 Sect. 4.8:

⎛ 15 ⎞
L =LO ⎜ 0.25 + ⎟
⎜ K LLAT ⎟⎠

From Figure C4 of ASCE 7-02, KLL = live load element factor = 2 for interior beams

AT = tributary area = 32.5 x 30 = 975 ft2

KLLAT = 2 x 975 = 1,950 ft2 > 400 ft2

⎛ 15 ⎞
L = LO ⎜ 0.25 + ⎟ = 0.59LO
⎝ 1, 950 ⎠

Since the beams support only one floor, L shall not be less than 0.50LO.

Therefore, L = 0.59 x 100 = 59 psf.

Total factored load wu:

wu = 1.2(76.6 + 23.7 + 30) + 1.6(59)

= 250.8 psf

= 250.8 x 32.5/1,000 = 8.15 klf

Factored reactions per ACI Sect. 8.3 (see Figs. 2-3 through 2-7):

Neg. Mu at ext. support = wuln2/16

= 8.15 x 28.252/16

= 406.5 ft-kips

Pos. Mu at end span = wuln2/14

= 8.15 x 28.252/14

= 464.6 ft-kips

Beams and One-Way Slabs

Neg. Mu at first int. col. = wuln2/10*

= 8.15 x 28.1252/10

= 644.7 ft-kips

*Average of adjacent clear spans

Pos. Mu at int. span = wuln2/16

= 8.15 x 282/16

= 399.4 ft-kips

Vu at exterior col. = wuln/2

= 8.15 x 28.25/2

= 115.1 kips

Vu at first interior col. = 1.15wuln/2

= 1.15 x 115.1

= 132.4 kips

Wind Load Analysis

As noted above, wind forces are computed per ASCE 7-02. Calculations yield the following reactions:

Mw = ± 90.3 ft-kips

Vw = 6.0 kips

Design for Flexure

Sizing the cross-section

Per ACI Table 9.5(a), minimum thickness = l/18.5 = (30 x 12)/18.5 = 19.5 in.

Since joists are 20.5 in. deep, use 20.5-in. depth for the beams for formwork economy.

With d = 20.5 – 2.5 = 18 in., solving for b using maximum Mu along span (note: gravity moment combination

bd2 = 20Mu

b = 20 x 644.7/182 = 39.8 in. > 36 in.

This implies that using a 36-in. wide beam, ρ will be greater than 0.5ρmax.

Beams and One-Way Slabs

Check minimum width based on ρ = ρmax (see Chapter 3 of the PCA publication Simplified Design of
Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and Height for derivation):

bd2 = 14.6Mu

b = 14.6 x 644.7/182 = 29.1 in. < 36 in.

This implies that ρ will be less than ρmax.

Use 36 x 20.5 in. beam.

Required Reinforcement
Beam moments along the span are summarized in the table below.

End Span Interior span

Load Case Location
(ft-kips) (ft-kips)
Exterior negative -211.2 —
Dead (D) Positive 241.4 207.5
Interior negative -335.0 -304.9
Exterior negative -95.6 —
Live (L) Positive 109.3 94.0
Interior negative -151.7 -138.1
Exterior negative ±90.3 —
Wind (W) Positive — —
Interior negative ±90.3 ±90.3
No. Load Combination
Exterior negative -406.4 —
1.2D + 1.6L
1 Positive 464.6 399.4
Interior negative -644.7 -586.8
Exterior negative -156.8 —
2 1.2D + 0.5L + 1.6W Positive 344.3 296.0
(9–4) Interior negative -622.3 -290.5
-333.4 -579.4
Exterior negative -45.6 —
3 0.9D + 1.6W Positive 217.3 186.8
(9–6) Interior negative -446 -129.4
-157 -418.9

Beams and One-Way Slabs

Required reinforcement, is summarized in the table below. Tables 3-2 and 3-3 are utilized to ensure that
the number of bars chosen conforms to the code requirements for cover and spacing.

Location Mu (ft-kips) As (in.2)* Reinforcement

Exterior negative -445.7 6.19 8-No. 8
End Span Positive 464.6 6.45 9-No. 8
Interior negative -644.7 8.95 12-No. 8
Interior Span Positive 399.4 5.54 7-No. 8
*As = Mu/4d

Min. As = 3 4, 000 x 36 x18/60,000 = 2.05 in.2

= 200 x 36 x 18/60,000 = 2.16 in.2 (governs)

Max. As = 0.0206 x 36 x 18 = 13.35 in.2

For example, at the exterior negative location in the end span, the required As = Mu/4d = 445.7/(4 x 18) =
6.19 in.2 Eight No. 8 bars provides 6.32 in.2. From Table 3-2, the minimum number of No. 8 bars for a 36-
in. wide beam is 5. Similarly, from Table 3-3, the maximum number of No. 8 bars is 16. Therefore, 8-No. 8
bars are adequate.

Design for Shear

Shear design is illustrated by determining the requirements at the exterior face of the interior column.

Vu = 1.2D + 1.6L = 132.4 kips (governs)

Vu at d from face = 132.4 – 8.15(18/12)

= 120.2 kips

Max. (φVc +φVs) = φ10 f' c bwd = 307.4 kips

φVc = φ2 f' c bwd = 61.5 kips

Required φVs = 120.2 – 61.5 = 58.7 kips

From Table 3-8, No. 5 U-stirrups at d/3 provides φVs = 84 kips > 58.7 kips. Length over which stirrups are
required = [120.2 – (61.5/2)]/8.15 = 11 ft from face of support.

Use No. 5 stirrups @ 6 in.


Beams and One-Way Slabs

Reinforcement Details
The figure below shows the reinforcement details for the beam. The bar lengths are computed from
Fig. 8-3 of the PCA publication Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and
Height. In lieu of computing the bar lengths in accordance with ACI Sects. 12.10 through 12.12, 2-No. 5
bars are provided within the center portion of the span to account for any variations in required bar
lengths due to wind effects. For overall economy, it may be worthwhile to forego the No. 5 bars and
determine the actual bar lengths per the above ACI sections.

Since the beams are part of the primary lateral-load-resisting system, ACI Sect. 12.11.2 requires that at
least one-fourth of the positive moment reinforcement extend into the support and be anchored to devel-
op fy in tension at the face of the support.


The following examples illustrate the design methods presented in the PCA book “Simplified Design -
Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and Height” third edition. Unless otherwise noted, all
referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from that book. The examples presented here are
for columns.

Examples for walls are available on our Web page: www.cement.org/buildings.

Example 1
In this example, an interior column at the 1st floor level of a 7-story building is designed for the effects
of gravity loads. Structural walls resist lateral loads, and the frame is nonsway.

• Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), 3/4-in. maximum aggregate, f’c = 4,000 psi
• Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)

• Floor framing dead load = 90 psf
• Superimposed dead loads = 30 psf
• Live load = 100 psf (floor), 20 psf (roof)

Building Data
• Typical interior bay = 30 ft x 30 ft
• Story height = 12 ft-0 in.

The table below contains a summary of the axial loads due to gravity. The total factored load Pu is com-
puted in accordance with Sect. 9.2.1, and includes an estimate for the weight of the column. Live load
reduction is determined from ASCE 7-02. Moments due to gravity loads are negligible.

Floor DL (psf) LL (psf) Red. LL (psf) Pu (kips) Cum. Pu (kips)

7 80 20 20.0 125 125
6 120 100 50.0 212 337
5 120 100 42.7 201 538
4 120 100 40.0 197 735
3 120 100 40.0 197 932
2 120 100 40.0 197 1,129
1 120 100 40.0 197 1,326

Use Fig. 5-1 to determine a preliminary size for the tied column at the 1st floor level.

Assuming a reinforcement ratio ρg = 0.020, for Pu = 1,326 kips, a 24” x 24” column is required.

Check if slenderness effects need to be considered.



Since the column is part of a nonsway frame, slenderness effects can be neglected when the unsupported
column length is less than or equal to 12h, where h is the column dimension (ACI 318-05 Sect. 10.12.2).

12h = 12 x 24 = 288 in. = 24 ft > 12 ft story height, which is greater than the unsupported length of the
column. Therefore, slenderness effects can be neglected.

To determine the required area of longitudinal reinforcement.

For a 24 x 24 in. column at the 1st floor level:

As = 0.02 x 24 x 24 = 11.52 in.2

Try 8-No. 11 bars (As = 12.48 in.2)

Check Eq. (10-2) of ACI 318-05:

φPn(max) = 0.80φ[0.85f’c (Ag – Ast) + fy Ast]

= 1,386 kips > 1,326 kips O.K.

3-No. 11 bars can be accommodated on the face of a 24-in. wide column with normal lap splices and
No. 4 ties.

Determine required ties and spacing.

According to Sect., No. 4 ties are required when No. 11 longitudinal bars are used.

According to Sect., spacing of ties shall not exceed the least of:

16 long. bar diameters = 16 x 1.41

= 22.6 in. (governs)

48 tie bar diameters = 48 x 0.5

= 24 in.

Least column dimension = 24 in.

Check clear spacing of longitudinal bars:

⎛ 1.41⎞
24 - 2⎜1.5 + 0.5 + ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
Clear space = - 1.41 = 7.9 in.

Since the clear space between longitudinal bars > 6 in., cross-ties are required per ACI 318-05 Sect.

Reinforcement details are shown below.

See ACI 318-05 Sect. 7.8 for additional special reinforcement details for columns.
Check clear spacing of longitudinal bars: See Sect. 7.8 for additional special
reinforcement details for columns.



8-No. 11


No. 4 ties @ 22s

Example 2
In this example, a simplified interaction diagram is constructed for an 18 in. x 18 in. tied column rein-
forced with 8-No. 9 Grade 60 bars (ρg = 8/182 = 0.0247). Concrete compressive strength = 4 ksi.

Use the simplified equations to determine the 5 points on the interaction diagram.

• Point 1: Pure compression

φPn(max) = 0.80φAg[0.85f’c +ρg(fy - 0.85f’c)]

= 0.52 x 182[(0.85 x 4) + 0.0247 (60 - (0.85 x 4))]

= 809 kips

• Point 2 (fst = 0)

Layer 1:
1 - C2 = 1 - 1(1) = 0
Layer 2:
d2 ⎛ ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1 ⎜ 9.00 ⎟ = 0.42
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠
Layer 3:
d3 ⎛ ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1 ⎜ 9.00 ⎟ = 0.84
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠

Since 1 – C2 (d3 /d1) > 0.69, the steel in layer 3 has yielded.
 U g ( fy  0.85 fcc )] Since 1 – C2 (d3 /d1) > 0.69, the steel in
layer 3 has yielded.
0.56 u 18 2 [( 0.85 u 4 )
 0.0247 (60  (0.85 u 4 ))] Therefore, set 1 – C2 (d3Page
/d1)4 of=9 0.69 to
871 kips ensure that the stress in the bars in
Columns layer 3 is equal to 60 ksi.

1.5s (typ.)
d3 = 2.44s
No. 3 tie

d2 = 9.00s
3-No. 9

d1 = 15.56s

2-No. 9

3-No. 9

Therefore, set 1 – C2 (d3 /d1) = 0.69 to ensure that the stress in the bars in layer 3 is equal to 60 ksi.
⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎤
φPn = φ ⎢C1d1b + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎥
d1 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{(2.89 x 15.56 x 18)

+ 87[(3 x 0) + (2 x 0.42)

+ (3 x 0.69)]}

= 0.65 (809.4 + 253.2)

= 691 kips

⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎛ h ⎞⎤
φMn = φ ⎢0.5C1d1b(h − C 3d1 ) + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎜ − di ⎟⎥ /12
d1 ⎠⎝ 2 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{(0.5 x 2.89 x 15.56 x 18)

x (18-0.85 x 15.56)

+ 87[(3 x 0) (9 - 15.56)

+ (2 x 0.42) (9 - 9)

+ (3 x 0.69) (9 - 2.44)]} /12

= 0.65 (1,932.1 + 1,181.4) /12

= 169 ft - kips


• Point 3 (fst = -0.5fy)

Layer 1:
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.35 (1) = -0.35
Layer 2:
d2 ⎛ 9.00 ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.35 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.22
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠
Layer 3:
d3 ⎛ 2.44 ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.35 ⎜ ⎟ = -0.79, Use 0.69
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠

⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎤
φPn = φ ⎢C1d1b + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎥
d1 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{(2.14 x 15.56 x 18)

+ 87[(3 x -0.35) + (2 x 0.22)

+ (3 x 0.69)]}

= 0.65 (599.4 + 127.0)

= 472 ft - kips

⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎛ h ⎞⎤
φMn = φ ⎢0.5C1d1b(h − C 3d1 ) + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎜ − di ⎟⎥ /12
d1 ⎠⎝ 2 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{(0.5 x 2.14 x 15.56 x 18)

(18 - 0.63 x 15.56)

+ 87[(3 x -0.35) (9 - 15.56)

+ (2 x 0.23) (9 - 9)

+ (3 x 0.69) (9 - 2.44)]} /12

= 0.65 (2,456.6 + 1,780.7) /12

= 230 ft - kips


• Point 4 (fst = -fy)

Layer 1:
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.69 (1) = -0.69
Layer 2:
d2 ⎛ 9.00 ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.69 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.02
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠
Layer 3:
d3 ⎛ 2.44 ⎞
1 - C2 = 1 - 1.69 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.74, Use 0.69
d1 ⎝15.56 ⎠

⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎤
φPn = φ ⎢C1d1b + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎥
d1 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{(1.70 x 15.56 x 18)

+ 87[(3 x -0.69) + (2 x 0.02)

+ (3 x 0.69)]}

= 0.65 (476.1 + 3.5)

= 312 kips

⎡ n ⎛ di ⎞⎛ h ⎞⎤
φMn = φ ⎢0.5C1d1b(h − C 3d1 ) + 87 ∑ A ⎜1 − C
si 2 ⎟⎜ − di ⎟⎥ /12
d1 ⎠⎝ 2 ⎠⎦
⎣ i=1 ⎝

= 0.65{[(0.5 x 1.70 x 15.56 x 18)

x (18 - 0.50 x 15.56)

+ 87[(3 x -0.69) (9 - 15.56)

+ (2 x 0.02) (9 - 9)

+ (3 x 0.69) (9 - 2.44)]} /12

= 0.65 (2,433.1 + 2,362.8) /12

= 260 ft - kips


• Point 5: Pure bending

Use iterative procedure to determine φMn.

Try c = 4.0 in.

⎛ c − d1 ⎞
εs1 = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ c ⎠
⎛ 4 − 15.56 ⎞
= 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠
= -0.0087

fs1 = Esεs1

= 29,000 x (-0.0087) = -251.4 ksi > -60 ksi, use fs1 = -60 ksi

Ts1 = As1fs1 = 3 x (-60) = -180 kips

⎛ c − d2 ⎞
εs2 = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ c ⎠
⎛ 4 − 9⎞
= 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠
= -0.0038

fs2 = Esεs2

= 29,000 x (-0.0038) = -108.8 ksi > -60 ksi, use fs2 = -60 ksi

Ts2= As2fs2 = 2 x (-60) = -120 kips

⎛ c − d3 ⎞
εs3 = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ c ⎠
⎛ 4 − 2.44 ⎞
= 0.003 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4 ⎠
= 0.0012

fs3 = Esεs2

= 29,000 x (0.0012) = 33.9 ksi

Cs3 = As3fs3 = 3 x 33.9 = 102 kips

Cc = 0.85f’cab

= 0.85 x 4 x (0.85 x 4) x 18

= 208 kips


Total T = (-180) + (-120) = -300 kips

Total C = 102 + 208 = 310 kips

Since T ≈ C, use c = 4.0 in.

