Graphene 3
Graphene 3
Graphene 3
9 (2013) 098106
TOPICAL REVIEW — Low-dimensional nanostructures and devices
Recent progress of research for graphene applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices is reviewed, and recent
developments in circuits based on graphene devices are summarized. The bandgap–mobility tradeoff inevitably constrains
the application of graphene for the conventional field-effect transistor (FET) devices in digital applications. However, this
shortcoming has not dampened the enthusiasm of the research community toward graphene electronics. Aside from high
mobility, graphene offers numerous other amazing electrical, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties that continually
motivate innovations.
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
transistors and novel electronics. [10–12] In this review, the ap- Cu, [19,20] and Pt. [21,22] In particular, CVD growth on Pt has re-
plications of graphene in the field of electronic and optoelec- cently attracted increasing attention. Platinum has a low car-
tronic devices are discussed and recent developments in cir- bon solubility, a high melting temperature, and a low thermal
cuits based on graphene devices are summarized. expansion coefficient, and it is also inert to oxidation. These
properties give the Pt substrate a more stable surface mor-
2. Material preparation phology during the high temperature CVD growth process and
make Pt a suitable substrate for single-layer graphene growth
High quality graphene can readily be obtained through as shown in Fig. 1. Graphene grown on Pt or Cu foil can be
mechanical exfoliation from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite transferred to any substrate for device fabrication.
(HOPG). [1] This discovery expedites graphene research since
it makes obtaining high quality graphene samples relatively
3. Transfer of graphene films
easy. Many basic researches have been conducted on such ex-
foliated graphene layers. However, for industrial applications Once graphene films are grown on a metal by CVD syn-
of graphene, it is necessary to develop synthesis methods ca- thesis method, they are ready to be transferred to the tar-
pable of producing well-controlled, large-scale, high-quality get substrate for further device fabrication. For transferring
graphene. Currently, there are two major methods of grow- graphene from the inert metals, such as Pt, a ‘bubbling trans-
ing large scale graphene. The first is the epitaxy growth and fer process’ is preferred. [23] For transferring graphene from
is based on the thermal decomposition of SiC. [13,14] By heat- the reactive metals, like Cu, Ni, and Ru, transfer by etching
ing SiC wafers to around 1500 ◦ C, Si desorbs and the remain- the metals away is preferred. [24]
ing carbon reforms into a graphene layer. [15,16] This method is In both cases, a layer of organic polymer film, commonly
limited by the size of available SiC wafers and the high cost of polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA), should be coated on the
SiC substrates. graphene first. The resulting PMMA/graphene film has much
greater mechanical strength than the graphene film alone and
(a) can also help protect the graphene film during the transfer pro-
cess. In the bubbling transfer process, the PMMA/graphene/Pt
plate is used as a cathode, with another Pt foil used as an
anode. To perform the water reduction reaction, both elec-
trodes are dipped into a NaOH aqueous solution and connected
to a power source with a constant current supply. Then the
PMMA/graphene film will gradually be separated from the
Pt plate driven by the H2 gas bubbles generated at the cath-
ode. In the final step of the transfer process, the washed
PMMA/graphene film is placed on the target substrate, and the
PMMA layer is removed by acetone. In contrast, for transfer
by metal etching, the PMMA/graphene/metal plate is dipped
Intensity/arb. units
4. Graphene electronics
4.1. RF FETs
Graphene is an excellent channel material for devices in
radio-frequency applications. First of all, its ultra-high mo-
Fig. 1. High quality monolayer graphene growth through atmospheric bility, which leads to micrometer-scale ballistic transport, to-
pressure CVD method on Pt foil. (a) Mechanism of graphene growth
gether with very large saturation velocity, brings graphene
on Pt foil. (b) Raman spectra, (c) optical microscope image, (d) AFM
image, (e) TEM image. [22] enormous potential for high-frequency devices. In addition,
the outstanding thermal conductivity and micrometer-scale
The other widely used synthesis method is chemical va- ballistic transport inspire great hope for using graphene in low-
por deposition (CVD) growth on metals such as Ru, [17] Ni, [18] noise amplifiers. [25,26]
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
The most important measures for RF transistors are two IBM reported a 26-GHz- fT GFET, using exfoliated graphene
characteristic frequencies: the cutoff frequency, fT , at which with a gate length as short as 150 nm, demonstrating that
the small-signal current gain decreases to unity, and the max- the fT performance could be improved by decreasing the gate
imum frequency of oscillation, fmax , at which the unilateral length. [30] In 2009, HP research laboratory realized the first
power gain drops to unity. Figure 2 shows recently reported epitaxial-GFET on SiC substrate, with a 2-µm gate length
cutoff frequencies of graphene field-effect transistors (FETs) and 4.4 GHz fT . [31] By using epitaxial graphene grown di-
versus the device gate length, compared to Si MOSFETs and rectly on the substrate, they proved that epitaxial GFETs, un-
III–V high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs). Currently, like GFETs using exfoliated graphene, could be fabricated
the highest fT reported for graphene FETs is 427 GHz, [27] with relatively large scale integration. In 2010, IBM pushed
while the highest fmax is only 45 GHz. [6] The low fmax perfor- the frontline of fT further to 100 GHz by using an epitax-
mance is due to the gapless nature of graphene, which leads to
ial GFET on SiC with a 240-nm gate length. [32] This was
large source/drain series resistances, weak current saturation,
a big step forward, since the fT of the GFET, which was
and ambipolar conduction. [8]
fabricated through an integrated process, was comparable to
that of a semiconductor RF device with the same gate length.
