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Ce142p Experiment 11

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NAME : GICALE, PATRICK EMMANUEL T. ________________________

STUDENT NO. : 2014106318_________________________________________
COURSE-SECTION : CE142P – C5_____________________ GROUP NO. :___1___




DATE PERFORMED : MARCH 16, 2017______________

DATE SUBMITTED : MARCH 23, 2017______________

_______________ENGR. KEVIN PAOLO V. ROBLES_______________


I. Introduction

The problem of fluid flow in pipelines – the prediction of flow rate through
pipes of given characteristics, the calculation of energy conversions therein, and so
forth- is encountered in many areas of engineering practice; they afford an
opportunity of applying many of the foregoing principles to (essentially one-
dimensional) fluid flows of a comparatively simple and controlled nature.

When fluids flow in a conduit, energy is lost due to different factors. These
losses can be generally classified as major losses and minor losses. Minor losses
are due to the change in shape of the conduit (bends on the conduit), change in
dimension (contraction or enlargement), due to fittings, entrances and exits. Major
losses are due to friction which results from the fluids in contact with the conduit.

The solution of practical pipe flow problems results from application of the
energy principles and equations of fluid resistance.

II. Objectives

To investigate the head loss due to friction in the flow of water through s pipe to
determine the associated friction factor. Both variables are to be determined over
a range of flow rates and their characteristics identified for both laminar and
turbulent flows.
III. Sketch of Apparatus

A. Hydraulics Bench - A mobile apparatus that provides a controlled recirculating

supply of water to a series of interchangeable bench-mounting tools used for
fluids or hydraulics experiments.

B. Pipe Friction Apparatus - to measure pipe friction losses for laminar and
turbulent flows

C. Stopwatch – A special watch that can determine the time rate of a certain event
with buttons that start, stop, zero or reset time by hands.
IV. Procedure - Equipment Set-Up

Equipment Set-Up
1. Mount the test rig on the hydraulic Bench and, with a spirit level, adjust the feet to
ensure that the base plate is horizontal and, that the manometers are vertical.
2. Check with the demonstrator that the mercury manometer is correctly filled. Attach
a Hoffman clamp to each two manometer-connecting tubes and close them off.

Setting-Up For High Flow Rates

1. The test rig outlet tube must be held by a clamp to ensure that the outflow point is
firmly fixed. This should be above the bench collection tank and should allow
enough space for insertion of the measuring cylinder.
2. Join the test rig inlet pipe to the hydraulic bench flow connector with the pump
turned off.
3. Close the bench gate-valve, open the test rig flow control valve fully and start the
pump. Now open the gate valve progressively and run the system until all air is
4. Open the Hoffman clamps and purge any air from the two-bleed points at the top
of the Hg manometer.

Setting Up For Low Flow Rates

1. Attach a Hoffman clamp to each of the two manometer connecting tubes and close
them off.
2. With a system fully purged of air, close the bench valve, stop the pump, close the
outflow valve and remove Hoffman clamps from the water manometer connections.
3. Disconnect test section supply tube and hold high to keep it fluid-filled.
4. Connect bench supply tube to header tank inflow, run pump and open bench valve
to allow flow. When outflow occurs from header tank snap connector, attach test
section supply tube to it, ensuring no air entrapped.
5. When outflow occurs from header tank overflow, fully open the outflow control
6. Slowly open air vents at the top of water manometer and allow air to enter until
manometer levels reach a convenient height, then close air vent. If required,
further control of levels can be achieved by the use of hand-pump to raise
manometer air pressure.

Taking A Set Of Results

Running High Flow Rate Tests
1. Apply a Hoffman clamp to each of the water manometer connection tubes
(essential to prevent a flow path parallel to the test section).
2. Close the test rig flow control valve and take zero flow reading from the Hg
manometer, (may not be zero because of contamination of mercury and/or tube
3. Determine the flow rate by timed collection and measure the temperature of the
collected fluid. The kinematic viscosity of water as atmospheric pressure can then
be determined from the table.
4. Repeat the procedure to give at least nine flow rates; the lowest to give height of
Hg = 30 mmHg, approximately.
Running Low Flow Rate Tests
1. Repeat procedure given above but using water manometer throughout.
2. With the flow control valve fully open, measure the head loss h shown by the
3. Determine the flow rate by the timed collection and measure the temperature of
the collected fluid. The kinematic viscosity of water at atmospheric pressure can
then be determined from the table.
4. Obtain data for at least eight flow rates, the lowest to give h=30 mm,


A basic momentum analysis of fully developed flow in a straight tube of uniform

cross-section shows that the pressure difference (ρ1¬ – ρ2) between two points in
the tube is due to the effects of viscosity (fluid friction). The head-loss Δh is directly
proportional to the pressure difference (loss) and is given by

Δh = (ρ1¬ – ρ2) / ρg

And friction factor, f, is related to the head-loss by the equation

Δh = fLv2 / 2gd

Where d is the pipe diameter and, in this experiment, Δh is measured directly by a

manometer which connects tot wo pressure tapping a distance L apart; v is the
mean velocity given in terms of the volume flow rate Qt by

V = 4Qt / πd2

The theoretical result for the laminar flow is

F = 64 / Re

Where Re = Reynold’s Number and is given by

Re = vd / μ

and μ is the kinematic viscosity.

