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2017 - UESF Const ByLaws Packet

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of the
United Educators of San Francisco
Ratified, January 2, 1991

Proposed Changes 2017

Amended February 17, 2010

Table of Contents
Preamble ......................................................................................................................... 3  
ARTICLE I. Name .......................................................................................................... 3  
ARTICLE II. Purposes.................................................................................................... 3  
ARTICLE III. Affiliations .............................................................................................. 3  
ARTICLE IV. Membership ............................................................................................ 3  
ARTICLE V. Councils.................................................................................................... 3  
ARTICLE VI. Dues ........................................................................................................ 3  
ARTICLE VIII.   Assembly and Membership Meetings .............................................. 4  
ARTICLE IX. Site Representation ................................................................................. 5  
ARTICLE XI.   Referenda ............................................................................................. 5  
ARTICLE 1. Assembly and Membership Meetings ....................................................... 5  
ARTICLE II. Executive Board Meetings [amended 11/15/06] ...................................... 5  
ARTICLE III. Divisions ................................................................................................. 6  
ARTICLE IV. Nominations and Elections ..................................................................... 6  
Article V. Duties of Officers ........................................................................................... 7  
ARTICLE VI. Ethnic Minority Representation .............................................................. 7  
ARTICLE VII. Building Representatives and Building Committees ............................. 7  
ARTICLE VIII. Committees .......................................................................................... 8  
ARTICLE XI. Delegates and Representatives.............................................................. 10  
ARTICLE XII. The Living Contract Committee .......................................................... 10  
ARTICLE XIII. Financial Administration .................................................................... 10  
ARTICLE XIV. Dues ................................................................................................... 11  
ARTICLE XV. Parliamentary Authority ...................................................................... 11  
ARTICLE XVI. Amendments ...................................................................................... 11  
Constitution and Bylaws adopted January 2, 1991 ....................................................... 11  
A. APPENDIX A: Standing Rules of Operation for UESF Executive Board .............. 12  
B. APPENDIX B: Substitute Division By-Laws .......................................................... 13  
C. APPENDIX C: Operating Rules of the Assembly ................................................... 14  

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Preamble Association) and/or a member of the AFT Council (Which is
We, the members of the United Educators of San Francisco, affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, California
believing that the active participation of teachers and educational Federation of Teachers, and the AFL/CIO).
support personnel in the development of educational policy is a. It is the express goal of UESF that all members belong to both
essential for sound education in a democratic society, have joined the AFT Council and the NEA Council.
together, as herein defined in this Constitution and these Bylaws, b. Membership in the NEA Council and the AFT Council shall not
for the purpose of exerting a collective and positive influence on entail additional dues or fees.
education in San Francisco.
ARTICLE V. Councils
CONSTITUTION Section 1. Councils have been created to provide a vehicle for
affiliation between members of UESF and the AFT/CFT and/or the
The name of this organization shall be “United Educators of San a. The NEA Council shall be affiliated with the NEA, CTA, and
Francisco” (hereinafter referred to as UESF). UESF shall maintain their affiliates.
its principal offices in the City and County of San Francisco. b. The AFT Council shall be affiliated with the AFT, CFT, and
their affiliates.
ARTICLE II. Purposes Section 2. The NEA Council and the AFT Council are affiliates of
The purposes of UESF shall include: UESF and are bound by all provisions of the UESF Constitution
1. To enable current and retired non-supervisory certificated and Bylaws and duly adopted organizational policies.
employees, and current and retired instructional, security, and Section 3. The purpose of each council is to conduct the necessary
community relations employees (hereinafter referred to as United business required by virtue of its affiliations, such as: providing for
Support Personnel [USP]) of the San Francisco Unified School the election of delegates and representatives to affiliate conventions
District (SFUSD) to join together to achieve educational excellence and meetings, providing delegates to conventions with necessary
and to improve professional conditions of employment; instructions, providing for affiliation financial arrangements with
2. To provide a structure by which such current and retired affiliates, and such other business as may be required.
employees can dedicate their efforts and personal involvement to Section 4. Membership in a council or councils, required for UESF
accomplishing these goals; membership (Article IV. Section 3.), shall begin simultaneously
3. To represent all non-supervisory certificated and USP employees with UESF membership and shall terminate simultaneously with
of the SFUSD in all matters relating to employer-employee UESF membership termination.
relations including, but not limited to wages, hours, and other terms Section 5. The officers and Executive Board members must be
and conditions of employment; members of both the AFT Council and the NEA Council.
4. To provide a structure by which the AFT Council and the NEA Section 6. The officers and Executive Board of UESF shall also be
Council of UESF and their state and national affiliates can jointly the officers and Executive Board of the NEA Council and the AFT
act on matters to benefit the members of UESF. Council, and they shall conduct the business of each council and
shall adopt rules and regulations as necessary for conducting the
ARTICLE III. Affiliations business of each council.
With the goal of fostering unity among all members of the
Bargaining Units, this organization shall be unique and ARTICLE VI. Dues
autonomous. UESF is not and shall not be affiliated with either the Section 1. Membership dues shall consist of (a) a local organization
California Teachers Association (CTA), the National Education portion, the amount of which shall be determined under the
Association (NEA), the California Federation of Teachers (CFT), provisions of the Bylaws of this Constitution (“Local Dues”), and
the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the AFL-CIO (or any (b) an affiliation portion, the amount of which shall be the
of its councils), or any other labor organization. combined membership/per capita dues of NEA and CTA, or AFT
and CFT (including any payments to the AFL-CIO or any of its
ARTICLE IV. Membership councils), whichever is higher (“Affiliation Dues”).
Section 1. Membership in UESF shall be open to all certificated a. Affiliation dues shall be adjusted, whenever necessary, so as to
and USP employees of the San Francisco Unified School District, remain consistent with the provisions of this section.
except those employed in administrative and/or supervisory Section 2. For each UESF member, regardless of his/her council
positions requiring an administrative or supervisory credential or memberships, one-half (1/2) of the Affiliation Dues portion of
those designated as “confidential employees” of the SFUSD. her/his membership dues shall be paid to the AFT/CFT and one-
Section 2. Membership in UESF shall also be open to all who are half (1/2) to the NEA/CTA.
UESF members in good standing when they retire from the San Section 3. All members within each UESF unit and within each
Francisco Unified School District. Any individual who retires from UESF membership class, regardless of their council memberships,
an entity other than the San Francisco Unified School District and shall pay identical dues.
who is a member in good standing of an affiliate of the California
Federation of Teachers (CFT), the American Federation of Article VII. Executive Board
Teachers (AFT), the California Teachers Association (CTA), or the Section 1. The officers of UESF shall be a President; Executive-
National Education Association (NEA), is eligible for associate Vice -President; Vice-President, USP; Vice-President, Substitute
membership in the Retired Division. Members in good standing Teachers; Secretary; Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms.
other than associate members of the Retired Division are eligible to Section 2. The Executive Board shall consist of forty-one 41 voting
vote and to hold office in the Retired Division. members: seven officers, certificated members with four from the
Section 3. Membership in UESF shall be open to all non- high schools, three from the middle schools, five from the
administrative and non-supervisory school employees who work in elementary schools, one each from special education, children’s
San Francisco schools that have been organized by either UESF or centers, counselors, and bilingual, and credentialed support
one of its affiliates. services, and the Chairperson of the Retired Division, two
Section 4. As a condition of membership in UESF, a member must substitute teachers, and four members-at-large, at least one at-large
be a member of the NEA Council (Which is affiliated with the seat shall be designated to represent UESF members who are not
National Education Association and the California Teachers SFUSD employees, ten and 10 USP members; as indicated:
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• Two members from among Child Development Instructional member designated by the majority vote of the Executive Board. If
Aides (Series: C: C10), charges are deemed urgent and serious by the Executive officers, it
• One from Security Aides (Series T: T10), and shall be immediately referred to the Executive Board, which may
temporarily suspend the member, Executive Board member or
• Seven members from the A, N, S, P and R series.
officer by a two-thirds (2/3) majority, less any members who are
a. UESF members who are elected officers.
duly recused.
The Chairperson of the Retired Division shall be elected by the
c. When charges are submitted, the President or designee shall
members of the Retired Division. All other members of the
arrange a conference of the accuser and the member or officer
Executive Board shall be elected by the active members of the
charged with the objective of resolving the matter informally. Each
UESF membership.
party to the charge may have one other member at the conference.
b. All elected terms of office shall be for three years. Elections
The terms “member” or “officer” as used in this section also
shall be held each three years; terms of office shall begin July 1 of
include a group who may be involved.
those years commencing in 2009.
d. If the matter is not resolved informally, the Executive Board
c. Any member of the Executive Board may be recalled by a two-
shall vote whether or not to hold a hearing based on its
thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present and voting at a special
determination that the charges, if proven, would constitute an act or
membership meeting held for this purpose. A special membership
omission significantly contrary to the best interests of UESF. A
meeting for the purpose of recall requires a recall petition signed by
two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Executive Board must vote to hold
at least one-third (1/3) of the membership then in good standing
a hearing. If a hearing is ordered, both the accuser and accused
and presented at a regular Assembly meeting at least two weeks
shall be notified in writing of the date and the charges.
before the date of the recall vote.
e. The member or officer charged shall be given up to two (2)
e. Any member of the Executive Board who is absent from two
weeks to prepare a defense.
consecutive regular meetings of the Board without good cause, or
f. At the hearing of a member or officer, the Executive Board shall
who is no longer in good standing, or who is no longer a member of
sit as jury with the exception of the recused persons.
both the AFT Council and the NEA Council may be removed from
g. The presiding officer shall appoint Sergeants-at-Arms.
office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board. Notice of
h. The hearing format will adhere to the following guidelines:
such vote, as a special order of business, shall be mailed to all
i. The presiding officer shall make an introductory statement
Executive Board members no later than two weeks prior to the date
regarding the ground rules of the procedure, will rule on any
of the vote.
objections raised by the parties and read the charges aloud.