⎛h ⎞ ⎛18 ⎞
Mns1 = Ts1 ⎜ − di ⎟ = (-180)⎜ − 15.56⎟ /12
⎝2 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎠

= 98.4 ft - kips

⎛h ⎞ ⎛18 ⎞
Mns2 = Ts2 ⎜ − d2 ⎟ = (-120)⎜ − 9⎟ /12
⎝2 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎠


⎛h ⎞ ⎛18 ⎞
Mns3 = Cs3 ⎜ − d3 ⎟ = 102⎜ − 2.44 ⎟ /12
⎝2 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎠

= 55.8 ft - kips

Mn = 0.5Cc (h − a) + ∑M nsi = [0.5 × 208 × (18 − 3.4 )] /12 + 154.2

= 280.7 ft - kips

φMn = 0.9 x 280.7 = 253 ft - kips

Compare simplified interaction diagram to interaction diagram generated from the PCA computer program

The comparison is shown on the next page. As can be seen from the figure, the comparison between the
exact (black line) and simplified (red line) interaction diagrams is very good.


Moment Redistribution

A 3-span continuous beam has center-to-center span lengths of 30 ft-0 in. The beam is 20 in. by 28 in.
and all columns are 20 in. by 20 in. In this example, the beam is designed for flexure using moment

Design Data
x Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), f’c = 4,000 psi
x Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)
x Superimposed dead load = 3.5 kips/ft
x Live load = 2.75 kips/ft

Determine factored loads

U = 1.2D + 1.6L
20 × 28
wD = × 0.150 + 3.5 = 4.1 kips/ft
wL = 2.75 kips/ft
wU = 1.2w D + 1.6w L = (1.2 × 4.1) + (1.6 × 2.75 ) = 9.3 kips/ft

Determine bending moments for pattern loading

Maximum negative moments at faces of supports and positive midspan moments were determined by
computer analysis for the following 4 load cases:
x Case I: Live load applied to all 3 spans
x Case II: Live load applied to end span and interior span only
x Case III: Live load applied to end spans only
x Case IV: Live load applied to interior span only

Moment Redistribution

Factored Bending Moments Due to Pattern Loading

Location Load Case Mu (ft-kips)

I 361.7
II 357.8
Exterior negative
III 390.1
IV 162.1
I 426.5
II 424.5
End Span Positive
III 454.1
IV 201.8
I 662.8
II 674.8
Interior negative
III 574.3
IV 437.7
I 634.1
II 668.8
III 394.1
IV 543.8
Interior Span
I 330.2
II 361.2
III 113.9
IV 390.2

Determine maximum allowable percentage increase or decrease in negative moment

Use d = 25.44 in. (assuming 1.5 in. clear cover, No. 4 stirrups, and No. 9 flexural bars)
The required area of steel for the maximum bending moments due to pattern loading is summarized in
the table below. Also given in the table is the corresponding net tensile strain in the extreme tension
steel ε t and the percent allowable adjustment in the negative moment 1000ε t .

Moment Adjustments at Supports

Location Mu (ft-kips) As (in.2) ε t (in./in.) 1000ε t (%)*

End support 390.1 3.64 0.0172 17.2

Interior support 674.8 6.66 0.0080 8.0

*Permitted to increase or decrease negative moments by not more than 1000ε t ≤ 20% per ACI 8.4.1.
Redistribution of negative moments is permitted only when ε t ≥ 0.0075 (ACI 8.4.3).

Moment Redistribution

Adjustments of moments
In this example, it is decided to reduce the negative moment at the first interior support and accept the
corresponding increase in the positive moment in the end span. It is also decided that the negative
moments at the exterior supports will not be adjusted.
The following calculations illustrate the adjustment of the moments for Load Case II.
Negative moment at first interior support = −674.8 ft-kips with an allowable redistribution factor = 8.0%
(see above table).
Reduction to moment = −674.8 × 0.08 = −54.0 ft-kips
Adjusted negative moment = −674.8 − (−54.0) = −620.8 ft-kips
Increase in positive moment in end span:
For Load Case II, negative moment at exterior support = −357.8 ft-kips
− 620.8 + (− 357.8)
Midspan ordinate on line from exterior support to interior support = = −489.3 ft-kips
Moment due to uniform load = wu l n / 8 = 9.3 × 28.33 / 8 = 933.0 ft-kips
Adjusted positive moment at midspan = 933.0 + (−489.3) = 443.7 ft-kips
Similar calculations can be performed for the other load cases.

Determine flexural reinforcement based on adjusted moments

The table below gives a summary of the required reinforcement at the negative and positive locations in
both an exterior and interior span, based on the redistributed bending moments. Note that if an
additional adjustment of the bending moments is warranted, further cycles of redistribution may be

Summary of Flexural Reinforcement

Required Provided
Mu Load
(ft-kips) Case
As (in.2) ρ Bars ρ

-390.1 III 3.64 0.0071 4-No. 9 0.0079

End span Positive 473.7 III 4.49 0.0088 5-No. 9 0.0098

-620.8 II 6.06 0.0119 6-No. 9 0.0118

Positive 390.2 IV 3.64 0.0072 4-No. 9 0.0079

ρmin = 200/fy = 0.0033

For comparison, output from pcaBeam program is presented on the following pages.

Moment Redistribution


pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution


CASE: Wind

2750 2750 2750

CASE: Live
3500 3500 3500

CASE: Dead

583.333 583.333 583.333


pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution

160.0 150.87
Shear Diagram - kip

-150.87 -144.09

-800.0 -799.18-755.39 -755.39-799.18

-495.63 -495.63
Moment Diagram - k-ft

Envelope (Non-Redist.)

454.06 454.06


pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution

143.58 148.22
Shear Diagram - kip

-143.58 -135.21

-719.74-672.40 -672.40-719.74
-495.63 -495.63
Moment Diagram - k-ft

Envelope (Redist.)

487.21 461.84 487.21


pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution














Flexural Reinforcement

pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution

Moment Capacity - k-ft

Envelope Curve
Capacity Curve
Support Centerline
Face of Support

pcaBeam v1.50. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb

Project: 6052.01

Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF


Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:49 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 1

ooooooo oooooo ooooo

oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
oo oo oo oo oo oo
oo oo oo oo oo
oooooooo oo ooooooo ooooo
ooooooo oo oo ooooooo ooooo
oo oo oo oo oo
oo oooooooo oo oo
oo oooooo oo oo



pcaBeam v1.50 (TM)
A Computer Program for Analysis, Design, and Investigation of
Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beam and One-Way Slab Systems
Copyright © 1992-2005, Portland Cement Association
All rights reserved

Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association

(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or
adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the
pcaBeam computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty
expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output
prepared by the pcaBeam program. Although PCA has endeavored to
produce pcaBeam error free the program is not and cannot be certified
infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and
engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all
responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis,
design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of
the pcaBeam program.


General Information:
File name: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb
Project: 6052.01
Frame: Moment Redistribution Engineer: DAF
Code: ACI 318-02 Mode: Design Reinforcement Database: ASTM A615
Number of supports = 4
Floor System: One-Way/Beam

Live load pattern ratio = 100%

Deflections are based on cracked section properties.
In negative moment regions, Ig and Mcr DO NOT include flange/slab contribution (if available)
Compression reinforcement calculations NOT selected.
Moment redistribution selected.
Effective flange width calculations NOT selected.
Rigid beam-column joint NOT selected.
Torsion analysis and design NOT selected.

Material Properties:
Slabs|Beams Columns
------------ ------------
wc = 150 150 lb/ft3
f'c = 4 4 ksi
Ec = 3834.3 3834.3 ksi
fr = 0.47434 0.47434 ksi

fy = 60 ksi, Bars are not epoxy-coated

fyv = 60 ksi
Es = 29000 ksi

Reinforcement Database:
Units: Db (in), Ab (in^2), Wb (lb/ft)
Size Db Ab Wb Size Db Ab Wb
---- -------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- --------
#3 0.38 0.11 0.38 #4 0.50 0.20 0.67
#5 0.63 0.31 1.04 #6 0.75 0.44 1.50

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 2

#7 0.88 0.60 2.04 #8 1.00 0.79 2.67

#9 1.13 1.00 3.40 #10 1.27 1.27 4.30
#11 1.41 1.56 5.31 #14 1.69 2.25 7.65
#18 2.26 4.00 13.60

Span Data:
Slabs: L1, wL, wR (ft); t, Hmin (in)
Span Loc L1 t wL wR Hmin
---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Int 30.000 0.00 0.833 0.833 0.00
2 Int 30.000 0.00 0.833 0.833 0.00
3 Int 30.000 0.00 0.833 0.833 0.00

Ribs and Longitudinal Beams: b, h, Sp (in)

__________Ribs____________ _______Beams_____ __Span__
Span b h Sp b h Hmin
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 28.00 19.46
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 28.00 17.14
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 28.00 19.46

Support Data:
Columns: c1a, c2a, c1b, c2b (in); Ha, Hb (ft)
Supp c1a c2a Ha c1b c2b Hb Red%
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
1 20.00 20.00 12.000 20.00 20.00 12.000 100
2 20.00 20.00 12.000 20.00 20.00 12.000 100
3 20.00 20.00 12.000 20.00 20.00 12.000 100
4 20.00 20.00 12.000 20.00 20.00 12.000 100

Moment Redistribution Limits

Supp Left[%] Right[%]
---- -------- --------
1 0 0
2 20 20
3 20 20
4 0 0

Boundary Conditions: Kz (kip/in); Kry (kip-in/rad)

Supp Spring Kz Spring Kry Far End A Far End B
---- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------
1 0 0 Fixed Fixed
2 0 0 Fixed Fixed
3 0 0 Fixed Fixed
4 0 0 Fixed Fixed

Load Data:
Load Cases and Combinations:
Case SELF Dead Live Wind EQ
U1 1.200 1.200 1.600 0.000 0.000

Span Loads:
Span Case Wa La Wb Lb
---- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Line Loads - Wa | Wb (lb/ft), La | Lb (ft):
1 Dead 3500 0 3500 30
2 Dead 3500 0 3500 30
3 Dead 3500 0 3500 30
1 Live 2750 0 2750 30
2 Live 2750 0 2750 30
3 Live 2750 0 2750 30

Support Loads - Fz (kip), My (k-ft):

Supp Case Fz My
---- -------- ------------ ------------
1 SELF 0 0
2 SELF 0 0
3 SELF 0 0
4 SELF 0 0
1 Live 0 0
2 Live 0 0
3 Live 0 0
4 Live 0 0

Support Displacements - Dz (in), Ry (rad):

Supp Case Dz Ry
---- -------- ------------ ------------
1 SELF 0 0
2 SELF 0 0
3 SELF 0 0
4 SELF 0 0
1 Live 0 0
2 Live 0 0

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 3

3 Live 0 0
4 Live 0 0

Lateral Load Effects - M (k-ft):

Span Case Mleft Mright
---- -------- ------------ ------------
1 EQ 0 0
2 EQ 0 0
3 EQ 0 0
1 Wind 0 0
2 Wind 0 0
3 Wind 0 0

Reinforcement Criteria:
_____Top bars___ ___Bottom bars__ ____Stirrups____
Min Max Min Max Min Max
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Slabs and Ribs:
Bar Size #5 #8 #5 #8
Bar spacing 1.00 18.00 1.00 18.00 in
Reinf ratio 0.14 5.00 0.14 5.00 %
Cover 1.50 1.50 in
Top bars have 12 in of concrete below them.

Bar Size #9 #9 #9 #9 #3 #5
Bar spacing 1.00 18.00 1.00 18.00 6.00 18.00 in
Reinf ratio 0.14 5.00 0.14 5.00 %
Cover 1.50 1.50 in
Top bars have 12 in of concrete below them.


Moment Redistribution Factors:

Units: Org.Mu (k-ft)
____________Calculated_____________ __User__ _Applied_
Supp Side Org.Mu Iter.# EpsilonT Factor[%] Limit[%] Factor[%]
---- ------ -------- ------ -------- --------- -------- ---------
1 Right 388.10 3 0.02384 20.00 0.00 0.00
2 Left 676.69 5 0.00994 9.94 20.00 9.94
2 Right 638.55 5 0.01099 10.99 20.00 10.99
3 Left 638.55 5 0.01099 10.99 20.00 10.99
3 Right 676.69 5 0.00994 9.94 20.00 9.94
4 Left 388.10 3 0.02384 20.00 0.00 0.00

Top Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Zone Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- ------ -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 Left 1.67 386.19 0.833 1.729 9.369 5.206 3.520 4-#9
Middle 1.67 0.00 15.000 0.000 9.369 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 1.67 599.46 29.167 1.729 9.369 3.123 5.686 6-#9

2 Left 1.67 555.98 0.833 1.729 9.369 3.123 5.229 6-#9

Middle 1.67 0.00 15.000 0.000 9.369 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 1.67 555.98 29.167 1.729 9.369 3.123 5.229 6-#9

3 Left 1.67 599.46 0.833 1.729 9.369 3.123 5.686 6-#9

Middle 1.67 0.00 15.000 0.000 9.369 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 1.67 386.19 29.167 1.729 9.369 5.206 3.520 4-#9

Top Bar Details:

Units: Length (ft)
_____________Left______________ ___Continuous__ _____________Right_____________
Span Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 2-#9 10.18 2-#9 6.50 --- 3-#9 13.30 3-#9 8.83

2 3-#9 12.54 3-#9 8.06 --- 3-#9 12.54 3-#9 8.06

3 3-#9 13.30 3-#9 8.83 --- 2-#9 10.18 2-#9 6.50

Bottom Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 1.67 487.21 14.433 1.729 9.369 3.904 4.522 5-#9

2 1.67 461.84 15.000 1.729 9.369 3.904 4.267 5-#9


Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 4

3 1.67 487.21 15.567 1.729 9.369 3.904 4.522 5-#9

Bottom Bar Details:

Units: Start (ft), Length (ft)
_______Long Bars_______ ______Short Bars_______
Span Bars Start Length Bars Start Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 3-#9 0.00 30.00 2-#9 5.27 18.54

2 3-#9 0.00 30.00 2-#9 6.42 17.15

3 3-#9 0.00 30.00 2-#9 6.19 18.54

Flexural Capacity:
Units: From, To (ft), As (in^2), PhiMn (k-ft)
Span From To AsTop AsBot PhiMn- PhiMn+
---- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------
1 0.000 0.833 4.00 3.00 -435.08 332.27
0.833 2.320 4.00 3.00 -435.08 332.27
2.320 5.270 2.00 3.00 -225.48 332.27
5.270 6.003 2.00 3.00 -225.48 332.27
6.003 6.501 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
6.501 8.765 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
8.765 10.184 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
10.184 10.750 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
10.750 15.000 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
15.000 16.698 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
16.698 19.250 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
19.250 20.311 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
20.311 21.175 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
21.175 22.650 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
22.650 23.806 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
23.806 27.126 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
27.126 29.167 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27
29.167 30.000 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27

