solids lab
solids lab
solids lab
REG NO:ENM241-0087/2022
Report on Determination Of The Energy Loss In Flow Through A
Straight Pipe
Friction and the many singularities encountered are the primary causes of energy
losses in fluid
transport pipelines. In most cases, these losses are transformed into head decreases
in the
direction of flow. The ability to determine the required power to move fluid between
two sites is
made possible by having access to data from such a transformation. It serves as the
for transport and distribution network design and analysis. Universal fluid flow
concepts underlie
pipe technology. A portion of the energy expended by a real fluid flowing through a
pipe is used
to keep the flow going. This energy is transformed into thermal energy by internal
friction and
turbulence. As a result of this conversion, the energy loss is expressed in terms of fluid
height as
"head loss," which is often divided into two groups. Linear or significant head loss is
the most
common form, and it is primarily caused by friction. The purpose of this experiment is
examine the many relationships that may be used to determine these losses and
compare them to
The total energy loss in a pipe system is the sum of the major and minor losses. Major
losses are associated with frictional energy loss that is caused by the viscous effects of
the fluid
and roughness of the pipe wall. Major losses create a pressure drop along the pipe
since the
The Darcy’s Equation is the most widely accepted formula for determining the energy
loss in pipe flow. In this equation, the friction factor f, a dimensionless quantity, is
used to
describe the friction loss in a pipe. In laminar flows, the friction factor is only a
function of the
Reynolds number and is independent of the surface roughness of the pipe. In fully
flows, the friction factor depends on both the Reynolds’s number and relative
roughness of the
pipe wall. In engineering problems, the friction factor is determined by using the
When liquids flow through pipes there is loss of energy due to viscous action of the
This loss of energy occurs at the expense of the available pressure head and hence the
loss is expressed in terms of loss of pressure head which may be expressed as:
f = friction factor
The use of this experiment is to investigate the frictional forces inherent in laminar
and turbulent
pipe flow. By measuring the pressure drop and flow rate through a pipe, an estimate
of the
The Reynolds’s number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces within a fluid
these forces change behavior is known as a boundary layer, such as the bounding
surface in the
by multiplying the fluid velocity by the internal pipe diameter (to obtain the inertia
force of the
fluid) and then dividing the result by the kinematic viscosity (viscous force per unit
The friction factor is determined by measuring the pressure head difference between
fixed points in a straight pipe with a circular cross section for steady flows. The fiction
factor in
Darcy’s Equation is a theoretical equation that predicts the frictional energy loss in a
based on the velocity of the fluid and the resistance due to friction. It is used almost
Darcy’s Equation:
hf = head loss
f = friction factor
The Objective is to confirm the following relationship when water flows through a
l = length of pipe
f= friction factor
This experiment will investigate head loss due to friction in a pipe, and to determine
associated friction factor under a range of flow rates and flow regimes, i.e., laminar,
and turbulent.
1. Hygro-synthetic machine
2. Thermometer
3. Weighing Machine
Experimental Procedure
The hygro-synthetic machine was first turned on and water allowed to run for a while.
The manometer was checked to confirm it was functioning properly. The weight of the
bucket was then measured using the beam balance and the value recorded. The valve
was the
opened a little to allow a small discharge to flow out of the system. The corresponding
temperature was measured using a thermometer and the value recorded. The
readings for h1 and h2 were then measured and recorded for the same discharge. The
was then engaged for a timed period and the weight of the bucket with the collected
water was
measured. The above steps were then repeated to obtain 9 more sets of data with
Data Analysis
Data Presentation
Acual Mass volume
TIME( weight flow flow rate Friction velocity
Runs Hf(m) S) (kg) rate(kg/s) Q(m^2/s) factor f u(m/s) Re(u*D/V) u^2/2g u^2
1 0.002 48.53 3.15 0.06491 6.491E-05 0.05553 0.06484 2314.9578 0.000214 0
2 0.002 45.6 5.75 0.12610 1.261E-04 0.01471 0.12597 4497.2374 0.000809 7
3 0.004 40.52 7.5 0.18509 1.851E-04 0.01366 0.18491 6601.3786 0.001743 9
4 0.014 35.72 8.4 0.23516 2.352E-04 0.02961 0.23493 8387.0774 0.002813 9
15460.007 0.1875
5 0.023 29.99 13 0.43348 4.335E-04 0.01432 0.43305 6 0.009558 4
15518.923 0.1889
6 0.031 25.05 10.9 0.43513 4.351E-04 0.01915 0.43470 2 0.009631 7
20876.652 0.3419
7 0.052 19.39 11.35 0.58535 5.854E-04 0.01775 0.58478 8 0.017430 7
22586.287 0.4002
8 0.125 15.08 9.55 0.63329 6.333E-04 0.03646 0.63267 2 0.020401 7
31489.973 0.7780
9 0.132 10.08 8.9 0.88294 8.829E-04 0.01981 0.88207 2 0.039656 5
35733.767 1.0018
10 0.15 5.19 5.2 1.00193 1.002E-03 0.01748 1.00095 0 0.051065 9
Area 0098
density 1000
L 1.5
D 0.0357
viscocit 0.0000
y 01
g 9.81 19.62
L/D 80672
Value of g= 9.81
Determination of Reynaldo's Number;
To calculate Reynold’s number for each flow, use the formula;
Re =u*L/V
where; u – velocity(m/s)
L – characteristic length(m);diameter
V – kinematic viscosity of water(m2 /s)
V=10-6m/s L= 0.0357m
From tabulated results containing the calculated Reynolds number it can be deduced
directly affects the inertial forces resulting in a higher Reynolds number, which takes
the flow
towards the turbulent side. Frictional factor decreases with increase in discharge (Q),
shows an inverse relationship between the two variables. This relationship leads to
conclusion that as the friction factor decreases the Reynolds number increases. Thus
the inertial
forces are dominant. The graph of friction factor against Re signifies an inverse
Sources Of Errors
1. Parallax error while reading the height of the manometer. The readings of the
might have been done in a wrong angle, which is not perpendicular, hence resulting to
2. Water splashed out of the collecting bucket hence resulted into wrong readings of
discharge at some runs. The bucket also leaked some water during some runs
3. Inaccurate starting and stopping of the stop watch resulted to wrong values of time
in some runs
4. Fluctuations of the electric current led to unsteady flow of water supplied by the
The electric current supplying to the pump should be ensured to be stable by all
for more accurate results. The tap opening to the bucket should also be calibrated for
opening in each run to avoid less openings in the final runs. The collecting bucket
should be
repaired so that it does not leak collected water. An electronic mass balance can also
be used to
Practical Application
the flow rate capacity and minimizing head loss per unit length. According to the
Weisbach equation, for a given flow rate, the head loss decreases with the inverse
fifth power of
the pipe diameter. Doubling the diameter of a pipe results in the head loss decreasing
by a factor
of 32 (≈ 97% reduction), while the amount of material required per unit length of the
pipe and its
This means that energy consumption, to overcome the frictional resistance in a pipe
conveying a
certain flow rate, can be significantly reduced at a relatively small capital cost.
In conclusion, the laminar flow occurs when the fluid is flowing slowly and the
flow occurs when it is flowing fast. In transitional flow, the flow switches between
laminar and
transitional flow occurs when Reynolds number calculated is between 2000 and 4000
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