Ot Based Smart Security and

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 11 2017, 121-129

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
doi: 10.12732/ijpam.v116i11.13
Special Issue ijpam.eu



V R Balaji1 and N.Prakash2

1,2 Assistant Professor, Department of EEE,

Kumaraguru College of Technology

In the real world, many farmers face problem in monitoring their
farms. The farmers have more difficulties to monitor all the farms at the
same time. Hence the project is developed to monitor the farms in the
field using the concept of IoT( Internet of things ). Temperature level,
soil moisture and water level are monitored according to the readings of
these sensors and the pump is switched on to provide adequate water to
the fields. Here all the data‟s are parsed into the server and are able to
monitor the plants continuously and easily able to monitor the health of
farms. By using the IoT, the development time gets reduced and thus
time for monitoring the farms. Also need not to worry about the health
of crops and the readings are displayed in the server automatically
through the wireless network. The pump can be switched ON or
switched OFF from any part of the world using the concept IoT
(Internet of Things). Moisture sensors sense the soil moisture content
and switch on or off the pump according to the readings displayed in the
web page. Temperature sensor sense the heat in the atmosphere,
according to the climate, the switch will be automatically ON/OFF

Key words: PIC(Peripheral Interface Controller), IoT(Internet of Things),

A/D(Analog to Digital converter), Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity), SQL(Structured
Query Language), HTML(HyperText Markup Language), PHP(Hypertext
1. Introduction
Agriculture sector being the backbone of the Indian economy

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

deserves security and hence an agricultural product needs

security, monitoring and maintenance at very initial stage. These
challenges should be taken into consideration. The combination of
traditional method with software technologies like Internet of
Things and Wireless Sensor Networks can lead to agricultural
development. Keeping this scenario the concept ‟Internet of
Things‟ have been tested and analyzed based on the device and is
capable of analyzing the sensed information and then
transmitting it to the user. This project can be used to control and
monitor the agricultural fields from remote location [2]. This
proposed system is oriented to provide smart irrigation and
delivering real time notification based on information analysis
and processing without human intervention.

2. Methodology
a) Introduction

In this chapter, the methods that available to involve in monitor

and security system that given to agriculture field has to be

b) Method Description

In terms of security aspect IR/PIR sensor is used to identify the

animals and human entry in the field and buzzer is used in
altering them. While looking in terms of monitoring aspects the
presence of water in the well is monitored and then the
moisturizing level of the soil and the temperature of the
surroundings are monitored. These values are monitored by
using respective sensors and are feed to the controller.
The pump control button will present on the webpage and
can be controlled based on temperature and moisture level. The
water level in the well is stated in two states as F (full/water
present) and E (Empty state). If the water level is monitored as

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

empty instead of pump motor is used for water extraction. In case

of intruder the farmer will be alerted through webpage. Here
when the intruder arrives the buzzer will be alarmed to scare the
animals and give initial level of security. Then by using WIFI
Module the values are stored in SQL. From that the values are
displayed in webpage using PHP server.
Then the web hits the server for every 30 seconds and the new
data‟s will be refreshed. Using Hotspot this can be connected to
„n‟ number of devices and user can control the motor and pump
actions based on the button in the webpage. Farmer is able to
monitor the situation of the field at any instance as the data‟s are
updated for every minute [1].

Fig 1 : Circuit diagram of Smart Irrigation system


a) Introduction
Figure 1 shows the simulation diagram of the above proposed
smart irrigation system is simulated using Proteus 8. Proteus 8
is one of the easiest simulation software for various applications
and circuit diagram of microcontroller. It has almost all
microcontrollers and electronic equipment readily presence in it
and hence it is widely used for simulate the program. The
simulation has been done to check the feasibility of the proposed

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 2. Simulation diagram of Smart irrigation system.

From the simulation, it was evident that the smart and
security auto irrigation system can be implemented using
hardware components.

Fig 3. Simulation output of Soil & moisture sensor.

Figure 3 shows the temperature and moisture values that are

displayed in virtual terminal.

4. Hardware & Software Implementation

a) Hardware Implementation

In this chapter, the hardware implementation of smart irrigation

system has been discussed. The components that are used for

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

sensing and monitoring are connected to the controller. The

display, Wi-Fi module and even the motor using driver is
connected to PIC. Temperature and moisture level that are
sensed by using respective sensors are parsed to web server using

Fig 4. Hardware working model of Smart irrigation system.

The server can be accessed by the user manually or

automatically it is operated to control the motor. LCD displays
the whole values and monitoring information for easy access.
x Temperature and moisture sensor are dipped into
the agriculture field. Temperature and moisture level
are sensed by using sensors and the values are
parsed to the web server and mobile using
HOTSPOT and IOT. The server can be accessed by
the user to control the motor. The motor ON/OFF
control is given to the server. By using IR sensor the
entry of trespassers, Animals and insects are
detected and an alert message is send.

x Then the user can start buzzer to give an alarming

x The IR sensor is used to indicate the water level that
is used to switch ON/OFF the motor.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

x The XAMPP control panel is used here to display the

temperature, moisture, date and time, water content
and security notifications to the user.
Here the working model shown in fig 8 consists of
connection made in the hardware components and the
components names are labeled below each component. Here the
submerge pump is kept in the water tank from where the water is
taken out and moisture sensor is kept near the plant which
automatically controls the pump by keeping the moisture value.
Here LCD will be used for monitoring the temperature, moisture
and motor status.

b) Software Implementation

Figure 9 shows the Webpage that is designed using PHP

server and UI design of the webpage is done using HTML and
CSS styling is done using Bootstrap files .The coding used for UI
design of the webpage is given as below:
UI designing consists of three pages based on the application.
The first page is Log in page. It consists of username and
password. The list of users to access the webpage and the
password for the respective users are stored in MySQL database.
The server is contained with data from MySQL database that was
named here as IoT.
The second page consists of list of fields that need to be accessed
and are represented by the diagrammatic images.
The third page consists of details of the monitoring sensors values
and the status of the pump is embedded into the table.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Fig 5. Software Interpretation of Smart Irrigation

system using IOT.

5. Conclusion
This proposed work is made to help the farmers and make their
harvest economical by helping them in security purpose
travelling side, college and for every bodies etc. By this work, the
wastage of water and the consumption of power by motor can be
reduced so that they are conserved for the future use. This
system provides complete monitoring action of sensors in fields
that is very easy to control the field. It also provides huge
security to the plants.

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trends in Computing and Communication, Volume 5, Issue 2, PP
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[2] Aaditya Jain, Bhuwnesh Sharma, Pawan Gupta, “Internet of
things: architecture, security goals and challenges- A survey”
International journal of innovative research in science and
engineering, Volume 2, Issue 4, PP 154-163, ISSN: 2454-9665,
April 2016.
[3] Juan Felipe Corso Arias., Yeison Julian Camargo Barajas.,
Juan Leonardo Ramirez Lopez., „„Wireless Sensor System
According to the Concept of Internet of Things‟‟, International

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Journal of AdvancedComputer Science and Information

Technology, Volume 3,Issue 3,ISSN: 2296-1739,Mar 2014.
[4] Dr.V.Vidya Devi,G.Meena Kumari, “Real- Time Automation
and Monitoring System for Modernized Agriculture” International
Journal of Review and Research in Applied Sciences and
Engineering (IJRRASE) ,Volume 3, PP 7-12,ISSN: 2231-0061X,
March 2013.
[5] C. Liu, W. Ren, B. Zhang, and C. Lv, “The application of soil
temperature measurement by lm35 temperature sensors,”
International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical
Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 1825–
1828, 2011.


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