In the same year, Duan’s group at UCLA achieved a GFET
Cutoff frequency/GHz
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
4.2. Logic applications source amplifier, with 500 nm gate length in each finger, ex-
In either logic or analog applications, transistors must hibited 5 dB low frequency gain with the 3 dB bandwidth
have high enough power gains to drive the next stage. Un- greater than 6 GHz, see Fig. 4. The current saturation was
like the traditional semiconductors, graphene is a gapless ma- achieved by an embedded gate structure with deeply scaled 4-
terial, and GFETs lack sufficient intrinsic gains. Although the nm HfO2 gate oxide. IBM researchers achieved a top gated
recent progress is far from meeting the demands of logic appli- GFET amplifier on an SiC substrate, [6] as shown in Fig. 5,
cations, numerous approaches have been explored to increase which is more feasible for integration with other elements in
the intrinsic gain of GFET, e.g., increasing the gate control to a complete circuit. The maximum voltage gain for a 1.5 µm
introduce the minimal density point to the channel for current device at 5 MHz is 3 dB.
saturation, [38] new device structure for full channel gating, [39]
layout design of multiple-finger devices, [40] etc.
Recently, an integrated GFET ring oscillator reportedly
achieved the highest frequency (1.28 GHz) among ring oscilla- CVD graphene
tors using low-dimensional material transistors, with a 0.57 V 4 nm HfO2
output voltage swing, [41] as shown in Fig. 3. Ring oscilla- SiO2
Si wafer
tors are commonly used to evaluate the performance of digital
technology. Made by a fabrication process similar to that of embedded W gates
devices in Ref. [39], they reduced the parasitic capacitances
in devices and circuits, suggesting further improvements are (b)
output at
1.28 GHz
Fig. 3. Circuit diagram and chip image of integrated GFET ring
oscillators. [41]
4.4. Amplifiers For low frequency amplifier applications (kHz), the struc-
ture of complementary inverters is preferred to increase the
For high frequency (GHz) amplifier applications, several voltage gain. As shown in Fig. 6, the top gate of the GFET
common-source GFET amplifiers have been investigated. In device overlaps the source/drain contacts, resulting in full-
Han’s work, [40] a 6-finger embedded-gate GFET common- channel gating and high voltage gain. [39,43]
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
(a) (b) 4.5. Mixer
Mixers are core components in RF front end to pro-
duce signals at the sum and difference of the two input fre-
quencies. Most of the recent approaches are focused on
source two types of graphene mixers: ambipolar mixer and resistive
drain mixer. The ambipolar mixer utilizes the symmetrical
(c) (d) (e) ambipolar-transport characteristic of GFET for nonlinear mix-
gate oxide oxide ing, where the characteristic usually contains a large quadratic
source drain component. The first GFET ambipolar mixer was realized by
diamondlike carbon Wang et al. in 2010. [44] The mixer operated at a fundamental
frequency of 10 MHz with a 35 dB conversion loss, as shown
nitride nitride
in Fig. 7. Due to the chemical doping-induced asymmetry, in-
gate duced by impurities in the ambipolar-transport characteristic,
source drain
the unwanted third-order components in the mixer output sig-
silicon carbide nal were relatively large.