For turbulent flow in a smooth pipe, a well-known curve fit to experimental data is
given by

F = 0.316R3-0.25
Kinematic Viscosity of Water at Atmospheric Pressure
(deg. C) VISCOSITY (μ) (deg. C) VISCOSITY (μ)
(X106 m2/m) (X106 m2/m)
0 1.793 25 0.893
1 1.732 26 0.873
2 1.674 27 0.854
3 1.619 28 0.836
4 1.568 29 0.818
5 1.520 30 0.802
6 1.474 31 0.785
7 1.429 32 0.769
8 1.386 33 0.753
9 1.346 34 0.738
10 1.307 35 0.724
11 1.270 36 0.711
12 1.235 37 0.697
13 1.201 38 0.684
14 1.169 39 0.671
15 1.138 40 0.658
16 1.108 45 0.602
17 1.080 50 0.554
18 1.053 55 0.511
19 1.027 60 0.476
20 1.002 65 0.443
21 0.978 70 0.413
22 0.955 75 0.386
23 0.933 80 0.363
24 0.911 85 0.342

Eg. At 20°C the kinematic viscosity of water is 1.002 x 10-6 m2/s


Test Pipe Test Pipe Volume Time to Temp. Kinematic Manometer Manometer Head
Length Diameter Collected Collect Of C h1 h2 Loss
L d V t Water Viscosity m m h
m m m3 sec Deg C m
L 1 0.5 0.003 0.001 125.53 20 1.002 x 10-6 0.087 0.439 0.352
L 2 0.5 0.003 0.001 132.61 20 1.002 x 10-6 0.100 0.447 0.347
L 3 0.5 0.003 0.001 134.22 20 1.002 x 10-6 0.105 0.473 0.368
T 4 0.5 0.003 0.001 134.21 20 1.002 x 10-6 0.140 0.126 0.014
T 5 0.5 0.003 0.001 135.01 20 1.002 x 10-6 0.141 0.126 0.015

Flow Rate Velocity Friction Reynold’s

Qt Factor Number
v Ln f Ln Re Ln h Ln v
m /s
f Re
L 1 7.966x10-6 1.127 0.0326 1961.710 -3.423 7.582 -1.044 0.120
L 2 7.541x10-6 1.067 0.036 1777.778 -3.324 7.483 -1.058 0.065
L 3 7.450x10-6 1.054 0.039 1641.026 -3.244 7.403 -1.000 0.053
T 4 7.451x10-6 1.054 1.484x10-3 43126.685 -6.513 10.672 -4.269 0.053
T 5 7.407x10-6 1.048 1.608x10-3 39807.145 -6.433 10.592 -4.200 0.047
Group 4
Test Pipe Test Pipe Volume Time to Temp. Kinematic Manometer Manometer Head
Length Diameter Collected Collect Of C h1 h2 Loss
L d V t Water Viscosity m m h
m m m3 sec Deg C m
m /s

L 1 0.5 0.003 0.001 150.96 4.682x10-8 0.434 0.148 0.286

L 2 0.5 0.003 0.001 183.18 3.859x10-8 0.440 0.144 0.296
L 3 0.5 0.003 0.001 225.79 3.131x10-8 0.359 0.237 0.122
T 4 0.5 0.003 0.001 138.90 5.089x10-8 0.142 0.125 0.231
T 5 0.5 0.003 0.001 125.52 5.631x10-8 0.139 0.130 0.122

Flow Rate Velocity Friction Reynold’s

Qt Factor Number
v Ln f Ln Re Ln h Ln v
m3/s f Re
L 1 6.624x10-6 0.937 0.038 1669.274 -3.270 7.420 -1.251 -0.065
L 2 5.459x10-6 0.772 0.058 1095.89 -2.847 6.999 -1.217 -0.258
L 3 4.429x10-6 0.627 0.036 1797.75 -3.324 7.494 -2.104 -0.467
T 4 7.199x10-6 1.019 0.026 21124.647 -3.650 9.958 -1.465 0.019
T 5 7.967x10-6 1.127 0.011 602022.848 -4.510 13.308 -2.104 0.120
Group 5
Test Pipe Test Pipe Volume Time to Temp. Kinematic Manometer Manometer Head
Length Diameter Collected Collect Of C h1 h2 Loss
L d V t Water Viscosity m m h
m m m3 sec Deg C m
m /s