Section 3. It is the goal of UESF to have an Executive Board that is
ii. The accuser may present their case including what s/he
reflective of the racial and ethnic diversity of the SFUSD
intends to prove, identify witnesses and present documentary
employees represented by UESF. To aid in achieving this goal the
evidence. The accuser may also testify as a witness.
membership of the Executive Board may be augmented by the
iii. The accused and/or the representative of the accused may
addition of Members-At-Large appointed by the Assembly as set
question witnesses.
forth in Bylaws Article VI.
iv. The accused presents his/her case including documentary
Section 4. The Executive Board shall conduct the business of
evidence and witnesses. The accused may also testify as a
UESF. For the period from the regular Assembly meeting in June
until the regular Assembly meeting in September, the Executive
v. The accuser and/or the representative of the accused may
Board shall act for the membership.
question witnesses.
a. The Board shall be responsible for the employment of all
vi. The accuser may make a closing statement.
professional and clerical staff, released-time members, and
i. The Executive Board shall hear all evidence, deliberate in closed
members paid stipends for specific services rendered to UESF.
executive session, render a decision and decide on penalties. A
b. The Board shall approve the carrying of any grievance to
two-thirds (2/3) majority of Board members present is required to
arbitration. Additionally, should an individual wish to appeal the
render a decision.
decision of the Board, the Board shall hear such appeal and render
j. The Executive Board may suspend, expel or censure a member,
a final determination.
or remove from office an officer or Executive Board member found
Section 5. The Executive Board shall have the power to suspend or
expel any member or remove from office any officer whose acts or
Section 6. The member or officer may appeal the decision of the
omissions are significantly contrary to the best interests of UESF.
Executive Board at the first meeting of the Assembly following the
This section shall not be used to limit any member’s right to
proceedings. Notice of intent to appeal must be submitted in
dissent, nor to discriminate against, harass, intimidate or bully any
writing to the Executive Board no less than two weeks prior to the
member on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin,
next Assembly meeting date. The appeal guidelines will follow
marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sexual
the same format as described in Section 5, paragraph h above.
orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or on the
a. The verdict reached by the Executive Board may be changed by
basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or
a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Assembly members present and
more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If legal counsel
eligible to vote. A quorum must be present for all votes. Executive
will be present, notice must be given in writing to all parties no
board members who participated in the vote at the original hearing
later than two weeks prior to the conference or hearing. A quorum
shall not be allowed to vote on the appeal.
must be present for all votes. All Executive Board members have
b. The decision of the Assembly is final and not subject to internal
a duty to recuse themselves if they were knowingly involved in the
act or omission. In addition, the Executive Board has the right to
recuse any member whom they have a reasonable concern were
ARTICLE VIII. Assembly and Membership Meetings
knowingly involved.
Section 1. The Assembly acts for and in place of the membership as
a. Charges may be made only by UESF members in good standing.
the policy-making body of the UESF except when policy is
Charges must be made in writing and signed by the accuser(s) and
established by vote of the membership at a membership meeting or
must specify the act(s) or omission[s] as well as the time and place
by referendum.
of occurrence.
Section 2. Regular meetings of the Assembly shall be held once a
b. A charge shall be submitted to the President. In the event the
month September through May at a time and place established by
President is recused, the charges may be submitted to the officer or
the Executive Board. [Amended 9/18/02]
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Section 3. Special meetings of the Assembly shall be called by the schools, centers, or other units where the UBC is comprised of
President, the President at the direction of the Executive Board, or fewer members than its apportionment, the UBC may conduct a
the President at the direction of the Assembly. separate election in September to fill the remaining positions. In
Section 4. Meetings of the Assembly shall be open to all UESF addition, the UBC at each school, unit, or other site shall supply
members; however, only Assembly members have the privilege of UESF with a complete list of Assembly members and alternates.
the floor and may vote. A member may address the Assembly with UESF shall compile from these lists a roster of Assembly members
the permission of the body. which shall be the official UESF Assembly membership. The
Section 5. Meetings of the UESF membership may be called by the apportionment shall be as follows:
President at the direction of the Executive Board or by the
President at the direction of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly UESF Assembly Assembly
or by a membership meeting. Members Members Alternates
Section 6. Strike and strike settlement secret ballot votes, with 1-15 1 2
separate ballots for tenured/probationary certificated, substitute 16-30 2 2
certificated, and USP members, shall be taken at a membership
31-45 3 3
meeting where such a vote is the special order of business. A two-
thirds (2/3) vote of those present shall be required to authorize 46-60 4 3
strike action; a simple majority vote shall be required for strike 61-75 5 4
settlement. Members of the Retired Division shall neither vote nor 76-90 6 4
speak at these meetings.
91 - 105 7 5
ARTICLE IX. Site Representation 106 - 120 8 5
Section 1. UESF members at each school or work site shall be 121 - 135 9 5
responsible for the election of site representatives, including 136 - 150 10 5
Building Representative, Building Committee, and Assembly
members. d. The Executive Board shall be members of the Assembly and
shall be responsible for implementation of a. and b. above.
ARTICLE X. Amendments Section 2. Unless otherwise ordered by the Assembly or the
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) Executive Board, regular Assembly meetings shall be held at least
vote of the Assembly as a special order of business or by a two- once each month during the regular school year, except that the
thirds (2/3) vote of the membership. September meeting shall be held on a date determined by the
a. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Executive Board. There shall be no regularly scheduled Assembly
Board, in writing and signed by their proponents, accompanied by a meetings during the months of June, July and August.
statement explaining the rationale for the amendment and possible Section 3. The President will cause notice of Assembly and
effects of the amendments. Proposed amendments to the UESF membership meetings, together with their agenda, to be prepared
Constitution may be initiated by the Executive Board, the and distributed to the membership at least five days prior to the
Assembly, a UESF Division, a UESF committee or a minimum of meeting date. In cases where the President is directed to call a
five UESF members. (See UESF Bylaws, Article VIII. Section 1. h. membership meeting, the President must initiate the notice within
and Article X, Rules Committee.) one day of receiving the directive.
b. At least one week prior to the first reading of the proposed Section 4. Representatives from twenty schools (or entities entitled
amendments at the Assembly, the text of the proposed to Assembly members) shall constitute a quorum at any regular or
amendments, accompanied by the statement of rationale and special Assembly meeting. Fifteen percent (15%) of the UESF
possible effects, shall be submitted to all UESF members membership shall constitute a quorum at a membership meeting.
ARTICLE XI. Referenda An alphabetized listing of duly elected Assembly members may
Proposed actions, including amendments to this Constitution and serve as the sign-in list for Assembly meetings.
Bylaws, may be submitted to a referendum vote by order of a two- Section 5. No Membership meeting involving a strike vote may be
thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly or by a petition signed by not less called until such a meeting has been previously set at a membership
than one-third (1/3) of the UESF membership then in good meeting, at which time the strike issues were discussed and the call
standing, except that in no case shall a referendum be held whose for a strike vote meeting was supported by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
termination date is between June 15 and October 1. The Executive
Board shall establish rules for conducting such referenda. ARTICLE II. Executive Board Meetings [amended 11/15/06]
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at
Bylaws least once each month during the school year at a time and place set
ARTICLE 1. Assembly and Membership Meetings by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall convene the
Section 1. The Assembly shall be constituted as follows: school year at an August meeting, on a date to be normally set by
a. Assembly members at each school, center, or other unit shall be the President in consultation with the Executive Board at the June
the elected Building Representative and elected members of the meeting at the end of the preceding school year. A newly elected
Union Building Committee (UBC). The UBC shall designate Executive Board shall be convened by the President as soon as is
Assembly members and alternates in accordance with Section c. of convenient for a majority of Executive Board members, where
this Article except that the total number of apportioned delegates possible, in addition to and before the August Executive Board
and alternates shall not be fewer than the total number of UBC meeting.
members. The officers of the Retired Division, to a maximum of Section 2. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called
four, shall be members of the Assembly. Members shall take office by the President, or the President may be directed to call such a
at the September Assembly Meeting. meeting by one-third (1/3) of the membership of the Board.
b. Day-to-day substitute certificated members shall elect, by mail Section 3. One more than half of the Board shall constitute a
ballot, representatives at large to the Assembly. quorum.
c. The number of Assembly members shall be apportioned on the Section 4. Except for executive sessions, meetings of the Board
basis of one member to every fifteen UESF members, with each shall be open to all UESF members; however, only Board members
school, center, or other unit apportioned at least one member. At
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may speak and vote. A member may address the Board with the conduct the election. No candidate for office shall serve on the
permission of the body. Election Committee.

Committee Recommendation Proposed Rules Amendment to The election committee shall review and select an electronic
By-laws Article III balloting vendor approved by the CTA and other affiliates.
