Electro Contact Cleaner (LPS-03116)
Electro Contact Cleaner (LPS-03116)
Electro Contact Cleaner (LPS-03116)
1. Identification
Product identifier LPS® CFC Free (Aerosol)
Other means of identification
Part Number 03116
Recommended use A fast drying industrial cleaning solvent designed to remove soil and other contaminants.
Recommended restrictions None known.
Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor information
Company name ITW Pro Brands
Address 4647 Hugh Howell Rd.
Tucker, GA 30084
Country (U.S.A.)
Tel: +1 770-243-8800
In Case of Emergency 1-800-424-9300 (inside U.S.)
+001 703-527-3887 (outside U.S.)
Website www.lpslabs.com
E-mail lpssds@itwprobrands.com
2. Hazard(s) identification
Physical hazards Flammable aerosols Category 1
Gases under pressure Compressed gas
Health hazards Skin corrosion/irritation Category 2
Serious eye damage/eye irritation Category 2A
Reproductive toxicity (fertility) Category 2
Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure Category 3 narcotic effects
Environmental hazards Not classified.
OSHA defined hazards Not classified.
Label elements
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Chemical name Common name and synonyms CAS number %
2-Methylpentane 107-83-5 70 - 80
Isopropanol 67-63-0 5 - 15
Pentane 109-66-0 1 - 10
Carbon Dioxide 124-38-9 1-5
N-Hexane 110-54-3 0.1 - 1
All concentrations are in percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume.
4. First-aid measures
Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Oxygen or
artificial respiration if needed. Do not use mouth-to-mouth method if victim inhaled the substance.
Induce artificial respiration with the aid of a pocket mask equipped with a one-way valve or other
proper respiratory medical device. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.
Skin contact Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water while removing all contaminated clothes and
shoes. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.
Eye contact Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If easy to do, remove contact lenses.
Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately.
Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Only induce vomiting at the instruction of
medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If vomiting occurs,
keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs.
Most important Irritation of eyes and mucous membranes. Symptoms may include stinging, tearing, redness,
symptoms/effects, acute and swelling, and blurred vision. Defatting of the skin. Vapors have a narcotic effect and may cause
delayed headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Narcosis. Behavioral changes. Prolonged exposure may
cause chronic effects.
Indication of immediate Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim under observation.
medical attention and special Symptoms may be delayed.
treatment needed
General information Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to
protect themselves. In the case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately
(show the label where possible). Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media Alcohol resistant foam. Water fog. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide,
sand or earth may be used for small fires only.
Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.
Specific hazards arising from By heating and fire, harmful vapors/gases may be formed. Vapors may form explosive mixtures
the chemical with air. Vapors may travel considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back.
Special protective equipment Firefighters must use standard protective equipment including flame retardant coat, helmet with
and precautions for firefighters face shield, gloves, rubber boots, and in enclosed spaces, SCBA. Structural firefighters protective
clothing will only provide limited protection.
Fire fighting In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Use standard firefighting procedures and
equipment/instructions consider the hazards of other involved materials. Move containers from fire area if you can do so
without risk. Water runoff can cause environmental damage.
Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. Move
container from fire area if it can be done without risk. In the event of fire and/or explosion do not
breathe fumes.
General fire hazards Extremely flammable aerosol.
Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is
possible. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product
and place into a container for later disposal. Use foam to blanket spilled material. Following
product recovery, flush area with water.
Small Spills: Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to
remove residual contamination.
Never return spills in original containers for re-use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.
Environmental precautions Avoid release to the environment. Contact local authorities in case of spillage to drain/aquatic
environment. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Do not contaminate water. Avoid
discharge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Use appropriate containment to avoid
environmental contamination.
Avoid contact during pregnancy/while nursing. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Do not taste or
swallow. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged exposure.
Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Observe good
industrial hygiene practices. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands thoroughly after
handling. Avoid release to the environment. Do not empty into drains.
Conditions for safe storage, Level 3 Aerosol.
including any incompatibilities
Store locked up. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Eliminate sources of ignition.
Keep container tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Store in a
well-ventilated place. Keep in an area equipped with sprinklers.
Skin protection
Hand protection For prolonged or repeated skin contact use suitable protective gloves. Chemical resistant gloves
are recommended.
Other Avoid contact with the skin. Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing.
Respiratory protection No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. Use a NIOSH/MSHA approved
respirator if there is a risk of exposure to dust/fume at levels exceeding the exposure limits.
Thermal hazards None known.
General hygiene When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such
considerations as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely
wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.
Marine pollutant