Correlation of Colloid Collision Efficiency With Hydraulic Conductivity of Silica Sands
Correlation of Colloid Collision Efficiency With Hydraulic Conductivity of Silica Sands
Correlation of Colloid Collision Efficiency With Hydraulic Conductivity of Silica Sands
Claire Welty
Schoolof EnvironmentalScience,Engineering,and Policy,Drexel University,Philadelphia,Pennsylvania
causeit can changethe particle surface,this methodologywas was usedfor all experiments.The differencein head between
required to yield large quantitiesof separatedsand.Further- the two constant-headtankswas adjustedto achievethis flow
more, the sandwas cleaned extensivelyaccordingto the fol- rate for eachrun. This flow was chosenfor experimentalcon-
lowing procedurein order to remove surfaceimpurities.The venienceeven though it is much higher than typical ground-
sandwassoakedin 10% HC1 overnight.Milli-Q water (18 mgl water velocities.Trends of filtration versushydraulicconduc-
cm, Millipore Corp.,Bedford,Massachusetts) wasthenusedto tivity observedin thesecolumnexperimentsare also expected
rinsethe sandto pH 6-7. The cleanedsandwasdried at 105øC to occurat the lowervelocitiestypicallyfound in groundwater,
and stored in a clean container covered with aluminum foil. thoughthe parametersof the correlationmaybe different.The
The colloidal particles used in the experimentswere an temperature was recorded after each hydraulic conductivity
industrialsilica,0.45/am in diameter,manufacturedby Nissan measurement.All experimentswere carried out between 21ø
ChemicalIndustries,Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan).These colloidsare and 25øC.Valuesof hydraulicconductivity for eachsandsize
nowbeingextensively usedin laboratoryfiltration experiments are providedin Table 2.
becauseof their simple compositionand uniform size; their
surfacechargecharacteristics havebeenreportedbyJohnsonet 3.3. Tracer Test for Characterizationof Sand Dispersivity
al. [1996] andHong et al. [1997].Downwardflow throughthe and Porosity
columnwas controlledby two constant-headtanks. Fluid was Sodiumchloride(NaC1)wasusedasa conservative tracerin
pumped continuouslyby a MasterFlex Microprocessorpump order to determine the d.ispersivity
and effectiveporosityof
drive (Cole-ParmerCompany,Vernon Hills, Illinois) to the each packedcolumnof sand.The inflow solutewas injected
upper tank in order to provide an overflowto maintain the continuously
at a concentration
of 117mgl-•. Saltconcen-
constant head. The differential head between the two constant- trationswere determinedby measuringsolutionspecificcon-
head tankswas determinedusinga pair of manometers. ductance using a Cole-Parmer 01481-61 conductivitymeter
with a micro-flow-throughcell. The inflow and outflow con-
3.2. Hydraulic Conductivity Measurement centrations of NaC1 were obtained from the calibrated stan-
Hydraulic conductivitywas calculatedfrom Darcy's law: dardcurveof the measured
Q/A = -Kdh/dx, where Q is the volumetricflow rate (de- was determinedby fitting the effluentbreakthroughcurveto
terminedby collectingeffluentover a giventime period),A is the following solution of the one-dimensional advection-
the cross-sectionalarea of the column, and -dh/dx is the dispersionequation:
hydraulicgradient (typically measuredas the difference in
headoverthecolumnlengthL). A flowrateof 12mL min-•
C=-•- (x-vt
erfc I Co x
Time, min
0 5 10 15 20 where v was calculated as v = L/tso and tso is the time at
1.2 which50% of the solutehasleft the column.(All other vari-
ableswere definedpreviously.)CXTFIT codeversion2.0 was
usedfor the curvefitting[Torideet al., 1995].Effectiveporosity
- t was calculatedfrom n - Q/vA. The tracer testswere always
0.8 _
.x conductedindependentlyof filtrationexperiments, but the col-
0.6 umnswere not disturbedbetweentestssothat the packingwas
A o o preserved.A typicalbreakthroughcurveis shownin Figure 1.
0.4 o o o
The smoothbreakthroughcurveindicatesthat the columnwas
• NaC! packed homogeneouslyand had no significantpreferential
- • • Colloid
flow paths.The dispersivityand effectiveporosityof eachsand
&l , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , • , , size are given in Table 2.
