Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab: Experiment (7) : Major Head Losses Due To Friction
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab: Experiment (7) : Major Head Losses Due To Friction
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Lab: Experiment (7) : Major Head Losses Due To Friction
Head Losses Causes in pipes:
1. Major (mainly friction): which are associated with frictional energy loss per length of pipe depends on
the flow velocity, pipe length, pipe diameter, and a friction factor based on the roughness of the pipe, and
whether the flow is laminar or turbulent (i.e. the Reynolds number of the flow).
2. Minor (the alterations that occur in pipes such as bends and contractions etc.)
Reynolds number (Re): is a dimensionless quantity that is used to help predict similar flow patterns in
different fluid flow situations. The concept was introduced by George Gabriel Stokes in 1851, but the
Reynolds number is named after Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912), who popularized its use in 1883.The
Reynolds number is defined as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and consequently quantifies the
relative importance of these two types of forces for given flow conditions.
Types of flow:
Laminar Flow: is a flow regime characterized by high momentum diffusion and low momentum
convection, and also a low velocity.
Turbulent Flow: In fluid dynamics, turbulence or turbulent flow is a flow regime characterized by chaotic
property changes. This includes low momentum diffusion, high momentum convection, and rapid variation
of pressure and velocity in space and time.
The main objective for this experiment is to estimate pressure head losses in smooth pipes
Losses in pipe networks could be divided typically into major and minor losses. Major losses are produced
mainly due to friction or viscous action while minor losses are due to valves bends, elbows, sudden
expansion or contraction, etc.
Losses, due to friction:
Friction losses in pipes are estimated by Darcy-Wesbach formula as:
L V2
h f =f D . .
D 2g
h f is the head loss due to friction (SI units: m)
Friction coefficient “f” is a function of Reynolds number and internal surface roughness of the pipe. In the
laminar flow (Re≤2000) it was calculated to be:
While for large value of Re (104 < R e <10 5 ¿ blasius found it to be as:
ℜ1 / 4
Reynolds showed that a smooth pipe could be crossed by two types of flow:
Laminar flow, at low values of velocity, with ΔP v
Turbulent flow, at high value of velocity, with ΔP v n
These two types of motion are separated by a transition area where there is not any clear relation between
ΔP and v
Apparatus for fluid flow friction in pipes
1. Open the valves across the pipe along which the friction loss will be calculated, and ensure that the
other valves for the other pipes are closed
2. Put the red-blue circuit between the two points on the pipe
3. Open fully the water control valve on the hydraulic bench
4. Record the readings on the piezometer tubes and the U-tube
5. Repeat the above procedure for a total of five different flow rates. This could be ensured by
adjusting the closure of the gate valve in equally spaced over the full flow range
Pip D L Connect Monometer Q V Δhf (p) f
e (m) (m) To Reading (m 3 /s ) (m/s) (m)
1 0.0043 1 Water Hg 0.0000641 4.420689655 0.574 2.4755*10−3
network monometer 0.0000637 4.393103448 0.551 2.4062*10−3
0.0000589 4.062068966 0.475 2.4262*10−3
0.000046 3.172413793 0.325 2.7216*10−3
0.0000328 2.262068966 0.2 3.2941*10−3
2 0.0072 1 Water Hg 0.000125 3.078817734 0.165 2.4589*10−3
Network Monometer 0.00012 2.955665025 0.158 2.5549*10−3
0.000116 2.857142857 0.152 2.6303*10−3
0.000108 2.660098522 0.14 2.7949*10−3
0.0000917 2.25862069 0.115 3.1845*10−3
3 0.01135 1 Water H2O 0.000188 1.861386139 0.428 0.02751
Network monometer 0.000177 1.752475248 0.368 0.02668
0.000159 1.574257426 0.325 0.02920
0.0001315 1.301980198 0.282 0.03705
0.00012 1.188118812 0.237 0.03739
4 0.01425 1 Hydraulic H2O 0.000255 1.603773585 0.288 0.03131
bench Monometer 0.000236 1.48427673 0.237 0.03008
0.0002125 1.336477987 0.192 0.03005
0.000177 0.735849057 0.166 0.08571
0.000155 0.974842767 0.122 0.03589
5 0.0171 1 Hydraulic H2O 0.000287 1.253275109 0.164 0.03503
bench Monometer 0.000268 1.170305677 0.119 0.02915
0.000192 0.838427948 0.09 0.04295
0.000189 0.825327511 0.066 0.03251
π d 2 π∗0.00432 2
A= = =0.0000145 m
4 4
Q 0.0000641
V= = =¿4.420689655 m/s
A 0.0000145
L V2
From h f =f D . . , we calculate f D :
D 2g
hf ∗D∗2 g 0.574∗0.0043∗2∗9.81
f D= 2
= =¿2.4755*10−3
L∗V 1∗4.4206896552
In this experiment the aim was to calculate Darcy friction factor, by first we had measured the head loss
and the flow rate then calculating the area of the 5 different pipes, then determining the velocity using the
flow rate in m 3 /s and the area in (m). Then, by using Darcy-Wesbach formula we were able to calculate the
An increase in flow rate means an increase in velocity as well. This results in a larger Reynold’s Number.
Because the Darcy friction factor is inversely proportional to Re, it will decrease as the flow increases.
In every experiment there is errors, in our experiment errors could be:
- Inaccuracy in measuring the head loss
- Age of the pipes
- Purity of the fluid
- The valve is not opened enough
At the end we calculated the factor using Darcy-Wesbach formula