Manage Gas Feedstock and NGL Quality at Treating Plants
Manage Gas Feedstock and NGL Quality at Treating Plants
Manage Gas Feedstock and NGL Quality at Treating Plants
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Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at
treating plants
S. H. AlMudaibegh, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Contamination of gas and NGL streams has been a chronic issue at Saudi Aramco facilities and at
plants around the world. Major contaminants in process streams include corrosion products (black
powder), water in gas and NGL streams, liquid HC in gas streams and glycol in product gas
streams. The presence of these contaminants is mainly attributed to inefficient filtration/separation
and process control and corrosion management.
To overcome operational issues caused by contaminants in sales gas and NGL, several measures
are taken. These include pipeline scraping, installation of feed gas filters/separators, antifoam 1D 5D 1M 3M 1Y 2Y
injection, fresh solvent addition, and installation of conventional mechanical solution filters. Commodity Last Change
However, in many systems, these methods are ineffective and do not represent the optimum
solution. Crude Oil WTI 43.82 +0.24
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) 2.887 0.002
A program to manage contamination issues in gas and NGL plants through online measurement of
contaminants in process streams and evaluation of filtration/separation was initiated. This initiative
had several objectives: Market data is delayed and provided by Barchart .
Address contamination issues in major gas and NGL streams
Qualify/quantify the gas and NGL contaminants in major streams at gas plants
Use the study outcome to resolve chronic contamination issues by modifying existing
systems, applying new filtration/separation technologies and developing best practices for
new designs. Editorial comment
Adrienne Blume
The expected benefits include enhanced process performance, improved equipment reliability and Smallscale gas processing operations are
operating cost reduction through improved filtration and contaminants control. ramping up around the world, particularly in the
LNG sector.
The online test included major gas plants, NGL fractionation, gas/oil separation plants (GOSPs),
locations on the master gas system (MGS) and locations at the enduser (consumer) inlet. Findings Executive Q&A viewpoint
and results of the completed contaminant online measurement at these facilities are presented. Sam Golan
The shale revolution has caused a natural gas
Contamination case study. Saudi Aramco gas plants process more than 16 Bscfd of both sweet boom in the Marcellus shale play that has been
and sour gas. The main products from these plants are sales gas (fuel gas), which is used mainly to a victim of its own success.
generate power; C2 ; and NGL, which are used as feedstocks to many petrochemical industries.
Publisher's Letter
Natural gas processing in gas plants involves different processes, such as gas treating, NGL Catherine Watkins
recovery and dehydration. It also requires transportation through a huge network of plant and cross These are unprecedented times in the oil and
country pipelines. The presence of contaminants, such as solids (e.g., black powder) and free water gas industry.
in HC streams, causes many operational issues:
Regional Perspectives
Equipment damage:
Ebrahim Salehi
Frequent failures of NGL pump seal systems Iran has the world’s largest proven natural gas
Fouling and plugging of reboilers (fractionation plants) reserves at 1,201 Tcf, according to BP’s
Affect metering accuracy (Fig. 1) Statistical Review of World Energy,1 and it is
Erosion of control valves (Fig. 2) the fourthlargest natural gas producer in the
Failure of customercritical equipment/instrumentation. world.
Process upsets:
Offspec product (high water in condensate/crude)
Foaming in amine sweetening and glycol dehydration units
Delay and reduced accuracy of pipeline inline inspection.
Model Based Approaches
Safety and environmental issues, such as gas release (as seen at the Yanbu and Riyadh
to Achieve Operational
power plants).
Excellence in Natural Gas
Register Today
Adoption of a modelbased
culture has great potential to
improve the performance of
Natural Gas Processing
operations. Throughout the
entire plant lifecycle, from master
planning and feasibility studies to
design, startup, operation and
debottlenecking, process and
economic models can be used to 1/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
improve profitability for the
various business scenarios
encountered. This webinar will
provide a glimpse of the many
opportunities available for
Natural Gas Processors to
incorporate a model based
culture to achieve operational
excellence with greater agility.
Various process and economic
modeling approaches will be
explained as well as the potential
benefits that may be expected.
Actual examples of the effective
use of process and economic
models that have provided a
competitive edge for Natural Gas
Processors will also be
Fig. 1. Black powder accumulation on metering station. presented.
View on Demand
Fig. 2. Erosion of a control valve at Berri Junction.