0 5 10 15 20
Pore volumes 3.4. Filtration Test
with NaC1by leachingit with at least40 pore volumesof 100 portionsof the experiments,classicaldispersionand clean-bed
mM NaC1 before each experiment.The effluent solutionsof filtrationcannotaccountfor the observedcolloidbreakthrough
the preequilibratedsand columnshad pHs between 6.1 and curve.Accordingto recentliterature[e.g.,Johnsonet al., 1996;
6.5. Filtration experimentswere conductedwith uniform 0.45 Johnsonand Elimelech,1995;Songand Elimelech,1993;Kallay
/xm colloidalsilica(MP4540 obtainedfrom NissanChemical et al., 1987],collectorsurfaceheterogeneitycanusuallyexplain
Industries,Ltd.). Silicasurfacesare negativelychargedunder this anomalouscolloid depositionbehavior.The gradual in-
our experimentalconditions.Preliminary experimentswith creasein particle concentrationafter the initial breakthrough
thesecolloidsin a 5 mM NaC1backgroundsolutionyieldedno indicatesthat the depositedcolloidspreferentiallyblockedfa-
filtration, indicatingthat the sandcollectorsurfaceswere ef- vorable attachment sites on the sand surface. This causes a
fectivelycleaned.More precisely,it can be saidthat the sand decreasein the collisionefficiencyfactor over time. The ob-
surfacespresenteda net repulsivechargeand had no hetero- servedblockingbehaviorwill be analyzedin section4.1.
geneoussurfacepatcheslarge enoughto producelocally fa-
vorableconditionsfor colloidcapture.To encouragefiltration 4.1. Determination of Clean-Bed Collision Efficiency
of the silicacolloids,electrostaticrepulsionwas hinderedby
increasingthe solutionionic strengthto the valuesreported On the basisof our observationof nonidealbreakthroughof
here. A columnlength of 6 cm was chosenin order to obtain the silicacolloids,we analyzedthe colloiddepositiondynamics
reasonablecolloidbreakthroughcurvesfor the range of sand usinga blockingfunctionin orderto obtainclean-bedfiltration
sizes used. coefficientsfor our comparativeanalysisof the effect of sand
The colloidalsilicasuspension
was dilutedwith a 100 mM grain size.Note that it is not proper to use the final observed
to a concentration
of 50 mgL -• andstirredfor effluent concentrations to calculate filtration coefficients. The
around 1 hour before beinginjectedinto the column.At time clean-bedcollisionefficiencyfactor a c canbe obtainedfrom a
t - 0 the influentwas switchedfrom the backgroundelectro- classicalbreakthroughcurve, that is, one which immediately
lyte solutionto the colloidalsuspension.Both the background comesto a steadyeffluent concentration.When a nonsteady
electrolyteand the particlesuspension were maintainedat the breakthroughis observed,the dynamicaspectsof particledep-
samehead sothat therewasa smoothtransitionto the particle osition must be considered.That is, the collisionefficiency,
feed. The silicasuspension waspumpedcontinuouslyuntil the filtration coefficient,and attachmentcoefficientwill all vary
effluent attained a roughlyconstantconcentration.The con- with time, dependingon the availabilityof favorabledeposition
centrationof the colloidal suspension was measuredby UV- sites.Neglectingdetachment,(1) and (2) canbe writtenin the
visiblelight spectrophotometer at 300 nm wavelengthbasedon followingform:
a previouscalibration.This is similar to the method used by
Packmanet al. [1997].Duplicateor triplicateexperiments were OC OC 02C fm O0
conducted for each sand size. -- -•-Up
-• = OIL
UpOX2 ,rrp
20t' (9)
C(x', ,) =
+ exp(ad(dCx
') - 1'
• tt• -
0 Colloid
- - Alpha=0.15 where/3is the excludedareaparameter,/3-- 1/0max,0maxis the
•. .... Alpha=0.28
jamminglimit (obtainedfrom the experimental dataaccording
f -, to the proceduredescribedby Johnsonand Elimelech[1995],
, = t - x' andx' = L/vp aretransformedtimecoordinates,
0 50 1• 150 2• 250 Vpistheinterstitial
Pore volumes
Vp= q/n[2 - (1 - rp/ro)2],ro istheaverage
Figure 2. Colloid breakthroughwith blockingfunctionsolu- ro = (1.1969n - 0.1557)rc, and a c is specificallythe initial
tionsfor differentvaluesof the collisionefficien• factor(ac) (clean-bed)collisionefficiencyfactor.
for sand g100-120. An estimatedclean-bedcollisionefficiencyfactor a c was
70 80
ations in colloid and sand characteristics.
In the conventionalseparationof a c and r/ the effect of
Time, min changingsand diameter appearsin the collector efficiency.
Inspectionof (6) for r/showsa strongdependence on both the
Figure 3. Typicalcolloidbreakthroughcurvesfor eachsand
size. graindiameterand the porosityof the medium.Rehmannet al.