2 0.000 0.833 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27

0.833 2.586 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27
2.586 6.425 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
6.425 7.067 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
7.067 8.059 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
8.059 9.723 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
9.723 10.750 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
10.750 12.540 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
12.540 15.000 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
15.000 17.460 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
17.460 19.250 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
19.250 20.277 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
20.277 21.941 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
21.941 22.933 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
22.933 23.575 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
23.575 27.414 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
27.414 29.167 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27
29.167 30.000 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27

3 0.000 0.833 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27

0.833 2.874 6.00 3.00 -628.80 332.27
2.874 6.194 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
6.194 7.350 3.00 3.00 -332.27 332.27
7.350 8.825 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
8.825 9.689 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
9.689 10.750 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
10.750 13.302 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
13.302 15.000 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
15.000 19.250 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
19.250 19.816 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
19.816 21.235 0.00 5.00 0.00 533.93
21.235 23.499 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
23.499 23.997 0.00 3.00 0.00 332.27
23.997 24.730 2.00 3.00 -225.48 332.27
24.730 27.681 2.00 3.00 -225.48 332.27
27.681 29.167 4.00 3.00 -435.08 332.27
29.167 30.000 4.00 3.00 -435.08 332.27

Longitudinal Beam Shear Reinforcement Required:

Units: d (in), Start, End, Xu (ft), PhiVc, Vu (kip), Av/s (in^2/in)
Span d PhiVc Start End Vu Xu Av/s
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 25.94 49.21 2.995 6.425 107.36 2.995 0.0498
6.425 9.855 75.46 6.425 0.0225
9.855 13.285 43.56 9.855 0.0167
13.285 16.715 24.67 16.715 0.0167
16.715 20.145 56.57 20.145 0.0167

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 5

20.145 23.575 88.47 23.575 0.0336

23.575 27.005 120.37 27.005 0.0610

2 25.94 49.21 2.995 6.425 115.73 2.995 0.0570

6.425 9.855 83.83 6.425 0.0297
9.855 13.285 51.93 9.855 0.0167
13.285 16.715 20.03 13.285 0.0000
16.715 20.145 51.93 20.145 0.0167
20.145 23.575 83.83 23.575 0.0297
23.575 27.005 115.73 27.005 0.0570

3 25.94 49.21 2.995 6.425 120.37 2.995 0.0610

6.425 9.855 88.47 6.425 0.0336
9.855 13.285 56.57 9.855 0.0167
13.285 16.715 24.67 13.285 0.0167
16.715 20.145 43.56 20.145 0.0167
20.145 23.575 75.46 23.575 0.0225
23.575 27.005 107.36 27.005 0.0498

Longitudinal Beam Shear Reinforcement Details:

Units: spacing & distance (in).
Span Size Stirrups (2 legs each unless otherwise noted)
---- ---- ---------------------------------------------
1 #3 10 @ 6.4 [3L] + 5 @ 8.2 + 10 @ 12.3 + 7 @ 5.9 + 13 @ 5.3 [3L]
2 #3 12 @ 5.3 [3L] + 6 @ 6.9 + 5 @ 10.3 + <-- 41.2 --> + 4 @ 10.3 + 6 @ 6.9 +
13 @ 5.3 [3L]
3 #3 12 @ 5.3 [3L] + 7 @ 5.9 + 10 @ 12.3 + 5 @ 8.2 + 11 @ 6.4 [3L]

Beam Shear Capacity:

Units: d, Sp (in), Start, End, Xu (ft), PhiVc, PhiVn, Vu (kip), Av/s (in^2/in)
Span d PhiVc Start End Av/s Sp PhiVn Vu Xu
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 25.94 49.21 0.000 1.083 ----- ----- 109.30 135.21 0.000
1.083 6.425 0.0515 6.4 109.30 107.36 2.995
6.425 9.855 0.0267 8.2 80.40 75.46 6.425
9.855 20.145 0.0178 12.3 70.00 56.57 20.145
20.145 23.575 0.0374 5.9 92.88 88.47 23.575
23.575 28.917 0.0618 5.3 121.32 120.37 27.005
28.917 30.000 ----- ----- 121.32 148.22 30.000

2 25.94 49.21 0.000 1.083 ----- ----- 121.32 143.58 0.000

1.083 6.425 0.0618 5.3 121.32 115.73 2.995
6.425 9.855 0.0321 6.9 86.64 83.83 6.425
9.855 13.285 0.0214 10.3 74.16 51.93 9.855
13.285 16.715 ----- ----- 24.61 20.03 13.285
16.715 20.145 0.0214 10.3 74.16 51.93 20.145
20.145 23.575 0.0321 6.9 86.64 83.83 23.575
23.575 28.917 0.0618 5.3 121.32 115.73 27.005
28.917 30.000 ----- ----- 121.32 143.58 30.000

3 25.94 49.21 0.000 1.083 ----- ----- 121.32 148.22 0.000

1.083 6.425 0.0618 5.3 121.32 120.37 2.995
6.425 9.855 0.0374 5.9 92.88 88.47 6.425
9.855 20.145 0.0178 12.3 70.00 56.57 9.855
20.145 23.575 0.0267 8.2 80.40 75.46 23.575
23.575 28.917 0.0515 6.4 109.30 107.36 27.005
28.917 30.000 ----- ----- 109.30 135.21 30.000

Slab Shear Capacity:

Units: b, d (in), Xu (ft), PhiVc, Vu(kip)
Span b d Vratio PhiVc Vu Xu
---- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------

Maximum Deflections:
Units: Dz (in)
---- -------- -------- ---------
1 -0.248 -0.204 -0.452
2 -0.171 -0.155 -0.326
3 -0.248 -0.204 -0.452

Material Takeoff:
Reinforcement in the Direction of Analysis
Top Bars: 1098.5 lb <=> 12.21 lb/ft <=> 7.323 lb/ft^2
Bottom Bars: 1286.7 lb <=> 14.30 lb/ft <=> 8.578 lb/ft^2
Stirrups: 1354.2 lb <=> 15.05 lb/ft <=> 9.028 lb/ft^2

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 6

Total Steel: 3739.4 lb <=> 41.55 lb/ft <=> 24.929 lb/ft^2

Concrete: 350.0 ft^3 <=> 3.89 ft^3/ft <=> 2.333 ft^3/ft^2


Span x (ft) M- (k-ft) Comb M+ (k-ft) Comb V- (kip) Comb V+ (kip) Comb
---- -------- ------------ ---- ------------ ---- ------------ ---- ------------ ----
1 0.000 -495.63 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 135.21 U1
0.208 -467.67 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 133.27 U1
0.417 -440.10 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 131.34 U1
0.625 -412.94 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 129.40 U1
0.833 -386.19 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.46 U1
0.833 -386.19 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.46 U1
1.117 -350.45 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 124.83 U1
1.400 -315.45 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 122.19 U1
1.683 -281.21 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 119.56 U1
1.967 -247.70 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 116.92 U1
2.250 -214.95 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 114.29 U1
2.533 -182.94 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 111.65 U1
2.817 -151.68 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 109.02 U1
3.100 -121.17 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 106.38 U1
3.383 -91.40 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 103.75 U1
3.667 -62.38 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 101.11 U1
3.950 -34.10 U1 8.87 U1 0.00 U1 98.48 U1
4.233 -6.58 U1 21.69 U1 0.00 U1 95.84 U1
4.517 0.00 U1 37.72 U1 0.00 U1 93.21 U1
4.800 0.00 U1 62.50 U1 0.00 U1 90.57 U1
5.083 0.00 U1 86.53 U1 0.00 U1 87.94 U1
5.367 0.00 U1 109.82 U1 0.00 U1 85.30 U1
5.650 0.00 U1 132.36 U1 0.00 U1 82.67 U1
5.933 0.00 U1 154.15 U1 0.00 U1 80.03 U1
6.217 0.00 U1 175.19 U1 0.00 U1 77.40 U1
6.500 0.00 U1 195.49 U1 0.00 U1 74.76 U1
6.783 0.00 U1 215.05 U1 0.00 U1 72.13 U1
7.067 0.00 U1 233.85 U1 0.00 U1 69.49 U1
7.350 0.00 U1 251.91 U1 0.00 U1 66.86 U1
7.633 0.00 U1 269.23 U1 0.00 U1 64.22 U1
7.917 0.00 U1 285.79 U1 0.00 U1 61.59 U1
8.200 0.00 U1 301.61 U1 0.00 U1 58.95 U1
8.483 0.00 U1 316.75 U1 0.00 U1 56.32 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 332.34 U1 0.00 U1 53.68 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 347.17 U1 0.00 U1 51.05 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 361.26 U1 0.00 U1 48.41 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 374.61 U1 0.00 U1 45.78 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 387.20 U1 0.00 U1 43.14 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 399.05 U1 0.00 U1 40.51 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 410.16 U1 0.00 U1 37.87 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 420.51 U1 0.00 U1 35.24 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 430.12 U1 0.00 U1 32.60 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 438.99 U1 0.00 U1 29.97 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 447.10 U1 0.00 U1 27.33 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 454.47 U1 0.00 U1 24.70 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 461.10 U1 0.00 U1 22.06 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 466.97 U1 0.00 U1 19.43 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 472.10 U1 0.00 U1 16.79 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 476.49 U1 0.00 U1 14.16 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 480.12 U1 0.00 U1 11.52 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 483.02 U1 -1.26 U1 8.89 U1
13.867 0.00 U1 485.16 U1 -2.65 U1 6.25 U1
14.150 0.00 U1 486.56 U1 -4.04 U1 3.62 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 487.21 U1 -5.42 U1 0.98 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 487.11 U1 -6.81 U1 0.00 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 486.27 U1 -8.72 U1 0.00 U1
15.283 0.00 U1 484.68 U1 -11.36 U1 0.00 U1
15.567 0.00 U1 482.35 U1 -13.99 U1 0.00 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 479.26 U1 -16.63 U1 0.00 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 475.44 U1 -19.26 U1 0.00 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 470.86 U1 -21.90 U1 0.00 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 465.54 U1 -24.53 U1 0.00 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 459.47 U1 -27.17 U1 0.00 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 452.66 U1 -29.80 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 445.09 U1 -32.44 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 436.79 U1 -35.07 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 427.73 U1 -37.71 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 417.93 U1 -40.34 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 407.38 U1 -42.98 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 396.09 U1 -45.61 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 384.05 U1 -48.25 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 371.26 U1 -50.88 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 357.73 U1 -53.52 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 343.44 U1 -56.15 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 328.42 U1 -58.79 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 312.64 U1 -61.42 U1 0.00 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
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20.950 0.00 U1 296.12 U1 -64.06 U1 0.00 U1

21.233 0.00 U1 278.86 U1 -66.69 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 260.84 U1 -69.33 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 0.00 U1 242.08 U1 -71.96 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 0.00 U1 222.58 U1 -74.60 U1 0.00 U1
22.367 0.00 U1 202.32 U1 -77.23 U1 0.00 U1
22.650 0.00 U1 181.32 U1 -79.87 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 -1.85 U1 159.58 U1 -82.50 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 -15.38 U1 137.08 U1 -85.14 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 -29.31 U1 113.84 U1 -87.77 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 -43.63 U1 89.86 U1 -90.41 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 -58.35 U1 65.12 U1 -93.04 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 -73.45 U1 39.64 U1 -95.68 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 -88.96 U1 13.42 U1 -98.31 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 -104.85 U1 0.00 U1 -100.95 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 -121.14 U1 0.00 U1 -103.58 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 -145.14 U1 0.00 U1 -106.22 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -175.61 U1 0.00 U1 -108.85 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -206.82 U1 0.00 U1 -111.49 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -238.78 U1 0.00 U1 -114.12 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -271.49 U1 0.00 U1 -116.76 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -304.95 U1 0.00 U1 -119.39 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -339.15 U1 0.00 U1 -122.03 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -374.09 U1 0.00 U1 -124.66 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -409.79 U1 0.00 U1 -127.30 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -446.23 U1 0.00 U1 -129.93 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -483.42 U1 0.00 U1 -132.57 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -521.35 U1 0.00 U1 -135.20 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -560.03 U1 0.00 U1 -137.84 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -599.46 U1 0.00 U1 -140.47 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -599.46 U1 0.00 U1 -140.47 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -628.92 U1 0.00 U1 -142.41 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -658.79 U1 0.00 U1 -144.35 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -689.06 U1 0.00 U1 -146.28 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -719.74 U1 0.00 U1 -148.22 U1 0.00 U1

2 0.000 -672.40 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 143.58 U1

0.208 -642.69 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 141.65 U1
0.417 -613.38 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 139.71 U1
0.625 -584.48 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 137.77 U1
0.833 -555.98 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 135.83 U1
0.833 -555.98 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 135.83 U1
1.117 -517.87 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 133.20 U1
1.400 -480.50 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 130.56 U1
1.683 -443.88 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.93 U1
1.967 -408.01 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 125.29 U1
2.250 -372.88 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 122.66 U1
2.533 -338.50 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 120.02 U1
2.817 -304.87 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 117.39 U1
3.100 -271.98 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 114.75 U1
3.383 -239.84 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 112.12 U1
3.667 -208.45 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 109.48 U1
3.950 -177.80 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 106.85 U1
4.233 -147.90 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 104.21 U1
4.517 -123.00 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 101.58 U1
4.800 -107.44 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 98.94 U1
5.083 -92.28 U1 18.32 U1 0.00 U1 96.31 U1
5.367 -77.51 U1 42.92 U1 0.00 U1 93.67 U1
5.650 -63.14 U1 66.78 U1 0.00 U1 91.04 U1
5.933 -49.16 U1 89.88 U1 0.00 U1 88.40 U1
6.217 -35.57 U1 112.24 U1 0.00 U1 85.77 U1
6.500 -22.37 U1 133.86 U1 0.00 U1 83.13 U1
6.783 -9.57 U1 154.72 U1 0.00 U1 80.50 U1
7.067 0.00 U1 174.84 U1 0.00 U1 77.86 U1
7.350 0.00 U1 194.22 U1 0.00 U1 75.23 U1
7.633 0.00 U1 212.85 U1 0.00 U1 72.59 U1
7.917 0.00 U1 230.73 U1 0.00 U1 69.96 U1
8.200 0.00 U1 247.86 U1 0.00 U1 67.32 U1
8.483 0.00 U1 264.37 U1 0.00 U1 64.69 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 281.17 U1 0.00 U1 62.05 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 297.22 U1 0.00 U1 59.42 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 312.52 U1 0.00 U1 56.78 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 327.08 U1 0.00 U1 54.15 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 340.89 U1 0.00 U1 51.51 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 353.96 U1 0.00 U1 48.88 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 366.28 U1 0.00 U1 46.24 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 377.85 U1 0.00 U1 43.61 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 388.68 U1 0.00 U1 40.97 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 398.76 U1 0.00 U1 38.34 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 408.09 U1 0.00 U1 35.70 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 416.67 U1 0.00 U1 33.07 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 424.51 U1 0.00 U1 30.43 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 431.61 U1 0.00 U1 27.80 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 437.95 U1 0.00 U1 25.16 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 443.55 U1 0.00 U1 22.53 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 448.40 U1 0.00 U1 19.89 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 452.51 U1 0.00 U1 17.26 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 8