Saudi Aramco experienced significant black powder formation in a sales gas pipeline network,
which resulted in several upsets in customer plants downstream. The formation of black powder is
attributed mainly to carryover of solids, with the sales gas from the plant and the formation of black
powder in the pipeline due to water, oxygen (O2 ), and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S)/carbon dioxide (CO2 )
presence at a certain level. In addition, equipment damage due to the solids present in NGL feed at
fractionation facilities has been reported. As a result, many black powder filters were installed at
critical locations to protect the enduser facility.
Saudi Aramco collaborated with a filtration company to perform online measurements of solid and
liquid contaminants and assess filtration/separation equipment (Fig. 3) using a pilot liquid/gas and
liquid/liquid (L/L) filter/separator skid. The field test provided the required data for quantifying and
qualifying contamination, assessing filtration/separation efficiency at gas plants and identifying
areas for enhancement.
Fig. 3. Black powder on absolute filters on sales gas
to SAFCO in Jubail.
The online measurement test scope included major gas, NGL and condensate streams from gas
plants and the pipeline network. It also included measurement of solid/water and liquid carryover,
with quantification and qualification of solid and liquid contamination levels.
Methodology and testing. Equipment used during testing included:
Liquid/gas (L/G) coalescer skid (Fig. 4) with a proprietary coalescing element to separate
liquid from gas
L/L coalescer skid (Fig. 5) with a proprietary coalescing element to separate water from
liquid HC
Prefilter with a proprietary filtering element to separate solid from liquid HC
Gas sampling device plus a proprietary membrane to measure solids in gas and liquid. 2/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Fig. 4. L/G coalescer skid.
Fig. 5. L/L coalescer skid.
In the gas stream test, the L/G coalescer skid was connected to the main stream lines, and the outlet
was connected to the closest flare line. The test was commissioned by flowing a constant rate
(approximately 0.5 MMscfd) of the gas and monitoring the liquid that accumulated in the bottom
sump. The accumulated gas flow and liquid collected were recorded throughout the test. Several
runs were performed to confirm measurements.
In the liquid stream test (Fig. 6), the L/L coalescer skid inlet was connected to the main stream line
using 1in. stainless steel tubing. The skid outlet was connected to the proper location using a 0.5
in. or 1in. tube. The solid sampling kit was also connected to the L/L coalescer skid.
Fig. 6. Flow diagram of the coalescing process.
The test began by flowing a slipstream of the NGL/condensate liquid through a prefilter to remove
solids and protect the coalescer. The liquid was then introduced through the liquid coalesce, where
water was separated from the HC and collected. The functioning principle of the L/L coalescence
test unit is based on the separation of two immiscible liquids.
Analysis. For the solid content, the contamination level, or total suspended solids (TSS) content,
was determined according to weight difference and gas/liquid volume processed through a 0.2µm
or 0.8µm membrane.
Scanning electron microscopy, combined with energydispersive Xray spectroscopy, was used to
determine the size of the particles and the elemental composition of the collected contaminants.
Optical microscopic observation was used for measurement of count and particle size distribution of
contaminants collected on the membrane.
The separated liquid was analyzed visually, and density was measured for each phase. A water
detector kit was used to measure free water in NGL/condensate for < 60 ppmv. Mass balance was
used to detect > 60 ppmv content.
Results. The results obtained represent the system during the test. The test was repeated at some
locations to reproduce the results, and it is being repeated at other locations. An extendedduration
test and additional tools are required to improve the accuracy of the measurement.
Table 1 summarizes the online measurement of solids and liquids carryover with feed gas streams
at selected facilities. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show solids and liquids removed from sour feed gas at two
different plants. 3/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Fig. 7. Solids removed at sour feed gas at ShGP.
Fig. 8. Liquids removed from sour feed gas at HdGP
(filter out).
The average solid content in feed gas to all plants was 25 g/MMscf. Liquid hydrocarbon and water
carryover to the plants were 600 ppmw and 190 ppmw on average, respectively. All feed gas
filters/separators that were tested demonstrated very low efficiency in removing both solids and
liquids. This was proven by conducting the measurement upstream and downstream from these
separators. Note: The feed gas to the gas plants is from GOSPs, gas wells and sometimes from
other gas plants, which causes a significant difference in contamination level—i.e., some streams
were already processed through dewpoint control and dehydration before they were sent to gas
plants for further processing.
