Packaging Guide PDF
Packaging Guide PDF
Packaging Guide PDF
A resource guide
for food
Agriculture Innovation
The perfect food package has all of the With some types of products, the design process
following criteria: involves detailed regulatory requirements for the
package. For example, any package components
• meets current legal requirements; that may contact the food are food contact
• compatible with food;
materials. Toxicologists and food scientists need
• protects against contamination from the
environment; to verify that the packaging materials are
• controls the product's environment; allowed by applicable regulations. Packaging
• resists mechanical damage; engineers need to verify that the completed
• sanitary; package will keep the product safe for its
• tamper-proof; intended shelf life with normal usage. Packaging
• attractive; processes, labeling, distribution, and sale need to
• convenient;
be validated to comply with regulations and
• inexpensive;
• lightweight; have the well being of the consumer in mind.
• environmentally sound;
• functions as a preparation and/or serving
• sells itself; Standardized Sizes
• identifies the product; and
• supplies the required information. Before you commit to packaging, you would be
wise to determine if the products meet
It's important to note, however, that not one food standardized size requirements. If they do, they
package available today meets all of these can only be sold in the units-weight or volume-
criteria. It's up to you to decide which are most as prescribed in applicable regulations.
important for your particular application and
which can be compromised.
Because of this, you may find it easier to source The main metals used to make cans are steel and
your materials through food packaging aluminum. Steel can't be placed in direct contact
distributors. You could encounter a problem, with food or it will rust. As a result, steel must
however: these distributors usually carry only be coated with tin, chromium or various
standard types of packaging. For generic polymers for acidic foods.
packages, look in the Yellow Pages for
distributors near you. Aluminum, on the other hand, won't corrode
when it's exposed to food. However, it is
For more information, contact: sensitive to chloride ions and acid in foods.
Can Types
Packaging Materials
You can purchase either three-piece or two-
You can choose from a number of packaging piece cans. Because two-piece cans have only
materials. Each has its advantages and one seam, they are superior with respect to
disadvantages. integrity and appearance. Unfortunately, they are
The drawback of glass as a food packaging Plastics are ideal for food packaging because
material is that it is extremely fragile and very they are:
heavy, which adds to distribution costs.
• resistant to breakage;
The standard glass for food packaging is soda- • relatively inexpensive;
lime glass. It can be formed into unique shapes • corrosion resistant;
and sizes. It can also be colored for an attractive • lightweight; and
appearance or to screen out light that could • waterproof.
cause unwanted changes in the product.
Plastics can be produced easily in complex
shapes, and they also possess a wide range of
colors, or remain transparent.
Although plastics have come a long way since
Food packages made from paper can be formed their introduction into the food industry, there
into simple or elaborate designs, because it is still remain some drawbacks to using them for
flexible and easy to work with. Other benefits to food packaging. For example:
using paper include:
• they can bend, crush or crack easily;
• light weight; • some possess little heat resistance;
• generally inexpensive; and • they pick up dust easily; and
• excellent surface for printing. • some of the more complex laminates
can be very expensive.
Because paper isn't waterproof, its structural
integrity is limited. That is, when paper gets wet, Plastics also don't have the excellent barrier
it becomes weaker. As a result, paper is properties of glass and metals, so they allow
restricted to certain applications when used gases to pass in and out of the package. Plastics
alone. To overcome this problem, paper is often differ in how effective they are as barriers to the
coated with polymers or lined with foils. various important gases-oxygen, carbon dioxide
and water vapor. Selecting the right plastic
Types of paper packaging include: packaging requires knowledge of how sensitive
Package Design
Laminates combine the advantages of several
materials into one. For example, one film may Your packaging must look professional in order
consist of paper, metal (foil) and plastic. In this to compete, particularly in the food business. It
case, paper is used for its low cost and strength, is the packaging that will determine a first
metal is added to prevent gas and/or light purchase, while the quality of your product will
penetration, and a low-cost plastic is bring repeat business.
incorporated so the film can be heat-sealed.
The first and most important step you must take
Laminates can often be more costly than other in designing your package is to establish the
packaging alternatives, such as metal cans or product requirements for:
• the appropriate amounts in which you
Examples of laminates are Tetra Brik® drink will sell the product (these may be based
boxes, potato chip bags, retort pouches and on adequate portion sizes, competitors'
"ovenable" paperboard (paperboard that can be offerings or customer preferences);
heated up to 400 F). • volume and weights of the different
sales amounts;
• physical packaging attributes that help
the customer use the product;
• protective needs, including shipping and
handling factors;
High quality labeling, like packaging, requires For information about mandatory and optional
research, planning and consultation from a labeling elements for products being sold in the
variety of sources. As well, package and label United States, contact:
design must be integrated. It's important that
they both send the same message to the Information on the National Organic Program
consumer. and Certification
Your ultimate goal is to produce a label that is
educational and user-friendly. It should also The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations for
adequately market your product within legal Organic Certification
specifications. And, of course, your label needs
to be an integrated part of your strategic
marketing approach.