[1999]used(6) andpublishedestimatorsfor hydraulicconduc-
tivity to determinethe relationshipbetweenr/and In K. This
calculatedusing(3)-(6) and the valueof C/Co at the time of analysisindicatedthat r/* = [3(1 - n)/2d]v• shouldbe a
initialbreakthrough(i.e., at approximately 4 porevolumes,but linear functionof In K for constantpore water velocity,with a
thisdependedon the shapeof the breakthroughcurve).Since second-orderdependenceon v. We found r/ to be a strong
the breakthroughs were unsteady,C/Co continuedto increase function of grain diameter and that r/has a negativecorrela-
after the initial breakthrough,indicatingthat colloid deposi- tion with the natural logarithm of hydraulicconductivity,as
tion graduallyfilled locallyfavorablefiltrationsites.If (3)-(6) shownin Figure4a. The correlationbetweenr/and In K canbe
are applied to this type of breakthroughcurve, then time- parameterizedas
varyinga c and )t are found. For the breakthroughcurve in -0.032 - 0.0039 In K, (12)
Figure1 the collisionefficiencyfactordecreased from an initial
valueof 0.33 (at 4.4 pore volumes)to a final valueof 0.13 (at with r = 0.95. We found no need to account for variations in
56 pore volumes,the end of sampling).This showsthat a pore water velocity,as the run-to-runvariationof pore water
considerableerror may be introducedif the dynamicdeposi- velocitywaslessthan 20% in our experiments(and Rehmann
tion behavioris ignored.An alternate estimateof the clean- et al. [1999] sawonly a mild effect from order-of-magnitude
bed a c can be obtained by analyzingthe unsteadybreak- variationsin velocity).The correlationbetweenr• and In K
through, that is, by fitting the experimentaldata with the reflects the fact that grain size and porosity of the porous
blockingsolution(equation(11)), as shownin Figure 2. The mediumcontrolboth the collectorefficiencyand the hydraulic
blockingprocedureyieldsa bestfit valueof a c = 0.28 for the conductivity. However,the linear correlationwith In K is not
breakthroughcurve shownin Figure 1.
apparentfrom (6), and thus our result shouldbe usefulfor
Values of the clean-bed filtration coefficient )t and collision
groundwatermodelerswho seek to relate colloid transport
efficiencyfactora c estimatedfrom the initial breakthroughare parametersto hydraulicconductivity.
given in Table 2 for each sand size alongwith valuesof a c Interestingly,we alsoobserveda grain sizedependencebe-
obtainedusingthe blockingfunction.The reportedvaluesrep- yond what is predictedby conventionalfiltration theory. As
resent averagesof multiple individualruns, as indicated in theorizedin our previousstochasticanalysis[Rehmannet al.,
Table 2. Note the general agreementbetween the two esti- 1999],our data indicatea negativelinear correlationbetween
mates of the clean-bed a c. For comparison,typical break- collisionefficiencyac and the natural logarithmof hydraulic
throughcurvesfor each sandsize are plotted togetherin Fig- conductivity,as shown in Figure 4b. On the basis of these
ure 3. The effectof changingsandsizeis immediatelyapparent results,we have been able to parameterizethe correlationas
in the breakthroughcurves,though it is difficult to directly follows:
assess the effecton ac becausethe physicaldepositionparam-
eters,r•, n, etc., alsochange. ac = - 3.1- 0.341n K, (•3)
0.011 ''' I'' '1' '' I'' '1' '' I '' '1' ''* C• 1
O.Ol ''' I''' I''' I' ' ' 1' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' '•
=- . - . R= 0.95
2 0.8 ___ß.... y=-3-0.34x
0.82 ..]
• 0.6
• 0.4
0.006 .9 0.2
- 10.6 -10.4 -10.2 - 10 -9.8 -9.6 -9.4 -9.2 -10.6 -10.4 -10.2 - 10 -9.8 -9.6 -9.4 -9.2
(b) lnK
00 E1 (>x
R + y=0.1+3.8x R=0.92
0.8 'O
• 1313
- DO X x
0.6 ß
• 0.15
-o• + _
_x + o •60-70 -
0.4 +• • n •70-80
• • xo •80-1•
•• •• •120-140
a 0.2
ßg o.s
.,,• ß
• 0.15
._• o.1
ß i iii
• ,i • , I I ?
ii ill III '' I I II I
005 0
80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 -10.6-10.4-10.2-10 -9.8 -9.6 -9.4 -9.2
Graindiameter,gm InK
coefficient(X) is separatedas the productof a physicaltrans- havior with grain size shouldalsobe consideredeven for sed-
port parameter(r•) and a physicochemical collisionefficiency imentsthat have a relativelyhomogeneousmineralogicalcom-
(ac). Lacking detailed knowledgeof the complexparticle position.When the r•a filtration model is used,it is important
transportprocesses verynear collectorsurfaces,
we calculater• to note that grain sizevariationscan affect both r• and a c.