Table 2 summarizes the online test results for the fuel/sales gas streams. Solids were detected at
the plants’ outlets, inside the pipeline (MGS) and at inlets to the enduser/customer facilities (Fig. 9
and Fig. 10). 4/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Fig. 9. Sludge collected upstream of the cyclone filter
near Shedgum.
Fig. 10. Solids in HGP sales gas collected during
the test.
The solid (black powder) content in product streams from plants ranged from 1 g/MMscf to 31
g/MMscf (average of 10 g/MMscfd). The average solid content across the pipeline was almost the
same, at approximately 11 g/MMscf. Finally, the average solid content in the fuel/sales gas to the
enduser/customer facility was approximately 6.3 g/MMscf.
The solid/black powder in fuel/sales gas to the end user/customer was calculated based on the
amount collected in the last three years by the newly installed black powder filter stations, and this
measurement represents more than 70% of fuel/sales gas delivered to the end user. In many cases,
sludge was present, especially near Berri Junction, which receives fuel/sales gas from UGP, BGP
and ShGP (all of which reported excessive TEG carryover) (Fig. 11 and Fig. 12). 5/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Fig. 11. Liquids (glycol) removed from BGP high
pressure TEG unit outlet.
Fig. 12. Wet solids removed at UGP highpressure
TEG unit outlet.
The presence of solids in all streams is a result of corrosion, erosion and, in some streams, sand
from the field itself. Corrosion in the MGS pipelines is attributed to the presence of TEG/water
carryover, H2 S, CO2 and O2 , in addition to the significant amount of black powder that is
continuously carried out from gas plants to the pipeline. It also indicates the inefficient filtration
equipment used at the different locations. Similarly, the liquid is attributed to inefficient separation
and condition change through the pipeline—mainly temperature drop and/or pressure drop.
Significant amounts of liquid carryover were observed from the TEG dehydration units. The liquid
was identified as TEG, mainly in locations with some liquid HC. This was verified at downstream
filtration units installed on the MGS network at enduser battery limits. Historical measurement and
review of the TEG operation at many plants showed that some units produce offspec gas, where
the water content is greater than 7 lb/MMscf.
Table 3 summarizes the online measurement of solid and water carryover with NGL and
condensate streams (Fig. 13 and Fig. 14). The average solid content in NGL and condensate
streams after treatment in gas and NGL facilities was 4.3 mg/l and 7.6 mg/l, respectively. Except for
BGP NGL, all NGL streams have no free water carryover, since these streams are coming from
cryogenic plants as a result of NGL recovery, which involves molecular sieve dehydration. BGP
NGL was a mixture of dry NGL and treated condensate, which already has free water and which has
impacted the total water content of the stream. On the other hand, all condensate streams from the
condensate stabilizer units have free water, which range between 38 ppmv and 3,100 ppmv. 6/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Fig. 13. UGP condensate to pipeline (clear layer of
water at the bottom).
Fig. 14. Solids from Khurais NGL to pipeline.
This value reached up to 71,000 ppmv for units that used a twophase separator to remove free
water. It can be concluded from these measurements that the condensate stabilizer operation does
not guarantee removal of free water from condensate, although most of these units showed no free
water in treated condensate based on process simulations.
Analyses of gas streams. The particle size distribution and nature of analyses conducted on the
solids in feed and product gas streams are listed in Table 4. These analyses showed that 80% to
100% of the solids are less than 25 µm. 7/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
The slightly bigger size of solids on the sales gas network, compared to feed streams, could be
attributed to agglomeration and/or further corrosion due to trace amounts of H2 S, CO2 and water.
Elemental analyses of solids in gas streams indicated the presence of iron (Fe), O2 , sulfur (S), and
traces of silicon (Si) and mercury (Hg). Siliconbased material and calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) were
significant in feed gas, especially from gas wells.
Based on compositional analysis, solids are mainly iron oxide (Fe2 O3 )based corrosion products in
fuel/sales gas, with some evidence of the presence of iron sulfide (FeS) in a few locations.
Subsequently, FeS and Fe2 O3 corrosion products are the main constituents in sour feed gas, in
addition to significant amounts of CaCO3 and silicon oxide (SiO2 ) from gas wells (Table 5).
