Cell Breathing Techniques For Load Balancing in Wireless Lans
Cell Breathing Techniques For Load Balancing in Wireless Lans
Cell Breathing Techniques For Load Balancing in Wireless Lans
Maximizing network throughput while providing fairness is one of the key challenges in wireless LANs (WLANs). This goal is typically achieved when the load of access points (APs) is balanced. In this project we present a new load balancing technique by controlling the size of WLAN cells (i.e., APs coverage range).
The proposed scheme does not require any modification to the users neither the IEEE 802.11 standard. It only requires the ability of dynamically changing the transmission power of the AP beacon messages We develop a set of polynomial time algorithms that find the optimal beacon power settings which minimize the load of the most congested AP.
Existing System
Wireless LANs (WLANs) have shown that traffic load is often unevenly distributed among the access points (APs). In WLANs, by default, a user scans all available channels and associates itself with an AP that has the strongest received signal strength indicator (RSSI), while being oblivious to the load of APs.
As users are, typically, not evenly distributed, some APs tend to suffer from heavy load, while their adjacent APs may carry only light load.
Proposed System
In this project, present a novel load balancing scheme that reduces the load of congested APs by forcing the users near the boundaries of congested cells to move to neighboring less congested cells. cell size dimensioning by controlling the transmission power of the AP beacon messages.
WLAN cell is defined as a region in which the AP beacon signal has the strongest RSSI.
optimal algorithm that finds deterministic minmax load balancing solutions. CELL BREATHING APPROACH reducing the transmission power of the congested APs. This forces users near the congested cells boundaries to shift to adjacent (lesscongested) APs.
Fig. 1. Balancing AP load by adjusting transmission power. (a) All APs transmit with the same power level. (b) AP b transmit with lower power level than APs a and c.
Project Description
CONGESTION LOAD MINIMIZATION two algorithms for minimizing the AP congestion load complete knowledge (CK) model. limited knowledge (LK) model.
The Limited Knowledge Model A network has limited knowledge when the available information comprises only the set of users that are currently associated with each AP and the load contributions, la,u, of each user u on its serving AP a.
MIN-MAX LOAD BALANCING min-max load balancing approach that not only minimizes the network congestion load but also balances the load of the non congested APs. it solve a variant of the min-max problem, termed min-max priority-load balancing problem, whose optimal solution can be found in polynomial time.
Y. Bejerano and S.-J. Han, Cell Breathing Techniques for Load Balancing in Wireless LANs, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2006. M. Balazinska and P. Castro, Characterizing Mobility and Network Usage in a Corporate Wireless Local-Area Network, Proc. USENIX Intl Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 03), 2003. T. Henderson, D. Kotz, and I. Abyzov, The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-Wide Wireless Network, Proc. ACM MobiCom, pp. 187201, 2004.
A Study on Dynamic Load Balance for IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN On Cell Breathing in CDMA Networks Load Balancing in Overlapping Wireless LAN Cells Measurement-Based Self Organization of Interfering 802.11 Wireless Access Networks
Literature Survey
Cell Breathing in Wireless LANs:Algorithms and Evaluation
Characterizing Mobility and Network Usage in a Corporate Wireless Local-Area Network
A Study on Dynamic Load Balance for IEEE 802.11b Wireless LA
Load balancing procedure : which acts in two separate levels. First, the APs are either distributed across the channels (if the number of AP is small) or located in the same channel that is specified by taking into account the channel-location and the received RSSI of the neighbor AP. Second, the WS are distributed across all the available AP based not only on RSSI measurements but also on the number of WS already associated to the AP and other link quality measurements.
On Cell Breathing in CDMA Networks The paper studies the capabilities
of cell breathing It is primarily intended to determine whether there are any deployment and/or traffic scenarios
Breathing algorithm can be used to improve capacity in high traffic cells by redirecting mobiles to surrounding cells
Load Balancing in Overlapping Wireless LAN Cells Distributed load-balancing scheme for wireless LANs: Agents running in each AP exchange load information to determine whether their corresponding AP is overloaded, balanced or under-loaded. (i) Balanced APs only accept new stations, (ii) under-loaded APs accept new or roaming stations. (iii) Overloaded APs do not accept more stations and force the hand off of associated stations until the load is balanced.
Measurement-Based Self Organization of Interfering 802.11 Wireless Access Networks Using the Gibbs sampler framework, they designed fully distributed algorithms for (i) channel selection for interference (ii) user association for fair and optimal sharing of bandwidth between users.
Future Enhancement
The handover procedure from one AP to another is seamless. This load balancing technique allows the network to adapt itself to changing network load conditions in order to maintain or improve the current level of service being provided to users.