Effects of Wave Breaking and Beach Slope On Toe Scour in Front of A Vertical Seawall
Effects of Wave Breaking and Beach Slope On Toe Scour in Front of A Vertical Seawall
Effects of Wave Breaking and Beach Slope On Toe Scour in Front of A Vertical Seawall
Scour in front of coastal structures is a major threat to structural stability and safety of properties behind. In this
study, a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Solver (RANS) is combined with a Volume of Fluid (VOF) (RANS-VOF)
surface capturing scheme to investigate the wave interactions with a Seawall and its adjacent sea bed. The main
objective is to investigate the effects of wave breaking and beach slope on toe scour in front of a vertical wall.
Keywords: Vertical Seawall, beach lowing, toe scour, standing wave, breaking wave, RANS
Scour in front of coastal structures is a vital threat to structural stability and safety of properties behind.
Wave breaking is believed to be a significant factor in sediment transport and beach profiles changes.
The experimental study by Fredsøe and Sumer (1997) indicates that the steady streaming generates a
scour hole in front of a breakwater while the plunging breaker generates a scour hole at the lee-side of
the breakwater. Tsai et al. (2009) studied the toe scour of seawalls on a beach slope of 1:5 under
regular waves in the lab. They concluded that the scour depth induced by a plunging breaker is larger
than that by a spilling breaker or a non-breaking wave.
In case of non-breaking waves, Sumer and Fredsoe, (2002) and Sumer (2007) found that the reflection
from the breakwater forms a standing wave which generates the steady streaming in front of breakwater,
consisting of bottom and top recirculating cells. The formation of bottom cell is related to the boundary
layer over the bed and the sediment motion on the bed responds to these recirculating cells.
Consequently a scour /deposition pattern in front of the breakwater emerges in the form of alternating
scour and deposition areas lying parallel to the structure. However, in case of breaking waves, Sumer
(2007) mentioned that the complex process of wave breaking generates a strong downward flow in the
form of a jet to erode the bed and mobilize the sediment at the toe of vertical wall, which presumably
leads to scour at the toe of a seawall.
Gislason et al. (2009) investigated the two-dimensional scour and deposition in front of vertical and
sloping Seawalls using a 3-D Navier-Stokes solver, coupled with a k-ω turbulence model and a
morphologic model. They reproduced the well known alternating scour/deposition pattern in front of
the breakwater (e.g., Sumer and Fredsoe, 2002). However, effect of wave breaking is not considered in
their work. In their Study, the free surface is tracked by integrating in time the kinematic boundary
conditions based on the free surface volume flux.
In this study, a Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Solver (RANS) combined with a Volume of Fluid
(VOF) surface capturing scheme is used to simulate the hydrodynamics of wave interactions with a
seawall. This model is further coupled with a bed-load sediment transport equation and morphological
model in order to predict beach profile changes in front of the seawall. The main objective is to
investigate the effects of wave breaking and beach slope on toe scour in front of a vertical wall.
Medium scale physical model tests of scour in front of seawalls were performed in the wave flumes (45
m (L)×1.2 m (W)×1.7 m (H)) at HR Wallingford in the UK (HR Wallingford, 2006, Sutherland et al
2006)). Waves were generated using a piston-type wave maker with maximum stroke of ±0.6m and
maximum operating depth of 1.4 m. Test setup had a 19.2 m long 1:30 smooth concrete slope from the
flume floor up to an elevation of 0.64m. Test section was a 5.14 m long sand bed filled with Redhill
110 sand. Mean sand diameter, d50=0.111mm, kinematic viscosity ν=1×10-6 m2/s and sediment
density s=2650 kg/m3. More details about the experiment can be found in Sutherland et al. (2006). In
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, USA
Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Deltares, Delft, 2629HD, Netherlands
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, 610065, Chengdu, China
this study, these experiments will be used to validate the model simulation of toe scour in front of a
vertical Seawall on a sloping beach.
Hydrodynamic model
The Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes-Volume of Fluid (RANS-VOF) model, developed by Lin and
Liu (1998), solves the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equation for the mean flow field and the non-
linear k–ε equations for the turbulent kinetic energy, k, and the turbulence dissipation rate, ε. The
Volume of Fluid method is employed to capture free surface. During the computation, a no-slip
boundary condition at the solid boundaries and a zero-stress condition at the free surface are employed.
Turbulent kinetic energy, k, and dissipation rate, ε, are assumed to be a function of distance from the
solid surface and have zero gradient at the free surface. An active wave generating-absorbing wave-
maker located at the inlet is applied to generate waves and simultaneously absorb the reflected waves
from the structures (Troch and De Rouck, 1999). More detailed information about the model can be
found in Lin & Liu (1998) and Peng and Zou (2011). Recently this model has been further developed
and used widely to investigate wave-structure interactions and subsequent coastal flood risk (Garcia et
al. 2004; Lara et al. 2006; Zou & Peng 2011; Zou et al 2012)
The cell size in the y-direction varies from 0.01 m in the near bed region to 0.02 m away from the bed.
The cell size in the x-direction is 0.05 m. Numerical model setup is illustrated in Figure 1. RANS-VOF
model has been extended to deal with complex bathymetry, such as a ripple bed in this study. In the
original code, the bathymetry is defined by a series of conic sections whose equations are provided by
the user. This treatment is too tedious for large and complicated bathymetry. In the updated code,
complicated bathymetry can be read directly from an input file.