Analyses of NGL, condensate streams. Particlesize distribution for the NGL and condensate
streams is shown in Table 6. Particlesize distribution and the nature of analyses conducted on the
solids in NGL and condensate streams showed that more than 90% of the solids are less than 15
µm. Elemental analyses of solids in the NGL streams indicated the presence of Fe, C, S, O2 , SiO2
and Ca.
The analysis of solids in NGL and condensate streams using the Xray diffraction technique showed
that the majority of solid contaminants are identified as magnetite (Fe3 O4 ), minor crystalline phases
of S, siderite (Fe2 CO3 ), iron carbonate (FeCO3 ). Mackinawite [(Fe,Ni)9 S8 ] and FeS are also
Actions taken. Mapping of gas and NGL contaminants provided essential data that helped supply
better options to manage black powder in pipelines. Cyclonetype black powder filters were
installed at critical locations, which eliminated carryover to enduser/customer facilities.
Areas of improvement within plants and upstream facilities have been identified. Gas dehydration
units at several gas plants were upgraded to reduce black powder formation in the MGS by
eliminating the potential highmoisture sources. Black powder filters were recommended at the
battery limits of gas plants to prevent black powder and liquid carryover with fuel/sales gas to the
MGS. Engineering documents to improve the design of filtration equipment were developed, along
with control gas and NGL specifications. 8/9
1592016 Manage gas feedstock and NGL quality at treating plants
Major findings and conclusions from this study include:
1. Substantial amounts of black powder are present in the feed gas and in the produced
fuel/sales gas and NGL streams in all tested facilities. This carryover contributes to the black
powder presence in the MGS.
2. Excessive water carryover with condensate occurs in pipelines at all facilities.
3. Significant liquid (TEG and HC) carryover occurs with dry gas from TEG dehydration units.
4. Significant liquid carryover to gas plants increases the potential for foaming and results in
HC liquid losses to the dissolved gas analysis units. This is an indication of inefficient feed
gas filter/separator equipment.
5. The black powder is mainly an Fe2 O3 corrosion product in sales gas, whereas FeS, in
combination with Fe2 O3 , represents major compounds in sour feed gas streams from the
GOSPs and gas wells. Few analyses showed FeS in fuel/sales gas, which is being verified
by ongoing tests.
6. Compositional analysis, along with elemental analysis, was used to analyze for the nature
and composition of black powder.
7. Approximately 80% to 90% of solid particles in gas and NGL/condensate streams are less
than 25 µm in size, based on particle size distribution measurement.
8. Feed gas filter/separator efficiency ranged from 10% to 90% for liquid removal and from 25%
to 50% for solid removal.
9. Absolute filters, with at least a 3µm size, will be used for effective removal of solids from gas
streams. For liquids with a minimum 5µm size, filters will be used.
10. The filter/separator design will be based on actual measurement for existing facilities. For
new plants, the presence of black powder in feed streams will be considered in
filtration/separation equipment. Data from similar feeds/products may be used for design
11. Condensate stabilizer operation is not reliable for free water removal. Dehydration of
product streams or effective coalescing is needed to ensure removal of free water from
12. For a large gas and NGL pipeline network, continuous monitoring and elimination of black
powder sources (i.e., offspec product) is critical to avoid process upsets and expensive
13. Mapping of gas and NGL contaminants provides essential data that leads to better options
for managing black powder in pipelines. GP
The author thanks Saudi Aramco facilities for providing the required support to successfully conduct
the online measurements. Special thanks to Pall Corp. for technical discussions and for providing
various test results and analysis data.
Abq Abqaiq gas plant
BGP Berri gas plant
CPF Central processing facility
HdGP Haradh gas plant
HGP Hawiyah gas plant
HNGL Hawiyah NGL recovery plant
JNGL Ju’aymah NGL fractionation plant
MGS Master gas system
PS3 Pump station 3
RTR Ras Tanura refinery
ShGP Shedgum gas plant
TEG Triethylene glycol
TSS Total suspended solids
UGP Uthmaniyah gas plant
Saud AlMudaibegh is a senior process engineer with Saudi Aramco’s gas
processing unit, process and control systems department. He graduated from King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in 1995 with BSc degree in chemical
engineering. He has more than 18 years of experience in gas processing, and he has
seven years of experience as a professional engineering development division
instructor for gas treating and dehydration courses. Mr. Mudaibegh is also a technical
committee member of SOGAT.
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