Descriptive Geometry of Conics and Cubics
Descriptive Geometry of Conics and Cubics
Descriptive Geometry of Conics and Cubics
then the above reasoning shows that the five points are on the curve which
is the locus of x. But only one conic can be drawn through five points;
therefore by properly choosing the five points this equation can be made
to represent any conic section, and is therefore the general equation of the
second degree.
(8) If we perform the constructions indicated by the products on the
left-hand side (cf. fig. 1), we see that the equation is a direct expression of
Pascal's theorem, which is thereby proved.
l \
Fm. 1.
FIG. 2.
of the fixed lines and points of the construction the cubic may be made
to pass through any nine arbitrarily assumed points. Thus we proceed
to investigate the solution of the following problem : Given any nine arbi-
trarily assumed points in a plane to find a linear construction satisfied by
any point of the cubic passing through them.
But previously to the direct solution of this problem in § 135 some
properties of the expression {xaAaY. xbBkCb-^. xc) must be investigated.
(3) Let stand for the product ( . xbBkC^. xc).
Then &x = — {xaAax. xc . xbBkOb^).
Now put p = xaA .xc, q = ocbB.
Then = - (p . qkCbi) = (pbflkq).
It is easily proved that (pbflkq) = — (qkC^p).
(4) To find the particular positions of x for which p = 0, or q = 0.
Now p = 0, when x — a, and when x = c.
Also by § 105 p = {xaAdxc) x — ( )
= {( A) (ache) — (aA) ( )} x - (xA) (actix) c.
Hence all the points x for which p = 0 (except x = c) must satisfy (in
order to make the coefficient of zero) either (xA) = 0, or (œaai) = 0.
If (xA) = 0, then, since the coefficient of x must also be zero, {xa-^c) = 0.
Hence x = aYcA ; and thus a^cA is another of the required values of x for
which p vanishes.
If (xaa.i) = Q, then (xA)(aa1c) — (aA)(xa1c) = Q. The only point on the
line which satisfies this equation is the point a. For if Xa + fxa^ be
substituted for x, the equation reduces to (alA)(aalc) = 0; and hence, fi = 0.
Hence the three values of x for which p = 0 are a, c, axcA.
The only value of x for which q — 0 is x = b.
(5) To investigate the values of x for which p = x. These are included
among the points satisfying the equation px = 0. Though this equation for x
is also satisfied by the points just found which make p = 0.
Now px = — (xA) (aaxx) ex.
Hence if x lie in A, i.e. if (xA) = 0, or if x lie in aalf i.e. if (xaa1) = 0>
then p = x. But the points a and must be excluded, as involving p — 0.
(6) The points for which q = x are given by qx = 0, excluding the
point b for which q = 0.
Now qx = xbBx = (xB) xb.
Hence if (xB) = 0, then q = x.
Thus either of the points AB or substituted for x in the expressions
p and q make x =
FIG. 3.
Let the side kh meet the curve again in b, the side he meet the curve
again in dy the side ef in g, the side f in a. Assume to be any other
point of the curve not collinear with any two of the other points. Then
the assumed points on it determine the cubic. Join cd cutting kfm a1} and
eg cutting hk in . Then if f e = B,he= A, the equation
xaAax. xbBbx. xc = 0,
has been proved to represent a cubic through the nine points. Hence by a
proper choice of constants the equation can represent any cubic.
(4) The construction represented by this equation is exemplified in
figure 4.
/^ / \ ^ ^ ^
FIG. 4.
The points where meets the conic, {xcD^Ba^x) = 0, have been proved
in § 131 (5) to be and ccxB. Hence meets the simplified cubic in
the three points BD, BD1} ccß.
(7) The transformation
= — x . xaBcD . xa-ß-fi-J)-^
is established as follows.
Let = xaBcDxD^^, then ZJX = xYaYx = — . ; since the product
of three points is associative.
Let X2 = xaBcDxD-fil9 then = — 2 . xaY = X2. xa1B1 ; since the pro-
duct of three linear elements is associative.
Let x3 — xaBcDxDx, then = xzcx. xa1B1 = — xz. xaYBYcx.
