Rapport building involves creating mutual trust and understanding through respecting others' perspectives, flexibly matching their language and behaviors, and gaining insight into their worldviews. Key aspects of rapport include perceiving issues from multiple positions without judgment, respecting different values, and skillfully communicating challenging feedback to maintain positive relationships.
Rapport building involves creating mutual trust and understanding through respecting others' perspectives, flexibly matching their language and behaviors, and gaining insight into their worldviews. Key aspects of rapport include perceiving issues from multiple positions without judgment, respecting different values, and skillfully communicating challenging feedback to maintain positive relationships.
Original Description:
NLP Rapport building a strategy for a win-win relationship
Rapport building involves creating mutual trust and understanding through respecting others' perspectives, flexibly matching their language and behaviors, and gaining insight into their worldviews. Key aspects of rapport include perceiving issues from multiple positions without judgment, respecting different values, and skillfully communicating challenging feedback to maintain positive relationships.
Rapport building involves creating mutual trust and understanding through respecting others' perspectives, flexibly matching their language and behaviors, and gaining insight into their worldviews. Key aspects of rapport include perceiving issues from multiple positions without judgment, respecting different values, and skillfully communicating challenging feedback to maintain positive relationships.
climate of Mutual Trust and understanding What is Rapport? Rapport is an exercise to build relationship with mutual respect, responsiveness and influence It is creating a climate of trust and understanding. It is an ongoing process of connecting with others Its an honest attempt to observe & understand another person from their world A willingness to be open – it need not be an agreement It is possible to have good rapport and still strongly disagree It is not manipulation. It is a win-win strategy Respect Values and Beliefs In order to build rapport you can respect beliefs and values of others ~ though you may not agree with them It’s a willingness to see others perspective You assume responsible for your outcomes in rapport building You become flexible for rapport building. Start with certain EBOE…… as a state of mind Perceptual Positions There are three perpetual postioning n NLP It is an art of seeing events through the eyes of others 1st Position ~ yours: ‘the way I see it’ 2nd Position ~ other persons ‘If I were you I would’ 3rd Position ~ both: ‘taking into account both views it seems like this' Others NLP tools that can help Thinking patters + filters Modeling Enriched communication Clean language Precision Questions Hypnotic language Neuro Logical Levels of Changes Anchoring Part Integration Well formed outcome Art of receiving and giving Feedback It is to start with Matching People like those people who like them All of us have a natural ability/skill to match people All of us do this “naturally” many a time @ our home, work and society It is matching Thinking pattern+ Language pattern + Behavioural pattern of others It is matching Intention & Attention It is not about making others to match with us – Not match fixing – I tis About ourselves – Being Flexible in our thinking, language and behavior How to start the Matching Think of situations you are in a rapport with others What was your state of thinking, language and behaviour What were your core belief and values? Can you draw the same NOW It is entirely possible to match someone despite you may not agree to some part you wish to hold/live. Go to whole body listening Vs Listening Internal. Where to start matching Language is an indicator of the thinking and behaviour So you START with Language Both Body Language + Verbal Language 5 parts of Body Language: Posture, Movement, breathing, Voice and expression 3 parts of Verbal Language: Verbal + Auditory and Kinaesthetic What to Pay Attention for matching Notice their posture, gestures Match with it / Do not copy!!!!! Mirror what they do – if they are sitting forward in a chair you do the same, try to match the tone of their voice (unless they are angry!!) Matching body posture, gesture and tone and speed of voice when disagreeing or challenging will maintain rapport Others often comment on feeling heard and respected – take as an indicator / feedback Take Charge Imagine being that person [ As it state]~ this does not compromise your beliefs and values but helps to understand their world Be open to seeing things from their perspective Draw & Use your natural skills and abilities Giving challenging feedback is entirely possible with-out conflict! Rapport - Summary Rapport is a relationship of trust and mutual influence At the heart of managing people well People are the key assets of an organisation or relationship Agreement does not guarantee rapport Having Rapport builds good relationships
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