Elections committee shall review and select security and
ARTICLE III. Divisions transparency features, subject to the approval of the Executive
There shall be a retired employee's division of UESF (Retired Board.
a. All members of UESF, upon retirement, shall be eligible to be The elections committee and a UESF officer (who is not running
members of the Retired Division. for office) shall receive training by CTA elections staff in the
b. All members of the UESF Retired Division shall be eligible to operation of the selected electronic balloting software.
participate in the election of officers for the UESF Retired Division
in a manner consistent with the Retired Division Bylaws. The elections committee shall prepare and distribute instructions
c. The Retired Division shall have Bylaws subject to the approval for both online and paper balloting, including a warning that the
of the UESF Executive Board. school district internet system should not be used for UESF voting.
d. The Retired Division shall function within the policies and goals Voters shall be informed of security and transparency features
of UESF. selected and how to verify their vote.
e. Retired Division members may neither run for nor hold active
membership executive office or executive board positions except Section 3. Balloting for the election of members of the Executive
for the at-large position on the Executive Board. Board members shall be conducted by a secret ballot mailed sent to
f. If an elected officer or Executive Board member retires during all active members in good standing as of the conclusion of the
their term of office, they shall be allowed to complete their term if March Assembly meeting. All eligible members will be sent either
they so desire. an electronic or paper ballot. The elections committee shall verify
e.g. Retired Division members may not vote in the election of and document that ALL members were sent either a paper or an
active division officers or the ratification of contracts or board electronic ballot. Records shall be maintained in paper and
members except for the at-large position on the Executive Board. electronic form for three years following the election, including the
h. The UESF president shall appoint a committee of retirees to UESF-generated list of members and their email or postal addresses
advise on matters affecting retirees. that were sent to the vendor.
f.i. The Bylaws of the UESF Retired Division shall be appended to
this document. Balloting for the election of Labor Council Delegates shall be
conducted by a secret ballot mailed sent to all active and Retired
ARTICLE IV. Nominations and Elections members. [Amended November 15, 2006] The ballots shall be
Section 1. At the regular Assembly meeting in February in the final mailed sent 25-30 working days following the March regular
year of each three-year term for elective office, the Secretary, or an Assembly meeting in the final year of each three-year term for
officer designated by the Executive Board, shall announce a elective office.
blanket nomination of all UESF members in good standing to every a. Individual candidates shall be listed on the election ballot in an
elected office in UESF. order determined by lot. No member shall be a candidate for more
a. No later than five working days following the February than one UESF Executive Board office, except that candidates for
Assembly meeting, the President will cause to be distributed to all other offices, or members already holding office, may also run for
UESF members an announcement of the blanket nomination made election as delegates/representatives to conventions or meetings of
at the February Assembly meeting, by email for those with personal UESF Council affiliates. No member's name shall appear on the
emails on file with UESF. Those without personal emails shall be ballot without that member's written acceptance of nomination for
sent by regular mail. Permanent paper and digital copies of email that office. Candidates for office must be members of UESF in
and mailing lists shall be kept in the UESF office available for good standing and affiliated with both the AFT Council and the
member review for at least three years. NEA Council.
b. Blanket nomination notices sent to members will contain a b. All active members of UESF in good standing shall be eligible to
section for indicating acceptance of nomination to a particular vote. For all elected positions, the candidates receiving the largest
elected office. Such forms shall also be available at the UESF number of votes (plurality) shall be elected. In case of a tie, a run-
office. Individuals accepting nomination to a particular office shall off election shall be held.
return their written acceptances to the UESF office either c. A challenge to any UESF election must be filed with the Election
electronically, by mail or in person so as to be received by the Committee within five (5) working days after the Election
Secretary no later than five working days prior to the March regular Committee has certified the election results. A written challenge
Assembly meeting. Only UESF members who have provided may come from a member or group of members and must include
UESF with a personal email address may submit their nomination the reason(s) for the challenge and the remedy suggested. The
electronically. The Secretary shall cause to have sent a notice Election Committee will then make a recommendation to the
listing all candidates for office so as to be received at each school Executive Board. If the individual or group making the challenge is
or other work site no later than three working days prior to the not satisfied with the Executive Board's decision, they may use the
March regular meeting of the Assembly. referendum process (Constitution, Article XI) to appeal to the
c. At the March, regular Assembly meeting the Secretary shall read membership.
the names of all candidates for office. Additional nominations may Section 4. All candidates or groups of candidates for general or
then be made from the floor, conditional upon acceptance of such divisional elections shall be guaranteed equal access to the
nominations by the persons nominated. Nominations will then be membership in electioneering. No UESF funds shall be used in
closed by vote of the Assembly. behalf of any candidate or group of candidates, except for a single
pre-election statement of all candidates.
Section 2. At the March regular Assembly meeting, after Section 5. When a vacancy occurs in any of the elected Executive
nominations have been closed, the President shall appoint an Board offices of UESF, except in the office of President, the
Election Committee, subject to the approval of the Assembly, to vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
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Section 7. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall assist the President at each
Article V. Duties of Officers membership, Assembly, and Executive Board meeting in
Section 1. The President shall be the chief executive officer and maintaining order and otherwise establishing the best conditions for
shall be responsible for executing the policies of UESF. The a successful meeting, be responsible for preparing the meeting
President shall assume direct responsibility for the supervision of place and returning it to order after the meeting, determining that
the staff and employees of UESF. The President or such other only members and duly authorized guests are present, and
officer as may be designated shall preside at all meetings of the supervising balloting as necessary.
membership, the Assembly and the Executive Board. The President Section 8. The Chairperson of the Retired Division shall be the
shall be the official spokesperson for UESF; shall be ex-officio executive officer of that Division of UESF as set forth in the
member of all committees except the audit and elections Division Bylaws. The Chairperson of the Retired Division shall
committees; shall sign all necessary papers and documents, report to the Executive Board and Assembly of UESF at the
administer all obligations, and shall be responsible for the monthly meeting.
representation of UESF whenever and wherever required; and shall, Section 9. Executive Board members shall be responsible for
subject to the approval of the Executive Board, appoint all standing convening and conducting contractual committee meetings. These
committee chairpersons, except for the audit, budget and elections duties include, but are not limited to, regular meetings with
committees. The President shall be the chairperson, and an ex- members and regular meetings with the district. Written reports
officio delegate or representative wherever permitted, of the UESF from these meetings shall be presented at the regularly scheduled
delegates and representatives to the conventions and meetings of all meetings of the Executive Board.
UESF Council affiliates.
Section 2. The Executive Vice-President shall become the President ARTICLE VI. Ethnic Minority Representation
of UESF should that office become vacant. The Executive Vice- Section 1. Article VII. Section 3. of the Constitution shall be
President shall perform the duties of President in the event of the implemented as set forth within this section.
absence or disability of the President, shall be an ex-officio a. The President shall be responsible for collecting and analyzing
member of all committees except the audit and elections ethnic/racial data published by the SFUSD in order to determine
committees, and shall perform such other duties as from time to whether or not the UESF Executive Board reflects the racial and
time may be delegated by the President or as set forth in these ethnic diversity of employees represented by UESF.
Bylaws. b. If the President determines that the Executive Board does not
In the event of the extraordinary loss to UESF of both the President reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the employees represented
and the Executive Vice President, the surviving chief executive by UESF, the President, with the approval of the Executive Board,
officer shall consult with the Executive Board to decide the method shall place the appointment(s) of Member(s)-At-Large before a
of replace the President and the Executive Vice President for the meeting of the Assembly. The Assembly shall appoint the
duration of their term of office. The indicated order of succession member(s)-At-Large by majority vote.
after the Executive Vice President shall be the Secretary, the i. The term of office shall be to the next regular election of
Treasurer, the Vice President USP, Vice President, Substitute UESF officers.
Teachers, and then the Sergeant At Arms. ii. No member may be elected nor serve more than one
Section 3. The Vice-President, Substitute Teachers, shall consecutive term by virtue of the provisions of this section.
coordinate all substitute teacher activities, shall be an ex-officio “Consecutive terms” shall be defined as during consecutive
member of all committees except the audit and elections terms of officers elected under the provisions of Article IV. of
committees, and shall perform such other duties as from time to these Bylaws.
time may be delegated by the President or as set forth in these iii. The duties, rights, and privileges of such office shall be the
Bylaws. same as for all other members of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Vice-President USP shall coordinate all USP c. No more than two certificated and one USP Member(s)-At-Large
activities, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except will serve at any one-time under the provisions of this section.
the audit and elections committees, and shall perform such other d. Should a position created under the provisions of this section be
duties as from time to time may be delegated by the President or as unfilled or vacated for any reason before the next election of UESF
set forth in these Bylaws. officers, such position shall be filled by vote of the Executive
Section 5. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording of Board.
the minutes of all Membership, Assembly, and Executive Board
meetings; issuing all notices as directed by the Membership or the ARTICLE VII. Building Representatives and Building Committees
Executive Board; and preparing a correspondence digest for each Section 1. The Building Representative and the Union Building
Assembly and Executive Board meeting. Committee (UBC) shall be the elected representatives of all UESF
Section 6. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from all sources; members at a school, center, or other unit.
issue all receipts; deposit in the name of the UESF all monies in a a. All UESF members at a school, center, or other unit shall be
bank(s) or financial institution(s), subject to the approval of the eligible to vote and to run for positions.
Executive Board; be custodian of any bonds, stocks, or other b. The UBC at each school, center, or other unit shall represent
valuables belonging to the UESF; make all expenditures of UESF both certificated and United Support Personnel (USP) bargaining
funds by checks issued jointly with the President, Executive Vice- units, and the UBC should include representatives of both
President, or Vice-President, USP; pay all obligated and/or fixed bargaining units.
expenses provided for in the budget when and as they become c. The UBC shall designate members or alternate members of
regularly due; issue checks ordered paid by members duly contract committees as set forth in Article VIII, Section 3.
assembled at any membership, Assembly, or Executive Board d. A school, center, or other unit may choose to have a Building
meeting; present a financial report at each regular Assembly and Representative for certificated UESF members and a Building
Executive Board meeting; and maintain the financial records in a Representative for USP members of UESF. In such cases the
manner satisfactory to the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall be Building Representatives shall be elected by the certificated UESF
responsible for preparing all tax reports and administering the members and the USP UESF members respectively. Both Building
UESF insurance. The Treasurer shall be the chairperson of the Representatives shall be members of the UBC. In this case the
Budget Committee. UBC shall determine its chair.
