Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
1. Determine the cut-off frequency and the nominal impedance of each of the low-pass filter
(a) Comparing the low-pass T section with circuit (i) below shows that = 0.5 H, i.e. L = 1 H
and C = 0.04 106 F
1 1
Cut-off frequency, f C = 1592 Hz
LC 1 0.04 106
L 1
Nominal impedance, R O 6
= 5 k
C 0.04 10
(i) (ii)
(b) Comparing the low-pass section with circuit (ii) above shows that = 27.8 nF,
1 1
Cut-off frequency, f C = 9545 Hz
LC 20 103 55.6 109
L 20 103
Nominal impedance, R O 9
= 600
C 55.6 10
frequency of 1 kHz. Design (a) a low-pass T section filter, and (b) a low-pass section filter to
1 1
capacitance, C = = 636.6 nF or 0.6366 F
R OfC 500 1000
RO 500
and inductance, L = = 159.2 mH
f c 1000
(a) A low-pass T section filter is shown in (i) below, where the series arm inductances are
L 159.2
= 79.60 mH, and shunt arm capacitance is 0.6366 F
2 2
(b) A low-pass section filter is shown in (ii) below, where the series arm inductance is
C 0.6366
159.2 mH, and the shunt arm capacitances are = 0.3183 F
2 2
(i) (ii)
3. Determine the value of capacitance required in the shunt arm of a low-pass T-section if the
inductance in each of the series arms is 40 mH and the cut-off frequency of the filter is 2.5 kHz.
For a low-pass T-section filter series arm inductance = = 40 mH, hence, L = 80 mH
1 1 1
Cut-off frequency, f C fC fC
from which, and
4. The nominal impedance of a low-pass -section filter is 600 . If the capacitance in each of the
For a low-pass -section filter series arm inductance = = 0.1 F, hence, C = 0.2 F
Nominal impedance, R O from which,
from which, inductance, L = C R 0 0.2 106 600 = 72 mH
2 2
1. Determine the cut-off frequency and the nominal impedance for each of the high-pass filter
(a) Comparing circuit (a) with circuit (a) below gives: 2C = 500 pF, i.e. C = 250 pF
and L = 50 mH
1 1
Cut-off frequency, f C = 22.51 kHz
4 LC 4 50 10 250 10
3 12
L 50 103
Nominal impedance, R O 12
= 14.14 k
C 250 10
(a) (b)
(b) Comparing circuit (b) with circuit (b) below gives: 2L = 800 mH, i.e. L = 400 mH
and C = 0.2 F
1 1
Cut-off frequency, f C = 281.3 Hz
4 LC 4 400 103 0.2 106
L 400 103
Nominal impedance, R O 6
= 1414
C 0.2 10
750 . Design (a) an appropriate T section filter, and (b) an appropriate section filter to meet
these requirements.
1 1
Capacitance, C = = 26.53 nF
4R O f C 4 750 4 103
RO 750
and inductance, L = = 14.92 mH
4f C 4 4 103
(a) A high-pass T section filter is shown in circuit (i) below where the series arm capacitances are
each 2C, i.e. 2 26.53 = 53.06 nF and the shunt arm is 14.92 mH.
(b) A high-pass section filter is shown in circuit (ii) below where the shunt arm inductances are
each 2L, i.e. 2 14.92 = 29.84 mH and the series arm is a 26.53 nF capacitor.
(i) (ii)
3. The inductance in each of the shunt arms of a high-pass -section filter is 50 mH. If the nominal
impedance of the section is 600 , determine the value of the capacitance in the series arm.
From equation (8), L = from which,
4 f C
R0 600
the cut-off frequency, f C = 1909.86 Hz
4 L 4(25 103 )
4. Determine the value of inductance required in the shunt arm of a high-pass T section filter if in
each series arm it contains a 0.5 F capacitor. The cut-off frequency of the filter section is
1500 Hz.
A high-pass T section is shown in circuit (a) of question 1 above, where 2C = 0.5 F,
1 1 1
Capacitance, C = from which, R O = 212.2
4R O f C 4Cf C 4 0.25 106 1500
RO 212.2
and inductance, L = = 11.26 mH
4fC 4 1500
1. A low-pass T section filter having a cut-off frequency of 20 kHz is connected in series with a
high-pass T section filter having a cut-off frequency of 8 kHz. The terminating impedance of the
filter is 600 . Determine the values of the components comprising the composite filter.
1 1
Capacitance, C = = 26.53 nF
R O f C 600 20 103
RO 600
and inductance, L = = 9.549 H
f C 20 103
A low-pass T section filter is shown in circuit (i) below, where the series arm inductances are
L 9.549
each , i.e. = 4.77 mH and the shunt capacitance is 26.53 nF
2 2
(i) (ii)
1 1
Capacitance, C = = 16.58 nF
4R O f C 4 600 8 103
RO 600
and inductance, L = = 5.97 mH
4f C 4 8 103
A high-pass T section filter is shown in circuit (ii) above, where the series arm capacitances are
each 2C, i.e. 2 16.58 = 33.16 nF and the shunt inductance is 5.97 mH.
50 kHz, connected in series with a high-pass -section filter having a cut-off frequency of
40 kHz. The terminating impedance of the filter is 620 . Determine the values of the
1 1
capacitance, C = = 10.268 nF
R Of CL 620 50000
RO 620
and inductance, L = = 3.95 mH
f CL 50000
A low-pass section filter is shown below, where the series arm inductance is 3.95 mH, and
C 10.268
each shunt arm capacitance is = 5.13 nF
2 2
1 1
capacitance, C = = 3.21 nF
4R O f CH 4 620 40000
RO 620
and inductance, L = = 1.233 mH
4f CH 4 40000
A high-pass section filter is shown in circuit below where the shunt arm inductances are each 2L,