(f) (g)
on CVD graphene on DLC; (d) and (e) the high-resolution TEM images of
the channel region of an active device and an open device where graphene
is etched away, respectively. (f) Cross-section TEM image of a transistor 1.2
based on epitaxial graphene on SiC; (g) and (h) the high-resolution TEM
images of the channel region of an active device and an open device where
graphene is etched away, respectively. In panels (c) and (f), the scale bar is minimum conduction point
50 nm. In panels (d), (e), (g), and (h), the scale bar is 2 nm. [6] -4 -2 0 2 4
LO: fLO gate drain
R source
Vg=0.5 V no DC bias is needed at the input due to the minimum conduction point
being close to 0 V. [44]
Vg=0.75 V
A resistive drain mixer uses the linear output character-
istic of GFET for mixing, where the GFET is biased as a
unipolar FET. In 2011, Lin et al. presented the first resis-
tive drain mixer, operating at 4 GHz and with a 27 dB con-
Drain current/mA
(c) version loss. [45] In their work, the unwanted high order com-
ponents in the mixer output signal were relatively smaller than
those in Wang’s ambipolar mixer, while the LO noise and RF
feedthrough in the output signal were still significant. Early
this year, Moon et al. achieved a zero-bias linear resistive
signals drain GFET mixer at 20 GHz with a conversion loss as low
as 14 dB, [46] see Fig. 8. Note that passive and linear mixers
Fig. 6. Integrated graphene complementary inverters. (a) Schematic di- are preferred in RF communications for low intermodulation
agram of a large array of inverters fabricated on wafer-scale graphene.
(b) Circuit diagram of two cascaded inverters. (c) Digital waveforms and low noise, since the inter-modulation performance of a re-
measured under ambient conditions in a cascade connection of two ceiver front end is often limited by that of the mixer. [47]
graphene inverters. [39]
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
gate metal drain source
(a) 0.25 mm
6HSiC graphene
source gate
40 (d)
(c) Wg=fT6 mm, Lg=0.25 mm
extrinsic data (symbols)
H21 equivalent circuit model (lines)
Spar gains/dB
IF output
FT=40 GHz
20 Fmax(U)=37 GHz
0.1 1 10 100
Fig. 8. (a) Schematic diagram of a top-gated HfO2 /graphene FET with a gate length of 0.25 µm. (b) SEM photograph of a two-gate-
finger 6-µm-wide graphene FET (denoted as 2 f × 6 µm). (c) Measured (without de-embedding) small-signal S-parameter gains of a
graphene FET, along with an equivalent circuit model at Vds = 2 V and Vgs = −2.5 V. (d) Schematic diagram of a resistive FET mixer,
where the LO signal is applied to the gate (gate-pumped). The IF signal is measured at the drain. No impedance tuning is included. [46]
30 this work
graphene mixer by using the ambipolar-transport characteristic of GFET
to double the LO frequency and then utilizing filters to couple
Kim et al. the RF signal for resistive drain mixing. [49] They reported a
so-called sub-harmonic mixer with a 24 dB conversion loss
and a 2 GHz LO frequency. In that work, the LO noise was
SiGe suppressed, and the separation of LO and RF was simplified
0 Ma et al.
Y. Park
with a wide frequency gap in between.
-10 Recently, Zhu et al. proposed a four-GFET double-
10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103
Dissipated power/mW balanced passive mixer, with a topology similar to that com-
Fig. 9. Graphene transistors exhibit excellent linearity compared to con- monly used in MOSFET mixers. [50] As shown in Fig. 10, the
ventional transistors. (a) Plot showing the dependency of the third order
intercept on gate bias. (b) TOI versus DC dissipated power, showing proposed device demonstrates high performance, good linear-
graphene FET approaching (OIP3> 10×dissipated power). [48] ity, and no input frequency penetration in simulation, com-
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
pared to the ordinary MOSFET mixers and recent results from 5. Graphene optoelectronics
single-GFET mixers. Each of the four GFETs is biased as a re-
Besides the varied progress made in electronics fields,
sistive type mixer, and the unwanted higher order frequencies
graphene also has wide applications in optoelectronics, such
in the output are cancelled out. This mixer is highly compact
as photodetector, optical modulator, mode-locked laser, and
to current receiver front end and can be fully integrated since
there is no external component, in contrast to single GFET optical polarizer.