Section 2. Building Representatives
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a. The Building Representative shall be the chairperson of the to advise and consult with the Treasurer upon the call of the
Union Building Committee (UBC). Treasurer or President.
b. The Building Representative shall be the representative of UESF d. The Treasurer's books shall be professionally audited on an
in a school, center, or other unit, and shall serve as liaison between annual basis. The auditor's report shall be presented to the
the members therein and the UESF. Executive Board and Assembly meetings following the completion
c. Building Representatives shall automatically be members of the of said audit.
Assembly and shall be part of the apportioned delegation as set e. Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee shall be
forth in Article I. of these Bylaws. composed of a chairperson, four certificated and two USP
d. Building Representatives shall be members of any shared members. The function of the committee shall be to serve as a
decision-making body as set forth in the Contracts. review body to advise individual UESF members regarding their
f. Building Representatives shall endeavor to maintain clear and employment in relation to the grievance process, advise the UESF
open lines of communication between UESF members and the staff as necessary regarding the processing of grievances, advise
administration. the Executive Board regarding individual and group grievances,
Section 3. Union Building Committees (UBC) and advise the Executive Board regarding the carrying of
a. The UBC together with the Building Representative shall be grievances to arbitration.
responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Contracts. f. Committee On Political Education (COPE). COPE shall be
b. UBC members shall be members or alternate members of the headed by a COPE Director through a competitive process subject
Assembly as set forth in Article I of these Bylaws. to the approval of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall
c. The UBC shall design and conduct elections, subject to serve as the UESF COPE Committee. The UESF President, with
guidelines established by UESF, for Building Representative(s), the approval of the Executive Board shall appoint a working sub-
UBC, and any other shared decision-making body at the site as committee of COPE, which shall organize the COPE endorsement
provided for in the Contracts. and recommendation procedures, and shall also organize UESF
d. The UBC together with the Building Representative shall COPE election campaigns. The mandate of UESF COPE is to
represent UESF members at the site. maintain a vehicle for involvement of UESF in political campaigns
Section 4. Elections and issues, to inform UESF members of political issues of concern
a. Building Committees and Building Representatives shall be and interest to them, and to serve as a means by which the political
elected annually, normally in May, by the members in each school, concerns of UESF can be voiced to the community at-large. COPE
center, or other unit. Should a Building Representative not be funds are not to be commingled with UESF funds. The COPE
elected, the Executive Board may appoint a Building Director is to be responsible for the COPE financial reports to the
Representative to serve until an election is held and shall seek to Executive Board and Assembly.
identify a committee of UESF members to conduct and election at g. Personnel Committee.
the school, center or other unit. 1. The Personnel Committee shall consist of four certificated and
b. The UBC shall report the results of elections to UESF within two two USP members. It's chairperson and members shall be
weeks. designated by the President subject to the approval of the
c. Any UESF member at a school, center, or other unit who Executive Board. The function of the committee shall be to
believes that any site election was conducted improperly or work in conjunction with the President on all matters related
unfairly, and who is unable to resolve his/her concern at the site, to UESF staff, as defined in the UESF Constitution (Article
shall have the right of appeal to the Executive Board. VII, Section 4a.)
d. UESF members at a school, center, or other unit who believe that 2. It shall assist the President in designing appropriate job
the duly elected Building Representative and/or UBC have descriptions and evaluation criteria for UESF staff. It shall
grievously failed to carry out their duties or grossly misrepresented assist the President in an annual evaluation of all staff, the
members or UESF shall have the right to submit a petition for summary of which will be offered in executive session
recall together with the reasons therefore to the Executive Board. annually with UESF Executive Board.
Section 5.The Executive Board shall be responsible for the 3. It shall assist the President and Executive Board in any fact-
implementation of this article and shall be the judge of any disputes finding and in reviewing any recommendation for hire,
which may arise regarding the proper conduct or timing of any retention, and termination.
school, center, or site election or the appropriateness of any effort 4. Between Executive Board meetings in June and August, the
to remove or recall any duly elected Building Representative or Personnel Committee shall assume the powers of the
Union Building Committee. Executive Board regarding employment services and stipends
as indicated in the UESF Constitution (Article VII, Section
ARTICLE VIII. Committees 4a). Actions taken by the Personnel Committee in the stead of
Section 1. Standing Committees the Executive Board shall be reported directly to the next
a. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be regularly convened meeting of the Executive Board.
composed of the seven UESF officers and the Chairperson of the h. Rules Committee. The Rules Committee shall be composed of a
Retired Division. The function of the committee is to advise the minimum of three UESF members, appointed annually by the
President regarding the administration of the UESF business and, President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The
as may be necessary, advise the President between meetings of the committee shall assist in the process of amending the UESF
Executive Board. Constitution and Bylaws.
b. Election Committee. The Election Committee shall be i. The Executive Board may establish and abolish, subject to
established as provided in Article IV. Section 2. of these Bylaws. Assembly approval, such additional standing committees as
c. Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall be composed of necessary.
the Treasurer as chairperson and such other members as may be Section 2. Special Committees
designated by the President, subject to the approval of the a. The Executive Board, subject to Assembly approval, may
Executive Board, at the first Executive Board meeting of the establish and abolish special committees as necessary.
incoming term of office. The committee shall be responsible for b. Each special committee shall conform with the following
preparing the UESF Annual Budget for submission to the operating guidelines:
Executive Board at its August meeting, and shall continue to exist i. Each committee shall have a chairperson and a secretary
elected by the committee membership. Minutes shall be taken
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at each committee meeting and shall include the names of Section 2. All UESF Executive Board members must be members
committee members (a quorum shall be one more than half the of COPE to serve on the UESF COPE Committee.
committee membership), consultants, and guests in Section 3. The UESF COPE director and the COPE sub-committee
attendance; a resume of the meeting; and the text of each shall organize the various COPE endorsement and recommendation
motion adopted and the votes cast. A complete file of procedures and election campaigns and shall be responsible for
committee minutes and a current roster of the committee maintaining and increasing COPE membership.
membership shall be maintained at the UESF office. Section 4. For the endorsement of candidates for school board,
ii. The committee chairperson, or a designee of the committee, there shall be a general COPE membership meeting held at least
shall make a report of committee activities to the Executive once every two years to interview and recommend candidates for
Board and/or the Assembly at the request of the President, UESF COPE endorsement. The UESF COPE Director shall chair
request of the Executive Board, or as necessary to insure an the meeting. All UESF COPE members shall be notified by mail, in
informed Executive Board. UESF publications, and by other communications as to the time
iii. Committees may carry on activities deemed proper and and place of the meeting.
necessary provided that such activities are consistent with this Section 5. Any candidate for school board must receive 66% of the
Constitution and these Bylaws and the policies and purpose of vote from the COPE members attending the recommendation
UESF. meeting in order to earn recommendation for endorsement to the
Section 3. Contract Committees UESF COPE Committee.
a. Members of the Children's Center, Elementary, Middle School, Section 6. The UESF COPE Committee may endorse those school
and High School committees created as a result of a negotiated board candidates recommended by the UESF COPE membership
contract between UESF and the SFUSD shall be the selected UBC meeting by a simple majority (50% plus one vote). Candidates for
members from individual sites or schools and shall operate, such office not recommended by the UESF COPE membership
pursuant to Article V, Section 9, under the supervision of the meeting shall be endorsed by the UESF COPE Committee only by
President. a super-majority vote of two-thirds of those present.
b. Members of other committees created as a result of a negotiated Section 7. Endorsement procedures for other candidates for office
contract between UESF and SFUSD shall be appointed by the (city, state and federal positions) and ballot measures will be
President with the approval of the Executive Board and shall organized by the UESF COPE Director and the COPE sub-
operate, pursuant to Article V, Section 9, under the supervision of committee, such procedures subject to the approval in advance by
the President. the Executive Board. The UESF COPE Committee may, by a
Section 4. No committee is authorized to financially obligate UESF simple majority vote, call for a COPE membership meeting for the
in any manner without prior approval of the Executive Board. No purpose of making recommendations for endorsements for non-
committee is authorized to make public statements regarding their school board elective offices and ballot measures, or may delegate
activities without the prior approval of the President and/or the these processes appropriately under the charge of the UESF COPE
Executive Board. No committee is authorized to enter into any Director.
agreements with school management or its representatives without Section 8. The UESF COPE Committee may endorse all non-
the prior approval of the Executive Board. school board candidates for public office and ballot measures by a
Section 5. Responsibilities of Committee Members simple majority, except in the event of a challenge to the
a. Members of UESF Committees (Standing, Contract, and Special) recommendation process by a member of the UESF COPE
shall be guided in the performance of their responsibilities by the Committee, in which case a super majority of two-thirds shall be
UESF Constitution and Bylaws, UESF adopted policies, and required for the candidate challenged to receive UESF COPE
special instructions given by the membership, Assembly, and endorsement.