Before you create a label, you should know: tional%20organic%20program;rgn=div5;view=t
• all the regions where your product will
eventually be sold, and through which FDA Food Labeling Guidelines
distribution channels;
• information your customers would find lt.htm
• the colors and promotional appeals that The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations for
are suitable for your audience (your Labeling Guidelines
designer can give you input on this);
• how the label will be applied; idx?type=simple&c=ecfr&cc=ecfr&sid=ce29e8
• what labeling material is suitable for the
product environment (that is, does it 1b1f51bd8945331631948e406d&idno=®ion
need to be freezer-proof? Shipping- =DIV1&q1=food+label+&rgn=Section
proof? Smudge-proof?);
• what the labeling budget is per unit; and Measuring Up: Packaging Practices for Dairy
• regulatory requirements for the product. Products
Once you have enough information to answer eting/bus22.shtm
the above questions, you can approach a label
designer. USDA Labeling Procedures
Note that it is the manufacturer or distributor's es/Labeling_Procedures/index.asp
responsibility to ensure that the label meets legal
standards. In the United States, a unique set of Wisconsin State Requirements
specifications is required for each product, based
on a combination of factors, including: index.jsp
• geographic region;
Your options are wide open when designing full Labeling Shapes and Sizes
color custom packaging label design. Full color,
CMYK label printing allows you to create To determine the best size for your project, use
stunning packaging label designs that include the guideline provided below.
high resolution color photos and complex color
graphics. Create your design based on popular • Measure the area that your packaging
and functional die-cut, pre-sized label shapes label must cover.
and sizes that fit almost any packaging • Find a standard label size that is closest
application. If a standard size won't work with to, but smaller than, the area to be
your design needs, most label printing covered.
companies can make special dies specific to
your design requirements. Using the sizing guidelines above, you should be
able to begin your actual design work on the
Great packaging label design includes these exact label size and shape you will use for
design considerations: selecting a standard printing. By choosing a standard size, you will
packaging label size that fits your design be able to manage printing costs and turnaround
requirements and incorporating full color time to your benefit. You can opt for a non-
graphics to support brand requirements and give standard packaging label size. We strongly
your packaging the most eye catching look suggest that you do this only if a suitable
possible. standard size can't be found. A non standard
label printing die will increase your order price
You can save time and money if you begin the and your order turnaround time.
design process by choosing to work with a
standard label size. You will establish your
design parameters early on based on a label size
that will benefit you with the most competitive
Labeling Print Materials
cost pricing and the fastest turnaround when
ordering. We also suggest that you prepare your
graphics to make the most of full color The guide below can help you determine the
packaging label printing. To do so, be sure your best material for most custom Packaging label
line art graphics are vector based and that your projects:
photos are high resolution and scaled at the size
you intend to print. Note, too, that labels being Custom Packaging Label Material
applied to see-through packaging can be printed Considerations
on both sides of the packaging label. Once you
know your packaging label size and have your • For Extreme Heat or Cold Applications,
graphics ready, you're ready to let the creative Consider Permanent Adhesive with
juices flow. Laminate
• For Long Term UV or Direct Sunshine
Contact the printer who you have chosen to Exposure, Consider Paper Material with
handle your labels at the very beginning. They UV Varnish
will be able to provide templates, aid in the • For Labels That Will Be Re-Positioned
regulation side of things, and offer any other or Re-Applied, Consider Removable
advice you might be seeking. Adhesive
Companies who can print and create labels: For more information, contact: Uniform Code Council Inc. 300-7887 Washington Village Drive Dayton, Ohio 45459
Tel: 937-435-3870 Fax: 937-435-7317
In the end, what you want from your package 9. What are your payment terms?
and/or label is results! A professional graphic
designer can help you achieve results. Good 10. How long is your turnaround time?
graphic designers also have training and
understanding in advertising and various 11. Who will I work with on this project?
marketing topics to aid in the creative projects Who does the actual design work?
they work.
12. What’s included with my project?
There is a vast range of quality and price
differences between what someone bills as a
13. What do I need to provide?
professional anything these days. Be sure to look
at their portfolio and consult with them before
14. What if I’m not happy with the design?
hiring and remember to look at this pdf.
15. Who owns the design once it’s finished
and paid for?
Questions to ask a Professional Designer 16. Do you have references?
Choosing a designer can seem like a 17. What happens if you go out of
daunting task. You need to know if you can business?
trust this person with the reputation of your
company, because what they produce will, 18. Can you send me some samples?