13.867 0.00 U1 455.87 U1 0.00 U1 14.62 U1

14.150 0.00 U1 458.48 U1 -0.06 U1 11.99 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 460.35 U1 -1.45 U1 9.35 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 461.47 U1 -2.84 U1 6.72 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 461.84 U1 -4.23 U1 4.23 U1
15.283 0.00 U1 461.47 U1 -6.72 U1 2.84 U1
15.567 0.00 U1 460.35 U1 -9.35 U1 1.45 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 458.48 U1 -11.99 U1 0.06 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 455.87 U1 -14.62 U1 0.00 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 452.51 U1 -17.26 U1 0.00 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 448.40 U1 -19.89 U1 0.00 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 443.55 U1 -22.53 U1 0.00 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 437.95 U1 -25.16 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 431.61 U1 -27.80 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 424.51 U1 -30.43 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 416.67 U1 -33.07 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 408.09 U1 -35.70 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 398.76 U1 -38.34 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 388.68 U1 -40.97 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 377.85 U1 -43.61 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 366.28 U1 -46.24 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 353.96 U1 -48.88 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 340.89 U1 -51.51 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 327.08 U1 -54.15 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 312.52 U1 -56.78 U1 0.00 U1
20.950 0.00 U1 297.22 U1 -59.42 U1 0.00 U1
21.233 0.00 U1 281.17 U1 -62.05 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 264.37 U1 -64.69 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 0.00 U1 247.86 U1 -67.32 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 0.00 U1 230.73 U1 -69.96 U1 0.00 U1
22.367 0.00 U1 212.85 U1 -72.59 U1 0.00 U1
22.650 0.00 U1 194.22 U1 -75.23 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 0.00 U1 174.84 U1 -77.86 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 -9.57 U1 154.72 U1 -80.50 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 -22.37 U1 133.86 U1 -83.13 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 -35.57 U1 112.24 U1 -85.77 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 -49.16 U1 89.88 U1 -88.40 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 -63.14 U1 66.78 U1 -91.04 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 -77.51 U1 42.92 U1 -93.67 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 -92.28 U1 18.32 U1 -96.31 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 -107.44 U1 0.00 U1 -98.94 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 -123.00 U1 0.00 U1 -101.58 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -147.90 U1 0.00 U1 -104.21 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -177.80 U1 0.00 U1 -106.85 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -208.45 U1 0.00 U1 -109.48 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -239.84 U1 0.00 U1 -112.12 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -271.98 U1 0.00 U1 -114.75 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -304.87 U1 0.00 U1 -117.39 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -338.50 U1 0.00 U1 -120.02 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -372.88 U1 0.00 U1 -122.66 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -408.01 U1 0.00 U1 -125.29 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -443.88 U1 0.00 U1 -127.93 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -480.50 U1 0.00 U1 -130.56 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -517.87 U1 0.00 U1 -133.20 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -555.98 U1 0.00 U1 -135.83 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -555.98 U1 0.00 U1 -135.83 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -584.48 U1 0.00 U1 -137.77 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -613.38 U1 0.00 U1 -139.71 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -642.69 U1 0.00 U1 -141.65 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -672.40 U1 0.00 U1 -143.58 U1 0.00 U1

3 0.000 -719.74 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 148.22 U1

0.208 -689.06 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 146.28 U1
0.417 -658.79 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 144.35 U1
0.625 -628.92 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 142.41 U1
0.833 -599.46 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 140.47 U1
0.833 -599.46 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 140.47 U1
1.117 -560.03 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 137.84 U1
1.400 -521.35 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 135.20 U1
1.683 -483.42 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 132.57 U1
1.967 -446.23 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 129.93 U1
2.250 -409.79 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.30 U1
2.533 -374.09 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 124.66 U1
2.817 -339.15 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 122.03 U1
3.100 -304.95 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 119.39 U1
3.383 -271.49 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 116.76 U1
3.667 -238.78 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 114.12 U1
3.950 -206.82 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 111.49 U1
4.233 -175.61 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 108.85 U1
4.517 -145.14 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 106.22 U1
4.800 -121.14 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 103.58 U1
5.083 -104.85 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 100.95 U1
5.367 -88.96 U1 13.42 U1 0.00 U1 98.31 U1
5.650 -73.45 U1 39.64 U1 0.00 U1 95.68 U1
5.933 -58.35 U1 65.12 U1 0.00 U1 93.04 U1
6.217 -43.63 U1 89.86 U1 0.00 U1 90.41 U1
6.500 -29.31 U1 113.84 U1 0.00 U1 87.77 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 9

6.783 -15.38 U1 137.08 U1 0.00 U1 85.14 U1

7.067 -1.85 U1 159.58 U1 0.00 U1 82.50 U1
7.350 0.00 U1 181.32 U1 0.00 U1 79.87 U1
7.633 0.00 U1 202.32 U1 0.00 U1 77.23 U1
7.917 0.00 U1 222.58 U1 0.00 U1 74.60 U1
8.200 0.00 U1 242.08 U1 0.00 U1 71.96 U1
8.483 0.00 U1 260.84 U1 0.00 U1 69.33 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 278.86 U1 0.00 U1 66.69 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 296.12 U1 0.00 U1 64.06 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 312.64 U1 0.00 U1 61.42 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 328.42 U1 0.00 U1 58.79 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 343.45 U1 0.00 U1 56.15 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 357.73 U1 0.00 U1 53.52 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 371.26 U1 0.00 U1 50.88 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 384.05 U1 0.00 U1 48.25 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 396.09 U1 0.00 U1 45.61 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 407.38 U1 0.00 U1 42.98 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 417.93 U1 0.00 U1 40.34 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 427.73 U1 0.00 U1 37.71 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 436.79 U1 0.00 U1 35.07 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 445.09 U1 0.00 U1 32.44 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 452.66 U1 0.00 U1 29.80 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 459.47 U1 0.00 U1 27.17 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 465.54 U1 0.00 U1 24.53 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 470.86 U1 0.00 U1 21.90 U1
13.867 0.00 U1 475.44 U1 0.00 U1 19.26 U1
14.150 0.00 U1 479.26 U1 0.00 U1 16.63 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 482.35 U1 0.00 U1 13.99 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 484.68 U1 0.00 U1 11.36 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 486.27 U1 0.00 U1 8.72 U1
15.283 0.00 U1 487.11 U1 0.00 U1 6.81 U1
15.567 0.00 U1 487.21 U1 -0.98 U1 5.42 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 486.56 U1 -3.62 U1 4.04 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 485.16 U1 -6.25 U1 2.65 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 483.02 U1 -8.89 U1 1.26 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 480.12 U1 -11.52 U1 0.00 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 476.49 U1 -14.16 U1 0.00 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 472.10 U1 -16.79 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 466.97 U1 -19.43 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 461.10 U1 -22.06 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 454.47 U1 -24.70 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 447.10 U1 -27.33 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 438.98 U1 -29.97 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 430.12 U1 -32.60 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 420.51 U1 -35.24 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 410.15 U1 -37.87 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 399.05 U1 -40.51 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 387.20 U1 -43.14 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 374.60 U1 -45.78 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 361.26 U1 -48.41 U1 0.00 U1
20.950 0.00 U1 347.17 U1 -51.05 U1 0.00 U1
21.233 0.00 U1 332.34 U1 -53.68 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 316.75 U1 -56.32 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 0.00 U1 301.61 U1 -58.95 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 0.00 U1 285.79 U1 -61.59 U1 0.00 U1
22.367 0.00 U1 269.23 U1 -64.22 U1 0.00 U1
22.650 0.00 U1 251.91 U1 -66.86 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 0.00 U1 233.85 U1 -69.49 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 0.00 U1 215.05 U1 -72.13 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 0.00 U1 195.49 U1 -74.76 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 0.00 U1 175.19 U1 -77.40 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 0.00 U1 154.15 U1 -80.03 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 0.00 U1 132.35 U1 -82.67 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 0.00 U1 109.81 U1 -85.30 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 0.00 U1 86.53 U1 -87.94 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 0.00 U1 62.49 U1 -90.57 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 0.00 U1 37.71 U1 -93.21 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -6.58 U1 21.69 U1 -95.84 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -34.11 U1 8.87 U1 -98.48 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -62.38 U1 0.00 U1 -101.11 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -91.40 U1 0.00 U1 -103.75 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -121.17 U1 0.00 U1 -106.38 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -151.68 U1 0.00 U1 -109.02 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -182.95 U1 0.00 U1 -111.65 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -214.95 U1 0.00 U1 -114.29 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -247.71 U1 0.00 U1 -116.92 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -281.21 U1 0.00 U1 -119.56 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -315.46 U1 0.00 U1 -122.19 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -350.45 U1 0.00 U1 -124.83 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -386.19 U1 0.00 U1 -127.46 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -386.19 U1 0.00 U1 -127.46 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -412.95 U1 0.00 U1 -129.40 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -440.10 U1 0.00 U1 -131.34 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -467.67 U1 0.00 U1 -133.27 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -495.63 U1 0.00 U1 -135.21 U1 0.00 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 10


Span x (ft) M- (k-ft) Comb M+ (k-ft) Comb V- (kip) Comb V+ (kip) Comb
---- -------- ------------ ---- ------------ ---- ------------ ---- ------------ ----
1 0.000 -495.63 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 132.91 U1
0.208 -468.14 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 130.98 U1
0.417 -441.06 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 129.04 U1
0.625 -414.38 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.10 U1
0.833 -388.10 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 125.16 U1
0.833 -388.10 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 125.16 U1
1.117 -353.01 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 122.53 U1
1.400 -318.67 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 119.89 U1
1.683 -285.07 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 117.26 U1
1.967 -252.22 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 114.62 U1
2.250 -220.12 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 111.99 U1
2.533 -188.76 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 109.35 U1
2.817 -158.15 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 106.72 U1
3.100 -128.29 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 104.08 U1
3.383 -99.17 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 101.45 U1
3.667 -70.80 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 98.81 U1
3.950 -43.18 U1 2.23 U1 0.00 U1 96.18 U1
4.233 -16.30 U1 14.58 U1 0.00 U1 93.54 U1
4.517 0.00 U1 26.53 U1 0.00 U1 90.91 U1
4.800 0.00 U1 49.79 U1 0.00 U1 88.27 U1
5.083 0.00 U1 73.07 U1 0.00 U1 85.64 U1
5.367 0.00 U1 95.61 U1 0.00 U1 83.00 U1
5.650 0.00 U1 117.39 U1 0.00 U1 80.37 U1
5.933 0.00 U1 138.44 U1 0.00 U1 77.73 U1
6.217 0.00 U1 158.73 U1 0.00 U1 75.10 U1
6.500 0.00 U1 178.28 U1 0.00 U1 72.46 U1
6.783 0.00 U1 197.09 U1 0.00 U1 69.83 U1
7.067 0.00 U1 215.14 U1 0.00 U1 67.19 U1
7.350 0.00 U1 232.45 U1 0.00 U1 64.56 U1
7.633 0.00 U1 249.02 U1 0.00 U1 61.92 U1
7.917 0.00 U1 265.17 U1 0.00 U1 59.29 U1
8.200 0.00 U1 281.59 U1 0.00 U1 56.65 U1
8.483 0.00 U1 297.27 U1 0.00 U1 54.02 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 312.20 U1 0.00 U1 51.38 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 326.39 U1 0.00 U1 48.75 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 339.83 U1 0.00 U1 46.11 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 352.52 U1 0.00 U1 43.48 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 364.46 U1 0.00 U1 40.84 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 375.66 U1 0.00 U1 38.21 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 386.12 U1 0.00 U1 35.57 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 395.82 U1 0.00 U1 32.94 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 404.78 U1 0.00 U1 30.30 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 412.99 U1 0.00 U1 27.67 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 420.46 U1 0.00 U1 25.03 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 427.18 U1 0.00 U1 22.40 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 433.15 U1 0.00 U1 19.76 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 438.38 U1 0.00 U1 17.13 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 442.86 U1 0.00 U1 14.49 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 446.59 U1 -0.16 U1 11.86 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 449.58 U1 -1.55 U1 9.22 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 451.82 U1 -2.94 U1 6.59 U1
13.867 0.00 U1 453.31 U1 -4.33 U1 3.95 U1
14.150 0.00 U1 454.06 U1 -5.72 U1 1.32 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 454.06 U1 -7.10 U1 0.00 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 453.31 U1 -8.73 U1 0.00 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 451.82 U1 -11.37 U1 0.00 U1
15.283 0.00 U1 449.58 U1 -14.00 U1 0.00 U1
15.567 0.00 U1 446.59 U1 -16.64 U1 0.00 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 442.86 U1 -19.27 U1 0.00 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 438.38 U1 -21.91 U1 0.00 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 433.15 U1 -24.54 U1 0.00 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 427.18 U1 -27.18 U1 0.00 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 420.46 U1 -29.81 U1 0.00 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 413.00 U1 -32.45 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 404.79 U1 -35.08 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 395.83 U1 -37.72 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 386.12 U1 -40.35 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 375.67 U1 -42.99 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 364.47 U1 -45.62 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 352.53 U1 -48.26 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 339.83 U1 -50.89 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 326.40 U1 -53.53 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 312.21 U1 -56.16 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 297.28 U1 -58.80 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 281.60 U1 -61.43 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 265.18 U1 -64.07 U1 0.00 U1
20.950 0.00 U1 248.00 U1 -66.70 U1 0.00 U1
21.233 0.00 U1 230.09 U1 -69.34 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 211.42 U1 -71.97 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 0.00 U1 192.01 U1 -74.61 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 -0.72 U1 171.85 U1 -77.24 U1 0.00 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 11

22.367 -13.55 U1 150.95 U1 -79.88 U1 0.00 U1

22.650 -26.78 U1 129.30 U1 -82.51 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 -40.39 U1 106.90 U1 -85.15 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 -54.40 U1 83.76 U1 -87.78 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 -68.81 U1 59.87 U1 -90.42 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 -83.60 U1 35.23 U1 -93.05 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 -98.80 U1 9.85 U1 -95.69 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 -114.38 U1 0.00 U1 -98.32 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 -130.36 U1 0.00 U1 -100.96 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 -152.42 U1 0.00 U1 -103.59 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 -182.14 U1 0.00 U1 -106.23 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 -212.62 U1 0.00 U1 -108.86 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -243.83 U1 0.00 U1 -111.50 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -275.80 U1 0.00 U1 -114.13 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -308.51 U1 0.00 U1 -116.77 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -341.97 U1 0.00 U1 -119.40 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -376.17 U1 0.00 U1 -122.04 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -411.12 U1 0.00 U1 -124.67 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -446.82 U1 0.00 U1 -127.31 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -483.27 U1 0.00 U1 -129.94 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -520.46 U1 0.00 U1 -132.58 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -558.39 U1 0.00 U1 -135.21 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -597.08 U1 0.00 U1 -137.85 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -636.51 U1 0.00 U1 -140.48 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -676.69 U1 0.00 U1 -143.12 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -676.69 U1 0.00 U1 -143.12 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -706.70 U1 0.00 U1 -145.06 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -737.12 U1 0.00 U1 -146.99 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -767.95 U1 0.00 U1 -148.93 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -799.18 U1 0.00 U1 -150.87 U1 0.00 U1