Executive Board. Section 9. In endorsements, dual endorsements and endorsement
b. UESF committee members must notify the chairperson of the weights based on proportion of votes may be considered by the
delegation or president of the union in advance of their absences UESF COPE Committee, especially when instructing UESF
from regularly scheduled meetings for which they are elected delegations to affiliate organizations.
delegates. Section 10. Where logistically feasible, all UESF COPE
Absences without notification or which do not meet the conditions endorsements shall be ratified by the Assembly.
stipulated below shall not be considered "excused". (Normal Section11. Following any endorsement by UESF, members shall be
communication may include a voicemail to the appropriate person informed of such endorsements in UESF publications, and/or by
at the UESF office or a similarly directed email.) mail, and/or by other (electronic) means.
c. Reasons which shall constitute good cause for such absences
include: Article X. Rules Committee
i. Illness or emergency medical appointment Section 1.
ii. Family emergency a. The Rules Committee shall ensure that the process of amending
iii. School crisis or job-necessitated meeting the UESF Constitution and Bylaws (see Bylaws, Article VIII,
iv. UESF business Section 1. h.) is open and clear to all members, that the rationale for
v. Non-service vacation period and possible effects of rules changes are clearly explained and that
vi. Conflict with school/ work schedule. all affected constituencies are involved in the process.
d. Three or more consecutive absences by a UESF committee b. Proposed amendments to the UESF Constitution and Bylaws
member without good cause shall constitute the basis for removal may be initiated by the Executive Board, the Assembly, a UESF
from the committee. Such a removal for cause shall take place by Division, a UESF committee or a minimum of five UESF
action of the President. Notice of such an action shall be mailed to members.
the Executive Board and to all members of the committee in c. The Rules Committee shall conduct an annual review of the
question. UESF Constitution and Bylaws and operating rules and may
propose changes based on that review.
ARTICLE IX. COPE (Committee on Political Education) Section 2.
Section 1. The UESF Executive Board shall serve as the UESF a. Any proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing, signed
COPE Committee, as indicated in Article VII., Section 1, f. by the proponents, to the Executive Board and referred directly to
the Rules Committee. The proposal shall include a statement
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explaining the rationale for and possible effects of the proposed communication may include a voicemail to the appropriate person
change. If UESF constituencies may be affected, members of those at the UESF office or a similarly directed email.)
constituencies shall be appointed to the Rules Committee by the d. Reasons which shall constitute good cause for such absences
President, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, to serve include:
during the time the changes are under consideration. i. Illness or emergency medical appointment
Section 3. ii. Family emergency
a. When considering proposed amendments to the Constitution and iii. School crisis or job-necessitated meeting
Bylaws, other than those from a Division regarding its own iv. ESF business
Bylaws, the committee shall hold a hearing and seek participation v. Non-service vacation period
of any affected group within UESF, as well as other concerned vi. Conflict with school/ work schedule.
members. e. Three or more consecutive absences by a UESF delegate to an
b. After the committee reviews the proposed amendments referred affiliated body without good cause shall constitute the basis for
by the Executive Board, the committee shall draft initial removal from the delegated position. Such a removal for cause
recommendations to be submitted simultaneously to the Executive shall take place by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board.
Board and the Assembly for comment, which the committee will Notice of such a vote, as a special order of business, shall be mailed
consider in drafting its final recommendations. to the Executive Board and to all members of the delegation in
c. Proposed UESF Constitution and/or Bylaws amendments, along question, no later than two weeks prior to the date of the intended
with the Rules Committee’s recommendations shall be submitted to vote.
the Executive Board and to the Assembly and also shall be
submitted to all UESF members at least a week prior to the first ARTICLE XII. The Living Contract Committee
reading at the Assembly. Section 1. The Living Contract Committee and any successor
d. All proposed changes to the Operating Rules of the Executive committee with the same powers and charges shall make
Board or Assembly shall be referred to those bodies for review and recommendation to the Union for changes in the contract.
adoption. Section 2. Where such changes are editorial in nature or serve to
e. The committee shall review any proposed changes from a clarify existing wording, there shall be no requirement for
Division to its own Bylaws for consistency with other UESF rules additional ratification.
and then forward the proposed changes directly to the Executive Section 3. Where such changes are substantive in nature and serge
Board for approval (see Bylaws, Article III, Divisions. Section 1. c. to make a difference in the wages, hours and/or working conditions
and Section 2. c.). the following ratification process shall be employed:
a. Recommendations from the Living Contract Committee shall be
ARTICLE XI. Delegates and Representatives presented to the Executive Board of UESF.
Section 1. Delegates/Representatives and Alternates to b. Any recommendation for substantive changes must receive an
conventions/meetings of NEA and AFT Council affiliates shall be affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Board in order to
elected at the appropriate time, annually, biennially, or triennially progress to the Assembly.
as set in the affiliate’s convention/meeting call, in the same manner c. Any recommendation for substantive change which has received
as described in Article IV. of these Bylaws except that election the necessary vote from the Executive Board must receive an
shall be by plurality vote. affirmative vote of a majority of the members voting at the
Section 2. Delegates and alternates to the conventions of the Assembly.
California Labor Federation and the California Labor Committee d. A recommendation from the Living Contract Committee for
On Political Education shall be nominated and elected by the AFT changes in wages, hours, and/or working conditions shall be sent to
Council, as a special order of business, at an Executive Board a vote of the membership.
meeting following receipt of the convention call. Section 4. If, in extraordinary circumstances, the Living Contract
Section 3. Representatives to bodies, not affiliated with the UESF Committee recommends the involuntary transfer of a member that
Councils, requiring UESF representation shall be designated by the recommendation shall be presented to the Executive Board of the
President subject to the approval of the Executive Board. UESF, in executive session.
Section 4. Delegations representing UESF shall conform with the a. Any member who is subject to involuntary transfer under this
following guidelines: Article and Section shall have the right to appear before the
a. The Delegation Chairperson shall be the senior UESF officer Executive Board at the time the matter is considered.
who is a member of the delegation, with seniority defined by the b. Any recommendation for involuntary transfer shall receive an
order of listing in Article VII. Section 1. of the Constitution, or a affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Board before the
delegate appointed by the senior officer. If there is no officer president may agree to it.
member of the delegation, the President may appoint the c. Any recommendation for involuntary transfer which fails to
Delegation Chairperson subject to the approval of the Executive receive an affirmative vote of a majority of the Executive Board
Board. In the absence of an officer or an appointed chairperson, the shall not be agreed to by the president of the union.
Delegation Chairperson shall be selected by vote of the delegation ARTICLE XIII. Financial Administration
members. Section 1. The Executive Board shall present a budget, for the
b. Delegates/representatives and alternates shall be guided in the period of July 1 through June 30, for Assembly adoption at the
performance of their responsibilities by the UESF Constitution and September Assembly meeting.
Bylaws, UESF adopted policies, and special instructions given by Section 2. Routine expenditures provided for in the budget shall be
the membership, Assembly, and Executive Board. paid by the Treasurer. All donations or contributions shall be
c. UESF delegates to affiliated bodies that meet regularly (the San approved by either the Assembly or the Executive Board. All
Francisco Labor Council, the CTA State Council, etc.) must notify expenditures not budgeted, or in excess of the amount budgeted,
the chairperson of the delegation or president of the union in shall be subject to Assembly approval provided that unbudgeted
advance of their absences from regularly scheduled meetings for funds are available or made available. Funds may be transferred
which they are elected delegates. from one budget category to another only by vote of the Assembly.
Absences without notification or which do not meet the conditions Section 3. All dues payments shall be made/transferred directly to
stipulated below shall not be considered "excused". (Normal UESF, and UESF shall maintain budgetary control of all dues
money. UESF shall make appropriate distribution of Affiliation
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Dues to the state and national affiliates of the NEA Council and the are $12.44 (including $2.40 Local Dues, and Retired-Dues are
AFT Council. $5.00.
Section 4. UESF shall maintain budgetary control of all monies b. The Local Dues portion of UESF certificated membership dues
funding specific activities of the AFT Council and the NEA shall be indexed to the SFUSD Teacher Salary Schedule and shall
Council. reflect all percentage increases of that schedule. Such dues
Section 5. Any agency fees that may be collected shall be increases shall be effective with the salary warrants for the month
considered, as permitted by law, membership dues and shall be immediately following such salary increase.
administered as set forth in Constitution Article VI. Dues, with c. Dues are payable monthly by payroll deduction or by a single
such adjustments as may be necessary to reflect differences annual cash dues payment. The Treasurer may determine a manner
between membership dues and agency fees. acceptable for members on unpaid leave and not covered under
ARTICLE XIV. Dues Article XV, section 2, c.
