Accomplishmentreportsscience 140508213549 Phpapp02
Accomplishmentreportsscience 140508213549 Phpapp02
Accomplishmentreportsscience 140508213549 Phpapp02
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Moncada South District
Moncada, Tarlac
School Year 2013- 2014
Prepared by:
Science School Leader
Traditional science lessons have often begun with teachers presenting students with science vocabulary
words and asking them to write the words, find the definitions in a dictionary or the glossary of the textbook,
match the words to definitions, or use the words in a sentence. In this model of instruction, words are often
presented in isolation and students are tested on the words alone, without application to concepts.
Many of us were “taught” this way, so we remember how little these practices contributed to conceptual
development. These traditional strategies stem from the assumption that students absorb the meanings of many
science terms simply by writing the words and their definitions. To many English-speaking students science
words seem like a new language, and to English language learners, these words are a new language.
The job of science education is to teach students how to use thematic patterns of science to communicate
meanings, “talking science” to solve problems in writing or speaking about issues in which science is
relevant.1 The goal of helping students learn to communicate about science is important, but we must also be
aware of potentially harmful messages that can be unconsciously communicated to our students. As science
educators, we not only teach science but we may communicate a “mystique of science” attitude, promoting the
idea that science is authoritative, impersonal and humorless, lacking creativity or values. This communicates a
view that scientists are “experts” or “them,” rather than seeing ourselves as scientists.
Scientific writing and talk often project science as a description of the way the world works rather than as a
human social activity that tries to make sense of the world. We instead should help our students learn that
science is all around us, influenced by human uncertainties, judgments, values, and interests. It’s important that
we emphasize the human side of science. These well-established ideas about the nature of science2 have a
lasting effect on students, so we need to be sensitive about the messages we communicate. Science is creative
and science is tentative, which means that scientists recognize that we understand things based on current
Grade NPT 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
I 17 6 23
II 11 14 25
III 22 8 30 77.72 79.05 79.49 80.30
IV 17 14 31 70.04 71.92 72.41 79.05
V 18 12 30 78.17 78.40 79.58 81. 40
VI 17 13 30 75.50 76.75 78.48 83.34
Average 75.36 76.53 77.49 81.02
Grade NPT 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
I 17 6 23
II 11 14 25
III 22 8 30 80.77 81.87 83.03 83.63
IV 17 14 31 80.97 81.58 82.52 84.16
V 18 12 30 80.06 80.30 81.4 80.15
VI 17 13 30 80.63 82.53 82.53 84.87
Average 80.61 81.57 82.37 83.20
Incapacity to perform other experiments due to lack of resources and other laboratory apparatuses
Science time in schools is often limited, and as a result teachers find it difficult to include science
vocabulary instruction to help students make sense of text. In addition, teachers are often eager to teach
content, and consequently provide only a brief introduction of science terms.
English language learners have the added burden of trying to learn science in a language they have not
yet mastered. The increase of English language learners in schools has spawned research about elementary
students and science vocabulary that focuses on students and curriculum. Many teachers mistakenly believe
that students must first learn English before learning science and fail to understand cultural influences on
Through hands-on inquiry instruction, all students can develop context-based content knowledge along
with language development. Lee, Buxton, Lewis, & LeRoy identify inquiry-based science instruction as
beneficial to students in the following ways: a) students participate in activities as they learn vocabulary, b)
students work collaboratively and interact with others about science content, and c) hands-on activities offer
students written, oral, graphic, and kinaesthetic forms of expression. Coupled with science activities,
intentional and explicit vocabulary instruction can benefit both English proficient and children’s vocabulary
and literacy development as they learn science content. As students combine science experiences with
discussions of words’ uses and meanings, their vocabulary and content knowledge can grow.
In order for students to develop scientific literacy, they need to gain a knowledge of science content
and practice scientific habits of mind. Knowing science vocabulary supports the development of these
understandings. As Wellington and Osborne point out, “science teachers are (among other things) language
By using scientific terms and phrases during science activities, science educators can model scientific
thinking and questioning, including the doubts and dilemmas that are part of making sense of the world. The
more opportunities we provide for students to experience scientific endeavours, the more natural their
scientific talk will develop. Teachers can maximize these opportunities by beginning with very young
The teaching of Science offer students the ability to access knowledge and information which will
contribute to an overall understanding of how and why things work like they do. Science is able to explain
the mechanism and reasons behind the daily functioning of complex systems, which range from the human
body to sophisticated modern methods of transport. Children and students are able to use this knowledge to
understand new concepts, make well informed decision and pursue new interest. Science also helps provide
tactile or visible proof of many facts we read about in books or see on the television. This helps to increase
understanding and to retain information for children and learners.