2 0.000 -755.39 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 144.09 U1

0.208 -725.58 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 142.15 U1
0.417 -696.17 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 140.21 U1
0.625 -667.16 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 138.28 U1
0.833 -638.55 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 136.34 U1
0.833 -638.55 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 136.34 U1
1.117 -600.30 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 133.70 U1
1.400 -562.79 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 131.07 U1
1.683 -526.03 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 128.43 U1
1.967 -490.01 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 125.80 U1
2.250 -454.74 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 123.16 U1
2.533 -420.22 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 120.53 U1
2.817 -386.44 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 117.89 U1
3.100 -353.41 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 115.26 U1
3.383 -321.13 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 112.62 U1
3.667 -289.59 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 109.99 U1
3.950 -258.80 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 107.35 U1
4.233 -228.76 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 104.72 U1
4.517 -199.46 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 102.08 U1
4.800 -170.91 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 99.45 U1
5.083 -143.11 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 96.81 U1
5.367 -127.91 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 94.18 U1
5.650 -113.43 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 91.54 U1
5.933 -99.35 U1 19.02 U1 0.00 U1 88.91 U1
6.217 -85.66 U1 41.24 U1 0.00 U1 86.27 U1
6.500 -72.36 U1 62.71 U1 0.00 U1 83.64 U1
6.783 -59.46 U1 83.43 U1 0.00 U1 81.00 U1
7.067 -46.95 U1 103.41 U1 0.00 U1 78.37 U1
7.350 -34.83 U1 122.64 U1 0.00 U1 75.73 U1
7.633 -23.11 U1 141.13 U1 0.00 U1 73.10 U1
7.917 -11.78 U1 158.86 U1 0.00 U1 70.46 U1
8.200 -0.84 U1 175.86 U1 0.00 U1 67.83 U1
8.483 0.00 U1 192.24 U1 0.00 U1 65.19 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 209.04 U1 0.00 U1 62.56 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 225.09 U1 0.00 U1 59.92 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 240.39 U1 0.00 U1 57.29 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 254.95 U1 0.00 U1 54.65 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 268.76 U1 0.00 U1 52.02 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 281.83 U1 0.00 U1 49.38 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 294.15 U1 0.00 U1 46.75 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 305.72 U1 0.00 U1 44.11 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 316.54 U1 0.00 U1 41.48 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 326.62 U1 0.00 U1 38.84 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 335.96 U1 0.00 U1 36.21 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 344.54 U1 0.00 U1 33.57 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 352.38 U1 0.00 U1 30.94 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 359.47 U1 0.00 U1 28.30 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 365.82 U1 0.00 U1 25.67 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 371.42 U1 0.00 U1 23.03 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 376.27 U1 0.00 U1 20.40 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 380.38 U1 0.00 U1 17.76 U1
13.867 0.00 U1 383.74 U1 0.00 U1 15.13 U1
14.150 0.00 U1 386.35 U1 -0.42 U1 12.49 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 388.22 U1 -1.81 U1 9.86 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 389.34 U1 -3.20 U1 7.22 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 389.71 U1 -4.59 U1 4.59 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 12

15.283 0.00 U1 389.34 U1 -7.22 U1 3.20 U1

15.567 0.00 U1 388.22 U1 -9.86 U1 1.81 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 386.35 U1 -12.49 U1 0.42 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 383.74 U1 -15.13 U1 0.00 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 380.38 U1 -17.76 U1 0.00 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 376.27 U1 -20.40 U1 0.00 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 371.42 U1 -23.03 U1 0.00 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 365.82 U1 -25.67 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 359.47 U1 -28.30 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 352.38 U1 -30.94 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 344.54 U1 -33.57 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 335.96 U1 -36.21 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 326.62 U1 -38.84 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 316.54 U1 -41.48 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 305.72 U1 -44.11 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 294.15 U1 -46.75 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 281.83 U1 -49.38 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 268.76 U1 -52.02 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 254.95 U1 -54.65 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 240.39 U1 -57.29 U1 0.00 U1
20.950 0.00 U1 225.09 U1 -59.92 U1 0.00 U1
21.233 0.00 U1 209.04 U1 -62.56 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 192.24 U1 -65.19 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 -0.84 U1 175.86 U1 -67.83 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 -11.78 U1 158.86 U1 -70.46 U1 0.00 U1
22.367 -23.11 U1 141.13 U1 -73.10 U1 0.00 U1
22.650 -34.83 U1 122.64 U1 -75.73 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 -46.95 U1 103.41 U1 -78.37 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 -59.46 U1 83.43 U1 -81.00 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 -72.36 U1 62.71 U1 -83.64 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 -85.66 U1 41.24 U1 -86.27 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 -99.35 U1 19.02 U1 -88.91 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 -113.43 U1 0.00 U1 -91.54 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 -127.91 U1 0.00 U1 -94.18 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 -143.11 U1 0.00 U1 -96.81 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 -170.91 U1 0.00 U1 -99.45 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 -199.46 U1 0.00 U1 -102.08 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -228.76 U1 0.00 U1 -104.72 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -258.80 U1 0.00 U1 -107.35 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -289.59 U1 0.00 U1 -109.99 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -321.13 U1 0.00 U1 -112.62 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -353.41 U1 0.00 U1 -115.26 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -386.44 U1 0.00 U1 -117.89 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -420.22 U1 0.00 U1 -120.53 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -454.74 U1 0.00 U1 -123.16 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -490.01 U1 0.00 U1 -125.80 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -526.03 U1 0.00 U1 -128.43 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -562.79 U1 0.00 U1 -131.07 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -600.30 U1 0.00 U1 -133.70 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -638.55 U1 0.00 U1 -136.34 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -638.55 U1 0.00 U1 -136.34 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -667.16 U1 0.00 U1 -138.28 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -696.17 U1 0.00 U1 -140.21 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -725.58 U1 0.00 U1 -142.15 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -755.39 U1 0.00 U1 -144.09 U1 0.00 U1

3 0.000 -799.18 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 150.87 U1

0.208 -767.95 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 148.93 U1
0.417 -737.12 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 146.99 U1
0.625 -706.70 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 145.06 U1
0.833 -676.69 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 143.12 U1
0.833 -676.69 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 143.12 U1
1.117 -636.51 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 140.48 U1
1.400 -597.08 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 137.85 U1
1.683 -558.39 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 135.21 U1
1.967 -520.46 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 132.58 U1
2.250 -483.27 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 129.94 U1
2.533 -446.82 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 127.31 U1
2.817 -411.12 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 124.67 U1
3.100 -376.17 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 122.04 U1
3.383 -341.97 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 119.40 U1
3.667 -308.51 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 116.77 U1
3.950 -275.80 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 114.13 U1
4.233 -243.83 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 111.50 U1
4.517 -212.61 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 108.86 U1
4.800 -182.14 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 106.23 U1
5.083 -152.42 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 103.59 U1
5.367 -130.36 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 100.96 U1
5.650 -114.38 U1 0.00 U1 0.00 U1 98.32 U1
5.933 -98.80 U1 9.85 U1 0.00 U1 95.69 U1
6.217 -83.60 U1 35.23 U1 0.00 U1 93.05 U1
6.500 -68.81 U1 59.87 U1 0.00 U1 90.42 U1
6.783 -54.40 U1 83.76 U1 0.00 U1 87.78 U1
7.067 -40.39 U1 106.90 U1 0.00 U1 85.15 U1
7.350 -26.78 U1 129.30 U1 0.00 U1 82.51 U1
7.633 -13.55 U1 150.95 U1 0.00 U1 79.88 U1
7.917 -0.72 U1 171.85 U1 0.00 U1 77.24 U1

Moment Redistribution

pcaBeam v1.50 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 08:42:50 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Moment redistribution example.slb Page 13

8.200 0.00 U1 192.01 U1 0.00 U1 74.61 U1

8.483 0.00 U1 211.42 U1 0.00 U1 71.97 U1
8.767 0.00 U1 230.09 U1 0.00 U1 69.34 U1
9.050 0.00 U1 248.01 U1 0.00 U1 66.70 U1
9.333 0.00 U1 265.18 U1 0.00 U1 64.07 U1
9.617 0.00 U1 281.60 U1 0.00 U1 61.43 U1
9.900 0.00 U1 297.28 U1 0.00 U1 58.80 U1
10.183 0.00 U1 312.21 U1 0.00 U1 56.16 U1
10.467 0.00 U1 326.40 U1 0.00 U1 53.53 U1
10.750 0.00 U1 339.83 U1 0.00 U1 50.89 U1
11.033 0.00 U1 352.53 U1 0.00 U1 48.26 U1
11.317 0.00 U1 364.47 U1 0.00 U1 45.62 U1
11.600 0.00 U1 375.67 U1 0.00 U1 42.99 U1
11.883 0.00 U1 386.12 U1 0.00 U1 40.35 U1
12.167 0.00 U1 395.83 U1 0.00 U1 37.72 U1
12.450 0.00 U1 404.79 U1 0.00 U1 35.08 U1
12.733 0.00 U1 413.00 U1 0.00 U1 32.45 U1
13.017 0.00 U1 420.46 U1 0.00 U1 29.81 U1
13.300 0.00 U1 427.18 U1 0.00 U1 27.18 U1
13.583 0.00 U1 433.15 U1 0.00 U1 24.54 U1
13.867 0.00 U1 438.38 U1 0.00 U1 21.91 U1
14.150 0.00 U1 442.86 U1 0.00 U1 19.27 U1
14.433 0.00 U1 446.59 U1 0.00 U1 16.64 U1
14.717 0.00 U1 449.58 U1 0.00 U1 14.00 U1
15.000 0.00 U1 451.82 U1 0.00 U1 11.37 U1
15.283 0.00 U1 453.31 U1 0.00 U1 8.73 U1
15.567 0.00 U1 454.06 U1 0.00 U1 7.10 U1
15.850 0.00 U1 454.06 U1 -1.32 U1 5.72 U1
16.133 0.00 U1 453.31 U1 -3.95 U1 4.33 U1
16.417 0.00 U1 451.82 U1 -6.59 U1 2.94 U1
16.700 0.00 U1 449.58 U1 -9.22 U1 1.55 U1
16.983 0.00 U1 446.59 U1 -11.86 U1 0.16 U1
17.267 0.00 U1 442.86 U1 -14.49 U1 0.00 U1
17.550 0.00 U1 438.38 U1 -17.13 U1 0.00 U1
17.833 0.00 U1 433.15 U1 -19.76 U1 0.00 U1
18.117 0.00 U1 427.18 U1 -22.40 U1 0.00 U1
18.400 0.00 U1 420.46 U1 -25.03 U1 0.00 U1
18.683 0.00 U1 412.99 U1 -27.67 U1 0.00 U1
18.967 0.00 U1 404.78 U1 -30.30 U1 0.00 U1
19.250 0.00 U1 395.82 U1 -32.94 U1 0.00 U1
19.533 0.00 U1 386.11 U1 -35.57 U1 0.00 U1
19.817 0.00 U1 375.66 U1 -38.21 U1 0.00 U1
20.100 0.00 U1 364.46 U1 -40.84 U1 0.00 U1
20.383 0.00 U1 352.52 U1 -43.48 U1 0.00 U1
20.667 0.00 U1 339.83 U1 -46.11 U1 0.00 U1
20.950 0.00 U1 326.39 U1 -48.75 U1 0.00 U1
21.233 0.00 U1 312.20 U1 -51.38 U1 0.00 U1
21.517 0.00 U1 297.27 U1 -54.02 U1 0.00 U1
21.800 0.00 U1 281.59 U1 -56.65 U1 0.00 U1
22.083 0.00 U1 265.17 U1 -59.29 U1 0.00 U1
22.367 0.00 U1 249.01 U1 -61.92 U1 0.00 U1
22.650 0.00 U1 232.45 U1 -64.56 U1 0.00 U1
22.933 0.00 U1 215.14 U1 -67.19 U1 0.00 U1
23.217 0.00 U1 197.08 U1 -69.83 U1 0.00 U1
23.500 0.00 U1 178.28 U1 -72.46 U1 0.00 U1
23.783 0.00 U1 158.73 U1 -75.10 U1 0.00 U1
24.067 0.00 U1 138.44 U1 -77.73 U1 0.00 U1
24.350 0.00 U1 117.39 U1 -80.37 U1 0.00 U1
24.633 0.00 U1 95.60 U1 -83.00 U1 0.00 U1
24.917 0.00 U1 73.07 U1 -85.64 U1 0.00 U1
25.200 0.00 U1 49.78 U1 -88.27 U1 0.00 U1
25.483 0.00 U1 26.53 U1 -90.91 U1 0.00 U1
25.767 -16.30 U1 14.58 U1 -93.54 U1 0.00 U1
26.050 -43.18 U1 2.23 U1 -96.18 U1 0.00 U1
26.333 -70.80 U1 0.00 U1 -98.81 U1 0.00 U1
26.617 -99.17 U1 0.00 U1 -101.45 U1 0.00 U1
26.900 -128.29 U1 0.00 U1 -104.08 U1 0.00 U1
27.183 -158.15 U1 0.00 U1 -106.72 U1 0.00 U1
27.467 -188.76 U1 0.00 U1 -109.35 U1 0.00 U1
27.750 -220.12 U1 0.00 U1 -111.99 U1 0.00 U1
28.033 -252.23 U1 0.00 U1 -114.62 U1 0.00 U1
28.317 -285.08 U1 0.00 U1 -117.26 U1 0.00 U1
28.600 -318.67 U1 0.00 U1 -119.89 U1 0.00 U1
28.883 -353.02 U1 0.00 U1 -122.53 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -388.10 U1 0.00 U1 -125.16 U1 0.00 U1
29.167 -388.10 U1 0.00 U1 -125.16 U1 0.00 U1
29.375 -414.38 U1 0.00 U1 -127.10 U1 0.00 U1
29.583 -441.06 U1 0.00 U1 -129.04 U1 0.00 U1
29.792 -468.15 U1 0.00 U1 -130.98 U1 0.00 U1
30.000 -495.63 U1 0.00 U1 -132.91 U1 0.00 U1

Torsion Design

The following example illustrates the design methods presented in the PCA book “Simplified Design -
Reinforced Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size and Height” third edition. Unless otherwise noted, all
referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from that book.
Example Building
Below is a partial plan of a typical floor in a cast-in-place reinforced building. In this example, beam CD is
designed and detailed for the combined effects of flexure, shear, and torsion according to ACI 318-05.

Design Data
x Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), f’c = 4,000 psi
x Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)
x Dead load of joists = 77 psf

Torsion Design

x Superimposed dead load = 30 psf

x Live load = 50 psf
Additional data
x Typical bay size = 24 × 32 ft (5 bays in N-S direction, 3 bays in E-W direction)
x Typical story height = 12 ft

Factored Torsional Moment Tu

Since beam CD is part of an indeterminate framing system in which redistribution of internal forces can
occur following torsional cracking, the maximum factored torsional moment Tu at the critical section
located at a distance d from the face of the support can be determined from the following:
⎛ Acp ⎞
Tu = φ4 fc' ⎜ ⎟
⎜ pcp ⎟
⎝ ⎠

This type of torsion is referred to as compatibility torsion, the magnitude of which is greater than the
factored torsional moment Tu, min below which torsional effects can be neglected, where

⎛ Acp ⎞
Tu,min = φ fc' ⎜ ⎟
⎜ pcp ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Since the beams and joists are cast monolithically, Acp and pcp for beam CD can include a portion of the
adjoining slab. The effective width be of the overhanging flange must conform to 13.2.4:

be = h − hf = 20.5 – 4.5 = 16.0 in. (governs)

= 4hf = 4 × 4 .5 = 18.0 in.