Section 1. Dues for members, as set forth in Article VI. of the Section 7. The dues structure may be changed by a majority vote of
Constitution, consist of both an “Affiliation Dues” portion and a all members in good standing voting in a referendum, which shall
“Local Dues” portion. be initiated and conducted as provided in Article XI. of the
Section 2. There shall be the following dues categories based on the Constitution, or by a majority vote of members in good standing
current K-12 Fully Credentialed Teachers - per Education Code voting by a secret ballot at a UESF Membership meeting called by
45023.1 schedule, the Full-time Child Development Program the Assembly for the specific purpose of taking action on a dues
Teachers schedule and the Substitute Teachers and Hourly rates change.
schedule: Section 8. Good Standing: Any member whose dues account is
a. Full Dues – for those certificated members and Child more than two months in arrears shall no longer be in good
Development Program permit teachers working full-time and standing, and any member whose dues account is more than six
earning a salary at or above that set in Schedule I, Rating 2A for the months in arrears shall forfeit membership in UESF. Reinstatement
K-12 Fully Credentialed Teachers and in Schedule IV, Rating 02 shall be made only upon conditions determined by the Executive
for the Full-time Child Development Program Teachers. Board.
b. Half-Dues – For certificated members in the K-12 Program
working 0.5 FTE or less, for certificated and permit members in the ARTICLE XV. Parliamentary Authority
Child Development Program working 0.57 FTE or less, members Section 1. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, the most
on sabbatical leave or paid sick leave for more than thirty work current edition, shall govern UESF in all cases to which they are
days duration and Emergency credentialed or intern teachers. applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the
Teachers or paras in the Child Development Program working as Constitution, Bylaws, or Standing Rules of UESF.
both teacher and para or substitute will pay one and a half percent Section 2. The President shall be empowered to appoint a
of each salary for each position held, plush any increases for parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall serve only as an advisor
affiliate dues after July 1, 2007, as long as the total does not exceed to the President and/or chairperson of a meeting.
the single highest dues for either classification.
c. Quarter-Dues - For certificated members on unpaid leave of ARTICLE XVI. Amendments
more than thirty work days duration. Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the
d. Every member shall pay UESF/COPE-Dues as defined in item Assembly as a special order of business or by a majority vote of the
“e” below. membership.
e. UESF/COPE-Dues shall be in effect as of ratification of these a. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive
amended bylaws on January 5, 2005 Board, in writing and signed by their proponents, accompanied by a
f. UESF/COPE-Dues are $1.67/month for a twelve-month payroll statement explaining the rationale for the amendment and possible
and $2.00/month for a ten-month payroll. effects of the amendments. Proposed amendments to the UESF
g. All UESF/COPE members have the option of withdrawing from Bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Board, the Assembly, a
UESF/COPE dues and membership by notifying UESF. In the case UESF Division, a UESF committee or a minimum of five UESF
of withdrawal from UESF/COPE, the members’ alternatives are to members. (See UESF Bylaws, Article VIII. Section 1. h. and
contribute to: Article X, Rules Committee.)
i. UESF Scholarship Fund b. At least one week prior to the first reading of the proposed
ii. UESF Public Relations Fund amendments at the Assembly, the text of the proposed
iii. UESF Educational and Research and Dissemination Fund. amendments, accompanied by the statement of rationale and
Section 3. USP-Dues - For all members of the USP Bargaining possible effects, shall be submitted to all UESF members.
Unit. USP Dues are one and a half percent of gross salary, plus any
increases for affiliate dues after July 1, 2007. Constitution and Bylaws adopted January 2, 1991
Section 4. Dues for all Substitute members of the certificated Amended, modified, interpreted, or defined by Membership vote on the
bargaining unit and of the USP bargaining unit following dates:
Substitute dues are one and half percent of gross salary, plus any 1 October 9, 1991
increases for affiliate dues after July 1, 2007. Constitution: Article VII, Section 1
Section 5. Retired-Dues - For members of the Retired Division. Constitution: Article VII, Section 2(a)
Dues of the Retired Division shall be set under the By Laws of the Constitution: Article VIII, Section 6
Retired Division. These dues shall be sufficient to cover affiliations Bylaws: Article I, Section 1(b)
and operations of the Retired Division. There shall be no obligation Article III, Section 2
of UESF resources without prior approval. Article V, Section 3
Section 6. Dues Rates 2 June 10, 1992
a. The UESF Dues Base shall be the monthly dues in effect as of Constitution: Article VII, Section 3
the date of ratification of these Bylaws, January 2, 1991: Full-Dues Bylaws: Article VI, Section 1
are $42.41 (including $9.58 Local Dues), Half-Dues are $21.21 for Article VII, Section 3
a twelve-month payroll and $25.45 for a ten-month payroll 3 March 10, 1993
(including $4.79 and $5.75 Local Dues respectively), Quarter-Dues Bylaws: Article I, Section 2
Article II, Section 1
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4 December 15, 1993 Article XIV, Section 5
Constitution: Article VI, Section 2 Article XIV, Section 6
Article IV, Section 3 23. January 17, 2007
Article IV, Section 3(b) Constitution: Article VII Executive Board
Article V, Section 5 Constitution: Article VII, Section 2(b)
Article IX, Section 1 Bylaws: Article I, Section 4
Article IV, Section 1
5 May 18, 1994 Article IV, Section 3, 3(b)
Constitution: Article VII, Section 2(a) Article IV, Section 4
6 December 14, 1994 Article V, Section 2
Bylaws: Article III, Section 1 Article VIII, Section 1, (f)
Article VIII, Section 1, (d) Article V, Section 5
7 June 14, 1995 Article IX COPE (Committee on Political
Constitution: Article VII, Section 2 Education)
8 May 15, 1996 Article XIV, Section 3
Constitution: Article IX 24. October 17, 2007
Bylaws: Article I, Section 1 Constitution: Article IV Membership
Article VII Article X Amendments
9 October 16, 1996 Bylaws: Article VIII, Section 1, (h)
Bylaws: Article V, Section 9 Article X Rules Committee
Article VII, Section 1(c) Article XIV, Section 4
Article VIII, Section 3(a), (b) Article XVI Amendments
Appendix C: Operating Rules of the Assembly
10 February 19, 1997 A. APPENDIX A: Standing Rules of Operation for UESF
Bylaws: Article IV, Section 3(b) Executive Board
11 March 19, 1997 Parliamentary Authority (Bylaws Article XII)
Bylaws: Article IV, Section 3(c) Section 1. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, the most
12 January 20, 1999 current edition, shall govern the UESF Executive Board in all cases
Bylaws: Article I, Section 4 to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent
Article IV, Section 1 with the Constitution, Bylaws, or Standing Rules of UESF.
13 January 20, 1999 Section 2. The President shall be empowered to appoint a
Bylaws: Article IV, Section 1, Section 2, Section 3 Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall serve only as an
14. September 18, 2002 advisor to the President and/or chairperson of a meeting.
Constitution: Article VIII, Section 2
Bylaws: Article I, Section 2 Executive Board Meetings (Bylaws Article II)
Bylaws: Article XII Section 1. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held
Bylaws: Article XIV, Section 2 once each month at a time and place set by the Executive Board.
15. September 3, 2003 Section 2. Special meeting of the Executive board may be called by
Appendix A: Standing Rules of Operation for UESF Executive the President, or the President may be directed to call such a
Board meeting by one-third (1/3) of the membership of the Board.
Section 3. One more than half of the Board shall constitute a
16. October 15, 2003 quorum. No votes may be taken in the absence of a quorum, but
ByLaws: Article IX, Section 4 (c), (d), (e) reports may be heard and discussion is in order.
Section 4. Except for executive sessions, meeting of the Board shall
17. October 20, 2004 be open to all UESF members; however, only Board members may
COPE Bylaws: Article XII, Dues speak and vote. A member may address the Board with the
permission of the body.
18. February 18, 2004
Bylaws: Article XIV, Section 2, (a) Standing Rule #1 Meeting Notification
One week prior to the regular meetings the President shall mail to
19. March 16, 2005 members of the executive Board an announcement of the meeting.
Constitution: Article IV, Section 2, Membership The announcement will include agenda items known to the
President at the date of the mailing.
20. April 20, 2005
Bylaws: Article VIII, Section 1, (g) Standing Rule #2 Regular meeting times
Appendix D: Retired Division Bylaws Unless otherwise directed by the President or the Executive Board,
regular meetings of the Executive Board shall begin promptly at
21. October 19, 2005 4:00 PM and a motion to adjourn shall automatically be put at 6:00
Appendix B: Bylaws: Substitute Teachers’ Division PM. Attendance at regularly scheduled Executive Board Meetings
(Constitution-Article VII, Sec. 2.d)
22. November 15, 2006 Any member of the Executive Board who is absent from two
Constitution: Article VII Executive Board consecutive regular meetings of the Board without good cause, or
Constitution: Article VII, Section 2(a) who is no longer in good standing, or who is no longer a member of
Bylaws: Article II Executive Board Meetings both the AFT Council and the NEA Council may be removed from
Article III Divisions office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board. Notice of
Article IV Nominations and Elections such vote, as a special order of business, shall be mailed to all
Article V, Section 8 Executive Board members no later than two weeks prior to the date
Article VIII, Section 1, (c) of the vote.
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B. to promote the welfare of members of the Division
Standing Rule #3 Absence from Executive Board Meetings C. to promote the interests of education
1. An Executive Board member must notify the UESF office in D. to defend the interests of the citizens in a system of free public
advance of roll call, if an absence is to be considered excused. education and to promote its further development
2. Reasons will constitute good cause shall include: E. to foster social, cultural, educational, and civic pursuits.
a. Illness or emergency medical appointments
b. Family crisis Article III. Membership
c. School crisis or job-related meeting Section 1. All substitute members of UESF, including day-to-day
d. UESF business and long term, shall be eligible to be members of the Substitute
e. Non-service vacation periods Division.
f. Conflict with school work schedule Section 2. Any dues-paying member of UESF, who is a member of
the Division, is eligible to vote and hold office in the Division.
Standing Rule #4 Agenda Format
The format for the agenda for the Executive Board meetings will be Article IV. Officers
as follows: Section 1. The officers of the Division shall consist of a
Business/Action – approximately 15 minutes for this section Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary.
1. Roll Call Section 2. Any officer or committee member who resigns, other
2. Executive Vice President than an Executive Board member of UESF, may be replaced at the
3. Vice President, USP next regular membership meeting by a majority vote of those
4. Other Reports and Recommendations – approximately 20 members present and in good standing. Any Executive Board
minutes for this section member of UESF who resigns may be replaced according to the
a. Retired Division Constitution and/or Bylaws of UESF.
b. Staff Reports
c. Committee Reports Article V. Standing Committee
d. Other Section 1. There shall be a standing committee of the Division,
New Business – approximately 5 minutes consisting of the Vice-President for Substitutes, all substitute
Good of the Order – approximately 5 minutes representatives to the Executive Board of UESF and all substitute
Adjournment – A motion to adjourn shall automatically put at 6:00 representatives to the UESF Assembly.
