Dianne Perez's goal is to receive a final grade of 80% or higher in her class. Her plan is to complete all homework and receive passing grades on tests in order to reach this goal. Her action steps include coming in for quiz corrections, going to seminar if confused, studying before quizzes, writing down homework due dates, taking better notes, fully completing study guides, and studying with a partner.
Dianne Perez's goal is to receive a final grade of 80% or higher in her class. Her plan is to complete all homework and receive passing grades on tests in order to reach this goal. Her action steps include coming in for quiz corrections, going to seminar if confused, studying before quizzes, writing down homework due dates, taking better notes, fully completing study guides, and studying with a partner.
Dianne Perez's goal is to receive a final grade of 80% or higher in her class. Her plan is to complete all homework and receive passing grades on tests in order to reach this goal. Her action steps include coming in for quiz corrections, going to seminar if confused, studying before quizzes, writing down homework due dates, taking better notes, fully completing study guides, and studying with a partner.
Dianne Perez's goal is to receive a final grade of 80% or higher in her class. Her plan is to complete all homework and receive passing grades on tests in order to reach this goal. Her action steps include coming in for quiz corrections, going to seminar if confused, studying before quizzes, writing down homework due dates, taking better notes, fully completing study guides, and studying with a partner.
Goal Use the space below to write your goal. o Mid-Term
(Before State your UNIT goal in a INSERT GOAL HERE quarter single sentence. My goal is to receive a 80% or higher as my final ends) Goal must be something grade and also on overall test percentage. you can measure (number or %) Must be written in complete sentence. Must be something you can meet in class in timeframe listed.
Plan (Example: In order to reach my goal of ____ I will
need to ____, ____ and ___ etc) Summarize your action In order to reach my goal of an 80% I will need to complete all of my hw plan in a single sentence. and receive passing grades on my tests. Plan must be a summary of the steps you are going to take to reach your goal. Plan must be written in a complete sentence.
Action 1. Come in for quiz corrections
2. Go in for seminar if I am confused Write at least SEVEN 3. Study before taking quizzes steps you will take to reach 4. Write down when hw is due to be more organized your goal. 5.Take better notes Think about the steps 6.Fully complete study guides you will take and write 7.Study with partner each one in complete 8. sentence. 9. Start with most 10. important step. Be specific.
Goal Use the space below to write your goal. Mid-Term
(Before quarter State your quarterly ends) INSERT Goals HERE learner profile goal in a single sentence. My goal for the semester is to be a more caring LP Attributes Identify 1 of the 10 IB person. Reflective Learner Profile Balanced Attributes to be Knowledgeable focused on. Inquirer Be measurable (include Communicator a number or quantity to Thinker be measured) Principled Must be something you Caring Risk-taker can meet in timeframe Open-minded listed.
Plan (Example: In order to reach my goal of ____ I will
need to ____, ____ and ___ etc) Summarize your action INSERT PLAN HERE plan in a single sentence. Plan must be a summary In order to reach my goal of being more caring I will need to be more of the steps you are open minded and more lenient going to take to reach your goal. Plan must be written in a complete sentence.
Action 1. Help classmates out if they need help
2. Clean up after myself Write at least SEVEN 3. Be respectful to teacher steps you will take to reach 4. Not talk during class your goal. 5. Think about the steps 6. you will take and write 7. each one in complete 8. sentence. 9. Start with most 10. important step. Be specific.
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