Acp = (20.5 × 24 ) + (16.5 × 4.5 ) = 566.25 in.2

pcp = 2(20.5 + 24 + 16.5) = 122 in.

2 3
Acp / p cp = 2,628 in.

The torsional properties of the beam ignoring the overhanging flange are the following:
Acp = (20.5 × 24 ) = 492 in.2

pcp = 2(20.5 + 24 ) = 89 in.

2 3
Acp / p cp = 2,720 in.3 > 2,628 in.

Therefore, ignore flange per

Tu = 0.75 × 4 4,000 × 2,720 = 516,084 in.-lbs = 43.0 ft-kips

It is assumed that the torsional loading on beam CD is uniformly distributed along the span.

Torsion Design

Shear Forces and Bending Moments in Beam CD

⎡⎛ 20 .5 × 24 ⎞ ⎤
w D = ⎢⎜ × 150 ⎟ + (77 + 30 ) × (32 / 2 )⎥ / 1,000 = 2.2 kips/ft
⎣⎝ 144 ⎠ ⎦

w L = 50 × (32 / 2) / 1,000 = 0.8 kips/ft

wu = 1.2wD + 1.6w L = 3.9 kips/ft

This framing system satisfies the conditions for analysis by the coefficients of 8.3.3, as illustrated in
Figure 2-2. Thus, use Figures 2-3, 2-4, and 2-7 to determine the maximum positive moment, negative
moment, and shear force in an interior span:
⎛ 22 ⎞
2 3.9 × ⎜ 24 − ⎟
w l ⎝ 12 ⎠
Mu+ = u n = = 119.8 ft-kips
16 16

wu l n2 16
Mu− = = 119.8 × = 174.3 ft-kips
11 11
wu ln
Vu = = 43.2 kips

Adequacy of Cross-sectional Dimensions

For solid sections:

2 2
⎛ Vu ⎞ ⎛ Tp ⎞
⎜ ⎟ +⎜ u h ⎟ ≤ φ⎛⎜ Vc + 8 fc' ⎞⎟
⎜b d⎟ ⎜ 1.7A2 ⎟ ⎜b d ⎟
⎝ w ⎠ ⎝ oh ⎠ ⎝ w ⎠

Using an average d = 20.5 − 2.5 = 18.0 in., the factored shear force at the critical section located at
a distance d from the face of the support is Vu = 37.4 kips. Also, the nominal shear strength provided by
the concrete is Vc = 2 fc' bw d .

Assuming a 1.5-in. clear cover to No. 4 closed stirrups:

Aoh = [20.5 − (2 × 1.5) − 0.5] × [24 − (2 × 1.5) − 0.5] = 348.5 in.2

ph = 2 × { [20.5 − (2 × 1.5 ) − 0.5] + [24 − (2 × 1.5 ) − 0.5] } = 75 in.

2 2
⎛ 37,400 ⎞ ⎛ 43 .0 × 12,000 × 75 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ = 207 psi < 0.75 × (2 + 8 ) 4,000 = 474 psi , OK.
⎝ 24 × 18 ⎠ ⎝ 1.7 × 348 .5 2 ⎠

Transverse Reinforcement Required for Torsion

At Tu
s φ 2Ao fyv cot θ

Torsion Design

where Ao = 0.85 Ao h = 0.85 × 348.5 = 296.2 in.2

θ = 45 °


At 43.0 × 12,000 in.2 / in.

= = 0.019
s 0.75 × 2 × 296.2 × 60,000 × cot 45° leg

Transverse Reinforcement Required for Shear

= =
Av Vu − φVc 37,400 − 0.75 × 2 4000 × 24 × 18
37, 400 − 40,983
s φfyv d 0.75 × 60,000 × 18 0.75 × 60,000 × 18

No transverse reinforcement for shear is required because Vu < φVc . However, since Vu > 0.5φVc ,
minimum area of transverse reinforcement shall be provided per ACI

Total Required Transverse Reinforcement

For 4,000-psi concrete, minimum transverse reinforcement for shear and torsion

' bw 24
= 0.75 fc = 0.75 4,000 = 0.019 in.2/in.
fyv 60,000

= 50bw / fyv = 50 × 24 / 60,000 = 0.020 in.2/in. (governs)

Required transverse reinforcement

Av A in.2 / in.
+ 2 t = 0 + 2legs × 0.019 = 0.038 in.2/in. > 0.020 in.2/in. OK.
s s leg

Maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement

= ph / 8 = 75 / 8 = 9.4 in. < 12.0 in.

= d / 2 = 18 / 2 = 9.0 in. (governs)

Assuming No. 4 closed stirrups (area per leg = 0.2 in.2), the required spacing s at the critical section =
0.2/0.019 = 10.5 in. < 9.0 in.
Provide No. 4 closed stirrups spaced at 9 in. on center at the critical section. In view of the shear and
torsion distribution along the span length, this same reinforcement and spacing can be provided from the
face of the support to a distance bt + d = 24 + 18 = 42 in. = 3.5 ft past the location where it is no longer

Longitudinal Reinforcement Required for Torsion

⎛ A ⎞ ⎛ fyv ⎞
⎟ cot 2 θ = 0.019 × 75 × ⎛⎜ 60 ⎞⎟ × cot 2 45 ° = 1.43 in.2
Al = ⎜ t ⎟ph ⎜
⎝ s ⎠ ⎜⎝ fyl ⎟
⎠ ⎝ 60 ⎠

Torsion Design

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement:

5 fc' Acp ⎛A ⎞ fyv

Al ,min = −⎜ t ⎟ph
fyl ⎝ s ⎠ fyl

where At / s = 0.019 in.2/in. > 25bw / fyv = 25 × 24 / 60,000 = 0.010 in.2/in.

5 4,000 × 492 ⎛ 60 ⎞ 2 2
Al ,min = − ⎜ 0.019 × 75 × ⎟ = 1.17 in. < Al = 1.43in.
60,000 ⎝ 60 ⎠

Use A l = 1.43 in.2

Longitudinal Reinforcement Required for Flexure

The required As is given in the table below, assuming rectangular section behavior and an average
d = 18 in.
Required Longitudinal Reinforcement for Flexure

Location Mu As = Mu / 4d

(ft-kips) (in.2)

Support 174.3 2.42

Midspan 119.8 1.66

Total Required Longitudinal Reinforcement

The longitudinal reinforcement that is required for torsion will be combined with the longitudinal
reinforcement that is required for flexure.
The longitudinal torsional reinforcement must be distributed around the perimeter of the section with
a maximum spacing of 12 in. In order to have a uniform distribution of reinforcement around the
perimeter, assign approximately one-quarter of A l (= 0 .25 × 1 .43 = 0.36 in.2) to each face.

Use 1-No. 5 bar on each side (area = 0.31 in.2 ≅ 0.36 in.2, bar diameter = 0.625 in. > 0.042 s = 0.38 in.).
This bar distribution satisfies the maximum spacing requirement, since the spacing ≅ (20.5 – 3 – 1)/2 =
8.25 in. < 12 in. Distribute the remaining steel required for torsion evenly between the top and bottom of
the section; thus, 0.5[1.43 – (2 × 0.31)] = 0.41 in.2 will be added to the area of steel that is required for
flexure at both the top and bottom of the section.
x Face of support
Total top steel required = 2.42 + 0.41 = 2.83 in.2
For 4000-psi concrete, minimum As = 200bw d / fy = 1.44 in.2

Provide 3-No. 9 bars ( As = 3.00 in.2) at top of section. This satisfies both minimum and maximum spacing
requirements for bars in a single layer (see Tables 3-2 and 3-3).

Torsion Design

x Midspan
Total bottom steel required = 1.66 + 0.41 = 2.07 in.2
Provide 3-No. 8 bars ( As = 2.37 in.2) at bottom of section. This satisfies both minimum and maximum
spacing requirements for bars in a single layer (see Tables 3-2 and 3-3).
It can be shown that the section is tensioned-controlled.

Reinforcement Details
According to the provisions for structural integrity in 7.13, at least one-sixth of the tension
reinforcement required for negative moment at the support, but not less than 2 bars, and one-quarter of
the positive moment reinforcement at midspan, but not less than 2 bars, must be continuous and tied
with closed stirrups having not less than 135-deg hooks around the continuous top bars. Thus, at least 2
of the 3-No. 9 top bars must be made continuous or spliced with a Class A splice or a mechanical or
welded splice satisfying 12.14.3 at midspan, and at least 2 of the 3-No. 8 bottom bars must be made
continuous or spliced with a Class A splice or a mechanical or welded splice satisfying 12.14.3 over the
supports. No. 4 closed stirrups spaced at 9 in. on center can also be used wherever torsion and shear
reinforcement is not required.
One of the 3-No. 9 bars at the top of the section can be theoretically cutoff at the location where the
factored bending moment is equal to the design moment strength of the section based on a total area of
steel equal to the area of 2-No. 9 bars ( As = 2.00 in.2) minus the area of steel that is required for
torsion (0.41 in.2). Thus, with As = 2.00 – 0.41 = 1.59 in.2, φMn = 125 ft-kips. The distance x from the
face of the support to where the factored bending moment Mu = 125 ft-kips is obtained by summing
moments about the section at this location:
3.9 2
x − 43.2x + 174.3 = 125
Solution of this equation gives x = 1.2 ft. The 1-No. 9 bar must extend a distance d = 18 in. or 12 db =
12 × 1 .128 = 13.5 in. beyond the distance x. Thus, from the face of the support, the total bar length must
be at least equal to 1.2 + (18/12) = 2.7 ft. Also, the bars must extend a full development length l d beyond
the face of the support. The development length for the No. 9 bar can be determined as follows:

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟
3 fy αβγλ ⎟
ld =⎜ db
⎜ 40 ⎛ c +K ⎞ ⎟
⎜ fc' ⎜ tr ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎜ db ⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ ⎠⎠

where α = reinforcement location factor = 1.3

β = coating factor = 1.0

γ = reinforcement size factor = 1.0

λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor = 1.0


Torsion Design

⎧ 1.128
⎪ 2 + 0.5 + 1.5 = 2.6 in. (governs )
c = spacing or cover dimension = ⎪⎨
⎪ 24 − 2(1.5 + 0.5 ) − 1.128
⎪ = 4.7in.
⎩ 2×2

Ktr = transverse reinforcement index

= 0 (conservative)
c + Ktr 2.6 + 0
= = 2.3 < 2.5
db 1.128


⎛ 3 60,000 1.3 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 ⎞

l d = ⎜⎜ ⎟ 1.128 = 45.4 in. = 3.8 ft > 2.7 ft

⎝ 40 4,000 2.3 ⎠
Thus, the total required length of the 1-No. 9 bar must extend at least 3.8 ft beyond the face of the
The positive reinforcing bar cutoff location is determined in a similar manner. Assuming that 1 of the 3-
No. 8 bars will be terminated, the positive moment strength with an area of steel As equal to (2 × 0.79) –
0.41 = 1.17 in.2 is φMn = 93 ft-kips. The distance from the centerline of the span to the location where
the factored moment Mu = 93 ft-kips is 3.7 ft. Thus, the bar length on each side of the span centerline
must be at least equal to 3.7 + (18/12) = 5.2 ft, which is greater than the development length l d = 2.4 ft
(conservatively assuming Ktr = 0).

The following figure shows the reinforcement details for beam CD.

For comparison, output form pcaBeam program is also included on the following pages.

Torsion Design

Torsion Design


pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

Project: Torsion Example

Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF


Torsion Design


CASE: Wind

800 800 800 800 800

CASE: Live
1712 1712 1712 1712 1712

35.83 35.83 35.83 35.83 35.83

CASE: Dead

512.5 512.5 512.5 512.5 512.5


pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

Project: Torsion Example

Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF


Torsion Design

601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94 601.94
Torsion Diagram - k-ft

-601.94 -601.94 -601.94 -601.94 -601.94

50.0 45.99 48.09 47.98 47.88 49.43
Shear Diagram - kip


-50.0 -49.43 -47.88 -47.98 -48.09 -45.99

-204.87-196.15 -193.56-194.23 -194.23-193.56 -196.15-204.87
Moment Diagram - k-ft

-160.62 -160.62

107.14 99.63 100.39 99.63 107.14


pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

Project: Torsion Example

Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF


Torsion Design

Beam Shear and Torsion Capacity: Stirrup Intensity - in^2/in


0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039

0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Demand - (Av+2At)/s
Demand - At/s
Demand - Av/s
Demand - Al
Provided - (Av+2At)/s
Provided - Al
Support Centerline
Face of Support
7.0 Critical Section

Beam Shear and Torsion Capacity: Longitudinal Bar Area - in^2

pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

Project: Torsion Example

Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF


Torsion Design






Transverse Reinforcement

pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

Project: Torsion Example

Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF

Frame: Exterior
Torsion Design

Project: Torsion Example


2-#8(288.0)c 2-#9(98.8)

File: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb

2-#8(288.0)c 2-#9(98.8)

2-#8(288.0)c 2-#9(98.8)

2-#8(288.0)c 2-#9(98.8)

Engineer: DAF

pcaBeam v1.51. Licensed to: Portland Cement Association. License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
2-#8(288.0)c 2-#9(99.7)

Flexural Reinforcement
Page 14 of 22

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 1

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pcaBeam v1.51 (TM)
A Computer Program for Analysis, Design, and Investigation of
Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beam and One-Way Slab Systems
Copyright © 1992-2005, Portland Cement Association
All rights reserved

Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association

(PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or
adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the
pcaBeam computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty
expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output
prepared by the pcaBeam program. Although PCA has endeavored to
produce pcaBeam error free the program is not and cannot be certified
infallible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and
engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all
responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis,
design or engineering documents prepared in connection with the use of
the pcaBeam program.


General Information:
File name: C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb
Project: Torsion Example
Frame: Exterior Engineer: DAF
Code: ACI 318-02 Mode: Design Reinforcement Database: ASTM A615
Number of supports = 6
Floor System: One-Way/Beam

Live load pattern ratio = 100%

Deflections are based on cracked section properties.
In negative moment regions, Ig and Mcr DO NOT include flange/slab contribution (if available)
Compression reinforcement calculations NOT selected.
Moment redistribution NOT selected.
Effective flange width calculations selected.
Rigid beam-column joint selected.
Torsion analysis and design selected.
Stirrups in flanges (if available) NOT selected.
Compatibility torsion selected.