Let X4 = xaBcDx, then TSTX = — 4 . xa^B^ = X 4 . ^ .
Hence wx — (xaBcD) x. xa1B1c1D1 = — x . xaBcD. xa1B1c1D1.
The previous results can be easily obtained by means of this form of
the equation.
(8) The geometrical meaning of the equation is that x, xaBcD, and
^ ^ are collinear. This property is shown in the annexed figure 5.
/ \xaBcD x / \
/ / \ ~^H ~/ —^\xafi]c1Dl
\ /xa^i \
/ \ \
\ \ 0 l
FIG. 5.
Also suppose that the remaining points in which A and A, cut the curve
are arbitrarily assumed on these lines, namely [cf. subsection (4)],
ƒ ( = AD,c,B,a,A)y f (= A,DcBaA,\ a and a,.
Thus a, (h,f>fi a r e supposed to be known, and the equations ƒ = AD,c,B,a,A
and f, = A,DcBaA, partially determine c, and , and and which are
the remaining unknowns.
Again the arbitrarily assumed lines D and Z>2 are supposed to meet the
curve in two arbitrarily assumed points e(=AD) and e,(= A,D,). Let two
other points and k, in which D and respectively meet the curve be
arbitrarily assumed, so that [cf. subsection (3)] we may assume
k = DD1c1Ba1D, and k, = D,DcBaD,.
Then the remaining points in which D and respectively meet the
curve are [cf. subsection (3)] BD and . Call these points g and g,. I t
will now be shown that g and g, are both determined by the previous
assumptions of the eight points a, a„ e, e„ff,y , ,', and that accordingly
the group of four lines A, D, ,, must bear some special relation to the
cubic curve which passes through the eight assumed points.
(10) For if L, and L2 are linear elements and p, and p2 are points, the
extended rule of the middle factor gives,
L,L2p, = (L,p,)L2-(L2p,)L„ and p,p2L, = (p1L,)p2-(p2L,)p,.
Remembering these formulae we see that
fa, = AD,c,B,a,Aa, = — (Aa,) AD,c,B,a, = AD,c,B,a, ;
fa,B, = AD,c,B,a,B, = -(a,B,)AD,c,B, = AD,c,B,;
fa,B,c, = AD,c,B,c, = — (Bid) AD,c, = AD,c,.
Hence D,c, . fa,. = 0.
Similarly DD,c, . ,. = 0.
Hence passes through the points AD,c, .fa, (==p) and DD,c, . ka, (= q).
Therefore we may write = (AD,c, .fa,) (DD,c, . ka,) = pq.
Hence g, = = (AD,c,. fa,) (DD,c,. ka,) = pqD, = (pD,) q - (qD,)p.
Now (pD,) = (ABlCl .fa,. A ) = - (AD,c,. . fa,)
= (Cl A ) ( A A . /a,) = ( , ) ( 4 A fa,).
And ( j A ) = (BD,c,. *»!. A ) = - (DD,c,. A . ka,) = (c,D,) (DD,ka,).
Hence #! = (AD,fa,) q - (DDJca,) p.
But £> = A D,c, .fa, = (AD,fa,) c, - (c,fa,) AD,;
and q = D A d . ka, = (DD,ka,) c, - (c,ka,) DD,.
Also (cj/dj) = - (A, f ), and (c^aO = - ( J . ^ ) by subsection (9).
Thus g, = (A,k) (AD,fa,) DD, - (A,f) (DD,ka,) AD,.
\ ^
FIG. 6.
(13) Now (cf. fig. 6) take any cubic curve and draw the lines D and
tangents to it at any two points g and . Join ggY by the line which cuts
the curve in another point h. Through h draw any line cutting D in cY and
Dj in c. The tangents D and D± cut the curve again in two points e and ex.
Now join ec\ this line cuts the curve in two points. Call one of the two a.
Similarly call one of the two points, in which e^ cuts the curve, ax.
Then by construction h = cCjB, e = caD, eY = c^aJD-^
Now the tangents D, Dx at g and and the points h, e, ely a, ax completely
determine the cubic.