L 1 0.5 0.003 0.001 126 5.610x10-8 0.490 0.105 0.385

L 2 0.5 0.003 0.001 130.2 5.429x10-8 0.460 0.123 0.337
L 3 0.5 0.003 0.001 134.4 5.259x10-8 0.450 0.130 0.320
T 4 0.5 0.003 0.001 124.8 5.664x10-8 1.890 1.741 0.149
T 5 0.5 0.003 0.001 131.4 5.379x10-8 1.904 1.700 0.204

Flow Rate Velocity Friction Reynold’s

Qt Factor Number
v Ln f Ln Re Ln h Ln v
m3/s f Re
L 1 7.937x10-6 1.123 1.066x10-3 60053.476 -6.844 11.003 -0.955 0.116
L 2 7.680x10-6 1.086 1.066x10-3 60011.052 -6.844 11.002 -1.088 0.083
L 3 7.440x10-6 1.053 1.065x10-3 60068.454 -6.845 11.003 -1.139 0.052
T 4 8.013x10-6 1.134 0.02019 60063.559 -3.903 11.003 -1.904 0.126
T 5 7.610x10-6 1.077 0.02018 60066.927 -3.903 11.003 -1.590 0.074
Group 3
Test Pipe Test Pipe Volume Time to Temp. Kinematic Manometer Manometer Head
Length Diameter Collected Collect Of C h1 h2 Loss
L d V t Water Viscosity m m h
m m m3 sec Deg C m
L 1 0.5 0.003 0.001 126 5.610x10-8 0.490 0.105 0.385
L 2 0.5 0.003 0.001 130.2 5.429x10-8 0.460 0.123 0.337
L 3 0.5 0.003 0.001 134.4 5.259x10-8 0.450 0.130 0.320
T 4 0.5 0.003 0.001 124.8 5.664x10-8 1.890 1.741 0.149
T 5 0.5 0.003 0.001 131.4 5.379x10-8 1.904 1.700 0.204

Flow Rate Velocity Friction Reynold’s

Qt Factor Number
v Ln f Ln Re Ln h Ln v
m /s
f Re
L 1 7.937x10-6 1.123 1.066x10-3 60053.476 -6.844 11.003 -0.955 0.116
L 2 7.680x10-6 1.086 1.066x10-3 60011.052 -6.844 11.002 -1.088 0.083
L 3 7.440x10-6 1.053 1.065x10-3 60068.454 -6.845 11.003 -1.139 0.052
T 4 8.013x10-6 1.134 0.02019 60063.559 -3.903 11.003 -1.904 0.126
T 5 7.610x10-6 1.077 0.02018 60066.927 -3.903 11.003 -1.590 0.074
Trial 1:
L= 0.5 V= 1 x 10-3 m3
Time = 125.53 s
∆h = 0.352m

𝑉 1 𝑥 10−3
Q= 𝑡
= 125.53 𝑠
Q = 7.966 x 10 -6

𝑄 (1.255 𝑥 10−6 )
V= = 𝜋
𝐴 (0.003)2
V = 1.127 m/s

(2𝑔)(𝐷)∆ℎ (2)(9.81)(0.003)(0.352)
f= =
𝐿𝑣 2 0.5(0.127)2
f = 0.0326
64 64
Re = 𝑓 = 0.0326
Re = 1961.710

ln f = ln (0.0326) = -3.423
ln Re = ln (1961.710) = 7.582
ln h = ln (0.352) = -1.044
ln v = ln (1.127) = 0.120


The objective of this experiment is to determine the friction factor of a

conduit using the different characteristics of the fluid flow. Firstly, the friction
factor is determined by measuring the head loss present in the “Pipe Friction
𝑓𝐿𝑣 2
Apparatus”, using the Darcy-Weisbach Equation, “ℎ𝑓 = ". Furthermore, the
friction factor is also determined using the Reynolds number of the fluid flow.
The friction factor of the laminar flow is determined using the concept of the
Darcy – Weisback Equation, “𝑓 = ”. Finally, friction factor for the turbulent
flow is determined using the Blasius Formula, “𝑓 = 0.316𝑅𝑒 −0.25 ”.

In theory, the friction factor solved using different formulas should be

relatively equivalent or close to one another. The data gathered in all of the trials
have value of friction factor close to one another for laminar flow. For turbulent
flow, the data gathered is a little bit inconsistent. Therefore, I conclude that
there should be a more precise experiment regarding about it.

Flowing fluids experience frictional forces, fluids experience resistance from

the effects of the fluid’s viscosity near the surface of a pipe or a conduit. These
frictional forces induce head loss to the energy of the fluid, and these losses
must be considered when construction a system of pipelines. The engineer must
have an understanding on the frictional losses unique to each pipe in designing
the structure of the pipelines. The friction factor is a means to determine the
head losses occurring in the pipe system.


 Hydraulics Laboratory Manual

 Darcy-Weisbach Pressure and Head Loss Equation. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 23, 2017, from http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/darcy-
 Cengel, & Cimbala. (2006). Fluid Mechanics.

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