Material Properties:
Slabs|Beams Columns
------------ ------------
wc = 150 150 lb/ft3
f'c = 4 4 ksi
Ec = 3834.3 3834.3 ksi
fr = 0.47434 0.47434 ksi

fy = 60 ksi, Bars are not epoxy-coated

fyv = 60 ksi
Es = 29000 ksi

Reinforcement Database:
Units: Db (in), Ab (in^2), Wb (lb/ft)
Size Db Ab Wb Size Db Ab Wb
---- -------- -------- -------- ---- -------- -------- --------

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 2

#3 0.38 0.11 0.38 #4 0.50 0.20 0.67

#5 0.63 0.31 1.04 #6 0.75 0.44 1.50
#7 0.88 0.60 2.04 #8 1.00 0.79 2.67
#9 1.13 1.00 3.40 #10 1.27 1.27 4.30
#11 1.41 1.56 5.31 #14 1.69 2.25 7.65
#18 2.26 4.00 13.60

Span Data:
Slabs: L1, wL, wR (ft); t, bEff, Hmin (in)
Span Loc L1 t wL wR bEff Hmin
---- ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 Int 24.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 24.00 0.00
2 Int 24.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 24.00 0.00
3 Int 24.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 24.00 0.00
4 Int 24.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 24.00 0.00
5 Int 24.000 0.00 1.000 1.000 24.00 0.00

Ribs and Longitudinal Beams: b, h, Sp (in)

__________Ribs____________ _______Beams_____ __Span__
Span b h Sp b h Hmin
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 20.50 15.57
2 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 20.50 13.71
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 20.50 13.71
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 20.50 13.71
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 20.50 15.57

Support Data:
Columns: c1a, c2a, c1b, c2b (in); Ha, Hb (ft)
Supp c1a c2a Ha c1b c2b Hb Red%
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----
1 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100
2 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100
3 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100
4 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100
5 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100
6 22.00 22.00 12.000 22.00 22.00 12.000 100

Boundary Conditions: Kz (kip/in); Kry (kip-in/rad)

Supp Spring Kz Spring Kry Far End A Far End B
---- ------------ ------------ --------- ---------
1 0 0 Fixed Fixed
2 0 0 Fixed Fixed
3 0 0 Fixed Fixed
4 0 0 Fixed Fixed
5 0 0 Fixed Fixed
6 0 0 Fixed Fixed

Load Data:
Load Cases and Combinations:
Case SELF Dead Live Wind EQ
U1 1.400 1.400 0.000 0.000 0.000
U2 1.200 1.200 1.600 0.000 0.000
U3 1.200 1.200 1.600 0.800 0.000
U4 1.200 1.200 1.600 -0.800 0.000
U5 1.200 1.200 1.000 1.600 0.000
U6 1.200 1.200 1.000 -1.600 0.000
U7 0.900 0.900 0.000 1.600 0.000
U8 0.900 0.900 0.000 -1.600 0.000
U9 1.200 1.200 1.000 0.000 1.000
U10 1.200 1.200 1.000 0.000 -1.000
U11 0.900 0.900 0.000 0.000 1.000
U12 0.900 0.900 0.000 0.000 -1.000

Span Loads:
Span Case Wa La Wb Lb
---- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Line Loads - Wa | Wb (lb/ft), La | Lb (ft):
1 Dead 1712 0 1712 24
2 Dead 1712 0 1712 24
3 Dead 1712 0 1712 24
4 Dead 1712 0 1712 24
5 Dead 1712 0 1712 24
1 Live 800 0 800 24
2 Live 800 0 800 24
3 Live 800 0 800 24
4 Live 800 0 800 24
5 Live 800 0 800 24
Line Torque - Wa | Wb (k-ft/ft), La | Lb (ft):
1 Dead 35.83 0 35.83 24
2 Dead 35.83 0 35.83 24
3 Dead 35.83 0 35.83 24
4 Dead 35.83 0 35.83 24

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 3

5 Dead 35.83 0 35.83 24

Support Loads: --- NONE ---

Support Displacements: --- NONE ---

Lateral Load Effects - M (k-ft):

Span Case Mleft Mright
---- -------- ------------ ------------
1 EQ 0 0
2 EQ 0 0
3 EQ 0 0
4 EQ 0 0
5 EQ 0 0
6 EQ 0 0
1 Wind 0 0
2 Wind 0 0
3 Wind 0 0
4 Wind 0 0
5 Wind 0 0

Reinforcement Criteria:
_____Top bars___ ___Bottom bars__ ____Stirrups____
Min Max Min Max Min Max
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Slabs and Ribs:
Bar Size #5 #8 #5 #8
Bar spacing 1.00 18.00 1.00 18.00 in
Reinf ratio 0.14 5.00 0.14 5.00 %
Cover 1.50 1.50 in
Top bars have 12 in of concrete below them.

Bar Size #9 #9 #8 #8 #4 #4
Bar spacing 1.00 18.00 1.00 18.00 6.00 18.00 in
Reinf ratio 0.14 5.00 0.14 5.00 %
Cover 2.00 2.00 in
Top bars have 12 in of concrete below them.


Top Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Zone Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- ------ -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 Left 2.00 120.12 0.917 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.537 3-#9 *5
Middle 2.00 0.00 12.000 0.000 7.775 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 2.00 161.22 23.083 1.435 7.775 9.808 2.087 3-#9

2 Left 2.00 153.72 0.917 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.985 3-#9 *5

Middle 2.00 0.00 12.000 0.000 7.775 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 2.00 151.32 23.083 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.953 3-#9 *5

3 Left 2.00 151.90 0.917 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.961 3-#9 *5

Middle 2.00 0.00 12.000 0.000 7.775 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 2.00 151.90 23.083 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.961 3-#9 *5

4 Left 2.00 151.32 0.917 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.953 3-#9 *5

Middle 2.00 0.00 12.000 0.000 7.775 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 2.00 153.72 23.083 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.985 3-#9 *5

5 Left 2.00 161.22 0.917 1.435 7.775 9.808 2.087 3-#9

Middle 2.00 0.00 12.000 0.000 7.775 0.000 0.000 ---
Right 2.00 120.11 23.083 1.435 7.775 9.808 1.537 3-#9 *5
*5 - Number of bars governed by maximum allowable spacing.

Top Bar Details:

Units: Length (ft)
_____________Left______________ ___Continuous__ _____________Right_____________
Span Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length Bars Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35 --- 2-#9 8.31 1-#9 5.35

2 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35 --- 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35

3 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35 --- 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35

4 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35 --- 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35

5 2-#9 8.31 1-#9 5.35 --- 2-#9 8.23 1-#9 5.35


Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 4

Bottom Reinforcement:
Units: Width (ft), Mmax (k-ft), Xmax (ft), As (in^2), Sp (in)
Span Width Mmax Xmax AsMin AsMax SpReq AsReq Bars
---- -------- ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------
1 2.00 107.14 11.626 1.440 7.803 9.854 1.361 3-#8 *5

2 2.00 99.63 12.125 1.440 7.803 9.854 1.263 3-#8 *5

3 2.00 100.39 11.875 1.440 7.803 9.854 1.272 3-#8 *5

4 2.00 99.63 11.875 1.440 7.803 9.854 1.263 3-#8 *5

5 2.00 107.14 12.374 1.440 7.803 9.854 1.361 3-#8 *5

*5 - Number of bars governed by maximum allowable spacing.

Bottom Bar Details:

Units: Start (ft), Length (ft)
_______Long Bars_______ ______Short Bars_______
Span Bars Start Length Bars Start Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 2-#8 0.00 24.00 1-#8 10.13 3.00

2 2-#8 0.00 24.00 1-#8 10.62 3.00

3 2-#8 0.00 24.00 1-#8 10.37 3.00

4 2-#8 0.00 24.00 1-#8 10.37 3.00

5 2-#8 0.00 24.00 1-#8 10.87 3.00

Flexural Capacity:
Units: From, To (ft), As (in^2), PhiMn (k-ft)
Span From To AsTop AsBot PhiMn- PhiMn+
---- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------------
1 0.000 0.917 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
0.917 3.391 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
3.391 5.351 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.351 6.273 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
6.273 8.232 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.232 8.675 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.675 10.125 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
10.125 11.487 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
11.487 11.766 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
11.766 12.000 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
12.000 13.127 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
13.127 15.325 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.325 15.690 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.690 18.351 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
18.351 18.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
18.649 21.310 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
21.310 23.083 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
23.083 24.000 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

2 0.000 0.917 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

0.917 2.819 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
2.819 5.351 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.351 5.701 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.701 8.232 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.232 8.675 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.675 10.624 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
10.624 11.887 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
11.887 12.000 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.000 12.362 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.362 13.626 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
13.626 15.325 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.325 15.768 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.768 18.258 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
18.258 18.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
18.649 21.140 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
21.140 23.083 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
23.083 24.000 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

3 0.000 0.917 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

0.917 2.850 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
2.850 5.351 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.351 5.732 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.732 8.232 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.232 8.675 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.675 10.374 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
10.374 11.648 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
11.648 12.000 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.000 12.103 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 5

12.103 13.376 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40

13.376 15.325 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.325 15.768 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.768 18.268 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
18.268 18.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
18.649 21.150 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
21.150 23.083 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
23.083 24.000 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

4 0.000 0.917 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

0.917 2.860 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
2.860 5.351 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.351 5.742 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.742 8.232 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.232 8.675 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.675 10.374 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
10.374 11.638 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
11.638 12.000 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.000 12.113 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.113 13.376 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
13.376 15.325 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.325 15.768 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.768 18.299 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
18.299 18.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
18.649 21.181 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
21.181 23.083 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
23.083 24.000 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

5 0.000 0.917 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

0.917 2.690 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
2.690 5.351 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.351 5.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
5.649 8.310 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.310 8.675 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
8.675 10.873 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
10.873 12.000 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
12.000 12.234 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
12.234 12.513 0.00 2.37 0.00 188.01
12.513 13.875 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
13.875 15.325 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.325 15.768 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
15.768 17.727 0.00 1.58 0.00 127.40
17.727 18.649 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
18.649 20.608 2.00 1.58 -159.31 127.40
20.608 23.083 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40
23.083 24.000 3.00 1.58 -234.00 127.40

Longitudinal Beam Shear And Torsion Reinforcement Required:

Section properties:
Units: d, pcp, pch (in), Acp, Ach, Ao (in^2)
PhiVc (kip), PhiTcr (k-ft), PhiSvt (ksi)
Span d pcp ph Acp Aoh Ao PhiVc PhiTcr PhiSvt
---- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- --------
1 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
2 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
3 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
4 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
5 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474

Required transverse reinforcement:

Units: Start, End, Xu (ft), Vu (kip), Tu (k-ft), vf (ksi)
Av/s, Av/s, A(v+2t)/s (in^2/in)
Span Start End Vu Tu vf Xu Case/Patt Av/s At/s A(v+2t)/s
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---------
1 2.411 5.151 28.29 43.00 0.199 2.41 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
5.151 7.891 19.76 43.00 0.193 5.15 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
7.891 10.630 11.23 43.00 0.189 7.89 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
10.630 13.370 5.84 43.00 0.188 13.37 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 14.37 43.00 0.190 16.11 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
16.109 18.849 22.90 43.00 0.195 18.85 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
18.849 21.589 31.43 43.00 0.201 21.59 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4

2 2.411 5.151 29.98 43.00 0.200 2.41 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
5.151 7.891 21.45 43.00 0.194 5.15 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
7.891 10.630 12.92 43.00 0.190 7.89 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
10.630 13.370 4.39 43.00 0.188 10.63 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 12.68 43.00 0.190 16.11 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
16.109 18.849 21.21 43.00 0.194 18.85 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
18.849 21.589 29.74 43.00 0.200 21.59 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4

3 2.411 5.151 29.86 43.00 0.200 2.41 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
5.151 7.891 21.33 43.00 0.194 5.15 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
7.891 10.630 12.80 43.00 0.190 7.89 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
10.630 13.370 4.27 43.00 0.188 10.63 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 12.80 43.00 0.190 16.11 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
16.109 18.849 21.33 43.00 0.194 18.85 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
C:\Data\Time Saving Design Aid\Torsion example.slb Page 6

18.849 21.589 29.86 43.00 0.200 21.59 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4

4 2.411 5.151 29.74 43.00 0.200 2.41 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
5.151 7.891 21.21 43.00 0.194 5.15 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
7.891 10.630 12.68 43.00 0.190 7.89 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
10.630 13.370 4.39 43.00 0.188 13.37 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 12.92 43.00 0.190 16.11 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
16.109 18.849 21.45 43.00 0.194 18.85 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
18.849 21.589 29.98 43.00 0.200 21.59 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4

5 2.411 5.151 31.43 43.00 0.201 2.41 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
5.151 7.891 22.90 43.00 0.195 5.15 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
7.891 10.630 14.37 43.00 0.190 7.89 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
10.630 13.370 5.84 43.00 0.188 10.63 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 11.23 43.00 0.189 16.11 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
16.109 18.849 19.76 43.00 0.193 18.85 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
18.849 21.589 28.29 43.00 0.199 21.59 U1/All 0.0000 0.0194 0.0387 *4
*4 - Design torsional moment reduced to PhiTcr due to compatibility torsion.
*5 - Minimum transverse (stirrup) reinforcement required.

Required longitudinal reinforcement:

Units: Start, End, Xu (ft), Tu (k-ft), Al (in^2)
Span Start End Tu Xu Case/Patt Al
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
1 2.411 5.151 43.00 2.41 U1/All 1.452 *4
5.151 7.891 43.00 5.15 U1/All 1.452 *4
7.891 10.630 43.00 7.89 U1/All 1.452 *4
10.630 13.370 18.74 11.63 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 43.00 13.37 U1/All 1.452 *4
16.109 18.849 43.00 16.11 U1/All 1.452 *4
18.849 21.589 43.00 18.85 U1/All 1.452 *4

2 2.411 5.151 43.00 2.41 U1/All 1.452 *4

5.151 7.891 43.00 5.15 U1/All 1.452 *4
7.891 10.630 43.00 7.89 U1/All 1.452 *4
10.630 13.370 18.74 11.63 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 43.00 13.37 U1/All 1.452 *4
16.109 18.849 43.00 16.11 U1/All 1.452 *4
18.849 21.589 43.00 18.85 U1/All 1.452 *4

3 2.411 5.151 43.00 2.41 U1/All 1.452 *4

5.151 7.891 43.00 5.15 U1/All 1.452 *4
7.891 10.630 43.00 7.89 U1/All 1.452 *4
10.630 13.370 18.74 11.63 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 43.00 13.37 U1/All 1.452 *4
16.109 18.849 43.00 16.11 U1/All 1.452 *4
18.849 21.589 43.00 18.85 U1/All 1.452 *4

4 2.411 5.151 43.00 2.41 U1/All 1.452 *4

5.151 7.891 43.00 5.15 U1/All 1.452 *4
7.891 10.630 43.00 7.89 U1/All 1.452 *4
10.630 13.370 18.74 11.63 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 43.00 13.37 U1/All 1.452 *4
16.109 18.849 43.00 16.11 U1/All 1.452 *4
18.849 21.589 43.00 18.85 U1/All 1.452 *4

5 2.411 5.151 43.00 2.41 U1/All 1.452 *4

5.151 7.891 43.00 5.15 U1/All 1.452 *4
7.891 10.630 43.00 7.89 U1/All 1.452 *4
10.630 13.370 18.74 11.63 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
13.370 16.109 43.00 13.37 U1/All 1.452 *4
16.109 18.849 43.00 16.11 U1/All 1.452 *4
18.849 21.589 43.00 18.85 U1/All 1.452 *4
*4 - Design torsional moment reduced to PhiTcr due to compatibility torsion.
*5 - Minimum longitudinal reinforcement required.