But (xaBcDxD&Ba^) = 0 is a cubic satisfying these conditions. Hence
this equation represents the assumed cubic.
/ \ / ^ ^ \ B
Fm. 7.
(2) To find where A cuts the cubic, note that if x lies in A, xaA = x.
Hence (xaA . xbB . xcC) = (x . xbB . xcG) = (xB) xb . xcC
= (xB)(xC)(xbc);
where the sign of congruence means that only constant factors have been
Therefore the three points in which A cuts the cubic are AB, AG, bcA.
Hence by symmetry, BG} caB, abG also lie on the cubic. Also obviously
a, b, lie on the cubic. Thus the two triangles respectively formed by a, 6,
as vertices, and by A, B, G as sides are both inscribed in the cubic and their
corresponding sides, namely A and be, and ca, G and ab, intersect also on
the cubic.
(3) We have to prove that, given any triangle abc inscribed in a cubic,
a triangle , , always exists with these properties relatively to abc and
the cubic.
Take a, b, any three points on a given cubic, not collinear. Let be cut
the cubic again in ƒ, ca in g, ab in h.
Let a, b, be the reference triangle, and let £, 77, £ be the co-ordinates
of any point x. Then we can write x — fa + + £c.
Let , B, G be any straight lines through ƒ, g, h. Then, since any
numerical multiples of , B, and G can be substituted for them, we may
write A = \bc + 7lca + &aò,
= yjbc + fica + o^aò,
G = ß3bc + a3ca + vab ;
where X, //,, V are at our disposal and ßlt y1} y2, a2, ß3, a3 are known from the
equations, ƒ = be A, g = caB, h = aò(7 and from the fact that one of the letters
with each subscript can be assumed arbitrarily without affecting anything
except the intensities of A, B, G, which are immaterial.
Now xaA = (xA) a — (aA) x
= (abc) {(X£ + ylV + - X (fa + + fc)}
= (abc) {(y^ + a- - Xfcj.
Similarly #6 = (abc) {— /xfa + (a2f + y2f ) b — JJLÇC},
xcG = (abc) {- v%a — + (ߣ + )}.
Hence, (#a.A . #£>i? . , ) = 0 be written as the ordinary algebraic
I w + ß^, -Xv, - X £ , 1=0.
-fiÇ, a 2 f+y 2 f, -fiÇ,
I - V%, -V7J, ßsC+CLtf, I
This becomes on expanding the determinant
+ 0 («»?+ 72 (Af + ) - ^ £ + A?)
- ^ f f (« ? + 7«f ) - V ^ (A£ + ) - 2 ^ £ = 0.
This is the equation to a cubic through the six points a, 6, c, f, g, h: it is
required to determine X, //,, 1/ so that it may be the given cubic through
these points.
The given cubic is determined by any other three points on it flt g1} hY
forming another triangle. Now X, //,, v can be so determined that the above
equation is satisfied by the co-ordinates of these points. For by substituting
successively the co-ordinates we find three linear equations to determine
X, / , v, each of the form
— + — + — = — + Pe,
X fju v Xfiv
where Plf P 2 , . . . , P5 do not contain X, fi, v.
Now put a for X/jLv, and solve these three linear equations for X-1, /A-1, P~\
Then we may assume
, a fi a v a
where Hlf H2ì... K3 do not contain X, /x, v.
Hence multiplying and replacing Xpv by <r, an equation of the form,
i V 3 + Pi<r2 + P2<r +i>3 = 0,
is found; where p0i plt p2, p3 do not contain \, fi, v. Thus there are three
values of a, one of which must be real. Hence there are three systems of
values of \ fi, v ; and one system must consist of real values. Thus three
systems of values can be found for A, B, G; and one of these systems must
make A, B, G to be real lines.
Thus three triangles, of which one must be real, can be found related to
a, b, and to the given cubic in the required manner.
Let , , be one of these triangles. Then
{xaA . xbB . xcG) = 0
is the given cubic.
The above proof of the required proposition is different from that which
is given by Grassmann*.