5.1. Photodetector
+ -
A photodetector measures the photon flux or optical
power by converting the energy of the absorbed photons into
VLO electrical signals. The conventional semiconductor photode-
tectors suffer from narrow detecting spectral ranges and max-
Vout imum bandwidths limited by the carrier transit time. In
VLO Rf contrast, the wavelength-independent absorption property of
graphene enables its application in a wide spectral range from
Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of four-GFET double-balanced mixer. [50] ultraviolet to infrared. In addition, the photo-generated carri-
ers can be extracted at an ultrafast speed owing to the high car-
In flexible electronics, the conventional FETs based on
rier mobility. Xia et al. demonstrated an ultrafast photodetec-
organic materials have poor mobility at about 1 cm2 ·V−1 ·s−1 ,
tor with an intrinsic bandwidth over 500 GHz. [54] Moreover,
while a flexible graphene FET can has a mobility as high as
the transit time limited bandwidth of graphene photodetectors
3000 cm2 ·V−1 ·s−1 . Lee et al. achieved an all-graphene QPSK
is calculated to be 1.5 THz. [38]
transmitter on a flexible substrate operating at ∼ 10 kHz, in
The major obstacle of graphene photodetectors is low
which the mixers were realized by ambipolar mixing and re-
sensitivity due to the small detection area and the thinness of
sistive drain mixing respectively. [51]
graphene. Two effective approaches to improve the graphene
4.6. Interconnects photodetectors’ sensitivity are the introduction of a plasmonic
In large scale integrated circuits and systems, intercon- nanostructure [55] and the integration with a waveguide, [56] as
nects have become more and more critical for chip perfor- shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Pospischil et al. [57] recently demon-
mance. When used as interconnects, graphene also shows a strated a CMOS-integrated graphene photodetector with a sen-
great potential. Theoretical calculations have shown that the sitivity of 0.05 A/W and a footprint of 50 µm2 .
conductivity of metallic graphene nanoribbons (GNR) would
outperform copper wires with unity aspect ratio when the in-
terconnect width is scaled down to below 8 nm. [52] The theory
also predicts that high-quality doped GNRs offer smaller sig-
nal delay than copper at the 11 nm technology node when used
as global wires. DC experimental characterizations show that
the resistivity of good-quality GNRs in the width range from
18 nm to 50 nm is less than 10 µΩ·cm, which is comparable
with copper wires with the same physical dimensions. Further-
more, GNRs have a breakdown current density on the order of (b) L (c) (d)
108 A/cm2 , which is ten times higher than the maximum pos-
sible current density of copper. However, despite the favorable
theoretical and DC characterization results of graphene inter-
connects, the experimental demonstration of high speed sig-
naling using graphene interconnects has not yet been realized,
Fig. 11. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of the graphene
and there is no report of the integration of graphene with the devices with plasmonic nanostructures. (a) An overall image of one
standard CMOS technology, which is a key requirement for such device. Blue, graphene; purple, SiO2 (300 nm); yellow, Ti/Au
electrodes. The scale bar is 20 µm. (b)–(d) Blow up of contacts with
future integrated graphene electronics. [53] various tested plasmonic nanostructures. The scale bar is 1 µm. [55]
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
graphene (c) .
(a) (b)
y distance/mm
graphene hBN 0.4
Si waveguide pSi pSi
metal Si metal
buried oxide 0
buried oxide
Si Si
waveguide detector -0.4 0 0.4
x distance/mm
hBN (e) (f) .
y distance/mm
graphene pSi hBN 0.4
Si waveguide pSi
metal Si metal
buried oxide 0
buried oxide
Si Si
waveguide detector -0.4 0 0.4
x distance/mm
Fig. 12. The structure of graphene photodetectors with integrated waveguides. (a)–(c) Butt-coupled photodetectors. (d)–(f)
Evanescent-coupled photodetectors. [56]
5.2. Optical modulator in near infrared range, [60] as shown in Fig. 13. The modula-
tion can also be based on the intra-band transition in graphene.