Longitudinal Beam Shear Reinforcement Details:

Units: spacing & distance (in).
Span Size Stirrups (2 legs each unless otherwise noted)
---- ---- ---------------------------------------------
1 #4 32 @ 8.4
2 #4 32 @ 8.4
3 #4 32 @ 8.4
4 #4 32 @ 8.4
5 #4 32 @ 8.4

Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement Details:

Units: Start (ft), Length (ft)
_______Long Bars_______ ______Short Bars_______
Span Bars Start Length Bars Start Length
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1 --- 8-#8 0.00 13.00
--- 8-#8 11.00 13.00

Torsion Design

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2 --- 8-#8 0.00 13.00

--- 8-#8 11.00 13.00
3 --- 8-#8 0.00 13.00
--- 8-#8 11.00 13.00
4 --- 8-#8 0.00 13.00
--- 8-#8 11.00 13.00
5 --- 8-#8 0.00 13.00
--- 8-#8 11.00 13.00

Beam Shear And Torsion Capacity:

Section properties:
Units: d, pcp, pch (in), Acp, Ach, Ao (in^2)
PhiVc (kip), PhiTcr (k-ft), PhiSvt (ksi)
Span d pcp ph Acp Aoh Ao PhiVc PhiTcr PhiSvt
---- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- --------
1 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
2 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
3 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
4 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474
5 17.94 89.00 75.00 492.000 348.500 296.225 40.84 43.00 0.474

Beam shear and torsion transverse reinforcement capacity in terms of provided and required area:
Units: Start, End, Xu (ft), Sp (in), A(v+2t)/s (in^2/in)
Vu (kip), Tu (k-ft), vf (ksi)
___________________Provided__________________ _______________________Required________________________
Span Start End A(v+2t) Sp A(v+2t)/s Xu Vu Tu Case/Patt vf A(v+2t)/s
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- ---------
1 0.000 1.167 ----- ----- ------ 0.00 45.99 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0451 *4
1.167 11.875 0.400 8.39 0.0477 2.41 28.29 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 0.400 8.39 0.0477 12.12 1.96 6.25 U1/All 0.03 0.0000 *2
12.125 22.833 0.400 8.39 0.0477 21.59 31.43 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- ----- ------ 24.00 49.43 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0494 *4

2 0.000 1.167 ----- ----- ------ 0.00 48.09 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0477 *4
1.167 11.875 0.400 8.39 0.0477 2.41 29.98 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 0.400 8.39 0.0477 11.88 0.51 6.25 U1/All 0.03 0.0000 *2
12.125 22.833 0.400 8.39 0.0477 21.59 29.74 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- ----- ------ 24.00 47.88 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0474 *4

3 0.000 1.167 ----- ----- ------ 0.00 47.98 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0476 *4
1.167 11.875 0.400 8.39 0.0477 2.41 29.86 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 0.400 8.39 0.0477 11.88 0.39 6.25 U1/All 0.03 0.0000 *2
12.125 22.833 0.400 8.39 0.0477 21.59 29.86 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- ----- ------ 24.00 47.98 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0476 *4

4 0.000 1.167 ----- ----- ------ 0.00 47.88 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0474 *4
1.167 11.875 0.400 8.39 0.0477 2.41 29.74 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 0.400 8.39 0.0477 12.12 0.51 6.25 U1/All 0.03 0.0000 *2
12.125 22.833 0.400 8.39 0.0477 21.59 29.98 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- ----- ------ 24.00 48.09 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0477 *4

5 0.000 1.167 ----- ----- ------ 0.00 49.43 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0494 *4
1.167 11.875 0.400 8.39 0.0477 2.41 31.43 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 0.400 8.39 0.0477 11.88 1.96 6.25 U1/All 0.03 0.0000 *2
12.125 22.833 0.400 8.39 0.0477 21.59 28.29 43.00 U1/All 0.20 0.0387 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- ----- ------ 24.00 45.99 43.00 U2/All 0.22 0.0451 *4
*2 - Torsion ignored (Tu < PhiTcr/4).
*4 - Design torsional moment reduced to PhiTcr due to compatibility torsion.
*5 - Minimum transverse (stirrup) reinforcement required.

Beam torsion longitudinal reinforcement capacity in terms of provided and required area:
Units: Start, End, Xu (ft), Al (in^2), Tu (kip)
_________Provided_________ _____________Required_______________
Span Start End Al Xu Tu Case/Patt Al
---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- --------
1 0.000 1.167 ----- 0.00 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4
1.167 11.875 6.320 11.63 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 ----- 11.88 6.25 U1/All 0.000 *2
12.125 22.833 6.320 12.37 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- 22.83 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

2 0.000 1.167 ----- 0.00 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

1.167 11.875 6.320 11.63 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 ----- 11.88 6.25 U1/All 0.000 *2
12.125 22.833 6.320 12.37 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- 22.83 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

3 0.000 1.167 ----- 0.00 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

1.167 11.875 6.320 11.63 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 ----- 11.88 6.25 U1/All 0.000 *2
12.125 22.833 6.320 12.37 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- 22.83 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

4 0.000 1.167 ----- 0.00 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

1.167 11.875 6.320 11.63 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5

Torsion Design

pcaBeam v1.51 © Portland Cement Association 11-14-2005, 10:39:02 AM

Licensed to: Portland Cement Association, License ID: 12345-7654321-4-2D2DE-25900
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11.875 12.125 ----- 11.88 6.25 U1/All 0.000 *2

12.125 22.833 6.320 12.37 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- 22.83 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

5 0.000 1.167 ----- 0.00 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4

1.167 11.875 6.320 11.63 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
11.875 12.125 ----- 11.88 6.25 U1/All 0.000 *2
12.125 22.833 6.320 12.37 18.74 U1/All 1.843 *4 *5
22.833 24.000 ----- 22.83 43.00 U2/All 1.452 *4
*2 - Torsion ignored (Tu < PhiTcr/4).
*4 - Design torsional moment reduced to PhiTcr due to compatibility torsion.
*5 - Minimum longitudinal reinforcement required.

Slab Shear Capacity:

Units: b, d (in), Xu (ft), PhiVc, Vu(kip)
Span b d Vratio PhiVc Vu Xu
---- -------- -------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------

Maximum Deflections:
Units: Dz (in)
---- -------- -------- ---------
1 -0.067 -0.053 -0.120
2 -0.057 -0.033 -0.090
3 -0.058 -0.035 -0.092
4 -0.057 -0.033 -0.090
5 -0.067 -0.053 -0.120

Material Takeoff:
Reinforcement in the Direction of Analysis
Top Bars: 742.8 lb <=> 6.19 lb/ft <=> 3.095 lb/ft^2
Bottom Bars: 680.9 lb <=> 5.67 lb/ft <=> 2.837 lb/ft^2
Torsion Bars: 2776.7 lb <=> 23.14 lb/ft <=> 11.569 lb/ft^2
Stirrups: 2057.4 lb <=> 17.15 lb/ft <=> 8.573 lb/ft^2
Total Steel: 6257.7 lb <=> 52.15 lb/ft <=> 26.074 lb/ft^2
Concrete: 410.0 ft^3 <=> 3.42 ft^3/ft <=> 1.708 ft^3/ft^2
The following example illustrates the Materials
design methods
AIDS in the article Concrete: normal weight Page (1501 ofpcf),
6 ¾-in.
“Timesaving Design Aids for Reinforced maximum aggregate, f?c = 4,000 psi
Concrete, Part 3: Columns and Walls,” by Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy =
David A. Fanella, which appeared in the 60,000 psi)
November 2001 edition of Structural
The following example illustrate the design methods presented in the PCA book “Simplified Design -
Reinforced Concrete
Engineer Buildings
magazine. of Moderate
Unless Size and Height” third edition. Unless otherwise noted, all
otherwise Loads
referenced table, figure, and equation numbers are from that book. The example presented here is for
Walls. all referenced table, figure, and Total roof dead load = 122 psf
equation numbers are from that article. Total floor dead load = 142 psf
Examples for columns are available on our Web page: www.cement.org/buildings.
The example presented here is for walls. Live load = 100 psf (floor), 20 psf (roof)
Design Data
Wind loads: per ASCE 7-98
In this example,
Examples the 8-in. thick
for columns are wall below, which
available on ouris part of a 5-story building, is designed and detailed for
gravity loads and the wind forces shown.
Web page: www.portcement.org/buildings. Building Data
Tributary floor area to wall = 300 ft2
• Concrete: normal weight (150 pcf), 3/4-in. maximum aggregate, f’c = 4,000 psi
Design Data
• Mild reinforcing steel: Grade 60 (fy = 60,000 psi)

this example, the 8-in. thick wall below,
• Total roof
which dead load
is part of =a122 psf
5-story building, is
• Total floor dead load = 142 psf
designed and detailed for gravity loads
• Live load = 100 psf (floor), 20 psf (roof)
and the wind forces shown.
• Wind loads: per ASCE 7-02

Building Data
• Tributary floor area to wall = 300 ft2

11.3 k
15?-0I 4 @ 12?-0I = 48?-0I

22.0 k
21.1 k
19.9 k
20.5 k



Design for Shear

• Check shear strength in 1st story

Total shear = 11.3 + 22.0 + 21.1 + 19.9 + 20.5 = 94.8 kips

Per ACI 318-05 Sect. 9.2, Vu = 1.6 x 94.8 = 151.7 kips

From Table 6-5, for an 8-in. thick wall, φVc = 7.3 x 20.67 = 150.9 kips

Since Vu > φVc , provide horizontal shear reinforcement from Table 6-4.

From Table 6-5.

φVn = 36.4 x 20.67 = 752.3 kips > Vu = 151.7 kips

Therefore, Wall cross-section is adequate.

Determine required horizontal shear reinforcement:

φVs = Vu - φVc = 151.7 - 150.9 = 0.8 kips

φVs = 0.8 / 20.67 = 0.04 kips/ft length of wall

Select horizontal bars from Table 6-4:

For No. 4 bars @ 18”, φVs = 4.8 kips/ft > 0.04 kips/ft
However, minimum wall reinforcement per Table 6-3 for an 8 in. wall is No. 4 @ 10”

Use No. 4 @ 10” horizontal reinforcement.

Determine required vertical shear reinforcement:

ρl = 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - hw/lw) (ρt - 0.0025) where hw/lw = 63/20.67 = 3.1

ρt = Avh/s2h = 0.20/(10 x 8) = 0.0025

ρl = 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - 3.1) (0.0025 - 0.0025) = 0.0025

Use No. 4 @ 10” vertical reinforcement.

• Check shear strength in 2nd story

Vu = 1.6(11.3 + 22.0 + 21.1 + 19.9) = 118.9 kips

Since φVc /2 = 150.9/2 = 75.4 kips < Vu = 118.9 kips < φVc = 150.9 kips,
use No. 4 @ 10” for the horizontal and vertical reinforcement in the 2nd story.

• Check shear strength for the 3rd story

Vu at 3rd story = 1.6(11.3 + 22.0 + 21.1) = 87.0 kips

Since φVc /2 = 75.4 kips < Vu = 87.0 < Vc = 150.9 kips use No. 4 @ 10” for the horizontal and vertical rein-
forcement in the 3rd story.


• Check shear strength for the 4th story and above

Vu at 4th story= 1.6(11.3 + 22.0) = 53.3 kips < φVc / 2 = 75.4 kips

Provide minimum reinforcement per Table 6-2.

For 8” wall, use No. 3 @ 11” vertical reinforcement and No. 4 @ 12” horizontial reinforcement.

Summary of reinforcement

• Vertical bars

1st through 3rd stories: No. 4 @ 10”

4th and 5th stories*: No. 3 @ 10”

• Horizontal bars

1st through 3rd stories: No. 4 @ 10”

4th and 5th stories: No. 4 @ 12”

* Spacing of vertical bars reduced from 11 in. to 10 in. so that the bars in the 3rd story can be spliced

with the bars in the 4th story.

Design for Flexure

When evaluating moment strength, the load combination given in ACI Eq. (9-6) will usually govern:

U = 0.9D + 1.6W

• Dead load and wind moment in 1st story

Tributary floor area = 300 ft2

Wall dead load = [0.150(8 x 248)]/144 = 2.1 kips/ft wall height

Pu = 0.9[(0.122 x 300) + (0.142 x 300 x 4) + (2.1 x 63)] = 305 kips

Mu = 1.6[(11.3 x 63) + (22.0 x 51) + (21.1 x 39) + (19.9 x 27) + (20.5 x 15)] = 5,603 ft-kips

• Dead loads and wind moments in 2nd and 3rd stories

In 2nd story: Pu = 239 kips

Mu = 3,327 ft-kips

In 3rd story: Pu = 178 kips

Mu = 1,900 ft-kips

In 4th story: Pu = 117 kips

Mu = 856 ft-kips


Check moment strength based on required vertical reinforcement for shear.

• Moment strength in 1st story (No. 4 @ 10”)

Ast = 0.24 x 20.67 = 4.96 in.2

⎛ A ⎞ fy ⎛ 4.96 ⎞ 60
ω = ⎜ st ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟ = 0.0375
⎝ l wh ⎠ fc′ ⎝ 248 × 8 ⎠ 4

⎛ P ⎞ 305
α =⎜ u ⎟= = 0.0384
⎝ l whfc ⎠ 248 × 8 × 4

c ω +α 0.0375 + 0.0384
= = = 0.0952
l w 2ω + 0.85β1 (2 × 0.0375) + (0.85 × 0.85)

⎡ ⎛ Pu ⎞⎛ c ⎞⎤
φMn = φ ⎢0.5Astfy l w ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟⎜1 − ⎟⎥ =
⎢⎣ ⎝ Astfy ⎠⎝ l w ⎠⎥⎦

= 0.9⎢(0.5 × 4.96 × 60 × 248)

⎛ 305 ⎞ ⎤
× ⎜1 + ⎟(1 − 0.0952)⎥
⎝ 4.96 × 60 ⎠ ⎦

= 60,848 in. - kips

= 5,070 ft - kips < Mu = 5,603 ft - kips

Therefore, increase amount of vertical reinforcement for moment strength. It can be shown that No. 5 @
10” (φMn = 6,307 ft-kips) is adequate.

• Moment strength in 2nd story (No. 4 @ 10”)

Ast = 0.24 x 20.67 = 4.96 in.2

ω = 0.0375
α = = 0.0301
248 × 8 × 4

c 0.0375 + 0.0301
= = 0.0848
l w (2 × 0.0375) + (0.85 × 0.85)

⎡ ⎛ 239 ⎞ ⎤
φMn = 0.9 ⎢(0.5 × 4.96 × 60 × 248)⎜1 + ⎟(1 − 0.0848)⎥
⎣ ⎝ 4.96 × 60 ⎠ ⎦


= 54,806 in. -kips = 4567 ft -kips > Mu = 3,327 ft - kips

• Moment strength in 4th story (No. 3 @ 10”)

Ast = 0.13 x 20.67 = 2.69 in.2

⎛ 2.69 ⎞ 60
ω =⎜ ⎟ = 0.0203
⎝ 248 × 8 ⎠ 4

α= = 0.0147
248 × 8 × 4

c 0.0203 + 0.0147
= = 0.0459
l w (2 × 0.0203) + (0.85 × 0.85)

⎡ ⎤
φMn = 0.9 ⎢(0.5 × 2.69 × 60 × 248) × ⎛⎜1 + 117 ⎞
⎟(1 − 0.0459)⎥
⎣ ⎝ 2.69 × 60 ⎠ ⎦
= 29,643 in. - kips

= 2,470 ft - kips > Mu = 856 ft - kips

The required shear reinforcement is adequate for moment strength, except in the 1st story.

For comparison purposes, the PCA computer program pcaColumn was utilized to determine the adequacy of
the wall in the 1st story. As can be seen from the figure, the wall is adequate with No. 4 @ 10”.


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