Pm (Standing Rule #2)
Article VI. Elections and Terms of Office
Standing Rule #5 Correspondence Section 1. Election of officers of the Division and of substitute
When the President’s recommendations for action on members of the UESF Executive Board and of substitute
correspondence are presented, members may, at that time, request representatives to the UESF Assembly shall be in accordance with
that items be pulled for further consideration by the Board. The the Bylaws of UESF.
balance of the President’s recommendations shall be voted on, Section 2. All members of the Division in good standing shall be
before the consideration of the pulled items. eligible to vote for Officers of the Division and for Representatives
to the Assembly.
Standing Rule #6 Agenda Items Section 3. Election for officers of the Division and for Substitute
In order to insure prompt and thorough consideration of proposed Representatives to the Assembly shall be by mail ballot as soon as
actions, Agenda items should be submitted to the UESF office at practicable after the start of the school year.
least 24 hours prior to the Executive Board meeting. If the items Section 4. An election committee, composed of non-candidates,
need duplication, it must be submitted to the office by 8:00 AM on shall be appointed by the President. It shall determine rules for
the morning of the Executive Board meeting. conducting elections, which shall determine format of ballots,
format of candidate’s statements, when and where ballots shall be
Standing Rule #7 counted and be in accord with UESF bylaws etc.
1. Only Executive Board members may speak, unless the board, by Section 5. A plurality of votes cast shall be sufficient number of
majority vote rules otherwise. (Bylaws II.4) votes sufficient to elect for officers or representatives to the
2. In order to facilitate discussion on actions before the board, Assembly.
members are urged to limit their remarks to no more than three (3) Section 6. All duly elected officers shall be eligible to run for
minutes, and not to seek recognition again until all others have had reelection.
an opportunity to speak. Section 7. Terms of office for officers of the Division, substitute
3. Debate on each subject, including main motion, amendments, members of the UESF Executive Board and substitute
and substitute motions, shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes, at representatives to the Assembly shall be in accordance with the
which time the board shall automatically vote on whether to close Bylaws of UESF.
debate. If members vote to continue debate, debate shall be Section 8. The recall of any officer of the Division shall be
continued to a time certain. consistent with those procedures set forth in the Constitution and/or
Bylaws of UESF.
B. APPENDIX B: Substitute Division By-Laws
Article I. Name of Division Article VII. Chairperson
Section A. The name of this Division shall be the Substitute Section 1. The Vice- President, Substitutes, of UESF shall serve as
Division of the United Educators of San Francisco, AFT/CFT the Chairperson of the Division.
AFL/CIO – NEA/CTA, hereafter referred to as the “Division”. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to preside at all
Section B. Hereafter, the United Educators of San Francisco, meetings and to perform such other duties as shall be assigned from
AFT/CFT AFL/CIO – NEA/CTA, shall be referred to as “UESF”. time to time by the membership.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to appoint pro-
Article II. Objectives tempore officers in case of the absence or disability of the duly
The objectives of this organization shall be: elected officers.
A. to promote educator unionism
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Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to appoint such C. APPENDIX C: Operating Rules of the Assembly
committees as are from time to time called for and to be an ex Article I. Membership
officio member of all committees within the Division. Section 1. The UESF Assembly shall be constituted in accordance
with Article I, Section 1 of the Bylaws. The relevant paragraphs
Article VIII. Vice-Chairperson are incorporated herein as follows:
Section 1. All substitute members of UESF, including Substitute a. Assembly members at each school, center, or other unit shall be
Representatives to the Executive Board of UESF, are eligible to run the elected Building Representative and elected members of the
for the position of Vice-Chairperson of the Division. Union Building Committee (UBC.) The UBC shall designate
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice- Chairperson to perform Assembly members and alternates in accordance with Section III of
all the duties of the Chairperson in case of his or her absence or this Article except that the total number of apportioned delegates
disability. and alternates shall not be fewer than the total number of UBC
members. The officers to the Retired Division to a maximum of
Article VIII. Secretary four, shall be members of the Assembly. Members shall take office
Section 1. All substitute members of UESF, including Substitute at the September Assembly Meeting.
Representatives to the Executive Board of UESF, are eligible to run b. Day-to-day substitute certificated members shall elect, by mail
for the position of the Secretary of the Division. ballot, representatives at large to the Assembly. [Amended 10/9/91]
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to take and preserve c. The number of Assembly members shall be apportioned on the
the minutes of each meeting and to perform such other duties as are basis on one member to every fifteen UESF members, with each
customary under parliamentary procedure. school, center, or other unit apportioned at least one member. At
schools, centers or other units where the UBC is comprised of
Article X. Meetings fewer members than its apportionment, the UBC may conduct a
Section 1. The Standing Committee shall meet at least five times separate election in September to fill the remaining positions. In
per year. addition, the UBC at each school, unit, or other site shall supply
Section 2. The Division shall hold regular general membership UEF with a complete list of Assembly members and alternates.
meetings no less than two times per year. UESF shall compile from these lists a roster of Assembly members
Section 3. Each member shall be given due notice of a general which shall be the official UESF Assembly membership. An
membership meeting by mail or by Union publication no less than additional assembly member is provided when the membership at a
two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. site exceeds 15 or a multiple of 15 by one. It also provides that
Section 4. A quorum for a general membership meeting shall be each site is entitled to at least two Alternates.
established by the presence of 10 percent of the total membership. D. The Executive Board shall be members of the Assembly and
Section 5. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson. shall be responsible for implementation of a. and b. above.
Section 6. Special meetings shall be limited to one specific subject. Section 2. Seating of Alternates: Elected Alternates shall be
Section 7. Each member shall be given notice of a special meeting eligible to serve in place of an absent delegate from his/her school,
by mail, when practicable, but in the event of an emergency, center, or work site.
members may be notified of the time and place of the meeting by Section 3. Validation and seating of Delegates:
telephone, or by e-mail. a. The list of Assembly members will be maintained and updated
Section 8. Each member shall be given notice of the special based on the list of Assembly members and alternates provided to
meeting no less than three (3) days prior to the meeting. the UESF office by Building Representatives.
Section 9. Any motion to be considered at a special meeting must b. Assembly delegates will be provided with an identifying card at
have the consent of two-thirds of the members present and in good each meeting at time of sign-in and, in the event of a vote at which
standing for its introduction and must be passed by a two-thirds the chair is in doubt as to the outcome, voting shall be by show of
vote of the members present. cards.
Section 10. A quorum for a special membership meeting shall be c. Meetings of the Assembly shall be open to all UESF members;
established by the presence of 25 per cent of the total membership. however, only Assembly members have the privilege of the floor
Section 11. No formal motion is in order at any meeting of the and may vote. [Constitution Article VII.4]
membership unless a quorum is present and is eligible to vote. d. UESF members who are not Assembly members, including
alternates who have not been seated and guests, shall be seated in a
Article XII. Official Spokesperson for the Division special section.
Section 1. The only official spokesperson for the Division shall be,
first, the President of UESF, then the Chairperson of the Division, Article II. Time and Location of Meetings
then a person or persons that the President or the Chairperson or the Unless otherwise ordered by the Assembly or the Executive Board,
membership shall designate. regular Assembly meetings shall be held the third Wednesday of
each month during the regular school year. There shall be no
Article XIII. Parliamentary Authority regularly scheduled meetings during the months of July and
Parliamentary authority shall be in accordance with the Bylaws of August. [Bylaws Article VIII.3]
Article III. The Agenda
Article XIV. Amendments The agenda is made up by the President in consultation with the
Section 1. The procedures for amending the Division Bylaws shall officers and staff. Its consists of sections and recommendations by
be consistent with those procedures set forth in the Constitution the Executive Board, business items arising from the President’s
and/or Bylaws of UESF. report and other reports and items submitted by members which
propose action by the organization.
Article XIV. Adoption Section1. The format of the agenda will be as follows:
Section 1. These Bylaws were adopted by the Substitute Teachers’ ♦ Roll Call
Division of the United Educators of San Francisco, approved by the ♦ Reports (Minutes, President’s report, other reports)
Executive board of the United Educators of San Francisco, and ♦ Action (old and new business)
became effective May 1, 1992. ♦ Good of the Order

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♦ Adjournment Section 2. Any individual who retires from an entity other than the
Section 2. In order to ensure prompt and thorough consideration of San Francisco Unified School District and who is a member in
proposed actions, items should be submitted in writing to the UESF good standing of an affiliate of the California Federation of
office before the Executive Board meeting prior to the next Teachers (CFT), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the
Assembly meeting. The purpose of this requirement is to allow California Teachers Association (CTA), or the National Education
time for members to receive copies of proposals for consideration Association (NEA), is eligible for associate membership in the
and consultation with constituents in advance of assembly Retired Division.
meetings. Section 3. Members in good standing other than associate members
Section 3. The Executive Board may choose to make of the Retired Division are eligible to vote and to hold office in the
recommendations on proposals submitted by members but cannot Retired Division.
prevent the item form being placed on the Assembly agenda.
