DS Datasheet ERHARD Needle Valves en
DS Datasheet ERHARD Needle Valves en
DS Datasheet ERHARD Needle Valves en
needle valves
ERHARD needle valve
This table contains the dimensions of the standard products in the ERHARD needle valve range. Numerous other designs
are available on request for higher pressure ratings or nominal sizes.
Dimensions used:
L [mm] Face-to-face dimensions HR with handwheel
D [mm] Flange EA with electric rotary actuator (dimensions can vary
G [kg] Weight (approximate value, depending on the actuator manufacturer)
differs depending on the design) Other actuator options available on request
u Handwheel revolutions (Open/Closed)
e1 d e1
h2 h3 h2
h1 h1
e2 e2 L L e3
ERHARD needle valve
3 3
2 2 2 2
4 5 7 8
Installation information for the project planning Our engineers support you from the plan-
1. Standard ERHARD RKV needle valves are designed for installation in hori- ning and design through to assembly – not
least with valuable information for correct
zontal or vertical pipes, whereby it is important to ensure that the valve is
arrangement and optimum installation
installed in the pipe according to the flow arrow cast onto the pipe.
of the needle valve. In most cases the
2. Nominal size reduction is possible, as ERHARD RKV needle valves are advice is based on installation drawings or
designed according to the flow velocity. We recommend achieving the transi- sketches so that the planned installation
tion to the pipe nominal size with abrupt extension flanges, which we can location of the ERHARD needle valve can be
supply with the valve if required. evaluated. In addition, the following data is
3. To ensure perfect operation, for velocities above 1.5 m/s we recommend a
• Flow rates Qmax. and Qmin.
straight pipe section of at least 3-5 x DN upstream and 5-10 x DN down-
• Pressure p1 upstream of the valve at
stream of the valve, within which there must be no fittings or valves. Qmax. and Qmin.
4. If using an adapter or extension section, wherever possible, we recommend • Back-pressure p2 downstream of the
installing it in the pipe upstream of the ERHARD RKV needle valve. valve at Qmax. and Qmin.
5. Needle valves may not be used as the pipe support. The feet cast onto the • Operating medium, any water analysis
housings are solely for supporting the valve and not as a pipe fixing point. On
• Area of use (control device,
request, ERHARD RKV needle valves are supplied with baseplates mounted
bottom outlet, etc.)
on the underside. • Required actuator type
6. If using ERHARD needle valves in the bottom outlet, an appropriately dimen- • Operating mode (continuous or short-
sioned venting device must be installed downstream of the valve, which term operation, etc.)
ERHARD can also supply on request, if the valve does not pump directly into You can also refer to our “ERHARD needle
valve questionnaire” which lists all the data
the open air.
required. They are also used as the basis of
7. If on the other hand the valve pumps directly into the open air, a venting device
the calculations in the calculation program
is not necessary. In this case the valve is equipped with an outlet flange only. available on CD-ROM.
8. Inline fixed throttling cylinder can be used for additional pressure reduction
for installation in pipes.
ERHARD needle valve
Perfect calculation
made easy
ζ values (K-values) or Kvs values can be used to calculate the pressure loss for
installation in pipes. Special calculations are necessary for special uses (e. g. as
bottom outlet, pump bypass, turbine inlet or bypass valve); our engineers would
be pleased to perform these calculations for you.
The Kvs value is the Kv value for a 100 % open valve, which describes the water
flow rate in m3/h at a temperature of 5 to 30 °C and with a pressure loss of 1 bar.
ζ · v2 100
Pressure loss: Ap = ———
Special calculations incorporating the precise installation situation are necessary for the designs marked with an asterisk (*);
we would be pleased to perform these calculations for you on the basis of your own data. All values have been determined under
practical conditions in ERHARD’s in-house test centre.
ERHARD needle valve
Optimum actuators
for every purpose
A large number of actuator options are available, depending on the mounting
position and field of application, and thanks to standardised connections, they
can also be easily replaced at any time.
The following actuators can be inserted directly at the end of the actuator [1]:
2. Drop weight with float control
3. Drop weight actuator, hydraulic or hydro-electric
4. Double piston part turn actuator, pneumatic or hydraulic
For use of electric rotary actuators [10], if necessary in combination with spur
gearing [11], the stem gearbox is supplemented with a drive flange [12].
8 9
7 6
3 4 12 5