basedon theoryfor noninteracting"hard-sphere"transportin Even though this studyused a simple colloid-collectorsys-
an idealizedporousmediumand then shiftall uncertaintyto an tem, a correlationof the form suggestedby Rehmannet al.
experimentaldeterminationof ac. However,the resultspre- [1999] is expectedto be generallyobtainableand can be ap-
sented here indicate that considerable care must be used when plied in other models.This type of correlationshouldbe es-
applyingthistheoryto naturalheterogeneous sediments.Our peciallyusefulfor modelsof colloidtransportin groundwater,
results show that physicalheterogeneityof the medium, as where the medium is typicallyextremelyheterogeneousand
reflectedby grainsizeor hydraulicconductivity, mayalsoimply sedimentsare often characterizedin terms of hydrauliccon-
differing degreesof particle surface heterogeneity.Correct ductivityrather than grain size.To be applied,our methodol-
analysisof overall colloid transport behavior then requires ogyshouldbe implementedfor flow ratesmore representative
considerationof the effect of both grain surfaceheterogeneity of field conditionsand for more complexchemicalconditions
(via a blockingfunctionor similar)and larger-scale heteroge- and particle compositions.
neity of the medium(e.g.,with a stochastic model).Codepen-
denceof physicaltransportparametersand surfacechemical
parameterson grainsizemustalsobe considered. Finally,it is
importantto note that we observedtheseeffectsfor cleaned a experimentallydeterminedconstant(correlation
silicasands;variationof mineralogicalcompositionwith grain parameter).
size in natural sedimentsimpliesthat theseeffectsshouldbe A cross-sectional area.
evenmoresignificantfor the analysisof colloidtransportin the As constantrelating single-collectorcolloid capture to
field. net capture in a porousmedium.
b experimentallydeterminedconstant(correlation
5. Summary and Conclusions B(0) dynamicblockingfunction,representingthe effect
Column experimentswere carried out in the laboratoryto of accumulatedcolloid deposition.
studythe relationshipbetweenthe collectorgrain sizeand the Bz Boltzmann's constant(1.38x 10-23kgm2 s-2 K-•).
collisionefficiencyfactor for colloid filtration. Uniform clean C massper unit volume of suspendedcolloids.
sandswere usedas the porousmedia, and simplesilicaparti- Co influent particle or soluteconcentration.
cleswere usedasthe transportedcolloids.An initiallynonuni- d representativegrain diameter,typicallytaken as the
form silica sand was sieved into various size fractions in order mean diameter.
to produceuniform sandsof differentsizesbut the samebulk dp colloiddiameter.
composition. The sandswere then cleanedto removesurface f the specificsurfacearea of collectors,equal to
impurities.Chemicaleffectswere madeconstantin all exper- 3(1 - n)/(nrc).
imentsby controllingthe columnpH and ionic strength. # accelerationdue to gravity.
Colloid breakthroughcurvesshoweddynamicfiltration be- h head.
havior, which had to be analyzed in order to meaningfully H Hamakerconstant
(10-20 J).
comparethe experimentalresults.Clean-bedcollisioneffi- matt attachmentcoefficient.
ciencyfactorswere obtainedfor eachexperimentby two meth- kdet detachmentcoefficient.
ods: first, by using the effluent colloid concentrationat an K hydraulicconductivity.
estimatedinitial breakthroughtime and, second,by fitting a Kp particletransfercoefficient,
equalto •q/4.
blockingfunctionto the entire breakthroughcurve.The colli- L columnlength.
sionefficiencyfactorsderivedfrom the two methodsgenerally m single-particlemass.
agreedwell. The clean-bedcollisionefficiencieswere,however, n effectiveporosity.
foundto be significantlydifferentfrom thosebasedon the final q approachvelocity(Darcy velocity)equal to Q/A.
effluent colloidconcentrations,indicatingthat a significanter- Q volumetric flow rate.
ror would have been introduced if ideal filtration had been ro the averagepore radius,ro equal to (1.1969n -
assumed. 0.1557)rc.
Both the collectorand collisionefficiencyfactorswere found rc collectorradius.
to be negativelycorrelatedwith the natural logarithmof the rp particleradius.
mediumhydraulicconductivity, asproposedbyRehmannet al. S mass fraction of colloids attached to the solid
[1999].With our filtrationdatafrom the varioussands,we were surfaces.