Section 4. Any item urgently requiring action by the Assembly and ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS
which concerns event occurring after the Executive Board meeting Section 1. The elected officers of the Retired Division shall consist
shall, if possible, be submitted in writing to the UESF office. An of a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer, and
item that does not appear on the printed agenda may be proposed three member representatives elected at large.
by any delegate under New Business. In either case the Chair shall Section 2. If any elected office becomes vacant, members will be
rule whether the proposal deals with a subject which arose after the notified of the vacancy in the notice for the next regular
Executive Board meeting referred to in (B) above and requires membership meeting. The election will take place at the next
urgent action. On appeal by any delegate, the ruling of the chair regular membership meeting and will require a majority vote of
may be overruled by majority vote of the Assembly. IF an item is those members present and in good standing.
not considered urgent, it will automatically be referred to the
Executive Board and placed on the agenda of the net Assembly ARTICLE V. ELECTIONS AND TERM OF OFFICE
meeting if the initiator of the proposal so desires. Section 1. At the regular Retired Division meeting in January of
even numbered years, the secretary, or an officer designated by the
Article IV. Debate Executive Board, shall announce a blanket nomination of all
Assembly meetings will be conducted in accordance with Roberts” Retired Division members in good standing to every elected office
Rules of Order, Revised, except as modified by the following of the Retired Division.
special rules: Section 2. A nomination form shall be mailed to all members along
Section 1. Meetings of the Assembly shall be open to all UESF with the announcement of the March membership meeting.
members; however, only Assembly members have the privilege of Candidates for office shall accept nomination no later than the
the floor and may vote. A member may address the Assembly with close of nominations at the March membership meeting.
the permission of the body. [Constitution VII.4] Section 3. An election committee composed of non-candidates shall
Section 2. Each speaker shall be limited to three (3) minutes and be appointed by the chairperson and approved by the members
shall speak only once on each item of business until all other present at the March membership meeting. The committee shall
members who wish to speak have had the opportunity. determine rules for conducting the election. The rules shall include
Section3. Debate on each subject, including main motion, the format of the ballot, the format of candidate statements to
amendments, and substitute motions, shall be limited to fifteen (15) accompany the ballot, the date when ballots shall be mailed, and
minutes, at which time the Assembly shall automatically vote on the time and place where ballots shall be counted. UESF Bylaws
whether to close debate. If members vote to continue debate, the shall be guidelines for election procedures.
question shall be called automatically at each fifteen (15) minute Section 4. All members of the Retired Division in good standing at
interval thereafter. the conclusion of the March membership meeting shall be eligible
Section 4. If an Assembly member wishes pro and con speakers to to vote, and a plurality of votes cast shall be sufficient to elect for
alternate on a question before the Assembly, the member may any office.
move this from the floor as a privileged procedural motion. Section 5. The election shall be held by mail and shall be
completed two weeks prior to the May membership meeting of
Article V. Adjournment even-numbered years.
A motion to adjourn shall automatically be put at 6:00 PM. Section 6. Officers shall assume their duties as of June 1.
Section 7. All duly elected officers shall hold office for two years
D. APPENDIX D: Retired Division Bylaws and shall be eligible to run for additional terms of office.
ARTICLE I. NAME Section 8. Any officer elected to replace a resigned officer shall
The name of this organization shall be the Retired Division of the serve out the unexpired term of the replaced officer.
United Educators of San Francisco. Section 9. The recall of any officer of the Retired Division shall be
consistent with those procedures set forth in the Constitution and/or
ARTICLE II. OBJECTIVES Bylaws of the United Educators of San Francisco.
Objectives of the Retired Division are
A. To promote unionism in education. ARTICLE VI. CHAIRPERSON
B. To promote the welfare of retired educators. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the chairperson to preside at all
C. To promote a system of free public education and quality membership and Executive Board meetings and to perform such
education for all students. other duties as shall be assigned from time to time by the
membership or the Executive Board.
ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP Section 2. It shall be the duty of the chairperson, with input from
Section 1. Any individual who, at the time of retirement from the members of the Executive Board, to prepare a proposed agenda for
San Francisco Unified School District, was a member in good each Executive Board meeting, general membership meeting and
standing of the San Francisco Chapter of the California Teachers any special meeting.
Association (SFCTA), the San Francisco Federation of Teachers, Section 3. At least seventy-two (72) hours before each meeting,
Local 61 (SFFT), or the United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) copies of the proposed agendas for general membership and
is eligible for membership in the Retired Division. Executive Board meetings shall be emailed/mailed to all Executive
Board members by the chairperson. Special meeting agendas shall
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be mailed/emailed with as much advance notice as possible. A copy Section 4. Special meetings shall be limited to one specific subject.
of the proposed agenda for any meeting shall also be Section 5. Notice of a special meeting shall be sent by mail no less
emailed/mailed to any member in good standing who has requested than seven (7) days prior to the meeting, when practicable, but in
a copy of said agenda. the event of an emergency, members will be notified of the time
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the chairperson with the consent of and place of the meeting by telephone and/or email.
the Executive Board to make temporary appointments of officers in Section 6. Any motion made on the subject being considered at the
case of the absence or disability of the duly elected officers when special meeting must be passed by a two-thirds vote of the
such absence or disability is less than four months. members present and in good standing.
Section 5. If the absence or disability is four months or more, with Section 7. A quorum for a special membership meeting shall be
the consent of the Executive Board, the officer may be replaced at established by the presence of 10 per cent of the total membership.
the next regular membership meeting by a majority vote of Section 8. A quorum for a regular membership meeting shall be
members present and in good standing in accordance with Article established by the presence of 5 per cent of the total membership.
IV. Section 9. No formal motion is in order at any meeting of the
Section 6. It shall be the duty of the chairperson, with the consent membership unless there is a quorum.
of the Executive Board, to appoint chairs of both standing and ad
hoc committees. The chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of ARTICLE XII. ORDER OF BUSINESS
all committees, except the election committee. Section 1. Call to order
Section 7. The chairperson of the Retired Division shall serve on Roll call of officers
the Executive Board of the United Educators of San Francisco and Reading of minutes
shall consult with the President of the UESF. Treasurer’s report
Chairperson’s report
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the vice chairperson to perform all Orders of the day:
the duties of the chairperson in case of his or her absence or Reports: Standing committees
disability and to perform other duties as assigned by the Ad hoc committees
chairperson. Old business
Section 2. The vice chairperson shall be a non-voting member of all New business
committees except the budget and election committees. In the Good of the order
absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall be an ex Announcements
officio voting member of all committees except the budget and Adjournment
election committees.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the secretary to take and file the Section 1.Call to order
minutes of each meeting and to perform such other duties as are Roll call of officers
customary under parliamentary procedure. Announcement of purpose
Special subject of the meeting
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to collect all money
due the Retired Division, to disburse the same for the Retired ARTICLE XIV. STANDING COMMITTEES
Division, and to make a report at each membership and Executive Section 1. Effective June 2006, the standing committees of the
Board meeting. The treasurer shall also prepare an annual report for Retired Division shall be:
the fiscal year to be distributed at the September membership A. Legislation and Political Action
meeting. B. Health
Section 2. The treasurer shall be the chairperson of the budget C. Membership
committee. The budget shall be presented to the September D. Social and Cultural
membership meeting.
ARTICLE X. EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The chairperson, with the consent of the Executive
Section 1. The Retired Division Executive Board shall consist of Board, may from time to time establish an ad hoc committee to
the chairperson, the vice chairperson, the secretary, the treasurer, address a particular concern not already addressed by a standing
the chairs of standing committees, and three additional members to committee.
be elected at large from the membership. Section 2. Following its establishment, an ad hoc committee shall
Section 2. When there are co-chairs of standing committees, each continue at the direction of the chairperson with the consent of the
co-chair shall have a half vote. Executive Board.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet at least one time prior to
a membership meeting and shall be empowered to act for the ARTICLE XVI. DUES
membership between membership meetings. Section 1. The dues of the Retired Division shall be $48.00 per year
Section 4. A quorum shall consist of one more than half of the for retired members of the teacher unit or $24.00 per year for
elected members of the Executive Board. retired paraprofessionals and members of the teacher unit who
retire from part-time employment, payable annually to UESF or by
Section 1. The Retired Division shall hold regular membership Section 2. The combined dues of a retired husband and a retired
meetings no less than five times per year. wife or of domestic partners shall be $60.00 annually for members
Section 2. Notice of a regular membership meeting shall be sent by of the teacher unit and $30.00 for paraprofessionals. As of
mail not less than two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. September 2005, this section will no longer be in effect.
Section 3. The chairperson may call special meetings from time to Section 3. Members whose dues are more than two months in
time with the consent of the Executive Board. arrears shall not be in good standing and will be notified and
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dropped by action of the membership chairperson of the Retired


Section 1. The Retired Division shall function within the
Constitution, Bylaws, policies and goals of UESF.
Section 2. The chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and
treasurer of the Retired Division shall by virtue of their election be
designated Retired Division delegates to the Assembly of the
United Educators of San Francisco.
Section 3. As members of UESF, the California Federation of
Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers, other AFL-CIO
affiliates, the National Education Association and the California
Teachers Association, members of the Retired Division shall
participate fully in the programs and activities of these
organizations as their respective constitutions provide.
Section 4. The UESF may grant retired members the right to vote
upon any issue relating to the welfare of the Retired Division.


Section 1. The only official spokespersons for the Retired Division
shall be, first the President of the UESF, then the chairperson of the
Retired Division or a person or persons that either he, she or the
membership shall designate.


Section 1. Parliamentary authority shall be in accordance with the
Bylaws of the United Educators of San Francisco (UESF), which is
Roberts Rules of Order.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of
those members present and in good standing. Proposed
amendments must be submitted to the membership in writing and
signed by the proponents at a regular meeting immediately
preceding the meeting at which they are to be voted on as a special
order of business. Amendments are then to be submitted to the
UESF Executive Board for approval.


Section 1. These bylaws were adopted, as amended, by the
membership of the Retired Division of the UESF on May 9, 1990,
and further amended January 19, 1993; March 16, 1993; November
16, 1993; July 16, 1994; December 6, 2000; February 2, 2005; and
April 20, 2005.

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