Due to their weak electro-optical properties, Si modula-
A transmissive surface plasmon modulator has been demon-
tors’ footprint is on the order of millimeters. [58] Moreover,
strated by Anderson et al., which worked in a long-wavelength
those devices suffer from narrow operation spectra and slow
infrared range. The graphene Fermi level was modulated by a
switching time. Germanium and compound semiconductors,
back gate. [61]
on the other hand, face problems of integration with exist-
ing Si platforms. [59] With their ability to absorb the incident 5.3. Mode-locked laser
light over ultra-wide spectra and ultrafast response, graphene
Mode-locked lasers have been used in various applica-
optical modulators can achieve excellent performance. By
tions, such as material micromachining, [62] bio-medicine, [63]
tuning graphene’s Fermi level electrically, the inter-band tran-
spectroscopy, and so forth. A semiconductor saturable ab-
sitions of photo-generated electrons can be modulated. Liu
sorber mirror (SESAM), as the most common mode locking
et al. demonstrated the modulation of the guided light at
element, has drawbacks of low damage threshold, narrow ab-
frequencies over 1 GHz, covering a broad operating spectrum
sorption wavelength range, and lying inside the visible and
near-infrared regions. Also, its fabrication requires costly
complex epitaxial growth techniques. In contrast, graphene-
based saturable absorbers have the advantages of ultrafast car-
(a) graphene rier relaxation time, strong absorption, controllable modula-
Au Pt tion depth, wide spectral range tenability, [64] and high thermal
0 (b) EF graphene
-0.03 output
-0.06 hν/ WDM WDM
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 YDF
Drive voltage/V
Fig. 13. (a) Three-dimensional schematic illustration of the device; a
monolayer graphene sheet is on the top of a silicon bus waveguide, sep- Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of a fiber laser. WDM, wavelength division
arated from it by a 7-nm-thick Al2 O3 layer. (b) Static electro-optical multiplexer; YDF, ytterbium-doped fiber; SMF, single mode fiber; PC,
response of the device at different drive voltages. [60] polarization controller. [65]
Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 9 (2013) 098106
It is found that a single layer of graphene absorbs about 6. Conclusions
2.3% of the light incident on it. [9] However, the absorp- In less than ten years, graphene has stimulated great inter-
tion is saturated when the excited electrons and holes relax ests in academic and industrial researches and become one of
through the electron–hole recombination. Pauli blocking pre- the most promising novel materials for beyond-CMOS tech-
vents electrons in the valence bands from being further ex- nologies. Although, early on, the industrial interest was trig-
cited. Mode-locking by graphene in the fiber laser [65] and the gered by the high mobility of this material, it was quickly real-
solid-state laser [66] has been successfully demonstrated. One ized that the bandgap–mobility tradeoff inevitably constrains
interesting point is that with the Fermi level shifted by electro- the applications of graphene for the conventional FET de-
static gating, saturable absorption properties can be switched vices in digital applications. However, this shortcoming did
on and off. A schematic diagram of a fiber laser is shown in not dampen the enthusiasm of the research community toward
Fig. 14. graphene electronics, as shown in this review. Aside from high
mobility, graphene offers numerous other amazing electrical,
5.4. Optical polarizer optical, thermal, and mechanical properties that continually
Polarizers, which convert a beam of light with unde- motivate innovations. In the history of science and engineer-
fined or mixed polarization into a beam with well defined ing, few materials have attracted so much research effort and
polarization, are crucial passive components in optical sys- been subject to such rapid progress in such a short period of
tems. Current polarization controlling devices can be classi- time. If the current progress continues, it is not impossible that
fied into sheet polarizers using anisotropic absorption media, some types of graphene-based electronic or optoelectronic de-
prim polarizers by refraction, and Brewster-angle polarizers vices/circuits may achieve enough functionality and maturity
to be commercialized. Progress in the production of graphene
by reflection, [67] which are all bulky and difficult to integrate
is key to graphene commercialization. Researchers have been
with photonic circuits. The in-line fiber polarizer is a promis-
striving for large-scale graphene, which depends on material
ing alternative. In the conventional two-dimensional elec-
quality, defects, impurities induced in the transfer process, and
tron systems, only the transverse-magnetic mode can propa-
other factors. Integration with other passive elements degrades
gate. The spectra of electromagnetic modes are electron (hole)
graphene’s performance, requiring much more efforts to opti-
mass sensitive. Therefore, with massless Dirac fermions,
mize the graphene integration technology. It is likely that such
graphene paints a radically new picture. By shifting the Fermi
breakthroughs may emerge in niche areas instead of main-
level, graphene can selectively support either the transverse-
stream digital electronics, e.g., analog electronics, optoelec-
magnetic (TM) or transverse-electric (TE) electro-magnetic
tronic components, contacts, interconnects, or even sensors.
modes, which provides the basis for graphene polarizers that
transform unpolarized incident light into polarized light.
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