This formula has been widely used in the swash zone of sandy beaches (e.g., Butt and Russell, 2000;
Larson et al., 2001) and therefore it will be employed in this study to obtain the sediment transport
A threshold shear stress for sediments on a sloping bed at angle β to the horizontal bed, is related to
the direction of horizontal component of near-bed flow, for flow in the up- and down- slope direction
tan β
=θ β c θ co cos β (1 − )
tan φ
tan β
=θ β c θ co cos β (1 + ) (3)
tan φ
where θβc is the critical value of θ for the initiation of sediment motion at the sloping bed and θco is the
critical shields parameter for the initiation of sediment motion on a horizontal bed. θco is a function of
the grain Reynolds number (Sumer and Freds¢e, 2002, p.10) and it is approximately 0.06 in this study.
The theoretical expression for the friction factor can be approximated by (Fredsoe and Deigaard, 1992)
a − 14 a
0.04( ) , > 50
kN kN
f = 3
0.4( a ) − 4 , a < 50
kN kN
where kN is bed roughness length (around 1/12 of grain size), and a=U0*T/2π, bottom free stream
velocity, U0 is taken as the maximum value of the measured velocity at 5cm above the bed and T is
incident wave period.
Morphology model
The bed profile is updated by solving the sediment conservation equation based on the time-averaged
sediment transport rates from a bed-load sediment transport equation (1) (Fredsøe and Deigaard, 1992,
chapter 11):
∂q (t ) ∂z
=−(1 − n) (5)
∂x ∂t
where z is the bed level and n is the beach porosity, n=0.44 is used in this study. The sand-slide model
of Liang and Cheng, (2005) is modified and used to resolve the avalanching process and five-point
Gaussian average is applied to the newly updated bed levels to smooth out the small-scale bed features.
The model is validated against the toe scour experiment for a regular wave on a flat bottom in front of a
vertical wall, described in Gislason et al. (2009). The model prediction of bed profile are in a good
agreement with the measurements after 300 waves. Model is then setup in the same way as the toe
scour experiments of random waves over a sloping bed by Sutherland et al (2006) (cf. figure 1). The
vertical wall is located at x=28 m in figure 1. The model-data comparisons are used to study the toe
scour over a sandy beach with a 1:30 slope in front of a vertical wall, with particular attention to the
effects of wave breaking and water depth. Random waves are generated using the JONSWAP spectrum.
Table 1 shows the key parameters for 3 examples model results out of numerous test runs conducted.
Surface elevation
z (m)
Immobile bed
5 10 15 20 25
x (m)
Figure 1 Numerical model setup and computation domain
The beach profile evolves from the initially smooth profile (black dotted line) to an undulating profile
(blue dashed line) in figure 3. There is a large scour area close to the vertical wall followed by a small
deposition area immediately seaward. Waves tend to break offshore so that wave energy is largely
dissipated before reaching the Seawall. Scour is mainly induced by the near bottom offshore current
generated by the breaking and the partial standing waves adjacent to the wall. The beach profile and
scour and deposition pattern agrees reasonably well with measurements. The calculated maximum scour
depth and deposition also compare well with the measurements.
Figure 3 Comparison of model predicted scour and deposition with measurements for case 1 Hs=0.2m,
Tp=3.24s, htoe=0.1m.
Given this wave condition, similar to the laboratory observations by Sutherland (2006), our model
simulation shows that waves tend to break onto the structure and a partial standing wave is formed
inside the surf zone. Our model results also indicate that water plunging upon the face of the seawall to
the bed and produce strong vortex, streaming velocity and turbulence near the wall, resulting in the
deepest scour depths and depositions.
Present model can reproduce the observed scour and deposition processes in front of a seawall on a flat
bottom and a sloping beach. In the presence of beach slope, the strength and spatial distribution of
streaming velocity and bottom orbital velocity along the seabed are altered significantly by the wave
randomness, wave breaking type and location, as well as the breaking induced wave reflection. The
former largely determines the magnitude and direction of sediment transport. In particular, the breaking
location and type are key factors in scour formation. At low water depth, wave breaks offshore, a
partial standing wave and relatively small toe scour occurs at the wall. At intermediate water depth, the
deepest scour depth is found in case of plunging breaker on the wall. At large water depth, very little
breaking happens and near bottom velocity is not large enough to move significant amount of sediment
within the mobile bed area so that scour and deposition are minimum. Model result also indicates that
the extent of scour area increases with the wave period.
Figure 4 Calculated Beach profile at t/T=50 and measured beach profile for Hs=0.2m, Tp=1.84s,
Figure 5 Calculated Beach profile at t/T=50 and measured beach profile for Hs=0.2m, Tp=1.84s,
We are grateful to Drs C. Obhrai and J. Sutherland at HR Wallingford, who generously provided the
laboratory measurements for the present work, along with the support of the Natural Environmental
Research Council (Grant No. NE/E002129/1) and the start-up fund by University of Maine. This work
benefits from discussions with Drs. A. Pedrozo-Acuna, D. Jones and Prof. D.E. Reeve. The third author
acknowledges the supported by NSFC (51061130547).
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